#4 x 11 double trouble
chaotictarlos · 1 year
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I think Ronen could play Officer Dewey in Scream
134 notes · View notes
tarlossource · 1 year
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NEW Tarlos Still via Tim Minear's Facebook page
73 notes · View notes
oceanbug · 11 months
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
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(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
(Tags) non!idol x reader; fluff; college au; enemies to lovers; wlw; smau
(Disclaimer) these stories are purely fiction. they do not reflect any of the names mentioned. the names mentioned have no involvement with the fiction being told.
(Warnings) inappropriate language; bullying; mentions of drug use;
(Update Schedule) tba !
(Taglist) OPEN
(profiles) homo hustlers ; xoxo gossip girls
0. prologue.
1. she's literally on the floor.
2. skill issue.
3. y/n's....popular?
4. banned from Starbucks.
5. replay by shinee.
6. crushes.
7. heart-broken together.
- 7.5. ahn yujin.
8. movie night.
- 8.5 movie night part 2
9. hedgehog.
10. strawberry soju.
11. meanie pants :(
- 11.5 yoo jimin.
12. idk this bitch.
13. library meetings.
- 13.5 bathroom meetings.
14. free dessert.
15. double trouble.
16. loved.
17. anxiety.
- 17.5 ning yi zhuo.
18. bingo babe!
19. drinking games.
20. breaking news.
21. blow shit up.
22. blocked.
23. honesty.
24. clarity
25. assemble!
-bonus: thanksgiving!
-25.5. investigators!
488 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 5 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 17
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 9.1k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* Honestly, not many warnings here. Mostly fluff and some sexy flirting and blood drinking/talk of biting. Summary: On the night of the Samhain ball, your long-anticipated return home is marked with tears, hugs, and a very important announcement. Notes: Next week's epilogue will be the official end of this story, my darlings, and I am so grateful for every single one of you who has come along for the ride!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Ch 16
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"Miss Allison, I promise you that everything is under control." Mrs. Taylor has watched Allison work her very hardest to finish the plans on the Samhain ball, and she has done wonderfully. Far more wonderfully than Allison herself would ever take credit for. Now, though, it is up to Mrs. Taylor and the rest of the staff to get the buffet tables and innumerable chairs set. "Please go and get dressed. We will take care of everything from here. It is going to be a wonderful night."
“Are you sure?” She bites her lip and wracks her brain, running through the mental checklist that has been swirling through her mind and double then tripled several times.
"This is not, as you like to say, my first rodeo." The elder vampire chuckles at the expression and motions toward the stairs. "There is plenty of time. Take a shower or even a bath. Relax yourself. Get dressed. It is time to enjoy your night."
“Do you think we ordered enough blood and donors?” She asks worriedly. Vampires from all over are descending on the estate and some do not drink from blood bags, so concessions had to be made.
“Mr. Finchley counted through the bags this morning and Renee is meeting each of the donors as they arrive.” Mostly students from the neighboring college, the set of a dozen voluntary donors for the night have signed contracts for financial compensation that they are permitted to back out of at any time if they should decide — and they will also be provided with enormous care packages made by the Taylors regardless of how long they stay or how many guests partake of their blood. Mrs. Taylor has baked and cooked enough in advance for each of them to essentially have a week’s worth of free food and Mr. Taylor went through enormous trouble to find them all manner of health and self-care items as well as other goodies. “Mr. Taylor had offered to speak to everyone but Renee thought the young ladies who signed up might be less intimidated if she was the one to greet them.”
“That would be best. I can also meet with them. Explain how it is for a human.” She offers with a slight blush. Last night she and Eddie had indulged in that particular activity after the conversation they had and she loved it.
Mrs. Taylor smiles at Allison’s blush, not calling attention to it but certainly noting the happiness in the young woman. Things appear to be going quite well. “I’m sure they would be comforted to hear from you.”
“Then I will meet with them when they are ready.” Allison decides with a smile. “Please have someone inform me when that is?”
“They have been asked to arrive by nine o’clock tonight.” The mantle clock beside them reads just after seven, meaning there truly is plenty of time. “The Master is taking it upon himself to greet any trick or treaters we might have tonight, so do not feel you need to rush in readying yourself.”
“He loves children, doesn’t he?” Allison asks, tilting her head and smiling at the thought of the elder vampire greeting kids and cooing over their costumes.
“He does.” Mrs. Taylor nods. The same expression of soft admiration paints both their features and the housekeeper clasps her hands a moment later. “Would you like a tea tray for your room? Or any help getting ready?”
“Some tea would be lovely.” She admits before she thinks about something else. “Is— has Dolly’s room been prepared for her return?” She asks softly, as if asking about it might jinx things.
An enigmatic smile from Mrs. Taylor is not the reassurance she is looking for, but the vampiric housekeeper has plenty of her own secrets as well. “All is prepared for. Truly, there is nothing for you to worry about. You should try to enjoy yourself tonight, miss.”
“Were you nervous when you were human?” Allison asks in wonder. “Or have you always been so self-assured?”
“Oh goodness no.” That actually illicits a small laugh from her and Mrs. Taylor shakes her head. “It took a good century or so to find my calm, dear girl. Before that I was as nervous as a spring bride in the morning. I simply learned to…what is your phrase? Fake it ‘til I make it. Eventually it just sank in.”
“Good to know.” She’s more assured than some, but this is her first big event and she feels like she needs to prove herself worthy to Eddie’s sire.
“Everything will be just as you wished it to be.” Mrs. Taylor promises. “Now go on. I will bring your tea up myself.”
“Thank you.” Allison flashes her a grateful smile before turning around and doing as she says.
The artfully made Alice in Wonderland and Mad Hatter costumes that Eddie found for them are hanging in his closet and Eddie himself is sitting on the bed with a copy of the party itinerary in his lap when she walks in. "Hey baby." Almost instantly, he's at her side with his arms around her. "Did Mrs. Taylor banish you from the ballroom to get ready?"
“She did.” Allison huffs out a laugh and shakes her head. “I was told that she has it completely under control. But I want this to be perfect.”
“It will be.” He squeezes her tight and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “If I suggest we take a shower will that actually relax you a little? Everything is going to be great, baby.”
“It depends.” Allison admits with a grin. “Will you…feed off me again?” She asks quietly, amazed at how much of a rush of endorphins it can be.
Eddie’s chuckle is deep, tinged with equal parts amusement and desire. “I will. Because I can smell how badly you want me to.”
Biting her lip, she grins and bats her eyelashes at him. “You don’t seem to mind it.” She reminds him, finding it intoxicating when it fires him up. He loses control for a split second when he starts to drink.
With his hands on her hips, Eddie whirls Allison around and starts walking her toward the shower with urgency. “Alright. Let’s go. Very important shower to take.”
Her laugh is one of delight and she’s ecstatic that one day, she won’t have to secretly worry about growing old and leaving Eddie. She’ll be right there with him. “Baby?” He hums and she giggles. “Can we still do this once I’m changed?”
“Shower together?” He huffs at her playfully because he knows that isn’t what she meant. “I mean we can, but vampires don’t sweat so we don’t need to wash as much.”
She snorts and rolls her eyes before she turns around to start undressing. “You know what I meant.”
“We can,” he stresses the second word and tugs off his t-shirt. “But the thing that’s weird about it is that if you drink my blood and I’m the one who turned you…it doesn’t quite taste right. It’s like an evolutionary red flag, or something like that. To prevent vampires from consuming their kin. So if you want to keep doing this, and you want it to taste good and give adrenaline and all that? I would recommend that we ask someone else to change you.”
“Would you mind?” She asks quietly. Changing a person into a vampire is also quite intimate and she doesn’t want to upset him.
“I would prefer you chose someone you know well, if it isn’t going to be me.” He can understand her choice is entirely her own, but to make another vampire is a deeply intimate and meaningful relationship. It’s why so many refer to those they have sired as their children.
“I was thinking about asking your sire.” Allison admits. “Since he approves of me.”
“Hmmm.” Eddie kisses her cheek this time, pretending to consider something he already knows is a good idea. “Are you sure you want Max for a big brother?” He teases.
She snorts and shrugs. “He will be either way.” She admits, knowing that Eddie will always be around Max. Plus she kind of likes the other vampire for his treatment of you.
“I guess that’s true.” Eddie grins, though, and helps Allison out of her last few items of clothes after turning on the hot water for them. “To be honest, I thought you might pick Mrs. Taylor, but I have no doubt if we ask him about it later, he will say yes.”
“I hope to have more of a sisterly relationship with Mrs. Taylor.” Allison admits. “Although if your sire thinks it’s a good idea, I would be fine with that.”
“I doubt dear old dad will object to siring you. But be prepared for him to make a very big deal about it.” Eddie rolls his eyes fondly. “Dramatic son of a bitch.”
“You’re dramatic in your own way.” She teases, sliding her hands up his cool chest and grinning at him.
“I’ve been well trained, I guess.” He huffs, but pulls her into the shower with him. “I’m glad you seem to like it.”
“Oh I do.” She promises, standing on her tip toes to kiss him. “I absolutely do.”
"This place looks incredible!" Tracy squeals, throwing her arms around Allison almost the second she's inside the house. "Holy shit, holy shit everything is amazing. And what is that smell? Are you burning incense in the house or something?"
“The food.” There’s probably some incense burning as well, but all the human food is fragrant. “You look incredible!”
"Oh, this old thing?" Tracy giggles as she twirls around in her Clueless costume and poses like a model. She and Candance and one of the other women from the coven decided to come as Cher, Tai, and Dionne tonight. "As if, right?"
“No, you look amazing, I don’t think there will be a pair of eyes that don’t stop on you and admire.” Allison gushes, grinning at the other woman. “And you’ll be dancing all night.”
"I can't believe how good the house looks and how good you look!" She jumps forward to squeeze Allison tightly again. "Everything is perfect."
“Yes it is.” Since the shower and getting dressed, she’s calmed down. It’s too late to change anything and what will be, will be. She’s left it in Mrs. Taylor’s capable hands.
Tracy bites her lip as Candace comes up beside her. “Any sign of…?”
Allison sighs, chewing on her lip worriedly and glancing around. “Not yet. But knowing Max, he will make it as dramatic as possible and arrive at midnight like some reverse pumpkin fable.” She snorts, hiding her own nerves behind the facade of humor.
“Oh god, you’re right,” Candace snorts. She reaches to hug Allison tightly and shakes her head in some sort of fond exasperation. “And he’ll have figured out how to cue Phantom of the Opera entrance music or something.”
“That would actually have been a wonderful idea!” Allison gasps. “Next year. Next year’s theme is decided.”
“All of Broadway, or specifically Phantom?” Tracy giggles at the idea, already on board.
“Phantom.” Allison knows you would love the idea. “We could honestly have a Broadway themed ball every year.”
“Different time periods, different Broadway shows, different literary influences…” Candace sighs dreamily. “My vote is for a Jane Austen ball.”
“Ohhhh that would be wonderful.” Allison sighs as well, enchanted by the idea. “It would be a very proper ball.”
“What would be?” Eddie, who had been at the front door making sure the signs for parking and entry were clear enough and in the right places, now comes up behind his girlfriend and slips one arm around her waist.
“Hi.” She beams at Eddie and sighs at the idea of him in a Regency era suit. “A Jane Austen ball.”
“Ooo, you would love that.” He coos softly and presses a kiss to her cheek. “Mr. Finchley is out front to help with parking and direct people who haven’t been here before. The first cars were pulling in when I came inside. I thought you ladies would like to know.”
“Oh, it’s time.” Allison panics for a split second but Eddie’s hand on her waist steadies her. “Then I guess you and I should stand in and greet the guests.”
“And we will man the donation table.” Tracy grabs Candace’s hand. One of the main points of the night is still to collect for charity, and every party goer is supposed to be bringing in a canned or boxed food item for the local food bank. Between the food drive and proceeds from ticket sales going to nearest women’s shelter, the night should end up being a rousing success on all fronts as long as everyone has a good time.
“Thank you.” Allison throws them grateful smiles, happy that she has such a good coven to help her.
“Come on, love,” Eddie encourages her. There is a broad, proud smile on his face and he kisses her other cheek this time. “We have guests to greet.”
“Yes we do.” In your absence, Allison wants to be the best hostess so the reputation of the party grows. This could be a success for years to come.
The first half hour or so of arrivals is a trickle. Coven members, the teachers and students from the dance studio that you and Max had gone to. Some of the museum docents from the local preservation society have arrived as a group in full costume. A few folks from the charities benefiting from tonight’s collections also arrive in their festive Halloween costumes, and a smattering of students from the nearby college as well. It’s over an hour into the night when a sleek, black sports car with tinted windows that Allison doesn’t recognize, pulls up under the porte-cochere and Mr. Taylor looks particularly amused — or even smug? — when he opens the door.
“Allison!” Though you haven’t aged a day to the naked eye, the way you hold yourself is different now. Over a hundred years changes a person, and the trauma that had once governed all of your actions has melted away to be left far in the past. But a straighter spine and surer shoulders are not what matters now. Not as you haul yourself out of the car in the beautifully elaborate gown that you wore to the first Samhain ball you ever attended — the one thrown by your abuela in 1885 when you decided to stay in the past. You and Max had thought it was a symbolic choice to wear the same clothes tonight.
Eddie’s eyes widen when Max pops out of the driver’s side and zips around to immediately take your hand, smirking slightly at the surprise and delight of the people gathered who recognize them. “I told you we haven’t missed the dancing.” He muses to you as he guides you towards the receiving party. “Edward, you look magnificent and that is saying something considering the gorgeous creature next to you.”
“What in the hell?” Eddie’s eyes widen at the deeply obvious change in Max’s demeanor and he can’t help a deep, amused laugh at how giddily you and Allison are greeting each other as he steps forward to either shake Max’s hand or give the bastard a hug. He can’t really figure out which. “Well, goddamn. You—you really did stay, didn’t you?”
Max takes the other vampire’s hand in a firm shake and drags him forward for a hug. “We couldn’t leave.” He admits shamelessly. “That time, the people, it was exactly what we both needed.” He pulls back and grins at Eddie. “But it’s damn good to see you. We missed you both.”
“We missed you, too.” As nervous as they were, and as worried as they were, it’s extremely obvious that whatever had happened, it was a positive decision. “But where the hell did you come from? And how did you leave in the first place? And when were you? We have so many questions.”
“We’ll explain it all.” Max promises. “Dolly has a lot of information to share with the coven. Including Mrs. Astor’s grimoire.”
“I’ve missed you so much.” You cling to Allison happily, drowning in your long-missed friend’s affection, before pulling back to look at her. “You look so happy, honey. That’s so good, and I’m so, so glad to see it.”
Max smirks slightly, sending Eddie a knowing look. “Eddie, you finally made your move.” He hums in approval. “Good, relationship bliss looks good on you both.”
“Come inside,” Eddie insists, practically dragging Max with him and Allison wraps her arm around yours to do the same. “We want to hear everything.”
“Of course you do.” Max is teasing, but if the situations were reversed, he would be hounding Eddie for the details. “First, how long have we been gone? Dates have kind of blurred.”
“About three weeks.” Allison tells him, still clinging to your hand. She’s still reassuring herself that you’re both real. “How long has it been for you guys, though?”
He glances at you and grins before he looks back at Allison and Eddie. “You tell them.” You urge with an indulgent smile since Max has been so excited about this.
“Only a few years.” Max insists. “One hundred and one.”
“So…you went to 1922?” Allison asks, confused because that doesn’t seem to track with what they found in their research.
“Not quite,” you admit, knowing the whole situation probably seems very complicated. “We went to 1885, and came back from 1986. A few weeks before Max was set to be born. You really don’t want to hop around in your own lifetime if you can manage it.”
“So you can move around through time?” Eddie asks, mouth hanging open as every one of his theories is being explained.
“It was by accident the first time.” The admission is a little sheepish, but you look very proud just a second later. “I’m actually quite good at it now.”
“What happened?” Allison demands. “We were thinking something happened to you when your grandfather told us.”
“Unfortunately for him, my ex decided to surprise us on our date.” It’s been a century and the hurt is gone. Not even a sting remains. Derek is no more than a blip in your past and there are now very long stretches of entire decades where you even forget he ever existed. “I tried to keep him away from us with a protection spell but my spellbinding made it go haywire, and instead of protecting Max and myself from Derek, I protected all three of us from that moment in time. It sent us back to the exact same moment, but in 1885.”
“I knew you had to be spellbound!” Allison gasps. “How did you— did you see your mother?” She asks.
"My mother has been my closest friend for a hundred years." It was difficult, moving in and out of each other's lives at times, but with both of you being functionally immortal for that time you both understood that sometimes there was no choice but to be apart. "She even called me the day she met my dad." It was a phone call you had been waiting for, unfortunately. Knowing what would ensue in the coming years, you and Max had taken it as a cue to get out of the country for the remainder of your time in your own past.
“I’m so glad you got more time with her.” Allison glances at Eddie nervously, aware that your grandfather’s announcement tonight might devastate you.
"Then why do you look as though you had lost my favourite sweater?" You reach for her with both hands and squeeze her shoulders gently. "What's wrong, Ali? The place looks amazing, you look happy, and we're finally home again. It should be a night to celebrate."
“It is.” She promises, shaking off the feeling and sending you a smile. “Your grandfather will be happy to see you.” She promises.
"He should be expecting us." Out of anyone in literally all of time, your grandfather has always been the one person most informed about when and where you will be, your plans, and anything else you could conceivably need. He's been a wonderful father figure to Max and a doting grandfather to you, as well as an invaluable resource.
“He is.” Allison assures you. “In fact, he was the one to tell us you would be back tonight.” She admits with a rueful grin. “Guess we shouldn’t have doubted him.”
"He's the last person we spoke to before we left 1986," you admit, but you also shrug. After hanging up with your grandfather, you'd definitely spent the next few hours enjoying a nice dinner and fucking all over your empty house. Max's absurd '80s power suits had ended up to be just a little bit of a turn on for you. You're just not quite sure how that happened.
Max smirks, reaching up and caressing the back of your neck as you are obviously thinking about the same thing he is. “That was a lucky year.” He teases softly.
"Very lucky." Your own smirk meets his and for one happy moment you forget anyone else exists, just sharing an amused glance with your soulmate. It may be more than a hundred years later, but you still fall a little more in love with him every day.
He arches a brow and licks his lips. “No one would miss us for a few minutes, would they?” He asks, even though he knows he can’t sneak you away for a quickie.
Allison snorts in amusement, shaking her head at Max seemingly not changing at all in his core, despite the changes in his manners on the surface. "It's your house, guys," she reminds you both.
“No.” Max shakes his head and smiles at your friend. “My wife has waited way too long to see you again to sneak her off.” He admits with a chuckle. “And I’ve been told if I mess up her hair before our first dance, there’s hell to pay.”
"It'll be Gladys Vanderbilt's debutante ball all over again," you tease. The fond roll of your eyes is nothing but love after so many years together. "Although..." Looking up at him, you flash him a sly smile. Hearing him call you his wife still hasn't gotten old. "It's been what...fifty years now, since the last time we had a wedding? We might be due for another one."
“You’re married.” Eddie is the one who practically squeals it. He has known Max to be staunchly against being tied down, but that was before you. “How many times have you gotten married?”
"Um..." The look you and Max share is vague confusion, as between the two of you, you try to count out the different weddings you have celebrated over the decades. "1885...1923...1946...1967...and the last one was 1980. So five times. And I guess that's not quite fifty years ago. More than forty, though."
“Oh my god.” Allison whispers, glancing between you and Max in amazement. “Five weddings? Max you are just….” She shakes her head and throws her arms around him while looking over her shoulder at Eddie. “You have a standard now.”
“Sorry Eddie,” you tease, enjoying the easy lightness of being with your friends again. The urge to just continuously hug them and not let go is very real. “Although it is fun. And parties these days are so much more casual than they once were. That makes it a bit easier. Or at least less forbidding to plan.”
“I want to experience that.” Eddie admits, reaching out taking Allison’s hand. “We have decided that Allison will become immortal soon.” He announces after she gives him a soft smile of encouragement.
“Oh, honey!” Your eyes flit between both of them before you bundle them both up in a hug with a beaming smile. “There is so much life to live. You’re going to love it.”
“I can’t take Eddie’s blood like you can with Max.” Allison doesn’t mind that, not really. All that matters is that Eddie wants her. “And Eddie doesn’t want to…outlive me.”
“I think it’s an oversight on the universe’s part that you aren’t soulmates.” The connection they have is so strong and their love so sure, you would have just assumed it if you hadn’t been around when they started dating. “It’s wonderful to hear that you’ll be able to be together.” Glancing over your shoulder, you smile at your own partner. Your other half throughout all of history. “Forever is quite fun, I have to admit.”
“You don’t look a day older.” Allison smirks as she takes in the changes you have brought back from the past. Self-assurance looks amazing and you seemingly glow. No longer the scared woman she had met in a farmer’s market, you are almost intimidating, and your entire aura radiates powerful magic.
“That’s a combination of Max’s blood and Audrey Hepburn’s face cream.” You smirk conspiratorially. “I’ll guard that potion with my life, since you won’t be needing it once you’ve been changed.”
“Interesting.” Her brow wings up at the mention of the famous actress, realizing you must have met her at some point. “Hepburn was a witch?”
“Particularly good with charms and potions. And she was fun. You never hear about her being fun, but she was great.” Beside you, Max has one arm around your waist and he hums proudly. “Max was a movie producer after the Second World War.”
“Really?!” The squeal is loud and enthusiastic and all heads snap towards the group. “Oh— that’s— I can’t believe we didn’t find you.”
“We were using different names at that point.” It had been essential to learn how to craft and re-craft new identities. Luckily, your grandparents had been fountains of information. “And Max only produced, so it’s not as though we were in anything.”
“Still.” She shakes her head and giggles. “The stories you can tell. What else have you two done?”
"I'll tell you everything starting tonight," you promise her, as the four of you step deeper into the house. It's good to be back at Chateau-sur-Mer again. To you and Max it has been just a few years since the last time you were here, but that's long enough to miss it. "But tomorrow you should come over to our house for dinner."
“Your house?” Her eyes widen and Allison frowns in confusion. “Dolly— th-this is your home. Cookie willed it to you, remember?”
"I know." And it is good to be back, but you rub Allison's arm affectionately. "But to avoid complications with my family through history...Max and I built another house here in Newport."
“When?” “Where?” Allison and Eddie ask at the same time with identical sounds of bewilderment.
They've reached a place where they have the same voice sometimes and it makes you smile softly. "You know that little gothic house on the beach that has basically been abandoned for the last couple of decades but somehow never decays? Seacliff Castle?" Beside you, Max smiles proudly. "It was finished in 1888. Max and Yayo designed it with the architect who built this place."
“You are kidding me!” Allison’s screech can raise the dead and she looks like a kid who was just told she was going to Disney and getting a puppy. “I have always wanted to tour that house, but no one knows who owns it. But it was you all along?”
"Come over tomorrow and we'll show you the whole place," you promise her, giggling happily at the absolute glee in her reaction. "But tonight? I want to see what you've done with the ball. I know it's going to be amazing."
“I have been so nervous.” She admits quietly. “But I think we have everything. Including donors for those who don’t eat bagged blood.”
“Mrs. Taylor and Yayo would never let you have anything less than a perfect night.”
“Do I hear my name being taken in vain?” From a nearby dark corner, your grandfather emerges into the low, atmospheric lighting of the great hall.
Max chuckles as he hears his sire’s voice. “Always.” He shakes his head. “Dramatic like always,” he jokes, having told you that your grandfather would make a dramatic entrance.
“I have learned that there are some things which are expected of me,” he jokes pleasantly. “Your journey was not difficult, then?”
“No.” Max reaches out and shakes his sire’s hand warmly and pulls the elder vampire in for a hug. “Cookie did not stake you for keeping our true relationship a secret, I see.” He jokes, even though everyone already knew that.
“She was…not happy.” He clears his throat distinctly remembering that particular fight with his soulmate. Cookie had been furious to find out that her beloved granddaughter and the witch she had been so fond of for a hundred years were one and the same.
“Hopefully she understood eventually why we had to keep it from her, and from Annie.” The contact with your mother had lessened over the years but she had never demanded that they choose sides, something Max had been grateful for – for your sake.
“She did understand.” He is sure of that, considering how very much it had been discussed. “But she regretted not being able to dote on you both as her grandchildren.”
“She did dote on us though.” Max protests and shakes his head. “She treated us like we were family and she loved Dolly like another daughter.”
“She did.” His sire nods, knowing it is the absolute truth. He sighs though, with a theatrical shrug of his shoulders. “But you know Cookie. My darling girl loved titles.”
“She was a special lady.” Max has a fonder appreciation for the older woman, even more so with the knowledge she had known who he was when he first arrived and still had kept her word to her husband to not say anything.
“She was remarkable.” Your grandmother may not have been perfect — in fact she was decidedly less than sometimes — but that was what made her so incredibly special to you. She had never demanded that perfection from you or Max that she tended to expect from Annie. Perhaps it was for the best that she didn’t know how you were at the time? You’ll never quite know.
“Yes, she was.” For a brief second, amongst those he is closest to, your grandfather’s grief shines on his face. Missing the other half of his soul as vividly as the day she had passed in his arms.
“I’m sorry, Yayo.” The only one of the four younger beings whose instinct is to reach out, you bundle your grandfather up in a hug. “I miss her, too. Her and Mom.”
He accepts the hug, squeezing you harder than he would have before you started taking Max’s blood. “Thank you, muñeca.” He hums softly, not missing the way that Eddie and Allison shift slightly. “I will be reunited with them soon.”
“You never know when the people we love can come back to us,” you hum, but the look on your grandfather’s face makes you hesitate. “But…somehow I don’t think you’re talking about that…?”
“Because you are bright.” Yayo praises softly, cupping your cheek and smiling at you mysteriously. “It has always been my plan to join my soulmate in her afterlife.” He admits. “Since she decided to end her mortality. I have only extended my time in this existence to make sure you were well settled, my darling muñeca.”
“Oh…” You don’t cry much anymore, but tears well up behind your eyes instantly. Saying goodbye to the last of your family is not something you had prepared for tonight. “I—but—the family?” He has so many more responsibilities than just your immediate family, you can only imagine that he was preparing for this for a very long time. Or else made a lot of decisions very quickly.
“Is your family now.” He reminds you softly. “Although I have decided to name my successor tonight.” He smiles proudly and hopes that you will not be too upset at him.
“This night is much more important than I thought, then.” Stepping back from him, you settle against Max’s side and try for a smile. Your grandfather is doing what will make him happiest and you have to respect that, even if it is rather a big shock.
“You will understand.” He promises, smiling at the group and then motioning towards the ballroom. “Let the evening begin.”
The evening, as Yayo so elegantly termed in, is incredible. With the party starting so late and the buffet being available to guests all night long, it seems that the ebb and flow of partygoers is constant. Music plays, people dance, and the lingering masses of vampires throughout the house are generally met with curiosity from the humans who find them fascinating — though they don’t quite know why. Those who are attending as donors are spoiled immensely and some have been given guest rooms for the night, but for the most part they seem to be an altogether dreamy sort of drunk to the unaware humans present. It is not until Yayo disseminates word to his extended family of brooding immortals to meet in the morning room that any sort of tension cracks the enjoyment of the night.
Max holds your hand, aware that you are upset, and he wishes he had some insight into this talk. As close as he had become to the older vampire, he hadn’t had a clue he was planning on giving up his immortality. “It will be alright.” He assures you softly, squeezing your hand.
“I know.” You squeeze his hand tenderly and lean into his side, long ago having learned how to be close even while wearing large gowns. You just wish you had had more notice. Time to prepare. “He just has to be dramatic as hell about all of this. Calling a family meeting in the middle of a ball? Very Yayo.”
“He likes to make a scene.” Max snorts, lifting a brow when the servers bring around glasses of blood and champagne for the guests. The one who stops in front of you, hands you a specific glass. “It’s white grape juice, madam.”
The barest sniff of sweet juice proves she is telling the truth, and you smile gratefully. Even after a hundred years? Alcohol holds no appeal for you whatsoever. “Thank you,” you acknowledge with a smile. “My husband prefers something a little richer, if you don’t mind.”
“Mr. Phillips.” Another glass is handed to him and he sniffs it politely.
“Hmmmm AB negative.” He smirks. “Someone put some thought into planning this.”
"Allison said she left blood menus to Mrs. Taylor." There is no mistaking that your friend took the responsibility of planning tonight seriously, and divvying tasks out to the appropriate people when delegation benefited the situation.
“Then I will have to thank her.” Max takes and sip and hums in approval. “But later.”
"Has he started yet?" Eddie and Allison slip into the room beside the two of you, already having said hello to the extended vampiric family earlier in the night.
“Not yet.” Max eyes the elder vampire. “I think he was waiting for something.”
"It's always something," you hum, sharing a grin with Allison as the same passing waitress who served you and Max returns to offer Eddie and Allison drinks before exiting the room. When she goes, she shuts the morning room door behind her.
“I would like to thank everyone for traveling to attend tonight.” Yayo’s voice never seems to raise in volume but it booms around all of you clearly. “Not only is this a worthy cause to humans dear to my heart, but it is also a special night for our future.” There is a smattering of polite applause and you lean into Max's side even while Allison does the same with Eddie beside you.
“All the vampires here, I have personally sired.” He reveals with a pleased smirk on his face. Considering there are no fewer than two dozen vampires in the room, a small murmur ripples through the younger of that number. The elder vampires chuckle with the knowledge. “And tonight…” He holds up his own glass of blood. “One of you will replace me as the elder vampire. Leader and mentor to the future.” He announces. “I have decided to join my soulmate in the afterlife.”
The limited, mannered responses are gone in an instant, replaced by an audible gasp and murmured exclamation as the members of your extended — very extended — family all look around the room to see if anyone knew this announcement was coming. Eyes fall on you more than anyone else, wondering if your grandfather will take his biological family into account in this decision.
“I know that a lot of people have wondered who would take my place. And at one point in time, I had imagined my grandson-in-law, Max Phillips, to lead our pack.” He turns his head and acknowledges him with a smile. “However, there is another that I have in mind, since Max will be busy with juggling a new role.”
New role? You look to Max with confusion, but it's clear from the furrow in his brow that he has no idea what your grandfather is talking about either. If anything, his expression is more akin to crestfallen than anything else. He's fallen short of whatever expectation his sire had of him...
“Years ago, I made a mistake.” Yayo admits to the men and women he considers his children. “My Annie, my daughter with my soulmate; I felt she was destined to leave the coven of witches and her soulmate Emmanuel would be the perfect vampire mate. I ended up losing my daughter and never got to properly apologize for placing so much emphasis on the wrong things.” He pauses for a second. “I want my granddaughter and her husband to focus on the most important role of all. They will be becoming parents.”
Enthusiastic is the word for the applause this time, though the reaction from you and Max — the people being announced — is pure shock. "H—how?" How could he possibly know that? Especially before you do?
Your grandfather chuckles, seeing the confusion and bewilderment on your face. “Your smell, my dear muñeca.” He explains with an enigmatic smile. “I have had the pleasure of smelling a vampiric pregnancy before. That is why your soulmate had not been aware either. There is a sweeter note to your blood.”
Honestly, you might be more embarrassed about having it announced in front of so many people if you weren't so flabbergasted by the news. With your jaw practically on the ground and your eyes watering, your free hand goes to your stomach while your other squeezes Max's so tightly you would be afraid of hurting him if he weren't a vampire. You're so shocked that you didn't even notice Allison take the glass from your hand or the proud uncle expression on Eddie's face.
“I want my family to focus on being there, being the best parents they can be.” He admits selfishly with a small shrug. “Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” He jokes. “Max however, will be vital to the next leader. His own wisdom far greater than my own, and I feel that he will make Edward Perez the best leader vampires have ever had.”
Eddie's gasp is even more audible than your own when he hears his sire say his name. For that matter, it's been almost ten years since he used his mortal surname, and hearing it spoken so proudly is a kind of gratification that he can't quite express. While it's true that his sire — the entire room's sire — had given him more than ample guidance over the decades, Eddie hadn't ever considered himself anything too special. Not until he had started giving him more responsibilities in the last few years. Not until Allison had come along with her staunch and unyielding belief in him. Now it seems like all of that is coming to a head, and he steps forward hesitantly to stand up beside his sire.
“Eddie has been the best vampire that I could have imagined.” Yayo admits. “And Max— he has held a special place in my heart from the very beginning. I know that with Eddie in charge and Max advising him, our numbers will grow and your bonds strengthen.”
If there is any doubt or dissention from the other vampires of the clan, not a word of it is spoken in their sire's presence. Instead Eddie accepts a few nods and a whistle or two from his extended family and looks back at Allison to flash her a smile before putting his hand out to his sire. "I will do everything I possibly can to live up to this responsibility, and the faith that you've placed in me."
Max smiles, still a little shocked that he had not known you were pregnant. Leaning close and inhaling your scent to recognize the sweet, floral undertones to your blood for what it is. He had just imagined it was because modern food was processed with more sugar than in the past.
“I can’t be that far along, can I?” You whisper to him under the commotion of vampires now moving forward to shake Eddie’s hand or meet Allison for the first time. Many of them had not bothered to meet the younger vampire’s partner earlier in the night but they are making the effort now. “I mean…” you look up at your soulmate with disbelieving tears in your eyes, beaming an enormous smile at him. “I haven’t even missed my period yet.”
“No.” Max can’t help but lean closer to smell you again, addicted to the idea that you are carrying his child. If his own tears are concealed by your neck, that’s just a coincidence. “Your smell hasn’t been sweeter for long. Only a few days.”
“It’s sweeter?” Somehow that is just about the cutest thing you’ve ever heard — that pregnancy can and does make your scent sweeter instead of anything else — and the water behind your eyes presses at them again.
“It is.” Max hums softly, smiling at the newfound knowledge. Committing this smell to memory. “We will have to make sure you stay healthy, my love.”
"It's a damn good thing that I mined abuela for information about carrying a half-vampire baby while I still had the chance." The hand you have on your stomach curls in, conscious of the corset under your dress but knowing that there isn't anything but a tiny little bundle of cells in there right now. "Holy shit...pregnant..."
“I can’t believe it.” It’s not like you’ve been trying but you also have gone over one hundred years without protection. Max had quietly assumed children weren’t to be and had never mentioned it so he wouldn’t worry you. The relief that he can give you a child is one that would make him cry, and he will later on when it’s sunk in.
"I just sort of assumed..." you murmur, leaning into his side and burying your face at his shoulder. In this room you can be quiet as a whisper and everyone will still hear you, but they have enough respect to pretend otherwise. "After so long...I figured it was just...not in the cards."
“It just wasn’t our time yet.” He murmurs softly, smiling at the thought that you are carrying his little baby biter. “Do you want some of my blood or should we find a vintage you like for when the baby demands more than you normally take?”
"Abuela said she ended up drinking a glass of blood at almost every meal in her second trimester." Of course the word trimester hadn't been used in that conversation, but you had made copious detailed notes for yourself after any conversation in which vampire pregnancy or children rearing was mentioned. "I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to drink it when it isn't from you. Maybe mixed with hot cocoa? Or even decaf coffee."
He chuckles. “Actually, you might like it in tomato juice.” He suggests. “Keep you from thinking about it too much.”
"That's not a bad idea." The hand you have in his tightens reflexively, keeping him close and savoring these first few moments of realization. "We'll try a little bit of everything. It's going to be a very interesting nine months, considering I'm only the second woman in the world to carry a vampire's baby."
“I mean technically….” Max grins. “You’re a quarter vampire yourself. A little more than that every night.” He winks at you salaciously.
A momentary snort of amusement breaks a little bit of the bubble of worry that was starting to form in your mind, and you nudge him with your shoulder. "A hundred years later and you can still never resist joking about that."
“Babe, if I ever stop joking about that, you just go ahead to push that stake through my heart.” He jokes, knowing that you would never think about something like that.
"It'll never happen," you laugh, knowing as well as he does that some things will just never change.
“I know.” He bites his lip and grins at you. “So we haven’t had a wedding in this time.” He ventures. “What do you think about a shotgun wedding?”
"Oo, we've never had one of those before." An elopement, a grand party, a trip to City Hall, a backyard barbecue, and a small town bash — all of those you've done. But a shotgun wedding would be a new one for the two of you. "I think it's perfect."
“Now…we have to find out who’s holding the shotguns.” He jokes, pulling you close and pressing his lips to yours. “Do you want to wait until the belly is huge or before?”
"We may not get a chance to have me showing off a baby bump in a wedding dress ever again. I think we have to take advantage of it." He can obviously feel the way your heartbeat has risen, smell the way your adrenaline is singing, but that tender bump of his heart when he kisses you makes it all a perfect symphony.
“Completely agree.” Max nods seriously. “The wedding should be themed. Obviously.”
"Baby themed or cowboy themed?" You ask, laughing but slightly afraid to hear the answer.
“Oh no.” He snorts and sends you a grin. “Hillbilly, shot gun wedding.” He tells you, enjoying the idea immensely even if you would never agree.
Both of you snort, knowing it isn't the kind of thing that you'll ever do, but that joking about it is it's own kind of fun. "Water guns as favours for every guest and a Beverly Hillbillies impersonator to marry us?"
He chuckles and nods. “Something like that.” He jokes before he looks at you seriously. “I do want us to be married officially before the baby is born. In our true timeline.”
"I have no problem with that." Somehow you have a feeling this will be the wedding that matters most to him, whereas the one nearest and dearest to your heart was the one in 1885 where you were surrounded by your family and new friends. Setting both hands on his chest, you lean in to kiss him again and smile softly. "We'll make this one perfect for you, love."
Max knows that after one hundred years of family with your mother and grandparents, he should not have familial hang ups, but he does. “I don’t care about perfect.” He promises. “I just want to do right by you and our child.” He admits. “To be everything my father said I would never be. A good husband, a good father. A good man.”
"Those are the things you are, Max." It never hurts to remind him once in a while. You know that. But you also know that sometimes he has to prove it to himself more than anyone else. "And I'm very proud to be your soulmate."
“I never want that to change.” The Max of before might not have said that in front of a room full of vampires, but he doesn’t care. If they know nothing else about Max Phillips, they should know that he is devoted to his soulmate.
It takes a little while for the hubbub to calm down, but when it does, Eddie squeezes his arm gently around Allison's shoulder on one side of him and looks to his sire and shakes his head in near disbelief. "This is...it's a surprise. I have to admit."
“You don’t think you deserve it?” Max asks, clapping his vampiric brother on the shoulder and even though he’s disappointed for himself, he’s proud for Eddie. He understands why Yayo didn’t name him as the next head of the clan. He would be too distracted by your pregnancy and Eddie is levelheaded where Max is not.
"We're the two youngest, and you're soulmates with his granddaughter," Eddie reminds Max, turning to clap his brother on the shoulder. "You can't blame me for expecting the choice to go in another direction."
“Nah, you deserve it.” Max tells him honestly. “You’re the better vampire and you know it.” He smirks. “Now we just need to get you to act like it.”
"Good thing you're home, then." He laughs, grinning even as he shakes Max's hand with a force that would break a mortal's bones. "We'll catch up with you in a second," he intones, glancing back at you and Allison hugging a few feet away. "I need to talk to our Father about something."
“Of course.” Max flashes him a grin and a wink. “I’m going to go flirt with my wife and your girlfriend.” He teases before moving back to your side protectively.
"Actually..." Allison slips away from your side to take Eddie's outstretched hand. "I'm...part of this conversation. But when we get back out there, I'm stealing you for a dance. Okay, twinkle toes?"
“Oh?” His eyebrows raise furiously but he nods and wraps his hand around your waist. “Hope you’re ready to glide around the floor. I’ve had over one hundred years of practice with Dolly.”
"That's exactly why I'm stealing you," she teases, giving you both a small wave before turning back into Eddie's side to broach the topic of her own siring with the vampire who just stepped down as head of his long-lived clan.
“I wonder if everything is alright.” Max frowns slightly as he looks at the retreating pair and then back at you. “How are you doing, my love?” He asks, cupping your cheek.
"Wonderfully." The glass of grape juice is still sitting nearby and you pick it up, wanting the small comfort of a drink in hand. "In fact, I think when we go home in the morning, we should celebrate."
“How should we celebrate?” Max asks with a grin, even though he’s got some idea.
"Hmmm..." you tease, pretending to think very hard about it even though you already know the answer. "I was thinking...by the same way that we made the little nugget in the first place."
“You mean you want to have sex on the balcony overlooking the ocean and waving to the boats as they pass by?” Max grins as he licks his lips.
"I'm so glad we decided to have a house by the water," you groan softly, humming at the memory of just a few days ago — it was still 1986 but you were back at Seacliff, getting ready to travel back to your own true timeline. "Excellent idea. Extremely good."
“I know.” He grins at you. The house has been a lovely refuge for the two of you. It had given you the separation you needed from mother and grandmother so you didn’t spill the secret.
"So Eddie's head of the vampiric family, huh?" Wrapping your hand around Max's arm, the two of you drift back toward the ballroom at a leisurely pace. "And you'll be his right-hand. That's a hell of a lot of responsibility while we're growing our own family."
“I think that’s why your grandfather didn’t want me to take over.” Max admits. “Although, don’t tell Eddie I said this, he’s a better fit for the job.”
"You're a good pair." You admit that you had balked a little at the time, but when Max had wanted to go check on Eddie's human parents in the few years before he was born, the late 70s and early 80s had actually ended up being a blast. Eddie's little hometown in Northern California was comfortable and fun, and you’d lived a very basic suburban life for a few years. Max had barely stifled tears the day your neighbors had brought little newborn Eddie home from the hospital.
“We’ll see.” Max doesn’t argue but his hand slides down to your stomach proudly. “I’ll honestly be more focused on you and the little biter.” He has already filed the paperwork to ‘inherit’ the money he has made over the past generations. Restraining himself and not taking advantage of his insider knowledge too badly.
“That’s what you’re going with calling the baby, huh?” You raise an eyebrow at him but still end up smiling. You’ve wanted this for so long, it almost doesn’t matter what he calls them.
“I can call them a little pup.” He teases, his chest puffed out proudly. “That’s what baby bats are called.”
“That’s actually kind of cute.” The smile on your face widens again and your hand rests over his on your stomach. “Which is appropriate, since you’ve always been my Cutie.”
His shy grin is always something that makes him look younger and despite the years, he still is bashful about the way he had become a bat to spend more time with you. “Need to find a bat mobile for the crib.” He jokes, “or I’ll just change and flap around to entertain them.”
“It will end up being both.” At the edge of the ballroom, you beam at him proudly and hold out your other hand. “First dance as expectant parents?”
“Always.” Max takes your hand and kisses the back of it. You had mentioned how much you loved the gesture when you had first watched Titanic when you were younger and while back in the 1800s it was extremely appropriate. Now he knows that two hundred years from now, he will still kiss the back of your hand to watch the burst of delight in your eyes. “Waltz with me. Today and every day, my love.”
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My Masterlist!
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elisysd · 10 months
Gold Rush Masterlist
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Sequel to Cruel Summer (Charles Leclerc x OC), can be read independently
1.Guess my childhood is over
2.Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
3.We are invincible, we are unstoppable
4.Vultures spinning up above for what's left of me
5.They say it's bad karma being such a heartbreaker
6.If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
7.Maybe together we can get somewhere
8.I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
9.Personally, I think you'd be better with somebody like me
10.Way down we go
11.That's why I'm lying to my therapist
12.You could be my luck even if the sky is falling down
13.Lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide
14.I could be so sweet if only I were naive
15.Burn, crash, romance, I’ll take what I can get from you
16.And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
17.I’ve been thinking way too loud, I wish that I could block me out
18.And if the storm is hitting I'll try to keep you steady
19.Ask me what I earned from all those tears
20.All I know is this could either break my heat or bring it back to life
21.Sleeping's so tough you're burning up my mind
22.It's a love story baby just say yes
23.Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's araid to get too close
24.But there's a shining in the shadows
25.I'll be there till it all feels so big, till it all feels so small
26.I’ve been feeling everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth
27.Take the moment and taste it, you’ve got no reason to be afraid.
28.You've got a friend in me
29.Why don't you let me down, I'll let you do it again
30.Can you make it feel like home if I tell you you’re mine?
31.I know heaven’s a thing, I go there when you touch me
32.Maybe there's nothing after midnight that could make you stay
33.You're scared of love, well, aren't we all?
34.Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide
35.Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer
36.And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
37.Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements?
38.What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around?
39.And I just wanna tell you it takes everything in me not to call you
40.You know I'm afraid of change, guess that's why we stay the same
41.How long can we be a sad son 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life?
42.If to change is what you need you can change right next to me
43.I tell myself I'm good, but I'm falling apart
44.Can you keep me close? Can you love me most?
45.Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend
46.I'll be late, but I could make it all up to you
47.I wanna be better, I wanna be new but I can’t be those things next to you
48.Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going
49.You said that you needed space, go on then, astronaut
50.I trace the evidence, make it make some sense, why the wound is still bleedin'
51. Heaven knows I should let go, it’s nothing that I don’t already know
52. Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned
53. You’re blowing through my mind like the hurricane
54. Did some force take you because I didn't pray?
55. Take a heart and take a hand, like an ocean takes the dirty sand
56. I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect but don't you give up on yourself
57. Lately she's been dressing for revenge
58. Hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end
59. I don't ask for much, gimme love
60. But I promise you this I'll always look out for you
Our first christmas
A trip to Bali
My place is yours 
We want you to be their godparents
Double trouble
Marry me?
A bold move
My favorite enemy
It’s not you and I anymore
Not this fucking family
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vvvvivi567890 · 4 months
Chinese LeoKlein & KleinLeo Fic Recs
(Last Updated: Apr. 11. 2024)
I was gonna put this in a huge post but apparently theres a limit to the number of links you can have in a post here you go
One Shots:
How to Act as a Midnight Poet by star-farming
Deacon Mitchell has a Crush by cherishqiao
Mr. Star is so Scary! by yuzhanbiluo
Can Stalking Be Considered a Chance Encounter? by huankonglongying
Incident of Image Collapse of Poet Classmate by wokeyicaiddanwocpbixutietie
Tingen, Klein trades his sexuality for money
My Former Colleague is Now My Summoning Spirit by fengju840
I Recognize Your Breath When We Kiss by woodyo
Pallez Wants to Change Parasite by gulyer
Leonard, Are You in Love? by burklend160
Looking at the Mountains and Missing Them by smallskywww
Post-book 1, when Klein is sleeping
Leonard Just Wants to Fall in Love by smallskywww
Tingen, s8 Leonard x s8 Klein
Klein Wants Leonard to Learn to Say No by cielianx
But Parents on Both Sides Can't Stand It Anymore by 2014today
Possession Beyond the Line by ws40423
All chapters of the series are integrated into the final chapter linked above (i spent hours trying to find the previous ones on their account and then pondering if it was deleted before just reading it and realizing that its all in one post hahahaha ha ha...)
Family Banquet by beijishouweizhe
AU where there weren't any casualties during the Megose incident; Melissa is worried about Klein coming home late and tired so Klein lies and says he's seeing someone
To Klein Who Will Eventually Wake Up by genkimori
After Klein wakes up, he follows Leonard's letters to regain his humanity
The Pros and Cons of Fate by beijishouweizhe
Leonard's Bucket List by beijishouweizhe
A Secret by xinjinjumin741787426675
Tingen; Klein moves in with Leonard after joining the nighthawks so Leonard can monitor him
Encounter on a Narrow Road by zhujianqingjiu
If Gehrman’s vest had not been taken off
A Sincere Confession by zhujianqingjiu
Gehrman gets caught by the Red Gloves after infiltrating Chanis Gate
You Must Kill the Opponent 100 Times by annlova
That Deacon is Paid to Fish by ailikesitudou
Although a certain senior deacon is sitting at his desk seriously, seemingly immersed in writing a report, in fact he is just writing a love poem
The Goddess Suddenly Doesn't Want to Let Cats Go Anymore by kapuayi: 1, 2, 3, 4 (END)
Before Klein is promoted to s5, red gloves catch Gehrman
Klein Became a Spirit?; Gehrman Abducted Back to the Church (END) by qinglinyanyu
Delusion; A Cup Sweet Ice Tea Just For You (END) by genkimori
A World Without Leonard by cherishqiao: 1, 2, 3 (END)
Double Crisis by zhujianqingjiu: 1, 2, 3 (END)
Leonard thinks that Klein is in an abusive relationship with Dwayne
Take Your Tears to Gently Embrace Those Colors by hanpeiwen: 1 (Last Updated: Jul. 04. 2020)
When you fall in love with someone, you will see colors
A Kind-Hearted Adventurer Passing By by bethel614882: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Last Updated: Jan. 14. 2024)
Will Former Colleague Red Glove Dream of the Crazy Adventurer of the Five Seas by zhuomeng518: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Last Updated: Sep. 09. 2023)
Body swap with Leonard and Gehrman
Benson's Troubles by bingjingming: 1, 2, (Last Updated: Mar. 10. 2024)
Is There Anything Wrong With the Lover I Thought Was an Ordinary Person but Turned Out to Be a Extraordinary Person? by kuailedantuiren: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Last Updated: Oct 25. 2020)
The Cat Caught Naked Behind Chanis Gate by lossdragonluosi: 1 (Last Updated: Feb. 15. 2024)
It's a Secret by heilangbushilang: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Last Updated: Jan. 11. 2024)
Before Dawn by renaissance92629: 1, (Last Updated: Mar. 20. 2024)
After facing numerous attacks as Gehrman because of a bounty on him, Klein looks for a place to stay until things calm down and accidentally moves in with Leonard
Brother, We are a Bit Ambiguous by xinjinjumin4545033: 1, (Last Updated: Mar. 21. 2024)
Does Mr. Red Glove Keep Cats in Captivity? by xinjinjumin4545033: Preface, 1, (Last Updated: Feb. 29. 2024)
Gehrman gains the weakness of fearing lies from death knell, loses his disguise, and gets caught by Leonard
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cashcart1er · 1 year
Riri Williams x Black Reader
Summary: It's Riri's last fight before her official retirement and she wanted to end by taking the heavyweight champion title from her rival named Nicki Conlan daughter of your cousin Creed's former rival Ricky Conlan. In the midst of this quest, it seems that she is having trouble finding her opponent's weak spot until now.
Warnings: Violence, Mature Language, and blood that's it (I also didn't proof read it's about to be 2:00 in the morning leave me alone)
Riri was getting her ass beat. She would get a few hits in every once in a while but it wasn't enough to win the rounds. The hits she was making weren't enough down Nicki who has been in this game for years. Riri knocked out plenty of people 16 to be exact but this was nothing like those fights. This was extreme and it was only gonna get harder.
"A heavy uppercut from Conlan put Williams on her knees!" The Announcer Shouted. Her ear was ringing from such a force and her lungs were heavy as if they were going to crash. "ONE, TWO, THREE" The referee counted snapping her out the dizziness as she got up. "FOUR!" "Im good." "FIVE" "I SAID I"M GOOD DAMN" Riri shook those punches off as she the referee put her back in.
As soon as the bell rung, Conlan came swinging connecting at least seven hits before the bell rung. The last one was so strong that Riri's eye was bleeding. "Choose the wrong fighter brote(bud)" She glanced at you as you shook a bit from being scared. 'I'm good baby' she mouthed as you swallowed the worries in your throat.
"Cuzzo your eye is bleeding. You keep making loose moves like that and we'll be scooping you up piece by piece. Riri rolled her eyes brushing off her injury. "I'm good bro. Ain't nobody scared of a lil contact here and there" Creed sighed at her stubbornness. "Dodge her left hook and wait for her to throw the right one. She's gonna overthrow and when she does I need you to go in there and smash her." Riri nodded at her coach's instructions.
"Round 1 was a wake up call for the young fighter Riri Williams. But, after a discussion with Creed, She comes in for more." The announcer speaks once again. BOOM "Hard uppercut from Conlan followed by a left hook" Dodge, HOOK. Riri throws a clean left hook to Nicki's face cutting her cheek a bit. BOOM BOOM BOOM! "Riri and Conlan go toe-to-toe both landing clean hits as they push on to each other." "Go RI YOU GOT IT!" You cheer on. "Double hook Riri!"Creed shouts. Riri managed to hit her twice before the bell rang. The fighters push on to each other talking a huge amount of trash. "You bleed just like me nigga!" Riri spat. "That ain't shit lil girl" The coaches pull the fighter bringing them back to their corners. "That's what I like to see cuzzo" Creed gives Riri some water to wash out her blood in a bucket. "Look you're a threat to her. She's gonna be after everything you have and I need you to be ready okay?" Riri nodded sniffling a bit.
Round 3 had started and Creed wasn't kidding. Nicki came running throwing hits that would definitely cause bruises later. Every single time Riri would dodge or block one shot Nicki would connect 3 three more. "KEEP YO HANDS UP BAE" You yell trying to help but it didn't affect her at all. Jab, left hook, right hook the punches just kep coming until the round ended. "Things aren't looking so good for Williams after that round" The announcer voice rang through the speaker for the thousandth time today.
Round 11
Both of the fighters were tired and Nicki was ahead in points which means Riri wasn't winning but not far away from it either. At this point, both of the fighters had bad injuries. Conlan had bruises all over her body and cuts while Riri had some cuts and a swollen eye not to mention the one that was cut. Riri connected 3 hooks onto Nicki's body making her stumble. Even though Riri was making these great shots, Nicki wasn't going to let it go just like that and that was really bad for Riri.
Riri was getting hit with all types of combos and she was barely even dodging them. Her body was slowly giving out and that wasn't benefiting her at all. Just when she thought she was making progress, BOOM... "Williams drops to the floor! A clean knockout from Conlan. Tears fall down from your eyes as you feel the wave of emotions overcome you. This couldn't be the end it just couldn't.
2023 CHICAGO 9:45 PM
"Jeez a swift combo from Conlan right out of the gate! Is Conlan looking good or is Williams just looking bad? The announcer entertained the audience as Riri and her rival Nicki Conlan fought. Jab, hook, uppercut. The same three moves, yet every time it was thrown at her she still couldn't dodge it. Riri was getting frustrated and you could see that even from the sidelines.
"If Williams keeps this up her whole career will end with another loss from the same person" 'Jesus Christ do these people ever shut the fuck up' you thought. Once again, Riri was hit with the same three piece that Conlan was delivering. "mm okay same ol' Williams. Ain't nun change" Conlan smirked at the stress she pursued onto Riri. Riri took a jab first only to get blocked. They both started recieving contact until Riri was put in a corner.
Riri managed to land a jab into Nicki's jaw making some room between the two of them but that didn't even seem to faze Nicki at all. Jab, hook, uppercut once again only even harder. Jab, hook, uppercut once more knocking Riri into the ropes. You jumped out of your seat sweating as you bit your nails nervously. The fighters were swinging back and forth though Conlan was causing more damage than Riri did this whole fight. Jab, hook, dodge? Riri escaped the dangerous combo after being hit multiple times. She noticed this very much. So much in fact that she found a weak spot.
The round was over obviously going to Conlan since she made the most contact in between that amount of time. "The next round is gonna hurt Williams. Get ready" Riri rolled her eyes walking over to her corner and sitting down with her Coach Adonis Creed. "Ri if you don't get yo head in the game. She beating you worse last time!" She looked over to you and winked as a smirk crept onto her face.
"Oh so you smiling? Am I missing something?" Your Coach asked getting worried. "Yeah bro. Checkmate" You could tell what she said even from where you were. She found it. She found the spot. The same spot that Creed found in his boxing era. You body relaxed just a little still remembering that there is a chance something could go wrong.
"Oh checkmate? You wanna be me so bad it's crazy. Go checkmate yo ass a damn knockout. And please don't get whooped" You chuckled at his antics. "I ain't never been scared of no contact" He put her mouthpiece in her mouth and wiped her down to get ready for the next round. "She looked back over to you giving a thumbs up to you. You smiled lightly returning the thumbs up.
The next round began as the crowd roared. "Since Williams hasn't been winning rounds the only thing that can save her is a knockout" The announcer starts back up with their commentary making you even more nervous. Dodge, jab, jab Riri connected with Conlan's lower body making her wince a bit. "C'mon nigga" Riri taunted.
"C'mon Nicki, finish the job!" Her father yelled from the sidelines. Jab, hook, uppercut again. She had got Riri again but it was becoming more tolerable. After going back and forth so much it finally clicked. The world was going in slow motion for Riri calming her. It was either she strikes now or never. Dodge, Jab, hook. Conlan stumbles a bit from the combo. "Nah don't run" BOOM BOOM BOOM... "Conlan plummets on the floor what a combo." Nicki squirmed on the ground trying to get up but to no avail.
"THREE, FOUR, FIVE!" Once it got to 5 you were up on your seat biting your knuckle a bit harder each time the number went up.
You yell in joy running in the ring to hug your girl. "Oh my gosh I knew you could do it!" You kissed her passionately pulling away just to get pulled back in. "Mm- okay Ri your sweaty as hell" "Whatever" You both laugh as the interviewers throw questions at both of you.
"So Riri, how does it feel to be the new Heavyweight Champ?"
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
Stars Beyond Number Chapter Masterlist - Complete
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Soldiers. Heroes. Deserters. Traitors. They've been called many things. As the Galactic Empire rises from the ashes of the Republic, a small group of clone troopers and their allies will find a new identity: Rebels.
Echo, Rex, and Gregor are on a mission to save as many of their brothers as they can. The task is daunting, and their friends are few. But from these small and desperate beginnings will come a spark of resistance that will set the galaxy ablaze.
Overall Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Warnings: angst, smut, canon-typical violence
Total word count: 77k
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings, "Double, Double Boil and Trouble" (part 2 here) and "Do It Again," but all the fics can be read as stand-alones.
Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list | Read on AO3
Chapter list below the cut!
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*denotes mature content
Chapter 1 - Remember Us Chapter 2 - The Dead Land Chapter 3 - Valley of Dying Stars Chapter 4 - The Supplication of a Dead Man’s Hand Chapter 5 - Deliberate Disguises Chapter 6 - This Last of Meeting Places Chapter 7 - Wind in Dry Grass Chapter 8 - In the Wind’s Singing* Chapter 9 - Death’s Other Kingdom* Chapter 10 - Shape Without Form Chapter 11 - Between the Motion and the Act* Chapter 12 - Prayers to Broken Stone* Chapter 13 - As the Wind Chapter 14 - The Eyes are Sunlight Chapter 15 - Here We Go* Chapter 16 - Falls the Shadow* Chapter 17 - The Way the World Ends Chapter 18 - The Way the World Ends, Part 2 Chapter 19 - The Way the World Ends, Part 3 Chapter 20 - A Whimper* Chapter 21 - The Emotion and the Response Chapter 22 - The Desire* Chapter 23 - Eyes I Dare Not Meet* Chapter 24 - Lost Kingdoms Chapter 25 - Leaning Together*
Soundtrack playlist:
Cerra's GAR Datafile:
Art from readers:
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nanjokei · 7 months
i wrote some quick oc profiles yesterday in my notes app ill just share them unedited under the cut ^.^
important context is that the characters were in cryostasis for 96 years (were only supposed to be in it for 25 but lol) so its set in 2107
i want to write more later...
REAL NAME: Clarine ■■■■■■
AGE: 20
DOB: 05/18/1991
UNIT: Bedrock
WEAPON: Dual-wielding sword and dagger (think Nanami from Utena)
A young woman carried by the tides of life.
Her motto might as well be "Sure, I'll do it."
Alpha is hardly apathetic, but she is malleable to a fatal degree, as if she has little care for her own well being, as long as the next day comes. This is beneficial, so do not hesitate to make use of her whenever feasible.
There is not much to note about her personality aside from her apparent and distinct lack of any. She also shows disinterest in befriending the other pilots beyond being jovial acquaintances with them, lowering any risk of unnecessary attachments. She is quite friendly, but is quick to excuse herself from any social activity. Really, it is as if this woman could disappear at any moment, but she is also a permanent bedrock for the team. She chose the name of her unit quite aptly.
For this reason, even aside from her high aptitude, she is by far the most reliable pilot and there are no troubles with deploying her whatsoever. She will be ready at any time which is unfortunately rare among the squad.
She works well with others, and is shown to have compatibility with Kappa in particular, as they have similar aggressive tendencies in battle. However, unlike Kappa, her fighting style is incredibly plain and she injects no unnecessary individuality into her work. Overall, she can be paired up with anyone. She adapts to their style and proclivities as needed.
Make no mistake, despite her plainness, she is remarkably talented with no apparent drawbacks.
REAL NAME: Daniel ■■■■■
AGE: 23
DOB: 11/11/1988
UNIT: Longinus (later Longinus - JꙨKER.. lmao)
How do you solve a problem like Kappa?
He is well mannered and not difficult to deal with, but the biggest issue and his downfall is the delusions of grandeur he has about what kind of job this is.
To put it frankly, he is someone who is much too inundated with video games, movies and TV.
He calls out attack names, shows off and even spent days coming up with names for his unit.
On the flip side, he is enthusiastic and obedient, albeit rather reckless. As long as he is not sent out alone, this can be nipped in the bud easily.
For all these mostly positive qualities, he has a troublesome tendency to busybody and make unnecessary suggestions after every deployment. There's no use listening to his blabbering, so please ignore them, with special note to shut down his constant nagging and questions about the status of other pilots and units. Especially his constant harrassing of us about the status of the pilot Delta and the unit Polydeuces.
Unnecessary questions about such future matters are strictly forbidden.
He is a valuable asset despite everything, so treat him carefully, as he is surprisingly sensitive. His inflated sense of justice is not troublesome as it flaccid and carries a shocking lack of idealism. But still, he is an idealist by choice nonetheless.
It is clear he does not even believe his own bluff, which may explain his impacted MENTAL score.
REAL NAME: ■■■■■■■■■■■ (Redacted at request of pilot.)
AGE: 26
DOB: 03/09/1985
UNIT: Trojan, also a possible Gemini system candidate
WEAPON: Double guns (similar to Uzi SMGs..?)
Sigma, while a skilled pilot, is a special case and cannot be deployed freely.
Due to his medical background as a nurse, and our understaffed medical wing, he is to be stationed there for as long as necessary. He is also to monitor the vitals of pilots during deployment until we are able to train others to be able to do so as easily. Not only due to our lack of personnel, but also due to his outdated knowledge of medicine.
After all, the pilots possess risk of disease that have long been wiped out in our time— both figuratively and literally. Given such knowledge was foolishly purged from most medical textbooks, he may be the only one who could deal with diseases such as "influenza", for which we do not even possess vaccines for any longer.
They are logical and unbiased, but not cold in the slightest. Overall, has good relationships with all the other pilots. Perhaps this is to be expected from someone in that profession, but it is a positive trait, so it must be noted upon.
In simulations, Sigma was shown to be alert and adapt to any possible scenario thrown at him. In fact, he is even able to come up with solutions previously not accounted for that are much more efficient than the projected best case scenario. If there ever comes a day he must be deployed, we will witness something great.
However, it is of utmost importance to note that their actual piloting is only above average most of the time, so do not expect miraculous performance either.
REAL NAME: Alex ■■■■■■
AGE: 24
DOB: 07/01/1987
UNIT: Polydeuces (requires second pilot add-on and other currently unimplemented features)
WEAPON: Sniper rifle (can also be used in melee. somehow.)
Delta is proof that you are not served victory in a silver platter.
To start, there are no two ways about it, he is terminally ill.
It seems that our predecessors were obscenely confident in our ability to find a cure for his still yet to be diagnosed illness. The future had other plans. While we have a combination of medications that keep him functional in our present day, it doesn't mean he is even remotely healthy. He is nowhere near even the suggestion of deployment. His observed medical ailments, as well as his old medical records, are compiled in a different confidential report with a clearance level of 5.
The worst part is that Delta begs to be deployed.
He thinks of doing nothing else.
Due to all this, he is deeply resentful of us and a poison to morale. He is increasingly impatient about the "when", and more and more unwilling to accept any kind of explanation for the perceived delay.
It is not good form to bring up personal ethics in such reports, but no part of this feels like it was handled with any kind of responsibility. Even to us, who would have to deal with the fallout.
It's not difficult to sympathize with his plight, and most pilots thankfully quickly grew numb to it, so there are less problems with them intermingling than expected. In fact he gets along with most pilots normally. It may be due to the fact that Sigma is the main person nursing him, but he is especially fond of them. Still, there are no shortcuts here.
In simulations, his performance is so perfect that the results were thought to have been doctored at first to justify the mistake of recruiting him. He was tested rigorously as a result, but not as much as our predecessors OR we in the present time would have liked, as even mere simulations exacerbated his health problems. So it goes without saying that in practice, at this moment even a stationary position such as sniping is out of the question (he is capable of other roles as well, not that his body would allow it). In recent simulations post-cryofreeze, his MENTAL parameter became unquantifiable. It has shockingly not impacted his other parameters.
It is critical to note that Delta is on the verge of quitting constantly. As we cannot afford to lose such an asset, you may be as lenient with him as needed. Just be careful not to accidentally extend such leniency to the others.
In addition to that, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.
5. RHO
REAL NAME: N■■■ ■■■■■■ (The pilot was very particular about this redaction.)
AGE: 18
DOB: 04/05/1993
UNIT: Amaryllis, also a possible Gemini system candidate
WEAPON: Lasergun (handgun size)
Rho is the youngest pilot in the roster, barely qualifying, as the program was forbidden from attempting to solicit and recruit minors.
Aside from how young she is, she is also selectively mute. For the most part, this is no issue for us, as she has been cooperative and had given us several alternative means of communicating with her, and she is even able to speak somewhat fluently to a few select pilots. Our concerns mainly lay with her performance related to this that may be a safety concern for both her and whoever may have to work with her, so we are currently reviewing all possibilities and solutions as well as performing more simulations before considering deployment.
As for her disposition, while surprisingly sociable and bubbly, she ultimately prefers to be alone. She is dutiful and attempts to project an air of maturity and responsibility... whether this is to avoid others as much as possible or simply to assuage any worries, no one knows yet. Due to her age, it is my own personal suggestion to keep monitoring her mental state. She is still quite immature.
In simulations, Rho has shown decent performance, hampered by mediocre reflexes and lack of experience. She is good at following instructions and can think for herself to some extent, however she shows little imagination when challenged by the unfamiliar and is thus prone to minor panic and impulsive decisions that make little sense. This flaw tends to bring simulation runs to a premature end, too many times to ensure a high enough rate of success to be of any use, but there is potential.
Simply put, to deploy her right now is to send her to an early grave.
She is quite skilled with bridge work and is happy to do it, and was able to adapt to current technology at a breakneck pace. She is also able to work with pilots in real time for the most part, showing a great amount of focus. Because of this, despite not being ready to be deployed, she makes herself incredibly useful.
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pisupsala · 2 years
One for The History Books [Chapter 17] [Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw]
[Summary] You are an archivist at the Pentagon, sent on assignment to TOPGUN to catalog and report on a top-secret mission. In the days under the Californian sun, a certain naval aviator puts your once orderly life in a tailspin that you might never recover from.
[Pairing] Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!reader / Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!oc
[Warnings] Mature content: swearing, (explicit) smut. 18+ only.
[Words] 4k
[Index] All Chapters | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Epilogue
Chapter 17 - Sinking
You’ve been on pins and needles all day: tapping your foot under your desk, shuffling in your seat, fidgeting with papers. Bradley is coming back today. Your boss shoots you an annoyed look from across the conference room.
Tucking your hands under your legs like you’re back in primary school, you will yourself to sit still and listen to the presentation. If only it wasn’t so boring. Your mind wanders of its own accord to places more interesting.
Emboldened by Bradley’s reaction to the lingerie set you bought last time, you picked up another set to welcome him back—this time in black. You even splurged on matching garter belt and stockings.
Ok, is it insane to wear a skirt and stockings in January in D.C when you’re taking public transport?
Very much so. But you are also very much convinced it’s going to be worth it.
You idly wonder if Bradley will change into regular clothes before he comes to pick you up, or if you get to see him in uniform again. God, you hope it’s the latter.
Sometimes you think back to that first time you saw him again, when he pretty much materialized in your office in that khaki uniform. God, you were so angry then, but now that you have distance from the situation, it’s Bradley in that uniform that still sticks out.
A little bit too much on some nights.
You rub your thighs together unconsciously.
“Miss Williams, what is your perspective?”
The presentation.
“I think…,” You pause for a second, licking your suddenly dry lips. “…I think it’s pretty solid, but it would benefit from more specific cases studies. It’s a little abstract in its current form.”
Goddammit Bradley. He’s causing you trouble when he hasn’t even made landfall yet. You seriously glance at your watch. Another hour at least until his ship comes in.
You see your boss nodding as he takes notes. Good, so it was the right things to say. Birch better not be onto you—the last thing you need at this point is another talking to about professional conduct.
Riks has been out of your hair mercifully, at least after you threatened to file an official complaint for his digging around into your personal life, through Seresin no less.
That meeting was… something else. You are usually not one to get nervous giggles, being well practiced at keeping a straight face. But Birch, strained, in a deadly serious tone told Riks:
“Whatever lieutenant Bradshaw and Miss Williams get up to in their free time is their business, and I would be incredibly grateful if it stays that way.”
He paused, face pained, before continuing: “It’s neither the purpose nor goal of this department to uncover every roll in the hay service men or women have.”
“We’d need to double the Pentagon budget for just that.” Birch concludes under his breath.
He probably didn’t mean for you to hear him. But you were so embarrassed you could barely contain your laughter, tears filling your eyes. It wasn’t a funny situation in the least.
Just so so awkward.
You check your watch again. It’s barely lunchtime. The discussion in the room is still ongoing. No, but for real, how much is there to discuss about ammo logistics in during the Civil War? You half expect you’d be bored to tears even if you weren’t passionately hoping time would hurry the fuck up already.
Ah, finally. As you gather your things from the table, one of the presenters comes up to you.
“Miss Williams—would you mind sharing your notes from the presentation? I’m sure it will be incredibly useful.”
“Ah, yeah -” You would mind, actually. You would mind on the account that you didn’t actually take any notes and that the page in your notebook you had in front of you is full of mindless squiggles and doodles.
“I’ve given you all my feedback verbally just now, my notes don’t really add more to that.” You smile apologetically.
Before the presenter opens his mouth again, you interject: “Also, I have terrible handwriting, sorry!”
Clutching your notebook to your chest, you leg it out of the room. Jesus. You really know how to embarrass yourself well. Mercifully, you can hide in your office for the rest of the day to work on the reports for the Senate committee. That should tide you over to the end of the day.
It’s not even 4:30 yet, and you’re pacing around your office like a caged tiger. You cannot even pretend to focus on your work anymore. If you have another coffee, you are pretty sure your heart is going to explode out of your chest.
God. You should have driven down to Virginia Beach despite Bradley’s protests. At least you’d be doing something more useful with your time than… pacing and daydreaming.
Your bag is already packed, your winter coat hanging from your desk chair. Bradley texted you when he disembarked and let you know he was on his was. You know he’ll text you once he’s parked, but, ugh, everything is taking too long today.
When your phone buzzes, you have your coat already half-way on before you see it’s just an email. You sink back into your chair, the momentum sending your chair spinning. Letting it turn you around, you idly wonder how many turns would equal one minute.
Oh Christ, enough already. You are acting like a teenager. Not even when you had your first crush at 14 were this hopeless, and if you were, that memory has fortunately been lost to time. To you. Probably not your sister, though.
Shrugging your coat back off, you grab one of the folders on the pile at the corner of your desk. Tapping your pen against the paper with more force than strictly necessary, you will yourself to start reading.
You are a goddamn adult, and you get paid to do this shit.
The last vestiges of your self-discipline burn out in the 45 minutes before your phone buzzes again. The moment you spot Bradley’s name on the display, with the simple message you’ve been waiting for all day—just “here”—you practically fly out of your office, coat unbuttoned, scarf loosely hanging from your neck and bag still open, slamming the door loudly behind you in your hurry. At the elevator, you push the button in rapid succession, trying to speed up the machine.
You can’t run through the fucking Pentagon like a crazed woman.
Be professional.
Vaulting yourself into the empty elevator, you feel like there’s electricity coursing through your veins. It’s a nervous energy that been building in you all week—every breath a little bit closer to this moment.
It’s misty outside today—the fog you saw that morning still hasn’t cleared up as you look over the throng of people leaving the Pentagon at the end of the day. You join the too slow for your liking moving mass, trying to peer over the heads to see the exit to no avail.
You can’t very well push through.
The glass door finally come into view. Between people dispersing towards the parking bays and public transport, you see one figure cut through the mist, walking towards the Pentagon.
Your heart knows it’s Bradley before your head catches up, launching you forward, your feet moving by their own accord as you burst through the exit. The heels of your shoes echo against the stone pavement as loudly as your heart is beating in your ears, while your still unbuttoned coat flies behind you.
Bradley, in his dress blues, navy wool overcoat and white cap on his head, is walking down the pathway head held high, gait purposeful, every bit a Naval officer.
Your breath catches in your throat.
He’s so close.
The moment your eyes lock, he comes to a standstill, reaching out to you. Your momentum propels you forward straight into his waiting arms, where he catches your body easily and lifts you straight off the ground in a twirl, your bag forgotten at your feet. Your arms lock around his neck as you let out a surprised yelp, which he easily cuts off with a heated kiss.
Bradley’s lips taste of the wonderful winter cold as you melt into him.
“God, I’ve missed everything about you.” You mumble against his lips. His warm skin through the biting cold, the smell of his cologne, the brush of his neat mustache against your face. Catching Bradley’s mouth in another searing kiss, telling him more than words ever could, his grip on you tightens.
Breathless, Bradley sets you back down on your feet. You drink in every part of him as your fingers skim through the short hair on the back of his head. His cap is askew on his head, as he breathes heavily, his eyes searching over you, like he can’t believe you are really here.
Slowly, you press another kiss on his lips, as if to assure him and yourself that this is actually real.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He breathes so softly, you feel it more against your skin than that you hear it.
You giggle as you run your hands down the front of his coat, the dark wool soft under your fingers. He grabs your hand and presses a quick kiss against your fingertips.
“Let me take you home, darlin’,” Bradley’s murmurs in your ear, his voice has a delicious raw edge to it. “I’ve had to miss you for far too long.”
Nodding eagerly, you pull away long enough to retrieve your bag from the ground. A shiver overtakes you as you suddenly notice how cold it is now you’re not pressed up against Bradley anymore. As sharp as ever, he is already a step ahead of you and buttons up your coat with nimble fingers, wrapping your scarf around your neck.
It’s only now, that you actually manage to get your bearings again a little bit, you hear the oohs and aaws from passerby’s. Normally you would want the ground to swallow you whole for making such a spectacle, but today? You cannot find it in yourself to care, too wrapped in Bradley.
“Son, you better fix that cover.” A gruff voice comes from your right. No, okay, maybe you do care a little bit about your boss witnessing this. Birch is determinedly starting in front of him as he passes you.
“You have an admiral incoming on my six.” He adds, not sparing you another look.
“Yes sir, right away, sir.” Bradley choruses with practiced ease, as he moves his cap back into a respectable position on his head. You chuckle an apology, but Bradley just shoots you that winning smile of his.
“Let’s go sweetheart.” He says simply, as he presses a kiss against your forehead and takes your hand.
His large hand is warm against your already cold fingers as you start making your way to the visitor’s parking bay. You wrap your free hand around Bradley’s arm, leaning against him as you walk.
As you arrive at his car, you automatically turn to the passenger’s seat. With a mischievous grin pulls Bradley, you back to face him, his lips ghosting over your jaw. You run your fingers over the lapels of his coat as you sigh at the sensation of his hot breath caressing the sensitive skin just below your ear.
“I’m kind of tired from the trip, darlin’,” He murmurs, sending shivers down your spine. With a soft jingle, Bradley pulls out his car keys from his pocket and presses them into your hand. “Why don’t you drive us?”
“Really?” You ask, strangely breathless. Bradley just hums in response as your fingers wrap around the keys.
“I’ll even let you play Taylor Swift.” He adds, and you can just hear the mirth in his voice.
“That—that -,” You splutter. “Was my sister’s music.” “Of course.” Bradley chuckles. “That’s why you know all the words so well.”
“I’ll make you regret that offer.”
“Try me, sweetheart.”
Bradley’s brain has been in a state of short-circuit since you flew into his arms. No scenario he had imagined tasted quite as sweet as that first kiss when he saw you again. Climbing into the driver’s seat of his car and adjusting it made your skirt ride up, and Bradley caught sight of what he was pretty sure was the top of a stocking.
He strongly considered pulling you out of the driver’s seat into his lap and fuck you right there in the parking lot.
The drive home was torture, and Bradley couldn’t keep his hands off you for more than 10 seconds— tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, grabbing your hand as you reached for the gear shift, running his hand up your leg—bad idea.
Shit, he could feel the line of your garter belt through the fabric of your skirt, teasing against the palm of his hand as your leg moved, manipulating the gas pedal.
The small smirk gracing your lips betrayed that you knew exactly what you were doing to him.
It’s on your couch, with you straddling him, your fingers threaded deliciously painfully in his hair as you roll your hips at a tortuously slow pace, Bradley is pretty sure his brain is just completely giving out.
He runs his hands blindly over your body, squeezing your flesh and looking into your eyes. Your hair loose, face flushed, pupils blown by desire, you look back down on him as you ride him in that agonizing pace you’ve set.
From almost falling through the front door, pulling at each other’s clothes in a heated frenzy, and tripping over your shoes, the raging fire in you both was unstoppable. The lingerie set you had specially bought ended up somewhere in the maelstrom of clothes left in your path from the door. It doesn’t even matter.
You pushed him onto your couch as he was sliding your panties down your hips, eyes raking over your form. You drank him in. There was no need for words as you sank down on him, gasping in delight as you stretched around his length. Bradley threw his head back, eyes scrunched close, cursing under his breath.
It was like the raging fire spread into smoldering embers from the moment you connected.
Now you want to savor every moment and every touch. You need it. The intimacy you have been craving, the touch you have been missing, you want to drown yourself in him.
Bradley’s fingers skim down from your throat, over your collarbone, just ghosting over your nipple—tearing a moan from you—down your stomach, pressing his thumb against your clit, drawing slow circles.
Your hips stutter, desperately trying to increase the friction.
“Bradley - please-,” You plead incoherently between gasps and moans. His mouth is on your nipple, teeth sinking into the sensitive flesh. It’s sending your senses into overdrive, spurring your movements on, muscles tensing.
“Fuck darlin’, you’re so tight.” Bradley grinds out. He can feel your walls tightening around his cock—you are close. Just a bit more. Your movements are turning erratic. Bradley grabs your hip with his free hand, bucking against you.
“Don - don’t stop - please, Bradley…”
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over you moaning his name like that, with those eyes full of lust, riding him within an inch of his life. Selfishly, he doesn’t want you to look like that for anyone else ever again. He wants your eyes only on him.
Your lids start fluttering as your movements start stuttering more and more—Bradley can feel how close you are. He tightens his grip on you, setting a relentless pace, his thumb increasing the pressure on your clit.
“Cum for me darlin’,” He gasps. “Show me what I’ve missed.”
His words alone would be enough to have you come undone. His voice, so warm, so close after those cold months, feels like sliding into a hot bath, relaxing every nerve in your wound body. It pushes you to release, head lolling back in pure ecstasy, his name caught in your throat.
Bradley catches your body as it tips back, pulling you against his chest.
“Fuck.” You bring out weakly, breathing heavily. But Bradley doesn’t give you very long to restart your brain, effortlessly flipping you on your back and hitching your leg over his shoulder. Dazed, you squeal in delight, giggling as he presses kiss after kiss against your calf.
“How much did you miss me, darlin’?” He asks between kisses.
“So - so much.” You breathe.
“I can’t hear you, sweetheart.” He says with a devilish smirk on his face as he drags the tip of his cock along your slick pussy lips, teasing against your sensitive clit. You moan without abandon.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much,” You choke out. “Everything about you.”
“Tell me.” Bradley demands as his lips latch onto a ticklish spot in the hollow of your knee.
Words start falling from your mouth—you’re not even sure you’re making sense—it’s almost a stream of consciousness.
“I - I’ve missed you from the minute you left,” Your breath hitches as Bradley gently bites down on your thigh. “It feels empty without you here. The bed is cold. I want you to kiss me awake…”
“Just kiss?” Bradley asks, as he nudges the tip of his cock against your entrance. You suck in a breath before a giggle bursts from your lips.
“Do you really need a full report when you have me in this state already?”
“I happen to know you are very thorough, Miss Williams.” Bradley smirks.
“I’ll write you a list later if you so desire, lieutenant.” You shoot back, still half-dazed, grasping for him. “But you’re stalling—how much did you really miss m-”
Bradley laughs and finally fully slides into you in one fluid move, effectively cutting you off. Setting a punishing pace that makes you see stars, Bradley easily wipes every last thought from your brain. Suddenly slowing down and bending over to you, filling you to the hilt, he whispers:
“For the record, I missed you so much it hurt.”
There are moments when you actually stop and think, usually at a quiet moment at work. It’s actually insane how quickly you fall into a comfortable routine with Bradley, the relationship growing steadily. He has two weeks before he needs to report back on base, and in the meantime, he seems to revel in essentially playing house with you.
As you get ready for work in the morning, Bradley makes you coffee. When you tell him he should make most of his free time and sleep in more often, he just shrugs:
“Making most of my time is spending it with you.”
Some days he drives you to work and picks you up at the end of the day.
Without fail, your heart feels like it’s about to burst when you see his Bronco parked in the visitor’s bay.
Well, some aspects of your relationship are growing.
Bradley is still incredibly guarded when it comes to his family. When you ask about his trip to Nevada to see captain Mitchell, he talks about tinkering on Mitchell’s plane in the workshop, but never anything deeper about what they talked about.
Maybe it’s incredibly private—all Bradley has mentioned is that he’s known Mitchell since childhood. How or why? When you actually gather the courage to ask, Bradley just ignores the question and changes the subject.
You conceal how much that hurts you—because it shouldn’t. It’s none of your business. Selfishly, you want to know Bradley better than anyone in the world.
But you need to really accept that it’s his choice how much he really wants to share about himself. No matter how unfair it feels.
You start talking about your own family less, feeling like you’re oversharing. Again, Bradley probably is just not that family-oriented and might just be humoring you. There is no sense in dwelling on these things, you admonish yourself.
Realistically, how long have you been dating? You haven’t even broken the 6-month mark yet, and he was deployed for three of those. And there will be more deployments, more time spend apart. You need to stop your brain from spinning and take things as they come.
It’s another one of those winter days when the sun doesn’t even get up from bed, and from dawn till dusk there are just monochrome gray skies, like it’s perpetual twilight. The air is bitingly cold, stinging every bit of skin not covered. You practically skip to the parked Bronco, seeing Bradley’s silhouette through the driver’s side window.
Climbing into the passenger’s seat, he greets you with an immediate kiss.
“You spoil me.” You smile at him. “What am I going to do with myself once you’re back in Virginia Beach?”
“You’ll drive yourself, which you are perfectly capable off.” Bradley grins back. “But in the meantime, let me take care of you.”
“Can we stop by the store?” You ask as you buckle up and Bradley turns the engine on. “I think we’re running low on a few things.”
It’s not terribly busy on the road, and it’s a short trip to the store. Preoccupied with finding the right playlist on your phone with your cold fingers, you only spot the car in front of you suddenly swerve wildly in your periphery.
You snap your head up, but the words on your tongue die the second the back of the Bronco suddenly slips violently to the right. Black ice. Your head cracks against the door. A million curses fly through your scrambled brain, but there are more important things.
“Keep steady! Don’t counter-steer!” Your voice is high with panic. You’ve slipped on black ice before, just never in D.C and never when you weren’t the one driving.
Bradley is loudly cursing, trying to get the car under control. You are so full of adrenaline, time seems to have slowed down.
You see Bradley in hyper focus, knuckles white against the steering wheel as he shifts down, slowing the vehicle down. In reality, the slip takes only seconds and as the Bronco regains grip on the tarmac.
Your head is pounding from knocking against the window and sheer stress.
“Darlin’, are you ok?” Bradley looks at you from the corner of his eye—his voice is steady, like he’s completely unshaken. On the other hand, you look terrified—eyes wide, white as a sheet and breath coming out in short, panicked bursts. He pulls into a side street and parks.
Heart clenching, he reaches out to you. “Sweetheart, are you hurt?”
Mutely, you shake your head, biting your lip, trying to steady your breathing. Bradley simply reaches out to you, hand caressing your cheek.
“Are you sure?”
“Ye- yeah.” You force out, leaning your head into his palm, kissing it. “I… I don’t even know what came over me.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you continue words falling out of your mouth like a waterfall.
“It’s not the first time I’ve slipped on black ice in a vehicle, it just never happened to me as a passenger, but you’re a goddamn fighter pilot, of course your reflexes are amazing, and you keep your cool… like, what am I even worried about?”
You try to smile, but the corner of your mouth just shakes.
Bradley leans in and lightly kisses you.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll keep you safe.”
“I trust you.” You reply, voice still lightly shaking. “And sorry for backseat driving.” You add in attempt to joke.
Bradley just chuckles in response, but he is sure of one thing. He doesn’t want to ever want to see that terrified look on your face again. It has already burned itself in his brain along with your panicked voice.
That night when you are in bed, you already in deep sleep, Bradley wraps himself around your naked form, pressing light kisses against the column of your neck. Every time he closes his eyes, your face flashed before his mind’s eye. Smiling, blushing, frowning as you think, sleepy in the morning —but it always ends up morphing into wide-eyed terror.
He spent the evening trying to scrub the look from his mind, filling his vision with your blushing, love struck face, mouth open as he had you cum for him over and over again.
Bradley sighs dejectedly.
Another one for the collection.
[note]I have this problem that I think of all the plot beats I want to put in one chapter and then I always end up overwriting so much that I pretty much always have add another chapter to the plan. Again, this was supposed to be five chapters lmao.
[taglist] @ponyboys-sunsets | @thatchickwiththecamera | @littlewhiterose | @katieshook02 | @straightforwardly | @zazzysseoul | @rororo06 | @datingbtr | @notalxx | @fresh-new-yoik-watah | @gretagerwigsmuse  | @swthxrry | @joshkiskasbunion | @caelipartem | @blackbrownie | @yanak324 | @unluckymonaghan | @letusbewildflowers | @ticklish-leafy-plant | @alana4610 | @eg-dr3amer3 | @turningtoclown | @mell-bell | @mak-32 | @avis15
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Dreamy Officer Reyes and his nincompoop sidekick
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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rating: explicit | warnings/tags: 4 x 11 Spoilers, 4 x 11 "Double Trouble" Ridiculous smut, Carlos and TK roleplaying, M x M smut, Oral Sex, Jerking off, bad dirty talk, face riding, ass eating m x m sex, fun sex, silly sex, lots of laughing
summary: Carlos and TK have some roleplay fun.
author's note: this fic is the full fault of @kiloskywalker. Is it the best smut I've written? No. But it was so fun. I couldn't take myself or TK and Carlos seriously as I wrote this. I hope it's as enjoyable to read as it was to write. ANd yes, TK rolls his eyes an absurd amount of times but who wouldn't in this situation? It's funny. It's a fun fic. I hope you all enjoy it. Comments are always appreciated and nice to get!
Thank you @noxsoulmate for beta'ing this for me!
Check out my other season 4 fics!
“Dude that’s crazy!” TK hears Nancy explain as he and Carlos walk into the fire station. Carlos has the day off so he thought he’d tag along and get in some much needed fiancé time - they’d both had been working so much to pay for the wedding and the honeymoon that will follow that they haven’t had much time to just be together.
TK plops down on one of the comfy chairs in front of Mateo while Carlos grabs the one beside him and immediately puts a hand on TK’s thigh.
TK smiles at Carlos before turning his attention to Mateo and Nancy.
“What’s crazy?” TK asks, always up for a fun story.
“Mateo was just telling me about the dream he had when he hit himself on the head the other day,” Nancy says. “It’s wild.”
Mateo nods. “Yeah, like it was my past but in a sitcom way, and people I know now replaced my actual family.”
“Was I in it?” TK asks. He always likes to know when he’s in people’s dreams and what weird things they dream of him doing.
“Yeah! You were a cop and Carlos’ nincompoop sidekick,” Mateo says with a laugh.
TK frowns. “I’m not a nincompoop! I’d do great as a cop.”
“No offense, man, but no,” Mateo says. “The entire time in my dream you were licking your lips and swaying around. I don’t think you knew what you were doing.”
“That’s because you dreamed it. Had it been me I would have gotten the job done,” TK looks over at Carlos. “Tell them, babe. I would make a good cop or detective! I found you when you got kidnapped.”
Carlos lets out a laugh, shaking his head with an amused look on his face. “I don’t know. I kinda like having you as my sidekick. My little nincompoop.”
TK just stares at him, mostly because he can’t believe that Carlos said the word nincompoop.
“It would be fun! I could whip you into shape.” Carlos winks at him. “You’d learn a lot from me.”
TK rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, pouting at them as they continue to talk about the dream and nincompoop TK.
TK has learned to expect the unexpected when he comes home on days that Carlos doesn’t work. His fiancé always seems to be up to something and most of the time this something has to do with sexy times - especially lately when they haven’t had many shifts that lined up together - and tonight’s not any different. When he walks into the loft, the first thing he notices is Carlos casually leaning against the counter in a police uniform, drinking coffee.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk
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tarlossource · 1 year
RONEN RUBINSTEIN via Instagram Stories
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Around 200,00 Million dollars for the new A-12s.
The Skunk Works leader Kelly Johnson called it the U3 when he first started sketching it on April 21, 1958, according to his archangel notebook. What he proposed early on was a Mach three cruise airplane having a 4000 nautical mile range at 90 to 95,000 altitude.
This was BEFORE Francis Gary Powers was shot down on May 1, 1960, over the Soviet Union, also known as Russia. They were preparing for the next U2 because they knew that the Soviets would be able to shoot the U2 down. Unfortunately, they were right.
On this day, February 11, 1960 ( 64 years ago), a contract was signed between the CIA and Lockheed Skunk Works authorizing the construction of 12 “Oxcarts” A-12s at a cost of 96.6 million. Luckily for Lockheed, the CIA included a clause in the contract allowing reevaluation costs. It was a clause that had to be invoked on several occasions over the next five years as the cost spiraled to more than double the original estimate. The original contract was for only 12 A-12s.
They ended up with 18 A-12s that include variations such as three YF- 12 and two M 21. In 1960, the Air Force agreed to take pay for the seventh to ninth slots on the A-12 production line and complete them in the YF-12A interceptor configuration. In 1962, Kelly Johnson started sketching the SR 71 using everything he had learned while designing and producing the A-12. The SR 71 was Kelly’s masterpiece.
Six A-12 were lost in accidents. One A- 12 of the six was never recovered. On June 4, 1968, Jack Weeks was in Article 129 on a checkout flight after an engine change for the trip to the United States. He was last heard from 520 miles east of Manila. No trace of the plane was found, and an investigation turned up no clue about the cause of the crash. Signals received about a half hour into the flight from the onboard BIRDWATCHER monitoring system indicated engine trouble, a catastrophic failure. The remaining are in museums around the United States.
Two of the more unique variations of the A-12, the M -21 is at the Museum of Flight Seattle, Washington, and the YF -12 is at the Museum of the Air Force Dayton, Ohio.
My source is Paul Crickmore's Blackbird Beyond the Secret Missions, the missing chapters. Wikipedia. And thesr71blackbird.com/History/CIA/a-…
Linda Sheffield
$200,000,000 in 1960 = $2,086,707,482.99 in 2024.
@Habubrat71 via X
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junemermaid · 3 months
writer interview
I was tagged by @vaynglories, @lynne-monstr and @la-muerta all at one point or another. Thank you all kindly, sorry it took me so long! 💗
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
120 unique works. I have two double entries from when the old Yuletide archive was imported to AO3, so the total on my author page is 122. It's missing any fic I wrote before 2005 but honestly I'm fine with those being lost in the mists of the internet. If you know, you know.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I didn't actually wait to do this meme until I passed the one million words mark, but I also kinda did.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
bodies full of untold stories (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 1,343
an act of faith against the night (malec, T, Shadowhunters) / 1,037
House of Ash and Salt (dorian x bull, M, DA:I) / 995
Walkers of the Winding Path (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 933
Talking With Strangers (malec, E, Shadowhunters) / 930
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to and it's my one continuing regret that I haven't been able to catch up with my inbox! The greatest reason why I currently seldom reply to comments is that I have such a backlog. The other reason is that I will either answer comments or write more fic, and I'm sure everyone rather that I do the latter. Still, I miss the conversation around fic that replying to comments often generated.
I mean: I need more writing friends and goddamn, please talk to me because I feel detached from fandom and it's the worst thing.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably to make the saints attend them long (malec, T, SH) which ends with extremely heavily implied MCD.
I tend to write hopeful to bittersweet endings, so this was a rarity for me.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Define happy ending? I do have one, all souls sheltered, (dorian x bull, T, DA:I) which IS the soft epilogue I wanted those two characters to have after all their toils and troubles.
These two questions mostly tell me that most of my endings don't fit well on the happy to sad scale. I tend to leave characters at points where they can look forward to the future and any acute crises are over, but I really wish "happy for now" or "a happy middle" would stick as ending descriptions because that's where I live.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I write fusions? Not traditional crossovers but I have a very niche fic thing where I take Alec and Magnus and stick them into the worlds of videogames I love. To wit, the Witcher (Walkers of the Winding Path) and Final Fantasy X (Servant of the Spiral).
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep. Didn't much care for it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I've written my share of PWP but more typically the process goes something like this:
I find a kink/trope/sex situation I want to try writing
the fic grows copious amounts of plot/worldbuilding/interpersonal drama (exhibit A: the tentacle porn that came with 3,000 words of, uh, creature logistics so I could have tentacles)
I spend two years working on bullet point two before the characters ever get naked in each other's company
My smut fic tends to the tender/longing/emotional, though. I use sex mostly as a vehicle for character exploration or to drive the drama of a story, so most of my sex scenes pull double duty to also move the overall story forward.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I'm a pretty niche writer in most of my fandoms, I don't think you would make either much fandom fame or big bucks with my writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! to make the saints attend them long is translated into Italian.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'm a slow writer and I have to hew out writing time from the bedrock of my RL, so it wouldn't be very conducive to sharing a creative project, even though the basic idea appeals to me.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I was gonna make a joke about being asked to rate my children, but tbh I would rather not refer to fictional characters by any family term. However! I have changing obsessions and there's always some ship or canon that is eating up my brain at any given time, but I don't really get over ships. The details of canons fade with time but characters live forever in my heart.
Back in the mists of time, Ichigo and Rukia changed who I was as a person. (Then I added in Renji and It Got Better.) I adore Alec and Magnus but the fandom was categorically A Lot. Same with Dorian and Bull. Josephine and Cassandra were a total crack ship in the sense that there's no canon but I still love the idea of an f/f lady/champion pairing.
And right now I have two competing wuxia ot3s vying from my attention so. This is not a question I can answer.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My general fic writing philosophy is "whatever you can, whenever you can". I've made my peace with the fact that sometimes I'll start a thing and post a bit and then it simply won't get finished. Fic is free and no one has to click on a WIP (much as I love those people who will!)
So, unfortunately there's a few old WIPs on my ao3 that I don't think will ever get wrapped. The older the fic, the less likely it is. I keep them up as testament to the process, I suppose, or in case anyone likes the idea enough to read whatever I managed of it.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Putting canon under a lens until I have a mental Wall of Crazy with ten thousand interconnecting red strings and obscure notes, and then wringing story out of elements in the text that might not seem to connect on the surface.
I know sometimes you have to just wholesale go "this makes zero sense" and drop a bit of canon, but what I enjoy is taking bits and pieces and adapting them to fic. My current project is writing all the Mu Nihuang POV she really kind of doesn't get in Nirvana in Fire itself, and I am having a blast.
Also: character voice, action scenes, evocative description, setting up an emotional punch and taking you out with it 2,000 words later
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm slow, picky, and obsessive. I have to be In A Mood before I can put words to paper (I'm trying to combat this by becoming more of a garbage goblin about my first drafts. All words are good words! Hissss!) I'm bad at humour unless I'm accidentally funny.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be used to good effect but it's best used sparingly. I would generally always prefer that plot-relevant or important dialogue were simply, "This is the murder weapon," she said in French. Don't withhold information or emotional impact for the sake of showing off.
And oh god, never, ever put dialogue through MTL and expect it to come out right. If you absolutely need dialogue in a foreign language, consult an actual person that speaks it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Very technically, ElfQuest. For actual published fic, Rurouni Kenshin.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Mysterious Lotus Casebook tickles my brain but I don't yet quite know what I want to write about! I have enough trouble herding the rowdy cats that are my NiF ideas right now.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Always the one I'm working on. So much of the joy of fic is bound up in the good creative rush of making it happen. Just as so much of the woe of fic is in the fucking toil of making it happen.
Anyway! Flowers in Dreamland Weather (jingsuhuang, E, Nirvana in Fire) got me out of a slump and gave me new characters and relationships to rotate in my head, and I love it for that.
Talking With Strangers (malec, E, Shadowhunters) actually got finished in a satisfying way, and I love it for that.
Maybe those are my current answers.
I will no-pressure tag — @theotherjax, @electricshoebox, @faejilly, @sinni-ok-sessi, @ladymatt, and anyone that still wants to do this! I've seen this doing the rounds, so if you haven't yet, please feel free to blame me for enabling you!
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m-jelly · 1 year
Learning to blossom - Chapter 2
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Stunning banner created by the wonderful @ladycheesington 💕
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, modern AU, Uni AU, tattooed Levi, drama, flustered Levi, emotional, first date, self-doubt, communication.
Concept: You and Levi have your first date, which is snacks, drinks and gaming at your place. You both get close and have your first makeout session. Levi stays over for cuddles and rest. You watch Levi's rugby practice while you struggle with self-doubt. Levi comforts you after and takes you back to his flat. You both keep talking through your troubles and snuggle together on Levi's bed.
Check chapter 1 for notes on this story.
AO3 link
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
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You ran around your room checking it was perfectly clean. You checked the snacks were all set up and the drinks. You moved your blankets on your bed and the pillows so it was almost like a sofa. You grinned at your work as your heart fluttered at how cosy and welcoming it was. You doubled checked your gaming controllers were charged and let out a long sigh.
Today was your first date with Levi. You both had talked about what to do, where to go, what to see and what to eat. In the end, you both kept returning to how you loved being at home. You were both introverts and Levi had mentioned games in the past. So, you both agreed to a date at your place.
You perked up when your phone went off. You picked your phone up to see Levi had texted you to say he was outside the halls. You hurried out of your room and down to the door and outside to Levi. You smiled at him as he blushed hard. You smiled as he gripped his backpack strap. You stepped to the side and let him in.
You hugged Levi. “Welcome.”
Levi squeezed you. “You look cute.” He groaned a little. “I uh, brought some snacks and drinks.”
You walked with him upstairs. “Really? You didn’t have to as I bought everything, but thank you. We now have a lot more to eat.”
Levi hummed a reply as he watched your lips move. He wanted to kiss you so badly. He blushed when you looked up at him. “I ah…umm…”
You giggled making his heart flutter. “It’s okay, I zone out sometimes.”
He rubbed the back of his neck and stood outside your room. “If I’m being honest, I was staring at your lips.”
You opened your door. “My lips?”
He nodded. “I was thinking about kissing you.”
Your cheeks burned as you gazed up at your adorable boyfriend. “W-Well, you sh-should.”
He leaned down but noticed people were watching you both. Some of the girls in your hall were watching and giggling. Levi liked his privacy, so he pulled you into your room and closed the door. “S-Sorry. I’m a bit sh-shy around others. S-So, umm…c-can I kiss you now?”
You nodded. “Y-Yes.”
He leaned closer and kissed you. He felt his heart racing as he kissed you again. He just loved kissing you because it felt like he was getting how he felt about you across to you. He cupped your face and kissed you over and over. He purred at you as he felt his strong passionate love for you burn through every inch of him. He adored you so much.
You pulled back and smiled. “T-Take your shoes off. D-Did you bring spare slippers?”
He took his bag off. “I did.” He removed his shoes and slipped on his slippers. “Comfy.”
You moved over to your bed and sat. “I’ll get you a drink.”
Levi sat next to you and fiddled with his hoodie. “Thanks.”
You handed him a drink and smiled. “Enjoy. So, help yourself to food.”
Levi pulled out the snacks from his bag and added them to what you had. He became very aware of your body and presence. He became overly aware of everything around him and inside him. He thought his heart was racing too loud. He placed his hand on his chest and whined a little. He looked over at you as you set up the games for the day. He shook a little and panicked a little about what was happening to him.
You noticed Levi was on edge. You knelt in front of him and held his shaking hands. “Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?” You reached up and placed your hand on his forehead. “You don’t feel hot. Do you want to go home?”
“NO!” He winced at how fast he replied. “N-No. I umm…sorry…” He lowered his head and sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“What’s wrong?”
He yanked his hood up and down his face a little before putting his head in his hands. “I just…I’ve never had a girlfriend before, as you know.” He sighed. “I don’t know how to act. Being in here with you…I’m so aware of everything. Tch, I’m pathetic. I keep thinking my heart is beating too loud or something.”
You leaned up and kissed Levi making him blush. “My heart is racing as well.” You offered your wrist. “Check my pulse.”
Levi pressed his fingers against your pulse and blushed. “You’re like me.”
You nodded. “I am. We can try this another time if it’s too much.”
He looked up and shook his head. “N-No, I want to stay.”
You sat next to him and handed him a controller. “How about we play a game?” You bumped into Levi. “You pick.”
He smiled and picked something to play with you. “This.”
You hummed a laugh and started playing with Levi. You both got really into the gameplay that you forgot all about the nerves of being together on your first date. You saved the game and put on a movie as you both chatted and ate snacks together. You laughed with Levi as he made you almost cry with laughter from his perfect jokes.
Levi pulled his hoodie off, but his shirt got a little caught causing his belly to be exposed to you. You blushed hard at how much muscle he had. You’d never seen what was under Levi’s clothes before. You just thought he was a bit muscular, so you weren’t expecting to see abs and pecs. You gulped hard when you eyed the treasure trail of black hair going down to his trouser line. You flicked your eyes up to his pecs to see a very light dusting of his black hair there.
Levi sighed and pulled his shirt down. “Better.”
You ruffled your hair and looked away. “You uh…you have a lot of muscle.”
“I guess I do.”
You looked over at his tattoo-covered arm. “You know, you have a nice sleeve.”
Levi looked down at his left arm and studied the tattoos a little as if it was the first time he’d seen them. “Thanks.”
You shuffled closer and pressed your left side against Levi’s right. You reached over and touched some of his tattoos. “Pretty.”
Levi looked down at you and smiled softly. “Yeah, you are.”
You looked up at Levi as your cheeks burned. “You’re really handsome. Are you sure you like me? You’re so smart, funny and attractive. I’m just…I’m not…”
“Are you kidding me? You’re incredible.” He sighed. “If anyone here questions anything it’s me. You’re so perfect. You’re kind, caring, sweet, funny, smart, thoughtful, cool, pretty.” He let out a long sigh. “Just so wonderful.”
You kissed Levi taking him by surprise. You pulled back a little embarrassed, but Levi chased your lips. He cupped the side of your neck and pushed his fingers into your hair a little. He kissed you back and let his lips linger against yours. He moaned a little before nipping your lip. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and sighed through his nose. His tongue moved with yours as he hummed in delight.
You gripped Levi’s shirt in one hand as your other lightly held the rippling muscle of his upper arm. You shifted on the bed to face Levi. You tilted your head a little to allow a deep kiss to be shared between the two of you. You moaned a little as Levi slowly lay you down on your bed. You shuffled and got comfy below him. You felt like you were melting under his passionate kissing. You shifted your legs letting Levi lay his weight against you.
Levi moaned and mewled when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down. He blushed as he felt your breasts pressing against his chest. He felt his heart race at feeling all of your body against his. He felt excited at being so loving with you. He couldn’t believe what he was doing with you. This was the first time Levi had ever had a makeout session with someone and he loved it.
Levi broke the kiss when he realised he had a semi. He was embarrassed and didn’t want you to think he was gross, or a sexual pervert, or he wanted you for sex. He blushed as you panted below him which made things worse for him. He sat up and groaned a little. He started muttering under his breath about himself being a pervert.
You sat up as you blushed. “Levi?” You smiled as he gazed at you. “What’s wrong? Talk to me. I’m here for you.”
He pulled at his trousers. “I-I don’t want t-to offend you.”
“You won’t.” You held his hand. “I care about you.”
He squeezed your hand. “P-Promise you w-won’t laugh.”
You moved closer. “I promise.”
He released a long sigh. “I uh…I s-started…” he looked away and blushed “to g-get hard.”
You looked down at his crotch and saw him shuffle and pull at his trousers. You looked up at his burning cheeks and smiled. “I got you hard?”
You nibbled your lip as you smiled a little. “Th-that’s good. Umm, means y-you find me very attractive.”
He nodded. “I do. I really find you attractive.” He turned to you with a sparkle in his eyes. “You’re incredible.” He stopped himself from speaking more. He frowned and ruffled his hair. “I’m…I’ve never…this is all new to me.”
You smiled a little. “Some of it is new to me too. I’ll guide you through a lot.”
He leaned over and kissed you. “Thank you.”
“A-Anyway, if we make out more…which I want to, but when we do it’s okay if you get hard.” You smiled at him. “It’s normal if it’s your first time with this sort of thing. You’ll learn how to tame it. There’s only one way to learn how to.”
Levi perked up when he knew what you were hinting at. “More kissing?”
You giggled at how your boyfriend looked like a cute puppy. “Yes.”
Levi tackled you onto your bed making you laugh. “Kisses.” He kissed your face all over along with your neck. He nipped and licked your skin but stopped when he heard someone knocking at your door. “Tch, damn it.”
“I’ll get rid of them.” You slipped off the bed once Levi sat up. You hurried to the door and opened it only a little to see a hallmate standing there. “Oh, hey Tara. I’m a little busy-.”
Tara shoved the door into you and walked right in. “She’s a bitch! I’m telling you! I’m sick of her shit. She’s sleeping with him too! What do I do?”
You rubbed your shoulder where the door hit. “Tara.”
She folded her arms and noticed Levi sitting on the bed. She went from pissed from seeing a guy, to delighted and excited because she knew very well who Levi was. “Oh! You’re Levi from the rugby team. I’ve seen you train. You’re incredible. Look how sexy you are. You two studying?”
Levi groaned. “No, it’s a date.”
Tara frowned. “A date? Really? You’re dating her?” She laughed hard and looked at you. “I mean no offence to you love, you’re sweet and all” she turned her attention to Levi “but there are far hotter girls out there for you. You know, cheerleader-looking girls? Why are you wasting your time with this one?”
Levi got up and stormed over to Tara. He grabbed her upper arm and dragged her out making her protest. He tossed her into the hall as everyone stared. “Tch. You are such a vile human being. My girlfriend said she’s not free! You barged in here and hurt her by shoving the door into her and you hurt her feelings by saying she’s not deserving of me. You have no fucking clue how perfect she is! I’m the one who doesn’t deserve her but I’m fucking lucky to have her! She’s mine. All mine. Now drop that asshole who’s sleeping with you and another. You deserve better!” He slammed the door in her face and sighed. “I’m sorry she was nasty.”
You blushed hard. “Y-You said such nice things…thank you.” You hugged Levi tightly. “You’re the best.”
He whined. “Have I messed up things for you with your friends?”
You pulled Levi back to bed and whispered. “They’re not really my friends. Athena is. The rest use me for help and that’s it.”
Levi cupped your face and saw the shine in your eyes and the pinkness in your cheeks. Levi blushed hard at how adorable you looked to him. He yanked you against his chest and whined. “So cute.” He gripped you tightly. “So fucking adorable.”
You hummed a laugh. “You too.”
Levi looked down at you and kissed you. “Mine.”
You smiled. “Yours.”
He released you and picked up his hoodie. He blushed before holding it towards you. “Please wear this.”
You gasped in delight before yanking on the hoodie. “YAY!”
Levi blushed at how it was tight over your breasts, but long and baggy elsewhere because of his muscles. He groaned and covered his face with his hands. “You’re too cute.”
You leaned up and kissed him. “You’re cute.”
He flinched at his phone vibrating. “S-Sorry.” He pulled it out and saw a reminder he’d set himself about practice tomorrow morning. “Tch, damn.” He looked up at you. “I-It’s late and I h-have practice tomorrow.” He whined. “I don’t want to go…”
You pulled him closer. “You can stay. We can play a bit more and then sleep next to each other.” Your cheeks burned. “O-Only if you want.”
Levi’s eyes lit up. He scrambled to your bed and got comfy. “Cuddles in bed.”
You blushed hard and nodded. “Yes.”
“I promise I won’t disturb you when I get up.” He wrapped his arms around you when you lay down. “I’ll look after you.”
You turned off your lamp and cuddled Levi. You drifted off into a deep sleep as Levi lay there for a while. He blushed hard and became very aware of your body next to his. He slept for a while as he held you before his alarm woke him up. He groaned and turned his phone alarm off. He slipped out of bed and moved you a little. He tucked you in and kissed you as his heart fluttered.
You opened your eyes a little and smiled. “Morning Levi.”
“Morning. Go back to sleep, okay? It’s too early for you.” He kissed you and hummed. “I’ll see you later?”
You nodded. “Yes. I can’t wait. Good luck and be safe. Have fun.”
He kissed your forehead. “Thank you and I will.”
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for a while and the Christmas holidays were coming up. You knew Levi had practice today and it was the last one for the seasons before the holidays, so you wanted to watch him and see just how good he and the others were. You had made some snacks for the guys and some nice hot chocolate ready for him and the others.
You grabbed some snacks and a drink before hurrying outside and sitting down where fans would be and watched. You smiled softly as the team jogged from point to point to build stamina. You were impressed that Levi and his friend Mike and Erwin were the best. Your thoughts went dirty when you considered Levi’s impressive stamina.
You gasped when they practised tackling each other. Levi banged his shoulder against Mike’s thighs and gripped his big legs together. You squeaked in shock as Levi slammed Mike against the floor so easily. Mike was almost like a feather with the way Levi just manhandled him. You felt your heart racing and a tingle move through your lower regions. You were embarrassed that you were aroused by your boyfriend training for rugby.
You flinched when you heard squeals and laughs getting louder. You looked over to your right to see a group of girls climb into the seats and sit near the front. You hugged yourself and began to worry. Levi had mentioned that he didn’t want you to come to practice because you might be bored, or it’ll be cold or wet. The bad voice in your head was suggesting that maybe he didn’t want you here because he loved the attention from the other women, or he was embarrassed by you.
Levi heard his teammates talking about a pretty girl watching. He assumed it was the annoying regulars who always watched, but when he looked he saw you sat there in his hoodie with a bag in your hands. He lit up in delight and knew that the guys were talking about you and it pissed him off a bit. He needed to show them that you were his, but at the same time, he didn’t want them to make a big fuss about you for dating him.
Before Levi could make a final choice, he was already jogging over to you. He leapt over the wall and climbed over the seats until he got to you. “Hi.”
You blushed as Levi panted and gazed down at you. You waved shyly at him. “H-Hi.”
He sat next to you and smiled. “I can’t believe you came to watch my last practice. That’s very kind of you.”
You squeezed your bag and looked away. “Yeah. I umm…I wanted to surprise you.”
He tilted his head. “You seem upset.”
You locked eyes with Levi as you tried not to get too upset. “Why did you ask me not to come to practice?” You welled up a little. “Is it because you’re embarrassed by me? Do you like those girls more?” You rubbed your tears. “Shit, I’m sorry Levi. I shouldn’t assume anything. I’m sorry.” You stood up. “I should go.”
Levi pulled you down to sit on his lap. “Let me talk.”
You blushed as his natural scent mixed with sweat and mud invaded your nostrils. “Y-yes.”
He massaged the inside of your thigh as he looked up at you. “I asked you not to come in the early days of us because I was embarrassed by myself. I look awful. I’m covered in mud and bruises.” He whined. “I’m so dirty and disgusting.” He hugged you and pressed his face against your breasts. “I want you to see me as really cool and handsome. I’m not that when I’m practising. I’d never be embarrassed by you. You’re incredible. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m so selfish and possessive of you that I don’t want those idiots in my team getting to know you and trying to steal you away.” He looked up at you with pleading eyes. “You’re mine.”
You squeaked when Levi bit the crook of your neck. You giggled and played with his hair as he nibbled and sucked. “You’re like a puppy sometimes I swear.”
He nuzzled your neck and huffed. “I mean every word, okay? You’re everything to me.” He tapped his forehead against yours. “You believe me, right?”
You nodded. “I just let the bad voices get to me. I believe you. I believe you like me as much as you do and wanted to look cool for me.” You gulped hard. “B-But you are really cool! You looked amazing on the pitch! I was so impressed. I kept thinking, that’s my incredible boyfriend! The way you tackled Mike so easily was incredibly attractive.”
Levi blushed at your words. “Really?”
You nodded shyly. “Yes.”
Levi rubbed your cheek before kissing you. “I love you.”
Your eyes widened at Levi’s words. “You…you do?”
Levi blushed hard. “Y-Yes.” He cleared his throat. “You don’t have to say it back.”
You hugged Levi tightly and whined. “I l-love you too.”
Levi squeezed you tightly as he fought tears of joy. “I’m so glad.” He released you and blushed. “I’m so sorry. I’m getting you all muddy and smelly.”
“I don’t mind.” You gasped and picked your bag up. “I have things for you.” You pulled out a thermos of tea just for Levi and snacks. “Here.”
Levi opened the thermos and blushed. “Thank you. This is really sweet of you.” He downed some of his tea and hummed. “Delicious. This earl grey?”
“I bought it, especially for you.”
“Thank you.” He kissed you and smiled. “You’re the best.”
You opened your bag of mixed snacks and fed Levi. You looked around to see Levi’s team were watching and looked very happy for him. You waved to them and giggled as they waved excitedly back. You turned your gaze to the fan club of girls to see they were glaring at you. You whined a little and looked away.
Levi kissed you and smiled at your blushing face. “Don’t pay attention to them, I never do. I’ve always ignored them. That was another reason why I worried about you coming. Those girls have bullied others away.” He pouted at you. “I don’t want you to get bullied. You’re wonderful and cute and I love you.”
You rested the side of your head against his shoulder. “Thank you for worrying about me so much.”
“I always worry about you. I care about you. You’re my life and world.”
You kissed Levi and smiled a little. “You’re mine too. You’re everything to me and I promise I will work hard on my confidence in being with you.”
“Good girl.”
“Levi?” You both looked up to see Erwin in his tight ruby clothes, mud stains on his clothes and sweat clinging to him. He smiled and pushed back his blonde locks. “Shower time.”
Levi stood up with you in his arms. “Okay.”
Erwin chuckled. “You have to put your girlfriend down.”
Levi blushed hard. “I kn-know that.” He put you down on your feet. “I just…”
You blushed. “I can wait in your meeting room for the plays you plan. I made snacks for everyone and a load of hot chocolate.”
Erwin blushed. “That’s really kind of you. Thank you.”
Levi hugged you. “I’ll take her there.”
“Sure thing.” He smiled. “By the way, Levi’s rugby hoodie looks great on you.”
You smiled softly. “Thank you.”
Levi took your bag and held your hand as he led you to the meeting room. He pouted a little. “Don’t spoil those idiots too much.” He whined. “You’re mine.”
You hummed a laugh. “Possessive.”
“I-I’m not…”
“It’s cute.”
He gazed at you and gave you a cute kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
You waved to him before taking a seat. You nibbled your lip and whined a bit as you thought about what happened earlier. You felt a bit silly that you’d cried in front of Levi over you getting up in your head. You welled up and started crying again about how embarrassing you were. You loved Levi a lot and you wanted to keep him around. You’d been hurt so much in the past and you’d been used a lot by others. You had no confidence in your own body and intellect. You often thought Levi deserved better than you, but at the same time, you wanted to hold onto him so tightly because he was yours.
You hastily rubbed your tears away when you heard people running down the hall to the door. You smiled at his teammates and handed out cups of hot chocolate for them. You pushed the snacks closer and smiled as they ripped into the food like a hungry zombie horde finding a victim. You hummed a laugh at how hungry they could get. They were so sweet to you too. Not a single one was mean or nasty. All of them had hearts of gold and wanted to know everything about you and about how Levi was as a boyfriend.
You smiled and waved shyly to Levi when he came in with his wet hair pushed back. You blushed when he smiled and waved back at you. You waited for him to walk up to you before speaking. “Good shower?”
He nodded and lightly touched under your eyes on the puffy skin. “It was.” He lowered his voice to a spine-tingling volume. “You’ve been crying again. Who made you cry?”
You gazed into Levi’s eyes as your heart fluttered from the way Levi was looking at you. You knew you were truly loved and cared for by this man. You welled up as emotions rushed through you. You never thought you’d ever be loved. You had so much bad luck in life that this was a dream coming true. You reached out and gripped the front of Levi’s shirt before pressing yourself a little against him. You whined a little as you closed your eyes tightly.
Levi tangled his fingers into your hair and placed his other hand on your lower back. “It’s okay. I understand.” He smiled a little. “Was your heard being mean to yourself?” His heart stung when you nodded in reply. Levi knew exactly how you felt because he would often feel the same way. The voice in his head was awful to him and would tell him that he didn’t deserve you. “We belong together, okay? We love each other and we are meant to be.” He smiled down at you as tears filled his eyes. “I have a bad voice in my head too. I keep telling it to shut up ‘cause I know you love me and I know it’s wrong.”
You sniffed. “We’re both emotionally broken souls who just wanna love and be loved.”
He nodded. “Exactly and I’ve found my soulmate in you.”
“Me too.” You wrapped your arms around Levi and hugged him. “You’re mine. Mine, all mine. My soulmate.”
Levi flushed bright red and felt arousal from your words. “Do…do you wanna sleep together?” He blushed bright red. “I-I mean...like…umm…next to each other?”
You nodded shyly. “I want that.”
He held your hand and walked with you past his teammates and led you out. He took you into the locker room and collected his bag. “Y-You can w-wear some of m-my clothes.”
Your eyes lit up. “I’m staying over yours?”
He nodded. “I-If you want.”
You squeezed his hand. “I’m excited.”
“M-Me too.” He flinched a little when he heard people jogging closer. He looked behind him to see Erwin and Mike coming closer. “Roommates.”
You waved at both men. “Hello.”
Mike slowed down and grinned. “Oh, hello little cutie. How are you?”
You looked up at the tall man. “I’m okay. I’m just really tired.”
Erwin gave you a gentle smile. “Life gets to us all. You’re not alone, okay? So, you coming over to our halls?”
“I am.”
Mike smirked. “Levi you dog.”
Levi went bright red. “Tch, shut up! It’s not like that.” He pouted a little. “I just want to cuddle her, okay?”
Mike smiled softly. “You two really are a pair of tender souls.” He released a long sigh. “You two are going to be together for a very long time. It’s adorable. I’m so proud! My boy is a man.”
Erwin chuckled and stopped his friend from hugging a blushing Levi. “Calm down. Give him some space, okay?” Erwin smiled at Levi. “We’re proud of you. Also, I will make sure everyone stays away from your room. Knowing them lot, they’ll be idiots and make moaning noises.”
Levi bowed his head. “Thank you.” He held you close and walked with his friends to the university flats. He led you inside, up the stairs to his floor and down the hall to the last room with Erwin in the room opposite and Mike next door. “We’ll probably be ordering food. You two want to join us?”
You smiled at Mike and Erwin. “Please?”
Mike smirked. “Sure! I’d love some pizza.”
Erwin nodded and hummed happily. “Pizza sounds good.”
Levi opened his room door. “I’ll text you when we’re ordering.”
Mike gave a thumbs up. “Awesome, bud.” He waved and grinned at you. “Byeee.”
Levi yanked you close. “Quit it!”
You giggled and waved to Mike. “Bye-bye.”
Levi ushered you into his room and locked the door. He flinched a moment and gazed at you. “Do you want me to unlock it? I don’t want you to feel trapped.”
You smiled softly. “Keep it locked.”
You looked around his tidy room. You admired his tea area and kettle. He had some posters on the wall for bands, but not many. You noticed he had a tv and a gaming console, which you had helped him buy and get games for. You eyed the snacks and little fridge before sitting on his tidy and soft bed. You gazed at his bedside table to see two picture frames, one was him and what you guessed was his mother and the other was of you.
You picked up the picture of him and his mother. “You two look like each other.”
Levi pulled his jacket off and slipped his shoes off. “That’s a nice compliment. My mum’s very pretty.” He knelt before you and swapped your shoes for spare slippers. “Do you want to change? I bet the hoodie smells bad from me hugging you so much in it.”
You put the picture down and pulled the hoodie off. “Bye lovely hoodie.”
Levi took it and put it in his wash basket. He moved to his closet and got out a new hoodie, a shirt and some joggers. “Here.”
You took the clothes and pressed your face against them. “Mm, smell nice. It’s you.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “Y-Yes.” He turned his back to you. “L-Let me know when I can turn around.”
You smiled at how sweet Levi was. You noticed the tops of his ears were pink from a blush. You hummed a little laugh and swapped your clothes for Levi’s. “Thank you. I’m changed.”
Levi turned and looked over at you. His cheeks burned as you stood there in a top and his bottoms. His top stretched over your breasts but was baggy around your middle. He eyed your bottom to see they were stretching around your bum and thighs, but baggy around your hips and lower legs. He felt like he was drooling at how good you looked in his things. He wanted to eat you up.
He walked closer and felt himself drooling. “Yummy bunny.”
You blushed. “B-Bunny?”
He stopped a moment and realised what he’d said. “You…you just…you look like a cute bunny.”
You fiddled with your shirt. “Well, you’re like a cute puppy or bear.” You moved closer to him. “Bear.”
Levi wrapped you up in his arms and squeezed you. “Pet names! I’m so happy.”
You gripped Levi’s back and giggled. “So, you like bear?”
Levi nodded and looked like a dog getting a treat. “Yes!”
“W-Well, I like bunny.”
“I’m glad.”
You sat down on his bed and bounced on it a little. “This is comfy.”
Levi sat down next to you. “I don’t have many blankets like you, sorry.”
You pulled on the new hoodie and smiled. “I just need this and you.” You patted the bed. “Lie down.”
Levi shifted and lay back on his bed as he blushed. He shuffled a little and made sure his pillow supported his head. “Ready.”
You turned and lay on your side next to Levi. You smiled as you gazed at Levi. “Perfect.”
Levi turned his head and gazed at you. “If you get cold, then I’ll tuck you under the covers.”
You giggled. “Thank you.”
“Let me know when you get hungry too and I’ll order food.”
You hugged Levi’s arm making him blush as his arm was pressed against your breasts. “Bear?”
Levi hummed in response. “Bunny?”
“I can’t believe you have a picture of me on your bedside table.”
He cleared his throat. “I-Is it b-bad?”
You shook your head. “No. I have pictures of you on my phone.”
He sighed. “Good. It’s just…I love waking up next to you and going to sleep next to you.” He turned his head away and groaned. “If I can’t have the real thing, then I’ll have a cute picture.”
You leaned up and looked down at Levi. You softly smiled at how adorable he was. You leaned down and lightly kissed his lips as you lightly moaned. “I love you, Levi.”
Levi turned his head and looked up at you. He reached up and lovingly caressed your cheek. “I love you too.” He smiled sweetly as he called your name. He tangled his fingers in your hair before pulling you down for a kiss. He sighed as he deepened the kiss and moaned against your lips. “You’re so sweet tasting.”
You whined before diving for Levi. You pressed your face against his pecs and whimpered a little as you blushed hard. You lifted your head a little and gazed at Levi. “You say such sweet things to me.”
Levi gazed at you with your doe eyes. He groaned as his heart raced and his cock twitched. He threw his arms over his face and sighed. “You…you…damn it.”
You hummed a laugh. “You get flustered so easily, don’t you?”
“By you.” He moved his arms from his face and sighed. “I just love you so much.”
You shuffled up Levi’s muscular body so you could look down at him properly. You pushed your fingers into Levi’s hair and massaged it. “You’re so handsome and wonderful. I’m sorry for crying so much today.”
Levi held your arms and smiled softly at you. “Don’t be sorry, okay?” He sighed. “I understand how you feel, okay? I don’t deserve you, but I’m lucky to have you. You’re so incredible in my eyes. You’re so beautiful, smart, funny, sexy, cute and caring. You’re my everything. You’re my world. I will ignore the voices in my head and trust in you and the words you say.”
You smiled at Levi. “I will work hard on doing the same. We’ll work together.”
Levi nodded. “We’ll dedicate ourselves to being nicer to ourselves.” His cheeks burned hot. “We’ll also shower each other in love and hope that love seeps through to our inner selves.”
“I agree and promise.”
Levi yanked you down against him. “Good girl. You ready for pizza now?”
You kissed Levi’s neck making him blush hard. “Sounds perfect.”
Levi texted his friends, ordered the pizzas and just held you as you waited. He opened his door when Mike collected the pizza. Both Erwin and Mike sat with you and Levi. You played games together, watched tv as well and had a laugh as a group. By the end of the four of you hanging out, you all passed out in Levi’s room. You were lucky though. You had fallen asleep in Levi’s arms. Levi lay on his bed with you and softly snored as you both clung to each other.
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sirensea14 · 1 year
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Oh finally, FINALLY I AM NOW ABLE TO VOICE OUT THESE FANARTS OF MINE!!! I ALWAYS WANTED MY FELLOW IM READERS TO SEE THIS(despite not being that much great of fanarts) OH IM SHAKING IN JOYYYYYYY!!! i saw how great the fanarts were and I somehow wanted to find a way to sneak in mine, maybe this is itHAHAHAHA. Dont mind the Mayhem x Not-cup ship thoHHAHAHHAHAHA
Anyways, there's gonna be more upcoming fanarts (i swear im addicted to this fanfic, especially the Labyrinth arc)
The Labyrinth arc (book 10-11)
Also the Labyrinth arc but showing antagonists instead
Double Trouble version 2,there was a version 1 of it(featuring Mayhem and Holly) but i got too lazy to continue it, this was a better version tbh
Mayhem's Tango (a renamed version of 'Alice's Tango' by Chi-Chi, its a Batim fansong btw)
Mayhem fanart
Not-cup x mayhem, i wrongfully imagined Not-cup so dont mind it XDD
Edit(4-26-2023): the erasures on the 2nd one (antagonsists ver of 'The Labyrinth Arc') is intentional, as it was meant to represent the fact that the Questers initially mistook them, especially Mayhem, who was called "Holly May" before they found out that the two girls were actually different. The second erasure is Not-Cup, hehad a misleading appearance of Cuphead so... I also put an erasure to him
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