#24 door staff lockers
digitalshree · 10 months
Rashmi Enterprises is best Staff lockers manufacturer, Supplier Company in Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, Ahmadnagar, Gujrat, Karnataka, Delhi, Indore, Banglore, Chennai. We provide wide range of staff Lockers for offices, staff storage lockers, 6,9,12,18,24,48 door lockers at best cost.
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gurugirl · 1 year
omg loved your blog. pls give me a lil spoiler of whats coming next
So... I've got a whole bunch of things coming. I looked through my drafts and documents and feel like this one is something I can share with you guys. I've got the story maybe halfway done and I've been working on it slowly for about 6 months. I don't know when I'll post it but you asked for a sneak peek for something so here's something to tide you over.
For context this is burlesque dancer!Y/n and rich CEO!Harry (this is a combination of requests I've received all in one story).
The sign read: 24-hour breakfast. $2.99 all-you-can-eat pancakes. The one she drove past every day.
She imagined slathering each stack with butter and syrup and surprising the staff when she went for seconds and thirds. Her stomach growled as she got into place behind the other girls and the music started. Bethany raised a brow at her when she heard it.
The routine was the same as the week before. They had a short break before they went back up and did another set. Y/n hadn’t been in such a good mood in weeks, knowing what was coming after the show. She was shaking with the anticipation of finally eating something of substance.
Like last week, the main dancers got to use the locker room first. Y/n and the others sat at the end of the bar and watched the guests leave as they chatted. They never got into anything too deep. Y/n wasn’t keen on telling the others about her situation. It was embarrassing. She was technically homeless and she was dirt broke. But Angelique had given them their checks and Y/n was more than happy to use it. She wouldn’t cash it that night because it was too late, but she planned on using her credit card to buy the $2.99 buffet pancakes. Maybe she’d splurge on eggs as well.
After showering and charging her phone she nearly skipped to her car. She parked strategically under a lamppost and noticed right away a man leaning on her front bumper.
“Excuse me?” She stopped halfway between the building and her car, ready to run back into the building if needed.
The man stood and she saw the chocolate curls of the British man she’d met the week before.
“Sorry! I thought I’d wait out here for you. I wanted to tell you that you did a great job in there,” he smiled kindly. That sweet smile, dimples and all.
Y/n let out the breath she’d been holding and finished walking toward her car. She figured she could trust Harry at this point.
“It’s okay. Just startled me a little to see someone leaning on my car. And, uh, thanks!”
She dug her keys out of her bag and walked next to Harry. He was taller than she thought. She hadn’t stood directly next to him before but now that he was only a few feet from her as she unlocked her car door she noticed it.
Harry pointed into her windshield, “I don’t mean to pry or anything, and you can tell me to fuck off if you want, but I noticed the blankets and pillows in the backseat. Is that… are you…?” Harry didn’t finish his sentence but Y/n knew what he was asking.
Normally she folded up the blankets and stuffed the pillows into the floorboards nicely but this morning she didn’t care. She’d been in such a good mood about the upcoming pancake dinner that she left it all strewn about.
She thought for a moment about how to answer. She looked down at her shoes and sighed, “Just temporary. It’s not a big deal,” she brushed it off.
Harry stayed quiet. But the longer he was silent the stranger it felt. Y/n looked back up at him and he was stoic. Deep in thought. Her stomach growled and she groaned. It was like if all the most embarrassing things in life could come out all at once in front of a handsome man it happened right then. She was hungry and homeless. That was the truth. And Harry was now aware of this fact.
Harry sighed and his face softened, “Look. I know it can get hard out here. But, let me buy you something to eat at least. I was hoping to chat with you anyway. Maybe we could just… I don’t know… get to know one another over a drink, or food. No pressure,” Harry was cautious. He knew he could be overstepping a little. But he probably felt it was necessary based on the circumstance he was now aware of.
Y/n shook her head, “That’s not necessary, Harry. I just got paid. I was going to buy myself something to eat. You really don’t need to…” The look on his face had her pausing her words. Harry’s brows were raised and the soft grin told her he wasn’t buying her I-don’t-need-your-help act.
“Fine. Then you buy yourself something to eat. Can I join you at least?”
And so that’s how she found herself at the dingy diner sitting across from Harry in a booth as she shoveled pancakes in her mouth. Harry ordered a coffee. Black.
Harry watched her for a bit as she scarfed down her first plate. Y/n tried to hold a conversation while eating but her body was on autopilot. She needed to eat. Harry could see that too.
When she finished the first plate she looked up at Harry. He was leaned back, comfortable in the booth with his arms crossed over his chest, an amused look on his face.
She licked her lips and sipped the orange juice before clearing her throat, “What?” She felt embarrassed. It was probably quite obvious to Harry what was going on.
“Nothing. Still hungry?” He smirked and leaned forward to the table, putting his forearms over the linoleum and clasped his hands together in front of him. He’d pushed his sleeves up to his elbows again and Y/n could make out the dark tattoos that went up one arm.
She breathed out a laugh at the question. Without a doubt, she was still hungry. She nodded, “I am. Yes. Is it okay if I grab another plate? Do… uh, do you want anything other than coffee?”
Harry shook his head and kept his eyes on hers, “I’m fine. I’ve eaten today. Go and get another plate, love. I’ll be right here.”
Y/n brought back another stack of pancakes with a handful of margarine butter packets and went to work to make her second plate as sugary, fattening, and calorific as possible.
“So, where are you from, Y/n?” Harry took a sip of his coffee, and Y/n saw him wince. She doubted the coffee was any good. Especially black. It was probably old and bitter and room temperature. But she appreciated that he was sitting with her and trying to fill the void of loneliness. Though she would have been fine to sit and eat her pancakes in silence.
“Bible belt. Nowhere,” she kept her eyes on her meal, drizzling the maple-flavored syrup over the top.
Harry laughed, “I see. Okay. So, why are you here in Nevada? Big dreams of becoming a famous dancer?”
Y/n shoved a forkful into her mouth and shook her head, putting her finger up as she chewed. Another sip of her orange juice and she finally responded, “No. I needed a change of scenery. I am a dancer. Well, I have a bachelor’s in dance. I’m not a professional or anything. It was sort of a whim, but a good one. There was nothing keeping me back home. What about you Harry? Where are you from? How did you get here?” She tried to change the subject from herself to him.
She ate while Harry told her his story. He was born in Manchester and got a business degree in London and then moved to California when he was in his mid-twenties after being offered a job at a private equity firm.
After a couple of years at the firm he and a close friend of his decided on opening up their own business, a startup. Which turned out to be quite profitable early on. Harry was a managing partner and owner of a wealth management group specifically for entertainment companies. Like burlesque clubs. Like Haute Baude. The owner, Richard, hired Harry as his wealth management agent years ago and they grew close.
Y/n knew next to nothing about the finance world so she just nodded and hummed along, “Wow. So, you’re doing well. A successful businessman,” she smiled and licked her fork clean.
Harry chuckled and tilted his head to the side, “I guess so. You’re impressive too, you know. It was brave to come out here all by yourself.”
There was a bit of quiet after he spoke those words. Y/n smiled down at her empty plate and then looked up at Harry. His coffee cup was empty.
“And you’re cute,” Harry spoke the words quietly but he kept his eyes on hers.
Y/n set her fork down and kept her eyes on the handsome man, squinting at him in question. She didn’t know how to respond. He hadn’t really been flirting with her, that she could tell, but she was aware of the way he was looking at her. How when she’d take a bite he’d watch her lips move and he kept licking his own lips.
“Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that,” Harry said but he didn’t hide his smile well when he pulled his lips into his mouth, that reaction only drew his dimples in deeper and it made Y/n smile and laugh.
She shook her head and looked down. His eyes were getting to her. His intense gaze was alluring. Harry was charming and handsome. She didn’t know what his intentions were but he seemed nice at least.
When Harry remained quiet for a beat longer than was comfortable Y/n looked back up at him. She couldn’t help but smile back at his expression and she laughed, “It’s okay. You haven’t been obnoxious or anything. I just… I’m a mess and hearing that threw me off a bit.”
“What do you mean you’re a mess?” Harry asked.
“I mean, well, come on… you saw my car. And here I am buying $2.99 all-you-can-eat buffet pancakes at 2 am the moment I get a paycheck. I’m… down on my luck a little. But I think things are better now. For one, my tummy’s full,” Y/n smiled shyly. She hated that this successful man was privy to her misfortune, but he felt trustworthy.
Harry shook his head, “Not a mess. Just a victim of circumstance. Are you sleeping in your car tonight?” He raised his brows in question.
Y/n looked to the corner of the room and breathed out a huff of breath and pursed her lips as she nodded before looking back at Harry with a shrug, “Have nowhere else to go.”
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aerodaltonimperial · 7 months
katy's community poll-fic 2k24
part 1 | part 2
(The people have spoken. 24 hours. Not positive weekend updates will roll out, but we shall see, haha. They tend to be dodgy for me.)
Jack loses sight of Hook when the other rounds a corner and hops into a stairwell, moving with speed Jack generally only sees in the ring. Whatever. Bowens offered up an additional option that Jack hadn’t thought of: the Undisputed Kingdom. They are pretty much the biggest assholes on the roster right now, so maybe the best idea is to interrogate them first and then start working down the rest of the list. Either Hook is heading elsewhere, or he didn’t make note of where the locker rooms are; Jack starts down the opposite hall. He remembers where the paper was taped. Mostly, he remembers because staff always has to put them near one of the wheelchair ramps now, and those end up on the main floor. In fact, the door is positioned right at the top of one leading down to a set of double doors leading outside.
He pauses outside the door, UNDISPUTED KINGDOM stuck up against the polish, hand halfway into a knock. Is this a bad idea? These dicks literally shoved Hanger against a windshield just because his name came up as a possibility. Jack’s not really sure he wants to be the next target, especially not just for Max Caster and his terrible theatrical wails.
Well. He’s come too far now—might as well see this through. Jack knocks on the door, which is opened after a few minutes, and Matt Taven stares at him, eyes narrowed.
“We didn’t place any orders for douchebag twinks,” he says.
“Bummer, I come highly recommended,” Jack replies. “In the absence of that, you got any trios title belts hidden away in there with you?”
“Any what?” Taven parrots. But he does open the door a little wider, so Jack can see the rest of them milling inside. Roddy is on the couch, and Mike is on one of the metal chairs. Adam, of course, is in his wheelchair, with his little black boot held aloft on the kickstand.
Jack can’t immediately see Max’s belt anywhere on the floor, but that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t here.
“The fuck is this guy doing here?” Mike asks, seemingly to the rest of the room instead of Jack, even though he’s looking right at Jack, like a tool.
“Something about a trios belt,” Taven says.
Jack sighs. “Yeah, do you have it?”
Adam sits back, tenting his fingers in front of him. He looks like he’s trying to channel an evil villain of some kind, but really, the image is ruined by the whole bootie thing. “Are you saying that there’s a title belt missing? And you came here to ask us because…?”
“This seems to be one of the places that wayward items make their way to,” Jack says.
Adam’s eyebrows arch. “Is it?”
“Cut the shit,” Jack says. “Did you take it or not?”
“Why would we want some chump’s title belt?” Mike asks.
“You literally took the ROH tag belts back while wearing ski masks,” Jack points out. “You are a little obsessed with obtaining championships at present.” Then he pauses. “Also, where’s the giraffe?”
Roddy stares at him. The caterpillar above his lip trembles a little bit with the force of his frown. “What?”
“Y’know, the giraffe,” Jack repeats. “Did you keep it? Toss it? Ritually dismember it when you didn’t need it anymore? Also, why did you choose a giraffe?”
“Are you shitting me right now?” Taven asks.
“Did you choose a giraffe because you thought it made you seem non-threatening?” Jack continues. “Like, this whole herbivore thing?”
Roddy groans. “Can someone make him stop talking and go away?”
“Answer the question, and I’ll get out of your 80s bad cop facial hair,” Jack tells him.
“We don’t have a trios belt,” Taven says, with a smile that definitely does not meet his eyes. “Now scram, and let the adults get back to winning.”
“Fine,” Jack says, grumbling. He won’t get anything more out of these fucks when they’ve decided to be the biggest douchebags possible. He turns and starts back towards the hall, pausing only when he hears a “Hey!” called out from behind him.
He pauses. Twists on one heel to watch Adam wheel himself out into the hallway, injured foot bumping in time with squeezing through the doorway. Clearly, this establishment is only barely ADA-compliant, but whatever.
Adam sits back in the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest a few times. Jack finally spots the poor giraffe taped to the underside of the seat like some sort of sacrifice. Adam gives Jack a once-over, and then says, “You have no finesse and lack all sense of dramatic tension, but you’re a lot more like me than I would have thought a year ago.”
“Excuse me?” Jack asks.
“I have a proposition for you,” Adam says.
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storagecolumbiamo · 1 month
Storage Solutions in Columbia, MO: Finding Your Perfect Fit
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Why Storage Matters in Columbia, MO
Columbia, Missouri, is a city full of life—home to the University of Missouri, vibrant communities, and a growing population. With all the hustle and bustle, space can quickly become a premium. Whether you're a student, a homeowner, or a business owner, finding the right storage solution can make all the difference in managing your belongings efficiently. But how do you choose the best Storage Columbia MO. Let’s dive into the details!
Types of Storage Options
1. Self-Storage Units
Self-storage units are perhaps the most versatile storage option available in Columbia. You can find units in various sizes, from small lockers to large rooms that can fit the contents of an entire home.
Ideal for: Seasonal items, furniture, and boxes you don’t need daily.
Sizes: Range from 5x5 to 10x30 feet.
Access: Most facilities offer 24/7 access, making it convenient for all schedules.
2. Climate-Controlled Storage
Missouri’s weather can be unpredictable, with hot summers and chilly winters. If you have items sensitive to temperature or humidity, like electronics, artwork, or important documents, climate-controlled storage is your best bet.
Ideal for: Electronics, antiques, musical instruments.
Protection: Maintains a consistent temperature and humidity level year-round.
Cost: Slightly higher than standard units, but worth it for valuable items.
3. Vehicle Storage
Need a place to park your RV, boat, or extra car? Columbia offers various vehicle storage options, from outdoor parking spaces to indoor, climate-controlled units.
Types: Covered, uncovered, and indoor vehicle storage.
Security: Most facilities offer gated access, surveillance cameras, and even on-site staff.
Seasonal Use: Perfect for those who only use their vehicles during certain times of the year.
How to Choose the Right Storage Facility
With so many options, picking the right storage facility in Columbia, MO, can be overwhelming. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered with some essential tips to guide your decision.
1. Consider the Location
Location is crucial. Do you need something close to home, or would a facility near your workplace be more convenient? Columbia has storage units scattered throughout the city, so you’re likely to find something nearby.
Proximity: Choose a location that fits your daily routine.
Safety: Opt for well-lit areas with a good reputation.
2. Assess Security Features
You wouldn’t just leave your front door unlocked, so why settle for less with your storage unit? Security should be a top priority when selecting a facility.
Access Control: Look for facilities with keypad entry or key card access.
Surveillance: 24/7 video monitoring is a must.
On-Site Management: Some facilities have staff on-site during business hours for added security.
3. Evaluate the Cost
While we all want to save a few bucks, going for the cheapest option isn’t always the best move. Remember, you get what you pay for.
Monthly Rates: Prices vary based on unit size, location, and additional features like climate control.
Special Offers: Some facilities offer the first month free or discounts for long-term rentals.
Hidden Fees: Be sure to ask about additional costs, like administrative fees or insurance.
4. Read Reviews
Want the real scoop? Check out online reviews from current and past customers. This can give you insight into the facility’s cleanliness, customer service, and any potential red flags.
Google Reviews: A great starting point.
Social Media: Some facilities are active on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where you can see updates and customer interactions.
Word of Mouth: Don’t underestimate the power of a friend’s recommendation.
Benefits of Renting Storage in Columbia, MO
Now that you know how to choose the right storage, let’s talk about the benefits. Why should you consider renting a storage unit in Columbia?
1. Declutter Your Space
Whether you’re moving, renovating, or just tired of the clutter, a storage unit can help free up valuable space in your home or office.
Seasonal Storage: Store items like holiday decorations, winter coats, or gardening tools.
Business Inventory: Perfect for small business owners who need extra space for stock.
Student Storage: Mizzou students can store their belongings during summer break instead of hauling everything home.
2. Flexibility and Convenience
Life can be unpredictable, but your storage needs don’t have to be. Most storage facilities offer flexible lease terms, so you can rent a unit for as long—or as short—as you need.
Short-Term: Ideal for temporary needs like moving or remodeling.
Long-Term: Great for storing items you don’t use often but can’t part with.
24/7 Access: Some facilities let you access your belongings anytime, making it easy to grab what you need when you need it.
3. Peace of Mind
Knowing your belongings are safe and secure can provide peace of mind, especially during stressful times like moving or downsizing.
Insurance: Many facilities offer insurance options to cover your items in case of damage or theft.
Safe Environment: Clean, well-maintained facilities protect your belongings from pests and the elements.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right storage in Columbia, MO, doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By considering factors like location, security, and cost, you can find the perfect solution to fit your needs. Whether you’re a student, a homeowner, or a business owner, the right storage unit can make all the difference in managing your space efficiently. So why wait? Start exploring your options today and take the first step toward a clutter-free life!
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lifeafterthelayoff · 7 months
Part II, Day 27
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A list of all 23 jobs I’ve held so far:
1. Mowing grass for the farmer John Wolters, who often paid me in 1930s-era silver certificates.
2. Detasseling and de-roguing corn for Oetting's Detasseling. Rural kid summer job, hot and tiresome.
3. Clean-up guy at Orly's Meat Market, Locker, and Deli. I cleaned the whole bloody place.
4. Sales representative at Dumont Telemarketing. Yes, I was a telemarketer, and I’m sorry.
5. Hired hand at Schmadeke's Feed Mill, one of the grain elevators in my rural Iowa hometown. So much dust.
6. Soldier in the Iowa National Guard, where I had the opportunity to work security for the circus and qualify as an expert on the grenade launcher. (Not at the same time, though.)
7. Pizza technician at Pizza Hut, where I made pizzas. Curious to know how much free root beer I drank there.
8. Summer park technician at Butler County Conservation. For two summers I got to help keep the parks trimmed and tidy.
9. Trash man at Iowa State University. Picked up trash around my dorm, and it was trashy.
10. Food service dishwasher at the University of Northern Iowa. No. Just no.
11. Weekend on-air talent and assistant music director at KUNI-FM, a public radio station. Still one of my favorite jobs ever.
12. Retailer and vinyl record specialist at Co-Op Records. The discount was large and the subsequent paychecks were small.
13. Content manager at Stayhealthy dot com, where I participated in the Dotcom boom and garnered my first tech layoff.
14. Assistant manager at the Sam Goody music store in a mall, almost the exact opposite of the cool indie record store above.
15. Receptionist at Public Radio International. Get a foot in the door, they say. I did, and it really kicked things off.
16. Client Relations Manager at Public Radio International. I sold programs and an early SaaS CMS to stations. 
17. Senior Manager, Interactive Content and Marketing. Got to work with Ira Glass, Bob Edwards, and the BBC. Met Slash in an elevator.
18. Content Strategist at Brain Traffic. Got to work with THE Kristina Halvorson, which was fantastic.
19. Sr. Manager, Digital Content Strategy at Ameriprise Financial. The on-page disclosures were really something: 4,000+ words on one!
20. Vice President of Web Content Strategy at Weber Shandwick. Agency life, all of the clients, and amazing bosses.
21. Sr. Content Designer at Shopify. Content design, commerce, and cool co-workers.
22. Staff Content Designer at Shopify. A promotion to be proud of! Such a well-oiled content team there. (Miss y’all, still!)
23. Content Designer at Cash App. Easily the hippest colleagues ever.
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depotstorageboatrv · 1 year
Secure and Convenient Lake Havasu Storage Solutions with Depot Storage
When storing your valuable belongings, finding a suitable storage facility is crucial. Whether you're downsizing, relocating, or need extra space, Depot Storage in Lake Havasu City is your trusted partner for secure and convenient storage solutions. We understand the importance of protecting your assets, and our state-of-the-art facility offers a wide range of storage options to meet your needs. If you're looking for Lake Havasu storage, look at Depot Storage.
Why Choose Depot Storage?
Prime Location Located in the heart of Lake Havasu City, Depot Storage offers unparalleled convenience. Whether you're a resident, business owner, or a visitor needing extra space, our central location ensures easy access from all parts of the city. You won't have to travel far to access your stored items.
Secure and Clean Facility Security is our top priority at Depot Storage. We've invested in advanced security measures to provide peace of mind. Our facility has 24/7 video surveillance, gated access, and individualized access codes. Our well-lit premises and regular security patrols also create a safe environment for your belongings.
Maintaining a clean and well-maintained facility is also essential to us. Our climate-controlled units prevent damage from extreme temperatures, ensuring your items remain in excellent condition.
Various Storage Options At Depot Storage, we understand that everyone's storage needs are unique. That's why we offer a variety of storage unit sizes to accommodate your belongings, from small lockers to large units capable of storing household furniture or commercial inventory. Our units are designed to be easily accessible, with wide aisles and roll-up doors for convenient loading and unloading. We also provide drive-up access units for added convenience.
Flexible Leasing Options We believe in flexibility. Whether you need short-term storage for a few weeks or long-term storage for years, Depot Storage has flexible leasing options to suit your requirements. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to assist you in finding the proper storage solution for your needs.
Vehicle and Boat Storage Lake Havasu City is known for its beautiful waterways and recreational activities. We offer spacious outdoor parking spaces if you're a boat owner or need to store an RV or other vehicles. Our secure outdoor storage areas are ideal for keeping your vehicles safe during the off-season.
Competitive Pricing At Depot Storage, quality storage shouldn't break the bank. We offer competitive pricing to ensure you get the best value for your money. Check out our promotions and discounts to save even more on your storage needs.
Conclusion Regarding Lake Havasu storage, Depot Storage is the premier choice for secure, convenient, and flexible storage solutions. Our prime location, state-of-the-art security measures, and a wide range of storage options make us the go-to option for residents and businesses.
With our commitment to providing a clean and secure environment for your belongings, you can trust Depot Storage to safeguard your valuables. Whether you're decluttering your home, storing business inventory, or protecting your recreational vehicles, we have the perfect storage solution.
Don't wait any longer. Contact Depot Storage today to discuss your storage needs and secure the required space. Experience the peace of mind of storing your belongings at Depot Storage in beautiful Lake Havasu City. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're here to make your storage experience a breeze.
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ankenyministorage · 1 year
Create more space at your home with the help of storage units.
Renting a storage unit is an easy solution for putting unwanted goods out of sight. Store your things at a facility that follows all fire and safety requirements. The units have been meticulously cleaned and are ready for immediate occupancy. Monthly pest control treatments are performed at the storage facilities to protect the clients' belongings. A customer can buy a storage unit for the same price as their monthly rent. There is no minimum rental period and you may stay as long as you desire.
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For What Reasons Should You Use Self-Storage?
Storage facilities include cutting-edge amenities including climate-controlled storage, drive-up access, and handicapped accessible. Goods may be quickly loaded and unloaded from rented vehicles because to the driveway's spacious lanes. For unusually broad vehicles and boats, there are garage doors available. The apartment may be quickly entered and exited using the above garage doors. Storage Ankeny is actually very good.
Boat and Car Garages
The ability to park automobiles and RVs is an additional perk of these Ankeny storage units. Customers with either short-term or long-term storage requirements can find a suitable service. These facilities are great for storing cars when a garage isn't enough space and direct, drive-up access is required. Vehicles are shielded from the weather, and there are many layers of protection, including video surveillance and keyless entry. RVs are safe in the well-angled parking spots, under constant surveillance from security guards and a helpful staff. Only on weekends and vacations do people use their recreational vehicles. Rather of leaving them lying around the house, unneeded items can be safely kept in storage units Ankeny.
You may keep your boat in one of the many large, indoor or outdoor covered storage places. The dry stacks are ready for use by boats. Boats are protected from the elements atop cradles that resemble trailers. If you're looking to cut down on the size of your shipments, renting a storage unit Ankeny is a good option. If you are renting out your home or relocating temporarily, you may store your furniture in a warehouse until you are ready to bring it with you. The warehouses are protected from dust and rodents.
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Customers may go to their belongings at any time, even when business representatives aren't there, and the rent is affordable. Storage units in Ankeny are preferred by a lot of people. The centers are available around-the-clock, including on weekends and holidays. Customers have complete access to their storage units at all times and may remove or add items as needed.
The client has permanent, 24-hour access to the unit with his own personal key. Including new things does not incur any further fees. No one but the client is privy to the contents of the customer's locker. Storage units Ankeny iowa have been fantastic. However, these facilities cannot house items that degrade quickly, like food, weapons, animals, volatile liquids, and plants. Why not rent a storage unit and free up some space in your home?
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nosetrimmerreview · 2 years
The Hill At One North: A Look At The New Student Union
The Hill at One North is a brand new student union that’s set to open its doors this Fall. When it does, it will be home to everything from a supermarket to a coffee shop to a fitness centre. But what exactly does The Hill at One North have in store for students? In this blog post, we take a look and explore all the goodies that are sure to make your life as a student easier. From free parking to event listings, don’t miss out on all the exciting details of The Hill at One North! What is the Hill at One North? The Hill at One North is a new student union that opened in the fall of 2015. The union was built over the course of four years and cost $22 million. The building has a lot of features that make it unique, such as an underground parking garage and an outdoor amphitheater. One of the most popular features of the union is its rooftop garden. The garden has a lot of different plants and trees, as well as a pond and waterfall. The garden is open to students, faculty, and staff members, and it's a great place to relax after classes or work. The Hill at One North Condo The Hill at One North also has a lot of other features that make it useful for students. It has a library, a cafe, study spaces, and locker rooms. All of these facilities are available to students 24/7/365, which makes them really convenient. What are the different areas of the Hill at One North? The Hill at One North is a new student union that opened in the fall of 2017. It features a food court, coffee shop, study spaces, and an event space. The goal of the union is to provide a central location for students to socialize and connect with one another. The Hill at One North Showflat The food court features several options for students to eat, including pizza, sandwich, and pasta dishes. There are also several hot foods available, such as burrito bowls and macaroni and cheese. The coffee shop offers cold drinks, snacks, and pastries. The study spaces include group study rooms, individual desks with chairs/coshes, and a computer lab. The event space can be used for events such as concerts or movie nights. One of the main attractions of the Hill at One North is its large courtyard. The courtyard hasSeveral different seating areas including hammocks and benches that overlook the riverwalk. This area is perfect for studying or relaxing after classes. What are the services and amenities that are available to students? One North, the newest student union on The Hill at Penn State, is a hub for students to connect with one another and access campus resources. The building features a Starbucks, an arcade, a movie theater, a RIT-branded restaurant and bar, a bank and study rooms. The Union also offers a variety of services including: - A 24/7 Student Lounge that provides food and drink options as well as Wi-Fi and charging stations - A computer lab with 20 computers and printer for use by students - A game room with pool tables, foosball tables and Xboxes - An indoor climbing wall that can accommodate up to six climbers at any given time - A student art gallery with exhibits from local artists every semester - A hair salon run by experienced stylists - A beauty salon managed by licensed professionals How much does it cost to attend The Hill at One North? The Hill at One North is a new student union that opened in the fall of 2016. It has a variety of services and amenities to offer students, including a bookstore, computer lab, bank, food court, and more. The cost of attendance for the 2016-2017 school year was $6,819 per semester. What are the benefits of being a student at The Hill at One North? The Hill at One North is a brand new student union that opened its doors in September 2017. The Hill at One North offers a wide range of benefits for students, such as: -A 24/7 coffee shop -An on-site food court -Free Wi-Fi -A fitness center -An indoor playground -And so much more!
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flashyfucker · 2 years
idk how i’m supposed to function today bc i had a dream where i was friends with anders lee and was always around the team and went to little team hangouts and bbqs and big events and whatever. and since everyone knew that anders and i were friends, they constantly teased mat bc he had a huge crush on lil ol’ innocent me. and marty would tease him endlessly esp when mat would try to keep me company when i was waiting for anders who was the last to leave after a game. but that was bc marty knew that i was also secretly anders’ lil play thing and was a total slut for him and marty knew this bc one time he forgot something and went back to the locker room and found me on my knees, tears streaming down my face, choking on anders’ cock
and i’m just supposed to go about my monday??? like a normal person?
hi anon thank ur subconscious for me cause all ive been thinking abt for 24 hours is being not like .. fwb with anders as such, but being like super close best friends who also look after one another sexually which is different than like fwb/booty call situations to me for some reason (the reason is low key mutual pining disguised as platonic love, actually)
there is SO so so so much i could talk abt w this dynamic but riffing on ur dream (thank you again @ anon's subconscious xxx ily) he's called you down to the locker room when you're meant to be picking him up after optional skate, cause the boys are clearing out but he got off the ice late and doesn't wanna keep you waiting. and he's fresh out of the shower and the room's empty and there're no staff left around, so you find yourself sinking to your knees before where he's lax and half-dressed in his stall.
(all because you'd mentioned lunch, and he'd asked "you hungry?" with this inflection he hadn't even intended, but then you're nodding, suddenly silent, and he's asking "do you need it?": this one little question the hinge of this entire thing you both do. you don't fuck unless it's necessary, whatever that means.)
it’s barely a minute of you messily mouthing at him before he’s hot and hard and leaking, straining not to buck his hips up towards your gentle mouth for a couple minutes before he’s bored of the niceties and gathering a fistful of your hair to fuck your face on his cock.
at marty’s entrance, his flustered exclamation of “holy shit,” from the doorway, you’re scrambling to pull off, hide your face in anders’ thigh while anders reaches for a towel to protect your modesty somehow, telling marty to fuck off, as though marty hadn’t seen it in screaming detail before either of you had noticed his presence. like marty hadn’t noted the pull of your swollen lips around anders’ thick cock, the spread of gloss: spit and tears and precum smeared over your cheeks, committed it all to memory in his stunned moments before his big mouth had interrupted you.
and marty laughs, equal parts shocked and embarrassed and a little turned on, maybe, but you’re frozen, burning all over and still on your knees for the two seconds it takes him to grab whatever he’d left behind, then bid you and anders “have fun,” before slamming the door after him. 
and anders tries to apologise, for some reason: the gentle, captainly kindness he carries always prevailing, even when your face is streaked with precum, but he’s still rock hard and you’re unwittingly turned on by being caught, so you’re back on him and he’s making a mess of you, now, running his mouth with questions of “you liked being caught acting like a slut, huh? caught getting all messy for me?” laced between truths like “marty thought you were so fucking good. really believed you were this innocent little thing. that whole team does. they have no clue.”
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(idea anon) AU where gregory's protectors are the staff bots, ALL of them to be exact. Needless to say, the band & vanny don't get very far when pitted against a hivemind of bots and are soon detained to their green rooms or lost & found, the princess quest games are soon found and gathered together (i imagine a couple of staff bots can easily lift an arcade cabinet) so freeing Vanessa becomes childplay, and they dissassemble Afton with little issue, all before 3 am rolls around
Lil baby ficlet, almost a not-fic, but inspiration struck, and I was helpless to resist.
A Little Bit of Kindness Goes a Long Way
Everyone knew you should be nice to service workers; it was practically a universal cheat code.  
Or, maybe not everyone. Lots of morons weren’t, after all. 
Look, all Gregory’s saying is that service workers who were paid minimum wage do more to help him out of sheer kindness than anyone else. They sneak him food, avert their eyes when he goes places he shouldn’t, “accidentally” leave doors propped open, and all with a sneaky smile and a quick “stick it to the man” thumbs-up.
He wasn’t quite sure if robots technically counted as minimum wagers, but he wasn’t dumb enough to treat them like trash. Getting in anyone’s good graces, mechanical or otherwise, was always a boon for a street rat. 
The pizzaplex had long been his home base of sorts. It was full of employees who liked nothing more than the chance to silently pull one over their corporate overlords by helping the less fortunate. Gregory wasn’t the only homeless person who was allowed to use the showers in the locker room or take plates of leftovers and Karen-rejected pizza.
However, Gregory was the only homeless person who stayed after closing. He didn’t know if any of the pizzaplex’s human employees would be okay with that; it tread just a little too close to trespassing for a lot of do-gooders, which he understood and didn’t blame them for, especially when the building was decked out in a state-of-the-art security system. A slice of pizza was one thing, giving a child free rein of an entire building was another. 
But he was granted permission not by the human workers, but the robot ones. The STAFF bots, who basically kept the pizzaplex functional 24/7, let him stay, and after hours, they were in charge. Sure, the characters might be bigger and fancier, and there was always a night guard or two wandering around, but the STAFF bots numbered in the hundreds and had no trouble messing with the security cameras and door locks to keep potential dissenters or tattletales away from Gregory. 
And all it took was a little kindness. Things like calling them by the silly names on their name tags, not shoving them around or ordering them to clean up after him, and just generally treating them with some well-deserved respect. He might not have had a real guest profile, but these were robots. They remembered. He hadn’t done it with ulterior motives, but when they offered to let him stay, he’d gladly taken them up on it. 
The STAFF bots kept him safe, too. They didn’t let the creepy endos in the basement anywhere near him, they shooed Moondrop away whenever he skulked a little too close, and even when the head night guard started getting weird and stabby, she didn’t stand a chance against Gregory’s army of mechanical protectors. And the other animatronics, aggressive and mean after hours, were easily overwhelmed by the STAFF bots, not unlike seagulls swarming a dropped french fry. 
Gregory might not have parents anymore, but he hasn’t been lonely in a long time. And who knows? Maybe someday, his family will grow even more, once a virus or two is taken care of. 
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
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Summary: As a junior CIA agent you are added to a mission to help with scientific analysis, but when half the team are hospitalised you have to suddenly become a hands on field agent, alongside August Walker and Will Shaw. When the final part of the mission at a tropical plant glass house has an unexpected side affect, you have to work as a team to survive the night.
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader x Will Shaw Fandoms: Mission Impossible: Fallout (Movie), The Cold Light of Day (Movie), Henry Cavill - Actor.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Sex Pollen, Threesome, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Blowjob, Cum Play, Double Penetration, Anal Sex.
A/N: This is my first time writing the Sex Pollen trope, so i hope you like it. Fic is unbeta’d; only the finest free range organic typos for me. I do not run a tag list, but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you will then get an alert when i post something new.
Back catalogue can be found on AO3 Link Here, or you can follow my facebook page HERE.
 If there had been someone narrating a movie of this mission, the first line would have been ‘it was a simple mission’. However, they would have been lying. The mission was far from simple, it was convoluted, complicated, and the team fucking hated each other.
 The team were scheduled to arrive via two flights, from opposite directions of the globe as not to arouse suspicions that a large team would do if anyone was picked up on facial recognition. You had been brought on board because of your scientific and tech background, and as the team were tasked with retrieving the formula for the most dangerous biological weapon in the world, you were the one that would check they had the right thumb drive before the mission was able to be called a success. There would be multiple extraction points, numerous undercover assignments that would all lead to the final extraction at the gala dinner.
 That was the plan. What actually happened was the half of the team coming in from Dallas ended up with severe food poisoning and were currently being hospitalised in a local treatment facility. That left just your half of the team, and the senior agent now in charge was none too happy about it;
 “I’ve got a fucking chemistry nerd and a number cruncher for a hands on mission that requires multiple scenes where infiltration and distraction are needed, and neither of you have any fucking field work!”
 August Walker hated everyone and made sure he did everything he could so that everyone hated him in return. The other member of the team quietly ground his teeth, Walker never once let him forget that he came into this agency completely by accident following a rogue faction and a situation that started with the death of his CIA Agent father, and resulted in smashing up half of Madrid’s traffic in a 24 hour long series of car chases;
 “I was a stockbroker, and i didn’t hear anyone complaining when i discovered the currency discrepancies that found us the targets insider trading”
 Will Shaw was so similar yet so different to Walker it was startling, you even thought they looked similar enough to be long lost brothers, but never dared to mention it.
 The hotel suite had all the facilities you needed to set up a small command post, with enough counter space to set up the laptops and work-stations, whilst not getting under each other's feet. However it was still small enough for the two men to continually bicker and make snide remarks at each other, and you had to push the earpiece of your surveillance equipment closer to your ear to hear, finally you heard what you needed to, holding your hand up and clicking your fingers at the two men who immediately silenced and crossed the room;
 “They’re going to be at the MMA Gym in thirty minutes”
 “Okay” Walker huffed; “We need to extract the codes from his device that will give us access for the holding location. You and Shaw take the gym and cause the distraction, i’ll get the codes”
 Will shook his head;
 “Not gonna work”
 “It's not?” you were surprised
 “The gym is men only, the only women are administration and janitorial”
 “That’s fucking antiquated” August spat out in disgust.
 You had to hide the smirk that tugged at the corner of your mouth, that August Walker of all people would be an advocate for equal rights, but nonetheless started to prepare for the first distraction.
 Walker and Shaw had entered the building separately but within 5 minutes of each other, signing in under false names and keeping it simple and silent as they started training on the weights and cardio machines in the gym. You had already entered through the basement deliveries door which you’d been able to pick the lock of, finding a staff uniform t-shirt in the storeroom and pulling it on over your top. You could hear both men through their hidden comms, and within a couple of minutes pretending to sort out a cleaning kart that you knew the morning crew had finished with, you heard the code word that the target had entered the weights room.
 Seconds later you were tentatively pushing the door to the locker room open, calling out;
 You had no idea if they called themselves housekeeping or janitorial staff or whatever, but when you didn’t get a reply you quickly entered the room and did what needed to be done. 
 Through your ear piece you could hear the first stage of the distraction starting, with your two fellow agents starting to challenge the other to out lift each other, and from the muffled background noise you could tell that they were drawing a crowd of onlookers.
 Tapping your comms you alerted Walker and Shaw that you’d been successful, and that it was time for them to leave. But as you got no response you quickly made your way out of the locker room through the other exit, only to find yourself in a glass walled corridor, the gym on the other side of the glass. What surprised you however was that there was now a huge crowd of spectators as they watched your two agents try to pull out more reps on the bicep curl machine. Scowling you grabbed a cloth and bottle of spray cleaner and squirted the glass, glaring at the two of them before they finally saw you;
 “Its time to go, dumbasses. Finish the contest. I’ll be in the car in the street behind the building”
 Pushing through the door of the hotel suite you scrunched your nose as Will pushed past you, August not far behind;
 “You two need a shower… did you really need to get that sweaty?”
 “Well… you wanted the distraction to look convincing, didn’t you?” Will shot back, stripping his t-shirt off, already halfway to the bathroom.
 A quiet cough behind you drew your attention away from Will’s sculpted back muscles;
 “When you’re done staring at Shaw…”
 “I...I wasn’t stare…”
 “Whatever sweetheart, either way; you two need to change”
 Looking down at your outfit you pulled at the gym t-shirt;
 “Yeah, i can just find a utility shirt or something…”
 “No, you’re front of house with me. Will’s taking the extraction of the thumb drive”
 “But...I didn’t bring an outfit…”
 August nodded to a pile of bags in the corner of the room from the agents that hadn’t made it to the mission but their luggage had;
 “So check Marianne’s, she is about the same size as you. Either way its you and me sweetheart, now get dolled up, you can’t go to a gala looking like that”
 Twenty minutes later you took a deep breath; you’d found Marianne’s bag and had found that although she was a similar size to you, it was one size smaller. She also had a completely different taste and style to makeup and you were now way out of your comfort zone. The red lipstick however seemed to work, a touch of gold bronzing powder across your shoulders and chest made the red silk dress really work for you. Adjusting the straps so they sat over the top of your bra, the pretty floral pattern hopefully not too noticeably jarring against the sultry silk. Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the small dressing room and came face to face with Will;
 “Oh hey” he looked you up and down before clearing his throat; “Looks good”
 “Yeah?” you smoothed the dress down over your stomach
 “I mean… the bra kinda takes away from the look… but yeah, it looks really good”
 “I...I didn’t have anything suitable for a gala, this is Marianne’s… from her bag…”
 Will stood in front of you, reaching his hand around your back and with a quick snap of his fingers he’d unfastened your bra;
 “It really will look better without the bra… trust me…”
 Without another word he turned and crossed the room, pulling his tie from his bag, fastening it as August emerged from the other room;
 “Agent. Bra off, now”
 Shimmying the offending garment down your arms you pulled it out of your dress as he crossed the room;
 “I don’t see why…”
 “Because the people at this gala have got so much money they flaunt what they’ve got. You’ve got to fit in” He held his finger out and you hooked it over the protruding digit.
 “We’d better get going… the gala is about to start”
 With a nod August grabbed the keys to the BMW you’d been assigned and tossed them to Will; he was taking on the role of Driver and Bodyguard to your’s and August’s ‘couple’, the three of you filed out of the room and into the elevator.
 The ride down the highrise hotel was slow, and you could feel both men’s eyes on you as they stood behind you, before the doors finally opened to the basement parking. You struggled to keep up with them as they strode out with their long legs, the heels of your stiletto sandals clicking on the cement. Finally as you reached the car you were surprised as August opened the door for you, not uttering a word as he watched you climb in before he rounded the car and slid into the back seat beside you.
 You’d barely had time to fasten your seatbelt before Will was peeling out of the hotel parking with a squeal of tyres and you were heading to your destination.
 “Panties, off” August’s words surprised you
 “Panties. Take them off”
 “Agent Walker…”
 “They dig into the meat of your hips and take the attention away from the sexiness of the dress. You need to fit in tonight”
 “B-b-but…” you attempted to stall, but without another word August pulled your knees towards him and slid his hands beneath your dress. He grasped the thin elastic straps that ran over your hips and pulled hard, snapping the fragile pieces of fabric and pulling the now ruined undergarments. Glancing at Will he had a brief smirk on his face but quickly looked away, concentrating on the road ahead. 
 The gala was amazing, and it was hard not to get absorbed into the evening as if you were a real guest. You could hear everything through the hidden comms units in your ears, and apart from the occasional grunt as Will silently passed the guards as he made his way further into the underground chambers that ran below the massive glasshouse the gala was in, it seemed to all be going exactly to plan. The host had announced for everyone to celebrate, and you had found yourselves being swept onto the dancefloor, and suddenly you were in August’s arms as he held you close, the music thankfully loud enough to drown out your conversation from the ears of others;
 “Do you think he’s getting on ok?”
 “He’d say if he wasn’t” August assured you as he moved in time to the music, his hand on your lower back pulling you closer to his body. At that very moment you both heard a guttural cry through the comms, your eyes wide in panic as he grabbed your hand and you quickly made your way through the crowd;
 “Shaw, come in… are you ok?”
 You heard gurgling on the comms and watched as August pulled out his phone and activated the trackers that you all wore, the two of you coming up together on screen, but the third - Will’s - showing as on the level below and not moving.
 The stairs had been hell in your heels, eventually you’d kicked them off and had run barefoot behind August, chasing him around corners and along corridors, before he’d finally come to a halt in front of a sealed door, his phone showing that Will was in the room behind it.
 “Stand back”
 You took a couple of steps back and watched as August kicked the door, the deafening bang as it broke from its hinges and splintered in was immediately forgotten as a sudden rush of air came out of the room, covering him in a dusting of strange grey-pinkish powder. He fell to the floor coughing and you rushed to his side;
 “Check on Shaw! I’m fine!”
 Quickly entering the room you looked around, finally seeing Will laying on the floor, he too was covered in the powder. Kneeling at his side you checked his pulse, relieved to find one as he opened his eyes and groaned.
 “What happened? Are you ok?”
 “Stop fussing, i’m fine… we gotta get out of here. Security will be on their way…”
 At that moment August appeared at your side;
 “Did you get it?”
 “Yeah, i got it”
 Will held out the thumb drive and pushed it into your hand as August pulled him to his feet, and they attempted to dust themselves off as the three of you staggered down the hallway and out of the fire exit.
 Pushing into the hotel room, both Will and August had already shed the majority of their clothing, now dressed in just their smart dress pants and under shirts, still coughing from the dust cloud that lingered in their airways. You’d run the briefest of tests with the tiny blood monitor that you’d kept in the car to ensure it wasn’t a known nerve agent or poison before you’d even left the extraction point, thankfully the results being negative, but both men needed to wash off whatever it was as soon as possible. But first, you needed a proper sample;
 “Agent Shaw, i need to take some blood, hair and saliva, run it through the test software, to see if whatever it was has synthesised into your bloodstream” you nodded to the small scientific station you’d set up at the end of the table, the case having contained tiny gadgets that amounted to a microscope, a mass spectrometer, and other testing equipment… the whole point of why you in particular had been placed on this mission.
 A minute later you’d collected the samples, trying hard not to get flustered as Will had stood in front of you bare chested and in just his underwear, heat radiating from his body;
 “So what do you think it is?”
 “I have no idea”
 “Well i’m burning up, i need to take a shower”
 Quickly loading the samples into the rapid mass spectrometer you turned to Agent Walker to check his vitals and let out a tiny squeak of surprise when you saw him sitting on the edge of the bed in just his underwear. His chest was flushed and he had a sheen of sweat over his entire body;
 “I guess i’m next?”
 Pressing your hand to his forehead you could feel he was burning up;
 “I’m going to check your temperature first”
 Quickly using the thermal reader you could see that his core temp was heading towards fever;
 “I’m going to take the samples then as soon as Will is out of the shower you need to get in there”
 “Yes Ma’am” he chuckled, closing his eyes as you pushed your fingers through his hair to pluck a sample strand. The powder had caught in the strands and it was only as you combed your fingers through the dark locks did you realise he had soft curls. As you tried to separate them he let out a groan as you stroked his scalp. He swayed a little even though he was sitting down, and before you could do anything his hands were on your hips to steady himself, the heat almost searing through the silk of your dress. 
 Finally having got all the samples you needed you reluctantly pulled away, not saying a word as he simply flopped back onto the bed with a smirk on his face. You busied yourself preparing the test samples from Agent Walker, the machine finishing with Shaw’s. You were vaguely aware of the shower being turned off and the men moving around the room, before the shower was on again and you presumed it was August in there.
 Peering at the saliva samples through the microscope you frowned, the particles present completely organic and very familiar.
 “So what is the diagnosis Doc?”
 Will’s voice surprised you, and as you jumped and turned your eyes went wide when you saw he was in just a towel, tied low on his waist as he drank from a bottle of water.
 “Y-You don’t want to put some clothes on?”
 He looked down at himself, almost surprised to find he was only wearing a towel and shrugged;
 “No point, the way i’m burning up i’ll be naked soon” he nodded to the screen; “So?”
 Turning your attention back to the screen you swallowed hard, your throat suddenly dry;
 “Well… it seems organic, spores of some kind. Its hard to tell what they are from, but their chemical make-up is unique. The only time i’ve seen anything similar is in isolated microclimates that are cut off from the rest of nature… there was this one… in a volcano… a pollen from a plant that grew in tropical climates…” you trailed off as you sensed another presence now flanking your other side, glancing away from the microscope, taking in the sight of August in an identical outfit to Will, his broad expanse of chest at eye level as he bent down to look into the microscope.
 “Hmmn… so, how’s it gonna affect us? The gala was in a fucking giant greenhouse; you saw the plants they were growing there, some of them were 20ft tall and looked like they’d come from another planet. Do we need to pop an antihistamine or something, what’s it gonna do?”
 Standing you quickly slid out from between the two barely dressed men, checking the mass spectrometer and frowning;
 “It seems to be elevating your testosterone levels…” you peered at the saliva results; “...and pheromones… your bodies are heating up where your body is fighting against the pollen, its affecting all your hormones...”
 “Pheromones…” Will mused; “... that’s the sex hormones, right?”
 “Urrr…” you faltered, looking up at the two men who were now looking at you like hungry wolves.
 August stepped closer;
 “Sweetheart, i think you’d better get yourself tested too…” he paused, his finger hooking beneath the thin strap of your dress, making you acutely aware you were completely naked beneath it; “... cos’ i could smell you from across the room… and you smell so sweet right now…”
 You went to take a step back, only to bump into the hard expanse of Will’s naked chest, his hand curling around your arm;
 “C’mon, lets get you tested…”
 You were suddenly putty in their hands, your head swimming and it was only then that you realised you were burning up. It felt like you had a core of lava within you, and the only thing you could liken it to was a hot flash, your body flushed with heat. You recalled the time you’d overheard a much older agent talking to her friends, unaware you had been in the room and she’d spilled the beans on how she would recover from an episode and calm her hormones down... with the help of her husband.
 As your head had been swirling, Will had taken your blood sample and had loaded it into the mass spectrometer, having watched as you’d shown him before the mission. But you could barely concentrate;
 “I...I know how to counteract the affects of the pollen…” you panted out, unsteady on your feet as you swayed and August caught you in his arms
 “Oh yes?”
 “En… Endorphins… they counteract… they burn off the pheromones…”
 You felt hot breath on the back of your neck as Will pressed against you;
 “I’m not a scientist, but i know how to create endorphins…” 
 His lips made contact with your neck and you turned to jelly, your head resting against his shoulder and your eyelids drooping, barely open, yet you had enough of your senses to be aware of August in front of you, pulling the straps of your dress down your arms, you pliable in his hands as he stripped you of your only remaining garment, pressing his lips to your over heated skin as went as the silk pooled at your feet;
 “So beautiful…”
 “Absolutely” Will agreed from behind, his lips grazing over your jawline as his arms reached around you and cupped your tender breasts; “We need to work as a team to get through this… what are the hazards of hot flashes then Doc?”
 “Y-Y-You can over heat your brain… your heart could give out…”
 “Uh-huh… and endorphins will help stop this?” August enquired, his breath hot on your naked chest
 That was the last word spoken for a very long time. From that point on the only sounds in the room were hums of pleasure combined with the carnal soundtrack of three bodies moving towards the inevitable. By the time you got to the bed both men had lost their towels, hard naked bodies pressed against your soft curves, sculpted hard muscle available everywhere you touched, and oh did you touch… and caress and stroke, the second you’d reciprocated their affections they had softened to your touch, sighs of pleasure as your fingertips gave them just the slightest relief.
 You found yourself sandwiched between the two men on the soft covers of the king-size bed, each taking turns to capture your lips for searing kisses, each having their own unique talent and style with their tongues. When you were deep in August’s embrace you felt Will move down the bed, his hands pulling your legs apart before he pressed kisses up your inner thighs and his mouth made contact with your soaked folds. The cry of pleasure that erupted from your mouth broke the kiss, yet August didn’t seem to mind as your hand had found its way to being wrapped around his weeping shaft, tugging him sloppily as you struggled to concentrate;
 “That’s it Sweetheart, you don’t need to be gentle… i like it rough…”
 You tried to answer, but Will’s tongue had found your soaked entrance as his hand curled around your thigh and sought out your clit, the pleasure he was giving you was too intense to allow you to form coherent words. August claimed your lips again for another searing kiss, humming his appreciation as you worked your hand over his heated flesh.
 Before you knew it you were coming hard, your orgasm tearing through your body as you ground your core against Will’s face, his eyes sparkling from between your thighs, and as you were floating on the high of the afterglow you could feel the two men moving you, adjusting you to suit their needs.
 On all fours on the bed you were faced with August’s dick, opening your mouth instinctively to take him deep, the heavy weight on your tongue a welcome feeling. Saliva spilled from the corners of your mouth as you struggled to stretch around his girth. At the same time you felt Will’s powerful thighs pressing against the back of your own, the velvet touch of his bulbous crown pressing to your still trembling hole before with a grunt he thrust into your soft body.
 There were only grunts and gasps of pleasure, the two men rocking your body between them as they defiled you in the basest of ways, but that you were eager to participate in, the mixing of pheromones in the room removing your inhibitions, knowing that it was an act of survival. You could feel your body climbing again, your orgasm imminent. You felt the first salty tang of August’s seed on your tongue, the tensing of his muscles as his body prepared to release into the welcome warmth of your mouth. His massive hand cupped your chin and pulled your head up to look him in the eye as he finally reached his peak, grunting curses as he pumped thick ropes over your tongue, raining praise upon you as you swallowed everything he gave you. 
 August fell back onto the pillows, but before you could let gravity take hold of you too Will wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you upright until you were pressed against his chest, his hips thrusting as he filled you so deliciously from behind. Through lust soaked gaze you watched August watching the pair of you as you fucked in front of him, his eyes travelling down your heated body until he was watching where your bodies were joined, how Will’s thick cock stretched you out so well.
 “Get your finger on her clit Shaw, i wanna watch you make her come undone”
 Doing as the senior agent instructed, Will snaked a hand down your stomach, rubbing tight firm circles against your sensitive bud as he continued to fill you, until you were shaking, hanging onto the precipice of pleasure and that final flick of his finger was enough to set off another orgasm. 
 The vice-like grip of your velvet walls was the final trigger for Will, and with a sin filled groan he pushed in one last time and you could feel him spilling deep inside you.
 Finally he pulled out, carefully setting you down onto the soft bedcovers. Your eyelids felt heavy, but the burning deep in your body seemed to be sated. You felt the men moving around the bed, a large hand cupping the back of your neck before lifting you from the bed a little;
 Opening your eyes, you watched as August lifted a water bottle to your lips, making sure you gulped down the chilled water before pulling away;
 “How… how are you guys feeling?”
 He turned and sat on the bed beside you, his finger trailing down your neck and between your breasts, and only then could you see the sheen as his skin glistened with sweat, a droplet running down his abdomen to where his cock stood hard and proud from a thatch of dark curls;
 “Not… not quite done yet…”
 Gently pushing you back down onto the bed he tossed the empty bottle aside before crawling atop of you, capturing your mouth with his as you felt the nudge of his hardened dick breach your body, his wide expanse of chest pressing you to the bed. He didn’t start out gentle and it only got rougher, ploughing into your body as he sought to relieve the effects of the pollen coursing through his veins like fire, burning within him until all that was left was red hot embers of passion. Your body writhed beneath him, begging for more, eagerly taking whatever he could give.
 He hit spots you didn’t know existed, your back arching with pleasure as he filled you, your hardened nipples almost too sensitive from his chest hair roughly rubbing against them, the stimulation almost too much until the levy broke and you came hard, your fingers digging into his back to leave dark welts, the pain his trigger for the final thrust as he pumped you full of his seed. 
 Finally he rolled off you, laying at your side as your chests heaved, struggling to catch your breath when you felt another hand grasp at your wrist;
 “Babe… please… i need you…”
 Looking to Will you saw a pained look on his face as he sat partially propped up against the pillows, his chest soaked and his dick standing hard and proud;
 “Please…” he begged.
 Somehow you found the energy to move, your body still shaking but yet you straddled his lap, pushing his sweat soaked curls from his face;
 “It’s going to be ok Will, i’ll take care of you… its ok…”
 You sank down onto his waiting body, taking him where August had been only a minute before, the comingled seed lubricating you as this new angle found yet more pleasure points that had remained undiscovered until then. Wills hands moved to your hips, his grip tight as he gritted his teeth and moved you on his lap, rocking you to ride him like a rodeo stallion. Sweat dripped down your body, rivulets running between your breasts as you threw your head back and basked in the flood of pleasure chemicals soaking your brain. The haze of lust clouding time and space as you came to another orgasm, Will filling you with another load of his thick cum, your cries of pleasure finally ebbing away as you collapsed on his heaving chest, his hands stroking your back whilst your bodies stayed joined.
 A pair of strong arms lifted you off of Will and set you down on the mattress, August’s dark smile haunting over you as he parted your legs and kissed down your thigh, before with a smirk he bit the soft flesh. It wasn’t enough to break the skin but the pleasure pain receptors in your mind were immediately set off again, and you knew that even if you couldn’t see the mark you’d feel it for days to come. He lifted your legs and parted them, his face at your centre, yet where his tongue ended up you let out a squeak of surprise as he circled your back entrance. 
 “Oh, OH… August…”
 “Mmmnnfff” was all that could be heard as he pushed his tongue at your asshole, his thumb pressing against your clit as he worked you open, your body deceiving you as a fierce orgasm washed over you almost immediately. When he pulled away he had a smug look on his face;
 “Thought as much… hold tight…”
 He quickly disappeared to the bathroom, before returning with a small bottle in his hand. Pouring some of the liquid contained within on his fingers, he worked the oil over your skin before pushing his thick finger into your ass, eagerly praising you as he worked your body until you were ready.
 “Walker… hurry up and fuck her… i’m burning up here, i need another round…” Will gasped out as August moved you.
 “C’mere then Shaw, we’re never gonna get this out of our systems if we have to wait to take turns…”
 Even through the haze of the pollen Will immediately got what August was saying, the pair of them pulling you from the bed before Will took you into his arms;
 With a surprising amount of strength Will pulled you up, your legs hooked over his forearms as he angled his hips to push his dick back into your cum soaked cunt, letting gravity help as he sank deep. Just as you thought you were about to overbalance a hard chest pressed against your back, August stooping behind you as he took his iron hard dick in hand and sought out purchase on your ass;
 “Gonna take this as slow as i can Sweetheart…”
 Slow didn’t seem slow enough, and you cursed Newton and the laws of physics as the same forces that had pulled you down onto Will did the same with August, leaving you gasping for air as you were filled in both holes. The boys held you up, in place and still whilst they resisted ravaging your body, fighting against the pollen until they could no longer hold back and they unleashed their raw power upon your body. Fucking you in tandem with the thinnest of walls separating themselves inside you, they defiled your body as you begged for more; harder, deeper, faster. It was never enough.
 The night ebbed away into the mists of time, each sex act more depraved than the last, the three of you driving the deadly force of the pollen from your bodies in an endless battle of lust.
The last thing you recalled was the sun rising as the two men stood before your kneeling body, spraying your face and breasts with a final load before sleep finally claimed your sated body.
 Bright light streamed in the window and you winced as your head pounded. A deep voice could be heard but you weren’t listening. A warm body beside you shifted and a large warm hand pressed to your aching abdomen, soothing the overworked muscles. A soft pair of lips pressed a kiss to your shoulder, and the lack of moustache told you it was Will that was spooning you.
 “C’mon Agents, rise and shine” August barked from the bathroom doorway, packing his things; “Got a flight to catch in two hours, debriefing in twelve”
 Closing the file you nodded at your superiors, their approval of a good job done ringing praises in your ears as the debriefing ended, people pushing their chairs out and making small talk as they were dismissed for the weekend and a well deserved rest.
 Walking to the elevator you didn’t make eye contact, trying hard not to wince as your thighs rubbed together and you felt the bite that August had given you, wanting to avoid any probing questions. You’d skimmed over a lot in your report, mainly the sex-pollen induced orgy that had taken place, but as the thumb drive with the vital data on had been recovered no-one was concentrating on the part between the retrieval and the debriefing.
 The elevator dinged as the doors opened, and absentmindedly you stepped in, looking out of the glass windows as you were only partially aware of just a few other passengers. It was only when you realised you were flanked on both sides did you look up and see that August and Will were either side of you. 
 With a smirk August handed you a file;
 “This wasn’t needed for the debriefing”
 You flicked it open and saw that it was the mobile test data from the hotel room;
 “Yes, probably for the best” you agreed, your throat dry.
 As you held the pages Will pointed to a trio of lines towards the bottom. For a moment you stared at the numbers before you recognised what they meant;
 “That’s our results…”
 You felt August’s breath hot on your ear as he whispered;
 “Look at yours…”
 You saw the readings of Will and August’s blood count, of the pheromone saturation… then you saw yours;
 “But… but that can’t be right…”
 “You know that equipment better than anyone else… when has it ever been wrong?”
 The elevator reached the Lobby and everyone filed out, August and Will stopping and nodding to the bar across the street;
 “We’ll be catching a drink or two… you’re welcome to join us once you’ve taken in the test data…”
 You nodded, speechless, staring at the data in black and white. It couldn’t be wrong; it was never wrong. It was clear as day.
 You hadn’t been infected by the pollen.
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Get Some - Tierna Davidson x Reader
Prompt: So I’ve got an idea for Tierna x Reader where they’ve just started dating after quarantined together in Chicago but haven’t told the team yet because they don’t want to mess up the dynamics right before the Olympics. Nobody really suspects anything bc they are both pretty tame at camps, and bc reader has severe baby face the team is always teasing her about being an innocent little fetus forgetting she is actually like 24. So when R shows up to Orlando camp in a bulky hoodie they think nothing of it assuming it’s from Chicago weather until they notice she refuses to take it off and keeps adjusting the hood to keep part of her neck covered. They let her be thinking maybe she’s just cold until she shows up ready for practice with her winter mock neck on under her practice jersey the next day. After they force her to take it off bc it’s 80° out they discover the hickeys she was trying to hide, along with the scratches on her back and freak out bc someone is “defileing the fetus” and grill her trying to figure out who it is while Tierna is just smirking to herself by her locker.
TL/DR: Tierna x Reader trying and failing to hide r’s “love marks” featuring Proud!Tierna and BabyFace!Reader
Note - this awesome human, pretty much wrote this me. 
“Cold munchkin?” Alex teased the forward as she sat next to her in the team meeting. Her hood up, sweater strings tied.
“Not all of us live in constant heat and humidity Morgan. I bet you’re jealous of my lack of tan too,” Y/N winked back, tugging the sweater tighter around her neck.
Tierna grinned behind them, struggling to stifle her laughter.
“Of course she’s jealous! Who wouldn’t want to look like this?” Rose slid in on the other side of Y/N.
“Yea Alex, pale is the new tan,” Sonnett squeezed Alex’s traps from behind as she sat down next to Tierna.
Alex rolled her eyes at unexpected turn.
Vlatko called attention to the rest of the room, starting the meeting for the start of camp.
Tierna kicked the back of Y/N chair while she continued to try and hide her grin from everyone around her. Lindsey giving her a strange look.
At the end of the meeting, everyone made their way to the banquet room for supper, still all separated until everyone’s test results came in.  
“Hey kiddo, you need someone to cut up your food at supper?” Kelley teased, nudging the forward as she made her way to her own seat.
“Ha ha,” Y/N fake laughed, rolling her eyes, “because I’m not old enough to have my knife.”
“You got it,” Kelley winked, shooting her air guns across the table.
After that conversation flowed easily, the players all talking to each other from a distance, making the room busy and loud; everyone eager to catch up.
After supper, Y/N and Tierna attempted to stall, hoping to steal a brief moment together before they all had to spend the night alone in their rooms.
“We should just tell them we had been quarantined in Chicago together, then we could be together,” Tierna tugged on Y/N’s sleeve, swinging both their arms back and forth.
“You need T to walk you to your room, so you don’t get lost?” Ali teased as she walked by.
“Where the hell does everyone keep coming from,” Tierna grumbled quietly, while Y/N rolled her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that day.
“I’m not a child!” Y/N stomped her foot.
“Great argument kiddo,” Pinoe held a thumbs up as she walked past to the elevator.  
“I can find my own room!” Y/N called after her, starting to walk away, only to feel another firm pull on her sleeve. She glanced down to see Tierna still holding on, looking up to see the smirk on her girlfriends face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to tuck our kid into bed.” Tierna started to pull Y/N towards the stairs by her sleeve.
Once out of site of the rest of the team, Tierna pinned Y/N against the wall, untieing the strings to her hood. Nosing it out of her way, Tierna started kiss along her jaw line, placing a firm bite to her ear.
“I am addicted to you,” Tierna pulled the collar out of the way, moving her lips to Y/N’s collar bone, scrapping her teeth on it, then soothing it with a gentle kiss.
“Fuck T,” Y/N tilted her head back, giving Tierna more room to kiss. Her hand gripping the back of Tierna’s neck, other sliding under her shirt, scrapping her nails across her ribs.
Tierna sucked harshly Y/N throat, pulling back to see the result, a deep red mark already beginning to turn purple. “You’re going to need to ask the staff for a neck warmer tomorrow,” she whispered into Y/N’s throat, scrapping her teeth across the bruise.
Y/N pulled her hand out from Tierna’s shirt, placing her palms on her chest, debating if she should push her away. She loved what was happening, but knew they needed to stop before things got carried away, or Tierna left any more marks.
“Fuck T,” Y/N groaned out, beginning to push the defender away, “we aren’t in quarantine anymore, people can actually see us now, more importantly, our team can see now.”
“Hmm that would be unfortunate if someone saw these,” Tierna smirked as she leaned back in, attempting to place more kisses along Y/N’s neck. Only for Y/N to push more firmly against her chest.
“You’re killing me babe,” Y/N bit her lip, trying to hold back her smile. Tierna looking completely unashamed, bit the air in front of Y/N, beginning to slide her hands up the front of Y/N’s shirt, digging her thumbs into her hips. Y/N moaned at the pressure, hips pressing out for more contact.
With a brief kiss to Y/N’s lips, Tierna pulled away completely, taking three large steps back and holding her hand out.
“Come on, I promised to make sure you make it to bed safe,” she winked, wiggling her fingers to encourage Y/N to grab.
“I hate you,” Y/N said gruffly, stepping forward to take Tierna’s hand.
“No you don’t,” she sung back, swinging their arms back and forth as they began walking up the stairs.
“I do a little bit,” she mumbled, looking away from the brunette, knowing her faux seriousness would crack as soon as she saw the large smile her girlfriend had on.
“Nope!” Tierna accentuated the ‘p’ at the end, swinging their arms higher, finally earning a giggle from her girlfriend. Her ability to go from pinning Y/N to the wall and leaving hickeys across her neck to innocent and childlike was incredible.
Y/N finally gave in completely and burst out laughing as they climbed the stairs, pushing her shoulders into the taller soccer player. The two gently wrestling the rest of the way up the stairs, separating as they made it to their floor.
Tierna walked Y/N to her door, making a show of it, “I’m just down the hall if you have any bad dreams,” she ruffled her hair and began to walk away. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite!”
Several loud laughs could be heard from the doors that still remained open.
The next morning players prepared for practice on the side lines, tugging on cleats and debating on long sleeves or short sleeves, Y/N tugged her neck warmer on, tugging it all the way up to her ears.
“Yo, Chicago, shouldn’t you be used to the cold?” Kristie teased as they made their on the turf to warm up.
“Rude! I’m delicate!”
“Yea Kris be nice to the little kid,” Alex came from behind, rubbing her hands up and down Y/N’s biceps. “you cold? Do you need a sweater? Gloves?”
Y/N pulled out of Alex’s hands, rolling her eyes, “I’m fine, just a little chilly this morning.��
Everyone left it for the rest of the morning training.
Y/N was not as lucky that afternoon. Everyone offering warmer items of clothing when they saw her wearing the neck warmer again in the afternoon.
“Are you sick?” Christen reached up, attempting to feel Y/N’s forehead. Y/N was quick to duck out of the way, swatting Christens hand.
“Seriously guys, I’m fine, just not adjusting well to the climate change or something,” Y/N tried to avoid glaring at Tierna, knowing the defender would a smirk on her face throughout it all.
“Are you sure Y/N/N? Should we get the trainers?” know Tierna decided to join in the conversation. Y/N looked sharply at her girlfriend, clenching her jaw, she was the reason for the interrogation.
“I’m fine,” Y/N snarked to the group, “It’s a neck warmer, just drop it.”
“It is way to humid put here right now for you to be chilled,” Ali came over, rubbing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, sensing the forwards discomfort at being put on the spot. But also concerned for the younger woman, no one should be chilled in the mid-afternoon Florida heat.
The entire practice everyone kept an eye on the younger soccer player. As the intensity of the practice increased, Y/N continued to tug at the neck warmer she was wearing. The hair at the base of her skull soaked with sweat, the collar of shirt drenched the entire away around, face flushed as she heated up.
At the end of practice, Y/N attempted to pull her hoodie over head after she had pulled the neck warm off. Unfortunately, she was not quick enough her movements, the hem getting caught on her sweaty, tangled bun.
“What in the actual fuck happened to your neck?” Pinoe explained, stopping Y/N from pulling the sweater on, gaining the attention of the rest of the team.
Kelley quickly bounded over, pulling the collar of her practice shirt out of the way. The rest of the team now all looking on.
“What happened to your neck?” Alex came over as well, thumb and forefinger holding Y/N’s chin, moving her head around, inspecting the now very prominent hickeys spread across the neck, collar bone, and upper chest.
A loud cat call whistle was heard from behind and “Oh damn” thrown from someone else, follow up with “get some!”
“No! Don’t get anything!” Christen shot the group of young players a hard look, eyes sharp when she looked back to Y/N, “who did this to you?”
“What? This?” Y/N motioned to her neck, “I, uhh, got a tour of the aquarium. They let me hold one of the octopuses.” She finished with a firm nod, satisfied with her answer, smiling to herself.
Tierna remained on the bench a few feet away, coughing to cover her sudden laugh at the terrible story.
“Bullshit!” Alex challenged, still holding Y/N chin firmly. Y/N attempted to pull away, Alex adjusted her grip, palming her jaw.
“Who did this to you?” Christen asked again.
“You’re like 12! No one should be doing this to you!”
“I’m 24,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to pull away, only to be pulled back in.
“You are far too young to young to have hickeys!”
“I’ve had sex before.”
“No! you are not old enough to have sex!”
By now, Tierna was leaning back on the bench, watching as all the older players harassed her girlfriend, all unaware she was the cause of the marks on the young forward. She spread her arms on the back of the bench, leg casually crossed over the other, smug smile.
“Welp,” she popped the ‘p’, “I’ve kissed people, given hickeys, been hickied,” she motioned to her neck again, “and even had sex. Really good, mind blowing sex.” With a wink, Alex finally let her step out of her grip.
“Eww! No!”
“Y/N! Enough, tell us who did this to you? We obviously need to talk to them if they are doing things like this to you.”
“Guys, quit being so dramatic,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to take another step away from the over protective players.
“No no no, come back here,” Tobin stepped forward now. “That ones fresh!” she copied Alex’s motion earlier, gripping her jaw and tilting it up to the expose the fresh hickey on the side.
This caused them all to step closer and inspect the hickey for themselves. Tierna uncrossed her legs, sitting up a little straighter, smile slipping slightly.
“That means its someone at camp!” Kristie called from behind all the veterans.
Y/N eyes went wide, smile fully dropping from Tierna’s face. The overprotective players all looking around, scanning each player, trying to determine who it could be.
“Is it a player? Staff? Coach?” Alex looked firmly at the younger forward.
“Gonna go save your girl?” Alyssa slid onto the bench next to Tierna on the bench, smirking at her.
“What?” Tierna whispered, shocked, eyes darting quickly to the keeper.
“Well,” Alyssa started slowly, “most of those are old, so they happened in Chicago, and you, me, and Y/N/N were the only ones there together. And there’s a fresh one since we got here. And since I didn’t do it, that only leaves you.” She firmly poked Tierna in the chest.
Tierna opened and closed her mouth. “Umm, uhh, fuck.”
“I won’t tell, but you might want to go save her over there. You know none of them are going to drop it until they figure it out,” Alyssa shrugged, “besides it’s your fault really. You are the one that put those one there.”  
Tierna continued to open and close her mouth, then watched as the veterans continued to ask Y/N who It was and beginning to call out several of the younger players who were all enjoying the small interrogation.
“Fuck,” Tierna sighed out, she slapped her thighs and pushed herself to stand. “Kell, Stanford should take your degree away.”
Kelley whipped around to glare at Tierna as she walked toward the group, “what are you talking about?”
“You’re really not very observant,” Tierna smirked at her, “I’m going to let you guys think on this a little more, Y/N/N and I are going to head back to the hotel for supper.”
Y/N smirked and skipped toward the defender.
Everyone watched them walk away, mouth open, eyebrows creased.
“Wait,” Lindsey perked up, smile growing as she figured it out, “weren’t they both in Chicago together?”
That brought all eyes over to the midfielder.
“Yes!” Kelley pointed at her, “they did! Baby T defiled baby Y/N!”
“Shit, I thought we would get further away,” Tierna tugged Y/N’s hand encouraging them to run towards an available van.
“We aren’t done with this!” Alex yelled after them.
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jungw8ns · 3 years
kiss me with your eyes closed.
PAIRING: bsf!heeseung x gn!reader. WC: 662 words. GENRE: angst, unrequited love, one-sided love.   WARNINGS: profanity, very much not proofread im sorry :(
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heeseung was never one for cliché love stories however, when it came to y/n l/n oh his sweet y/n– your name which according to him sounded as sweet as glaze would gladly be the male lead if you wanted him to, he was down bad.
actually scratch that, he wasn't a big fan of heart wretching love stories. he thinks they're just so unfair and cruel to the unrequited, always being left in the dark and in pain. another reason why he hated sad genres was for, he himself knew he was the second lead to his based on true events novel.
you know, the one who gets rejected by the main character, yeah poor guy.
you see there was a tinie-tiny little flaw in his plot, you were his bestfriend's lover. he knew very well that it was wrong to develop heart-eye-syndrome for you but he couldn't help it.
you were his dream person.
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maybe it was because the weather was great that day or.. he had dreamt of you the night before, nonetheless, he was feeling a little courageous today and decided to play secret admirer, placing the bottle of banana milk on your locker with a little sticky note attached showing 'i wish you' d kiss me with your eyes closed'.
he looked around the empty hallway before scurrying towards his classroom, proud grin slowly turning into a frown upon seeing you and yeonjun act so grossly inlove. 'i wish that was me.'
every step feels heavier than the last as he tries to walk to his seat unnoticed to which obviously does not work as yeonjun calls his name with a smile on his face.
gosh why did he have to like them.
stupid feelings, stupid love, stupid heeseung.
he was so conflicted with everything and was so out of it but he had to get a grip otherwise yeonjun would ask about it then his secret wouldn't be a secret anymore, his bestfriend would find out, you would find out.
'wear your mask heeseung, just 'till class ends.'
he snaps out of it, placing his bag on the side of his desk before greeting yeonjun with a handshake.
he'll surivive today, right?
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lunch, finally.
he's the last one to stand up as he walks beside yeonjun trying his best to reply to everything he's saying, his mind drifting off to the drink he had put in your locker that morning.
"guys i heard from the lunchlady that today's meal had pizza, we should hurry over there if we want to get more than one" he said, trying to sound as convincing as possible, silently praising himself for that smooth save and for accidentally eavesdroping on the lunch staff's conversation when he was out buying the banana milk that was still inside your locker.
wow the universe must really love him.
as the three of them arrive they were lucky enough to fall in line early before chaos pressed play.
'ok?? what now heeseung? THINK'
"fuck, i'm really sorry guys but i think i left my phone back in the room, could you um get a tray for me please i'll try and get back before they serve, thanks!" and out the cafeteria doors he went, a relieved look on his face as he touched his chest feeling the outline of his mint colored phone inside the inner pocket of his blazer.
honestly, he could care less about the banana milk what he was worrying about was his note, that damn note.
why did he even write that, who possessed him to write that, gosh.
standing infront of your locker he wasted no time taking out what he had initially wanted you to recieve, crumpling the paper to toss in the garbage bin as he went back to where his friends were, scoffing upon remembering the content within the now crushed note.
hah really? kiss me with your eyes closed? you wish.
yeah.. he really did wish.
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NOTE: yayyay another update! a new record also, i finished this in less than 24 hours. hopefully i can keep this up so that i can post loads of stuff although this isn't proofread i hope you guys liked this <333 lastly, please include enha's fast recovery and safety in your prayers and keep sending them positive messages on weverse, they honestly deserve the world.
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mourningbirds1 · 4 years
Narcos fic: Don’t Look And It Won’t Hurt
A Javier Peña x waitress OFC story
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Fandom: Narcos
Summary: Javi is a regular at an all-night diner in Texas where he makes a connection with a lonely waitress.
Rating: Explicit for eventual smut
Relationship: Javier Peña x waitress OFC
Tags/warnings: Idiots To Lovers; Eventual smut; Soft Javi; Mutual Pining; Mild Angst with a happy ending; Touch Starved; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Intimacy; Panic Attack (just one instance).
Word count: 25.5 total so far (This Chapter is 5K)
Chapters: 4/?
Also posted on Ao3 (link in my Masterlist )
Read Chapter Two  |  Read Chapter Three  | Read Chapter Four
A/N: With love and thanks to @yespolkadotkitty​ for beta and cheerleading ❤
Read on Ao3, or here:
Don’t Look And It Won’t Hurt
Chapter One
There is a town some way outside Laredo whose main street has barely changed in twenty years. It has a faded pool hall and a one screen movie theatre. Next door to the movie theatre is a pawn broker that Buys Any Gold, Cashes Checks and places No Limit On Debit Cards. There’s a diner here too, Harper’s. It’s a dreary place but it’s open 24 hours and, being the only diner in town, does just enough business to stay afloat. On the corner is a laundromat with a little store attached. From sparsely furnished shelves it offers cigarettes, bait and other items deemed essential in a town like this. It’s early in the morning. Still so early and so quiet that you can hear the rough pads and unclipped claws of stray dogs as they strike the August-dry concrete. A woman turns the corner and walks into Harper’s. It’s her birthday today but she’s going to work anyway. 
“Morning Justine.”
“Hey Frances, happy birthday.”
“Thanks. Busy night?”
“Not really. You know.”
Frances walks through the empty restaurant and into the little locker room where Billy is sleeping, propped against the wall. He’s taking his usual nap in the no-man’s-land between feeding the night workers from the mill and the early risers who come in before the day cook arrives.
Her uniform is the kind of button-down dress that the retro places in the city have a team of marketers design for their staff in cheerful shades of turquoise or pink. Frances's is a hand-me-down in beige polyester, with countless pin-prick holes marking the fabric around the machine-embroidered Frances above her left breast, where other women have unravelled before her. She leans in close to the rust-dotted mirror and presses a concealer stick on the shadows beneath her eyes.
As Frances re-enters the restaurant a man she doesn’t recognise is settling on a stool at the counter. He seems out of place, as though he was looking for the nearest bar but gave up before he found it. He has dark hair that’s a little rumpled, but maybe that’s because of the early hour, or the late one. Though he is sitting she can tell he is tall. Long limbs, broad shoulders. His face is all hard angles, with cheek bones you could cut yourself on. But there’s a softness there, too. Something in the eyes. They’re dark brown and turn down at the edges. They give him a sad look. If he was a woman he’d probably get told to cheer up all the time.
He’s wearing jeans fitted close around his hips and thighs. And a black shirt with short sleeves that show a long lean strength in his arms. She wonders what he does for a living. He has the kind of body that’s been built by life rather than a gym. A feeling she can’t identify rises from her belly and sits in her throat and then she realises, oh yes. He’s the kind of man she’d have had a crush on, back when there was any point in having crushes. In the days before there were shadows to conceal and tables to wait on. 
Frances looks up at the man’s face to find that he is looking right back at her and she stiffens with embarrassment. 
She looks at the floor and concentrates on walking to the counter to relieve Justine.
“Haven’t seen you since Thursday,” says Justine to the man. “Last night’s girl wasn’t hungry?”
“Guess not.” He peers, sleepy eyed, into the mirror behind the counter, flattening down his mustache and rubbing his patchy stubble with one large hand. 
“Maybe you’ve been busy with work, huh?” 
“Yeah, summer’s a busy season for us taxidermists.”
Justine rolls her eyes. “Are you ever gonna tell me your real job?”
Frances has been hovering a few steps away, waiting for a break in their conversation.
“Alright, scat now Justine. I’m here,” she says.
“You shouldn’t be here on your birthday,” Justine tells her. “Why the hell ain’t you layin’ in bed while some pretty man brings you champagne and gives you a foot rub?” 
“There aren't any pretty men in this town.”
“Wait, you two don’t know each other,” says Justine. “Frances, meet Javier. He’s one of my new night time regulars. Often slinks in here about two in the mornin’ with some happy lookin’ girl or other. Most of ‘em ravenous for half the menu.” Then, louder, turning to him, “All seem to work up a fearsome appetite somehow, don't they, Javier?”
“Everybody needs to eat, Justine.”
He nods at Frances, rises from his seat and offers her his hand to shake. “Javi.” 
Mortified by the manner of this introduction, she can't meet his eyes. Just gives his hand a perfunctory shake and releases it quickly.
“Hey I been meanin’ to ask you, Javier,” says Justine as she unties her apron. “How come all your girlfriends’ hair’s always so messed up? It’s almost like they've been rollin’ around in a haystack half the night.”
“I don’t know, Justine, maybe that’s the fashion these days.”
“Mm, I expect that’s so.”
For the next hour, Frances looks after the handful of early regulars while Javi sits at the counter, smoking and nodding in thanks when she refills his cup. Sometimes she notices him looking at her. It's a distracted kind of gaze, not aggressive or suggestive of anything. But still, she wishes he couldn’t see her tired eyes and the way her uniform pulls too tight across her hips and stomach. She's got used to feeling invisible to men. Takes refuge in their disinterest in the same way she does the safety of her little apartment. The only mirror there is the compact she keeps in her makeup bag. It's cracked, but that hardly matters, really.
Finally it becomes too much and she rounds on him, glaring. “There something else I can get you?”
“I’m all set, thanks.” He waves his cigarette at the cup in front of him.
A few minutes later he stubs out his cigarette and drops a few bills on the counter.
“Happy birthday, Frances.”
She watches him leave, staring at the doorway after he’s gone, until the insistent sound of the pick-up bell brings her back to herself. 
“Hey, do the customers gotta come back here and pick up their own bacon now?”
“Alright Billy. I’m coming.”
Javi heads for home after leaving Harper’s. He's looking forward to a rare Saturday to himself after having worked through the night and intends to sleep until noon if he can manage it. Sleep doesn't always come easy to him. His body is often exhausted after working late, but his brain too wired to shut down. On those nights a trip to the diner gives him a much needed buffer between work and home. It doesn't always help. Sometimes there are memories that only a bottle of whiskey can chase away. This isn't one of those times though and he thinks he'll get a few hours.
Harper's has become a reassuring constant in his life. The menu never changes. The coffee is reliably inoffensive. The clientele and staff are predictable. Justine teases him about his sex life and he teases her back and it always goes the same way. She asks what he does for a living and he responds with increasingly ridiculous answers. Last week he told her he was an escort, and he wasn't surprised when she almost believed him. After all, she does see him with a lot of women, the diner being a convenient place to refuel after a late night encounter. 
When Javi gets home his blackout curtains are still closed from yesterday morning. He stares at the neglected pot plant on his kitchen counter. A gift from his mother. Its leaves are drooping pitifully. “You look how I feel, my friend.” He takes a shower and falls into bed, naked and still a bit damp. 
The following Friday, night Frances is in bed, reading, when she gets a panicked call from Billy. Justine is sick, he says. Can she come in and cover the night shift? Maria will work for her tomorrow.
By the time she gets there it’s just after one. Javi comes in a couple of hours later but this time he’s with a woman; a dark-haired, coltish beauty. Frances’s fingers worry at the hem of her apron as he pulls out a chair for her. Billy calls over, “Hey Javi! How’s it going? Justine’s sick! I’ve been waiting tables half the night but Frances is here now. Oh boy was I ever glad to see her.”
“Sight for sore eyes, huh Billy?” Javi replies, and he winks at Frances. He winks at her. She doesn’t know what to do with her face so she turns her back, picks up a cloth and dries some coffee cups that aren’t wet. Of course he would wink after saying something like that. Absurd that she would be a sight for anyone’s eyes, sore or otherwise.
When she can’t put it off any longer, she approaches their table. The woman is wearing a gold nameplate necklace, Marissa. Even her name is pretty. Frances feels like an old rag next to a silk scarf.
“What’ll it be?”
Marissa stretches happily, with the easy way of a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. “I’m starving!”
“Good. What can I get you?”
She studies the placemat menu. “Mm, I will have... pancakes. Tall stack with extra syrup. No, wait. The bacon biscuit breakfast. Can I get that with extra biscuits? And extra bacon?”
“Sure you can.”
“And pancakes.”
“That be a tall stack with extra syrup?”
“Yes, please. And orange juice.”
Frances turns to Javier. “And for you?”
He glances fondly at his companion. “I already ate.”
Jesus, this guy.
“Coffee then?”
Frances watches Marissa as she eats. She thinks about her first meeting with Javi and grows anxious at what he might have seen in her face when he caught her staring at him. 
Javi knowing that she’s attracted to him would be bad enough. But if he ever thought that she had hopes of pursuing him, or counted herself in the same league as Marissa, that would be too humiliating to live with. 
Business starts slowing down so she picks up her book. She’s still reading when Javi comes to the counter to pay his check.
“What are you reading?” He jerks his chin at her hands, rubs his lower lip with his thumb and smiles. He has a dimple in his right cheek.
She gives an irritated sigh and shows him the cover.
He reads the title. “The Last Picture Show. Any good?"
“Yeah, it’s pretty great actually.” 
“Maybe I should read it then.”
This is going to be harder than she thought, for Javi has unwittingly found her weak spot. Frances never gets to talk about books except with Mrs Jackson, the librarian, when she takes the bus an hour each way for her monthly library visit, and she’s too exhausted and far too starved of bookish conversation to resist now. But just as she takes a breath to speak she is bolstered by the sight of Marissa returning from the ladies’ room.
“Do what you like,” she says flatly. Then she deposits his money in the cash register without thanking him for the huge tip he left in the tip jar and turns her back. There, that should do it.
Justine is still sick some nights later. Billy and Frances visited her in hospital yesterday where she is waiting for surgery. She was in good spirits though, The doc said I got the worst fibroids he’s ever seen. He’s gonna put me in a text book.
Frances has agreed to cover Justine’s night shifts until she’s recovered. She was guilted into it on the basis that it’s easier to recruit a temp waitress for days than nights. But she’s come to enjoy the nights, with their long stretches of calm that provide her with precious opportunities to read and think. The only difficulty is navigating Javi’s visits.
“Billy, do me a favour would you? Could you take Javi’s order?”
“What the hell?”
“Just, just go over there and talk to him like you happened to be passing. Then say ‘hey buddy while I’m here, what can I get you?’ Or, no, this is better, recommend something.” 
“Lady, have you had a stroke? Are you tasting pennies right now? Why do I have to take his order?”
“Because I don’t want to. Would you quit wasting time and just do it?”
He shakes his head. “You gotta give me something more than that, Frances,” Billy counts off on his fingers, “He’s the only customer in here. This is not the kind of guy that women want to avoid. And I've seen you looking at him, no, don’t deny it, I've seen you.”
“He makes me nervous. Please, Billy.”
He sighs and snatches her notepad and pen.
“No, don’t take that.” She snatches it back. “Act casual. Like you were just passing.”
“Oh sure, that’ll fool him.”
Javi is cooking a pot of chilli. Barefoot and bare chested, with his jeans unfastened and a cold bottle of beer in hand, he is stirring the pot and trying not to think about work or other vexing things. But his thoughts keep returning to Frances.
She’s been rattling around in his head since the night he’d asked about her book. He was still thinking about her when he’d taken Marissa home. She could tell something was bothering him but he'd made a vague reference to work and distracted her with a kiss. Javi knows his talents and it’s not the first time he’s used that one to get himself out of trouble. 
He's not used to making women uncomfortable. He’d suspected for some time that he was having this effect on Frances, and hoped he was wrong. But when he’d seen her begging Billy to take his order it was impossible to avoid the truth any longer. 
When the chilli is done he takes a bowl to the sofa, switches on the TV and flicks through the channels, settling on a movie. Jessica Lange is telling Jack Nicholson that she’s tired of what’s right and wrong while he makes a half-hearted attempt to talk her down from murder, too cock-dumb to resist with any conviction.
It’s getting toward the end of Frances’s shift early on a Sunday. Javi turned up about an hour ago and  is sitting alone at a table, writing a letter. From time to time he sighs heavily, folds his arms across his body and stares out of the window. 
She’s noticed that he doesn’t look at her so much these days and he hasn’t tried to make conversation again. This gives Frances a complicated emotion that she can’t put a name to. She might be able to call it relief, were it not barbed with disappointment. But it has made things easier, bringing a ceasefire of sorts. 
They’re pleasant, these hours, being either too late or too early for most people. Billy has gone for his nap and Frances has just picked up her book, positioning herself so she can see Javi over the top of it. She likes his thoughtful eyes and the way his forearms look when he folds them.
The door swings open and an out of towner stumbles in and sits heavily on a stool at the counter. He’s young and clearly the worse for liquor and Frances spends the next few minutes trying to shut down his attempts to get her attention.
Nothing seems to deter him though. He becomes more and more talkative and increasingly direct. Does she have a boyfriend? What time does her shift end? She looks around the diner, hoping to see someone who needs their table cleared or their check rung up, but Javi is the only customer. He raises his eyebrows at her, in an unmistakable are you okay? gesture, but she blanks him.
She’s on the verge of going to wake Billy when the drunk grabs her wrist. She pulls away with all her weight but his grip is tight and his fingers are digging into her skin. She tries to pry them loose with her free hand but he’s too strong and her hands are shaking and useless with panic. He yanks her towards him. “You’re way too pretty to be a waitress.”
“That’s what ended my waitressing career. It’s a tragic story,” Javi says as he approaches the counter.
The man loosens his grip in surprise, and Frances’s momentum causes her to stumble back, nearly losing her balance.
“Get out,” says Javi. His voice is terrifying. Deep and low and shockingly different to the usual tone that seems to come from somewhere soft at the back of his throat.
“Fuck you.”
The drunk’s wallet is on the counter and Javi picks it up, extracts a handful of bills, and, before he can react to that, shoves the wallet into the guy’s top pocket. Then he grabs his collar with so much force that it rips. With one hand fisted into the back of his jeans waistband and the other at his collar, Javi drags him to the door and shoves him out so hard that he crashes onto the sidewalk, face-first.
Javi closes the door, turns to Frances and, seeing that her eyes are desperate and wild and she is gasping for air, asks, “Where are the keys?”
“The diner keys, Frances. I need you to tell me where they are. Can you remember?” He is gentle but insistent.
She doesn’t have any words but she can point to the hook under the cash register. Javi reaches over the counter to retrieve the keys and locks the door. Then he flips the sign to Sorry! We’re closed and pulls down the blinds.
He steps behind the counter but keeps a wide distance from her.
“Are you okay?”
“I can’t breathe.” She is looking towards the door in terror.
“Frances, look at me.”
She forces herself to turn away from the door and look at his face.
“That’s it.” He holds her gaze for a few moments without speaking. Then, “Look at my hand. See what I’m doing?” He raises his hand to his solar plexus. “Copy me.”
She lifts a trembling hand and presses it to her own body.
“Good. Now breathe into your hand,” he says.
“It hurts!”
“I know it does. It’ll stop soon, I promise. Just watch my hand and breathe with me.”
They stand like that for a few minutes until they are breathing in unison. He doesn’t speak, just lets her see the rhythm of his chest rising and falling under his hand, until gradually her own stuttering, shallow breaths begin to deepen and lengthen. 
“Getting better?”
She nods. The white-hot pain in her chest is subsiding.
“Why don’t you sit down? I’ll get you something to drink.”
She takes a seat on the padded bench of the nearest booth and he goes to the sink and gets her a glass of water. Then she remembers, “Billy hides a bottle of brandy behind the coffee machine.”
“Well, thank you Billy,” he mutters. He soon finds the bottle and brings it to Frances with two glasses. “They say you shouldn't drink alone, right?”
He sits opposite her and pours her a generous shot, a half for himself, and puts his feet up on his bench, mirroring her.
“What just happened to me?”
“The adrenaline in your body made it hard for you to breathe.”
She shakes her head, “What? How? How do you know? How did you know what to do?”
“Train for it at work.”
“What is your work?”
He lights a cigarette and gives her an assessing look, “I’m a DEA special agent.”
Frances stares at him. “You are not.”
“I promise you that I am. Do you want to see my handcuffs?”
Yes, she does. “You don’t look like a government agent.”
“Oh yeah? What does a government agent look like?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs, “scary.”
“I just threw a man out of a diner with my bare hands. I was pretty damn scary.”
She lets out a watery laugh. “Yeah, you were.”
She takes a drink and almost immediately it goes to her head. She closes her eyes in relief, letting it blur the sharp edges of the night, and they drink in silence for a minute.
“Do your girlfriends know about your job?”
“My what?”
“Come on, you know what I mean. The women you bring here.” 
She’s emboldened by the brandy but she still feels nervous, acknowledging this side of him. Casual sex feels to Frances like a clique she was never cool enough to join. Surely anyone would sense that she is an imposter in even a conversation about it, let alone the act itself. But the alcohol, the drama and the late hour have somehow suspended reality and she knows she won’t be able to broach this later, when the normal rules of their odd little dynamic are back in play.
“Right,” he nods, looking into his glass. “They aren’t my girlfriends.”
“Are they other people’s girlfriends?”
“I don’t know." He takes a drink. "Maybe some of them are.”
“Do they know about each other?”
“None of them wants to be my girlfriend, trust me. And they know I’m not interested in being anyone’s boyfriend.”
And she’s grateful there is alcohol in her system to absorb the impact of that.
Javi sits up straighter and rubs his thumb over his lower lip. Then, pointedly, he says, “Look, everyone has a good time.”
He keeps his gaze on her as he exhales smoke away from her face and then that feeling is back in her throat. The one she had the first time she saw him. Something liquefying and exhilarating. She drains her glass and pours herself another drink. Then she tilts the bottle towards his glass but he shields it with his hand.
“I’m sorry I was mean to you,” she says.
He looks at her, confused.
“When we first met. And the second time.”
He takes a drink and shakes his head ruefully. “Yeah, for a while there I thought I was going to have to find myself another diner.”
It’s clear he’s teasing her but she groans and hides her face in the crook of her elbow.
“I can’t explain it.”
“You don’t have to,” he says softly. And something pulls tight in her chest at this. It makes her feel for a moment that she is okay. Whatever she is, and however she is, it’s okay. And she can’t remember the last time she felt like that.
"Anyway, I can handle it. People are mean to me at work all the time.” He stubs out his cigarette. “That’s what my handcuffs are for.”
She pours herself another shot, partly to divert his attention from her face and also because she needs it after that. She nods towards the door. “I should open up again.”
“No fucking way. I’m going to drive you home.”
“I can’t go home. This is a 24 hour diner. The last time we closed was five years ago and that was only because Billy got drunk on his birthday and set fire to the kitchen. He tried to light his cake candles with a catering blow torch.”
Javi stands up. “Alright, go get your things, I’ll find the blow torch.”
She feels a surge of joy and wonders how she’s gone from acting like a little girl punching the arm of a boy she likes to... whatever this is. She’s grateful when he interprets her smile incorrectly.
“I’m serious,” he says. “If that’s what it’ll take I’ll set the whole damn block on fire.”
“Okay, but I can walk. I live real close.”
“I don’t care if you live next door. You’ve had a shock and that piece of shit is probably roaming around out there somewhere. Add to that, you’re drunk.”
“I am not.”
“You think I don’t know an intoxicated person when I see one? I trained for that too, you know.”
“You had to go to school to recognise a drunk person? Wow.”
“Frances,” he says in a stern don’t argue with me voice.
After a beat, during which she files that voice away for later, she says, “Okay, fine,” drinks half her shot, and leads the way to the locker room with the joyous elation that comes with playing hooky.
They shake Billy awake. Frances presses the keys into his hand and tells him to lock up after them until the day waitress arrives. 
It takes a while for her to get ready to leave because she can’t find her locker key. Eventually Javi gets tired of watching her fumble through her pockets and jimmies the padlock.
“They teach you that in DEA school too?” she asks, pulling her jacket out of her locker.
“No, I learned that in high school. I had some close acquaintances over at the Catholic girls’ school and the Sisters locked up the dorm block at eight sharp.”
“What? The girls needed me to tutor them on their Spanish conjugations. They were counting on me.”
“You are unbelievable.”
“That’s what they tell me,” he says, helping her with her jacket. It’s a frumpy thing that her Aunt Di gave her when she was clearing out her closet and somewhere at the back of her mind she knows she should feel embarrassed about it, but she doesn’t. She feels fantastic. She’s tipsy and unselfconscious. She hasn't had this much fun in years. A handsome man is going to drive her home.
And did he just flirt with her? Frances is almost certain she’s never been flirted with in her life so she isn’t sure, but it felt like flirting and this might be the closest she ever gets so she’s going to take it.
On the way out he picks up his papers and Frances collects her unfinished glass of brandy.
When they reach the door, he pauses. “Wait. You’re bringing your drink?”
“Yes. I’ve had a shock,” she explains. He shakes his head and forces down the corners of his mouth.
His car is parked across the street. He opens the passenger side door with a your carriage awaits gesture and Frances hands him her glass to hold while she gets in with the studied care of drunk people everywhere, holding down the skirt of her uniform and remembering the way her grandmother taught her to get into a car, knees together! Once she’s safely inside, he hands back her glass and shuts the door.
He drives a stick shift and she’s glad he hasn’t covered his short sleeves with a jacket because it is pleasant to rest her head against the cool window and watch the muscles working in his arm as he moves through the gears.
It occurs to her then that she ought to feel scared, or at least vulnerable, being drunk in this strange man’s car. For he is a stranger, really. She doesn’t even know his last name. He’s acted with nothing but chivalry tonight, but isn’t that how these things go? He could drive her anywhere right now, park in some quiet, dark place and overpower her with his strength. He could, but he won’t. She knows he won’t.
She’d known it at their first meeting. Saw it in the lines of his face, heard it in the soft lilt of his voice and felt it in his big hand that had so effortlessly encircled hers when he shook it. His gentleness all the more pronounced for the promise of the coiled strength she’d felt thrumming beneath the surface.
When Javi insists on seeing her right to the door of her apartment she wishes it wasn’t four thirty in the morning so there might at least be someone around to witness this; a neighbour, the super, Arturo the building cat. Anyone, really.
He waits in the hall while she drops her bag. 
“Thank you for driving me home. And for, well, everything tonight.” 
She’s holding an empty glass. The third brandy is fully in her system now and she can feel her inhibitions evaporating, taking her to that point of drunkenness where thoughts are voiced as soon as they occur to the thinker. 
“You’re a good man, Javi.”
He puts his hands on his hips, rolls his eyes and looks down the hall, his face all studied grumpiness. Too uncomfortable with such a compliment to look at her.
“What’s your mom’s name?”
He’s so caught off guard by this question that he tells her without thinking, then, “Wait, why?”
“Cause I’m gonna call her up and tell her what a good job she did raising her son.”
“Oh for--” but he laughs, and she laughs, too. It’s the first time she’s heard him laugh and she feels a swell of happiness at being the cause of it. 
“I’m sorry. I’ve had too much to drink. I know I’m annoying when I’m drunk. Joe used to warn me all the time, I think you’ve had enough, Franny.”
“Who’s Joe?”
“My ex.”
“That explains a lot.”
“Never mind. Aren’t you forgetting something?” He takes her keys from the outside lock and hands them to her.
“Goodnight, Frances. Lock the door.”
Then they both stand there looking at each other until eventually she realises that he’s waiting for her to shut the door.
Javi waits in the hall until he hears the lock turn from the inside, then he drives home.
Read Chapter Two 
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mattsboldyy · 3 years
The 24 Days in the Bubble | WJ Canada
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Summary- Selection Camp begins. Y/N and Kaiden begin getting closer. Y/N also makes some new friends. Selection camp can’t be that bad, right? And final cuts are made. Does Y/N make it onto the final roster?
Requested- No! Idea come from myself :)
Words- 2k
Warnings- mentions of covid, fem!reader, covid testing, cuss words,
Requests- Closed for now :)
Taglist: @2manytabsopen @prettyboyjackhughes @sorokns @ricohenrique @cherrylita @tonyspep @lovereadinghockeyy @only-goalies-allowed @hawksgirl1 @mysoftboybowen @hoespill​ @tysonsjosty @cherrybarzy
Authors note- I got all of my information from google, websites, & from the documentary Team Canada put out based off of the 2021 Tournament therefore, some information that takes place in this series may be false, but just know that I got all my information from the documentary and the internet. Thank you and enjoy!
NOVEMBER 16, 2020
“Hey Y/N!” Kirby said, as you entered the locker room where you, and 46 boys were dressing for the start of selection camp.
”Hey Dacher!” You said, walking over to your stall, putting down your backpack, and pulling out your phone to text your family.
’About to go in for the first day of selection camp! Love you guys!’ Was the text you typed out to the groupchat you had made with your best friends and family before hitting the send button and putting your phone away.
“Alrighty guys, are you already?” Andre said, adjusting his mask.
A mix of “Yeah!” and “Yes!” were thrown around the room.
After getting out on the ice, selection camp in Red Deer began. 
“Hey, you’re doing great out there!” Kaiden said, skating up to you and tapping his stick on your kneepad. 
“Thanks Kaiden! Not to bad yourself!” You said, touching his helmet as he went back to skating and stickhandling.
“Soooo what's that about?” Jamie asked, when you turned toward the other end of the ice, not realizing he was standing there.
“Holy shit Jamie! What are you doing here?” You asked, eyes wide.
“Uhh I’m at selection camp... why wouldn’t I be? But you and Kaiden like each other. Just admit it.” Jamie asked, giggling and wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
“What? No!” You said, skating away from him and hearing Jamie laugh so hard you were sure he had tears coming out of his eyes.
Anyways, you couldn’t really decide if it selection camp was easy or not. You couldn’t feel your legs, and it seemed like nobody else could either. Andre and the assistant coaches made all of the players stick handle, timed skates to the far blue line and back, and a few of the players helped the goalies by shooting slap shots at them and acted like you were in a shoot out. 
NOVEMBER 21, 2020
You were just about to leave your room to go to the locker room for the first intersquad game when you heard your phone ringing. You looked over and saw that Andre was calling you. 
“Hello?” You asked, picking up your backpack from the floor, sitting down on the hotel bed.
“Y/N? We just found out that a non-core staff member tested positive for covid and they had come in contact with assistant coaches, Michael Dyck and Jason Labarbera so they are quarantining. We don’t have to cancel the intersquad games so far, though. Just a heads up and wanted to let you know.” Andre said.
“Oh I hope they’re okay! Thank you for letting me know!” You said.
“Yep, no problem. See you in a few minutes.” Andre said, hanging up.
You put your phone in your back pocket and sighed. This was the type of stuff you would have to deal with.. and really what anyone in the bubble would have to deal with. You put your mask on and opened your hotel room door, and headed to the locker room of the area you and 46 other guys were playing at.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Kirby called, passing the puck to you. ‘Shoot the puck. Shoot the puck.’ was all that you were thinking while skating as fast as you can down the ice. You shot it, and it went in, past the goalie that would possibly be on the final roster along with you, and a bunch of other guys. “Yeah!” Kirby said, hugging you and laughing while your other linemates tapped each others helmets. You gave your bench high fives and sat down on the bench as the puck dropped again. “Nice job.” Jamie said, tapping your helmet as you sat down next to him. “Thanks!” You said. 
A few minutes later, when the period ended, you stood up from your seat on the bench when you heard someone calling your name. You turn and see Kaiden.
“Hey Y/N! That was a sick goal!” Kaiden said, smiling down at you.
You laughed. “Thank you Kaiden!” 
“Yeah well I better score one or else I can’t be here with you on the final roster.” Kaiden said, laughing.
“What? What if I’m not on the final roster? Why so sure of yourself, Guhle?” You asked.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing player. Why wouldn’t you be on the final roster?” Kaiden said, looking at you.
“T-thanks. You’re an amazing player too.” You said, heart starting to beat faster.
“Well Jamie is probably going to come looking for us if you don’t go.” Kaiden said, smiling at you.
“Yeah! Stalkerrr vibess!!! Anyways, see ya Kaiden, and good luck!” You said, turning around and fast walking down the tunnel.
‘Why does Kaiden make you feel like this if I only liked him as a friend? I mean he does have a really cute smile, and face, and hair, and... oh my god. Do I have a crush on Kaiden?’ You thought while walking into the dressing room.
“You’ve got something on your mind?” Braden asked, while sitting in his stall.
“Not really, just focused on the game.” You said, smiling over at Braden, knowing the words that just came out of your mouth was a complete lie.
“Okay.. but Y/N.. I’m always here to talk if you need me.” Braden said, getting up from his stall and going over to the dressing room door as the 2nd period was just about to start.
Maybe you should talk to Braden. Especially since you didn’t have your mom or best friends to talk to in person. You thought Braden would be a safe space to talk to about things. 
NOVEMBER 24, 2020
“Y/N?” Andre said through the phone, with his voice sounding a bit stressed and frantic.
“Hey! What’s up?” You ask, putting your stick tape in your bag, getting ready to head down to the locker room for the last intersquad game.
“Two of the players tested positive for covid. We have to post-pone the last game. I just wanted to let you know so you don’t get all of your stuff together for nothing. Have a great day and contact me, Michael, or Mitch if you have any symptoms.” Andre said.
“Oh my god. Okay that you Andre. You stay safe too.” You said before hanging up and immediately texting the group chat with you, Kaiden, Kirby, Braden, Jamie. The people you were closest with during this whole quarantine thing. 
‘guys did you hear about the covid positives?’ You type out, hitting send and immediately seeing speech bubble pop up on your screen.
Kaiden Guhle :)
Yeah. I’m disappointed. That means we’re stuck in this hotel room for 14 days.
Kirby Dach
It sucks. We’ll get through it though.
Jamie Drysdale
Yeah. It sucks a lot. What the hell am I supposed to do in a hotel room that I’m trapped in for 14 days?
Braden Schneider
Guys we will be fine. I hope.
Jamie Drysdale
Kaiden Guhle :) 
Okay guys, calm down. Let’s all facetime, okay?
i’m in.
You and the group chat ended up facetiming for two hours. You told your parents about the two covid cases among the players. They were scared you were going to get covid, but you told them about the 14 day hotel room situation and they calmed down. (thankfully)
You had to get used to this. It was part of being “apart of camp.”
DECEMBER 8, 2020
Some time had pasted and December finally had come. Well, you shouldn’t be that excited about it. It meant cuts and the final cuts to the roster were coming. Kaiden and a bunch of other people were very reassuring when it came to your worries about being cut. 
Coach Andre made an announcement via email stating that the first cuts had been made. The players were, Matthew Robertson, Mason Millman, Xavier Simoneau, Daemon Hunt, and Ridly Greig, leaving you and 41 other players in camp. 
When you read the email, and didn’t see your name, you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders... but, you still had 3 more days till the final cuts were made from the roster.
DECEMBER 10, 2020
That day, seven more players were cut from camp. The players being goalies Brett Brochu and Tristan Lennox, and forwards Adam Beckman, Tyson Foerster, Hendrix Lapierre, Cole Schwindt, and Shane Wright, leaving you and 34 other players in camp.
‘One more day.’ Was what you were telling yourself, trying to ease the anxiety of being cut.
“You aren’t going to get cut, Y/N/N. I know your not.” Kirby reassured you through facetime.
“We’ll see Kirby, we will see.”
You heard a knock at your hotel door, quickly getting up from your bed, and tossing on a hoodie. When you opened the door, you saw a few staff members and one seemed to be holding a phone.
“Hey Y/N! We have a few people who want to talk to you!” The staff member said, making you put on a confused face before them handing you the phone. You saw your mom, dad, and brother gathered all around the screen.
“Hey sweetie!” Your mom said.
“Hi guys!” You said, looking down at the phone, seeing a bunch of smiley parents and brother.
“Congratulations, honey! You made it onto the final roster for Team Canada!” Your dad said, your mouth immediately dropping and looking at the camera crew and staff members, wiping tears that came down your face from being so happy.
“Really? I really did it?” You asked, jumping up and down.
“This is not a reaction we’ve gotten before.” One of the staff members mumbled to the other, slightly chuckling. 
After saying goodbye to your mom, dad, brother, and staff members, you went back into your hotel room and immediately check your email, making sure you, Kirby, Kaiden, Jamie, or Braden weren’t cut from the roster as they were the people you were closest to.
“We’ve made the final cuts to the roster. Team Canada is releasing forwards Mavrick Bourque, Graeme Clarke, Gage Goncalves, Seth Jarvis, Samuel Poulin, and Jamieson Rees and defensemen Lukas Cormier, Ryan O’Rourke, and Donovan Sebrango. Thank you.” You mumbled out, not seeing any of your friends names, smiling even wider. You then texted Kaiden to congradulate him. 
Wow, you did it. You really did it.
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wynniewright · 4 years
Secret Santa (Drabble)
→  This piece is a part of the Secret Santa event hosted by @bwcsecretsanta and was created for @n8dlesoupguk
→ Rating: PG-13
→ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
→ WC: 2.4k
→ Genre: secret santa au
→ Summary: When you pick Yoongi’s name for the dreaded secret santa event at work, things didn’t go exactly as you expected them to.
→ Warnings: much fluff, some mild vulgar language (I tried very hard not to use the f word)
AN: Okay, it’s 4am and I don’t have the mental capacity to do tags and the proper set-up into the story so I did the absolute bare minimum until I’m awake and actually able to process what the hell is going on. AS MENTIONED ABOVE, it’s a secret santa piece for my dear @n8dlesoupguk. I’m sorry this piece took so long to get out but I hope you enjoy it, even if it is a little on the drabble side. Thank you for letting me be your secret santa and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.~ <3 
PS: Sorry I forced you to wait until the last possible moment and thank you for your patience love!
It’s official. You were officially the worst secret santa in the history of secret santas and honestly, even that was giving yourself too much credit. You could barely call yourself a secret santa. The qualifications were somewhat loose, being that all you had to do was fill in a gift card for your own secret santa to receive while you received one from a co-worker. 
If you were honest with yourself, you wouldn’t have even signed up if you didn’t think your manager, Seokjin, wasn’t looking over your shoulder. Sure, he said it was optional, but you were looking forward to a promotion to serving role so that you didn’t have to bus tables anymore. If getting on Jin’s good side meant you had to participate in some cheesy holiday event for work then that’s exactly what you were going to do.
You couldn’t even blame your poor time management skills on your strict manager, since he specifically told every staff member the rules:
Gifts cannot go oer the $30 budget
Gifts must be ready for the exchange on the morning of the 24th
That was easy enough, right? Whoever’s name you pulled, you could’ve gotten away with buying them a candle or maybe some fuzzy socks and a sheet mask. It was supposed to be easy. But instead of ease, panic set in the moment you opened your locker and realized whose secret santa you were.
Min Yoongi.
Out of the twenty-something other employees at the restaurant, you managed to pick THE Min Yoongi. How? You wished you knew. 
Pulling his name from the hat wasn’t horrible because it was him, in fact, if you actually cared about the work festivities, you would’ve jumped for joy and screeched into your pillow the moment you got home. But you didn’t care about the exchange and had no plans to put any thought into a personalized gift for the recipient. Hell, by the time you actually bothered to take a peek at the name was nearly 72 hours before the exchange. That’s exactly why you were at the mall before your shift, less than 24 hours until the gift exchange in front of the other staff, in search for a suitable gift for the cute boy.
No pressure, right?
You tossed out your idea of fuzzy socks and body care products and immediately headed to the mom-and-pop candle store in search of fall-scented candles. There should’ve been more space for additional details because, c’mon, how many fall candles existed? Since it was the day before Christmas Eve, you expected to have plenty of options with fall scents - but not as many as there were.
It was understatement to say that there were plenty of options when the entire store was just one massive cloud of the perfect holiday fragrances, cinnamon and apple wafting right out the doors and flooding your nostrils before you even stepped into the place.
It took a whole hour for you to test all of the scents, a bulk of the time wasted on debating whether or not Yoongi was the Christmas cookie type, or if he’d like Apple Pumpkin or even Holiday Hearth, whatever that was. After the first 10 minutes of sniffing, all the candles started to blend together and smell the same as the one before it, leaving you defeated.
Shortly after leaving, there was a brief moment where you thought about checking out another store for some candles, but considering your nose was fried with all those powerful scents, you didn’t think you could sniff another freaking candle without losing your sense of smell. Perhaps the beanie on his list would’ve been an easier find.
Boy, were you wrong.
After shopping at three different department stores, you came to the conclusion that trying to find a beanie during the peak of the winter season was an even worse idea than the candles. You knew better than to waste time looking for one of the most popular items for the season so you weren’t sure why it was a shock to you when you couldn’t get your hands on one. The last item on his wishlist was sour watermelon gummies and although those sounded like a decent idea for a multi-item gift, there was no way you would give him a $30 bag of candy. 
With slumped shoulders and a pout, you decided to head into Guitar Center with less than a half an hour until the start of your shift. You didn’t know what to look for, only that you needed to find something budget-friendly that Yoongi would definitely take a liking to. The only possible solution was to give him a sad $30 gift card and call it a day, huffing your way across the mall to where the restaurant was located on the other side.
Technically, a gift card to Guitar Center was the perfect gift for Yoongi. There was a level of passion in which Yoongi spoke about his instruments, talking about music as if it were alive. That’s exactly why you couldn’t screw up the gift by getting him a gift card, right? Even if it was $30, that money could’ve gone towards something he wanted to buy in the future and even if it wasn’t much, you were sure he would still love it.
With a little newfound confidence, you strode through the open doorway and greeted your longtime friend, Jeongguk who stood behind the host desk, scribbling onto something you couldn’t see. 
“Hey, Gukie,” you offered a friendly wave, catching his friendly grin and returning it with one of your own.
“Y/N! I can’t believe you came in today,” he said, maneuvering his way around the desk to wrap his arms tightly around your shoulders. “Did you manage to find something good?” He whispered in your ear and you couldn’t help the sigh that pressed through your lips. 
You grumbled, “I got him a gift card?” 
His almond eyes rounded out, widening as if you had another head sprouting from your shoulder. “You totally forgot rule three.”
“Rule three?”
You thought back to Jin giving everyone a mini lecture on what was allowed to be given as a gift, running through rules one and two but ultimately coming to a blank.
Jeongguk brushed his lean fingers through his perfectly styled hair, causing some strands to fall in his face before he ruffled the locks in the back. “Rule number three, no gift cards or restaurant merch.” He deadpanned.
The moment those words left his lips, your mind flashed back to your manager saying those exact words and nearly lost your shit right as Yoongi and one of his best pals, Hoseok, strolled on in. 
“Are you fu-”
“-oh, hey, Y/N.” Yoongi flashed his signature gummy smile, reserved but enough to break some hearts as they stopped right by the two of you.
Your heart sank with the realization that you somehow managed to become an even worse secret santa than you managed before, which honestly would be an achievement for you if it wasn’t for the fact that Min-freaking-Yoongi was going to the one disappointed in you.
“Hey, Yoongi,” you gave a half-hearted wave, trying your best to put on a smile while knowing full-well that it was flat and obviously painful. He passed by after a quick “it’s nice to see you again” and headed to the lockers in the back. 
Jeongguk watched the interaction and kept looking between the two of you as Yoongi walked further away, letting out a short whistle with a shake of his head. 
“You, my friend, are absolutely screwed.”
You didn’t know exactly what you were thinking. A gift card? A freaking gift card? Seriously, how lame is that? People probably wrote poems about their recipient, shopped tirelessly for their favorite things until they were sure they were going to give the best gift a secret santa could give and there you were with a tiny, half-assed gift card that didn’t amount to anything nearly important enough and hoping that would suffice. 
You were disappointed in yourself. Sure, maybe time slipped by a bit too fast and left you with the last possible moment. Perhaps you could have blamed the sudden incline in hours after an excellent food critique brought an even larger crowd, telling him that’s why you didn’t have time to get something - anything - better. But that was just it. You couldn’t tell Yoongi that you didn’t care enough to buy a gift for anyone until you realized it was him. No way.
Feeling badly about the decision to get him a gift card, you managed to find a pair of fuzzy black socks - even though the color he put for his favorite was green but you knew that a majority of his closet was black - and a small, autumn-scented candle that anyone would enjoy with it’s subtle flair. You stuck those in the bag with the gift card, ultimately choosing to give both gifts despite them collectively doubling the budget. 
To say that nerves were getting to you wasn’t even the half of it. Your leg wouldn’t stop bouncing as each person around the circle was called to stand up and find the receiver of their gifts to hand them their early Christmas presents. The closer it got to you, the worse the bounding became, practically jumping up and down with every pull of your leg until you smacked it against your neighbor when they returned to their seat after their exchange.
“Alright, next is Y/N,” Seokjin clapped happily. You wished his positivity would’ve rubbed off on you and given you the strength to look Yoongi in the eye and hand him the monstrosity of a gift that you gave him. 
You pushed yourself up from the chair and and walked over to the other side, knees wobbling and hands growing slick as you neared Yoongi’s seat. With a deep breath, you extended the small bag his way and immediately ducked your head down when he took it, flying back to your seat on the opposite side and avoiding his gaze. 
It felt like hours going through everyone’s secret santa gift and you were too happy when Seokjin didn’t require us to open our presents in front of everyone. Presents were personal, right? Nobody wants to be exposed like that. 
You would’ve dipped on out of there as soon as the gift exchange ended but the nagging guilt forced you to make your way over to where Yoongi and Jeongguk were casually chatting. When you reached them, they both looked up at you with each of their own expressions: Yoongi’s eyes were dark yet curious as to what you wanted whereas Jeongguk knew exactly what was about to go down. 
“I’m actually going to catch Syd before she leaves. I’ll be right back,” he excused himself and made his exit, turning around the moment he was behind Yoongi to give you a supportive thumbs up. 
“Ah, right. I wanted to thank you for your gift, by the way. I really like the candle and I’m kinda digging the fuzzy socks so thanks.” Yoongi flicked his head to the side, pushing his dark hair out of his face as he smiled that heart-melting smile. 
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.” You nibbled on your lip.
How were you supposed to go about this? Was it something you had to sort of dance around and hope he’d understand or something you have to tell straight up? While neither answer seemed desirable, there was nothing more terrifying than the thought of having to say, “I bought you what I was going to buy for anyone else that was my secret santa”. 
“The gifts?” Yoongi raised a brow, no doubt confused with the way you were taking things.
“Yeah,” you puffed out. “Is there any way I could give you something else? I was the worst and I waited to go shopping and the things on your list weren’t available no matter where I looked. I would say I tried but I don’t even feel like I did… I’m so sorry for being so stupid, I can’t believe I actually got you th-”. 
“-I don’t want anything else, though. I already have more than enough.” He stuck his lip out, his cheeks puffing out as if he were a child being rejected for some sweets. 
“I don’t think you understand. I really messed this up and I’m so embarrassed,” you pushed further, lowering your head into your hands with a groan. 
Yoongi was silent, thoughtfully watching you have a meltdown in your seat as he contemplated his next response. “And if I said there was something?” He asked.
“It’s yours.”
In a blink of an eye, Yoongi closed the space between the two of you, lips crashing into yours in a gentle yet exploratory kiss. Fireworks shot off somewhere in the back of your mind as you shut your eyes and grazed his cheek with your thumb. The kiss didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to, but it took your breath away regardless. The last of him still lingered on your lips as you opened your eyes, cheeks flushed and eyes wide as you took in the situation.
Min Yoongi just kissed you.
THE Min Yoongi just kissed YOU.
“What was that for?” you murmured under your breath, almost as if you wanted an answer but didn’t even want him to hear the question. 
He hummed, a playful glint in his eye as he gave a shrug. “You said I could have something I wanted in return. That’s what I wanted.”
His words warmed your heart and turned you into a giggling mess, leaving you hiding behind your purse with nothing but your eyes peeking over the top. 
“You’re serious? You’re not serious, no way.” You spoke half to yourself and half to him, still processing the feeling of his soft lips against yours. 
“I’m serious. In fact, if you want to go even further to make it up to me, let me take you to dinner next Friday.” He stuck out a hand between your two bodies, the offer laying right there in front of you while you still couldn’t believe what was happening.
You gripped his hand as quickly as possible and bounced in your seat, beaming with excitement as he matched your enthusiasm. “Yes! I mean,” you coughed. “Absolutely, yes. I’d love to.” You grinned.
Little did you know that being the worst secret santa in history would lead you to give Min Yoongi exactly what he wished for: you.
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