3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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heroofkvatchofficial · 3 months
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The pathological need to put my Hero of Kvatch in a silly outfit
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anzulvr · 10 months
Hiii! May I request for some Hcs about Karma and a "famous" reader for something like acting/modeling related because her family? But actually her mother and brother are a little piece of shit with her, just like her internal environment. Her attitude at first is a bit dry, but she is a loving person (Plus if have a fear of knives and learn to deal with Karma and the murder thing in the classroom)
(Btw, english is not my first language, sorry if something sounds weird. Idk if this is very specific, I'M SORRY, it's been on my mind for a long time, I love your writing, it's the first time I ask for :( AAAAA I KNOW YOU HAVE A LOT OF REQUETS, take your time💐)
Thank you for the request! Sorry it took this long, I’ve been busy :(
Karma Akabane x Famous reader
(more description in the ask!)
. ˚◞♡   ⃗ 🎐 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
— If there’s one thing he makes fun of you the most it’s definitely the fame thing, anytime he sees you in a magazine or TV he snaps a pic on his phone and sends it to you like you don’t already know your on it😭
— Being kinda awkward at first isn’t something he minds he actually likes poking fun at you and trying to get you off guard.
— once you do let your guard down everyone is surprised Karma is the classmate who got you to open up, it’s an unexpected match but really fitting.
— sun x moon trope, (reader = sun, Karma = moon)
You both are inseparable and can talk about anything once comfortable enough, you’re also able to relate to each other, while your family issues come from different circumstances you guys are able to entrust in one another once you get comfortable enough and even find some relatable points in the conversation. (He’s the best secret keeper and gives surprisingly helpful advice when he wants to.)
— He finds your fear of knives and assassination in class endearing considering the knifes are more rubber like, he pokes fun at you for it but at the same time gives you advice and tries to help you get over your fear.
— if the fame is pushed on soely by your family and it’s not really what you want he’ll encourage you to just drop the whole thing and kinda rebel against what they want, wanting you to have control of your own life. (Parents wouldn’t approve of him whatsoever but it’s okay Karma for the win. This kinda depends on if he’s willing to put up a front for them and act like the “perfect” guy in their eyes or if they’re truly the worst and he doesn’t care enough to sugarcoat things for them, could go either way.)
— he acts like the paparazzi for fun, you’ll be sitting doing homework or something and his phone camera flash will go off (he purposely has flash on to annoy you)
— corniest nicknames depending on what you do, he’s also the one who picks your code name from class, something like “Hollywood”
Bonus note:
If you do Film, Kayano is mega jealous AND starstruck by you because the girl is a theatre nerd, definitely recognized you when you first went to 3E because she’s a fan and DEFINITELY asks you to hook her up with jobs in the film industry 😭 also depends what movies [name] acts in though because if it’s more action Nagisa would be second in line for that autograph (right behind Karma who asks for two because he wants to sell one on eBay)
MIMURA TOO OMG (the director student of 3E) he’s asking so many questions of the industry and is invested in everything you say.
If you do modeling, Rio is the first to recognize you when you walk in because she’s obsessed with your makeup/clothing brand. Also Yada whose into fashion and all that stuff, Yada is the type to make those cute little fashion inspiration boards and you’re on it of course.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes!! Please tell me if you catch any so I can fix! 🩷
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anarchomccarthyist · 1 year
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miss colovia 3E 53, posing in a wildly popular advertisement for the highly fashionable colovian fur helm
first prompt for the TES pinup challenge, frostbite!
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chic-a-gigot · 1 month
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La Mode illustrée, no. 19, 8 mai 1870, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Fladry 27. r. du Faubg Poissonniere. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Costume en faye vert-paon, se composant d'une jupe ronde, garnie d'un volant surmonté de trois séries de biais; au-dessus du dernier biais de chaque série se trouve une dentelle noire étroite, posée debout. Trois biais partent du devant de la jupe, se dirigent en arrière en s'inclinant jusqu'au-dessus de la dernière (3e depuis le bord inférieur) série de biais. Un grand nœud de faye garni de dentelle joint les trois biais, lesquels simulent une tunique à l'aide d'une bande de même faye entièrement couverte de sept petits volants. Casaque mi-ajustée pareille à la robe, formant un gros pli au milieu par derrière et sous chaque bras; garniture de biais et dentelle noire.
Petite fille de trois ans. Robe en foulard uni cerise, garnie de deux volants. Tunique à corselet en grenadine noire.
Costume en tissu de laine (fantaisie) nuance mode, se composant de la jupe ronde, de la tunique, du corsage plat, et d'un talma fendu au milieu sur les côtés, et ajusté au milieu par derrière. La garniture de la tunique et du talma se compose de volants en même étoffe surmontés d'un biais en taffetas de même teinte, mais de nuance plus foncée. Ce biais est bordé de chaque côté d'une petite ruche en même étoffe que la robe.
Peacock green faye costume, consisting of a round skirt, trimmed with a flounce topped with three sets of bias bindings; above the last bias of each series is a narrow black lace, laid upright. Three bias bindings start from the front of the skirt, working backwards, sloping over the last (3rd from the bottom edge) set of bias bindings. A large faye bow trimmed with lace joins the three biases, which simulate a tunic using a strip of the same faye entirely covered with seven small ruffles. Semi-fitted coat similar to the dress, forming a large fold in the middle from behind and under each arm; bias trim and black lace.
Three year old little girl. Dress in plain cherry scarf, trimmed with two ruffles. Corselet tunic in black grenadine.
Costume in woolen fabric (fancy) fashion shade, consisting of the round skirt, the tunic, the flat bodice, and a talma slit in the middle on the sides, and fitted in the middle from behind. The trim of the tunic and the talma consists of ruffles in the same fabric topped with a taffeta bias of the same color, but darker shade. This bias is bordered on each side with a small ruffle in the same fabric as the dress.
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jakobos · 3 months
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It was very fashionable attire in 3E 398 Tamriel...
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Mind Flayer, Illithid
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"Mindflayer" © Steven Bellshaw, accessed at his ArtStation here
[In designing a mind flayer, I wanted to avoid some of the pitfalls of the past. The 3.x mind flayer was very fragile, and the mind blast very disruptive, so that fights with them either resulted in the mind flayer getting pulped before it could do anything, or the entire party stunned long enough for the mind flayer to get halfway to a TPK. So I wanted to give them a bit more bulk. 5e gives them full on breastplate, but I wanted to keep the slick leather look from the 3e era. I did take the save every turn and limited uses for the mind blast from 5e. Although I'm not using the psychic magic ability for my mind flayer (because it sacrifices uses/day for versatility), I did use a couple of occult spells so they have some way to deal damage.]
Mind Flayer, Illithid CR 7 LE Aberration This lean humanoid has slick lilac skin and a head like that of an octopus. Multiple tentacles surround a lamprey-like maw. It wears leather robes decorated with skulls and other macabre accessories.
Illithids are the most common and most widespread of the mind flayers. Although some of them live in colonies close to an elder brain, the better to both share its knowledge and fertilize its eggs, many of them live solitary lives or in small communities more similar to a monastic cell. Every illithid desires power and knowledge, and they all go about obtaining these in different ways. Illithids with the same creed may come together in a circle, or illithids of several creeds may travel together in what is called an inquisition, similar to an adventuring party of humanoids. Many illithids keep multiple charmed or dominated slaves to serve them as physical labor and emergency rations.
Most illithids avoid direct physical confrontation if they can help it, instead sending their slaves to the front lines and fighting with their magical abilities. Illithids are masters of mind-influencing magic, and are capable of turning allies against each other or forcing their enemies into hazardous situations. Their most feared ability is the mind blast, which can incapacitate an entire party long enough for the illithid to close in and bore its tentacles into the brains of a victim or two. Illithids usually flee if combat turns against them, as they value their lives above all else.
Illithids are usually tall and imposing, averaging six feet tall but lean. Their skin is usually in shades of pinks and purples, although green and blue hues are not uncommon. They dress in a fashion suggestive of aristocracy—high collars, fancy robes and jewelry are typical. Their unique language, Qualith, is written only and similar to cuneiform; they speak in hissing, rasping tones when they use their mouths, but usually rely on telepathic communication. 
Illithid    CR 7 XP 3,200 LE Medium aberration (mind flayer) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +12 Defense AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +4 shield) hp 68 (8d8+32) Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +9; +4 vs. emotion effects SR 22 Defensive Abilities affectless; Weakness light blindness, sunlight sickness Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee masterwork light mace +10/+5 (1d6+1), tentacles +4 (4d4 plus grab) or tentacles +9 (4d4+1 plus grab) Special Attacks mind blast, pith (tentacles) Spell-like Abilities CL 8th, concentration +12 (+16 casting defensively) Constant—mental barrier I At will—detect thoughts (DC 16), levitate, mind thrust II (DC 16), suggestion (DC 17) 3/day—charm monster (DC 18), dimension door, dominate person (DC 19) 1/day—fly, plane shift (DC 19) Statistics Str 12, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 19, Wis17, Cha 19 Base Atk +6; CMB +9 (+12 grappling); CMD 20 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Casting, Magical Aptitude, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +10, Fly +10, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes) +14, Perception +12, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +12, Use Magic Device +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Knowledge Languages Aklo, Qualith, Undercommon, telepathy 100 ft. Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary, inquisition (2-4), circle (5-12 plus 0-1 ulitharids) or colony (20-200 plus 1 ulitharid per 10 individuals and 1 elder brain) Treasure double standard (masterwork light mace, masterwork leather armor, other treasure) Special Abilities Mind Blast (Su) As a standard action, an illithid can create a 60 foot cone of mental energy. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 18 Will save or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. A creature that is stunned may attempt to recover from this condition as a full-round action with an additional DC 18 Will save. Mind flayers are immune to the effects of a mind blast. An illithid can use a mind blast three times per day, and must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. This is a mind-influencing effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Tentacles (Ex) An illithid attacks simultaneously with all its tentacles, treating them as a primary natural weapon.
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unironicallytes · 1 month
Definitely want to make Xith-Izkul a holy site for the Brotherhood and there is an associated holiday where you go for some good old fashioned chanting to the huge Sithis statue
Yeah sure the Brotherhood is everywhere in 3E but if you want the real shit you need to go on the Annual Xanmeer Retreat and throat-sing while they sacrifice a volunteer on stage
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Hi RT, more examples of UK's 2000s creative fascinator/ hat craze on royal/ royal adjacent ladies ( FYI. No need to post if you don't want to as this Is just a fun send for your amusement)
Also, once I googled royal hats from longer period of 2000 - 2012 period, I was surprised at how many 'crazy' hats popped up. 
Camilla attending a wedding in the early 00s
Laura Parker Bowles at Charles and Camilla's wedding 2005
Sophie Edinburgh at Charles and Camilla's wedding 2005
Annabel Elliot at Charles and Camilla's wedding 2005
Kitty Spencer WK's royal wedding 2011
Zara Tindall WK's royal wedding 2011
Sophie Winkleman and The Queen of Belgium wore almost identical hats at WK's wedding
Royal ladies at random events 2006 - 2012
Zara Tindall
Sophie Edinburgh
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ultraericthered · 2 months
One Villainous Scene: The Lesson Of Defeat
As the chief overarching antagonist for Korosensei and Class 3E on the school life front, headmaster Gakuho Asano was presented from the get-go as a very unpleasant man, a despotic educational overlord who designed the system his elite academy for learning operates under to be as Darwinistic as possible - the students who are not merely studious and driven but truly strong are the ones who will be favored and get ahead, while the weak and idle students, or just those that are deemed to not have any bright prospects for their future going forward for whatever reason, are weeded out and given targets on their back for bullying and ostracization, to be made examples of so that their betters are further driven to excel in school and in life. He makes his ideology clear in his "worker ant theory" scene with Korosensei, and we're later shown the dark, depressing backstory that shows why he adopted this as the fundamental tenet for his educational policy. Those are just two of Gakuho's greatest bits and I might've chosen either of those to cover if I'd wanted to...
...But this scene. This is probably the best one to exemplify that what is deeply, deeply wrong with Gakuho Asano runs far deeper than how he carries his role as educator. After his son, star student Gakushu Asano, failed to defeat the E Class at a field sport along with a team of four physically fit foreign exchange students from America, Gakuho gives his son and this team a stern talking to in his office, telling his son straight up that this demonstrates his inability to lead. Kevin, leader of the exchange students, speaks up in Asano's defense and tells Gakuho that as his father, he ought to be telling his son that there's a lot that can be learned from losing. And Gakuho remains completely calm, noting that what Kevin just said is certainly not an invalid opinion and that in fact, maybe he would like to learn from it too. So he invites the Americans to come at him with all they have to try to physically fight him and defeat him. All four at once.
The next cut is to the four American students beaten down onto the floor so badly that some of their blood is splattered onto the wall. Asano Jr. has his back to the wall, horrified at what he'd witnessed, as his father relays to him what "learning from losing" means in his warped worldview. He recalls that when he was a younger man taking karate lessons, he was put on the recieving end of a truly humiliating beatdown by his mentor, a black belt in karate, on his first day of training. He'd fallen over with a pained gut and had even vomitted, a taste of defeat he'd never had before in his life up to that point. Gakuho's response to this was to spend all of his second day closely watching his master and other students as they fought, gazing into the tecnhiques of body and mind, carefully observing every move and watching for every weak point. He was determined to achieve total victory in his next fight with the master, for should he lose a second time, he'd lose his sanity and die of the madness and shame, in his words. So on the third day, he fought and took down his master in a brutal fashion without the man ever landing a single hit on him. For Gakuho, this is the only lesson that defeat should teach you - a lesson on how to be a better, sharper, stronger winner.
What I find most fucked up about this moment isn't just what Gakuho did to those students, the details of his backstory and the implications on how psychotic the man's mind really is - it's that he didn't have his son leave the room during the fight, 'cause he wanted to make him watch the beatdown and take in the horror of its result. This was more than just his idea of a helpful lesson for his son, it was a veiled warning to him. A display to send the message "should you challenge me while not at your best and not absolutely sure you'll be able to achieve victory over me, this is what will happen. This is what I will do to you." It's psychological abuse at its most sinister. And to compound it, while we've seen terrifying looking centipede creatures used to symbolize the level of control Gakuho has and how he exercises it, this is when we see the true symbol of what spawns the things: a vile creature with dark eyes, glowing pupils, and the face of a grinning demon. The image flashes by for only a second, but it does so as Asano keeps on talking, not once chaning his voice and tone, which Sho Hayami (and Chris Rager in the dub) performs to chilling perfection. As Asano puts it, his father truly is a monster.
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darklordazalin · 5 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Ivana Boritsi
Domain: Borca Domain Formation: 684 BC Power Level: 3/5 skulls Sources: Ravenloft (3e), Domains of Dread (2e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Domains and Denizens (2e), Realm of Terror (2e), Gazetteer 4 (3e), van Ricthen’s Guide to Ravenloft
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Ivana Boritsi is the second Darklord of Borca, usurping her mother, Camille Boritsi when she committed matricide via the traditional Borcan means – poison.  In 740 BC the Grand Conjunction caused Borca to absorb Dorvinia, her cousin Ivan’s Domain. Currently, Borca is ruled by these poisonous noble cousins, but today I am only going to address Ivana’s descent into Darklordom.
Camille wanted nothing more for her daughter to mirror her in every possible way. An admirable goal. What parent would not want to see their legacies carried forward in their heirs? Installing hatred in one of the Bortisi bloodline should not be a difficult task, yet Camille failed to mold Ivana into the man hating daughter she desired.
The young, influential Ivana desired the experience of ‘true love’. Bah. Overrated dribble best left in fairytales. In her search, she found Pieter – a poetic and musician. He, however, showed no interest in Ivana, so naturally she took to pursuing him like a relentless zealot.  He, like the gloriously vain artist he was, only took interest in Ivana when she expressed interest in his art. And so, Ivana became one of the first groupies in Ravenloft…
Camille, seeing her daughter find ‘true love’ in this musical hack, decided to demonstrate to Ivana just how horrible all men truly were. She pretended to be Ivana and came into Pieter’s bed under the cloak of darkness. When Ivana discovered them together, she was devastated. Camille quickly convinced Ivana that Pieter had seduced her and Ivana should kill him for it in the Boritsi fashion.
Ivana saturated her body in a powerful poison that did no harm to her, but allowed her to kill Pieter with a single kiss. Camille had finally obtained the man-hating, poisonous daughter she always dreamed of. Ivana, however, did not see her revenge complete until she mother suffered the same fate as her lover and with Camille’s last breath, Ivana became the Darklord of Borca.
Now, her body is permanently seeped in poison. Ivana is in her 60s, yet appears no older than 18. A gift bestowed upon her by our tormentors, allowing her to stay young and beautiful without the curse of undeath. There is, naturally, always a price for their gifts and though Ivana may give all appearances of the innocent and beautiful young woman, part of her true nature is revealed by the unnaturally and sickly shade of blue that stains her lips and fingernails. Though Ivana hides these blemishes beneath lairs of makeup, I would not be surprised if she was able to convince the Borcans that blue lips and nails are the latest fashion craze.
When she succumbs to mortal slumber, Ivana’s horror is revealed – she appears as if she died from poison – swelled face, protruding and blackened tongue, and the pallor of a blotted corpse. Perhaps this is why she ensures the death of any lover she takes for fear they may see her as she truly is.
As a ruler, Ivana is more interested in funding her lavish lifestyle and manipulating countless courtiers for her to seduce and destroy. When Borca absorbed Dorvinia, Ivana was more than happy to let Ivan take over the political concerns of their realm.
5e Version
In van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, Ivana’s story has changed in some ways and remained the same in others. In this version, both of her parents earned her scorn. Her father for favoring male heirs over herself and her mother for successfully seducing Pieter from her. After Camille’s betrayal, Ivana created aromatic toxins and killed all of her brothers for the crime of being favored by her father and her mother for seducing Pieter.
When her father lay on his death bed, he named Ivan Dilisnya as his heir. Now, of course, Ivana assumed this was because he was a petty man…but perhaps killing everyone with poison in a rather unsubtle means clued your father into your true nature, Ivana. Though, Ivan is a rather poor choice as an heir as well. With his final word, Ivana released another toxic gas and killed her already dying father and their countless servants. A rather pointless act, but it earned her a Domain and the taint of poison beneath her skin.   
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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opticor · 1 year
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partial PE honkai eruption timeline aka i can’t believe HUA became MANTIS at 17
[image id: four collages of screenshots from honkai impact and supplementary comics, acting as citations and references for the timeline below]
roughly a year before PE 3E, KEVIN moves to Nagazora in the Far East (what we call Japan) where he meets MEI [Divine Key manga: Judgment of Shamash chapter]; that summer, six months before the eruption, she goes to an academic symposium on the MU continent where dr. MOBIUS spots her as an excellent candidate for a career in the MOTH evil scientist department [game chapter 17 act 2, ER Recollections: Good News, DK: Shamash]
the manga kinda makes it sound like KEVIN transferred 3 months before the eruption, but that doesn’t work with their bench conversation in chapter 17, unless MEI was scouted the year before they met; but as she already has a crush on someone when she meets MOBIUS, and allegedly wasn’t interested in that stuff before she met KEVIN, i think it’s simpler to assume she only went to the one the summer after KEVIN transferred to Nagazora
meanwhile, HUA begins her freshman year in Sapphire (a city in the east of Asia); she spends 6 months there, during which time she makes many friends, obtains many fashionable clothes, and celebrates her 15th birthday; the third eruption occurs on the day she is due to go back home [all game chapter 20]; HUA survives the initial eruption, is saved by HIMEKO, and eventually joins MOTH as some sort of regular soldier [game chapter 20, DK: Wings of Origin chapter]
MEI’s symposium in the summer 6 months before 3E + HUA’s birthday on february 9th place the eruption somewhere between february 10th and 28th, depending on how strictly we count HUA’s 6-month-long first semester at school (which likely started in september). personally, i think february 14th is the perfect date for a honkai eruption but either way it seems to at least add up to the same month as CE 3E [per the Azure Waters extras] which is neat because hi3 is a story about endless cycles etc.
3 years later, KEVIN kills the 6th herrscher [DK: Shamash]; within the next year, the 7th and 8th herrschers are also defeated [game chapter 20; also per the Second Key manga, Su joins MOTH about half a year after KEVIN killed HIMEKO, and the 8th herrscher manifests soon after]
a small discrepancy in the timelines: 2nd Key manga says it’s been 5 years since 3E while Shamash+ch20 add up to less than that; Recollections: It attempts to fix this (i think) by placing SU’s admission to MOTH at 5 years after SU and KEVIN last met instead (likely the time they saw EDEN in concert [Recollections: Chat History] which is some time before the eruption, possibly even before the bench scene) and yes this means that SU got his medical degree in just 4 years, probably because he’s very smart and motivated, but maybe also because they were already in dire need of medical personnel? i’d also assume this means that KEVIN, MEI, and SU were all in their final year of high school (i’m actually not sure if it was mentioned that they’re in the same year?) since at the very least SU, who lived away from the epicenter, would’ve graduated normally. if PE schools in the “Far East” were the same as schools in Japan now, perhaps disaster struck a mere month before MEI and KEVIN were to graduate :(
there’s no specific timeframe for 9E [mentioned in ELF manga chapter 2 and DK: Blankness chapter both of which are on the CN website but sadly only available as fan translation on mangadex], but the 10th ends 10 months after it [DK: Blankness] and HUA becomes a MANTIS 6 months after that [DK: Wings of Origin]
that’s at least 22 months between HIMEKO’s death and HUA’s procedure (but likely quite a bit longer if we assume between the 6th and 11th they were spaced about 6 months apart), which i don’t think anyone would round down to a year but even then it’s at least 5 years after 3E so to say HUA was 17 at the time would only work if she'd been a middle-school freshman, rather than high-school one
the birthday picture seems like a deliberate touch, and so does making her unnamed best friend Carole-shaped (Carole is 16 in APHO -- someone like the Olenyeva twins would work better as a middle-schooler classmate, or even Sora/Kuu-chan) so perhaps HUA was supposed to have been 12 at 3E when they wrote the manga, but they’d changed their mind about it by the time they got to chapter 20 in the game? now the one thing i really can’t explain to myself is why they made it a point that HUA changes from her school uniform (VA’s blue outfit) to the clothes “Carole” gave her (the Spring Traveler outfit) when she was going home, when the image of her cowering on the ground in VA’s outfit when HIMEKO saves her has been referenced in so many places!! what’s the point
“but if you can’t believe HUA was 17 how can you believe that she became MANTIS 6 months after 10E ended, these things are literally on the same page” idk beats me, one of these is just more compelling considering how scared mihoyo is of letting women be over the age of 18
i could believe Pardo was 16 or so when they MANTIS-ed her though, and Kosma was even younger probably. they of course didn’t need SWARA because when miho came up with it, Pardo and Kosma didn’t exist yet but! if you wanna have fun reconciling all the lores, we could perhaps assume that MEI gave HUA the SWARA treatment for some other reason than the one stated in Blade of the Empyrean :)
tl;dr of this is i think HUA was at least 20 when she became a MANTIS, probably 21; this doesn’t change anything about how effed up her story is, she still saw the horrors of honkai at a very young age, just, you know, mihoyo’s own timelines reveal the lies :^
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dartagnantt · 7 months
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Ascending Spells | It's time to rise to the occasion | dArtagnanDnD Patreon
PDFs of this and more can be found over on at my Patreon here!
A bunch of spells that emphasize the importance of vertical terrain.
This may or may not have been roughly borrowed from Tears of the Kingdom. Which doesn't really have a specified maximum height, by the way. Food for thought. This spell probably will mess with a GM's plans
Apparently Whirlwind is a spell in Xanathar's, but I'm increasingly disregarding things not in the SRD at this point, but also my implementation is different. For instance, a Strength save, because dodging a tornado you're already inside is slightly impossible
Jump: Revised
The jump spell stuck with me the moment I saw it as an option for the Seeker Warlock. It's kind of shit, and having it as a bonus option, while cool isn't worth it (especially since otherworldly leap is a thing) This was also the time that I decided that the warlock getting an expanded spell list instead of bonus spells was really weird. So yeah, this received a bunch of buffs, from the obvious of casting time, and duration to something specific, like the fact that you can't spend all of your travel the entire jump distance in one turn without dashing, or at all if your Strength is high enough (since you need a 10 foot run up first). Which also makes it awful in combat. So jump away. Also, it's awkwardly worded just in case you want to Step of the Wind on top of it :)
This is apparently the name of a very similar spell in 3rd edition, but I thought of the idea on my own while contemplating height, so here we go. That said, despite having been prompted by height, the definition of vertigo is "a sensation of motion or spinning that is often described as dizziness." So, I did that and all the movement and targeting fuckery that goes along with it. Don't actually know what the 3e spell does. I would check, but that would defeat my sense of self importance or whatever.
And now to plug my stuff. I release homebrews weekly over on my Patreon. Anyone who pledges $1 or more per post don't have to wait a month to see them, and also help fund my being alive habit.
At the moment, they have exclusive access to the following:
Kobold Airforce
Life, the Greatest Treasure
Old Fashioned Magic Item Crafting
General Item Crafting
I also have three classes, and a splatbook over on DriveThrueRPG to check out:
The Rift Binder. A class specialising in summoning monsters and controlling the battlefield.
The Witch Knight. A class that combines swords and sorcery in the most literal way.
The Werebeast. A class that turns you into a half beast to destroy your foes.
d'Artagnan's Adventurer Almanac. A compendium of races, subclasses, feats, spells, monsters and more!
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beesandwasps · 9 months
A Bookmarklet (Javascript Bookmark)
Light text on a dark background quickly gets hard for me to read, so I have a Javascript bookmark that replaces the color settings of the page and forces every piece of text to be black on a white background, with boring old-fashioned blue/purple colors for links. It’s not aesthetically pleasing, but it’s more or less guaranteed to be readable. (An example and the text of the bookmark below the fold.)
As a demonstration, here’s a screen capture of a randomly-selected Tumblr blog with color as it appears normally:
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After running the script, it looks like this:
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(If you have other color preferences, you can just swap out “black” and “white” in the script with your choices.)
To make this work, add a bookmark in your browser, then use whatever mechanism your browser has for editing bookmarks to rename it something appropriate and replace the URL with the red text below:
(That should be one single line with no spaces or line breaks, in case either Tumblr or your browser decides to play games with it.)
…as long as I’m at it, here’s a second very specialized utility script bookmark. Years ago, there was an epidemic of sites which would hijack your browser window and refuse to let you close the window or quit the browser, and the only way to get out of it was to force-quit your browser — and then make sure it wouldn’t auto-reload the content from the previous session when you opened it back up. I believe there are technical fixes in place now which prevent that form of attack, but just in case I still have my script bookmark which breaks out of that deadlock. Without changing the URL (which lets the page know you’re trying to get away) it uses the “document.write” function… which, notoriously, if used when the page has finished loading, replaces the entire page. This breaks any scripts the page may have in place to monitor your behavior, and the window/tab can then be closed. (But the URL in the location bar remains the same, and the browser thinks you’re still on the page, so the reload button will restore whatever was there before.) It is possible that this might be useful in other contexts, so here it is. The result looks like this:
Tumblr media
To make it work, do the same as for the previous script, but replace the URL with this instead:
(Once again, that should be one long line with no spaces or line breaks.)
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nenestansunsthings · 1 year
Bringing back a classic, chocolat in 1B, 1E, or 3E, whichever would be most fun for you to do
my last one for the day! chocolat is looking cool as fuck!!!
Tumblr media
outfit meme is here!
all the yellows oranges and reds make me think of a sunset :)) i had a lot of fun leaning into a more street fashion aesthetic since ae's usually much more fancy
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