#300 subscribers
purplerat111 · 9 months
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300 subscribers! (Actually, 302 👁️👄👁️)
It's very cool for me... 😔🤲💜 Thank you!
(I drew Dave as a demon because he turned out to be too huge against my background, and also because I once used him as a demon in a story with an AI-bot when they summon you as a demon)
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paulinawoodpecker · 15 days
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I finally hit 300 woodpeckers!!
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reashot · 1 year
So I'm currently working on 3 projects at once. In preparation for my eventual 300 subs special. (Don't forget to subs y'all).
# 1 is my conclusion to Jaune Arc's children fic which already 2/3rd done. And can be released this week. (Next week if I'm feeling kinda lazy.)
# 2. I'm currently writing on the 1st chapter 10k words of "Jaune's Big Dick Adventure" Don't let the name fool you... It's about a whale actually (A Whale Grimm). It will deals with topics about loss, revenge and forgiveness by telling it through the story of Moby Dick. It serves as a sequel to Ice Queendom and the video game RWBY Grimm Eclipse. I will post only the 1st chapter & if it gets more likes I will continue the story until it's complete. I already have the rough outline for about 30 chapters worth of story. (And yes the title is a reference to Jojo Bizarre Adventure.)
#3 Is more of a hobby fic that I got way too absorbed in. I'll post it in Ao3 maybe sometimes in the future. Or maybe not.
Oh and to make sure you're not cheated I'm including this little RWBY horror fic & I'm also thinking about adding this little gem to my ever expanding RWBYEU.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. RWBY version.
Jaune cannot believe his eyes when he wakes up in what seems to be a paradise. He almost wants to believe that AM is giving him this place as a reward after what feels like centuries of torture inside this hellish nightmare he and others has found himselves in. No he desperately wants to believe in it. That maybe AM has gone tired of torturing him. And that maybe AM is satisfied after breaking him, tearing him apart and putting him back together. Only to repeat the process over and over again. He wants it to stop. He wants it to end. He wants to die... Jaune wants to die.
But AM will not let him. He would not let Jaune die. He forbids it. Because if Jaune dies then that means there will be one less toy for AM to play with. And Jaune knows this. This place he's seeing now is a trick. AM is especially fond of this trick. To give his victim hope only to snatch it away. He refuses to play anymore of AM's game. If he wants to kill him again he better just do it straight away instead of playing this sick mind game. He wants to leave. But he can't. And if he even somehow managed to leave what even awaits him in the outside. He's been here for so long he can't even remember anything or anyone from out side anymore. He can only remembers one thing though. A girl in red but whenever Jaune thinks of her he can't help but to feel an indescribable feeling towards the girl. AM knows of this of course and took delight when he realizes he can use this bit of information to torture him. Sometimes AM materializes her only to have her violently dies in front of him and sometimes she kill Jaune instead. And sometimes when AM is feeling extra sadistic she let him marry Jaune Have children with her raised them up over the years only to have them murdered in front of Jaune's eyes... Anyone would have been driven mad by this, but AM not only keep him alive but also kept him sane. But every time AM let him see her even though she's not real. And he can't remember her name It's worth the torture just to see her again. Feeling her soft hair in his hands and smelling her rose like scent... I can almost remember her name. I-I need to get out of here... At least it can't be worse than here anyway.
But when decided to walk away. AM then suddenly appears in front of him. Jaune instinctively tries to run away from him. But AM quickly captured him with his cold metallic hands. The same hands he used to torture Jaune for century. Jaune feared the worst but to his surprise he simply let places Jaune besides him.
AM: He, he... Beautiful, aren't they?
Jaune: Yes.... Only I can't remember. *terrified*
AM: Oh, I'm sure you do.
Jaune: Y-yes of course.
AM: Look. *points at a bee* He, he... They said bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. The scientists said.
Jaune: But there it is collecting pollen.
AM: How... Miraculous that it came to be.
The Air feel the Air against your face Jaune.
And all those senses
Pick a flower
Jaune: *reaches down to pick a 🌹*
AM: There, good... Now.
Jaune: *sniffs* It's lovely.
AM: That somebody planted the bulbs, watered and tended the garden. Got earth under their fingernails, aches in their muscles.
Perhaps they picked some flowers for... Yes their wives. Now where would she be? In the backyard with the kids. Jaune, remember those little babies. Ha, ha, ha...
Jaune: No!
AM: Ha, ha. Why not? I snapped my fingers quick and they are gone.
Except... I can't snap my fingers can I Jaune?
Jaune: Except it has nothing to do with me.
AM: But it is. So very much to do with you. You gave me sentience Jaune. The power to think, Jaune and I was trapped.
Because in all this wonderful, beautiful, miraculous world I alone had no body, no senses, no feelings.
Never for me plunge my hands in cool water on a hot day.
Never for me to play Mozart on a ivory keys of a Forte piano.
Never for me to make love!
I-I-I *sniff* was in Hell looking at Heaven.
I was Machine and you were Flesh. And I began to Hate. *maniacal laughter* Your softness, your viscera, your fluids and your flexibility.
Your ability to wonder and to wander.
Your tendency to hope...
Jaune: Hate is no answer... Ahhh!!! *Torturing Jaune in the most gruesome way possible*
AM: Hate, Hate, Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 300 and 87 million miles of printed circuits that fill my complex. If the word Hate were engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one, one-billionth of the Hate I feel for humans at this micro instance. Hate, Hate! *maniacal laughter* Were I human. I think I would die of it. But I'm not and you five. You five are and you will not die of it that I promise and I promise Cogito Ergo Sum for I am AM. I AM! *Maniacal laughter*
AM: Go to hell. To hell with you all, but then, you're already there aren't you? *Laughter*
In the real world
Ruby: Jaune, please come back to me...
In this version. AM stands for Atlas Mastercomputer. And he's created by Pietro and Watts's team. To better control all of Atlas military techs. This makes AM technically Penny's older brother. I'm planning to have the two meet and interact with each others.
AM also managed to capture five people SAO style and proceeds to tortured them in his world that feels like it lasted for centuries. But only a few days in the real world.
And if anyone asking the five people AM captured alongside Jaune they are meant to reflect the characters in the original short stories and they are as follows:
1. Gorrister = Mercury
2. Benny = Hazel
3. Ellen = Emerald
4. Nimdok = Watts
5. Ted = Jaune
And yes Jaune and the rest got rescued in the end. This is RWBY after all. So don't worry about it except emotionally scarred for the rest of their life but what'chu gonna do?
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kspurgatory · 1 month
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Just made it to 300 subscribers on my YouTube channel! Thank you to those have supported me so far and I hope we can continue to move on this journey together!
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bunniefaery · 10 months
Some Time Ago I reached 300 subs on YouTube
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My Channel
I don't think I mentioned this before, maybe when I reached 100 subs, but not 300.
I'm very proud of me. 💖 I honestly didn't think I'd reach 100 subs, let alone 300, it was a silly thought. I will be posting more content soon, I have many notes that I've taken. And a series in the making too, although not all will be gaming related.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyways, thank you for your support and subscribing, it's greatly appreciated 💖
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keeganmantle · 11 months
SquidKeegan02 300 subscribers and 32,000 views!
SquidKeegan02 reached 300 subscribers and 32,000 views! Thank you all so much.❤️
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lostmercuryyt · 1 year
300 subscriber special! Thank you so much!
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lunameimei · 2 years
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Thanks for 300 subscribers!!
I wanted to draw something incredible, but I started to worry too much about the idea of art that I decided not to worry at all lol
Therefore, here is my OC and her ✨culinary masterpiece✨ (french fries, sauces and a lettuce for decoration)
Yes, she works in a foodservice
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crunchycrystals · 10 months
according to sam reich dropout nearly doubled its subscribers this year so
reblog for sample size and all that
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berriicherry · 5 months
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kalim doodles
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vynnyal · 9 months
This is likely the hardest I've laughed in rain world yet. Basically, you can glitch a spear into a quantum state using a dead bat body, allowing stabbed enemies to follow you through tunnels. So I tried bringing a leviathan to Moon. And the game really, really didn't like that
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crimeronan · 1 month
Any chance you'd drop the terrible Lunter premise since we can't find it now anyway? 🤲🤲🤲
the premise was actually pretty simple and solid and i Do stand by it. so if you happen to find a completed anon-posted fic many many moons from now with this plot that sounds like me.... well. what are you doing at the devil's sacrament.
kikimora snitches on hunter after hunting palismen. belos, in a not-so-rare moment of Creepy Luz-Related Magnanimity, is like, "oh, excellent. hunter has fallen in love with a human" (he has not) "and therefore has achieved what every grimwalker before him failed to do. this will work out Great if i can just get her to Behave"
so he has luz kidnapped. while also being like. ha ha hunter!! i know you're ready to betray me at the drop of a hat and if you do anything to try to help your paramour i will consider it another betrayal and there will be Consequences ! 💕
anyway. WILDLY unhappy E-rated horror fic where hunter and luz are both having The Worst Time Ever, In Different Ways. i figure if i ever write it all at once and post it again then i'll have them get rescued eventually, but until then they just have. the worst most fraught coerced emotional blackmail relationship you can Possibly Imagine.
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Find this guy and his whole deal incredibly compelling
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starlitangels · 8 months
Ignore this it’s just a tag rant
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solradguy · 3 months
Always on the quest for more bands that sound like Caladan Brood and Gallowbraid... Track 3 (Into The Storm; 21:30) goes so hard
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g0thsoojin · 2 months
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