#500ml coffee
amaurhouna · 1 year
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I haven't sleep because I feel anxious, don't wanna be late and I wanna finish this!! and still not finish yet because I can't focus at all 🙃🙃😓
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ttaibhse · 1 month
almost every time i make an iced coffee or matcha i think about my mum suggesting to me & my sister that maybe the reason we had both gained weight was because we put too much milk in our coffees kdfjhfdggdfg
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ozziesdisco · 5 months
.......I think I might be addicted to caffeine now
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coffincoitus · 1 year
went back to starbucks after a while and I'm shocked and disgusted to realize my iced macchiato is a bazillion times better than theirs
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Alone together by fallout boy
anon passes the vibe check. i have been absolutely wrecking my eardrums with FOB since i was a not-significantly-smaller 13 y/o.
i feel like Lilith had one of those old portable CD players where you bop the lid to make it open (& then eventually carry around a handy novel when the mechanism breaks & the thing yawns open like a drunk kiss every time you look at it).
& cmon 15 y/o Lilith would have a little plastic wallet of contraband CD's and wonky earphones - yk the ones that used to hook over your ears - & she can have some FOB and some MCR as a treat. i will give her the ramones & that one nirvana song heart-shaped box also.
but this song is very much lilith
"i don't know where i'm going/ but i don't think i'm coming home"
"this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end"
pick up the vibe. lick it. put it back down.
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bibleofficial · 1 year
walking into my whore appointment (regular sti test) at the dr high as fuck & at the end of my rope
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
me drinking v refresh and eating koffiewafles :)
me getting the shits from the v refresh and koffiewafels :(
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peachyy-pixxii · 2 months
if my body would be kind enough as to allow me to be empty so i can weigh myself that’d be gr8
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konsum · 6 months
Huel Iced Coffee Caramel, 500ml
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rdmilk · 1 year
Enjoy the creamy goodness of beverages with  RD milk- added drinks are delicious and nutritious ways to satiate your cravings because they are made with premium ingredients and real milk.
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gabichive · 1 year
im starting to think ppl here are purposely doing things to piss me off like i ask every day to please fill the water filter when u see its empty i left yesterday at lunch time and left the filter full i come in today and its empty im gonna break this thing
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vividpromotions · 1 year
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Best Quality Stainless Steel Thermo Mug - Buy
Order online Stainless Steel Thermo Mug from Vivid Promotions. It has a double walled with brushed stainless steel outer and plastic inner, You will get 500 ml of capacity. See this infographic for more information.
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virtualgirladv · 24 days
How many espresso is equivalent to a can of 500ml energy drink and how do I order that in coffee speak that doesn't sound like I have a problem
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undeadrambles2 · 3 months
My schedule is this:
I wake up at 9 am - 9:30 am
Go to the bathroom
Drink my plain black coffee with a cig (500ml = 0.5kg / 1.1 lbs)
Go to the bathroom again
We!gh myself taking into account the 0.5kg / 1.1 lbs I just drank
Substract this number from the number the scal3 shows to find my actual w3!ght
Don't consume ANYTHING until 12:30am
Meanwhile I go to the bathroom multiple times
At 12:30am I w3!gh myself again and confirm my w3!ght that I previously calculated that might be even lower than anticipated
Now that I know, I'm allowed to drink water
At 3pm I open an energy drink and drink it til 4pm
At 5:30pm I 3at my OMAD, whatever I like to but in a smaller quantity
Somewhere between 8pm and 10:30pm I do my daily steps
At 9pm I become hungry again and I opt for a mug of milk or some dried plums (they contain a lot of fiber so I expect to go to the bathroom like 3 times the next day)
Go to bed at around 11:30pm
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dduane · 3 months
In the "Apropos Of Absolutely Nothing" dep't, Recipe Quality Control division...
We have a stack of the below clamp-top storage jars in the kitchen window where we can get at them in a hurry while cooking. Mostly they contain dried fruits or herbs, but some of them are wet preserves of various kinds.
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@petermorwood glanced at the pile of jars the other day and started getting one of those thoughtful expressions that spouses everywhere know and dread. "What's in those?" he said. "And is that mold, or something else? You should check."
(Noting with amusement the "You" in "You should check", with the strong implication that he sure as hell wasn't going anywhere near them, lest on opening the contents should, I don't know, leap at his throat or something. Chickennnnnnn...!) 😆
...Anyway. The answer to "what's in those" is "honey-candied apples", from this recipe.
And having just opened the mankiest-looking of the jars, and had one of the apple slices, I can tell you that they are just fine. OMG. (Unfortunately due to my IBS I can't eat many of them. But oh boy are these good.) ...What Peter was seeing was some of the dried-out Demerara sugar associated with the final stages of the candying process, which could possibly be mistaken for mold. From a distance. If you squint. 😏
Also adding here that I'm going to have to revise the estimate of these things' keeping power upwards a bit. The date on the post tells me that this recipe was cooked and photographed in 2022, so "these will keep for at least a couple of months" seems to have understated the case slightly. Which is just fine, as the whole point of them was to render apples shelf-storage friendly in a culture that doesn't have much in the way of casual refrigeration.
So that's all right.
(BTW, for those interested: the handwarmer mug seen in the shot comes from Castle Arch Pottery in Kilkenny city, where we also got some of the dishware we use in food photography for the Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms website/cookbook project. ...The mug's a right-handed one. I don't know if they make a lefty model, but I imagine they could. I should really inquire. It holds a shade more than 500ml / 17 fluid ounces, so if you like a good big mug of tea or coffee, this is for you. And it really does warm the hands nicely in a chilly room...)
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thatsatricky1 · 3 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖋𝖙
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Pairing: Criminal Choi San x Nurse (afab) Reader.
Genre: Thriller, Crime, Romace
Warnings: Hospitals, slight gore, wounds, gun shot wound mentioned, blood mentioned, gun mentioned, criminal activities, bank heist.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction and does not accurately describe San, again this is fiction for entertainment purposes. Also I wrote this at an ungodly hour at night so please excuse if there are any grammar or misspellings (English is not my first language) I will go back to re-edit any mistakes later after I get some sleep.
Word count: 3,4k+
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“I still remember you full of youth, wide eyed, holding a water bottle in one hand and a fall risk document in the other.”
“Ah yes when I was a resident still full of hope.” Y/n commented back not looking up from the computer where she was typing up a quick patient report. An already empty coffee cup in the trash can next to the desk and a freshly opened 500ml energy drink laid next to the computer keyboard.
“Now you’re just like the rest of us.” Chan spoke again with a small lopsided smile leaning against the desk, arms crossed figure still clothed in his lab coat.
“Chan, I love you but your shift ended an hour ago, leave before you get stuck here.” Y/n shut down Chan’s small talk.
“Couldn't I say the same for you?”
“No, understaffed as per usual meaning I’m doing a double shift.” Y/n answered back to Chan’s retort causing him to stand up straight.
“You are taking another double shift? You know you can say no sometimes.” Chan frowned watching her still typing up the last few sentences of her report on a new income patient.
“I’d love to but Yeji and Rose are both on holiday, Momo is on leave since she’s in her third trimester, Mark is sick, so is Yoona, Hani, Suzi and Doyoung. Oh and Irene got moved to ward F4.” Y/n listed off with her finger spinning in her chair to face Chan now.
“Felix?” Chan asked out stubbornly.
“He did the last double shift, late and night shift.” Y/n shot back.
Chan sighs moving to rub his eyes letting out a groan not liking how his ward was always understaffed but most ward were, that’s how it was. He was always asking the hospital to hire more nurses, it looked like even him, the head doctor couldn’t change their stingy ways.
Hospital staff worked as a team. Doctors, nurses, emt’s, cleaners, chefs, receptionists, therapists, interns, residents, technicians, all staff were a team together. If just one was missing, the hospital wouldn’t work.
“I’m going to try again at the next board meeting to get them to reconsider adding extra staff.” Chan mentions while Y/n gets out of her seat standing in front of him.
“Of course you will, you do every time Dr. Bang, but how about for now you go to bed, can’t have a sleep deprived doctor working on my patients.” Y/n teased a cheeky smile gracing her lips but eyes were evidently tired as she patted his chest.
“Alright, alright nurse Y/n. I’m on call though, so if anything happens it’s my number you need to call during Night Shift Alright?” Chan conceded one arm raised in mock surrender while the other patted her hand that laid on his chest.
“Good, sleep well Chan.” Y/n replied letting her hand slip away from being sandwiched between Chan’s chest and hand. No doubt already making up her mind to not bother on calling Chan as she was a pro in emergencies.
Y/n moving away over to the medication area opening the cabinets while flipping open the iPad going onto her patients medical plans to start preparing their medication before they’d be going to sleep.
Chan watched silently as Y/n moved with muscle memory reaching for different medications she knew like the back of her hand placing them in one use containers.
“Sleep well too Y/n after your shift ends.” Chan quietly spoke out in the room but loud enough to hear as she hummed out in response.
With one more reluctant look at leaving her alone for the Night Shift, Chan grabbed his things leaving the nursing room. Y/n hearing his footsteps faintly leave down the hallway.
Y/n taking in a deep breath, blinking away the heavy feeling in her eyelids. Hands moving nimbly as usually putting another 400mg pain tablet into a container.
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It had hit 3 a.m. Y/n having just finished another round through her patients rooms making her way back towards the nursing room pocketing her low light torch and quickly checking the time on her pocket watch, a puff of air releasing from her mouth realising she still had four more hours till change over.
Unlocking the nursing room and pushing it open with her hip letting the door stay all the way open as she moved to grab her nearly finished energy drink. Moving it up to her lips only to pause hearing the night shift phone start ringing.
Only letting her eyes flutter shut for a moment of annoyance that coursed through her tired body knowing fully well she shouldn’t have hoped for a peaceful night. Yet even when placing the drink down in favour to grab the phone still holding on to a string of hope it was just Irene who was on night shift on F4 wanting to call to pass time and gossip about her new work colleagues.
With a click of a button she pressed the phone to her ear calling out her wards name, F2 and her name.
“Hey Y/n it’s Eunwoo, Irene is gonna look after F2 and F4 for a while. I need you down here for some extra help. Sorry sweetheart.” Eunwoo’s voice muffled out of the old desperately in need of updating, hospital night shift phone.
Just like that Y/n’s peace was broken, but she didn’t dwell on it and instead nodded to herself gripping the phone tighter as she stuffed her pocket with gloves, a Sutures scissors and hand bottle of disinfectant.
“Alright Eunwoo I’m on my way down to the Emergency ward, keep tight I’ll be three minutes max.” Y/n replied not waiting for his response as she ended the call already moving out of the nursing office, locking it behind her before rushing as quietly as she could down the hallway, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Making it in under two minutes gloves on and ready. Swiftly making her way down the hallway, Eunwoo joined her halfway.
“What happened, Eunwoo?” Y/n asked straight to the point, turning her head to cast her gaze on her friend.
“Good morning to you too sweetheart, three guys came in severely wounded, one shot, the other two pretty scratched up. They won’t talk about it. My guess is some gang robbery on the trio went wrong and they're traumatised or still in shock from it.” Eunwoo informed, somehow slipping a joke in as well.
“And I’m here, why then?”
“Because my dear Y/n I have my hands full with critically injured patients and there is one guy left from the three that needs to be patched up.” Eunwoo finally explained.
“Eunwoo-” Y/n started to go on her rant but was cut off by Eunwoo who stopped them grabbing her blue medical gloved hands in his own matching pair.
“Y/n I wouldn’t ask you to come down without a reason, I’m on my second double shift in a row, I have four burn victims I constantly have to attend to until space frees up in the critical ward. We used to work in the emergency ward together so I knew you’d get it.” Eunwoo spoke this time seriously, squeezing Y/n’s hands gently.
Y/n gazed into Eunwoo’s eyes for a few seconds before softening her gaze, nodding understanding him. Eunwoo’s eyes brightened knowing he could count on her pulling her into a tight hug.
“He’s in room 4, thank you Y/n you are a lifesaver. I owe you one.” Eunwoo thanked her, taking his leave to rush back to room 6.
“Yeah, I know.” She muttered to herself, hands on her hips before looking over to room 4.
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“I’m fine, like I said before you can attend to my friends first.” A smooth yet somehow gruff voice called out in the dim room.
“Well that’s an interesting introduction. And for your peace of mind, your friends have already been attended to.” Y/n spoke from the doorway leaning against it.
“You’re not that guy.” The male blurted out observing Y/n.
“Very observant. No I’m not, but you’re my patient now, so let’s have a look at what I’m working with.” Y/n clearly amused as she stepped properly into the room now, picking up the new patients chart.
Having to keep a poker face noticing Eunwoo’s chicken scratch handwriting with barely any information. Male, looks to be mid twenties, might have a cut on his right forearm and some scratches to the face. Not a lot to work off of.
Placing the chart down Y/n looked over at the guy taking in his appearance. He was quite attractive, that is something she couldn’t deny. Recently freshly bleached hair, black combat boots, plain black pants, an olive green hoodie paired with a questionable leather combat vest, that she hoped was just an odd choice of street fashion wear. One of his hands gloved with a chain attached to it, the other hand was covered in wrist bands.
“Are they really fine?” The guy asked, watching as Y/n grabbed supplies bring them over to the bed he was sitting on, legs placed on the floor in habit in case he needed to make a break for it.
“Eunwoo has magic hands, you’re friends are most definitely more than fine.” She reassured him.
“But you on the other hand, need to get patched up now.” Y/n pointed out hand gesturing towards his bloodied sleeve.
“It’s not mine.” San explained, the blood having soaked into his sleeve of his hoodie earlier.
Y/n held back from raising her eyebrow shaking her head pointing out “I’m going to assume you got blood on your sleeve from your friends gun shot wound.”
“Yeah something like that.” He nods.
“Alright so, I still need to patch up your face. Make sure those wounds don’t leave any nasty scars.” She spoke while preparing everything all while he watched curiosity clear in his eyes.
San could clearly tell the young nurse was tired, then again it was always said that nurses are overworked so he shouldn’t be surprised, it was also 3 something a.m.
“I’m Y/n F/n, but you can call me Y/n.” Y/n introduced herself before gesturing at her equipment asking permission silently to start. San giving a single not for the go ahead.
Y/n moved to start cleaning up the scratch that was clean along the bridge of his nose, it would leave a faint scar from the depth but with her skillful hands it wouldn’t be as noticeable. Being this up close to him made her realise he had an eyebrow piercing, something Y/n was a sucker for. But she was also professional.
“No last name?” She hummed out eyebrows scrunching the slightest bit in focus, a detail San couldn’t help but burn into his memory gaze never leaving her face.
“Just San.” He replied back waiting to be further interrogated but was pleasantly surprised by Y/n not asking further questions on him. Yet for some reason also hoped she’d dig further.
“So do you always come waltzing through the emergency entrance with sounds wearing a leather vest or is this something you’re just scratching off your bucket list?” Y/n tried making small talk, wanting his attention off her face, noticing his intense stare.
“We got robbed, not something I put on my bucket list, don’t have one to begin with.” San replied with a small smirk placed against his lips at her words. The lies slipped off his tongue easily as it was a thing he did often.
“Mm, Eunwoo did say something about a robbery. At least you have a new conversation started to use on people.” Y/n offered up a barely good thing to come out of the situation that happened to him and his friends.
“You look tired.” San blurted out wanting to change the topic off of his friends and situation since he didn’t want to slip up on it and talk further on it as when Mingi, Wooyoung and he had gone to the hospital the furthest they’d made up on their alibi was getting robbed and none of the three would say more in case they gave different stories.
“Once again a great observation San, I’m on a double shift. I had a late shift. Now I’m on night shift due to our wonderfully understaffed hospital like every other hospital.” Y/n replied to him wondering if she looked like a mess for him to be pointing out she looked tired.
“Fuck. Sounds like it happens a lot.” San muttered out holding back a wince as she cleaned over a cut on his cheekbone, being used to the pain but that didn’t mean he was immune to it.
“It does.” Y/n hummed out before saying with an amused grin “Do I look that bad?”
“No, just because you look tired doesn’t mean you look bad. You look good.” San responded just as fast, eyes never falling from her face unlike how her hand faltered from where it was attending to his cheekbone.
“… Well you should see me with at least eight hours of sleep and in clothes that aren’t my scrubs.” Y/n teased out having to take a second, surprised by the sudden comment he made.
“Don’t tempt me, you know I’d want to see that.” San spoke out confidently, his pierced eyebrow raising. Only to wince at Y/n ‘accidentally’ pressing harder on his wound.
“Careful San if I didn’t think any better I’d say you’re testing your luck on a night shift nurse right after being robbed.” She shook her head to hold back her amusement.
“And what if I am?” He boldly asked hand slyly moving to grab her wrist gently stopping her from continuing with patching up his face. Y/n noticing just how close their faces were now.
“I’d say it would be a lost cause San, seeing as I’m your nurse and you’re my patient. Your not the first flirt I’ve come across in the work field and certainly not the last.” She put on a confident face tilting her head.
San’s eyes flickering the briefest second down at her lips before staring deep into her eyes, the smirk on his lips turning into a grin.
“Hasn’t stopped other people in the past. I like challenges Y/n.”
“This is a challenge you can only fail at San, I don’t typically go for guys without last names.”
“Choi.” San bluntly replied leaning another inch towards her face.
“I don’t go for bleach blondes.” Y/n responded right after not moving her face back.
“Hair dye exists darling.” San moved closer as if challenging her back, her head not retreating backwards.
“I like my men honest, wanna give me a rundown on how the robbery happened?” Y/n asked out while still doing her job causing San to let out a puff of air amused.
“If I get a kiss I might just tell you every little detail.” San was instantly sorting a made up robbery in his head.
“How about the story first?”
“No can do darling, the kiss comes first.” San denied his lips now so close she could nearly feel them against her own.
“Then I guess we are at a stalemate.” Y/n retorted yet didn’t move back.
San took this as a sign, eyes slowly closing as he moved forward only to be met with air.
Blinking his eyes a few times before fully opening them to see Y/n staring back amused, face a few inches away from his again.
“I got the last name, but your hair is still blonde and I didn’t get that story.” She shrugged, tugging her wrist out of his grasp easily seeing as he’d been holding it lightly in his grasp beforehand.
“Tease.” San groaned out moving backwards so his upper half of his body fell onto the bed.
“Whatever you say Choi San. Well as much as I enjoyed our interesting conversation, I need to go back to my ward to do another round on my patients seeing as you're all finished.” Y/n explained as she got up patting away the imaginary dusk on her scrubs after disposing of her one use gloves.
San was pleased to see no ring in sight on her now revealed hands. Sitting up with his hands holding all his wait he watched her put away the equipment she’d used.
“I thought I was also your patient, shouldn’t I get some of your time as well?” San didn’t let up not wanting her to leave so soon knowing fully well this could be their only interaction to his unfortunate displeasure at the thought.
“Well I can’t be using all my attention on one patient, that’s bias.” Y/n shrugged, moving to lean against the doorway of the room once again like she’d done when she’d first entered the room.
“You’ll probably be able to be discharged soon, be careful where you’re walking around at night with your friends. You’ve got a handsome face, one I don’t want to see get scratched up again and also in my hospital again, stay safe Choi San. Look after yourself.”
San smiled at her kind yet teasing words.
“I’ll try not to. But that doesn’t mean we won’t bump into each other again. The world is a small place you never know when we’ll see each other again.” San replied back.
“Sure thing.” Y/n nodded not thinking they’d cross paths again, but she wouldn’t mind it if it was in any other setting but the hospital she worked in.
Turning to leave Y/n held back an amused laugh hearing San call out to her as she finally took her leave.
“I’ll be waiting for that kiss Darling!”
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“Darling?” It was a voice she’d thought she’d never hear again. Much less run into the man.
All she could do was stare in shock and slight anger at the sight in front of her.
San stood there gun in hand, face scratched up again because of the fight that had been taking place at 9pm on a random street in Seoul.
Y/n having been a random witness to the cruel street criminal actions taking place in the bank where’d she’d come by on her only day off she’d managed to get wanting to pay a bit of her student loans.
“You never got robbed.” Was all she could manage to whisper out, San having to strain his ears to hear it, but it was evident he’d heard her by the frown that had settled on his face.
San had been in a robbery gone wrong that night. Though he wasn’t the one who’d gotten robbed. He’d been the one trying to rob others. His grip on his gun faltered quickly, pocketing it in his waistband, glancing at the dead cameras shuffling closer to off duty nurse. Only for her to shuffle back from where she’d been sitting on the ground due to having been ordered by another man ten minutes ago to do so at the beginning of the bank heist currently taking place.
“Darling don’t, don’t you move away from me.” San scrambled with his words trying to back track this whole situation cursing out himself for life putting the two of you here at the same time and not some cliche bump into each other at a coffee shop cliche.
“You shouldn’t have told me your last name San.” Y/n spoke with determination, eyes barely managing to glare at her once patient who’d lied and flirted with her so easily.
“Well I guess that means we have a dilemma on our hands.” San clenched his jaw tight at her words.
“You won’t get away with this San, taking people's hard earned money like this.”
“That’s not what this is Y/n.” San denied desperately wanting her to understand the situation.
“That’s what it looks like to my Choi San.” She retorted, eyes flicking to his hands as he fiddled with something taking another step in her direction, eyes staring once again at that face he’d been thinking about this whole time since they’d first met months ago.
“Oh Darling. You have no idea.”
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