#empathy is not compassion
library-fae · 5 months
honestly i hate the term personality disorder
its not anything about your personality, is your personality defined by your struggles? by your symptoms?
i personally feel like "personality disorder" also feels dehumanising and accusatory
its not anything wrong with someone's personality, it's a result of trauma and experience
we need to stop making people with personality disorders into the enemy, we are all human and deserving of love and care
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astearisms · 1 year
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catalysts, protectors
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jacobnordby · 1 year
Message of the year:
“How do you spot an idiot? Look for the person who is cruel. The kindest person in the room is often the smartest.” — Gov Pritzker
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youlookkindadead · 5 months
i've seen quite a bit of confusion about this, so let me attempt to clear things up :
empathy is the ability to feel somebody's emotions as though they are affecting you personally. for example, somebody tells you "my dog died last night!" -> you now feel as though you've lost a pet personally -> you feel grief and sadness just like the other person. not everyone has empathy. it's a trait some people develop and others don't. some have high empathy, some have low empathy, some (like me) have none.
sympathy is the ability to understand and care about somebody else's struggles, even if you don't feel them yourself. so, somebody tells you their dog died -> you realize how this affects them emotionally -> you care about this person, and are upset that they are suffering. not everyone has sympathy either! it's a scale, just like empathy.
compassion is doing something to relieve another person's suffering or make them feel better. somebody tells you their dog died -> you don't want them to remain upset -> you come up with ways to help them feel better, like offering comfort and distractions, or other forms of support. compassion is a learned trait, not something you can be born with like empathy or sympathy. anyone can learn to be compassionate, although some may struggle more with it than others; it's a skill, just like anything else.
however, none of these are required to be a good person. that's a choice you make on your own accord. i hope this clears things up!
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lureithleon · 1 month
this bothers me a lot as someone with a low empathy score:
no, you cannot learn empathy. empathy is when you feel and share the emotions of the other person. your friend is sad? you feel sad.
you can learn to be understanding, and compassionate, and how to react when you don't feel those things, but you cannot learn to experience a sensation that you do not.
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greenhorizonblog · 3 months
Homeless Care Package
Some things I'll be buying to make a care package for my local homeless person:
Socks, t- shirt, maybe underwear if it's not too weird, he probably needs it though
Dried foods; jerky, granola bars and dried fruit etc
Tasty sweet treat like a chocolate bar
Instant coffee
Thermos bottle
2 hot water bottles
Bottled waters
Hand sanitiser and wet wipes
Bar of soap
Nail clipper
Small first aid kit
Gift card to a grocery store
Rain poncho
Thermal blanket
Personal note letting him know that his situation is not his fault because the government and society is supposed to take care of people, but they don't because of greed and short sightedness
Feel free to take inspiration and make a care package for a homeless person in your city/town. You don't have to show your face, you can wear a face mask and sunglasses, and go with a friend if you're nervous.
It's a small gesture that can go a long way in giving a person hope. Even just cash or a grocery store gift card is a good thing to give. Life is unpredictable. It can take a turn for the worse and suddenly become very hard for anyone
We were never meant to go it alone.
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philosophybits · 10 months
Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
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todayontumblr · 10 months
Monday, November 13.
World Kindness Day.
Well, would you look at that. This is no mere Monday, November 13, 2023. Nay, this is Monday, November 13, 2023: World Kindness Day. So if you've been quietly wondering if there would ever be the perfect day to do something kind, or find yourself, as if in a wholesome montage, looking to turn over a new leaf, then hey presto. Looks like today is your lucky day.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there, smell the flowers. Smile at an old person. Check in on someone that needs it. Volunteer at an owl sanctuary. Knit something warm and scrummy for a beloved. Say something kind to a stranger. Do some shopping for a neighbor in need. You know the drill.
Keep it kind—and keep it quiet. Love and kindness, Tumblr x
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siren--squid · 1 year
Anyways, support people with low/no empathy, sympathy, and/or compassion.
Those things are not required to be a good person, and nobody should feel like those things are a requirement in life.
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theeroticlover · 7 months
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Lets forget everything and transfer love and positivity....
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wilwheaton · 2 years
Who are you? Wil wheaton is a straight actor married for 20 years to a woman. Is this just an avatar?
Get ready for me to blow your mind...
Straight actors married for 20 years to a woman can love and support and stand with entire communities of people who are ... wait for it ... different from him! He can be a cishet white dude and still show his love and support for people who don't benefit from his privilege and status!
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turbo-tsundere · 1 year
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*Happy anime narrator voice*: “And thus, Kokichi has once again successfully evaded the dread of emotional openness!”
Also here’s a random selection of derpy concept doodles for this comic :)
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Thank you byeeeeee
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qcomicsy · 1 year
You know what it gets me? Bruce Wayne loved Dick Grayson on purpose. Bruce saw that little boy lose his parents and he took his hand on the same day deciding, I'm going to love you on purpose. I will take care of you. I have no idea on how to take care of a child, I've never imagined myself taking care of one either. But I will try with ever fiber of my being to give you a good life. I don't know how to love but I will love you.
And he's been keeping that promise ever since.
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Batman: Year 3 (1989)
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spiritualseeker777 · 11 months
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awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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