#3 cigarettes in an ash tray
eriksangel666 · 10 months
New podcast episode is up! This week, we mosey on down to Alberta Canada and dosey do with one of their greatest singers, kd lang!
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sammygender · 1 year
i literally don’t understand what it’s like to be boring. like sorry i guess i’m just built different. imagine possessing the ability to say no. imagine not being incredibly, deeply, maladpatively impulsive. i always attract people who i love but are just like sorta loser adjacent as in they never are up to do Crazy Random Shit (and all of them CLAIM it’s because someone needs to be ‘responsible’ out of us but like i am an older brother and very intelligent i’m just impulsive while i’m smart💔) and always whine at ME for doing things that AREN’T EVEN THAT CRAZY! like sorryyy that my life is interesting and i can’t Not Do Things. sorry that i am not someone who worries in a way that stops him from doing anything. maybe i just befriend too many people with anxiety disorders but that’s not even it cause you can have an anxiety disorder and still Not Be Boring. like being boring is a state of mind. just stop it. sometimes it’s easier to say yes so like why are you even saying no
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sinsandsweetness · 11 months
Wellllllll…… I just read one Rec from someone and holy. Stepdad Rick isn’t my thing but still hot. I was thinking what if it was Shane instead. Or Daryl. Sneaking around behind Rick’s back. But ugh, Rick is so hot tho. Decisions decisions. More like Dad’s best friend maybe?
now that’s hot as hell. Idk who Dad would be but best friend trope could work for any combination possible I would think… (all of them!? 🙈 short of a orgy, I can’t see either Dixon putting up with Shane even for something like that but hey)
been thinking about this every hour since it appeared in my inbox… (Shane is my guilty pleasure fr. would let him do disgusting things to me)
I think I’m seeing your vision… lemme know what you think💗
(Rick & Shane & Daryl x fem!reader)
warnings- 18+, smut, alcohol consumption, smoking, references of sex, multiple partners, the boys are kinda pervs but it’s ok cause ur legal and this is fiction <3 2.1k word count
You open the door to the garage and make your way down the stairs. Not even bothering to slip any shoes on. Your mom keeps the epoxy floors absolutely pristine, so there’s really no reason. Plus, your toenail polish is still a little tacky. Bright, bubble gum pink polish and a silver toe ring adorning your foot. The smell of liquor and smoke has filled the garage. Accompanied by the deep, rugged voices and dry laughs coming from your fathers closest friends.
“You know mom hates it when you smoke in the house.” You say all matter of fact, leaning up against the bar-tops, marble counter. You can feel your tank top strap slipping down your shoulder. But the animalistic looks coming from your dads three closest friends, force you to let it drop. To let them see.
Your father puts his cigarette out in the ash tray on the bar. Rolling his eyes at you. “Well good thing we’re in the garage then.”
You ignore his attitude.
“Mom needs you.”
“For what?”
“To drop her off at Cindy’s.”
He seems irritated. But all five of you can hear the rain. There’s no way any half decent husband should let his wife walk to her monthly book club meeting in this weather.
“Just- keep your mouth shut about the smokes. And grab everyone another drink. Make sure they don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.” You father jokes, ruffling up Daryl’s hair on his way to the door, grabbing his jacket and keys.
You wave an innocent goodbye as you watch him through the garage door windows, backing out of the driveway. Your mother in the passenger seat, smiling sweetly at you.
“Well… whatcha drinkin’?” You ask Rick, who’s sat in the middle. Glass empty, with a lone, melting ice cube clinking around in the bottom.
“Rum and coke.” He answers, licking his lips.
“Spiced?” You ask. A flirty smile playing on your face as you bite your bottom lip.
They’re all staring. Jaws clenched and breathing slowly.
You know what you’re doing. You can tell by the way they’re all looking at you. You can practically see the wheels turning in their brains.
They shouldn’t be thinking this way about their friends daughter. About their best friends little girl. Well… not so little anymore. You’d just turned 21. Hell, they were at the party. Giving you the exact same looks they’re giving you right now.
The ones they definitely shouldn’t be.
But they are.
They’re thinking about your thin, frilly, pyjama shorts, and how they can see the purple g string pulled up over your hips. How they can see your belly ring through the fabric of your tank top, and imagining what it would feel like against their lips as they kiss their way down your stomach. And you know they’re thinking about bending you over the bar counter and taking turns at fucking you until they hear the sound of your dads diesel pulling into the driveway. How you’d have to play pretend for your father, ignoring the fact that your panties are soaking through with three different men’s cum, and maybe even a mix of your own. The salty liquids threatening to drip down your inner thigh as you politely excuse yourself from the garage. Coming up with any bullshit excuse to go lay on your bed and rub your clit until you’re seeing stars. Imagining each of their faces in between your legs, spreading you open and eating you up.
You know they’re thinking it, because you are too. It’s the only thing you can think about in this moment, while pouring Rick a double spiced rum and coke. Taking a sip and then handing it him. Making sure your fingers touch.
When you turn to ask Shane what he wants, he gets up. Insisting that you won’t know how to make an old fashioned. You only just turned 21 after all. You probably haven’t even had one before.
But he’s wrong. They’re your dads favourite and you’d been making them for him since you were 16. But you didn’t tell Shane that. Instead you let him walk around the bar, come up behind you and press himself against your back. Letting a tiny gasp escape at the feeling of his, very hard, cock pressing into your bum. Pushing you even further against the counter. His chest is warm against you. And his hands are big and calloused as he guides your own, pouring the perfect amount of bitters, simple syrup and bourbon over a huge, king sized ice cube that he’d retrieved from the freezer.
Finally, taking a slice of orange, meticulously cut up and organized in little containers on the bar top. It was something your mother was always very fond of; organizing the liquors and the garnishes, ensuring that your father could host a proper poker night or barbecue. Or whatever the fuck they stayed up all night doing in their little man cave. Not knowing that you were upstairs, awake and playing with your favourite vibrator, listening to their rock music through your bedroom floor.
“And then you twist it, like this…” Shane’s lips are actually brushing your ear. And you don’t mean to, but your eyes flutter shut at the feeling. His free hand moves to your waist as he tosses the orange peel in the drink, lifting it up and bringing the cold glass to your lips.
“Try it.” He says. And though you can’t see him because he’s still behind you, you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You take a sip. A small one. Immediately scrunching your face at the two men still sitting across you. Their lips curl into an amused smile as they watch you swallow the amber liquid.
“Not my favourite.” You whisper as Shane leans back. Only for a second before he’s turned you around and trapped you once more, back to the bar this time.
“Well we did forget one thing,” He says, reaching over to a jar on the counter. Maraschino cherries. Your favourite.
“And I know how much you like these.” He teases, referring to all the cherries he caught you adding to your piña coladas at a neighbors pool party only a couple weeks ago.
He dips a single cherry in the drink. Taking it by the stem and lifting it to your mouth. You don’t hesitate in wrapping your lips around it. The bitter taste of the bourbon on the fruit doesn’t last long. A sweet, sugary syrup bleeds over your tastebuds as you bite into the cherry. And a moan manages to escape your throat. It’s quiet. You think maybe it was subtle enough to go unnoticed. But the smile on Shane’s lips and the dry laugh coming from behind you, tell you that it didn’t.
Shane is still pushed up against you, cock strained in his jeans and pressed right against your stomach. His hand gripping your hip and forcing you to stay against the counter. And the way he’s looking down at you. Fuck, the way they’re all looking at you. Watching you start to squirm under their gaze.
“It’s good.” You swallow. Trying to maintain a confident, big girl attitude. But truthfully, you just want them to peel your clothes off, and let you melt into their arms as you cum all over their cocks.
“Daryl’s drink is still empty, sweetheart.” Rick’s gravelly voice pulls you back.
Shane gives your hip one last squeeze before he walks back to his barstool. Next to Rick. They cheers quietly and sip on their drinks. Watching intently as you try to compose yourself.
“What’s your poison?” You turn to the last man, lighting what was probably his second or third cigarette of the night. Glancing up at you and taking a draw. Slowly inhaling and exhaling. And though your mother was not a fan, you fucking loved it. You wanted to crawl onto his lap and have him blow the smoke right between your lips as you rode his cock, letting the other two men watch and touch themselves to the sight of you getting off on another guy.
But you didn’t.
“Just a beer, sunshine.” He pushes his empty glass forward for you. You grab it and put it in the dishwasher. Grabbing a brand new, frosted mug from the freezer.
“Which one?”
“Bud’s fine.”
You grab a bottle and skillfully pour it into the mug, coming around the bar this time to hand it to him. Intentionally placing yourself between him and Rick, reaching over and setting the glass in front of him.
To no one’s surprise, you feel a warm hand on the small of your back. Rick’s fingers tracing dangerously close to the thin band of your panties.
“Those are really bad for you, y’know.”
You get bold again. Stepping onto the foot rest of Rick’s barstool, and taking a seat right on his lap. The hand on your back only helping guide you on to him. Quickly finding its way around your waist as you make yourself comfortable.
Daryl only grunts. Hiding a smile at your silly comment. He’d seen you smoke. Hell, he’d snuck out of multiple dinner parties to have one with you.
“You gonna share?” You ask.
Hesitantly he hands it over, and you take it with two fingers. Taking a long drag in and then turning to face Rick again, before you slowly exhale. Trying to focus the smoke onto his lips more than anything.
“What the hell would your father think if he could see you right now?” Shane asks, leaning back in his chair and palming the hard on, still evident in his jeans.
“Think he’d probably try and beat you’re asses.” You say. And while you’re answering Shane, your focus is solely on Rick. The scruff on his face. His bright blue eyes, taunting you and begging you to lean in. Just an inch closer so that he can catch your lips.
“Think he’d win?” Rick asks, glancing down at your own lips.
“Not a chance.” You smile.
He closes the space between you, and you taste rum on the tongue that traces yours. Rick’s hand going to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss as you blindly try to put the cigarette out on the ashtray. You start to move. Trying to maneuver your position so that you’d have a leg on either side of him, straddling his very apparent bulge. But right as you start to moan against his mouth, you hear the truck pull up and park. Practically jumping off of Rick and standing in between him and Daryl’s barstools. Fixing your hair as the heat rises to your cheeks. The men chuckle at your flustered appearance. Waiting for their friend to enter through the side door of the garage.
“Hi dad.” You say, smiling politely and pulling your tank top down to cover the strip of skin visible where it had previously rode up.
“Hey, hun. Glad to see they weren’t too much trouble for ya.” You father aproaches and slaps a hand on Shane’s back. Sitting down next to him and grabbing the pack of smokes from his jacket pocket.
“Y’wannanother drink, daddy?” You ask. Daryl clears his throat. And you see Ricks eyes go wide as Shane tries to hide his smile.
“Please. Old fashioned, darling. Y’want some of that pink stuff we found last week? Bubbly… something or other. It’s in the fridge.”
You watch Shane the whole time that you make the old fashioned. Clearly showing him that you knew exactly how your dad liked it. Carefully placing the cocktail on the counter in front of them.
“Thanks doll.” Your dad says, continuing to smoke his cigarette. Reaching over the counter and handing one to Rick who lights it. Watching you the whole time. Tendrils of smoke, floating up to the ceiling of the garage. You turn around. Bending over and being sure to stay searching for the bottle of rosé about thirty seconds longer than you really needed to. You pour a glass as the men discuss what the next move was. What they should do for the night. Considering it’s still a work night, and they all have a supply run pretty early in the morning.
“You wanna play some cards, sweetie?” Your dad asks. You scrunch your nose at him, taking a nice long sip of your sparkling wine.
“What? You got somewhere better to be?” Shane teases.
You huff a semi-annoyed breath, looking around for a spare stool. Even though you already knew there were only 4. Ricks eyes glimmer as he pats his left thigh, inviting you back on.
To your surprise, your dad pays you no mind, already starting to shuffle the deck of cards as you hesitantly take your seat back on top of Rick. Loving the way his hand curls around your thighs and tugs you even further on top of him. And the the way that Shane looks a little jealous that he hadn’t offered first. And you’re especially loving the way Daryl shifts on his stool just the tiniest bit closer, so that his leg grazes yours every now and then.
“All right, here’s the rules…” You hear your dad starts to explain, already dealing you each some cards. But you don’t hear him. You don’t even look in his direction. You’re way too focused on the taste of Rick that lingers on your lips, and the way your clit is actually fucking pulsing. Begging for attention. And truthfully, your mind can’t help but wander, thinking about what might have happened if your dad had taken any longer to get back home.
part 2
(I’m picturing readers dad as Tobin in Alexandria. Someone like that at least. With a Carol-esque mother. But picture whoever you’d like! Just thought I’d share what I was kinda thinking…)
taglist - @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @catt-leya @murder-jacket @miinbun @ankhmutes @eternalrose81 @cl0wnb0yyy @grimesthinker
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darkwolf989 · 4 days
i was wondering if you could do a Val x daughter reader
reader is neurodivergent and has a stutter :,> basically reader goes to auntie Vel first about how they’re being bullied at school and then Vel brings it up to Uncle Vox and Val.
i hope your having a nice day!
The editing continues! Enjoy <3 I apologize for the wait and appreciate your patience!
“What the fuck do you mean, being bullied?” Valentino demanded as he took a drag from his cigarette. Confusion and disgust flooded his features. “She’s in first grade, how do they even know how to be mean at that age?” 
Velvette shrugged and took a sip of her wine as they sat around the restaurant table. 
Another Tuesday night, another meeting of the minds. This was the one night a week Valentino’s daughter, reader,  stayed late for both art and speech therapy. Usually it involved logistics planning- who would pick her up, help her with homework, where she was supposed to be each day after school. They had learned early on that early planning and visual schedules helped her manage and practice her day to day routines and activities. This time each week was critical not only for themselves, but to help reader manage her anxieties. 
Tonight though, their meeting meant something far more sinister. 
“She came to me in tears the other day. Sobbing about how kids are being mean to her because she ‘talked funny’. I told her to ignore them and tell the teacher, but she told me one of them hit her. And that the teacher did nothing. That alone is worth the school.” 
“The school is fucking useless. What do we do about it?” Valentino demanded asked as he bit back the anger in his voice. “Surely there must be something we can do.”
“Like what? Walk up to first graders and bully them back?” Velvette asked with a snort. 
“I mean, if they’re being cruel to my little girl then…” Valentino began.
“Cut the shit. We may not be able to do anything as adults but we can give our sweet reader the means to defense herself,” Velvette snapped. 
Valentino tapped his cigarette ashed into the tray and gave her a disapproving look. “We’re not teaching my daughter to throw a punch. Not that she would anyway But we can go to school and talk to them. Give us a good feel for the policies they have in place. It’s highly doubtful they’ll give us the names of the kids- but I’ll ask her. Maybe she’ll tell me.”  Valentino asked. 
“They’d give you the names if you filed the fucking paperwork like I told you,” Velvette muttered. She tuned out the rest of their chatter, her mind reeling. There was no sense in arguing with Valentino- he was reader’s dad after all. But she didn’t see the issue with at least teaching her the basics of self defense. And honestly, what Valentino didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. 
The sound of Vox’s voice pulled her back to attention.
“I’ll fit her with a small camera. Tomorrow.” Vox said definitively. “At least then we’ll have proof. And they can’t ignore proof- we have to sort of play by the rules here, Valentino. Until then, what do we do?”
“Love her, comfort her. Help her manage her anxiety and I think I have the perfect book about it for bedtime tonight.” Velvette suggested. “Sound like a plan?” 
Both boys seemed to agree. 
As soon as reader walked in the door that night, she dove into her afterschool routine. Homework with Vox, dinner at the dinner table with all three of them, bathtime with Valentino, teeth brushing, pjs and because it was Thursday- tucked into bed first by Aunt Velvette. 
“Reader? Can we talk a little bit about school before your dad comes in?” Velvette asked as she pulled the bed covers back. 
Reader nodded and climbed under the sheets. Velvette laid down next to her and she snuggled the tiny body against hers. There wasn’t much in this world that turned Velvette soft, but reader was one of them. 
“I want to teach you what to do when someone is mean to you- your daddy is coming in in a few minutes to read a book about different ways to handle it. But I want to teach you another way- a secret way that has to stay between us girls, okay?” 
To her surprise, reader sat up and looked eager. 
“L-like what Auntie?” 
And so Velvette showed her, in the quiet ten minutes she had, how to throw a punch. How to turn her wrist, aim for the nose and step into the force. 
“Don’t ever start anything, but if they put a hand on you first, turn around and deck them. Hard. And they’ll never touch you again.  But don’t tell your Dad I taught you, okay? Keep it between us girls.” 
Reader nodded happily and tucked herself back against Velvette as Valentino walked in. He took his place on the other side of the bed and Reader leaned up and nuzzled Velvette’s cheek- butterfly kisses, as she called them, before snuggling back against Valentino. 
“This book is called I said no,” Velvette heard Valentino say as she quietly closed the door and made her way to her own room. She hoped that her niece would never have to use the skills she taught her. But in her mind, it was better to have the skill and not need it, than to need it than not have it. 
But she still wasn’t surprised when she got the call from Valentino the next day. She pushed a button and the fury that was Valentino flashed on her screen. 
“Velvette! What did you do?” Valentino screamed. “I just got a fucking call from the school- Reader is in the principles office for punching someone! How the fuck does she know how to punch?”
Velvette snorted at the accusation as pride flooded through her heart. Atta girl. “Beats me, but Vox put a camera on her this morning right? So cool your jets. Is reader hurt?”
Velvette watched as he seemed to consider her point. 
“Well, no. I don’t think so,” Valentino said after the momentary pause. 
“And the other kid?”
“I…I don’t fucking know go with Vox to the school NOW. I’ll meet you there as soon as I finish the fucking paperwork.”
Velvette raised an eyebrow as Vox walked in the room. “Oh, you mean the paperwork you were supposed to finish last week?” 
“Fuck you Velvette, go and get your niece, now!” 
The screen went black and Velvette rolled her eyes. Reader wouldn’t have made the first move, she was certain of that. 
One short limo ride later, she and Vox walked into the school. They were immediately escorted to the principal's office and Velvette gritted her teeth at the scene that greeted them. Reader sat, tears streaming down her face next to a boy with a bloody nose. A female demon- probably his mother, stood behind him, glaring at reader. 
“You wanna fuck off?” Velvette snapped as she looked up. “And back the fuck off from my kid.” She reached over and lifted reader up into her arms as she continued to sob. “What happened, baby?” 
“What happened is that reader punched this young man in the face, completely unprovoked,” the principal began.
“H-h-he…” Reader began to sob. 
Velvette shushed her and gave Vox a look. 
“That’s what you say, let’s watch the footage and see what actually happened,” Vox interjected. 
The other two adults in the room seemed to freeze.
“Mr. Vox we don’t utilize cameras or any Voxtech…” the principal began. 
“You don’t, but I do,” Vox replied smoothly. 
Velvette watched both of their faces go white. Carefully, Vox reached over and unclipped the almost invisible camera from the collar of his niece's shirt. A video appeared on the wall behind them, showcasing the events of the day. Behind them, Valentino opened the door and closed it quietly. Two button presses and the truth came to light. The boy, pinching, teasing, name calling and laughing. Reader telling him to quietly leave her alone. A hit to the back and finally, reader turning around and nailing him in the face. 
“Oh good job baby girl,” Velvette whispered in reader’s ear. She felt the twitch of a smile against her shoulder as she cradled her. Good, Velvette thought, she was starting to settle. 
Vox shut the movie off and looked at the adults present. “I’m eager to see what type of punishment will come from this,” he said flatly. 
“We hold a no tolerance policy, so both the boy and reader will be suspended…”
“I think the fuck not.” Valentino’s cold voice came from across the room. 
The principal stood up, a miffed expression on his face. “Mr. Valentino. Ms. Velvette. Mr. Vox. With all due respect you don’t have a say over my school. Your jurisdiction ends at that door.” 
Valentino smirked and looked at the other V’s. He walked over to Velvette and took his daughter into his arms. He whispered something quietly in reader’s ear and a smile spread across her tear stained face. He walked her over to the principal's desk and gently nudged her.
“Go ahead bebita.”
“D-daddy s-says you’re fired!” She announced loudly before burying her face back in his neck. 
The principal's face turned deep red. “As I said you have no jurisdiction…the audacity…”
“Actually, I do,” Valentino replied as he held up a piece of paper. “As of today the V corporation owns this school, and every single one like it in the pride ring. You’re fired. And you..” he turned around to face both the mother and the child who sat frozen in horror. “Your brat of a child is expelled. Get off my property before I have you escorted out. All three of you. Now.” 
Valentino turned and walked out, gently holding his daughter as Vox and Velvette followed. 
“This would have been much less dramatic if you had filed the paperwork a week ago, like I told you to!” Velvette scolded. 
“Yeah, but that was fun- was it not?” Valentino looked down at his daughter, “did you like firing the principle my sweet ninita?” 
She nodded and he planted a kiss on her forehead as he carried her outside. “Let’s go out for lunch, my love. Calm down a little bit. And tomorrow when you go back to school, I promise no one will even think to lay a hand or speak unkindly to you.  We’ll protect you. And we always will.”
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thebearer · 11 months
thinking about brat tamer!carmy punishing me by making me ride his fat cock with no help </3
minors dni18+
just leaning back, smoking a cig, one hand on the back of the couch while the other taps the cigarette on the tray. you've been riding him for what felt like hours (twenty minutes) and without his hands helping guide your hips, his thrusts meeting yours, it. was proving to be hard.
all because you kept trying to distract him. at family, your hand sneaking under the table, hoping he'd sneak away with you to the office, bend you over the desk and pound you out. he didn't, giving you the look, before putting your own hand back in your lap. you tried again, this time, carmen leaning over and warning you to keep your hands to yourself or he'd keep you tied up all night when he got home.
you were furious, driving all the way home, just thinking about what you'd do. opening your phone, you decided to slip into your little matching bra and panty set, deviously taking pictures and videos of yourself. sending them to carmen.
he'd felt his phone buzz over and over, thinking it might have been an emergency, he saw your contact flicker over and over lighting up his screen. "i'm gonna step out, chef take over for me."
"yes chef." tina nodded, sliding into carmen's place.
carmen's heart hammered, going to the back office with shaking hands, only to see a string of videos, the last one of your hand in your little lace panties- teasing him. a cute little message of "don't stay too late tonight handsome ;) "
carmen was furious, but also, incredibly hard, adjusting himself before sliding back out to the floor.
you wanted attention?? wanted to be fucked so badly??? fine carmen would do that for you. you were a little disappointed when he walked in calmly, acting like nothing is wrong.
until he had you on top, riding him while he sighed, looking at you bored, trying to keep his muffled moans in.
"thought you wanted this so badly, and that's all you can do, baby?" carmen hummed, flicking the ash in the tray. "you gotta do better than that."
"it's hard without you helping me, carm." you huff, sitting fully on his cock, rocking slowly back and forth, hips swiveling pressing further and further into him.
"hey," carmen snapped, a firm slap to the back of your thigh. "'sposed to be riding."
"you're not helping me." you whine, grinding against him. "this feels better anyways."
"fuckin' brat." carmen growls, bumming his cigarette before you're flipped, ass up on the couch, he's pounding you relentlessly from the back, hand peppering your ass in relenting smacks with every harsh stroke of his cock spearing inside you.
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tonixe · 11 months
🥺I’m begging you write more Jason Dean stuff your so good at writing !!
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n.o.t.e.s - Yes, Ngl I still love him, even though he fucking crazy, like baeeee! &lt;3
w.a.r. n. - unprotected sex, smut, p in the v, Jason Dean being so sexyyy, with 3 y's.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g. - Jason Dean x Fem!reader
w.c - 1.1k
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It was 9 pm, on a Friday.
You were bored out of your mind, parents weren't home and your sibling was out at a sleepover. You cocked your head towards your cherry red telephone, "Calling him won't hurt" you whispered to yourself, before grabbing the handset phone from the base. It was even better that nobody was home, you got to use the landline without anyone listening into your call.
You quickly dialed Jason's number, the beeping sounds making you feel unease, but excited. Pulling the phone to your ear, as you played with the cord of the phone.
Part of you wanted him to pick up but another part of you wanted him not to, you were to anxiously to really know. You heard the phone, a noise from the line.
He picked up...
"Hello" he said, you quickly responded to him, "Hey, Jason!" you said, it came out more as a purr than casual. "What do I own to pleasure to you, Y/N" he said smoothly, his voice made you melt, and feel something wet in your lower abdomen.
"I was wondering if you could swing by my house later, and hangout, I'm bored out of my mind" you said, hugging your pillow to your chest, rubbing your legs together.
You hoped he would say yes. You needed his accompany.
"Sure" he said, you buried yourself more in your pillow, "I guess, I see you here" you said, quickly putting your phone down into the base, with a loud 'ding!'
You took a breath, you didn't know you were holding it for so long. Looking at the window that was covered by the white curtains.
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You heard the doorbell ring, it was 30 mins after you called Jason, you quickly walked down the stairs, looking in the mirror, fixing your hair and your nightgown. Wait was it too weird to wear a nightgown, I mean he is your boyfriend, he would mind, right?
You opened the door, to him with a cigarette in his mouth, "Hey" you said before welcoming him into your house, closing the door behind him.
"This is nice place you got" he said before looking at you, "Your acting like you never been here before" you giggled, before leading him into your living room, sitting down, as he joined you.
"Nightgown, how scandalous" he said, looking at your hardened nipples poking out of your light nightgown. After he said that, it made you jolt, as you rubbed your thighs together, before looking away, "I thought you wouldn't mind" you said, "I don't" Jason said, before finishing his cigarette, dusting the burn end on the of the ash tray.
You felt his hand on your thigh, making you jolt from his cold hand. You slowly breathed out, biting your lip.
"Nervous?" Jason teased you, chuckling. As he leaned towards you. "No" you huffed, that was a lie. His hands creeped up towards your thighs, you looked at his hand, flickering toward him and his hand.
"Can I, princess" he whispers in your ear, your back was curved by the arm of the sofa, he was on top of you.
He slowly took off your blue panties off you. Your pussy hitting the cold air, your legs trembling. Jason held up your right leg, before he spread your pussy lips. You moaned out from your lips, the slick getting onto his hand.
"Damn, your wet already" Jason chuckled, "Did you call me just because you were bored or just horny, no parents home too" he muttered.
You put your hands on your face, nervously. "It a yes isn't it" he said, "yes" you muttered out.
"Gosh" he smirk at you, before shoving his fingers down you, making you moan on impact. He thrust his fingers into you. "J-jason" you moaned, putting your hand on his chest.
His finger hitting your G-spot. Making the body tremble, "Ahh" you moaned. He plunged his fingers into you, make you orgasm, liquids dripping off of his fingers, with slick.
Your chest heaving out, putting your head to the side, looking at Jason smug face. "Now that's a record time" he said, licking the juices from his fingers in front you.
You heard him fumbling with his belt, putting the belt around your hand tying it. "Let's remove this" Jason whisper to you, as he strip you of your nightgown, revealing your breast, your nipples getting hard.
You gulped. Jason cupped your breast together, tugging at them. Making you more wet, rubbing your legs together.
Before he stripped himself of his pants, removing his boxers, revealing his big size. Rubbing your legs together anxiously, before Jason pries your legs apart, opening them, laying them onto his shoulder.
"Ready?" he whispers to you, lining up to your pussy. "Yes" you looked away at him, before he plunged himself into you. You moaned out, putting your hand onto your mouth, trying to hide the pleasure you got from this.
His pace was badly slow, like he was trying to make you go crazy. Everytime he thrust, he always purposely avoids your G-spot, you gave him a little glare. You digged your nails in the couch.
"J-jason" you were in tears.
"Hm?" He said, giving you a smug smile.
"Faster" you whispered, "I couldn't hear you, princess" he said.
"Faster, please" you begged him, you clenched onto his cock, making him groaned.
"Since you said please" he said, not even a second later, he thrust into you with more force, making the couch creak.
The sounds of the lewd scene, made you even more wet. Giving him more access to you, he buries he face in your neck, laying love bites on it.
You moaned out from the pleasure, you were getting.
Your back curved over the ledge of the couch, as he rutted againist you. Grunting slipping out of his mouth, "J-jason" you moaned, as you bit your lip, rolling your eyes as he tilted your body, fucking you further.
"What is it princess" he teased, biting your nipple, clenching onto his cock. "I'm close" you whined, putting your legs around his body.
"Good, cum on my dick" he moaned, biting onto your collarbone. You cried out, as he pumped into you more, before you saw white.
Liquid seeped out of cunt, as he thrust further into the area you didn't even know you had. Your body trembled, he thrust into a few more, before pulling out and cumming onto your stomach.
"Fuck" he hissed, your body still trembling, your legs feeling like jelly.
You looked at the mess between your legs, "S-shit I need to clean before my parents come back" you squeaked out before Jason pressed you back on the couch.
"Before you clean it, round two?" he gave you a smug smile.
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girlycocksleeve · 6 months
In honor of 250 followers: one of the main sexual fantasies I edge to ☺️
I want to be given to a man for him to own me. The first time he’d meet me he’d fuck into my pussy before switching to my ass, the only lube whatever fluids had accumulated on his cock. He would never use lube for anal, would like it when I was in pain. Afterwards he’d make me clean his dick, pissing in my mouth and then keeping me there as a cockwarmer for the rest of the day, fucking one of my holes if he ever happened to get hard, filling me up with cum. The first time he’d cum in my pussy he’d make sure I knew that he wanted me pregnant.
After that he’s make me get breast augmentation, giving me F cup tits. My nipples and clit would be pierced, rings so he could attach a leash to them. Degrading words and phrases would be tattooed on my body: “cock sleeve,” “rape whore,” “cum dump,” “pain slut,” you get the picture.
He would take pleasure in hurting me. From using me as an ash tray, putting cigarettes out on my tongue, my tits, my clit, to paddling me almost every day, my ass permanently bruised. If I was particularly bad, or he was feeling particularly sadistic, he would bring out the whip. He would target my pussy, making my clit so bruised that even the brush of my labia would be excruciating, or my tits, painting them in red stripes, sometimes drawing blood.
He would also have others fuck me, gang bangs becoming routine for me. They’d see how many cocks they could shove in my, 3 at a time brutalizing my pussy or ass. They’d start shoving things in me when they got bored, fists and bottles, gaping me open. When I would get too loose they’d whip my holes until they were swollen shut before fucking me open again. By the end I would never be able to move, covered and filled with cum and piss.
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small-sinclair · 11 months
Little Lady
Rusty Nail x fem!reader
Haven’t wrote this guy before but I wanna try it :3. It’s based off this.
Contains: I’m going to have Rusty and the reader about the same age (Rusty: 26, reader: 23). In this au, he’s just starting to kill.
Tw: light stocking, mention of murder, blood
Tag: @sketchy-rosewitch, @fluffy-little-demon, @poir0t-houck, @waxxl0ver, @crumb @ninakuli, @whimsyvixen, @roadkillerx
Part 1
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When he saw you, he knew he had to have you. He knew that you were meant for him, but he wasn’t a fool. You’re smart, a perfect college girl, while he’s just a low-end truck driver. You don’t want to be anywhere near a drifter, a man that leaves for a few days, leaving you all alone. You wore a cute dress with flowers on it while he wore greased clothes and bloody boots. But when he saw your smile and heard your laughter, something inside his heart skipped.
He drove his truck along the sidewalk and came close to you, but you didn’t seem to mind. You gave him a smile when he called out, “Hey, little lady! Could you direct me to a station?”
“Yeah,” you answer, pointing down the street from your college. “Keep heading down that way and you’ll be close to the interstate. There’s a Love’s there.”
He looked at the road then back at you. He took in the sweet scent of lemon and vanilla, and he felt like he was home. There was something so bright and beautiful about you… he just didn’t know what it was.
“Thank ya kindly, miss.” He rolled up his window and started his way down the road, but his eyes drifts to his side mirrors. He wants to remember you.
A week past before he drives by the college again, and he sees you walking back from class. He couldn’t believe you were there. It’s like you were waiting for him… but he wasn’t going to fool himself. He just couldn’t.
Still, Rusty pulls up close to the side and rolled down his window. He admired your soft lavender dress with birds on it. He doesn’t expect you to remember him, but it doesn’t hurt to try. “Hey, little lady!” He calls out, making you jolt.
When you looked up, your eyes lit up and friendly smile formed. “Hey, again!”
“Hate to bother you but,” Rusty looks at the road as he drives slowly next to you, “but do you know a good coffee place?”
You smile and point down the road again. He sees your little charm bracelet shining in the sunlight. “Yeah! Just before you hit the interstate, pass the Love’s, there’s a coffee shop with a green roof.”
“Not Starbucks, right?”
You laugh and shake your head. “No. It’s called Luda’s Place!” you look back at him. “Great lemon bread!”
He nods and looks up at the road then back at you. “Okay… thank you, miss!”
“Have a good one!” You called, waving. You watched has his rid jolted with more speed, and you had a smile on your face. You hold your books closer to your chest and smiled. It was nice seeing him again.
The next week that followed, he saw you again, but a storm was coming from the north. He knew he had to haul fast to beat it, but he couldn’t help but pull up next to you once more. His eyes wondered over you light pink dress with roses sowed neatly. Your hair was put up in a braided bun, and your smile was just as bright as it was before when you saw his truck.
He slowed and pulled next to you. “Hey, little lady,” he says from his truck.
You look up then forward again. “We have got to stop meeting like this.”
Rusty shrugs. “I do agree with you on that.” He puts out his cigarette in the ash tray. “Looks like rain.”
“Heard it’s a bad one,” you answer as you walked. “You’re not driving in that, are you?”
He shrugs as he looks in his mirror to see the dark clouds behind the truck. “Have to haul metal parts, darlin’.”
“But do you really?” You asked, lifting your brow. “I saw the radar, and it’s mostly red and purple.”
He scratched his chin in thought. “I guess you’re right.” He looks down. “You know a good place to sleep?”
“Yeah,” you pointed ahead. “Two streets up, turn left. Follow that road and it’ll take you to a motel.”
He tips his hat, but he thinks. “Do you need a lift?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No, I’m good, thank you!” You flash a smile. “Hope you drive safe!”
He rolls his window up before starting down the road again. This time, when you wave goodbye, he looks almost sad. Someone as pretty as you shouldn’t be walking alone before a storm, but he didn’t want to push his luck farther in fear of freaking you out.
Besides, the whimper from the back of the van caught his attention. His eyes flicker in the mirror to see the man tied and gaged next to his whore of a wife. He smirks then hammers down. He couldn’t wait to play his game with them.
It goes on like this for 2 months.
Every week, he passes by you, rolling his window down to call for you. You couldn’t help but smile at wave as he slows his semi down. Even if he has someone tied in the cab or a dead body to hide, he always made sure you never saw the blood on his hands or in the scruff of his chin. He learned that you were a fashion design major, so you wear the dresses you made. Not that he minds, of course. He also learned that your graduating soon, and it made him smile.
“Where you thinking’ of going?”
“Somewhere far from here,” you answered, looking up at him with a glimmer in your eyes. “I always wanted to travel.”
He hums as he drives slowly next to you. “I’ve been everywhere, and I’ve never seen anything quite as beautiful as you.”
You blush as you hide your face behind your sketch book. “Bet you say that to every girl.”
He shakes his head as he blew cigarette smoke away. “Nah, just you, little rabbit.” His eyes glanced behind him at the woman, who was tied and gaged, in the cab. She had tears fall from her eyes as the blood dried from her lips. “I best be on my way then.”
You look up at him then at the road. “Be here next week?”
“As always,” he promises. “You just be safe.”
“You, too!”
As he drives off, he makes a plan for himself. He knows what he has to do to get you to come with him.
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requesting a smut fic with reader x loser!ellie based on in my feelings by Lana del Rey!! And the song being from readers pov
In my feelings - (loser!ellie williams x reader)
hi anon! firstly this is my first time writing smut, so I'm sorry if it sucks lmao:) and also Lana Del Rey fucking slaps, I hope you enjoy<3
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This story is based off the song in my feelings by Lana Del Rey, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
(I had to rewrite this twice because every time I wrote it according to the lyrics I always ended up with a angst fic, so this is just a smut piece. There are references to the song in the story.)
Pairing- loser!ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one or just send me a song and I'll take it from there:)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, smut, fingering (r receiving), oral (r receiving), porn no plot, inexperienced Ellie, cigarettes, sex, domish reader, this sucks, lmk if I missed anything!
Summary: In which you showed a loser, a great time
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You brought the cigarette to your lips as you inhaled the smoke, your head rolled back as you blew it out from your lips.
You looked up and saw Ellie staring at you like a lost puppy.
"Have you ever done this before?" you asked her as you took another puff from your cigarette.
You watched as she shyly looked to the ground.
"Open your mouth and answer me Ellie" you demanded enjoying how easily you could make her nervous.
"n-no ma'am" she stuttered.
You chucked as you put out your cigarette on the ash tray beside you. Ellie watched your fingers as you lowered the cigarette, how delicate they looked, she wondered what they would feel like.
Ellie was snapped from her thoughts when she heard your voice.
"Come here"
You watched as she blinked a couple of times.
"Do I need to repeat myself?"
"no sorry" she mumbled and she made made her away towards you.
"what?" Ellie looked at you with wide eyes.
She looked so fucking innocent. So pure. It turned you on so much knowing that you had the ability to destroy her.
"Get on the floor and crawl to me"
You sat back on the couch, you slightly opened your legs revealing the pink lace underwear you wore underneath your skirt.
"I can see your underwear" Ellie pointed out. She was trying to be respectful, but she couldn't take her eyes away from your clothed cunt.
"do you like it?" you asked.
A pink shade appeared on her cheeks as she looked down to her shoes. She let out a hum of agreement.
Yeah she did like it.
She wanted to see more.
"Come on Ellie get on your knees"
You watched as she fell to her knees, crawling to you like a dog. A smile appeared on your face as you watched the mighty Ellie Williams crawl towards you.
No one else but you.
Ellie sat directly in front of you staring at your pretty face waiting for her next instruction.
You opened up your legs, your lace panties practically see through at this point from how wet you were. You heard Ellie whimper as the sight.
"So pretty" she mumbled.
"wait till you see what's underneath" You spoke with a grin.
"Touch me Ellie"
Her hands immediately went to your underwear. She gently started rubbing you through your underwear.
Ellie watched as the damp spot on your underwear grow, and she felt her own arousal, her panties were so fucking wet and her thighs were slick with her own arousal.
You let out a soft moan as you felt her rub soft, slow and gentle circles. She leaned forward to leave a soft kiss on the clothed area.
Your body shuddered at the feeling.
Ellie started slowly making out with your clothed cunt, she just wanted a taste, but the stupid piece of fabric was in her way, it wasn't only making Ellie mad it was frustrating you too.
It was good but it wasn't enough to make you cum.
"Get up"
"what?" Ellie asked confused.
"Just get up"
She stood up in an instant watching you grab your phone.
You played in my feelings by Lana Del Rey as you lit another cigarette. You took another puff before slowly swaying your hips to the music.
"I'm smoking while I'm runnin' on my treadmill
But I'm cutting up roses
Could it be that I fell for another loser"
you sang as you continued to breathe in the smoke. You slowly started stripping, removing your shit, you briefly made eye contact with Ellie before her eyes fell to your chest.
You were wearing a matching pink lace bra, and Ellie felt herself dripping.
You slowly put the cigarette between your lips as you unclasped your bra. The piece of fabric fell to the floor as you heard Ellie out a quite "woah" at the sight of your chest.
Your hands came up to your chest as you took your breast into your palm, you slowly moved your hand up pinching your nipples, your head flew back the sensation.
You let out a moan, as you felt the buds harden under your touch.
Your hips continued to sway as you looked at Ellie and you pulled your skirt and panties off. You bent down, putting out the cigarette as you picked up your panties and you threw it towards her.
Ellie desperately caught it, bringing it to her nose. She breathed in the scent of your juices and she let out a loud moan. You watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she stuffed your panties into her pocket.
"Please- please let me touch you"
You almost moaned at the sound of her begging.
You slowly made your way to the couch as you bent over, raising your ass and cunt into the air.
Easy access
As you were bent over you quickly made the music louder to drown out the sound of what was about to happen.
You looked over your shoulders seeing Ellie stare at you in awe.
What a fucking loser.
You slightly shook your ass.
"Come on Ellie isn't this what you wanted?"
Ellie fell to her knees immediately crawling to you. She faced your cunt she watched your swollen pussy clench around nothing.
You slightly jumped forward with a shocked moan when you felt Ellie lick a long stripe your pussy. Ellie had her eyes closed as she let out a moan.
"So wet" she muttered. After a few seconds of silence and no movement you suddenly felt Ellie's fingers open you up and before you could say anything she inserted her tongue into you.
You let out a moan, and quickly you felt a coil tighten in your stomach.
"fuckkkk... just like that pretty girl" you breathed out in a long moan.
You heard Ellie moan from behind you, and it send vibrations to your cunt. Your mouth fell open at the sensation.
Ellie put two fingers into your cunt as she continued sucking your clit and attacking your sensitive pussy with her tongue.
"Fuck- you're such a fucking loser" Ellie heard you talk above her. "You- you can't even talk to me I public now- now you're e-eating me out like I'm your last meal"
Ellie let out a moan at your words and she felt herself clench, she was going to cum and you didn't even touch her, how pathetic.
Ellie hit that special spot and you let out a high pitched moan.
"Right there baby, please don't stop"
Ellie fingers sped up, her sucking became harsher, and your moans grew louder.
You were close.
You clenched around Ellie's fingers, and she let out a loud moan. The vibrations triggered your orgasm.
You saw white and your whole body felt numb. You didn't feel real, it felt like you were floating- no flying actually. You felt so fucking good.
With heavy breathes, you opened your eyes and you breathed out a quick good girl to Ellie.
You turned around to face her as she lay on the floor, her eyes were closed but she had a huge smile on her face.
"Did you just come?" You asked Ellie as you heavily breathed.
You watched as she opened her eyes and she started at you for a few seconds.
"are you lying to me Ellie?"
"yeah... that was the hardest I ever came" she admitted.
"Aw poor baby, I didn't didn't touch her and she soaked her panties" you teased.
All Ellie did was look away shyly.
She anxiously played with her fingers. She wanted to ask you something. But she was so fucking terrified.
Maybe she was a fucking loser.
"Can we go again? Ellie asked, looking at you with a fucked out expression. Her lips were slightly swollen and glossy with her saliva and your cum.
Still heavily breathing you gave Ellie a smile.
"let me get a taste of you too pretty girl"
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Authors note: well this sucked, I've never written smut and I'm so scared to publish it lmao, also two posts in one day???? wow I'm on another lever. Remember you are loved and to always be kind.
Yours truly,
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
Your First Time - Kit Walker
x fem!reader
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requested <3
cw: loss of virginity, fingering, slight f oral, vaginal sex
word count: 1924
“So, how was your day beautiful?” Kit stabs his pasta with a fork, twirling it before bringing it to his mouth. You watch as his lips wrap around the fork and he begins to chew, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. Your legs were crossed under the table, your chin rested on your hand supported by a bent elbow, just admiring your boyfriend. Everything he did seemed so sensual, but maybe that was because you were almost always envisioning him naked above you.
“Good babe, how was yours?”
“That’s all you got? Let me hear about your day, in detail,” Kit reaches for your hand, lacing your fingers across the table. He was always so inquisitive, his genuine curiosity quickening the pace of your heart.
“Okay well,” you shoot Kit a small smile, “I sat in the garden all day reading, and this book is so good Kit, I had my nose stuck in it while I laid outside and I didn’t even notice my shoulders got burnt by the sun,” it was Kit’s turn to admire you, he was so smitten, his eyes sparkled as he watched your face change with every piece of information you’d reveal to him.
“That sounds great sweetheart,” Kit gave your hand a quick squeeze, “can I get the bill please?”
Kit waves down a passing waitress, who curtly nods and disappears to retrieve the diner bill.
“Come back to my place?” Kit asks you hopefully, shooting you a small smile. You nod enthusiastically, happy that your date night ends at his house.
Kit pays for the bill, like he always did, and takes your hand to guide you to his car. He opens the passenger side door for you like a real gentleman, and you thank him before taking a seat.
You look down as Kit changes the gears as he drives, the muscles in his arms flexing with every movement, the veins in his hand prominent and protruding. You shifted in your seat, your gaze averting from his hand, trying to keep your composure.
Kit had been your boyfriend for almost 6 months, and there hasn’t been a single time he’d initiated going all the way with you. It upset you, but you knew it was probably because you were a virgin. He was so gentle, and considerate all the time, but all you wanted was for him to rip the clothes off your body and have his way with you.
Arriving at Kit’s house, he tells you to stay seated while he comes around to your door to open it.
“Come, doll face,” he takes your hand and helps you out of the car, shutting the door behind you. You lean up on your tiptoes and give Kit a quick kiss on the cheek in gratitude.
He guides you inside, shrugging his heavy winter coat off his shoulders and kicking off his boots. You follow, moving over to where his bed sat through double-doors into his bedroom. He lays down with a heavy, tired sigh, resting the back of his head in his hands and watching as you lay down next to him.
“How was dinner? Did you like your pasta?” Kit asks, playing with your hair as he looks down at you.
“It was really good Kit, thank you,” all you could look at were his soft, parted lips as he lit a cigarette between them.
“Was good wasn’t it? You’re so welcome,” his dimples dented his cheeks as he took a draw.
You couldn’t help it, your hand rested on his crotch as you maintained eye contact. He raised an eyebrow at you, creasing his forehead with wrinkles as you began to apply slight pressure.
“What do you think you’re doing suga’?” He leaned over to the ash tray on his nightstand and stubbed out his cigarette.
“It might be nice..” you began, sitting up to face him, “to end such a good night with a..” your hand continues to palm his growing erection, “little something extra?”
Kit lets out an almost inaudible groan, partly due to your hand on his bulge and partly due to his internal conflict.
“Baby..” he sighs as you begin to trail kisses up his jaw, stopping at his ear.
“I really want to… please?” You whisper in his ear, his grip on your hip tightening, his fingertips digging into your bare skin.
You kiss just under his ear, sucking on his sensitive skin, eliciting a soft moan.
“I jus’.. I don’t wanna hurt you baby,” Kit’s pretty lips curve into a frown as you straddle his lap, both his hands halting you before you can grind down on him.
You feel disappointed by his rejection, your eyes doe-like and glassy as they peered into his.
“But Kit, I’m ready,” you whine, managing to work up a small amount of friction between you.
“Come here,” he whispers, his hands cupping your face and bringing it down to his. He kisses your lips softly, and eventually, it turns more passionate. His tongue slides over your bottom lip, and opening your mouth, you let him enter. His tongue massages yours so sensually it has your hips buckling to gain more friction against him.
“I’m so ready,” you breathe out, as he switches your positions, slotting between your open legs. He had found it hard enough abstaining for this long, and he knew you’d wanted it just as bad; maybe it was time to overcome his irrational fears.
“Alright baby,” he confirms that he is ready too, his fingers hooking into the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs from under your dress. You assist him in taking off your clothes, pulling the dress above your head and discarding it onto the floor.
Kit unbuttons his own shirt agonisingly slow, his bottom lip seductively wedged between his teeth. You can’t help but let out a breathy laugh, squirming from under him to try and spur him on. You’ve waited this long, what was another minute?
Now both bare, Kit sits back on his heels, admiring the heat between your legs as it glistened with your sweet arousal. You were already so turned on for him. He reached towards you with his forefinger, circling your entrance before bringing it up to your sensitive bundle of nerves. A gasp leaves your lips as he applies the perfect amount of pressure, the dampness of his finger making it undeniably more pleasurable for you.
“That feels so good,” you speak your mind, your head resting back against the pillow as he lets out a small chuckle.
“I wanna make sure you’re really ready for me,” he says softly, his finger abandoning your clit as it trails back down towards your entrance.
“One finger first,” he begins to push in his finger, your pussy welcoming it in pulsing waves.
“Fuck,” he mutters, delighting in the warmth of your heat, working his finger in and out of you at a steady rhythm.
Your hips buckle up, begging for more as your hands begin to knead at your own bare breasts. Soft subtle moans escape your parted lips as Kit introduces a second finger. He expertly curls them upwards, your body jerking in response, your eyes widening at the sudden rapturous wave.
“There is it,” he says with a chuckle, continuing to assault the same spot over and over, leaning down and connecting his lips to your engorged clit.
Your thighs begin to tremble as you feel the telltale tightness in your groin, letting out incoherent strings of curse words as you approach your orgasm.
“Kit- my god yes, I’m so close,” you utter, gazing at him as he looks up at you from under his dark, thick eyelashes.
His fingers pick up pace inside you, pushing in a third with ease, his lips tightly wrapped around your clit. He sucks on it, before he diverts to kitten licking it, and the changes in motion push you over the edge.
Kit groans as you clench around his fingers, your back arching as your body experiences the best orgasm it’s ever had.
“Fuck you’re so hot,” he says, his fingers leaving you once again, positioning himself at your entrance. You weren’t fearful of how he might enter you, you knew he’d be gentle, but you were unsure of whether it would still hurt regardless.
Kit notices your uncertainty, and kisses your lips in reassurance.
“You let me know if you need me to stop okay? I’ll go so slow, I promise baby,” he coos, running his tip from your swollen clit to your entrance, pushing his tip inside.
Your eyes squeeze shut in preparation for the stretch, and when it happens, you find yourself whining in discomfort. Kit stops halfway, his eyes peering down at your screwed face in concern.
“You okay baby?” He asks, leaning down again to place a kiss at the corner of your mouth.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing his lips to yours in another kiss. It was a good distraction, Kit managing to bottom out inside you in the process. The pressure between your walls builds, feeling foreign, and awkward, but not intolerable.
When you’ve felt like you’ve adjusted, you give Kit a quick nod, and he retracts his hips, before pushing them forward in a gentle thrust.
“You’re doing so good baby, it’ll feel good soon, I promise,” almost as if on on cue, the discomfort turns to bliss, and you’re in urgent need of more.
“Faster Kit,” you tell him, letting out a whimper as he begins to rut his hips a little faster. His cock is inside you so deeply, deliciously stretching out your walls with every thrust, you can’t help but moan. He sets a steady pace, his forehead beginning to form a thin sheen of perspiration. He looked so good above you with his face screwed in pleasure, low moans leaving his lips.
“So tight angel, you’re so fucking tight,” he growls, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your fingers tangle in his soft brown hair as his snapping hips make contact with yours, the sound of skin on skin and the soft music from the radio beside you filling the room.
“Yes Kit, just like that,” you egg on, letting the feeling of him inside you totally consume your senses.
It was everything you imagined, soft, sensual, perfect. He was so perfect.
“I’m gonna cum,” Kit announces, opening his eyes to look at your face, the beautiful face of his perfect girlfriend who was drunk on sexual gratification.
Kit’s cock twitched in accordance to the tightness in his groin, and he pulled out to stroke himself to completion. He let go of his load on the slick folds of your pussy, watching in titillation as it trickled down onto the sheets beneath you.
You giggle as he grabs his shirt from the floor to clean you, and settles down beside you, pulling you into his side. You felt empty now he was gone from inside you, but you were so glad it was finally done; there was no one else you’d rather share this moment with.
Kit kisses you just under your hairline, panting to try and even his laboured breathing.
“How are you?” He asks, combing his fingers through your hair.
“That was amazing Kit,” you say, the smile not leaving your face.
“For me too, I love you,” he says, capturing your lips in another kiss.
“I love you too.”
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euphorix-moon · 10 months
Playing With Fire
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Ellie x Fem!Reader
Part 2 Part 3
Wc: 1.2k
Synopsis: Allowing her to touch you, taste you, and satisfy your hunger seems wrong. You've done everything in your ability to resist being tempted by her since she represents the height of temptation.After all Ellie is your girlfriends best friend
A/n: It's been a little bit since i came out with something but finally an idea to help me before my eventual writers block caught me.
Warning: There is infidelity, drug use, and slight nsfw content
Ellie held the end of her joint in place while grabbing her old, flickering lighter. Her relaxed posture, with her legs spread wide and her eyes veiled with an unclear mood, was highlighted by the blazing flame. As she took a deep pull, smoke immediately filled the space and an air of expectation swiftly spread.
Ellie remained grinning, hiding her genuine feelings behind a calm exterior. Even though you considered her attitude toward the matter to be almost aggravating, you refrained from becoming upset. There was a long, uncomfortable pause between the two of you, and all you wanted was for it to end. You wondered why she was here. Unfortunately, your girlfriend wasn't here, but Ellie didn't seem surprised.
And you had extended the offer of refreshments with your pleasant and welcoming demeanor, regretting the invitation even before it was spoken. All you wanted to do was get out of the tense situation that had arisen, but all you could do was wait about in anticipation of some sort of distraction that will allow you to leave the situation
With her arm outstretched along the couch and her lavender-scented presence permeating the space, she hushedly asked, "How you been, babe?" Ellie's gaze directed at the television, yet you could tell that she was entirely focused on you.
In reaction to her request for acknowledgment, you came out of your zoned out state. Before talking,you took some time to think about every response you might be able to conjure up in your mind.
You said, "I'm okay, just feeling a bit tired out." She nodded somewhat, yet you noticed that she wasn't happy. You felt the tension rising as your words stayed in the air. You were quite uneasy with your response because you knew she hadn't bought your lie.
As you forced your gaze to the ceiling, a red hue passed through the gray haze from the burning tip of her joint. Even with your lungs gradually passing on, the overwhelming scent of the smoke appeared like an effective reminder of her presence in the room.You turned to Ellie, coughing and found yourself momentarily stunned in embarrassment.
Ellie's clothes showed the well-toned muscles underneath her shirt as she easily breathed out her smoke with each movement. A lively glint lit up her eyes as she cocked an eyebrow, clearly mindful of the impact she had on you. Her smile widened and she carelessly flicked the remaining ashes of her cigarette into the tray. You let out a heavy breath in reaction,wishing you could center on anything but her. However you couldn't see anything but the charming figure as the smoke immersed the room, capturing you both inside it.
Ellie's chuckle resounded around the room, sending a thrill of down your spine and making you feel flushed with embarrassment. Despite attempting to overlook it, you still feel her intense gaze upon you, knowing that smug grin that was never as far away. "Fuck, babe, I'm sorry, I should have asked if it was okay to smoke in here," Ellie said in a voice that was both sweet and dangerous. " Forgive me please ?"
Your heart banged against your chest, as you locked eyes with Ellie. She had come closer to you, and your body froze as her thigh brushed against yours. Taking a profound breath, you said with a feigned certainty.
"I'm not a baby El, I've smoked many times". To emphasize your point, you let out a hoarse cough.  Ellie seemed to enjoy your attempts to impress her and gave you a mischievous smirk. "You don't have to lie to me, it's just the two of us here" Her words had a playfulness in them that made you feel
annoyed—her dark eyes sparkled as she held your gaze
And to everyone else, that statement of hers could've come off as polite and conversational, like she was just a good friend of Abby. But you knew the truth - she was up to no good. It was her trademark move - unannounced visits, overly intimate touches and gestures, endearments like 'babe,' when she had no right to say them. Knowing how you reacted to words like that. And she kept at it despite the fact that Abby was in a relationship with you - and she was one of her best friends.
"What going on in your head now?" You saw the grin pulling at the corner of Ellie's mouth, as if she already knew what you were thinking of , which is what sends shudders down your spine: her ability  to figure what is going on inside of you, bother you, ask you what you're feeling when she already knows as of now. She was simply brazenly being a tease with you.
Deep down, a dim and twisted side of you delighted in the circumstance, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell her off and essentially kept your look settled ahead and imagined to be engaged by her being a tease and touches. You needed courage , and she was all as well aware of it. "Are you really going to ignore me, beautiful?" Ellie came closer, putting her hand on your thigh, sending a wave of alert, apprehension, and fervor through your body as the boundaries gradually blurred.
In the midst of your desire, you surprisingly asked if you and her could share the joint she was currently using. She stared at you in shock before slowly handing you the joking her lips quirked in amusement.
"Shall we do a shotgun since you appear so eager?" A knowing grin painted her confront and the discuss around them abruptly appeared to crackle with something unused, something captivating, something energizing. You felt a glint of unease; you had ventured into obscure area of your relationship .
"Don't be frightened,babe, im not gonna give you too much smoke, just a breathe in for me," she cooed as she raised the joint to her lips once more, her eyes glinting within the haziness. Your heart dashed and you looked up, meeting her look within the short burst of light.
She breathed in profoundly from the joint, holding the smoke in her mouth whereas her palm was set all over .A cool sensation cleared through you as she breathed out the smoke through your lips, their delicateness just scarcely touching each other as on the off chance that a teasing game was being played between you, and a battle resulted to see who would stop first. Ellie flicked her tongue over your lower lip, which caused you to let out a small moan. Her overwhelming eyes met with yours, an interested expression gracing her highlights.
"God,baby you truly are filthy you know that?." White streams of smoke waited within the discuss whereas she pulled back and considered you. The feel of her mouth pressed against yours mixed up a free-for-all of sentiments inside of you. Each inch of your body was wrapped in sensations that can only be described as chaotic and ecstatic all at once.
As you looked upon her along with your heart on fire with desire, she breathed in the final bit of the joint with her eyes closed, the presence of a small smile spread over her lips and her head tilted back against the couch. The smoky air was overwhelming, nearly discernable.
Abruptly, you listened your cellphone ringing with the caller ID showing Abby.
A/n: This is quite different from what i usually write but i wanted to try something different. Hope you enjoyed, feedback is appreciated
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currymanganese · 8 months
Season 3 Speculation:
Carmy & Fire
I think there's a possibility that a fire related accident could be a catalyst for Carmy seeking out some professional one on one mental health care AND attempting to quit smoking in an upcoming season. In the show thus far we've seen him inadvertently start two fires, one whilst sleepwalking at home -
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And the other while lighting a cigarette using the kitchen range in season one -
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And he also burns himself with a hot pot handle twice, once in the pilot and also in his nightmare in Braciole. But apart from these incidents he is also shown not properly extinguishing his cigarettes at times in season 1 and season 2. First while he fell asleep before the sleepwalking + cooking event, his cigarette is still lit in the ash tray on his coffee table -
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And in season 2 he is shown discarding his cigarettes on the ground without putting them out twice. First, he does it outside of the house party in Pop with Claire, who also noted earlier in the same episode (facetiously or not) that Mikey was the type to set stuff on fire -
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And secondly, he does it in Fishes before going into the Berzatto home with Mikey -
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Since stories often employ the rule of three, I honestly think that it may take a third (and ultimately the most severe of the 3) fire related incident for Carmy to undergo character development with respect to seeking therapy and eliminating unecessary risky behaviours re smoking.
Whether (God forbid) he burns himself in his sleep due to cooking whilst sleepwalking, or an unattended cigarette of his leads to his apartment being gutted and he suffers from smoke inhalation etc. - I think this may also lead to him getting closure with the end of his relationship with Claire (an ER doctor) and may also bring him closer to Sydney, by giving her clearer insight into Carmy's mental health struggles and trauma surrounding his family and his work.
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catscidr · 2 months
// aquarium (i want you dead or alive) //  
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i. note — hihihi enjoy this short thing i did as a warmup to get my brain juices flowing _(:3」∠)_ this was inspired by aquarium from funny boy matt watson (its a good song trust)…..heard the chorus n went "wow this sure does remind me of someone" ii. includes — modern au akademiya (university) student dottore, gn!reader  iii. cw — stalking and yandere tendencies, obsession, smoking, blood, homicidal thoughts. no dialogue; just dottore nd his thoughts. also not quite proofread ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ iv. wc — 1k -> now also on ao3 (b˙◁˙ )b
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It’s hard to ignore things when your brain is so hellbent on making you notice. 
Forcing your eyes to flit over every single inch of a room you walk in, making your legs carry you towards something that, unconsciously, caught your attention because they just happened to remind you of something. 
When it’s curiosity driven it isn’t too bad, since the worst that can happen is a slight pang of disappointment when your curiosity isn’t sated from your inquisition.
It’s an entirely different problem when the urge to look for something specific is caused by a deep-rooted obsession with something. 
And it’s even worse when you see things in places where they simply are not. 
Walking out of the Akademiya to seek shelter at the dingy bus stop the city can’t bother fixing, catching a glimpse of the poster on the side of it. A model posing with a bottle of perfume stares back, the advertisement almost mocking him as he stops walking shy of being under the bus stop’s roof. 
Its face morphs into one he’s all too familiar with instead of being a stranger’s, and his mouth inhales more air than it needs to. 
Stepping into the squalid convenience store near his flat to grab an energy drink and a pack of cigarettes, wordlessly paying for the items until the cashier says ‘have a nice evening’ in a tired, unenthusiastic tone. Hands faltering for a millisecond as he awkwardly grabs what he purchased, immediately taking out and lighting up a dart to exhale the agitation simmering inside his gut. 
The pitch of their voice was uncannily close to yours. 
Slamming his apartment door shut and kicking his shoes off, dragging himself into his room to make good use of the energy drink he just bought. Opening his laptop only to be met with the sight of sanguine boring into the screen before it dissipates and the screen lights up, displaying his hard work. 
Curtains drawn at all hours of the day, his bedroom was no stranger to gloom. Though void of any natural luminescence, multiple copies of your face smile back at him. 
He exhales smoke through his nose, tapping the excess ash forming at the tip of his cigarette into a tray and takes a sip of his drink, never blinking. 
To him, not having any classes together didn’t matter at all. Didn’t even make a single difference. 
Because sitting in the same lecture hall as you wouldn’t matter or change a thing, since he would be just as far away in that hypothetical than if he were in a different class.  
Which he is. 
His grades are high enough that he can afford to ditch his class to loiter in the vicinity of your classroom instead. You don’t speak much, but he doesn’t particularly care since it allows him to listen. To memorize the sound of your chair screeching as quietly as it can behind you, memorize your tendency to be one of the first people to leave the class in order to rush to your next one. 
Memorize how you fail to take notice of your surroundings on days like these where you have a class right after the other, as he watches your legs work overtime to carry you to the other side of the building to make it in time. 
It lets him think, undisturbed. 
He never musters up the courage to speak to you. You only spoke because he was careless and accidentally made himself noticeable in the sea of students one too many times, and he apparently looked so out of place that you sparked up a conversation with him despite not being the type to reach out first. 
Maybe God was playing with him by making you do something he hadn’t predicted. The conversation itself was brief, but long enough for him to want to talk to you again. 
And for you to want to talk to him again, too. 
...And talk to you again he does when you spot his minty bedhead in the library and sit across from him, making his poor heart leap out of his chest, bringing one hand down to close his laptop screen a little too harshly. Bile rose in his throat; too engrossed in his research, he hadn’t heard you approach him at all. A fault he’ll have to rectify later. 
After you apologize in his stead to the students that gave you both a side-eye for making noise, God how he wants to pluck each and every single one of their eyes out, you take out your own laptop from your bag and open it up to get to work alongside him. 
He tries to keep his mind at bay for now, wanting to enjoy his impromptu date with you. 
Washing blood off his clothes has always been a hassle, especially considering how he had to walk to the laundromat to do so. He somehow always has a stain somewhere on his person, whether it’s from accidentally hurting himself or from his proneness to getting nosebleeds. 
Or other reasons. 
Standing over the sink, he watches the liquid drip from his nose down to the porcelain basin. Observing the pattern it makes as it slides down the drain, watching the vibrant red turn into slithers of watery vermillion. He clutches the edges of the sink tightly, letting himself fantasize about assaulting the students from a few hours ago. Cleaning their blood off of his shirt, then watching his clothes tumble in the washing machine in the laundromat. 
Now that he was alone, he shuts his eyes and sighs. He refused to let himself think anything less than pure thoughts around you lest you somehow gain the ability to read minds and decide to read his, if they could even be called that. 
They were more akin to promises than anything else. 
Opening his eyes, he’s met with more red than white, his nose’s blood having taken up more surface area than the sink itself. Some had even gotten on his previously pristine collar. 
Zandik glances up, staring at his stained button-up in the mirror. 
Maybe he wouldn’t wash your blood off of his clothes. 
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gibson-g1rl · 1 year
Hey Jayden! Can I get an imagine of Tate where the reader introduced him to some new type of music (Lana Del Ray plz) and surprisingly he enjoys it. Maybe some slow dancing, cuddling. and major fluff. <3
Who’s Lana Del Rey?
tate langdon x fem reader
warnings: just some kissing, tate calls reader momma like once but other than that it’s just good old fluff :)
a/n: I know I said I was going to do a kai or colin fic but this was just to sweet to pass on. also if I do use any of lana’s songs that were released after 2011 (bc ahs s1 was released in 2011) mind your business 💘
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“That’s so Lana Del Rey vinyl!” You said in a sarcastic tone as your friend finished telling you about an older dude that had hit on her.
You stood up from your bed and made your way to your window. You set your phone down on speaker, grabbing a cigarette and lighter from your window sill. You placed the toxic stick between your lips and brought the lighter to it.
You opened your window as you exhaled, bringing your phone back up and putting it to your ear. You hummed in agreement at something your friend had said, nodding your head as you tapped the cig against the ash tray.
“I told you she wouldn’t listen to you, that’s why I stopped bothering. She never listens.” You muttered out before softly singing along to ‘Cinnamon Girl’ by Lana Del Rey as it played softly in the background.
“I get it now yeah, it’s just hard to watch him cheat on her like that and her just dismissing it each and every single time.” Your friend said to you as you agreed with her.
Unbeknownst to you, Tate had just wondered into your room, quietly making his way over to you as he listened to you speak to your friend. He slowly sneaked behind you and grabbed ahold of your waist; your body jumped in his hold, your face filled with shock as you screamed before turning around.
As soon as you saw your boys face, relief crashed over you like a wave crashing on the shore.
“You asshole!” You said as you hit him against the arm, turning around once again and putting your cigarette out.
You quickly reassured your friend that everything was fine before telling her you had to go. You both said your goodbyes before you ended the call.
Turning around in Tate’s grasp, you faced him as he looked you dead in the eyes with those beautiful eyes of his.
“I’m sorry I scared you.” He said as he fought the grin that etched its way onto his face.
You punched him in the shoulder before the two of you broke into a fit of laughter.
Tate soon plopped down onto your bed, taking his shoes off as he made himself comfortable.
“What are you listening to?”
The question made your jaw drop. You slowly turned to face him, jaw almost touching the floor as your eyes narrowed.
Tate looked over your figure, confused about your reaction.
“It’s ‘White Dress’ by Lana Del Rey dummy.” You said in a ‘matter of factly’ tone.
You looked over at Tate as he shrugged his shoulders, once again making your jaw drop.
“DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO LANA DEL REY IS???” You screamed out.
“Nope.” He said as he looked up at you.
You could not have this. No boyfriend of yours was not, not going to know who Lana Del Rey is.
You strutted over to the huge poster of her on your wall, pointing to her as you spoke out.
“Seriously tater tot I’m disappointed, I play her songs like every single day but it’s fine I guess I get to be the one who gets to introduce you to the mother of all mother’s, Lana Del Rey!!” You said enthusiastically as you pointed at the poster.
Tate couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he absolutely loved watching you talk about things you were passionate about. Sometimes he would even pretend not to know about a certain topic just so you could explain it and go in depth about it because he just loved listening to you and watching you talk.
Not this time though, he had absolutely no clue who Lana Del Rey was.
‘He used to call me DN
That stood for deadly nightshade
'Cause I was filled with poison
But blessed with beauty and rage’
Your head immediately snapped in the direction of your laptop as one of your top 3 Lana Del Rey songs started to play.
As soon as the chorus started playing you began dancing dramatically around your room, running your hands through your hair as you sunk down onto the floor.
Tate watched your theatrics, laughing as you made your way towards him and grabbed his hands, pulling him against your body as you began to dance again.
The two of you continued dancing until the song ended, the both of you giggling and out of breath as you made your way to your laptop, pausing the next song before speaking up.
“Soooo what did you think??”
“It was actually good. I loved your performance more though.” He said as he made his way over to you, placing his hands onto your cheeks as he brought his lips to yours. You gladly kissed him back, smiling into the kiss before pulling away.
“Can I pick one next?” He asked as he scrolled through your playlist filled with all of Lana’s songs.
“Of course baby.” You said as you kissed him one last time. You walked back to your bed, waiting to see what song he would pick.
Your heart dropped (in a good way) as soon as you heard ‘Pretty When You Cry’ start playing.
Tate smiled widely at your reaction, satisfied with himself that he made a good decision on which song to play.
Tate made his way over to you and grabbed your hands once more, pulling you to him as the two of you started dramatically ‘slow dancing’ as you sang your heart out.
Don't say you need me when
You leave and you leave again
I'm stronger than all my men
Except for you
Don't say you need me if
You live last, you're leaving
I can't do it, I can't do it
But you do it best
You moved away from Tate as you sang the bridge, singing to Tate as though he had ripped your heart out and stomped on it. You quickly ran back into his arms as you sang the chorus again, knocking the two of you over as you both fell down onto the bed and began laughing.
“You’re beautiful.” Tate said as he looked up at you once the two of you had calmed down, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he placed a quick peck onto your lips.
“I love you.” You whispered out, smiling down at the blonde boy before tucking your head into the crook of his neck.
“I love you too momma.” You let out a snort at the name he called you, shoving him in the arm as you both laughed.
The day went on by swiftly; the two of you spent it listening to most of Lana Del Rey’s songs, Tate liking a couple and asking you to replay them, making you smile wide each and every single time.
The two of you were now just lying in your bed, his head on your chest as you played with his hair. You hummed along to ‘24’ by Lana Del Rey as it played faintly in the background, giving your room a peaceful ambiance as the sun was setting, the moon and stars showing itself to the world.
You were pulled away from your thoughts as you felt Tate loosen his hold from around your waist.
“Hey everything okay?” You asked, concerned as he sat up from your bed.
“Mhm yea, just want you to hold me that’s all.” He said, between placing kisses along your skin. You grabbed ahold of his chin, bringing his face to yours and placing a chaste kiss to his cheeks, forehead, nose and then eventually his mouth.
Tate smiled at your action, shifting around under the covers as he made himself comfortable, waiting for you to wrap your arms around him.
You quickly turned to switch off the lights, placing a kiss to the side of his head before wrapping your arms around him, making yourself comfortable against him.
Tate fell asleep in your arms, wondering how he got so lucky to end up with a girl like you.
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taglist: @v-love @yes-divine-ruler @laynna-mcknight @demxnicprxncess @hxney-lemcn @evanpetersfav @kitwalkersgfff @soaringcloud @lollipopd @stilespeters @dewberryobssesed
let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to or from this taglist!
I hope you enjoyed this :)
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acidnhuskerdust · 5 months
let me be your everlasting light (part 1/3)
18 plus! Minors DNI!!!
Pairing: Husk x Angel Chapter 1: can’t take the effect and make it the cause
Summary: During a rough night at the studio, Angel made the terrible mistake of moaning out Husk's name at the climax of his shoot. After dealing with Valentino's abuse, the spider demon wanted to place blame on the one who is always plaguing his thoughts.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abused and violence, a very angy Angel, breaking down
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Hi hello! I'm VERY new to this fandom, always loved Hazbin Hotel but never delved into the fandom until the fourth episode of the show!
Hopefully they are in character enough, sorta think of it as a character arc for Angel I suppose? LOL!!!
Main title: Everlasting Light by the Black Keys
Chapter title: Effect and Cause by The White Stripes
AO3 link: x (The 2nd chapter is there as well!)
A plume of smoke escapes past Angel’s lips as the sound of his heels clicking on the floor fill the space of the empty hotel lobby. There was a look of exhaustion etched on his face while he made his way towards the bar. It was a hell of a day at the studio, dried mascara caked on the fur of his cheeks and his lipstick smudged across his lips. Everything ached with widespread pain, yet the spider demon forced himself to walk with poise. 
While approaching the bar, his eyes fixated on Husk, his back turned towards him whilst cleaning a glass with a rag. The gentle yellow of the lights above him casting down onto his fur made it look all so peaceful. 
Angel’s lips tug up into a soft smile at the sight, Husk has swiftly become his favorite demon to see after such an agonizingly long day.
He goes to settle down on a bar stool, allowing himself to slump forward. He props an elbow on the bar, resting his chin on his hand. “Hey Husky,” He purrs out, his voice a bit scratchy. “Mind pourin’ lil ol me a drink?” His other hand takes the cigarette dangling loosely from his lips, snuffing it out on the nearby ash tray. 
Husk lets out a quiet grunt of acknowledgment, setting down the glass he had been cleaning and reaching for a bottle. He turns around with the bottle in hand and silently takes in the sight of Angel before him. His eyes, half-hidden under drooping eyelids and thick brows, seems to drink in the bedraggled figure of his friend. 
“Looking like shit, doll,” Husk rasps out finally with the slightest sort of tenderness seeping into his gravelly voice. “Must have been rough today.” 
Angel lets out a snicker, finding the nickname sweet as can be as he watches Husk pour him a drink. He sits up, taking the glass into one of his hands and bringing it up to his lips. He takes a large gulp, drinking half of it one go before setting it back down on the bar. A sigh of satisfaction leaves him, enjoying the taste of hard liquor on his tongue. 
“Well, ya’know,” Angel finally replies, leaning forward to rest his head against the surface while running a slender finger around the rim of the glass, mauling over his day. “Val was bein’ an absolute bitch as usual...” He huffs out a sigh, a small frown tugging at his lips. “Slipped offa the stage during a show, jus barely by the way. But did he give a shit I hurt my back? ‘Course not.” Angel rolls his eyes, sitting back up to meet Husk’s intent gaze. “Asshole made me work overtime, five dudes, ugly as hell.” He lets out a groan at the recollection, grabbing his drink to take another large swig before continuing, “Then Charlie was up my ass, askin’ why I was back so late. Y’know, just bein’ herself. It was hard enough today, was not willin’ ta deal with her constant chatter.” 
Husk raises a brow, seemingly taking in Angel’s frustrations. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips while he grabs himself a glass. “Sounds like you had yourself quite the day.” Husk says with a dry chuckle as he poured his drink.
His voice drips with sarcasm as he adds, “And Charlie… Can’t blame her for trying to keep track of your sorry ass. She means well.” 
Angel lets out a groan from his words. He rolls his eyes, finishing off his drink and sliding the glass towards Husk. As much as the spider demon hated to admit it, Husk always knew how to ground him, to make him acknowledge when he was being a bit too brash and a bit too rude. It was ever so galling. 
“Ya can’t blame me, she’s like a puppy!” He exclaims, throwing all four hands up in a dramatic gesture. “Comin’ through the door, she’s right at your feet, yippin’ and yappin’, going on and on about how ya need to ‘relax’. All sunshine n’ rainbows. Now that… That’s hell. Hell on Hell.” 
Husk shakes his head, pouring Angel another glass of the potent liquor. “You’ve got a point,” He grumbles, his arms crossing over his chest. 
“She’s got that whole innocent ‘let me help you’ shtick going on.” The demon cat muses, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and mild annoyance. “Can be fucking infuriating sometimes.” He shakes his head slightly before fixing Angel with an intent stare. 
“But I’ll tell you one thing doll,” He continues, reaching out to tap the rim of Angel’s freshly poured drink with one clawed finger. “That sort of caring isn’t common down here in this shitshow we call Hell.” 
Angel takes a moment to ponder over his words before letting out a reluctant sigh. He was right, annoyingly enough; in his years spent in Hell, he’s never met anyone like Charlie. 
“I guess..” He murmurs out, taking his glass in his hands to down half of the harsh liquor. “Least I got you Husky,” He purrs out, giving the older demon a sly wink. “Nothin’ better than talkin’ a bartender’s ear off. Specially if he gots the looks like you. I mean… Damn.” 
Husk's eyes narrow slightly at his flirtatious remark, a low growl under his breath that made Angel smirk in satisfaction. 
“Flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere, Angel,” Husk retorts with a snarl in his voice. “I’m just here to pour drinks and listen to your problems. Ain’t nothing more to it.” His claws grip at his own glass as he takes a long swig. 
Angel gives Husk a faux pout, “C’mon babycakes, ya’know I’m just messin’. We’re friends, ‘member?” He lets out a sly chuckle. Although he has simmered down in regards to his constant sexual innuendos since they became closer, he still couldn’t stop himself from slipping in some flirting on the side of their usual conversations. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” Husk mutters gruffly, turning away and busying himself with cleaning another glass. Angel hears him take a deep breath, causing his brows to furrow. What an interesting reaction… 
He shrugs it off and finishes his drink, setting the glass down with a clink before stretching all four lanky limbs up into the air, giving him a painful reminder of the condition his body was in. “‘Suppose it’s time ta hit the hay.” He gets up from his seat, letting out a big yawn. “See ya tomorrow mornin? For Charlie’s little… Exercises?” 
Husk scoffs under his breath at the mention of Charlie’s ‘trust exercises’. “Sure thing,” He replies dismissively. “See you bright and early then.” 
Angel takes his leave, contemplating over how cute Husk looked like when he was so reactive. A smile on his lips as he heads up the stairs, the older demon really knew how to plague his mind. 
He was on his mind so much… Angel was getting fed up with it. 
The next day comes around, yet Angel never showed up to Charlie’s morning routine. Although he wished he did, wished so very badly that he was able to be there then where he had to go. Valentino called him back to the studio only a few hours after he had laid down, a last minute shoot or something along the lines. 
Angel fucked up badly during it, he fucked up real bad. 
During the final take, while some stranger was above him, fucking into him hard and fast, all Angel could see was him. 
Once he reached his climax he shouted out his name, and god the look on Val’s face when he came down from his high was nothing short of terrifying. Then came another brutal talking in his dressing room, thrown around, talked down to, kicked. Fuck, did it hurt. 
'What is wrong with you? You do not utter any other name, you do not think of anyone else then who is pounding your pretty little ass! And you will not ruin another take ever again.' He told him.
The words that felt like sharp knives deep within his body bounced around in his mind as he pushed open the doors of the hotel. Charlie’s drill seemed to have just finished, he could hear brief chatter before it all died down once Angel walked past them. All eyes were on him, he could feel it and it made him feel disgusting. 
He keeps his head down, all four arms crossed as he wordlessly limps his way up the stairs and goes right into his room. 
Angel drags his tired body over to his vanity mirror, placing two hands on the edges to keep himself from crumpling down onto the ground. He stares back at his reflection with weary eyes, he looked so… Fragile. His heart wrenches in his chest at the sight of himself, glaring at his reflection. “Pathetic.” He seethes out. Because that was what he was, what he always will be. 
In a fit of rage and despair, he swipes everything off the vanity in one go, the sound of makeup cases and bottles crashing to the ground fell on deaf ears. He felt so much, so fucking much, and god it was just so overwhelming. Why did that demon have to do this to him? 
“Fuck!” He growls out, grabbing his chair and throwing across the room. He breathes harshly, going around the room to skew his things about, he needed it to be ruined, ruined like him. 
As he grabs an empty bottle of booze to throw against the wall, the sound of knocking makes him freeze. Angel stays silent, hoping whoever there would walk away, yet the door creaks open anyway. He whips his head around with a dangerous glare in his eyes, expecting to see Charlie. Yet, it was Husk. His eyes soften for a fleeting moment, his heart fluttering in his chest.
Although that gaze hardens promptly once he is reminded it was all because of him. He put him in this situation. This fucking asshole. 
“Fucking hell.” Husk mutters under his breath. He takes a step inside, closing the door behind him. 
The grasp on the bottle tightens as the other begins to approach him slowly. “Angel, what happened?” Husk asks, his voice ever so slightly wavering. 
Angel scoffs. “What do ya think happened?” The spider demon snaps, his hand beginning to hurt from how hard he was gripping the bottle. Seeing him right now was the last thing he needed, seeing that concern, that softness, fuck him. 
“Fuckin’... Fuck!” He roars, hurling the bottle towards Husk. Despite his state of mania, he still made sure to miss the demon cat, the glass shattering against the wall behind him. 
Husk barely flinched, his ears twitching in slight annoyance. He then takes another cautious step towards him, closing the distance between them. “Calm down for fuck’s sake. What happened? Talk to me.” 
Angel’s hands tremble with anger and frustration, his mind a whirlwind of self-loathing. 
“Fuck off!” He spits out venomously, “It’s you, it’s your fault asshole!” His entire face was filled with anguish. Why? Why did Husk have to be the one Angel obsessed over? Why did he have to be into the one fucking demon on hell that wanted nothing to do with him? He was Angel fucking Dust, he could get anyone he wanted, it wasn't fair. None of this was fucking fair.
Husk’s eyes widened in shock at Angel’s harsh words. “My fault?” Husk repeats, disbelief laced in his tone. “How the fuck is it my fault?” 
Angel doesn’t respond, his eyes frantically searching around the room until his eyes spot one of the makeup bags he threw earlier near his bed. He needs something to take the edge off right now, he needs to forget, needs to be numb, he needs to be okay. He stomps over to it, picking it up and zipping it open to begin searching for anything he could find. 
He didn’t realize Husk was rushing over to him until his clawed hands grabbed onto the case in an attempt to pull it away from Angel. “Fuck no, you’re not doing this right now.” His voice rings out gruffly, but even Angel can pick up the unmistakable tremor of concern underneath it. 
Angel snarls at Husk, his voice dripping with venom. “Get your fucking hands off, ya prick!” He wrenches the makeup case from Husk’s grasps, sending a sharp glare in his direction. His heart was pounding erratically in his chest as the anger continues consume his entire being. 
“I can do whateva’ the fuck I want!” He cradles the bag against the chest possessively. “And it is your damn fault,” Angel continues. “Ya got me…” He groans out in frustration, one of his hands coming up to push through his puffy hair. “Got me all fuckin’ twisted up inside! You don’t really give a shit, just anotha sinner in this shithole.” 
Husk’s eyes narrow, his frustration mounting. He takes a step forward, the tension crackling in the air. “Twisted up inside?” Husk scoffs bitterly. “What the fuck do you even mean?” 
The hand in Angel’s hair grasped tightly at the strands, harshly pulling. His eyes flew around the room, not able to settle his gaze on anything as he tried to think of his words. “You... You know exactly what I fuckin’ mean. Don’t you play dumb with me asshole!" His voice breaks, and his hand pulls harder at his hair till his scalp burned. "You don’t give a damn, I don’t even know why you’re here.” 
“You think I don’t give a shit?” Husk’s tone raised with a mix of pain and defiance. His eyes lock with Angel, refusing to back down. “Think again, spider boy. Seen enough pain and suffering to know when I see it. God damnit, I’m here aren’t I? Ain’t that enough to tell you that just maybe I care?”
Angel’s eyes twitched, his words coming out of one ear and right out the other. He takes the final step forward, closing the gap between them till their bodies are almost touching. His breath came out as ragged gasps as he stared directly into Husk’s fierce gaze. “If ya give a damn, then why the fuck do you torture me?” He seethes out, taking notice of the confusion in the other’s eyes. Of course he had to spell it out for him. Angel continues fiercely, tears welling up in his eyes. “Bein’ all nice ta me, nice as ya can be at least, listenin’ to me, pourin’ me drinks. Yet ya reject every single fucking advance. Won’t give spare me a glance, me, Angel Dust!”  
His hands shake with both rage and vulnerability as reaches up to Husk’s bow tie, gripping it tightly. 
“And guess what? I still want ya.” Angel spits out through gritted teeth, the admission laced with equal parts of desire and anger. “And you know that, don’t ya? You like it, havin’ the famous whore of Hell always chasin after you, yet not giving him an inch to work with. Ya like fucking with my head.” 
Husk’s eyes were wide as Angel glared down at him. He seems to be rendered speechless, a heavy silence between them as they both soak in Angel’s words. 
Then, there was two clawed hands wrapping around his thin wrists. They were gentle as they pried his hands away from his bow tie. Conflict quickly writes across Angel’s face, eyes flickering down to Husk’s hands. 
“Do you really think I’d ever enjoy this?” Husk begins, his voice hoarse, strained with emotions. “Fuckin’ hell Legs, there is nothing fun about that, nothing at all. You don’t get it, I don’t want to be some doll for you to throw around just because you’re feeling desperate.” 
A flicker of vulnerability crosses Angel’s eyes. This wasn’t what he was expecting at all. He was expecting a violent outburst, to feel a stinging hand across his face. But… He didn’t get any of that. Husk talked to him with patience, his hands barely wrapped around his wrists. Fuck, and the way he stared into his eyes, it felt like he saw his damaged soul. 
“I…” Angel begins, feeling at a loss for words. His anger sheds away in a blink of an eye, now he was left confused and not only that, he felt like a total asshole. “Husk…” 
He was cut off by the slight squeeze of Husk’s hands. Then he finally takes notice of those yellow eyes, there was a fire burning within them, an unspoken desire. 
“You want me? You really fuckin’ want me?” Husk leans closer until their breaths mingle together. “Then prove it.” 
His eyes widened, searching his face to confirm this was real, that this wasn’t another rejection. 
Angel’s gaze softens, and tears cloud his vision. “I’ll prove it.” He murmurs out, his voice shaky enough to make him feel embarrassed. 
The spider demon was the one to close the gap between them, pressing his lips against Husk’s with pure desperation. He was so… Soft. Right now, in Angel’s eyes, everything about Husk was soft.  
Husk didn’t push him away like Angel expected. Instead, he responded to Angel’s desperate kiss with equal need. He feels one clawed paw finding its way to tangle itself into Angel’s soft white hair, while the other settled firmly against the small of his back. Husk pulled him closer, and it felt so very warm.
Angel’s eyes screwed tight, tears seeping out and creating a path down his cheeks, making the kiss taste salty mixed within booze and cigarettes. 
Husk takes the lead, backing up until the back of his knees hit the bed. He lowers himself down onto the plush surface and Angel follows, moving to straddle the cat demon’s lap. He tilts his head down, deepening the kiss. 
It was so much better than all the times Angel day dreamed it in his head. Husk wasn’t rough, yet he matched Angel’s eagerness, pulling his body close till there was no space left between them. 
His lips felt like Heaven. How ironic. 
What felt like both forever and only a fleeting few moments, Angel was the first to pull away, taking in ragged breaths. He stares down at Husk, in complete awe. Husk gaze only held warmth and understanding. 
That gaze was enough to make Angel lose it. He wanted so badly to go into his usual act, settle back into his persona, to make some sort of cheeky remark yet he couldn’t, not right now. 
Right now, he was just Anthony. 
Fresh tears fill his eyes as he goes to shove his face into the crook of Husk’s neck. He sobs against his fur as all four arms wrap around the other’s body, his hold practically screaming, don’t let go. Never let go. Stay. 
“Husk…” He croaks, feeling so hopeless in the moment for showing such a vulnerable side to him. A raw, unfiltered display of pain and anguish and fear. 
Gently, Husk lowers them both further down onto the bed, his arms wrapping around his slim torso. 
“Shh… It’s alright.” Husk murmurs softly, running a comforting hand up and down Angel’s back. “I’ve got you.” 
He’s got him. 
That... sounds so nice. 
Husk was so wonderfully patient, allowing Angel to release all those pent up emotions that have been festering inside of him for far too long. There was no room for a façade, not right now, Angel allowed himself to cling onto Husk as if he was a life line. 
There are no grand promises or empty reassurances, just the comfort of being held and heard by someone who understands pain all too well. 
Angel then finds himself beginning to calm down, his breathing steadying itself. Not even an ounce of help from drugs or alcohol this time. 
He forces himself up, lifting his head from Husk’s shoulder. His voice comes out choked and broken as he looks into the older demon’s eyes. 
“Fuck… I’m sorry,” He mutters, his voice filled with remorse. “Didn’t mean to fuckin’ break down like this.” He wipes at his tears angrily, a mix of frustration and self disgust coursing through him. Did he seriously just sob his eyes after sharing his first kiss with Husk? How pathetic. 
He closes his eyes, taking a slow breath. “I… I also shouldn’t have blamed it all on you.” He lets out a long sigh, there was nothing worse than when he had to admit he was wrong. 
While his eyes were closed, Angel feels a hand cupping his face and the sound of deep chuckle hits his ears. He slides one eye open to look down at the demon below him with curiosity. 
“That must have been hard for you to say.” There was a smirk on his face and Angel wished he had it in him to give him a witty remark. Luckily, Husk continued, “I get it doll, sometimes it feels good to place blame on someone. I sure as hell do it all the time.” 
His thumb strokes away a stray tear, and fuck, Angel has never seen such a tender look on the usually grumpy demon’s face. 
“I’m sorry too, that I made you feel like I was just trying to torture you. In all honesty, I had no idea you… Actually felt this way towards me.” 
Angel’s brow quirked. “Are ya serious? I mean… How many times have I hit on ya?” 
Husk rolls his eyes, his smile not wavering. “And how many times have I seen you hit on others?” 
Angel huffs out, he got him there. 
“But listen to me. You’re allowed to want what you want,” His words turn into soft murmurs. “And I’m here now… To be whatever you need me to be, long as you don’t treat me like one of your boy toys.” 
Tears well up into his eyes once again, nuzzling into the tender hand on his cheek. He purrs out a sigh from the contact as he leans in closer. “I don’t need ya to be anythin’,” He says barely above a whisper, his lips barely brushing against Husk’s. “I just need ya to be here right now, want ya to hold me.” 
Without hesitation, Husk’s embrace around Angel tightened, holding him securely against his chest. Angel takes the chance to wiggle down, burying his face into his furry chest, breathing in his musk. 
“I’ll hold you all night if you need me to.” He replies in a low voice, his lips grazing over the top of his head. 
Angel hums contently in response, taking his words and holding them closely to his heart. As silence falls between them, a thought comes to his mind. He chuckles softly, the sound muffled against Husk’s chest. 
“Ya’know… I don’t think I’ve eva been on top of a guy without him fuckin’ me,” He says playfully, yet his voice was still filled with genuine warmth. He peers up, just enough for his pink eyes to peak out. “It’s nice.” 
The demon below him then lets out a low chuckle, his deep voice vibrating against the spider demon’s head nestled against his chest. “Well ain’t that something,” Husk replied, a smirk on his lips. “Glad to be your first.” 
Angel settled his head back against Husk, nuzzling into his fur with a soft smile on his lips. He laid there with Husk all night, and for the first time in a very long time, he was able to get some decent sleep. Husk felt like an oasis amidst the chaos of Hell, and right now? 
Right now that was more than enough. 
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elysianavenue · 11 months
Not Alone
Spike Spiegel x Reader (no pronouns)
Warnings: injury, lots of mentions of blood, reader has trouble asking for help.
Summary: Before you met Spike, you had gotten used to dealing with things on your own. When you get hurt, Spike tries to get you to realize that you're not alone anymore.
Word Count: 1008
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Maybe he just didn't know you as well as he thought he did. It was funny, almost. After 3 whole years of being with you, he still couldn't tell when you were hurt. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe you were just too damn good at hiding it, after years and years of being alone.
To you, it had just become a habit. To deal with injuries on your own, constantly feeling as if you'd be a burden to anyone who'd be so kind as to offer the tiniest amount of help. That just wasn't you. You couldn't do that to people when you were fully capable of patching yourself up.
So when a target worth quite the amount of woolongs manages to get the better of you, you didn't give the burning pain on the left side of your waist a second thought. There were more important things going on, after all.
Luckily, you had your partner in crime with you. Spike had taken down the guy, and the two of you were very eager to retrieve your reward, the injury on your side already being forgotten. That is until you and Spike made it back to the Bebop.
The pain, which started off as a burning pain, then a throbbing pain, was now both of those and before you knew it, you were limping from the pain.
The thought of burdening Spike made you uneasy, so as best you could, you pushed through the pain and walked towards your room, ignoring the comments from Spike and Jet, both of which were asking where you were going.
"I'm tired, I'm going to lie down for a bit." Was all you said before disappearing.
Spike lied back on his yellow couch, arms resting under his head as he tried to push back the nagging thoughts that were telling him something was wrong with you. You'd tell him if something was wrong...Wouldn't you?
"Something happen?" Jet asked, his attention back to the tall man on the couch.
"We had a little bit of trouble with the guy, but I don't think anything more than that happened," Spike shrugged, lighting the cigarette he put between his teeth.
"You don't think?" Jet deadpanned.
Spike sighed and sat up, now wondering if maybe something more had happened. The guy was holding a knife...No, you would've said something. Or would you?
Deciding enough was enough, Spike stood up, dropping his cigarette and ignoring Jet's remarks that the ship wasn't his personal ash tray. He didn't care. He had to make sure you were okay.
Meanwhile, you stood in front of your mirror with your shirt off, blinking back the tears from the pain. It was a nasty wound. It was a deep cut and the amount of blood made you sick to your stomach.
Your shaky hands were busy cleaning the cut while your teeth were sunk into your bottom lip, trying to hold back the cries that so desperately wanted to escape.
A knock on your door made you yelp and before you could get a single word out, none other than Spike Spiegel let himself in.
"I just wanted to know if you were...," He trailed off, his eyes widening at your current state. Not to mention, the amount of blood.
"Shit, Y/n." He ran over to you. You turned away from him, almost as if that could stop him. You didn't want him to see you like this.
"I'm fine, Spike. It's just a scratch," You said frantically. Definitely not fine, and most definitely not just a scratch.
"A scratch? Are we looking at the same thing?" He replied, possibly just as frantic. It was odd to see him react in such a way. Normally Spike didn't lose his cool over situations like this.
"Okay, yeah, it's bad. But I can handle it, trust me, I've dealt with worse," You kept trying to push him away.
At those words, I've dealt with worse, Spike realized he didn't know you as well as he thought. What could you have possibly gone through alone?
"I have no doubt you can handle this, but you're not alone, so please let me help you with this," He held onto your shoulders while he crouched down to your height so he could look in your eyes.
You were at a loss for words as he spoke. You're not alone. It's true, you weren't alone, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were burdening him.
"I don't want you to go out of your way for something like this," You gave one last futile attempt to deal with it alone.
He gave you a look. One that said "are you kidding me?" It made you want to hide in the corner like a little kid.
"Let me tell you something, Y/n. I'd go out of my way to help you with a goddamn paper cut, cause guess what, sweetheart? I kinda love you or something, all right? The last thing I want is for you to feel like you have to hide things like this from me because you're worried I'm going out of my way," He didn't look away from your eyes the entire time.
He loves you. You couldn't help the blush that appeared on your cheeks as you repeated his words in your head.
"So how 'bout it? Will you let me take care of you?" He asked, flashing you a comforting smirk. You sighed, unable to turn him down, even showing a small smile. "I suppose."
So he took care of your wound, apologizing every time you winced in pain, cleaned up the blood, and handed you a clean shirt to change into. Once you were fixed up, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and ushered you to the bed.
It was foreign to you, being taken care of like this. But you told yourself that if you were able to get used to dealing with things alone, then you could manage to get used to Spike helping you out once in a while.
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A/n: just a lil something i thought was cute since ive been multitasking with anime and rewatching cowboy bebop at the same time im watching one piece and black clover teehee. very overstimulated. anywaysssss.
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