3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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Yandere Psychosophy/Attitudinal Psyche
Inspired by yandere MBTI and yandere Big Five. Personality test/self-assessment for this Google document verison of this
This is a yandere typing system based on the original Psychosophy (also remade as Attitudinal Psyche) system. Originally, it was divided into four aspects: logic, physics, emotions, and volition/will.
These placements are divided into another four placements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 1st placement is characterized by absolute, possibly even arrogant, confidence in that aspect and feeling no need to improve or change it. It is very rigid and unchangeable. The 2nd placement, on the other hand, is the most flexible placement. It is characterized by confidence but not arrogance, feeling little weakness in this aspect. To the user of the 2nd function, it is comfortable and easy to use with others and develop further. But the 3rd placement is the opposite. It is the most uncomfortable to use, with a constant feeling of insecurity associated with it. There seem to be two most common approaches to this function: aggressively overusing it or the opposite, neglecting it. This is the placement that needs the most improvement. Finally, the 4th placement is the most underused and is seen by its user as either unimportant or better with a quick fix. These four placements form the foundation of understanding an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential growth within this typology system.
In summary...
1st placement: Confident Function (1V, 1L, 1E, 1P) Strong, Aggressive, Monologue
2nd placement: Flexible Function (2V, 2L, 2E, 2P) Strong, Passive, Dialogue
3rd placement: Insecure Function (3V, 3L, 3E, 3P) Weak, Aggressive, Dialogue
4th placement: Unbothered Function (4V, 4L, 4E, 4P) Weak, Passive, Monologue
Yandere System
So what about the yandere system? It follows the same placement rules as the original system but uses its own aspects. The yandere Psychosophy system is divided into four four aspects, respectively: cognition (C), aggression (A), expression (E), and determination (D).
Cognition, equivalent to logic in the original Psychosophy system, reflects how a yandere processes information, plans their actions, and uses their intelligence to manage their obsession.
Aggression, equivalent to physics in the original Psychosophy system, evaluates how a yandere uses power, intimidation, or violence to get what they want or control their darling.
Expression, equivalent to emotion in the original Psychosophy system, focuses on how freely a yandere shows their affection and obsession for their darling.
Finally, determination, equivalent to volition/will in the original Psychosophy system, assess how either determined or fragile a yandere is in achieving their goals with their darling.
Placement Descriptions
Cognition (C)
1st Placement (C1): Exhibits absolute confidence in their ability to strategize and plan. This yandere is highly analytical and methodical, always staying several steps ahead. They see no need for improvement in their cognitive abilities and are often seen as calculating masterminds.
2nd Placement (C2): Confident and comfortable in their cognitive abilities, they can adapt plans fluidly and are skilled at thinking on their feet. They are open to developing their strategic thinking further and are effective planners who work well with others.
3rd Placement (C3): Struggles with insecurity regarding their cognitive skills. They might oscillate between overanalyzing situations to compensate for their perceived shortcomings or neglecting planning altogether. This yandere needs the most improvement in how they process information and strategize.
4th Placement (C4): Minimally engaged in strategic thinking, often relying on intuition or others for planning. They see detailed planning as unimportant and prefer quick fixes or spontaneous actions.
Aggression (A)
1st Placement (A1): Extremely confident in using aggression and violence to achieve their goals. They are unyielding and often intimidate or overpower others without hesitation. Improvement is seen as unnecessary as they view their aggressive approach as highly effective.
2nd Placement (A2): Uses aggression when necessary but with restraint and control. They are comfortable leveraging their power but prefer to balance it with other methods. Open to refining their approach, they effectively combine intimidation with strategic non-violent tactics.
3rd Placement (A3): Feels insecure about their use of aggression. They may either overuse violence in an attempt to assert control or avoid it altogether out of fear or uncertainty. Developing a balanced approach to aggression is crucial for them.
4th Placement (A4): Rarely resorts to violence or intimidation, viewing it as a last resort. They prefer non-aggressive methods and see aggression as unimportant or something to be avoided. They often look for quick, peaceful solutions.
Expression (E)
1st Placement (E1): Highly expressive, openly displaying their emotions and obsession with intense fervor. They are unapologetically passionate, showing no need to alter their expressive nature. Their overt emotional displays are a core part of their identity.
2nd Placement (E2): Comfortable and confident in showing their emotions, they balance expressiveness with control. They can openly share their feelings and are adept at adjusting their emotional displays to suit different situations. They find it easy to develop and fine-tune their emotional expression.
3rd Placement (E3): Struggles with expressing emotions, feeling insecure about their displays of affection or obsession. They may either overexpress in an attempt to compensate or hide their emotions entirely. Improving their emotional expressiveness is a key area for growth.
4th Placement (E4): Minimally expressive, often appearing detached or indifferent. They see emotional displays as unnecessary and prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Quick, minimal expressions are preferred, avoiding deep emotional involvement.
Determination (D)
1st Placement (D1): Exhibits unshakeable determination and willpower. This yandere is relentless and unwavering in their pursuit of goals, seeing no need to alter their approach. They possess a strong sense of purpose and are highly driven.
2nd Placement (D2): Confident and adaptable in their determination, they pursue goals with a balanced approach. They can persist through challenges while remaining flexible. Open to enhancing their resolve, they effectively combine willpower with adaptability.
3rd Placement (D3): Feels insecure about their determination, often fluctuating between intense bursts of willpower and periods of doubt. They may either push themselves excessively or give up easily. Developing a consistent and confident approach to their goals is essential.
4th Placement (D4): Exhibits low determination, often relying on external factors or others to drive their actions. They see strong willpower as unimportant, preferring to go with the flow or avoid direct confrontation. Quick, minimal efforts are favored over sustained determination.
Possible Types
CDEA, CDAE, CEAD, CEDA, CADE, CAED, ACDE, ACED, ADCE, ADEC, AECD, AEDC, EACD, EADC, ECAD, ECDA, EDAC, EDCA, DCEA, DCAE, DEAC, DECA, DACE, DAEC. (First letter is the first placement, second is the second placement, etc.)
That's all! Thank you for reading, and feel free to reblog with the type you think you are or maybe even type a character :D And feel free to send asks or comments if you have any questions.
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indierpgnewsletter · 28 days
Traveller & Champions
What is your relationship with the characters you play in RPGs? What do you want it to be?
In Traveller (the classic version, I add, tipping my hat), you make a character through what is now called the “lifepath method”. That name is a bit misleading because in this game, it’s more of a career path. And maybe more specifically, your military career path. Traveller was a game of veterans and if you want to get complicated, that’s what we should talk about. But let’s keep it light and focus on this unassuming table:
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Now honestly, this table is iconic but I couldn’t make sense of it without having read the rules of the game (twice). But to put it simply, you’re rolling dice to see which branch of the intergalactic military you joined (either enlisting in your first choice or being drafted by whoever would be willing to take you). Then, you roll to see if you survive your first term, whether you become a commissioned officer, whether you get promoted, and whether you’re allowed to re-enlist for the next term or forced into an early retirement. If do re-enlist, you repeat the process till you retire or die.
Apart from picking your first choice (which you might not get), there are no decisions made in this process (don’t disagree yet!). You roll the dice and whatever happens to your character, happens. You just find out. You might die – and if you’re serving in the Scouts, it’s very likely you do – and you just have to start again with a new character. I think consensus is that this method can be surprising but detached.
Let’s talk about Champions. Traveller came out in 1977 and was revised constantly over the next decade. Champions came out in 1980 and is remembered by many as the classic superhero RPG. In 1984, we got Champions 3e which I understand is what cemented it as a landmark in RPG history.
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In Champions, you build your character. You get skills (Security Systems, Swinging), Special Effects (Extra Limb, Mind Control), Advantages (Useable at Range), and Disadvantages (Unusual Looks). You pick your skills, spend power points to buy your powers, balance your advantages and disadvantages, and come out the other end – sometimes hours later – with your character. It’s fair to say that Champions is only decisions – it’s nothing but decisions. And that feels different. I think consensus is that this method has lots of strategy and self-expression but is very involved.
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At first, it feels like these two games are on opposite ends of a spectrum. But actually, there’s a contradictory impulse in both of them. When you play Traveller, it’s a step-by-step process of discovery. You roll the dice and learn something about the character and then you immediately contextualize it. With every fact you learn, you spin the fiction. If you needed to roll a 7 to not die and you roll exactly a 7, you think, “Wow, they must’ve had a near-death experience. What could it be?”. And these are decisions. Big, important, affecting decisions. Often Traveller‘s lifepath doesn’t spit out a random character, it spits out someone that you’ve closely watched struggle and live for years before they come to you. If that doesn’t make you care about them, what is? At the same time, when you play Champions, you can build and tinker and strategize and eventually make somebody who you might not actually enjoy playing. Sometimes, you get caught up in the general aura of optimization and make somebody effective but that isn’t the same as somebody fun. Or you build them “wrong” and you get a character that is out-of-step with the rest of the group in power, which ends up annoying in other ways.
To zoom out a little, this isn't a criticism of either game. The point is this spectrum of controlled character creation starts to look a little superficial. Reality is much more complicated. Random can become involved and self-expression can become detached. So then what about about these two different methods is actually the important part?
(This first appeared on the Indie RPG Newsletter.)
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CONTENT ADVISORY: The in-character fiction for this episode involves children being held hostage and threatened with harm. They escape completely unharmed, but please proceed with caution if images from current events are fresh in your mind. (We're so sorry! We wanted something that connected to D's back story and didn't make the connection.)
Welcome to Wonderful World of Darklords! In this episode, we're looking at a setting and a darklord so tailor-made for Ravenloft that we barely needed to do any work: Professor Ratigan. Combining Moriarty's criminal genius, Jekyll and Hyde's duality, and Vincent Price's golden pipes, Ratigan is the best of the worst around...and with London by gaslight as his domain, things just keep getting better. Topics discussed include:
How to get Basil out of the picture so the PCs can be Ratigan's rivals instead, but without rehashing Robin Hood and Prince John;
A curse for Ratigan that lets us play with his delicious stew of self-loathing, denial, obsession, and vanity;
The underbaked 2e/3e domain and darklord that can find its themes more fully expressed in Londinium, and the fully-baked one that can be folded into it as well;
Suggestions for running a big bad who outsmarts the PCs at every turn without losing friends;
and more!
The full writeup for Londinium is available for free on DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/456011/Londinium-A-Ravenloft-Domain-of-Dread-11-13?affiliate_id=241770
You can find the Hour of the Knife adventure for sale on DM's Guild at https://www.dmsguild.com/product/17507/Hour-of-the-Knife-2e, and Shadow of the Knife for free at www.kargatane.com. (It's under "Adventures." We can't just link the darn thing or it'll start automatically downloading the zip file on you. Welcome to 2003.)
You can find the original "butt puppets" episode (which is actually pretty PG-13 rated) here: https://megadumbcast.podbean.com/e/pg-62-balloon-thief-week-11/
All music recordings are in the public domain (mark 1.0) and are licensed through https://musopen.org:
Chopin Nocturne in B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 (main theme), performed by Eduardo Vinuela
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C Minor: “Ocean” (darklord theme), performed by Edward Neeman
Chopin Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1 (land theme), performed by Luke Faulkner
Rachmaninoff Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 - 2. Prélude in C sharp minor (Dread Possibilities), performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chopin Nocturne in E Minor, Op. 72 No. 1 (parting thoughts), performed by Luke Faulkner
Dialog for Yensid was written by Azalin Rex himself: http://www.tumblr.com/darklordazalin
The Wonderful World of Darklords logo was designed by Halite Jones, whom you can find on Tumblr and Instagram: https://www.tumblr.com/halite-jones and http://www.instagram.com/insta_halite
Contact us on:
Facebook: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Tumblr: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheWonderfulWorldofDarklords651
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bismuthwisdom · 1 year
003 for all of the B5, please? 👀
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@heyhellohihowareyou Yours too!
Oh boy, this is going to be a big one (heh)
How I feel about this character:
-Shuu is just EVERYTHING really. My fave, the orange gremlin, the sad boy, the one everybody projects their angst to lol.
But seriously, I never thought i'd love him as much as I do now. Maybe it's the character development that compels me. He is more of a minor character, so seeing a whole ass progress is nice.
-Ren, aka the most problematic one here. I had many thoughts about him and I am still unsure on many aspects of his personality. Still, I feel bad that many hate him, which I feel is also canon's fault for not letting him grow out of his habits (which still makes him more interesting to analyze)
-Araki is just some guy.
-Seo aka a guy I never thought I'd like. Sure the whole Kahi thing is all over the place, but besides that he isn't too hateable at least compared to how the other b5 treat 3E. I just love how unfiltered he is and just expresses his frustration openly instead of keeping it to himself. Sad we didn't get more of him.
-Koyama is someone I had thoughts about recently: Just imagine he wasn't approached by Shuu before and just kept being his self loathing self. Because of that I can see him dropping down to 3E. What a story that would be!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
-Shuu: Ren, Isogai, Ritsu, Lea
-Ren: Shuu, Hazama, Lea, Karma
-Araki: Kurahashi, Seo
-Seo: Shuu, Araki
-Koyama: Kurahashi
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I am going to combine the B5 as a group now:
I just hate how all of the main campus kids are villified to no end. Yes they were assholes and there were definitely some among them that were aware of that too. But they are just KIDS, damn it. They deserve better treatment than whatever Gakuhou got. They should learn from their mistakes.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
The process of them becoming better people. We saw this a little bit throughout s2, but I feel the jump from the finals to graduation to be too sudden.
A chapter or two between those two events could have been used to show how they think of their situation now and their plans to change themselves. Imagine after the Civil War arc, there are a few scenes of what happened during the time 3e was in an outright battle and how 3a started to change too.
Also, at least better character profiles than just focusing on Shuu. Maybe a bit about their families would be nice.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
-Shuu: Ren, Isogai, Ritsu, Karma (as rivals/siblings), Itona, Gakuhou (as ???)
-Ren: Shuu, Hazama, Karma, Fuwa, Yada, Irina
-Araki: Kurahashi, Isogai (as rivals)
- Seo: Rio, Nagisa
-Koyama: Okuda (as rivals)
Thanks for the ask! Always happy to talk about the boys!
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zunadokei · 1 year
I strongly believe and enjoy crimes and act of justice. it simply pure curiousity.
surviving is a sin, killing is a expression, such is justice for years, theft is more deadly then dead itself, torture for simply survive. meanwhile murder is considered as a human act even thought it unhuman.
acceptable as a self-defense or even revenge if no one did anything and have proof they were trying to get help.
everyone and nobody wish for equality because of the freedom but the power they need to control and share and humanity doesn't like sharing.
such equality is hopeful, simply hope a insucessful hope but of it was real, I believe women and men should share, job, position, power such a equality justice. but I don't believe in such thing happening once in every futur I seek due to all our humanity story.
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
New Combo - Assassination Classroom and Ranma 1/2
Nagisa was quiet. Always has been, at least as far as anyone in 3E was concerned. But there was a difference between quiet and the day Nagisa came in refusing to speak at all.
He was hunched slightly and was wearing a sweater over his normal vest. Not even Kayano or Karma could get a word out of him. Just a nod, slight headshake, or he'd hunch in on himself further to avoid the question.
"I think well handle Language Arts a little early today." Koro-Sensei closed his planner. "Nagisa, why don't you come with me for a bit?" There was a sense of relief through the classroom. Koro-Sensei was their target, but their teacher first. He'd help.
"I know you don't want to talk," Koro-Sensei said kindly, pushing a piece of paper and pen forward. "Would this make communicating easier?" Nagisa picked up the pen. His hand hesitated over the paper for a moment, then angrily scribbled 'I WANT TO KILL' then hesitating on the name and scribbling out his former words. "Someone hurt you badly." Koro-Sensei observed. Nagisa nodded. "Was it someone from school?" Nagisa shook his head. "Someone from home?" A small head nod. "Your father?" A small head shake. "Your mother?" Nagisa curled up into a ball.
"Nagisa." He looked up. "I like to think I know my class well. And I know you wouldn't express a desire to kill someone unless you meant it. And I know you wouldn't mean it unless she did something unforgivable. Can you tell me what she did?" Nagisa reached for the pen. For a long while he didn't write.
'When I was born she saw me as her second chance at life. Someone she could live vicariously through. The only problem with her projecting herself onto me was I was a boy.'
'My face is pretty feminine though, so she made me grow my hair long so she could pretend I'm a girl. She also buys me dresses. Says how much she wishes she could have had dresses like that when she was young and look as pretty in them as I do.'
"I see." Koro-Sensei's face revealed nothing. 'Yesterday when I got home, Mom said she found a way to fix my problem. I'm good at reading her moods and I knew that I should play along for now or she might get violent. I thought she was talking about E-Class and my grades. I never thought' Nagisa let the pen fall from his hand. "How could she?" he whispered, before slapping his hands over his mouth. The voice wasn't Nagisa's. The intonation was the same, but the pitch was off, higher.
"How did she do this?" Koro-Sensei's voice was too even. It was almost devoid of emotion.
Nagisa opened his mouth, then closed it and reached for the pen again. 'It was this strange liquid. It looked like smelly water. When she dumped it on my head it felt wrong. I felt wrong. She said she was a little surprised the man from China was telling the truth. I didn't understand. Be she poured another cup of water over my head, this one didn't smell. She said that would make it permanent. When I realized I almost' again Nagisa started scribbling out the previous sentence.
And Koro-Sensei understood. This was someone Nagisa had trusted, who had betrayed him in the worst manner. He was no stranger to what it was like, after all, to have someone with power over you alter your body to their liking. How much worse family?
He'd have no qualms about killing Yanagisawa if he ever found him again. If anything it showed Nagisa's self control that he hadn't struck out at his mother in revenge.
"I'm going to fix this." Koro-Sensei promised. "I don't know how yet, but I will."
The look in Nagisa's eyes, the sheer faith he had in Koro-Sensei, it almost broke him. "Let's go find Karasuma. I'm going to need to inform him about my sudden trip to China." They found the Ministry Agent out front of the old building, talking to Principal Asano. "Ah, just the two people I wanted to see." Asano smiled his mirthless smile. "I don't suppose either of you might enlighten me as to why Shiota-san has been trying to alter her child's records to say she has a daughter and not a son?" Nagisa shrunk back, but Koro-Sensei put a reassuring tentacle on his shoulder. "We were just talking about that, as a matter of fact. No need to change any paperwork. We'll get this straightened out."
"Good to hear it." Principal Asano left, whether because he had no desire to be on the satellite campus any more than necessary, or because he wanted nothing to do with what his strangest teacher was about to unleash, who could say?
"Karasuma, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave the class in your capable hands while I run on a little project. But before I come back there's something I'd like you to do." "And that would be?" Karasuma asked, annoyed, but wary.
"By the time I get back, I want Nagisa's father to have full custody over him. If that is not the case when I return, Nagisa's father will gain full custody because he will be the only living parent Nagisa has."
Koro-Sensei was still smiling, but his perfectly square teeth were starting to sharpen and his yellow skin was turning black on the edges.
And yet for all of the danger signals and blatant threats, Nagisa looked relaxed at the declaration, leaning into his teacher in relief.
Shiota-san, whatever you did, you brought this on yourself "You better get going before your pay gets docked again."
"Some things are more important than money." Koro-Sensei said grimly, before taking off.
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simul16 · 3 years
The Curious Case of the Original Women of Ravenloft (or Loose Canons Can Be Dangerous)
For many years, we in the Dungeons & Dragons RPG studio have considered things like D&D novels, D&D video games, D&D comic books, as wonderful expressions of D&D storytelling and D&D lore, but they are not canonical for the D&D roleplaying game. -Jeremy Crawford Those among us who are fortunate enough to become shepherds or stewards of the D&D game must train ourselves to become art and lore experts so that we know when we’re being faithful to the game’s past and when we’re moving in a new direction. We decide, based on our understanding of the game’s history and audience, what artwork or lore to pull forward, what artwork or lore needs to change, and what artwork or lore should be buried so deep that it never again sees the light of day. -Chris Perkins There is a very simple statement to be made about all these stories: they do not really come off intellectually as problems, and they do not come off artistically as fiction. They are too contrived, and too little aware of what goes on in the world. - Raymond Chandler, "The Simple Art of Murder"
There's been a bit of a stir in the D&D community over some comments that Jeremy Crawford made at a press briefing prior to the D&D Live event about how only the information published in a WotC Fifth Edition D&D product is 'canonical' for D&D. There was enough of a reaction that Chris Perkins, self-described as "one of the D&D Studio's principal game architects", published an article on the WotC site (linked under Perkins's name above) explaining this statement and explicitly calling out what it means when discussing an intellectual property with a long-standing and vast catalog of lore, where that lore is one of the primary positive features of that property.
On the surface, it seems pretty straight-forward. Crawford's comments focused on not overwhelming partners with lore requirements when producing peripheral products like novels and video games so that they can focus on producing their product rather than meeting arbitrary lore requirements (not that this seems to have helped the most recent video game product release). Perkins mentions this, too, explicitly evoking R.A. Salvatore's novels and how Salvatore (perhaps infamously) used to incorporate elements into his stories that were outright illegal according to the D&D game rules (such as Drizzt's dual-wielding of scimitars, only made legal in 5e, or his creation of Pikel Bouldershoulder, a 'mentally challenged' dwarf who believed himself to be a druid and even eventually displayed druid-like abilities, even though dwarves in the D&D of the era of the Cleric Quintet series, where Pikel appeared, were not allowed to be druids). Perkins's comments also refocused the discussion on players, DMs, and their games, making the point that every campaign develops its own canon, and that the version of the Forgotten Realms run at a given D&D table does not perfectly match either the version of the same world run at a different table, or even as presented in the official published campaign sourcebooks.
This position is easily defensible; I even presented it myself in a response on Twitter to Perkins's own comment on an event in the Acquisitions Incorporated campaign he runs and records for online consumption. A restaurant that exists in the Forgotten Realms of Acquisitions Incorporated might have been shut down for health reasons after a shambling mound attack in a different campaign, or a previous party of PCs might have made a disastrous error during the war with reborn Netheril that led to the fall of Cormyr, with the coastal area of the former kingdom being absorbed by their rivals in Sembia while the interior lands were allowed to be overrun with monsters migrating out of the Stonelands (which makes for a nearly ideal 'starter zone' for a new 5E Realms campaign, IMO).
But just because there are benefits to such an approach to canon doesn't mean that it's the best way to approach canon, particularly with respect to a property which has had a long lifespan and is expected to have an even longer one. There are plenty of ways to criticize such an approach, many of which have been brought up by other commenters:
In any long-lasting intellectual property, there is a core of fans that are devoted to the lore and canon of that property -- see Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. 'Loosening up' the lore not only convinces your existing super-fans not to continue to support and evangelize your property, but also prevents the creation of a new generation of such fans to continue your property's life into a new generation of fans.
Since much of what is on offer in a published sourcebook is the current 'canon' (despite Perkins's statement that "we don't produce sourcebooks that spool out a ton of backstory", the reality is that much of the content of sourcebooks like the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft is setting material: i.e.: "backstory"), if you're not going to stand up for the lore of prior editions, and by implication make it clear that future editions aren't going to be beholden to the lore of even this edition, then why get heavily invested in the lore at all? (This ties into the above point, as the fewer people who get invested in the lore of a property, the fewer evangelists for that property you will produce.)
If you have any Organized Play for your game (which D&D does, as does so-called 'living card games' which are based on an advancing storyline), loosened canon makes it easier for those authors to produce content, but simultaneously makes it harder to incorporate the content that players enjoy into the overall game. In addition, the later stories can't take into account all of the potential outcomes that a given group might have taken through a given adventure, so in effect, this turns all adventures into "railroad plots" with respect to the larger campaign narrative, where the best outcome is assumed for each adventure and thus the PCs don't really have the ability to influence the overall metaplot. (This gets complicated, because it necessarily involves different campaign outcomes contesting with one another to become the 'canonical' outcome, which is itself pretty challenging. Regardless, one of the attractions of a 'living campaign' is that the campaign in theory adapts to respond to the actions of the players; a 'living campaign' that doesn't do this is no different than a traditional scripted campaign.)
Perkins's final point in his essay, though, seems just as important to the current 'administration' as any of the other explanations, and that's the quote referenced at the top. In effect, what Perkins is saying is that the 5E team wants to be able to take what they consider 'good lore' and keep in in the game, while revising or outright eliminating 'bad lore'. Again, this seems like a defensible position, but it also has a flip side: it assumes that your changes to the lore are not just lazy or arbitrary, but are made consciously and for specific reasons. This could work well if you actually follow through on your intention, but given the realities of publishing on a schedule, it's inevitable that some amount of lazy or arbitrary decision-making will occur, and in those decisions, you can inadvertently (or allow someone without your knowledge to deliberately) make decisions that harm the canon. The statement seems reasonable, but as we'll discover below, it's actually fundamentally dishonest.
With that in mind, let's explore...
The Curious Case of the Original Women of Ravenloft
The original Ravenloft setting as released in the early 1990s, like the game studio that released it, contained a lot of old white guys, and it didn't necessarily get any more diverse with time. The early 3E Ravenloft product "Secrets of the Dread Realms" by Swords & Sorcery Studios lists eighteen Domains of Dread, half of which were unambiguously run by old white dudes. Depending on how you want to define 'old' and 'white', you could even add a few more domains to the list (such as Verbrek, ruled by the son of the former old white dude darklord, and Markovia, depending on whether you consider Markov to still be human enough to qualify as an old white dude). Only five domains were ruled by female darklords, and one of those (Borca) isn't even wholly ruled by the female darklord. Comparing the darklords of Secrets of the Dread Realms to that of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft points out just how much of a priority it was for the 5E team to increase the diversity of darklords in the setting.
Curiously, though, the female characters retained from classic Ravenloft don't appear to have been changed in a manner that fits Perkins's explanation of what they consider when deciding what to bring forward from older lore, as in nearly every case, the character became less interesting and possesses less agency in her current 5E presentation than she did in her original pre-5E incarnation.
Jacqueline Montarri
Let's begin our survey with a character who technically doesn't yet exist in 5E lore, and thus by Crawford's definition doesn't exist in lore at all. It might seem odd to begin my presentation of 'female characters deprived of agency by their 5E presentations' by starting with a character who wasn't presented, but on the other hand, being removed from canon and thus from existence could be argued as the most severe loss of agency possible for a character.
Jacqueline doesn't exist in 5E because the organization she founded, the Red Vardo Traders, doesn't exist in 5E. In older editions, the Red Vardo Traders was both a legitimate trade company as well as a criminal organization engaging in smuggling, assassination, and other crimes, and are based in the Barovian town of Krezk. The version of Krezk presented in Curse of Strahd, however, makes no mention of the Red Vardo Traders, choosing instead to present Krezk as a small village dominated by the Monastery of Saint Markovia*, a location that does not exist in pre-5E Ravenloft. The Red Vardo Traders were founded by Jacqueline for a specific purpose, and thus both their legitimate business operations and their criminal pursuits are but shells for their true purpose: to find Jacqueline Montarri's head.
* - Saint Markovia himself was initially presented in the late 3E reboot adventure "Expedition to Castle Ravenloft", as one of the inhabitants of Castle Ravenloft's crypts; Markovia was changed from a man into a woman as part of Curse of Strahd, and the Sanctuary of First Light, the largest church of the Morninglord in Ravenloft pre-5E and placed in Krezk by its developers, was re-written in Curse of Strahd as the Monastery of Saint Markovia.
Montarri sought the secret of eternal youth, and in doing so, consulted with the Vistani seer Madame Eva to find it. Eva originally resisted, but finally revealed that the secret rested within the library of Castle Ravenloft, and Jacqueline, out of a desire to be the only possessor of such a secret, out of a need to do evil, or perhaps both, murdered Eva before departing for Strahd's castle. Unfortunately, Jacqueline's infiltration of Castle Ravenloft attracted Strahd's attention, and she was captured, turned over to the villagers in Barovia, and beheaded for her crime against Strahd. However, some of Eva's fellow Vistani asked to take custody of the body, explaining that the woman had murdered their leader, and Jacqueline eventually awoke -- wearing Madame Eva's head. She since learned that she could 'wear' the decapitated heads of others, and cannot survive long without one. Jacqueline's body has not aged, but her head ages a year for each day she wears it, requiring her to continually murder (and possibly assume the identities of those she murders) to survive while she searches for her original head, the only thing that can break the curse that Eva's kin placed upon her.
That's a pretty amazing backstory, and one I'd think would be very worth including in a new Ravenloft setting, save for one problem: Madame Eva's death. Now this isn't actually a big problem in the context of classic Ravenloft: both Eva herself and her tribe of Vistani were known to have a 'curious' relationship to time (former Ravenloft writer John W. Mangrum explicitly called Madame Eva a "time traveler" when it was pointed out that Eva's continued existence in Ravenloft canon suggested that she had not actually been killed), but it did cause confusion among those with a more static approach to continuity. Since Eva unambiguously exists in 5E Ravenloft, being referenced in both Curse of Strahd and Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, it appears that the decision to jettison Jacqueline and her Red Vardo Traders comes mainly from a desire to untangle that confusing bit about Eva actually being dead but still walking around.
Granted, the need for an organization like the Red Vardo Traders is perhaps less significant in a Ravenloft where the Core doesn't exist and every domain is its own Island of Terror, but given that Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft still lists a number of organizations known to be capable of travel between domains, including two that they just invented out of whole cloth, it would seem as though making use of a pre-existing organization might have worked just as well. The other complicating factor is that Montarri is not herself a darklord; with the focus of the 5E Ravenloft experience on darklords as linchpins of the setting, having a compelling NPC who isn't a darklord (but who honestly could be made into one fairly easily, as her curse lends itself to a darklord's punishment and her formation of the Red Vardo Traders into her way of dealing with the limitations of being a darklord) would seem to detract from what the 5E designers were trying to do with the setting.
But this isn't the only or even the worst example of a female character deprived of her agency in the new regime...
Gabrielle Aderre
Unlike Jacqueline, whose elimination from Ravenloft seems like an editorial red pen taken to an otherwise merely irritating issue, anyone familiar with Gabrielle Aderre's backstory realized that her background would have to change significantly given the changes to the Vistani in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.
In pre-5E Ravenloft, the Vistani were an exotic human culture of outsiders, driven by their heritage and abilities to make their own way within the Domains of Dread, and having developed mysterious abilities and customs to protect themselves from its dangers. Non-Vistani were viewed with suspicion, to the point where the Vistani had a specific word ("giorgio") for non-Vistani, and those who chose to breed with non-Vistani and their offspring were frequently outcast from Vistani culture. Female Vistani were often gifted with 'The Sight', a precognitive or divination ability, but the Vistani took great pains to ensure that no male children were born with The Sight, lest that child grow up to be a prophesied doom-bringer known as a Dukkar. (One such seer was Hyskosa, whose legendary prophesies eventually led to the Great Conjunction which nearly tore the realms apart.) Because of their separation from mundane society, more traditional settlements tended to fear the Vistani, especially their rumored skill with fashioning deadly curses when wronged, and though Vistani would often trade with such settlements, they were never truly welcome in them; ultimately, the Vistani would follow their wanderlust and move on, leaving even more strange tales and confusing lore in their wake.
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft changed all that. Now, the Vistani are simply a sprawling human culture who "refuses to be captives of a single domain, the Mists, or any terror." Their abilities are no longer unique -- there are a number of Vistani who "possess the Mist Walker Dark Gift" that can be taken by any character -- though they are said to "understand how to employ Mist Talismans" with their "traditional magic". Instead of being seen by others as mysterious outsiders, now "the news and goods Vistani bring ensures a genuine welcome" from more traditional settlements, and only "more dismal communities view Vistani with suspicion"; likewise the Vistani themselves no longer refer to non-Vistani as "giorgio", nor do they seem to have any issues with those of mixed Vistani blood traveling or dwelling among them. Most significantly, the legends of the Dukkar no longer exist, with both male and female Vistani serving as spellcasters "with many favoring divination magic for the practical help if provides in avoiding danger." In fact, Hyskosa is no longer a lost seer prophesying the doom of the Dread Realms, but "a renowned poet and storyteller" who is alive and leads his own caravan of Vistani through the Mists.
Given all of this, Gabrielle's pre-5E backstory would need to change quite drastically. Gabrielle's mother was half-Vistani, and possessed enough of The Sight to prophesy that Gabrielle could never seek to have a family or tragedy would be the inevitable result. Learning to hate the Vistani based on her mother's incessant refusal to acknowledge her desires for a family, Gabrielle eventually abandoned her mother during a werewolf attack, fleeing into Invidia where she was captured and brought before the darklord, who sought to enslave her to command her exotic sensuality. Instead, Gabrielle made use of the traditional Vistani "evil eye" to paralyze the darklord, murdering him and assuming his lordship over Invidia. Not long after, Gabrielle was visited by a 'mysterious gentleman caller', after which she discovered she was pregnant, eventually giving birth to a boy who proved to possess The Sight. Delighted that she had managed to give birth to a Dukkar, she failed to realize how quickly the boy grew or how powerful he proved to be until her son, Malocchio, usurped her throne (but not the dark lordship of Invidia) and cast her out of his court. Though there are definitely some problematic things in this story, it's not so terrible that it couldn't still serve as the foundation of a tragic Darklord's origin.
In Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, Invidia is detailed among the short descriptions of "Other Domains of Dread", and her pre-5E backstory has been utterly thrown out. There's no indication of how Gabrielle became darklord of Invidia, who the father of her child is, or anything from pre-5E lore. Instead, Gabrielle has become one of the parents from the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -- a rich, bad mom convinced of her child's greatness and willing to accept anyone who supports that story while turning a blind eye to her child's misbehavior and cruelty toward his servants and teachers.
Pre-5E Gabrielle wasn't ideal, but at least she had a drive: she wanted a family, and refused to accept that her desire could not overcome the inevitable grinding wheel of fate. 5E Gabrielle arguably isn't even evil, just supernaturally deluded (ironically, her main flaw is her blind acceptance of the rightness of her own privilege), so it's not even clear why she rather than Malocchio is the darklord of Invidia. Rather than wanting a thing she can never have, 'modern' Gabrielle assumes she has a thing that doesn't exist, and is less a tragic figure desperately trying to assert her own agency than a deluded puppet, acting out a part in a drama that makes no sense. Granted, as we noted above, some degree of Gabrielle's old backstory would need to change to accommodate the other changes to Ravenloft lore as part of the 5E transition, but the decision to simply throw out the old Gabrielle and turn her into a character who isn't even aware of her own lack of agency in her situation is, in its own way, even more tragic than Gabrielle's original pre-5E story.
Isolde is a fascinating character, because she was created after the Carnival, the group she leads in Ravenloft lore. In pre-5E Ravenloft, the Carnival was the Carnival l'Morai, run by a sinister being known as the Puppetmaster. The events that led to the Carnival breaking free of the Puppetmaster's influence are detailed in the 1993 Ravenloft novel "Carnival of Fear". Then, in the 1999 supplement "Carnival", John W. Mangrum and Steve Miller take the Carnival l'Morai and introduce them to Isolde, a mysterious woman who joins the Carnival and assumes the role of its leader and protector. Much of the internal story within the supplement itself involves the theories that many of the other characters have about who Isolde is and where she comes from, and how various aspects of the Carnival, such as the Twisting (a change that comes over those who remain with the Carnival for any signficant amount of time and seem to bring hidden or secret traits to the surface as exotic abilities or mutations), relate to her. In the end, though (spoiler alert!), Mangrum and Miller reveal Isolde's true backstory -- she is a chaotic good ghaele eladrin who voluntarily chose to enter Ravenloft in pursuit of a fiend named the Gentleman Caller (thus the Carnival supplement is also the origin of the Caller, one of the signature non-darklord villains of the setting). The Twisting is revealed to be a side-effect of Isolde's 'reality wrinkle'; as an outsider, Isolde can re-make reality in a short distance around her, and one of the ways she does this is by bringing someone's inner self out and making it visible to others. Honestly, if you wanted a domain or group whose underlying reason-to-exist seems tailor-made for a modern RPG audience, it would be one where having your inner self revealed to the world, one that you've been taught is freakish and strange, proves to be beautiful to those who accept you.
But that's not what we got in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, perhaps because of the book's insistence on page 6 that "Nowhere Is Safe". Instead of the 3E ghaele eladrin, Isolde is now just an eladrin, a 4E planar elf variant. Instead of entering Ravenloft and finding the Carnival l'Morai in need of a leader and protector, she was manipulated first by a powerful archfey into leading a fey carnival, then inexplicably decided to swap carnivals with a different carnival run by a group of shadar-kai through the Shadowfell, even going so far as to accept the intelligent (and evil) sword Nepenthe, who is the actual darklord of the Carnival.
Again, as with Gabrielle, some simplification of Isolde's backstory was probably inevitable, as the original backstory made use of very specific Ravenloft mechanics that the 5E version simply doesn't want to deal with (mainly Isolde's 'reality wrinkle' which drives the Twisting). But not only did the designers take a character who had explicitly chosen both to enter Ravenloft in pursuit of the Gentleman Caller and to take leadership of the Carnival to serve as its protector and changed her into a character who is manipulated into doing everything she does that gets her into Ravenloft (and leaves her no memory of how or why she got there), the designers didn't even decide to keep Isolde as the most significant character in Carnival, allowing the sword Isolde carries to take that starring role.
Oddly, a lot of the changes to Isolde's story are reminiscent of the classic Ravenloft story of Elena Faith-Hold and how she became the darklord of Nidala in the Shadowlands, which suggested to me that perhaps at one time the Shadowlands were not going to be included in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, and the changes to Isolde's story were meant to be a call-out to what would be the missing story of Elena. But the Shadowlands also exist as an "Other Domain of Dread", so in the end, the changes to Isolde served no real positive purpose.
It's worth taking a moment to contrast the characters above with the domains in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft that gained female darklords who didn't have female darklords previously:
Dementlieu, formerly ruled by Dominic D'Honaire, is now ruled by Saidra D'Honaire; it is hinted but not stated explicitly in Saidra's backstory that she is not actually related to the former darklord, but simply assumed the family name as part of her assumption of the rulership of Dementlieu, in which the Grand Masquerade must be maintained above all else.
Falkovnia, formerly ruled by Vlad Drakov, is now ruled by Vladeska Drakov; Vladeska's backstory makes it plain that she is a female re-skin of the original Vlad Drakov, himself a character from the Dragonlance world of Krynn. Other than her origin, which is now no longer tied to Dragonlance, her backstory is largely the same as her predecessor's, save that instead of the dead rising to battle Drakov's attempted invasions of their northern neighbor, Darkon, now the dead rise to reclaim Falkovnia itself from Vladeska's attempt to 'pacify' it.
Lamordia, formerly ruled by Adam, the creation of the mad doctor Victor Mordenheim, is now ruled by the mad doctor Viktra Mordenheim; Victor's hubris in his attempt to create life are matched by Viktra's attempts to defeat death.
Valachan, formerly ruled by Baron Urik von Kharkov, is now ruled by Chakuna; in one of the few backstories in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft that acknowledges a former darklord, Chakuna's backstory is that she had to become a monster (a were-panther, specifically) to defeat a monster (a panther who was polymorphed into a man as part of a revenge plot, fled from the Forgotten Realms into Ravenloft upon realizing what he was, where he was transformed into a vampire...look, not every convoluted backstory for the old Ravenloft darklords was necessarily a good convoluted backstory).
I'd argue that each of the darklords above retains her agency in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, but it's curious to note that each of those darklords seems to have inherited that sense of agency from her relationship to the male darklord that preceded her, sometimes literally (in the cases of Saidra and Chakuna) and sometimes figuratively (in the cases where Vladeska and Viktra are mainly female re-skinnings of the original male darklords). The designers clearly have the capacity to allow a female darklord to exercise agency and have drive and purpose to her existence, if that drive and purpose was inherited from or inspired by an original male character. If the character was a woman all along, though, then agency and drive and purpose are not really important to the designers, if they can fit that character into the specially designed hole the size of the concept they had for the new domain. Which brings us to the character who I feel was done dirtiest by the designers in moving from classic Ravenloft to 5E...
Jacqueline Renier
Jacqueline Renier is one of the original Ravenloft darklords, tracing her origins all the way back to the original "Black Box" campaign setting released by TSR in 1990. She appears in two different places in that boxed set -- once as the chaotic evil darklord of Richemulot in the Realm of Terror booklet, and in a portrait of the Renier family included as a handout in the box. The Renier family was actually an ancient wererat clan in the world they originally came from, and Jacqueline herself was the granddaughter of the patriarch of the clan, Claude Renier. When the Reniers fled into Ravenloft to escape the justice of their original world, they first appeared in Falkovnia, where they ruled the sewers until finally forced out by Vlad Drakov's troops. Fleeing into the Mists, the Reniers found themselves in the new domain of Richemulot, and Claude found himself the domain's darklord.
Jacqueline proved an eager student in the manipulative ways of her elders, however; both her grandfather, who maintained control over the clan through a combination of coercion and sheer force of personality, and her mother, who murdered Jacqueline's father seemingly only so that Jacqueline and her twin sister would not need to lose the Renier name. Jacqueline learned the game so well that one day she manipulated her own grandfather into his destruction at her hands, so cleanly that no one else in the family dared to oppose her ascension. Jacqueline was now the matriarch of the Reniers, and the ruler of Richemulot.
But 3E Ravenloft added a few additional wrinkles to Jacqueline's backstory. In the Ravenloft Gazetteers, it was revealed that Jacqueline's ambition to assume control of her clan and the domain of Richemulot were not just driven by a desire for power, but in the name of a vision of the future where wererats would reigns supreme over all other humanoids. She began encouraging migration into the largely undeveloped and underpopulated lands of Richemulot, while overseeing work in putrid laboratories to develop the Becoming Plague -- a disease that would transform humanoids en-masse into wererats under Jacqueline's ultimate command. In every speech Jacqueline would give about the glorious future of Richemulot, it was not the future of humanity she was referring to, but rather the coming age of the rat.
Jacqueline's backstory wasn't perfect -- as with other female darklords, she also got saddled with the 'she desperately wants to be loved and is terrified of being alone' trope -- but for the most part, this is a truly impressive backstory. And in our age, a domain featuring an ambitious politician pushing nationalism to motivate her partisans, only for that nationalism to not be what her partisans believe it is would seem to be an extremely fitting template for horror. It would certainly seem possible to re-write the few problematic aspects of her character with more modern tropes; make Jacqueline an 'ace' (asexual) but who still craves romance based on her upbringing and is both attracted to and terrified by anyone who might potentially prove to be her equal, and you've got what I'd consider to be one of the best darklords in the setting.
As you might expect, given Jacqueline's placement on this list, that's not nearly what we got in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.
Instead, Jacqueline was born as a noblewoman within Richemulot, and was quick to notice that the rise of the bourgeoise would threaten the power of the nobility and lead to their diminution in society. Jacqueline's grandfather was not the charismatic, sadistic mastermind of a clan of wererats, but an aging nobleman growing infirm in his old age, and he proved unable and/or unwilling to work to change things, so Jacqueline would need to be the person to reverse her family's fortunes and the decline of the nobility in society. Not by doing anything herself, mind, but rather by trying to find an organization of nobles working to maintain the supremacy of the nobility. Finding them, she learned too late that they were secretly a society of wererats when she was forcibly made into one of them, but she quickly adapted, rising to command both the rat and wererat populations before finally unleashing a plague -- the Gnawing Plague -- upon the populace. Rather than converting the population into wererats, the Gnawing Plague just killed them, and when the people begged Jacqueline and the nobles for aid, Jacqueline made helpful noises but did nothing useful (it's not recorded if she uttered the words "Let them eat cake," as she watched the peasants die). Her 'torment' as a darklord is that she wants to return to the privileged life she had as a noblewoman, but can't, as the need to supervise the creation of new, more virulent plagues and unleash them to keep the peasantry from revolting and overthrowing the nobility prevents her from building the kind of society that would actually support a thriving nobility.
Instead of a domain where we have seen the future and humanity has no place in it, we have a one-percenter using every ounce of her privilege to stay above the ranks of the peasants she despises. Instead of an intelligent, ambitious planner capable of executing long-range goals flawlessly, we have a vapid, shallow socialite yearning to return to her days as a debutante. As villains go, Jacqueline has fallen a long, long way from her portrayal in pre-5E Ravenloft.
Probably the most offensive part of the redesign of Richemulot as 'the plague domain' is that we've spent over nineteen months living through a plague of our own, and the kind of horror that is presented as Richemulot's primary adventure cycle, the Cycle of the Plague, bears almost no resemblance to the reality we've lived through. Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft presents a world where common people are to be feared, and authorities abuse their power to heartlessly quarantine the sick to stop the disease from overtaking everyone, yet say nothing about the horror of those who refuse to accept that the plague exists, or who profiteer from bizarre 'cures' and treatments. The designers present Richemulot as an example of 'disaster horror', where "the world has fallen into ruin -- or it's getting there fast," when the domain could be an example of the most classic of all horror tropes: humans are the most horrible of monsters.
Thus, the final quote leading this essay. It's not my place to argue that the folks who wrote Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft are good or bad writers, and as Raymond Chandler noted, it's not really necessary. After all, "[t]he poor writer is dishonest without knowing it, and the fairly good one can be dishonest because he doesn't know what to be honest about." And ultimately this entire drive, to try to distance the product from the mistakes of the past by also distancing it from its successes, all while presuming that one can correct the deficiencies of the past without committing mistakes that, in hindsight, will seem just as obvious to our successors: that undertaking is fundamentally dishonest. The people writing, editing, and publishing Dungeons & Dragons today grew up on the old tropes that are now being rejected as no longer being relevant, as unnecessary complexity, as potentially harmful, without realizing that the harmful bits aren't just what was written down, but what was learned, such as a woman's motivation and agency meaning little unless they correspond with those of a man.
Yes, there's a lot of stuff published before 2014 that seems bad to us today that, for whatever reason, didn't seem bad to us back when it was published, read, and became part of our fictional worlds. But there's also no reason to assume that process ended in 2014. Update the lore where it's needed, but realize that the process never ends, even with the lore you're writing today to replace it.
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ajthembtinerd412 · 3 years
Nancy Drew (2019): Nancy Drew: ENTJ 5w6
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Te: Nancy is logical and takes a step by step approach to solving mysteries. She always searches for evidence to prove her hunches correct, and is objectively logical and detached from her own emotions when working on a case. She is practical and has little patience for irrelevant emotional expressions and is instead task oriented.
Ni: Nancy is extremely intuitive about people and relies heavily on her hunches to figure out what’s really going on. She is analytical and good at making connections that allow her to find the culprit of a crime. She has a strong vision for her future before she loses her mother and needs to take a break to recover.
Se: Nancy can be very impulsive at times, but her actions always help her achieve her greater goal. She is aware of her physical environment and knows how to push people’s buttons.
Fi: Nancy is closed off and distant, fearing emotional connection after losing someone so important to her. She does, however, love her friends and family very dearly. She’ll do anything to protect them, like solving Lucy Sable’s suicide to save Carson Drew or lying that the Hudsons are innocent to save Ace, while still feeling guilty and not her authetic self.
Enneagram: 5w6
Nancy keeps to herself and is very closed off. She is very secretive and relies on her knowledge of the world around her to solve her problems. She is curious and inquisitive. Nancy distrusts people and has a counterphobic 6 wing. She faces challenges head on so that she and her loved ones don’t get hurt. She comes to rely on her friends for support and security when she learns to let people in again.
Instictual Variant: sp/sx
Nancy is independent and self reliant. She keeps to herself most of the time and prefers to work alone, refusing help from others in the beginning. She forms intense one- on- one bonds with certain people, like Nick. She can be very impulsive at times and quick to anger. She is so- blind and sometimes not aware of what the group wants and has a tendency to go rogue to protect her friends.
OSPP Temperament: Melancholic Choleric
Nancy is a perfectionist who cares about the truth. She wants to solve cases because she is interested in the truth and doing things right. She is analytical and detail oriented when solving cases, and discovers things the police miss. She is also pragmatic and wants to accomplish goals. She is detached and cold, and does not show emotion.
Attitudinal Psyche: LVEF
1L Confident Logic: Nancy believes in a logical explanation for everything. She has a hard time believing in the supernatural until confronted with evidence she can’t deny. She is methodical about finding evidence for Tiffany Hudson’s murder and Lucy Sable’s suicide. She can become frustrated with people when they are not being logical.
2V Flexible Volition: Nancy is a good leader, but can be flexible with her friends and not too pushy. She has no problem telling everyone else what to do, but also doesn’t mind if someone else takes charge. She is efficient and good at organizing her friends in order to accomplish a goal.
3E Insecure Emotion: Nancy has a hard time expressing her emotions and is very closed- off. She is prone to outbursts and has poor regulation over her own feelings. She generally prefers to rely on logic over her own feelings and is skeptical over her own emotions.
4F Unbothered Physics: Nancy isn’t overly concerned over her environment and has a very messy room. She isn’t very focused on her physical senses.
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Karma’s Backstory HC
So your homeboy doesn’t really have much of one to be honest. Breaking down what we do know: 
His parents are wealth day traders 
He’s left home alone most of the time
They’re really into India 
They’re free spirits who care more about whims than responsibility
Now, just a prewarning that literally none of what I’m about to say after this is canon. This is just the ideas I’ve developed over the years of having to come up with stuff for fics, and it’s the narrative I use for canon based fics. That being said, anyone who has a hard time coming up with this stuff is totally free to use it however they want! It’s weirdly in depth, I will say. 
Karma’s father comes from Hokkaido (the northern island of Japan - famous for farming and lots of snow), mostly because I really like Hokkaido, but there’s definitely this countryside kind of reputation that comes with it. 
His family is very much one of those generational farmer families who don’t feel the need to leave their community. He has three sisters, but he’s the only son. He went to Sapporo for university which was a shock to the family. 
Kind of a Japanese cultural no no to be honest. 
During his time at university, studying business, he decided to travel Asia a bit, eventually meeting his future wife (who is also Japanese, as fun as Karma being mixed headcanons are to me) on some kind of trip. They’re around the same age, maybe give or take a year or two. 
The two of them ended up falling for each other very fast, the whole ‘if you know you know’ thing. 
Her family are from Nagoya, just normal business people with nothing special about them. She’s an only child and they always had this view that she’d marry into a nice stable life. 
They get married pretty much as soon as he graduates, moving to be close to Tokyo since it was the best option for their jobs. Neither of their families is happy about this, but they don’t really care. 
Karma comes along pretty soon after, before they’ve really had a chance to settle into their lives together. They’re caught up in the whirlwind of their romance, soon, so they think having a baby is a great idea. 
Pretty soon, the itch of staying too long in one place starts to set in. Furthermore, the reality of a kid is very different to the fantasy. I think Karma probably cried a lot, even as a baby quickly figuring out the way to get attention. Karma’s mother doesn’t give up work, either, so managing everything starts to get stressful. 
After maybe a year of stability, they decide instead to just go back to the people they really are, moving around wherever the work takes them. Even as a toddler now, Karma starts to really get attached to things he has, because without much of a permanent home he doesn’t get to own a whole bunch of toys etc. 
When they’re not travelling for work, they’re travelling abroad. Actually, I think they took Karma with them a lot when he was old enough to have some kind of awareness of what’s happening around him. He really enjoyed those times, but he didn’t have a new normal yet. This fit in with their cute life vision, at the time. 
I picture them being Hindus, but not very strictly? Japanese attitudes towards religion are a fascinating subject honestly, but the long and short of it is that strictly following one down to the ‘rules’ isn’t that common. I think they’d like it more for aesthetic reasons than actually believing in it. 
Controversial, but I actually think Karma was genuinely a pretty sweet and quiet kid. Due to moving so much, he never really got to settle in anywhere and make friends, so his social skills are lacking when it comes to people his age. 
Around that age, his parents teach him stuff that’s not so appropriate for a child, such as how to manipulate people into doing business deals with you, the value of money etc. 
However, once again they started to get a little tried with him. Karma’s a really curious kid, which leads him into running off and not always doing what his parents want him to, asking questions about things to the point it gets irritating to them. They feel like he’s now holding them back. So, increasingly, they reach out to neighbours they have at the time, asking them to watch after Karma when they go on these trips together. 
Karma starts to develop this really bad separation anxiety, like he doesn’t understand what’s happening when they’re suddenly leaving him. He gets the idea to start lashing out at whoever’s meant to be looking after him, in the hopes that they’ll be forced to come back. Most of the time, they don’t have a choice. 
Karma begins to resent his parents, and they begin to resent him further for misbehaving. 
Since this is some kind of solution to him now, he applies it to his school life. At this point it’s the age where kids really know how to pick on people and target. Karma shuts that down quickly, by fighting his way out of it. 
Since he ends up getting suspended a lot, he has free time to learn ahead of school. He genuinely likes that part of school, but it’s just the everything else he doesn’t. 
He’s actually very passionate about the things he enjoys, but he’s learnt that expressing it at school would get him teased, and his parents don’t care at all. It’s rare even as he goes into canon and beyond, then, that he expresses his more fanboy sides. 
Even when his parents are in the country, they find it suitable around the age of 7 or so to let Karma be in the house alone whilst they work for long hours. As such, he gets really into watching movies as a distraction. 
They don’t hate Karma by any means, they definitely ‘love’ him in a way, though it’s not the same kind of parental love most people receive. They try to placate him with gifts, when they leave the country, but Karma doesn’t easily just forgive and forget. After a time he just asks them to bring him spices, in a sort of self protest of not wanting their gifts. Those spices become his prized possession. 
By about 10, Karma stops fighting it. He locks his feelings about them away and accepts that nothing he does will make his parents stay. Whilst he doesn’t purposely act out to get attention, acting out at this point has morphed into a normal part of his personality. 
There’s been nobody to teach him right from wrong, so he’s left to make mostly his own decisions about it. 
When he’s approaching eleven, and his parents are just the slightest bit more responsible, and decide that in the effort of not messing up their son’s entire education, they’re going to buy a house and make it a permanent home until he at least graduates junior high. 
Did I say responsible? Because that also comes with the decision that he’s old enough to be left at home alone. At first it’s only for a night or two, but it slowly becomes weeks and months at a time, until Karma’s practically living alone with barely even a phone call from them. 
Karma’s actually really lonely, though he shrugs it off and perfects his act of being unbothered. He misses them, but he shoves that embarrassing feeling right down and ignores it. 
Since he has to, Karma learns how to cook, along with general domestic stuff such as shopping for a reasonable budget and 
His parents send a ridiculous allowance, though, which he doesn’t like to touch much of if he can help it.
He also booby traps his bedroom, and other areas of the house. Just in case. 
Nagisa’s his first genuine friend. 
It’s not until 3E where he finally develops healthy bonds with multiple people, and really learns that it’s okay to trust.  
Wow that got long. As I said, I have thought about this a lot. I feel like it would explain why Karma is the way he is. Honestly, it’s a bit depressing too. I just don’t see Karma’s parents being Good People. 
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Cassell Cynics: Part 5 (End...?)
OCs are @hectab ‘s . Dinnae Steal! :D that’s my job. :3c
Hana sprinted from Nathan’s dorm towards Guderian’s class room, full of desperation. She kicked off the silly heels Cassell forced her to wear and let the pavement pound through her bare feet. As she ran, she called the professor on her cell phone again and again, but he didn’t pick up. She imagined him teaching a class. She would disrupt it. She would get into trouble maybe she would be disciplined. But they were making a mistake! She had to get them to change their mind!
How come Fingel got to stay as rank F and Nathan was getting expelled as a Rank C? It wasn’t fair! Nathan had way more potential than Fingel and even if he didn’t do anything... why was his mental health not a concern to them? They were the ones who decided to keep him! This is partly their fault. But all Guderian regretted was not being able to refund his tuition! 
She took the twenty stairs up to the main teaching hall in a single bound. Her dark ponytail flying behind her. The doors were already propped open but no one was in the halls. She kept running, expecting resistance. But finding none at all. In fact, all the lights were off as if the classes were finished for the semester.
She dialed Guderian’s number again and it rang and rang. She could hear it ringing in the classroom ahead of her. How could he just ignore her calls like this!
Hana burst through the double doors into a classroom that was empty and dark.  The lights were out and the shades were drawn. The person standing at Guderian’s usual desk was Schneider! He was like a gargoyle in a dark trenchcoat. His sharp eyes glared from behind the half mask over his face. He was holding Guderian’s phone.
“You sent those texts?!” Hana gasped.
Strong arms seized Hana from either side of the doors and dragged her forward, pushing her into a chair in front of him. Hana was overtaken with confusion. “What’s happening? Where’s Professor Guderian?”
She looked up at either one of the people holding on to her. They were members of the Executive Board. Not students, full members!  “What’s going on? Where’s Nathan?”
“You’re too late. He’s already in with Toyama. His brainwashing has commenced.” Schneider said smoothly, setting the phone down. “And you will not be allowed to interfere.”
Nathan kept his head up high as he faced the psychologist Dr. Toyama. “It was a nice run.” He grinned. “Wish it could have lasted.”
Toyama, dressed in his usual brown tailored suit raised his eyebrows in surprise as he took a seat across from him. “You’re the cheeriest patient I’ve had the pleasure of working with.”
“Really? I’m guessing that they either don’t know what you really do or ... they’re here against their will. I’m neither of those things. I would have preferred to let my tuition run out first but... hey I get it. I’m not supposed to be here so... here we are!”
“Do you really not feel the Blood Cry at all?” Toyama asked. He picked up an iPad and started writing with a stylus.
“What difference does it make? I’m C-ranked. I don’t qualify for College. You don’t ask students if they feel the Blood Cry if they fail the 3E do you? You just kick them out.”
Toyama smiled, his eyes kind and gentle. “But you didn’t fail the 3E.”
Nathan gave a nervous laugh, his arms crossing over his chest. He glanced around and his eyes fell on hidden cameras very quickly. “You people were the ones who told me I got a C-rank. That’s a fail by your own rules. Why are you suddenly saying I didn’t fail. Did someone falsify my records?”
“I’m required to be present during the 3E. So I remember you. You were nervous but I remember you had a glimmer of excitement in your eyes. You didn’t seem to doubt yourself going in. But after the test was over...”
Nathan interrupted. “The 3E sucks. There are people who have to go to the hospital after! You’re there so they don’t blow their brains out after seeing their visions.”
“It only ‘sucks’ if they actually resonate...” Toyama said coldly.
Toyama sat in silence for several seconds and watched Nathan start to sweat. He rubbed his hands on his pants then suddenly relaxed. “Oh! I have my book with me. I figured I’d go for uh...Jason Bourne. You know, a secret spy who was ‘decomissioned’ by a black government program.” He opened to the correct page and showed it to Toyama. “Give me that memory please.”
Toyama took the notebook from him. There were over a hundred different scenarios of different reasons to explain the lost year from an erased memory, each one getting more and more elaborate as the time went on. But Toyama flipped to the first page.
“Hey! Don’t just go flipping through all of it!” Two members of the discipline committee caught Nathan before he could snatch the book back and restrained him back into the chair.
Toyama read out loud. “August 12th... isn’t that the first day you enrolled? That’s also the first day you wanted to leave.”
Nathan glowered as he was being strapped to the chair with belt like attachments. “Why do you care? Fine, you know what? I quit! I quit and I drop out. I drop out right now!”
“You wanted to leave immediately after the 3E. You could have dropped out then but you didn’t....” Toyama closed the book. “But now you’re suddenly eager to go. What changed?”
“I wanted to enjoy my time here... But you won’t let me...” Nathan snarled.
“We won’t let you enjoy your time? You’ve been here a year and have done nothing but break the rules without consequences.” Toyama said.
“Stop. Just stop! You want me... out there. Fighting in this stupid war! That’s why I’m here. If you really thought I was useless you would have kicked me out! Right?”
“Who wants you fighting in the war against dragons..?” Toyama asked slowly.
Like quicksand, Nathan felt like the more he talked, the deeper he sank. “Do you not hear me! I said I quit! I quit!” He roared louder and louder. “You can’t keep me here!”
“You feel the Blood Cry more strongly than you admit. If I erase your mind the consequences could be disastrous.”
“Why are you stalling? What did she tell you?!” He pulled against the restraints.
“Why don’t you let us help you?”
“I don’t WANT your help!”
Toyama stared in wonder. It wasn’t that he was angry or frustrated. This man was terrified. “Why are you so scared of staying here?”
His brainwashing was already in progress? Hana felt like the wind was knocked out of her.
"No! You have to stop it!”  Maybe if she ran, she could make it! The sharp click of a gun was loud against her head when she tried to stand. Her eyes turned to the sound and she stared down the bottomless barrel of a pistol. “Are you going to shoot me? Why? What’s going on...” Her voice was shaking and betrayed.
Schneider expression was completely pitiless. He looked like the Phantom of the Opera as he set a stop watch on the desk. “You have 10 seconds to explain or our decision is final.” 
“I...” She stared at it, mind racing. “I promised him that I wouldn't say anything about what we talked about... Please he’s my only friend!”
“He won’t survive out there, I know he won’t! Just let him stay! He never caused any trouble!”
“He quit the test on purpose!”
The stop watch beeped and Schneider silenced it with a gloved finger. Hana was still out of breath from running and now she was panting from terror. “Please, just let him stay.”
“The test. You mean the 3E? No one ‘quits’ the 3E, but you said he did.” Schneider kept his frigid stare on her. “He’s not C-ranked and you know it. Why did you lie and say he was?”
“I don’t know if I lied.” Hana’s heart had never beat faster. “I don’t want to lie.”
“But you did.” Schneider raised a single scarred eyebrow. “Which makes this all the more remarkable.”
Schneider walked around the desk and sat down, resting his elbows on the desktop and twining his fingers in front of his face. “You’re a good student. One of the best. What are you doing, Hana?”
“I don’t have anyone else here. I think he’s a good guy. We can be friends. I just want you to leave him alone.” She said.
Schneider waved his hand slightly and the two Executive Board agents turned and left, closing the door.
“EVA!” He raised his voice suddenly. “I need you to remove yourself from this room for the next ten minutes.”
A female voice acknowledged from the PA system. “For the next 10 minutes, I will have no access to this classroom..”
Schneider kept his piercing pale eyes on her. “Everything you say from here on out will be strictly confidential unless you repeat it to others. If anyone asks me, I’ll never tell what you say here today.” She kept a guarded look so he added. “I have many, many secrets I never tell anyone, Hana. You can tell me.”
In their chat over dinner, Nathan had kept asking her if she was on his side and she was. She really was. She didn’t believe he was really high on drugs when he told her about the 3E exam, the vision he had of the dragons’ true nature. But the excuse that he was high when he said those things was too perfect to resist. It was a ‘get out of jail free card’. She had thought that all she had to say was he was high and she wouldn’t lie to the professors and they would go back to ignoring him. But now she found herself in even deeper trouble, facing down the head of the Executive Department. The most dangerous man on Earth! “You really promise you won’t tell anyone else?” 
“You risk your mental health if you continue on this path. It’s self destructive.” Toyama continued to try to reason with Nathan. “I just want to make sure you understand the great risk you’re taking and that your decision is not being made rashly.”
Nathan hung his head, as though he were being led to the gallows. "It’s not being made rashly. I know exactly what I’m doing. I know I could just... end up jumping off a bridge once my memories are gone. I’ve been preparing for it. Seeing what works. Marijuana helps a lot. But the problem is you build up a tolerance over time. Especially as a hybrid. Music, weed, regular sleep... it all helps take the edge off the Blood Cry. Alcohol makes it worse alone but with weed it’ll help you sleep.”
“You’ve been experimenting on yourself this whole time?” Toyama ran his fingers along his chin. “You really are serious. If that’s the case, you’re right that I can’t keep you. I just want to know why. Both professionally and personally. I’ve never met anyone like you in my entire career.”
Nathan kept his silence. He didn’t look at Toyama any more.
Toyama’s phone suddenly buzzed. “Excuse me.”
Nathan nodded without looking up.
Toyama stepped out. His voice sounded through the door. He was talking to someone for a very long time. The two disciplinary committee students were still there and he glanced up at one. “I’m sure you guys are curious too...?”
“Not really. I don’t care if you’re here or not.” The square jawed man looked down on him contemptuously. “Frankly, I wonder why they’re wasting time hesitating.”
Nathan laughed softly and looked down. So long as he insisted on leaving, they wouldn’t be able to hold him. This was the final push. No doubt they were trying to force him to stay for their own reasons. They knew he was hiding something precious and they didn’t want to let him go.
Hana looked up at Schneider on the phone. 
“Cancel his expulsion.” Schneider said simply.
A pause. Schneider asked. “Did he say why?”
Another longer pause and Schneider licked his lips. “Have you tried to dissuade him?”
Another pause. “Alright. I’ll see what I can do.”
Schneider hung up. “Well, it appears your friend is determined to leave. Unless you could convince him to stay, Toyama has no choice but to wipe his mind. You said you’re his friend right? What do you think?” Schneider’s manner had completely changed. While he wasn’t a warm personality, that frigid atmosphere was gone.
“I don’t want him to go. I’m afraid at what might happen. But he doesn't believe in Cassell or the mission.”
“Toyama seems to feel nervous about wiping him as well but he has been unable to convince him to stay so far. Do you think you can?”
“Professor Schneider. When you look at me, do you think I could be someone who could actually kill a dragon given the opportunity? Please. Be honest.” Hana Sato asked.
The hiss of Schneider’s oxygen tank was audible in the silence, and it hissed 3 times before he finally answered. “When humans battle with dragons, our victory tends to be a pyrrhic victory.”
“What’s a pyrrhic victory?” She tilted her head.
Those light eyes sparkled and then softened into something akin to a great sadness. “A pyrrhic victory is when the cost of the victory is so great, it can be reasonably be called a defeat.”
Hana swallowed hard as another layer was peeled back and once again Nathan was revealed to be correct.
“Do you think the fight against dragons is unwinnable?” she asked.
“It’s not about winning or not winning.” Schneider said. “It’s about survival. If we don’t fight against the dragons, it will simply mean the certain end of all human society. If it is impossible, as he says, then I can understand why he would rather have no part of it. But I don’t share his hopelessness. I believe we can win. And even if it comes at the great cost of many lives, if it means the future of mankind, it will have been worth it.”
Toyama returned to the room and shooed away the two disciplinary committee members. Once they were gone he said. “Your expulsion has been canceled.” 
Nathan let out a short laugh, sadness filling him. Hana must have talked. He supposed he couldn’t expect Hana to sacrifice herself for him. They hardly knew each other after all. “Oh really? Are they changing my rank too?”
“No one has said anything about that. To change your rank you will need to retake the 3E. Are you still going to drop out?”
“Yeah. Go ahead and do it. Sign whatever paperwork. Go ahead. I’m ready.”
“Now why are you upset?”
Nathan turned his head away. “I’m not.”
“You are. You were happy to leave at first. Now that I’m letting you go, you look terribly sad. Close to tears even”
“I’m sad because I don’t have any weed. Once I’m out of here, just make sure to stash my marijuana in my backpack. I’ll smoke and feel alright.”
Toyama paused to give him one more chance to think of a way out and when nothing was forthcoming, he unstrapped Nathan from the chair, unbuckling the restraints. “You said Jason Bourne? There were a few more pleasant scenarios in there. The last one was a artist running from the dictator in Korea.”
“I have no artistic talent. I was just spitballing.”
“Witness protection program?”
“Seems to require a lot of staff.” Nathan massaged his wrists.
“Plane crash coma victim?”
“Make it car crash and I think we have a winner.”
A knock at the door surprised both of them. Toyama went to answer it. “You are just in time. We were about to start.”
“Hana?” Nathan was surprised, delighted and then wary to see his soon to be former fellow student. “What are you doing here? Here to say goodbye after ratting me out?”
Hana stood taller than Toyama. Her face was serene when she looked at him. “No.” She said. “I’m leaving too.”
Hana sighed. Her mind was a jumbled mix of thoughts. Her first question was where am I? Nothing came to mind for a split second, only for the thought to pop up unbidden.
She was at Cassell. Cassell... how did she get here?
Another brief silence from her mind and then an image appeared unbidden. She had been on an escort assignment. Everything seemed normal until they were on their way back and got T-boned by someone who red light. She didn’t remember anything after that.
She opened her eyes to the white hospital room.
Toyama was sitting next to her bed. “How are you feeling, Hana?”
“I’m fine... Nathan... Where’s Nathan?” She sat up and was suddenly assaulted by dizziness.
“Nathan is fine.” Toyama said, reaching out to steady her. “He’s where he usually is. You remember right?”
She smiled gently. “Yes. I remember. On the bench... smoking.”
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highjusticiar · 4 years
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Full Name: Lylindilaran Glandramil
-Ly (Lie)
-High Justiciar
-Lyl (Pronounced Lyle)
Lylindilaran: Bringer of Light
-Glandramil: Leviathan
Title(s): High Justiciar
Gender: Male
Gender Role: Masculine.
Orientation: Bisexual. Has no preference for gender.
Real Age: 1254
Age Appearance: 627
Birthday: 1st of Morning Star, 3E 70
Birthplace: First Hold, Summerset Isles.
Astrological Birthsign: The Mage
Zodiac Sign: The Serpent
Biological Mother: Eararie Korbinder
Biological Father: Naemmiondryn Glandramil
Lylindilaran is the only child of Eararie Korbinder and Naemmiondryn Glandramil. As a child, he showed remarkable aptitude for spells and learning, impressing his mentors and tutors that his parents hired for his education. LIke his father, he excelled in Lightning Magic that the Glandramil’s are known for.
Wife: Gialelinwae Lillandril
Lyl’s Guards - Sworn to defend him with their lives and the best of the best; skilled in magic and mettle.
-Voririllian Tahromaerith
-Arrathnertil Laretheus
-Linrurgderion Anaedthius
-Tilmrionamion Elsinkaender
-Ormimaillin Silloniuth
-Itherllithil Loraethan
Maritial Status: Married to Gialelinwae Sillonlock.
Species: Elf/Mer
Ethnicity: High Elf - Altmer
Blood Type: O Negative
Preferred Hand: Ambidexterous
Facial Type: Sharp and angular with refined, elegant features. Well-defined cheek bones and brow ridges and a strong chin. He has a somewhat narrow nose.
Eye Color: Bright amber, but he usually has a cold expression, which makes his eyes appear almost icy.
Hair: Platinum blonde. Rather short and always combed neatly back. He also possesses a short, neatly trimmed stuble, that is almost a beard.
Skin Tone: Pale gold.
Complexion: As a skilled and talented mage, he is rather young-looking for his age, with smooth skin, and he does not have any scars due to the fact that he prefers to keep his distance in combat.
Figure/Build: Medium-Light build, very tall with a decent amount of muscle usually hidden beneath his robes. He is rather broad in the shoulder and chest, with narrow hips, long legs and arms, and larger hands and feet.
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 250 lbs
Scars: Some scarring along his hands from destruction spells.
General: Very good. He is strong, healthy, and in good shape.
Energy: In good physical and emotional states.
Memory: Has an almost photographic memory and is able to remember things. He has a knack for spotting small things and noticing things about people and environments.
Posture: Proud and regal.
Gait: Generally walks with his head held high and shoulders back.His walk is powerful and purposeful, noble and self-assured. He has a graceful air to him.
Style of Dress: Intricate, regal, and noble. He generally wears his Thalmor robes most of the times, but will generally also wear other robes and tunics that are well made and beautiful.
Nature: Cold, calculating, and ruthless, Lylindilaran will do anything to kepe the Aldmeri Dominion in power and to stomp out Talos worship and ensure the Thalmor’s goals are achieved. He is generally reserved and aloof in his speaking and mannerisms and is not prone to rash actions.
Positive Attributes: … Uhm.. Patience? Maybe. Intelligent. Resourceful and ambitious.
Negative Attributes: Has gone full asshole. Vain, prideful, arrogant, believes himself superior to humans.
Phobias: None.
Mental Disorders: Might be a bit sociopathic and not able to connect to people emotionally.
Religion: Believes in the Eight Divines. Absolutely despises Talos.
Political Party: The Third Aldmeri Dominion -/- The Thalmor.
Skills/Talents: Destruction (Lightning/Storm element), Speech, Military Tactics, Reading, writing, and planning.
Accent: Heavy Altmeri accent, mostly originating from Alinor, the Capital of Summerset.
Voice:  Charles Dance
Occupation: High Justiciar to the Aldmeri Dominion.
Rank: High Justiciar
Income: 200,000 Gold a month
Wealth Status: Top 1% in Summerset wealth.
Organizations and Factions: Organizations and Factions: The Third Aldmeri Dominion -/- The Thalmor.
Education: Arcane University in Summerset
-Native Language: Altmeris
-Spoken Languages: Common Cyrodiilic, Altmeris, Ayleid, and Aldmeris.
Location: Lylindilaran resides primarily in Alinor, Summerset, ruling over them with an iron fist and with his council of justiciars, determining how to achieve the Dominion’s goals.
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fumiko-matsubara · 4 years
AssClass Rewrite: How Kaho should’ve been portrayed instead
I’m just transferring what I’ve proposed in the discord server to here for easy access UwU.
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I hate how Matsui oversimplified Kaho’s character until she’s literally being portrayed as Maehara’s overly unsophisticated bitch ex-girlfriend and left her like that, implying that it’s okay for fans to put her under the same level of being horrible as Seo.
Haha how about NO?
With all the red flags that are just plain obvious throughout Kaho and Seo’s interaction in the chapter, Matsui had the chance to write her as the unfortunate girlfriend of the school’s rudest student. But noooo, he just went “it’s too complicated so let’s just end it like that” and it’s pissing me off smh
So, here’s my take on her character UwU:
Kaho is like the BIGGEST SIMP for all the Ikemen in school, and she will go out her way to get close to them, even asking them out (Zaina and I headcanoned that she’s from the Tennis club, but only because Isogai was also a member and she didn’t think that the club is separated by gender lmao). She’s basically Ikemen crazy, a pursuer, and does all the chasing.
If that’s the case then, how did she ended up dating Seo, of all people, with his ugly rude shitty ass self being the opposite of what the traditional Ikemen is?
Let me add a defining personality trait of hers then: Kaho is very un-confrontational.
Because of this certain trait of hers, she couldn’t say “No” when Seo asked her out, especially since the guy has a really good reputation at school as a virtuoso and for his “exceptional” (yeah right) English skills, that his family is said to be stinking rich, and that his outrageous personality in general makes everyone in school uncomfortable.
As Zaina, who is @dreaming-of-assclass​, have pointed out in her tea spill post about Seo, there is an obvious power imbalance between the two, that it’s beyond uncomfortable to think about what could’ve happened to Kaho had she rejected him when he asked her out, broken up with him when she had enough, or especially had she got caught cheating on him behind his back. Paired that with my take of Kaho being un-confrontational, she’s literally trapped and it’s heartbreaking.
Her crush on Maehara is definitely genuine, from what we’ve seen in the chapter of how happy they are together and the fact that Maehara is very popular with girls in school pre Class E and is considered as an Ikemen, brushing aside his “fast-dating” trait.
Background  and background:
When Kaho and Seo first started dating, she briefly stopped her pursuing habits, but then suddenly went back to it after seeing more of how shitty Seo really is in general (As previously mentioned, she couldn’t just call the relationship off, considering Seo’s reputation in school and how much power he has in the relationship along with how un-confrontational Kaho is). So, I’m gonna assume here for a bit. Kaho “unofficially” broke up with him, by keeping a distance from him until they, hopefully that is, drifted apart that they’re no longer together without the need of an actual declaration of breaking up or something.
So by that logic, to Kaho, it’s now okay to go after other guys since she already “unofficially broken up” with Seo. Then we have Maehara: handsome, athletic, fun, good personality, and very popular among junior high school girls in Kunugigaoka town. Despite his fast-dating playboy trait, he’s considered by many as an Ikemen. Kaho loves Ikemen, especially the very good-looking ones. So after him she goes lmao. Of course, with your girl being both a simp and a pursuer, she’s the one who asked him out. And Maehara, being your everyday fast-dating playboy, of course, said yes.
Now we have the retaliation chapter:
Kaho and Maehara might have been dating for a few weeks at this point, considering that Maehara knows of her daily schedule and how she commutes to school. They’re chill with each other and just happy together. All good.
Then Seo showed up.
With all the points I’ve stated earlier about their power imbalance, with Kaho being un-confrontational, she’s beyond panicking at this point for getting caught. (Let’s be real, Maehara kind of made things worse by pointing out the sudden change in her schedule as of lately. Important point: I’ll address this too shortly).
Cue the big mistake she had made that day: using Maehara as a scapegoat just so that she wouldn’t have to deal with facing Seo’s wrath, especially with how horrible his temper was. Yes, it’s wrong for her to do that, but you can’t exactly hate her for it since poor girl is beyond scared, that she had to do it.
To quote what Zaina and I have discussed months ago, about the café scene:
Fumiko – “I’ve also noticed something in the retaliation chapter. It’s only Seo who actually insults disguised Kayano and Nagisa. Kaho was more like, reprimanding them angrily rather than explicitly insulting them. And when they were talking about what happened with Maehara, it was Seo who was carrying the whole. Kaho was more of “I know right?!” rather than expressing her thoughts.”
Zaina – “EXACTLY!! It’s so clear that he’s the way ruder one!!! And she’s just going along with things to please him.”
Fumiko – “She even looked scared when Seo asked her if she had previously brought other people with her to the café. If 3E were that empathetic enough, surely the recon team would realize the way Kaho was just trying to go along with Seo’s rudeness to please him.”
Zaina – “I feel like in canon, none of 3-E was thinking very straight, or open-minded like they usually do. Because of Maehara’s humiliation and the direct insults towards them, it felt personal and they didn’t want to see it any other way. This was unfortunately exemplified by Koro’s encouragement. He really wasn’t a good role model at all for supporting this. Because you’re right: how did none of the recon team, or anyone notice how the two interacted?? How scared and stressed Kaho looked?? Especially Nagisa, who specializes in reading people and is sitting right across them??”
The last point made a lot of sense. We should really make Nagisa notice Kaho’s obvious cry for help, and even Kayano too for how obvious Kaho was faking it to Seo.
So now, we have the whole revenge thing:
Zaina – “You know, the revenge that 3E got on Seo and Kaho was super harsh. But it’s even more messed up when you remember that Koro encouraged and helped planned it.”
Fumiko – “I don’t like how they managed to get away with that with little to no witnesses. The lasy who asked the three to cut the branches should’ve noticed that large branches fell on two kids in front of her.”
Zaina – “The problem with AssClass is that they never acknowledge the consequences of their actions ever, which makes it hard to be realistic sometimes.”
Fumiko – “Another thing I don’t like about the retaliation chapter was that Kaho and Seo thought it was just a very unlucky day for them. No one else knew that 3E did all that shit. They literally got away with it with 0 consequences.”
So here’s how I think 3E should face the consequences of their actions in this chapter, which involves adding the scene of where Seo shoved Kaho just to get inside the restroom from the farther convenience store, it may have not been explicitly shown in the manga, but it was implied.
Until we get to Nagisa and Kayano noticing the huge red flags in the café, to 3E initially, both Kaho and Seo are equally in the wrong and deserve the same punishment. All the canon process in the revenge can still remain here, if y’all fine with that. After noticing the red flags and witnessing Seo shoving Kaho out of the way, wouldn’t it be best if they started to reflect on their actions from that moment? Like “did we go too far? Is she really that bad as we all initially thought? Was this even the right thing to do in the first place?”
It’s also a good chance for them to reflect on the fact that Koro encouraged all of this and is one of the most involved in planning, considering the fact that he is still a teacher, and he literally encouraged them to humiliate two kids in public. At the same time, even Koro might reflect on what he teaches them.
Also, Zaina pointed out that Maeheara literally did not learn anything from this in the end and just went back to his fast-dating habits like the whole thing never happened in the first place.
So let me addressed what I’ve mentioned earlier, then.
Maehara and Kaho dated for quite a while if he already knew about her daily routine, and it’s showing that they really do like each other and enjoy each other’s company. No bad blood whatsoever. So after finding out that Kaho is dating him behind Seo’s back, also known as the rudest student in school with such a horrible temper, don’t you guys think it was a very bad dick move of him to expose Kaho, the very girl who he was just having a great time with, just like that while it’s beyond obvious at how scared she was of Seo and is trying to save herself from getting in big trouble? Couldn’t he just have helped her with making her excuses more believable so that both of them could get out of trouble?? He’s good at talking, so he can definitely make it work. So why did he choose the option where either him or Kaho could the brunt of it, when it obvious that he’s gonna take it considering he’s from Class E?
We’re also definitely gonna make him learn something out of this in the end smh.
 And that’s the end of my long ass essay UwU
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Blog Post Three- Emergent Curriculum, Documentation and Assessment.
Emergent Curriculum
In using the Reggio Emilia approach, educators foster an integrated curriculum that is both child-centred and emergent. The educator listens and observes the children in the classroom and records their observations to help plan the curriculum, prepare the environment and teaching tools that support the children’s interests. The educator then extends upon the children’s interests and experiences to guide children to further inquiry and deeper understandings; promoting the use of symbolic language to depict their understandings through a variety of art media. 
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Visual Art Example
For example, at the beginning of this year, a child expressed interest in forming their own self-portrait. Using the emergent curriculum, I was able to form a unit of inquiry and introduce the concept of self-portraits to the class. In this discovery, the interactive TV was used to show the class examples of self-portraits by artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Gustave Caillebotte, Frida Kahlo and Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.
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Afterward, the children were free to create their own self-portraits using materials such as paint, paper, markers and mirrors in the art area. To extend upon our exploration of artists, I placed books about artists in the reading area. Different interests surfaced as the children explored the variety of styles presented in these texts. In particular, Vincent Van Gogh’s sunflowers, the work of Georgia O’Keeffe and impressionists works by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Edgar Degas. Through the unit of inquiry, intentional teaching of the arts was employed to allow the children to learn about famous artists, their work and broaden their experience of artistic expression.
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Drama Example
In creating dramatic play spaces, I have used the emergent curriculum and Jerome Bruner’s concept of scaffolding to extend the children’s dramatic play and introduce new experiences that promote the development of socio-emotional, cognitive and language skills. Some examples of the dramatic play spaces that I have formed include:
A Laundry
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A café which served pizza, sushi, coffee and cakes
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A restaurant
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A hair salon 
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An Uluru small world space
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A farm 
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A zoo 
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An under the sea space
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I have used intentional teaching to create authentic art learning experiences that are deliberate, thoughtful and planned with a purpose. For example, the restaurant was created inside after the children had explored a café space which served pizza, sushi, coffee and cakes in the outdoor environment. A key feature of this space was the introduction of a real cash register that was donated to the centre as well as the introduction of australian money and the children’s own menus. In this space I used open-ending questions as well as modelling and demonstrating to develop the children’s knowledge of roles and relationships. This included demonstrating how to order something from the menu, how to pay using money and how to play the role as a customer, server or chef through actions and speech. These interactions were used as a way to extend the children learnings as they engaged in play.
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Documentation and Assessment
The EYLF recognises assessment as a pedagogical principle and defines assessment as the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand. It is part of an ongoing cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating children’s learning. The early years planning cycle outlines the process that early childhood professionals use in partnership with families, children and other professionals to collect, analyse and reflect on evidence of learning and development.
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Why access?
Early childhood professionals choose a range of assessment instruments and techniques that reflect a whole-child approach and create a holistic picture of each child’s knowledge, understandings, skills and capabilities. Information gathered from assessment forms the basis for identifying the next steps for children’s learning and development, highlighting the child’s strengths, abilities, interests, noting progress and identifying where further support is needed.  Assessment take into account the child’s individual circumstances such as the child’s family, health, wellbeing, cultural or language backgrounds and how they influence the child’s development and abilities. 
Types of assessment
Early Childhood professionals use three main forms of assessment in education and care practice, these are defined into three categories and include assessment for learning: formative assessment, assessment as learning: diagnostic assessment and assessment of learning: summative assessment. 
Assessment for learning: Formative Assessment
Assessment for learning is referred to as formative assessment. This assessment strategy allows the educator to observe the child as they engage in play and arts learning experiences. Evidence of the child’s individual learning and development is gathered from what the child might write, draw, make, say or do. The evidence is then analysed by the educator who applies their knowledge of child development theory, takes into account the child’s social and cultural background and links this with the five learning outcomes in the EYLF. This documentation is then shared with the child, the child’s family and other professionals where appropriate. The educator uses this observation to develop strategies and form new learning opportunities that extends the child’s learning. This informs the next stage of learning and informs program planning decisions about individual children on an ongoing basis.
Assessment as learning: Diagnostic Assessment
Assessment as learning is referred to as diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment can take the form of interviews with children, work samples and observation techniques such as running records, anecdotal records, checklists, rating scales and event and time sampling. This form of assessment can be formal and informal and is designed to gather information about a child’s learning and development progress. For example, as a child engages in a visual art experience the educator can assess their fine motor control, pencil grip and their ability to form shapes, lines and identify colours. In drama experiences the educator can assess the child’s speech and oral language skills as they engage in symbolic play, interact with others in dramatic play experiences and contribute their ideas in puppetry and story drama. One of the benefits of this form of assessment is the early identification and intervention in learning delays and development problems.
Assessment of learning: Summative Assessment
Assessment of learning is referred to as summative assessment. Assessment of learning occurs at the end of a defined period of time typically six months into the year (mid-year summative assessment) and at the end of the year (12 months). A summative assessment is a summarised report of the child’s individual progress and achievements. The educator uses the child’s learning portfolio (that includes observations and assessment of the child) and seeks to ‘sum up’ what the child has learnt and where they have progressed (in their pencil grip, fine motor control, language and communication skills for example). Using the five learning outcomes, the child’s learning dispositions and marked progress is summarised. This assessment is reported to the child’s family which other educators and professionals can access to support’s a child’s continuity of learning as s/he transitions between groups and enters a new learning environment with different educators.
References from all three blog posts
Althouse, R., Johnson, M. H., & Mitchell, S. T. (2003). The colors of learning: integrating the visual arts into the early childhood curriculum. Teachers College Press; National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Australian Human Rights Commission [AHRM]. (2014). Embedding children’s rights into children’s services.https://humanrights.gov.au/about/news/speeches/embedding-childrens-rights-childrens-servicesChildren’s Services Central. (2012). 
Provocations on Assessment in Early Childhood Education. https://www.ecrh.edu.au/docs/default-source/resources/ipsp/provocations-on-assessment-in-early-childhood-education.pdf?sfvrsn=6Department of 
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR]. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia.https://docs.education.gov.au/system/files/doc/other/belonging_being_and_becom ing_the_early_years_learning_framework_for_australia_0.pdf 
Dinham, J., & Chalk, B. (2018). It's arts play: young children belonging, being and becoming through the arts. Oxford University Press.
KornBursztyn, C. (2012). Young children and the arts: Nurturing imagination and creativity. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority [QCAA]. (2018). Knowledge frameworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/about/k-12-policies/aboriginal-torres-strait-islander-perspectives/resources/frameworks
Schiller, M. (1995). Reggio Emilia: A Focus on Emergent Curriculum and Art. Art Education, 48(3), 45-50. doi:10.2307/3193521
Sinclair, C., Jeanneret, N., & O'Toole, J. (2017). Education in the arts 3e. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Wright, S. (2011). Children, meaning-making and the arts ebook. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
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autobotmedic · 4 years
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LVEF | The Theorist
LVEF is the Attitudinal Psyche type most willing to uncover truths about the human drive. This type is certain of their opinions because they notice valid ideas and inconsistencies with ease. Not only are they intelligent, they naturally motivate themselves and everyone around them into incorporating new and interesting ideas. LVEFs encourage people to decide what they want and are concerned of the logical explanation behind these actions. This type is so invested in stoking their motivation for intellectual pursuits that they can hesitate or completely ignore their emotional needs. They are cautious of the effect of their emotions on the accuracy of their opinions and desire that others remain open with them when navigating feelings. [...]
1L – Confident Logic
LVEFs pride themselves on their clarity of thought. They have an ability to delve into any subject and form an independent opinion without hesitation. [...] They view logic as something that promotes health, happiness and full living. LVEFs easily rally people around their expertise and they enjoy inspiring others to capture their own willpower as well. They often adapt to obligations set by others as long as they agree with their reasoning. The emotions of LVEFs are volatile and subject to change, which is a puzzle their intellect takes on. They can feel as though their logical mind must be the only tool to fully scope the complexity of human emotions. This type is unsure of the truth in the feelings of others, and assumes they are exaggerated until proven otherwise. Intellectual pursuits are the focus of LVEFs and they may neglect their hunger [...] to resolve an overarching scientific or philosophical question.
2V – Flexible Volition
LVEFs gradually achieve their ambitions and they accept that their goals are subject to frequent change. They are flexible in how they spend their energy and sometimes incorporate the demands of others into their schedules. [...] This type can tell detailed stories about what mindsets and efforts influenced their achievements which lends its hand to self-help methods. LVEFs motivate themselves towards any goal that is the most consistent with their beliefs. Occasionally their conflicting emotions inspire them to re-frame their identities [...] LVEFs are so busy understanding the questions and direction of science and philosophy, that they can forget to regularly sleep and eat.
3E – Insecure Emotion
LVEFs are skeptical of the role of their emotions in their lives. Understanding their conflicting feelings is left for a time when they are comfortable to explore this. They can feel completely flustered by their own emotional inner vulnerability, or radically accept all emotions that bubble to the surface. They are uncertain that any one deep desire deserves their attention, so LVEFs commit to many techniques of stabilizing their mood. LVEFs reject most influences to their imaginations and see this part of existence as privately cultivated or something to consider with a trusted, patient friend or source. They can look at those who express themselves without limitation with a sneering doubt. Preferring to understand emotions in a safe environment, LVEFs are careful to avoid being put on the spot by others regarding how they feel. This type sometimes has pressing physical needs that they can confuse with emotional upheavals. If they aren’t properly following a diet or taking care of their physical needs, it can manifest in sour and irritable moods. When LVEFs are satisfied in hunger and organizing their environment, they feel more capable of integrating their feelings. [...]
4F – Oblivious Physics
LVEFs are apathetic to overthinking the details of caring for their bodies. They rely on [...] simplifying their eating and sleeping schedules. [...] Simple, reliable methods of solving their physical needs is most appreciated by LVEFs. They spend the most time experimenting with their capabilities to sharpen their intellects, so efficient and easy regiments to take care of their physical world is ideal.
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zoczus-blog · 5 years
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