#3d maya course online
kwikl · 10 months
Unlock Your Creativity: Exploring the Best Online Maya Course at Kwikl.com
In the realm of digital artistry, creativity knows no bounds. For aspiring 3D designers, animators, and digital artists, Kwikl.com stands as an innovative beacon, offering a transformative learning experience through its Maya course.
Crafting Dreams with Maya:
The allure of Maya, a powerful 3D computer graphics software, lies in its ability to turn imagination into reality. Kwikl.com's Maya course doesn't just teach software skills; it nurtures creativity, fueling artistic visions in a dynamic online environment.
Why Kwikl.com Stands Out:
Expert Guidance: Kwikl.com's Maya course isn't just about software proficiency; it's a journey guided by industry experts, sharing insights, techniques, and real-world experiences.
Comprehensive Curriculum: From the fundamentals to advanced techniques, the course covers a spectrum of topics, ensuring a holistic understanding of Maya's capabilities.
Interactive Learning: Engaging tutorials, hands-on projects, and peer-to-peer interactions create an immersive learning atmosphere, fostering creativity and collaboration.
Tailored for All Skill Levels: Whether a novice exploring the world of 3D or a seasoned professional seeking advanced skills, the course adapts to individual learning needs.
Igniting Creative Sparks:
Imagine breathing life into characters, constructing immersive environments, and crafting visual stories that captivate audiences. Kwikl.com's Maya course ignites these possibilities, providing the canvas for creative expression.
Transforming Passion into Proficiency:
For many, Maya isn't just a tool; it's a gateway to realizing creative aspirations. Kwikl.com nurtures this passion, molding it into proficiency, empowering individuals to shape their digital dreams.
In a world driven by digital innovation, mastering Maya isn't just an educational pursuit; it's a passport to a universe of boundless creativity. At Kwikl.com, this journey transcends traditional learning, opening doors to new dimensions of artistic brilliance.
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valeofpoppies · 4 months
you are very skilled with 3D art and game development, and i am also somewhat trying to get into it as a hobby (blender + godot rn).
can i ask how you learned to make 3D art? i am hoping that knowing how others learned will help me find ways to learn.
i know the basics of blender, but i really do need to learn how to get past the basics.
Hello! I appreciate you taking the time to write this. This is a question that requires some introspection and would be a good topic for future posts. However, here's the best summarization of my experience learning 3D:
I started doing 3D while I was a teenager. I downloaded a free version of 3D Coat so I could sculpt faces for fun. I barely had any idea how to manage topology then, so my workflow was very destructive (I made a lot of meshes with holes, clipping faces, bumps, no edge flow, etc.)
I revisited 3D during my years in college, when I took a couple of free courses on Lynda(dot)com on how to model in Maya (for which I had a student license for). They were really basic tutorials, but they helped me adopt better practices for modeling (like maintaining decent edge flow, how to use modifiers, how to use drivers, etc).
I began to learn how to rig in Maya until the pandemic hit in 2020, which happened to be the same year I would graduate. I wanted to pursue 3D further after college, but I knew my student license for Maya would eventually expire (and I didn't have enough money coming in to pay a monthly subscription) so I decided to switch to using Blender because it is open-source.
I learned to navigate Blender through a whole lot of popular dedicated Youtube channels (like CGCookie, BlenderGuru, Ducky 3D, and many others...) It did indeed help that I had prior experience with modeling software so I could look up what I needed to know then. I didn't get to using Blender for game dev until a year later, when I came across a whole bunch of game artists and mod-makers across various platforms (twitter, tumblr, steam, discord). The point in which I began to join communities dedicated to making game art/modding is where I experienced the most growth because I wasn't interpreting online tutorials by myself anymore, I was communicating back and forth with other people about making art in general. I learned what tools other people were using, I learned how they functioned, I studied unique applications for those tools by studying other people's work, and it also helped me find new leads for study.
A practice I adopted that I found very useful is pastiching models from other games. If I wanted to get better at creating topology, I would import a ripped model from a game that I liked, studied its wireframe, and attempted to recreate that style by creating a unique model. It is derivative, but in the process you learn a lot of unique applications of smoothing, edge sharpening, normal rotation, masking and texturing that could be useful for formulating a style of one's own.
There's a lot that goes into the learning process. For me, it is like undoing a jacket by the threads. The more you pull the threads apart, the more noticeable it becomes how its all woven and stitched together. Once you've taken apart the whole thing, you get an idea as to how it was put together in the first place.
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digitalartstrategy · 9 months
Perfect Digital Art Strategy for 2024 and Beyond: Embracing AI and Pushing Boundaries
The digital art landscape is poised for an even more explosive evolution in 2024 and beyond. To navigate this exciting world and carve your own niche, here's a blueprint for a perfect digital art strategy:
1. Embrace AI as a Collaborative Force:
AI Art Tools: Don't fear AI, embrace it as a collaborator. Experiment with tools like Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Artbreeder, NightCafe Creator to generate initial concepts, explore new styles, and break creative block.
Refine the Output: Use your artistic skills to guide and refine the AI's suggestions, adding your unique touch and vision to create truly original artwork.
Human-AI Fusion: Blend traditional techniques like painting or 3D modeling with AI-generated elements to create hybrid masterpieces that transcend limitations.
2. Push the Boundaries of Creativity:
Explore Emerging Technologies: Dive into cutting-edge avenues like VR/AR painting, interactive installations, and generative NFT art to stay ahead of the curve.
Experiment and Diversify: Don't stick to one style. Keep experimenting with different mediums, techniques, and genres to unlock your artistic potential and surprise your audience.
Challenge Conventions: Use your art to provoke thought, question norms, and inspire conversation on social and environmental issues.
3. Build a Strong Online Presence:
Showcase Your Work: Utilize platforms like ArtStation, Instagram, Behance, and NFT marketplaces to reach a wider audience and connect with collectors.
Engage with the Community: Actively participate in online forums, discussions, and events to network with other artists, learn from each other, and build a loyal following.
Leverage Social Media Tools: Utilize social media analytics and marketing strategies to promote your work effectively and reach your target audience.
4. Monetize Your Passion:
Explore NFT Opportunities: Explore the vibrant world of NFTs to sell your digital artwork and create new income streams.
Offer Commissions and Collaborations: Partner with brands, influencers, or other artists for commissioned work and creative collaborations.
Create Online Courses and Tutorials: Share your knowledge and expertise by teaching online courses or workshops on digital art and AI tools.
AI Tools Recommendations (ideas):
Concept Generation: Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Dream by WOMBO, NightCafe Creator.
Image Editing and Upscaling: Photoshop, Gigapixel AI, Topaz Labs tools.
3D Modeling and Animation: Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, Adobe Substance 3D Painter.
VR/AR Creation: Tilt Brush, Quill VR, Gravity Sketch.
Interactive Art and Generative NFTs: Art Blocks, fxhash, Crypto.Art, Async Art.
Remember: This is just a framework, adapt it to your unique artistic vision and goals.
The key is to embrace innovation, push boundaries, and stay constantly curious. Your art, infused with your own voice and fueled by AI's potential, will shine in the vibrant future of digital art.
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fayethegray · 1 year
@crazydictator tagged me, it's friday so might as well!
are you named after anyone? nada, they picked my name right out of the baby book
when was the last time you cried? yesterday, crazy bad day @ work
do you have kids? no, but I have 7 cats, does that count? I think it counts
do you use sarcasm a lot? kind of sort of? I don't know if its sarcasm or that I say very off the cuff bs
what sports do you play/have you played? I did gymnastics as a child, and karate and was quite the cyclist
what's the first thing you notice about other people? general vibe, and their willingness to be open and kind.
eye color? I have partial heterochromia, eyes are blue, with a yellow ring, and my left eye is a quarter brown.
scary movies or happy endings? bro neither. psychologically devastating endings that make that brain think, and that heart thump
any special talents? functional depression.
where were you born? the midwest usa (ew)
what are your hobbies? uhhhhhhh... computer repair and server setup, 3d modelling, reading, video games, gardening, politics, and smoking devil lettuce
do you have any pets? I have 7 rescue cats. Eclipse (10), Maya (10), Squishy (5), Venus (5), Hecate (3), Bean Bean (2) and Freya (2). They are my babies and I dote on their every wim.
how tall are you? five foot three baby. I cannot reach the top shelf at the grocery store
fave subject in school? bro I did online highschool, and college was a lot of econ classes, calculus, and computers. I did have a favorite class though. 5000 Level grad course about the history of American labor unions. Really moved me for my passion for Workers Rights
dream job? I'd like to at some point be the Director of Information Technology with my organization, or to eventually cross the stream and do digital art/3d work. One way or another, computer oriented.
I don't know who I would tag, but I appreciate the tag. Was a fun lil do.
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Mastering Self-Taught 3D Modeling: A Comprehensive Guide
Learning 3D modeling independently can be an immensely rewarding endeavor. Below, you'll find a step-by-step guide to embark on this creative journey successfully:
Define Your Objectives: Begin by clarifying your reasons for learning 3D modeling. Are you interested in game design, animation, architecture, or another specific application? Establishing clear goals will help you stay motivated and focused.
Select Suitable Software: Numerous 3D modeling software options are available, ranging from free to paid. Popular choices include Blender (free and open-source), Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, and ZBrush. Choose software that aligns with your goals and budget.
Grasp the Basics: Start with the fundamentals. Familiarize yourself with the software's user interface, navigation, and basic tools. Most software packages offer introductory tutorials and documentation to facilitate your initial steps.
Access Online Courses and Tutorials: A wealth of online courses and tutorials awaits you on platforms like YouTube, Udemy, Coursera, and Khan Academy. Seek out beginner-level courses that cover the basics of 3D modeling. Follow along and practice consistently.
Regular Practice: Improvement in 3D modeling is directly linked to practice. Dedicate time to create simple objects, experiment with tools, and gradually advance to more intricate projects. Steadfast practice is key.
Study Anatomy and Reference Materials: For those interested in character modeling or organic shapes, in-depth knowledge of anatomy and reference materials is invaluable. This understanding enhances the realism of your creations.
Master Texturing and Materials: Explore texturing techniques and materials. Proficiency in applying textures, shaders, and materials to your 3D models is essential for achieving realistic renders.
Delve into Specializations: 3D modeling encompasses a wide array of specializations, such as character modeling, architectural visualization, product design, and more. Explore various areas to discover your passion.
Engage in Online Communities: Connect with fellow 3D artists and enthusiasts through forums, social media, and 3D modeling communities. Sharing your work, seeking advice, and receiving feedback can be immensely beneficial.
Develop a Portfolio: As your skills evolve, start crafting a portfolio showcasing your finest work. A well-structured portfolio is essential if you aim to pursue a career or freelance opportunities in 3D modeling.
Stay Current: The 3D modeling field is in constant flux. Stay informed about the latest trends, techniques, and software updates by following industry news, blogs, and online courses.
Consider Advanced Training: If you're committed to a career in 3D modeling, contemplate advanced training or pursuing a degree in computer graphics, animation, or a related field. Such education can broaden your horizons.
Innovate and Experiment: Dare to innovate and experiment. Push the boundaries of your creative abilities, and don't be disheartened by setbacks. Learning from your mistakes is an invaluable part of your journey.
Cultivate Patience and Perseverance: Mastering 3D modeling is a gradual process, and each individual progresses at their own pace. The key is to maintain patience, practice consistently, and persist through challenges. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process.
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Embarking on the path of self-taught 3D modeling can be challenging, but with dedication and the guidance provided above, you can make remarkable progress and achieve your artistic and career goals.
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annalouisemay · 1 year
NEW Ethereal Crystals, Record Keepers & Crystal Grids | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates
NEW | Ethereal Crystals, Record Keepers & Crystal Grids | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at https://www.mayastar.net/etherealcrystalsarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/ZpRha6YhVc0 to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: “Everything reflected within the physical or 3D realm is also connected to the invisible realm by virtue of its “spirit” or “consciousness”.…
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Mayastar YouTube Channel | Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development | Maya Magickal Spells
Mayastar provides over 100 accredited attunement-based energy healing & spiritual development courses online. Additional spiritual guidance, inspirational articles & meditation tracks are available through Mayastar YouTube & Podcast.
Enjoy daily spiritual inspiration on your path from Mayastar on social media | 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌
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capyquest-logs · 11 days
DFX352 | Post 1
This week marks the end of the first quarter of the semester. As such, I’m going to take this opportunity to summarize what I’ve accomplished so far.
Before I begin, a brief background:
Earlier in my college career, I took a class in which I learned the basics of Unreal Engine 5 by creating a single level of a video game. I decided to center around the theme of puzzle-platforming, and I called it “CapyQuest,” since one of the elements of the game was a capybara blocking your path.
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Later on, I took an intro to animation class, where my final project was a sort of music video starring, you guessed it, capybaras!
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It’d become sort of a theme at that point, and I had dreams of improving my skills and creating a legitimate CapyQuest game.
Well, that’s my current project! At least, sort of. This project is a demo level, but I do plan on working on creating a full game of it in the not-too-distant future.
So, I asked myself…
Problem Statement: How can I design an engaging, stylized 3D environment with interactive animals for a game demo using Maya and Unreal Engine?
Here’s a quick list of everything I wanted to accomplish this semester.
Create a fun, diverse 3D landscape environment for a player to explore
Populate the landscape with trees, rocks, and other custom assets
Set up and utilize Runtime Virtual Textures (RVTs)
Create several unique 3D modeled capybara characters that can be interacted with
Create a dialogue system with an appealing and comprehensive UI
Since I had such little experience in map creation for UE5, I decided to use an online course to guide me as I created the environment. The capybaras and dialogue system will be created based on my own prior knowledge and some supplementary research.
Here is what I’ve accomplished in this project so far:
Concept Art
I created a few pieces of concept art to give myself a better idea of what to work towards, as well as testing out different designs for some assets.
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RVTs and Landscape
Setting up the landscape was pretty simple. I had drawn some maps to block out the area, then used it as a reference to sculpt and paint a landscape in UE5.
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I’ve also set up RVTs, though I haven’t utilized them yet.
I spent some time modeling, sculpting, importing, and texturing a few different tree assets. For the leaves, I made a material that allows me to create instances, in which I can adjust the color, shadow color and saturation, highlights, leaf shape/size, and wind animations. At this time, I still have not finished texturing the trunks, though I plan to work on that this week.
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That’s about it so far! While it may not seem like a lot, I’ve got a very solid base and am perfectly on schedule. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working on rocks, larger landscape pieces, grass, flowers, wind VFX, and 3D modeling capybaras, as well as writing dialogue.
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rohit21star · 11 days
How Short-Term Courses in Animation and VFX Can Help You Upskill Quickly
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In today’s competitive professional environment, the need to adapt and grow is constant. Whether you’re an aspiring creative or a working professional looking to switch gears, upskilling through short-term courses in 3D animation, graphic design, or VFX can make all the difference. The beauty of these specialized courses lies in their ability to deliver industry-relevant skills in a short span, allowing you to stay ahead in your career without a long-term commitment.
Why Short-Term Courses Are Ideal for Working Professionals
For professionals, time is of the essence. Committing to a lengthy program is often not feasible when you're managing a career, but the desire to stay updated with the latest trends remains. Short-term courses are designed with this in mind, offering flexibility in learning. These courses often come with part-time and weekend options, making it easier to fit them into your busy schedule.
Whether you're interested in mastering 3D animation techniques, exploring the world of visual effects, or honing your skills in graphic design, short-term courses provide targeted learning without the exhaustive duration of traditional programs. You'll gain hands-on experience with industry-standard software like Maya, 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects, and more.
Accelerate Your Career with Industry-Relevant Skills
The demand for professionals with skills in animation and VFX is skyrocketing, with industries like gaming, film, and digital marketing increasingly relying on visual content. By enrolling in a short-term course, you can fast-track your learning, developing practical skills that are immediately applicable in real-world projects.
These programs don’t just teach theory—they provide practical, project-based learning opportunities that prepare you to work with live projects, meet deadlines, and collaborate with teams. For a professional already in the creative industry, this practical edge can translate into better job opportunities, promotions, and even the ability to switch to a more lucrative specialization.
Flexibility to Balance Work and Learning
Short-term courses are not just about quick learning—they are also designed to accommodate the busy lives of professionals. You can attend classes during weekends or after work hours, allowing you to manage your career while acquiring new skills. This flexibility ensures that you don’t have to choose between earning and learning.
Many courses also offer online or hybrid models, allowing you to study from anywhere. This kind of flexibility in professional learning is what makes short-term courses ideal for working professionals who want to upskill without taking a break from their careers.
Boost Your Portfolio and Network
One of the most significant advantages of taking a short-term course is the opportunity to enhance your portfolio with real-world projects. Many programs include portfolio-building as part of the curriculum, allowing you to showcase your new skills to potential employers or clients. You’ll also have the chance to collaborate with other professionals, expanding your network and learning from experienced mentors.
If you're a professional looking to upskill quickly in 3D animation, graphic design, or VFX, consider exploring flexible short-term courses. These programs allow you to gain industry-relevant skills without sacrificing your current career. Investing time in upskilling now can yield long-term benefits, giving you the edge you need in today’s competitive creative industry.
Explore more about upskilling in animation and VFX by visiting this resourceful platform. It's the perfect opportunity to fast-track your creative career.
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fmp24np · 2 months
Forefront 6
This week I found an 80.level article of a real-time fantasy inspired character breakdown. I found this piece inspirational and crucial for my future goals within the game industry.
Magno Coutinho, a 3D Character Artist at Compulsion Games with nearly a decade of experience, has shared insights into his career and his recent project, the Priestess character. Self-taught through online resources, Magno's passion for drawing and gaming led him to a career in 3D modeling. His previous roles include freelancing for Ubisoft and working as an Art Director for a startup, and he’s been an active member of the Agora Studio community.
The Priestess Project was part of a Game Character course by Igor Catto at ICS. Magno aimed to refine his character modeling skills and design process for current-gen AAA games. The character was inspired by Fantasy Art and not based on any specific design, allowing him to draw from various references.
Magno's workflow began with ZBrush, starting from a DynaMeshed sphere to create the high-poly model. He iterated through rough blockouts and refinements, paying special attention to the design and anatomy. He used ZBrush for detailed sculpting and added subtle skin details. For the accessories, he started with basic shapes and refined them using various tools and techniques.
Retopology and UVs were done in Maya, where Magno emphasized maintaining a sensible poly count and relying on Normal Maps for high-detail appearance. He used Substance 3D Painter and ZBrush for texturing, favouring procedural methods and hand-painted details over photo scans.
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Priestess - Real Time (Coutinho, 2024b) Rendering was performed in Marmoset Toolbag, where Magno utilized HDR lighting to achieve realistic results, adjusting the setup based on the character's personality and mood. The character took over six months to complete, with hair being the most challenging aspect. Magno advises beginners to embrace challenges and be patient, as this is crucial for growth and learning in the field. Failure is the part of the process. I believe the UV maps and intricate details of the sculpture bring this piece to the next level in its artistic and technical value. The optimization is exceptional, I would like to use the workflow of this artist in my future projects to help along my 3D character artist path.
Coutinho, M. (2024a). Learn How to Create a Real-Time Character for AAA Games in ZBrush. Available at: https://80.lv/articles/learn-how-to-create-a-real-time-character-for-aaa-games-in-zbrush/.
Coutinho, M. (2024b). Priestess - Real Time. [Online] Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1xDlEo.
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arenaanimation4457 · 1 month
VFX Design: Turning Simple Scenes into Epic Adventures
Visual Effects (VFX) is a powerful tool used in the entertainment industry to create stunning visuals that enhance storytelling. With the right techniques, simple scenes can be transformed into epic adventures that captivate audiences. Learning VFX can open up many creative opportunities and bring imaginative ideas to life.
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Understanding VFX
VFX involves creating and manipulating images to produce realistic or fantastical elements that are added to a film or video. These effects can range from creating explosions and magical effects to designing entire virtual worlds. The process often includes using software to combine live-action footage with computer-generated imagery (CGI). By mastering VFX, you can make even the most ordinary scenes look extraordinary.
The Role of VFX in Modern Media
In today's media landscape, VFX is crucial for a wide range of productions. Films, TV shows, video games, and online content often rely on VFX to create engaging and immersive experiences. For example, a fantasy film might use VFX to bring mythical creatures to life or create elaborate battle scenes. Similarly, a sci-fi game might use VFX to design futuristic environments and effects. The ability to add these elements can greatly enhance the viewer's experience and the overall impact of the media.
How to Get Started with VFX
If you're interested in learning VFX, enrolling in a specialized course can be a great way to start. A VFX course in Udaipur can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to begin your journey in this exciting field. Such courses typically cover various aspects of VFX, including animation, compositing, and visual storytelling. By learning the fundamentals and advanced techniques, you'll be able to create impressive visual effects and contribute to diverse projects.
Essential Skills for VFX
To excel in VFX, certain skills are essential. Proficiency in software like Adobe After Effects, Blender, or Autodesk Maya is crucial, as these tools are used to create and manipulate visual effects. Understanding concepts like color grading, motion tracking, and 3D modeling will also be beneficial. Additionally, a strong sense of creativity and attention to detail will help you produce high-quality effects that enhance the visual appeal of any project.
Applying VFX Techniques
Once you have the skills, you can start applying VFX techniques to your own projects. Whether you're working on a short film, a video game, or a music video, incorporating VFX can make your work stand out. For instance, you can use VFX to create dramatic explosions in an action scene or add fantastical elements to a music video. The possibilities are endless, and with practice, you can turn simple scenes into visually stunning adventures.
Exploring Career Opportunities
The demand for skilled VFX artists is growing, and there are numerous career opportunities in this field. From working on blockbuster films to contributing to indie games, VFX artists play a vital role in creating memorable visual experiences. By taking a VFX course in Udaipur, you can gain the expertise needed to pursue a career in this dynamic industry and work on projects that push the boundaries of visual storytelling.
In conclusion, VFX is a fascinating field that transforms ordinary scenes into extraordinary experiences. With the right training and skills, you can harness the power of VFX to create visually captivating content. If you're passionate about visual storytelling and eager to explore the creative possibilities of VFX, consider enrolling in a VFX course in Udaipur to begin your journey in this exciting industry.
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shiza-mga2024mi4014 · 1 month
Understanding the Interface
Main Menu Bar: Contains all the commands and options for different functions (e.g., File, Edit, Create, Modify).
Shelf: Quick access to commonly used tools and commands, organized into different tabs.
Channel Box/Layer Editor: View and modify attributes of selected objects.
Toolbox: Contains selection, move, rotate, and scale tools.
Time Slider: Allows you to navigate through frames when animating.
Viewport: The main area where you see and interact with your 3D models.
Basic Navigation
Alt + Left Mouse Button: Rotate the camera around the scene.
Alt + Middle Mouse Button: Pan the camera.
Alt + Right Mouse Button: Zoom in and out.
Creating Basic Objects
Go to the ‘Create’ menu and choose a basic object (e.g., Sphere, Cube, Cylinder).
Adjust the size and position of your object using the ‘Move’, ‘Rotate’, and ‘Scale’ tools from the Toolbox.
Move Tool (W): Move objects in X, Y, Z directions.
Rotate Tool (E): Rotate objects around the X, Y, Z axes.
Scale Tool (R): Scale objects uniformly or non-uniformly.
Working with Polygons
Modeling Toolkit: Found on the left side, this allows you to create, select, and modify polygonal models.
Extrude: Add new geometry by extending faces or edges.
Bevel: Smooth out hard edges by creating a bevel.
Bridge: Connect two edges with a polygon face.
Materials and Textures
Open the ‘Hypershade’ window (Window > Rendering Editors > Hypershade) to create and manage materials.
Apply materials to your objects by dragging and dropping them from the Hypershade to the object.
Assign textures by adding an image file to the material’s color attribute.
Create lights in the scene by going to ‘Create > Lights’ and choosing from options like Directional Light, Point Light, or Area Light.
Adjust the light attributes such as intensity, color, and shadows to enhance your scene’s realism.
Basic Animation
Set keyframes by selecting an object, moving to the desired frame on the Time Slider, and pressing ‘S’ on your keyboard.
Repeat for different frames to animate the object’s position, rotation, or scale.
Set up your render settings by going to Render Settings (accessible via the clapperboard icon).
Choose a render engine like Arnold, and configure settings such as resolution and quality.
Render your scene using Render > Render Current Frame or Render > Batch Render for multiple frames.
Learning Resources
Autodesk Official Documentation: Comprehensive guides and reference materials.
YouTube Tutorials: Search for specific topics or complete beginner series.
Online Courses: Websites like Udemy, Coursera, or LinkedIn Learning offer structured Maya courses.
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kwikl · 9 months
Crafting Digital Brilliance: Explore Our Website Design Services at Kwikl.com
In the dynamic realm of the digital landscape, a website stands as the virtual storefront, the initial impression that can captivate or deter potential customers within seconds. Crafting an online presence that not only captures attention but also engages and converts visitors into loyal customers requires a blend of creativity, functionality, and innovation. At Kwikl.com, we understand the pivotal role of website design in shaping a brand's identity and maximizing its digital impact.
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Elevating Digital Experiences
At Kwikl.com, we are passionate about crafting digital brilliance. Our team comprises seasoned professionals adept at leveraging cutting-edge technologies and design principles to create websites that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and user-centric.
Our Services
1. Custom Website Design:
Tailored to your brand's ethos and objectives, our custom website designs are meticulously crafted to stand out in a crowded digital space. We believe in creating unique, visually stunning interfaces that resonate with your audience, fostering a lasting impression.
2. Responsive Design:
In an era dominated by diverse devices and screen sizes, responsive design is indispensable. We ensure that your website functions flawlessly across all platforms, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience for your users.
3. E-commerce Solutions:
For businesses venturing into the realm of online retail, we offer comprehensive e-commerce solutions. Our expertise lies in developing secure, user-friendly, and visually appealing online stores that drive sales and enhance customer satisfaction.
4. UX/UI Optimization:
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) play pivotal roles in engaging visitors and keeping them immersed in your website. Our team meticulously optimizes these aspects to ensure seamless navigation, intuitive interfaces, and an overall delightful user experience.
5. SEO Integration:
A visually stunning website is incomplete without visibility. We integrate robust Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies into our designs, helping your website rank higher on search engine results and enhancing its discoverability.
6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance:
Our commitment doesn’t end with the launch. We offer continuous support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains up-to-date, secure, and in line with evolving industry standards.
Why Choose Kwikl.com?
Creative Expertise: Our team consists of creative minds with a passion for innovation and an eye for detail.
Client-Centric Approach: We believe in collaborating closely with our clients, understanding their needs, and delivering tailor-made solutions.
Proven Track Record: Years of experience and a portfolio of successful projects speak volumes about our expertise.
Cutting-Edge Technology: We stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to deliver state-of-the-art solutions.
Dedication to Excellence: We strive for perfection and settle for nothing less than excellence in our work.
At Kwikl.com, we recognize the power of a well-crafted website in driving business success in the digital age. Our website design services are meticulously curated to help businesses leave a lasting impression, foster engagement, and achieve their online goals. Craft your digital brilliance with us and embark on a journey to stand out in the digital landscape.
Ready to embark on a digital transformation? Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your vision to life!
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gauravuk07 · 2 months
Animation Course in Dehradun — Igniting Your Creative Genius
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Animation is a magical blend of art and technology that brings stories to life, captivating audiences of all ages. If you’re in Dehradun and passionate about making a mark in the world of animation, you’re in the right place! This vibrant city offers a plethora of animation courses that cater to aspiring animators, providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this dynamic industry. Let’s dive into what makes animation courses in Dehradun a gateway to a creative career.
Why Choose Animation as a Career?
Before exploring the courses, it’s important to understand why animation is such a sought-after career. Here are a few reasons:
Creative Expression: Animation allows you to unleash your imagination and create worlds, characters, and stories that are beyond reality.
High Demand: The entertainment industry, including films, TV shows, video games, and online content, has a constant demand for skilled animators.
Diverse Opportunities: From 2D and 3D animation to visual effects (VFX) and motion graphics, the field of animation offers a wide range of specializations.
Lucrative Salaries: Skilled animators are well-compensated for their work, with salaries increasing with experience and expertise.
Top Animation Courses in Dehradun
Dehradun is home to several institutes that offer comprehensive animation courses. Here are some of the top choices:
1. CRAFT Empowering Careers
Course: Diploma in 3D Animation
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers all aspects of 3D animation, from basic principles to advanced techniques.
Hands-On Training: Students get practical experience with industry-standard software like Maya and Blender.
Expert Faculty: Instructors with years of industry experience provide valuable insights and mentorship.
Career Support: Assistance with internships and job placements to help students kickstart their careers.
2. Dreamzone Dehradun
Course: Advanced Diploma in Animation
Holistic Approach: Blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills in both 2D and 3D animation.
Project-Based Learning: Students work on real-world projects, enhancing their portfolios.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology and software used in the industry.
Workshops and Seminars: Regular sessions with industry professionals to keep students updated with the latest trends.
What to Expect from an Animation Course
When you enroll in an animation course in Dehradun, here’s what you can expect:
Foundation in Art and Design: Understanding the basics of drawing, design, and storytelling.
Software Proficiency: Mastering industry-standard software such as Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, and Toon Boom Harmony.
Animation Techniques: Learning various techniques, including traditional 2D animation, stop-motion, and 3D animation.
Portfolio Development: Building a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and creativity.
Industry Exposure: Opportunities to interact with industry professionals and gain insights into the working of animation studios.
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fedor-bortnik-fmp · 2 months
ForeFront 7. Advanced Character Workflow by Ida Faber.
Recently, I have been browsing lvl 80 blog, and I found a character artist Ida Faber (2024) and her blog about "Detailed Breakdown Of Making A Sci-Fi Ninja With ZBrush And Maya". It got me hooked since I believe this is the same approach that I will be doing in my future.
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I stumbled upon Ida Faber's blog, where she did a breakdown of her Stellar Rogue characters. In this blog, she talks about her journey as a 3D artist, and about her project, which was impressive to read. With a hard work from studying 3D graphics, she gradually became a freelance artist, through the help of her mentor and engaging with the courses.
What is really interesting for me is that I can see some familiarities with my life and even my projects: She aims to create game-ready characters with a sci-fi background, while I also aim towards creating game-ready characters in a post-apocalyptic universe, where characters gather technological equipment through the exploration of ancient dangers.
What I believe in is this is how my future will look like in a year or two: With me using Zbrush for mesh creation and Maya for assemble, and then Substance Painter for shading.
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Stellar Rogue - Game Ready (2024)
Through her work, I can see what kind of software she uses: Marvelous Designer for cloth design and folds, Zbrush for Sculpting, Maya for baking, Substance for texturing and Unreal for Rendering. I realise that in order to get further as a Character artist, I should learn more about the following software, as it can reward me with an ability to masterfully create each segment of the character in a truly high quality.
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A Zbrush file image from her blog. Titled: "Sculpt In ZBrush".
There are also a lot of interesting tips inside the blog, for example: Faber talked about the tip to avoid doing complicated meshes around the bending points, in order to do the rigging more easily. It is something that I will consider in the future.
Another nice thing is the fact that she explains many techniques that she uses in her work: Using FiberShop in order to create cool hair, explaining about Mikk/xNormal tangent space, I also like the fact that she does not stop on the work when she exports characters into Unreal Engine, as she sets up some user-customizable settings in order for them to change some things like colour or more. This is cool!
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An image of the characters from the Stellar Rogue bundle.
One thing that I have noticed is that after university life, she contacted a senior artist in order to be the mentor - This is a trend that I have occasionally seen, and I am starting to believe that I will be doing the familiar approach, since this is the easiest way to climb the skills, as you get constant feedback on mistakes and such.
In conclusion, I will say that this is an awesome blog, since she uncovers her journey of becoming a junior artist and growing into an amazing artist: With working and helping others in learning about the industry, sharing in detail about her production workflow and giving some tips about creating - it was very nice to read this blog.
I am in genuine love with her artwork, as the character's organic sculpt is created in a high quality, while the costume designers do look compelling and inspiring. I especially love the Mechanic Girl, as it is something that hits very close to my first character, and is made in an amazing quality.
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After reading her level 80 blog and checking the art pieces that she has created, I started to believe that in the future I will have a familiar path of progression (except I do not focus on face makeup and hyper beauty) in terms of achieving an organized and composed work, the art style direction and the skill development path.
Faber, I. (2024). A Detailed Breakdown Of Making A Sci-Fi Ninja With ZBrush And Maya. [online] 80.lv. Available at: https://80.lv/articles/a-detailed-breakdown-of-making-a-sci-fi-ninja-with-zbrush-and-maya/ [Accessed 16 Jul. 2024].
Ida Faber (2022). Techwear Girl. [online] ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6bwEkr [Accessed 16 Jul. 2024].
Ida Faber (2022). Mechanic Girl. [online] ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/g8OwgQ
Ida Faber (2022). Stellar Trooper - Game Ready. [online] ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/29GBVA [Accessed 20 Jul. 2024].
FiberShop (2024). FiberShop – hair-card texture generator. [online] Available at: https://cgpal.com/fibershop/ [Accessed 20 Jul. 2024].
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kalungepallavi · 3 months
Exploring 3D Weapon Art: Jay Travers' Journey and Tips for Aspiring Artists
Jay Travers, a 21-year-old aspiring 3D artist from England, shared his approach to creating 3D weapon art and his experiences learning through trial and error. Jay’s journey from student to self-taught artist provides inspiration for others venturing into the world of 3D modeling, texturing, and rendering. His insights into tools like Marmoset Toolbag and his focus on continuous learning highlight the dedication required to excel in this field.
Education and Early Inspiration:
Jay’s interest in 3D art began in college, where he studied 3D Modeling and Animation. Originally drawn to product and graphic design, he discovered a passion for digital art, particularly in the gaming industry. His education provided a solid foundation in tools like Autodesk Maya, but Jay emphasizes the importance of exploring multiple software options to stay adaptable in a rapidly evolving industry.
Inspiration and References:
Drawing inspiration from video games like *Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077*, Jay focuses on creating realistic, hard-surface weapon art. He also relies heavily on references, particularly real-life weapon inspection videos and detailed images from auction houses and museums. These references are crucial for achieving the high level of detail necessary for his projects.
Modeling Approach:
Jay began his 3D modeling journey with subdivision modeling, which involves careful manipulation of topology to create smooth, artifact-free surfaces. While this method helped him develop problem-solving skills, he now advises against it for larger projects due to its complexity. Instead, he recommends learning popular workflows that simplify the process and produce cleaner results.
Texturing Techniques:
Jay’s texturing style often involves creating weathered, worn-looking surfaces. He learned by studying other artists’ materials and experimenting with procedural generators and brushwork in software like Substance Painter. Jay prefers using standard brushes with modified settings and custom alphas to add unique details, but he cautions against overusing popular assets that can make your work look generic.
Lighting and Rendering with Marmoset Toolbag:
For rendering, Jay has adopted Marmoset Toolbag due to its real-time rendering capabilities and ease of use. He follows a classic 3-point lighting setup to highlight his models and recommends Marmoset’s resources for hard-surface modelers. Despite its cost, he believes Marmoset Toolbag is a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about 3D rendering.
Challenges and Advice:
Jay acknowledges the challenges of breaking into the 3D art industry, especially finding work. He stresses the importance of dedication, continuous learning, and practice. He advises aspiring artists to seek out specialized courses early on and to immerse themselves in the community by engaging with other artists, studying their work, and taking advantage of available resources like tutorials and online articles.
Jay Traver's journey from student to 3D artist is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of self guided learning. His experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to improve their skills in 3D modeling and rendering.....particularly in the realm of game development. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your craft,. Jay's insights are a reminder that dedication and a willingness to learn are key to success in this creative field.
Travers, J. (2021, February 8). Studying Weapon Art: reference, SubD modeling, texturing. https://80.lv/articles/studying-weapon-art-reference-subd-modeling-texturing/
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pm-majorstudy · 3 months
Study of Paul Chadeisson
After some unsuccessful and frustrating sketching attempts, I wanted to do a hard and deep study of Paul Chadeisson's work to see where I can improve and to figure out why my sketches weren't working.
Paul Chadeisson is one of my favourite artists, and his work consists of massive environments and vehicles giving an enormous sense of scale.
Some of the works I analysed first were ones with a lot of repeatable details, panels etc. I wanted to figure out his workflow. A few screenshots of my selection bellow:
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Luckily, in the comments one of his paintings he revealed how he created the details. He used a layered displacement method in Octane Renderer. Furthermore, he revealed an online course by his friend who he learned the technique from. It's a course by Julien Gauthier:
I will get this course and use it to try the methods out!
Another type of painting that Paul Chadeisson excels at is depicting large ships. He mentions that his process involves using Moi3D for modeling, rendering in Octane, and then painting over the render in Photoshop. While this workflow is intriguing, I don't think it’s the best approach for me to learn at the moment. Moi3D has a steep learning curve, and I believe I can achieve similar results using software I’m already proficient in, such as Maya, ZBrush, Houdini, and 3DCoat.
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Lastly, I found that he modelled some ships in 3D Coat and found a render of the model (without paint over). I feel this will help me a lot with my own 3D coat ship models.
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To conclude, I believe this investigation will help me immensely with my future design work, utilising both 3D and 2D. Looking forward to diving into creating some concepts with these techniques.
Chadeisson, P. (2024). Portfolio. [Online]. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/pao (Accessed 25 June 2024)
Gauthier, J. (2018). Video Tutorial - Octane for Concept Art - Advanced. [Online]. Available at: https://juliengauthier.gumroad.com/l/qDDto?layout=profile (Accessed 25 June 2024)
OTOY. (2024). Octane Render. [Online]. Available at: https://home.otoy.com/render/octane-render/ (Accessed 25 June 2024)
Triple Squid Software Design. (2024). MoI3D. [Online]. Available at: https://moi3d.com/ (Accessed 25 June 2024)
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