jilf · 3 months
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also everyone look at my new children...just adopted. from a wet cardboard box all alone
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halflingkima · 6 months
god tib*rius's last episode is PAINFUL
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pertamax7 · 2 years
Italjet Dragster 500GP Concept : Tampang Matic, Mesin Moge !
Italjet Dragster 500GP Concept : Tampang Matic, Mesin Moge !
Italjet Dragster 500GP Concept ., salam pertamax7.com, Italjet Dragster 500GP Concept : Tampang Matic, Mesin Moge ! Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Moge Mania.  Urban Geared ! Italjet Italia memperkenalkan motor konsep dengan tampang Matic namun mengusung mesin motor gede aka moge yang mana merupakan kolaborasi unik yang   UNICUM sebagai kategori motor baru yang mereka klaim mengubah…
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
Fun things Orin and pre-amnesia Durge can do, as a member of the clergy:
Fine people 5gp for "disorderly conduct" in the temple of Bhaal.
Place an edict on people who blaspheme against the Lord of Murder or the temple (which will be upgraded to a harsher punishment if they do it again).
Have people imprisoned for up to a tenday and charge them a 500gp fine for the pleasure as punishment if they punch you in the face or anything (can Durge sue Orin for stabbing them in the skull?)
While skipping straight to unofficial execution would be appropriate, it's kind of funny to imagine the resident archbishop of murder filing an official complaint and taking people to court for being rude in their bloodstained subterranean church.
Also: theft of offerings and temple goods is punished by a tenday of imprisonment and damages up to double the cost of their value. "...that's a person." "A person who is an offering to our god!"
...wait is there grounds to contest the High House of Wonders for ownership of the stuff in the Bhaalist exhibit? ("You could-" "Murder." "Yes, but you could take them to court." "No. Murder.")
I think the Temple of Bhaal will probably lose most of these cases tbh
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zedecksiew · 3 months
The opening of my soon-to-be-real Cairn RPG adventure, The Tide Returning, is a crime scene.
The king of Zum and his sceptre has gone missing in the night. Hired to find him, you are allowed a tour of the royal bedchambers, to find clues to where he's gone.
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Design objectives for this opening:
Give players an idea of who and where their quarry is. Who did the king prefer spending time with? Why did he write a letter to the governor of a nearby town? Why was he swimming the span of the canal?
Allude to the faction politics of the adventure. These are mainly embodied in the characters present in the intro, and their relationships with each other. What is the culture of Zum like? How do they treat the indigenous witch-folk culture? Do the witch-folk resist? Do the witch-folk disagree on how to resist?
Present complex setting detail in an evocative, gameable way. The fact that the Zum-folk practice slavery, and how that slavery functions, isn't just set dressing, and shouldn't be conveyed via lore dump. Players should be engaged, alarmed, invested.
Particular to culture of Zum is canny-ware: human servants permanently bonded to heirloom objects or furnishings.
This is what the adventure text says about it:
CANNY-WARE To the priests of Bowed God Market bring 500gp, a thrall you own, and the inanimate object you wish to make canny. There will be one night of fearful rites. In the morning: your thrall is permanently joined to this object—if physically separated from it, they are wracked with agony; harm done to it transfers to their flesh, instead. Henceforth your thrall is no longer a person. They are called by the canny object’s name. Their own is expunged from all record. War galleys and weapons are never made canny. The priests insist murder is the province of actual people, not mere things.
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The idea that things have their own spirit is pretty common, ya? You beg your computer not to crash; you plead to your car to go just one more kilometre on an empty tank.
Plus: the baseline animism of Southeast Asia.
Plus: the fantasy trope of the sassy talking sword, the whispering One Ring.
So: if things have spirits and personalities, worthy of respect and consideration; if we already treat our possessions as characters in their own right---
Could the things we own be people?
Why not?
Considering we own animals which we believe have rich interior lives. Considering our history of owning actual humans; our ongoing objectification of whole genders; our industrial extraction and toolification of whole classes, cultures.
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In Zum a magical self-propelled cart is not powered by magitek nor combustion engine. It is pulled by a person whose personhood has been erased.
Canny-ware expands on an idea I used in (of all places) a personal essay on language and being a bilingual writer from the third world:
A prisoner of war is given to the sultan---"At the palace she was called Dagger. Because that was her function: to bear the royal dagger." Because the magic dagger is, in her cultural context, considered more worthy of personhood than she is.
Who gets to be a person?
What degrees of personhood are they allowed? How are these various degrees of personhood changed, or challenged?
I've fixated on this question for most of the time I've been thinking about and making art.
A perennial, perhaps now-overplayed question in science fiction: "OMG are robots / AI human???" "Do you lose your humanity the more cyborg you are???!!!" etc.
I like the question better in fantasy, though.
Asking whether a robot is a person gives the question a "Is this where we are headed?" speculative frame. Asking whether an ancient tree is a person lends the question a mythic "Maybe this has always been an issue?" air.
Its proper register, I think! Contained within the question is---everything, honestly? Everything in history, everything happening now. Colonialism, imperialism. Race, sex, gender, class. The webs of relation / power / violence in all these subjects.
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Anyway, back to the intro for The Tide Returning.
The royal chambers are full of precious heirloom canny-ware. They include:
The front doors---a pair who can tell you who came in and out of the rooms that night. The chamberpot---a blind fogy who's kept the king's hygiene and confidence since boyhood. The pillow---a jealous girl who was the king's lover, before he started favouring the sceptre instead. The writing desk---a prim woman who scoffs at indigenous traditions. She is indigenous, herself, but has grown accustomed to present luxuries.
The peacock fan---an agent working with local rebels, trying to maintain her cover. The silk parasol---who bristles at their bondage, the only one who will tell you their own name (Kanan) and that of the missing sceptre (Shiri).
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Essentially: looking through the king's room is a series of interviews.
Less CSI, more Murder On The Orient Express. Clues aren't facts passively waiting to be discovered, but NPCs with personalities you have to roleplay with.
Having play-tested this introduction with my home group I am pleased to say it is a fun time, and works as intended!
My players came away with the facts they needed; a better idea of what to expect in the hexcrawl ahead; and a deeper understanding of the stakes.
Playtest highlight:
"Wait wait, how does this canny-ware thing work, actually? Is it Beauty And The Beast? Because if it's like Beauty And The Beast, then the chamberpot---" (cue horrified faces)
( Image sources: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Canopy_Bed_of_the_King_at_the_Chakraphat_Phiman_Hall.jpg https://yayahkiki.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/cari-keris-berdiri-berani-harga-tinggi/ https://digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov/index.php/Detail/objects/1725 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:China;_a_woman_carrying_buckets_of_night-soil._Wellcome_L0056427.jpg https://www.theatreco.com/galleries/beauty-and-the-beast/ )
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Didn't know y'all did anything with DCC so I kinda wanna see what your opinion is on this campaign I'm in.
There's a guy we'll call him L, he and I were the only two players for the first two times we met up, and this week we finally got a third player. L has been very aggressively bullrushing every confrontation, completely ignoring everything in his path... And it got our entire party WIPED OUT (I was running 7 characters at once, him 4) session 1 and ushered in an age of chaos. Session 2 was building first levels, and he was constantly trying to dictate what I was going to build and play. The party wipe was devastating to me bc I had started to grow an attachment to one of my lawfuls, and unnecessary and L made no move to stop anything at any point. I assumed initially he was just frozen up on the spot.
Then session 3 happened (first one with the 1st levels we built) and I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. We were sent by the Chaos Gods to the realm of Law to steal the Yokeless egg and he was very much avoidant of any of the plot, including avoiding our DM in the storefront when they were supposed to be having their one on one for The Plot.
We get to the Ox defending the Yokeless Egg and he was running the ONLY lawful character, and he'd had some good meta this session for how he would react to things. This time he literally did nothing while me and the third player (both chaotic alignments) were attempting to figure shit out against the Ox to avoid combat. I went as far as to have my second character (neutral aligned) was elbowing his in the ribs and eventually even pushed L's character to the front to force him to interact with the Ox.
For nearly two whole minutes he sat in complete and utter silence as the Ox began to sniff out the chaos weapons we'd been issued, and didn't act again until combat began. It was PAINFUL bc our DM literally told us ahead of time that most monsters we'd face in the Law realm would kill us easily, so I'd tried to impart that we'd avoid conflict as much as possible.
My question for y'all is like, is this normal etiquette with players in a party? I had played 5e before this and have never experienced someone that acted like that, and if they acted similarly it was usually due to social dynamics or autistic stuff. I had given benefit of the doubt first session, but after this session I'm no longer believing he didn't act this way on purpose. Just wondering if you (or anyone else) has any takes on this situation, is this normal, how the FUCK do you play when someone in your party seems hellbent on combat and ONLY combat.
Also wondering if you have any advice for like, how to actually get this guy to stop Leroy Jenkinsing his way through each and every single dungeon. He has not stopped to examine anything even once and it was the reason our first party got wiped (we needed 500gp worth of items to toss to the Leviathan or a still-beating heart and he chose to start chopping at it instead).
I apologize for the length and density of this ask and appreciate any advice anyone has to give me. I'm at the point where if this party wipes out again I will be quitting.
(sidenote: I've been in this campaign and it's one of my favourites)
This players sounds like a dick. DCC is high-stakes and you need to be able to work as a party to survive, but it sounds like he basically got you killed due to main character syndrome and learned no lessons.
Advice-wise I'd have a talk and make sure he actually understands how TTRPGs and specifically DCC work, which will presumably either lead to "sorry, didn't realise this wasn't fun for everyone else, I'll do better", or deciding he shouldn't be in the group. I'd also have a chat with your GM before that, because there's every chance they enjoy it even if you don't (and it's very much not the recommended approach).
But yeah this is not the kind of gameplay DCC is designed for at all, and your characters are clearly suffering for it - Paper
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severevoiddragon · 5 months
I didn't know you were a dm, can I ask about your campaign? :00 /np
Yesyesyesyesyes you can!!!! I can't share too much behind the scenes (as much as I'd love to) BC Alien will most likely see this n Munts may see it too- Putting this under a cut purely BC this is so long bc ive ended up infodump sm-
So, it started w each character getting a letter from someone they know, an old friend for Hecate and Nivaira, and Izumi's half sibling, called Ammon. (All 3 letters were from Ammon just to be clear-) Ammon invited them to his house, as well as 3 others. Eventually, Ammon made it clear that she wanted the group (all 6) to locate an amulet, but that they couldnt SAY where it was bc. Evil can hear. BC you see, Ammon, who is a divination wizard/wild magic sorcerer had been studying the amulet, and got a dream that a great evil was looking for her and got scared. So ran away. The other 2 NPCs also left. There's a lot of plot holes but shhhh-
Anyway the party found the amulet, and the party discovered that Relania, one of the others summoned by Ammon, decided to try and take the amulet, resulting in a big battle which ended with Relania tied up and. Somehow escaping. She's still loose to this day.
The second adventure had the party meet a little girl called Ruby, and her mum. Ruby's mum was exhausted from lack of sleep so told Ruby to go to her granny's house in the woods (no this isn't a werewolf adventure). The party were asked to accompany Ruby, to ensure she got to her granny's safely. The party decided that because this nice little old lady lived in a SCARY part of the woods, she was evil. So stalked Ruby's granny, Winnie. They went down a whole rabbit hole of nettle/false nettle like plants n then decided Winnie was a night hag. And then Ruby's mum died. And so Hecate (the group's researcher), decided to see if there's any way of discovering if someone was killed by a night hag post death. There is! They just needed truesight. Noone had truesight. So, they put up a notice on the community board and hoped someone followed it.
Meanwhile, the Banducci Carnival was coming to town, and the group went to the carnival that night while waiting for the post to be found. While visiting Madame Banducci, the fortune teller (and owner of the carnival), Izumi got a lil. Hypnotised. Although he acted as normal until later :)
The next day, a cloaked figure with a kitsune mask appeared to use truesight as per the notice. They called themselves "Bob" and had an awful deep southern American Etomian (the name of the country "Bob" is from) accent. "Bob" did cast truesight on the body of Ruby's mum, and yeah, it was from a hag. And then "Bob" revealed herself to be Bella Banducci, daughter of Madame Banducci. Who then got Hypnotised!Izumi to steal the amulet for her, and give it to her. The rest of the party didn't notice.
The party went back to Winnie's house, to confront her, but. Ruby and Winnie were gone. They party then discovered how hags reproduce and then went "oh shi-" as they realised exactly what had happened.
Eventually, Hecate, who was in charge of the amulet, realised it was gone, and something happened that I don't remember and eventually Bella appeared like "heyyy I've got the amulet you idiots and I'm gonna sell it BC my mom wants me to but idc who to, so you guys give me 500gp and you can have it <3" the party managed to persuade Bella to join them (she hates the carnival), as they do a 500gp bounty (to retrieve an object)
The party follow the bounty to Sirraux', an expensive artifacts shop, ran by Monsieur Sirraux, a tiefling. It had the object the party needed to retrieve - a dwarf's magic pickaxe - buutt Sirraux didn't wanna give it up. In exchange, it asked the party to collect a sample of an interesting flora on an island far away. It got it's dwarf assistant to bring the party to the island. It was an island that Nivaira knew very well :). It was also infested with mushrooms. Currently they just got to Nivairas hometown, where all the people have been turned into evil myconids (evil mushroom ppl). Fun times!
There's also Eiwin Tamiel, an important NPC who hasn't been adventure relevant yet but will be! Just you wait for the Christmas special!!! He's a human cleric (???) and works in a small artifact / trinket shop. They're also definitely crushing on Ammon <3 Who is definitely not crushing on him back <3 I ship them sm- they write notes to each other in celestial and arghkejrjfkwf i cant share all the cute info bout them bc. Spoilers.
ANYWAY if you read all that well done, I'm impressed-
Now tell me bout your campaign :DDD
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wondertrio · 5 months
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Wendell was found and adopted as a young child (5-ish) by a family of halflings named Erling and Berthe Tinselfoot. They already had a young daughter named Winnie, but brought Wendell in, named him, and raised him on a relatively isolated farm in Longsaddle, near the city of Luskan.
Wendell remembers very little of his early childhood. It’s mainly a blur of his time on the Tinselfoot farm, nothing earlier than six or seven years old (though it should be noted he has no idea of his actual age or birthday). He was a quiet, solemn kid who dragged his feet (hooves) about doing farm chores and would instead sneak into the fields with a book to read the day away. He particularly enjoyed stories about paladins slaying devils and demons, or adventurers getting lost in the faewild and falling prey to fae trickery. He tried to cut off his horns at around age 11, and was stopped by his mother after cutting one. It never fully grew back. He was uncomfortable with his tiefling appearance, especially since other tieflings didn’t seem to have hooves like him, but he has more or less gotten used to his body as he grew up.
Wendell (early 20s) went to the same shop in Luskan three days in a row to study a scroll of plane shift. It was 500gp and he couldn’t afford it. He would clean for two hours in exchange for one hour of study time. On the fourth day when he was studying, the shopkeeper told him someone (Roben Klement) was buying every spell scroll in stock and he had to hand it over. Wendell, frustrated after having just spent time cleaning, asked if Roben could wait a while longer. Roben let Wendell keep the scroll. When Wendell said he didn’t need any handouts, Roben replied that it was just a gift from one magic enthusiast to another and left. Wendell caught up to him and asked to work to pay for it, like he had done at the shop. Roben says he always has components to process if he wanted to come over.
After a few weeks, Wendell casually mentions he wants to go to school but can’t afford it. Roben offers to pay, Wendell declines. Over the next week, the Tinselfoot farm gains dozens of new clients wanting to stock their produce and dairy, the Tinselfoots become quite wealthy very quickly. Wendell is suddenly able to go to school. Roben denies involvement but Wendell knows better.
Wendell is grateful but not stupid. He is very dedicated to Roben, despite knowing very little about him. Wendell also knows this debt will likely need to be repaid at some point in the future, not with money, but more likely with favors or allegiance, which at this point he is happy to do.
Wendell (now around 35ish) maintains a small apartment in Luskan, and frequently travels between there, Longsaddle, Candlekeep, and Silverymoon. His knowledge (and level) come from diligent study, NOT real world application. He spends his time teaching, and researching interplanar travel.
In game it has been revealed that Wendell is from the Faewild, that he houses a fragment of a fae queen’s soul, and that he was taken to Faerun for his safety. He and his party are now actively working to get to the Faewild to resolve a number of issues!
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loquaciousquark · 9 months
The Great Counting House Docks Heist
face value awarded for all materials stolen: all materials must be sold post-heist by a neutral third party (Gale) to avoid CHA- or theft-based adjustments of cost
natural 20: +250gp bonus
successful pickpocket of any guard: +100gp bonus
disabling an alarm: +100gp bonus
any detection or accusation of theft: -500gp bonus each
each Thief will be given a scroll of Haste, which must be cast & concentrated on by the respective Heister
each Thief will be additionally buffed with one casting of Greater Invisibility by a neutral compatriot, who will remain unmoving in a safe zone at all times
each Thief will have his or her inventory fully emptied prior to the Heist*
each Thief will have all curses, poisons, bloodlessness, divine disfavor, or any other negative status effect removed prior to the Heist
any potion, elixir, divine blessing, or other imbibement which would provide a material advantage to the Heister must be removed prior to the Heist†
no previously looted keys to any chest, lock, door, or crate may be used by either Thief
the bounds will be from easternmost docks alarm-stand to westernmost alarm-stand, with the northern border being the Counting House doors & the southern border being the Chionthar; no Thief shall leave the bounded area at any point
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Shadowheart & Gale are the Greater Invisibility casters for Tav & Astarion, respectively. From the perspective of the above screenshot, Tav takes the rightmost boat and Astarion takes the left. While I've robbed these docks before, it was on my last playthrough & done entirely with one character, so I have absolutely no idea which boats contain anything of value.
Immediately, I'm surprised by how little Tav's Thief-based extra bonus action helps. I was worried it'd give her extra mobility, but she's limited by the lockpick action rather than her speed, and I have to end several of her turns early with her sitting on a chest and kicking her heels.
Guard distribution is very equal between boats. The Steel Watchers move fairly quickly, and the guards have comprehensive pathing within the target area.
The locks range from DC 10 to DC 20. None pose any issue for either Astarion or Tav.
Astarion immediately rolls two natural 20s within his first few chests. Tav successfully pickpockets a patrolling guard of 23 gold, a Docks Chest key, and a torch.
Both Tav & Astarion successfully disable their alarms.
Astarion pickpockets a guard of 23 gold.
Both Tav & Astarion completely wipe their respective boats of all wares, including paintings, chest contents, and food, without detection.
On the final approach back to the Counting House (which they did at approximately the same time), there are a pair of guards on either side of the doors. Tav successfully pickpockets hers of 6 gold and re-enters the Counting House. Astarion, on the last check of the entire heist, rolls a 2 and is detected.
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Chaos breaks out immediately. Astarion is accused of theft and, while able to persuade his way out of prison, is thrown from the Counting House. (He'll claim he got caught on purpose for a more expedient escape.)
The docks guards realize theft has occurred and begin accusing everyone they can reach. This includes Gale, Shadowheart, Minsc, Jaheira, and—tragically—Tav. One by one, everyone either claims innocence or Persuades their way out of trouble. I can barely take two steps in any direction without being accosted by a guard.
The chaos brings some of the internal guards up to investigate, where they discover the interior thefts from the previous ransacking of the Counting House during Minsc's quest. The rounds begin again, though Tav manages to avoid accusation this time.
Eventually, both thieves manage to escape, along with the rest of the party, clutching their ill-gotten gains.
Gale acts as intermediary with Dammon, the only merchant in the game Tav hasn't stolen from. (This is because I, Quark, was challenged in Act 1 to not ever steal from him again, and @probablylostrightnow rolled a 16 with inspiration & Guidance from @bettydice on a DC 16 Persuade check against me. This is a holy binding to which I have adhered religiously.)
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ASTARION BONUS ADJUSTMENT: two natural 20s, one successful pickpocket, one disabled alarm, one unsuccessful pickpocket resulting in detection & accusation of theft:
250 + 250 + 100 + 100 - 500 - 500 = -300gp to final score
TAV BONUS ADJUSTMENT: no natural 20s, two successful pickpockets, one disabled alarm, one accusation of theft:
100 + 100 + 100 - 500 = -200gp to final score
TAV: 2402 GP
*soul-bound relics, prisms, prisons, or weaponry excluded
†permanent blessings, benefits, or buffs which would disappear only on death excluded
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lutethebodies · 10 days
More Notes on a Solo Act 1 Playthrough
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Many months ago, out of curiosity, I began tracking in-game days on each playthrough. I've continued doing that up to and including this current solo (and eventually duo) run. More photos this time, to illustrate how (relatively) nuts this one got, because despite speculating that a solo run as a bard would be less violent, it hasn't gone that way (but hey, that means xp!). More below the cut:
Day 7 in-game: Cannor woke up hungover after the goblin party, infatuated with the drow who fucked him silly and who was apparently his only lead on this parasite thing. He sold everything looted from the Grove and Sanctum to Derryth in the Underdark. Hit Level 5 when checking on Brynna and Andrick in the owlbear cave but had to fight them (because apparently even there they got word that he was an Enemy of Justice). Took out the Paladins of Tyr but ignored Karlach. Retrieved some noblestalk for Derryth with two Misty Steps but couldn't be bothered to save Baelen. Tip-toed through the Underdark to avoid the bulette and camped high above the duergar beach for a blessedly uneventful night.
Day 8: Sniped the shit out of the beach duergar, even though Gekh Coal apparently discovered for the first time that he could Misty-Step up to Cannor's level to fight. Unfortunately he only had 7hp by that point and didn't survive an introduction to Phalar Aluve. Cannor proceeded carefully from there through the torchstalks to the Arcane Tower and methodically looted it, then sailed to Grymforge. He poisoned the slavers' beer and fought the gnome-killers on the docks, but realized direct conflict wasn't gonna work well in these parts. Went upstairs to yoink Philomeen's runepowder, then explored a bit for the best ground to take on the other duergar (pics below from the aftermath, because I forgot while it was happening).
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This fight became a crazy-long slog against them and Nere, during which Cannor sniped everyone from above while hold-personing Nere until one of his goons realized she could cast Lesser Restoration. Nere also tried the Misty-Step route to directly face Cannor, but dude only had 3hp left, so he died on the rebar catwalk. That left dozens—perhaps scores—of combat rounds chipping away at the kettled duergar below: using up all his magic arrows and spells, then retreating out of range to hide by Nere's body. Amazingly, all the gnomes survived, so Barcus was invited to camp. Uneventful night.
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Day 9: Unloaded tons of Grymforge loot at the Colony and went straight back to take out the merregon and hellboars. Then back to the Zhent storage room to snipe the minotaurs, which proved easy yet dangerous when they used the big mushrooms to jump up into the storage area—where there was no room for them to angry-charge. Sitting ducks (with horns). The bard was tired but full of moxie, so he thought "hey, why don't I use barrelmancy and call the ogres to deal with this shitty bulette?"
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After a few reloads (one of which went hilariously sideways when Lump's crew attracted Filro and the hook horrors), the bulette was finally felled by barrelmancy, Phantasmal Killer, and a lucky crit of Mobile Slashing Flourish. Cannor paid 500gp to retain the ogres, then camped at the Myconid Colony, finally sick of solo-ing this shit. Day 10 would prove to be much longer, but less lonely. Stay tuned for its report.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Sleigh Beggy (Monster)
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(image taken from Ancient Magus Bride, produced by Wit Studio)
(I love Magus Bride a bit too much, tbh, so I simply HAD to convert Chise to Pathfinder's setting. The nature of magic in Magus Bride is fundamentally different from than in Pathfinder- the tl;dr being that all magic comes from a fey source- so I deliberately tied the template to Fey and changed the rules a bit. I wonder how a sleigh beggy PC would play out. If you're curious, the word "Sleigh Beggy" is a corruption of "Sleih Beggey", a Manx word that means something akin to a generalized "Faerie". To my knowledge, the sleigh beggy as a magically gifted human is entirely original to the manga.)
CR2 CN Medium Humanoid
Sleigh beggy are a rare quality arising in humanoids of many races; they are naturally attuned with the rich magic of the First World. This is a blessing and a curse; it draws magical creatures to the sleigh beggy and gives them a natural affinity for magic (almost all sleigh beggy are sorcerers, or have the capability) and for fey creatures, but mages and fey alike may wish to use the magic inherent in their body for their own purposes.  
Sleigh beggy typically run in the family- it is comparable to a recessive gene, something that shows up occasionally within a bloodline. These bloodlines also almost always carry the touch of magic in them, although this magic does not necessarily tie the beggy to fey.
How a sleigh beggy reacts to her condition varies. Many attempt to hide their condition for fear of being hunted; and indeed, few sleigh beggy survive past young adulthood, between the strain of their magic and the threat of being poached. Those who do pursue magic find themselves incredibly gifted, and many chose to live in the First World, where those who would use them at least have the courtesy to keep them alive and intact.
This red-headed young woman is followed by a cheerful sprite, but she herself appears incredibly tired and frail.
Misc- CR2 CN Medium Humanoid HD3 Init:+1 Senses: Perception: +7 Aura: Fey Magic 30ft Stats- Str:8(-1) Dex:14(+2) Con:8(-1) Int:12(+1) Wis:14(+2) Cha:21(+5) BAB:+1 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP: 10(3d6) AC:14(+2 Armor, +2 Dexterity) Fort:+0 Ref:+3 Will:+5 CMD:11 Offense- mwk Quarterstaff +1(1d6-1) CMB:+0 Speed:30ft Feats- Alertness, Familiar Bond (B), Improved Familair, Toughness Skills- Bluff +10, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5 Spells-  1 (DC16, 7/day)- Alarm, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Grease 0 (DC15)- Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation Special Qualities- Destined Bloodline, Familiar (Sprite), Fated +1, Feycharm, Magical Flesh, Touch of Destiny Ecology- Environment- Urban (Temperate) Languages- Common Organization- Solitary Treasure- Standard (mwk Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, Potion of Moment of Greatness, Potion of Cure Light Wounds) Special Abilities- Aura of Fey Magic (Su)- Fey creatures within a sleigh beggy’s aura of fey magic gain a +2 Morale bonus to skill checks and concentration checks and a +1 bonus to caster level of spells. Feycharm (Su)- The starting attitude of all Fey and creatures native to the First World towards a sleigh beggy is increased by two steps. Magical Flesh (Su)- A sleigh beggy’s body is imbued with fey power, making them detrimentally valuable. The flesh of a slain sleigh beggy can be used to replace 500gp worth of material per hit die of the sleigh beggy when crafting magical items, and a limb or major organ can be used to replace 100gp worth of materials.
Making a Sleigh Beggy
“Sleigh Beggy” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A sleigh beggy gains the following abilities;
CR: Same as the base creature Feats: A sleigh beggy gains Familiar Bond as a bonus feat. A sleigh beggy with levels in a class that grants a familiar instead gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat.  Additionally, a sleigh beggy who has levels in a casting class that does not grant a familiar gains the deliver touch spells, scry on familiar, share spells, speak with animals of its kind, or spell resistance special abilities for their familiar from Familiar Bond, and a sleigh beggy who wishes to take an improved familiar with the Fey type reduces the required level by 2.  Special Qualities: A sleigh beggy gains the aura of fey magic, feycharm, and magical flesh abilities, as above. Abilities: A sleigh beggy gains a -4 penalty to Constitution and a +4 bonus to Charisma.
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softsummerlee · 6 months
rare rhia is productive and makes a spell moment
Songbird's Serenade
5th level enchantment (bard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60ft radius)
Components: V, S, M (the feather of a bird-of-paradise, encrusted in gemstones worth at least 500gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You channel your voice and sing a harmonious tune, infusing others around you to succeed at any battle. While concentrating on this spell, you emit a 60ft radius sphere of inspiring energy, granting the following benefits to creatures of your choice in the area (you cannot choose yourself to gain these benefits):
• +2 to attack rolls and saving throws
• A bonus to damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier
• A 10ft increase to movement speed
Additionally, when a creature affected by these benefits deals damage, it may use its reaction to immediately make an additional weapon or cantrip attack using your Spell Attack Modifier and dealing thunder damage instead of the attack's normal damage.
While concentrating on this spell, you have resistance to all damage and advantage on all saving throws, are immune to effects that would incapacitate you or control your actions, and you cannot move and must spend your action each turn to maintain concentration.
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erik-murphy1981 · 1 year
More realistic guns for D&D 5E
Some ideas for more realistic guns, with rules that explain why armies would want them and adventurers might not
*Muzzle-Loading: 1 Turn to load powder, 1 Turn to load ball, 1 Turn to prime pan, 1 Turn to shoot. All of this must be done using your action and without moving unless you’re on a horse or vehicle, because you can’t pour powder and ram the ball while running.
Handgonne 14lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon Damage: 1d12 Piercing Properties: Two-handed, Heavy, Ammunition, Range 30/120, Muzzle-Loading*
Arquebus - 10lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Heavy, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Two-Handed, Range 150/600, Damage 2d8 Piercing
Pistol - 3lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Light, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Range 30/90, Damage 1d10 Piercing
Heavy Gun - 30lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Heavy, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Two-Handed, Range 30/60, Damage 6d4 Piercing (or can fire explosives)
Palm Pistol, 25gp 1lb, Simple Ranged Weapon, Light, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Range 20/60, Damage 1d8 Piercing
Pistol, 30gp 3lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Light, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Range 30/90, Damage 1d12 Piercing
Blunderbuss, 40gp 7lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Two-Handed, Range 30/60, Damage 6d4 Piercing
Musket, 55gp 10lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Heavy, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Two-Handed, Range 450/900, +1 to Hit, Damage 1d20 Piercing
Rifled Musket, 500gp 14lbs, Martial Ranged Weapon, Heavy, Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed, Range 900/1500, +2 to Hit, Damage 2d10 Piercing
Hand Mortar, 40gp 5lbs, Simple Ranged Weapon, Ammunition, Muzzle-Loading, Two-Handed, Range 30/60, Damage 2d6 Piercing + 2d6 Fire
More damage and a longer reload makes guns distinct from bows and crossbows, encourages a playstyle consistent with historical use (shoot what you have loaded, then charge with melee weapons), and explains why conscripted armies might use ranks of Pike and Shot or bayonets yet adventurers already skilled with bows and such wouldn't bother with the expense and complexity.
Here is my source for ranges of smoothbore and rifled muskets: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/iusburj/article/view/19841/25918
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outrealm-gates · 1 year
Yes her breasts are natural.
And yes you can touch them for the low low price of 500gp
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holy-cagnolli · 1 year
Pizza Challenge
I (7'5" tall ravenous gnoll) was walking my boyfriend (7'11" long ravenous merman) through the town and noticed the local elven pizza shop had a new challenge: it cost 50gp to enter the challenge to attempt to devour a 36" pepperoni pizza in a two hour period to win 500gp.
The ACTUAL challenge was that after we won the first challenge, we entered it a second time. Anyways, what's a fun magic item to buy for roughly 1000gp?
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scrungly-station · 11 months
Currently in the middle of setting up my art shop for the next coming months (hopefully at least!!) and would just like to show people my examples of what I will be offering!
It is mainly baits and pokemon ocs I will be willing to do. As always my conversion rate is $1 : 100zc : 500gp : 500K credits!
I am ok with being messaged both here and onsite if you have any questions!
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