#24 hour fitness downey
mcrmadness · 3 years
For the last ask game: ✨ 🌧 🍩 ⛅️ :D
Eyyyyy thanks!!! :D
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Hmmm. This is a very good question... I rarely find such characters and usually all I relate to still lack something that would make the experience perfect. For example I relate to Deadpool a lot because of his mental health stuff, medical trauma, talkativeness (actually it was because of him when I decided to stop caring and just started talking) and sense of humour, but then there's also lots of things that we don't have in common. Like the fact that he's a mercenary. I also often relate to outcast characters like Catwoman or Penguin from Batman universe but again, those are villains and often have killed people too...
So as I was thinking about this I think I'm gonna say Sherlock Holmes. He also fits all of those: book, show AND movie. I'm still in the middle of reading the novels but I'm enjoying them a lot; I love the Granada tv series (Jeremy Brett was the best Holmes, imho) and I also really like the movies with Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes.
I think the biggest reason for why I relate to him the most is because he's canonically asexual and aromantic, altho those words have never been used in canon because those words did not exist back in late 1800s yet, but still Doyle wrote him as a "bachelor" who simply just enjoyed other things over relationships. (It's just insane that I can't find a more relatable aroace character when it's the freaking 2020 but have to go all the way back to the late 1800s to find someone with a great aroace "presentation".)
But just like Holmes, I also really enjoy challenging my brain and I love to "play a detective". Altho I'm actually a terrible detective because I want everything to be somewhat special and non-cliché so I easily miss any clues that are too normal. And I'm not even nearly as smart as him, but I kinda have the same egoism sometimes that I still like to think I'm smart when I'm actually not :D I also have been playing the SH games and omg I love those games! Sometimes they're driving me crazy tho because I'm so unpatient and just don't get something right away and then I look it up and feel myself stupid because it was again something obvious but I was just again trying to think too much outside the box.
I want to go back to the books for a moment: one thing I did notice from the stories is that now as I have read quite a many of those stories, I have learnt Doyle's way of telling stories. I am now able to notice when he does that where he starts to give in clues that will lead the reader to the wrong conclusions, and that way I can already guess the actual events of the story. It was actually pretty cool moment when I was reading this one story and suddenly realized that Doyle is doing it again, he's trying to lead the reader to the wrong direction on purpose and I didn't fall for that trap anymore. And ever since it's been like this with every story. I'm excited to see if his writing style changed or evolved from this and if he ever stopped doing that. But yeah, it was super fascinating experience to myself because I do that in real life too: I observe people a lot and I slowly start to understand how they are as persons and e.g. how their sense of humour works. For example, with new people I don't always catch their "prank" humour or sarcasm but after a while, I'm able to spot when they're only joking and won't fall for those jokes/pranks any longer, and sometimes can also join the jokes myself as well. I think that's also something that kinda reminds of of Holmes' character, at least he's really good at observing people and his surroundings - I do that all the time as well.
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
The same things I do every day - sit inside spending quality time with my computer XD No but, if it's a rainy day in a pretty way, like a summer rain, then it sometimes like playing with my camera and try getting photos of the rain drops or something. And especially if the sun starts shining after the rain and often creates these super interesting looking lighting phenomenons like coloring the whole air with yellow etc.!
Today is actually a rainy day and I FINALLY planted some plants I've been meaning to plant for months.
🍩- current mood?
Well pretty okay, just tired because it's that time of the month again, and I even got myself to use the exercise bike because I noticed I've again reached a weight I have never reached before and I've been trying to get my weight to come down for years. But it just goes up the more I try to do things like exercise and nothing makes sense, ever.
I'm also feeling slightly hyped because of dä, my anxiety and stress levels are finally reducing a little and also my mouth doesn't feel too bad anymore so I don't have those sensory overloads 24/7 either. And I'm gonna play Valheim with friends later today again so I'm really looking forward to that :D
Oh and it's extremely windy outside and the sounds of wind piss me off every single time. I don't know what it is, probably misophonia, but it just makes me feel so angry when I hear that wind hitting the walls or so. Maybe I should do something that I can listen to music meanwhile so it will hide the sounds of that wind underneath...
⛅- what is your morning routine?
I wake up, (check Bademeister.com), get up, turn on the computer on my way to toilet, pee, brush my teeth... Usually I do that at my computer while browsing Discord servers and Tumblr etc. After I'm done brushing my teeth I often just spend time browsing the internet, I always check the same websites like my email and browse everything on Tumblr and it depends how much time that takes, sometimes a couple of hours.
So I then get myself breakfast either when I'm still browsing Tumblr (if I'm really hungry) or only after I'm done with browsing. I also always eat my breakfast either at my computer or in the living room as I watch tv. Can't just sit still in my kitchen doing nothing so I hardly ever eat there :D And when I have eaten my breakfast, then I make myself tea. I never eat anything with it but I just start and finish my tea after I'm done eating.
That's my morning routine. But bold of you that it's always a morning when this happens. Sometimes I eat my breakfast at 5pm, sometimes at 9am ::D
Ask game: Sweet and pure asks.
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touchingoldmagic · 4 years
Day 24 - Jillian Holtzmann Being Weird
Day 24 of the 30 Day Ghostbusters Challenge!
Author’s Notes: Takes place after the Crossing Over storyline of the comics. Warnings for Ron's use of language, as usual. Mentions Ron x Bryan.
"What are you doing here!?" Bryan Welsh blurted out, then immediately looked contrite. "Er, I'm sorry! I didn't mean--"
Jillian didn't seem to take offense. "Hello, Windy City!" she said by way of introduction. Bryan was standing behind the front desk at the Chicago Ghostbusters HQ. She reached across the desk and shook his hand. "Jillian Holtzmann. I think we met briefly while keeping the multiverse from collapsing. Please, don't trouble yourself remembering who put that little ball in motion. Ha."
Bryan still looked a little dazed and turned to their administrative manager, Kim, for help. She was seated at the desk, studiously typing up a report on their last case and staying out of the entire conversation.
Bryan hated when he had to awkwardly look for words. "Yes, ah, Dr. Holtzmann, I remember you. I--we didn't expect--aren't you from another dimension?"
Kim raised her eyebrows almost to her hairline but did not look up from her keyboard.
"I'm here for a visit. It's scientific. Perfectly legal. Mostly. Besides, I have a chaperone." The blond physicist hooked an arm around the smaller woman who had entered the building with her.
"I'm not a chaperone," Kylie grumbled. "I was coming here anyway and she tagged along. There's an estate sale this afternoon downtown, some guy who was a big name in occult studies. I'm here to see if I can pick up some books for the boss."
"Oh, the Pickering Estate?" Bryan asked. "I think Dani was going to go, too. Maybe you two could go together."
Kylie looked surprised. "I didn't know Dani was interested in the research aspect of the biz."
Bryan shrugged. "Well she said we didn't have anyone to do it and we should, and she seems to be taking it pretty seriously so far. Our spare room has two bookshelves full now."
"Oh yeah? Anything good?" To say books were one of Kylie's interests was a bit of an understatement.
Bryan shrugged, looking embarrassed. "Oh, I guess? I dunno, really, but she'll be back from lunch soon and you could ask her."
While the two were talking, Jillian took one careful step backward, then another. Then, seeing as no one had any reaction, she turned and hurried down the hall that led past the front reception area and deeper into the building.
The short hall had three other doors and a stairwell. "Women's intuition is telling meeeeee... this one." Jillian pointed at the first door on the left and pushed it open without knocking.
Inside the small office space was a desktop covered in broken pencils, paperwork, schematics, tools, loose screws, and bits of oily spare parts leaving stains on the desk blotter. Behind the desk was Ron Alexander, feet propped up on a desk drawer that jutted open and hat pulled down low over his face to cover his eyes.
"Boo-yah," Jillian said with satisfaction.
Ron looked up. "Oh fuck, you," he sighed in recognition.
"I decline," Jillian returned immediately, making Ron look confused for a moment, but she continued before he could get a word in. "Thought I'd stop by and say hi. Nice city. So how're you doing, Ronny?"
"Call me that again and I'll kick your ass."
"Great. Listen, Ronny," Jillian plowed on without pausing for breath. "You remember anything about the thing in New York? I mean, obviously you do. We both do. But the details? The notes we scribbled all over the walls of your friend's place during the planning stages? Remember any of that? Anything specific?"
Ron put his feet down and sat up, as it seemed getting the talkative blond out of his office wasn't going to be as easy as just ignoring her. "Nope."
"Me either." Jillian tipped her head and narrowed her eyes at the wall over Ron's head. He didn't have anything hanging there, so he assumed she was thinking about something. Though with her it was hard to tell. "It's possible rapid and multiple crossing of dimensions might impair localization of long-term memory or something," she admitted.
"Or something," Ron muttered, a lot more suspicious than the physicist, and therefore a lot quicker to jump to conclusions. "I have a feeling those losers in New York had something to do with it."
"Those are my friends," Jillian pointed out in a careful tone (which was interesting to hear, as she hardly ever sounded careful in her life).
"I was talking about the ones with dicks," Ron said.
Jillian considered that for a moment. "Those ones are also my friends," she decided.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Look, I don't remember shit and the notes are gone, so that's it. I don't even care, it was more trouble than it's worth. I'm not jumping through hoops again the next time the universes decide to collapse. Or spending another week in the hospital." His hand reflexively went to his chest and then he quickly put his hand down at his side again. "So if that's it feel free to leave, and don't let the door smack you on the ass on your way out."
"Wasn't here for that," Jillian insisted. "Just curious. My plane's not leaving 'til tonight. We've got time. We could get lunch." Jillian warmed up to this idea and her speech sped up. "In fact, we should all go. That lady at the front desk looked like she could use a breadstick. Possibly two."
The idea of spending several more hours with Jillian Holtzmann, when she wasn't distracted by complex equations and jury-rigged machinery, was a terrifying one. "And why would we do that?"
The physicist looked honestly perplexed. Her team ate lunch together all the time, she honestly couldn't picture it any other way. "Uh? Team building? Group bonding? Sharing unlimited soup and salads at Olive Garden? We could make it a lunch date. You're dating the jittery one out front with the little upturned nose, right?"
Ron sucked in a breath so quick it triggered a coughing fit. "WHAT?" he gasped out as he fought for air.
"He's cute, I mean, I assume." Jillian shrugged. "What, is workplace fun not allowed? No worries, your secret's safe with me. Unless you have something I want, then I'm going to blackmail you. Ha."
Ron stood up and pointed a finger at her. "Listen here you little b--"
"Anyway! This is for you." Jillian all but bounced forward, leaned across his desk, and dropped something onto Ron's outstretched index finger, still pointing in her direction. Ron froze and stared at it. Gingerly, he lifted it off his finger and turned it around.
It was a baseball cap. Dark blue in color, and on the front, embroidered in white, was the letter U with a nail going through it.
Ron looked at the hat, then raised his eyes to look at the pendant hanging from Jillian's neck, then lifted them up to her face. "What," he said succinctly, "the fuck?"
Jillian leaned against the front of Ron's desk with one hip, folding her arms across her chest. "Remember when you said we were friends and I declined?"
Following conversations with Jillian Holtzmann was like programming code. It gave him a headache. "No. I think I said we hit it off and you said 'eh.'"
"Right, look, Ronny, I've been thinking." She ignored his growl. "What I said before, about how I didn't really click with anyone until Abby and Erin and Patty and Kevin? I've been thinking that searching through an infinite number of dimensions for people who think like me was a bad idea. Not that it's not cool to meet alternate me's. Especially hot secret agent alternate me's." Ron's lip curled in disgust. "Anyway," she continued, "I think maybe instead of being so focused on finding people like me, I'm gonna work harder to be friends with people who are different. And we did make a pretty good team."
Ron snorted. "Dunno about that," he said, but he leaned over and placed the cap in the desk drawer that he'd been using to prop up his feet before she came in, and slid the drawer closed.
Then he straightened and leveled her with a look. "We're not going to the damn Olive Garden. I have standards. And I'm not paying for your lunch."
Jillian gave a hiss of triumph and launched herself toward the door, eager to start in on convincing the cute secretary to come to lunch with them. "Wouldn't dream of it, Ronny. I can't wait to inflict chaos on your economic structure by slipping some alternate dimension currency into the system. Mwa ha ha. You have President Downey Jr. on your twenty dollar bills, right? Kidding! Or am I?"
"Holtzmann," Ron said.
She stopped short of the door, leaned back on her heels and pivoted around to face him. "Hmm?"
"How did you know? About...?" He tilted his head toward the door, indicating the front of the building.
Jillian smirked. "Didn't. Guessed. Your freak out was telling. Also you have a little doodle of a ghost on the corner of your desk and you don't seem like the doodling type."
Ron looked down at his desk and cursed and Jillian slipped out into the hall to wrangle up the Chicago Ghostbusters for lunch.
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kuramirocket · 4 years
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I was having dinner at some fancy beach-side eatery in early March when someone said they had just moved to Downey, a Southeast Los Angeles suburb 12 miles south of downtown.
The other Latinos at the table oohed. “You finally made it,” someone said. “To the Mexican Beverly Hills.”
In many ways, that is what Downey represents. It’s hoity-toity, gilded and more conservative than surrounding neighborhoods — a status-marking place where the average household income, at $88,000, is significantly higher than in other areas in Los Angeles with a similar ethnic makeup. In East Los Angeles, which is also predominantly Latino, the average income is $56,000, according to census data. (If you’re wondering, the average income in Beverly Hills is $191,000.)
The city of Downey itself has an interesting history: Home to the world’s oldest McDonald’s in operation — and the site of the first Taco Bell (which is now a museum at Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine) — Downey was also the birthplace of the Apollo Space Program.
The city was essentially modernized from an orange-grove farm town into a missile factory town by Boeing during World War II. The space program was just a continuation of that. In the 1980s, it began to transition into one of the most diverse areas of Los Angeles County thanks in part to Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty bill, which naturalized people like my parents and allowed them to come out of the shadows to find higher-paying careers.
Today, many of Downey’s fanciest restaurants are Latin American or are owned by Latinos. Spanish is the predominant language of people decked out in Prada, Gucci and Burberry. It is home to fantastically wealthy families, such as the Infantes, Mexican musical and cinematic royalty.
But there are also the Galindos.
When my family moved here in the mid-90s, after years living in different spots in Southeast L.A. County’s poorer neighborhoods, Downey was considered a mostly white, upper-middle-class oasis. It’s still upper-middle-class, but the population is about 74 percent Hispanic, and the place where the space program was conceived is now a 24-Hour Fitness, adjacent to a luxury movie theater that shows most blockbuster films with Spanish subtitles.
My immigrant parents scraped and earned and brought us to South Downey in 1995 to keep their five kids out of gangs. The schools in Downey were known for their prowess and the Downey Police for their severity. Back then, we were the only Mexicans on my block, living next to the only Cuban and only Asian-American families for miles.
As early as 1988, the city’s edges became a gateway for working class Latinos seeking to spend their hard-earned savings on a first home in a neighborhood with access to great public schools. The Downey Unified school district consistently ranks in the top 20 safest districts of L.A. County. For parents like mine, who had bought into education as the key to a life of American exceptionalism, Downey was a beacon.
Downey shows that Latinos can live a life of relative wealth and influence in the United States without having to give up ties to their respective and diverse Latin American cultures. But it also exemplifies a distinctly American idea: the possibility of upward mobility across generations.
The phrase “Mexican Beverly Hills” and “Latino Beverly Hills” aren’t great for many reasons, especially because they center the success of people of color through a white lens (Beverly Hills being one of many elite American suburbs that was originally planned as an all-white community). But the truth is, this is the name Southeast L.A.’s Latin American community created, and it signifies an important ideal. It doesn’t hurt that Downey is glittering with mansions and lush gardens.
My parents don’t own a Tesla or mansion. But they do live in a large compound that houses three generations of Galindos. So there are resources and we band them together, a multigenerational approach to long-term stability that has helped us survive the worst of the coronavirus recession.
The whole neighborhood is like that now. Generations of families, working together to put down roots.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, February 10
Cover: At Home With New Mom Cameron Diaz and the Story Behind the Name Raddix 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- In Paris for Haute Couture Week Kaia Gerber closed Givenchy’s show in a wedding gown and matching veil 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Happy and healthy and hard at work Demi Lovato is all set for her return to the spotlight 
Page 6: Varsity Blues Bombshells -- an explosive documentary about the college admissions scam sheds new light on the scandal that rocked Hollywood 
Page 8: Tarek El Moussa’s daughter Taylor is pushing him to propose to Heather Rae Young, Kate Hudson’s gearing up to spill her diet and workout secrets in a tell-all, amid reports that Fox is in preliminary talks for a revival of 24 Kiefer Sutherland will only do it for $60 million for one season 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet  -- Screen Actors Guild awards -- Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 11: Lili Reinhart, Michelle Williams 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Clemence Poesy vs. Thandie Newton 
Page 13: Gwyneth Paltrow vs. Jasmine Tookes 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Duchess Kate Middleton at Ely & Caerau Children’s Centre 
Page 15: Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton, as part of the Greenpeace Campaign Gustaf Skarsgard and Marion Cotillard trekked to Trinity Island
Page 16: SAG Awards -- Jane Lynch, Jamie Foxx and daughter Corinne, Reese Witherspoon and Meryl Streep
Page 17: The cast of Stranger Things -- Cara Buono and Finn Wolfhard and Noah Schnapp and Millie Bobby Brown and Priah Ferguson and Gaten Matarazzo, Helena Bonham Carter, Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro 
Page 18: The stars of A Soldier’s Play -- Jerry O’Connell and David Alan Grier and Nnamdi Asomugha and Blair Underwood, Liv Tyler, Candace Cameron Bure shows off her latest children’s book on GMA 
Page 20: Brody Jenner at the opening of S Bar, Matthew McConaughey meets some of the child stars of Cirque du Soleil’s Beatles show Love, Jennie Garth
Page 21: Dolitte costars Harry Collett and Robert Downey Jr. autograph a vibrant statue
Page 22: Karolina Kurkova at Sean Penn’s annual Core gala, Channing Tatum amped up in the crowd at the Magic Mike Live premiere in Berlin, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda filled in as guest hosts on Ellen with their Grace and Frankie costars Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen as guests 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Britney Spears’ stunning villa 
Page 26: Channing Tatum and Charlize Theron dating 
Page 27: Liam Hemsworth’s loves ones are happy to see him put the drama with ex-wife Miley Cyrus in the past but they’re equally concerned that his new romance with Gabriella Brooks is just a distraction for his heartache and he should just be single for a while but he’s not listening, Chris Pratt’s time-consuming new project The Tomorrow War has put a damper on his marriage to Katherine Schwarzenegger, after nine months of dating Florence Pugh and Zach Braff have decided to live together
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Page 28: Hours after photos were published of Jesse Metcalfe cozying up to multiple women it was announced that he and his partner of 13 years Cara Santana had called it quits, it’s been two months since Justin Timberlake was caught holding hands with Alisha Wainwright but Jessica Biel is still reeling over his actions, Baby Boom -- Ashley Graham and Justin Ervin, DJ Khaled and Nicole Tuck, Christina Milian and Matt Pokora, Bar Refaeli and Adi Ezra 
Page 29: Now that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have relinquished their royal duties Meghan is taking advantage of their newfound freedom by revamping Harry’s look so he looks the part of a Hollywood husband 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Cameron Diaz’s baby joy 
Page 34: Pink Comes Clean -- the pop star is opening up about fame, family and those early-aughts feuds 
Page 38: 10 most Epic Super Bowl Halftime Shows of all time
Page 42: Nicole Scherzinger’s body secrets -- she dishes on overcoming her insecurities and adopting a healthy approach to fitness 
Page 46: Style Week -- How Charlize Theron’s hairstylist Adir Abergel got the $15,500 Tiffany bracelet down the part of her hair for the SAG Awards 
Page 49: Color of the Year -- Classic Blue -- Jordana Brewster 
Page 50: Style -- Romantic ruffles and soft colors and feminine florals -- Sophie Turner 
Page 52: Game On -- Maria Menounos and Ciara 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A -- Jade Catta-Preta 
Page 58: Buzz -- Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s touchy reunion at the SAG Awards sent these celebs into a frenzy -- Brittany Cartwright, Rumer Willis, Ellie Kemper, Jerry O’Connell, Hilary Duff, Jamie Lynn Spears 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Kelly Ripa quit drinking around the time Ryan Seacrest became her cohost, Rihanna rebounding with A$AP Rocky and Drake, NeNe Leakes is quitting RHOA, Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters secretly wed in Malibu, Jamie Foxx’s parents divorced 25 years ago but they both live with him, Sound Bites -- Ken Jeong, Sarah Hyland, Emilia Clarke, Claire Danes 
Page 62: Aquarius -- Harry Styles 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Joshua Jackson
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sarahkinglove-blog · 7 years
Misfit Ray Fitness - Power Wristbands
Misfit Ray Fitness – Power Wristbands
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Misfit Ray Fitness new Misfit
Crafted from aluminum
Water-resistant to 50 meters
Track it all with ray – monitor steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, sleep duration and quality
Set movement reminders, get vibration alerts for calls and texts
Take selfies and control your lights
Accessorize Ray with hidden 8 mm spring bars
Ray can be worn with several different accessories
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Misfit Ray…
View On WordPress
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jasontyler85 · 2 years
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#highonlife another good workout 💪☀️ continue acupuncture and physical therapy God willing this week ❤️‍🩹 (at 24 Hour Fitness - Downey, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch0gqXHvzWP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/49 - A Visitor Part 2/49 - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/49 - Cutscene Part 4/49 - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/49 - Breathless Part 6/49 - Escape at Last Part 7/49 - Fox in Socks Part 8/49 - Things Go Wrong Part 9/49 - Downey and Out Part 10/49 - Road Trip Part 11/49 - Temptation Part 12/49 - An Awful Reunion Part 13/49 - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/49 - A Call for Help Part 15/49 - Loki’s Guests Part 16/49 - Stan Lee Cameo Part 17/49 - Reassessment Part 18/49 - Midnight Invasion Part 19/49 - Elevator Fight Part 20/49 - Courage Part 21/49 - Unwelcome Back Part 22/49 - Darkest Hour Part 23/49 - They Are Here Part 24/49 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Part 25/49 - Word of God Part 26/49 - Avengers Assembled Part 27/49 - The Houston Underground Part 28/49 - Houston has a Problem Part 29/49 - Onward and Upward Part 30/49 - The Chi’Tauri Queen Part 31/49 - Through the Wormhole Part 32/49 - Prisoners Part 33/49 - Arm’s Length Part 34/49 - A Moment’s Respite Part 35/49 - Ravagers to the Rescue Part 36/49 - What Happened to Hiddleston Part 37/49 - Haven Part 38/49 - Steve Has a Terrible Idea Part 39/49 - Can’t Be Choosers Part 40/49 - Stan Lee Cameo Redux Part 41/49 - Shipjacking Part 42/49 - The Gauntlet Thrown Part 43/49 - The Queen’s Chamber Part 44/49 - The Guardians Part 45/49 - The Nest Part 46/49 - Heroes Part 47/49 - Homeward Bound Part 48/49 - Loose Ends Part 49/49 - The Return
Not exactly happily ever after, but for the Avengers, it never is.
They stayed at the Space Center overnight, waiting for Natasha to return from California.  Steve was nervous that another shipful of Chi’Tauri would come for them, but none did, and he supposed since they had the tesseract, none could. Still, he knew he wouldn’t sleep well. He wouldn’t sleep well until they were safely back in their own universe.
After having a shower and getting some pajamas on, Steve went down the hall to talk to Thor.  He didn’t have to knock – Bob Downey was there ahead of him, smiling as he handed Thor a plastic shopping bag.
“I got Ghostbusters, Rush, Cabin in the Woods, Star Trek even though he’s only in it for thirty seconds, and I threw in that episode of Australian Dancing with the Stars, just for laughs,” he said.
“Thank you, Robert,” said Thor.  “I’m sure Darcy and Jane will be delighted.”  He looked into the bag, and then pulled out a DVD. “Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy?”
Bob grinned.  “Tell them to listen to that one real careful.”  He turned to Steve.  “I brought some for you, too – you’ve heard of the Fantastic Four, right?  They’re a thing in your world?”
“Actually,” Steve said, “I need to have a word with Thor. In private.”
Bob handed Steve another bag and nodded. “Don’t let the fans find out,” he said. “You thought that drawing of you and Bucky was bad!”  He waved goodnight, and walked away with his hands in his pockets, whistling.
Steve stepped into the room and shut the door. Thor was also wearing pajamas – while Steve’s were plain striped ones an employee had loaned him, Thor’s had his own picture on them, airbrushed golden locks streaming in the wind.  “Thor,” Steve said, “remember what Dr. Farinas said at dinner?”
“I do,” Thor said.  “I don’t believe she meant it as a serious suggestion, but she spoke of us leaving the tesseract behind here, for the scientists of this world to use.”
“We can’t, can we?” asked Steve.  He was pretty sure what the answer would be, but he needed to be sure.”
“We could, but there would be no way for us to protect it if somebody came for it again,” Thor replied.  “Besides, admirable as Dr. Farinas’ desire to explore the solar system is, we cannot trust that all her fellows would share it.  If there are no native infinity stones in this universe, the people of this world could create a weapon unlike any other.  No, it is better to have it in our world, where we can keep watch over it.”
“I thought so,” said Steve.
Thor squeezed his shoulder.  “Do not look so unhappy, Captain,” he said.  “We won the day, and we have learned a great deal. Perhaps we may yet prevent the calamity the Watcher warned of.”
What had they learned, Steve wondered.  They’d learned that there was a universe in which the people knew all the worst things the Avengers had ever done, and yet still looked up to them. They’d learned that Thor could wield lightning without Mjolnir, although he hadn’t figured out how.  They’d learned that Spider-Man’s real name was Peter Parker and they’d learned a lot about Chi’Tauri social structure.  Would any of that help them?
They’d learned that Bucky was going to be okay. That helped Steve a lot.
“I guess we’ll have to see,” said Steve.
Two days later, Natasha flew back into Houston without Scarlett, and did not volunteer any information about their meeting with Dauriac.  When Steve asked her how it had gone, she shrugged.
“Could have been worse,” she said, “but it could have been a lot better.  They’re both getting lawyers.”
Steve winced.  “Well, from what Scarlett said, it sounds like it would have ended sooner or later anyway.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t,” said Nat.  “It ended because of me.  I’ve ruined marriages before, but only when I had orders to.”  She shook her head.  “Rosie doesn’t deserve that.”
There was nothing Steve could say to make her feel better about that, so he changed the subject. “Dr. Farinas figured out how to program the Chi’Tauri’s wormhole machine,” he said, “and Thor and Loki refilled the crystal.  So any time you’re ready, we can go home.”
“Oh, good,” she said.  “I’m ready now.”
The people at NASA insisted on throwing them a small goodbye party, with gifts to take home and a small brass band to play what was apparently the theme from the Avengers movies.  Kevin Farinas, Colleen Hobb, and Ellen Ochoa all came to wish them well, as did Donny and Bob – and Hayley Atwell, who Steve was happy to see one more time.  He’d watched her talking to Chris Evans before the actor went to the airport to meet his parents, and she’d given him a hug before he got in the taxi.  Clearly they were good friends, but not lovers.  That was a little disappointing, somehow, but he was glad that some version of himself got to go on knowing her.
When she came to say goodbye to him, he gave her a hug just as Chris had, and smile even as his insides clenched.
“So you managed to save the day without being a self-sacrificing wanker,” she observed as she stepped back.  Was Steve imagining it, or were there tears in the corners of her eyes?
“I did have a couple of self-sacrificing wanker moments,” Steve admitted, “but every time I did, I thought about how disappointed Peggy would have been in me, and found another solution.  So I mostly just ended up being disappointed in myself.  I don’t like thinking I’m a coward.”
“You’re not a coward, Steve, don’t be silly!” said Hayley.  “I’m just glad you’ve figured out you don’t need to destroy yourself to be a hero.  Peggy would be proud of you.”
“Oh, would she?” asked Steve.
“Absolutely,” she assured him.  “She was always proud of you, but she would have been prouder than usual.  I think she’d also want me to give you this,” she added, and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.
Steve would have protested, but it was the closest he would ever come to kissing Peggy again – and Hayley herself apparently wanted him to think of it that way.  So he just held her against him and let it linger, trying to memorize the feel of her arms around his shoulders and the taste of her lipstick, and finally letting himself enjoy this one tiny bit of a world full of things he wanted but could never have.
“Nice!” said Musa.
Steve and Hayley broke their kiss, and both turned to look at her.  She was smiling.
“I’m cool with threesomes,” she said.  “The more, the merrier, right?”
Hayley shook her head.  “Everything will be fine,” she promised Steve.  “It always is, in the movies.  Just remember that it’s possible to both save the world and live to enjoy it, and I’m sure you’ll do great.”
They climbed back into the Leviathan.  Kevin was in the cockpit, tweaking the wormhole device and fitting some kind of sensor.  She’d showed it to them at breakfast and had told them it would transmit readings of the shape of distorted space-time to her right up until they vanished – Steve hadn’t understood a word of it but he was sure it was important.  She said goodbye again and gave everybody hugs before leaving.  Then at last, with his friends on board – Thor, Loki, Natasha, and Musa – Steve guided the vessel into the air.  He flew a wide circle around Houston and the Gulf coast, gaining altitude, and then touched the circle icon.
Kevin had listed a number of things that might go wrong and had suggestions for dealing with them, but there was one she hadn’t anticipated.  This particular Leviathan had been through a lot in the past few days.  It had been in and out of hyperspace, towed behind the ravager ship.  It had busted through the walls of the space station at Haven and the Chi’Tauri mothership – the latter twice.  It had been picked up and used as a projectile.  It had been shot at by all kinds of weapons, its mouth welded shut, forced through fields it was never supposed to even try to penetrate, and all this on top of being retrofitted for interdimensional travel it was not designed for.  The blue crackle flashed over them, and then with a loud snap, all the displays went out.  Steve barely had time to think oh shit, and then could only hit the deck and cover his head as they plowed into the lawn of the Johnson Space Center.  The antigravity field around the ship collapsed, and the Leviathan, no longer able to sustain its own weight, did likewise.
When things stopped falling apart all around him, Steve spent a moment focusing on his limbs to make sure he didn’t have any major injuries, and then began digging his way out of the wreck.  The roof of the cockpit was layers of armor, wiring, sensors, and hologram projectors, all of which had fallen right on top of the passengers.  He shoved the pieces aside until he reached the surface, where he found that Thor had also turn his way out and was dragging Natasha, bruised and weary, out of a tangle of wire.  People from the buildings around them were already running to see what had happened, but Steve paid no attention to them for now.  He had to find the others.
“Loki!” he shouted.  “Musa!  Can you hear me?”
“Over here!”  A hand popped out of the wreckage.  Steve went and lifted the huge metallic jaws of the Leviathan, which had fallen on top of her, and discovered her trapped between two bulkheads below it. With her pushing from below and him pulling from above, he bent them apart with a sickening metallic noise, and she squirmed out and grabbed him to pull herself to her one good leg.  Not far away, Loki kicked a section of armor plating off himself and shook his leg, as if having the piece on it had cut off the circulation.
Steve breathed a sigh of relief.  They were all okay.
Relief couldn’t last long, though – vehicles were pulling up, people were yelling, and men and women in SWAT uniforms were surrounding them.  The first helicopter that flew over had a news channel’s logo on the side, but the second was military.  Within minutes, there were at least a dozen guns trained on them, and those were just the ones they could see.
Steve sighed again, and raised his hands.
Musa held on to Steve with one arm, but raised the other to show she was unarmed.  “I thought you’d be more popular,” she observed.
“That’s what you get when you run off with a guy you only just met Thursday,” Natasha told her.
Twenty-four hours later, they were in the Raft.
Thor and Loki weren’t with them, of course. Loki had been carrying the tesseract, so Thor had summoned Mjolnir, which must have flown all the way from the museum in Norway to his hand, and then called for the Bifrost.  The two gods vanished in an explosion of coloured light.  But Steve, Natasha, and Musa had all been arrested and were now in separate cells, specially built and reinforced to hold the super-powered.  This was where Clint had ended up, Steve reminded himself. And Sam.  And Scott.
And Wanda.  He should have sent Wanda home.  He could have, and he hadn’t. She would probably have refused to go, but he could have tried.
He was sitting sullenly on his cot, stewing over that, when somebody banged on the bars.  “Hey, Captain,” said a familiar voice.
Steve sat up to look.  The elderly man standing outside was wearing a guard’s uniform, but he had a startlingly familiar face.  “Stan Lee?” he asked, and then corrected himself – wrong universe.  “Watcher?”
“Who, me?” the guard asked, and pointed to his nametag.  “Nah, I’m Officer Smith.”  He winked at Steve.  “You’ve got a visitor.”
“Who?” asked Steve, getting to his feet.  But a moment later he could hear the voice approaching, ranting away.  Something about certainly not expecting him to show up out of nowhere with Romanov and Chiquita Banana…
Steve grinned, then quickly composed himself.  His guest would expect him to look serious… but then Stark sauntered up, wearing an Armani suit over a t-shirt with an iguana in sunglasses on it.  He pulled his glasses down his nose to peer over them, and Steve couldn’t help smiling just a little, because he knew exactly what Stark was about to say.
“Hey, Dorito.”
“Hey, Stark,” said Steve.  “Believe it or not, I’m happy to see you.”
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wilocarpio · 4 years
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#bekind #seamable #happyfriday ❤️ (at 24 Hour Fitness - Downey, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCfO_mYBgA861Gg_LCDFeW2mpoW5DGktGRb94A0/?igshid=1vdctpt7ipod7
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Suzuki Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Downey CA
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Suzuki Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Downey CA - CALL (626)800-4410
We indulge an ample selection of Suzuki lockman services and can sustain skirtting each and every unfortunate car ignition lock, lock and key experiences. Whenever you cleave to program a transponder chipped key, wish a sidewinder key cut, cleave to replace your ignition cylinder or got you vehicle key stolen, our motor vehicle lock smith masters near Downey CA can resolve any Suzuki keys replacement and lock out service on site. Rather then hauling your car to the dealer and spends unnecessary hours waiting on line, we proffer a current specialist for an affordable and a brisk engine control module reflashing, lock rekey and transponder chip key programming on the spot.  
Suzuki replacement keys in Downey CA
One of the core part of any Suzuki is it's keys and locks platform, which will have to be re-keyed if deteriorated or lost. When this type of a issue ensues we, at Downey Key Replacement, in Downey CA, are considerably experienced to regulate all versions of ignition, lock or key disputes on site.
Suzuki transponder key is specifically decoded to work with a specific car and our know-how worker force can generate Suzuki anti theft system, passive anti theft, laser cut or flip-key keys, and moreover install, repair or replace any sort of locks, keys and ignition on site year round.
About Suzuki keys and locks instrument
Suzuki is Japan's global trendy car-maker of prevailing vehicles and turned out to be one of the greatest Japanese auto manufacturer since 1909.
Suzuki originate accepting transponder chipped keys in 2003. Previous  Suzuki chipped keys could be duplicated by a convenient economical on-board duplication procedure.
Later cars according to year and model shifted it's keylock infrastructure to an enciphered transponder chipped keys that demand a unique diagnostic equipment and key programmer in order to copy a spare key.
Since 2008, A few  Suzuki cars are utilizing SmartPass Keyless entry & starting system and push 2 start ignition as either optional or standard structure.
Ignition switch repair
The Suzuki ignition switch utilize 3 positions that light up specific instrumentation when the driver turn the key. The ignition will light up the electronic parts on the 1st phase, light up the fuel injection on the 2nd phase and turn over the car engine on the 3rd phase.
A noticeably prevalent question we get asked over the phone to assist with,  ignition system problems. While our agent are generally happy to tackle and troubleshoot your condition, it can be terribly hard to perform over the phone. On top of having proper Suzuki lockpick tools and diagnostic, an essential understanding of how car ignition system function is fundamental, though prior to calling an ignnition expert please check the options below:
</p> <h5>No dash-board console lights</h5> <p> If you turn the key in ignition on but have no lights come on at the dashboard meaning that there is no electrical power running from the battery. It may be a deplated battery or frequently a failed alternator or electronic wiring connection could cause this. Turn on the front lights, if they wont light up, it means the battery has no power which is a problem for a  mechanic shop.
</p> <h5>Hard to turn the ignition key</h5> <p> Majority of car compose of a steering column locking mechanism that activates when ever you take the ignition key out of the switch  at the end of a drive. In some cases, the steering wheel is in a position that applies tension to the ignition system, and averts the key from turning (usually happens when parking on a hill) or if a front wheel is depressed against something (like curb stone).
Note: Before you begin troubleshooting this complication, assure that your motor vehicle shifting gear is on park.
Grab the car wheel and try to move the  steering wheel  right and left and left and right at the same time as mildly jiggling the ignition gripping the key - this might help to release the steering lock.
The ignition cylinder is one of the most important systems of any car and consisting of quite a few tiny units that can be wearisome to inspect by an inexperienced hands, so the only thing an owner can do running into ignition cylinder  complications is to double check you’re in fact trying to start your own vehicle and call a car locksmith to arrive to your location to repair, replace  rekey the ignition or key which will priced as about $150–$375.
Transponder key form
In the 1990’s and maybe even preceding to this, many automakers has began providing requisite electronic chipped keys and immobilised vehicle ECM keys and locks in their cars as an added measure to reduce car larceny.
When transponder chipped key is inserted into the ignition crack-hole, the chip ignites and carts a radio frequency indication code to the car computer module. If the indication code matches the code in the car computer module, the vehicle will start to serve as antitheft structure for present-day vehicles.
To issue or duplicate a key, the key have to be correctly computed to the immobiliser and some cars stores arrangement for on board key copy
Suzuki keyless entry device
Push-start ignition instrumentation arrive with a fobik device that a car owner can keep tucked away in the purse, pocket or briefcase, or wherever within a distance of 5 ft to the immobiliser inside the car.
The key-less entry chip deliver a distinct low-level RF signal to the engine control unit, which then verifies that the right signal has been delivered and allows the owner to remotely close and open the doors locks and furthermore press a push-buttons on the dash board to flare up or deactivate the car without inserting a key or pressing a toggles on the fob.
Though smart keys and push 2 start ignition evolved into being extensively feasible, even on affordable vehicles, these technologies haven't yet reached the status of automotive essential requirement as electronic door locks and windows, nevertheless, the convenience factor is a a key consideration for varied smartkeys shoppers.
Copy vs lost car keys
Modern Suzuki key-lock instrumentation contains vehicle immobiliser and chipped key and even though transponder keys come in a range of switch-blade key, key-less entry, keyfob and sidewinder keys, the fundamental concept behind this instrument is that the transmitter in the key deliver a signal to the immobiliser in the car. If the immobiliser does not recognize a compatible message, the fuel supply will locked and the vehicle wouldn't turn over.
A few outmoded models keys could be conveniently duplicated using dashboard procedure, yet customarily to duplicate a spare key, the transponder inside the key need to be programmatically synced by a compatible key programming machine carried by a locksmith or the dealer-ship.
If the key is stolen or lost, the car main computer need to be re programmed to employ the new key and dismiss the lost key. This practice dispenses a safety feature assuring the cancellation of the misplaced or stolen key. This key programming, platform applicable only to the Suzuki dealership or a licensed locksmith, which actually means that you will must hire a car lock man or tow your car to the dealership.
24hrs vehicle lockout
Locked yourself out of car? Don't worry  WE CAN HELP!. Our trusted staff fit a well versed lockout services twenty four hours a day all days and nights of the year. With our state-of-the-art lockpicking apparatus likewise courteous and professional trained employee, we assure you reliable and fast service for your pop a lock demands.. Our main goal is to grant uncommon agilest motor vehicle lockout We can handle variety of ignition obstacles on premises, for almost any model, year and automobile manufacturer.
Car locks updating
Did you purchased a fresh Suzuki ignition and demand to back up an outdated one?, lost all the keys to your car? or got one of your Suzuki keys robbed?, would like to ensure that no one else purchase the effectiveness to crank your car? Good News! You are in the right place, due to the fact that re-keying of vehicle locks is one of Downey Key Replacement central virtue. Our specialists can re key the internal pins inside your door or ignition lock, so it would employ the fresh key and decline the archaic one. Take up the tele-phone and call our customer care office to get your car lock re keyed by a know-how lock-man hurriedly
Our 24hr mobile lock-smith service enable drivers get a skillful lock smith every time they need one. Just call us! Our task force are practicable 24/7 ready to come down to you to replace a lost car key, pick your locked motor vehicle door or repair your ignition lock on-site.
Make sure to have our number handy for any time you are undergoing an emergency broken or lost keys and need an efficient lock-smith service.
Our company have built a prominence as a consistent and a truly immediate response and our man-power are qualified to complete the task guaranteeing ultimate comfort for a fair price in the moment of need.. If you’re scouting for Car key replacement service in Downey California call (626)800-4410 for a reliable local automotive locksmith, who duplicate and replace trunk, door and ignition keys and remote fob made on the spot.
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5d-rides-blog · 5 years
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This climate controlled and self-powered 5D / Virtual Reality Mobile Theater creates entertainment on par with leading theme parks! 
High speed 6 DOF Motion chairs, 4D Movies, sounds and lots of physical effects like water splashes, fog, wind, lightnings, bubbles, etc.
Motions and special effects are accurately synchronized with high quality 4DX videos and provides a lot of adrenaline.
Jet-like designed and genuine leather Motion chairs inside of our superior quality theater allow up to 4 people to ride at the same time.
Up to 48 people per hour can participate.
We have 24 unique virtual worlds for kids and adults. It's a mind-blowing party entertainment for everyone!
Good for Male and Female; Ages 4 to 8, Ages 8 to 12, Ages 12 to 18, Ages 18 and Over.  
Our superior quality 4D Movie Theater is fully self-powered and climate-controlled.
The mobile 4D Cinema fits on most driveways and standard parking lots.
The State (DOSH) Certificate Of Compliance can be viewed inside the theater.
The 5D Simulator On Wheels is completely safe and awesome!
Ideal for Kids Birthday Party, Private Party, Public Events, Corporate Events, School Events, Church Events, Themed Party, Sports Themed Party, Graduation Party, School Dance, Preschool Graduation Party, Kindergarten Graduation Party, Elementary School Graduation Party, Middle School, Graduation Party, High School Graduation Party, College Graduation Party, Holiday Celebration, 4th of July Party, Labor Day Party, Christmas Party, Thanksgiving Party, Halloween Party, Pool Party, Family Picnic, Backyard Barbecue, City Sponsored Events, Wedding Event, Anniversary Party, Game, Day Parties, Special Occasion Party, Outdoor Party, Fundraising Events, Grand openings, After-School Programs, Company Picnics, Corporate Celebrations, Retirement Parties, Customer Appreciation Days, Team Building Events, Promotional Events, Rewarding Successful Staff, Boy's Birthday Party, Girl's Birthday Party, First Birthday Party, Sweet 16 Birthday Party, 21st Birthday Party, Local Vendor Fair, City Event, Family Fun Event, Holiday Celebration, Sports Event, Public Pool Parties, City Carnivals and Festivals.
 Providing Party Rentals in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Santa Clarita, Thousand Oaks, Van Nuys, Whittier,  Agoura Hills, Alhambra, Altadena, Arcadia, Artesia, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bassett, Bel Air, Bell, Bellflower, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Canyon Country, Carson, Castaic, Cerritos, Chatsworth, Claremont, Commerce, Covina, Culver City, Diamond Bar, Downey, Duarte, El Monte, El Segundo, Encino, Fullerton, Gardena, Glendora, Granada Hills, Hacienda Heights, Harbor City, Hawaiian Gardens, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Hollywood, Huntington Park, Inglewood, La Canada, La Crescenta, La Mirada, La Puente, La Verne, Lakewood, Lawndale, Lomita, Los Alamitos, Lynwood, Manhattan Beach, Marina Del Rey, Mission Hills, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Newhall, Northridge, North Hills, North Hollywood, Norwalk, Pacific Palisades, Pacoima, Palos Verdes, Panorama City, Paramount, Pico Rivera, Playa Del Rey, Playa Vista, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Reseda, Rosemead, Rowland Heights, San Dimas, San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, San Pedro, Santa Fe Springs, Seal Beach, Sherman Oaks, Sierra Madre, Simi Valley, South Gate, South Pasadena, Stevenson Ranch, Studio City, Sunland, Sun Valley, Sylmar, Tarzana, Temple City, Torrance, Tujunga, Universal City, Valley Village, Venice, Walnut, West Covina, West Hills, Westlake Village, Wilmington, Winnetka, Woodland Hills
For more information please visit:
Text Us: (818) 281 50 13 E-mail: [email protected]
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andrewjonathannn · 7 years
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Savage, baby
I'm killin' these niggas, closed casket, baby. #gucci #migos #guccimane #mrdavis #igetthebag #music #hiphop #gay #latino #beard #beardgang #nike #gym #selfie #progress #fitness #iphone #iphonex (at 24 Hour Fitness Downey Super Sport)
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 5 years
SAN RAMON, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–24 Hour Fitness will host in-person tryouts across the country to find
Team USA’s Next Olympic Hopefuls, a first-of-its-kind program led by the
United States Olympic Committee to enhance the pipeline of world-class
athletes pursuing Olympic sport. In partnership with the USOC, 24
Hour Fitness will host tryouts at select clubs throughout the U.S. on
Saturday, June 2, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Information is available at:www.24hourfitness.com/NextOlympicHopeful
The quest to find the Next Olympic Hopeful will ultimately find one
winner for each participating sport and the winners will be invited to
join the national team camps of eight sports: bobsled, skeleton, boxing,
canoe/kayak, cycling, rowing, rugby and weightlifting. The journey will
be highlighted on Team USA social and digital channels and the entire
program, including announcement of the winners, will be featured in the
USOC Productions two-part broadcast, Scouting Camp: The Next Olympic
Hopeful airing on NBC and NBCSN in November.
The success of last year’s program resulted in two winners from the 24
Hour Fitness in-person tryouts—Amanda Alvarez (skeleton), from the 24
Hour Fitness Bothell, Washington, club; Josh Williamson (bobsled), with
Williamson’s start coming from his 24 Hour Fitness in-club tryout in
Winter Park, Florida. From there, he catapulted into training and earned
five medals, including two gold medals, in international competition. www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlPUI-hQ9Yg
Prior experience is not needed, just the determination, strength and
speed to pursue your Olympic dream. The journey to find the Next Olympic
Hopeful will include:
First Round: Regional tryouts and 24 Hour Fitness in-person tryouts At
both the regional tryouts and the 24 Hour Fitness in-person tryouts,
athletes will complete a battery of tests for strength, mobility and
endurance to qualify for selection into the next phase. The in-person
tests happening June 2 are conducted by the fitness professionals with
state-of-the-art equipment and the energetic, vocal support of family
and friends who can observe the action close up.
Athletes unable to attend in-person tryouts are encouraged to
apply through the online portal: TeamUSA.org/NextOlympicHopeful.
Second Round: Narrow applicant search to top-100 athletes Following
the first phase of tryouts, the applicant pool will be narrowed to
approximately 100 athletes – 50 men and 50 women – who will be invited
to spend six days at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado
Springs, the epicenter of world-class training for American athletes
working towards their Olympic and Paralympic dreams. The athletes will
go through an intensive screening, sport-specific training and have
access to leaders in the field of sport medicine, science and
psychology, as their journey is documented for broadcast.
Final Round: Olympic journey begins One winner per sport
will emerge from the show and will be invited to join the national
team camps in one of eight sports: bobsled, skeleton, boxing,
canoe/kayak, cycling, rowing, rugby and weightlifting. The eight total
winners – four men and four women – will also be eligible to receive
financial, training and medical support as they prepare for the
opportunity to compete at the Olympic Games in their identified sport.
24 Hour Fitness in club tryouts for The Next Olympic Hopeful will
take place Saturday, June 2, 2018, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the following
Dallas, Texas: 24 Hour Fitness Castle Hills, 4866 State Highway
121, Lewisville, TX 75056
Denver, Colorado: 24 Hour Fitness Parker Arapahoe, 15900 E.
Briarwood Circle, Aurora, CO 80016
Pearl City, Hawaii: 24 Hour Fitness Pearl City, 1000 Kamehameha
Hwy., Pearl City, HI 96782
Houston, Texas: 24 Hour Fitness Katy Bella Terra, 5270 West
Grand Parkway South, Richmond, TX 77406
Los Angeles, California: 24 Hour Fitness Downey, 8810 Apollo
Way, Downey, CA 90242
Miami, Florida: 24 Hour Fitness Miramar, 11645 Red Rd. H-1,
Miramar, FL 33025
New York/New Jersey area: 24 Hour Fitness Valley Stream Green
Acres, 750 West Sunrise Highway, Valley Stream, NY 11581
Orlando, Florida: 24 Hour Fitness The Grove at Winter Park,
4270 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, FL 32792
San Diego, California: 24 Hour Fitness Balboa, 7715 Balboa
Ave., San Diego, CA 92111
Seattle, Washington: 24 Hour Fitness Bothell, 18006 120th
Ave. NE, Bothell, WA 98011
San Francisco Bay Area, California: 24 Hour Fitness San Jose,
1610 Crane Court, San Jose, CA 95112
About the USOC
Founded in 1894 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the
United States Olympic Committee serves as both the National Olympic
Committee and National Paralympic Committee for the United States. As
such, the USOC is responsible for the training, entering and funding of
U.S. teams for the Olympic, Paralympic, Youth Olympic, Pan American and
Parapan American Games, while serving as a steward of the Olympic and
Paralympic movements throughout the country. For more information, visit TeamUSA.org.
About 24 Hour Fitness
As an industry leader for more than 30 years, 24 Hour Fitness transforms
lives every day through fitness. Conveniently located clubs, furnished
with a wide variety of strength, cardio and functional training
equipment, are the perfect environment for fitness professionals to
deliver dynamic personal and group training programs. GX24®
and cycle studios feature a popular array of live studio classes
included with membership. Combined with a welcoming community, the
compelling TV and magazine content of 24Life
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, Fit:Perks®
Rewards and the innovative My24® app, and 24GO
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coaching platform, there are a multitude of offerings to engage and
inspire every member to lead a full and healthy life both inside and
outside of the club. Opening new clubs on average at the brisk pace of
one every few weeks, 24 Hour Fitness is headquartered in San Ramon, CA
and serves nearly 4 million members in over 420 clubs nationwide. Please
visit 24hourfitness.com for more information and to find a club near you.
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If you enjoyed this post, you should read this: Octane Fitness Fuels Exercisers with Updated Workout App | Business Wire
from https://ift.tt/35SDwrp
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albiemo · 7 years
Added a second day with my personal trainer to my daily Masters of the Universe routine. #Fitness #Exercise #GX24 #Personal #Trainer #HeMan #MsstersOfTheUniverse #LosAngeles #Photography #albiemo (at 24 Hour Fitness Downey Super Sport)
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allskynostars · 7 years
I want an answer to all the questions 😁
Gee, thanks T ;) 
1. What is you middle name?
Lee. It’s my Dads middle name, and my brother and I have my Mum’s surname seeing as they were never married (now separated) so she gave us our Dads middle name as our own. So me my brother and my Dad all have the same middle name. Oh and and my oldest brother (different Dad) has Lee hyphenated into his first name so there ya go hahah.  
2. How old are you?
23, 24 in 5 weeks :) 
3. When is your birthday?
August 20th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo (it fits)
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
My favourite number is 2, so therefore my lucky number is 22.
7. Do you have any pets?
There is a cat at the flat I’m currently living in, he’s the fattest ever and his name is Zinny. 
8. Where are you from?
Born in London. Moved to NZ when I was 6 months old. So legally British, but I am a Kiwi. 9. How tall are you?
I honestly don’t know but I’m tall. 5′9 maybe?
10. What shoe size are you?
In NZ I’m a 9 or a 10. I think it’s 8 UK, 42 US? I have big feet okay haha. 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
At the moment only like 4 cause I just moved country and gave a lot away. 
12. What was your last dream about?
I wish I could remember :(
13. What talents do you have?
I can rap? Haha like don’t get me wrong I can’t freestyle but if I hear a song enough I get pretty good. But that probably ties in with my ability to just know the words to nearly every fucking song. My boyfriend always plays this game where he’ll start singing a song and then I have to sing the whole thing haha. 
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I mean I say I am all the time but it’s not serious. 
15. Favorite song?
This is so hard to answer. I have so many. it depends on my mood haha. 16. Favorite movie?
I am a movie buff. I cannot simply pick one. Although one film I could watch at any time is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Oh and Shutter Island. Mark Ruffalo & Leo Dicaprio are my faves. Breakfast Club? Only Lovers Left Alive. I can’t pick. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Seth Cohen.
18. Do you want children?
I do, but there are days I wonder if I actually do, you know?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
 20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Plenty of times, haha. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I can’t say I have, no
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes! Quite a few if I can boast haha. Aidan Turner, Dean O’Gorman, Karen Gillan, Jamie Campbell Bower, Marl Ruffalo, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Andrew Scott, Jenna Coleman. That’s all I can recall right now haha. I have photographic evidence of all except RDJ :( 
24. Baths or showers?
It depends! 
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Black :) 
26. Have you ever been famous?
Haha no. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I don’t think so, to be honest.
28. What type of music do you like?
A broad range. A lot is like indie/pop, and I really do listen to a lot of rnb/rap which always surprises people. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
God no haha. If I had the balls. 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 since we moved here but ideally 2. 
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side. 
32. How big is your house?
Not very. It’s converted (typical London) so it’s basically fit anything where you can haha. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t eat it normally, but if I do it’s cereal or toast. Also love pancakes. 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
At a school camp, once. 
36. Favorite clean word?
Clean word? LIke non swear word? Lovely. 
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck. Classic.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Like 36 hours or so but I don’t do well on no sleep. 
39. Do you have any scars?
Just little cuts and things, nothing major. 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
No, had a stalker once. 
41. Are you a good liar?
Kind of. 
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I believe so. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not at all I am terrible at accents haha.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I’m told not really, not compared to others. It’s probably because my family were English so it’s buffered.
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Nothing I own is expensive haha.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right :)
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes, any creepy crawlies ew. 
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy but hates mess. 
55. Most used phrased?
Oh my god.
56. Most used word?
Probably a swear word.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends on whether it’s just going out or like going out out. Anywhere from 10 mins to an hour. 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so no.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Often haha. 
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Very often haha.
62. Are you a good singer?
I’ve been told I’m actually not that bad a few times haha so thats something I guess. 
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
Sometimes… hahah.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
What kind of dramatic? Prisoners was so good and that sprung to mind. 
66. Do you like long or short hair?
My hair? Looooog. I cut it short 2 years ago and regretted it so much. On others? Unphased. Love a good man bun but don’t we all..
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I doubt it haha. 
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert mainly, extrovert tendencies. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, terrified of the ocean. Which is annoying because it’s beautiful but ugh.
71. What makes you nervous?
Lots, especially having so speak to people I don’t know, about jobs etc.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Love the dark.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
My boyfriend all the time,because he’ll still love me, but not normally anyone else haha. 
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
In my previous management jobs, yeah.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
A lot.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
A couple times..
79. Who was your first real crush?
Non celeb? When I was like 12 I was obsessed with a guy my cousin has been with for 3 years and owns a house with haha. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
Nose & ears.
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
If I get going quite fast. Dunno actual speed.
83. How fast can you run?
Not very anymore haha.
84. What color is your hair?
Naturally dark brown. Dyed darker but not black.
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing I know of.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I want too!
88. What do your parents do?
Mum Retail, Dad Accounting to put it simply cause I don’t actually know.
89. Do you like your age?
23 has been good to me.
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
I don’t hate it, but it’s boring.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have a few.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
If I could pick, 2 boys 1 girl.
94. What are you strengths?
I’m fiercely loyal.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Also stubborn, is that a weakness? V shy.
96. How did you get your name?
My Nans name was Jennifer, my Mum wanted to name me after her but not completely so therefore; Jenna. Also my family has a history of J’s. My Nan, Mum, oldest brither and 2 cousins are J names. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I wish haha.
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Pretty patterned pink/blue.
100. Color of your room?
These walls are like a light yellow but I did not chose it haha. 
That took way too long god I am boring.
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jasontyler85 · 2 years
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No pain, no gains! 💪 chest, arms, core all burning🔥 in a good way (at 24 Hour Fitness - Downey, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSyselpUSj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/? - A Visitor Part 2/? - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/? - Cutscene Part 4/? - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/? - Breathless Part 6/? - Escape at Last Part 7/? - Fox in Socks Part 8/? - Things Go Wrong Part 9/? - Downey and Out Part 10/? - Road Trip Part 11/? - Temptation Part 12/? - An Awful Reunion Part 13/? - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/? - A Call for Help Part 15/? - Loki’s Guests Part 16/? - Stan Lee Cameo Part 17/? - Reassessment Part 18/? - Midnight Invasion Part 19/? - Elevator Fight Part 20/? - Courage Part 21/? - Unwelcome Back Part 22/? - Darkest Hour Part 23/? - They Are Here Part 24/? - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Part 25/? - Word of God Part 26/? - Avengers Assembled Part 27/? - The Houston Underground Part 28/? - Houston has a Problem Part 29/? - Onward and Upward Part 30/? - The Chi’Tauri Queen Part 31/? - Through the Wormhole Part 32/? - Prisoners Part 33/? - Arm’s Length Part 34/? - A Moment’s Respite Part 35/? - Ravagers to the Rescue Part 36/? - What Happened to Hiddleston Part 37/? - Haven Part 38/? - Steve Has a Terrible Idea Part 39/? - Can’t Be Choosers Part 40/? - Stan Lee Cameo Redux Part 41/? - Shipjacking Part 42/? - The Gauntlet Thrown Part 43/? - The Queen’s Chamber Part 44/? - The Guardians Part 45/? - The Nest Part 46/? - Heroes
Things finally start to go right.  Mostly.
The door groaned as the queen forced it up, then made a horrible screeching noise as the mechanism to open and close it gave up and stopped resisting her.  She forced it all the way open.  Natasha dragged Steve further back into the room, while Thor took up a position in between them and the queen.  He looked around for something to use as a weapon, and then pulled an axe-like object off the wall.  It was ornate and jewelled and nearly nine feet long, but Thor had the strength to swing it and it would have to do.
Then, quite unexpectedly, something large moved behind the queen.  For a moment Steve couldn’t identify it, then his eyes managed to focus and he realized it was the Leviathan.  How was that possible?  They were all in here, the actors were either still fighting off the guardians or else already dead, Musa was dying… that only left the Watcher, and he’d already said he couldn’t intervene.  
Steve smiled again, because if the Watcher was intervening, it was somehow perfectly fitting. After all Stan Lee’s arguing earlier, it was just right that they would be saved by a Deus ex Machina.
The queen turned around, saw the Leviathan, and then just stood there, as if unsure how to react.
Curious, Steve made himself sit up a little, finding an angle at which he could see between the queen’s legs.  The Leviathan wasn’t flying.  Musa was kneeling there, holding it over her head like a basketball, and then she literally threw the entire enormous ship. It knocked the queen flat on her back, while the Leviathan rolled away to rest against the wall at the far end.
For a moment Steve wondered just how strong Musa was, but then he remembered what Thor had said about the Leviathans being suspended in their own antigravity field. From an outside perspective it weighed nothing at all.  There was a lot of antigravity and artificial gravity out here, he observed… and then his smile grew wider.
“Steve, stop that,” said Natasha.  “Stop smiling, you look like a madman.”
“No, no,” he said.  “I’ve got an idea – and this time I know it’s a good one.”
He started trying to get up.  It was an effort, but if Musa could throw a Leviathan when she only had one leg, he could get up after being bashed against the floor a few times.  Every inch of him ached, and one knee made a worrying pop sound, but seemed to hold.  The only thing he could compare the pain to was when he’d awakened in the hospital after taking down the three helicarriers in Washington.  Then he’d felt like he couldn’t have moved if he’d tried – but he hadn’t tried.  Now he did try, and he stood.
“Come on,” he said to Natasha.  “We have to get her to the window.”
The queen, too, was picking herself up.  Steve sidled past her while she was looking in the other direction and stumbled over to Musa.  Incredibly, she was conscious and no longer bleeding, though she was panting on her hands and knee.  Steve put a hand on her back.
“See if you can make it to the Leviathan,” he said. “We’ll get you to a doctor as soon as we’re off this ship.”  It would delay their heading home, but she had more than earned it.
Musa blinked at him, then looked down at her missing leg.  “What? This?  It’ll grow back.  Stings a little, that’s all.”
“What, really?” he asked.
“Really really,” she nodded.  “Go get her, Christine.”
The queen was back on her feet now.  Steve staggered towards the open door.
This time, he and Nat were careful to skirt the nest where the remaining larvae were still hiding – at least one of them was letting out a series of short, yipping cries, calling for its mother.  The queen stopped next to the nest to pull her knife out of the dead one, and then charged at them again, scrambling along in a bear crawl on her legs and two arms.  It was all Steve could do to keep ahead of her.  He began hearing glass crunch underfoot as they approached the giant windows at the far end.
They’d blasted through the larger of these with the Leviathan, but the layers of force field outside were keeping the atmosphere in. They’d also contained a great deal of the wreckage, which was floating around aimlessly, glittering in the light from the nearby planet.  The gravity ended at the wall.
The queen’s knife came down directly in front of Steve.  He leaped to the side, cut himself on the fallen glass, and just barely avoided being speared like an hors d’oeuvre.  The point of the blade struck sparks on the tiles.
They weren’t close enough yet.  Steve dragged himself back to his feet, stumbled, fell, got up again, and kept running.
Natasha was about ten yards away.  “Hey!” she shouted, waving her arms.  “Hey!  Bitch! Over here!”
The queen ignored her entirely.  Steve was the one who’d made her stab the larva. She wanted Steve, and no other.
He kept going, skidding when he stepped on the glass, dodging blow after blow as his reflexes seemed to drag more and more. He wasn’t exactly tired, but it wasn’t good for him to keep going, either. Normally Steve would have ignored the part of his mind that insisted he was going to hurt himself, but remembering how his ankle had gotten worse when he’d kept walking on it as Evans gave him pause.  His injuries would do that now, too, though to a lesser extent, getting worse and worse if not properly cared for.  It would happen more slowly, but it would still happen.
He’d thought he knew his limits.  Maybe he didn’t know them as well as he liked to believe… or maybe he just didn’t observe them.
A piece of broken metal fitting had fallen from one of the windows – just as he was thinking about his ankle, Steve’s leg caught on that, and he went sprawling.  Glass on the floor dug into his palms, his knees, and his shoulder as each hit the ground. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the barbed knife coming, still stained with the larva’s silvery blood, and tried to roll out of the way.  The tip of the knife clipped his sleeve as he did, scraping the place where the larva had rasped at his skin.  His ears roared and the world went white with pain.
The queen put a hand down on top of him, pinning him face-down to the ground and grinding the broken glass into his chest. She raised the knife and prepared to take his head off.
“Thor!  Now!” shouted Natasha.
Thor made a running start and rammed himself into the queen with all his strength.  She went flying off her feet and straight through the broken window, where she tumbled howling into the void.
Steve waited until he could hear something besides his own hammering heart, and then picked himself up, bloodied and shaking, for a look.  The queen hadn’t gone far.  Her flight had been stopped by the force field outside the vessel, but it was about a hundred feet away from the window and now she was stuck there, flailing in zero gravity as she tried to get back to the ship.  There was nothing in reach for her to push off, and the atmosphere within the field was not thick enough to swim through.
Natasha came to help him up, and Steve heard her snort. “It would be adding insult to injury if I laughed, wouldn’t it?” she asked.
“You have my permission,” he told her.
Doors flew open throughout the royal chambers, and Chi’Tauri of multiple sizes and ranks came rushing in.  Steve groaned – unlike several times in the past few days, he was probably capable of fighting, but that didn’t mean he wanted to.  He saw Thor assume a defensive stance, and Natasha moved in front of Steve, but it was soon clear that the Chi’Tauri were not the least bit interested in them anymore.  They hurried right past the three Avengers to the window, where they started climbing on top of one another, forming a chain to pull the queen back in.
“Hurry, while they’re distracted,” said Nat.
It seemed like miles back to the Leviathan.  Steve stumbled along with Nat’s help, while Thor leaped up to the mezzanine to see what had happened to the actors.  Steve wanted to be optimistic about that, but considering the trouble they’d had with the guardians, and the fact that the actors had been dropped into the situation at its worst, with no warning, he didn’t feel very hopeful.  He and Nat squirmed up the tube, and found Musa lying on her back on the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Steve crawled over and patted her cheek.  “Musa?” he asked.
Her eyes re-focused on his face, and she smiled. “You’re amazing, Christine,” she told him.
“You’re pretty amazing, yourself,” Steve replied. “Do you know what happened to the Watcher?”
She shrugged, which was not a graceful gesture for somebody who was lying down.  “He’s the next best thing to a god after the Asgardians.  I’m sure he’s fine.”
Steve decided that answer would do.
By the time Steve and the two women had struggled up to the cockpit, Thor had returned.  He was carrying the unconscious Tom Hiddleston over his shoulder like a potato sack, but was very gentle as he laid the man down on the floor.  Loki was right behind him, holding something wrapped up in his black cape, and to Steve’s surprise and relief, Evans, Johansson, and Hemsworth were bringing up the rear.  All had suffered a variety of minor injuries, some of which would probably require stitches, but all were alive.
“You’re okay!” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah!”  Evans sat down heavily on the floor next to Musa.  “I can’t believe it either, but Loki…”
“Ah!”  Loki held up a finger.  This was clearly an order to be quiet, but Evans just shook his head.
“Loki gave up and froze them,” he said.
“And you,” Loki said imperiously, “are never to tell another soul.”
“I don’t need to,” said Evans.  “It was in the movies.  In our universe, everybody knows.”
Thor laid Hiddleston down on the floor.  If Loki had looked bad after casting his illusions in the brig, Hiddleston now looked as if he were at death’s door.  He was chalk-white and looked as if casting the spell had actually consumed some of his body mass.  His cheeks were sunken, and there were dark circles around his eyes.
“Is he gonna be okay?” asked Johansson.
“He will need time to recover again from the energies he had to channel,” said Loki.  “I imagine he’ll live, though – mortals can be unexpectedly resilient.” He unwrapped the cape he was holding, and took out the tesseract.  “Now, let us finally put an end to this nonsense.”
This was all Loki’s nonsense, Steve thought – Loki was the one who’d gotten them into it.  Mentioning that would only start an argument, though, so he took the controls of the Leviathan while Thor pulled the fuel crystal out from under the console.  The craft groaned in protest as Steve raised it from the ground, and he momentarily feared it would refuse to fly.  It did lift off, though, and he guided it carefully out of the side chamber before taking off not for the broken window where the Chi’Tauri were dragging their queen inside, but towards the skylight in the roof, and went through that.
Beyond this there was another set of layered force fields.  They hadn’t had nearly enough time to rev the Leviathan up to full speed, so they hit them with far less force than they had the ones outside the rear window.  Each layer brought them almost to a complete stop, and the engines, wherever they were and whatever form they took, whined in protest as they broke through one after the other.  Steve found himself gritting his teeth, half-expecting the entire machine to disintegrate at any moment.
“How are you doing down there?” he asked, glancing down at Thor and Loki.  They had somehow connected the tesseract to the crystal, and the latter was starting to shine blue at its base.
“It’s filling,” said Loki.  “Slowly.
“We do not have the proper equipment,” Thor explained.  “If we let the energy move freely it will destroy us.”
Steve checked the rear display.  It seemed that the soldiers had succeeded in pulling the queen back inside, because the mothership was moving again now.  It rotated slowly so that it was broadside to them, which was odd until Steve remembered that the engines on one side had been partially destroyed by the clusters of mining charges.  The angle it chose was designed to use the remaining engines to best effect – they fired, and the huge ship began to move.
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