#24 hours to choose the next option
aerodaltonimperial · 7 months
katy's community poll-fic 2k24
part 1
(Well, so here is your next part, as decided collectively! I had to decide whether or not to bring the lads into this, and ultimately decided not to, since despite Bowens' best efforts, that shit ain't kayfabe, at least for Hook. ENJOY PART 2. Remember, 24 hours to pick the next bit.)
Bowens, it is: he’s got to know better than anyone how to deal with Max Caster and missing objects. Turns out, he’s relatively easy to find, but only because Jack accidentally stumbles across him sitting out by the row of sewing machines and the people sewing with somewhat reckless abandon. Jack actually almost skids right past him, coasting on his heels before realizing he spotted Bowens’ head half-hidden by one of the coat racks brimming with sequins and bright colors.
Honestly, the garish pink should have given it all away.
“Hey,” Jack says, perhaps more demanding than he should, because Bowens looks up from his phone screen with a frown. “Have you seen Max’s title belt?”
“What?” Bowens asks, and that might just be because Jack came barrelling out of nowhere without much of a greeting, but this feels like a Bowens problem.
“Max’s belt. It’s missing. Have you seen it?”
Bowens’ frown intensifies, tugging his face down. “What do you mean, it’s missing?”
“Don’t tell him anything!” Hook screeches, coming around the corner and nearly taking out the whole coat rack in his haste to stop. As soon as he does, Jack reaches out and covers Hook’s face with his hand, trying to push him back and away. He ends up getting Hook sputtering against his palm, which, ew.
“Okay, what is this about again?” Bowens asks.
“Max’s belt is missing,” Jack says, again. “I’m trying to find it.”
“I’m trying to find it,” Hook interjects, though it’s a bit muffled given that Jack still has his hand smushed up against Hook’s mouth. He finally withdraws once Hook licks his palm. Gross. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Bowens looks at Hook, and then at Jack. His face betrays nothing. “Oh. So… you’re both trying to figure out what happened to it?”
“Yes,” Jack and Hook answer at the same time, and then, disgusted, both try, “No.”
“It’s nice that you seem to be working together again,” Bowens says. The worst part is, he sounds genuine. The soul-crushing horror nearly takes Jack out at the knees.
“I’m not working with him,” Hook replies. “I hope his own hair strangles him in the middle of the night.”
“I hope that he inhales a joint and ends up choking to death on it,” Jack says.
“Well, I hope that his stupid little briefs are too tight and cut off circulation to his legs and he gets gangrene,” Hook says, with a glare.
Jack rolls his eyes. “I don’t even wear those anymore, so this just goes to show how much attention you pay to your surroundings.”
“Oh, sorry I’m not staring at your crotch,” Hook snaps. “You know, not everyone is, you perverted egomaniac.”
“Hook, I sincerely don’t think you are staring at anything except the god damn sun,” Jack says, “and I’m amazed that you haven’t gone blind yet. But there’s still hope it might happen. Today, if we’re lucky.”
“I feel like we’re getting really off-topic here,” Bowens comments.
Right: Max’s title belt. Jack turns back to Bowens, whose expression has gone, for lack of a better word, befuddled. “Have you seen the belt? Or anyone take the belt?”
“You think I saw someone take my partner’s title belt and then just… came here to sit for awhile?” Bowens asks.
“Fine, fine,” Jack amends. “If you had to guess, who would you think would take it?”
“Are you sure someone took it?” Bowens asks. His brow remains furrowed. “Max would misplace his ass if it wasn’t connected to his body, honestly.”
“He says he had it, and now he doesn’t,” Hook says, like a chump.
Jack pushes Hook away again, with his shoulder this time, to avoid the guy’s tongue touching his skin again. “Would, say, the Assboys take it?”
“But we’re in a group now,” Bowens says.
“Yeah, and that always works out so well,” Hook grumbles.
“Do you have any other enemies?” Jack asks.
Bowens, finally, seems to take this line of questioning seriously. He sits back, tapping a finger against his chin as his eyes slide up to the ceiling tiles. Then he says, “Well, I guess we did kind of declare war on the Undisputed Kingdom, back before we knew they were the Devil Goons. They might be pissed about that.”
“And they’re clearly assholes,” Hook agrees.
“But why would they give a shit about Max’s title belt?” Jack asks. “It’s not like they can do anything with it. It’s bright fucking pink. Everyone knows who it belongs to.”
“Maybe just to fuck with him,” Hook grumbles. “Get him all riled up.”
“I mean, they did steal MJF’s little mask and all,” Jack muses thoughtfully. “So they clearly have a history with this kind of thing.”
Hook nods, mouth pursed. “Wouldn’t be out of character.”
“Still feels like small fries compared to everything else they’ve done,” Jack continues. Then he realizes that Hook has been standing next to him for, like, five minutes, and is agreeing with him, which makes him feel like maybe he needs to go take another shower or something. “Go away. I’m doing this by myself.”
“No, I’m doing this by myself,” Hook says, all pissed and pink-cheeked again. “You’ll just stab me in the back the second I turn away.”
“Actually, I’d probably stab you in the stomach. I’d want you to know it was me.”
Hook growls. “Oh, trust me, I already would.”
“So, you guys are friends again?” Bowens asks. He’s gone back to his phone, scrolling through social media like somehow Jack and Hook have already lost his interest. Shouldn’t he be worried about Max’s missing belt? Whatever. “That’s nice.”
“Gross,” Jack says. “No. I hope he gets hit by a car jaywalking like a douchebag New Yorker.”
Hook’s nose crinkles in distaste. “Spoken like a true bitch.”
“Okay, cool,” Bowens replies, without looking at either of them. “Good luck with finding Max’s belt.”
“I’m finding it first,” Hook promises, and then turns to head down the hallway with his hands jammed into his hoodie pockets as though he doesn’t look like a bum that just rolled in from beneath the nearest bridge.
What an asshole.
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agayconcept · 1 year
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twinsimming · 5 months
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Energy Drinks by Twinsimming 🥤
This mod adds custom Energy Drinks to a new type of vending machine.
This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.
The Sims 3: Late Night
The Sims 3: Seasons
The Sims 3: Supernatural
The Sims 3: University Life
Soda-Lightful Vending Machine
Energy Drinks
Side Effects
New Moodlets
Soda-Lightful Vending Machine
- Price: §1250 - Category: Large Appliances - Includes all 11 original swatches + 1 recolorable option (3 channels) - Poly Count: 2346 - Originally created for The Sims 4 by RAVASHEEN, converted to The Sims 3 by me
Like the vending machines that came with University Life, sims can Buy Energy Drink, Shake Machine, or Slam Machine.
Energy Drinks
Teen and older sims can purchase energy drinks from the Soda-Lightful Vending Machine for §5 each.
Energy drinks boost the Energy need, give sims the custom Energy Rush moodlet, and remove any moodlets related to low Energy (Tired, Sleepy, Exhausted, Buzz Crashed, etc.), similar to drinking coffee, but the effect lasts twice as long (6 hours instead of 3 hours).
Drinking multiple energy drinks in a row will boost how long the Energy Rush moodlet lasts, as well as increase the moodlet's value, up to 18 hours and +30 mood.
Once the Energy Rush moodlet expires, sims get the custom negative Energy Crash moodlet.
Side Effects
If your sim goes more than 24 hours without another energy drink, they'll start to suffer from caffeine withdrawal and gain the custom negative Craving Caffeine moodlet for the next 2 days. Drinking coffee, tea, barista bar beverages, or another energy drink will remove this moodlet.
Drinking more than 2 energy drinks at a time also carries the risk of a sim being electrocuted and dying.
Teens and Elders both have a 5% chance of being electrocuted, while YA have a 1% chance and Adults have a 3% chance.
There are 8 different energy drinks to choose from. 6 provide flavor-related moodlets from the snow cone machine from Seasons and the bubble blower from Late Night. These moodlets last for 4 hours.
From left to right in the second preview photo:
Charged Cherry (Cheery Cherry)
Pineapple Power-Up (On a Beach)
Lightning Lemon (Laidback Lemon)
e-Lectric Lime (Lucky Lime)
Blue Raspberry Blitz (Raspberry Romance)
Gigawatt Grape (Gleeful Grape)
The Unidentified Fizzy Ooze energy drink replenishes Alien brain power, but makes non-Aliens nauseous.
The last energy drink is called Mystery Flavor and it works like the jelly bean bush from Supernatural; including carrying the risk of death, so proceed with caution.
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New Moodlets
Energy Rush: Given when sims drink an energy drink, lasts 6 hours, +10, +20, or +30 mood
Energy Crash: Given when the Energy Rush moodlet expires, lasts 7 hours, -15 mood
Craving Caffeine: Given when sims go more than 24 hours without another caffeinated drink, lasts 2 days, -30 mood
All of the tunable values can be found on the mod download page under the header “Tuning”.
Script Namespace
If you want to turn a different vending machine into an energy drink vending machine, open your desired object in s3pe and replace the current script name with the following:
Conflicts & Known Issues
This is a new scripted object, so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
All of the drink cans are different colors when placed in the world and during the drinking animation, but they all have a red can icon when placed in a sim's inventory. I'm not sure how to fix this right now, but that should be the only issue of note.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, mesh by RAVASHEEN, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad++, Sims4Studio, TSRW, Blender, Milkshape, Gimp, and Script Mod Template Creator.
Thank You
Thank you to RAVASHEEN and everyone in the Sims 3 Creators' Cave Discord!
If you like my work, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi 💙
Download @ ModTheSims
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symptomsofdeceit · 17 days
Finally back ish!!
I’m back from seeing my friends! It was really wonderful, I had so much fun with them 💕
After getting back things have been busy. I worked my longest shift so far (24 hours - 12 scheduled and 12 where I was on call but worked every hour), then I got sick.
I wanted to get straight back to game development stuff last month, but my laptop is finally starting to die 😅 so it’s time for me to get a new PC!
I’d like to build my own. I’ve never done it before so it’ll take a minute for me to figure everything out! I’ll be building a cute mechanical keyboard to go with it, too. I also bought a new desk with more space, so it’ll take a while for everything to arrive and me to finish my new setup.
While waiting for that I’ve done more writing though! I’m really happy with how the next part of Nalis’s route is going :)
The next update is going to require a lot of new backgrounds 😔 the arcade, a superstore, and 3 point-and-click areas (Nalis’s room, Thaumo’s room, and the lab). BGs are my least favorite things to draw but I’ll do my best!! I’ve been collecting good reference pics while waiting for my PC parts to arrive too.
I’ve changed some parts of the original demo too. I fixed some grammar issues, improved parts of the code now that I’m more familiar with how Ren’Py works, added a new Nalis CG for Nalis’s ending, and added the option to choose your MC’s aquatic animal + profile pic (when texting).
Because the code is different people will need to delete the old version before starting this one. I’ll include a tutorial when I release the next update.
My plan is still for 2 more big updates: the one I’m working on now (with the lab, arcade, and scenes in Nalis & Thaumo’s apartments), then the endings update.
As always I’m so grateful for everyone’s patience! And I hope everyone is doing very well!!
((edit: I wrote + posted this on my lunch break, so I can’t be online for long today! I’m on call from the end of my shift tonight until the beginning of my shift Monday, but if I’m not called much I’d like to be online more this weekend.))
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threebooksoneplot · 1 month
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24 hours only: help us choose a book title!! 🌞🌚
Quick: we need a ridiculous title for our next fake Twilight Saga book, a parodic Edward-POV retelling of Eclipse (in the style of Midnight Sun)! We’ve narrowed it down to three options.
*Frozen Hell — because Edward is Hades **Frosted Inferno — because Edward is extra Hades & also Frosted Flakes and Robert Frost ***Corona Light — evoking the corona of sunlight visible during a solar eclipse’s totality and for no other reason. Why, what did you think it meant?
Get those votes in by 5 AM EST on Tuesday, Aug 13th, when we’ll announce the new title along with our upcoming Eclipse cover contest. (And don’t forget to tune in to our Season 3 premiere on 9/11/2024!)
Three Books One Plot is a Twilight podcast with a twist: we simultaneously read Life and Death and Midnight Sun! This season: we'll once again brave the dangers Stephenie Meyer wouldn't as we continue Life and Death and Midnight Sun into the Eclipse era. More info here.
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maplebellsmods · 2 years
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Instrument Lessons Activity
This mod is a simple mod that allows your sims to sign up for instrument lessons (paid lessons) and it acts as an activity so they will slowly build their instrument skill as they go to the activity. 
You can choose between guitar, piano or violin lessons. Sometimes I do want to give my sims activities but I did want it to be paid for the realism aspect.
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How does this work?
Go on your computer and you will find the "Instrument Lessons Sign Up" pie menu. You can choose between either of the instruments. Parents can sign their children up for lessons.
But after the sim has signed up for the lessons they will need to pay a weekly fee. If you want to pay the fee click on the sim who is taking the lesson and go to "Instrument Lessons Sign Up" and you will find the option to pay. If you don't pay your sim will be kicked out and they will need to wait for a little before they can sign up again. 
Every week you will also be reminded to pay for the lessons, you will have 24 hours to pay. If you do not pay you will also be kicked out.
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When your sim reaches a higher level in this activity you will be able to attend recitals. Recitals happen every weekend, (Fridays) included and they begin at 5 pm. (This is only available for level 3 players and up.)
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What else do I need for the mod?
Does this mod require any DLC?
The mod is BGC.
Questions and concerns you might have?
Will you add more to this?
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please. I dealt with a lot of files when creating this mod, so something might not work the way I wanted it to work so please let me know about that so I can fix it.
I have different questions about the mod.
Honestly, I don't blame you. I might not have explained everything too well, so if you have questions about something, let me know.
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
What's next for the mod?
I have mentioned that I will be releasing an Acting Career overhaul in the upcoming weeks. I'm going to add Acting Lessons and these will be tied together. I will reveal more soon. 
Public Jan 17
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alienpossession · 9 months
Bodies a Day 25: Choice
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After my conditioning inside the model human for the past 24 hours, I'm now ordered to lay in the platform so they can extract me out from the model and then directed to my preferred bodies down on Earth. I guess this is the benefit for latecomer of a successful transplant project. We have influx of empties in our stock, and it leads to so many available option for me to choose from to ensure our project run smoothly and the continuation of the community ensured. Guess the First Settler did a bit too much with the extraction, they turned the whole college town population into empties to be used by the next batches without necessarily calculating that in order to fill 40,000 humans, we need at least 100 batch to land on Earth and started the infiltration, and I'm still the 34th Batch. But well, it's not like the First Settler known to be nothing but brute force after all, whenever they landed and no matter how much work they needed to do, they always ensured to finish the job. I heard that they settled into the lumberjack and some outcast of the town that lived nearby the woods as part of their ongoing mission of watching over newcomer and tracked whether the human government, especially the United States where we landed, aware of our presence.
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Me....well, as I said, I have lots of choices available. The Committee directed me to become human male, and I spotted some desirable figures like these human male....or men that studied human's business and economic system in college. They're also known to be very active in social organization and sporting activities, which piqued my interest because it's such an interesting balance between community involvement but also full-time studying
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There's also this group of younger but like-minded bunch of men to the earlier group, the description stated that most of them are pledges. They are also studying full-time per the description and still going to study for the next 3-5 years depending on the field they want to get into. Maybe I do want to learn longer? Hmm.....can't tell just yet
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The other group of men are older and there's not much studying in their description. But one group is quite interesting because it stated that they are involved in an open relationship with the four of them as the core component. What does that mean? I did hear about human's sexual fluidity, but during my learning, it's stated that it's not really that common still despite recent documented spike in the past few years, especially in our landed geographical area.
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The other group, well, aside from the explained "larger than average" built, I somehow found them to be rather plain. Yes they are strong and based on my notes, seemed like a desired version of men, but some others viewed them as obsessive or intimidating. I guess those kind of bodies deserved to be filled by some of the stronger member of my batch, they probably can put the body into better use or something
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So, do you have any suggestion which group I should choose? It's your choice as much as mine, I really can't decide
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairing: modern!aemond x fem!reader and a little bit of cregan stark x fem!reader.
summary: after you agreed to go on the date, aemond realizes what a big mistake he has made.
warnings: pining, aemond regretting all of his life decisions basically and getting what he deserves, and angsty shit bc you know i love to make you all suffer.
note: hi besties! i didn’t wanna do a part two of this one shot but since a lot of you were asking me, i heard you and here you have. and i’m already thinking about writing a part 3? or maybe a mini series? even tho i said i don’t like it. i need help!! btw if there are any mistakes i apologize, but as some of you may know english is not my first language. hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
read part one here.
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YOU REALLY DIDN’T WANT to go on that date but, as always, you couldn’t say no to aemond.
and it turns out, you had fun.
aemond’s girlfriend —or date, or girl friend? you don’t really know— is actually nice and you hate yourself for not being able to dislike her, she’s so freaking sweet that it makes you want to throw up. and as nice as she is, her friend is also very nice and a total gentleman. and also the quarterback of the college footfall team.
cregan stark made you forget all about aemond targaryen in just a couple of minutes with him. he knows how attractive he his and also how to use his charm with girls, because he had you flustered all night. he didn’t do anything more than just smile at you, pay for the dinner and drinks and walk you back to your dorm, kissing you goodnight. on the cheek. and just a couple of minutes after leaving, your phone buzzed with a new message asking for a second date.
but as much as you enjoyed the date, once you were alone with your thoughts your mind wandered back to the last person you wanted to think about.
you knew he was on a date too, he told you it was that day. you didn’t want to know but he told you anyways because you’re his best friend, he wants to share that kind of things with you. but you wish he wouldn’t, that way your heart wouldn’t break every time he opens his mouth.
and as you thought about aemond kissing another girl, you typed your answer to cregan.
when the next day came, you didn’t feel any better.
and it only got worse the second you bumped into aemond outside the coffee shop you were supposed to meet cregan.
“there you are! i’ve been looking for you everywhere.” he says, kissing you on the forehead.
not everywhere because you were in your dorm all day and he never, not once, came looking for you. weird it wasn’t his first option.
“here i am.” you try to sound nonchalant, your lips barely curling upwards.
“aren’t you going to ask me how it went?” aemond looks excited to tell you all about his date and you feel guilty for not wanting to know at all.
“i really want to know,” what a fucking liar you are. “but i can’t right now. maybe tomorrow?” you try convince him with that smile that says ‘pleaaaaaseeeee’ but aemond, for the first time in forever, it’s not convinced. even his smile instantly disappears.
but you don’t have time to give him an answer because the answer walks out of the shop, two coffee in each hand and a big and radiant smile that only grows the second you make eye contact. and it’s strange, because your face lights up just by seeing someone that was a total stranger less than 24 hours ago.
“i was starting to think you stood me up.” cregan says, not acknowledging aemond at all, and leans to kiss you on the cheek just to hand you one coffee. “to show you i was paying attention last night.” just by the smell you know he got your coffee order right.
aemond clear his throat and you both turn to face him. your cheeks are impossibly red and you avoid his eyes, choosing to look at your shoes instead.
“oh sorry,” cregan chuckles, and gives aemond a pat on the shoulder. “i’m going to steal her for a while, you okay with that?” you didn’t know you could be any more embarrassed, but it is possible. and you hate it.
aemond nods, looking at you one final time before turning around and walking away, leaving you with a strange and awful feeling in your heart.
but cregan soon makes you forget about almost everything. and it keeps happening for the next couple of weeks. but even him and his friends can’t make you forget about him.
you have barely seen aemond since that day in the coffee shop. you tried to call him the next day to apologize but he only texted you that now he was busy and he would give you a call when he could; but that never happened and since that day your friendship has been reduced to short and cold text messages. and it hurts. but you’re decided to not let another day pass without talking to him. or just seeing him. you miss him and you wonder if he misses you too.
but after trying to communicate with aemond all day, calling him and messaging him over and over again, you give up. he clearly doesn’t want to talk to you and as much as it hurts, it angers you too.
“i’m sure he’s just busy and will call you as soon as he can.” cregan tries to calm you as he walks by your side, his thumb brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
you only nod as an answer, looking at your phone hoping to see a text from aemond.
“hey, look at me.” he stops walking, his hands cupping your face, softly forcing you to look at him. “forget about him and enjoy the party, okay?”
it’s very sweet how he’s always making sure you are fine and listening to you talk about your best friend, not once telling you that he actually doesn’t like the guy.
you thank him by standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek, making him chuckle and hold your hand resuming your walk.
the first thing you notice when entering the living room are cregan’s friends drinking and chatting, but what draws your attention the most is aemond. sitting on a couch in a corner, cigarette between his lips as he looks annoyed at you two.
you fight the urge to walk to him. you miss him so much but it looks like he doesn’t miss you at all. he probably hasn’t even think about you. and that’s why you accept the drink cregan hands you, sitting by his side and trying to ignore the pair of blue eyes on you.
unbeknownst to you, aemond hasn’t stopped thinking about you since the day you accepted that date. he really thought you were going to say no and he still doesn’t know why he asked you to do it, but he regrets it so much.
but he also knows how selfish and childish he’s being.
he can't keep his eyes away from you as you laugh about something that has everyone laughing too. but he only can hear your laugh, loud and clear, and it's like a knife cutting through his chest. he wants to talk to you so badly, he has missed you like crazy, but doesn't know how to do it, what to say. he's pretty sure you're going to snap at him.
however, that doesn't stop him from following you when he sees you standing and walking away.
you're pouring some vodka in a cup when he enters the kitchen. his hands are sweating and he feels so nervous it's pathetic.
"so," he says, but you don't look at him, you just keep doing what you are doing. and that makes him even more nervous. "enjoying the party?"
there's a lot of noise, between the loud music and people talking, but the silence coming from you is louder than that.
"i was thinking," aemond says again, trying to make you talk or at least react. "maybe tomorrow we can go watch that movie you told me about."
you laugh and aemond smiles, feeling relief. but then you turn to face him and all that disappears.
"are you serious?" you ask him, but you don't give him time to answer. "that was months ago, i stopped asking you to go with me because you always had an excuse." you shake your head, looking at the liquid in your cup, not wanting to look him in the eyes; it's easier this way. "and when you did say yes, you never showed up."
it's his time to avoid your eyes, looking down embarrassed.
"i don't have time for this, aemond. you wanted me to meet new people? i'm doing exactly that, i don't know what's your problem."
"you don't have time for me." he whispers but you hear it, and your blood boils.
"it doesn't feel nice, does it?" you try not to cry in front of him but the more he stands there, looking lost and sad, the harder it is. there is something about finally giving you your place that makes you say the thing you never thought you were going to say out loud. at least not to him. "i'm in love with you, aemond, but loving you is hurting me. and i know it's my fault for never telling you and i'm not asking you to say or do anything... i just wanted you to know now that i feel things between us can never go back to the way they were."
aemond takes a step towards you, hands itching to touch you, but at the same time you take one step away from him. you know that if he touches you, the little wall you've created will come crashing down.
when you finally make eye contact, you can see the fight inside his head. you don't hate him, you hate yourself for not telling him sooner, for letting things go this far.
you smile softly at him before turning on your heels and walking back to the living room, swallowing all the tears.
cregan knows something happened the minute you sit and he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, placing a kiss to your temple.
aemond watches everything frozen in place, your words replaying in his head over and over again.
maybe he did know you were in love with him and that's why he did what he did. the real question is, is he in love with you? aemond realizes that doesn't matter anymore as he watches you and cregan together, and how comfortable you are around your new friends.
he's got a lot to blame for too.
the question now is; is he really willing to lose you?
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dragon-wisteria · 1 year
OC Asks: Put Those Guys in Situations
Solo Situations (number + a character)
Your character is being offered three wishes by a genie. The usual rules reply. What do they wish for?
Your character is being offered a choice of any pet they want, along with whatever they need to take care of it. Do they accept the offer? If so, what kind of pet do they choose?
Your character is stuck in a timeloop! They can choose ONE other character to remember every loop. Which character do they choose? What happens next?
Your character has to give a ten-minute speech on a subject of their choice to a room full of experts. What subject do they choose?
Your character gets to resurrect any one person and spend a whole day with them. Who do they resurrect, and what do they do for their one day?
Your character finds themself in a looping dream of their happiest moment. What is this moment, and would they choose to break the loop and go back to reality?
If your character could have an infinite supply of ONE food, which food would they choose?
If your character got to travel to another world, what world would they choose?
Your character has been invited to a prestigious formal event. What do they wear? What do they do when they get there?
Your character finds a lost child. What do they do?
Your character has to spend a whole day indoors. What do they get up to?
Your character has to spend a whole day out in nature. What kind of terrain do they choose to go to, and what do they get up to?
Your character has been locked in a room and will only be let out if they either sit still and silent for a whole hour, or make constant noise for a whole hour. The room is empty of anything other than a simple plastic chair. Which option do they choose, and what strategy do they use to succeed?
Your character gets stranded on an island. They can choose one item to have with them. What do they choose?
Your character is doing a sponsored challenge to raise money for charity. What kind of challenge do they do?
A magical trickster has trapped your character and will only set them free if they can beat the trickster at a game of their choice. What game does your character choose to play?
Your character has been captured by pirates! The pirate captain gives your character one minute to convince him to let them live. What do they say?
Quick! Your character has to accurately sing or recite something from memory! They only have one chance - what do they pick, and do they succeed?
Your character comes across a cat stuck up a tree. Do they try to help it down? If so, how?
Your character has fallen into a deep chasm with their worst enemy. They have no supplies beyond what they normally carry on their person. Somewhere in the chasm is a huge creature that will eat them if it finds them. How does your character escape this situation?
Someone your character respects is coming over for dinner. What do they serve? How does the dinner go?
Your character is given two tickets to their dream concert or event. What did they get tickets for? Who do they invite to come with them?
Your character keeps hearing scratching noises in the walls or under the floorboards. What do they think it is? What do they do about it?
Your character has been challenged to a duel by a skilled fighter. What incentive would convince them to accept? How would they prepare for the fight? Do you think they would win? (bonus: which other character do you think the challenger could be?)
Your character has been invited to a party. Someone who they love but rarely get to see will be there, but so will their worst enemy. Do they accept the invitation? Do they succeed in meeting their loved one, and avoiding their enemy? What happens?
Group Situations (number + a story or a group of characters)
Your characters are being forced to participate in a talent show! Which talents do they choose to show off? Who wins?
Your characters have been locked in a room together for 24 hours. It is impossible to escape the room by any means. What happens?
Your characters have to carry out a daring heist. What roles on the heist team do they take? Do they succeed?
Your characters are throwing a big party together. What does each character do to contribute? Is the party a success?
One of your characters has been arrested for a crime they didn't commit. How do the other characters get them out of this predicament?
Your characters have to put on an stage show for a fully booked theatre. They have one month to prepare. What show do they put on? What roles do they play? Is the show a success?
Beach day! What will your characters wear to the beach, and what activities do they get up to?
Your characters have been invited to a fancy dress ball, and their costumes must fit a group theme. What do they wear?
Your characters have to look after a group of small children for a whole day. What happens?
Your characters are having a potluck. Where are they holding it? What do each of them bring?
Your characters are sharing stories around the fire. What story does each character tell? Whose story is the most popular?
Your characters are put in a death match against each other. They can use any weapons or abilities they have. Who wins, and how?
Your characters are about to get captured by an enemy. They can choose one member of their group to escape - who do they choose? What does that character do when they're free?
Your characters have to prepare a meal for 100 people. They have access to any ingredients they want but only have a few hours to prepare. What do they cook? How do they divide up the work? Do they finish in time, and how good is the meal in the end?
Your characters have decided to play dungeons and dragons or another tabletop rpg. Who's running the game? What characters do the rest of the players bring to the table? How does their first session go?
Your characters go to an arcade or a fair. What games do they play? Who wins the most, and who loses the most?
One of the characters in the group has been replaced by an evil doppelganger. How does the group figure out who it is?
One of your characters is sick in bed. What do the rest of the characters do to help them feel better?
A villainous vampire has come to town and has chosen one or all of your characters as its prey. How do you characters deal with this predicament?
Your characters are trapped in a joint dream or simulation that recreates their greatest fears. They can only escape if each one of them faces their fear. What are these fears? How do they overcome them? Who overcomes theirs first, and who takes the longest?
Your characters are stranded on a desert island. Help will arrive in 24 hours, but a violent storm is picking up and a dangerous, unseen creature is hunting your characters. How do they deal with this situation? Do they survive long enough for help to arrive?
Your characters have somehow travelled 200 years into the past! What time period have they ended up in? Do they enjoy visiting this time period? What do your characters get up to? Are there any historical figures they want to meet?
Your characters are up against an enemy group with the same lineup of skills and abilities as them. How do they approach the situation? Do you think they would win? Would they try to befriend the enemies instead?
Your characters are all guests at an old manor house. It soon becomes clear that their host is secretly planning to kill them. All the doors and windows in the house are locked tight, and their host has the keys. How do your characters react? Do they all make it out alive?
Your characters are being forced to do a group bonding exercise. They each have to share something they like about each other character in the group. What do they say?
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badcaseofcasey · 5 months
one single thread of gold (tied me to you) | Part 4 aka: my Steddie soulmates au, Eddie's POV Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |Steve's POV
Eddie wasn’t sure how he thought Steve Harrington would end up coming back into his life - he wasn’t even sure Steve would come back into his life - but pinned against the wall of a boat shack at the end of a broken beer bottle was not it.
The past 24 hours of Eddie’s life had been something out of a horror movie. He wasn’t sure his heart rate had slowed down since he first saw Chrissy’s eyes glazed over in his trailer. And now, here comes his soulmate tagging along with the most unexpected combination of people he’s ever seen - including Dustin Henderson, one of newest recruits to Hellfire Club, and Max Mayfield, who moved into Forest Hills not that long ago.
He was reluctant to admit that his body instinctively knew to calm down once he realized his soulmate was there, instead choosing to believe it was down to the group of people who - against all odds - heard his story and believed him.
The next few days were… strange. Steve seemed intent not to mention their words at all, so Eddie followed his lead. There was a moment when Steve took off his sweater to dive into Lovers Lake where Eddie was able to see his words, clear as day. If he wasn’t convinced that Steve was his soulmate by then, that would have confirmed it.
Because much as Eddie hated to admit it, Steve had surprised him. Sure, Dustin and the others had spent the better part of the past six months trying to convince him that Steve was a good guy (no, really!), but he never expected it to actually be true. He said as much to Steve, and reveled briefly in Steve’s shy acceptance of the compliment. If it hadn’t been so dark in that godforsaken forest, he would’ve sworn Steve had blushed.
They had made it back topside and now he and Dustin were goofing around while the rest of the crew were setting up supplies and weapons. His eyes drifted briefly to where Robin and Steve were putting together molotov cocktails - a sentence he never would have even considered thinking before today. The distraction was long enough for Dustin to get a drop on him, knocking him to his knees. Eddie rolled sideways to avoid Dustin’s “spear,” laughing along with Dustin.
Dustin sat next to him. “All right, old man, catch your breath.”
Eddie gasped, pretending to be appalled. “Watch who you’re calling ‘old man,’ whippersnapper.”
Dustin looked out at the field and his hand drifted down to run his fingers up and down his forearm, where Eddie knew his soulmate’s words were. Eddie had learned all about Suzie within their first few sessions of Hellfire; it was a point of pride that Dustin got his words before any of the other members of the party did.
“Thinking about Suzie?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah,” Dustin answered, eyes still looking out into the distance. “I always worry when we’re about to do something like this. What if something… happens to me? We’ve kept Suzie out of this so far, so she has no idea that we’re facing off against literal monsters at least once a year at this point. If something happens to me, what will Suzie think?”
Eddie shook his head and sat up. “I hate that you’re having to worry about things like that. You’re only fourteen, man.”
“Yeah, but look at it this way,” Dustin said. “At least I know, for sure, that there’s someone out there for me. That no matter how bad things get, there’s something to look forward to. It gives me hope, and a reason to keep going when I think I can’t.”
Eddie smiled sadly. “That’s quite the bright side.”
“I try,” Dustin said. “What about you, do you have your words?”
Eddie weighed the options of lying to Dustin right now, but decided it wasn’t worth it. Besides, it felt like it would be a betrayal of the trust Dustin had clearly put in him. “Yeah, I do.”
“Really?” Dustin asked. “You never talk about them.”
“For good reason,” Eddie said, bumping his shoulders into Dustin’s. “Not all of us get our words from our adorable girlfriend from camp.”
“Well, whoever it is,” Dustin said, nudging Eddie back. “It can be a reason for you, too. You know, to keep going.”
“Hey, I already have enough of a reason,” Eddie stood and said, “‘86 is gonna be my year, right?”
Dustin smiled and accepted Eddie’s hand up.
“And Dustin,” Eddie said, seriously. “You know that one of us would take care of letting Suzie know. We know she’s important to you. She wouldn’t just be left in the dark.”
“Thanks, Eddie,” Dustin said. “You know, if you told me who your soulmate is, I could make the same promise.”
“Nice try,” Eddie said, ruffling the top of Dustin’s ghillie suit. “Come on, let’s go see if we’ve got our marching orders.” He slung an arm across Dustin’s shoulders as he steered them back towards the group.
Eddie couldn’t get Dustin’s words out of his head, even as they all made their way back into the Upside Down. Is that how Steve thought about him as he went through everything that Eddie gathered had happened over the past few years? Did Steve think about him at all?
The group was getting ready to split up, and Eddie was caught with a sudden need to talk to Steve. He called out his name as the group headed out towards the Creel House, then stopped when Steve turned to look at him.
There was so much to say, so much they had both left unsaid. Eddie didn’t know how he could possibly put all of what he was feeling in that moment into words, but here he was, about to watch Sir Steve walk away from him again, only this time, the dragons were so much more real. He just knew he couldn’t let Steve leave without saying… something.
“Make him pay.”
Shit. He probably could have done better than that.
taglist (let me know if you'd like to be added/taken off!: @awkwardgravity1 @infinitetrashbag @vampireinthesun @swimmingbirdrunningrock @maya-custodios-dionach @thev01dd @obsessivlyme @a-little-unsteddie @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @spectrum-spectre @red-panderz69 @magpiemuseum @minjintea @finalmoondragonn @thatonebadideapanda @estrellami-1 @freyaforestafay @biatcgh @sadcanadianwinter @im-sam-fucking-winchester @bidisastersworld @justanothergirlwithobsessions @anaibis @thing-a-ling @rosered93 @newtstabber @void-o-chaos @thegingerrapunzel @baron-zemo-trash @katireads @child-of-cthulhu @the-s-is-silent @i-must-potato @hellomynameismoo @lovelylilbadone @theotalksalot @lydi-cyan @background-noise-headache @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @slitherynchiken @grapefruitgalaxy @bookbinderbitch @luthienstormblessed @blues-tunes @murdblurdock @grtwdsmwhr @xpaperheartso@anaibis @thedyingwriter
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lululawrence · 3 months
Help me figure out what the hell i'm doing
No really lmaooooo okay so I'm going to be doing 40 days of fic recs of MY OWN FICS leading up to my 40th birthday WOO! I've decided I'm going to have like 4ish fics in each post until I've recced... most of my fics I've ever written (there are 190 now, fam... I'll be leaving at least a FEW out lol).
This is where your help is required! The posts start tomorrow, so I don't have much time, which means I'm gonna try to get as much feedback as absolutely possible in the next... hour or whatever the options are for the polls here. I've never made one before now, so it'll be a learning experience. Vote and reblog if you don't mind helping me out to get as many votes as possible! Thank you friends!!
Okay I can only choose for the poll duration to be one day or one week, which is stupid imo but it'll be a day I guess haha Just know, I'll be making the decision much sooner than in 24 hours so to make sure your voice is heard, vote quickly! haha Thanks, fam!
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 4 months
obey me fnaf au cuz I'm still figuring out ST au mc out
implied lower case btw
you groaned as you hit the marble floor hard.
this was not how the experiment was supposed to go.
you were trying to achieve something greater, much like your father, William Afton. he had managed to unlock the secret to immortality, to living forever, hence why youre still alive and look 24 when in reality, you're 103.
before you died, merely even just hours, you thought of your father as a monster, a terrible man no one should strive to be like. oh how you laugh looking back at yourself. I guess being ripped apart limb by limb while inspecting your favorite animatronic for damage changed you. but hey on the bright side, he's your companion now! along with bonbon too!
but anyways, the great thing you were trying to achieve was interdimensional travel. the ability to travel through differing universes.
this was not how your first trial was supposed to go.
you were trying to at least go to a dimension to see yourself! how life is like here!
but noooooo, you get teleported to fucking hell of all places! maybe it's a sign.
now 11 weirdos are looking at you like your a goddamn demon! well, actually, you're in hell, so their looking at your like your an angel.
"uh hi..?" you speak breaking the extremely uncomfortable silence. I mean if they ain't gonna talk, you will!
immediately after you manage to get your greeting out, you are instantly held by an invisible force. not being able to move, you voice your concerns.
"ok what the fuck, I literally just said hello." you manage to say while struggling to get out.
"who are you, why are you here?" a tall, raven haired man questions, clearly having authority over this meeting.
you don't speak. what should you say? what if the Aftons exist here? they could know you and use you for some batshit crazy experiments down here!
"I'm mc...miller." you claim hoping they don't see through your (hopefully) not obvious lie.
murmuring is heard across the room, and you catch a purpleish-blue haired boy with headphones on staring at you with wide-eyes. he seems to know you, probably a damm game theory watcher, if that even exists in hell. you scowl at him.
"what should we do with them?" "should we keep them here?" "they look human!"
"what are you?" the man asks, clearly not giving fraction of a shit about the mutters behind him.
well, technically you are human, but you are also a demon, a glitch, an entity, a ghost, and an animatronic! they don't seem to like humans very much though, from the menacing stares sent your way from the mention of a possibility of you being human.
or maybe they do? you don't wanna find out to be honest.
you decide to go with the best option.
"I'm a demon, a universe travelling one." you decide on demon. they are demons too anyways. saying human would just get you killed.
"why are you here? and what sin do you possess?" he presses you for information.
you fucking hated it.
also what the fuck does he mean by sin?
"my travelling attempt went wrong and well.." you trail off, deciding to show them your horns and tail.
you close your eyes and they suddenly pop into reality. they are long, and they glitch and flash colors of green, purple, black, and white.
audible gasps are heard.
next to come is your tail. different from yours horns but similar in a way. they glitch more, but only in purple and green.
"I'm a...wrath demon...?" you say, attempting to choose your words wisely.
you look around the room and a blonde-haired boy with green eyes is now staring at you. it's pretty damn clear he can see through your lie. you can't say the same for everyone else in the room.
the man infront of you goes to speak with a redheaded man. he seems to be the boss, even though he seems... nice somehow?
that same nice-looking man comes up to you.
"you may stay with Lucifer and his brothers until you find your way home." he gestures slightly towards the man you spoke with earlier as he says the name.
"thank you kind sir. your act is greatly appreciated." you bow in front of the man, earning a small smile from a certain butler.
"but," he starts again "you will have to go to school at my academy." he finishes with a smile, as if happy with your presence.
"anything to get home." you say, taking his offer.
ch. 1 done! I have this au all figured out mwuahahahahahahah!
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andorshitdaily · 8 months
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As the first round of competition nears its end, we have an announcement.
The good news is, none of you will be going home after round one! Regardless of your performance, you will all be competing in round two.
The possibly-less-good news is this: for the remaining rounds, you will be working in teams of two. Whoever you are currently competing against will be your partner for round two and possibly future rounds.
However, if you are the winner of your round one matchup and your pairing wins in round two, you will retain the right to swap partners after round two, with the option of choosing either of your defeated opponents to be your new partner. Pairings will then be locked in for the remainder of the tournament.
(In non-host speak, I want to shake things up and give people horrible partners just for the sake of comedy. It's probably not as confusing as it sounds, just bear with me.)
An additional announcement: competitor Gorst has un(?)fortunately been lost due to a getting himself locked in the freezer and dying incident. We're not punishing anyone for the lack of concern shown to him, but please in the future be sure to actually check what's going on if you hear someone crying for help from the freezer area.
On a related note, Bix Caleen will be joined in round two by B2EMO.
The rest of the bracket remains the same, but here it is for reference:
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(names in bold are the projected winners of round one. if those change in the next 24 hours I'll adjust but I find that unlikely)
Let the games begin.
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maplebellsmods · 2 years
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The Actor Overhaul Mod adds some new features to acting in Get Famous. I was super excited about the fact that there was going to be an acting career in the sims, but the career felt a little shallow after replaying it more than once. There wasn't much depth to it and I wanted to add some features that could make it more fun.
What is this mod?
Here are the new additions I have added with the mod.
Actor Dashboard
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I have created a dashboard, for actors and aspiring actors. This dashboard will only be available if you have the acting skill. The first option you can choose is Browse Acting Roles. It didn't make sense to me that you could only be an actor, or have gigs if you chose the career. So with this new menu, you can browse through different roles and sometimes make money. Some jobs can also increase your fame and reputation. Other jobs will decrease them.
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So with this new menu, you can browse through different roles and sometimes make money. Some jobs can also increase your fame and reputation. Other jobs will decrease them.
The next option is to sign up for the Ward School of Arts Acting Department. This will be in a separate section. Down below.
You can also take Local Acting Classes. This option was made for sims who may already have jobs and do not have a lot of time to focus on acting, but they still do what to increase their acting skill. The local acting classes are evening classes and you need to pay the $100 fee to attend each time.
Preparing Headshot, Acting Resume, and Demo Reel will increase your reputation and give you a boosting career-wise.
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One is more expensive than the other. So naturally the result you get from the more expensive one will be better. Once you gather all of those materials you will be able to submit to auditions and casting calls. This will give you more exposure.
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Finally, you can now hire an agent. The agent is useful for a lot of things. (If you want to join the EA acting career you will still have to select an agency. I was unable to separate the two.) When you click on the "Find an Agent" option and submit your info, an agent will contact you maybe 24 hours later or more. If you aren't interested in them, simply do not pickup. But if you are press "Ok" on the call. And you will have the option to "Schedule Meeting With Agent" in the 'MB Menu' category.
The agent will come where your sim is located (doesn't have to be at home). These are the interactions you can have with them.
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If you want to hire an agent. You can press hire on agent and they will now represent your sim. Keep in mind if you aren't satisfied with their work you can always fire them. There are a few things your agent can do for your sim.
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Now circling back to the Acting Student Career:
Your Sim can now join an Acting Student Career. I'd say it's a semi-active career. They do go to the rabbit hole for class, but there are interactions outside of that which make it more interactive.
First of all the first thing you have to do is to go to the 'Actor Dashboard', press on the 'Sign up Option'.
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You can press on get info, this will give your sim more information about how to join the school. Once you are ready you can click on 'Audition'. A Ward Student Recruiter will show up. Once they show you MUST choose the 'Start Auditions' option. Don't press on anything else.
This will start an event and there are goals your sim will have to go through. One of the goals, 'Sword Fight'. will require a this object.
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You can find it in BB. If you cannot find it, just look it up in the search bar. Finally, after you complete all of the goals you can cancel the event or wait it out. Once the event is over you will know whether or not your sim is accepted.
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If your sim is admitted with a scholarship you can find the job, in the 'Find Job' section. If you are not then try again. But if you have just been admitted you will need to pay the fee first and then you can join.
Once you join the career, each level has a different objective you need to do in order to move on to the next one. In total there are eight levels.
Here are the objectives for each level
- Level 2: Perform in School Production
- Level 3: Submit Paper on the History of theater
- Level 4: Plan and Produce a Production
- Level 5: Volunteer to perform for a charity
- Level 6: Book an acting gig
- Level 7: Get your demo reel, headshot and resume.
- Level 8: Find an Agent.
- All Levels: Pass Term Exam: This is a requirement for all levels. I recommend you do this last for each one of the levels. ESPECIALLY the last one.
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The first activity your sim will have to do is to perform in a school production. The way this happens is your sim will audition for a role first, and depending on how skilled they are they will be assigned a role. When your sim gets a role assigned to them they should go to practice for a while before performing in the production. If they don't practice or don't practice enough they will most likely not do well in production.
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The next step which is "Submit Paper on the History of Theater" will use the computer. In the 'Write' pie menu or your computer will be available. The options that are available for your sim will increase the score they may receive, but it isn't a requirement. You can also interview a celebrity and/or actor for this assignment. It isn't a requirement. Completing this step will give you more points, but it can be hard to complete because if you don't know celebrities it's hard to do this. So doing this will truly impress the professors! Once you are ready submit the paper and then you will be able to view your score once they are released.
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Plan and Produce a Production is an objective for Level 4 sims. There are a few things your sim must do to complete this objective. First of all, they have to choose a theme for their production. Then once are ready you can Start the Audition Process.
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If you are familiar with my other events mod you may be familiar with the 'Hire this Role'. So for this you will need to invite people or "hire" them to cast roles for the production. Once the event starts your sim will have a few options.
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This is an activity and not a timed event so you can take your time to interview sims, and hire them. For the 'Auditioners' you will be able to see them Audition. All you have to do is press on the 'Audition' interaction and then they will start acting. (If you press on the interaction and it doesn't work, click again and it should work)
When you have completed all the required activities you can cancel the event. The game will tell you the event was unsuccessful you can ignore this.
Volunteering to perform for a charity is pretty simple. There is a list of charities your sim will be able to go to. They are each available at different times and days, just select one, go to your performance and the goal will be complete.
The next objectives are objectives we have already gone over. But for Book and Acting there are gigs exclusive to Ward Acting Students.
On the last level, once you Find an Agent, you should then go to your term exam. Passing the exam will make remove your sim from the institution. Being a graduate of this school will increase your rep and fame.
Other Fixes
Aside from the new features I have also made some changes to some already existing features that I found annoying in the game. This file is optional and you will be able to delete it if you do not want it. I have changed the gig payout in the acting career. This way your sim will receive more money when they are higher up in the career. Fame will also decay at a slower rate. This way your sim doesn't constantly have to perform fame activities.
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Other Fixes
Aside from the new features I have also made some changes to some already existing features that I found annoying in the game. This file is optional and you will be able to delete it if you do not want it. I have changed the gig payout in the acting career. This way your sim will receive more money when they are higher up in the career. Fame will also decay at a slower rate. This way your sim doesn't constantly have to perform fame activities.
This really took a long time to make but I hope you enjoy it!
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack: Here
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below
Does this mod require any DLC?
Get Famous
Questions and concerns you might have?
Some of this is so inaccurate and doesn't reflect real life.
I tried to do as much research as possible about acting and info about how to get started with it. Some stuff may not mirror real life and that may or may not be intentional.
Will you add more to this?
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
I have different questions about the mod.
If you have questions about something, let me know.
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
Delete the "maplebell_actingoverhaulfixes(optional).package" if you don't want it.
Public March 26: Download Here
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wowwowokay2 · 2 months
Writers Retreat
It has all the amenities that that you could want in a writers retreat. It was located in a beautiful rural location, but wasn't too far from the city. Mackenzie Quick needed to get out of her tiny apartment, she had had serious writers block for the past five months, and finally a spot had opened up at this writers retreat.
Amplus Resort was basically an all inclusive resort, with all services provided as part of the fee. And, if Mackenzie stayed for longer than three months, her fee would decrease. Not that she intended to stay longer than three months. She just needed to get past this block, she might only stay a couple of weeks.
The car pulls up to the entrance and her bags are collected. She is led into the lobby and approaches the front desk. A young man with light hair and round face greets her. He hands her brochure filled with all the included amenities, schedules for various programs and a map. Mackenzie notes the bowl of candies at the desk and thanks him, heading to the elevator. It opens and she notes the large size of it, it appeared to be an industrial size. She goes up to her room on the second floor, and is amazed by her room. A king size bed, a huge desk, and multiple chairs for reclining.
She hops onto the bed and opens the brochure. All meals included with breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert being served 24 hours a day, including all you can eat buffet, (I probably won't need that), swimming pool, spa including massage services, three theatre rooms, (interesting), an option for free unlimited room service, free clothing provided if her existing clothes became damaged in any way, (useful, but I don't see myself needing that), a wide variety of art and cooking classes, meditation, yoga, hypnosis for relaxation, (I might try that) and a large flower and vegetable garden, as well as an orchard.
A knock on her door and a resort employee rolls in a cart covered in food and drink. It's complimentary, she'd told. She snacks on some trail mix and swishes back some water.
That evening she heads down to the dining hall. She is taken aback by the sheer scale of the buffet. A man in a tight shirt accenting his soft form bumps into her. He apologizes, you new here? Yes, she says, I just arrived today. They take good care of you here, he says, I am almost finished my novel, more than 500 pages. Mackenzie congratulates him. Don't skip out on the buffet, he adds, it's usually better than the plated meals, and he walks off.
Taking his advice, Mackenzie scans the massive buffet. She chooses a few items, and sits to eat. It's so much better than the sandwiches and ramen she had been living off of at home. She returns for seconds, deciding to indulge a little. After finishing she sees a dessert cart being rolled in. A key lime tart is placed in front of her, she starts to protest, but the waiter has already moved on. She takes a small bite and simply can't resist, eating the whole tart. Heavily bloated and sleepy, she heads back to her room.
When she enters, she finds the cart with food and drink on it has been refreshed. She falls onto her bed goes to sleep. She awakens in the middle of the night, two o'clock in the morning. Her stomach growls angrily. Mackenzie lays there for a moment, trying to remember last night. Suddenly, a spark of inspiration hits her, and she leaps up and pulls out her laptop. Sitting at the desk, she begins testing different write ups. Her stomach growls again, and she looks to the snack cart. There is an entire package of two-bite brownies, she grabs one, and takes a bite. She takes another and head back to her desk, typing more. Soon both the brownies are gone, but her mouth craves something to coat her mouth as she writes. She grabs the whole tub of brownies and places on her desk, (obviously I won't eat them all).
Over the next two and half hours Mackenzie types and chews, types and chews. Her stomach begins to feel tighter and tighter, but she's on a hot streak writing. She reaches for another brownie, only to rattle the empty plastic tub. She looks and sees that she managed to eat all the brownies, and at that point she truly feels how full she is. Her computer is covered in crumbs and grease prints. She saves her writing and heads back to bed, falling into a deep slumber.
The next day she doesn't wake up until almost eleven in the morning. She has a quick shower and exits her room. Across the hall a slightly soft woman is also exiting her room. They greet each other, the woman, Zara Townsend, is writing a cookbook, and she sometimes hosts the cooking classes here. She invites Mackenzie, despite her insistence that she is no cook. I can teach anyone to appreciate cooking, Zara tells her. The two of them head down to the dining hall and to eat together. Zara suggests Mackenzie try this breakfast burrito, also this doughnut, those hashbrowns are real good, too.
Once seated Mackenzie starts to work on her far-too-large breakfast. I'll maybe take some back to my room, she says, brain food for writing. She returns to her room with two donuts and some sausages, only to find her snack cart topped off yet again. And now a microwave and mini fridge have been added to her room. I sure ain't going to go hungry here, she muses.
As the days pass and Mackenzie continues to hash out her book, she explores the grounds of Amplus Resort more. She notes that there are tables with food in every room, even in the hallways. Some include fruit from the resort's orchard, others are bowls of chocolates, candies and chips. She samples them as she strolls past. She is surprised at how much writing she has managed to get done being so stuffed full of rich, delicious food all the time. Maybe I just needed to treat myself a bit so I could get back into the swing of things, she ponders.
However, that same evening her mind simply stops working. She sits stiffly at her computer, mind blank, for hours. Her stomach roars several times and she tries to ignore it, trying to will herself to get out a few sentences, but she cannot. She glances at the clock, almost eight in the evening, and she hadn't eaten since lunch. Frustrated, she slams her laptop shut and thumps her way to the dining hall.
Most nights she would try to go for a balanced meal, but with her mood sour, she wanted some form of comfort. She found all her favourites, and overfilled her plate. As she put her plate down, a few french fries tumbled off the edge onto the table, and she quickly picked them up and dipped them into gravy and began to eat. Fries, fish sticks, pizza, cream corn, chicken wings, there wasn't a spot of green on that plate. She ate with a fury, a frustration at herself. I was doing so good at writing, she thought as she ripped into her fourth chicken wing, how did I loose all momentum? Her stomach was beginning to scream but she wasn't done yet. The food was starting to help calm her, she was slowing down, breathing more steadily. Not thinking, she waved over the dessert cart and asked for two large slices of cake to be delivered to her room. As she finished she saw the gravy container still rather full on her plate. She picked it up and drank from it, licking the edges. She belched, it echoing across the dining hall. Mackenzie reddened, suddenly coming to, and glanced nervously around. No one was looking at her, but she still rushed out of the dining hall. Just as she was leaving, she heard another writer belch.
Returning to her room she found the two huge slices of cake she ordered. She moaned and instead reclined in one of the chairs. She shimmied out of her pants and lifted up her shirt. She looked pregnant with her swollen gut, tight and taut from the very bottom to the top by her sternum. Mackenzie dozed off and napped for a couple of hours, before waking just before midnight. The slices of cake were still there. She wanted to be disgusted with herself, but instead her mouth watered and panties got wet. She got up and brought the plate over, reclining back in the chair. She slowly savoured the cake, frosting melting in her mouth. After she was done, she went off bed.
For the next week Mackenzie didn't write at all. She tried to, sitting at her desk, typing a few, poorly thought out sentences. She stayed in her sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, trying to chew the thoughts out her her with chips, apples, and buffet food. One day for lunch Zara sat with her again in the dining hall. Zara recommended the hypnosis to relax. You are trying too hard to force yourself to write, she said, you need to just do something that comes naturally to you, it helped me. Mackenzie nodded as she dipped her second pita into tzatziki. I guess I could try it, she said.
That evening Mackenzie made her way to the hypnotist. She was slightly nervous. The hypnotist welcomed her warmly to her office, and asked her what her goals and intentions were. She explained and they started. The hypnotist asked Mackenzie what made her stressed, trying to make sure she wrote something good, and she asked her what made her feel relaxed, and the first thing she said was food. What kind of food? Just about anything, but carbs were the best. Care to be more specific? Buttery bread, desserts, cookies, brownies, anything made with potatoes.
The hypnotist asked her to release all tension in her body, and Mackenzie did. The hypnotist asked Mackenzie to feel her body with her hands and thank it for taking care of her. Mackenzie rubbed her hands over her body, lingering on her stomach and hips for a moment, feeling some extra flesh there. But it didn't worry her. The session ended and Mackenzie felt simply serene. She thanked the hypnotist and exited the office. In the hallway there was a bowl of candy coated chocolates. Mackenzie grabbed a handful and put it in her mouth. As she chewed and crunched, she picked up the bowl and went back to her room with it.
Mackenzie sheepishly asked for a larger pair of pants from the resort staff, it seems mine have shrunk, she said. Both she and the staff knew she was lying, her pants hadn't shrunk at all, her waistline had just grown. Nonetheless, Mackenzie was provided with pants, free of charge, as well as shirts. She was still struggling with her writers block a week after seeing the hypnotist, but she was trying to be more gentle about it. She would sit outside in the garden, sipping some pop, listening to the birds. She went to the small theatres, and washed down popcorn and nachos with iced tea as she watched the wide selection of films there.
She observed the cooking class that Zara hosted, and helped Zara in finishing off the leftovers. You are a good cook, Mackenzie told Zara as she polished off the butter chicken from that day's class. You are good at eating, Zara replied, rubbing her hand on Mackenzie's stomach, pressed tight against her too small shirt. Mackenzie flushed and mumbled a thanks, while also saying something about heading to the swimming pool. She hadn't been yet in the almost three weeks she had been at Amplus Resort.
Back in her room, Mackenzie changed into her bikini and the toll of eating so richly became undeniably clear to her. She had the clear beginnings of a round muffin top, her belly button seemed deeper, her thighs and ass were widening. Her breasts were on the edge of being too large for her top, wobbling along with the rest of her body. She looked straight down, she couldn't see her knees anymore. She shouldn't be shocked, but she underestimated the softness that had accumulated on her body. Her heart was racing as she rubbed and pinched at her body fat. She pinched her hips with her fingers, and first one, then two, three, her whole hand digging deeply into her plush.
A knock on her door startled her, and she hurried to open it. It was Zara, wrapped in a shawl. Zara's eyes dipped down when Mackenzie opened the door, taking in her bare waist. I think I'm getting a little fat, Mackenzie said casually. Zara chuckled, you're not fat at all, your stomach just sticks out a bit.
The two of them head down to the pool and wade lazily in the water for a while before drying off and heading for dinner. Zara lends Mackenzie a stylish shawl so they don't have to change and go straight to the dining hall. Mackenzie fills her plate with goodness and begins to devour it. She was just swimming, needs to get back those calories. Occasionally, Zara offers Mackenzie a taste of her food. She delivers it to her mouth with her fork or spoon. Try this soup, try this beef, want a breadstick? And Mackenzie accepts, giving reviews to all her tastings. She has just finished off her plate when an idea for writing pops into her head. She quickly gets to her feet, asks Zara to order her some dessert to her room and she rushes to the elevator.
Jogging to the elevator, she feels her heavy stomach slosh and bound, and she has to slow down and support it with one hand. If she wasn't wearing bikini bottoms, she probably would have stopped eating earlier. And I just ordered dessert?
Back in her room, Mackenzie takes off the shawl and places it on a chair. She grabs her laptop and reclines on her bed, placing in on her lap. Her stomach is creeping up onto the the bottom of her laptop, holding it in place. She gets to writing immediately, typing away. A while later a soft knock sounds at her door. She finishes off her sentence and carefully gets up, almost waddling to the door. Zara is there with a platter of assorted cookies, easily two dozen, and Mackenzie can smell them. Freshly baked, Zara says, still warm.
Mackenzie lets Zara inside, grabbing a salted caramel cookie and instantly chewing on it. She thanks Zara, points her to her shawl and returns to her bed to write. She reclines a bit more, bending her knees slightly. Zara asks if she can stay and watch Mackenzie write, Mackenzie puzzles at this, but sees that Zara is also offering her another cookie. She finishes the salted caramel one and takes the double chocolate chip one from Zara. Oh, she knows what she's doing, Mackenzie thinks to herself. She agrees and Zara sits in one of the chairs nearest to the bed, proffering cookies every time Mackenzie finishes one. Her keyboard is again greased and crumbed, but she is on a roll writing. She accepts every cookie offered to her, pausing to belch, and keeps typing.
Finally she asks Zara for a tissue and wipes off her keyboard and hands, saving her writing for the night. She cradles her distended stomach. A few weeks ago when she ate too much, it was merely rock hard, now there was a bit more than a hint of pudge overlaying it. Zara says goodnight for the evening and leave. On the desk, twelve more cookies remain. Mackenzie makes a mental note for breakfast.
Mackenzie ate more frequently with Zara, and invited her over when she got inspired and in a writing mood to provide her with encouragement, (partially) and snacks, (mostly). Her waistline continued to widen, but she didn't mind. She enjoyed feeling herself, she never spent time before just laying there, caressing her body, being enamored by it. Now she did everyday. She wrote sitting in her bed more often now than at her desk. It was becoming difficult though, her tummy covering the touchpad would sometimes click it, so she had to lock it.
She was eating way more than she was writing at this retreat, but it still felt like a huge accomplishment.
Eventually, after a total of three months at the resort, she finished her novel and sent it off to her editors. To celebrate, she had a meal with Zara and few other writers in the dining hall. As they laughed and feasted, Mackenzie felt the weight of her stomach pooling on her upper thighs. She let out a hearty laugh and felt her whole body bounce. She wasn't sure how many tacos she had eaten at this point but it didn't matter to her. She was asked what she was going to do now that she had finished her novel. Mackenzie cautioned them that her editors could still ask her to change things, and that she had just paid to stay another whole month, since after staying three months at Amplus, the price to stay goes down.
A few days later Mackenzie received word from her editor, her book only needed minor tweaks, but that wasn't the big news. The publishing company wanted to make it into a series, probably a trilogy, but maybe longer. Mackenzie was thrilled, and goes to tell Zara. Zara congratulates her, but she says she needs to leave the resort soon. Her father's wife, her step mother was sick, so she was going to support them both. Mackenzie hugged her, thanking her for being such a good friend. They promise to keep in touch. In touch? Mackenzie laughs, jiggling her belly a bit, this touch too? Zara lightens up a bit, smiling.
A few days later, Zara leaves, but not before having a massive lunch with Mackenzie. Mackenzie is starting her sixth quesadilla when Zara finishes her second. She's stuffed, she says. Mackenzie chews and raises her eyebrows. Zara chuckles again, the happy sound echoing through the dining hall.
The two say their goodbyes, and Mackenzie heads back to her room. Her snack cart has been freshly topped off with pretzels, cookies, grapes, and pop. She takes a double chocolate cookie, despite her fullness, and takes a bite in honour of her friend. She caresses her butterball of a stomach and begins to think of a sequel to her novel.
I wonder how long it will take to write here, she ponders, I wonder how much bigger I'll get trying to write.
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seramilla · 6 months
Winner: Clara Must Choose!
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Y'all voted, and you chose that it's time for Clara to finally decide! Who will it be? Velvette or Kiki? Velvette AND Kiki? I'm giving you lots of options!
Over the next 24 hours, I'm going to try and prioritize all the remaining Clara/Kiki/Velvette related asks in my inbox. I still have several to get through, so hopefully that will give some more last-minute perspective if you're having trouble deciding.
Please, for my own sanity, if you have any final head canons you want to get out there before the final decision is tallied, get them in quickly. But also keep in mind, I am but one lonely Sinner trying to field all these questions. Have mercy on me!
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