#2p france x reader
milaisreading · 7 months
2p Axis and 2p Allies reaction to a guy giving Valentine's Day gifts to y/n before they had a chance?
🌱🩷: Here u go! Hope it is ok, and thank you for the request!
2p!Italy: Bella, these are for you~
Yn, while looking at the flower bouquet: Thank you! I didn't expect you to care about Valentine's Day! These are really pretty
2p!Italy: You care about this holiday and so do I. Besides, I wanted to be the first one to give you the present.
Yn:Oh... uhm...
Yn: Well... Actually... Sweden already gave me a present so...
2p!Italy: Really?
Yn: Thanks for the chocolate!
2p!Germany, all proud that she likes it: Nothing to thank me for. I heard from people you like this flavor.
Yn: Yep! It's one of my favorites, actually.
2p!Germany, confused as he thought she likes this one: One of? What's your favorite? I can get you that instead.
Yn: No need! Besides, Denmark already gave me that this morning.
2p!Germany: ... What? Wait, so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah. This morning
Yn: Why is your gun out?
Yn, worried as his glare intensifies and his grip on the present tightens: Are...are you ok?
Yn: You look constipated. Was it the food you ate earlier?
2p!Japan, embarrassed as he shoves the present into her hands: Just take this stupid gift?!
Yn: Thanks... *opens to see what's inside*
2p!Japan, trying to look like he doesn't give af: And?
Yn: Oh! This is a cute figurine! It will go well with the one Korea gave me!
2p!Japan: When did he give it to you?
Yn: This morning.
2p!Japan: Ah... so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah- where are you going?
2p!Japan: Out for a walk.
2p!America: Hey there, dollface! Happy Valentine's Day! Here is your present.
Yn, jumping in surprise as she takes it: Thank you! The bear is cute!
2p!America, swinging his arm around her shoulder: Not as cute as you.
Yn, blushing:O-oh...
2p!America: Anyway, want to go and eat something?
Yn: No, I just ate with Norway
2p!America: Excuse me? What?
Yn: He took me out to lunch as a gift.
2p!America,thinking of all the ways to kill a country: Oh... lovely...
2p!France: What is that?
Yn, looking at the small cake 2p!France was pointing at: Oh! This? It's a cake Finland made me for Valentine's Day! Want to try? He made it with my favorite flavor.
2p!France while tightening his grip on a gift he got her: Oh... And you accepted the gift just like that?
Yn, confused by the question: Yeah? We always give each other gifts.
2p!France: You gave him gifts as well?!
Yn: Yeah... Are you mad?
2p!France: Yes.
Yn: O-oh... I will put it away then...
2p!France: Please do.
2p!England: Poppet! I made you my special cupcakes! Try them!
Yn, nervous as she remembers what his special cupcakes might have:I am not really hungry, so...
2p!England: They don't have anything bad in them, I swear!
Yn, slowly nodding her head as she takes them: O-Ok.
2p!England: I wanted to make this present special! Do you like them?
Yn, surprised they taste like real, normal cupcakes: Yeah... they remind me of the ones Switzerland got me this morning.
2p!England: What?
Yn: Switzerland gave me some as a present this morning *continues eating*
2p!England, thinking: I will turn him into literal Swiss cheese
Yn: Thanks for the presents, Russia... Isn't this too much? *looks at the mountain of gifts*
2p!Russia, shakes his head while patting hers: Not really. In fact, there are more I need to give you.
2p!Russia: Don't worry your pretty brain about it, but... Who gave you those flowers over there? *points at the tulips*
Yn: Oh! Netherlands gave me them as a gift this morning! They smell so good- Why are you taking the vase away?
2p!Russia: They have gone bad. I will get you better ones
Yn: What?
Yn, admiring the Hello kitty plushie: This is so adorable! I never saw this one!
2p!China, while having a huge grin on his face: Well, it was a special I requested for you. Happy you like it.
Yn: Thanks! You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me.
2p!China: It was more trouble at all~
Yn: It will look great with that plushie Estonia gave me this morning
2p!China: Someone gave you a present already?
Yn: Yep~
2p!China: Oh... Can you do me a favor?
Yn: Sure. What is it?
2p!China: Can you sleep with your window open for tonight? And put that plushie from Estonia as close as possible to the the window
Yn: What?
2p!Canada, blushing as Yn thanks him for the chocolate: It's nothing. Just a small token of appreciation.
Yn: Still! Thank you for remembering me! I didn't expect gifts from both Iceland and you, to be honest.
2p!Canada: Oh, it's nothing. I am happy you like- What do you mean by Iceland?
Yn: Him and Mr. Puffin gave me those cute Valentine's Day cards. They are so adorable~
2p!Canada, agitated while she is smiling: Aha...
An hour later...
Yn, yelling from her room: My cards are gone!!
2p!Canada as he lights up a fire: How tragic
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shini--chan · 3 months
May I request 2p allies making their s/o mute as a punishment for trying to run for help.
⚫〰️⚫ Thank you
Alright, as the ask indicates, it is not a never family friendly post that awaits you up ahead. Excluding 2p Canada this time, since I had difficulty coming up with another form of mutness other than those described via the other characters.
This came out later than planned due to time management issues on behalf of the author. Nevertheless, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: body horror, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mutilation, misuse of medical procedures, drugging, malnutrition, dark magic
Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold
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Allen would loathe to admit it, but he had come to like you when you were quiet. Aside from that, you looked so cute with your neck bandaged up. And those glares and petulant expressions you made! Oh, if he had known how agreeable you’d become after losing your voice, he would have done this far sooner. 
That being said, it had been an accident - he hadn’t wanted to punch you in the throat, but you just had to jump in the way, when he was busy teaching that bastard a lesson. Therefore, he had had no choice but to cut open your throat to ensure you could continue breathing. 
When you leaned down to take his plate, you purposely bumped his shoulder. Yes, you were still very upset with him about what had happened. However, the feeling was mutual. He slapped your arse when you straightened up again. 
It caused you to perform a little jump and then glare at him. 
“If I had known that you’d look so sexy with something around your neck, I would have bought you a set of chokers long ago, dollface. Don’t worry though - you look good with the bloodstained gauze as well”, he slyly complimented you. Oh, how it infuriated you. 
You had tried to talk a few times these past days, causing the wound on your neck to reopen and weep plasma and blood everytime you did. As it was, you were lucky that you had gotten antibiotics, or else Allen would have been far stricter with you. 
Petty as you could be, turned your back on him and flipped the bird as you marched back to the kitchen. At this, Allen could prevent himself from laughing. 
Allen actually wouldn’t want to rob you of your voice, since half the fun in having you is that you talk back. However, he would discover the benefits of muting you after he would have to do it in some shape of form. Once doing so, he would find this experience refreshing and seek to replicate it multiple times in the future. Here, you would really be in danger of losing your voice permanently if you aren’t able to curb his … preferences. 
The problem here is that he would find your muteness and the injuries connected to it to be unbelievably arousing. In ways, your life would biome harder than it already is thanks to that.
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Could you really be blamed for panicking in a situation such as this? The rush of hysteria made the binds tying you down to the table seem even tighter than they were, and you felt like you were suffocating, no matter how fast you breathed. The air was too hot and your clothes too scratchy, with the latter made all the worse by the fact that you were coated in grim and your own dried sweat.
To your left, you heard Zao approach you. Since your head was fastened to the table, you only could see him once he appeared in your periphery. There was a horrid grin on his face, that stood in complete juxtaposition to what he said.
"My heart, this is really something I don't want to do, but you leave me with no choice."
You wanted to retort, but thought better of it just in the nick of time. He had a brown glass bottle at hand, and you didn't like all the warning labels on it, nor how close it was to your mouth. 
"But give in and swallow, I promise to help you with your recovery if you comply", he told you in a sickly sweet tone as if he was talking to a child. As much as you wanted to shake your head, you couldn't. By now, you were trembling. 
Two fingers pinched your nose firmly. After a few seconds, you started to become lightheaded and you heard and felt your blood pounding. Opening your mouth wouldn't be an option, since the bottle would immediately be emptied into your mouth if you did that. So instead, you opened the corner of your mouth and tried to breathe as discreetly as possible. 
To no avail. The fingers that were on your nose went for your mouth and pried your lips apart. As valiantly as you struggled, the bottle still went in. The fluid caused your throat to burn, and when you accidentally breathed some of it, you let out a hapless scream of pain. 
His method of muting you would be more permanent - rendering your vocal cords and throat useless by forcing you to drink acid or poison. This would either be the response to a multitude of transgressions, or him being particularly ticked off by an escape.
A side effect of this would be that you would be unable to swallow food or drink. But he would be there to help you, either by feeding you through a tube, an IV or by supplying you through your back door (i.e your rectum). This would serve as an extension of the original punishment. Additionally, you would be helpless and reliant on him. 
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When you finally woke up, you felt groggy and heavy, each of your limbs made of lead and your mouth full of cotton. Sleep drunk, you opened your eyes and eased yourself to a more upright position. 
Not that it was more comfortable - there were kinks and knots in your back that only a professional massage could relieve you from. Why the hell had you fallen asleep here of all places? You were seated in an old dentist car, the once royal red faded. The contraption creaked ominously whenever you moved.
This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment. The twilight of the room you were in didn't help.
Your mouth felt dry and slightly numb, and your lips subsequently cracked. You parted your lips and wanted to run your tongue over the dried skin only to discover that you didn't have a tongue anymore. 
Cold shock made you bolt upright and all at once, the world shifted into sharp clarity. Once again, you tried to stretch your tongue out only for nothing to move, not a stump. That was when you started to panic.
Lungs heaved as you tried to explain the situation to yourself. There was absolutely no pain, you weren't feeling weak. The taste of blood was absent, and the bitter sting of iodine or saline solution wasn't present either. 
In your panic, you opened your mouth and stuck your fingers inside to feel for your tongue. It had been completely removed down to the root. There wasn't even puckered skin where the muscle would have begun. Tears started to leak from your eyes and you tried to force a few miserable sounds out of your mouth. 
"Now, now don't engage in self-pity. You did bring this on yourself, my rose bud."
The blood in your veins turned to ice, and you halted your frantic movement. Despite the dim lighting of the underground room, you could clearly see Oliver Kirkland. He was seated on a red satin loveseat, and in the jar he had balanced on his knee was your tongue. 
Oliver would use magic to completely remove your tongue from your mouth, aiming to insite as much panic in you as possible. As such, you'll only find out what he has done after completion of the procedure. 
Instead of helping you to deal with the situation, he would mock you relentlessly. Furthermore, he would place the blame on you - it was you that ran away, it was you that forced his hand; everything that went wrong is your fault. The jar with your tongue in it would be placed in a spot that you'd have a hard time overlooking. A taunt, and a reminder that the amputation is only temporary. You just have to play being a good spouse for long enough and then he'd give you your tongue back. 
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Putrid pus stained the sheets as he pulled them away. Yesterday the colour had been yellow, but now it had a slight green tint to it. Francois brushed his fringes out of his face and tied his hair back to a sloppy ponytail. 
With a soft sigh, and placed the bandages and tincture bottles on the bed next to you and tilted your head towards him. Sickness and the corresponding fever made your sleep deep, unlike it usually was. You didn't even stir when he lifted your head onto his lap. 
At this point, it was up for debate what was sealing your lips more - the rough stitches or the infection. The swelling had distorted your mouth, so much so that it was beginning to block your nose and hinder your breathing. 
Cursing softly under his breath, he set out to drain the pus from the needle wounds. He shouldn't have used the expired saline solution, yet you had given him no choice. You had been so busy thrashing and screaming around when he had sown your mouth shut. 
Francois still didn't understand why you had put up such a fuss. The punishment was deserved and it made your resistance all the more pathetic. Seriously, had you really thought he would take you escaping lightly? How could you delude yourself into thinking he wouldn't take all those vile words that you had uttered upon being brought home to heart?
The pus drenched bandages were thrown into the bin, and he proceeded to down the injured tissue with iodine. You groaned in your sleep, and tried to open your mouth. A noticeable tremor ran down your body, and you stopped straining against the stitches. 
Perhaps it was better that you were lost in a haze. It gave your captor more time to think and calm down. 
Francois would elect to make your muteness temporary, but with some caveats. You'd wear scars around your mouth for the rest of your life and the mental and physical trauma would haunt you for years to come. Such a situation would have a high potential of arising if you poured your heart out to somebody else and incited them to help you escape. 
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This was getting more tiring by the hour. Slowly, you were asking yourself if this really was a punishment, or if it was one of Victor's loathsome social experiments.  loathsome social experiments. They both tended to be alike, so it was hard to tell on a normal day. 
“If you keep glaring at me like that, your face will distort to a permanent frown”, the man in question remarked. The knife repeatedly scraped over the wood in his hand, causing shavings to fly with every stroke of the blade. He didn’t even look up from his whittling when he said that. How rude. 
Feeling petulant, you knicked a stone in the river. It was a nice day to be outdoors - the spring air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers, and the sun was shining through the birch tree. Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, not when he had brought you to the spot where he had captured you a mere week ago, picnic basket at hand. 
You had difficulty swallowing every other bite, and also keeping it down. Now that bastard even insisted on staying a bit longer to enjoy the alleged peace and quiet that the forest offered. 
With how frustrated you were, you opened your mouth in order to say something, only to receive a smack to the face with the flat side of the knife the second you opened your mouth. In shock, you quickly closed your mouth again and looked at him aghast. 
This time, he was even meeting your eyes. 
“You know the agreement, so don’t break it by talking now.”
Mutness wouldn’t even be the intended punishment at first - it would be offered as a second, milder option to a harsher punishment. Victor would have a habit of giving you an option of choosing between two or more punishments. It would be to give you an illusion of power over your own fate and an opportunity to assuage your character. Mind you, he would never give you the full details of the punishments that you can choose from. 
In this case, he would enforce a “voluntary silence” upon you. You would have to refrain from speaking for a certain time interval, or else suffer a harsher punishment. This is one of his games with you, that would be designed to mould your personality to his liking. Also, this would be a form of discipline training for you. 
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yan-heta · 5 months
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★ NOTE ;;
— As I have previously stated in my last post, I may or may not write this depending on someone's request. The writing style also changes on newer requests.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
2p france was never the type to be inclined to affection. After all, love is a hoax in his eyes, a mere illusion to the passerby’s near his lone apartment. It was utterly useless to love one person for your whole life, when chances are, they would cheat, lie, break you into pieces. That is all love to him. He would give you your space, but that must not mean he would not try to touch you nor would his eyes drift elsewhere that is not you. You are, indeed, the only source of entertainment he has in this cruel world. Gentle touches on your shoulders, waist, and maybe even laying in your lap. If you were willing, he would be sleeping beside you, the scent of smoke and cheap liquor, arms encasing you as you’re used as a pillow. Must you be sensitive over the smell of smoke, he would try to tone it down only in a mere scale. Your personal bubble of privacy sure must be big, but again, you are always being watched by the man.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He’s quite lax at certain situations, accustomed to crime, having the knowledge of how to assess the situation and quickly eradicating anyone who try and mess the situation up, as he is a crime-lord himself, but he chooses not to, as his presence enough is intimidating for one’s eyes. Of course, he may seem lazy, but once you show unease towards one person, the 2p would willingly take his bottle and bash it in the “perpetrator’s” head, even if they all but asked your number or similarly, seem like they show signs of “feigning” interest upon you. The world is cruel, France is one of them, but he wants his lover sanguine after eradicating those pesky insects. The possibilities are low, though, as you are always couped up in his apartment.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Unlike those he has slept with, he is actually quite reassuring with you (never once showing domestic cruelty, feeding you enough, soft touches), albeit emitting a negative atmosphere. At first, he is incapable of being trusted as he has cheated on his past ‘lovers’, but once you notice the pattern that he has never reeked of anything but his perfume, it is him genuine with his promises of never touching women, nor men. Not with you filling the hole of loneliness he has endured every night.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
You would have your boundaries respected (2p France is one of those who aren’t delusional (2p England) at all). The country would, though- sometimes on drunks nights - force you to cuddle. He needs to rid of his headache after the failed meetings, and you are his source of rehabilitation.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Silence is a friend of his, even-so, he has never told anyone of his struggles; a simple nuisance in his eyes. Nevertheless, once you expose more of your heart to him, the more he would be open to talk of what possibly drags him down the deep depths of seclusion. He won’t immediately state the problems, but subtly shows signs that you could pick off once the wall that separate his heart slowly breaks.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Questioning; an eyebrow raised while he puffs his cigarettes, an interrogating glint in his eyes. There is no chance of you breaking free, unless you want to encounter people who were more on the spectrum of not caring and would hurt you. He won’t be hurt, albeit a little, by your display of fiery attitude, and would actually leave you alone in your room if you want him to. But he’d warn: if you escape, you’re going to regret meeting his other friends, who by far are worse, and he genuinely wants to protect you from those imbeciles.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He has no time for silly games, they’re all an inconvenience. If you escape, he’ll be sighing, tsking at your ludicrous decisions, but he won’t criticize you for it. More of a “not mad, but disappointed”. Once he has you back in your arms, he grumbles, the silence overtaking the apartment. You’ll be once again in your bed he shares with you, and he would leave you some time to contemplate what you did.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The time where he has shown violence, not towards you, but to a man flirting with you whilst you two were out together. He can’t let you out of his sight, in fear you would escape, so he told you to stay by his side with a scowl etched on his face directed at the man. You’re gripping at his left elbow, using it as a cover, because the sight was that unruly. The man who flirted, now having glass shards impaling his skin while the 2p talks normally, yet threateningly with vulgar language, of how he enjoys hearing and seeing the cries of the man. In the end, all that's left is a battered and bruised body while you’re crying, but he promises he would not do what he has done to you, but that doesn’t make you feel better, it makes the fear that he would do it to you, too.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Just peace and quite. Francois is not a man of dreams, ambitions taking too much energy. All he wishes from you is to submit, no expectations that would take too much time. Does not intend to show you off with his co-workers, blasphemy, they’ll just fall what was is his.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He would, once you show the slightest interest on any one of the 2p’s, heaven forbid, especially Oliver. But he would not lash out on you, but glare at whoever is receiving your attention, a silent threat that guarantees he would harm them. Though, if a stranger flirts with you, then he would only see red, not a hint of jealousy (unless again, you show interest) as he is aware of their intentions to harm you. Never would he lash out on you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Tender affection. Even if he were to reek of alcohol and cigarettes, he would be beside you on your bed together and you’ll be sitting in his lap as you are his source of comfort after a stressing day. At first, he would be drunk of sorrow when you weren’t there, but now he has someone to come home to.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Offers to spend dates in not too crowded spaces. At a place where it is only solitude and it’s only you and him. You could cook for him if you wish to, and he would be furthermore in love.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. For you, he is more vulnerable and transparent with his emotions. By grunts, movements- you could immediately know of how he feels. Hugging you tighter means all he wants is to rest with you and have his fill of dopamine. The more he grunts mean he’s either overworked, or he like your efforts on helping him out, depends on what emotion is etched on his eyes.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
No punishing, nor threats. He’ll try to change for you, and towards you only. And gaining your trust is a crucial part. You’ll feel conflicting emotions around him because of how he acts. Though sometimes his silence alone at your failed attempts at escape acts enough as a punishment.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Only freedom. He would give you decent meals, clothes, space, etc. You would basically live like you’re quarantined. Yet, you could still go outside with the company of 2p France once you promise to not escape.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. Again, he is the most humane of yanderes compared to others. So mental will is always given to you, and you actually do have a choice like what you eat, what you wear, what you want from him. Tell him that you want more time to trust him, then he would grant that promise. After all, the only time he act of impulse is by kidnapping you, and harming those who fancy you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. It took years falling for you, it would take longer to move on. He would be nearly dysfunctional, drowning in guilt, if you were to die.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Abducting you? He’s quite guilty a bit. Let you go? Probably not. Going outside with him by your side is the most of what you would have if you really need that fresh air, but you are to stay at his apartment with only a bit of restraints.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
A bit of curiosity and his past. He was known as someone who slept with people without regard for emotions, once he heeds the slightest bit of entertainment for you, would he question himself. That, in turn, would lead him spending more time with you, because damn, you’re somewhat making him experience the stage of falling in love.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Silent guilt. He would attempt cheering you up (though, he is quite horrible at talking) by letting you cry on his shoulders if you were using him as a comfort even if he is your abductor. He would not talk, just sit by your side to let you cry out every tear 'til you feel slightly better. Not call you overdramatic as you are vulnerable.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not too keen on harming you. He’s self-aware, he knows of how the mind works, and to be frank, he won’t break you for cruel pleasure if in the end is someone broken. The most normal of the bunch even if he were heartless.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Nothing emotionally could make you exploit him. He knows you after years pining after you, and because he has spent time with people who has manipulated before, his co-workers. So any dire actions of you planning to escape him by mental or emotional advantage would be thrown out the windows. The only chance of escape you have is by just possibly jumping off the apartment windows, overall physical ways.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, not even bruises would please him. His grip on you would be lenient, even mentally hurting (albeit showing you his actions of violence that one time) you is a huge no for him. He is not a hypocrite, he does not want you to hurt him, so he would not to you. The 2p is self-aware, observant of how you act. If you were to ever slightly show your affections towards him, then he would not toy with it.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He won’t go too far to overwhelm you with his company. He’ll show you worship if you want to, affection if that is your choice. But is mostly silent with his display of love. To win you over, for him, is to slowly decline his habits.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Falling in love, for the 2p, is like waiting for the “real” Santa to visit your house. He would not immediately fall in love with you. Love at first sight is nothing but a saying. What he would fall for is how you act towards him, yet it takes quite some time to gain his trust, about one to three years before completely snapping. Once he is certain you are the one, the kidnapping process would be an impulse for him.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No. He would knew of the consequences if you were to break. You’ll lose your trust at him, he does not want that. Instead, he would try to exhibit a more mellow side of his to you. To indicate that, yes, you could trust him, he would not harm you.
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lady0ctavia · 25 days
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons on how the 2p!Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple~
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2p!America: Allen is very mischievous and cocky. With a similar "do or die" attitude to this 1p! counterpart, his kisses are more forceful and abrupt. The difference is that Allen will crash his lips onto yours with little regard to whether or not you're prepared. He'll even go out of his way to surprise you with a kiss on the lips, holding you tightly by the waist as he uses his tongue to beg for entrance. Kisses that are full of desire and lust. He just loves to see you shocked and breathless at the end. And when the two of you are alone, you can bet neck kisses are going to be a thing. Here's hoping you brought a scarf to cover up those love bites. If it wasn't already obvious, he'd be the one initiating a first kiss.
2p!England: Oliver's kisses are not only sweet in emotion and how they feel, but in taste as well. His lips taste like one of the many sugary sweets he whips up on a daily basis. Like cake batter and frosting with a possible hint of the metallic taste of blood. He gets positively giddy when you two kiss, and you can feel his lips curl into a smile upon yours. When he's in an especially good mood he'll take your face in his hands and pepper your face with kisses. When in public he might hold back a little, and I mean only a little. And I'd say it's 50/50 as to who initiates the first kiss. He may hold back to see if you're comfortable, but there's also the chance he'll get so carried away in his emotions that he'll just kiss you outright.
2p!France: François... Oh, François my beloved. This really depends on the nature of your relationship. If you're keeping it casual, his kisses would be more lustful and demanding, as if to say, "You. Me. Bed. Now." And he'd have no qualms about shoving his tongue down your throat. This is a guy who doesn't really believe in love and instead operates on lust when it comes to human intimacy. But if your relationship is more serious, his kisses would still be firm, but they'd be brief, with him still lingering over your lips, as if he's unsure how to navigate kisses fueled by genuine love. Whoever initiates the first kiss would depend entirely on his mood. If he's in a lustful haze, he'd initiate. But if he's just... Being his usual, depressed self, you'd have to initiate.
2p!Russia: Kissing? What even is kissing? Okay, so it's not like Viktor hasn't heard of kissing before, but it's probably one of the furthest things from his mind. So obviously you'd have to be the one to talk to him about it and even one day be the one to try and initiate that first kiss between you two. I feel like his lips feel very cold, almost like ice. At first, he'd find kissing to be a little uncomfortable, but he'd eventually warm up to the idea. But kisses would still be extremely rare. But when he does kiss you it will either be on the top of your head, forehead, or a chaste peck on the lips. Because of the rarity of the kisses, you know that if he's kissing you, it's because he truly does love you (that or he's dying, I dunno).
2p!China: Okay, I'm gonna be real here. Zao seems like a bit of a mixed bag to me. I feel like he'd be more affectionate than his 1p! counterpart, but not particularly in public. He'd give you a kiss on the cheek in public, but that's it. At home he's probably a bit more lax about affection, kissing you off and on throughout the day. Maybe being a little more flirty and silly when it comes to kissing, with his kisses making you smile while also feeling like your chest is on fire. And he'd be the one to initiate the first kiss. (I literally tried so hard here, but I just don't have a good feel for his character at all).
2p!Canada: James also my beloved. James isn't the best at showing how he feels, especially in the romance department. His kisses often end up being little pecks on the top of your head or forehead. He'd kiss your temple as well, but after a peck, he'll sort of linger there with an arm around your shoulders. Kisses on the lips are usually reserved for when the two of you are alone, mainly because he can be fairly reserved when it comes to affection. But dang those kisses fill you with a sense of love, security, and warmth like you've never felt before. And, if he's in the mood, the kisses can be a little more intense and forceful, but he wouldn't try and push you into anything you aren't comfortable with. As such, it would be on you to initiate that first kiss, as he's a little worried he may accidentally scare you off.
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how would france, germany, america, 2p america and 2p england deal with a s/o who sends them those kitty slideshow tiktoks all the time?
Broo, my partner sends me those so much, they're the cutest *This a lot shorter than my regular posts
America • Alfred Jones
He was one of first countries to get TikTok and he has an account where he regularly participates in trends (anything from dances to the Grimace shake situation)
Any kitty videos you send him are met with heart reacts and in reply, he'll send you those cutesy couple slides
Whenever he gets a cat slideshow on his fyp now he immediately sends it to you
France • François Bonnefoy
He doesn't really care for social media platforms, not being a huge fan of electronics (he also just doesn't know how to use them)
Because of that, he doesn't have a TikTok, though he finds it endearing when you show them to him on your phone with a happy expression
Every time he hears one of the adorable little accompanying audios from your side of the couch, he can't help but to smile himself
Germany • Ludwig Beilschmidt
He doesn't have TikTok, nor an interest in getting it, so you either send him the pictures via message or you show him in person
While he's not particularly a huge fan of cats, preferring dogs significantly more, he doesn't mind you sending or showing him the cute little pictures
He gets a bit confused at the meme ones (like where it shows a newborn kitten with the caption "this is an atom bomb" above it), but that's all memes in general, so he doesn't say anything other than the occasional confused remark
He's just glad you're happy
2p!America • Allen Jones
He uses TikTok every now and then, though mostly on his morning commutes via public transportation
He'll wait until he's taken his seat on the subway to open your messages to see the last seven or so videos you've sent him since he's last opened the app
While he has a killer resting bitch face, the slideshows make him smile a bit
Lutz does tease him about it on occasion
2p!England • Oliver Kirkland
You introduced him to TikTok and the only two things he does on the app is watch baking videos for recipes and tips and to look at the cute kitty slides you send him
Every time you send him a new one, the notification brings a smile to his face as soon as he sees it and he happily taps it
He thinks they're absolutely adorable and loves sending them back to you as well as those cute, silly couple slides
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere ABC: 2P France
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
It’s few and far in between not because he doesn't love them it’s just hard for him to do so. He will however take whatever they give him in return but that doesn't mean he will always reciprocate. (Example: if they hugged him randomly he won’t always put his arms around them but he won’t push them away either.) 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
It’s a lot of effort that isn’t always worth it for him to do it himself so for the most part he will either hire someone to do it for him or trick others into getting rid of someone.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling?
He can be stern with his darling and may even seem a bit cold as well as harsh towards them without meaning to. However he does become just a bit soft towards them when the time is right.
Delusional: How aware are they?
He is fully aware of what he is doing.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He still keeps many things locked away from many people including his darling.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Tried and irritated but he also understands why they fight doesn't mean he likes dealing with it any less.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience?
After breaking rules or escaping over and over. Things won’t be nice after that.
Ideals: What is their plan for the future?
The most he plans is maybe a few months ahead if he needs to but other than that he just deals with things as they come.
 Jealousy: How jealous are they when it comes to their darling?
It’s not hard for him to become jealous of anyone or anything. ( or creature.)
Knowledgeable: How much would they try to learn about their darling?
He gets to know many things about his darling, maybe not everything but more than the basics.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He will go for the secret admirer route before anything else leaving letters and flowers for his darling when they need them most.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Other than being softer with his darling the only other thing he will hide is his manipulative ways.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
His punishments are harsh in fact he may even leave marks but even if it pains him he knows they need to learn.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He will track his darling and take things away so at times it can be limited.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can be patient when he needs to be but it will be hard for him depending on the situation.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He would go back to the way he was before cruel and unloving. It would just be more instant.
Regret: Would they feel guilty? Would they let go?
Not really he wouldn’t have many regrets about his actions or treatment of people.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them?
He just found something that actually made him happy and he’s not going to let it get away.
Tears: How do they feel about their darling crying, screaming, and/or throwing a tantrum?
Very awkwardly but he manages.
Unique: Does anything make them different from the classic yandere?
Whether he means to or not he definitely is on the crueler side of things.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There isn’t too much they can hide from him since he always seems to find out what they are planning.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, it’s 50/50 whether he feels bad about it after or not.
Xoanon: How much would they worship their darling?
His treatment is just a bit kinder than others. ( he’s working on it.)
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He keeps his time and keeps his cool so it does take awhile before he snaps.
Zeal: How passionate would they be? Would they be passionate enough to break their darling?
It’s 50/50 whether he breaks his darling intentionally or not.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
America's Master List
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The First of the new Master Lists for 2024! It still needs to have all of the newest works but some of them are on here already! Thanks for reading! There are so many of there crazy things their might be multiple for America XD jebus. But this is for you, like me, Alfred F. Jones simps, who need their content.
America and England with an S/O (Human AU)
Cardverse Senario
Cardverse Scenario: White Queen Taken from a Different Kingdom
Yandere America Cardverse
Yandere Demon America Headcannons
Demon Games: America
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere America x Reader (That has traits similar to Francis)  X Yandere France 
Yandere America with a Metal Head Darling with a Guitar
Yandere Mob Boss America 
Yandere Spain, Germany, America, North and South Italy with a wife who just found out that they're a mob boss
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
America X Reader X Britain p.1  
America x Reader X Britain p.2 
America X Reader X Britain p.3 America Ending 
America x Reader X Britain p.4 England Ending  
Epilogue w/America  
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Omega America Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Omega America tormenting his darling 
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Club-27 pt. 2
The Longer Series (Or Lore within the stuff I write) I'm trying to work on: The Golden Nightingale, Peacekeepers (Omegaverse) and possibly Mating Season (Demon AU however that's likely to be more headcanons than storytelling)
Golden Nightingale Intro
Chapter 1: Tourmaline Daydream
Chapter 2: The Chaos
Mating Season
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
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natsuki-bakery · 4 months
Hi can we get an inbox check?
Hii ! Here is it !
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Requests are : OPEN ! [14/35]
Currently working on : WITH 2P FRANCE (francois) AS HIS CAREGIVER PLSS /nf🥹
Hello! Thank you for the House and Wilson stimboard, I would like to say I did not request an agere one. You can keep it up if you’d like but if there’s a chance you could redo it when you have the time I’d appreciate it. No rush though, take your time and again you don’t have to!! <3
Hi fren! Can I have some hcs for a caregiver Avdol from jjba? Thankies!
Can I ask you for cg Luther x lil nyon headcanons???
Can I request matching Leon Kennedy and Ethan Winters icons if possible?
hii hii! if you could do regressor alhaitham headcanons ill be forever grateful :•) thank you soo much!
hulloooo sorry i was the anon that asked about idv!!! would you mind doing little aesop and cg joseph (both idv) one-shot (if you can?) :DD
HI! I have love you caregiver Kurapika headcanon! Can you do a Caregiver Kurrapika with a fussy reader please ? Have a nice day !
Hi can you do a regressor Killua with a Caregiver User please ?
Hiii was just wondering if you did ship headcanons/posts?:3 Anyway! Could you do aph Italy dni banners? ^_^
hi! could you do colby madden (the villains of valley view) caregiver headcannons? Hello ive never done a ask before but if possible could you make a russia hetalia mood board? I saw the snowy one , but i was wondering if you could do one with a more warm cozy feel? Like your reading books inside and theres a snowstorm outside? Im not quite sure if thats detailed enough or if im asking to much. If you can't or don't want to i understand thank you for your time
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theweepingegg · 2 years
Is there any fic you would recommend us on ao3? Something that stole your heart or that was different/special for you?
Oh God there were a lot of lovely fics I read on Ao3 that are so good. Thou for the life of me, I can't even remember some of the titles.
ALTHOUGH! There's one that I really really love to read even though it has been years. A warning thou, it has kidnapping, deaths and more but I can't remember what it was.
it's called TEACHER'S PET a dark (Hetalia)France x Reader insert fic. Originally it used Y/N in the fics but something happen and the writer had to changed all of them to 'Michelle' but it IS a reader insert. It's complete and if you don't have to watch Hetalia to understand it. (Okay maybe watch it cause they use human names and they also added 2p Characters I think???)
I haven't read it in years, maybe I should go back to it.
I think Hetalia has some of the best dark fics I have ever read.
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Platonic Yandere 2p Face Fam are opening presents,when they're done the go up into their rooms but only to be stopped when a knock was to be heard.When the boys goes to open the door and no ones there,look down they see another present.So the boys goes in side so they can open it.What inside is a tiny baby(reader).It's no ordinary baby,but a newly discovered country.There is a slight twist too.Apparently their people are known as the Angel species.So the baby has a small halo and tiny cute wings
25 Days Of Christmas 18/25 Christmas Angel (Platonic) (Scenario) 2p FACE
[Hello My Sexy Readers, once again I am behind on Christmas 25 days I have a nasty ear infection and it is taking a lot out of me but I am updating today so do not fret. Here is this request off of tumblr by Anonymous said:
Platonic Yandere 2p Face Fam are opening presents,when they're done the go up into their rooms but only to be stopped when a knock was to be heard.When the boys goes to open the door and no ones there,look down they see another present.So the boys goes in side so they can open it.What inside is a tiny baby(reader).It's no ordinary baby,but a newly discovered country.There is a slight twist too.Apparently their people are known as the Angel species.So the baby has a small halo and tiny cute wings
So here we go. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!]
(No One's POV) (Christmas Angel)
The boys were done having Christmas, this year sucked and they were just glad they could have some normal going on. Like there Christmas Traditions. Oliver goes to work on Christmas dinner and Francious opens up his third bottle of wine. Matt and Allen go to play video games. Everything seemed right then there was a knock on  the door. They looked and all went to go answer it weapons in hand and that is when they see no one at the door but a little gift box. They brought it inside and Oliver takes the note.
"A New country is found, one of uniqueness, she has been given to the her respectful discovers, France, England, America, and Canada." He reads a loud. "The 2ps will have the evil version which has horns and black wings like wings."
"Cool!" Allen says and unwraps but inside was not a demon like spices no it was the most adorable chibi baby girl with snow white angel wings and an adorable halo.
There had clearly been a mix up this adorable little was no demon but instead was an angel. And she capture all of their hearts. Every single one of them was no a big brother to their Christmas Angel.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and happy holidays!]
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milaisreading · 9 months
Imagine in 2p Hetalia x reader, someone hurts and insults Y/N both physically and emotionally but the 2p's are behind them and just saw the whole thing.💀☠️🔪
Warnings: Mentions of murder and I used she/her for the reader.
Hmmm, let me think for a second...
2p!Italy 🇮🇹
2p!Italy, who didn't hear exactly what was said, but saw Yn getting upset.
2p!Italy: What happened? :3
Yn: I just got told that the dress looks hideous on me. I liked the dress- LUCIANO DON'T POINT THE KNIFE AT HIS HEART
2p!Italy: The jugular vein it is then! What did you just say to her?! Repeat that?!
2p!Germany 🇩🇪
Dude, who was talking shit to Yn after he saw 2p!Germany: Who... who is that?
Yn turns around while holding her tears in: Oh... that's Lutz, he doesn't bite
2p!Germany: Yes, I do. Now, care to repeat what you just said?
2p!Japan 🇯🇵
The man doesn't even finish his 1st sentence before 2p!Japan takes out his katana
Yn: Where did you get that?!
2p!Japan: Don't worry your cute brain about it. Now, let me take revenge on the man who insulted your honor
2p!America heard everything while he was stalking watching over Yn, and he held himself back from swinging his bat at the person... for now. 2 days later tho...
Yn: Allen, why is your bat red again? Did Matt prank you again and painted it?
2p!America: Sure! :D
2p!France 🇫🇷
This man would straight up start insulting the person while mixing English and French. Yn would have to hold him back from checking the person who insulted her.
2p!England 🇬🇧
Person: And not to mention that dumb hairstyle!-
Yn, at the verge of crying as the person pulled on her hair a little.
2p!England while stabbing the person in the back: Looks like I will be able to make more cupcakes soon :3
Yn, looking in surprise at the dead man and then up at 2p England: Isn't this an overkill, Oliver?
2p!England: That is not a real thing, poppet!
2p!Russia 🇷🇺
Bold of you to assume he let's Yn get near anyone, let alone a stranger. But, on the off chance she runs into the wrong person and they start insulting her and threatening her physicall well-being... Then Viktor will pull the person into an alleyway and kill them. Then he will pick up Yn and carry her back home.
2p!Russia: This is why you stay home.
2p!China 🇨🇳
2p!China, pretending to clean his ears: I must be hearing this wrong... her? An eyesore? And not belonging here? I must inform you that this is the most beautiful girl in the world! And I will not let some street rat looking asshole insult her! Do you know what she means to me?!
Basically, he starts pestering the man for two hours about what Yn means to him... later on Wang kills him, tho.
2p!Canada 🇨🇦
This man will just pull Yn away and let Kuma deal with the man...
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shini--chan · 1 year
May I request a birth scenario for the 2ps. You can do either side first and make 2 separate posts.
There is one ask further up in my ask box asking for the dreaded birth scenario with the 2p axis anyway, so I’ll just be doing the 2p allies for now. Warning for implied non-con, manipulation & coercion. You’re reading this at your own risk.
Yandere 2p! Allies – Dreaded Birth
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“Not like you have much choice, cupcake”, Allen lazily drawled from his place next to you. He had tidied himself up for the birth, and it was downright surreal to see him in a blue overall with a hairnet and mask. Exhausted as you were from pressing the baby out, you had nearly not recognised him for a moment.
“You are not the mother of that…”, you began weakly only to be cut off by him.
“Yes, I’m the daddy and you are the mommy and you’ll act the part. Taking care of another human being will be good for your mental health. We talked about this sugar. You are just acting like this because you just had a difficult birth and post-partum depression is already setting in. Plus, you’re anxiety is showing again.”
Allen would quickly see what you are up to and would do his best to stamp it out as soon as possible. He would have possible caught on to your true feelings on the matter long before the deliver would have taken place with how you would be more emotional and prone to lash out in the weeks leading up to the event. As such, he would have a plan in mind to deal with you.
Would either take you to a small country hospital or a hippy commune to have the birth. There, he would either know the people very well, letting him be the more credible person in the room, or it would be a group of complete strangers that wouldn’t care about your fate and therefore have no incentive to intervene.
Would likely give you a joint or cannabis tea afterwards to make you calm down. Promises would be made and he would have a serious heart-to-heart conversation with you, doing his best to sway you. If else, the carrot and the stick will have to do.
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Sighing Mark turned to the midwife, asking: “Mind leaving us alone for a minute? I have to have a word with my wife.”
“Please don’t go”, you stated. “I don’t want to be alone with him.”
Cassidy, as she was called, looked uncertain between you and Mark, not knowing who to heed. She probably also sensed that something foul was afoot, having likely been in similar situations before, situations where not everything was as it seem on the surface.
“I had a fight with my honey-buns before the contractions started. With everything that happened today, she is probs more mad at me than she usually would be.”
“Alright. I’ll just be by the door. When you have finished comforting her, not hesitate to shout”, the woman said somewhat hurriedly, and then scurried out of the room. Typical – she just wanted to believe what he had said, because the alternative would be so extremely troubling. Now you were alone with the wolf.
Mark could do his best to construct the situation as just an unfortunate series of events. Though, because he wouldn’t be the most sociable and suave guys, he would likely leave opening that you could easily exploit. Taking with the nurse a bit or some other person witnessing the awkward scenes, and you could have a very willing accomplice that could help you escape and even testify in court.
Aside from that, would sit on your bed and do a long lecture, while holding the baby in his arms. Would chide you of disturbing the sleep of the little one if you would raise your voice and reprimand you for being so heartless as to rejecting such a cute and helpless thing that would suffer dearly without your aid. If it initially wouldn’t work, then he would have the following weeks to convince you.
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Zao raised a thin eye-brow, a rather emotional gesture for such a stoic man. Or at least, for when he wasn’t under the influence of anything. Ignoring your protests, he shoved the baby in your arms, forcing you to take it unless the small tumbled to the side of the narrow bed you had just given birth in and smash its head open. The midwives had just finished washing the wax off the pliable body and swaddled the boy in blankets. After handing the father his child, they had all filed out doubtlessly in accordance to some preplanned schedule.
This China wouldn’t leave much room for argument. He would ensure that events would be framed to make sure that out of the two of you, you would be viewed as the evil doer. The people around you would offer you a lot of unsolicited advice on child rearing and ensure that would be doing your job of a dutiful mother. Should you fail on doing that, they would be the ones to lecture you and shame you. That could or couldn’t be Zao’s intentions, yet the outcome would be that you would feel the pressure more acutely, since it wouldn’t just be some crazed faux-lover telling you what to do.
It would be one of those circumstances where he would continuously invite people over, just to force you into the role of mother. Other’s would gossip and look down on you if you wouldn’t, after all.
All the time, would act as if you are not protesting against motherhood – shoving the child in your arms, leaving you alone with him and assigning you the role of primary caretaker. He is not going to feed the boy, would you let the kid starve? You know that you could go to jail for child abuse if you’d do so.
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Oliver giggled softly, bright blue eyes shining.
“What did you say, poppet?”, he asked brightly. His appearance made you step back. He was covered in blood, your blood to be exact, seeing that he had played midwife.
You had hoped that the deliver would have meant that you would have been allowed to see other people. Sadly, he had deftly dashed your hopes by doing the task himself. It shouldn’t have surprised you – the mere notion of you in somebody else’ arms drove him berserk.
“Nothing, dear”, you answered quietly, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
Oliver wouldn’t hesitate to go full batshit insane if you would ruin his dream of a happy little family. He would desire, no require a sweet little life with a darling sweet wife and a cute tyke to be happy, so don’t dare tear that away from him.
If you would insist on being difficult, he would go one of two routs. The first one would be dragging you to his personal torture chamber, disregarding that you just gave birth, and torturing you a few hours. You would only be allowed out every once in a while for a quick clean-up and to breastfeed the child.
Or he could play the long game by turning the child you would hate so much against you. Then he would have an ally in keeping your behaviour in check. Perhaps, that route would be so much to his liking that he would force another child on you and repeat the whole process.
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Francois carelessly snipped the finished bud of his ciggerette towards the rublish bin. It missed and rolled on the floor, vanishing in an arc behind the bin. Sighing for the untempth time this hour already and looked up at you. You were staring at the craddle with bitter contempt, as if the squeaking child had gravely insulted you. This was slowly going too far. Sure, he had would also be more peeved if he would be bleeding from his genitals for over a month and stretched skin turned into a wrinkly flap of tissue. "It is not as if she tried to kill you so stop trying to set her on fire with your eyes", he tiredly commented. Affairs like this made him even more tired than usual. Maybe there was still some German beer in the fridge to calm his nerves. "And yet she still nearly did", you curtly snip back, all to happy to let out your anger now. Ah yes, there was that. On good days Francois could easily forget that you nearly died during childbirth. Partially, he had been angry at the baby for that, at least in the beginning, however, unlike you, he was a rational person and worked quickly to overcome his misgivings. - Francois' solution would just be to shrug off your responses and wait. Surely you would have only been hysterical at the moment and given a few weeks you would surely calm down. If not, then he would resort to violence - burns and choking and attempts to impregnate you again. - Though, that would only be the case if he would still want the child. If you could argue your case well enough, then he would put the child up for adoption. That would be the outcome anyway, if he would find the child to be too difficult he would give it away, regardless of your feelings on the matter.
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Victor raised his eyebrows in askance and then his expression proceeded to melt into one of mirth. The usually stone expression vanished, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his mouth forming into a smile that had too many teeth. Hiding the lower half of his face inside his signature red scarf, he looked even more sinister. That was when it came to you - his happiness stemmed from giddy anticipation. You had just broke one of the rules in this elaborate game of cat and mouse, you had just given him an exuse to act out his crueller fantasies. Normally, you were more careful, but this time, you had lost it all because you had allowed your emotions to get the better of you for the fraction of a minute. Those red eyes, twinkled down at you as he carefully laid the buddled little babe in your lap. You felt a shiver run down your spin as he patted your messy hair. The gesture would be affectionate, if you didn't know him. Ice gathered in your belly and you found yourself frozen with dread. "I'll keep your words in mind", he said softly, and with that, you knew that you were doomed. - Victor would use this as an excuse to let out his pent up anger and frustration out on you. For a few weeks, you would become his emotion punching bag. Of course, it would be constructed so that you would likely not suffer permanent damage. Emphasise on likely, because that could change very quickly if would provoke him. While standardly a very collected man, when he would already be swimming in anger, he would lose all tolerance for bs. - During that time, he would still have you tend to the child. Your treatment of the little one would determine if your punishment would be extended or shortened as well as the intensity of it. Of course, he wouldn't tell you of this - it would just be more fun for him to have you figure it out yourself. - Such an "event" could occur again and again during the life of your child, depending on your behaviour towards them. Family is something that Victor would take extremely seriously.
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marziyoudumbass · 4 years
Could I have a 2p!France x reader🥺🥺🥺🥺 I absolutely love him
pairings: 2p France x reader
synopsis: dinner time is always interesting with Franky, especially when it comes to cooking.
I chose to write a fluffy scenario w/ a hint of angst since you didn't specify. If you want something else I'd be happy to also write that! God I love 2p France.
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        You always enjoyed cooking with François. It was most certainly always a good time, whether the event turned out more romantic or comical, you just enjoyed being with him.
        Franky was a bit different. He wasn't overly fond of cooking (no matter how good he was at it), but he accepted the suffering to be with you.
        François was... A tough cookie to crack. He was most certainly not the type to be in a relationship, he barely even was seen with the same girl twice. He drank and smoked and was mean. Maybe that's why you fell in love. Because you were young and wide-eyed and he was a heartthrob. Even with that tough exterior, scruffy 'beard', stringy hair, and inflection in his voice that was a tell-tale to his nicotine habits, he was still attractive.
        You were young and had the ideology, that "oh, I can change him!" mentality. You were naive, and anyone who watched you, a bunny, approach the big bad wolf knew you were doomed.
        But then you weren't. You succeeded like a main character in a fanfiction: you tamed the beast. Even be was surprised. A bright-eyed girl suddenly captivated him?
        He was not the type for love. He was nearly the personification of lust. He had a reputation, a following of girls he had used and disposed of, a severed connection from his heart. You were the one to ruin that for him, you crashed into his world, swooped him up, and stole his heart.
        And now here he was, in a penthouse apartmemt, cooking with you while some classic French music playing in the backround. The smell of reducing wine filled the kitchen as you twirled around, grabbing this and that while he chopped miscellaneous ingredients.
        Humming and swinging your hips at the stove, stirring the boiling-hot wine you glanced behind you. While you could only see his back you knew he was a different man than the one you first met.
        When you first saw him, though his shoulders broad, he had a hunch and seemed a bit skinny for his height. Now, his back was filled out with muscles and his arms beefy (to an extent). His pale sweater was rolled up to his elbows. His hair seemed nearly silky as it framed the back of his head, his bangs clipped up as half of his hair was in a small ponytail.
        Turning back to the stove you continued minding your buisiness. It startled you when two arms snaked around your waist, one reaching out to pour even more wine in the pot.
   "I 'ave to get my fix, mon cher." Even his voice was different. It wasn't so strained and rough, though it still held its original glory. He still sounded like he smoked 5 packs a day, but that was an improvement.
        You merely laughed in response, him kissing your neck.
   "I'm taking a smoke break." He announced, reluctantly letting you to as he headed towards the balcony. You continued cooking.
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        As he stood on the balcony, hunched over the railing, François contemplated you. He loved you, no doubt. You helped him change, you got him away from the brothel lined streets he lived on, sweeping him to health and love. But he also couldn't help but feel that he was becoming him. You didn't know him, so it wasn't an attempt to make François like him, but still... 
        Even if it meant becoming the person he despised most, François would do anything to be with you.
        Flicking his half smoked cigarette off the balcony he once more entered the penthouse. You were in the dining room, just finishing up with setting the table for two. You smiled at him, he smiled back. The softness in his eyes was a sight to behold as he wrapped you up in his arms.
        You always enjoyed cooking with François. It was most certainly always a good time, whether the event turned out more romantic or comical, you just enjoyed being with him.
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lady0ctavia · 11 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!America: Are you kidding me? This man lives for PDA. Hand-holding, having an arm around your waist, resting a hand on your hip or shoulder, occasionally groping or smacking your behind in public, kissing you straight on the lips, having you sit on his lap... The man has almost zero shame. Almost. The only thing he might hold back on are full-on makeout sessions. Mainly because those usually lead to being intimate, and regardless of how bold he is, he isn't about to do it in public or do anything that might directly lead to it. However, he's no stranger to makeout sessions in the back of a movie theater, just make sure you two keep it in your pants.
2p!England: Oliver is the kind of guy who will hold your hand in public no matter what you're doing or where you are. He interlocks his fingers with yours, swings your arms back and forth as you walk, and maybe even twirls you around, only to pull you back into his arms before peppering your face with kisses. Needless to say, Oliver is practically the opposite of his 1p! counterpart when it comes to PDA. If anything, I can see him putting an arm around you and shouting about how much he loves you for all to hear.
2p!France: François doesn't have any strong opinions about PDA. It's not something he thinks about, partly because it just doesn't come to mind, and also because he spends so much time indoors. He also largely believes love is a lie, so whenever he sees PDA from others he can't help but roll his eyes. It just seems shallow to him. But this starts to change a little if he falls in love and gets into a relationship. I mean, he's still the same old François as before, cynicism and all. But with the added bit that when you're in public he'll lazily sling an arm around your shoulders or even hold your hand or perhaps give you the occasional kiss on your temple. This is primarily to signal to other guys that you're taken.
2p!Russia: Viktor isn't one for PDA. He's not comfortable with showing affection out in public, along with the fact that he's just not a very physically affectionate man to begin with. As such, the most PDA you'll get out of this man is him offering you his arm as the two of you are walking down the street. That's it. Or if you're extremely cold and need a hug to warm up. He'll reluctantly agree to that, though internally he's blushing and smiling.
2p!China: Weirdly enough, Zao is way more flirty with you in public than anywhere else. He likes seeing you get all blushy and awkward, as well as showing everyone that you're his. He'll hold your hand when out and about and has no problem letting you cuddle him in public. He's also the kind of guy to pull you close by your waist and give you a kiss, leading into a makeout session in a busy street, much to François's disgust.
2p!Canada: Similar to his father in that he's not huge on PDA, but this is moreover because he's fairly reserved rather than having an aversion to love. James will gladly hold your hand, rubbing his thumb over the skin. He likes pressing a small kiss to your temple or on the top of your head to let you know you're loved and also enjoys it when you rest your head on his shoulder. But most of all, he likes to have an arm around your shoulders. Whether you are walking around or sitting, he loves the feeling of having you close. It not only makes him feel like he's your protector, but it's also a way of keeping you close by in case something where to happen.
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White Lies : France/2P!France - Francis/Francois Bonnefoy
((I had this plot in mind with the idea of creating 2 alternate endings, one in which you end up with Francis, and in the other, with Francois~. ))
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Life was never easy, especially when you move in a new country all of a sudden due to job opportunities...But I can't really complain now, can I? After all, I'm doing what I've been dreaming, which is being a Vet. Saving animals has always been my career-dream and now that I've achieved it, I only have 2 more. To travel the world and have fun...And to find my significant other.
Walking down the Champs-Elysee, passing idly the passing markets, I listen to music and look up at the evening sky, painted with various gorgeous shades of orange, pink and purple, feeling at ease. My walk from work to home isn't too long, just about 30 minutes on foot, which makes me able to relax and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of this enchanting country.
This walk...Made me feel nostalgic for years ago when I first came here with a University program, 7 years ago, to spend the whole Summer holiday working for an animal shelter and learning the language, which was probably the easiest way that I could manage to work abroad with no problem, get easy money and have some expenses paid by the University.
My new Summer home in Paris is a little but very chic apartment, in a neighbourhood full of flowers everywhere, very close to the center of the city, so the whole first day was filled with unpacking and arranging everything in its right place, making me exhausted and to sleep immediately.
The next day, however, I woke up energised and ready to explore the city and start a new Parisian lifestyle, which will be a bit weird to adapt to, but nothing impossible. Leaving for the first time without my parents is going to be a real challenge, but if my dreams are going to come true this way, it's gonna be worth it~.
I go first to a little cafe next to my block and get a warm hot chocolate, a croissant and bread with butter & jam, a really nice breakfast and now I'm ready to explore!
I went to see the easiest route from home to work, which was almost a straight line, thankfully, and from home to the center there were a few turns, but nothing too difficult to remember. A smile was plastered on my face the whole time as I walked up and down each and every street and alley, got a very good ice cream and some pastries from the boulangerie, took tons of pics and selfies everywhere and tried to make the best out of this whole experience.
I am only 20 years old, I have the whole life ahead of me and there's nothing stopping me, not even the night!
Okay, never mind, scratch that, maybe it will defeat me, a tiny bit, because I kinda got lost in the center, my phone is dead and I have no idea how to get home...Great! What a new adventure!
Thankfully, I spotted a small, vintage, very coquette and intimate cafe so I shrugged and went inside, thanking every deity that it's empty and my shyness won't get the best of me, and I looked around, admiring the tons of sweets on display, feeling my mouth watering.
I was snapped back to reality by a friendly baritone voice, which made me squeak in surprise and turn around with wide fawn eyes. The man in front of me, who I could only guess either worked here or was the owner, was pretty tall, with long blond hair and his sapphire blue eyes held a very comforting and calming warmth.
"Bonsoir, ma belle mademoiselle. Que fais-tu seul a cette heure?"
the man asked, concerned.
"Uhmm...I got lost...Oh, wait, wrong language...Uhmm. Je suis...Perdu? Je me suis perdu? Mon francais est...Tres...Terrible, je suis tres desole!"
I stammered, trying to remember all the words I've been learning for the past 8 years in school and highschool...
But it failed.
"That was tres adorable, mademoiselle! Don't worry, I know English as well, but I appreciate you trying your best to speak my language."
he laughed warmly.
"M-Merci...So, uhm...I just moved here and it's kinda my first time abroad, all alone, nonetheless and I explored the city all day long. I got distracted by the pretty lights so much that I didn't realise my phone's battery died while taking pictures and now I can't seem to remember the way home. I know, it's very silly."
I explained, scratching the back of my neck sheepishly and embarrassed.
"What an adventure indeed, dear. And how did you find your way here? Not all that many people come by."
he guided me to a table next to the glass wall so I could see the lights better.
"I was looking for a familiar street, when I saw your cafe here with lights still on. I'm...I'm pretty shy, so when I saw that nobody else was there, I thought I'd drop by and get something to eat. When I saw how incredible everything here looked...Well, I kinda lost my thinking."
I chuckled, making the man laugh gleefully.
"Que magnique! May I recommend you my favourite?"
he asked, getting up, a spark of excitement in his eyes.
"Yes, please! You did all of them? Alone?"
I asked, shocked.
"Mais, biensur~! Excuses-moi un moment, I will come right up!"
he went in another room for a bit, making me look down at my hands, grasping them together anxiously, then looked outside, admiring the beautiful lights from the Eiffle Tower, before the door opened once again, revealing the Frenchman with a white plate painted with pink flowers full of different cakes and other little sweets which made my jaw drop in shock.
"H-Hey, isn't that too much? I-I mean - !"
I stuttered, feeling my face heat up with a powerful blush, which only made him laugh.
"Nonsense! It's not every day a beautiful young lady comes into my humble cafe, especially not one from another country. It's from the house, so don't worry."
he winked, making me hide my blushing face with my hands.
"You're too kind with me, and I didn't even have the manners to ask for your name...I'm Y/N, it's really nice to meet you."
I managed to say after some time, trying to calm down my blush.
"Francis. Francis Bonnefoy, at your service, my dear."
he nodded, sitting down in front of me, putting a white rose in the vase.
"Francis...What a beautiful name."
I smiled softly.
"You can't let me eat everything by myself, okay? I accept no refuses!"
I said in a firm voice, making him chuckle.
"Very well, very well, a lady's wish is my command." 
he obliged, getting another little fork for himself.
We chatted about my new job, about life here, about literally everything and anything that came into our minds, all that for about two more hours before we realised it was very late and he escorted me home with ease, because thankfully, I was smart enough to write my address on a slip of paper and put it in my wallet before I left my new home and from then on, since we exchanged phone numbers, we'd meet up as frequent as possible.
These 3 months of Summer have been the most beautiful I have ever experienced and it's all thanks to Francis and his never-ending kindness. The best part of it is that he surprised me with a trip to Disneyland just before I was to leave for home and I kid you not, I never cried of happiness so much in my life.
We took an infinite amount of pics of literally everything and went to all the rides there, making it a truly day to remember. I was so depressed that I had to leave, but he promised we'll stay in contact until I am able to come again next, which thankfully, I managed to make it every Summer, for the whole 6 years of Vet Medicine.
He was even there for my graduation, which I never expected, but yet again, made me cry in happiness.
Since by now I could speak French fluently and I've already worked there before for many months, I managed to score a job at one of the best Animal Hospitals in Paris, which made me and Francis become even better best friends.
Very often, we'd even sleep at each other, watching movies together, eating dinner and honestly, I'm so happy I got to meet someone as amazing as him.
Now I'm 27 and things haven't changed between I and Francis one bit, except for the fact that he told me that he's a country, France, of course, and all that came along with it, such as other countries, the 2P's, responsibilities and so on, which of course, were a bit confusing, but nothing I couldn't handle and give my eternal support for.
That is, until our first fight.
It wasn't really a fight, more like him telling me something concerning another World Meeting and me getting overly worried about him, so much that we argued about what he should do, without realising that he's been doing this for hundreds of years and he clearly knew what had to be done.
I never really argue with anyone, but when I do, I feel incredibly dark and sarcastic, so I stopped talking and took a deep breath before saying anything else.
"Look, Francis, I love you a lot, okay? You know this very well. I will go take a walk to calm down before I say something I will regret later that I don't even mean, anyways. I just...I want you safe, okay? Don't forget that." I muttered before leaving his home to walk around the park nearby.
Unfortunately, that walk wasn't a long one for before I realised, a hand covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I was threatened with knives and guns by some men dressed in black looking extremely threatening.
"We have seen you with the man who calls himself 'Francis Bonnefoy'. We want to know everything you know about him." the one in front of me asked in a raspy voice. "Wh-What? What's with Francis? What do you have with him?" I tried to ramble, not knowing what to do. "Tell us everything you know and we won't hurt you." said the one holding me before tugging on my hair, making me yelp a bit at the sudden pain. "I-I don't really know what you want me to say! He's just a man who owns a little cafe and he's very sweet, what else is there to say? He's very sweet with me and always texts back very fast and-" before I could continue my rant, I felt myself getting above the ground, as the one in front of me started strangling me in the air. "Who do you think you're talking to, wench?! We are the Russian Mafia and that man has important information." he screamed in my face, as I tried to breathe. "I...Don't know anything weird about him...Believe me..." I managed to choke out, before another voice rung out. "She speaks the truth. I never told her anything that might endanger her." were the words spoken that made the assailant drop me to the floor. "Francis...? What are you doing here?! Run! They want to hurt you!" I yelled at him, but he only shook his head and helped me back on my feet. "No, dear, I won't run. They have been targeting me for a while. I tried to make sure you were safe, but I didn't expect something like this. I'm sorry for putting you in danger and getting you harmed." he sighed, apologetic. "But...But Francis...I can't let you go with them...! They will hurt you...I couldn't possibly...I can't let you go..." my tears started welling up in my eyes as I threw my arms around his torso, afraid to let go of him. "Don't worry, ma belle fleur, I will return to you no matter what. I'm a country, remember? I can't die." he winked, trying to reassure me. "But you can feel pain! That's not okay no matter how you look at it!" I tried to protest, but he only pushed me towards his home lightly. "Don't worry, Raven. After all...All my life I've been in pain. A bit more won't change anything. Be careful while I'm gone, please." he said with a sad smile before he got taken away by those creepy men, as I screamed after him until my lungs gave out.
No...Screaming and crying won't solve anything, I have to do something about it, I can't just sit idly!
I ran back inside and to my surprise, Francis' phone was on the bed.
He knew something like this would happen...
Damn it.
Looking through his contacts, I see various country names and I stopped when I saw "England".  Despite everything, Francis always spoke very nicely of England and the rest of the countries so...Hopefully, this will work.
"Hello? Is this England?" I ask meekly and unsure of what to say. "This better not be some stupid prank of that frog or-" he replied in a very annoyed voice. "N-No, nothing of the sort! Mr. England, France has been kidnapped by the Russian Mafia and I don't know what to do to save him! Will you please help me out?!" my voice dripping with desperation. "So what? It happens sometimes." he answered in such a nonchalant voice that it cut off my words. "B-But...! H-He's my fiance! Please, Mr. England, I don't know what I should do! Those men were really terrible and I don't want France to get harmed!" I cried in the phone, but I only earned a sigh. "Listen, miss, I understand that you are concerned, but that fro-...France is a country, and this sometimes happens to all of us. It's not the first time for him and it won't be the last time either. I suggest you wait for him with some wine, some baguettes and he'll get over it." he tried to suggest, but by this time I was boiling with anger. "You...How can you be so ...So cruel...Francis only spoke nice words of all the countries and especially of you, England. I can understand now why he always felt so lonely there...Because all of you are nothing more than a bunch of selfish jerks! I hope you sleep well tonight knowing that a man who cares about you like a brother and would do anything in his power to save you is being tortured! Good bye." I said in an extremely passive-aggressive tone, not letting him protest, before I hung up.
That was frustrating...Stupid England...
Taking a deep breath, I look through his contacts again and see someone called "Francois" with the French flag emoji next to it. This must be his 2P... He spoke so nicely of him, saying how fragile and emotional he really is, despite his rough exterior...He's just like Francis...But with different ways of coping with pain.
I call him and wait anxiously for him to answer, and when he did, I was greeted with a gruff voice that intimidated be, but I had to stay strong for Francis.
"Oui?" he answered. "H-Hello, are you Francois? France?" I managed to breathe out, cursing my shyness. "I'm his 2P. Why do you have France's phone?" he asked annoyed. "Y-You're still France, even if you're his 2P, right? And...Francis got kidnapped by the Russian Mafia." I said, this time with more confidence. "And...? What do you want me to do?" he asked, once again, very bored. "What the HELL is with you, people?! One of your own is kidnapped and tortured for information and who care so little?! Why are you all so pathetic and cowardly that you won't even help someone who holds you in such high esteem?! What, afraid to get a nail broken?!" I scream at him, forgetting myself with anger. "And who are you that you care so much for a country that's gonna outlive you in the blink of an eye?" he groaned, most likely rolling his eyes. "I am his fiancee, damn it! I am at his home and he intentionally let his phone on the bed, in hopes that one of you, his FRIENDS, is going to help get him out of there!" I reply sternly...
But he hung up without another word.
What...The hell?!
I tried ringing 3 more times, but I got rejected.
Fucking fantastic...So much for reliable peop-...Countries.
The next one I call is Canada, but he was very far away with business and couldn't come to our aid any time soon.
I gripped the phone tight in my grasp, cursing, before I get startled by the door opening, making me squeal in fright and surprise, as a tall, blond man looking very much like Francis, but rather disheveled, entered.
"F-Francois...?" I asked, to make sure. "No, it's freaking Papa Noel, Joyeux Noel!" he rolled his eyes before plopping down on the couch. "U-Uhm...A-Are you here to help me save Francis...?" I inquired, unsure of what he was doing. "Depends on you, toots. What's in it for me?" he lit up a cigarette. "Uh...You saved your other self? You did a good deed? I don't know, doesn't it matter to you at all that he's in trouble?!" I looked at him shocked as he just shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time. So, what are you willing to do to save him?" he asked, getting up, closer to me. "We've been together for 7 years. Anything that's possible for me to do, I will do it, if it means he gets out of there unharmed." I said, looking determined. "Then...How about we fuck?" he muttered with a smirk. "Wh-What?! What the hell are you asking?!" I cringed, stepping back. "You said you'd do anything, right? Would you do this? I look almost just like him, in the dark, you wouldn't even realise the difference, so what's the problem? He won't have to know." he got very close to my face, whispering in my ear. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed, slapping his face hard. "D-Don't EVER do that again! Not to me, or to anyone else! EVER!! I don't get why you came here if you weren't willing to save Francis, but if you just got here to mess with me, then kindly GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE!" I yelled, trying not to let the tears in my eyes fall, before I went to Francis' bedroom and locked the door, sliding down, hugging my knees and choking on sobs.
I tried to repeat to myself "Not again" again and again, until I got back to my senses and calmed my breathing and remembered that I must continue calling all the countries available.
China refused. Japan said "I will see what I can do" which is a very subtle denial. Italy cowarded. Spain has to take care of Romano. Prussia and Germany are dead drunk. The Nordics were busy with official meetings and businesses. The Baltics declined, the Balkans declined....The whole Europe declined...America declined...Asia declined... Everyone declined. But Russia's answer scared me the most.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I don't control the Mafia, so I can't do anything about it. And at the same time, I can't  harm my own people either. But I will tell you, they won't leave France any time soon, for sure." 
And...That was it. All countries declined helping one of their own and I was at the verge of despair. The only one who wanted to help was Francois...And with such terms...And what a scary approach... B-But...As long as it saves him...Does it even matter anymore...?
I slowly unlock the door, gathering courage to get out and swallow my pride, and to my surprise, Francois was still on the couch, smoking.
"You're still here." I mumbled, looking away. "Oui. And I heard everything. What are you gonna do, mignonette?" he asked, tilting his head a bit. "I...Uh...W-Well...I-If I do it...W-Will you promise he gets home safe?" looking anywhere but at him, I grip the phone tightly, trying to fight my anxiety. "Ohh~? So you will do it, after all? To save your amour, you'll let another taint you, touch you, corrupt you~?" he asked, tauntingly. "Oh, shut up, you jerk! I just want to save my fiance, while you're here like some mercenary, seeking favours!" I bite my lip, trying not to outright scream at him again. "Tsk, tsk, I'm just doing what's best for me. You can't blame me, we're all selfish." he shrugged, getting up. "No...Not all of us...Francis isn't. Francis would have tried his best to save any country. ANY. Country." I glared at him. "You've known him for 7 years, not for 700. I think I know him better than you do." he smirked, challenging me. "You may know him, France, the country, but I know Francis, the heart inside him. I know the real him. You just know the facade he's putting. Now stop arguing with me and let's go save him already!" I stomped on the ground frustrated, only making him chuckle. "Do you even know where we have to go?" he asked, lighting up another cigarette. "Of course not, who do you take me for? Nostradamus? All I know is that Russia said he isn't in control of his people and that they didn't leave this place and are probably in some hideout here, in Paris." I told him, looking away, pondering. "You're lucky I know all the sketchy places around here..." he nodded, signing me to follow him to his car, a nice black Cadillac.
On the way to the first hideout, it was silent, with the exception of Francois puffing his cigarette from time to time.
"So, mignonette, how did someone like you meet someone like him." he asked, trying to make conversation. "You're saying it in a very weird way,  y'know? But...7 years ago I was able, for the first time, to leave the country. I came here, to Paris, to work at an Animal shelter for the whole Summer, sent with a University program. After unpacking everything, I started exploring the city, but soon I realised that my phone died, it was night, and I had no idea how to return home. I found Francis' cafe...And he was so sweet with me...We kept in touch all the time, even when I had to leave back home and we wouldn't see each other for the rest of the year...He has always been so kind and patient with me..." sighing, I look out of the window. "Huh...Tres drole." he muttered, throwing the cigarette butt out of the window. "What is funny?" I asked, rising a brow. "You." he snorted. "What? Why?"  I looked at him, confused and slightly shocked. "When did you first fuck?" he teased, looking at me. "Wh-What the hell, Francois! That's an intimate question and I refuse to answer!" I huff, looking away. "Oh, come on, I won't tell anyone. Is he any good? Do I need to teach him-" he continued, but I stopped him quickly. "Shut up!! We didn't, okay?! Now stop asking! I don't know if he's...G-Good or whatever the hell you want to know, so drop it!" I exclaimed, extremely embarrassed. "You mean to tell me you've been together 7 years and didn't fuck? No long and sensual "I missed you" fuck? No quick and rough "Don't leave me" fuck? No very kinky "This is better than porn" fuck?" he chuckled, seeing how flustered it made me. "Enough!! Th-That's enough! Stop it already! No, we did nothing of the sort, now please, DROP IT! I don't want to know or talk about it or anything similar!" I tell him firmly, hoping he'd stop already. "You're no fun...Come on, toots, you're an adult, these things are normal and fun, not tabboo, so chill. Maybe you really need a good fuck." he muttered, trying to make me calm down, but I only gripped my hands tighter and glued myself to the door, as farther away from him as possible. "You don't know everything, nor everyone, so don't speak for them." I answer barely above a whisper, which only earned me a sigh. "You're either only best friends, he sucks in bed...Or you've been really hurt in the past. So, which is it, mignonette?" he asked, solemnly. "...Who hurt you, Francois...?" I feel myself asking without realising. "Huh?" he breathes out, looking at me shocked, but before I could say anything else, he stopped the car abruptly, saying "We're here."
We get out of the car without another word and search the whole shelter from top to bottom, but find nothing but dust and blood.
"So...Not here. How many other places are there?" I asked, biting my lip. "Many. Too many. Are you sure they were Russian?" he asked again, looking at me. "Yes. They said so when they attacked me. And their accent was very thick as well...I could recognise a few words myself when they were whispering between themselves before Francis came." I nod, sure of my information. "Very well. That means there are only 2 more places to check. They are pretty far away from each other, but should work. Also, I need to get some fuel." he sighed, getting back to the car. "Okay. I pay. It's the least I can do..." I tell him, looking ahead at the new road. "I won't complain." he chuckled, lighting up the 100th cigarette.
We spent about half an hour in silence before I got the courage to ask him again...
"Who hurt you so much, Francois? You're constantly using this vices and facades to cover up that you're in pain..." I stammered, not really sure where I was getting at. "Shut the hell up." he ordered with the most deadpan expression so far. "I-I don't want to insult, offend or hurt you, Francois. I just want to understand you. You're not a bad person, I can sense that. You just have a different coping mechanism-" I continue, trying to let him know I'm not attacking him, but he got angrier. "I SAID, SHUT IT! What the hell is so difficult for your stupid brain to get?! STOP talking about it!" he yelled, gripping the stirring wheel and glaring ahead. "I'm sorry! Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...I just...I just...Wanted to thank you for being literally the only person to want to save Francis and..." I scratch a bit at my arm, closing my eyes, hating the sudden change in tone. "I'm not doing it for him, I'm doing it to fuck you!" he sneered, shifting his glare at me now. "That's fine...Doesn't matter, as long as he's safe...Any help is appreciated..." I whispered, hanging my head. "Oh, really? Then if a group of hobos offered to to save him, if they gangbanged you, would you do it? Or if some fetishist were to ensure he got out the next second, but he got you as his sex slave?" he shouted more and more, making me shed tears and choke on sobs. "I-I just want my Francis to come back to me unharmed...I don't want to see him in pain ever again...I just want him to be okay...He's been through so much and he still smiles...He's saved me all these years, and now I owe him at least this...I just...I just want him safe and sound..." I sob, biting my lip and gripping my arms, trying to stop myself from crying, but to no avail. "...Get out." Francois muttered barely audible. "Wh....What....?" my eyes widened as I managed to move my gaze to look at him. "Get the fuck out of my car. Now." he wasn't looking at me anymore, but outside, as he put a very sudden and brusque break, making me squeak in surprise at the impact. "B-But...Why? Didn't you promise you'd help me save him? You are his last hope, Francois, you can't abandon him like this! We're so close to-" I tried to argue, but I suddenly find myself with the barrel of a gun at my forehead. "Fuck if I care anymore. You're annoying, you piss me off with your lies. That's all that you are, a selfish liar! I don't believe a word you're saying! I don't know why I agreed to this bullshit, he'll get out of there anyways! You're not even hot enough to bother going through all this just to fuck you! Go find him on your own, now get the fuck out of my car!" he growled, cocking the gun.
He was looking at me with his dark purple eyes, right into my e/c ones, glistering with tears and betrayal...But deep inside his own eyes, shock, mixed with a glint of hurt and skepticism were swimming. "I may be a liar...But at least I'm not lying to myself and to my own heart about my feelings. Goodbye, Francois. Drive safe home." I sighed, looking at him with betrayal and resignation as I stepped out of the car and started walking ahead.
I didn't realise how cold it was before, but now...It's really not very nice. And the fact that it's so dark and scary isn't helping either. I turned on my phone's torch, trying to see where the hell I was, but all I could see were trees every where I looked.  At this point, I don't know if I should be scared that there's no passing car...Or if there WOULD be one.
I literally had no idea what to do, and Francois just went ahead with a terrible speed...Hope he won't have an accident or something. The pain in his eyes as he spoke to me...Those were the voice and look of a desperate man, wanting to take away the pain somehow. I can't blame him in any way...For I understand him more than I wish I did. If it wasn't for Francis... Well... I just think Francois should allow himself to feel happiness and not be afraid to grasp hope, no matter how thin that thread may be.
I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise the car that was coming from behind me until it was too late and the lights were already on me.  Next to me, a black Ford started very slowly driving next to me, as the driver pulled down his window and whistled me.
"Hey, babe, want a ride?" he asked in a slurred voice. "N-No thanks..." I mutter, trying to walk faster, but to no avail. "Aww, come on, sweet tits! Let me get ya home! I can't let a babe like you walking alone at night, can I?" he purred in that disgustingly drunk voice of his. "I'm very close to my boyfriend's home, so please, leave me alone." I tried to reason, clearly scared, but he only laughed. "There ain't no house in the next 5 kms, missy, so don't try to lie to me!" he said in a low voice as he stopped the car.
By this point, I started running as fast as I could, cursing myself for not doing anything to maintain my physical endurance because my lungs were burning and my legs were aching like all hell, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, the remaining air in my lungs knocked out from the weight on top of me.
I tried to struggle, but I could only jump back to my feet when the bastard rolled over to get a better grip on me, but I couldn't run... He held my arm so tight that I was afraid it might break, making me turn around to try and scratch him, but that only annoyed him and made him rip open my f/c shirt, exposing my almost naked top.
By this point, I kept screaming and struggling like a wild animal trapped in a cage, but he was much too strong for me to do anything. Memories of the past kept flooding my brain as he put his hand on my neck, while the other was roaming my body.
I thought that was the end of me, until I heard a very loud car accelerating in our direction, then two deafening gun shots...And then silence.
As soon as those shots were dealt and I could no longer feel that forsaken grip on me, I sprinted into the woods, not caring about anything else in this world, not hearing, nor seeing anything.
That is...Until again, someone took a hold of my wrist and spun me around in his arms, making me scream, beat and struggle whoever that was, way too scared to rationalise anything anymore.
"Mignonette! It's me, Francois! Calm down, damn it, I'm not gonna hurt you! I killed that fucktard, nobody will hurt you, chill already." he tried to calm me down, but all I could do, as all strength left my body and my legs were shaking, was to fall in his arms and sob in his chest almost falling to the ground, were it not for him.
It might have taken a good 5 to 10 minutes of sobbing before I managed to calm down enough to be able to speak coherently, while Francois tried his best to soothe and calm me down.
"How the hell do you always get in trouble, Mignonette?" he tried to joke light-hearted. "I don't know, but I'm so done with this! I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! Why is it always me?! What did I do so wrong in this world that I attract such...Such...Monsters?! Why does everyone want to hurt me like this?! Is this it, Francois?! Is this the pain you're feeling?! Because if it is, then FUCK IT, I don't want to feel anything anymore! Take out my heart, I don't need it! I don't want to hurt anymore! MAKE IT STOP ALREADY!! Why me?! Why again?! Why like this?! I just want to be happy for once, is that too much to fucking ask in this world?! IS IT?!" I screamed and cried and pulled at my hair in desperation, not caring about any self-esteem anymore and just letting all the raw emotions plaguing my heart, soul and brain out. "So I was right...You have been hurt before." he muttered to himself, almost as if he hated himself for being right. "Yes, fucking hell, yes, I have, damn it! Three fucking times! Each time, it hurt so bad, and in different ways! But the first one...Oh, the first one....I was barely 17, damn it...It was my first relationship...So why did he have to do such things to me?! I didn't know any better, I was naive, innocent and learning...I thought it was normal...And...And...And I stayed almost 2 years like that...And I didn't tell anyone what happened...I was scared, I didn't want to admit it, I was weak...And powerless...And I still am...Because no matter what I do, a drunk, horny man will always get his way because of his fucking physical strength! CURSE YOU! Monsters, all of them! Wretches! Burn in hell, all of you!" I confessed to everything that's happened in the past, not even sure why or how did I manage to finally say everything that was darkening my heart, but I did. "Je suis desole, Mignonette. I truly am. I shouldn't have let you alone in these places. It's my fault, I admit. I was pissed off that you said the truth and I couldn't stand it. I went to search the 2nd place, but there was nothing. That means Francis is definitely in the 3rd and last place." he stated, slowly helping me get up. "Hope so..." I mutter, feeling drained of all life and hope.
We walked back to the car, him holding me close to his chest, and as the car's light came in our sights, he realised my wardrobe malfunction and took off his shirt, handing it to me, as he remained shirtless, not even flinching at the cold, all the scars on his body now visible.
"Don't you hate it?" I muttered, looking away as I buttoned his shirt and rolled up the sleeves since it was way too big on me. "Hate what?" he asked, getting in the driver's seat. "Dunno... The World. People. Life. Yourself." I mention, shrugging. "I do. Why?" he furrowed his brows, not quite getting where I was going at. "And how do you cope with it?" I asked, still glaring in front of me. "Not very well, as you've seen so far. Drinking, Smoking, Whoring. Not very healthy." he explained, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "I hate alcohol. I couldn't get drunk, even if I wanted to. Makes me sick. Smoking makes me sick too...And...The other one...Even if I wanted to...I...I..." I trailed off, biting my lip in annoyance. "You hate yourself too much, but also, distrust everyone else around you, hm?" he tried to reason. "Sorta, yeah, I guess. I'm scared, I'm afraid, I'm anxious and ashamed...I just want to run away and hide somewhere nobody could ever find me even when I think of it. I start shaking and...And I can't. It leads to panic attacks. So I'd rather...Not. And I'm so tired of everyone telling me I'm broken or whatever just because I don't care about anything of the sort." I sighed, leaning my head on the door window. "Does he know?" Francois asked, but I only shook my head. "Last times I told someone...My boyfriends...Things got very bad. It's like a stupidly annoying Pavlovian instinct. I know things won't be bad if I tell him...But I'm also afraid." I mutter, looking out, and before he could say anything else, I ask him "We've arrived, right?" which earned me a solemn nod.
Getting out of the car, we went in silence to the shelter, this time smaller than the first one, and noticed light emanating from inside. Upon further inspection, Francois confirmed that Francis was inside, so he got out the rifle from his car and climbed a tree, easily taking out the 2 bulky men who kept Francis captive, allowing me to easily run inside and use the knife given to me to cut off the restraint that bound him to the chair.
I was so mirthful that Francis was okay and somehow, there was no scratch, bruise or wound on him, so I threw myself in his arms, hugging him as tight as I could, considering the event of this night. However, things weren't always easy to deal with, especially when it comes to the Mafia, but before anything could happen, I hear a rustle from the other room, which somehow, the other two omitted, allowing me to quickly snatch the pistol from one of the deceased's grasps and point it to the door, revealing a scared Mafia mobster.
"Hello, fuckass." I said venomously. "You don't even know how to use that and yet you dare threaten me?!" he shouted, ready to take his own gun, until the sound of me cocking mine echoed in the whole room. "Will you take the bet? What's faster...Me pulling the trigger, or you taking the gun and killing me? What say you? The brain or the heart, which would you prefer?" I asked, taunting him. "You little bitch...! Who do you think you are, opposing the Mafia?! Mr. Russia will wage war on this stupid country!" he shouted in anger, visibly shaken up. "Hahahaha...I've been called worse in a day, is that all you can do? How weak. No wonder the others didn't let you do anything to help them. Oh, and, by the way...Mr. Russia has no control over the Mafia, so he won't take any action against you...Or to help you. Trust me, I called him a few hours ago. So before talking...I'd rather check if all I knew were lies. Just a sound advice for the future...Which you'll never have, at this rate." I grinned mockingly at him, but just before I could say "Goodbye" and shoot him, a gentle hand grasped my shoulder, as the other went to the pistol, setting the trajectory away from the villain, who fell to his knees in fright. "Y-You're insane, woman..." he muttered, shocked. "Francois, what's the meaning of this?! What if he attacked us?! He messed with Francis, he messed with me, he messed with you! We can't let him escape!" I raised my voice at him, but he only shook his head. "You've been through enough today, and it's mostly my fault. Go stay with your paramour...I won't let your hands be bloodied. You don't deserve such a fate to haunt you for life." he explained, gingerly taking the gun away from me. "I have enough things to haunt me for more than this lifetime, one more, what could matter?" I tsked in annoyance, looking away. "It always matters. I hope you won't get to experience more misfortune." he muttered, pushing me towards Francis, as he took the enemy away, to kill him in the woods.
Taking a deep breath to calm my annoyance, I jump in Francis' arms once more, burying my face in his chest, just happy to have him safe and sound, back in my life. With tears in his eyes, he kissed the top of my head and thanked me over and over, but not for saving him necessarily, but for being here for him at all times. He never expected anyone to bother to save him, which I noticed myself, unfortunately.
I told him part of our story, clearly only the not-so-dark parts of it, and by the time I was about mid-story, Francois came back.
 Francis/France Ending 
"Okay, love birds, are you done reuniting? We should get out of here before their little group of boy scouts return to give us more trouble." he rolled his eyes seeing us hugged and sappy. "Oui, mon ami, tu as raison. Ma cherie, let's go home. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that trouble just for me. I'm a country, I won't die, and yet you still came after me, despite the dangers." he said in a soft voice, clearly touched. "Silly...Country or not, you still feel pain, and that is the last thing I want you to feel. I love you so much, Francis, you don't even realise. You brought light into my life, into my heart...And I wanted to be able to save you, just like you saved me all these years we've known each other. Je t'aime trop, et tu es mon coeur. I will stay by your side until you get tired of me." I confessed, cupping his face and looking at him with endless love and admiration.
Poor Francis was left speechless, so much that he just started kissing me passionately, then hugging me tight to his chest, earning a groan of annoyance from his friend.
"Take that to the car, idiots! Hurry up!" he clapped to hurry us up back to the car, which we did, and now we were on our way back home, Francois driving us, as we stayed in the backseat, cuddled to each as if tomorrow was the last day alive.
Back home, we plopped down on the couch, finally able to breathe, knowing we were safe, but after about 5 minutes, Francois got up to leave...Which didn't happen, for I stopped him with a hug.
"Thank you for helping me save him. I owe you the world." I whispered, thanking him with a smile on my face. "Oh, shut up. You pissed me off enough for a day. Just go stay with him and leave me alone."  he groaned, trying to pry me off me. "There's no chance you're gonna get rid of us after today! There's no escape for ya!" I laughed, finally letting him go, before the door was slammed open, revealing a blond man with short hair, green eyes and abnormal eyebrows. "Ahem. I see that bloody frog is alright. Was that a prank or-" he asked, seemingly irritated. "You...Are you England?" I asked, my eyes wide. "Yes, of course, who else? Wait-...Was it you I spoke with on the pho-" but I didn't let him finish because I slapped him with all my might, before starting to shake him roughly. "YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU DARE COME HERE NOW, HOURS AFTER I CALLED, WHEN YOU THOUGHT I WAS PRANKING YOU, IMMA KILL YOU, YOU-" but I was stopped by a hug from behind and a chuckle. "Ne t'inquiete pas, mon amour, it's just how Angleterre is, please forgive him." he shook his head with a chuckle, making me gasp. "But...! But! But Francis! It's not fair at all! You would give your life on a plate to save others, especially this tea-jerk, but he just calls you a frog! It's not okay!"  I pout, clearly upset at the his mean friend's behaviour. "It's better to forgive and forget than to stay with hate in your heart. It will only hurt you, not them." he said with a wink before kissing my forehead. "Fine, whatever...But you're still not off the hook! And you're still a jerk! And if you call Francis a 'Frog' again, I'll make sure to stash a hundred frogs down your throat!" I threaten him, which made him nod, awkwardly. "Uh...Yes, France, I'm glad you're find. I will take my leave now, farewell." he nodded again before leaving. "You see? He came here because he was worried, in his own way." he smiled softly, before guiding me back to the couch to calm me down. "Mon Dieu, you sure are loud, all of you...Bonne nuit. Don't call me again." Francois shrugged, exiting the room, leaving only me and Francis there.
We went to change in our PJs and cuddled in bed, both of us afraid to let the other go after such a night.
"I was so happy to see you that I forgot to even ask if you were okay, desole, ma fleur." Francis said, caressing my face. "I'm okay, don't worry about me, honey. Francois made sure nothing happened to me." I smiled softly, kissing his hand and leaning my face on his palm. "I haven’t seen him like this in a long time. How did you convince him to help you?" he asked, making me chuckle awkwardly. "It's...A long story, but it really wasn't easy to persuade him. But you were right about him, he's like you in many ways, despite hiding it. My shirt's buttons got ruined and I couldn't cover up and he instantly gave me his shirt. And he made sure nothing bad happened to me. Without him knowing where you could be, I wouldn't have been able to find you." I breathe softly, as if afraid he'll be taken away again. "I am grateful that I have such an angel in my life. Thank you for everything, my darling. Je t'aime trop...Je t'aime plus que tout au mond. And I can't wait until I marry you and I'll see you as the most beautiful bride in this world." he confessed, kissing me tenderly, making me giggle. "And I can't wait until I finally get to call you my beautiful husband and we'll be so happy...And Francois' face as the Man of Honour...It will be priceless!" I laughed sofly, making him grin. "It will be hilarious indeed." he snorted, hugging me tight to his chest, ready to sleep. "I love you so much, Francis...Never ever ever forget that. I will stay by your side for as long as you'll have me." I whisper, returning the embrace, drowning in his warmth. "An eternity by your side sounds like the best gift anyone could receive." he replied, closing his eyes, letting the dream world take over him.
Francois/2P!France Ending
"Okay, toots, get your fiance outta here and let's get home before more of these fuckers get here." Francois tapped his food impatiently on the ground, ready to go. "Fian-..." Francis tried to ask, but I shushed him quickly. "I'll explain when we get home, now come on." I hurried him back to the car, where the other Frenchman drove us home, where we could finally breathe. "Thank you so much for saving me, dearest. You really shouldn't have put your life in danger. I'm immortal. They couldn't kill me no matter how much they'd tried." he tried to reason, but I only shook my head. "Francis, no offense, but I really don't care. Francois...I lied to you. Not much, only this part at the beginning, but I still did, so I really have to apologise from my whole heart for misleading you. Francis, I'm sorry to you too. I claimed to be your fiance and called everyone in your contact list in hopes that they'll help me save you. Francois was the only one who wanted to help."  I told them the truth with a sigh. "Why would you say that, cherie?" Francis asked, confused. "Come on, Francis, think a bit! What managed to get to people's hearts more? 'Please, help, my best friend has been kidnapped!' or 'Please, my fiance is in danger, help me save him!'? I was desperate, I had to do something, right? You're the only person who ever cared about me and you've always been so sweet and kind with me, I couldn't let you in harm's way, so I did anything I could to save you, even if it wasn't much. I really hope you don't hate me after this, but even if you do, I'm just happy you're safe now. I never lied when I said I loved you, but this is no romantic love, but one very pure and caring, like that of siblings." I smile at him softly. "I could never be upset with you, ma belle fleur, for I feel the same. I am forever grateful of what you did and I'm really sorry that you had to go through all this just for me. I owe you the world." Francis replied, hugging me. "No, you don't. You've already given me the world being being present in my life." I chuckled, holding him tightly. "So...Everything else you said was true or a lie?" Francois asked, raising his eyebrow. "I didn't lie to you with anything, except this little detail." I smiled at him, guilty. "Then what about at the beginning. When you accepted my terms." he furrowed his brows a bit. "I didn't lie. I said I'd do anything for Francis." I declared with a side-smile. "What do you-" Francis tried to ask, but Francois cut him off. "My flat is upstairs, I want to have a little chat with Mignonette here." he muttered before taking off. "Okay. Francis, I'll see you in a bit." I wave at him, smiling, before following Francois out of the room, into his flat.
It was darker and it smelled like cigarettes, but it was pretty nonetheless. I didn't take more than 5 steps inside and I felt myself get pinned to the wall, Francois holding both of my wrists above my head with one hand, while the other was on my neck.
"You say you'll do it, but look at you, you tremble like a leaf." he got close to my face, saying in a low voice. "I said I would, I promised, now stop doing this, please, and just get it over with." I managed to whisper, looking away from him. "Is this what he'd do too? Is this why you won't ever bother trying to get away?" he asked, in a softer voice than before. "Y-Yes...I told you I didn't lie about anything else, why keep bringing it up? And I said I'd keep my promise. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't fight you off, so why try...?" I bit my, trying to stop myself from getting my eyes welled up with tears once again. "And I promise you, it's not that bad. I know you've been through a lot before and feelings are more powerful than ration...And allowing yourself to feel vulnerable once in a while isn't always damaging." he confessed, caressing my cheek. "You shouldn't be one to talk, when you don't do it yourself. You don't let your guard then while at it, instead, you let all your hate, anger and frustration get out, but...You never let happiness and love in, do you? We're the same, we just do things differently." I explained, but he only tsked in annoyance and threw me on the bed, him towering over me again, his face very close to mine. "And what the hell would you know about it?!" he growled, glaring at me. "Nothing...But maybe...Maybe I'd like to find out." I mutter, intertwining my fingers with his. "I really don't know anything. I'm 27 and all I've been doing is hate the world and everything around me, including myself, for my own misfortune and choices. I was weak, I couldn't control anything around me, when it came to my love life, because everything else was in my grasp. I'm a smart girl, I won't deny that, and I'm also fairly lucky. But not in this department." I let out a shaky breath, slowly raising my gaze to meet his. "What the hell are you on about?!" he sneered at me, his deep, violet eyes filled with despair and hurt, which made me raise up a bit and kiss his lips as soft as I could, shocking him. "Maybe...Maybe I want to see if the world is better with the right people...Not THE World...Just...MY World." he was so shocked at the gentleness with which he was being treated, that a soft blush covered his cheeks. "What was that for...? Why would someone fragile like you, who should find someone kind and gentle like Francis, want to be me, who forgot how to smile and how to live?" he asked, with an expression that showed anger at himself. "Because, maybe, we both need help from someone who understands and goes through the same...Or well, at least similar pain, don't you think?" I inquired with a hopeful smile. "And what do you propose, then, Mignonette?" he muttered, getting closer to my face. "Hello, Francois, my name is Y/N. Would you want to get to know each other better?" I extended my hand for him to shake. "Bonjour, ma cherie, Y/N, je m'appelle Francois Bonnefoy, ca va?" instead of shaking my hand, he kissed it softly and said those words in a very suave and confident voice, that gorgeous and melodic accent resonating in my ears with each vowel and consonant. "Tres charmant, Francois. That was very nice..." I muttered, using my other hand to hide my blush, but he took it in his and kissed my wrist, and teasing smirk on his face. "Did you like that, dear? Do you want me to say more?" dropping his voice by an octave, he got so close to my face, that I could feel his breath. "Your accent...Is very...Ho-...Uh, nice. Yes, nice. Uh...French. Wait, no, ignore what I've been saying-" I ranted, looking anywhere but at him, flustered at what I was saying without realising, but instead of saying anything, Francois leaned in and kissed me tenderly, making me feel more flustered, but at the same time, calmer as well. "You were saying...?"  he asked, the ghost of a smile evident on his face. "Hot." I breathed out barely above a whisper, making him chuckle. "That's what I like to hear, ma cherie~." he confessed, taking out the hair from his ponytail and helping me lean on the bed post, as he put his arms around me, holding me to his chest and kissing the top of my head. "What do you think? Is this what Francis would do?" he asked, playing with my hair. "Is it what Francois would do?" I asked, looking up at him. "...If it's you, then it is." he muttered, resting his chin on my head. "Then we're doing very well." I answered with a smiled, cuddling closer to him, feeling at peace, after such a long time.
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alitaimagines · 5 years
request: “Loved the 2p America and 2p Canada thing can I get the same thing but with 2p England and 2p France. Also are open to me asking this request again? Love your work.”
2p! England x Fem! Reader, 2p! France x Fem! Reader
fandom: Hetalia. (requests open!)
2p France! (What they want): 
Someone to get drunk with him and just have raw sex. He’s not someone who’s into the whole love making thing. 
You have to like French cuisine. It’s his thing and god forbid you like anything that comes from England nevertheless America. He knows American food could be tasty at times so he’s gonna have a problem.
Wine tasting dates will be a thing though. He loves himself a great bottle of wine and if he so happens to be sharing the bottle with you, so be it. 
He’s extremely bitter sometimes so he hopes to have someone who won’t push his buttons in order to make him talk. 
What they need: 
Someone to get him off of his lazy ass. He’s lazy to a mf T so if he deny’s wanting to get out of him, nag him until he does it. 
Also another person who you need to put him into his place. He’s bitter like I’ve said so if he’s in a mood, you need to kick him where it hurts most and tell him to man the fuck up and deal with his problems. 
All he wants is to fuck someone but deep down, he wants a relationship so it’s really all up to you to make his feelings actually known. 
Please do those wine trips! They’re fucking amazing! He’ll spend any kind of money just to see you enjoy it. 
2p! England (What they want):
Wants someone to try his new baked good! He wants to make sure his food tastes well so be a doll and try them! 
Weirdly into matching clothes so he prefers to be matching with his partner. Pastel colors look great on literally any skin tone so regardless, he’ll lose it if your wear the same color scheme he does. 
If you don’t like something he makes, don’t tell him. That’s his kryptonite so he’ll usually know when you don’t like something but he rather not hear you say it. 
Wants someone as friendly as he is. He likes meeting new people so if you’re introverted and don’t really like socializing, that’s kind of a turn off. 
What they need: 
Someone to criticize him. Like I said, he doesn’t take criticism well even if it’s the good kind. He might not like it at first but how else do you perfect your craft if you don’t hear the constructive criticism. Tell him easy tho.
He does need someone to keep him grounded. He is a very bubbly person but he needs that chill person to tell him to calm down and breathe every once in a while. 
Pastel colors are not for everyone. They might be for him but there are times when those bright colors aren’t appropriate so try to expand his wardrobe. Even if it’s neutral colored shit. 
Someone to bake with him! He doesn’t really like people in his kitchen while he’s cooking so if you even sit on the kitchen island and lick the spoon, that could slowly break his wall. 
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