#3) i don't fall in love unless we're already in a romantic relationship for a couple of months LOLLLLL
jpegcompressor · 1 year
i learned how to make handmade envelopes and got a wax seal just to simply not have penpals. why is life so cruel and unjust
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vasyandii · 11 months
I just saw your blog rn and I'm absolutely obsessed with Nak and krueger- how did their relationship start ? (Unless this question has already been answered-)
Much love!
KruegerNak- How did their relationship start?
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Howdy Lancecorporalderby!! I'm really glad you enjoy my KruegerNak brainrot enough to send an ask xD
I'm assuming this is asking how their romantic relationship started?? Please feel free to clarify as I often get confused. If you don't wanna read allat I'll have a TL;DR at the bottom :3
So before they got together, it was a progression of stuff!
Before they were lovers, they were friends (before that they honestly didn't like each other)
When they stopped that whole phase of trying to have the other end up hospitalized because of something they said; they actually liked getting to know each other.
Krueger and Nak just started calling each other on their days off, just to talk or text about whatever; Asking each other about their childhoods and interests, just listening to the other complain about some dumb show their streaming service offered. After all they had nothing better to do outside of missions.
After a few weeks these calls turned into like late night thing; just talking until one of them falls asleep because they both didn't realise they've been talking for HOURS. Usually it would be the same stuff + subtle flirting from the both of them occasionally.
I like to think Krueger fell first, he welcomed the feeling. He liked how she carried herself; Confident, Intelligent, Assertive. He likes impressing her whenever he can. He's not really a looks guy, but it also helps that she's really pretty. He didn't really do anything about it, because he wanted to see how things will go.
Nak liked him a bit later. Like a month later. It took her about a week to figure out if her feelings were platonic or romantic since she had trouble distinguishing the two. She, after finding out it was romantic- told him immediately after; just to get it out of the way, worst he can do is say no.
He didn't, obviously. So they went on their first date the next weekend and things just kind of happened from there.
Nak doesn't know how relationships work, he's the first guy where she liked enough to pursue. She doesn't like how in the West there's so many fancy terms for what a relationship is (situationship, fuck buddies, talking stage, etc.).
They decided not to put a label on it during the initial stages or so.
Context: In Laos when you confess to someone and they like you back you're basically officially together at that point.
but then Krueger was like "Nah fuck that noise. We're thing. I wanna be your kind-of sort-of boyfriend, Phayvanh."
TL;DR : after getting to know each other, Nak told the mid white man she liked him. Mid white man reciprocated the feeling because hes been pining for like 2 months and the rest is history
Thank you for reading this if you made it this far, sorry if it seems kind of incoherent my brain is a bit fried at the moment ;0;) !!
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joseopher · 5 months
Joe DO NOT shut up, keep talking please 💃
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Joe's stepfather (EVIL) 
Oh limed soul, that struggling to be free,
Art more engaged! Help, angels! Make assay.
Bow, stubborn knees, and heart with strings of steel,
Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe!
All may be well.
[He kneels.]
[Enters unobserved by stepfather]
I hate romance in media.
The Audience
[Looks around as if not knowing where the voices are coming from]
Well, if we're being honest, which I never am, I lied, I don't actually hate romance.
The Audience
Because...the only reason I read books is for the characters. I don't honestly (which I never am) care about plot or worldbuilding, the characters are all that matter to me. And more often than not a character in the presence of their love interest becomes a watered-down version of themselves. They are suddenly only there to fulfill the tropes. Yet it seems to happen with every romance book I pick up.
The Audience
[looks around again searching for the audience]
Take a romance book, right? Or what the hell even a romantasy! Those books are designed to give people the butterflies, right? So the author makes the love interest into everything currently attractive and the main character into everything currently relatable. But then the characters aren't PEOPLE, they are just what's hot and that's it. For most people that's fine. But I'm...different.
The Audience
I literally cannot feel those feelings when reading the book. It's the same with people, I honestly (which I never am) cannot strum up any butterflies.
The Audience
Well, if we're being honest, which I never am, I lied. I can't feel anything unless I've known them (the person or the character) for a long time.
The Audience
[looks for the audience one last time before sitting down]
I don't know if it's a ME thing or a normal demi thing. To only be able to connect to a romance as if you know the characters for a long time. Honestly (which I never am), I cannot read straight-up romance books (except for a rare few) without feeling utterly bored, if not repulsed. Oh yeah, I'm likely demiromantic?? I'm definitely asexual. But I might be demiromantic and....bisexual? Pansexual? Who the hell knows. Basically, if you're not a close friend I will have no romantic feelings for you. And it's the same with characters?? If I haven't been reading about them for a LONG time and they don't have enough personality to latch on to, I just am...apathetic and/or disgusted. This is more than just a slow burn, this is a match in the Antarctic.
The Audience
Because the longer I wait, the more it makes them feel....just like guys. Real guys that could fall in love NOT TO FULFILL SOME TROPE SO THAT THE AUTHOR CAN MAKE MONEY but because they realistically would fall in love. Honestly (which I never am), the only way I can get interested in a romance subplot is if I follow a specific set of steps:
Choose a book that is a slow burn SIDE PLOT romance and part of a series
Watch a spoilery review of book 1 where they gush about the book
Think about that book 1 for LITERAL YEARS without reading it
Listen to a friend gush about the book
Think about the main relationship for LITERAL YEARS without reading it
Call up a friend and binge-read the series with them, continuing to gush about the characters along the way
Or the much shorter version that only works on rare occasions: 1. have a friend who is so passionate about the book that it infects you
2. Read the book with them and gush about the characters
These are the only methods that made me feel that happy-fuzzy-butterfly feeling while reading. I literally just did both versions of this plan with aftg and guild hunters, in that order. Guess what? I love the ships in those books (if you can't already tell). Honestly (which I never am), it's hard to write for demiromantics/sexuals but it's worth it!
The Audience
Joe Because we will go FERAL over your ships! LITERALLY, GET AN ASPEC PERSON ON YOUR SHIPS RIGHT NOW, WE WILL CREATE SO MUCH FAN CONTENT! So...if you want to learn HOW to write relationships that aren't just tropes, this video is a great tool (though the youtuber bashes the oc community which I DO NOT AGREE WITH, love you guys🩷). But if you're like me and are looking for media with romance that actually can give aspects butterflies than hit me up in the DMs! I have so many recs and videos to go alongside them depending on what you like!
The Audience
[looks at You] I don't want anyone else to be like me and miss out on romance because they're aspect. OR WORSE feel broken because of it. ALSO IF YOU STILL HATE ROMANCE AFTER MY ADVICE THAT'S COOL TOO BECAUSE ROMANCE KINDA SUCKS. MIC DROP!
[notices stepfather kneeling beside me] Shit, I can't kill this loser cause he's going to heaven. I need to kill him when he's being evil so he'll burn for all eternity.
Joe's stepfather (EVIL) 
My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
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hehe, can i please request vin jin relationship headcanons? (gn)
vin jin relationship headcanons
details: general canon au, gender neutral reader
a/n: ofc u can anon!! here u go, thank u for requesting~
> he'll view the relationship between you two pretty lightly at the beginning but as time passes and he grows to fully trust you, he never wants to let you go after realizing how much you mean to him
> so it starts like "damn this person actually likes me and i also like them, that's so sick" to "Oh We Are So Ride Or Die Lovers"
> being his partner means being besties with his bestie mary, too, or at least good friends with her!
> when it's not you three hanging out, it's just vin jin being attached to you <3
> always holding your hand, making sure you're holding onto his arm, or having an arm wrapped around you in some way!
> he's not good at expressing himself through words so being physical is often his way to go (unless you find it romantic for him to say stuff like "yo you're like the 'sun' to my 'light,' do you feel? together we're sunlight, shining brighter than any other lame ass couples around" lol)
> definitely clingy, if you couldnt tell by his touchiness yet
> i feel like he'd really like video calls. and he'll do 'em unprompted so if that gets on your nerves, tell him 😭
> vin jin is, well. arrogant and self entitled. he gets a little offended if you set boundaries which i know is a red flag but just knock some sense into him and he'll go along with it. he's just a bastard, not necessarily a terrible person. and over time he gets better with boundary setting, of course!
> his arrogance spreads to you by the way i.e. he's arrogant for both you and him; he loooves showing you off but makes sure people know you're taken by him ^_^
> if you don't like that kind of spotlight then even better for vin jin; he makes sure you're comfortable and away from big attention and your charms are all his alone to admire <3
> he still likes quietly letting people know you two are a couple tho; usually expressed by his touchiness and matching clothes/accessories :]
> absolutely writes cringe romantic raps about you and for you <3 otherwise he occasionally insists on having you help him with making his music
> the type of boyfriend to laugh when you fall and then end up slipping himself the next second
> but also the type of boyfriend to embarrass himself if it means saving you from severe embarrassment; he's got your back >:]
> not affectionately mean but definitely affectionately teasing !
> your biggest hypeman!! hopefully you have the energy to give him some hyping up every once in a while, too 💔
> makes fun of zack for being mira's "lapdog" despite being your lapdog (he says he's not the type of boyfriend who'll do anything for his lover but he 100% will--within reason)
> the guy described in this tweet <3
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> he'll always have a bit of tsundere in him. he just gets embarrassed like that. even during your wedding vows he's looking off to the side as his cheeks redden and he's saying, "yeah.... and i'll love you forever and all that or whatever.. can we just kiss already"
> all in all, he's a rollercoaster of a boyfriend, but a lovely one nonetheless 💖
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
The resistance to Benedict fucking around, possibly with men, in S2 because it would dilute his love for Sophie is so dumb. And him immediately falling for Sophie wouldn’t trivialize his being bi or queer. That’s such an obviously bad faith argument I continue to see.
I love romance but the “one true love” trope does grate for me. People had a similar argument against Siena/Anthony in S1. Idk if the show will have him say he’d ~never loved anyone before Kate~ but even if he did, that’s fine?? It doesn’t diminish his feelings for her at all.
Yeeeeah, people need to get that bisexuality is a huge spectrum. Benedict could be bisexual and capable of falling in love with both men and women. Benedict could be bisexual but only capable of falling in love with women. (Being biromantic vs. heteroromantic.). He could also be a bisexual person who falls in love with a man, it doesn't work out, and then he falls in love with a woman.
The timeline on this show is honestly kind of fucked already because it seems like Anthony will be falling in love with Kate after Daphne has her baby, even though he told Daphne he wanted to find a wife when she either wasn't pregnant yet or was like, 30 minutes pregnant. So 9-10 months has presumably passed, AT LEAST, between his ~vow~ and him actually getting on that shit, unless we're seeing a pregnant Daphne in season 2 and a kind of backtrack from the season 1 finale's ender. And Daphne is a part of this social season--even if she gave birth exactly 9 months after the end of season 1's social season, which would mean that she has the baby at the beginning of the next season, it's not like she'd be popping out of the house for the season for like... I don't know... At least six weeks after the baby is born, probably. So for all intents and purposes, season 2's social season should probably be like, the second social season after Anthony vowed to take a wife lmao. So who fucking knows when season 3 will take place.
But that's just another issue that puzzles me, I guess lol.
And yeah, it bugs me when people have an issue with Anthony falling for Siena, tbh. I didn't even like Siena, but I had zero issue with Anthony loving someone before Kate. In a weird way, it's always boded better for a couple if they've loved before. Most of us are not going to end up with our first loves. It's kind of better to ride the rollercoaster with someone else first, figuring out what you want out of a relationship and learning how to be in love and in a relationship, before you settle down. Romance novels obviously aren't and don't need to be reflective of real life, but I don't know. I'm super good with anyone on this show falling in love with someone other than their romantic interests and then moving on to their ~one trues.
I mean, that ship has kind of already sailed for Benedict anyway. I'm not saying he's in love with Madame Delacroix by any means, but he clearly was in some kind of relationship with her at the end of season 1, and he valued it.
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