#i have one request left in my drafts! heheh its a cute one
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i am running out of ideas send me an ask to draw your postal guy ok?
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lokissweater · 5 years
Little Darling
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Soldier!Harry Styles x Reader
Summary: Harry falls in love with the pretty nurse that takes care of him during the war.
Warnings: none my bbys :*
Authors Note: oh my god, the response i got from flower boy was insaaane y’all made me cry happy tears for dAYS LMFAO, but honestly thank you so muchhh, and im so sorry i’m been mf gONE i’ve had this and three more drafts in the works and i never got around to finishing them heheh, anyways enjoy!! and if you’ve sent me a request don’t worry i’m also working on that rn and thanks for sending it in! love u! <3
Word Count: 1,998
You had never met anyone like Harry.
“Patient 113! Patient 113!”
Nurses scurried around the small hospital, hundreds of men injured as you hurried your way to the front desk.
“I’ll take him,” You said quickly. “Bring the other ones in.”
You carefully sat him down and wheeled him across the hectic large room and to an open spot.
The side of his face was bloody, and he remained unconscious as doctors lifted his limp body onto the bed. You quickly grabbed gauzes and disinfectants, ridding of the dirt, sweat, and dried up blood off of his face.
“Patients name?” The doctor asked.
You pulled the dog tag from under his uniform and said, “Harry Styles.”
The doctor pressed a stethoscope to his heart and listened, “We have a pulse.”
He then wiped his forehead in exhaustion. “From the looks of it, he took a blow to the head and fell unconscious, but he’ll be fine.” He then hung the tool around his neck. “He’s all yours now y/n, just clean him up and call me when he wakes.”
“Yes sir.”
Then, you hadn’t thought anything of him. Just another patient you anxiously wanted to save because unfortunately the one before, couldn’t be.
But when Harry awoke, his dazed eyes drifted around the room, and once he regained his senses and actually looked at you, he didn’t hesitate to say that you were the most beautiful little thing he had ever seen.
This, of course, made you roll your eyes and blame it on the antibiotics, but he stood by his word and would even go as far as to request for you if a different nurse came to tend to him.
You had grown to love his unruly hair and sense of humor, but most of all, were his eyes. They reminded you of the trees your grandmother used to grow around her small cabin in the middle of no where, and from time to time would pick a sparkling emerald leaf to place gently in your small palm for good luck.
Now every leaf she had ever given you was stowed away in an old jewelry box inside your attic, brittle and brown. But each time you looked into Harry’s eyes, it was as if your childhood never left, as if the leaves never dried out, and as if your grandmother never died.
You spent a great deal of time taking care of him, and as soon as he recovered he took you out on a date by the river; picking small daisies to card gently behind your ear. It was sweet, his cute dimples evident as he smiled at you. The air was fresh and calm, and the sight of Harry on the grass, palms spread behind him with his head tilted back, sun adorning his features, was a sight hard to forget.
He’d always call you his little darling and made sure you were absolutely happy at all times. You were his sunshine, and it wasn’t hard for him to fall in love with you.
All of this was short lived though when you received devastating news. Harry was to be drafted again, and the area was no where near where you were at the moment, meaning if Harry got hurt you wouldn’t be able to treat him.
And if he died, you wouldn’t know until weeks after.
When he told you, you cried your eyes out while he got down on his knees, hands placed firmly on your arms.
“Little darling, hey, don’t you cry,” He wiped the tears off of your puffy cheeks with one hand and sighed. “I’ll come back to you, I promise you baby, don’t you cry.”
“Harry you could die!-”
“I won’t.” He said firmly. “You really think i’d leave you that easily sunshine? You’re gonna have to chase me to the ends of the earth to even give you a minute by yourself.”
That had made you laugh, and he wrapped his arms around you as he stood back up. “I’ll come back. I’ll write to you everyday a-and send you the very first flower I see. I’ll be back before you know it.”
You only nodded into his chest, a soft smile on your face, “I love you.”
Harry tightened his hold around you and rested his chin on top of your head.
“Tell me again,” He whispered. “I want to hear it one more time before I go.”
Harry kept his word and wrote to you as often as he could, but you still spent each and every day worrying for him and his safety. You had taken note of the increasing amount of men that came piling into the small hospital you worked at, and the injuries only seemed to worsen. You’d ask Harry what was going on in your letters, but he’d write back saying that everything was fine, and ultimately change the subject.
“Our men are dying,” One of the nurses had said to you as she patched up an unconscious soldier, “Many won’t come home.”
That made you sick to your stomach, and it didn’t help when after two years since Harry’s departure, his letters abruptly stopped coming soon after. The last one he had sent was dated a month ago, and it read:
Dear y/n,
How are you my little darling? Are you happy and well? I hope you are. I miss your pretty face.
Something tragic happened. My best mate died on field yesterday, and I have never felt such remorse in my entire life. It’s getting harder to stay alive my love, and when I saw his still body in the dirt, all I saw was red.
But I’m still alive. When I woke up this morning I saw a single daisy in the midst of gravel and mud, and it reminded me of you. You’re surrounded by horrible people and an awful environment but you remain brilliant. I’ve never met anyone like you.
If I don’t make it, just know how much I truly, deeply love you, and you’ve made me the happiest man alive. My days with you are memories I’ll never forget.
See you soon baby.
- HS
Below was a small daisy taped carefully onto the bottom of the page, and you cried looking at it once more before folding the letter back up and stuffing it in the pocket of your uniform.
“Any news?” One of the nurses said. Another sighed and shook her head.
“All radios are down. No one knows a thing.”
“Its been almost a full day,” You mumbled. “I think we’ve lost the war.”
A gloom of realization spread across the room, nurses and doctors with a defeated expression. It was silent, and everyone seemed to zone out until one of your close friends sat herself down on a chair next to you.
“Has he written?” She whispered.
“No. I’m starting to think-”
“Don’t say it,” She scooted closer to you. “He’s okay and you know it. You’re his sunshine, remember?”
You smiled sadly, “I do, but he hasn’t written in a month.”
“Maybe he can’t find paper,” She shrugged. “Or a pen.”
“Maybe he’s-”
“We won! We won the war!”
Everyone abruptly stood, chairs screeching against the tile floor. You quickly ran down the hall along with other nurses and into a different room. Others were already hunched over a small table that held a working radio.
“Our men are coming home!”
Cheers and cries filled the air, and you stood frozen as many wrapped their arms around you in joy.
Word was that the veterans were to return in a train arriving in about an hour, and you wasted no time in slipping on your jacket and running with many others to the station. You couldn’t even be bothered to remove your uniform, the love of your life was finally coming home.
Upon arrival, people were buzzing with anticipation and happiness. Personal space didn’t seem to be a thing as everyone waited for the train to pull in, and once it did, the shouting commenced.
Man after man came hopping out of the train, beaten up expressions but nonetheless with a smile on their faces, yet none of them were Harry. You stood on your tippy toes to get a better look, but you were still overrun by the people in front of you.
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a woman with two kids clutching onto a soldier next to you, their children’s small arms wrapped around their father’s legs. You thanked your lucky stars that at least they got their happy ending, and pushed yourself through the crowd to get to the front.
It became apparent after a little while though, that you may not have gotten your happy ending. As the area dispersed and became empty, your vision blurred with tears. You couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to believe it.
He said he’d come back, you thought.
A gust of wind blew through your hair, and you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself for comfort and for warmth. You screwed your eyes shut and tilted your head back, tear drops slipping into your hair. In the midst of feeling the warm sun caress your face, you imagined Harry calling out to you in the distance, calling you his little darling again just like he’d done many times before.
Except you hadn’t.
When you opened your eyes, a tall figure stood a couple feet away from you, and you rid your eyes from the remaining tears to see who it was.
He smiled warmly at you, tears pricking the corner of his eyes.
When he got off the train, the sight of you standing there, wind whirling through your hair with your head tilted back; sun adorning your features and a pained expression, was a sight hard to forget.
But as he looked at you now, doe eyes wide that gleamed of hope and disbelief, the days out on field and the awful deserts meant nothing to him. The days of treterous fear, the cold nights where he felt nothing but alone, meant absolutely nothing to him.
But you, you meant everything to him.
“Hey little darling.” He said gently, fingers reaching out to touch yours. The warmth that radiated from your hand brought him back to reality and reassured him that he wasn’t dreaming.
At his words, you breathed out a laugh and threw your arms around his neck, and Harry in response scooped you up off the ground, taking note of the familiar strawberry scented shampoo you always used.
“I thought you died,” you whispered in his ear.
“Can’t get rid of me that easily baby cakes.” He said playfully, kissing your cold cheek.
You laughed and pulled your head back to look at him. He looked as handsome as you remembered, but he looked so worn out. The bags under his eyes and slow blinking clearly indicated that he was exhausted, and you smiled warmly, softly kissing his cheek.
“Let’s go home.”
What he’d been waiting for. The place he wanted to share with you, the place where he wanted to wake up and one day find the smell of pancakes and honey smothering your shared bedroom, and maybe, just maybe, with two little hands grabbing at his face to get him to wake up.
He nodded at you then, fingers laced with yours as you walked along the train station. The setting sunlight highlighted Harry’s green eyes; and they were soft, looking out into the streets ahead of you that held nothing but love yet still vigilant, and you were reminded of your grandmother once more.
“Harry?” you called suddenly.
“Yes, little darling?”
“How come you didn’t write to me these last few months?”
He smiled at you lazily and gently brushed your hair over your shoulder, running a soothing hand over your lower back.
“Couldn’t find paper, my love.” He hummed, “Or a damn pen.”
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miss-pearlescent · 6 years
Now, let’s see. Werewolf Jongin, mistaken for a big breed dog, he is adopted. He’s quite playful and loves running and rarely comes out of wolf form as to not to scare her - until something happens that causes him to show his true form. Any genre is fine 😊 have fun with it
In the Forest with Werewolf!Jongin feat EXO’s Kai
“Nini, let’s go!”
You put away your lunch box and grabbed the Nini’s mini backpack hanging from the tree beside you.
You turned and found your huge furball panting excitedly at you. You ran a hand through his silky black fur before standing up to help him put on his backpack.
“Let’s follow the trail to the lake and then set up camp there before it gets too hard, how does that sound?”
Nini ran around your feet as you picked up your own backpack and started walked.
This two-day camping trip was a nice way to de-stress from your work life. It was also a treat to be able to hang out with your huge puppy. You had to admit it was tough at times to find good way to exercise a dog that was the size of a bear.
As the sun made its way through the sky, you stopped here and there to take pictures of the scenery and Nini, both of which you loved.
By the afternoon, you had come upon a hill with a steep cliff on the side.
“All right,” you said as you trudged forward. Your legs were tired, but you knew the end was near. “According to my map, the lake should be right around the corner.”
When you got to the top, your burning thighs didn’t even bother you. The scene before you was so spectacular, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
Airing out the moisture from your t-shirt, you swung your heavy bag down from your shoulders to grab your camera and—
Your foot slipped out from under you. You grabbed left and right for something to hold onto.
Suddenly, you found yourself tumbling down the cliff. Your bare arms and legs braced for impact as they were scratched by the leaves and twigs and dead grass.
The impact you expected never came. Instead, freezing cold water shocked your system.
You couldn’t even scream.
Frantically, you tried to figure out which was was up. Your arms flailed to rid themselves of the heavy backpack that was weighing you down. Yet when your legs paddled, trying to reach the surface, nothing happened.
You felt something furry nudge your hand and you grabbed for it, knowing it was Nini. You mentally apologized for holding onto him so hard that you might rip out his fur.
But still, nothing happened. You couldn’t seem to break free from the water.
An instant later, Nini disappeared from your hand and you panicked. If that wasn’t him, then what the hell was it?
And if you couldn’t get air soon, you were going to drown.
A hand gripped your calf and you felt some slimy vegetation get unwrapped from your ankle. You were pulled by a strong arm around the waist and found yourself pressed against a hard chest.
Finally—finally!—you breached the surface and gasped for air. You held onto your saviour’s shoulders for dear life as he waded to shore.
The next moment, you were lying on your side in the dirt, sputtering and coughing. You glared at the sun that peaked peacefully through the trees, oblivious to what had just transpired in the last minute.
You heard your name being called repeatedly but you couldn’t recognize the voice.
Then a handsome man came into your view.
Your eyes widened. “Nini?” You looked past the man in search of your best friend. “Where is he?”
The man brushed a hand through his black hair, wet and curling at the corners. “You nearly drowned,” he muttered to himself.
“Who are you?” You sat up and looked around, wrapping your arms around your body. “Where is my dog?”
The man ignored your questions and stood. That was when you realized he was completely naked.
He turned and walked towards a bush where he pulled out a small blue pack. It was Nini’s little backpack.
“Where did you get that?” you called out.
He ignored your questions again. “Dry yourself,” he ordered as he pulled out the emergency sleeping bag you had packed.
You knew he was right when your teeth started chattering. You had only a few minutes to decide between decency and hypothermia.
Quickly, you pulled off your top as you watched him shake out the sleeping bag. “Don’t look,” you murmured.
You heard him snort in amusement.
You wrung out your clothes and patted your skin dry of as much moisture as you could. Then you tried to wring out your hair so it wasn’t such a dripping mess.
The man still hadn’t looked your way as you tiptoed your way into the sleeping bag.
You curled up, hugging your knees to your chest, as your body shivered uncontrollably.
You looked up to see what the man was doing and found that he was lifting the corner of the sleeping bag. You shimmied to one side as he slid in.
There wasn’t much space for you to hide when he closed the zipper behind him. And his warmth was so tempting...
He pushed your knees down and pressed you flush against his chest.
You didn’t have the strength to push away, not when his heat penetrated down to your nerves. Your calves wrapped themselves around his long legs as you buried your nose into his neck.
He smelled familiar and you squeezed closer against him, trying to get the most of his delicious heat.
“We’ll head back once you’re warmed up,” he whispered against your ear as he rubbed circles up and down your back.
Your eyelids grew heavy and you didn’t have the energy to question him when he pressed his lips to your forehead.
“God, I thought I almost lost you.”
Thank you for the request! This scene was inspired by a cute forest scene in Julie Garwood’s The Bride. Don’t we looooove when the girl is cold and the guy has to use his ~body heat~ to warm her up? Hehehe ;)
This one-shot was intended to be a lot longer but as you can see from my previous post, I lost that draft so here is what I whipped up in an hour of frustration in hopes that I remembered the important parts LOL Not my fav because there’s barely any dialogue here, and I’m somebody who loves dialogue!
Anyway, thank you for reading
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