#30 maja
Komunikat dot. działania systemów informatycznych
We wtorek doszło do awarii infrastruktury przeciwpożarowej w serwerowni znajdującej się w budynku Archiwum Politechniki Wrocławskiej przy ul. Gdańskiej.
W związku z tym nie działają strony w domenie pwr.edu.pl oraz m.in. systemy JSOS i USOS. Od wczoraj trwają intensywne prace mające na celu jak najszybsze przywrócenie sprawności naszych systemów teleinformatycznych. Poszczególne aplikacje będą włączane stopniowo, a powrót do pełnej sprawności zajmie kilka dni.
Decyzją prorektora ds. kształcenia wszystkie terminy - w stosunku do wszystkich procedur i procesów dydaktycznych - zostają przedłużone do czasu usunięcia awarii.
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All night, I waited for you at the railway station. Why didn’t you come? By being selfish, I did not want to ruin others’ lives.
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seonghwasblr · 4 months
As I grow older, I really realize how young my mom was, when she passed away. Like, I'm going to my sister's 35th birthday next weekend.. my mom was 36, when she passed away. It's so weird to think about. I never really thought about how truly young she actually was
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seonghwasblr-moved · 6 months
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How many do you think I need for a blanket? (The answer is a lot)
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polish-spirit · 1 year
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Obchody Święta Konstytucji 3 Maja w nierozpoznanej miejscowości (1933).
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jonwatson · 7 months
still not over the fact that yakuza 0 kiryu is YOUNGER than me…
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majachee · 2 years
Okay hear me out. Beast wars uprising rampage is 10 times better than beast wars rampage
Been meaning to read Beast Wars Uprising, thanks for the reminder!
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outfitsinspiration · 6 months
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Who: Maja Malnar
What: Giuseppe Zanotti Virgyn 105mm patent-finish pumps in Black (695.00€). And HERE for 750.00€ Where: Instagram - November 30, 2023
Worn with: House of CB dress and Chanel bag
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byeonqkwan · 9 months
A chuseok greeting video!!! Will gif!! (But later)
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felicitac4ls · 2 months
słowem wstępu, gdy w styczniu 2023 osiągnęłam moją lw (37.5kg) wyglądałam bardzo podobnie jak teraz, gdy waze 46-47kg. tak, to brzmi nierealnie ale dokładnie tak było i możliwe, że również możecie mieć ten problem.
po przeczytaniu tego posta dowiecie się jak nie być skinny fat ale jednocześnie jak osiągnąć taki thigh gap jak na moich poprzednich postach.
dlaczego? byłam skinny-fat. a co to oznacza?
niska waga ale duza zawartość tłuszczu
absolutnie nie życzę tego piekła nikomu, wiec postaram wam się wytłumaczyć jak to działa i jak tego zjawiska uniknąć.
jak działa skinny fat?
gdy chudniemy poprzez gł.d-wki nasze ciało pozbywa się nie tylko tłuszczu, ale także mięśni. musi ono zostawić sobie trochę substancji zapasowej aby przeżyć, więc pozbywa się wszystkiego innego co jest dostępne. dlatego na początku widzimy szybkie i piękne efekty, natomiast z czasem waga spada a ciało wygląda niemal identycznie.
jak zapobiec byciu skinny fat?
1. ćwiczenia SIŁOWE/PILATES!!
nie róbcie cardio, bo ono spala kalorie (pamietajcie, ze nie tylko tłuszcz). lepiej jest zamienić swoje mięśnie w tluszcz i do tego dodać dużą ilość krokow, niz bezsensownie biegac na tej bieżni.
ja chodzę od miesiąca na pilates 2 razy w tygodniu. jedna z sesji ćwiczeń jest poświęcona właśnie nogom, a druga brzuchowi. zauważyłam dzięki nim ogromną różnicę. na każdej sesji ćwiczę z obciążeniem 5 lub 8 kg, więc polecam się w to zaopatrzyc. na pilates możecie zapisać się na siłowni, wiele to oferuje, lub wykonywać go w domu z filmików na youtubie.
2. białko!!
żeby nie stracić mięśni musicie jeść dużo bialka. wszystko zależy od waszej wagi, wzrostu, tepa chudnięcia ale ogólnie powinno być to 30-60g dziennie. moje ulubione propozycję jak dobic białko z mala iloscia kalorii:
- pierś z kurczaka - pyszne, prawie bez tluszczu, duzo bialka, znikoma ilosc kalorii: idealne!
-puddingi proteinowe z goactive - maja przepysznej smaki, orzechowy i biala czekolada po zmieszaniu smakuja jak monte. jeszcze mniej kalorii a duzo białka, super gdy chcecie coś słodkiego.
-ser mozzarella light - nie ma jakos kosmicznie duzo bialka ale w połączeniu z kurczakiem jest moc.
i to w sumie tyle. po prostu dbajcie o swoje mięśnie podczas chudnięcia a efekty będą szybkie i zadowalające.
trzymajcie się chudo
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jeszcze-nie-motylek · 1 month
odpowiedzi na
reblogujcie jesli chcecie pomoc innym motylkom/ gasieniczka!!! dziekuje🦋❤️
ile kosztuja
15 zlotych BEZ ZNIZKI
gdzie kupic
w rosmanie
na jakim dziale je znalezc
u mnie sa przy samoobslugowych na lekach poprostu
co wlasciwie daja?
przyspieszaja metabolizm
czy dzialaja?
takk, zdecydownie
czy sprzedaja jesli nie mam 18 lat
mi na luzie
szybki tip: kupujcie gotowka jeli wasi rodzice maja dostep do waszego konta bo moga sprawdzic historie zakupow
ile w jedym opakowaniu
30 sztuk. mozliwe ze istnieje jakies wieksze/ mniejsze opakowanie ale ja spotkalam sie tylko wlasnie z tym s 30 sztukami
ile brac dziennie
na opakowaniu pisze 2 tabletki dziennie. ja osobiscie mam 2 budziki (pierwszy na 14 drugi na 20:30) i o tych gdozinach zazeyczaj biore
czy sa jakies skutki uboczne?
jelsi chodzi o to co ja zauwazam to ma pewno od kiedy zaczelam brac te tabletki pogorszyla mi sie cera lecz niektorzy pisza ze u nich jest zupelnie odwrotnie takrse to zalezy od organizmu
czy mozna zgniesc albo pogrysc troche tabletke jesli nie umie sie ich polykac?
wydaje mi sie ze tak ale warto wiedziec ze po dlugim trzymaniu w ustach strasznie gorzknieje
to wszystko
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illusioninfnty · 8 months
day 30 ; corruption
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↠ dani x reader
fandom: midsommar word count: 1k warnings: nsfw 18+, dubcon, delulu reader, cunnilingus
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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She was the most gorgeous when she cried.
You chased after her when she fled from the men she came here with. Her face held so many emotions; you had never seen such expressions from a person before. You wanted to see more.
She looked surprised when she saw you. Her face was always so easy to read. Her cheeks glimmered with the wet tears that streamed down them, like crystal clear streams of water. Her blue eyes glistened, complimenting the red rimming around them.
You held her hand, weaving your fingers together with hers, kissing her fingertips and caressing the palm with your own. The redness that surfaced on her cheeks was enough to satisfy you for now.
You offered no words of comfort. She would get that soon enough.
The touch you gave her was fleeting. It would leave her wanting more. She would come back to you. You would make sure of it.
Pelle wanted her too. You could see it in his longing glances, the narrowing of his eyes when that man she was with tried to talk with her. His gaze was predatory, his words slowly starting to sink their way into her skin.
You would not allow this to continue.
She is not for you, he had said when he noticed the way she stared after you. You must leave her alone. Choose another. His words did not matter to you. She was so moldable; you wanted one of your own. She was the perfect choice. You always loved the golden blonde hair that your commune members had. She fit right in with them—with you. She was what you had dreamed of at night. The girl of your dreams. 
Her purpose is greater than your fleeting desires. No, no, no, he was wrong. Her purpose is with you. It is why he pushes you away; he knows the destiny that you share. She only pulls away from you when he is there to distract her. The connection you share is one she cannot deny. Pelle needed to learn. Needed to understand. She was yours; your sister, your companion, your toy.
No man would take her away from you.
It was easy to convince Maja.
She had already thought he was attractive; all you needed to do was give her that extra push. And the drugs.
You stole Dani away first for the may pole competition. You danced and danced with her, staying close by her side.
She had held onto you so tightly, the drugs disorientating her. She needed to depend on you, to lean on you for support. You were there to ensure she won. But you didn’t need to worry too much. Dani was always meant to be the May Queen. Everyone in the commune knew it. But she didn’t need to.
She wanted to know where he was after her crowning. He showed no care for her, yet she was still concerned with him. It sickened you. She would soon learn that he wasn’t needed anymore, that she didn’t need him anymore.
You guided Dani to where Christian was. She needed to see it for herself to truly understand who was best for her. She had collapsed, and you held her, you cried with her, you calmed her down. You caressed her cheeks and kissed her hair. She trusted you, just what you had wanted.
Everything was going perfectly.
You brought her back to the quarters. She was still crying, but you continued to wipe the tears away as you sat her down on a bed. The two of you were alone in here, just as you anticipated. She was still a beauty through her sobs, and she was just what you needed to establish your place here. You both needed this.
You gently guided her towards her bed, shushing her as her tears continued.
It will bring us some healing.
You kissed her cheeks, tasted her tears.
He is doing the same with her.
Dani did not want to hear any of that.
She allowed you to remove her shirt, her perky breasts on full display. You played with her nipples, her little gasps causing heat to rise in your stomach. Her cheeks were flushed, and she refused to meet your eyes.
She gripped your shoulders tightly as you knelt down in front of her. She would be your queen, and you would pleasure her as so.
He did not care for you like this, did he?
Dani had never received treatment like this before. She acted like a virgin, gasping at every little touch. Her boy was a useless runt, and it was up to you to teach her what he had failed.
You lowered your mouth onto her cunt, a small taste of Heaven. Dani’s nails dug into your skin, marks you would show off as a sign of your loyalty. She grasped onto you like you were the only thing holding her stable.
Her lifeline.
She moaned and gasped and writhed as you tasted her, flicking your tongue deftly in her. You ran her hands up and down her sides, ghosting your fingers down her heaving stomach. Her head was thrown back, jaw pulled taut, and she looked every bit of a goddess as she would be revered as.
Her legs were thrown around your body when you licked her cunt and played with her aching clit. They shook when she orgasmed on your tongue, her moans echoing in the quarters. Everyone would know who it was that pleasured the May Queen, who brought endless success to the commune. You finally satiated your lust.
You won.
She was dressed in her May Queen ceremonial garbs. A picturesque image, buried underneath the flowers of her reign. You explained the final ceremony to her—the sacrifices, and her choice. You stood by her side the entire time. Your hands remained on her shoulders, moved down to the small of her back. 
Her choice was the right one.
Christian was wheeled in, barely conscious. Dani had little reaction—only stared, a slight crease in her brow. You caressed her shoulder, hands delicately pressing the flowers that surrounded her. Her head tilted—ever-so-slightly—towards you. 
No, she wanted you; she didn’t want, didn’t need, that boy of hers, or Pelle, or any other man in the commune. Everyone would need to agree to her wishes.
The May Queen has the final say, after all.
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seonghwasblr · 2 months
I have to go buy stuff for dinner, but it's raining so much 😭
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seonghwasblr-moved · 1 year
I can’t believe Jooyeon and Chan are close enough for Jooyeon to come just to play?? Like?? I am so shook actually
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celluloidrainbow · 9 months
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मजा मा | MAJA MA (2022) dir. Anand Tiwari Pallavi Patel is the quintessential, middle aged, devoted housewife who is equally famous for her dance as she is for her cooking. Her husband, Manohar Patel, is the chairman of the local society, her daughter Tara is getting her PhD in sexuality and gender identity, and her son Tejas, who lives in America, is about to marry into a rich but very strict family. But when Tejas' future in-laws come to visit, the accidental revelation of Pallavi's 30-year-old secret puts both the marriage and the Patel's reputation in danger.
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starvvingberry · 18 days
mam "kolezanke", ktora jest taka chudziutka ze to hit, jest prawke mojego wzrostu a wazy 43kg (mam 167cm ona jakos 165) i jakby byla sytuacja ze cchlopacy z klasy wyzywali mnie os geubych, i ja jej o tym powiedzjalam. od tej pory czuje ze ona ma do mnie obdzydzenie i ze czuje ze jestem gruba, jakby jak jest temat jakikolwiek wagi, to ja tego unikam i ona sie z tego lekko nabija. plus zalozylam spodenki, i bylo widac mi moje okropne ulane nogi, a ona powiedziala cos takiego, bo szlysmy i bylysmy na koncu schodow i chciala wyslac na snapa nasze nogi, i cicho powiedziala "trochę grubiutke" i sie na mnie spojrzala. jezu chcialam ostatnio isc na lekkie recoveey, ale twraz mam taka motywacje ze to hit, moim marzeniem jest zeby eazyc mniej niz ona. pls. (nwm czy ona klamie ze swoja waga, ale i tak czy siak chce tyle wazyc, a waze 54, ew)
plus czuje sie w chuj gruba, mimo tego ze mam dobre bmi (chce miec 14 a mam ponad 18) to dziewczyny z mojej klasy waza po 30-45kg, jakby wiem ze jestem wyzsza bo one maja po 140-150cm ale no, nadal czuje ze to mala roznica a z waga jwst w chuj duza, jakby 3 a 5 z przodu to jest wgl co innego i obok nich sie czuje jak ulaniec. mam do tego dwie kolezanki, takie dwoe kruszynki ktore maja nogi jak patyk... jezu ile bym dala zeby tak wygladac, ten tydzien bez jedzenia, albo sie kysne.
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