#432hz youtube songs
waydetheblade · 2 years
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stevefrancisworld · 2 years
DJ Steve Francis and Rodrigo Passannanti. 
the video to the song
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mambajumbastuff · 3 months
432Hz Frequency - Unlocking Deep Healing and DNA Repair
There are some who believe that music with 432Hz (Hertz or cycles per second) is an energy that is healing. This tuning is said to be in tune with the patterns of vibration in the universe, and support the growth of spirituality and wellness. However, does it really work? If yes, how? Enhance Mental Clarity Proponents of 432Hz argue that it resonates more closely with earth's electromagnetic oscillations, thus promotes feelings of being in synchronicity with nature. They also boast that it may help to reduce anxiety and stress, improve memory, boost mood and improve mental clarity. They also assert that music played at this frequency can sound clearer and more harmonious. It also has a calming effect on listeners. It is also a great way for promoting relaxation and meditation as well as a deeper state of mindfulness. These claims are supported by "cymatics" which is the process of vibrational bodies, such as water or plates made of metal, which demonstrate how patterns form. It's important, however, to keep in mind that this kind of visual can be created in other frequencies than 432 Hz. Reduce Anxiety and Stress It's not difficult to say that music recorded at 432 Hz sounds different. But is it superior? The Schumann resonance is believed to be in tune with this frequency. The Pythagorean tuning method is also mentioned in addition to the fact that Mozart, Verdi and Beethoven all used this pitch. Within these circles, fuzziness in math and nonsequitur numbers are commonplace. 432, for example is cited as the sum of three prime numbers, length of the apogee of moon, or as the number that corresponds to specific cosmic energies. These claims could be based on data from anecdotes and easily devolve into conspiracy theories but there is some evidence that music played at 432 Hz could have a healing effect. Studies have shown for example that listening to soothing, relaxing music may reduce cortisol an inflammatory hormone that causes stress. Better Sleep Some prefer 432Hz as it's soothing and natural. It also aids in relaxation of the mind and body. Music that is tuned to this frequency is also believed to help facilitate a deeper concentration and assist meditators to focus more on their intentions. In the most bizarre corners of literature on 432Hz, strange math and nonsequitur figures get wild. There are claims that concert pitch is related to the size of the moon, the length of a kali yuga or any other figures that are not related. Many musicians choose to use 432Hz on their recordings, despite the fact that 440Hz is the standard tuning frequency. There are many famous artists such as Terrence Howard, Andrea Bocelli, and the late rapper XXXtentacion.
More Inspiration and Creativity A lot of theorists say that music that is tuned at 432 Hz has a sound more pleasant and harmonic and is also more beneficial to physical and mental health. Many theorists believe that music tuned to 432 Hz enables musicians to express themselves more clearly, and might even have a healing affect on the body. It is vital to know that there is no research-based evidence that 432Hz music has healing properties. However, there's been a flurry of videos on YouTube with songs that use 432 Hz tuning. There are numerous that have been removed for copyright violations, but you are still able to find plenty of music using 432 Hz tuning on YouTube. Certain theorists claim that Pythagoras and Mozart employed 432Hz as their regular tune. Fuzzy numbers and non-sequitur numerology are frequently used to support this assertion, but these claims are in fact based on a subject called Cymatics. It studies vibrational modality. Increased Immune System Strengthening Research indicates that Solfeggio frequency can repair and heal DNA. However, the field is in its very initial stages. This is a thrilling discovery especially when you consider that damaged DNA is the main cause of a variety of diseases. The 432 Hz frequency is popular among those who practice sound healing, alternative and holistic healers, as well as New Age believers. It is believed that the frequency resonates with the natural earth frequency, bringing listeners a sense of well-being and peace. The frequency is believed to be tuned to the divine and nature. The advocates of the healing qualities of 432 Hz music often point to Pythagoras' tuning system, Mozart and Verdi's use of the tuning standard in their work, and the harmonic relationship between 8 Hz (the Schumann resonance) and A (432 Hz). These claims, however are unproven. They're probably based mostly on confirmation bias rather than scientific evidence. Watch the video here
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musicarenagh · 3 months
Autorub’s Artistic Evolution: The Miss Mace Mixes (432hz) Singer-songwriter Michael Corn, also known as the mastermind behind the music project “Autorub” combines indie rock, soul, and pop in a way that is distinctly his own. The musical genius recently released this hypnotizing two-song EP called ‘The Miss Mace Mixes (432hz),’ the mesmerizing, ‘Miss Mace 432Hz,’ and the electrifying, ‘Electronic Dance Mace 432Hz. ’ This, together with fun and groovy melodies that characterize most of the songs, might be the reason why Autorub’s tracks are so different from the vast majority of other tunes. But that is not all – the EP is in 432Hz key, a frequency, which is said to put out more of a natural and harmonious sound when compared to the traditional tuning of 440Hz and it gives Corn’s excellent music even more insane richness. The man behind the magic Michael Corn has been involved with the bands such as sammy and heydevils and has also incorporated music in famous television productions such as pawn stars and duck dynasty. Considering such a powerful background, it might be explained by autorub’s further evolution as an artist therefore creating an atmosphere of such a unique mix of musical genres. During the interview, Corn discuss his work, ideas, and experiences of the filmmaking process and obstacles faced throughout his career. He also shares with the reader his vision of how Autorub will look like in the future. Prepare for a marvel of creativity and music with this extraordinary artist. Listen to The Miss Mace Mixes (432hz) https://open.spotify.com/album/5glvw3Goy0nWDsfH45zIpc Follow Autorub on Twitter Spotify Instagram Soundcloud Tiktok Youtube What is your stage name? I don't really have one.  I considered MIC Drop, but then a boy band had a recent hit with that title. MIC are my actual initials so there's that. Is there a story behind your stage name? If I had one, the story would be that I often leave people with a MIC drop moment, as I confront them on their own BS. Where do you find inspiration? It could come from anywhere.  If we're talking about writing lyrics, since I generally write about silly politicians, it's mostly news stories and posts on social media. Musically it's pretty wide open.  An inspiration could come from something I like about another piece of music, or sometimes it's fueled by just doing something different than the last piece I wrote. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I was definitely drawn to it early  - maybe 5ish. As a role, I'd say it mostly served to prepare me to do what I do.  So lots and lots of shedding.  Far more than the 10,000 hrs I think, but who's counting? Are you from a musical or artistic family? Yes - it was on my mom's side of the family.  She was a great artist who also played some piano and sang a bit, my aunt played lots of piano, and my grandfather played guitar as well. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I can't boil it down to any one person. It was something I was drawn to pursue from very early on.  Some things are just meant to be. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? It was a combination of taking piano lessons, and self teaching. While I did have some instruction on composition with one of my piano teachers (had a few over the years), the process of writing good songs is mostly trial and error for most composers I believe. I also used to play along with my records - I've heard of many musicians who practiced that way. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? It was probably Billy Joel. I actually don't remember too much about the show...although I think he might've jumped off the piano and slightly injured his ankle. Didn't stop the show or anything. How could you describe your music? It's fun, addicting, melodic, mostly rock (but other genres too),  polished but still rebellious, and somewhat sarcastic. Since most songs are mini portraits that call out various politicians on their BS, they are also modern day protest songs.
Describe your creative process. As to the music, it's pretty much as simple as pick up any instrument and just play something. See what comes out, and if it's anything I like at all, then I'll record it quick onto the phone to save it.  Used to be a boombox years ago. For lyrics for Autorub, I will generally research the politician's online bio, social media posts etc, kind of doing a little book report on them in order to write about them. I look for hypocrisy, and it's not hard to find. [caption id="attachment_55991" align="alignnone" width="1831"] As to the music, it's pretty much as simple as pick up any instrument and just play something.[/caption] What is your main inspiration? Just to keep doing fresh things. When one song is finished, I'm ready to do something different. It's every artist's journey to keep discovering and reinventing themselves - or else they're not on it. What musician do you admire most and why? Hmm...this takes some thinking because there's many and I don't tend to idolize. I'm gonna go with Paul McCartney  - or Sir Paul I should say.  His catalog is filled with many iconic songs that are all quite melodic, if there's one common thread. So many generations, including mine, have grown up with his music and it's set a standard of excellence in songwriting, including his Beatle bandmates.  He showed us growth and experimentation as a songwriter in going from "Love Me Do" to say..."Helter Skelter" in a few short years. He also set good examples in how he raised his children - without allowing them to be spoiled by the means he'd gained. And he sums up the message of the Beatles as spreading love, which is an important vibe for the whole planet - especially right now. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes definitely.  As I mentioned earlier, you have to keep reinventing.  Tastes and preferences also change naturally over time.  I've been composing in multiple genres for a long time. It's once of the things I enjoy most about composing for film/TV - I'll be asked to do something I haven't done before, and wouldn't necessarily try in my solo career. And then maybe it rubs off into my solo material anyway. Who do you see as your main competitor? I'm not competing against anyone. I don't view the arts that way, though many will call the music business competitive.  I just do what I do and don't worry about anyone else.  If you want competition try sports or corporate America. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? In college, I studied Psychology as a back up career.  But it was never my main passion so that wasn't meant to be in that way.  However, the instinct to help others does play out in writing music, as it is an outlet for expression and healing for everyone.  Now that I'm releasing music in 432hz, a known healing frequency, this really all comes together.  I'm trying to lead the charge on other artists switching back to this frequency of 432hz for mainstream music, as this will raise the planetary vibe immensely. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? I will answer this from a career perspective, in terms of achieving success.  The business is generally cut out for the artist to fail at - so this obstacle is experienced by everyone.  Major label deals have never been fair for the artist.  Royalty rates have historically been low.  We hear a lot about this now with streaming services, but it's existed way before they did.  The royalty rates for film/TV usage of music have always been poor.  I've even had publishers that have requested to take a portion of the WRITER'S share of royalties - incredibly unethical. The entire system, like so many systems, just needs revamping. And it will happen. https://open.spotify.com/artist/4037d7AXgtfNQ1bOMnE5NZ?si=6yrjC5BxSJa34j3nn_AEvA Why did you choose this as the title of this project? I liked the alliteration of Miss Mace Mixes. What are your plans for the coming months?
More new songs, live performances, and epic new projects that I can't say more about now! Do you have any artistic collaboration plans I plan on working with the best the industry has to offer. Why aim lower? What message would you like to give to your fans? I'm grateful for those who are discovering and enjoying my music. I hope it raises their vibes and keeps them excited for more. I also hope it inspires them to follow their passions and be perserverant.  As my biggest successes have come in this later chapter, it's proof positive of not giving up, staying authentic and having faith.
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fabioperes · 1 year
R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly (963Hz) R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly (963Hz)· R · 1998 · Provided to YouTube by JREAM · ℗ 2020 JreamStarwalker FEV... Only taking song requests on my Discord Server (with no exceptions) with thousands of requests I receive in the YT Comments on a daily basis. ​#RKelly #IBelieveICanFly #JREAM #R #432Hz ​​#TikTok​​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➥ Channel Donations https://ift.tt/8KXqwDe ➥ 432Hz/528Hz Tutorial https://youtu.be/vwsGZQLRX3w ➥ JREAMSPACE Discord https://ift.tt/H0Q8Yo9 ➥ Connect With JREAM https://ift.tt/5xTY1jP https://www.twitter.com/JreamStarwalker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair Use: https://ift.tt/h4ESk9Q *Copyright Disclaimer: This is not a pirated video or somewhere along those lines, and the video is actually copyrighted. This means video cannot be monetized, ads are put automatically by YouTube, and ad revenue is paid to copyright owner (to the artist). So, it's not something different than streaming the album on Spotify. As the producer of this video, I do not claim any credit for the audio playing in this video; and I DO NOT own any rights to the music playing in this video. If any artist, producer or label wants this video to get taken down, please contact us on our email "[email protected]" and we will delete it immediately. Thank you. When Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432Hz, he said, it was like he’d heard God speak. For him, it is not just pleasant to the ear, but very helpful in unlocking mysteries on the level of consciousness itself. He wanted 432Hz to be spread around the world. If you can realize that you are listening to a lot of intervals, you can still hear the music in the silence, the beauty in the silence. The power of the interval can reprogram the subconscious mind in a positive way. This is extremely effective because no matter what the message an artist is trying to send both negative or positive, your subconscious mind can only understand, innerstand, and overstand 3, 6, & 9 aka frequency, energy, & vibration. Whether what you're manifesting through this music is negative or positive, words without action and thought have no meaning, no purpose which is why that can't manifest. When the words, thoughts, & actions are in the trinity, that reality is set to come in fruition. You get these full benefits in the mainstream music that's mostly negative only if your mouth doesn't talk 100x as much as your ears listen. Saying the words that come out of your mouth that are negative as you put, thought, feeling/emotion to it can convert into energy which your subconscious can pick up negatively. Listening to the majority of the mainstream 432Hz music can unlock the right brain hemisphere when you have everything that was said above in check. You can now unlock the creative part of your brain which is what you need to become limitless no matter what message it sends. Once you realize it's true power, it would influence you more & more to listen to more positive music which in any frequency outside of 440Hz is better than 432Hz negative music since not only are you getting the benefits from the sound vibrations, but you're combining your though, feeling/emotion into it full of positive radiant energy. Pure Love & Elevation to You & Your Soul Tribe. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-9KCDxBpT4
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432 hz music famous songs on youtube list of the 10 432 hz music songs most viewed
432 hz music famous songs on youtube list of the 10 432 hz music songs most viewed
The 432 hz Music famous songs on youtube list Introduction to the 432 Music Phenomenon The 432 hz Music famous songs. 432hz is a music phenomenon that has been around for centuries. It is said to be the most natural and pure sound frequency. It was first discovered in 1859 when physicist, Ernst Chladni, noticed that the sound of a violin string at 432hz had more overtones than those at 440hz.…
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riseball33 · 3 years
This is tuned to 432hz which I personally find more harmonic and pleasing to listen to.
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truesathru-music · 2 years
Discover your higher self - Raise your frequency We invite you to discover your higher self and raise your frequency through a ''Magical'' journey, stepp by stepp on each Chakra. This meditative guitar Frequency based composition is a well designed Therapy, that focuses on 3 minutes of healing on every chakra, the main guitar theme, and an additional 3 minutes for recharging that same chakra with an explosion of Cosmic sound frequencies on the second theme. The themes repeat 7 times once for every chakra healing and recharging.This music - video is created with the intent of opening the listeners perception to the familiar sounds, of Pythagoras first studied instrument- a corde -  (The strings).   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtR-5jgNELs&ab_channel=TruesathruMusic 
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meditateyt-blog · 7 years
Listen to more: https://www.youtube.com/meditate 
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waydetheblade · 2 years
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w3ibrahims · 5 years
Padma Aon Prakasha
<a herf="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnkIJdBeXy1R1Ygk7j8Kgdg?view_as=subscriber">Padma Aon Prakasha</a> is a wisdom author, vibrational media creator, visionary pioneer and public speaker bringing together ancient wisdom and modern science. Padma’s books, music and multimedia are drawn from the traditions he has been initiated into.
They include: The Power of Shakti, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions), The Christ Blueprint, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt (NAB/Random House), Dimensions of Love (O Books). Since 1997 he has presented, lectured and taught in 20 countries worldwide.
Padma Aon Prakasha is a wisdom author, vibrational media creator, visionary pioneer and public speaker bringing together ancient wisdom and modern science. Padma’s books, music and multimedia are drawn from the traditions he has been initiated into.
They include: The Power of Shakti, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions), The Christ Blueprint, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt (NAB/Random House), Dimensions of Love (O Books). Since 1997 he has presented, lectured and taught in 20 countries worldwide.
Padma is a master of vibrational medicine through sound, translating the art and science of vibration to create moving and alchemical immersions. A globally distributed music producer, Padma performs worldwide.
Please Subscribe to enjoy his content for free on YouTube, and enjoy diving deep with Padma.
<a herf="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOQvj7_y_S8">Science of Sound 1: The Next Level</a>
'Womb Consciousness' plays the actual vibrational frequencies of hydrogen and oxygen, the water molecule of life, with the vibrational frequencies of deep violet, light violet and the Sun with 432Hz, the natural tone of geometric harmony and organic wellbeing. 40 different tones are spherically mixed on this Song to provide a vibrational frequency healing.
This song invites you to drop into your centre of gravity in the womb/hara, the primordial source presence within your body. If you relax and breathe here, you will feel layers softening and opening, revealing more of this depth presence within you through this  healing meditation   [music and healing] frequencies.
https://www.forbes.com/#1275bf4f2254 This song touches the deep subconscious awareness of the water element. It can stir dormant memories held in the womb space, stirring them to be felt and released, allowing more openness and fluidity within you.
This Song is from The Souls Birth Album ( see other video) and is available on www.padmaaon.com. This DNA video is made with Lynn Claire Dennis of www.mereon.org, with her 'Universal Sound Frequency'' embedded within it.
<a herf="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc_hZgJpPFM">Science of Sound 2: The Ultimate Guide to Sound Healing, Vibrational Frequency, Energy Medicine </a>
Everything is vibration. The world is sound. You are made of sounds in a vibrational universe. What are these sounds? How can we tap into them? Why is this not known? Is there a system behind vibrational frequency, vibrational sound therapy, sound healing vibrational healing and [Energy Medicine? YES!
In this Sound Healing Documentary series based on the awakened wisdom of the Indian Masters and the Kabbalah, we discover the Second Mode of Sound. This works through sound healing vibrational healing, healing music, healing meditations, healing frequencies, energy medicine, sacred geometry, the water in our bodies, energy meditation such as Reiki, advanced listening techniques, mantra, kirtan, symbols and shapes. All of these are sound vibrations, just in a different form to what we are used to, yet known to our ancestors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_therapy
This mode of sound is the bridge from the 3D to the higher dimensions, and a key to our multidimensional self. Virtual Reality, VR, vibratory art, holographic technologies and new forms of conscious entertainment all work with this form of sound vibration, which empowers us to become our fully creative self! Sound is creation, and the world is sound. Included are secret tips to working with sound, and a list of top sound healing techniques! https://www.netflix.com/bd/title/80220013
<a herf="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOQvj7_y_S8">Science of Sound 3: The Ultimate Guide to vibration sound, vibrational frequency, sound healing</a>
Everything is sound vibration. The world is sound. You are made of sounds in a vibrational universe. How can we tap into them? Why is this not known? Is there a system behind vibration sound, vibrational frequency, sound healing vibrational healing, vibrational sound therapy, and Energy Medicine? YES!
In this Sound Healing Documentary series based on the awakened wisdom of the Indian Masters and the Kabbalah, we discover the Third Mode of Sound: The Power of Now, total Presence, and the frequency direct gnosis, the universal 'download' of wisdom from Source. In this mode of sound vibration, sound becomes light within us, transforming and opening us through this very high frequency of unity consciousness. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-science-of-sound-called
Known as 'pasyanti' in Sanskrit, this mode of sound is a laser beam of focused consciousness that sees all and knows all. This is the gateway to our multidimensional self and our multi dimensional abilities such as telepathy, instant Knowing, clairaudience, clairvoyance and many other gifts that lie within us. The Third mode of sound vibration also holds the gifts of time navigation and true holographic communication. https://medium.com/@padmaaonprakasha
In the Third mode of sound, we enter bliss, rapture and ecstasy. We are transported from this world into Reality, into Living light, an infinitely intelligent light, the organising Presence behind the structures and sentience of the universe that interconnects us all. This is quantum resonance, the same resonance found in each of us, the true Namaste. https://twitter.com/padmaaon
We can access the third mode of sound vibration through the group mind consciousness, a group of people coming together at sacred sites to commune as a unified consciousness with Gaia. We can also access it through deep stillness, mantra and meditation.
Sound is creation, and the world is sound. Included are secret tips to working with sound, and a list of top sound healing techniques!
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w3chumki-blog · 5 years
Padma Aon Prakasha
Padma Aon Prakasha is a wisdom author, vibrational media creator, visionary pioneer and public speaker bringing together ancient wisdom and modern science. Padma’s books, music and multimedia are drawn from the traditions he has been initiated into.
They include: The Power of Shakti, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions), The Christ Blueprint, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt (NAB/Random House), Dimensions of Love (O Books). Since 1997 he has presented, lectured and taught in 20 countries worldwide.
Padma is a master of vibrational medicine through sound, translating the art and science of vibration to create moving and alchemical immersions. A globally distributed music producer, Padma performs worldwide.
Please Subscribe to enjoy his content for free on YouTube, and enjoy diving deep with Padma.
Womb Consciousness' plays the actual sound frequencies of hydrogen and oxygen, the water molecule medium of life, with the frequencies of deep violet, light violet and the Sun with 432Hz, the natural tone of geometric harmony and organic wellbeing. 40 different tones are spherically mixed on this Song to provide a vibrationally rich, immersive sound-bath healing.
This song invites you to drop into your centre of gravity in the womb/hara, the primordial source presence within your body. If you relax and breathe here, you will feel layers softening and opening, revealing more of this depth presence within you.
This song touches the deep subconscious awareness of the water element. It can stir dormant memories held in the womb space, stirring them to be felt and released, allowing more openness and fluidity within you.
This Song is from The Souls Birth Album ( see other video) and is available on This DNA video is made with Lynn Claire Dennis owith her 'Universal Sound Frequency'' embedded within it.
Everything is vibration. The world is sound. You are made of sounds. What are these sounds? How can we tap into them? Why is this not known? Is there a system to Sound Healing, Sound Therapy, Vibrational Medicine, Energy Medicine, Mantra and Kirtan? YES!
All music, your voice, and every kind of sound vibration in existence has 4 different modes of expression. Based on the eternal wisdom of the Indian Masters and the Kabbalah, in the First Mode of Sound we use writing, our 5 senses and speech to communicate; this also includes mental chatter or the monkey mind — the background list of thoughts and things to do in our minds. This can become the foundation of The Matrix, a prison of thought, code and words locked into the third dimension.
The Internet, 5G, and the computer code of 0 and 1, the basis of all digital technology, all operate on the first mode of vibration. The matrix of time and space is constructed of sounds. Our words create our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality. This is all part of the first mode of sound vibration!
Yet this is only the first and lowest mode of sound vibration: the mode of polarity and duality. When this mode is connected to the higher modes of Sound Vibration, you can come to a place of total freedom and expression of your multi-dimensional Self, as covered in the rest of this Series on The Science of Sound and The Four Modes of Vibration.
Knowing how sound and vibration works aligns us to the essence of the universe. This wisdom has been hidden until now, when we need it most. To become a conscious multidimensional being, using and understanding sound vibration is Key. This is how many Masters have done it throughout history, in India, Egypt, Mexico and many more countries: and it works.
The Souls Birth Album is the next level of sound healing, sound therapy, vibrational medicine and energy medicine. It merges the science of psycho-acoustic frequencies with Indian Nada Yoga and Aramaic sacred sound. It is where science and the soul, emotion and technology, come together to expand consciousness.
With vocals by renowned songstress Kristin Hoffmann and co produced by Dr Alex Theory, The Soul's Birth creates vibrational handrails or reference points in the body, emotions and nervous system to guide the different stages of a heart-centred conscious pregnancy and birth. This can be the birthing of a child, creating a new project, to inspire new ideas, for shamanic journeying and meditation: whatever you need to gestate, create and birth, The Souls Birth will deepen the process.
Psycho acoustic science measures the frequencies at which objects vibrate. Water molecules have a certain frequency, as does the earth, the stars and the organs in our body. The different movements of birth, pregnancy and their resonant frequencies are woven throughout each soundscape.
Together, science and spirit provide subliminal vibrational guidance into accessing our higher potentials and new possibilities.
Listen to The Souls Birth whilst creating art, in pregnancy and labour, in bodywork, healing, Shakti work and womb-hara opening. The frequencies, sounds, prayers and mantras on The Soul's Birth help your consciousness and nervous system wed with the body: to Embody your Self.
Holographic Communication and Sound Vibration share the four different modes of sound vibration that the Indian Masters and the Kaballistic Masters used to align to the universe. Everything is sound vibration, and our ancestors knew this in detail. This wisdom is now resurfacing again for us to align to the universal field and the waves of sound vibration that create our reality.
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sonolumin · 6 years
Another one in my series of #healing songs. This one is called "Allvissmál" All Wise Speech. But don't worry about the words. Or the voice. Or the melody. Or anything. Don't even #listen to it. Just #relax and let it happen to you😉🙏 It is available for download on #bandcamp and #itunes #free listening on #soundcloud #youtube and #igtv It will be on #spotify soon . . . #432hz #soundhealing #edda #norse #allvíssmál #shamanism #meditation #yoga #deeprelaxation #raiseyourvibration #knowyourself #goodvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXx02snbVU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t6sj1uhf1ozy
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musicarenagh · 1 year
Serenity Within Chaos: Lila Zing's Euphoric Single "Silence + Space" Wales-based singer, songwriter, and producer Lila Zing invites us on a tranquil journey with her latest single, “Silence + Space.” Effortlessly fusing chillwave with ambient soundscapes, Zing's work leaves listeners feeling euphoric and relaxed. Her evocative female vocals, combined with her holistic approach to music production, render the track a truly memorable experience. https://open.spotify.com/track/2mC1TtXgy3bbyMxc7XHsMR?si=fec6e889017a41fe “Silence + Space” is a testament to Lila Zing's extraordinary talent. She creates all aspect of her music, including mixing and mastering, from start to finish. A standout feature of her work is the tuning frequency of 432Hz for all of her songs, which is believed to resonate with the natural frequency of the universe, making it an even more soothing experience for the listener. The single sets the tone with its ethereal blend of synths and shimmering melodies. Lila's velvety vocals gracefully glide atop the waves of sound, transporting the listener to a celestial plane of peace and tranquility. Fans of ambient artists like Tycho and Boards of Canada will undoubtedly appreciate the lush textures and intricate soundscapes present in this track. “Silence + Space” is a beautifully crafted ode to serenity. This song conveys a strong message on the need of finding serenity and clarity in the face of the world's turbulence. Lila's lyrics feel like a personal diary entry, encouraging listeners to seek solace in the silence and vastness of space around them. The gentle instrumentation and hypnotic vocals make this track a perfect companion for quiet moments of reflection. "Silence + Space" provides a perfect soundtrack for unwinding after a long day or engaging in meditation practices. Lila Zing's captivating voice serves as the guiding force through the ambient haze, and her use of reverb and delay in her vocals adds a mesmerizing effect to the song. In a world dominated by fast-paced beats and hard-hitting lyrics, Lila Zing's “Silence + Space” offers a much-needed refuge for the weary soul. Her distinctive blend of chillwave and ambient music, coupled with her ethereal vocals, has resulted in an enchanting single that feels like a balm for the spirit. Don't miss the opportunity to dive into the celestial world of “Silence + Space,” where Lila Zing seamlessly transports us to a universe of serenity and inner peace. Follow Lila Zing on Website, Twitter and YouTube.
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veronika-gold · 3 years
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7 day challenge Task for Tuesday 2/7 - listening (put as background your favourite music/song/artist. You can add dancing or yoga/poses if that's in your mood.) I am gonna listen - on YouTube 432Hz or 528Hz long hours music to stimulate my brain while I "work" . Or artist Snatam Kaur (@snatamkaurkhalsa) And I add Energy codes (@drsuemorter) for my breath and poses, while I listen music as well. Body movement is essential. ... For Wednesday 3/7 lets do something yummy 😋 in the kitchen. I consider Pop-sickles from apple juice, juice from Omega juicer, and drinking my favourite tea. What will be your choice for Tuesday and Wednesday? Stay tune for another day task 🌈 EN-JOY YOUR-self-Evolution 🌞 #energycodes #listeningmusic #frequencytherapy #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #workingplace #workingtable #aromatherapy #essentialoils #breathwork (at Kitchener, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHKZb3LfD1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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How to make 432 Hz music for free plus video tutorial
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How to make 432 Hz music for free: Defining 432 Hz
How to make 432 Hz music for free. 432 Hz is the most common tuning in the Western world. It is a pure tone that is considered to be in-tune with the universe. There are many uses of 432 Hz, some of which are listed below: 1) 432 Hz is used in meditation and yoga because it helps to create a sense of balance and peace. 2) 432 Hz can help to reduce stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels. 3) 432 Hz can help promote better sleep patterns because it has a slower rate than other frequencies. 4) 432 Hz can be used as an alternative to white noise machines for people who suffer from tinnitus or hearing loss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzH0hWrAbhg Video tutorial How to make 432 Hz music
Why Does Music Need a Standard Frequency?
The standard frequency for tuning all musical instruments is 440hz. The reason why musicians tune their instruments to this frequency is because it is the most stable, consistent, and balanced frequency in relation to all other natural frequencies. The reason why musicians tune their instruments to 440hz is because it is the most stable, consistent, and balanced frequency in relation to all other natural frequencies. This way, they can produce sound that sounds beautiful and harmonious. 432 hz music artists free videos and how to convert 432 music
How to Make 432 Hz Music for Free? 4 Steps to Make Your Own Music
Step 1 - Find a Musical Instrument or Song that Encompasses the Tuning of 432 Hz 432 Hz is a tuning that is used by many musicians and has been used in many songs. It was originally the frequency of a bell. The first step to find music in 432 hz is to find a song that is played in 432 hz. The easiest way to do this is to search for "432 hz" on YouTube and you will be able to find many songs that are played in 432 hz. Step 2 - Import the File into a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and Edit it to Fit with the Scale of 440 Hz The first step to editing your audio is importing the file into a DAW. This is where you can make changes to the file in order to fit with the scale of 440 Hz. The first step to editing your audio is importing the file into a DAW. This is where you can make changes to the file in order to fit with the scale of 440 Hz. How to get Free Indian meditation music download mp3 -video- Step 3 - Export the File to a .WAV Format and Play or Save It A wav format is a digital audio file that can be played on any computer or music device. It is the most common sound file format in use today. There are many online converters that can convert your wav files to different formats like mp3, ogg and more. These online converters are very easy to use and they also have a lot of features that you might find useful like converting multiple files at once, split files into individual tracks and more. The third step in the process is exporting the wav file to a .wav format and then playing it or saving it on your computer or music device. 432Hz converter. Mind relaxation music mp3 free download music videos Step 4 - Upload it Online as a MP3 and Share It Across Social Media Platforms* The fourth step of the process is to upload the music on a website that allows you to share it across social media platforms. You can use SoundCloud or YouTube as a platform to share your music. Make sure to set up your account with these websites and start uploading your tracks. The process of making an mp3 is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. You will need an application that allows you to record sound, such as Audacity or Garageband, and then upload the file on one of the websites mentioned above. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/07/18/sleep-music-delta-waves-mp3-free-download/ How to make 432 Hz music related articles 5 Proven Steps on How to Make 432 HZ Music for Beginners 432 Hz is the frequency of sound in A tuning. It’s a perfect tuning for music and it has been used in all major world religions. How to make 432 hz music. The 5 proven steps on how to make 432 HZ music for beginners are as follows: 1. Start with a basic instrument such as an acoustic guitar or piano 2. Tune the instrument to 432 Hz using a tuner 3. Create your first song by simply playing chords or melody on the keyboard 4. Create your own unique sounds by using effects and filters to alter the sound of your instrument 5. Listen to other people's songs, get inspired, and create more songs! 432 hz tuning app download link and 7 Reasons to why you should Use them Read the full article
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