#2021 RAM Trucks
itsstrange · 1 year
Pool Party
Fandom: Supernatural / The Boys
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: Had this idea when I woke up from bed lol idk I sometimes be getting the randomness ideas either in the shower or waking up from a dream, but I’m not complaining because they turn out to be loved by so many of you 😆
Summary: “Wanna go for a swim?” Just a harmless offer right? Nothing dangerous right?
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Pool Sex, Fingering, Confessions, and once again 18+
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(Y/n) walked back and forth in her home gathering everything she needed for the party and loaded them into her car. Extra bags of chips, couple gallons of sodas, some juice boxes for the little ones, cases of beers for the adults, her famous birthday cinnamon roll lasagna cake, and finally the gift for the birthday girl. Once she was sure everything was packed and ready to go, she grabs her keys, phone, a lollipop and is finally out the door.
The drive to his house was probably 15 to 20 minutes away from her, which was good for many reasons. If he needed a favor she was there in a matter of minutes, if she needed a favor he was there in under 10, maybe 15 if he had the little ones in his truck. Point is, the distance to his house from hers was perfect.
Finally arriving and pulling into the beautiful home, she notices how multiple cars were neatly parked inside the driveway. Some she recognized where some she didn’t, however, she did spy Jared’s red 2021 Ram parked near the entrance of the home and noticed how a reserved sign was near the truck, causing a scoff to escape from her. Of course he’d save a spot for her, he always made her park inside his home rather than out in the streets, said he felt ‘much more comfortable’ knowing her car was visible. Although, despite his dramatic-ness, (Y/n) couldn’t help the way her chest warmed up every time he cared for her. Even if it was the smallest things, her chest warmed up, as well as her heart fluttering uncontrollably. He just had that effect on her.
Once parking, she opens the trunk to start unloading the bags, however, just as she was about to grab the third bag a familiar voice settles beside her before another pair of hands is helping her with the dessert plate.
“Thanks Alan,” She tells Jensen’s father as he walks with her towards the entrance of the home,
“No problem kiddo, figured you needed a hand,”
“You saw me coming in?” She asks as they both make their way towards the kitchen,
He shakes his head, placing the plate on the counter, “Was actually heading towards my car to grab some sunglasses. Suns’ bright today,”
A chuckle leaves her lips as she places the bags on an empty space, “Sure is, heard it’s gonna be a hot one today,”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “It’s aiming for the 90’s,”
(Y/n) chuckles in disbelief. It wasn’t even summer yet and they’re already heading towards a heat wave. Gotta love Austin, Texas.
Heading back towards her car, she shuts the trunk and opens the back seat where the birthday present laid. Which literally engulfed her whole car from how big it is. She’s actually surprised she was even able to see from her rear mirror from how big the damn present was.
“Jesus Christ, you hunt down a bear or somethin?” Alan comments after watching her struggle in taking out a large, really large stuffed bear,
She chuckles as she pulls on the large foot, “Something like that. Went to five different places for this damn thing,”
The older man only chuckles at her with a shake of his head when she finally frees the stuffed bear from her small poor car. How exactly did she manage to stuff a 6 foot bear into her 8 series BMW? She wasn’t sure either, but she made it to the party, which was all that mattered. Locking her car and taking the stuffed bear, that nearly engulfed her, she heads back towards the home. Obviously she had help, Alan grabbed a hold of some part of the bear to prevent it from blocking her sight, otherwise she’d either walk into a wall or tripped over some stairs.
After convincing Alan she’d be able to make it to the living room without killing herself, he chuckles as he makes his way to the backyard just as she carefully makes her way down the small stairs that lead towards the living room, where she planned on leaving the bear for now. As she semi struggled to place the stuffed animal on the ground, that deep familiar voice she loves hearing, rings beautifully in her ears.
“Oh god, you actually got it,” It wasn’t even a question, it sounded more like if he was shocked but not shocked that a 6 foot bear was now being laid in the center of his living room,
A wide smile spreads on her face, even if the large stuffed animal hid it from him as she carefully placed it on the carpeted floor. Turning around with a wide smile, she excitedly points at the teddy.
“Pretty cool huh?” She looks back at the monstrosity, who had a large black bow tie around his neck,
Jensen hums in agreement, even if he definitely did not think so.
The moment JJ had asked for the bear Jensen knew her wish was gonna come true, because knowing (Y/n) all too well he knew she would happily deliver. Especially when she knew Jensen was against the whole idea, but even then, Jensen was never able to say no to either one of them.
“They actually had a bigger one, but that one wouldn’t have fit in my car,”
“How tall was the other one?” He furrows his brows at her, already having a horrifying picture of its height,
She shrugs her shoulders, “About 7 or 8 inches taller,”
Jensen only scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head with a smile tugging on his lips. He will never get tired, or use to her wild imaginations. She was unique, and he loved it.
Slightly grinning at the present she turns around to face the Texan, only to feel her smile widening when she realizes what exactly he’s wearing. A light blue short sleeve with pink mermaids and dolphins laid on top, with black cargo shorts and converse on his feet. He looked absolutely adorable, yet handsome at the same time. He could honestly slay any look without any effort.
“Cute shirt,” She tells him with a smirk,
Sharing the same look on his lips, Jensen looks down at his shirt before looking back at her, “The girls picked it out, so I had no other option,”
A chuckle escapes from her as she walks towards him and lets a forefinger gently prod at a pink mermaid that’s on his stomach, “Don’t lie, you wanted to wear it,”
When she averts her (E/c) eyes up to his apple orbs, she hadn’t realize just how close she was to him. Only a couple inches stood between them as they stared at each other, and it was up to either one of them to reach out to close the gap, but neither made the first move, even if they both shared the same thoughts without even knowing.
As Jensen hovered over her, bright green eyes staring straight down at her own beautiful (E/c) orbs, he had the biggest urge to touch her, taste her lips, he has been for a while now, but restrained himself from doing so. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship for having feelings she most likely didn’t have towards him. But she did. He just didn’t know it.
She’s been sharing the same feelings since the day they first met, which made her feel guilty at first since he was married at the time, but even after he got divorced she didn’t indulge or press on the feelings. It wasn’t the right time nor it was appropriate. The man had just ended his marriage, he was hurt, healing, what he needed was a friend, not someone who was taking advantage of the moment to express her feelings or tell him she ‘was the one’ it would just be selfish and absolute heartbreaking if he’d reject her if it had happened. So instead of letting her feelings take over, (Y/n) became what Jensen needed the most, a friend, and has been ever since.
Nothing changed after that, yeah she still loved him and wished for more, but she also still loved being friends with him. Before (Y/n) even realized her feelings towards the man they were good friends, and now after a couple months later of the divorce their friendship still held strong, which is all she wanted for them.
“Hey Ackles!” The sound of Jared’s voice coming into the room causes them both to break eye contact, “Oh hey (Y/n),”
She smiles at him as he quickly engulfs her small frame with his large arms and pecks the top of her head before pulling away to direct his eyes at Jensen, “Your old man needs more pepper,”
Jensen nods his head, “Alright I’m comin,”
Gently punching his shoulder with a nod, Jared leaves the room. Leaving the space around them to be extremely difficult to breathe for some odd reason, but Jensen was quick to avoid the unsettling tension.
“C’mon,” He motions his head out the living room, “I’m sure the kiddos are dying to see you,”
At his words he lets his fingers interlock with her own, causing her body to go rigid, definitely was not expecting that but shrugs it off by allowing the man to lead her out the room, even if she can walk around his house with eyes closed she still lets him guide her out the house. Once making a quick stop to grab some pepper from the kitchen he leads them out the house, fingers still interlocked with each other until he lets her go out the doors first before following after. He wasn’t going to lie, he was freaking the fuck out when he interlocked their fingers, he thought she’d push him away, curse at him, but watching as she didn’t do anything only made him freak out even more. Did she like it? Or was she uncomfortable that she just allowed it? Or did she actually like holding hands with him? Question after question appeared in his head as he made his way over to his father who was preparing the burgers.
Turning around after giving him the pepper Jensen turns around at the perfect time, from where he stood he watches as she engulfs a squealing JJ into her arms before spinning them both in the center of the yard, causing his heart to flip in his chest at the sight. What makes a smile appear on his lips was the moment she walks towards his other two kids, Zep and Arrow, who also run towards her with wide smiles and open arms. Just the sight alone of her interacting with his kids, treating them as if they were her own and giving them so much love was enough for Jensen to realize, he was madly in love with her.
If only she felt the same way right?
10:30 pm
After eating multiple burgers, drinking multiple beers and juice boxes, singing happy birthday to the birthday girl, opening her presents and surprising her with the large Teddy, the day was finally coming to an end. Once it had hit 9pm, a lot of the kiddos were absolutely drained from running around the house, or just being in the water all day, that’s including Jensen’s little ones. Once they were all tucked into bed, it was pretty soon when a lot of family members began leaving the party. A couple people still remained, like Jensen’s family, Jared’s family, Misha and his kids stayed for a while before heading off to their hotel since they had an early flight the next day, and other good friends stayed. But once it hit 10pm everyone began parting their ways, only leaving Jared, Genevieve, Jensen’s parents and (Y/n) at the house, where they soon began picking up trash from left to right.
Even if Jensen told everyone to leave it alone and he’ll clean up tomorrow, everybody continued picking up trash from tables and the floor. Causing Jensen to let out a soft chuckle when (Y/n) only shoves him the plastic black bag to hold as she throws in empty beer cans and bottles. Making it look less a mess and easier to deal with the next morning. Once the backyard looked semi decent, and Jensen’s father finished cleaning up the grill, both his parents, Jared and Gen give their farewells before leaving. Once he walked them towards the entrance of the home, Jensen makes his way back to the backyard, where (Y/n) remained piling the trash bags together in one corner.
“Hey c’mon leave that there, I’ll do it myself tomorrow,” Jensen stops her by her wrist as she reaches for another trash bag,
she gives him a smile, “It’s the least I can do, I mean we did trash your house,”
Jensen softly chuckles with a shake of his head, “You already do so much for us.. for them,”
A warm, shy, smile spreads on her face, a smile that Jensen has grown to love.
With the smile still plastered, she shrugs a shoulder, “I love you guys,”
Oh how those words made Jensen feel as if he was floating in the air, like some cheesy romance movie with hearts surrounding them. But even if those words weren’t exactly meant the way he’s taking it, it still sounded absolutely amazing to hear those words fall from her lips. However, little did he know she did mean her words, and she was honestly freaking out when she finally admitted to him.
Green eyes stared into (E/c) ones in silence. Only the sounds of crickets chirping around them was heard. It was honestly peaceful, they both felt at ease as they stared at each other. If it wasn’t for the small fear riding at the back of his head, he would have had her lips on his by now, but the fear still lingered the more he wanted to give in to the urge. Yet, he already was giving into it, he hadn’t realize he still held onto her wrist nor did he realize his thumb was gently rubbing circles on her skin, but once he did, he still didn’t let her go. He craved for her touch, but he wanted to do more than touch her, he wanted to hold her in his arms, feel her warmth day and night.
Which gives him an idea.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He says after a while of silence, motioning his head towards the pool,
(Y/n) chuckles, “At this time?”
Jensen causally shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t see why not?”
A scoff leaves her lips when she watches him walk backwards towards the pool as he keeps their gazes locked with a smirk. He eventually turns and stands on the edge of the pool before discarding his clothes. First his shirt revealing his muscular shoulders, then his shoes, socks, and finally his shorts. (Y/n) should definitely look away, but she just couldn’t. Her eyes were locked on the man’s half naked frame, feeling the way her mouth goes dry the longer she stares. (E/c) eyes roamed his muscular back and down towards his ass that we’re sadly covered by his black briefs.
Slowly, very slowly, she averts her eyes from his bottom to his shoulders once again, but just as she rises her eyes they immediately lock with his. She feels herself go stiff when he catches her staring, causing her face to grow hot. Although, instead of teasing her with a smart ass remark, he just sends her a smirk before diving into the pool. Giving (Y/n) a couple seconds to catch her breath before he emerges from the water. (Y/n) remained standing in her spot as she watches the way droplets of water cover his perfectly shaped face, and the way it had flattened his hair, and definitely not being able to push aside the feeling that forms in between her legs when he slicks his wet hair back.
“C’mon, water feels great,” Jensen tells her, smile slightly tugging on his lips as he keeps himself up float,
Aside from feeling the way her core begins throbbing for this man, she still sends him a scoff, “You’re crazy,”
And making me horny. She mentally thinks to herself.
“You can wear my shirt,” Even if I prefer nothing on you right about now. Jensen thought to himself, still keeping that welcoming smile on his lips,
(Y/n) intakes a deep breath through her nose and let’s it back out through her nose while slightly tilting her head to the side. She hates how he can easily convince her without even trying. With hesitating steps, (Y/n) toes off her shoes along with her socks before making her way towards his shirt. Picking it up she stares at it in her hands and then towards Jensen, who only sends her a wide grin before turning around to give her some privacy while she changes. The moment he does, she quickly slides her jeans down her legs, not catching how he sneaks a glance at her and not knowing how quick his member jolts in his briefs. However, right when she stands from removing her jeans he turns back around and waits patiently until she allows him to look.
Speechless is what happens when his green orbs land on her frame. His shirt was rather large on her frame, making it look like a dress on her, only her smooth legs were exposed to him. She looked absolutely fucking beautiful, breathtaking under the moon light, if it weren’t for the fear and respect he had towards her, he would’ve already had her in his arms.
The look that settles on his face was visible as day, earning a shy smile to form on her lips as she shyly places a strand of hair behind her ear, cheeks burning as he continues to stare at her. Observing her, admiring her frame.
Eventually, she slowly walks towards the edge of the pool where Jensen swims to meet her halfway. Her feet were the first to make contact with the water as she sat on the edge of the pool, it really did feel amazing against her skin, fresh and just the right temperature.
Without a word, Jensen swims towards her, keeping himself upright in front of her, her knees touching his chest as he reaches towards her hips. Gripping onto his firm shoulders as he carefully and effortlessly carries her into the water, not once did they avoid gazes. Bright green and glistening (E/c) orbs kept a firm lock on each other, never parting away from each other, not even after she made it into the water.
“Feel good?” Jensen suddenly whispers, voice laced with thickness, eyes still staring deeply into her own,
A small smile tugs on her lips as she too couldn’t seem to avert her gaze, “Feels good,” she responds to him small smile tugging on the corner of her lips,
Still smiling at her he slowly lets her go, allowing her to swim freely around the pool, green eyes not once averting from frame not even when she dives under the water for a split second. Hell, when she emerges from underneath it was a goddamn sight for him, her beautiful hair slicked back, the moons light shining off her beautiful skin, Jesus.. she is fucking breathtaking. He honest to god doesn’t understand how her previous dickhead of an ex thought it’d be a great idea to go ahead and cheat on her, that stupid idiot doesn’t know what he lost, however, what he will know is she has been found by someone who will most definitely love her like she deserves to be loved, cared for, spoiled and not discriminated.
“You building something back there?” Her soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts, noticing how she leaned against the edge of the pool and staring straight ahead where his next project was under construction,
A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he slowly swims towards her, bare shoulder touching her own, “JJ and the twins want horses,”
He tells her with a defeated sigh, earning a surprised look from her along with a heartfelt chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up having a whole farm out there,”
Jensen groans with a shake of his head, “Don’t.. don’t encourage them please. I definitely won’t survive, especially when you four gang up on me,”
Another chuckle escapes from her, “I don’t influence nor do I encourage them into anything,” she says as she splashes him,
“Oh yeah?” He raises a brow at her as he continues, splashing her back, “So you didn’t influence them into having a full blown war with those mini nerf guns?”
“Hey, you gotta admit. That was a fun day, besides if I remember correctly you were also apart of that war,” She points out, splashing him once again with water only this time it reaches his face, causing him to close his eyes with a deadpan look,
When he slowly opens his eyes, they lock with her own, a smile slowly spreading on her face as she mumbles an apology to him, but instead of accepting it he lunges at her, causing a small yelp to leave her lips. Yet, before he can wrap his large arms around her she uses her feet to push against the wall to escape from him. Loud giggles are shared as they chase one another in the water, splashing each other, pushing each other until eventually as she was focused on rapidly splashing him with water she didn’t notice how he dove underneath and swam towards her. In matter of seconds another loud yelp with a giggle leaves her lips when she feels the way his large arms wrap around her waist that slightly lifting her out of the water before bringing her back inside.
She emerges from the water throwing profanities at him as she removes wet strands of hair from her face with heartfelt giggles. Displaying a wide grin and letting deep chuckles escape from his lips, Jensen helps removing hair from her face. However, just as he tucks a wet strand behind her ear they lock eyes, bright green emeralds stare straight into her orbs, smile slowly fading as he observes her features, feeling the way his chest becomes heavy, a feeling he can no longer hold in anymore. A feeling he’s been pushing aside for what seemed like ages, a feeling he’s been trying to hide, but now, with her in front of him, skin soaked and illuminating beautifully underneath the moonlight, those eyes he’s fallen dearly for, and that smile that he can never get tired of has him losing the battle.
So slowly and hesitant he cups her cheek with the same hand that tucked a hair behind her ear, and lets it rest there as he continues to stare into her eyes in silence. Waiting for her to say or do anything to stop him, but when she doesn’t and only stares up at him with now widen, pleading eyes, he slowly oh so slowly begins bending down. He hovers over her lips, giving her the opportunity to push away, to stop, when she doesn’t he finally allows their lips to collide with each other in a soft, gentle manner.
They share two, slow, lasting pecks before he slowly pulls away. Green eyes observing her own, trying to read any regret, any doubt, but when he only reads reassurance a small tug can be seen on the corner of his lip before he once again bends down. Letting their lips mold together much firmer. The kiss slowly begins escalating, becoming more heated as they share their warmth, their hidden feelings, their love. No words were needed, the way they both desperately kissed one another was enough for either one to know how the other felt.
Being completely lost and focused on the way his lips fitted perfectly with her own or the fact that his tongue would smoothly and perfectly dance with her own, (Y/n) hadn’t realized Jensen was slowly guiding them backwards, until she feels something firm settling on her back and feeling the way he easily lifts her from under her legs which she automatically wraps around his own waist. The kiss never falters, not even when he pins her against the wall of the pool or when their hips meet in the middle, causing a groan to rumble in his throat where a broken moan escapes from her mouth. However, after the fourth thrust she couldn’t bare it no longer, she wanted him, she needed him now.
“Jensen,” She breathlessly whispers his name against his lips as he once again rubs his covered member against her aching core,
Slightly pulling away to look into her eyes, his words fall breathlessly from his mouth, “You sure?”
Damn him and his well-mannered side. It shouldn’t turn her on at the fact that he’s asking for her consent, but fuck does it ignite her emotions even more for this man.
Breath coming out harshly through her mouth she nods her head, (E/c) eyes looking directly into his green orbs, “Yes. Please..please,”
The last beg came out a little more desperate and whiny but she could care less at this point. Hell, he could care less because as soon as those words came out he pecks her lips one last time before averting his lips to the side of her neck. His hands that were placed underneath her bottom, make their way down her body to the hem of his shirt before pulling it off her frame. Tossing it somewhere outside the pool he lets his lips explore, as he lavished the new piece of revealed skin he lets one hand travel behind to undo her bra. Placing it outside the pool he slightly angles his head to look at her completely.
And ohh did she look absolutely gorgeous. Skin beautifully slicked with droplets of water falling down her entire frame, lips raw and swollen, eyes completely dilated, chest displayed to him and only him. She looked absolutely breathtaking.
“You’re so beautiful,” He whispers as he bends down to latch his lips onto hers,
A small broken whimper can be heard in between them as he ghostly begins traveling his fingers against her bare stomach until he reaches the waistband of her underwear, where he then slowly begins sliding the garment down her legs. Once off he places them above her head, near the edge of the pool.
A small shiver travels through her body as he leaves feathery kisses throughout her chest, yet, the same time a shiver rolls through a moan escapes from her when she suddenly feels the way his thick digits begin circling against her clit. Then a gasp when two fingers slowly push past her folds.
“So fucking perfect,” Jensen whispers against her parted lips, sinking his digits deeper, earning another whimper from her,
“Fuck baby… you’re so tight,” He whispers again just as his finger is knuckle deep into her aching core,
Her hips begin moving the same time he starts moving in and out in at a slow pace, which drove her mad. As much as she wanted him to take his time in prepping her, teasing her, cherishing her, making her cum with just his fingers, she wanted more. She needed more. So with another broken moan, a pleading tone and a desperate thrust of her hips she hoped he would read on what she truly yearned.
Which he must’ve had because his breath fans hotly against her lips as he gently retrieves his fingers from her mound, leaving her empty for a couple seconds as he quickly shoves his briefs down, far enough where his aching member is free. Panting against her lips he easily guides her down until he feels the tip of his cock rubbing firmly against her folds, earning another moan to rip out from her as he rubs on her a few more times. Then, with a gentle swift motion he slides right inside causing a loud gasp to escape her parted lips.
A groan rumbles in his throat as he stills inside of her, taking long steady breaths through his nose as he focuses on not reaching the end right there and then. Because fuck, she felt absolutely heavenly. Her walls hugged him tightly as she too grew accustomed to his girth, taking slow breaths through her nose with eyes closed.
When she slowly parts them open, she immediately locks with dark, hooded green eyes. Only a sliver outline of green can be seen considering his pupils have dilated, it was then she took in his appearance, despite his hungry look in his eyes, his lips were also raw and swollen, shades of red tinted his cheeks to the tips of his ears, droplets of water slid beautifully on his skin, hair damped and disheveled from her fingers constantly running through them. He looked absolutely magnificent, everything about him shined beautifully underneath the moonlight.
“I love you,” She finds herself whisper, hand reaching to cup the side of his cheek,
A large hand also cups the side of her jaw, long fingers cradling the back of her neck before slowly and gently guiding her face closer to his.
“I love you,” He whispers back, gently latching their lips once again,
A small choked whimper vibrates against his lips just as he begins grinding his hips against her, then a gasp when he pulls out of her only to push back in with a little more force. He keeps the pace up for a few minutes, just luxuriating and getting lost in the way they both feel around each other, the way he feels her tightening around him with every thrust, the way she feels him inch by inch. It was such a delicious rich feeling. A such beautiful intimate moment.
However, after a heavy sigh and breathlessly saying his name against his lips he picks up the pace. Waves beginning to flow around them as his speed slowly increases, soft moans fall from her parted lips, eyes closing when the familiar pooling sensation begins to build at the bottom of her core from the way his speed only picks up. The waves forming stronger around them from his pace, but only calming for a second as he quickly maneuvers them towards the ladder. Snaking both arms beneath her knees and pinning her against the ladder, where she manages to grab some grip on the rails, a breathless groan falls against his lips as he fastens his pace. Waves now splashing around them, moan after moan slipping from her mouth at the change of speed. Eyes closing shut from pleasure when his hips meet with her own, his cock hitting and stretching deliciously along her aching walls.
Due to his change of speed and his hips hitting her clit with each thrust he gives, she quickly begins reaching the end of the line. What finally makes the dam break would be him gripping onto her hips and slamming her down in time with his brutal thrusts, his cock repeatedly hitting that one spot that has her seeing stars right before feeling her vision goes dark for a few seconds.
Grunting from the sudden tightness that engulfs him, Jensen breathlessly groans on the side of her neck as he continues to fuck her through her orgasm, quickly feeling his own rising. Which after a couple thrusts later a heavy breathless groan slips from the man as he finally stills inside of her, feeling himself twitch inside her raw and abused walls right as he feels the way his thick seed paints her insides.
“Oh.. fuck,” He pants against her neck, body slightly twitching from the intense orgasm,
They both remain holding on to each other for a few more minutes. Riding both their high’s together and catching each others breath. After minutes passed, Jensen slowly lifts his head from the crook of her neck, green tired orbs meeting with her own, feeling the way his lip tugs upward at the sight of her and the fact that she was finally his. The three words repeating over and over in his head, feeling the way his chest expands knowing she was finally his.
Not being able to contain himself, he lets the word fall freely once again before gently latching onto her lips. They shared a few, long, loving pecks before pulling away from each other to climb out the pool and get dressed. Despite their clothes being soaked to the brim, they still slipped them on before making their way inside the home hand in hand, not once parting from each other, not even when Jensen nearly fell on his ass when he slightly slipped along the wooden floor as they made their way towards his bedroom. A couple giggles erupted from them as they carefully walked towards his room.
Once inside, they quickly shed their soaking clothes before hopping into the shower, where they remained standing under the shower head until the water that was once warm turning cold against their skin and leaving them with pruned fingers. After drying their bodies with a towel, Jensen slipping into a pair of clean briefs and (Y/n) shrugging on one of his clean t-shirts along with some sweats of his, they both climb into bed where their limb’s perfectly tangle together.
They stayed awake, softly talking to one another, enjoying each others warmth, sharing various stories about everything and anything until eventually (Y/n) slowly starts dozing off. Cheek resting heavily against his chest, his heartbeat softly soothing her to sleep.
“God I love you,” He whispers, pulling another warm, happy, smile on his face,
Gently, he pulls her closer towards him, leaving a long kiss on the crown of her head before finally letting sleep overpower him. Despite feeling relief now that he knows she too shared the same feelings, that she is finally his, he still can’t help the small voice at the back of his head. He knows this will be challenging, there will be days where it will be difficult to get through, but as long as she held on to him through the obstacles he knew they’d be okay. He knew she’d never let him down, and he knew she knew he’d never let her down. He loves her, and he will damn sure fight for their love, because except for his kids she is also his reason to keep going in life. To keep pushing.
Because she’s worth fighting for.
-> Alright y’all hope you guys liked this one, it has been dusting away in my drafts and it’s about time it sees the light!
-> Just wanna say, writing smut is not my strong suit, still trying to make it better for y’all so I do apologize if it’s not good enough 😌
-> Lastly, thank you to everyone who continues to read my crappy posts Much love! 🫶💗
-> Make Sure To Turn On Post Notifications!! 🔔 For More Updates!
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Chrysler parent Stellantis said Saturday it is recalling 1.46 million vehicles worldwide due to a software malfunction in the anti-lock brake system that can increase the risk of a crash. The recall includes nearly 1.23 million Ram 1500 trucks from the 2019 and 2021-2024 model years in the United States, as well as about 159,000 vehicles in Canada, 13,000 in Mexico and 61,000 outside North America. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said a software malfunction may result in the anti-lock brake system control module disabling the electronic stability control system. The issue means the vehicles do not comply with a federal motor vehicle safety standard on electric stability control systems.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
And I'll Be An Old Troubadour, When I'm Gone
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Word Count: 1K Warnings: None
Author's Note: Dis my favorite GS song <3 fits my OC perfectly <3 -Thorne
Ghost doesn’t typically get out of the country if he can help it when he’s on leave. Rarely does he even get to Scotland to see Soap’s family. That’s about it, but somehow, Troubadour convinces him to fly out to the States and down south to see him for the month they’ve been given. It does take quite a bit of convincing, and even a great home cooked dinner and somehow wining and dining Ghost’s pants off, but he does.
Troubadour has a fun time showing him around the town he grew up in, and even takes him to the high school he played football in. He grins widely as he sees his trophy in the case and a cheering team photo behind it. He tells him stories about getting drunk by a bonfire and almost burning all the little hair he had on his chest when he decided to jump over it and almost fell face first instead. Tells him about how he managed to whoop a rival school’s tail in a street fight in a parking lot when he was a senior. Talks on and on about how he used to spend every summer on a tube floating down the river with a fishing pole in one hand, a beer in the other, and a can of bait between his knees. Ghost’s eyes don’t give it away, but his smile is evident beneath the black face mask he wears around the town.
He drives Ghost around town, takes him to the local diner and shows him what a real country fried steak tastes like, and by the time they’re done with apple pie and coffee, Ghost is literally bursting at the seams and ready to fall over in the booth while Troubadour laughs at him. He looks good when he laughs. Like he isn’t trying to look out for everyone like Price always is. Troubadour’s good like that; the big brother they never had, the one they can go to for anything, no matter how foolish or big. He sometimes thinks Troubadour should retire and do something better with his life. Something less risky. But he knows that Troubadour is a good man, wants to do the right thing, even if he gets his hands dirty. He wants to make a difference. Wants to be the man he deserved to look up to as a young man instead of the shit father he did have. Sometimes Ghost wishes he could be a good man like Troubadour.
Troubadour tells him the cabin he’s rented is about two and a half hours out of the town and Ghost settles into the passenger seat of the 2021 Dodge RAM 1500, comfortable and content to close his eyes for a couple hours. He watches the end of the sun fall behind the mountains and watches the stars come out above the truck. So deep in his own mind that he doesn’t realize Troubadour’s hand is on his thigh until he feels his lover’s fingers gently pressing and thumbing against the roughness of his jeans. Troubadour likes to touch. He’s always holding Ghost’s hand, his thigh, his chin on the soldier’s shoulder, toes brushing his calf under the covers.
He looks over inconspicuously, taking in the side profile of the man he’s come to love so deeply, of something that came from such an admiration and respect. Ghost often wonders if Simon Riley would be the man Troubadour was if he hadn’t let his past warp him so greatly. The man’s hands are strong, firm, steady, the wheel gripped in one as he silently and masterfully turns the wheel around a winding curve when the radio plays the next song and he sees the corner of Troubadour’s mouth turn up and he starts to hum the cords of the beginning, and Ghost is almost shocked at the smooth voice that comes out of the man, like bourbon running in his veins as he sings.
Sometimes I feel like Jesse James, still tryin’ to make a name. Knowing nothing’s gonna change what I am. I was a young troubadour, when I rode in on a song. I’ll be an old troubadour, when I’m gone.
It makes something in Simon’s chest tighten painfully. Their lives are lived in an hourglass that’s running out of sand fast. Every moment is never guaranteed, no tomorrow ever promised, but the longer he spends with Troubadour, the more he hears the life he wants to be living instead. He wants to wake up at five AM for god knows whatever reason, and sit on the porch in matching rocking chairs drinking their coffee. He wants to sit on the back porch in the swing and drink bourbon as they watch the fireflies in the summer and talk about the change in football and wonder if the season will be better than last year’s. He wants to spend every Sunday going to a café where they complain about the same breakfast they always get but still eat it and can’t wait for the next time. He wants to sit on the steps of their home in the early winter months, and watch Troubadour chop wood and bitch that he could chip in instead of ogling him like a pervert but still take his sweaty shirt off anyway.
Simon begins to admit the one thing he’s always been afraid of, and that’s the fact that he actually wants to live long enough to die an old man next to the old man he’s come to love.
He doesn’t even realize his eyes have begun to sting until he blinks rapidly and takes a deep breath, looking over at Troubadour as the man simply sings away without a care in the world other than the fact one of his biggest bragging rights is, “George Strait wrote a song about me. I mean, it’s obviously about me.”
Simon feels the world collide with everything he’s ever felt and known when Troubadour looks over as if called out to him and gives him a pearly white smile.
I was a young troubadour, when I rode in on a song, and I’ll be an old troubadour when I’m gone.
Troubadour picks up his hand, kisses the back of Simon’s, an ever-present and firm promise to love him for all he’s worth for as long as he has and even into the next life and all eternity.
I’ll be an old troubadour, when I’m gone.
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randalsgrave · 2 years
Dagger Squad Random Headcanons: Cars
I've literally had this floating around in my head for ages now and it's the dumbest shit ever, but anyhoo I went to the trouble of figuring out what kind of car everyone who isn't Maverick would be cruising around in when they're not airborne. So, without further ado-
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I mean c'mon, we literally all saw him roll up to the Hard Deck in this thing
Old soul, old truck
JAKE "HANGMAN" SERESIN: Lifted 2020 Ram 2500 Diesel
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If this doesn't scream "Texas pilot with a huge ego" I don't know what does
There's probably a Cummins sticker on the back window
NATASHA "PHOENIX" TRACE: 2020 Jeep Wrangler
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Badass but understated
Doesn't need the bells and whistles to get shit done in this thing
ROBERT "BOB" FLOYD: 2021 Subaru Impreza Sport Hatchback
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A sensible car for a sensible boy
Definitely sprang for the manual transmission
Most likely silver or dark gray
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Let's be honest he got this for the sound system
Style with *some* substance
Living his best life in his fancy foreign sports car
MICKEY "FANBOY" GARCIA: a *heavily* modified 2009 Nissan 370Z
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Less of a car, more of a personality piece
Nismo AF
Regularly replaces the tires because he's doing burnouts and donuts in a parking lot somewhere
REUBEN "PAYBACK" FITCH: 2020 Ford F-250 Super Duty King Ranch
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Big, red, and fabulous
Work truck in name only
Definitely got this for the cushy interior (we love a man who treats himself to the finer things)
BILLY "FRITZ" AVALONE: 2021 Toyota Tacoma
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I headcanon Fritz as being from Hawaii
What does everyone drive on-island? TOYOTA BABY
Definitely part of the 'Yota Mafia
3-inch lift for optimum coolness
BRIGHAM "HARVARD" LENNOX: 2020 custom Jeep Wrangler
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Unlike Phoenix, Harvard *does* need the bells and whistles
Total Barbie Jeep
Polished regularly with a diaper
Definitely allergic to dirt
LOGAN "YALE" LEE: 2016 Toyota 4Runner
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Dude's probably a dad
Ergo, dad car
He's had this thing for a hot minute but he babies the shit out of it
NEIL "OMAHA" VIKANDER: 2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
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If anyone's gonna have the token service member's hot rod I guess it would be him
Has to rev it every time he starts it up
Has racked up an absurd amount of speeding tickets in this thing
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A bad bitch car for a totally bad bitch
Iced coffee is a permanent fixture in the front cupholder
Smells like Endless Weekend from Bath and Body Works
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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At the forest entrance to Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek, a pickup truck aggressively swings in, engine revving and music blaring. Obscenities are yelled at the people on the ground. When the truck is asked to please go, lewd comments are sneered back. And then, the truck just stays, the two men inside glaring and watching the bystanders. One of them gets out and shifts around a parked vehicle, continuing to watch. After what seems like an eternity, the man gets back into the idling pickup truck and they peel out in a cloud of dust and black exhaust fumes.
What makes this obnoxious event stick out from any other, is that this is the same pickup truck that rammed through a Wet’suwet’en solidarity blockade just outside of Cumberland on February 10, 2020: an identical paint job, matching licence plates and the same plume of toxic black exhaust. In that February 10 incident, the men in the pickup truck filmed themselves giggling as they smashed through signs and wooden pallets with a confederate flag unabashedly displayed on their dashboard, as seen in footage broadcast by Global News. According to witnesses, men sporting masks with the Canadian flag on them then emerged from the forest and accosted land defenders. Chek news reported “close to 30 drunk people.”
Although these two incidents are 17 months apart, this pickup truck demonstrates a disturbing example of the presence and continuity of white supremacists actively engaged in disrupting both Indigenous and environmental organizing. To see the Confederate flag displayed alongside the Canadian Maple Leaf while assaulting Indigenous land defenders harks back to when a racist mob attacked Indigenous families at Whiskey Trench outside of Montreal in 1990. In that attack, hundreds of people assembled to pelt a convoy of Kahnawake residents with rocks while the police looked on, resulting in one death and dozens of injuries.
More ominous still is the consistency of this sort of behaviour with counterinsurgency tactics. British counterinsurgency doctrine, for example, emphasizes the use of vigilantes as an effective way to subdue anti-colonial movements and provide a means of evading responsibility. As vigilantes engage in their dirty work, the police are conveniently looking the other way or suddenly out of their jurisdiction. In a clever sleight of hand, the narrative is manipulated into one where the police become necessary to protect people’s physical well being from vigilante violence – a twist on the well used metaphor, ‘good cop, bad cop.’
It must be noted that the signs on the pickup truck – while harassing the people at the Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek entrance July 4th, 2021 – read, “Forestry feeds my family,” and, “I love Canadian Forestry.” These statements are misleading, considering last years’ workers’ eight-month strike against Western Forest Products, a Vancouver-based lumber company trying to chisel away workers’ safety, pensions and seniority benefits. With these pickup truck vigilantes openly displaying their allegiance to Confederate ideology and Canadian nationalism, their attempts to pass themselves off as forestry workers, or at least their allies, is nothing short of fraudulent. The essence and purpose of their actions are immediately laid bare when they are put against the core values of the labour movement: anti-racist, anti-colonial, and solidarity amongst exploited people. The interests, safety, and well being of forestry workers are directly opposed to the priorities of extractivist corporations to pry a profit. The history of labour struggle demonstrates the vast gulf between worker and company man.
In this chaos, the corporations and the Canadian state remain conspicuously silent. While playing the innocent, they continue to brutally subjugate Indigenous people for their own avarice; they continue to make fast money from ecological devastation; and they continue to squeeze profit from the ravaged bodies of workers and loggers.
While the Canadian state and its corporations engage in this exploitative rampage, they spin these issues as unrelated and non-existent. Nevertheless, they have their men on the ground, speeding around in pickup trucks adorned with Confederate and Canadian flags as well as in tactical gear with ‘Blue Lives Matter’ stripes adorning their police insignia.
The face-off at the Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek entrance is but one skirmish in the bigger picture. Do not let the issues be shifted away from their history and redirected into dead ends. Artificial barriers between struggles and people must be broken down, and solidarity re-energized. Indigenous and anti-colonial struggle, workers’ struggle, and ecological balance must not be played off against one another. With the status quo clinging onto power through violence and calculated skullduggery, their legitimacy is an empty myth. Through creativity, energy, and initiative, a more beautiful tomorrow is within reach. Every action creates a new reality!
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mikefaistinfo · 4 months
Interview: Mike Faist Pulls Back the Curtain
By AnOther Magazine
A decade on Broadway, a critically acclaimed turn in Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story, a role in Challengers alongside Zendaya – but who is Mike Faist? The Ohioan actor has remained an enigma, until now
One evening in 2016, the curtains fell on a normal weeknight performance of Dear Evan Hansen at the Music Box Theatre at 239 West 45th Street in Midtown Manhattan. Mike Faist quit the stage with the rest of the cast and was met with a guest, who had come backstage to see him. “I love a ghost story,” said the guest. It was Steven Spielberg.
Spielberg told Mike that he was working on a new film adaptation of West Side Story and that he wanted him to audition for it, breaking from a long tradition of Hollywood directors taking inspiration from Broadway but casting Hollywood actors in the roles. Mike had never thought he’d be in movies but loved the idea of being able to say he’d once auditioned for Spielberg. So, he put a tape together for the role of Tony, but Spielberg ended up giving him the role of Riff, the leader of the Jets – which he was thrilled about, having loved Russ Tamblyn in the original. Plus, “Everyone wants to be Mercutio,” he says.
Mike was lauded for his performance, which earned him a Bafta nomination, though Quentin Tarantino said he should have got an Oscar – something Mike hadn’t heard about before I told him when we met; he expressed a certain bemusement at the news. His portrayal of Riff represented a departure from previous interpretations of the character; instead of a corn-fed all-American type, Mike’s Riff is wild and waifish – he lost weight for the role and pored over Bruce Davidson’s seminal 1998 photography book Brooklyn Gang. “That’s where I found Riff,” he says. “They always cast jocks, muscular guys, obviously alpha guys. But that’s not who these guys were, they’re drunk, broke, heroin addicts, starving … ”
Now, the 32-year-old Ohio native is poised to star in two films: Challengers, the new romantic (read: love triangle) drama from Call Me By Your Name director Luca Guadagnino, starring Zendaya and Josh O’Connor; and The Bikeriders, Jeff Nichols’ new feature inspired by Danny Lyon’s 1967 photography book of the same name, featuring Austin Butler, Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy, which follows the rise of a Midwestern motorcycle club, the Vandals.
The Midwest is where I’m heading to meet Mike – Columbus, Ohio, specifically, which lies an hour and a half up the highway from Cincinnati (presumably a route once traversed by the Vandals), where The Bikeriders was filmed. It’s here, in a suburb to the north-east of the city called Gahanna, that Mike was born and spent his formative years, and it’s here that he returned to in February 2021 when his father got sick, to be closer to his family.
Mike pulls up to my hotel in a silver-grey Ram pickup (huge for British standards, modest for American ones). I jump in and he greets me warmly – though not as warmly as his rescue dog, Austin, a pitbull cross, who leaps onto my lap and tries, persistently, to lick my face. Mike wears a scruffy brown shirt and muddy workman boots; a baseball cap crowns his tousled, mouse-brown hair and a beige bandana circles his neck – until he pulls it over his mouth, which happens periodically, when he laughs or, as I later interpret, when he is feeling shy. Confronted with this vision of Americana, it’s hard not to be reminded of Mike’s role as the cowboy Jack Twist (played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the film) in the 2023 West End production of Brokeback Mountain.
I’d been expecting just to go for lunch at a nearby restaurant, but Mike explains that we’re heading out to Woodville, a small town two hours outside of Columbus where his father grew up and his Aunt Christy and Uncle Bernie still live. We drive out of the city and onto the highway, which is roaring with trucks that dwarf Mike’s own. Strip malls, gas stations and chain restaurants flash by and soon give way to farmland – wide-open fields of corn (at this time of year, just a sea of dead, damp stalks) that stretch out like an endless brown carpet laid beneath a grey, wintry sky.
Speaking with a barely detectable Midwestern twang, Mike opens up about the past couple of months: on December 12, his father, Kurt, died of a blood clot, following a three-year battle with pulmonary fibrosis. A month later, his grandfather, known to him as Papa, died too. Death has long weighed heavily on Mike’s mind – in a way that now feels pre-emptive. Despite moving to New York when he was 17 and spending the majority of his twenties there, building his career as a theatre – then film – actor, he moved back to Ohio when his dad fell ill. He sold his flat in Brooklyn and bought a house in Columbus’s German Village, which he has since renovated almost entirely by himself. It now appears that Mike is a quadruple threat: he can sing, dance, act and flip houses. (He can also fly small planes, but that’s possibly less relevant.)
“There’s something very humbling about coming back to Ohio,” he says, “about going off and working with Steven Spielberg, and then coming back here.”
“My friends are super supportive and they’re super proud, but at the end of the day, I’m still just Mike to them, which is great.”
“Have you ever seen Fargo?” he continues, after a brief pause. “Well, in Fargo, they have this amazing Midwestern accent. My family speaks a bit like that.”
After a two-hour drive, we arrive in Woodville, a small, blue-collar town home to just 2,000 people, a lime plant and the oldest Lutheran church in the US, which is where Mike’s father’s funeral took place a few months prior. The church is a stone’s throw from Mike’s aunt and uncle’s house, a typical, clapboard dwelling just off the main street.
When we step through the front door, it appears that we’ve entered an Easter grotto – Mike’s Aunt Cheri takes decorating very seriously, completely transforming her home for every holiday imaginable: not just Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Halloween, Fourth of July and St Paddy’s Day, too – despite not having any discernible Irish heritage. Easter bunnies, chickens and eggs cover every conceivable space – from the table in the kitchen to the towels in the bathroom.
I’m quite taken aback by Mike’s vulnerability here, bringing me to an intimate Faist family gathering so soon after meeting. He’s opening up in a very real way – inviting me into the home his father grew up in and where he spent all his holidays as a kid. It’s a reflection of ‘Midwestern nice’ (the famously friendly disposition of the people who inhabit the region), but also his desire to be authentic – to show himself, his roots and his real life instead of just a manicured version of it. Instead, I meet Aunt Cheri, Aunt Christy, Uncle Bernie and Cousin John, who have all come over to meet me and, as Mike predicted in the car on the way over, Cheri and Christy have gone all out, putting on a lavish spread of cheese, crackers and ham-and-cheese rolls.
Cheri and Christy talk like Fargo, yes, but also like Jodie Comer in The Bikeriders; in fact, Mike found Jodie’s portrayal almost disconcertingly accurate. “I remember shooting a scene in a kitchen,” he says. “And there’s cigarette stains on the walls and ceiling and she’s just gabbing away in this thick Midwestern accent. I was like, oh my God, you’re my aunt.”
“[Jodie’s] incredible. I have a couple of scouse friends, and when I drove to Liverpool on a road trip [while living in the UK for Brokeback Mountain], I saw a lot of similarities with Ohio. A kind of blue-collar mentality.”
The conversation quickly turns to Mike’s father, Kurt. Cheri and Christy talk fondly of their brother’s sense of humour and practical jokes, including one called ‘the Witch’s Zebra’, which I couldn’t quite follow. “Kurt had the best laugh. He did. No matter what he went through,” says Cheri. “That guy could laugh and make us laugh when we came down to see him after the surgeries. A couple of times we were crying because he would get us laughing so hard about old memories.”
Cousin John, it turns out, was in an alternative rock band called Introspect that once opened for Bon Jovi (the Faist men are musically talented according to Cheri, who admits that the women of the family aren’t gifted in this respect). I ask him what Mike was like as a kid. “He was a quiet young man. And he’s always been very committed to his family. He’s been through a lot of stuff … ” he trails off. “I’m proud of him.”
When he was 17 years old, in 2009, Mike graduated from high school early and, like so many before him, left his hometown for New York. His father drove him there and, after a ten-hour journey, dropped him off at a halfway- house dorm room in the middle of Manhattan. “I was terrified,” he remembers. “So was my dad. But I knew I wanted to do this more than anything in the world.” Still, there was a romance to it all: like a scene out of Patti Smith’s Just Kids, he recalls sitting on his fire escape that first night, drinking a coffee, smoking a cigarette and feeling like he’d arrived.
Still, those first few years were tough: he was poor and often hungry. While Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda had once lived in his building, and James Dean had lived down the street, his accommodation (then a flat on 64th Street) was pretty basic: his sink was a hole in the floor and his kitchen was a microwave, also on the floor. There were times when he was on food stamps and others when he’d carry around a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter because that was the only food he could afford. He worked a variety of jobs: selling tickets for Off-Broadway shows to tourists in Times Square; working as a bar host and runner at Harry’s Burritos; and even, briefly, collecting signatures campaigning for same-sex marriage (he remembers panicking because he only got nine, but when he returned they told him that was amazing and that he’d only been beaten by one person who’d got 13). It was hard, attending theatre school (the American Musical Dramatic Academy) while working hard to make ends meet; many of his contemporaries came from wealthier backgrounds and didn’t need to work while studying. He remembers bumping into the actor (and Dear Evan Hansen co-star) Ben Platt when he was on a job for Postmates (a food delivery service) and feeling so ashamed that he pretended he was doing something else.
After appearing in several Off-Broadway productions, most notably Newsies, he landed a role in Dear Evan Hansen, which made it to Broadway in 2016. Initially, he felt as though he was floundering in the role – “It was a new show,” he remembers, “and it was a character that is more or less a ghost or ethereal, ambiguous creature.” He decided to do some research into suicide survivors online and came across the website LiveThroughThis.org, which tells the stories of people who have survived their attempts to end their own lives. He spoke to Dese’Rae Stage who founded the initiative, and it allowed him a way into the character, lending him understanding and empathy about the experience. “It really grounded me with what I wanted to do with the role. Since then, research has been my way to feel more secure, to feel like I am prepared. Even if you have to throw it all away in the end.”
Then of course came West Side Story, which remains the project he is most proud of and a convergence of everything he wanted to achieve. Working with Steven Spielberg and screenwriter Tony Kushner, he says he found pieces of himself he never knew existed and let go of his inhibition. “It felt transcendental,” he says. “It felt like: I’m not me right now, I’m being used to tell the story in the best way possible. I don’t know how to explain it, it was like I had no control over the situation. It was like being used as a vessel, and that was the best feeling ever.”
After wrapping up lunch, we head back to Columbus, driving back through the Ohioan countryside, with Sufjan Stevens playing on the speakers. This feels appropriate for several reasons: not only is Stevens a fellow Midwesterner (the singer-songwriter hails from Detroit, Michigan), but he shares a similar sensibility to Mike: he too is thoughtful, poetic, and committed to his art. As with Stevens, fame and celebrity feel like an accidental or even unfortunate side-effect of doing what Mike loves. “I don’t want to do this as a job,” Mike says at one point, staring ahead at the road before him. “For me, it’s deeper than that.”
I thought this might be the end of our interview, but we arrive back at Mike’s house in the German Village and he beckons me in, introducing me to his roommate Dan, who has known Mike since he was 16 – the pair met acting in plays at high school. What was Mike like back then? “A loose cannon,” Dan says with a wry smile. “Eccentric,” Mike corrects. “Floaty and an idiot.” He was going through a rebellious stage in this period of his life, and, while this didn’t mean anything too nefarious (he was mainly just smoking and selling a bit of pot), he wasn’t heading down a good path and was bored stiff. It was theatre that saved him: he was keen to take part in the various productions his high school theatre club was putting on, but his teacher, Miss Macioce, disallowed him because of his behaviour, which is when he decided to make a change.
Mike shows me around the house he did up with some help from his dad before he died. It’s handsomely but humbly decorated, with a fair amount of older or thrifted furniture and a picture of his dog Austin (drawn by a young neighbour from Gahanna) hanging in the downstairs loo. His bedroom is painted dark green and books line the walls; it looks like a normal thirtysomething’s bedroom, except for the flash of gold on the bookshelf – the Grammy he and his castmates won for Dear Evan Hansen. (They were also nominated for a Tony for this.)
We head out to take Austin for a walk through German Village, the oldest and most affluent part of Columbus populated with lawyers and doctors who work at the local children’s hospital, one of the largest in the US. Real gas lamps flicker in the porches of smart, red-brick Victorian houses built by German settlers who arrived here in the early-to-mid-19th century; front gardens are lined with coiffed box hedges, while Ukrainian flags fly alongside the regular Star-Spangled Banner, indicating the liberal values and Democratic leanings of the neighbourhood. Two kids come up to say hi to Austin and Mike chats amiably with them, producing some dog treats for them to feed him (Austin appears to be more famous here than Mike).
An hour or so later, we’re still hanging out and sitting at the bar of a nearby restaurant called Cobra, which was set up by Alex, another high-school friend of Mike’s. It’s been an unmitigated success – the place is packed. We’re having a fairly furious debate over which superpower would be preferable: the ability to fly or be invisible. Mike wants to be invisible which I think is ridiculous, because what – besides things that are a) creepy or b) illegal – is being invisible good for? Doing random acts of kindness, like watering an old lady’s garden, says Mike. I laugh. Dan and two more high-school friends, Garet and Kaine, join us and quickly the debate resurfaces. Obviously, everyone agrees with me, but Mike isn’t backing down.
I suspect that the real reason is Mike’s discomfort with the public position his job is putting him in. He’s dreading the Challengers press tour and admits he was even dreading this interview a bit. It’s part of the reason he enjoys Ohio; no one knows who he is or treats him any differently. The gift of invisibility – or anonymity – is attractive to him.
On set for Challengers, Mike says he felt a natural synergy with O’Connor who “just wants to make pottery and be in his garden” in the Cotswolds. “I think he’s a bit more accepting of it all than me. Because he’s always had to do a lot more of it [press tours, et cetera], so I think he’s at least mentally prepared. And I’m like, coming around slowly. But luckily, Z [Zendaya] is a pro.”
“But she grew up with it, you know, kid actor and Disney Channel … It’s a different world … I think it really got crazy for her while we were shooting actually, when she fully acknowledged the scope of her fame. Because we were in Boston and she had an apartment and she just couldn’t walk outside. I would take Austin to the park, have a cup of coffee and walk around, and she just couldn’t do that.”
Mike doesn’t have this problem yet. Here in Ohio, his friends don’t treat him differently. To them, he’s the same guy they befriended at theatre club all those years ago. They’ve all rallied around him in the wake of his father and grandfather’s deaths and their support, as he says on multiple occasions, means a great deal to him.
These friends soon decide that I need to experience a proper American dive bar, which is where we head next: a crowded, noisy and sweaty place crammed with locals. There is sport on the TV and darts are being played in the corner. I’m soon plied with Busch – a classic Ohioan beer – as a couple more of Mike’s high-school friends join us: Julia and Garet’s wife Aileen. The gift of flight or invisibility debate soon rears its head again, but Mike is still unable to find a majority.
It’s the next day and Mike and I are discussing Challengers and the preparation he had to undergo to play a professional tennis player. He’d suggested meeting again and had picked me up from my hotel early in the morning to drive me to a Waffle House, where we’re now eating a classic syrup-laden American breakfast.
Breakfast, in fact, was a key part of his preparation for the film: he had to eat eight scrambled eggs every morning to help build up his physique, and work out for four hours a day for 12 weeks – he put on 20lbs of muscle.
“I enjoyed working out, but I think it made me feel like I lost some brain cells,” he says, laughing. “I enjoyed the challenge, I enjoyed the ritual of it, but I don’t know if I need to be eating a cake every morning. I was eating like every two hours.”
Tennis, of course, formed a big part of his preparation too; he was trained by Brad Gilbert, a former player who has won 20 pro singles tournaments and coached Andre Agassi and Andy Murray, among others. “Brad was really insistent that my character, Art, played with a one-handed backhand and his reasoning was that there was this big rivalry between Andre and Pete Sampras. Andre was more like the wild child, like Josh [O’Connor]’s character, and Pete was the more ritualistic, professional, disciplined one. Brad got really interested in that dynamic, so he was like, ‘You’re gonna play with the one-handed backhand.’”
The build-up for the film had challenges that went beyond the physical, too. Mike admits he had some hang-ups about taking on the role – insecurities that sometimes flare up about his being a small-town boy from Ohio working alongside major-league actors and directors. But as his performance in the film shows, he not only holds his own alongside Zendaya and Josh O’Connor (no mean feat) – he shines. His role is the more challenging; while Josh’s character, Patrick, is the slightly more cocksure bad boy, Art is a more internal, introverted character which Mike plays deftly – it’s more than skin-deep; he inhabits the role totally.
One line from Challengers that stuck with me occurs when Art is contemplating giving up his career in tennis. “I’m tired,” he sighs, in a way that expresses a weariness that is deeper than physical exhaustion. It’s the weariness of having pursued your dreams for ten years and being worn down to a point of real, inescapable fatigue. I ask him if he relates to this at all.
“What drove me to understand this character – why I liked and was interested in the character – was this idea. In Andre Agassi’s memoir, he talks about why he hates tennis throughout the entire book. And I understand,” he says, as we continue to eat breakfast. “The reason I moved to New York was to become an actor – like, I had no choice. And yeah, when you’re in your twenties, you’re just trying to get your foot in the door and make it happen by any means necessary; you’re gonna show up and you’re gonna hustle.”
“I enjoyed playing Art because I have a strange relationship to acting: I really love it, but at the same time I get so exhausted by it. And I fall in and out of love with it on a pretty regular basis. It’s just the truth of the matter. So I think I really understood Andre, and Art, when they talk about this idea of falling out of love with your craft.”
He felt another synergy with O’Connor in this respect: “Josh is always torn too. Honestly, he’s more Art than me … He’s like, ‘I’m tired.’”
It was on the set of Challengers where Mike first met Jonathan Anderson, who worked as the costume designer on the film. The pair quickly struck up a friendship – Mike says he appreciated Anderson’s sarcastic sense of humour. The designer later asked Mike to appear in a Loewe campaign (for the SS24 pre-collection) and while Mike was initially reticent, it was soon apparent that Jonathan wasn’t going to take no for an answer. On set, Mike had his initiation into the world of fashion and particularly took to photographer Juergen Teller, who shot the campaign and entertained Mike with the story behind his famous photo of OJ Simpson. “I love Jonathan no matter what,” he says. “He’s a great guy and a great friend.”
Later, we drive over to Gahanna, where Mike grew up. The houses are bigger and more spread out here, and it’s a lot leafier; there are bigger yards, lots of trees, with the odd lake or oversized pond. He drives me past his high school, which is currently getting an extension and vast new football stadium (a lot of pressure on the football team, the Lions, he says), and past his mum’s office, out of which she’s practised law for the past 40 years, only retiring last year. We keep driving on, past his friends’ houses – where Kaine, a friend we’d met last night, used to live; where a former girlfriend used to live; where other people he’d spent his teens mucking about with used to live. Many of them have stuck around; others flew off like Mike did, only to circle back home in their late twenties and early thirties.
Finally, we arrive at a classic American suburban home, with an open garage and stuff teeming out of it. We enter the house through a door at the back of the garage, Austin in tow, and hear the yapping of dogs. Two King Charles Spaniel-Shih-Tzus race out to meet us, a flurry of white fur and shining brown eyes the size of saucers. Charlie and Huck (named after Huckleberry Finn, of course) are followed by Mike’s mum, Julie, who sits down with us in the living room, where family photos sit framed on shelves and two sofas face a large TV (Julie loves home makeover shows).
“At two years old,” she says, “Mike became obsessed with dancing.” His grandmother, who had been living with them at the time and was suffering from dementia, loved old movies and would watch them on repeat. Mike, therefore, spent his first few years on Earth soaking up Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire like a sponge. “I’m going to be Gene Kelly one day,” he told his mum, before asking if he could go to dance class. Julie did her best, but couldn’t find a dance class that accepted infants, so Mike had to wait until he was five before finally enrolling in one. “He was born an adult,” says Julie. “At six, he told me he wanted to start saving for college. At six!” He asked her to write to the Barney show and see if he could go on it, but that didn’t work out, and Mike got his first taste of the cruel world of showbiz. He continued guzzling down Gene Kelly movies – On the Town, An American in Paris and, most importantly, Singin’ in the Rain, which he still ranks as one of his favourite films of all time.
According to Julie, Mike thought Gene was “the perfect man” – “he could do everything and would always get the girl. That was important: he always got the girl.” He started to wear suits to pre-school – a school photo on the shelf shows Mike in a pinstriped suit, smiling ear to ear – and even, on occasion, took to wearing a top hat. Julie encouraged Mike to try his hand at everything – from baseball to basketball and tennis, which has now – thanks to The Challengers – come in handy. He even had a brief but successful stint as the school mascot, donning an enormous lion costume to football games. This was largely an excuse to hang out with the cheerleaders, but when I ask if he had any luck in that department, he laughs. “No, I was definitely not cool enough for that. I think I sold them some pot though.”
It was at dance class where he really shone; Julie said he was always leading the other guys – at nine, he was helping dancers eight years his senior learn the choreography. One time, when they went to a Broadway show, Mike came home and wrote down the entire choreography – literally typed it up – and then taught it to his classmates, which they then performed (or rather, plagiarised, says Julie).
He didn’t do many school plays but there was an alternative theatre arts school in Columbus, and he decided to go there. His first production was an American play called Life With Father, in which he played one of the sons. And then he took part in a production of Grease – playing Danny Zuko, naturally.
Mike, Austin and I go out for a walk, through the wide streets and large front yards, down into the woods that back onto the suburbs. Here, Mike, spent his youth, messing around, collecting frogspawn and later smoking et cetera. The weather is unseasonably warm as we walk down by the creek, through the woods and onto a football field, where kids are warming up for sports to the sound of Soulja Boy. It’s a supremely American scene.
Mike suggests that we go to the cemetery where his grandfather has just been laid to rest. No one from the family has been there yet, and again I’m taken aback. His sister, Krista, calls on the way down, and Mike explains where we’re going. We’re not entirely sure where – in the sea of stone plaques, metal vases and artificial flowers that stretches out before us – his Papa has been laid to rest, and we search for half an hour in the fiery glow of the Ohioan sunset before calling it quits. We head to a brewery a half-hour drive away to catch the last embers of sun sinking down over Columbus and discuss The Bikeriders.
In preparation for the film, Mike spent two days in Maine with Danny Lyon, who he plays and who gave him some photography lessons. He takes out his Fuji camera and flicks through the photographs that he took on set, some of which represent restagings of Lyon’s original photographs, which will be compiled into a photo book. “It’s a small part but I just wanted to watch these great actors – Austin, Jodie, Tom. I wanted to be a fly on the wall and just be there. I was learning photography at the time and it was a great opportunity to get paid to photograph some of your idols. And it was in Cincinnati, so close to dad, and around the holidays.”
Once we’re back on the road, we decide to stop off at Massey’s – a local roadside pizza joint about 15 minutes away. His father loved this place and Mike says he would have found it hilarious that we’d come here. The air is thick with the smell of oil and cheese, and the interiors look like they haven’t been touched since the 70s: neon lights in the window; a swirly, navy-blue carpet; sticky, plastic tables; no music, just the sound of chatter from the few other diners. Julie joins us and we discuss family; how her grandparents had arrived in America, how her parents came up from the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression, and lived that Grapes of Wrath life. “That’s the Midwest,” says Mike. “Everyone has the mentality of work, work your ass off.”
“That’s the unfortunate thing about America. That’s something that physically hurts me,” he continues, his voice cracking and his eyes suddenly smarting with tears. “Because I’ve been so fortunate in my life to have crazy adventures and pursue my dreams. And my mom and my dad … They just worked so hard to make sure I was able to do what I do. And I don’t know, the cost of that, on their health and whatnot … ”
To date, Mike has made interesting choices in projects he’s decided to take on, which reflect his instincts and interests as an artist. And while he loves acting, he doesn’t love everything that comes with it. In many ways, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mike did a few more roles, had a five-year break – during which he flips houses for a living and enjoys a more regular existence in Ohio – and then comes back and does another role that lands him an Oscar. “I had this conversation a lot with [The Bikeriders director] Jeff Nichols, saying that I only really want to do pieces that come from a place of love,” he’d said earlier on in the day. “Like, it’s coming from me. Like not necessarily for love, but from love. It may not be good [laughs] but it’s coming from that place of ‘I’m free, I’m liberated, I’m the most authentic I can be.’”
After dinner, Mike makes me drive his truck part of the way home (despite my lack of pretty much any driving experience or, more crucially, a driver’s licence – we both fear for our lives), concluding not just a whirlwind journey through Ohio, but through Mike’s life. As we part ways, I wonder where his journey will take him next, and how these two major films will affect its course.
Hair: Tsuki at Streeters. Make-up: Kiki Gifford at Streeters. Talent: Mike Faist. Lighting: Eduardo Silva. Photographic assistant: Nathaniel Jerome. Styling assistants: Bella Kavanagh, Alexander Bainbridge, Umi Jiang and Alexa Levine. Production: Second Name
This story features in the Summer/Autumn issue of Another Man, which is on sale internationally from April 25, 2024. 
You can find this interview here: https://www.anothermag.com/another-man/15568/mike-faist-challengers-the-bikeriders-interview-profile
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truecrimecrystals · 2 years
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Lopaz Richardson has been missing since July of 2021. The then-32-year-old lived in Rosenberg, Texas at the time of his disappearance. Lopaz vanished under incredibly suspicious circumstances, and the mystery of what happened to him still remains unsolved.
The last time any of Lopaz's loved ones saw him was on July 5th, 2021. That evening, Lopaz dropped his daughter off at her mother's home in Spring, Texas. Two days later, Lopaz spoke with relatives on the phone. After that, he seemingly vanished into thin air. He has never been seen or heard from again. 
Lopaz's ex-wife reported him missing on July 8th. She was immediately concerned about his safety, as he had made some troubling statements before his disappearance. Lopaz reportedly told his ex-wife that someone was after him; he "disrespected the wrong person" and would not have a chance to apologize.
The day after Lopaz was reported missing, police in Howe, Texas were notified about a white Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck that was spotted in a ravine near some train tracks. Days later, it was confirmed that the car was registered to Lopaz. It seemed odd that Lopaz's vehicle would be found in Howe - as it is an approximate 5-hour drive away from his home in Rosenberg. His loved ones are unable to think of any reason for him to travel to that location. It also seemed unlikely that Lopaz would voluntarily abandon his car in such a spot. 
Despite all of this, Lopaz's ex-wife said she was told by police that there was no evidence of foul play at the scene, nor were any items of interest found inside the truck. However, inventory was not taken on the truck until over a month later. It was then discovered that many items were inside the car - including a digital camera, a GoPro camera, and Lopaz's wallet, which contained his driver's license and credit card. Additionally, a more thorough search of the scene where the car was found turned up a pair of Lopaz's shoes - which had been stuck in the mud.
These findings appear to be the last known physical trace of Lopaz. Even so, it's unclear if Lopaz himself is the one who drove his truck to that location. There are many unanswered questions regarding his disappearance as well. To this day, no suspects or persons of interest have been publicly announced. However, there were several things going on in Lopaz's life that have led to a few theories. 
[continue reading]
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wheelsgoroundincircles · 10 months
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Toyota Camry
2017: Toyota Camry – 387,081 units sold
Car sales continue their slow decline in the U.S. in 2017, although that same year the Camry is all new (and labeled a 2018 model). America's best-selling car ranks seventh in 2018 sales overall when trucks and SUVs are factored in. Other Camry sales-beaters include the Honda CR-V, Nissan Rogue, and Ford F-150. In 2020, sales took a 13 percent drop, thanks to the global pandemic that put the world in park. Camry sales in 2021 were a better showing. With a total of 313,795 units of the family sedan sold in the U.S., the Camry took the sixth spot in overall sales. Despite Camry sales falling below the 300,000-unit mark in 2022, the Toyota sedan actually moved up to the fifth spot in overall sales for the year, with trucks such as the Ford F-series, Chevrolet Silverado, and Ram line of full-size trucks taking the top three spots. Toyota's RAV4 SUV, meanwhile, claimed the fourth spot with a total of 399,941 units sold in 2022.
2018: Toyota Camry — 343,439
2019: Toyota Camry — 336,978
2020: Toyota Camry — 294,348
2021: Toyota Camry — 313,795
2022: Toyota Camry — 295,201
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In this context, after the progress section on Amazon, in addition to the writing ✍️ day zero Time Out deserves special attention because where there are doubts, there are no certainties.
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After months away due to…. a bunch of filming commitments...
2021: Oh no
- What does this 🥴 mean? in a set, shooting a film 🎥 with SH in the main character -NO SH did not shoot any film 🎬 on the big screen from July-October 2021, he was part of the cast of the TV series "Suspect" in the UK for a brief appearance. As an actor, he did not have big plans for 2021.
…. as promotional work and some business projects -MAYBE - But SH's profession is an actor, not a businessman, plus, coincidentally, his business is always mixed with pleasure.
In July 2021
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He was in Tulum -Mexico 🇲🇽 Lifting wooden logs with handles. Irresponsible man with lax distancing measures during Covid-19 😷 touching strangers in a country with 2.77M coronavirus cases and 239K deaths.
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A boozers ride sponsored by “Agave Idiots”
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In August 2021
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With sassenachspirits at @bloombergbusiness @bloomberglive
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A great night thanks @unitedtalent at @sofistadium! @chargers v@rams!!
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Or in Chicago support Chicago Bears during American Football games.
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Or driving the Sassenach Truck on the East and West coasts of the USA, visiting some retailers and restaurants with @sassenachspirits!
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Travelling to Los Angeles to ride motorcycles with friends 🏍 . This is a Hollywood actor with no acting audition 🎭 in months because it is more important to look like a businessman than an actor.
2022: Now what!
Recording an audio versions of his story during the trip does not mean he is the writer, always captures his stories with a professional ghostwriter help. He has done it before. We will see it on October 25.
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DORO PESCH Is Continuing Work On New Solo Album
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German metal queen Doro Pesch recently spent time at Miami Beach Recording Studios laying down vocal tracks for her upcoming studio album.
Earlier today (Friday, February 3),Doro shared a few photos from inside and outside the studio, including a couple of her sitting behind the wheel of a RAM truck. She captioned the pictures: "Here I RAM in Miami, doing more vocals for the new album!
"Wish that ride was mine, but it's the studio owner's. Thanks, Pablo, I'm soooo jealous".
Last October, Doro spoke to Metal Rules about the status of the songwriting and recording sessions for the follow-up to her 2018 double album "Forever Warriors, Forever United". She said: "The new record is almost done. It's like 80 percent done, and there are awesome songs. There are anthems, fast songs, and some really soulful songs. So, I think that 80 percent of the record is already done. I mean, 80 percent of the songwriting is done, and we have recorded lots of stuff. It will be out sometime later [in 2023]."
Asked if her new album will be stylistically similar to "Forever Warriors, Forever United", she said: "Yeah, but it's probably not a double album. The next year is my 40th anniversary as an artist. And, of course, we want to do something special, but it will be a single album."
"Forever Warriors, Forever United" featured 19 regular tracks and six bonus songs.
In September, Doro released a very unique single — a soulful adaptation of her classic metal anthem "Raise Your Fist In The Air". The track was made possible by the new ZDF (national German TV channel) music show "Music Impossible".
In May 2022, Doro told Sleaze Roxx that she does most of her songwriting now with former SISTERS OF MERCY guitarist Andreas Bruhn. "I met him, I think, in 1986," she said. "We've always worked good together. Actually, the new bass player we have in Europe, we wrote a new killer song together so that's a new friendship. It's an anthem. It's good! And I wrote one song with my very first producer from the 'Hellbound' album. We met up again and wrote a nice song together. It's a song for the animals because I love animals. It's called 'Heavenly Creatures'. That will definitely be on the new record I'm planning on putting out next year. Next year, I have my 40th year anniversary so we want to celebrate it big."
In celebration of 35 years of the "Triumph And Agony" album from her former band WARLOCK, Doro released "Triumph And Agony Live" in various formats, including CD, vinyl, cassette, DVD, Blu-ray, and a huge box set, in September 2021 through her own label, Rare Diamonds Productions. The "Triumph And Agony" artwork centered on Geoffrey Gillespie's famous original drawing of the "Warlock" embracing the blonde rock star.
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mad-who-ra · 2 years
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I posted 7,155 times in 2022
That's 6,744 more posts than 2021!
657 posts created (9%)
6,498 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,423 of my posts in 2022
#rrr - 458 posts
#rambheem - 154 posts
#ram x reader - 76 posts
#desiblr - 51 posts
#saanjh my bacchi <;33 - 28 posts
#save - 24 posts
#ram x wife!reader - 19 posts
#siv <;33 - 18 posts
#rrr ost - 17 posts
#manwa <;33 - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#the protagonist is actually someone else in hiding and reconnects with her lover but both of them don’t know her real identity
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dagger and Arrows (12)
Dagger and Arrows 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Did someone say angst?
Ram x Wife!Reader
Word Count : 1293
Y/N stayed with Lady Scott, even after Jenny asked her to join her friends. She politely declined Jenny’s offer, taking her place beside Malli who was, of course forced to stay with the bitch. She watched the party. She knew what to expect after the party Jenny had invited them to. But this even was completely over the top. The lights, the food, the fireworks. Her blood boiled thinking about the way her people had suffered to give them this kind of money and abundance. But she schooled her face into a smile, keeping her hand on Malli’s shoulder.
She watched as Lady Scott greeted her guests and accepted the compliments oh so graciously. She suppressed the urge to stab her right there. If things went according to the plan, she would have a chance to stab her and watch her bleed to death. Slowly. Till then she decided to imagine that scenario and be happy. Malli kept looking at her questioningly. She kept smiling reassuring the girl. All that was left was to wait for Bheem. She knew he should be crashing in any moment now.
“What an magnificent event you have put on-” A man told Catherine, kissing her knuckles and she smiled proudly. Y/N mentally rolled her eyes. She heard the gate open, her ears picked up the starting sound of the truck she had heard so many times before and she held her breath. She squeezed Malli’s shoulder, as the shouts started growing in distance. In a moment, the wooden gate was torn apart like it was made of cloth and the truck came to a stop in the middle of the party. Even though she knew what was going to happen, goosebumps rose on her skin as Bheem jumped out of the truck with roughly thirty wild animals. 
Everyone stared at him in fear, as he landed on the ground. She grinned in delight. Of course they hadn’t seen it coming. Malli’s eyes widened as she saw her brother and she looked up at Y/N. She nodded at the little girl. Bheem shooed the animals way with fire. Within a moment, screams echoed from every corner of the palace as they wrecked havoc. Y/N decided it was soothing on a spiritual level to hear these bastards scream. 
She held Malli’s hand and pulled her seeing Lady Scott being distracted from a guy getting his neck torn away by a leopard. 
“Come on.” She whispered, as they started running towards the door, dodging the animals. She ignored the chaos around her, her only goal being taking Malli outside the palace gate. 
“Where is she taking the girl?” A guy shouted, looking at them. She sighed, taking out the dagger tucked at her waist. When she heard someone charge towards them, she turned around, her blade cutting through the flesh of the officer’s chest with a satisfying noise. It had been a while since she drenched her dagger in blood. With another quick move, she pushed Malli behind her, slashing other guard’s throat in a quick motion. She wiped the blood on her face with the back of her palm and started running towards the gate. 
She saw a tiger run towards them, a bit too late. There was no point in moving. She hugged Malli, shielding her from the attack and closed her eyes. When the claws did not scratch her skin open, she looked over her shoulder to see another guy in uniform holding a burning log. She held her dagger high, ready to attack when he turned around. 
“Ram?” She said, surprised, “what-”
“Move!” He shouted as another animal pounced. She ducked, pushing Malli out of the way on the other side, as Ram hit it with fire and it ran away. 
She looked in Malli’s direction, only to see the space empty. She looked around frantically shouting her name. But in the chaos she could not find her. She saw a glimpse of Malli’s braided hair being dragged away from her, but before she could run in that direction, Ram was already holding her wrist dragging her out of the palace. 
“Malli! Ram, wait! Malli!” She shouted, but her husband did not budge. 
“Ram what are you doing, stop!” She said, trying to free her hand from his grip. Once they were out of the palace, Ram broke open the lock of a shop, pushing her in.
“What is going on?” He asked, finally looking at her.
“What is wrong with you? I need to get in there-” She shouted, trying to get out of the shop. He stood in front of the door, blocking her way. He held her wrists, keeping her in place.
“Y/N, what is going on?” He asked.
“I need to free Malli.” She shouted looking over his shoulder, “You don’t understand how important this is for me and-”
“Akhtar?” He asked.
She stopped struggling, as she heard the venom in his voice. She looked at his face. Yellow light of street illuminated his face. He was furious. His knuckles were bloodied, just like his eyes. 
“You know.” She said.
“How long have you known?” He asked.
“It does not matter right now- We need to help him.”
“How long have you known?” He asked, again.
“Ever since the day of the dance party. Ram, what-” She stared at him, “Wait, didn’t Bheem drop you at home? Weren’t you bitten?” 
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188 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
Brave is the heart that loves
@yehsahihai here is your promised fluff. Stop cursing me, now.
Ram x Reader
Word Count : 1052
You barged into his house only to find him writing something on his desk. He turned around startled at the sound of the door slamming behind you. His face relaxed as he saw it was just you. He dropped his pen on the desk, turning to face you. You were mad, to say the least. You did not even look at him and you muttered curses under your breath, walking around.
“Hey!” He said, twirling his chair lightly amused at your mood.
“Stupid! I told them a thousand times before, but no one listens! How dare they! They thought they could trick me into THIS?” You snapped, pacing in the room, “stupid! All of them!”
“What happened now?” He frowned.
“What happened?” You asked, stopping in your tracks to look at him. 
His frown deepened. Oh yeah, you definitely were in a mood.
“I will tell you what happened.” You said, gesturing at yourself. He looked at you from head to toe. You were wearing a gorgeous yellow saree with a green border. Gold bangles adorned your wrist and a heavy neckless rested around your neck. You would have loved it in any other situation, but today, all you wanted to do was throw it away. 
“You look beautiful!” Ram said, mesmerised.
That made you even more angry. Because how dumb can he be?
“I know! I know, I look beautiful today, Ram. And stop twirling that chair, I am going to throw a book at your head if you keep doing that.” You glared at him. He gave you a confused look and did not stop.
“You know why I am wearing all this? Because my family is having guests over for chai. You know why?” You asked, crossing your hands across your chest, “because they are fixing my marriage to some random man.” 
You had not told your family about Ram. You two were, well close. And you loved him though none of you ever explicitly said it. You both knew and you knew he was the one you were going to marry if you were ever going to marry anyone at all. You have been avoiding the topic of marriage altogether since Ram was busy with his work and you knew he would want to wait for a while. You thought they had given up, but no. You woke up that day with your sister ushering you to get ready. It wasn’t until you were all dolled up, she told you about the actual thing. You stormed out of your house and showed up at his place, not really sure what you wanted from him, but it sure as hell was not this. He looked so nonchalant about the whole thing and that infuriated you.
“Oh.” He said.
“Yes, Ram, oh.”
You waited for his reaction. He stopped twirling his chair as he stared at you. You waited for him to say something. To stand up and do something! But he stayed there. A moment later, he started twirling his chair again irritating you more.
“Han toh, what are you doing here?” He asked.
“What?” You asked surprised.
“Shouldn’t you be at your place when they arrive?” 
You clenched you jaw as you realised what he was talking about. 
“Right.” You deadpanned, “I should go meet the guy.”
“Yes, exactly,” Ram nodded very seriously, “maybe he is the right one for you! You never know.” 
You fisted your pallu to keep yourself from punching the man you loved the most in the world as you put on a too sweet to be true smile on your face.
“You are right.” You said, “maybe he is the right one for me.” 
Ram shrugged as if to say see!
“I should go home and greet them, serve them food and chai and get married at the earliest mahurat.” You said very cheerfully.
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196 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Am I obsessed enough to write this in an hour? Yes. 
@raisemybodybacktolife​ this is your fault.
Word count : 1001
Ram x Reader
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It was a fine day. The leaves crunched under your feet as you walked through the forest just outside the city. You had not seen Ram since the morning. When you ran into Akhtar on your way to the market, he told you that he hadn’t seen Ram either. He wasn’t at his home, not at the head quarters. That left just one place. The place in the forest, where he liked to go to practice shooting. You had been here once before, with Akhtar. But finding him alone was proving to be quite a task. Just when you were about to give up and trace your steps back to the city, you heard an arrow cut through the air. A smile took over your face as you walked in the direction of the sound.
A few steps later, your eyes landed on the man you were looking for. He stood shirtless, in the middle of the trees, holding his bow up. His other hand drew back the string along with the arrow. You saw his back muscles tense at the action and your breath got caught in your throat. His brown skin glistened in the golden sunlight peeking through the branches. From where you were standing, you saw him furrow his brows in concentration. You held your breath as he aimed. The string snapped into its place as he shot the arrow. The air around you whistled as the arrow hit the exact target.
“It’s rude to sneakily just watch someone.” You heard him say, as he turned around.
“I wasn’t being sneaky.” You snapped, taking a step out of the trees, coming into his sight, “how did you know I was here?”
“Your anklets.” He said, and you smiled. 
“Well, I was trying not to disturb you.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, taking another arrow out of the quiver on his back. 
“I was looking for you to return this book.” You said, holding up a book you had borrowed from him a while ago. Honestly, that was a lie. You wanted to see him and book was just an excuse. You had finished reading it on the same day you got it from him. But you saved the book as an excuse for the day when you won’t have anything else, like today. 
“How did you like it?” He asked, holding the bow up and loading the arrow. He looked so graceful that you had to remind yourself to take your eyes off of his perfect stance and answer his question.
“The language is a little too flowery for my liking, but it okay.” You said, bouncing on your toes. You saw a small smirk on his face, before the arrow left the bow and hit the target again. You were not surprised. You knew Ram was a gifted archer. You had never seen him in action though. And the god knew how difficult it was for you to process his words and answer his questions when he was looking like that. 
He turned a little and you caught the sight of the silver Om on his chest. You suppressed the thoughts that rose in your mind as a faint blush covered your face. But he had caught you staring at him. 
“What?” He raised his eyebrows teasingly. 
You shook your head, looking at the blue sky, or what was visible of it through the leaves.
“You were staring.” He said.
“I have always wanted to learn archery.” You said, in haste. It was half true. But that definitely wasn’t the reason why you were staring.
“You never told me.” Ram said, tilting his head to a side.
“It never came up?” Your words came out more like a question.
“I can teach you.” He said, in all seriousness.
“Really?” You asked, surprised.
He nodded.
“Come here.”
“Do we need a mahurat?” 
You rolled your eyes, placing the book on a rock on his neatly folded shirt. You walked upto him, thinking what you had gotten yourself into.
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202 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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210 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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396 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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nawapon17 · 15 days
Over 1.4 million Ram 1500 trucks recalled to fix a bug in the anti-lock brake system
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recentlyheardcom · 15 days
Stellantis recalls 1.5M Ram trucks to fix software bug that can disable stability control
DETROIT (AP) — Stellantis is recalling nearly 1.5 million Ram pickup trucks worldwide to fix a software problem that can disable the electronic stability control system. The recall covers certain trucks from the 2019 and 2021 through 2024 model years, mostly in North America. Stellantis said in a statement Saturday that the trucks may have anti-lock brake software that could inadvertently shut…
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towengine · 5 months
2021 Ram 3500 Towing Capacity
Just read the latest blog article on the 2021 Ram 3500's towing capacity and I am blown away! This beast of a truck can handle any job with ease. The power and capabilities of this truck are unmatched. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on reading about it. Check it out now!
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 4.2 (after 1980)
1980 – United States President Jimmy Carter signs the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act. 1982 – Falklands War: Argentina invades the Falkland Islands. 1986 – Alabama governor George Wallace, a former segregationist, best known for the "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door", announces that he will not seek a fifth four-year term and will retire from public life upon the end of his term in January 1987. 1989 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Havana, Cuba, to meet with Fidel Castro in an attempt to mend strained relations. 1991 – Rita Johnston becomes the first female Premier of a Canadian province when she succeeds William Vander Zalm (who had resigned) as Premier of British Columbia. 1992 – In New York, Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison. 1992 – Forty-two civilians are massacred in the town of Bijeljina in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2002 – Israeli forces surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, into which armed Palestinians had retreated. 2004 – Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid; the attack is thwarted. 2006 – Over 60 tornadoes break out in the United States; Tennessee is hardest hit with 29 people killed. 2012 – A mass shooting at Oikos University in California leaves seven people dead and three injured. 2012 – UTair Flight 120 crashes after takeoff from Roshchino International Airport in Tyumen, Russia, killing 33 and injuring 10. 2014 – A spree shooting occurs at the Fort Hood army base in Texas, with four dead, including the gunman, and 16 others injured. 2015 – Gunmen attack Garissa University College in Kenya, killing at least 148 people and wounding 79 others. 2015 – Four men steal items worth up to £200 million from an underground safe deposit facility in London's Hatton Garden area in what has been called the "largest burglary in English legal history." 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic: The total number of confirmed cases reach one million. 2021 – At least 49 people are killed in a train derailment in Taiwan after a truck accidentally rolls onto the track. 2021 – A Capitol Police officer is killed and another injured when an attacker rams his car into a barricade outside the United States Capitol.
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1000-year-old-virgin · 7 months
Life in prison is not enough! Too bad we don't have the Death Penalty in Canada because this scum bag needs it.
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