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i am running out of ideas send me an ask to draw your postal guy ok?
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xaviergalatis · 4 months
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5/15/2024 & 5/16/2024
5/16 went out for ramen with the babes
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swee-tea · 4 months
omg 5/16 my last shift and it has all my fave co workers!
I remember being so nervous to start this job exactly 2 yrs ago and making new friends but ugh ……… now I’m sad and it is very very bittersweet /:
I start my new job in 2 weeks and my anxiety is through the roof tbh but I also think I’m just super excited to start this new chapter in my life :’)
dean just landed last night and he’s going to be driving us + Ichiro down to OC pretty much as soon as I get home from work in the morning
ugh goodbyes are so harddddddddddddd
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aftersector · 4 months
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(swimsuit design by @nyahalloshop !)
have some lesbian mermaid,,,,bingqiu? bingyuan?.....i am not. actually sure what the ship name for “sy in sy’s og (minus being genderbent ig) body” x “ambiguous version of lbh bc modern setting” is but. enjoy either way lol
bonus since i keep seeing redraws of this meme for other fandoms but i only saw the meme AFTER i finished the sketch but my sketch already sorta fit the format:
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breannastewart · 2 months
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BREANNA STEWART - 2024 Olympic Games usa vs australia, august 9th, 2024
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alicewritingstories · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
[Previous] << Chapter 5 >> [Next]
Prompts for this chapter:
5: Wheezing / Light-headed / "I'll count, you just breathe"
9: Coughing up blood
15: Passing out / Exhaustion / "I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you."
16: Half-conscious / Delirious / "You would never say that in your right mind..."
17: Dangerously high fever / "We have to get that number down somehow."
Central characters: Legend and Sky
By the time Legend spotted a promising-looking dark crack in a cliff, the shadows of evening were lengthening and he was supporting most of Sky's weight. The other hero was audibly wheezing for breath, his eyes closed. From time to time a shudder ran through him.
"Hey, Sky, if I go and check if that's a cave, will you be OK on your own?"
Sky nodded, huffing out another difficult, noisy breath. Legend reached up and laid a hand on his forehead.
"Goddesses, Sky, you're burning up." The fever had gotten even worse than before.
Shy shivered again.
"OK, lean on the tree here." Legend helped him the couple of steps over to a nearby tree. "Are you going to be OK?"
Sky nodded, his eyes fluttering open.
"I… 'm OK," he whispered, having to gasp between words.
Legend let out an irritated sigh, but arguing about it was just wasting time and he hurried over to the cliff, balancing urgency with caution; he might not be the first to see that cave and think it was a promising place to shelter.
But this time, for once, they were lucky. Or at least all their bad luck had been used up by the malfunctioning portal and Sky's illness. The cave was empty, went back just far enough to shelter the two of them - a little more snugly than he'd have liked, but he could accept that tradeoff - and it looked safe enough.
From behind him, he heard another coughing fit. When he looked round, he saw that Sky was leaning heavily on the tree, coughing into his hand so hard he looked about to break apart. Even as Legend took a step towards him, Sky's knees buckled and Legend sprinted back to his side to support him.
Sky wheezed in a breath, then forced it out again. He was pale, his eyes distant and unfocussed as he hovered on the edge of fainting, and he was still half-covering his mouth with his hand.
"Sky, don't pass out. Don't you dare." Legend swallowed hard, looking at the cave, suddenly very aware that his friend was taller and heavier than him. He could drag him if he had to. He'd rather not, but he could.
Then Sky finally pulled his hand away from his mouth and Legend's heart skipped a beat as he saw blood splattered on his palm and smeared on his chin and pale lips.
Legend swore. Sky coughed once more and wiped the blood off his face, then scrubbed his hand clean on the tree.
"Well… I found a cave," said Legend, swallowing the anxious lump in his throat. "Not that big, but it's dry."
Sky nodded again, stumbling as he tried to take his own weight again.
"Can you make it?" asked Legend, ducking under his arm.
"Yeah…" panted Sky. "Just… spinning a… bit."
"OK, well, it's not far."
They stumbled over to the cave, Legend taking way too much of Sky's weight. A couple of times Sky coughed quietly, clearing his throat, but as far as Legend could see there was no more blood.
As they crossed the threshold and Sky had to duck slightly, the light-headedness apparently got the best of him and his knees gave way.
"Hey!" cried Legend, his own knees buckling. "Sky!"
Sky moaned. Legend saw his eyes slide open, once again rolling and unfocussed.
"OK, I've got you. Let's sit down; I've got you." He eased them both slowly down, laying Sky on the ground, on his side to ease his breathing. "OK, Sky. Can you hear me?"
"Ledge… Help…" That was all he could manage, his breath coming fast and desperate.
"OK, I'll count, you just breathe." Legend grabbed his hand and held it to his own chest. "With me. In… two… three… out… two… three…" As he counted, he exaggerated the movement of his own breathing and gradually Sky's own breathing calmed, easier now that he was lying down and no longer having to walk. He was still wheezing, but it was at least better.
"OK," said Legend softly. Sky's hand felt clammy in his, but when he laid a hand on his friend's head it was still so hot, his hair damp with sweat.
"It… I'm sorry…"
"Hey, all you need to be sorry for is letting yourself get this bad without saying anything," said Legend. "But we can talk about that later, OK?"
"I'm sorry, I… I tried…" Sky's voice broke on a sob. "I tried…" Then he started coughing again, blood spraying on the ground by his face. Legend watched helplessly, his heart in his throat, until at last the fit was over and Sky went limp, panting, blood still dripping sluggishly from his lips. Legend wiped it away, trying not to let his hand shake.
"OK," he said firmly. "So what we're going to do now is you're going to get into your bedroll and sleep this off like you should have done days ago."
Sky coughed and shivered.
Getting him into the bedroll was difficult, but the really concerning thing was the way he put up no resistance at all to having his sash, boots, and sailcloth taken off. Even when Legend unbuckled the master sword from his back, he could only murmur a protest and flail a hand, his breathing once more turning harsh. Luckily, he quieted again when he found that the sword was laid next to him.
Legend wanted to get rid of the layers of outer tunics and chain mail as well, but with no help from Sky that wasn't going to be feasible. And he was going to get no help from Sky; the older hero's eyes barely fluttered open when Legend called his name and there was no light of awareness in them.
Legend gritted his teeth and pulled Sky's blanket aside, folding it next to his bag. He was already too hot. It was best to leave that for now.
"Sky?" He hesitated for a moment, then combed his fingers through Sky's hair, pushing his bangs back from his sweat-beaded brow.
Sky thrashed his head from one side to the other and coughed up more blood. Legend gritted his teeth. It was going to be a long night.
Slowly, the light faded outside their cave and Sky's fever burned hotter and hotter while his breathing just got noisier and more labored.
Legend hissed through his teeth, cramming fear down under frustration as he tipped a little more water onto a rag laid on Sky's forehead. They were starting to run short and he didn't want to risk leaving Sky alone to search for more, but if he didn't think of something he was going to have to.
Sky whimpered, his eyes flickering open, but when Legend called his name he didn't react, his gaze hazy and unfocussed.
"Zel…" he murmured.
"Zelda's not here, Sky," said Legend.
"I… I tried… I…" Tears spilled from Sky's eyes as he flailed a hand vaguely. "I… no… Zelda, no…"
"We have got to get your temperature down somehow," muttered Legend. He hadn't wanted to do this - it seemed like it might be too much - but he grabbed his ice rod and touched it to the wet rag on Sky's forehead, activating it at the lowest power he could manage. Where the rod was touching the rag it froze solid and he snatched it away, but not before Sky let out a wail that broke down into coughing that didn't stop and left yet more blood starring on his lips.
With a curse, Legend grabbed his shoulder to pull him onto his side, but Sky squirmed free, lashing out at nothing with an elbow and grabbing for a sword over his shoulder that wasn't there.
"Sky! It's OK, it's me! It's Legend!"
Sky kept coughing even as he started struggling to get up.
"Oh, no you don't." Legend grabbed Sky's shoulders to try to make him lie down, but Sky snarled and headbutted him in the forehead so hard he saw stars.
"Get… away from me," he rasped, groping for the sword again, but then the arm he was using to prop himself up gave way and Legend just managed to throw an arm under his head before it hit the ground. Sky flailed helplessly for a moment longer, but then went limp, his breath quick with a faint gurgle in his throat. Legend thought he was unconscious and started to settle him on his side, but then he whispered, "You're a monster."
Legend startled.
"Zelda… you… she… let her go…"
He kidnapped the princess!
Legend flinched as the remembered words rang in his ears, as clear as life.
"You're… a monster…" whispered the knight in his arms.
Legend shook his head hard to push the memory away and gripped Sky's shoulder. "You would never say that in your right mind," he said, more to himself than Sky. "You don't mean it. It's fine. Zelda's fine. Just… Just get some sleep and let me take care of you."
One more time, Sky's hand twitched back up towards where his sword hilt would normally be, but he didn't fight when Legend guided it under his blood-smeared cheek to support his head. His breathing was still too fast and harsh and Legend didn't even need to touch him to feel the heat radiating off him.
Legend let out a huff of breath, then he draped the wet - now melting - cloth back on Sky's brow and froze it again. Finally, he blew out his lantern to save the oil and hugged his knees to his chest, leaning on the wall of the cave and listening to the labored sound of Sky's breath.
Once again, he shoved away the fear as best he could. There were more useful things to think about.
They were going to need more water. He had a few drops left in his bottle and whatever was in Sky's and Sky needed to drink way more than Legend had managed to get into him so far.
As if to emphasize the problem, Sky stirred and let out a soft whine as if in pain.
"Sky?" Legend pulled himself away from the wall again, his heart sinking.
"Zelda…" rasped Sky. "Rescue Zelda… she's…"
A shudder went down Legend's spine as his uncle's last words echoed in the dark.
"It's fine," he said again quickly. "You're fine. You're going to be fine." He wasn't going to have someone else die in front of him. Not again. He couldn't face this again.
Legend let out a quick, relieved huff of breath. If Sky recognised him, that could only be a good sign. "Yeah, it's me. Here, have a drink." He fumbled an arm under Sky's shoulder and tried to put the water bottle to his lips.
Sky yelped and jerked away, more shivers running through him.
"Legend… 'm so cold… Why… how'd you…" He broke down coughing and Legend kept supporting him, patting him helplessly on the back as he continued to try to speak around the coughs and spat out more phlegm.
"You just rest," said Legend helplessly. "Just rest. It's OK."
"But… no… too late…" More coughing. "Zelda… too late.."
"Zelda's fine, don't worry."
"Too slow… I have to…" Sky struggled feebly, yet again trying to get up.
"No, you need to rest. You'll be quicker if you rest, we talked about this."
"But…" Sky's voice broke in a sob.
"Tell you what," said Legend desperately. "You rest, I'll go, uh… I'll go sort out Zelda. I'll make sure she's OK."
Again, he could almost hear his uncle's dying breaths. He shuddered, dragging himself back to the present. Sky would be fine. Sky wasn't going to die.
"Yeah, it's fine. I'll take care of her."
Sky went boneless, sobbing and coughing into Legend's chest, his fever burning through the layers of sweat-soaked tunics. Legend held him, gnawing his lip helplessly, until at last he seemed to have cried himself to sleep.
Legend laid him down, froze the cloth on his brow one more time, and settled down again to try to make a plan.
They needed more water.
He couldn't leave Sky alone.
Judging by the damp chill in the air, dawn wasn't far off. He found himself glancing over and over again towards the mouth of the cave, filled with the strange foreboding that at dawn something would change for better or worse.
Beside him, Sky's breathing was harsh and shallow. From time to time, as the sluggish minutes ticked by he mumbled nonsense or suddenly moved, trying to escape some invisible attacker, but he was weak and exhausted and it didn't take much effort for Legend to restrain him until he dropped back into his delirious almost-sleep. A few times he did manage to swallow a little water and soon Legend's bottle was empty. He rummaged through Sky's bag until he found his water bottle - half-empty, to his disgust - and went back to trying to bring Sky's fever down.
As Sky once again tried to get up, hands flailing at something only he could see, Legend couldn't help thinking that letting him hold his beloved sword might help, but even though the skyloftian wouldn't be able to use the master sword on him he still wasn't willing to give a weapon to someone who had no idea where he was or what was happening.
In any case, before long Sky had collapsed again, muscles twitching, tears mingled with the sweat on his cheeks.
The sky outside was turning gray. Sky was ominously still. Legend rested a hand on his chest, his teeth gritted. At dawn, something would change.
He'd once heard that dying men would often breathe their last at the turn of the tide or the breaking of dawn.
Then Sky coughed, jerking weakly. Legend jolted back with shock, but then dived forward to roll him onto his side. This time he didn't struggle, just coughed and spat and finally mumbled, "Where…?"
"Legend? Where… What happened? 'M so… cold…"
Legend laid a hand on Sky's brow. It was still slick with sweat, his hair soaked and clinging to his scalp, but the drop in temperature was noticeable. Legend felt like the ground had just dropped out under him.
"Sky, you… your fever's broken!" he exclaimed, barely even caring as his voice cracked.
Sky shivered.
"Here…" There was a little water left in Sky's bottle and Legend helped him to drink it all. "Then let's… Let's see if we can get your clothes off. You're soaked."
Sky mumbled, but his head drooped against Legend's shoulder. He was already asleep.
Legend sighed, but laid Sky down, draped the blankets from both their bedrolls over him, and leaned against the wall again, shooting one last look at the dawn.
It's OK.
He's going to be OK.
He shuddered and couldn't help a few silent, exhausted tears.
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remembertheplunge · 4 months
Hand to Hand Training session entry continues
Hand to Hand Aids Training Session. 11/16/1986 Sacramento, California
11/16/1986. 7:34am Sunday.
A rocky sleep. many awakenings. This Aids helper experience (Hand to Hand) is very disturbing and very rewarding. I will push on. As Dr. Sandy said “Don’t run away “— -oh…but a part of me wants to….another much broader deeper part says — no — -this is a path with heart. I love being there for others in a bad spot, for these who need to talk, but — -I gotta learn, as do some of the other volunteers — you need not give advice. Verbal band aids equal denial of feelings. What you can be is a stage or an arena for another’s feelings to have full use of — -a warm, safe place to be — play with the other — -don’t force. Touch when necessary or appropriate. Don’t ask why. Don’t ask yes or no questions.. Ask “How does that make you feel? What options do you see that you have? Help them to work their feelings out. Many times there is nothing you can say. Just be there for the person. Put yourself in their place. Sit like they sit. They are usually very vulnerable and afraid of rejection. (how to talk and be with a person who tested poitive for the Aids antibody)
There’s the nicest guy there (at the Hand to Hand training session) from Chico named David. He is an East coast Ivy Leauge looking self proclaimed aging hippy who wears a very tiny gold ear ring in his ear. He told me about Chico’s first gay bar on Cherry Street. He said that Chico’s gay men are not organized, but that the gay women are. He lived in Paris in the 1970’s. He lived in Chico in the late 1960s. He said “You don’t know what a dear gift fluent and fluid and rolling speech is.” He may be losing it due to Aids related Arc. He is scared. This weekend is the first in which he has been able to be open to strangers about his illness. He felt liberated.
I’m a bit amazed that out of 18 volunteers (Hand to Hand) 9 are women. Where is the gay male community? I would think that the place (Hand to Hand training session) would be inundated with them.
End of this part of the entry
Note: 5/17/2024. The above is taken from my 11/16/1986 journal entry. I had attended a training session for Hand toi Hand along with 17 other volunteers. We were being trained to be matched with people with Aids top help them through their illness and death. See my 5/16/2024 entry for more about the Han d to Hand experience.
I googled Aids relate Arc. In 1986, from what I recall, a positive Aids antibody diagnosis was called ARC (Aids related coomplex). This term later was replaced by acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
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adiluv-moved · 11 months
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⸝⸝ ꒰ 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ₊⊹ㆍ8teen, they/them, queer, infp + 🇮🇳🇩🇿
multifandom writer + accepting requests for: genshin impact, honkai: star rail, identity v, and john doe +.
affiliated with @astronetwrk, @nereidsrealm, & @philomena-propellente.
navigation ⌕ comms info, masterlist, moots + anons, rules, taglist, tags. status ⌕ requests are closed. inbox: 16/20. latest post ⌕ ikanaide ft scaramouche.
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before you follow... although i'm pretty shy, i promise that i don't bite! please feel free to send in asks, leave comments, literally whatever! i love getting to interact with y'all! however, please keep in mind that i might have periods of inactivity due to uni.
do not interact... basic dni criteria, ai artists, pro-life, proship, radfem, zionists/israel supporters. you will be blocked, no exceptions.
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꒰ao3꒱ / ꒰carrd꒱ / ꒰palestine masterlist꒱
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I must say, it's pretty poetic that I've gotten to season 6 of Vampire Diaries right before another solar eclipse happens in America. I certainly didn't plan it, but it does feel like my timing is very appropriate with this one. I do have questions about the accuracy of the eclipse portrayal in the show, though. I mean, a solar eclipse did in fact happen on May 10, 1994, and it was visible across much of the country, so that much is accurate. But I don't think Mystic Falls would've had quite as good of a view as they show it having. For reference, here's a map of the May 1994 eclipse path (credit: timeanddate.com):
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And, if you'll remember, Mystic Falls is like two hours from my old hometown just a stone's throw north of Lynchburg, Virginia, as seen on the locator spell map (this one's all over tumblr, forgive me for not remembering what blog I grabbed it from):
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So if you zoom in on the timeanddate map and pick somewhere closeish to there:
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It looks like Mystic Falls would be getting a little over 77% coverage or so. It's also worth noting that the '94 eclipse was an annular eclipse, not a total eclipse like tomorrow's eclipse. That still means that the moon went directly in front of the sun, but it does mean that it was small enough/far enough from earth that you didn't quite get full coverage of the sun (thanks to weather.gov for the nifty graphic):
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So, I'm not positive whether it would've looked quite as dark as was shown in the show:
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Although, I must admit, in this video I found on youtube of the '94 eclipse, (part of me is shocked to find footage from then but I know I shouldn't be like yes they had cameras in the 90s) it actually looks more similar than I expected it to look, but I imagine it was most likely filmed within the path of totality:
But also, when Kai takes Bonnie to Portland, don't they see the eclipse again there? I couldn't find that clip on youtube just now, but Portland barely had any eclipse--only 42-43% coverage, so it would've been way milder of a visual effect, barely any dimming in the sky noticeable without eclipse glasses.
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The funny thing is, the area where I live is going to be sitting right around 80% coverage tomorrow. I was lucky enough to get to travel to Missouri for the 2017 eclipse to get into the path of totality, but I'm afraid that it hasn't worked out for me to do so this year, which is immensely disappointing to me as an astronomy enjoyer, but I do still plan to go to an eclipse party and I'm going to start saving to try and get to Spain for the next total eclipse in 2026, which is going to be right around my 30th birthday (screaming). Anyways, it isn't great, but here's my best picture from the '17 eclipse:
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I didn't even have a smartphone yet then, because despite it being 2017, I was somewhat of a luddite, so I had the purple flip phone I so stubbornly clung to and a point-and-click Nikon, but I still think this picture is pretty cool for what it is. Here's the zoom in so you can really see that ring of fire (and my shaking hands doubling the image):
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Obviously you can find thousands of better eclipse pictures online, but that one's still special to me because it's mine. Anyways, I'll report back with smart phone pictures from whatever I see of the 80% total eclipse tomorrow to compare and contrast with Mystic Falls's 70% annular eclipse of the 90s, because from what I've heard it's going to be much less impressive than full totality was, but I've yet to watch a partial solar eclipse, so I'll just have to find out. Also, if you happen to have any vampiric loved ones trapped in a magical prison dimension who you need help freeing during the eclipse tomorrow, let me know and I'll see what I can do! ;) Hahaha. Anyways, happy eclipse everyone, and may we all possess sufficient self restraint to avoid eye damage (says the woman who has looked at the sun unprotected so many times and is probably going to go blind because of it some day. I know what I've done lol. Don't be me.)
#posts where I actually feel like I'm using my blog as a blog#Solar Eclipse#Solar Eclipse 2024#Solar Eclipse 1994#The Vampire Diaries#TVD 6x02#is where the screenshot's from specifically#Damon Salvatore#Bonnie Bennett#Eclipse History#nerding out over the eclipse in the vampire show#it's also funny to me how two eclipses in my lifetime are so close to my birthday. I think it probably means I have magical powers ;)#May 10 1994#that's two years and change before I was born#April 8 2024#I'm so tempted to ditch all my responsibilities and drive south to totality but it's an 8 hour drive and I'd have to leave at like 4am#if it was a 4-5 hour drive to totality I'd do it. but I think a 16 hour round trip would kill me and I didn't have the good sense to plan#or book a hotel in advance or anything and everything in totality will be booked up for sure. and tonight is the night I would need to be#in a hotel anyways so. missed that boat. I mean I could go now and just drive through the night. but ugh. I just. ugh. I can but I can't yk#anyways everybody says that the Vampire Diaries writing quality drops off around here but I'm still loving it so far#it's incredibly frustrating sometimes but like. it knows how to give me The Feels(tm) and so I'll let it jerk me around all it wants#I would personally prolly want to stay in the prison world for at least a little bit to get to enjoy that eclipse from a bunch of angles th#like that's a rad as heck day to get trapped on imho. Love me a good eclipse#i ramble#even in the tags I ramble#Youtube
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vanillefraisecaek · 2 years
Ragnarok Online Server: iRO
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tv-moments · 6 months
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Season 5, “Bisquik”
Director: Thomas Bezucha
DoP: Daryl Hartwell
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vacantgodling · 8 months
the funniest thing about these polls so far tho is i (the author) knowing these characters am also biased or have ones that i think will win but yall are SURPRISING ME
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apothepoet · 4 months
Je t'ai donné un coquillage pour ta fête. Tu l'as aimé, l'as mis dans ta poche, et l'as oublié. Je le retrouve encore pendant que je nettoie nos vêtements. Je le reconnais.
Le lendemain, je te le redonne, ne disant pas que c'est déjà le tien. Tu souris, me remercie. Tu ne le reconnais pas.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
oh man.. slept for like 13 hours today. welcome 2024 ig
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Running away student by themselves is not safe.
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cwsportsone-blog · 7 days
My 2024 College Football Today's Picks (Week 4)
Well the college football season been underway folks, you want more coverage keep it right here to this great sports blog. Follow it here, on social media, and everywhere @chriswoodsports
Well in the world of college football, its a never ending cycle of which coaches are on the hot seat, literally! There are plenty of candidates like Billy Napier of the Florida Gators that may be the 1st to go. That would be very unfortunate for the Gator Nation and Florida fans alike. His buyout is $26 million if you were wondering, and apparently the boosters in Florida have already raised the…
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