#50 days of hzd
horizonjade · 6 months
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Hunting, party of two.
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dausy · 2 years
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pattern art to get in the fall spirit and take up space while I do a life update. I've accomplished a few things, books, video games and then some life issues.
So easy stuff first I guess. I finished one of my goals of reading a Harry Potter book in spanish. I read the first book. It took me all year because it was a major brain fart/humbler. Reason why I chose HP was because its made for kids and it was familiar. I did NOT understand everything but luckily digital devices come equipped with a translation dictionary. About halfway through the book is when I had my first notebook with my art made. Whenever I get to book 2 my plan is to write down words that I had trouble with. There were 3 words in the first book that showed up frequently that kept confusing me but I didn't write them down haha. So I cant tell you.
I have a rant about another book I'm reading, Ill wait til I'm done
Secondly I finished playing Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West back to back. That took me..ages..when I first turned on HFW I was like "oh..thats the map..this is tiny" and well somehow I put double the man hours into the sequel than the original game with the DLC. Think I finished HZD in 50 or 60 hours after completing everything that game had to offer. 100% completion. HFW Id been playing for 90 and I didn't complete everything and just kinda said "eff this" and finished it. I like open world games. I'd play a third game, probably wont get to a dlc I dont generally do those on purpose.
My issue is though is I still don't like the character designs. I think HZD was the superior game. I kind of like the doom and gloom apocalypse back story and I like the idea of our modern life being somebody elses ruins. I like that. But everything else, the over story, the character designs..its like putting a jak and daxter style design on a serious story of The Last of Us. It didn't go. We needed to either choose if we were being serious or not. The sequel I enjoyed the gameplay but I think it suffered from being a sequel. Its getting too big for its britches. I dont like the space stuff. I dont like the immortality stuff.
so not my favorite game of all time but I'd play another.
I was playing disney dreamlight but I think Ill move on here soon to Ooblets to fill in time.
Lastly life.
My grandma died. It was not unexpected especially after seeing her for the final time a few weeks ago and I could tell she wasn't going to make it much longer. The thing that kinda bothered me or reassured me the most is..atleast gramma wasn't aware of what was going on. She's told me to my face how much the death of her siblings years before traumatized her and how she's afraid of dying. Really afraid we're all going to hell. If she could see herself on her deathbed she would absolutely freak out.
seeing her at the viewing again, was kinda sad. She just looked uncomfortable. People say "atleast now they're at peace" nah, gramma looked just as uncomfortable as when I saw her the other weekend. Its amazing how my brain remembers her from a few years ago and that viewing-experience just did not look like the gramma that I knew.
its just another phase of life coming to an end.
we've had it rough this past year. Husband lost his dad, we lost our cat at the same time and I've lost 2 grandmothers.
My work called me off the entirety of last week so I havent worked in over a week. Todays my first day back and I was asked to come in late. So I'ma have like..no paycheck..but whatever I guess.
so anywho I havent managed to be creative. I did manage to draw a bit yesterday so I may paint something but I dont know think it'll meet any sort of standard or expectation.
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ladyrawthorm · 2 months
What a stream!
Hey guys! How are you all doing? It’s been quite the day over here 😊 but as usual, we will start at the beginning of the week.
My week off of work last week was definitely needed and it was a bit of a shock going back on Tuesday (Monday was a public holiday for Easter) but finishing work and playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth was just what I needed to relax., We actually got some story done! We made it into District 5, we got Roman killed and we added a new player to out roster. We were kicking ass. And of course we spent the rest of the stream playing Pokemon with humans which is always a blast. We do need to get back on the tram and take more pictures of questionable men in leotards.
This then brings us onto Horizon Forbidden West. We are playing this live on YouTube as well as Twitch. It seemed like a good idea at the time since we are currently uploading our Horizon Zero Dawn playthrough (There are 2 weeks left I think. Next weeks video has voice over as I spent the first half of the stream completely muted lol). This way I don’t have to do any video editing! We haven’t done much story yet but even the side missions, in true HZD fashion, are fantastic. The story is griping. So far the entire game is so well done. I get to Thursdays and I start getting hyped up for stream on Friday. I might start doing impromptu streams on Thursdays just to play more of it so keep an eye out for those go live notifications!
Rainbow Six Siege was fan fucking tastic today. Up until this point we have been average a level a week since I’m normally only live for about 4 hours and with my awful game play it’s all we can manage XD but not today! Today with the help of Re4PeR, KingSkorca and Jediseeker carrying me through many games, we made it 3 levels which means we finally made it to level 50 and now we can play ranked! So next Sunday we are going on our first adventure through the ranked season. Watch this space for an update on how I feel about that haha.
Ok, so I may be over exaggerating my uselessness in Siege because we did get some good first and second places today!
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There is no other news I’m afraid, the schedule is staying the same for a bit:
Tuesday - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Maybe Thursday – Horizon Forbidden West
Friday – Horizon Forbidden West
Sunday Rainbow Six Siege!
As always, here are all of the links to all of the things:
ladyrawthorm | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch | Linktree
Have a wonderful week next week, make good choices and I will see you next week!
Lady Rawthorm
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turtleverse-games · 5 years
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Damn. No mercy whatsoever, and apparently even relation by blood will find you no quarter.
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miawinters · 2 years
soooo, here's my final thoughts about hfw:
Most of all, the story was not great. I don't know how to exactly say it's bad, but it is, lol. hzd was a simple story like "who is my mom" while hfw is all "wow what if this ancient group of people survived thousands of years after lying about blowing up, and they've come to take over earth and also the main character has a clone, and the guy who caused the apocalypse is now a mutant and is killed by his kinnie, and... (other shit)". It's all very over the top and not really what I personally liked about hzd. Especially with the end of the game teasing yet another world ending threat, but this time it's literally inconceivable, idk wtf they explained was the hidden threat. It's some real sci-fi shit, very divorced from the main things on earth, and not what I liked abt the original.
Another thing that was disappointing was the characters. I already made a post about it before, so I won't repeat all that, but they felt very separated from half the story once they entered the Main plot, and they got very little actual character development (or it was implied instead of shown). Some reoccurring characters also didn't quite look the same, and Sylens felt very ooc to me, like they couldn't decide on him being mr evil teasing aloy in the beginning abt how he was smarter, or forcing him into the ally role for some reason, him inexplicably joining her after spending the entire game gloating abt how he's ahead. The villains also felt very cartoonish, just big bad evil people with very little revealed about them (but I guess it was like that for all the characters). I also think just about all the characters besides the literal main ones were very forgettable appearance-wise and sometimes there'd be two characters in one scene i'd confuse with each other... so yeah.
I think the quests were mostly improved in hfw. I think the cauldrons and tallnecks were much more interesting instead of the same repeated steps over and over. The music, animation, and graphics were also a lot better, too (though i think graphics isn't the most important thing, esp with how everything will eventually become dated).
The gameplay was better, but there were a ton of bugs and the climbing felt v clunky. The game also placed items weird, with half the map seemingly locked until you beat parts of the main quest, i guess strongly suggesting you do that first, which seems to defeat the point of being rewarded with stronger items in side quests and all that. There was also the second tallneck they chose as the one two be untouchable until the second to last mission, which I cannot understand why they'd do that. The game also wasn't empty or boring (like days gone or DA:I) but the unlocking items thing made it feel a little frustrating especially when beating all the side quests before the main quest is a common thing with gamers. I also didn't like the level cap being 50 because it suddenly felt like half the rewards were taken away from quests.
The game also had a weird thing with race that I don't really know how to talk about, but it was weird, esp w hzd being in hot water over native american influences in the game.
I can't really remember what else to say, but I think overall if you did like hzd before, you'd probably mostly like this one, but I'd never recommend this to someone wanting a good story, lol. Hzd felt very simple w a nice touch of post-post apocalyptic past sci-fi, and then hfw went kinda nuts. The main plot added with the lack of character development for anyone is a big letdown for me, especially when it seems like the devs knew what they wanted, and the characters did seem interesting, but it seemed like they thought just having them visibly there is enough instead of them actually doing anything. Anyway, it is a pretty game and alright gameplay. V bad story tho, lol. At the very least, though, it doesn't go back on its original themes like tlo/u2 or whatever lol
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oathkeeperoxas · 3 years
1, 5, 10, 18, 21, 23
alyssa my beloved <3
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
Darkest before the dawn!! This fic had me by the throat, I wrote 50k of it in 15 days and then finished the rest of it in another 4 weeks to get to 81k total. It was genuinely just *drops yearning, grief, anger, helplessness, smut, sadness, tenderness, together in a pot and stirs* like I could write it so quickly because there was very little plot. It was basically 90% raw emotion and people trying to cope with horrible trauma and I've gotten SUCH responses from it that honestly I didn't expect. All those codywaners out there are the real ones 💖
5. most popular fic this year
I feel like I have to say Limerance, just because of how it dwarfs all my other fics in popularity lmao. I did upload 4 chapters which was about ~25k of words this year in April, so I have worked on it, which means it counts, right? To show how big the discrepency is, here's my AO3 stats page lol
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2 of these are Supernatural and 2 are BNHA and the other is an ATLA oneshot I am still constantly surprised is as popular as it is. No HZD or KH in my top five hits... this is my villain origin story
10. shortest wip of the year
adore this question, like first of all what does it mean 😂 Like something I don't have complete but is started?? Probably one of my exchange fics which is a 'wip' in that an idea for it vaguely exists and I need to have it written soon, but I actually haven't put pen to paper yet. Really need to get on that lmao
18. current number of wips
jhff errr... um... SO many. so many.
I have a few wips on ao3, all of which I would like to finish - there are 5 of those, including Limerance, 3 HZD wips, and 1 mandalorian fic which I actually super want to complete before the end of the year.
Then I have the ones that aren't on ao3, and mannnn. I have 18 codywan wips (this is only including fics that I have actually written something for...) and then 2 exchange fics that are also in progress at the moment. Plus, 3 more that are started (2 kingdom hearts and 1 ffxv) that I'm excited about and definitely want to post eventually!
This is a long winded way to say that I have 28 wips at the moment...
21. most memorable comment/review
ALL of the comments on my codywan on tatooine series, but also there's a particular subset of those comments where I'm like lmaoooo this person wants to ask about my mental health but has restrained themselves bc they're a stranger and this is fanfic. good for them. a choice excerpt below:
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23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
inch resting question... I guess I really wanted to try and finish Limerance this year, but it super didn't happen haha. I think it probably needs another 50-70k before it would be done, but that's a lot! I also want to keep writing my sorikai re:write series, I actually got the first chapter of that done this year and planned out most of the chapters but when I did that I was like THIS IS GOING TO BE LIKE 70K and so I've paused at like having 8k of it done. But it's all planned and I really adore the concept, so I do want to finish it!! Maybe that can be next year's goal... if codywan ever lets go of it's death grip on me haha 🤪🤪
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Halloween Fantasia summoning haul
Target: HElly
4800 wyrmite + 2 free tenfolds, ~15-20 single summon tickets spent
dupe Julietta (2nd tenfold)
H!Elisanne (4th tenfold)
H!Mym (?th Single Ticket)
Konohana Sakuya (2nd day free tenfold)
Wyrmite left: 52,270
Thoughts: Happy I got Elly, 50 MC’d and I’m prepping her for HZD right now.
Mym is nice and I’ll use her on my MG fire team. I didn’t have Konohana Sakuya before so I’m really happy to get her!! she’s also really pretty and I keep looking at her art and sprite lol
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coppermarigolds · 5 years
Now that we’re halfway through January...a semblance of a “year ahead” post.
Writing: In 2018, I completed the first draft of my novel. Finally. My only 2019 writing goal is to get it revised and done and over and finished. I’ve been working on it for 283971 years and I just want it out of my life. Unfortunately, when I opened it for the first time this year, I realized I hate the last 2/3 of it and will probably have to rewrite it. I’m trying to look at that as a positive--seeing areas of weakness that I didn’t see before means I’m growing as a writer? or something?--but it’s exhausting, man.
Travel: I’ve been lucky enough to do a fair amount of traveling in my life, but always with other people, usually my parents. In 2018 I decided to take a solo trip to New York City for my birthday weekend. This was, believe it or not, the first time in my 3+ decades that I’d ever flown on a plane or stayed in a hotel by myself. I realized that I LOVED IT. Travel became so much more freeing when I had no one to answer to and no one else’s schedule to keep. I loved it so much that I’m seriously considering another solo trip for my birthday this year, but I’m holding back a bit because I should probably save the money.
That said, Sis and I are still planning to take at least one trip together. Last year we went to Asheville, North Carolina. This year, we’re tentatively planning on Colorado Springs. Part of the reason for this is that we’re sussing out new cities we might potentially move to someday. While I love my state, I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’d like to branch out. Preferably somewhere near nature and mountains. Hence, Asheville and Colorado Springs. 
(Confession: at least 50-60% of the motivation behind checking out Co Springs is because of My Feelings about it in HZD. I realize that spending many happy hours in one video game’s depiction of post-apocalyptic Colorado Springs is not an intelligent reason to consider moving there in real life. But I want to at least visit anyway.) 
Health/Fitness/Nutrition: this was a dismal category for me in 2018. Constant fatigue prompted bloodwork, thyroid tests, and a sleep study, all of which turned up nothing. But I’m still tired all the time, and having various other symptoms no one wants to hear about, so I’m scheduled for exploratory surgery early next month. In the meantime, trying not to obsessively google cancer symptoms and freak myself out any more than I already am. 
In 2017, I lost a decent amount of weight through running and calorie tracking, leaving me the skinniest I’d been since college. In 2018, I gained it all back. Sob. So 2019 will be spent trying to figure out a more sustainable way to not only lose weight, but also maintain it. Thus far this year, I’ve purchased a set of dumbbells and am working on some weightlifting routines, as well as shorter but more intense bursts of cardio exercise. As much as I enjoyed running in 2017, the weather and daylight savings time ultimately sabotaged me. Some people may be intense enough to run in 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but I’m not one of them. I also don’t feel comfortable running after dark, which pretty much rules out running any time in the fall or winter since it gets dark at 5:00 pm. And I just don’t like running on the treadmill. So I’m hoping the indoor interval routines I’m trying this year will do the trick. 
Real Estate: still searching for that elusive first property. We’ve gotten really close a couple times, but no dice yet. I’m hoping it’ll happen soon. Just the other day I read about a couple of guys who somehow purchased over a hundred units of rental property and were able to quit their day jobs in just two years. Man, would I ever love to be able to do that! The further I get into my thirties, the more I’m realizing I really, really do not want to spend the rest of my working life chained to a desk for eight and a half (or more) hours every day. Real estate seems to be the most plausible way to get free of that, short of marrying a millionaire, so I’m going to keep at it until it sticks. 
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pqrachel · 2 years
4 in Feb 2022 - Day 11:
Another day of HZD DLC gameplay. I got all the collectibles for the DLC area and have been just trying to level up since the recommended level for the next story mission is 50. Like huge jump but I’m almost ready for it.
Also the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection is getting a major patch on the 21st so that’ll be exactly enough time to play each of the remaining 8 chapters one per day to finish by the 28th. So I’ll save my playthrough of that until the patch so that I hopefully don’t get anymore weird “remastered” moments.
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horizonjade · 6 months
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carmensugus · 6 years
85 questions tag
I was tagged by @basilptich Thanks :)
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— What was your last…
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: I don’t make phone calls but the last one I received was from my mother
3. Text message: to @mery-de-villiers-montrose actually
4. Song you listened to: La Bikina, Ana Guerra's cover
5. Time you cried: I think it was yesterday, playing HZD (SPOILERS), when I first went to Rost’s grave
6. Dated someone twice: lmao never
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: a couple years back i think?
10. Been depressed: it’s been around... three years maybe?
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never gotten that drunk
— Fave colours
12. purple
13. green
14. blue
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yeah! A few, surprisingly
16. Fallen out of love: no...? maybe...?
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. Met someone who changed you: i don’t think so?
20. Found out who your friends are: ?? I mean I guess
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: I don’t even have facebook
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: don’t have facebook (but I had until not so long ago so I’ll say that everyone I had on facebook I had met in real life)
23. Do you have any pets: nope
24. Do you want to change your name: no
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Uuh... nothing. I had class and club activities all day
26. What time did you wake up today: 10:26
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: coming back home
28. What is something you can’t wait for: a few things, actually. Holidays mostly
30. What are you listening to right now: Ana Guerra’s cover of La Bikina
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t think so
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: my brother
33. Most visited website: tumblr probably
34. Hair colour: brown
35. Long or short hair: short and getting shorter
36. Do you have a crush on someone: ...................................... yes...
37. What do you like about yourself: my hair, really
38. Want any piercings: not really
39. Blood type: can’t remember rn, I’m a mess
40. Nicknames: Cé, Sugus
41. Relationship status: single and so not ready to mingle
42. Sign: aries
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: Critical Role (if it counts as a TV show)
45. Tattoos: I wish
46. Right or left handed: right
47: Ever had surgery: no, thank god
48. Piercings: I mean, earrings
49. Sport: I like a couple but I’m the least athletic person to ever exist, istg
50. Vacation: so far I got a trip with a couple friends which I’m pretty excited about and am hoping to plan more trips
51. Trainers: what’s the... what’s the question here?
— More general
52. Eating: nothing rn?
53. Drinking: water
54. I’m about to watch: Haikyuu!! ... again
55. Waiting for: again, the holidays
56. Want: college to be over and a stable, well-paying job
57. Get married: never
58. Career: translation
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: shorter
62. Older or younger: i don’t really have a preference
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms
64. Hookup or relationships: relationships
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: HA, no
67. Drank hard liquor: I don’t think it was hard...
68.Turned someone down: yeah, couple times
69. Sex on first date: no
70: Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so
71. Had your heart broken: *single tear*
72. Been arrested: no
73. Cried when someone died: duh?
74. Fallen for a friend: ... yes, okay? yes
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: hahahahahahahahahahaha
76. Miracles: yes
77. Love at first sight: lol no
78. Santa Claus: not anymore
79. Angels: no
— Misc
80. Eye colour: brown/hazel
81. Best friends name: Laura and María
82. Favourite movie: Labyrinth and The Greatest Showman
83. Favourite actor: idk, if I had to choose, I’d say Robert Downey Jr.
84. Favourite cartoon: Avatar
85. Favourite teacher’s name: I don’t really like any of my current teachers
I’m supposed to tag 20 ppl but that’s so not happening. If you’re seeing this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged
@mery-de-villiers-montrose @soshortstoryteller @lollipop1141 @beware-the-werenerd @chibinico 
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turtleverse-games · 5 years
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I really shouldn’t be surprised, given that both the survivors deal with these types of things on a regular basis, but I’m still definitely impressed with the spectacle of it. The two of them make a great team.
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scoupsy-remade · 4 years
(Pt1) that's totally valid tho. They are all really good games lol, and ngl I love 15 too it's like right under my fave 2. (And I'll always have a place for 7 lol) omg your first was NSYNC? I'm actually kinda jelly. I was a big fan of them but they broke up before my family was cool with me going to concerts. And ngl I feel you with the OTY thing, Woozi was there and I kinda just followed him without really thinking about it lol. I was pretty far back cause I bought tickets for myself and my bff
(Pt2) cause the one I went to was 2 days before my birthday and I didnt wanna be alone lol. Mingyu just likes wrecking people at concerts apparently lol. Cause he hit me there too (tho tbh it was mostly cause he clowned tf out of our crowd xD it was hilarious) and the sonic games are so fun. I was terrible at them but I love them. Ooo I really wanna play the HZD sequel too! My roomie and i just finished the first one! It was so freaking good! Oh my first game was Legend of Zelda on NES and my
(Pt3) last one was actually Horizon Zero Dawn lol. Um first concert was Fall out boy back when I was in middle school lol cause my aunt/bff wanted to go and convinced our family to let me go too. And my last concert was the OTY tour in Dallas :) (sorry there were so many messages omg) -carat anon
Yeah I was like 8? maybe when I saw NSYNC i think the only thing I remember is my cousin being like “Look thats Justin Timberlake!” but we were so far away I was like ??? is it?? because he was like an ant. The only reason I got to go was my older cousin was like 19 so technically she was an adult. 
That’s cool you went for your birthday!! Last year an ode dropped the day before my birthday so I made my best friend stay with me and we watched it come out together!! and I bought all the versions and used it being my birthday as a great excuse lmao I remember seeing Woozi for the first time and being like ?!?! thats him thats THE genius oh my GOD?!!?! he’s also like 4 inches taller than me so i was like he’s not THAT short (but thats just on me being super tiny lmao) 
I’ve seen fall out boy in concert! i saw them with All time low and metro station with friends in school, it was a weird show because half the audience were like 25 and just wanted to see fob and then there were actually people who went for metro station lmao and when they did that vegetarian song everyone was CRAZY and i had never heard it at that point so i was VERY confused at the hype. 
I LOVE the zelda games! I’ve played ocarina of time like 50 times! I keep meaning to play breath of the wild but I just keep spending all my money on kpop so i havent downloaded it yet... 
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oathkeeperoxas · 7 years
helloooo~~ mind if I.... *slide into ur dms*?? Nah seriously though your numbers for the HZD thing are: 16, 36, 40, & 24
Zoe you know that you can slide into my dms anytime
50 Questions - Horizon: Zero Dawn Edition
16. What is your favorite settlement (i.e. Mother’s Heart, Meridian, Song’s Edge)?
Honestly Meridian. Like all of the settlements are kind of forgettable but you spend so much time in Meridian, and it’s so big and it has GIANT ELEVATORS!! Like it has a palace and stands on a mesa like how Iconic
24. Which tribe/faction has your favorite culture?
The Nora, definitely. Like they are kind of Problematic, what with their habit of casting out day old babies just because they appeared randomly on sacred altars, but still!! A matriarchal society with the best aesthetic in the game and let’s be honest, they live in the best area as well. 
36. What is your favorite unlockable skill?
Hmm, there’s a few candidate for this one. I love double shot and triple shot for sure, they make is so easy to snipe machines from far away. But I also love all of the sneak skills and strike from above is honestly such a meme like Aloy looks like a dope when she does it. Not to mention that Tinker is legit probably the best skill in the game. But probably triple shot, I use it the most lol
40. What is your favorite data point?
Dam Family is the best one I love Laura and Shelly
LAURA: Ready? One, two, three, four!
LAURA: Corp sellouts and runaway cowards--
SHELLY: Hold on! Cut it, cut it. I forgot the words.
LAURA: Dude! Shells, we started off so strong! And then it all just imploded!
SHELLY: Well, that's sort of my M.O., so...
LAURA: Nope! No. No heavy stuff. We're switching gears. Band name! We need one.
Dear Nobody,
When I took this job, we had to watch this training holo. And I remember probably 2% of the actual holo. At some point the holo welcomed me to the "dam family." And I felt like A.) that was such a missed opportunity, because they could have called it a "damily" and chose not to, and B.) the idea that I would ever think of any of my coworkers as "family" was pretty ridiculous.
But then, one day, I looked up, and automation had whittled six people down to just Laura and I, and I was signing papers to dissolved the family I thought I had. And suddenly my last coworker, with her faded tattoos and perpetually arched eyebrows, was telling me jokes, and making me listen to bands I'd never heard of, and cheering me up when I cried.
Things were really good when it was just the two of us. We used to have these theme days. One time, the sluice gates were open, and we set up beach blankets on one of the catwalks in the intake tower and batted around this inflatable beach ball I had in my apartment for some reason. Laura messed around with the emergency PA and patched in a bunch of classical surf rock songs. We even put sunscreen on the bridges of our noses. Laura called it the "concrete beach party."
When Laura brought up band names, I knew pretty much right away that would be our name. Concrete Beach Party. There was never really any other choice.
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whywolfprincess · 7 years
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On a happier note, I decided to name him Nilliam. Because he is such a passive agressive butt and totally reminds me of Nil in HZD. Nil is short and sounds like the stream so I went with Nilliam.
Also: you can never ever estimate how friggin much snails poop. The answer is: a metric ton a day. Since I treated Nilliam with desinfectant for two days, some of my Nitrosoma might have died, but nobody prepares you for so much poop. I only have two nerites. The third one never woke up. (Those are caught in the wild since you can’t breed them in captivity and the poor thing probably starved.)
But they poop a fuck ton. I should have waited more. Now I have 50-70% water changes daily. Since I have 0,025-0,05ppm nitrites daily. I am seeding he water with bacteria daily, too.
You want snails? You got work.
Avoid algae with feeding appropriate amounts, scooping the rests up and use CO2 and an Söchting Oxydator to achieve stability (especially with plants. My oxydator will arrive tomorrow.). If the levels aren’t rising more slowly by tomorrow evening the snails gotta move into a vase for the moment. (Another tank to change water in aaaaah.)
Why do I always have to learn the hard way?
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joanabianchi · 6 years
Video Game Questions
Because why not. I’ll look back at this in a year or so and think I’m crazy.
1. First game you played obsessively? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the Xbox I think? 
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. That’s a good question. 3. Who did you play with as a kid? My former best friend. 4. Who do you play with now? A group of friends. 5. Ever use cheat codes? Yeah. 6. Ever buy strategy guides? I bought one for Mario Kart Wii 7. Any games you have multiple copies of? None? 8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? I had Shrek 2 for the Xbox (original Xbox) before I sold it 9. Most regrettable purchase? I have no idea, I’d have to think. 10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No 11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? Yes! 12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Zelda, kind of. I’ve played it, but I was never obsessed with it and never saw the hype. 14. Favorite game music? Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us. 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Maybe something HZD related?  16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? None honestly, I don’t really play games with friends IRL. 17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No 18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Hates? Um, depends. If they hated me playing it, yes.  19. Favorite handheld console? I LOVED the DS 20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? That’s a good question... an old PC game? 21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? GTA  22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? No 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Skyrim or MC 24. First Pokemon game? Mystery Dungeon  25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No 26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? ? 27. Game that makes you rage? League of Legends, Overwatch 28. Ever play in a tournament? No 29. What is your gaming set up? Gaming PC, don’t wanna bore you with the specs aha. My monitor is also connected to my PS4 30. How many consoles do you own? 1, just a PS4 31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? No 32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Yes! 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? No 34. Do either of your parents play video games? Nope 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? I like EB games 36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No 37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? I’m too young for this shit. 38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? None? 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? BORDERLANDS 3. THANKS. 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? If I had the money for one, I’d get the one for the Playstation 41. A genre that you just can’t get into? Fighting Games, I’m not a massive Battle Royale fan, but I like it enough. 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? The VERY first game I played was Medal of Honor (minus the kid games I played) 43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Lol yeah 44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? Never played one. 45. How are you at Mario Kart? Okay? Kind of okay? 46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Never played them, but Stardew Valley is very relaxing. 47. Do you like competitive games? Kind of 48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? I’m really lazy, so not long. 49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yeah, someone who can fight and/or use a bow and arrow. 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? No idea 51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? Yeah 52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? No idea, can’t remember. 53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Some of them are okay, they’re too expensive though. 54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Fuck yeah, I usually only buy games on sale. 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? No 58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 59. Do you play any cell phone games? Not really anymore, but I kind of play Candy Crush 60. Do you know the Konami Code? No 61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? 99% of my games are digital (on my PC), my Playstation games are physical but I’ll either keep them or sell them. 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Yeah, I have the PS4 for HZD and TLoU 63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Not specifically a gaming convention, but I’ve been to conventions. 64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Yes! My monitor for my PC was based on this. 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? I have an Action Replay, and not really? 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? My dad did. 67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Again, this requires a lot of thought. 68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? No 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? Last of Us
70. Very first game you ever beat? Harry Potter 3.
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