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royalarchivist · 7 months
Phil: I don't need a gift, Etoiles, your presence, your- your- your comedy, your-
Etoiles: Philllll, shut the fck up! What do you want my broooo?! What do you want, my petit frerou [little bro], tell me, I have everything you need! Do you need fruits? I have fruits! Do you need Netherite? I have Netherite! Do you need Dark Metal? I have Dark Metal! What do you want?
Phil: [Laughing] No, it's fine, I don't need anything, it's all good. You are- you are the gift. You are the gift, Etoiles.
Etoiles: Phil, Phil I have something for you. [Trying not to laugh]
Phil: Yeah?
Etoiles: [Hands him a gun]
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namchyoon · 1 year
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he’s so handsome 🤍
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f1-stuff · 1 year
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Spanish GP '23 // Thurs Interview
"(About the car upgrades) Hopefully, a step into a different direction...to start developing a car that has proved to be very difficult to drive - very on the edge. It's giving Charles and I some tough times - a lot more than what people imagine..."
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total-mkulia · 5 months
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They do this like every other day
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nonetoon · 7 months
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Caught-on-Tober Week 5: Late Night 🌙 🍂 🎃
29. Karaoke / 30. Bonfire / 31. Left Behind
Happy Halloween!
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dragonpyre · 8 months
Harry Potter au where the rail strikes affect the train to Hogwarts and now all the wizards have to figure out Uber
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aurorangen · 6 months
My top 30 screenshots from 2023!!
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Thank you so much for tagging me @bloomingkyras!! Basically the story of Bryce gen in chronological order leading into Renee's gen. I love everything about these pics, whether it's the focus on family and romance, silly expressions or the random things I catch them doing.
This was so much fun to do 😁 I will tag: @mdshh @hekpacubo @bakersimmer @duusheen @primdaisy feel free to ignore!!
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f1-birb · 1 year
he's literally JUST a baby 😭
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Fluffcember #30 (Vergil x Reader)
You huffed out a nervous sigh, legs actually trembling as you made your way down the road to the beachside cliff where Vergil had agreed to meet you. The plan was simple: Get him over there, admire the view over a bottle of wine, and then pop the question. Easy, right?
Your brain sure didn't think so.
You were basically a pile of anxious nerves; your stomach burned with anticipation, giving you that feeling commonly referred to as "pins and needles". Your mind was swirling with a storm of crazy possibilities, each imaginary outcome worse than the last. You sucked in a shaky breath, clenching your fists tightly in an attempt to calm yourself, one that didn't work. If anything, it made you feel worse; your heartbeat increased by several pulses per second and your mind started to feel foggy. Uneasily, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the small velvet case that contained the engagement ring you were going to present. The ring was made of silver, a 1 carat diamond sat at the very center, glistening in the sunlight. With a determined sigh, you snapped the case shut and slid it into your pocket. You were going to do this, nerves be damned. With newfound confidence, you strode down the road and soon reached the agreed-upon rendezvous site: A beautiful, grassy cliff that overlooked a sprawling, glittering, yellow sanded beach. Beyond the beach was the sea, pelagic and frothy, waves gently crashing against the shore, dampening the sand in the process. Your bread hitched when you saw who was waiting for you at this senic location.
He looked as handsome as ever, standing there, admiring the view. Upon your arrival, he turned to you and smiled that heart-melting smile of his. "Good evening, Y/N." Your earlier resolve instantly evaporated; just beholding this man's beauty was enough to make your knees weak. "Hi...Vergil." You greeted, meekly, before quickly realizing that was not the appropriate response for such a greeting. "I-I mean good evening to you as well, Vergil..." You hastily corrected yourself before hurrying to stand next to him so you could hide your growing blush, or so you thought. Vergil smirked and took your chin delicately in his hand, tilting your head so you'd have no choice but to endure that searching, soul piercing glare. "You're blushing," Vergil stated, the sweet smile still present on his face. You averted your gaze, fidgeting with your fingers absently. "I am..?" You asked, trying not to seem too jittery. "Must be because you're looking so fine tonight." Sure, it was a rather clichéd and overused line, but it worked. Vergil released you with a huff of contentment; his response to compliments. He then reached down and pulled a wine bottle and two bottles out of a bucket filled with ice cubes. With minimal effort, he popped the cork out and divided the wine into the two glasses. The two of you sat down on the grass, arms around each other, enjoying the view while sipping the wine. "Lovely place you picked out, Y/N," Vergil remarked, after some time. "You think so?" You replied, grinning happily. "Thanks." Vergil slung an arm around your shoulder and squeezed it gently. "You have wonderful taste." You chuckled, resting your head on his shoulder. "Thank you." Vergil smiled again, kissing your forehead softly. "I love you, Y/N. Very much." You chuckled, feeling pins and needles reform in your stomach. "Well, now's a good time as any," You thought, pulling away and standing up, much to Vergil's confusion. "Verg," You began, sucking in a deep breath. "I have something to ask you." Vergil's brow furrowed as he stood up and folded his arms before you. "Sure, what is it?" You cleared your throat, dropped to one knee, and fished the velvet box out of your pocket. You held it up in front of him and opened the box, showcasing the beautiful ring within. Your nervousness gone, you finally asked the question you'd been waiting all night to ask.
"Vergil, will you marry me?"
Vergil's icy blue eyes widened in surprise, his mouth dropping open ever so slightly. "Y/N..." He gaped at you for a few moments before nodding decisively. "Yes. Yes, I will marry you." An elated grin spread across your face as you plucked the ring out of the box and slid it onto his finger. Then you stood up and kissed him, feeling him wrap an arm around your waist protectively. "I love you so much, Y/N." He said, once you'd pulled away. "I love you too, Vergil." You replied, throwing your arms around his shoulders. "This ring is beautiful." Vergil remarked, raising his hand to the sunlight so the diamond shone and glittered like the magnificent jewel it was. "Not as beautiful as you," You returned, kissing his cheek. "But I'm glad you liked it."
It was official: The night had gone well, the plan worked, and Vergil was now your fiance.
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lbibliophile-sw · 8 months
Need to Know Basis
Also on AO3 [600 words] @whumptober - day 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”, day 30: "not much longer…" @clonefandomevents - Coruscant Guard Bingo: masquerade
The Coruscant Guard works on a need-to-know basis, and all too often, Commander Fox needs to not-know. or Five times Commander Fox carefully doesn’t see, and one time he reports what he sees.
There’s something suspicious going on in the Guard. No there isn’t, there can’t be.
Troopers are whispering in corners, officers are meeting behind closed doors, both groups falling silent as soon as he approaches. If he needs to know, they’d tell him. He knows why they don’t. But he’s a Marshal Commander, he doesn’t have time to keep up with whatever petty shenanigans his Guards are scheming. As long as it doesn’t affect their performance outside the barracks he’ll leave it to his deputies to manage the fallout, that’s what they’re for. Keeping track of the Senators is bad enough.
He really wonders about the state of Kamino these days. The shinies are coming to them younger and younger, even the older ones needing more extra work to keep them from making a fatal mistake.
It’s hard to keep track of who’s who under the matching paint, with tics and habits spreading rapidly among the lower ranks. Like that shiny there, the way they tap rhythmic patterns against their thigh when distracted, Clarry would do that. But Cla- CT-9845 was decommissioned three weeks ago; Thorn signed off on it. He said he would ‘handle it’, and Fox trusts his Commanders.
His Commanders have been pestering him lately. The usual about his eating and sleeping schedule – as though any of them ever have time for enough of either – but also about his workload, his off-hours, his meetings with the Chancellor. He answers as best he can what does he do in those hours he can’t remember? because it’s the quickest way to end their mother-henning.
And if they are so curious about his flimsiwork, well they can take some of it; clearly they don’t have enough of their own. He doesn’t think about just which tasks he hands over, or why.
He doesn’t often spend time in the barracks common areas, too busy working in his office or rushing to the next meeting or crisis, but he still sees troopers without their full kit periodically. And he starts to notice troopers with new scars, surgically-precise, or bandages taped to their temples. He carefully doesn’t notice that all the scars match. It pains him to see his Guards’ injuries, but the medics make the right call in saving their limited bacta for more important wounds.
They have more than their requisition records suggest, but he’s long practiced not asking about that either.
There has been a flurry of comms and meetings between the Guard and the GAR and even Jedi lately. It’s nice that tensions between the groups seem to be easing, that his troops are able to catch up with their brothers again. What they’re doing during those catch-ups is none of his business.
Even his own batchmates are sending him messages on their personal chats again. He leaves them unread; it’s not like he has time for mere social calls. He ‘forgets’ his pad unlocked on Thire’s bunk, hoping the other Commander will make them understand. Eventually they stop calling.
One of the most important rules in the Coruscant Guard is that only Fox, as Marshall Commander, reports directly to the Chancellor. Especially now. Dangerdanger, he’s something more, must protect his brothers, can’t let him know.
When the Chancellor gives him orders Good Soldiers Follow Orders, he obeys without questioning. When the Chancellor asks him a question, he answers without prevarication. The Chancellor knows when he tries to lie, as though he can see the truth in his mind.
So when the Chancellor tells him to report anything suspicious about the Guard lately, Fox replies honestly:
He hasn’t seen anything.
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kitkatcodes · 1 year
100 Days of Code - Day 2
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woooo day 2 which is actually quite a few days away from when I did day one... but! I never said I'd be consistent I just wanna hit 100 whenever I can. hehe.
a biiiig goal of mine is to make a useless website worthy of being featured on the useless web. It's probably one of the bestest things I have ever seeeeen.
I don't wanna share my project juuusstt yet because I still need to write a readme and all that before I publish it but I am very excited to share once I do!!!! But yeah, mostly just did some basic html/css/js with a tiny dash of jquery ⋂(⁃௰⁃)づ
some things I learned today:
there are scss to css convertor sites
these fonts exist: ransom note, comic mono font, times new bastard
I've been a bit hesitant about learning typescript but this vid has made me feel quite enthusiastic about it now
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skipppppy · 7 months
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I’ve been meaning to do a landscape study of Skyrim for a while now and this was perfect!!! I can’t believe this challenge is almost over
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junixxoxo · 8 months
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drdttober day sixteen - supernatural
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tuntetesinfo · 1 year
2023. MÁJUS 19., PÉNTEK, 17:00 16:30
Gyerekeket bántasz! - 7IGEN-nel a gyermekbántalmazó rendszer ellen
A tegnapi nap folyamán a hatalom újból a fizikai megfélemlítéshez nyúlt, az előző esetnél még több társunk kapott könnygázt a "gyermekvédő" kormánytól. Pontosan tudják, hogy gyerekeket bántanak, de ez nem zavarja őket. Az Orbán rendszer akkor is gyerekeket bánt, amikor szétveri az oktatásunkat, elveszi a jövőnket, és bosszút áll a tanárainkon.
A bosszú eszköze, a státusztörvény továbbra is elfogadhatatlan, követeljük a teljes tervezet azonnali visszavonását! Továbbá követeljük, hogy a kormány tartsa be korábbi igéreteit, és üljön le tárgyalni az Egységes Diákfronttal!
Ahogy megígértük, nem adjuk fel: 7 igenes népszavazást kezdeményeztünk, amihez szükségünk lesz minden felelős állampolgár segítségére!
Találkozzunk május 19-én, pénteken, folytassuk! (Helyszín és egyéb részletek hamarosan érkeznek)
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
my boy, my boy 💗 i am so proud of you 💗 and i know Elvis & Lisa Marie are too 💗
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of course i am disappointed at the oscar’s loss BUT at the end of the day, we still won in so many other ways & areas - we’ve come a long way & it’s been quite a journey & there is SO MUCH to celebrate outside of one award - our boy & this movie was winning awards left & right all season
golden globes & baftas are HUGE win’s especially for this stage in his career plus awards are bullshit anyway i never cared or paid attention to them until now
one award does not dictate or null the success, impact & love this movie has cultivated
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art in any form is subjective
to paraphrase my other fav boy, Harry Styles’ grammy speech:
“I think on nights like tonight it’s important for us to remember there is no such thing as ‘best’ in music art. I don’t think any of us sit in the studio on set making decisions on what is going to get us one of these [awards],”
and Jon Batiste’s speech:
"I believe this to my core, there is no best musician, best artist, best dancer, best actor - the creative arts are subjective and they reach people at a point in their lives when they need it most. It's like a song or an album is made and it's almost like it has a radar to find the person when they need it the most."
and the movie, austin & elvis certainly found us when we needed it the most - i whole heartedly believe that 💗
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it might be the end of an era, but there is a new beginning on the horizon & i can’t wait to be there with you all 🌅💕
i know that i will look back at this time with such happiness & fondness, i’ve made such great friends & memories - i cherish it all
i won all of you guys & that’s a pretty fucking good win in my book 💗
i love y’all so much 💗
-mel xx
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