#5. Flush plate styles
tapronlimited · 6 months
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Concealed Cistern Types
The Tapron guide on concealed cistern types delves into their aesthetic and functional benefits for modern bathrooms. It highlights how these cisterns, hidden behind walls or within furniture, contribute to a sleek, uncluttered look while optimizing space. The article also covers the variety of flush plates available, offering customization to match any bathroom decor. By enhancing both design and usability, concealed cisterns are presented as a sophisticated solution for contemporary bathroom setups. For a deeper exploration, you can read the full guide here.
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Creepy Tenko part 5
Part 1
Part 4
A warm breeze hit you as the door to the Mexican-style café swung open, bringing with it an aroma of steaming plates and exotic spices. You smiled. You’ve always liked this place, so it’s all luck that your new friend would meet you here. Maybe Tenko will like it too! …When he decides to join you of course.
You didn’t mind leaving him in the car as he recuperated, him saying he’ll join you in just a sec, but you couldn’t help the doubt clouding your mind based on his tired appearance. You swear to god if he falls asleep in your car you’re actually gonna kill him.
“Hey! Over here!” A girl called, her wavy (obviously fake) blond hair bouncing with her enthusiastic motions. She was waving her arms around above her head like she was trying to get the attention of someone from space.
You walked over there, a few of her friends loudly guffawing at stupid internet memes. You swear to god even from that distance you could tell they were resembling a middle school cafeteria table.
None the less, you sat down, your comfy seat squishing under you as you lost yourself in the cafes natural atmosphere for just a moment. A moment that was interrupted by said girl tapping her nails on the counter obnoxiously, lips puckered as she pouted at you.
“Oh my gooood! What took you so long? We were like waiting for you for like forever!”
You chuckled awkwardly. “Yeah sorry, heh, I uh… got caught up. I actually-I hope you don’t mind brut I met this really cute guy and I invited him.”
Her expression dropped immediately. “Oh my god! Who is it? Is he hot?”
“He’s way hot. You actually might know him, he’s really cute but really shy and he loves Super Hero Advent-“
“Yeah yeah yeah” she interrupted, “but when do we get to meet him? I want him to be here when we talk about how you stood up t-“
“Oh there he is! Hey! We’re over here!” You called to your seemingly clueless new friend, his hood pulled over his head making him difficult to identify at first. But you’d recognize those ruby red eyes anywhere.
The moment everyone saw him, the men’s balls simultaneously disappeared and the woman’s smile dropped immediately. Dear god pleas me don’t let him be the guy you were talking about. There’s no way, right?
He formed a small smile when he saw you, making his way over to the table without taking his eyes off yours, and consequentially bumping into a few chairs and tables. He arrived, standing in front of you with his face still flushed from… actually you don’t think you’ve ever seen his face not flushed. Or, at least, not when he wasn’t looking at you. Cutie.
You got up, allowing him entrance to the booth and he sat down immediately, again not looking at where he was aiming and accidentally squishing his leg against the blonde next to him.
He mumbled a quick apology, again still looking at you, while you sat back down.
“Have you guys met Tenko before?”
All their faces were ghost pale. Any and all chatter between them stopped, replaced by rushed whispers and fleeting glances.
You looked behind yourself, then behind Tenko. “What?”
“N-nothing…” she gasped out, stuttering while looking at Tenko like he was holding her at gun point.
He scoffed, his face losing a little bit of its color as he was reminded of the situation he was in. He scoffed, pulling the hood further over his face, scratching his neck and picking up a menu.
The table was dead quiet apart from his scratching, the air so tense you could cut it with a knife. You sighed, looks like you’ll have to get the conversation going.
“So… what’re your guys thinking of getting?”
“A restraining order” one of them whispered.
“Oh, uh… a hamburger…”
You snarked. “Uh, you do realize this is a Mexican place?”
The guy blinked in shock. “Oh, yeah, right.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking, returning to the menu in contemplation. “Hmm, yeah, I think I’ll have the chicken quesadilla. What’re you getting Ten?”
Ten? Did this girl seriously just call Shimura ‘Ten’? Did she have a death wish? What was happening?! God what the hells wrong with her?
Tenkos attention was brought back to you, the small smile returning to his face as he rested his chin on his hand. God you were beautiful. He can’t believe he just wasted precious viewing time over some stupid social anxiety. Those npcs can go fuck themselves, all eyes are on you.
He hummed, mimicking yours and stopped his scratching. His posture relaxed, a sight that made you feel more at ease as some of the crushing pressure was lifted.
“Yeah I don’t know. I’ve heard their shrimp enchiladas pretty good. Maybe we could share it? Something tells me you’ll be, uh, eating light.”
He gave you a knowing look, prompting you to smirk and jokingly slap his shoulder. The blonde girl flinched when you told him to shut up, backing away even more so from Tenko as if he was about to explode.
But instead he just laughed, a big, hearty laugh that broadened his horrific smile and made everyone at the table shiver. They’ve never seen him smile like that. What in the ever loving fuck was going on.
One of the guys cleared his throat, the shock fading and letting him remember himself. Whatever, he’s not s-scared of this weird assh-hole. If he thinks he can ruin everyone’s good time he’s got another thing coming.
He broadened his shoulders, straightening his back and puffing out his chest, composing himself. Seeing this the rest follow, their fear turning into annoyance and spite.
It’s obvious you don’t know who this guy really is. I mean, why else would you hang out with him?! They just need to get him to leave, you’ll thank them later.
“So… y/n, how long have you two… uh… known each other?” The blonde asked cautiously, eyes trained on Tenko, watching for any subtle movements.
“We’ve just met actually, we’ve maybe known each other for, what, a few days? But I’d say we’re still pretty good friends!”
Tenko turned to them, beaming. “Yeah! We’re friends!”
He stopped, face falling slightly in contemplation, a small moment that made everyone tense.
“I guess that makes you guys my friends to-“
“NO!” One of them blurted, almost as surprised as you were at what came out of their mouths. “N-no, no I d-dont think we’re friends.” The shrunk back further into their chair, trying to escape his shocked expression.
You glared at them like they’d just kicked a puppy.
“O-oh, yeah… right, yeah sorry, I uh… I got carried away.” Tenko laughed, hardly genuine. Both hands raised to his neck, scraping the skin harshly while the corners of his mouth twitched.
The sight pained you, and you felt the urge to embrace him in a big hug until he felt better. Instead, you rested your hand on his leg, causing his scratching to slow down as he was reminded of your presence. You smiled, helping him calm down as said hand raised to take his away from his neck.
But before you could the blonde took her drink and splashed it on him. He flinched, the ice falling down into his pants and causing him to yelp and scramble out of the booth.
“Whoops! Sorry, uh, there’s a bathroom over there. Better dry that off before it stains.”
Now, normally, Tenko wouldn’t give any shits about stains. But… this was his favorite hoodie. So he nodded, briskly walking to the bathroom as you stared in shock.
All of you waited until the door slammed shut and the lock clicked.
“What the hells the matter with you?!” You whisper yelled, fired up and ready to throw some hands if they don’t apologize.
“What’s the matter with me? What’s the matter with you? What the hell are you doing with fucking Shimura?”
You scoffed. “Relax, we’re just friends! God! What is he your ex or something?!”
She laughed mockingly, as if the very question was an insult.
“No he’s not my ex thank god! Do I look dead to you?”
“What?” The fuck did she mean by that?
“Listen. You have to get out of here. He’s dangerous. Cut off all contact with him and I’ll consider forgiving you for bringing that ‘thing’ to lunch. What, do you have a death wish? I-“
You interrupted her with your own mocking laugh. Tenko? Dangerous? Is she joking?
“Yeah, ok, he’s soooo dangerous. Seriously have you even met the guy?”
The door swung open and both of your mouths slammed shut. He sulked back to the table, his hoodie dry but not fully repaired. God, you hated how uncomfortable he looked.
Despite his previous seat, you instead offered yours, elbowing the blonde discreetly as you scooted down the booth. He took his seat silently, eyes facing the floor sadly.
You’d almost forgotten how uncomfortable they’d made him. It pissed you off, and you glared at them again. The blonde glared back, though you could see the way her eyes switched from you to Tenko nervously. You smirked.
“Hey Ten, earlier you were saying something about your new high score? How’d that happen?” You asked, his eyes lifting from his shoes to yours as he recalled the momentous occasion.
“O-oh, that, well… it’s not that big ‘a deal, you guys probably don’t wanna hear about it…” he mumbled, absentmindedly pushing around a dollop of salsa on his plate with a tortilla chip.
“Oh cmon, it’s a great story! I’d love to hear it again! I’m sure they’d love to hear it too! Wouldn’t you love to hear it?”
They said nothing.
“They’d love to hear it!”
Tenko took a sip of water, steeling his nerves, before he started mumbling the beginning of his tale. It took a bit, but with some encouraging nods and questions you were able to get him back to the way he was when you two were alone. Charming and enthusiastic, making sound effects and doing wild hand gestures as he lost himself in his own story.
You looked at him, hair bouncing, eyes bright without a care, a faint blush from excitement as he completely nerded out in-front of the bullies sitting with you, and you looked back at the girl in disbelief.
“Dangerous?” You mouthed sarcastically, looking at her like she said the dumbest thing ever. And she did, didn’t she? How could this little cinnamon roll hurt even a fly?
You could see she was starting to understand, they all were, that he wasn’t some serial killer and instead just a nerdy, special little guy. Finally, finally they relaxed, even going as far as to meekly ask small questions to which he happily answered.
By some miracle, the atmosphere changed, and soon everyone was engaging with him in his rants, laughing and smiling like they had forgotten all previous fears. Now you would never be able to tell that only just minutes ago were they cowering in fear over this goofball, finally letting go and seeing him for what he is, just a funny lil guy.
Tenko held back tears of happiness, so much positive attention overstimulating him in the best ways possible. He looked into their eyes and they looked back, this time without fear, and he had never thought of such a good feeling.
For once in his life, he felt accepted, and he never realized until then how much he yearned for this.
So of course something has to come along and ruin this happy moment. That something being, three masked men with guns rushing into the cafe.
Bum bum bum, suspenseful music cue. You’ll have to wait a while till the next one probably.
Alright so I’m gonna level with y’all, this is not proof-read (like usual) because it has been sitting in my drafts for so long and I just wanna get it done… hope you guys like it, really sorry for the long wait
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Doc's Best In Goddamn Show Montana State Fair Coconut Cream Pie
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As promised, the baked good that did the best, I'll release the recipe. This is one of my favorite pies of all time, hewed into a perfect custard-based pie that won me my first Best in Show rosette in nine years. And pies is even a tough category!
The other shocking thing: This is one of the easiest pies I make. It's very much "don't worry about it." It even tastes better if you make everything but the topping the day before serving.
“Doc, why don’t you use cream of coconut for the custard?” Friend, I tried for years to get that to work, only to find out that cream of coconut just does not bake up as nice as milk and cream, so I use a nice extract and toast the coconut to get the flavors. 
A crust (I presume you can either make or buy a crust. I might even have a recipe here on the blog, I can’t remember) 
5 eggs
¾ cup caster/baker’s sugar 
2 cups of whole milk
½ cup half and half (I believe this is called half cream in the UK)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp coconut extract (I like Olivenation or watkins. Also, bear in mind you may need to use more. I do this to taste and the tsp is a guess on my part. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you where to taste in the recipe) 
Pinch salt
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
2 cups heavy cream VERY COLD (can use whipping or double also, but I prefer heavy) 
2 tablespoons jello or jello style pudding mix, coconut 
Powdered/icing sugar (this will be to taste) 
Decoration: Most definitely toasted coconut. I really like Nuts.com’s organic dried coconut chips, but it depends on how flush I’m feeling--I did not use it in this competition. Macadamia nuts are great, dried pineapple, for this competition I used coconut rolls from costco. This is mostly for visual appeal, so be creative. 
Toast your coconut: Put the oven at 350F. Put some parchment down on a baking sheet, and then put your sweetened flaked coconut on the sheet. Don’t forget to put in a bit extra for your topping decoration. Toast for about five minutes, it will probably need a stir and watch it closesy--coconut burns easy. When it’s a nice pale golden, pull it and up the temperature of the oven to 375F. 
Blind bake your crust. If you haven’t done this before, I think it’s easy but admit maybe not everyone will. Roll your crust out into a pie plate, just like you always would, and then cover the bottom with tin foil, and fill with pie weights or beans, or rice--I’m a big fan of using sugar. Whatever you use. Bake it about 15-17 minutes, it should be lightly brown at the edges. Take out the pie weight you used. Bake it about 5 minutes more, just so the bottom gets very lightly toasted. 
Make the filling! Beat your eggs in in a large bowl until they are very well combined but not whipped. Beat in everything but the coconut itself. NOW TASTE IT. Does it taste coconutty enough, or do you want to add a little more extract? Have an easy hand with the stuff, it’s powerful. Mix in the toasted coconut. 
Yeah, I’m serious, that was the whole of the filling instructions. I told you this was ridiculously easy. 
Bake: Pour your filling (carefully) into the pie crust, and cover the edges of your pie crust so it doesn’t burn (I use tin foil, but they do make fancy pie shields). I like to put it on a jelly roll pan so it’s easier for me to take in and out of the oven. You’re going to bake it at 375F for about 30-40 minutes, but the real test is: if you shake it a little, is it set at the sides but with a little wiggle in the center? That’s when it’s done. 
Let it cool totally. 
Topping! Beat your cold cream and pudding mix together, adding the powdered sugar slowly. I start with a quarter cup and work my way up until it’s as sweet as I like. I prefer a harder peak for this, but soft peaks are acceptable if you enjoy that more. Decorat with your topping choices! 
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Please tell me if you made this! If you found this really helpful and would like to leave me a tip, my ko-fi is here!
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waythroughtheice · 6 months
Crossed Constellations, Part 5
As always for @absolutely-normal-about-x!
We get some more background on this Geo and Omega-Xis and ummm it's not good, but they're safe now?
I hope you enjoy!
Part 5
Oof, he was so full! “Thanks, X,” Geo said gratefully, handing over his plate. “Do you need help with the dishes?” 
“Absolutely not. You’re a guest,” X said. 
“Besides, Levi and I are on dish duty tonight,” Harpuia said. “We siblings cycle through the kitchen duties so Dad doesn’t have to cook and clean.” 
“Ah,” Geo said. He yawned, suddenly feeling very sleepy and warm. 
“Bed, I think,” X said. “Volnutt, would you mind leading Geo to a room?” 
“Sure!” Volnutt agreed. “Which one?” 
“On our side, I think,” X said, his eyes glinting. “You chose.” 
Volnutt smiled. “Okay! Follow me, Geo!” 
Geo sleepily nodded. His head felt so heavy. 
Volnutt chattered as they walked. Geo was content to just listen. “The Flutter used to be way smaller, but once Dad and everyone else arrived, we were able to rebuild it to be a lot bigger!” 
“The wood is different,” Geo said sleepily. He could tell where the Flutter had been expanded upon--instead of trying to match the previous darker wood, its inhabitants had instead opted for a sandy tan that complimented it. 
Volnutt grinned. “It was Levi’s idea. Looks great, right?” 
Geo couldn’t really muster up the energy to respond vocally, so he nodded. 
“My family stays in the new side--Roll and Barrel stay in the original end.” They stopped before a door. “There are a couple of extra rooms since Dad insisted on ‘em.” Volnutt waved his hands. “Two of them he’s set up already--did one in what he called a “German style” and the other in a “Russian style”--but there are a few he didn’t decorate at all.” 
Geo winced. Rooms for Axl and Zero then, if they ever showed up. 
He shook his head, forcibly driving the gloomy thoughts away. They would. If X was here, they would inevitably follow. It was practically written in stone with those three. 
Refocusing on the door in front of him, Geo asked. “Guest rooms?” It felt like he was wading through water, desperately sinking down to sleep even as he wanted to stay awake. 
Volnutt frowned. “No, we have those. These aren’t one of them.” 
Geo rubbed his eyes. Something didn’t add up. “But I’m sleeping in this room?” 
Volnutt opened the door. “Yup! Dad said so, and honestly it makes sense to me!” He said cheerfully. “You seem like a good guy. Your partner is really cool, too.” 
Geo flushed. “Thanks, Volnutt. You do too.” 
Volnutt laughed. “I try!” He said cheerfully. He gently pushed Geo in. “You look dead on your feet. Go get some rest!” 
Geo smiled and went in. “Thanks,” he managed. The door closed behind him as Geo fell onto the bed. 
“Hey, Omega-Xis…” He said. 
The alien popped out of the Hunter VG. “Yes?” 
“What did you talk to X about?” 
He paused. “Our normal things. And a few other things too. You’ll find out later. Go to sleep.” 
Within seconds of putting himself under the covers and putting his head on the pillow, he was dead to the world. 
(Recollection of the past: Omega-Xis and X) 
X focused on the being in front of him as the child left the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Omega-Xis’s sudden bow. 
“I need your help,” Omega-Xis asked. 
X’s brow furrowed. “What?” 
Omega-Xis sighed. “The kid needs your help,” he elaborated. 
X leaned against the counter, his gaze never leaving the neon-green alien. “Alright,” he said. “But I have a few questions of my own that I’d like to ask.” 
“That’s fine. I’ll answer them all, as long as you answer some of mine,” Omega-Xis said boldly. 
“I’ll answer what I can,” X said neutrally. So far the alien didn’t seem to be the devious kind. If need be, X could take him in a fight--but the boy, Geo. How would he take such a thing? 
“This world. Is it safe?” 
X blinked. “Is any?” 
Omega-Xis shook his head, grimacing. “Is it peaceful, X.” 
“I believe so,” X said. “It’s a quiet world we have, but it’s our own.”
“Your son is a Mega Man, though?” 
“It became more of a title,” X said stiffly. 
“But you let him have it so I guess it must be peaceful….” Omega-Xis contemplated. 
“He earned it.” 
“C’mon, you and I both know if there was a real threat you’d take the mantle back.” 
“Why did you ask, then, if you already knew?” X asked sharply. 
Omega-Xis shrugged. “I needed confirmation.” 
“Fine. My turn. Why is he running?” X said. 
Omega-Xis stilled. “A fight from our own world went badly,” he answered. 
X’s eyes narrowed. “Someone’s chasing you?” 
Omega-Xis shook his head. “No. Geo’s running because he has nowhere else to run to,” he said quietly.  
….Ah. X’s face softened. “How many?” He said. His voice was noticeably gentler. 
Rust and verdigris. X sucked in a sharp breath. All? At Geo’s age? How?
“It was an enemy--two enemies, really,” Omega-Xis continued softly at the unspoken question. “If they had been on their own, we could’ve taken ‘em no problem. But the thing was somehow, along the way, one joined up with the other, and--well.” His claws flexed, like he was imagining an enemy. “We joined up with another guy we knew--Cepheus--in order to stop them. We finally did, but not before everyone the kid knew was gone…along with a good chunk of our universe.” 
“...I see.” X said quietly. “I’m sorry to hear that.” He could understand that sort of grief. He still dealt with that sort of grief, even thousands of years later. 
Omega-Xis snorted. “Ain’t your fault. Anyway, we defeated the duo, but their power was so strong that they threatened to get out of our timeline and harm others nonetheless.” 
X’s fingers tightened on the counter, but he kept himself quiet, and listened. 
“They were sealed away, but there was always a chance they could get out and threaten other people, and the kid--” just a hint of a smile appeared on Omega-Xis’s face before wiping itself away again, “didn’t want that to happen. Neither did a lot of people. But the catch was….to close the “door” on any dimension means it has to lock on both sides, not just one. And a lock like that has to be permanent in order to work. No touching the door ever again, especially on the outside, which was by far the more critical of the two.”   
Oh. Oh no. “And the child was chosen to lock it on the outside, never to return home again?” X asked sharply, getting it immediately. “Why not this person that fought with you? Cepheus, you said?” 
Omega-Xis sighed. “It takes a lot of power to cross dimensions,” he said. “Cepheus could do it, but, well….he’s a king. His people were still living.” 
X’s lips tightened. “And Geo had no one left.” How pragmatic. How logical. How cruel. 
“We were--and are--stronger than Cepheus, so we were able to cross dimensions easily,” Omega-Xis agreed. “We were the strongest warrior our dimension ever produced, so it was determined we could defend ourselves, and get far, far away from our dimension as an extra precaution.” He scoffed. “Tch! We’d just won the war for them, and the survivors just tossed us out in the cold!” He sighed. “But the kid just accepted it. Said he didn’t want our foe to ever have the chance to hurt anyone else, said his goodbyes to Cepheus, locked the door, and then we…” 
“Traveled,” X said flatly, anger simmering under his skin. 
“Traveled,” Omega-Xis repeated darkly. “I think it was better this way. The human government was beginning to look at Geo strangely, and I didn’t like it. Getting him away from that timeline where he’d lost everything might’ve been the best thing. He had no one left other than me, anyway, so I hoped that maybe he’d be able to heal.” 
“Has he?” 
Omega-Xis grimaced. “Sort of. Most of the dimensions we’ve gone to haven’t been exactly peaceful, or I didn’t think the adults would help Geo out enough. He needs a home.”  
“What about Dr. Light?” X mentioned, only for Omega-Xis to shake his head. “His dimensions are never peaceful, and the governments are always super nosy around him. Governments and Geo don’t mix, by the way. Is there a government here?” 
Despite himself, X’s lips twitched. “Not an overarching one. Definitely not one that would bother or care about you or him or us.” 
Omega-Xis grinned. “Great!” He sobered. “There was one dimension that I considered bringing up the idea of staying--it was a dimension were Dr. Light had bio kids.” 
X’s eyes widened. “Really?” 
“Yeah. We lived with his son and grandsons for a time. I could see us living there, but….it was too similar to the world we’d left behind. It hurt him to stay in a world that was so similar.” 
“It reminded him of what he’d thought he’d failed,” X said quietly. “That’s understandable.” 
“Plus, it’s weird,” Omega-Xis mused. “We’ve met a lot of adults that have expressed a concern in Geo, but the human ones--they never put up too much a fuss about him fighting or anything. The only adults that ever really did were the you, and the Hunters.” 
“Not even the Dr. Light?”
“He tried, but having dealt with your big brother for so long I think he was tired of trying,” Omega-Xis said flatly. “Also, his government is always super nosy, and not in a good way. I think I mentioned that.” 
“You did,” X responded tiredly. 
“But you,” Omega-Xis said grumpily. “Are always the same, no matter the war or age. It’s super annoying. “Why is the child fighting?” “You should be in school.” “Are you eating enough?” “No, you’re not going out onto the battlefield.” And on and on and on. Zero and Axl did the same thing, just not as verbally.” 
X smiled. “Really?” 
Omega-Xis groaned. “Oh yeah. Same thing with Signas.” 
X barked out a laugh. “Signas did it too?” 
Omega-Xis shivered. “Once was enough.” 
“Fair enough,” X said, a smile still playing on his lips. 
“He loved you all the best out of all the people we met. But your worlds are never peaceful,” Omega-Xis said. “So we’ve never stayed. But you’re here,” he said. “And it’s peaceful.” He sighed. “X. I have nothing to give to you, but please--” He bowed. “I beg for shelter for Geo Doran Stelar and myself.”  
“You two can stay,” X said seriously. “You don’t need to ask.” 
Omega-Xis sighed, and straightened up. “Thank you,” he said. “The issue will be getting the kid to settle down. He’s been running for a few months now and it’s a habit.” 
“Habits can be easily broken,” X responded easily. “And my children will be happy to help.” His eyes glinted. “Let’s help a wanderer settle down.” 
Omega-Xis cracked a grin. “Thanks, X.” 
And despite not having met this alien before, X could sense that perhaps there was a reason why his other selves hadn’t separated him from Geo before. “You’re welcome,” he replied. 
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takeit222thegrave · 8 months
Could you please write trans ftm reader x Patrick Bateman? Please and Thank You :)!
of course :3 i hope you like it ^_^ !!
It was 5:30 in the afternoon. You had just got off work, and to say it was a bad day was an understatement. It was truly one of the worst days you’ve had in a while. You were getting in your car to drive home, and as you shut the door, your phone began to ring. You couldn’t figure out which pocket it was in, so you just pulled everything out of all your pockets and laid it out on your lap. Pack of cigarettes, lighter, blue ink pen, and finally your phone. You opened it and hit answer without skipping a beat, not noticing the contact “Patty <3”. The sleek flip phone was cold in your hand. With a sigh, you let out a tired “Hello.”
“Hello there handsome” the man on the line responded, “why aren’t you home yet?” Your heart skipped a beat when you recognized your boyfriend’s voice coming from the phone.
“I had to work overtime today, I’m sorry I didn’t call and tell you earlier. We were very busy.” you replied. 
“Well don’t worry about it, just get home safe for me alright?” You could practically hear him smiling. You could tell something was up, but you were too exhausted from your 12-hour shift that you just wanted to get home and curl up in bed.
Starting the car, you glanced at the radio. You switched it on and turned it to FM. You tuned the radio to your favorite station, 92.9 New Hits. An easily mistaken name, you admitted, as it never played anything current, but it played your favorite New Wave tunes from the late 80’s. Patrick didn’t like New Wave that much when you first met him, but he slowly grew a liking for it. Thinking about this made you smile and flush a bit. You couldn’t wait to get home to him, you knew he’d make you feel better after such a shit day. 
Before putting the car in gear, you lit a cigarette and put everything in your lap in the passenger seat. You shifted the gearshift into reverse and backed out of your parking spot. Turning the wheel left and putting the car into drive, you began your journey home. All you could think about was laying in bed with your boyfriend and sleeping the day off. 
You pulled into the driveway and parked next to Patrick’s white Rolls Royce, a forever reminder of your first date. You flushed, remembering how nervous you were. You rolled your eyes at yourself and got out of your car after grabbing your things off the passenger seat. Walking to the front door, you took your shoes off before going inside. You and Patrick adored having a clean house, and you planned on hopping in bed soon anyway. Before you could even grasp the door handle, Patrick greeted you with a big smile plastered across his face. 
“Come here handsome, I’ve got a surprise for you.” He chimed. He then bent down and scooped you right up, making you giggle as he locked the door behind him. He carried you bridal-style to the kitchen and sat you down in your chair at the dinner table, pushing you in. He put on a white apron and some oven mitts and walked towards the oven. As he pulled the handle to open it, you were hit with a mouth-watering smell. He had made you dinner, and it was ready, right when you got home? You were seriously considering marrying this man. 
“What’d you make love? It smells fantastic” you said, trying not to drool all over yourself and the table”
“I tried making your favorite, honey-garlic salmon. With the lemon garnish, like you told me about when we went out to dinner with your parents.” 
You grinned at him, throwing your arms out for a hug. He set the hot pan down on top of the stove, took his mitts off, and gave you a tight squeeze and a kiss on your forehead. 
The two of you chatted about how both of your days went, cracking jokes about your respective coworkers. The time was about 7 pm. You finished up your plate and stacked it on top of Patrick’s. He stood up and brought them to the sink, then turned around to scoop you up again. He bridal carried you to your shared room and sat you down on the bed. He picked out some comfortable pajamas for you to wear, and began to gently undress you. He didn’t want you doing any of it yourself, as he knew how much you wanted to rest after having a hard day. He made sure you were comfortable with what he had picked for you, one of his t-shirts. It was a bit big on you, but you liked it. He picked you out some plaid pj pants, but you were too warm to sleep in them, so you stayed in your boxers. Despite it being much earlier than he usually went to bed, Patrick picked out some pajamas for himself and crawled into bed right next to you. He flicked the light switch off and made sure the two of you were covered with all the blankets on the bed. He wrapped his arms around you, and you laid your head on his chest. He gently rubbed your arm with his thumb as you started to drift off to sleep. He kissed your forehead once more before he fell asleep, resting his head on yours. 
He was so in love with you.
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acourtofsnakes · 1 year
The Order - Freefall, Chapter 5 || The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader
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Summary: What do you do when those you trust suddenly turn against you? When you have to treat friend as enemy, just to save your own life?
Warnings: 18+, kissing, grinding, Hunter being a menace hello, heavy make-outs, swearing, fade-to-black style scene, injuries, descriptions of violence, canon fighting, fear, loss, death (no major character), blood, falls, canon violence and weapons, nicknamed reader (Ghost), Order 66
A/N: wow, this one took a while to write for some reason. It was originally gonna be one mammoth Order chapter, but i decided to split it in two. And as always, thank you to the moon and back to @mylifeisactuallyamess for helping, listening, and generally just being amazing. Love you💙
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist | AO3
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~“Okay. Again, boys. Sparks, you okay?” Anakin’s voice floated to you through the cloud covering your mind, nudging at you to get back up. 
You groaned softly, forcing your eyes to open and you were immediately met with the deep, rich honey brown eyes of your favourite clone Captain just inches from your own, peering down at you in concern. 
You jumped, momentarily startled and it caused you to jump foreheads with Rex. “Ouch! Rex, I’m okay!! Although, now I might have a concussion from your giant head.” A pout touched your lips and you rubbed your forehead, feeling Rex’s hand encircle your upper arm - it must have been him prodding you. 
“Sorry, Commander. You took that last round hard, you got caught by both myself and Jesse at the same time.” He moved with you, giving you support as you stood up and stumbled a foot to the side, your shoulder bumping up into his chest plate. “Okay, you might have gotten clipped by another too.” He chuckled a little, his other hand lifting to your shoulder, keeping you steady against him until you regained your balance, “Better?” 
Something flushed through your skin, the soft tickle of electricity from where Rex held you. Touch like this… Usually, you didn’t like people touching you offhand, but you were so inherently comfortable with these people, safe with them that you allowed it. Craved it, even. It wasn’t until you joined them and saw - and felt - how contact-based you were that you realised just how touch-starved you’d been this whole time. 
It also rapidly made you realise you might be harbouring a small kernel of affection for the Captain that fell outside of the boundaries of friendship. It was harmless, just a tiny crush of sorts, built on the admiration and awe you held for him. 
Still, despite being harmless, you would never be able to tell anyone. Jedi were not supposed to form attachments, which had always been completely backwards and restrictive in your mind. 
How were you supposed to fight to the ends of the galaxy and keep people safe if you couldn’t form strong bonds with them? 
“Uh, Commander?”
You blinked back to the present, crawling out of your thought spiral to see Rex peering down at you, and behind him, Anakin smirking with his arms crossed and a brow delicately raised. 
Yeah, he knew. 
With a laugh that you hoped was breezy, you looked back up at Rex, stepping back carefully from him with a nod that came far too late, “Yes! Yes, sorry, I feel much better now. Thank you, Rex.” You brushed down your clothes, hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed. 
You really needed to pull yourself together. 
To be fair, you had taken quite a few hits. 
The Captain held out your lightsabers from where he retrieved them, “Well then, ready to go again?” His warm eyes twinkled, amusement dancing on the chiselled lines of his face and it made a grin mirror on your own. 
“You’re on.” ~~
A smile was playing on your face as the last threads of that memory floated away, sinking back into the Force, leaving behind that playful, airy lightness that warmed your chest like sunshine, the same way it had back then.
All Jedi pictured something different when they meditated, went to a place of peace unique to them. You had a few of these ‘places’ that you pictured - the lush forests of Endor, the glacier fields of Hoth, the glowing paths of stars surrounding the Marauder… But this time, you imagined a calm, empty space between worlds, a place where memories slipped past you like delicate threads of mist, weaving and winding slowly, almost as if they were in the water. 
Which made sense why the memory of training with Rex and the 501st had come to mind, since you always felt his presence in the Force to be one of serenity, the smooth surface of the ocean that cooled and calmed, lapping gently and steadily against the rocks. Yet when needed, it was powerful and ferocious, a determined force of nature that few could stand against. 
In the corners of the mist surrounding your mind, you felt warmth, different to the feeling of sunshine above you. No, this was more like… the steady warmth of fire, reliable and strong, a force to be reckoned with. One that could bring peace but also destruction when needed.
A smile touched your lips again, adding to the one already there as Hunter sat down next to you, near silently. You felt him, felt the way he crossed his long legs up beneath him, settling down next to you, just basking in the tranquillity that naturally rolled off of you when you meditated. 
It always drew Omega and the boys to you, you’d feel their approach settle around you, and when you opened your eyes they could be found quietly getting on with something, be it a datapad, cleaning weapons, playing with a stuffed toy or just watching what was around you and easing their mind. 
You hadn’t often thought of yourself as a person who could bring that level of serenity and calm to others, so it always made your heart feel lighter in your chest that you could give people back what they so often gave to you. 
A space to relax, to be themselves and take the weight of the galaxy off, even for a little while. 
You don’t know how long you sat there for, at peace with one another, but eventually the muted alertness that came with force meditation gently eased away, bringing with it the sounds of the birds in the trees, the distant trickle of water and a breeze that smelt of sunshine and sweet things and beneath that, the rich, smoky scent of Hunter. 
“I recognise that smile.” The somewhat hoarse, unhurried cadence of his voice slipped through those sounds, as if he didn’t want to disturb you, but recognised you were no longer in that state of trance. “You’re thinking about your training.” His voice carried a tone of curiosity, and you knew they all liked to hear the stories of your training and upbringing in the Temple, but would never push you for them. It was a mixed load, one that brought you so much joy to remember but also that undercurrent of pain and loss. 
Today however, beneath the warm rays of the suns on this sanctuary moon, you wanted to remember them all in their happiest, with smiles on their faces and the rambunctious playfulness that even the war couldn’t shake off at the time. 
You kept your eyes closed for a little longer, though your hands relaxed on your own crossed legs, slipping down to the grass so you could weave the soft blades through your fingers, “I was thinking about one of my training sessions, with Anakin and the Five-Oh-First.” You felt the way your own smile changed, softer, warmer, “I was training with Rex, and a few of his closest men. It was something Ani set up when he trained Ahsoka, and I wanted to try it too.” You tugged at the grass, just something to keep your hands busy, “The boys would stand in a circle, and I’d have to deflect their blaster fire. It was only on stun, but Rex would have them change up their patterns and angles so I couldn’t predict what was going to come next.” 
Hunter shifted on the grass, his knee coming to press against yours, warm through the material of your tight fitting trousers, cloak hanging from a nearby tree, “How did you do?” The gentle weight of his gaze felt just as inviting as the sunshine, a caress of the most delightful kind, knowing that he saw all of those emotions playing about on your face, even though he couldn’t read your eyes.
A soft laugh at your own expense bubbled up, tasting the joy of that memory, “Ah, well. I’m afraid I wasn’t quite so amazing back then, I took as many hits as I deflected at first, if I’m being completely honest. It was nothing I hadn’t done before, but I’d memorised their patterns, hence why they kept catching me off-guard.” You let your eyes drift open, coming back to the jewel-like palette of the forest around you, all intense greens and oaky browns, cobalt sky streaked with violet and peach clouds.  
“You? Off-guard? Well, now I know this must have been early on.” Hunter’s teasing lifted the usually serious set of his face, the golden flecks in his eyes rivalling the glow of the sun, his hair loose and tumbling over his bandana more than usual. 
He looked younger, smiling like this, with joy on his face and almost no trace of the effects of war and the purpose he had been created for. 
It was so easy to have your breath stolen by him, to get lost in those eyes, the way the sunlight played off the tattoos and lines of his face. If you looked closely, you could see the hint of dimples from the tilt of his lips, lips that were always so inviting and plush, lips you’d often longed to feel pressed to your skin at any given opportunity - “Ah, well, I might have been distracted at the time, I have to admit that too.” You looked away from Hunter, feeling the rush of blood beneath your skin that had nothing to do with the sun and everything to do with the very un-Jedi-like thoughts shooting through your mind at light speed. 
But then, you had never really followed their rules, even before everything. 
Hunter arched a heavy brow, cocking his head as he turned his torso to look at you, the muscles of his shoulders rippling when he rested his hand on the grass next to his hip, and subsequently, your one, “Oh, yeah? And just what were you distracted by, huh? Or should I say, who were you distracted by?” Oh he was truly on the teasing foot today wasn’t he?
Another laugh burst free of your lips, this one sounding more like a giggle and you bit your lip, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and you are suggesting I had feelings that do not follow the Jedi Code.” Maker, it felt like your cheeks were going to catch fire. 
He hummed a rough noise of amusement deep in his throat, shrugging nonchalantly, “Oh no, I’m just merely observing that it seems as though you were distracted by who you were training with. Perhaps a certain Captain? I dunno though, that’s just what I think.” The grin on his face was evident in the way he spoke, the way his words lilted, “You could always tell me I’m wrong.” 
Were your ears red? 
It felt like your ears were red. 
Oh, your whole body was burning up, hotter than the two suns overhead and you knew it wasn’t just from the memory of your little crush on the captain of the 501st. No, most of the flush to your skin, the hitch to your breathing and the rapid thumping of your heart was all down to the man next to you. 
The one you’d never been able to shake, even from the moment of simply hearing about him and the boys.
Hunter into his hand, bringing his body and face closer to your own, so close you swore you could feel the exhale of his breath dance on your cheek when he chuckled, “Well, I’ll be damned. Is that my strong, fierce Loth-wolf of a Jedi blushing?” He laughed again, the noise brushing right over your ear and dancing down your spine, much like the lightning that sometimes cracked at your fingertips. 
You gasped playfully, snapping your head to the side to jokingly reprimand him, but your senses were betraying you and you hadn’t realised quite how close he truly was. As you turned, your nose brushed his, your eyes meeting the burnt honey of his own and whatever you were going to verbally throw at him disappeared, dissolving like the bubbles of the fizzy meiloorun juice you favoured in the cantina sometimes. 
He was so beautiful. 
Hunter’s eyes held your own before flickering across your face, watching the smile melt to something deeper on your lips, the way the dappled sun danced across your own face, playing with light and shadow, turning faint scars into glimmering works of art. 
His lashes brushed his cheekbones, one in such opposite contrast to the other but both halves so uniquely him. 
You were in trouble. 
But then, you’d been in trouble with him for a long, long time. 
And you were okay with that. 
You moved, if only to rest your own hand next to his, laying your fingers over his own, feeling the strength beneath his calloused skin. With the slightest tilt of your head, your nose brushed lightly against his own, both of your breathing jumping for the sky, the threads of something beginning to change, alter, to follow a course they’d been heading towards for a long time. 
Hunter tipped his head, tracing the tip of his nose along your own, until his lips followed suit, the barest brush along the bridge of your nose until they pressed the softest kiss between your eyebrows, a pause before his forehead came to rest upon your own, just for a moment. 
You didn’t dare breathe, holding in the gasp you wanted to make, the tug at your very soul at the mere brush of him. 
But it wasn’t enough, of course, You wanted more. You wanted him. 
And you’d long since given up on denying yourself what you wanted. 
With a sharp intake you couldn’t hold back, you dipped your head and pressed your lips to Hunter’s, a sob almost wanting to break free from your chest, that desperation, a need so deep it lived in your very bones only growing even as you were almost granted the very thing that would save it. 
Hunter groaned when your lips pressed to his and whatever restraint he put on himself snapped, like it didn’t exist anymore. His other hand flew up, cupping your jaw, his palm and fingers so broad that his little and ring finger rested on your neck, right over the spot your pulse beat strongest. 
His lips moved against your own, no hesitation as he pulled you in closer, needed to have you right there, as if he’d open his eyes and you be nothing but a figment of his imagination. 
It was everything. 
And it still wasn’t enough. 
You gasped a little again, feeling Hunter’s hand tremble against your jaw, maybe it was your own body, or maybe he really was shaking too. The pair of you were toeing that line, tipping headfirst over it and hanging on by a mere fingertip… And you never wanted to let go so quickly before. 
His hair curled thick and silky over your fingers when they found their way there, knotting through the strands, bringing him in closer, needing to feel him, to taste him, “Hunter…” Your voice was near unrecognisable in your ears, so full of want and desire, of a yearning so profound it stunned you.
Hunter nodded a little against you, a rumble deep in his chest as you breathed his name with such desire it made his head spin, all the way he was smoothing his thumb along your cheekbone, “It’s okay, Ghost.. I’ve got you.” The movement was tender in its attention, a single beat that held everything in stasis. 
But he knew you, knew what you could handle and knew what you wanted. 
And he was only too happy to give it to you. 
Between one staggered breath and the next, the thumb that had been tracing your cheekbone with such care suddenly pressed into the space behind your jaw, the pressure causing you to gasp and he took the opportunity with every ounce of passion and confidence he had, his tongue darting between your lips and immediately stroking against your own. 
Devouring, exploring, claiming. 
Hunter had dreamt of this moment for far too long, had these thoughts screaming in his mind as he sat mere inches from you with a face as stoic as ever, despite his skin crawling with need beneath his armour. He had no idea if what he was doing was right, he was running on instinct he didn’t even know he had, but he trusted you, trusted himself and he wasn’t thinking anymore.  Just acting on something that had been screaming in his blood for longer than he could remember. 
He didn’t even know what to name this feeling, he just knew it started and ended with you.
Everything did.
You could die here. 
You could die right here, in this moment and be happy. 
You near whined when he brushed his tongue along the roof of your mouth, stars exploding in your blood and you curled your fingers around his wrist, tugging his hand from the ground so he lost his balance, body pressing into yours and you let yourself fall back with the force of it. 
You both landed in the pillowy grass, Hunter’s broad shoulders filling your vision, the plates of his armour pressing into your ribs, your thighs, but you didn’t care. 
In truth, you wanted to tear the armour off of him, to feel the rise and fall of his chest with no barrier, the heat of his body burning into yours - but right now, you were too lost in this, in the taste of him rich in your mouth, smokey and intense, his large hand still cupping your jaw, thumb sliding along your jaw and under your chin, all with the purpose of keeping your chin back and mouth open for him.
Normally, you’d fight him for dominance but you were too far gone and only too happy to do so. 
His armour was sun-warmed beneath your palms as they greedily roamed over his shoulders, finding their way expertly through the plates separating you from him until you reached the fabric of his flight suit, creeping up his neck, until your fingertips brushed his warm skin and then his hair. You wasted no time in knotting your fingers through the silky strands again, your nails grazing his scalp as you gripped it tightly. 
The noise that ripped its way from his throat into your mouth when you tugged on his hair made you arch underneath him, the sound carrying straight into your spine and setting your body alight. You swore you could taste lightning in the back of your throat as you swallowed his moan, pulling him in deeper, mouths moving hungrily against each other, messily in its intensity. It was all ragged breaths against each other’s lips, especially when one of Hunter’s hands slipped under your arched lower back to hold you up into his body and one of his knees wedged between your thigh, the heat of his body making you burn only hotter and hotter. 
The pressure of his thigh, that simple act was almost too much and you broke from Hunter’s lips so you could choke out a breathless moan, feeling your head tip back into the grass as you desperately tried to suck air into your burning lungs. 
Hunter opened his eyes to gaze down at you and they were pitch black. There was no trace of the burnt honey gold that he shared with his brothers. No, they were blacker than deep space, his blown-out pupils bleeding into the dark ring around them, fixed solely on you. You were hunter, prey, desire - the very thing at the beginning and the end of his world, something he would happily surrender to and get lost on for the rest of his days. 
And it terrified him, in truth. He had never in his life experienced something so intense or strong, feelings he didn’t even have a name for. For so long, all he had known was war, training, fighting, his brothers. 
And then you came crackling into his life on the back of a thunderstorm and ever since then he couldn’t shake that feeling. He’d thought about asking someone about it but how could he put into words something that was so intense it took his breath away?
Hunter’s thumb caressed down your jaw again, tracing the outline of your lower lip, swollen from his kisses and he followed the shape of your chin, along the delicate skin beneath before letting his thumb come to a natural stop over your throat, testing, trying, testing… He tried a little pressure, just a little. 
He’d seen the way you responded whenever someone had their hands around your throat, regardless of the situation, be it life or death or not - There was always a flicker in your eye, the awakening of something and he felt the way your body reacted. He knew the way it flushed, the way your lips parted and your breathing quickened. 
Just like now. Your pulse skipped against his palm and the breath you’d just taken was quickly exhaled on a rough moan, eyes flickering to his and there it was. The deepening of them, that response that was deeper, something almost feral and wild. Your head tipped back again, baring your throat to him with a moan, “Karabast.” 
You were so damn responsive to him. 
He couldn’t get over it. He couldn’t grasp the fact he didn’t really know what he was doing yet you were still shaking under him, just as he was shaking over you. 
You blinked up at him, every single sense keyed into him, both physical and through the Force and you were drowning in him - and it was like nothing else. 
He leant over, pressing his forehead to your own, hair tickling your skin as he allowed you both a moment to breathe, to absorb what was happening, “Before we…” He cleared his throat, but his voice remained as rough and husky as ever, smokey with desire and the intensity of these feelings, “I haven’t, uh…” He was at a loss for words, surprising you with how ruffled he seemed, how… unlike himself. 
And it utterly melted you. 
You stroked over his hair, following the line down his neck to his back, shaking your head just enough so that your nose brushed against his, “You don’t need to explain anything, Hunt.” Your words were breathy, heated, “Don’t think. Just… follow your instincts. Your Hunter-senses.” A smile touched your lips, your skin tight, desperate for his touch… all of it. 
Hunter chuckled a little, teasing your lips with his own, before trailing them down your jaw again, to your throat. His plush lips pressed open mouthed kisses to the taut skin, seemingly taking a moment to gather himself and then - then his tongue dragged over your skin, a hot path which turned cold when he blew a breath out, right before he dragged his teeth across your pulse point and sucked. 
A spike of fiery pleasure ran down down your spine, making you feel more alive than you ever had before, making your hips cant up against his thigh and a moan break from your lips that had Hunter shuddering and groaning against your throat. 
His thigh pressed in harder between your own, providing you the pressure and friction you needed, his hand on your lower back immediately moving to guide you and encourage your body to continue that rocking grind against him. 
Every single thought emptied from your head, and you fell into it, into him as he bit and sucked at your throat, freehand moving to unbuckle his armour with your skilled help. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d done this, but it was the first time it felt so real. 
The first time it made every cell in your body feel awake and alert, allowing yourself to revel in the feelings you used to have to hide back when you were a fully fledged Jedi. 
But here, with the Batch, with Hunter… You were allowed to be you. 
And get lost in him. 
“Finally decided to catch up, did you? I thought I was going to have to full body tackle Wrecker away from your food.” Echo looked up and over from the fire when you and Hunter finally rejoined the group, a camp of sorts built up near the Marauder. 
Wrecker pouted as he looked across at Echo, sprawled out on the floor, leaning against a crate with his arms spread either side of him, “Hey! I’ve been working hard lately, I told you it takes an effort to keep this fed.” He patted his belly, scooping up his water flask, “You’ll all be sorry next time you need me to move something.” He kept grumbling to himself, Lula plonked on his thigh. 
Tech was wandering about the camp, keenly noting down anything he saw, especially the creatures and flora. 
You just knew his datapad was going to be near bursting with everything he’d be researching. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head as you both stopped by the fire, “Aww, Wrecker, you could have taken it, I wouldn’t have minded.” You picked up your share of the ration packs, fresh food mixed in with it this time since your last mission went so well and you’d been gifted supplies from the settlement you’d helped. 
You pulled out a serving of the popped corn-kernels - that appeared to have been imported from Batuu - and then you held it out to Wrecker, “Here.” 
Wrecker gasped, joy sparking across his face, his bi-coloured eyes fixed on the fluffy popped kernels, “Are you sure?” He looked over at Hunter, perhaps remembering the times his Sergeant had scolded him for taking your food portions when you’d already lost so much, way back when you first joined them. 
A few steps around the fire brought you to him and you lifted his large hand, placing the container in it with a grin, “I’m positive. I know how much you love these, so I want you to have them.” You closed his fingers around the container, patting his knuckles gently before giving his hand a slight nudge, “Take it.” 
His booming laugh echoed around the clearing, “Aw, yeah!!!!” He grasped a handful of the kernels and unashamedly shoved them in his mouth, happy noises rumbling from his chest, such a simple thing to bring so much joy. He quickly swallowed, then beamed at you, “Thanks, Trouble, you’re the best.” 
Warmth hummed in your heart, growing the glowy feeling that already resided there, courtesy of the man shadowing you and sitting down just beside you, “You’re welcome, Wreck.” 
You looked down at Hunter, butterflies in your belly again and you settled down next to him, cross legged and you plucked a meiloorun from your pack, wondering if your cheeks were still flushed.
Hunter moved, freeing his blade from his vambrace and he held it out to you, fingertips brushing yours when you took it from him and you couldn’t help the way your eyes met his, drawn by something stronger than the Force. 
Your lips curled up, feeling that lingering heat in your cheeks and Hunter’s own lips twitched too, a smile softer than you’d ever seen playing on his face.  
As you sliced into the fruit, you felt eyes on you, intense - heavy. 
You glanced up, your eyes meeting the almost grey-brown gaze of Crosshair’s, levelled on you and it was dark. 
He was sitting across the other side of the fire, half in shadow but you couldn’t miss the way his eyes flickered to Hunter, the smile on both of your lips and back to you again and his body turned even more rigid than usual, giving him the impression of being on alert, ready for a mission. 
Like he was tracking a target. 
You cocked your head, frowning gently as if to ask how he was, if he was okay, but he merely scoffed and spat out his toothpick, turning away to pick up his rifle and begin taking it apart with more force than was really necessary.
There was a sudden cold grip around your heart, as if trying to take away the warmth residing there, a whisper licking down your spine through the force… a warning, perhaps?
Before you could dwell too much on that, Wrecker threw a handful of kernels with precise accuracy at Tech’s head, the kernels pinging off of his hair. “Oi, Tech, are you coming to sit down or are you carrying on with your hugs and trees and whatever?” He laughed, a hand coming to rest on his chest. 
Tech spun round, datapad still in hand and he huffed softly, shoving his goggles up, “For your information, Wrecker, I’m studying carrier butterflies. Which happen to be extremely useful creatures as they have been known to carry messages.” He consulted his pad as he came back over, weaving through the scattered things brought out from the Marauder, “They listen to instructions given to them by their owners and then carry out those requests, often sending messages to allies. Their appearance and size allow them to slip in undetected and unnoticed in places that could otherwise be considered hostile.” 
Echo looked over from where Tech had been, spying the beautiful, almost luminous creatures that fluttered between the trees, “They’re actually kind of… beautiful.” He tilted his head, watching as a swarm of them took flight and scattered overhead. 
Tech sat down, crossing his long legs beneath him, “Yes, their appearance also makes them quite popular, and they have been documented in many different shades such as pinks and white.” He set down his pad, picking up his own water flask, “I would like to know more about them, their abilities and mimicking could provide a useful blueprint to technology.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes from his shadowy corner, still looking at his rifle as he muttered, “The day you stop needing to know everything is the day I’m calling the medic in.” 
Even his voice was bitter. 
Hunter frowned next to you, a feeling of concerned confusion washing over you from him. So he’d noticed it too, then, “You boys realise if we had our own medic, they’d probably quit within the first mission.”
A chuckle slipped from your lips as you licked some juice from your thumb, “You do have a point there. I can only heal you boys with the Force, and even that feels like a never ending job sometimes.” You grinned with the familiar, affectionate teasing you’d all always had, “You need a medic who can keep you boys in shape when I’m not here. She would run rings around you, that’s for sure.”
Hunter raised a brow at you, that special smile playing about his lips again, beautiful even in profile from where he looked down at you, “Isn’t that what we’ve got you for?” He bumped into your shoulder, reaching across to steal a slice of your fruit. 
You gasped, whacking his arm and you waved the hint of your saber menacingly at him, “Touch that again and you’ll lose a limb.” You playfully glared at him in warning, but when it came to your favourite things you… were actually kind of serious. 
You would kill for this fruit. 
And space waffles. 
Oh, how you missed space waffles. 
Maybe if you ever got back to Coruscant, you could go and get some. 
Wrecker’s boyish snigger caught your attention, “Yeah, just not your favourite limb though, right trouble?” He smirked at you, resting both hands behind his head with another rough laugh. 
There was a seconds silence before two separate rocks launched themselves across the space and met his armour with a sharp clang. 
He scrambled back upright, “Hey!!!” He pouted as he brushed his armour off, “I was only telling the truth!!” 
Echo rolled his eyes, shaking his head with good-natured tiredness as he settled down with his head resting on his pack, “Here we go again.” 
The sounds of bickering between you, Hunter and Wrecker carried into the night, punctuated by laughter, that careless noise that was free of the seriousness and weight of war. 
If only for tonight. 
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The chaos of battle was a symphony in your ears, fuelling every step you took, every breath. 
Your movements matched the humming whine of blaster bolts and cannon fire, the rumbling explosion of grenades providing the beat, each element a blend of chaos and adrenaline. 
You loved the quiet moments, the peace you found in the galaxy - but you had been bred for this. Taught how to be in this very moment, feet and sabers flowing between the notes of war. 
You were barely touching the ground, floating amidst an arcing blur of blue tinged white, as vivid as the stars as you defended not only the planet, but the lives of Master Billaba’s second battalion. 
They were split across the planet of Kaller which was under heavy fire from Separatist forces. 
The battalion was made up predominantly of shinies, young troopers who were yet to see the true face of war and who were, in all honesty, way too inexperienced to be out here. 
Only four battle-hardy troopers were part of the battalion, having come from Billaba’s previous forces. There was Commander Grey, Captain Styles, Sergeant Soot and Corporeal Big-Mouth. 
Despite having these four, Billaba and her padawan, Caleb Dume, the Jedi defence had all but fallen across the planet, with Billaba having sent Caleb for backup. 
Backup came, naturally, by way of the Bad Batch and yourself, who by some grace of the Maker had been nearby at the right moment. 
You’d asked the boys to drop you off on the opposite side of the planet, dropping through the smoke and rubble and striking the ground with fierce precision and a shattering force wave that toppled the droids back like toys. 
And there you remained, carving a dent in the attacking forces here, leaving droid after droid smoking behind you. 
With your twin sabers whirling through the air before them, the clones behind you were able to rip through the rest of the droids, thinning them out until now, when only a handful remained. 
Thankfully, your temporary squad had retained minimal casualties and injuries - which would have been a relief anyway, but it was even more intense for how especially young these boys were. Not to mention you were aided by Captain Styles and Sergeant Soot, their skills unmatched and just as good as the other high-ranking clones you’d worked with.
They earned their places here with their Jedi Commander, and you made a mental note to thank them, and Billaba.
Captain Styles whistled through comms as you tore through the last battle droid, watching it shatter to the ground in sparking shards. He eyed your sabers, shaking his head a little as he came up beside you, “I really have got to work on getting one of those.” There was longing in his voice and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Ah, well, give it some time, maybe I can have a word and get you boys one.” You grinned at him as you disarmed them, the hilts warm to the touch and you let your arms fall loosely to the sides, though you were ready to spark back into action at a seconds notice. 
Styles chuckled, holstering his blasters and he rubbed a gloved hand over the visor of his helmet to clear the dust, “I’m going to hold you to that, Commander.” He gave you a two finger salute as his comm beeped, before stepping over a few droids to a quiet spot to check in with the call. 
You watched him go, where he was soon joined by Soot and then you turned around yourself, wanting to check on the other troopers, to make sure any injuries weren’t too severe, And if they were… Well, at least you’d be able to help them and ease their pain. 
It never got any easier to lose these men, and you took each loss under your command as a personal hit. They may have been bred for battle, a means to end the war with the Separatists but they were real people, with real lives and they should be given the chance to explore their individuality… To be able to live. 
It was something you always struggled to stay silent about if you were bought into council meetings, or even with any higher ranking Jedi. You fought for the lives of these clones with such a ferocity that you’d been taken aside many times and almost scolded for feeling too passionately about it. 
No attachments, remember?
But how were you supposed to win a war, to bring peace to the galaxy when you were supposed to be as unfeeling as the countless droids you fought everyday?
As you looked out across the battlefield, a whisper ran down your neck, like ice water dripping down your spine. The very air around you seemed to tighten, tense, and every sense in your body screamed into high alert. 
From across the way, you heard the unmistakable vile, slithering voice of the Chancellor, only this time it was different. Darker. Filling the air with evil even from just a holo, “Execute Order Sixty-Six.” 
Order 66? 
Awareness screamed through your mind, the Force shaking you back to alertness and not a second too late.
On pure instinct, you spun round, igniting your sabers whilst slashing them upward to block the blaster bolts aimed at your head. They shot off to the side, hitting a tree and sizzling intently.
And where you expected a rogue droid left behind…
You found Captain Styles, blasters aimed straight on target - at you. The expressionless sight of his helmet had never seemed so gaunt and imposing before, usually you felt like you could detect his expressions through it, but this time… It was lowered menacingly, not an ounce of recognition in the once familiar colours.
This wasn't the Styles you had been fighting side by side with just moments ago.
“Styles?” You held a hand forward hesitantly, saber still within your grip but maybe he had mistook you for someone, maybe you had misunderstood.
With a sharp ping that sounded all too loud, your wrist-comms burst into life, Hunter’s voice coming through rough, demanding, “Ghost, run!! I don’t care where you are, what you’re doing. You need to run, now!!” He was using the Sergeant’s voice on you, confusion and concern bleeding through the demand. This was bad. This was happening over where he was too, then.
Your vision clouded over for a second, your mind tapping into the double vision Force sight that has saved you many times - 
A blaster bolt to the head, another two quickly following to the chest and stomach. Then, three more from various positions behind.
There was no hesitation in your response as you swung your sabers round, catching the blaster bolts in a stacked position, moving instantly to bring one of the plasma blades up behind your back in a reverse grip, hearing the hiss as it diffused the shot to your head. 
All the while, you couldn’t comprehend what was happening, the fact that your clones were attacking you, shooting at you and forming up in waves to try and bring you down. 
If this were anyone else, droids even, you would be taking them down instantly, sabers swinging through their circuits and making them crumple to the ground.
But these were real people.
Real soldiers, real men, men you had just fought to save the lives of.
And yet you were choking on the emotion pouring from them, even as your fighting style changed to one intended to disarm and disable only. Not kill. 
The very air around you was clogged with one thought - Kill.
Kill you. 
End you. End the Jedi.
When you tapped deeper into the force, into their individual signatures, they were all stained with the same oily iciness that you felt around the Chancellor… And around the Sith, actually. 
It was frightening in its intensity, slithering along the ground like a venomous snake, fangs bared and dripping poisoning, with the only goal to bring you down in tiny little pieces. 
The clones advanced on you from all angles, stepping over their disarmed brothers and it occurred to you that the only thing keeping you alive right now was the fact a lot of these troopers were still Shinies. 
So, you did what Hunter had told you to do.
You ran.
You backed up as much as you could, reaching into your pocket and producing a smoke bomb. A few more blocked blaster shots and you threw it toward the ground, not sticking around to watch as it filled the clearing with dense, thick smoke. 
Feet flying over the earth, you ran and ran, letting the Force guide you to somewhere that was safe, toward a ship you could escape on.
All the while, your mind raced as you tried to make sense of what was happening, why the clones were suddenly turning on their commanders. 
Was this just an isolated incident? Was it only happening here?
Clearly, your boys were not a part of this, they weren’t falling prey to the Chancellors order… Was he even the Chancellor anymore? 
You’d always been wary of him, but now this whole thing reeked of the Dark side, of the Sith.
These thoughts plagued your mind as you bolted through the undergrowth, ignoring the rapidly growing stitch in your side as you eventually came stumbling out of the forest onto a grassy cliff face. 
And there, in the sun that seemed too bright for a day like today, was Billaba’s ship, almost as if it was waiting for you.
Your first gut feeling was that this was wrong, you couldn’t take her ship… But you didn’t need to dip into the Force to know she hadn’t made it. You just knew. 
She’d have wanted you to escape, help anyone could, find out what was happening… So, without hesitating too much, you raced toward her ship and it was only when you were far out of the atmosphere, the dark blanket of space around you that you took a breath. 
As soon as you could, you engaged hyperspace, slumping back in the seat and dropping your head into your hands when the stars turned to bright lines out of the windows. 
Everything ached, inside and out, your connection to the Force in agony as chaos and death bled into the world. 
With a heavy heart, you reached out, imagining invisible hands stretching through those wispy bonds, reaching for your friends, for any of them. 
Where was Ahoska? The last you heard, she was with Rex, travelling back from Mandalore. She’d updated you right before she entered deep-space, so as far as comms was concerned she was essentially unreachable. 
You held your breath as you reached out for her, imagining her bright force signature, one so close to your own, and yet… You hid darkness. 
A blank wall.
There was nothing there where she should be… Even after she left the Order, you could always feel her, just in reach but this time it was like reaching into an empty room and grasping nothing but air. 
And Rex… Where his liquid, cool calm should be right next to Ahsoka’s… It was gone too. 
They were both gone. 
Panic and fear were flooding your system now, your hands shaking as you wound them tightly into your hair, pulling at the strands praying the pain would wake you up from this nightmare, or just help you to focus. 
You had to just be doing it wrong surely.
“Please… Please, Anakin. Help me.” You whispered the words to the void of space before reaching out again.
There would be no missing Anakin’s signature, it was near impossible. His was so powerful, taking up so much space with its intense vibrancy, like two sides of the coin. 
Night and day.
Dark and light. 
White and black. 
His was always like a swirling cloud in your mind, perfectly balanced like ink bleeding through water. 
Awareness flickered through you, hope flaring brighter than the sun - You’d found him?
It certainly felt like him. 
You dived head first into it, words spilling through your mind that you tried to convey through the force, needing to know if he was okay, if - 
You were drowning.
Pulled under with no warning or no air, sucked deep into a swirling maelstrom of fury, pain and fear. Of betrayal and loneliness - of grief. 
This… this couldn't have been Anakin, surely not. 
Only it was. 
But where his signature and presence usually felt like summer sunshine… His felt like ice. 
Ice that put Hoth to shame, ice that invaded your heart and mind, turning your blood to tar and making your entire body shake head to toe. 
The Dark side, it was swallowing you up, his emotion becoming your own, calling on the very same thoughts and feelings you had been made to repress. 
Anakin’s fury became your own, his fear bled with the same fear that had you waking up screaming. 
He was in utter agony, and he was giving into it. 
Your best friend was no longer here. 
In his place, a being of the Dark. 
A Sith. 
That was the last tether keeping you attached to the surface, the very last thing holding you in place… then it snapped. 
Those suffocating feelings swept over you, engulfing you completely and you tumbled into the frigid depths, feeling the raw pain as the Force itself cried out in rage that so much blood had been spilled today. 
Then the darkness consumed you and you lost hold of anything real, awareness fading and everything turning to ash.
Leaving nothing behind
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akash113 · 3 months
The Nissan Magnite was launched in India on 2 December 2020 and is likely to receive a facelift in December 2024. It is available in four main variants: XE, XL, XV, and XV Premium, and it offers 32 options based on gearbox and engine specifications. The ex-showroom (Delhi) price of the Magnite ranges between ₹6 lakhs and ₹11.27 lakhs. The base variant is the Magnite XE, and the top variant is the Magnite Turbo CVT XV Premium Opt DT.
Exterior Aesthetics
A blend of global design ideas and Indian inputs crafts the exterior design of the Nissan Magnite. In essence, Nissan says three Japanese values have shaped the design: Kabuku, meaning a pioneer; Sui, meaning purity of purpose; and Inase, which refers to dynamism and vibrancy. The Nissan Magnite has an upright front, a flat, high-set bonnet, a horizontal roofline, and an SUV-style silhouette. The SUV has a bold, wide front grille that is complemented with svelte Bi-Projector LED headlamps and LED turn indicators.
The vehicle's elegant appearance is further enhanced by the LED fog lights and L-shaped daytime running lamps (DRLs), and the sporty and crisp wide split trademark taillamps make a lasting impression. The Magnite has a tough yet elegant appearance enhanced by its 16-inch diamond-cut alloy wheels, silver skid plates, integrated side cladding, chrome door handles, and ORVMs with turn indicators. Its sporty aspect is further enhanced by additional features like the chrome beltline, roof rails, and integrated spoiler with LED high-mount stop lamp (HMSL). 
The Nissan Magnite is available in 5 monotone and 4 dual-tone choices. 
The dual-tone choices are 
Pearl White with Onyx Black
Tourmaline Brown with Onyx Black
Flare Garnet Red with Onyx Black
Vivid Blue with Storm White 
The monotone options are:
Blade Silver
Flare Garnet Red
Onyx Black
Sandstone Brown
Storm White
Interior Ambience
The Nissan Magnite's cabin space features a patterned film with gloss black end finishers, sporty AC vents with silver accents, and a centre console finished in black. The upholstery is in premium embossed black fabric with synthetic leather highlights, offering style and comfort. The different storage options include a 10L glovebox, door pockets that hold 1L bottles, a centre console with wallet storage, and various compartments for convenience. It also has an extensive 336 litres of boot space. Additional features include rear AC vents, a front centre armrest, and a rear parcel tray.
Innovative Features
The Magnite further has a range of advanced features that enhance entertainment and comfort. This includes:
A 7-inch TFT display, which serves as the dashboard's focal point and provides drivers with all necessary driving information, safety features, and other functions, helps them stay informed and focused on the road.
The stylish 8-inch full-flush touchscreen has support for Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, WhatsApp notification readouts, and iPod compatibility. 
PM2.5 filters for a clean interior atmosphere
Integrated steering-mounted audio and metre controls that offer convenient access to crucial features. 
The optional Tech Pack in the XV and XV Premium trims adds items such as wireless phone charging, premium JBL speakers, air purifiers, ambient lighting, and puddle lamps.
Engine and Powertrain Specifications
The Nissan Magnite offers two engines: a 1-litre naturally aspirated engine that delivers a maximum power of 71.01bhp and 96 Nm of torque and a 1-litre turbo-petrol engine that offers 98.63bhp of power and up to 160 Nm of torque.
Both engine variants come with a standard 5-speed manual transmission. However, the Magnite also offers a CVT option with the turbo-petrol engine, reducing torque slightly to 152 Nm. Additionally, a 5-speed automated manual transmission (AMT) is available with the naturally aspirated petrol engine.
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paintingtips2024 · 4 months
Step-by-Step: How to Prepare Your Walls for Wallpaper Installation in Allen
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Wallpapering is an excellent way to add personality and style to any room in your Allen home. However, the key to a successful wallpaper installation lies in thorough preparation. Properly prepping your walls ensures that the wallpaper adheres correctly and looks flawless for years to come. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare your walls for wallpaper installation.
1. Gather Your Materials
Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials:
Drop cloths or plastic sheeting
Painter’s tape
Sponge and bucket
Mild detergent or wallpaper stripper
Scraper or putty knife
Sandpaper (medium to fine grit)
Primer or sealer
Spackle or joint compound
Utility knife
Tape measure
2. Clear and Protect the Area
Start by removing all furniture and decorations from the room or move them to the center and cover with drop cloths. Protect your floors with drop cloths or plastic sheeting, and use painter’s tape to secure the coverings. Remove any switch plates, outlet covers, and wall fixtures.
3. Remove Old Wallpaper
If there is existing wallpaper, it needs to be removed entirely. Use a wallpaper stripper or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. Apply the solution to the wallpaper and allow it to soak in. Once the wallpaper is saturated, use a scraper or putty knife to peel it off. Be patient and work in small sections to avoid damaging the wall underneath.
4. Clean the Walls
After removing the old wallpaper, clean the walls thoroughly to remove any remaining adhesive. Use a sponge and a mild detergent solution to scrub the walls. Rinse with clean water and let the walls dry completely. This step is crucial because any leftover adhesive can interfere with the new wallpaper’s adhesion.
5. Repair and Sand the Surface
Inspect the walls for any imperfections such as holes, cracks, or dents. Use spackle or joint compound to fill these areas, and smooth them out with a putty knife. Once the compound is dry, sand the repaired areas until they are flush with the surrounding wall. Also, sand any glossy surfaces to ensure better adhesion for the primer.
6. Prime the Walls
Priming is an essential step that helps the wallpaper adhere better and makes it easier to remove in the future. Use a high-quality primer or sealer designed for wallpapering. Apply the primer evenly with a roller, and allow it to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Priming not only provides a smooth base but also seals porous surfaces, preventing the adhesive from soaking in unevenly.
7. Measure and Plan
Before you start applying wallpaper, measure your walls to determine how much wallpaper you’ll need. Measure the height and width of each wall and calculate the total square footage. Add an extra 10-15% to account for pattern matching and mistakes. Mark a starting point on the wall using a level to ensure your first strip is perfectly vertical.
8. Cut and Apply Wallpaper
Cut the wallpaper into strips according to the height of your walls, adding a few extra inches to the top and bottom for trimming. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying the adhesive to the wallpaper or directly to the wall. Align the first strip with your starting point, and use a smoothing tool to press the wallpaper onto the wall, working from the top down. Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles as you go.
9. Trim Excess Wallpaper
Once the wallpaper is applied, use a utility knife to trim the excess paper at the top and bottom. Be careful to make precise cuts along the edges for a clean finish. Reattach any switch plates, outlet covers, and wall fixtures you removed earlier.
10. Final Inspection
After the wallpaper is fully installed, inspect the walls for any imperfections or bubbles. Smooth out any remaining bubbles with a smoothing tool, and ensure all seams are securely adhered.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your walls are perfectly prepped for wallpaper installation. Taking the time to prepare properly will result in a beautiful, long-lasting finish that transforms your Allen home. Happy wallpapering!
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healthhub56 · 5 months
How to Lose Weight in 7 Days Naturally
Losing weight quickly can be a challenging yet achievable goal if approached correctly. Whether you're aiming to fit into a new outfit, kickstart a long-term weight loss plan, or simply want to detox, a 7-day natural weight loss plan can set the pace. Below, we outline strategies that focus on healthy eating, physical activity, and lifestyle changes to help you lose weight naturally in just one week.
Day 1: Reset With a Clean Slate
Focus: Hydration and Fasting
Start with Water: Begin your day with a glass of warm water with lemon. This aids digestion and rehydrates your body.
Intermittent Fasting: Try an intermittent fasting style that suits your lifestyle. The 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window, is highly effective for weight loss.
Mindful Eating: During your eating window, focus on consuming whole foods. Vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains should be on your plate.
Day 2: Introduce Physical Activity
Focus: Low Impact Cardio
Start Moving: Introduce at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Walking, swimming, or cycling are excellent choices. The goal is to increase your heart rate and boost your metabolism.
Stay Active: Throughout the day, look for opportunities to move more—take the stairs instead of the elevator or do a 5-minute stretching session every hour.
Day 3: Optimize Your Diet
Focus: Plant-Based Foods
Go Green: Increase your intake of vegetables, particularly leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collards. These are low in calories and rich in fiber, which helps you feel full.
Smart Carbs: Choose complex carbohydrates such as quinoa, sweet potatoes, and brown rice. They take longer to digest, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.
Hydration: Continue drinking plenty of water throughout the day to help suppress appetite and flush out toxins.
Day 4: Boost Metabolism
Focus: Spices and Metabolism-Boosting Foods
Spice It Up: Incorporate spices like ginger, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon into your meals. These can increase your metabolic rate by enhancing thermogenesis—the body’s heat production process.
Protein Power: Include lean protein sources like chicken breast, tofu, or legumes. Proteins require more energy to digest, thus burning more calories and aiding muscle repair.
Day 5: Reduce Bloat
Focus: Digestive Health
Limit Salt: Reduce your salt intake to minimize water retention and bloating. Opt for herbs and spices to flavor your food instead.
Probiotics: Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, or sauerkraut to enhance gut health and digestion.
Evening Walk: A gentle walk after dinner can help stimulate digestion and reduce bloating.
Day 6: Mindfulness and Recovery
Focus: Mindful Eating and Relaxation
Eat Slowly: Take time to chew your food thoroughly and savor each bite. Eating slowly can help reduce overall food intake.
Stress Management: High stress can lead to emotional eating. Engage in activities that reduce stress such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
Quality Sleep: Ensure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. A good night’s sleep is essential for weight loss as it helps regulate hunger hormones.
Day 7: Review and Plan Ahead
Focus: Strategy and Sustainability
Reflect on Your Journey: Assess what worked for you this week and what didn’t. Weight loss is a personal journey, and individual results can vary.
Set Realistic Goals: If your ultimate goal is to continue losing weight or maintain your current weight, plan your next steps. Perhaps integrate more intense workouts or consider consulting a nutritionist.
Celebrate Your Efforts: Reward yourself with a non-food treat like a massage or a new book for your hard work and dedication.
Additional Tips for Success
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key in any weight loss regimen. Stick to your plans as closely as possible.
Hydrate: Drinking water before meals can reduce appetite.
Avoid Sugary Drinks and Alcohol: These beverages are high in calories and offer little nutritional value.
Keep a Food Diary: Tracking what you eat can help you stay aware of your calorie intake and food choices.
Losing weight in just 7 days requires dedication and discipline, but by following a natural and structured approach, it's possible to kickstart a healthy lifestyle change. Remember, rapid weight loss can often be unsustainable; view this week as the beginning of a more sustained journey towards health and fitness.
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ukonlinebathroomstore · 5 months
Upgrade your contemporary bathroom with Vado's sleek flush plates, available in 5 stunning colours to match your style. Featuring a flat square design, the chrome option offers timeless versatility, while the brushed black adds depth. Add a touch of glamour with brushed gold or modern sophistication with brushed nickel. For an antique effect, opt for brushed bronze. Prefer a softer shape? Explore our equally stunning round flush plates. Elevate your bathroom's aesthetic effortlessly with Bathroom Supplies Online's Flush Plate collection.
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ewolfman-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pura Vida Rose Gold Enamel Wave Ring size 5.
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guanshentai · 2 years
Features of olive oil filling machine
  Theolive oil automatic filling machinebelongs to special filling equipment. This product is a linear piston filling machine, which adopts PLC and touch screen automatic material control, and has the advantages of accurate measurement, advanced structure, stable operation, low noise, large adjustment range and fast filling speed. The exposed parts of the machine and the contact parts of the liquid material are made of high-quality stainless steel and the surface has been polished, and the appearance is beautiful and does not pollute the environment.
  The CPU of this machine adopts international leading products such as Mitsubishi or Omron, imported full-color touch screen man-machine interface, and the whole filling process basically realizes one-button operation, which is unmatched by other domestic counterparts. In addition to filling olive oil, the olive oil filling machine is also suitable for other liquids: various wines, condiments, oils, pesticides, chemical liquids, etc.
  Features of olive oil filling machine:
  1. The unique multi-style filling head and suction system designed for no dripping ensure that the production site and the packaged products are not contaminated by liquid materials;
  2. This machine is equipped with a full-color touch screen man-machine interface controlled by an imported PLC computer to ensure that the adjustment of the capacity is simple, fast and accurate. It is irreplaceable for any form of cellar filling machine;
  3. It is convenient to adjust the filling distance and bottle height;
  4. There are oblique flushing or straight flushing type for filling nozzle, which is suitable for filling with different liquid properties, oblique flushing type is suitable for liquid materials that are easy to foam, and filling nozzle positioning form is plug-in type, which is suitable for different filling heights. product;
  5. The stainless steel flat conveyor belt driven by the planetary cone disc stepless adjuster can flexibly coordinate the synchronization of multiple processes;
  6. Photoelectric tracking, automatic program control, and the use of world famous programmable logic controllers such as Omron to make the program more flexible;
  7. Imported accessories are used for the main pneumatic and electrical components to ensure the stability of the system and excellent quality;
  8. The liquid supply form can adopt high-level tank or pumping liquid, which greatly improves the production capacity;
  9. It can be equipped with a high-efficiency magnetic induction sealing device, which greatly improves the product quality of the product. The unique induction plate and cooling system of the transistor sealing device make it safe and efficient, and the sealing effect is good.
  10. It can be used with rubber cap heat shrinking machine, automatic bottle unscrambler and other equipment.
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bestdishwasher · 2 years
Which Are The Best Dishwashers
There are a lot of dishwashers available. As a matter of fact so many that picking one could a piece overpower? So which are the best dishwashers?
The response to that question is more straightforward than you could have envisioned. The best dishwasher is the one that has the elements, size, and guarantee that you are searching for. So whether you are on the lookout for one of the more expensive spotless dishwashers or whether you are searching for economy think about this:
1. Limit
Do you need the standard 24" size or the conservative 18" size? A 18" is a decent decision for a family with 2 or 3 individuals in it. It will hold 8 spot settings. A 24" which is standard dishwasher size will hold 14 spot settings.
2. Type
Will that be compact, worked in, or a ledge models. There is a dishwasher for each kitchen size. The ledge style works perfectly nearby other people and a convenient is a shrewd choice in the event that you are leasing.
3. Energy
Nowadays we are considerably more energy cognizant thus other than whatever the public authority directs customers are directing that the dishwasher really should save water and power.
4. Washing Cycles
Dishwashers as a rule have a few cycles and cycle mixes which might incorporate Typical, Light, Pots and Container, Econo, and Wash As it were. A few cycles turn out better for china while others turn out better for oily dishes. Ensure the dishwasher you pick has the cycles you will need to utilize most frequently.
5. Execution
How well your dishwasher performs relies upon the washing cycle structure, the sort of cleanser utilized, and the flush. The general presentation not set in stone by a large group of variables including the wash cycle, the heap on the dishwasher, and what's being washed.
6. Stacking
Check the plan structure inside the dishwasher. The rack design has a colossal effect on the number of dishes you that can fit inside. Some will likewise have exceptional elements like a cutlery plate in the entryway. Some will have an exceptional wine glass rack. This is the spot you get to save space with the right format.
7. Producer
There are a lot of extraordinary makers to browse. In the event that you have a most loved go with it. Not certain? Then, at that point, do a little research and see who's standing is awesome and who's getting saw for a prevalent item. Whirlpool is world known yet it isn't the main incredible producer so do all necessary investigation.
8. Spending plan
Begin by setting your financial plan. With regards to dishwashers you can spend anyplace structure several hundred to two or three thousand. By the day's end they all wash your dishes clean. The thing that matters is by they way they achieve this and what extra highlights they offer. So set your spending plan and stick to it.
The best dishwashers available are the ones that finish the work you really want them to do. Shopping on the web can give you some incredible purchases. So why not start now?
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Searching for the best dishwasher is a portion of the time like endeavoring to find the completion of a rainbow. There are many models to peruse, and it seems like the more you look, the genuinely frustrating and unpretentious your goal becomes.
To help with diminishing your interest, why not start with the best brands first, and a while later work your bearing down the once-over? As shown by J.D. Power and Accomplice's 2009 Home Device Review, the vitally 5 dishwasher brands for the most part purchaser dependability are Kenmore Top notch, Bosch, Maytag, KitchenAid, and LG.
In our own examination of more than 200 dishwashers, we evaluated each machine in 40 key locales. The super 5 brands that dependably scored at the top in essentially every expense range were GE, Maytag, Kenmore, KitchenAid, and Frigidaire.
The best dishwasher brands ordinary to the two examinations are Kenmore, Maytag, and KitchenAid. We ought to research their top models:
1. Kenmore 13183 - This treated steel dishwasher scored 10 out of 10 in our audit. It has a treated steel outside, tempered steel internal tub, and mystery controls for a smooth, current look. The 13183 sprinkles water to 6 unmistakable levels, supplements with shower streams, and has a NSF guaranteed clean flush cycle. The arrangement is "Tall Tub" and it holds up to 14 spot settings. The racks are mobile, and you'll love the quietness with simply a 52 dbA sound rating. The 13183 is moreover Energy Star qualified with a 300 kWh yearly power use.
2. Maytag MDB8959AWS - Assessed 9.8 out of 10, this Maytag has treated steel all over, and the controls are covered at the top. The cleaning structure is genuinely remarkable with 5 wash levels, sprinkle planes, steam, and a clean flush. Its eco-friendliness is clear in a couple of locales including a low 291 kWh rating and 4.2 gallon per cycle water use. The MDB8959AWS holds 14 spot settings in the tall tub, and the racks are mobile. Uproar levels are insignificantly higher than the Kenmore at 56 dbA, yet magnificent.
3. KitchenAid KUDE70FVSS - With hidden away controls and tempered steel everywhere, this best dishwasher furthermore scored 10 out of 10. Water sprinkle is passed on to 5 levels while the planes clean and scour any strongly grimy things. The NSF tidy flush wraps up a wash cycle that is potentially of the best. To the degree that uproar goes, it's maybe of the calmest dishwasher you can buy. At 41 dbA, just Bosch makes a to some degree more settled dishwasher at 40 dbA.
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practicalsolarpunk · 3 years
What are the first things that someone living in a small flat in a city can do to make it as Practically Solarpunk as possible?
This is an excellent question! And I apologize for taking so long to answer it, I wanted to make sure my response was thorough. This topic really deserves its own masterpost (which has now gone on my list of posts to write).
The answer depends on a lot of factors (do you have a patio or balcony? Does your flat get any natural light? Do you live with other people who would resist anything too "out there"? etc.). Here's what I personally would do starting from zero to make my apartment more Practically Solarpunk.
Set the thermostat low in winter and high in summer to reduce energy use. Go by the "cool/heat the person, not the space" principle, which means lots of layers, blankets, and hot water bottles (or similar) when it's cold and loose clothing, damp towels, and lots of fans when it's hot. Bonus: DRAMATICALLY recuces utility bills, especially if you have electric heat.
Put up curtains. Especially if you have a lot of windows or big windows, putting up thick curtains will help regulate the temperature inside. If it’s hot out, close the curtains over windows getting sunlight to prevent it from warming up your place. If it’s cold out, keep the curtains closed whenever possible to insulate from the cold (glass transfers temperature really well and it will mitigate any drafts).
Grow plants. I’m partial to herbs and other things you can eat. If you have a patio and the weather is good, grow them outdoors. If not, a sunny windowsill works fine.
Start bokashi composting. It's fast, compact, mostly smell-free, and a great way to reduce your waste and get nice dirt for your plants. You do need dirt somewhere to finish the process, but it doesn't have to be a yard - I keep a couple 5-gallon buckets of dirt on my patio for this purpose.
Experiment with solar energy. How much you are able to do with that will depend on how much time/money you want to invest and how much sun your flat gets, but in most cases you should be able to generate enough solar energy to at least keep your phone charged.
Flush the toilet with graywater. This one does take some extra effort and requires that your landlord not get too bent out of shape about you removing things that you’ll put back before you leave. Remove the p-trap from your bathroom sink and put a bucket underneath so the sink drain leads to the bucket. When you need to flush the toilet, empty the bucket of sink water into the toilet tank (or directly into the toilet bowl if you have an American-style greedy cup siphon toilet - more instructions here).
Meet your neighbors. Community and mutual aid all start from a base of knowing the people around you. My favorite method is to give a plate of homemade cookies when I introduce myself, but that’s optional.
Share with your neighbors. Set up a shared pantry in your building, try one of these other similar options, and find stuff you need and get rid of stuff you don’t through your local Freecycle, Trash Nothing, or Buy Nothing group.
Feel free to take whichever suggestions fit your situation and leave the rest. And if you have more specific questions, you can absolutely send in another ask!
- Mod J
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Reciprocal ❂ (M) || 2 of 2
A Manager!verse story Rating: Mature Genre(s): Fluff, Smut Pairing: Jongin x Reader Word Count: 3.8k Warning for sexual content. 
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Jongin had let go of your hand when the two of you reached the house, but he made up for it by spending the next few hours in easy conversation with you. You talked about everything and anything, from speculation on the relationships between the other managers to childhood aspirations. Jongin had long entertained dreams of dancing. No surprise there. But it had come as quite a shock to him to learn you had competitively speed skated and almost entered Taereung.
“Why'd you stop,” he asked. The two of you were sitting on the back patio nursing glasses of water.
“I sprained my ankle earlier in the year and spent a lot of the time hanging out with friends when I normally would've had practice. I didn't really miss it.
“Plus, I had a boyfriend,” you said with a little smile and reclined back in your chair.
“Ahhh,” Jongin responded. “So that's why.” He shot a you look. “You've never talked about dating before,” he said.
“It never felt like... It just didn't come up.” You'd had a few relationships over the last 5 years, but had never divulged that to him. You had done your best to maintain a certain professional distance. They'd never amounted to much anyways, either due to inattention, jealousy, or lack of passion. But it was hypocritical, wasn't it, when  you were aware of every relationship Jongin had had? He was the person you spent the most time with, unintentionally or not.
“There's nothing to even bring up now anyways,” you added softly.
Jongin hummed and was quiet for a long time. You bit your lip. Why'd you even bring that last bit up? You kept glancing at him, but you couldn't get a read on his expression.
But Jongin turned suddenly, a smile on his lips, and changed the topics. “So, are the managers planning anything for Chanyeol's enlistment?”
You relaxed tentatively into the question. Soon, the tension dispersed, forgotten, and by the end of the conversations your mood had lightened considerably. For the first time, you really felt as if this was a vacation to enjoy rather than a detox to suffer through.
Dinner that night was a spirited affair. While Jongin showered before the meal, you busied yourself with setting places. You had pushed the coffee table closer to the fire and arranged pillows around it. A bottle of cab was open on the table to breathe.
Just as you set the glasses down, Jongin emerged from his room. His hair was still damp, you noticed, and his skin had the flush of the freshly bathed. He was in his pajamas, a towel bunched around his neck, sleep shirt unbuttoned and pants hanging low on his hips.
Your heart must have convulsed. Briskly, you turned away and gathered the plates of bœuf bourguignon with a white-knuckled grip. “Dinner's ready,” you called over your shoulder.
“This is cozy,” he remarked. You heard the rustle of fabric as he settled into the pillows.
Heaven help you, you prayed.
Over the course of dinner, the two of you finished the bottle. Jongin sat next to you now, having migrated from the opposite side of the table at some point in the meal. The two of you were laughing because your arms kept getting in each other's ways as you ate—he was a righty to your lefty. Eventually, Jongin got so exasperated, he grabbed your spoon and slid it out of reach. He refused to give it back, so he fed you from his spoon the rest of the meal. The fire cackled merrily at your antics.
You were pleasantly tipsy, your tongue looser with wine. Jongin was stretched out, leaning back on the couch. He had taken his shirt off entirely, claiming he was hot. You leaned against his shoulder, felt the sticky press of his skin against your cheek. You were warm and full. It had been such a strange day, full of quiet intimacies you'd never shared. Maybe that's why you said what you said, why you did what you did.
“You're intimidating, Mr. Kim Jongin.”
Jongin glanced at you, surprise written across his face.
“You're a beautiful person.” You closed your eyes and extended an arm. “Your body, your dance, your personality. You know what they say?”
You lifted yourself onto your knees, moving your face close to his.
“You're a god,” you whispered next to his ear.
You felt him shudder.
“What are you saying? I'm not--”
“Shut up,” you breathed. “Let me say this.”
“You're a god, Kim Jongin.” You rested one sacrilegious palm against his cheek “So tell me, how could a mere human like me adore you?”
Jongin was the one who closed the distance, who captured your lips in a searing kiss. His eyes were burning when he pulled away, his hands hot against your waist.
“Didn't I tell you that it's you who I need?” he whispered against your lips. “Let me show you how much I worship you.”
A trail of clothes puddled on the floor in the wake of your passing. Jongin stalked behind as you led him into the palatial bathroom. He didn't touch you. He watched as the clothing slid off you, lazily following your movements. He kept watching as you stepped into the shower, fully naked in front of now, and let the water sluice across your body.
He slid out of his pajama pants. He hadn't bothered with boxers. You saw the length of him, untouched yet already half-hard.
His eyes roamed over you. The attention made your insides twist pleasantly. Your previous partners had been good enough to satisfy, but Jongin made you feel wanted. You ran your hands down your body just to see if his gaze followed.
It did.
He waited until you stepped out of the shower, dripping water all over the dark stone tiles as you crossed to the crown of the bathroom.
Inset in the floor was an onsen-style bath as big as a pool. The bath itself was made of cedar, deep enough for water to reach your hips when standing, with a bench that ran around the inner rim for soaking. Panoramic windows surrounded the bath, but darkness kept secret the view.
Jongin stepped into the bath ahead of you. You met him in the middle, steam curling around you. You lifted your hand above his collarbone, trailing water all over his chest.
Something would change, more than it had already, if you touched him. Some illusion, some safety net you'd built. The nearness of his body was scalding, hotter than the water, and you knew it would burn.
Jongin curled his hands into yours, fitting his fingers into the spaces between.
“Still here?” he asked, kind and sweet as he always was.
You squeezed his hands and nodded. You'd promised. He wouldn't get rid of you that easily.
He led you to the ledge and sat, pulling you closer. You perched over his lap until his hands drew you down. You felt his hardness between your legs and quivered. It had been such a long time since you had done this.
“Are you okay with this?” Your voice wavered along with the steam. Even with you naked on his lap, Jongin kept his hands confined to innocent places. He was focused on kissing your neck and jaw.
He pulled away, a look like drowsiness in his eyes.
“I'm okay with anything. Whatever you want to do.”
You slowly nodded and rested your forehead against his. You let your hands slide down his shoulders, thumbs dipping into the indent of his collarbones. He lifted his head and you obliged him with long, luxurious kisses.
“Can I touch you more?” he asked, voice gravelly.
He thanked you with another kiss, caressing the line of your spine. His hands disappeared from your body then reappeared on your thighs. He squeezed. You felt his shudder and heard the tiniest groan fall out of him. And, oh, you needed him to make that noise again. Your hands grazed the skin of his stomach and traveled lower. You felt the flex of his muscles. Jongin caught your eyes, the way you waited for a moment until you found the permission you'd been seeking.
You wrapped your hands around his erection. The water obscured your view, but he was hard in your hand as you slowly stroked him with a velvet grip. His jaw fell open and he rolled his hips into your hand.
An ache built in you. Jongin set his jaw mulishly, a challenging glint entering his eyes. You gasped at the first brush of his fingers against you. They slid silkily against you, leaving soft whorls of water in their absence. You ground down against him, pinning his hand against his thigh, patience abandoned. Jongin bent, kissing the tops of your breasts, using his thumb to sweep over your nipples. You slid a hand into the hair at the base of his neck and tugged.
His gaze meeting yours was a thunderclap.
He knew without having to say anything more. He readjusted himself and you leaned on him as you sank down and let him enter you.
You rode him slow. You felt your eyes hood, and your head sank back. Water dripped from the ends of your hair, and you opened your mouth and moaned. Pleasure sizzled along every nerve, radiating outward from your navel to the tip of your toes and the roots of your hair. Jongin pressed his thumb into your bottom lip. It glided slickly between your lips. You opened your mouth, taking it between your teeth. You dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the flex of his muscles.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, his thumb swiping across your bottom lip. Your eyelashes fluttered closed. “The sight of you, and oh, the way you feel around me. How couldn't you have known what you to do to me?” You moaned and he echoed you, his hips twitching up. His hands slid up your back before dipping back below the surface. He cupped them there, then brought them up to pour water down your neck and chest. His tongued followed their path.
“I want to make you forget everything except me,” he said hoarsely.
“I like the sound of that,” you said breathlessly. “Okay, rookie. Show me what you can do.”
He grinned, pulling you into a kiss. “Better hang on,” he murmured against you. He stroked lightly down your sides. You twitched away; you'd never realized you were so sensitive there, and his devilish smile proved he knew it. He planted himself and started rocking into you, rhythm tortuously slow. He'd hold himself still at points, long enough for you to despair that you'd ever find release. After four times, you begged for mercy.
Heavy, humid panting soon filled the room. The water lapped against the sides of the bath and over.  You buried your face against his shoulder at one point, too overcome with the fact that this was Jongin that you were doing this with, that his cock was inside you. You'd never had such a patient, attentive lover, never had such appreciation lavished upon you. It was just on the edge of enough and yet so far from it. He kissed the inside of your elbow, gave it a kittenish lick.
He got his arms under your thighs and stood. You felt him slide deeper into you and whimpered, wrapping your legs around him. Never had you appreciated the work he put into his body so much as now, feeling his muscles gather and relax as he drove himself into you. You heard his little grunts as he bounced you on his cock, and felt the overwhelming sensation of him all around you.
“I—I'm gonna...” Your teeth were chattering. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stave off orgasm.
He pressed a kiss to your temple. “I've got you.”
You cried out, arching as you came, Jongin's hands against your back the only thing preventing you from slipping backwards into the water.
He held you there until your muscles trembled and you began to slide down. His dick slipped out of you, sandwiched between your bellies until he sat you on the edge of the pool. You were winded, a pile of mush. He was flushed with exertion. You brushed his fringe away—the humidity and his sweat had left it in cute little curlicues.  
Like a compass orienting northwards, your eyes sought his. Temptation lingered in the spaces between your bodies. You read the hunger in him, in the way his stare dropped to your lips and flicked back, desire simmering darkly there. It sucked the air from your lungs, drew lips to lips to devour all of you. Teeth bit, tongues curled. You wrapped your hands around his bicep, anything to ground you.
Kissing Jongin was like kissing a storm; in him was a wildness held 6,000 feet at bay. His bites ended in kisses, tongue laving away the hurt. Tomorrow, you knew you would wake to tender bruises blooming on your skin and you relished it. When finally he pulled away, your back was flush against the floor, his arms bracketing either side of your head as you stared up at him. Your heart learned the rhythms of war—what dread god had you summoned?
His lips, red and wet from your mouth, trailed down your neck. Goosebumps had risen all over your body as water evaporated from your skin, but Jongin's mouth seared you. He skimmed down your breastbone and planted fervent kisses to your stomach, your hips, lower and lower.
He drove you wild, made you writhe. His touch was so cold it burned, so hot it froze. Your body was locked between fight and flight and your pleading noises seemed only to incense him. His fingers delved into you and discovered places that made your toes curl, his tongue hot against your folds. His free arm locked over your hips to prevent you from bucking. The squelch of wetness echoed in the room, and you covered your eyes, burning at your own wantonness.
“I love this,” Jongin growled. “Making you come apart.”
Your thighs slammed shut, locking his hand in place as you plunged into climax. Your hearing went out, and in its aftershock a high-pitched note rang in your ears. Distantly, you heard a muttered curse, heard the rhythmic grunts of Jongin as he came before you were lost to the wave of secondhand arousal. I wish I could've seen it, you thought faintly.
When you came to, Jongin was massaging your legs. His hands skated dangerously high up your inner thighs, stoking the embers of your pleasure. “Stop that,” you complained, kicking him weakly in the shoulder.
He grinned, bending over you to place a tender kiss between your eyebrows. “Whatever you say, my little human.”
You ignored the pet name. Your chest still heaved for air. “What... what about you?”
He gestured at himself, at his flagging erection. “You did me in,” he said with a wry grin. “The sight of you...” His eyes shuttered as if he was recalling the scene. The interested twitch his dick gave was more than enough to finish that sentence.
The two of you shared a shower, motions brisk and economical. Well, his at least. Jongin wound up wrapping you in a heated towel, arms and all, because your hands wouldn't stop wandering.
“I told you, didn't I?” he had reproached you. “Let me take care of you.”
He dried your hair and offered you the top of his pajama set to wear, blush burning on his cheeks. Maybe a less flummoxed you would have commented on the stark dichotomy between now and a few minutes ago, but the words never materialized. The two of you brushed your teeth side by side, sharing the shy smiles of a newly intimate couple. You kept giggling at each other for no reason at all.
Between the events of the day and the man beside you, you didn't expect to get much sleep that night. But you fell into a gentle, easy dreams, cradled in Jongin's arms with not an inch between you.
Morning gilded him in gold. Sleep crusted his eyes, his hair was disastrous, and if that wasn't the most perfect sight you'd seen, you didn't know what could be.
He smiled sleepily, eyes closed.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered.
You rolled your eyes and sat up.
“Admit it, you can't even see what I look like right now.”
He squinted at you. “Amazing in every single way?” he offered, with a hopeful smile.
You grabbed a pillow and bonked him with it. He rolled away, laughing his dorky little laugh. You were glad he couldn't see your smile.
Jongin was a hoverer, you learned. He had a habit of floating about your vicinity like a lost puppy. It was particularly noticeable when you were cooking. You seemed to find him in your path at every turn, or you would feel a gentle tug as you moved away and twist to see him holding the hem of your shirt with a pout.
The best way to deal with it, you soon discovered, was to pay him attention. Telling him to cut this or stir that worked, but he especially liked being fed. You would feed him extra little bits of ingredients and press them to his open mouth. He'd close his lips around your finger and you'd feel the soft, inner parts of it as you slid your finger back out.
“How was it?” you would ask softly each time.
“Mmmh. Delicious,” he'd answer with a wicked grin.
No good deed could go unpaid. You reciprocated the next day on your knees, Jongin laid out on a sun-lounger beneath you on the terrace. You took him into your mouth, took him as far down as your throat would allow. He trembled below you, eyes wide and watching. His adam's apple bobbed as you swallowed around him, lips parting.
You'd been at it for the past twenty minutes, swapping out your mouth for your hands when your jaw got too tired.
“Do you know how many people would kill to have you under them like this?” you said with wonder. You waited until Jongin opened his eyes, still glazed with pleasure. You placed your hand loosely against his neck, felt his hummingbird pulse in your fingertips. “But only I get to do this.” You tightened your grip and gave quick, short strokes around the crown of his cock. He choked out a gasp, jerking, every muscle of his clenching.
Jongin was such a vocal lover. You felt a powerful and infinite kind of tenderness for him.
“You're doing so well.” His breath fell heavily, a tell-tale quickness to it. His thrusts became erratic.
“Please,” he gasped. “Please.”
You kissed the words from his lips. “Yes, yes,” you whispered. “Anything for you. So good. So proud of you.”
“Uuuuuuh,” he groaned as his orgasm ripped through him. Long ribbons of come landed on his chest, where they glistened in the warm spring sun. His thighs quivered, hips lifting off the lounger as you continued to milk him. Come glazed your hand and dribbled from the slit of his cock.
Greed whet your appetite and desire pooled in your belly. Jongin cried as you took him back in your mouth, hands reaching for you, until your tongue, your lips, your hands coaxed a second orgasm from him. His come pooled, salty and intense, in your mouth. He watched with dilated eyes, little debauched noises trembling off each exhale, as you made a show of swallowing.
The last days of your vacation ran themselves down. On the final evening, the two lay entangled on the couch in front of the fireplace, talking.
“Am I easy to manage?”
“You?” you laughed. “No way.”
“What? Yes I am! I'm super easy to manage!” He actually looked a little upset. “Aren't I?”
You couldn't help laughing. “I don't think you get to say that. But it's not your personality,” you reassured him. “It's your perfectionism. I admire it, but honestly? Sometimes it's a pain in my ass.”
He crossed his arms. “Yeah, well, you can be a pain in my neck sometimes, too, you know.”
You felt your eyebrows creeping up. “Yeah? How.”
“When you wake me up, when you make me drink chicken smoothies, when you take bad photos of me for Instagram...” He ticked them off his fingers one by one.
“Bad?!” You pinched his side, eliciting a little squeal. “You told me they were cute!”
“Because they're so bad!” He laughed his ridiculous laugh, fending your hands off.
The two of you rolled off the couch and onto the floor from your tussling. Jongin turned onto his side, small hiccuping laughs still spilling from him. Unwilling to be bested, you pulled your phone off the coffee table. “I'll show you bad. I studied photography, you know.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “Doesn't matter. I let my work speak for itself.”
Jongin snorted.
You knelt above him, angling your phone down at him. He was so effortlessly photogenic, he could lie there with four days worth of stubble, chapped lips, shirt ridden half way up, and still look right off the cover of Vogue. The shutter clicked, and Jongin instinctively moved, expression changing minutely.
“These look good, you'll see,” you murmured, drawn into the familiar world of work, of seeing the unreachable him from behind a screen.
But instead of waiting, he pulled you down. You fell into him with an oomph, and he rolled you over until you were snug against his body, his left arm under you with his hand curled around your shoulder. He hummed while he scrolled through your gallery. This, as in all things, Jongin was methodical with. “Not bad,” he acquiesced, “but here. My turn.”
He opened the camera app and flipped to the front-facing camera. You watched on the screen as his head tilted towards yours and felt the brush of his hair against yours. Your heart raced.
“No need to be nervous.” You were watching him on the screen as he whispered it, saw the curve of his lips as they ghosted over the shell of your ear, felt the words land as breath against you. He knew you were watching him. A thrill went up your spine.
“I like it better when you're with me.”
Back in Seoul, a picture hangs on your refrigerator.
A polaroid of Jongin folded around you, kissing the crown of your head with a smile. The moment catches you with your eyes closed, clutching onto him and laughing.
An offering for the memory collector and the date is scrawled along the bottom, for the dream of many more.
A/N: I kept my promise. :) 
Thank you for reading!
[ ❂ Read more Manager!verse here ]
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philograce · 3 years
What the guys make for breakfast except everything kinda sucks...
Notes: sooo this is my first hcs and it’s okay but hopefully it’s cute enough<3 I thought it would be funny cuz we all need some happy things after the last chapter...
Warnings: some cussing, and that’s it :3
Parings: Eren x gn!reader, Armin x gn!reader, Jean x gn!reader, Connie x gn!reader
**not proofread
He would definitely be the type of boyfriend who would make you a good breakfast meal in bed like twice a year and that's it. Most of the time you will wake up, finding that you are all alone in the bed, so naturally you make your way downstairs. That's when you hear it. It sounds like Eren is singing? Reaching the kitchen, peaking your head around the corner you are greeting with a head banging Eren. He is rapping?? Or almost like he is free-styling. Your dumbfounded... I mean Eren rapping?!? You can't see what he is leaning over, but as soon as he turns around you can see two cups and a large container.
"Oh hey babe!! Look I made us breakfast!"
His face held a large grin, even though he was cute your eyes still tried looking for what this "breakfast" was.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah see!"
He turns around and you are greeted with two shaker cups full of protein powder mixed in water. Your mouth drops open, what the hell is this morning?
"(Y/n)?? Don’t you like it? It's vanilla your fav..."
oHHH my god Armin would be such a healthy breakfast man. Like you would be sleeping, gently tucked away in his arms, until his 5:30am alarm would go off waking you both up. Now you were used to this alarm by now but it never failed to make you automatically grumpy. Armin kisses your forehead telling you to go back to sleep, and so that's what you do wrapping up in the warm blankets letting sleep consume you. That was until again something else woke you up, a smell that was filling the house reach your nose. What was it? You wondered to the kitchen, seeing the blond hair man hovering over the oven.
"Whatcha cooking babe?" Taking him by surprise he quickly turns around, his round glasses sitting cutely on his face, moving over to him to view what he was messing with. Upon inspection you see a plate filled with what looked like scrambled eggs?
"Wanna taste?" His hand brought the fork to the good stabbing it and bringing it up to your mouth. You were expecting the buttery eggy scrambled egg taste, but you were instead greeted with something different? It tasted spongy and just weirdly different.
"Uhm.. Armin? Is this eggs?"
You scrunch your nose at him. If it's not eggs then what in the hell did you just put in your mouth.
"Then what is it?????"
"Scrambled tofu!"
Armin had a wide smile, he was very proud of the new dish he just wiped up for the two of you.
"Oh yeah we are vegan now babe!"
"Sure sure.... wait what."
I think we all know that Jean is the best boyfriend material don't fight me everyone. He would for sure make you something almost every moring, always reassuring you that he loved making breakfast and it was what he wanted. Without waking you up, Jean would slip out of bed but not before kissing your forehead. He would make his way to the small kitchen, pulling out bowls and ingredients, this morning he decided to make pancakes.
Putting on some soft music just low enough so it didn't wake you up, he would begin to cook, mixing the ingredients and perfectly cooking the pancakes. The wonderful smell of something sweet would wake you up, shuffling your tired feet through your hallway and into the kitchen. Jean would admire your half-awake state, how his shirt fit you like a dress, the flush that's crept across your face. He loved you lots:)
"Breakfast is almost done Babe."
He was always so sweet like this, the two of you together while he cooked. It didn't matter if he wasn't good at cooking, like at all, it was the thought that counted. He wanted to make you breakfast and that's all you could ask for.
"Here beautiful." He put down a plate right in front of you, a plate stacked with droopy sad looking pancakes. But happily you ate it all, admiring the huge smile on Jean's face, sharing a kiss with him.
Oh my god this man... this man would for sure not make breakfast because he is not capable like at all. But..... he would wake you up, shaking on your shoulders placing sloppy kisses all over your face. "Hey...hey babe c'mon let's go."
You have to peel your eyes open, sitting up and rubbing your eyes open. "Huh where we goin?" Connie wouldn't answer you, only swiping you up and off your feet and carrying you to his car.
The two of you would be sitting in his car, turning the heater on and rubbing your hands together to warm up.
"Con where are we going,,, c'mooon tell me?"
He would just a mischievous smile spreading across his face, tightly gripping on your thigh, still not answering you. He would drive for a couple more minutes, taking some turns, finally pulling up into a store parking lot. He then drives into an Arby's????? AN ARBYS???
yeah he drives into the drive-thru of an Arby's. You are absolutely astounded, what is this man thinking that roast beef is going to be good 8 in the morning??
"Why...why are we going to Arby's???"
He would just laugh, not even given you a good reason as to why just a stronger laugh.
"Cause... the ya know.. the roast beef sandwich is kinda thick??"
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