#2p iceland
Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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psycho-axes · 2 years
She handed him his very first child. He was officially a father. "Hey there daddy." Robin said
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Tómas looked at the child in his arms and smiled a bit. “Hi, Ari.”
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hws-lceland · 10 months
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Another 2p Iceland I forgot to post
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aphpuffinchild · 9 months
my version of 2p iceland (as peer reviewed by my close good friends) has a few key traits i need to outline here
there is no 2p mr puffin, and 2p iceland reacts to mr puffin by actively trying to diminish his entire species. he sees that bitch of a bird and desperately needs to make them extinct
iceland as a character is genuinely ambiguous ambition wise - not unopinionated, but certainly not driven or pushing for goals. because of this, 2p iceland needs to be innately pushing for eco terrorism at all times
2p iceland does not bear inherent ill will towards people, but desperately needs everyone to be full of micro- ideally macro - plastics.
2p iceland doesnt have any particular reason for this and is not looking to find it. its fun. he has zero desire for introspection not because hes afraid of what he'll find but because he just doesnt care. hes fine
overtly nicer than iceland on a social level
dumping so much waste in the ocean on purpose. kill yourself
the anti-autist. he LOVES change, especially relating to the climate. to be clear, hes still autistic.
still not interested in war. he doesnt have a military why would he. what if humanity got worse and succumbed to fossil fuels or something
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I'm a little late for mermay, can you do mermaid or pirate Nordics falling in love with an Octomer darling that they've seen occasionally above water ( the darling prefers not to be seen around the surface to much, they prefer to be in deep waters. ). You can decide if you want them yandere or not.
Happy Mermay to one and all. Let the warm ocean waves carry you away to the lagoons full of colors and fun.
It’s never too late!! As I write this almost a year later… I also mixed the ideas of pirates and mermaids around. Same with Yandere and non, I hope you don’t mind.
            The smell of salt and subtle sulfur accompanied the ocean’s crashing waves like the scent of fresh popcorn at a busy theater. The grey stones were warm and smooth as (Y/N) basked upon them.
            Stretching and curling her inky tentacles, she shifted more fully onto the tiny, sea stack. Cozy in nature’s embrace, the great Cecelia of the North Sea allowed her eyes to flutter shut to the sea’s lullaby.
Blissfully unaware of the eyes.
Eyes that were full of a painful longing that burned like the dying remains of an oil fire on a starless ocean night. Maybe… He thought they could be together. Maybe, their worlds could be one.
            Denmark: The cacophony of loud howls and jeers shocked (Y/N) awake. Scrambling with contracting leucophores turning her body whiter than seafoam to escape the quickly approaching wooden whaler.
Instead of diving off the rocks into the cool sea, the Cecelia smashed into the thick, coarse, rope net. As the fibers tightened around her flexible body (Y/N) screamed and flailed.
Her sharp claws did nothing against the harsh strands as she was lifted away from the depths.
Louder the cheers became as she swung above the rowdy crew. Their hands reached to pull at (Y/N)’s form, in return, she gnashed her sharp teeth at them. Clawing for any flesh to destroy in hopes that creating fear would cause them to return her to the sea.
Each strike was like a failed hunt as each swipe became more sluggish. She thought the torture would never end when a loud voice called for the men to stop.
Silently, all eyes turned to the wheelhouse. She shivered as the blond man stepped down the wooden steps, walking closer. His men moved aside like fish before a shark. Though, she was the only prey in his violet-blue gaze.
Frozen she watched as he slowly reached out his scarred hand. The callous palm rested on her cold, moist tentacle seeming to savor her. 
(Y/N) hissed and lunged causing the net to sway. Grinning as her claws dripped red from catching the captain's hand.
His men somehow became stiller than a sea before a hurricane, and the Great Cecelia paid them no mind. Focused on her small win.
The captain looked at his injured hand before chuckling. Loudly it rang through the silence before the crew joined like terrified seagulls. 
“Thank min havkanin for the mark, but” He turned to the men behind him. “I think you need time to calm down. Don't you lot agree?!"
The chorus was louder than any whale song as the men affirmed their captain. 
"Then to the tank!" He yelled, before licking the blood off his hand.
Smiling as he made eye contact with (Y/N). 
            Sweden: As the sun passed its peak, (Y/N) awoke to the feeling of her tightened skin as it dried. Stretching should have been relaxing, but the state of her skin was more akin to a fresh sunburn after a nap in the summer.
Sluggishly she slunk back to the depths, shivering as the cold enveloped her. Quickly, her body readjusted to its primary environment, swirling in a graceful twirl as she sank to the seafloor.
The sand puffed like a smoke cloud as she rested, observing the blue world as a rumble came from her stomach.
A familiar scent bloomed like an anemone across the current. Blood, fresh and fishy.
Eyes dilated, (Y/N) followed the scent. Wondering if the injured being would be simple prey, or if would it lead her to a feeding frenzy that should be avoided.
Around the stones and across the sand, she glided. Stopping when the source was in sight.
A small, silver herring speared on what appeared to be a string of crystal struggled in front of a dark tube.
(Y/N) stalked closer, her curiosity pushing aside any fear as she reached for the fish. Her hand was a breath away when the fish was snagged back.
She blinked. Stunned, but that nagging of wanting, pushed her on. Forcing her way into the dark tube.
The fish glinted in the low light. Slowly, she again reached forward. Fingertips grazed the smooth scales when a loud bang turned her world black.
Gasping, (Y/N) turned and pushed against the now-closed entrance. Whimpers and cries hurting her throat from overuse. Deafening her from the subtle scrapping.
A sudden jostle banged her against the end of the trap as she was again exposed to the light.
Her hands pressed against the now clear sides to stabilize against the rocking movement. Her eyes froze on the whitetip shark man that was carrying her away.
His sharp smile offered no comfort as his muffled voice spoke to her.
“Ready to go home sjöstjärna?”
            Norway: Those thoughts of oneness rang through his mind like a belled buoy during a storm. Creating visions of a happy future that were as vivid as lighting.
Lidolf swam closer, timing his strokes with the tide. Hoping the foam hid his black-and-white form.
 As the cetacean was stilled by the pile of stone, he monitored his future mate for movement.  Slowly he lifted his hands over the rocks, dropping drops of seawater onto them. Hovering over her hips.
  There was no hesitation as Lidolf clamped down. Digging his claws into her soft flesh as he ripped her away from the world above.
The blond orca laughed as his manet began her panicked struggle. Her teeth and claws only left scratches in his blubbery hide.
He forced her head close as he nuzzled her neck, rapidly swimming off. Taking her away far from the warmth above while speaking promises of their new home.
Hours passed as the water chilled and large ice floats appeared, and (Y/N) began to weaken from the struggle. Her voice felt hoarse from screaming curses and insults at her captor. The Cecealia’s tentacles and arms hung limply with bruised tips.
With heavy eyes, (Y/N) noted how the never-quiet Lidolf had silenced himself. His face was stoic with focus as he gazed at different floats.
Suddenly, he popped up with a “That’s it!” and rushed between two colliding bergs. Turning sharply to the left before swimming into a large iceberg, that was protected by thick floats.
Once deep within the icy wall, (Y/N) felt Lidolf finally release his titanium grip. She seized the opportunity, pushing his arms aside. Putting distance between her and the orca male.
Eye to eye, they remained in a standoff. (Y/N) tensed as Lidolf spread his arms, welcoming her to their icy home.
“As I told you hours ago, I’m not your MATE!”
Dashing, (Y/N) used her tentacles to propel herself forward and around the crazed merman reaching for her again.
The chase felt one-sided as (Y/N) twisted and turned looking for the exit, and waiting for the orca to pull her back. Bite her with a claim and drag her deeper in. 
Looking back, that would have been a daydream compared to the nightmare he used. 
She had reached the exit, ready to bolt into the dark sea when his voice bounced off the ice in a language unknown to modern sea life. As quickly as it rumbled, it faded. Leaving (Y/N) frozen in silence.
When nothing happened, (Y/N) cautiously shuffled. She placed one tentacle out into the unknown, allowing it to curl against the uneven surface. The moment it settled, she screamed.
 Burning, red sigils ran up her form like fire racing over oil causing her to collapse against the berg. 
Panting, shaking (Y/N) was vulnerable to the gentle arms that scooped her. Tightly she was cradled against Lidolf, as he placed kisses along her hairline. Murmuring Norwegian comforts.
“What have you done to me?”
Clicking, Lidolf nuzzled her once more. “Making sure min manet stays home.”
            Iceland: (Y/N) scrunched her face as a small, warm current of air blew across her face. It didn’t last long before it disappeared, but that peace also didn’t last as another blew across her face. The Cecelia groaned and swatted the air hoping that the breeze came from a stubborn bug or stupid gull.
As her arm came down again, a deep giggle erupted like metal being dropped on a tile.
She snapped to attention like a spooked alligator. Nose to nose, she was with a charcoal-haired merman that had the brightest yellow eyes that she had ever seen.
“Who are you!?”
“Me?!” Cocked the cetacean male while putting his hand on his thin chest. “I’m Erlingr, sjókindin mín.”
Umming, (Y/N) opened her mouth to question the strange name forced upon her when Erlingr leaned forward. Their noses almost touched again.
“Do you wanna play a game?”
His request sounded innocent, but something in the tone wasn’t. Like a stranger holding candy doesn’t appear harmful, there is something about him that causes the skin to prickle.
“No,” (Y/N) shook as she slowly sunk back into the sea. “I’ve got to go.”
Her endeavor for distance was halted when Erlingr popped up in a flurry of bubbles.
He questioned why not, there is no harm in having fun.
Again, (Y/N) pushed back. Claiming she had to go hunt and reset her cove.
With each excuse (Y/N) could see how his fists tightened and he drew ever closer. Forcing her against the stone and blocking all exits.
There was no space left for breathing and she snapped at the skinny dolphin. Demanding he let her go with a futile push.
Erlingr leaned back and smiled showing his sharp teeth. “If you win my game, I will. But…”
“If you fail, you come home with me.”
            Finland: The sea’s movement may have rocked the dingy, but the man within paid it no mind. Instead, his mind was occupied by his merienkelini on the stone. Her sleeping form would make his work so much easier.
Carefully, the Finnish pirate lifted the modified musket from the wooden floor. Adjusted the weapon for perfect alignment despite the constant motion of the ocean.
Click, boom!
The dart flew and hit (Y/N). The dart scraping only woke her a moment before the medication within knocked her back into dreamland.
Within minutes Niilo had rowed his boat to the sea stack. Tying it to the rock as he moved his prize onto the wet floor.
He smiled at her unconscious form before reaching for the small flare under his seat.
 Another series of clicks and boom turned the sky a flash red.
His crew would be here soon, and hopefully, his merienkelini will enjoy her tank.
            Denmark: Underneath the waves circled a blunt-nosed six-gill merman. His pale and tan countershading blended him in well with the sand as he stared at the being above the waves. Paying no mind to the mackerel that struggled in his right hand.
Breathing deeply, he floated to the surface, dragging the panicking fish with him. A look of determination in his violet-blue eyes as he closed in on Cecelia.
Using his hands, Markell lifted himself to be level with the stone top. Eye to eye he was with the now awoken mermaid.
For a moment he stared, savoring the way her head cocked to the side with droopy eyes made her look like a newborn seal pup.
“Umm… Can I help you?”
Blinking, Markell nodded before slamming the mackerel on the stone. Dazing the large fish.
“Care to share a meal, havkanin?”
            Sweden: Before slumber can fully pull (Y/N) under its spell, a gentle hum rose above the crashing wave. At first, she tried ignoring it thinking it was nothing more than a passing cruise celebrating some odd human milestone. But as the singing grew louder she twitched.
Once, then twice as the serenade continued its crescendo.
The great Cecelia slowly lifted herself on to her arms. Cautiously, glancing around the ocean surface for the owner of the voice.
To her surprise, it was not from a great yacht, but a small dingy that bounced against the gentle waves. Inside sat a man dressed in a blue captain’s coat with a peacock feather in his black tricorne. He smiled as his voice carried tales of pirates and their adventures.
Seemingly unnoticed, (Y/N) swam closer, quietly propelled by her tentacles. As the wooden side became eye level, she reached out and held to the smooth side.
Her grip bumped the boat, causing (Y/N) to wince as the soothing siren stopped.
A dark shadow overhead caused her to look up.
The man’s face was under the sea looking directly into her (E/C) eyes. His black-framed glasses almost floated away from his own gun-steel eyes.
“Hello, sjöstjärna!” He bubbled.
            Norway: Explosions rang loud like thunder and threw up water in the form of splashes like a reverse rainstorm. The aftershocks caused the sea stack to sway before it crumbled, throwing (Y/N) back into the freezing depths.
She gasped, watching as the marine life fled before the sinking balls of iron. Hastily resurfacing, (Y/N) turned in multiple circles, looking for the cause of the chaos.
Before she could locate anything, a screaming whistle forced her back into the water. The splash from above allowed for an easy dodge of the sinking cannonball.
As more iron rained from above, (Y/N) dove deep, hiding within the remains of the stack.
It felt like hours as she hid from the surface violence.
Eventually, the fury above slowed to a drizzle of metal before stopping altogether with darkness.
 Biting her lip (Y/N) slowly placed a tentacle in the exposed sand. Resting it for a second before quickly pulling it back. Hesitantly she repeated the process with more of her body until she was able to gaze up.
Above was the bottom of a large vessel. Its dark wood appeared well sealed but covered in barnacles like the great whales.
In an almost crawl, she swam to the side of the boat and surfaced. To be greeted once more by a splash.
Her attempt to bolt back to the newly formed cave was spoiled by warm flesh.
Thrashing, (Y/N) realized that one of the humans had grabbed her. Holding her in a grip that rivaled her own.
Teeth gnashing, (Y/N) arched backward. Ready to soak those ivory points red when she froze like stunned prey.
All over they covered him like stripes on a sand tiger. (Y/N) expected someone like this to be ready to kill her, drag her from the sea, and skewer her like pork on a spit. Yet, he smiled and gazed at her like a lost treasure finally found.
The strange man took advantage of the confusion, bringing her back to the surface. He took a deep breath to restore what he lost while under the waves.
Her confusion deepened like an abyss when with no introduction, he made a request.
“Are you willing to join me on a quest, Manet?”
            Iceland: (Y/N) choked on the air as a sudden splash awoke her from the world of dreams. Her (h/c) hair clung to her like a second skin as she coughed up the coarse irritation that had taken residency in her throat.
A simple sweep of her hand not only corrected her dripping hair but also allowed her to take in the odd sight before her.
It was a skinny, young man, barely in years of adulthood. His bright, magma-yellow eyes looked like they should have popped, but instead, they were sunk in from starvation. Dark hair that must have once rivaled pure ebony looked more like an off-grey from days of grime.
Yet, despite the obvious suffering he smiled at her with Labrador energy.
“Hi!” he greeted as he reached for her arms. Missing as (Y/N) drew them closer to herself. “My name's Erlingr but call me Eri!”
(Y/N) continued to curl in on herself as she gave the young man a bombastic side-eye. “H-h-how did you get here?”
Erlingr’s smile somehow got bigger as he told the tale of his older brother, Lidolf leaving him behind. Claiming that his senior had ordered him to guard their treasure until his return. Which he believed would be any day now.
“Are you sure? It sounds like he stranded you to die?”
The stranded pirate sputtered in offense. “Of course not! Lidolf loves me, and even if he tried our brothers would have stopped him!”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but raise a brow at the lone man. “Ookay then… But why engage with me then?”
“Because I’m alone, and I see that you’re always alone. And I thought someone as pretty as you, sjókindin, shouldn’t be alone.”
Now, it was (Y/N)’s turn to feel offended as she felt heat flush under her skin. “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’M ALONE!”
“Well…” Erlingr started. “For the last month I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you talk to or interact with anything.”
(Y/N) attempted to argue that was only on the surface. Under the sea, there was plenty of social activity for the cecealia.
But, he rebutted by mentioning how in a twenty-four-hour period, she was either above the surface or near it for at least eighteen hours. Which meant she was sleeping in a den the rest of the time.
Dumbfounded, the mer could only stare in confused silence. How was she supposed to respond to him?
“So, you wanna be friends?”
            Finland: (Y/N) felt something rough against her tentacles that rested in the tide. Startled and wide awake she glanced around the surface, looking for suspicious shadows.
There was nothing. Not a wave off beat, splash uncounted, and floating object unnoticed.
Still, the prickling feeling lingered as her chest tightened. She felt like she was gazing into the face of her executioner as she leaned closer to the sea. Hoping a closer view would expel her fears.
(Y/N) gasped as her hearts raced when a shark silhouette erupted from the darkness. Its large, serrated teeth sawing into her tentacles as momentum breached the fish from the ocean.
Together cecealia and shark flew in an arch before crashing back into the water below. An array of bubbles, ink, and blood blinded (Y/N) as she thrashed. The shark chomped and shook (Y/N) like a treat filled chew toy.
She tried to claw at the dead eyes while screeching like a banshee, but it was futile against the shark’s shakes.
As the water transformed from a dark purple to a cloudy ruby, (Y/N)’s vision was overtaken by black spots. She could feel the knife-like teeth cleave deeper into her flesh, about to sever it.
The red cloud split as she sank, free from death’s jaws.
Her numbing mind attempted to process the lone, long figure fighting off her predator. His claws gliding through the shark skin like it was soggy paper, leaving red tides in the wake.
The vision spots had changed to a growing dark edge. Gradually it took over, leaving her alone with the final sound she heard was a haunting howl.
The darkness remained for (Y/N) as she contemplated whether the pain she felt was meant as a punishment in death or that she had survived the fearsome beast. If it was the latter, how many hours had it been, and how did she?
“I know you’re awake merienkelini.”
(Y/N)’s (E/C) eye cracked open revealing a simple cave. Its grey walls had been craved from centuries of tiny movements, but that wasn’t what held her interest.
 The long, Harbour Porpoise merman that watched her with crossed arms did. As she stared at the annoyed man, faded scars became obvious. They littered his pale human half and speckled down to the grey and white tail.
“Um… How did I get here?”
The merman rolled his red eyes as he scoffed. “Did the shark tango really take that much out of you?”
“Yes.” She murmured, looking down at her seaweed-bandaged body. Wincing at the loss of three tentacles.
The sound of a disgruntled sigh and shuffle of movement brought her attention back to him.
“Names Niilo and…” He sighed again with a small blush. “I guess you can stay with me until you’ve recovered.”
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ask-candyland-hetalia · 5 months
Two Royalty
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my-hetalia-academia · 11 months
Oct. 29 Prompt: suffocation | beaten and bruised | bloodbath
Character(s): 2P Nyo Iceland (Valdís Kallidóttir/Sleipnir), 2P Iceland (Tómas Kallisson/Thunder God)
Valdís knew what she was getting into. Her parents had been arrested and she was going to get them out one way or another. Even if it meant employing her dumbass brother Tómas in order to do so.
"How do you plan on getting them out?" He asked. Red eyes look at her brother. “That’s where we come in,” she said with a devilish smirk. Tómas raised an eyebrow. “Go get your axes,” Valdís said. Upon hearing this, Tómas smirked. He went and did just that.
“It’s Sleipnir and-” the prison guard didn’t get to finish the sentence before his throat was slit by an axe. Red eyes of Valdís look at them when they were on the ground before stomping on their face in with a hoof. “Where is Boomer and Spark?” She asked the next guard. "I- I'm not sure," the guard said. Valdís huffed, then took one of her brother's axes and made a clean swipe. The guard's head rolled to the floor, soon followed by a body. Valdís looked at Tómas. “Look around for pabbi. Take out anyone that gets in your way.” A nod from Tómas.
"Ah, my darling daughter Valdís," Rikke said when Valdís busted down the door to her cell. Villain name: Boomer. “Mamma,” Valdís said and went to hug the older woman. Rikke placed a hand on Valdís’ head. “Where’s your brother?” “Went to find pabbi,” Valdís said. Rikke looked over her daughter to see there’s blood on her outfit, skin, and in her hair.
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Tell me about the eurovision AU
Gladly!! It’s an au that I played about with a bit last year, set in a mystery year in a random location I haven’t thought of yet. Probably Sweden bc they’re the iconic hosts. The nations are all represented by their personifications, who are human in this au. Although in some cases I’ve opted for a nyo or a 2p version.
I currently only have the Nordics, France & the UK thought of.
I know that I for sure want to see at least two of the Nordics become an iconic friendship, much like what we’re seeing of Norway and Iceland’s entries this year. I would like a close friendship between Finland & Estonia too. And I am definitely considering letting scotland and Norway have a little Eurovision romance that manages to go under the radar a bit until nearer the end of the season.
Currently, the songs are:
SWEDEN: the classic perfectly perfected Swedish pop song (sung in English) that Sweden loves to send. The fans don’t care for it too much bc it’s been done before, but he’ll still end up coming like 7th bc the juries love to suck up to Sweden.
DENMARK: Denmark, along with my Faroe Islands oc, come in with a 2000s style europop beat. Again, it’s in English. It’s fun and energetic, but they don’t manage to make it to the final and the fans are outraged.
FINLAND: remember, I have an OC for Finland and don’t follow canon. I see them as part of a band, probably other random people from Finland. Not sure who else is in the band, but I know fin themself is the lead singer. It’s a heavy metal song in English.
NORWAY: Norway has a folk-rock song, it’s sung in English and tells the story of one of his favourite Norwegian folktales. It’s easily the more vocally demanding song of the year, and I actually don’t think he’s what norway wanted to send. I think for most of melodi grand prix there was a different favourite, singing a pop song, but they had to drop out last minute, so he ended up winning.
ICELAND: or, my interpretation of 2p Iceland. He’s the only nordic singing in his native language. Which would be good, but the song is… confusing at best? No one has any clue what’s going on. It’s like he’s shouting into the mic and there’s lots and lots of pyro equipment. You can see elves on the screen behind him? He’s shirtless and running around the stage like a mad man, no one can even pay attention to the song bc the performance is just so… what the fuck? He, surprisingly, does make it the final though.
FRANCE: the most French sounding ballad ever with lots and lots of Eiffel Tower memorabilia. It’s of course sung in French. His song is kind of forgettable.
THE UK: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland are a band. Wales is the lead singer- with much pushback from England. England is the bassist who also does back up singing bc he threw a hissy fit probs. Northern Ireland is on the drums. And Scotland INSISTED he was allowed to play his bagpipes, which none of the other brothers like. It’s supposed to be a classic English rock song, but they all have very different ideas of what the band is so the song sounds messy at best. It’s not a popular song to begin with and their live performances are just awful every single time. They come dead last in the final scoring a whopping 0 points.
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ask-sum-2ps · 2 years
Let's start out simple. Who are the new 2ps?
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I sort of ment ask for a 2p you'd like to see that I haven't made yet but yeah I have these guys plus while he isn't new we have 2p Romania as well
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Giggle at the Ghosties
October 27 prompt: Paranormal Activity / New Neighbour / Zombie
Character(s): 2P Nyo Norway (Ingrid/Níðhǫggr), 2P Iceland (Tómas/Ljón)
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Tómas was a non-believer. His sibling Ingrid, on the other hand, believed in anything ghost related. That's how he ended up going to a supposedly haunted house with Ingrid. They wanted to prove ghosts are real and more importantly, they wanted to prove it to Tómas. They were going to do so one way or another.
“Ready?” Ingrid asked, looking at Tómas. He rolled his eyes and said, “Ready as I’ll ever be.” A smile crossed Ingrid’s face. The two had all the equipment they needed. It included a camera with night vision, a recorder or two, an emf meter, and so on. The location they’re at is Akershus Castle in Norway and they’re going to spend the night here. Asthe two approached the castle, Ingrid could've sworn they heard the sound of a horse. “What?” Tómas asked. “Did… you hear a horse?” Ingrid asked. Tómas looked at them and raised an eyebrow. “Are you hearing things already?” “Maybe,” Ingrid said. “Or it could be the horse that haunts the gate.” Tómas sighed and pulled out one of the tools that they brought.
During the night, Ingrid and Tómas had split up to search different spots in the castle. Ingrid ended up near the chambers. Purple eyes of the Norwegian look around. Something flew by them. They looked in time to see the figure disappear through one of the closed doors. A smile crossed Ingrid’s face and they said, “Cool.”
Tómas, on the other hand, was in a different part of the castle. He’d used the evp (electronic voice phenomenon) recorder. He asked some question and waited for the supposed spirits to respond. Did he check to see if he got a response? No, he’s wait until he met up with Ingrid to check.
Both investigations came to a bit of a halt when both Ingrid and Tómas heard the same sound come from somewhere else in the castle.
“Longg, bring the storm!” Ingrid said. Longg was sucked into their choker and they transformed into Níðhǫggr. They pulled their sword off their back and aimed it in the direction they’d heard the footsteps. What they ended up seeing was none other than...
“Loom, time to hunt,” Tómas said. Loom was pulled into his ring and he transformed into Ljón. He hurried in the direction he could've sworn Ingrid had gone in. However, they skidded to a stop when they saw Níðhǫggr standing there with their sword drawn. Oh, great. Just what he needed. A hero. The two stared at each other for a moment before Ljón spoke up. “Didn’t take you for the ghost hunting type.” “Nor I you,” Níðhǫggr said. “Especially at Akershus.”
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The Hanging Tree (fairfolk au)
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Tómas looked over what he’d taken from the older male. Must be important if he gave it over without a fuss. He was then paid for the item.
“What did you get this time?” Eirik asked when Tómas walked in. They’d pulled a cake out of the oven. Both the cake and Tómas' item were placed on the counter. Purple eyes look over what the item was. "Where did you get this?" They asked. "Bought it off someone from one of the other courts," Tómas said. A soft sigh escaped Eirik. “Why you keep buying these things I’ll never know. Not to mention there’s that incident that happened last year where you took that guy out.” “And I’d do it again,” Tómas said. Eirik gave him a look, then got to decorating the cake. “I would send you away, but we don’t have any other relatives I know of. Lukas, Emil, and our sisters all live with us at home.”
Camille. Half roc and part of the summer court. The guy she's staying with, Alexandre, had sold her to someone in the Winter Court, along with something else he himself didn't think was all that important. She sighed and finished packing her things. Even if she didn't want to go, she knew she had to. Which means she'd also have to say goodbye to her sister Michelle.
"Michelle," Camille said. Gray eyes notice how the other female seems to be crying. "Are you really leaving?" Michelle asked. "I have to," Camille said. "Alexandre sold me to someone from Winter Court." Michelle then latched onto her sister. "I'll pay him back for you." Camille smiled faintly and hugged Michelle. "You do that. I have to get going now." This prompted Michelle to hold her tighter.
After a while, Michelle had let her go. Camille had managed to find her way to Winter Court and to the meetup spot with the guy who bought her. She did spot a guy with red eyes and shoulder length brown hair that had an undercut. Never mind the fact that he has elf ears. Must be an elf. Or at least half elf.
"Camille?" The other asked. Camille nodded and walked over to him. "Tómas?" She asked. He nodded.
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Hello! I was wondering if you can do the 2p Nordics with a fairy reader!
Hi! I did some general headcanons on this. Hope you enjoy it! And thank you, this was really fun to write! (I'm obsessed with the folklore of my country, and I went with the ones from there and the other Nordics)
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
he's a bit cautious about the prospect of a fairy S/O. Considering he knows the fickle nature of these creatures.
while you may be very sweet and attractive he'll never really let his guard down. He knows of far too many instances where someone has been tricked
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
he knows of these beings too, but he absolutely does not enjoy it. It's not the magic that's his problem with you, it is your nature of trickery and misbehaviour. He wants structure and order not whatever bullshit you may attempt to pull
he may attempt to remove your wings if he feels they are more trouble than they are worth. If you follow his commands, he will not harm you. But if you misbehave he will punish you accordingly. You will also be forced to cultivate your muscles, so you are not weak without your flying abilities
2p Iceland/Erikur Steilsson 
he would be willing to follow you anywhere, and he'd have no qualms with staying in your home world for eternity, as long as you're completely his
he is, just like the others, knowledgeable about your kind, meaning that attempting to trick him would be difficult, but he would let you if it benefits him. Try to screw him over and you might not have any wings after that. His sickles are always close by, and he sharpens one regularly, the other is kept dull for maximum pain
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen 
it fascinates him, he does much like his counterpart, prefer a partner of magical descent or full blown magical being. He is also aware of the trickery of these creatures. But as his name might suggest, he is also a trickster by nature. It'll be a battle of wits, one he'll thoroughly enjoy
he will ofc attempt to trap you with him, and keep you from returning to your home, where he may not be able to follow. And if you managed to trick him into your home, it would be difficult for him to get both of you out. He is not interested in spending 100+ years in a world where it only feels like a few days.
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
he gets overprotective very fast, and he'll be the only other one willing to follow you into your home, regardless of the consequences for him.
he is a yandere by nature and while he prefers to pretend to keep the "family" together, he would enjoy coming back to see the chaos that unfolds without him. He would also be difficult to keep trapped anywhere, he is violent when it suits him and intelligent. Many things you wouldn't know until you're trapped yourself
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psycho-axes · 1 year
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hws-lceland · 10 months
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Finally drew my 2p Iceland in a way I dont completely hate so I finally post him .
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lemonerix · 18 days
hetadoodles pt. 2!!
I'm too lazy to make individual posts so I'm dumping all the doodles I did this week :P
⚠️ships (bc I hit the 30 tags limit lol) : geritager, rusprurus, rusamerus, taiviettai, engporteng, usukus
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How would the 2p Nordics act if their country s/o fainted (from stress or exhaustion) while they were in a nation meeting, and what would they do? (I’m sorry I just feel like the nordics aren’t talked about a lot 😔).
They truly don’t get enough of the limelight. Thank you for giving them another chance in the spotlight, and for your patience.
Your body felt hot and heavy like it was wrapped in newly forged, thick, iron chains as you stood from your velvet chair. Each step taken toward the podium made you sway as your feet crossed in time with your blurring vision.  One foot on the wooden stairs, and the world went sideways before it darkened into nothing.
Finland: Niilo would rush his way up to you. Forcing any nation that had attempted any aid, or found a loophole for harm, to the side. If your vitals are stable, then he’ll take you to his room. There he’ll tend to you with a cold, damp washcloth while muttering how stupid you’ve been. Hoping that his simple remedies can improve your health. When you wake up, expect to receive an expletive-filled lecture and notice that your boss has given you the rest of the week off.
If your health tanks deep enough that even basic, army-level first aid confirms the worse, Niilo is taking you to the nearest hospital. There he will stick close while the doctors go about stabilizing your vitals. Fighting the urge to punch them in the face as he watches you recover. Once you wake up, a similar lecture is given. This one has more expletives than if you were taken to his hotel room.
Sweden: Bernard noticed the swaying and caught you before the ground could give its embrace. With your passed-out form in hand, he calmly walks you out of the room. Smiles while assuring everyone that you’ll be fine, your nation is stable, and that he’ll handle all the slack.
Regardless of whether you need hospital care or not, he taking you to one of his hidden cabins. Even if you were in another country, you are waking up to the breathtaking view of the Swedish trees. If your health has tanked enough for additional care, Bernard is going to have you hooked up to the best medical devices and have a doctor give you regular checkups until you have cleared all possible tests. If you don’t then he’ll give you plenty of TLC and self-care supplies until he’s deemed you healthy.
Though, it is up for debate if he’ll ever let you leave.
Denmark: Markell would be the first to you, kneeling while doing a quick assessment of your health. If you’re simply exhausted from the stress, then he’ll whisk you away. After calling for Finland to take notes first, someone must be responsible. Upon awakening, you’ll be in his arms and a book close enough to your face that the words are little black blurs. He’ll tell you to take it easy and that he’s decided that you need a couple of weeks off. He doesn’t care enough to let your boss know about your impromptu vacation though.
Should you need the hospital, he’s like Finland in taking you himself. The speed and skill at which he gets you there are better than any Herculean hero attempting to save their dying lover. Once in their care, he’ll wait in the halls, pacing like a new father. When the doctor clears you for visitors, he’s the first one in. Calmly presenting you with an idea for a vacation, a little RnR with him in the Danish countryside. Though, he’ll neglect to inform you that no one will know of the vacation.
Iceland: Erlingr’s clingy nature would make it hard for him to be shocked that you suddenly passed out during a meeting. He had seen the signs and consistently told you to take time for yourself. So, when you finally do, he just sighs and shakes his head. Collecting your body to bring it to his room, already prepared for this event.
He has no need to check you for possible hospital needs because he wouldn’t let it get to that point. After all he took the stalking lessons from Sweden and had taken improved them in ways that he never could.
Norway: Oh, boy. When you go down Lidolf is going to zero in on you for a while. He’s the one that carried you out of the room, ignoring all the calls for him to either stop and ensure you’re okay or for him to think before he acts.
When you finally wake up, it’s hot. Like the type of hot, humid summer that a Southern from the boonies would reminisce about during the height of a Midwest winter. Tired and not all aware of the world, you attempt to escape from the warmth. Only, to find a Lidolf on top of you. Noses touching as he welcomes you back to the world of the living.
As your momentary panic subsides, Lidolf fills you in on your episode and lets you know that he’s gonna take care of you. He does it well-ish. There are a couple of moments when he gifts you things that are more stressful than relaxing, but his biggest help is taking your workload. Wiping out a lot of those annoying and giving you a better work environment to return to.
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