#31 drac posting
fecto-forgo · 2 years
theres two phases to life:before you watch dracula 1931, and after you watch dracula 1931, the only difference between both is after dracula 1931 you will permanently be madly in love with dwight frye in some manner
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coiled-dragon · 1 year
One dracfield you posted mentioned you headcanon Renfield was Dracula’s first familiar. I have to agree because imo there isn’t much of a reason to believe otherwise (even tho I ALSO like the idea of him running through a ton of familiars like disposable tissues & Renfield being the Special One™️). But it got me wondering. Obv Dracula had a real reason to choose Renfield for the legal stuff he needed done, but I’m certain there was a quality or two to Renfield that made him “pick” him over other possibilities. This would also relate to keeping Renfield around even after failings.
Both ideas are quite fun but yeah obviously im quite fond of the headcanon that Renfield was Dracula's first and only familiar. Part of this reasoning was because of the novel describing Dracula as like. Experimenting. He planned out this whole excursion to London but was toying around with what he could get away with once he got there. Now, obviously, '31 Dracula and Cageula aren't from the book timeline but I like to take ideas from different canons and mess with them.
Renfield wasn't intended at first. I do think he was, like Jonathan in the novel, intended to be left to feed his brides while he himself ran off to England. But that there were qualities in the man that made him think Renfield had more use than to solely be his solicitor and then meal. A malleability, an untapped bit of greed, an exploitable curiosity towards homosexuality that he'd repressed...
I think he did impress Dracula in his assurance of following his orders implicitly, so willing to throw every bit of safety away for a life changing amount of money. Plus, while I have no doubt there *was* hypnosis involved and that Dracula's seduction was hardly more than dubious, he must have proved himself to be useful, else he would've been abandoned after that first accidental betrayal.
And then I think Drac got very used to having him around, grew more and more attached though he wouldn't dare admit it. He's not a creature to let people get close to him, has some abandonment issues. Used to living a life of general solitude. So once Renfield became a fixed part of his life, he wasn't going to just let him go ♥
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#i may or may not know anything about the theory you're pulling from and i may or may not be able to understand every other word but i love u
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one thing about me is that i WILL be singing a little song while i do it
20 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
I bought a NEW COMPUTER so i can stream STARDEW VALLEY
21 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Is she, you know...[mimes dying against my true love's breast as the soft wind shakes the barley]...an allegory for Irish independence?
27 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
"tip for good service" can't relate, i tip for BAD service. The barista forgot my drink for 20 minutes and i doubled my tip bc it seemed like they were having a hard day
110 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Kind of bean that only shows up once in the bible, call that a hapax legumenon
164 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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toutmontbeliard-com · 9 months
Conseil municipal de Montbéliard
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Conseil municipal de Montbéliard ce lundi 18 décembre 2023 à 18h00, salle du Conseil de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, avenue des Alliés à Montbéliard. L’ordre du jour est : Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 1- Projet d’évolution du site du Château – Autorisation de dépôt d’une demande de subvention à la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 2- Zones d’accélération des énergies renouvelables Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 3- Marchés d’impression des supports de communication 2023-2026 – Signature des accords-cadres suite à appel d’offres M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 4- Cité éducative – Subvention – Signature d’une convention M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 5- Ecoles – Demandes de subventions M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 6- Marché de transport d’enfants par autocars – Lot n°4 – Avenant n°1 M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 7- Convention de partenariat entre la Ville de Montbéliard et l’Université de Franche-Comté – UFR STAPS – Filière DEUST (Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques) M. Alexandre GAUTHIER Mme Christine SCHMITT 8- Subventions aux associations – Année 2023 : Association Arts Martiaux Compétitions Loisir, École du Muay, Union Sportive de l’Enseignement du Premier degré (USEP), Confrérie des Escargotiers du Princes Mme Christine SCHMITT 9- Convention de partenariat entre la Ville de Montbéliard, l’Etablissement Français du Sang et l’Association pour le Don du Sang Bénévole M. Philippe DUVERNOY 10- Forfait Post-Stationnement (FPS) – Mise en œuvre – Convention avec l’ANTAI - Renouvellement pour la période du 1er janvier 2024 au 31 décembre 2026 M. Philippe DUVERNOY 11- Recensement de la population – Rémunération des agents recenseurs Mme Annie VITALI 12- Convention unique intercommunale de gestion en flux des réservations de logements sociaux M. Philippe TISSOT 13- Le 19, Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain de Montbéliard – Convention pluriannuelle d’objectifs 2024 / 2027 entre l’Etat-Ministère de la Culture, la Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté, la Ville de Montbéliard, Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération et l’association – Convention de contributions financières et non financières 2024 / 2027 entre la Ville de Montbéliard et l’association M. Philippe TISSOT 14- Archives municipales – Demande de subvention à la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) dans le cadre du Programme de Numérisation et de Valorisation (PNV) – Année 2024 – Poursuite de la numérisation et de la mise en ligne de l’état-civil Mme Léopoldine ROUDET 15- Prolongation des conventions liant la Ville de Montbéliard aux associations Léo Lagrange et MJC Petite-Hollande – Signature d’avenants Mme Léopoldine ROUDET 16- Convention d’objectifs et de financement Ville / CAF – Prestations de service extrascolaire pour les 12/17 ans avec « Bonus CTG �� M. Christophe FROPPIER 17- Projet de dynamisation du centre-ville – Fonds d’aide à la requalification des enseignes et façades commerciales – Versement des subventions M. Christophe FROPPIER 18- Ravalements de façades d’immeubles – Versement des subventions M. Eddie STAMPONE 19- Décision Modificative n°3 – Budget Principal M. Eddie STAMPONE 20- Autorisations de Programme - Ajustement M. Eddie STAMPONE 21- Autorisation de liquider et de mandater les dépenses d’investissement avant le vote du Budget Primitif 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 22- Subventions aux associations – Versement d’acomptes avant le vote du Budget Primitif 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 23- Tarification – Année 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 24- Rapport Social Unique 2022 – Présentation M. Eddie STAMPONE 25- Personnel communal – Actualisation du tableau des emplois M. Eddie STAMPONE 26- Centre de Gestion 25 - Affiliation au « socle commun » et adhésion aux missions complémentaires du Centre Départemental de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale du Doubs M. Rémi PLUCHE 27- Délégation de Service Public – Rapport d’activité – Année 2022 – Chauffage urbain / DALKIA M. Rémi PLUCHE 28- Groupement de commandes d’achat d’énergie - Adhésion M. Rémi PLUCHE 29- Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération – Rapport annuel sur le prix et la qualité des services publics d’eau potable et d’assainissement – Année 2022 – Présentation et communication M. Rémi PLUCHE 30- Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération – Rapport annuel sur le prix et la qualité du service public de prévention et de gestion des déchets ménagers et assimilés – Année 2022 – Présentation et communication M. Gilles MAILLARD 31- Convention d’indemnisation de l’imprévision avec l’entreprise ID VERDE portant sur le marché n°2020-013 ayant pour objet « Cœur de quartier Debussy / Massenet – Requalification des espaces publics – Lot n°3 : bétons, mobilier, serrurerie et espaces verts » M. Gilles MAILLARD 32- Programme d’éclairage public 2023 en régie – Subvention SYDED Questions diverses. Read the full article
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urisk-factor · 2 years
2, 16, 20, 26, and 31 for the oc asks ^_^
OKay so
If I had to say, probably Larinna "Fox-Tail" Fisher or Babbestrywn (my pfp) or Butch (who I've never mentioned but am drawing him as I write this out)
Hmm probably my curse of strahd dnd character Syren Winterseeker (they're a drake warden, their drake is called Spot, and I love them)
Larinna probably sounds like the singer from Capercallie, I imagine Marscha sounds like 0r3o (i think that's how its spelled?), Eìbhlin probably sounds like some irish billie eilish, Lealmoc sounds like a highlander version of that one barbie sound the Cat's Meow from the Princess and the Pauper, Dhelness probably sounds like Caleb Hyles, Bonnie maybe like Annapantsu, and Sunny like the main singer of the Crane Wives
Hmm I don't think so? All the changes for designs have been on my own accord as far as I remember
Okay so if Butch had a blog he'd be a top tier shitposter completely on accident because he's just like that and sometimes just says strange things. He'd have a photo of Drac from Hotel Transylvania as his pfp, his url would be something absolutely wild, and he'd reblog a lot of photos of bats. He has no clue how to private his likes and who he follows, and genuinely would seem like a bot if he didn't post things
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butterflyslinky · 2 years
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#also want to add that supplemental material may be canon but if it doesn't show up in the actual thing you're consuming it doesn't matter
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Since there seems to be an influx of new people to AO3, I would like to remind them:
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141 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Do Quincey Morris and Van Helsing ever have a conversation? I hope so because it will be so utterly incomprehensible it'll be hilarious.
197 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Mina: I'm cold. Van Helsing: Here, take all these furs that I bought! Jack: I'm cold. Quincey: Well, damn, Jack! I don't control the weather!
206 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Alternate universe where Mina had a bad feeling so she and Jonathan went straight to Lucy's house on their return to England, and then Drac recognized that both his favorite snacks were under the protection of scariest person on earth Mrs. Mina Harker and fucked all the way off back to Transylvania.
362 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So today we heard from Jonathan and Arthur, who are just freaking out locals with their huge-ass boat light.
We heard from Mina and Van Helsing, who are grabbing provisions and heading to the castle.
But no entry from Jack and Quincey, which leads me to conclude they're just doing gay cowboy shit.
398 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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beguilingcorpse · 2 years
still obsessed with the idea that jonathan is extremely genre-aware and fully believes he's living in a horror novel and will probably die in like a month, but ACTUALLY dracula's just a weird guy who walks on walls sometimes and is playing out a screwball roommate comedy with occasional homoerotic undertones. drac sneaks into jonny's room one night to steal all of his paper and clothing and he's like "hehehe what a good prank this is! jon's going to find this so funny :)"
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drericka · 6 years
i finally saw some 2015-era plot descs of HT2 that says something like “7 years after HT johnny and mavis are married, but when they have a baby-” (or something like that) and now i can see why a lot of people seem to think that it took mavis and johnny so long to get married
but i think it was a poorly worded way on the producers part of saying that the (then) CURRENT events of HT2 is 7 years after the first movie, which would make more sense seeing as we know it now, Drac’s only aged 10 years since then (532 in HT, 542 in HT3)
so it’s not 7 years later johnny and mavis get MARRIED, but 7 years later, they’re married and have an (almost) 5 year old son, which then leaves like a 3 year gap between then and HT3, rounding out to 10 years hooray
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rosetyler42 · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 110 characters
#the problem is more there are many different possible ways to spell it than it being especially hard to spell.
My Top Posts in 2021
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I've recently fallen into the Drericka ship and drew this. Partially inspired by the Drac singing to Ericka Gif/pic I've seen, partially inspired by this WIR-Verse Nightmare Before Christmas+HT Arcade Halloween party idea. Basically it's at this Halloween party at the hotel and Ericka (dressed as Debbie Jelinsky from Addams Family Values - although having trouble staying in-character.) hears Drac sing for the first time.
21 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 05:17:51 GMT
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My 3 year old Drakgo Mad Scientist Child OC, Lilith “Lily” Lipsky, with her modified blaster gun!
20 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 01:15:01 GMT
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An earlier Drericka fluff drawing inspired by some romantic self insert short fanfic and the lullaby scenes from both Brave and HT.
15 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 05:35:46 GMT
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Little bit I did of post-freeing Alice meeting Allison and Tom for the first time. Allison is rather surprised to see what's happened to her Twisted colleague. Tom on the other hand....isn't sure he trusts her.
15 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 18:28:39 GMT
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Some fanart of the BATIM fam (Henry, Bendy, Alice, Allison, and Tom) taking a nap together.
15 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 17:41:51 GMT
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8-5-2018 la romanité en région PACA,OCCITANIE EST REPRESENTE PRESQUE DANS TOUS LES TERRAINS 18-2-2018 http://www.lerepublicainduzes.fr/images/logo.png Sur les traces d'Uzès la Romaine Les récentes découvertes sur le site du futur internat d'Uzès éclairent d'un jour nouveau le passé romain de la cité ducale. Comme Bernard Malzac  éduités  dans 2 chroniques historiques parues en 2016, le visage contemporain d’Uzès est l’aboutissement naturel d’un long cheminement historique dont le passé d’origine celto-grecque débouchera sur une implantation romaine qui a modelé la structure spatiale de la ville. La cité romaine s’est probablement développée à la fin du IIe siècle ou au début du Ier siècle avant JC. Elle porte le nom d’Ucetiæ.Elle est connue grâce à l’inscription dite géographique trouvée à Nîmes au XIXe siècle. 27-12-2017 de longues expertises seront faites avant de savoir ou ce trouvera cette mosaique de l'histoire PRESENTATION©HDMARTINE ANCIAUX UZES MOZAIQUE ROMAINE INRAP VISITE GUIDE 8/4/2017 MARTINE ANCIAUX Créatrice Photo-peinture,ArtPhotographer un peu d’histoire d’Uzés Jean Michel MolinesHISTOIRE - PROTOHISTOIRE – PREHISTOIRE 2-4-2017 DÉCOUVERTE DE L’UZÈS ANTIQUE –Inrap –31/3/2017. Une équipe de l’Inrap met actuellement au jour, sur prescription de l’État Drac Occitanie, une partie du passé d’Uzès,de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge.Les archéologues viennent notamment d’exhumer d’importantes mosaïques appartenant à deux édifices antiques. Les fouilles, réalisées à l’occasion de la construction d’un internat commun aux lycées Gide et Guynemer par la région Occitanie, documentent pour la première fois la ville romaine d’Ucetia. LA VILLE ROMAINE D’UCETIA Aujourd’hui, l’agglomération romaine n’est simplement attestée que par le toponyme Ucetia porté sur une inscription géographique de Nîmes, et quelques rares découvertes de fragments de mosaïques signalées anciennement dans la ville. L’actuel chantier de 4 000 m² révèle de nombreux vestiges datés de l’époque républicaine (Ier siècle avant notre ère) à la fin de l’Antiquité (VIIe siècle), et plus rarement du Moyen-Âge. Les archéologues viennent de dégager un puissant mur et des maçonneries de peu postérieurs à la conquête romaine. Certaines pièces comportent des aménagements remarquables : l’une d’elles abrite une sole de four à pain, remplacée par la suite par un dolium – énorme jarre en céramique. FAON, CANARD, HIBOU ET AIGLE Dans un autre secteur, les archéologues mettent au jour un vaste bâtiment de 250 m², ouvert au Sud, dont la colonnade évoque un édifice public. Il est composé de quatre pièces en enfilade, dont deux ont des sols bétonnés et des murs décorés d’enduits peints. À une extrémité de l’édifice se trouve une pièce avec un sol de mortier incrusté de tesselles en croisettes (opus signinum). Elle donne accès à une salle spacieuse de 60 m², dont le sol est décoré d’un pavement mosaïqué complexe. Deux vastes mosaïques sont ornées de motifs géométriques (postes – motif ornemental formé d’enroulements se reliant de façon continue –, méandres, svastikas) qui encadrent deux médaillons centraux formés de couronnes, de rayons et de chevrons. Un des médaillons est entouré de quatre animaux polychromes : hibou, canard, aigle et faon. Le bâtiment perdure jusqu’à la fin du Ier siècle de notre ère. Ses espaces sont en partie restructurés, les mosaïques ne sont plus entretenues, le sol en mortier, détruit, est remplacé par une surface bétonnée plus rudimentaire. Dans la rue adjacente, le niveau de circulation est rehaussé. UNE DOMUS DU HAUT-EMPIRE Le début de notre ère a livré d’autres édifices, dont un vaste établissement de plus de 500 m², peut-être une domus habitation urbaine Ses maçonneries dessinent des espaces réguliers selon un axe est/ouest, sans doute influencé par le tracé d’une voie à proximité. Ici, une production vinicole est bien attestée par la présence de plusieurs dolia. Au cours du Haut-Empire, la domus connaît une importante réorganisation spatiale. Une des pièces a un décor mosaïqué formé de lignes de tesselles aux motifs géométriques, assorties, aux quatre coins, de dauphins. Au sein de la demeure, une nouvelle pièce chauffée est installée. Seul son hypocauste –vide sanitaire, supporté par des piles en brique où circulait la chaleur est conservé. La cour est dorénavant bordée d’un portique. Ce secteur semble assidument fréquenté jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité, entre les Ve et VIIe siècles. Les bâtiments de cette époque respectent les orientations des axes de circulations antiques. Au Sud, un profond fossé mis en place au XVIIe siècle pour participer au système défensif de la ville a détruit la totalité des structures antiques. UN NOUVEAU SECTEUR DE FOUILLES Les archéologues viennent d’engager les fouilles d’un avant dernier secteur de 1 100 m². Elles révèlent  des occupations antiques et médiévales dont deux chaussées et un carrefour, abandonnés au début du IIe siècle de notre ère. La zone semble réinvestie au Ve siècle.
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
also ik in the 1931 movies context renfields aversion to being touched that one time was bc van helsing was handling vampire repellent stuff but godamn with the sexual assault implications w renfield and dracula that whole scene just gets sad and uncomfortable
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helloweenhorror · 7 years
My Halloween Playlist
Another blog did a post with their Halloween music playlist. I commented and they replied, asking me to share mine. It took a bit to get the list from iTunes, but here is what I am at, currently. (I am always looking for more!)
1 Witch Doctor - Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 Drac's Back - Andy Forray 3 The Rockin' Ghost -Archie Bleyer 4 Zombies - The Astro 5 Devil In My Car - The B-52's 6 The Monster Hop - Bert Convy 7 The Night Before Halloween - Bill Buchanan 8 Wombie Zombie - Billy Taylor 9 Release The Bats - The Birthday Party 10 Born on a Day the Sun Didn't Rise - Black Moth Super Rainbow 11 Oliver Haddo - Blood Ceremony 12 Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers 13 The Monster Swim - Bobby (Boris) Pickett And The Crypt Kickers 14 Vampira - Halloween Howls Bobby Bare 15 They're Here - Boots Walker 16 Monster Mash - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Boris Pickett & The Crypt Keepers 17 Screaming - The Brains 18 The Ghost Of Smokey Joe - Cab Calloway 19 Violet Hellfire - Calabrese 20 cthlu thlu - Caravan 21 The Skeleton Dance - Cark Stalling 22 Don't Meet Mr. Frankenstein - Carlos Casal, Jr. 23 Dracula - Christine Pilzer 24 Devil Woman - Cliff Richard 25 The Twilight Zone - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Constant, Marius 26 Blood Will Have Blood - Corpusse 27 Treat You Like A Lady - Count Floyd (Joe Flaherty) 28 I Was A Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps 29 Rockin' Bones - The Cramps 30 Crushed - The Crypt Club 31 Frankenstein Twist - The Crystals 32 Grimly Fiendish - The Damned 33 Frankenstein Conquers The World - Daniel Johnston And Jad Fair 34 Shhh... - The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets 35 Mad Witch - Dave Gardner 36 Trick Or Treat - David, Hoffman And Livington 37 It's Monster Surfing Time - The Deadly Ones 38 The Voodoo Man - The Del-Vikings 39 Horror Movies - Dickie Goodman 40 Zombie Stomp - Elvira, Mistress of the Dark 41 Mad Monster Party - Ethel Ennis 42 Halloween Remix - Exorcist Theme - The Exorcist Motion Picture Soundtrack 43 Tubular Bells - The Exorcist Theme 44 Graveyard Music - F. Xavier Atencio And Buddy Baker 45 Grim Grinning Ghosts - F. Xavier Atencio And Buddy Baker 46 I'm A Mummy - The Fall 47 Me And The Ghost Upstairs - Fred Astaire 48 The Cave (Part One) - Gary "Spider" Webb 49 Werewolf - Gary Warren 50 The Surf Monster - Gene Moss 51 Carry Me Back To Transylvania - Gene Moss 52 Ghastly Stomp - The Ghastly Ones 53 Goblin Dance - Ghostly Sounds (Gershon Kingsley & Pete… 54 The Graveyard Shift - The Ghouls 55 Night Gallery - Gil Melle And Edward Sauter 56 Spook City U.S.A. - Glenn Danzig 57 The Twilight Zone '85 Main Title - The Grateful Dead And Merl Saunders 58 Zombies, March! - GWAR 59 Omar The Vampire - The Hamburger Brothers 60 The Vampire Lovers - Harry Robinson 61 Blood Of Dracula - I was A Teenage Frankenstein 62 Midnight Monsters Hop - Jack And Jim 63 The Monsters Go Disco - Monster Cereals Jeff Elmassian 64 Unpleasantville - Jeremy Tyler 65 Vampire Daddy - Jerry Bryan 66 Ave Satani - Jerry Goldsmith 67 The Altar - Jerry Goldsmith 68 Carol Ann's Theme (End Title) - Jerry Goldsmith 69 Toccata And Fugue In D-Minor - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Johann Sebastian Bach 70 Halloween Theme - Main Title - John Carpenter 71 The Fog (main Theme) - John Carpenter 72 Opening Titles - John Carpenter 73 Wake Up - John Carpenter 74 Happy Halloween - John Zacherle 75 Halloween - Kay Lande & Wade Denning 76 The Headless Horseman - Kay Starr 77 Wicked Annabella - The Kinks 78 She's My Witch - Kip Tyler 79 You Can't Give Me Anything - Kreeps 80 Halloween Spooks - Lambert, Hendricks And Ross 81 The Mummy's Bracelet - Lee Ross 82 Graveyard - Leroy Bowman 83 Story Time   84 Shaking Things Up 85 Welcome To Unpleasantville 86 Man Meets Monster 87 Pumpkin Brain Pie 88 All Out Of Homes 89 The O'lantern's 90 Smashing Pumpkins 91 Spider Baby Theme - Spider Baby Soundtrack Lon Chaney Jr 92 The Boogeyman is Coming - Halloween Lonnie Elam 93 Wolf Call - lord dent and his invaders 94 Jinetes En El Cielo - Los Babys 95 Amytiville - Lovebug Starski 96 Out Of Limits - The Marketts 97 Zombie - Mecht Mensch 98 13 O'Clock Rock - The Memphis Morticians 99 Return Of The Fly - Misfits 100 Ghoul's Night Out - The Misfits 101 The Spider And The Fly - The Monocles 102 Night Of The Vampire - The Moontrekkers 103 The Haunted Strangler - Movie Advert 104 Horror Of Dracula - Movie Advert 105 I Was A Teenage Werewolf - Movie Advert 106 The Mummy - Movie Advert 107 At The Munsters - The Munsters 108 The Haunted House - New Mayfair Dance Orchestra 109 Can't Stop the Monster Kids - The Other 110 Clinkerated Chimes - Pat Bone 111 Phantasm Theme - Phantasm Motion Picture Soundtrack 112 The House on Shady Lane - The House on Shady Lane Plain White T’s 113 A Questionable Obsession with the Recen… RAMMER 114 The Witch Queen Of New Orleans - Redbone 115 The House On Sorority Row - Main Title - Richard Band 116 Prologue / Main Title - Richard Band 117 Re-Animator Theme Reprise - Richard Band 118 Dark Shadows - The Robert Cobert Orchestra 119 The Night Of The Vampire - Roky Erickson 120 I Walked With A Zombie - Roky Erickson And The Aliens 121 Halloween Remix - Miscellaneous Ronald Jenkees 122 Goo Goo Muck - Ronnie Cook And The Gaylads 123 Kill Murder Killers 124 Zombies of the Dead 125 Day of the Rocks 126 Murder on the Gondola 127 Ghoulash - Satan's Pilgrims 128 She's Fallen In Love With A Monster Man - Screaming Lord Sutch 129 Jack the Ripper - Screaming Lord Sutch 130 Jack The Ripper - Screaming Lord Sutch 131 It's Halloween - The Shaggs 132 It Counquered The World - The She Creature 133 The Purple People Eater - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Sheb Wooley 134 Birthday - So Sick Social Club feat. Madchild 135 Suck Me - Spooklight feat. Ryan Lindsey 136 The Spook Walks - Spooks 137 Tongue Sandwich (Water Creature Remix) - Squid Lid 138 Jump Rope - Steve Jablonsky 139 Main Title - Steve Jablonsky 140 Ghost Rider - Suicide 141 Graveyard Rock - Tarantula Ghoul And Her Gravediggers 142 Get Up and Kill - The Creeping Cruds 143 Monster - The Mission Creeps 144 Phantom Chop - The von Drats 145 Wrong Turn - The Young Werewolves 146 Danny's Inferno - The Three Suns 147 The Ghost And Mr. Chicken - The Tiki Tones 148 Bad Ritual - Timber Timbre 149 I'm A Ghost - Unknown Artist 150 Snickers Halloween Grocery Store - Halloween Various Artists 151 Nightmare on My Street - Various Artists 152 At the House of Frankenstein - Various Artists 153 Creature Feature - Various Artists 154 The Day The Earth Stood Still - Various Artists 155 Halloween Spooks - Various Artists 156 The Headless Horseman - Various Artists 157 Monster Holiday - Various Artists 158 Trick Or Treat - Various Artists 159 The Fourth Dimension - The Ventures 160 Haunted House of Rock (extended version) - whodini 161 Opening Titles Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 162 Love Potion No. 9 - The Clovers 163 Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes 164 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Theme 165 - Hellraiser - Christopher Young 166 - Tales from the Crypt - Danny Elfman 167 - Beetlejuice - Danny Elfman 168 - Edward Scissorhands - Danny Elfman 169 - The Outer Limits - Dominic Frontiere 170 - Tales From the Darkside - Donald Rubenstein 171 - Forever Knight - Fred Mollin 172 - Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 173 - Beyond Reality - Fred Mollin 174 - The Odyssey - Fred Mollin 175 - Opening Titles - Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 176 - 'The Inheritance': Thunderstorm In The City/'Tails I Live, Heads You Die': The Graveyard... 177 - Suite From 'The Barons Bride': I. Micki's Trance/II. The Vampire's Lair/III. Ryan Says Goodbye... 178 - Suite From 'Badge Of Honor': I. The Deal/II. Micki And Tim/III. Sharko Alone/The Badge Revealed... 179 - 'Tails I Live, Heads You Die': The Death Of Micki 180 - 'Symphony In B Sharp': I. Ryan Chases The Phantom/II. The Death Of Leslie/III. The Fight To... 181 - Suite From 'Brain Drain': I. Jack And Vi/II. Real Love/III. Jack Mourns Vi 182 -  'Eye Of Death': I. The Letter/The Troops Retreat/II. More Retreat 183 -  Suite From 'What A Mother Wouldn't Do': I. The Cradle Revealed/Mom And Louis/II. Mom And The Baby... 184 - 'The Electrocutioner': I. In The Basement 185 -  Suite From 'The Playhouse': I. The Children's Theme/II. The Playhouse Transports The Children... 186 - Suite From 'Wedding In Black' And 'Bottle Of Dreams': I. The Castle/II. Calvin And Micki/... 187 - 'Bottle Of Dreams': I. The End Of A Year 188 - Friday The 13th-The Series: Closing Credits 189 -Friday the 13th - Main Theme 190 - Friday the 13th - Theme 191 - Kolchak: The Night Stalker - Gil Melle 192 - Night Gallery -  Gilbert Melle 193 - Suspiria - Goblin 194 - Theme from Friday the 13th - The Horror Theme 195 - Friday the 13th (the Legacy) - The Horror Theme 196 - The Fly - Howard Shore 197 - Videodrome - Howard Shore 198 - The Outer Limits (1995) - J. Van Tongeren 199 - The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith 200 - Poltergeist - Jerry Goldsmith 201 - Halloween - John Carpenter 202 - Theme Music (Original) - John Carpenter 203 - Theme (From Halloween) - John Carpenter 204 - Theme to Jaws - John Williams 205 - Dead, Dead, Dead - Juan Schwartz and 206 - The Twilight Zone - Marius Constant 207 - Nowhere Man - Mark Snow 208 - The X-Files - Mark Snow 209 - Scooby Doo, Where Are You? - Matthew Sweet 210 - Dark Shadows Theme - R. Corbet 211 - Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr. 212 - Dracula: The Series - Robert Cobert 213 - The Addams Family - various 214 - Bewitched - various 215 - The Twilight Zone - various 216 - Main Theme from The Addams Family - Vic Mizzy 217 - Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon 218 - In Search Of... - various 219 - Tales from the Darkside Intro
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sportsleague365 · 5 years
It’s time for our first, long-awaited AFIEuropeTop 20 Coaches Poll. We’ve had a few hiccups but with the seasons of all the major European nations now fully underway and with a panel of coaches that has expanded to 13, AFI is finally able to present the first true Top 20 of 2019. You may not agree with all the picks. And there are a couple of surprising teams on the list. A few other teams you might have expected to be there are not. Let us know your thoughts. AFIis proud to have the input of some of the best coaches inEuropeon our 13 man panel which continues to grow. We’ve aggregated the choices of these top Europeancoaches and executives and present them along with our own choices. TheAFI Coaches Poll will be conducted regularly throughout the Europeanregular season and during the post season, relying on a panel of coaches fromEuropeanclubs. The panel is chosen by election, country by country plus independents, from a pool of coaches who have indicated to theAmerican Football Internationaltheir willingness to participate. Each coach submits aTop 20with a first-place vote worth 20 points, second place 19 and so on down to one point for 20th. We would like to extend a special thanks to this season’s panel which included 10 coaches from eight nations, many of whom led teams in our poll as well as special football ambassador, Johannes Woudenberg. We continually work to improve and always welcome your comments and insight. If you are interested in being a part of theAFI Coaches Pollin 2019 please [email protected]. 1. SCHWÄBISCH HALL UNICORNS(5-0 GFL) –GERMANY (LAST POLL #1) TheSchwäbischHall Unicorns have opened the 2019 season the way they finished the 2018, dominating teams and remaining undefeated. TheUnicorns are on a 39 game winning streak stretching back to the 2016 German Bowland have looked just as impressive as ever this year. This year they have beaten theMarburg Mercenaries52-9, theIngolstadt Dukes24-0, the Munich Cowboys 35-3, Kirchdorf Wildcats 51-12 and Stuttgart Scorpions 63-13. Next up: Frankfurt Universe, June 1. 2. SWARCO RAIDERS (9-0 – AFL: 7-0 CEFL: 2-0 INT.) – AUSTRIA (LAST POLL #4) The defending Austrian champs have looked just as impressive as ever in running their record to 9-0 overall (2-0 in CEFL play) They opened the year with five straight wins, including a 48-28 victory over arch rivals, theDacia Vienna Vikings, and have been on a roll ever since. However, they had a tough game against the Prague Black Panthers in their latest outing, beating them 28-14. In international games,Swarcodisposed ofFrance’s Thonon Black Panthers,beating them 41-7 inCentral European Football League action and thenbeat up on the Italian champions, theMilano Seamen, 50-23. Next up: Dacia Vienna Vikings, June 1. 3.New Yorker Lions(4-0 )–Germany (Last poll #5) The Lions have also started the season Braunschweighas won its three opening games beating theCologne Crocodiles in a back-to-back series, 23-6 and 45-7, and then took care of the only team that defeated them in the regular season last year, the Berlin Rebels. Braunschweigbeat theRebels 29-12. Last week, the Lions downed the Potsdam Royals 35-14. Next up: Dresden Monarchs, June 1 4. FRANKFURT UNIVERSE (4-0) – GERMANY (LAST POLL #2) Frankfurt has opened the 2019 with four wins, downing the Ingolstadt Dukes 37-13 and then getting by the Munich Cowboys two weeks ago24-17, after beating theAllgau Comets20-0 in their opening game and then downing theMarburg Mercenaries 20-14. Next up: Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns, June 1. 5. DRESDEN MONARCHS (3-0) – GERMANY (LAST POLL #8) TheMonarchs are coming off of three straight wins, 49-13 over the Dusseldorf Panther ,42-14 over the Kiel Baltic Hurricanes and then a 17-0 shut out of the Cologne Crocodiles last week. Next up: Braunschweig New Yorker Lions, June 1. 6. HILDESHEIM INVADERS (4-0) – GERMANY (LAST POLL UNRANKED) Hildesheimis so far the most improved team in the league and have won their four opening games by lopsided scoresbeating thePotsdam Royals50-28, taking care of theDusseldorf Panther 49-17, downing the Cologne Crocodiles 31-14, and then outlasting the Berlin Rebels 56-41. Next up: Dusseldorf Panther, June 1. 7. DACIA VIENNA VIKINGS (7-2 – AFL: 5-2, ECTC: 2-0) – AUSTRIA (LAST POLL #7) The Dacia Vienna Vikings are finally on a roll. Last week they downed the Mödling Rangers 55-28 and the week before beat the Prague Black Panthers 55-28. They had defeated the Danube Dragons10-3 and the week prior they had a big win inEuropean Club Team Competition (ECTC)action inBarcelona, Spain,where they downed theBadalona Dracs38-8. With the victory, theVikingshave won theECTC Central Division(after also beating theTriangle RazorbacksfromDenmarkon April 14) and will now play in theECTC/CEFLplayoff game the weekend of June 8/9. TheVikingshave had a pair of tough lossesfirst losing to theSwarco Raiders48-28 in the second game of the yearand then, two games later droppinga tough 36-14 decision to theGraz Giants. Next up: Swarco Raiders, June 1. 8. THONON BLACK PANTHERS (11-1 FFFA 10-0; CEFL 1-1) FRANCE (LAST POLL UNRANKED) TheBlack Panthers finished theFrench Federation of American Football regular season with a perfect 10-0 record averaging 42.5 points a game. Their final game was a 74-0 demolishing of the Bron-Villeurbanne Falcons. The Black Panthers wrapped up their international season beating the Milano Seamen 42-7. Thonon lost in their opening round game in CEFL play to Austria’s Swarco Raiders41-7and thentheSeamen suffered the same fate, losing to theRaiders50-23. With those losses, both teams were eliminated from title aspirations asSwarcohas moved on to the championship final. Next up: French semifinals, June 15/16. 9. CALANDA BRONCOS (7-1; NL: 5-1, CEFL: 2-0) SWITZERLAND (LAST POLL #11) Calanda has moved out to a 5-1 record in Switzerland’s National League and after losing 14-12 to the Geneva Seahawks early on has ripped off four straight wins. In international CEFL play, the BroncosoverwhelmedTurkey’s Koc Rams a few weeks ago whipping them 55-17 in Istanbul and last week beat the Kragujevac Wild Boars from Serbia 37-33.. Calandaopened the tournament with abig 27-3 road win overPoland’s Wroclaw Pantherswhich gives them an edge in the race for first place in the conference. Next up: Luzern Lions, June 2. 10. WROCLAW PANTHERS (8-1; LFA: 7-0, CEFL: 1-1) – POLAND (LAST POLL #20) The Wroclaw Panthers have dominated the opposition in Poland’s Liga Futbolu Amerykańskiego, and with a 7-0 record look poised to take the title which they inexplicably missed out on in 2018. In international play, the Panthers dropped a 27-3 decision to the Calanda Broncos early on but rebounded with big wins over the Kragujevac Wild Boars from Serbia and Turkey’s Koc Rams. Next up: Poznan Armia, June 2. 11. STUTTGART SCORPIONS (3-1) – GERMANY (LAST POLL UNRANKED) Stuttgartwon a total of two games last season and have already surpassed that, getting off to their best start in theGFL since 2014 when they won their first nine games of the season. TheScorpionsopened the season with a 30-21 win over theMarburg Mercenaries,followed that up by beating theKirchdorf Wildcats, 34.7 and then two weeks ago defeated Ingolstadt 37-30. Last week they suffered a 63-13 loss to the Unicorns. Next up: Kirchdorf Wildcats, June 1. 12. POTSDAM ROYALS (2-2) – GERMANY (LAST POLL UNRANKED) TheRoyalsdropped their opening game to theHildesheim Invaders, losing 50-28, but rebounded three weeks ago in beating the Berlin Rebels30-17. They then downed theDusseldorf Panther34-17 only to lose to the Braunschweig New Yorker Lions last week, 35-14. Next up: Braunschweig New Yorker Lions, June 15. 13. MILANO SEAMEN (7-1 IFL; 0-2 CEFL) – ITALY (LAST POLL #9) So far in theItalianleague, theSeamen have reached the semifinals and built a record of 7-1 and have looked impressive in their victories over the Bergamo Lions, Bologna WarriorsandAncona Dolphins(29-6) beforethey were unceremoniously dumped byParmaearlier in April, 22-19.They rebounded though with a huge 34-28 last second win over theFirenze Guelfi. Since then they easily blanked theLazio Ducks51-0 and then beaten a surprisingly toughTorinao Giaguari 36-27. They then whipped the second place Bolzano Giants 44-16 to secure first place in Italy. Last week they were beaten by France’s Thonon Black Panthers 42-7 in a game which had no bearing. Next up: Italian semifinals, June 15/16. 14. DANUBE DRAGONS (5-2) – AUSTRIA (LAST POLL UNRANKED) The Danube Dragons have built a solid 5-2 record in the Austrian Football League and are coming off of two straight wins, beating the Amstetten Thunder 45-10 and then last week getting by the Graz Giants21-14. Their only two losses have been to the Dacia Vienna Vikings, 10-3 and Swarco Raiders 34-14. Next up: Amstetten Thunder, June 1. 15. BADALONA DRACS (11-0 SPAIN, 1-1 CEFL) The Badalona Dracs romped through the Spanish League of American Football in 2019, assembling an 11-0 unbeaten record and capturing their fourth straight Spanish title., whipping the Las Rozas Black Demons in the final 47-6.Badalona lost to the Dacia Vienna Vikings in the CEFL 38-8 but came back and beat Denmark’s Triangle Razorbacks 54-38. Next up: Season over, Spanish champs. 16. COPENHAGEN TOWERS (4-0 DAFF; 1-1 ECTC) – DENMARK (LAST POLL #9) Copenhagenhas opened the season by beating theFrederikssund Oaks42-7 and theAarhus Tigers40-6. They have also played a pair of international games,losing toFinland’s Helsinki Roosters22-18anddowning theStockholm Mean MachinesfromSweden28-25. A week ago they downed the Aarhus Tigers 49-20. Next up: Aalborg 89ers, June 15. 17. BOLZANO GIANTS (6-2 ITALY, 2-0 CEFL CUP) – ITALY (LAST POLL UNRANKED) Bolzano sit second in the standings in Italy after losing badly to the Milano Seamen 44-16 a couple of weeks ago. They had opened the season with six straight wins, including a thrilling 36-32 victory over theFirenze Guelfi.First theGiantscame out 41-7 winners over theTorino Giaguariand then defeatedBergamo28-24 and theParma Panthers20-6. TheGiantsdisposed of theBologna Warriors33-6 and in their last outing downed theAncona Dolphins 41-29. The Giants have advanced to the championship final in CEFL Cup play after beating the Budapest Wolves from Hungary 36-19 and Serbia’s Vukovi Belgrade 42-27. Next up: Moscow Spartans, CEFL Cup Final, June 8 18. PRAGUE BLACK PANTHERS (3-4 AUSTRIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE) – CZECH REPUBLIC (LAST POLL #16) A surprising entry in the Top 20, the Black Panthers are competing in the Austrian Football League in 2019 and have looked good despite having a losing record. They dropped a tough 28-14 decision to the league-leading Swarco Raiders last week. Next up: Mödling Rangers, June 2. 19. ASNIERES MOLOSSES (8-0-2 FRANCE) – FRANCE (LAST POLL UNRANKED) The Molosses are undefeated in the French League of American Football North Conference and boast by far the stingiest offense in the country. They have allowed an average of only 4.8 points a game and definitely look like a contender for the French title. Next up: French semifinal, June 15. 20. GUELFI FIRENZE (6-2 ITALY) – ITALY – LAST POLL UNRANKED) Firenze islooking like a title contender in Italy after compiling a 6-2 record. They closed out the regular season with a 41-17 win over the Bergamo Lions. They had downed theAncona Dolphins40-13 after gettinga much-needed win the week before over the lowlyBologna Warriors, 34-28. They had dropped two in a row when theylost a last second thriller to theMilano Seamen,34-28.and then lostto the league-leadingBolzano Giants36-32.TheGuelfihad opened the season with three solid wins over theParma Panthers(27-17),Lazio Ducks(36-22) and theTorino Giaguariwho they knocked off 49-14. NEXT UP: ANCONA DOLPHINS, ITALIAN SEMIFINALS, JUNE 8. Honorable Mention: Stockholm Mean Machines (Sweden); London Warriors, Great Britain; Helsinki Roosters (Finland), Kuopio Steelers (Finland); Kragujevac Wild Boars, Serbia; Białystok Lowlanders, Poland; Graz Giants, Austria; Parma Panthers, Italy; Geneva Seahawks, Switzerland; Carlstad Crusaders, Sweden; Mödling Rangers, Austria. The post AFI’s Europe Top 20: 2019 Coaches Poll – May 2019 appeared first on American Football International. #Top20 #AllgauComets #WroclawPanthers
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thomasandrepoemes · 7 years
Ajoutée le 6 août 2017
PRESENTATION©HDMARTINE ANCIAUX UZES MOZAIQUE ROMAINE INRAP VISITE GUIDE 8/4/2017 MARTINE ANCIAUX Créatrice Photo-peinture,ArtPhotographer AMIS INTERNAUTES un peu d’histoire d’Uzés Jean Michel MolinesHISTOIRE - PROTOHISTOIRE – PREHISTOIRE 2 avr. 2017 DÉCOUVERTE DE L’UZÈS ANTIQUE – Inrap – 31/03/2017. Une équipe de l’Inrap met actuellement au jour, sur prescription de l’État (Drac Occitanie), une partie du passé d’Uzès, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge. Les archéologues viennent notamment d’exhumer d’importantes mosaïques appartenant à deux édifices antiques. Les fouilles, réalisées à l’occasion de la construction d’un internat commun aux lycées Gide et Guynemer par la région Occitanie, documentent pour la première fois la ville romaine d’Ucetia. LA VILLE ROMAINE D’UCETIA Aujourd’hui, l’agglomération romaine n’est simplement attestée que par le toponyme Ucetia porté sur une inscription géographique de Nîmes, et quelques rares découvertes de fragments de mosaïques signalées anciennement dans la ville. L’actuel chantier de 4 000 m² révèle de nombreux vestiges datés de l’époque républicaine (Ier siècle avant notre ère) à la fin de l’Antiquité (VIIe siècle), et plus rarement du Moyen-Âge. Les archéologues viennent de dégager un puissant mur et des maçonneries de peu postérieurs à la conquête romaine. Certaines pièces comportent des aménagements remarquables : l’une d’elles abrite une sole de four à pain, remplacée par la suite par un dolium – énorme jarre en céramique. FAON, CANARD, HIBOU ET AIGLE Dans un autre secteur, les archéologues mettent au jour un vaste bâtiment de 250 m², ouvert au Sud, dont la colonnade évoque un édifice public. Il est composé de quatre pièces en enfilade, dont deux ont des sols bétonnés et des murs décorés d’enduits peints. À une extrémité de l’édifice se trouve une pièce avec un sol de mortier incrusté de tesselles en croisettes (opus signinum). Elle donne accès à une salle spacieuse de 60 m², dont le sol est décoré d’un pavement mosaïqué complexe. Deux vastes mosaïques sont ornées de motifs géométriques (postes – motif ornemental formé d’enroulements se reliant de façon continue –, méandres, svastikas) qui encadrent deux médaillons centraux formés de couronnes, de rayons et de chevrons. Un des médaillons est entouré de quatre animaux polychromes : hibou, canard, aigle et faon. Le bâtiment perdure jusqu’à la fin du Ier siècle de notre ère. Ses espaces sont en partie restructurés, les mosaïques ne sont plus entretenues, le sol en mortier, détruit, est remplacé par une surface bétonnée plus rudimentaire. Dans la rue adjacente, le niveau de circulation est rehaussé. UNE DOMUS DU HAUT-EMPIRE Le début de notre ère a livré d’autres édifices, dont un vaste établissement de plus de 500 m², peut-être une domus (habitation urbaine). Ses maçonneries dessinent des espaces réguliers selon un axe est/ouest, sans doute influencé par le tracé d’une voie à proximité. Ici, une production vinicole est bien attestée par la présence de plusieurs dolia. Au cours du Haut-Empire, la domus connaît une importante réorganisation spatiale. Une des pièces a un décor mosaïqué formé de lignes de tesselles aux motifs géométriques, assorties, aux quatre coins, de dauphins. Au sein de la demeure, une nouvelle pièce chauffée est installée. Seul son hypocauste –vide sanitaire, supporté par des piles en brique où circulait la chaleur – est conservé. La cour est dorénavant bordée d’un portique. Ce secteur semble assidument fréquenté jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité, entre les Ve et VIIe siècles. Les bâtiments de cette époque respectent les orientations des axes de circulations antiques. Au Sud, un profond fossé mis en place au XVIIe siècle pour participer au système défensif de la ville a détruit la totalité des structures antiques. UN NOUVEAU SECTEUR DE FOUILLES Les archéologues viennent d’engager les fouilles d’un avant dernier secteur de 1 100 m². Elles révèlent également des occupations antiques et médiévales dont deux chaussées et un carrefour, abandonnés au début du IIe siècle de notre ère. La zone semble réinvestie au Ve siècle.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHFzztFeVTU)  The Ghost of H.H. Holmes in Murder Castle: 31 Horrifying Tales from the Dead, Book 7  Click here for your copy! (Free with a membership to www.audible.com)http://www.audible.com/offers/30free?asin=B01NC0U2MD Publisher's SummaryBefore I cut loose on this story for some listeners who may have never heard of one of the most evil men in America. His name is H.H. Holmes, who is the first documented serial killer in the United States. During the 1893 Columbian Exposition, he lured his victims into his "murder castle" that was built to his expectations with gas jets piped into some rooms to gas his victims and also trapdoors and chutes that he could use to move the bodies down to the basement so he could burn his victims and sell their skeletal remains for money. It is said that he killed over 200 women or maybe more. H.H. Holmes was sentenced by hanging on May 7, 1896 and buried at the Holy Cross cemetery in Delaware County Pennsylvania.The story begins here now that we have some background on H.H. Holmes. Fast forward to 1976 when Jason Keller decided to write his first novel on serial killer H.H. Holmes, but just writing about him wasn't enough for him, so he decided to pay a visit to the murder castle to get his creative juices flowing. When Jason arrived at the very spot where the murder castle once stood, he was disappointed to find out it had burned down long ago and was now a post office. Instead of getting back in his car and driving off, he decided to go inside the post office and ask the post master if there was any existing part of murder castle still part of the foundation and if H.H. Holmes could still be haunting this place. Jason interviewed some of the employees at the post office to see if they ever had a ghostly encounter with H.H. Holmes' ghost, but after interviewing many of them, he wasn't getting the information he so desperately needed to start on his novel, so he left and headed to the library to read some books on the occult to see if he could somehow bring H.H. Holmes' ghost to life and communicate with him so he could be the first author in history to write his novel with the help of a ghost from the past.©2016 Drac Von Stoller (P)2017 Drac Von Stollerhttp://www.audible.com/offers/30free?asin=B01NC0U2MD 
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
If spanish 1931 dracula has a million fans, i am one of them.
if spanish 1931 dracula has ten fans, i am one of them.
if spanish 1931 dracula has only one fan, that is me.
if spanish 1931 dracula has no fans, that means i am no more on this earth.
if the world is against spanish 1931 dracula, i am against the world.
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