#52 weeks of socks
icterid-rubus · 1 year
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Elve Slippers in Léttlopi. Honestly, I can’t believe a tube with a slit opening fit so well. I would have sworn these would pinch the backs of my ankles, but no, they’re a dream!
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hibernation-fibres · 2 years
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My own Christmas socks!! These are some of my favourite socks I've ever made, the colour scheme is just so gorgeous and worked so well with the pattern!
Yarn: Felt Fusion sock yarn in a sock set called 'Vintage Christmas'
Pattern: 'Dear Björn' by Nataliya Sinelshchikova (in '52 Weeks of Socks')
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crafi · 2 years
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[Image IDs: Three photographs of hand-knit socks in fingering weight, veriagated yarn in grey, green, blue, purple and pink. The first photo shows both socks, the second shows a close-up of cable patterns, and the third is a close-up of an eye of partridge flap and gusset heel.]
Yarn: Madeline Tosh Sock in Night Hawk (thrifted)
Pattern: Tributary by Diana Clinch
My first toe-up socks!!!
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bookishluna · 1 year
52 Weeks of Socks | Week 01: Intersections
Hello and welcome! Todays post is going to be a little walk through in my experience in knitting my first pair of socks from 52 Weeks of Socks published by Laine. For this first week I ended up actually picking the first pattern in the book, who would have thought? When I first brought up this series in my post, 52 Weeks of Socks | Series Introduction, I said I was going to pick pattern from a…
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rubber-ducky143 · 6 months
𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕊𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕞𝕚𝕟
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A/N: Again, sorry for not posting yesterday!! I was yapping to my gf on a 3+ hour call and then a few hours after, I went to Rutland! I had fun though and omw home, I thought of this and since it’s Easter, it only makes sense to post it today instead of postponing it to next week! Plus, I have a lot energy (I got a Monster this morning) so I feel like writing :3
Word count: 1586
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x gn! Reader (they paint their nails if that means anything!!)
Warnings: Fluff, “Easter Bunny”, light swearing, lmk if I missed anything :3
You woke up, any ordinary day. You were sleepy and honestly just wanted to get back to sleep but when the thought crossed your mind that your cousins and parents along with your aunt were coming over for Easter, you immediately wanted to get up and get ready for the day. 
You tried to get up but Seungmin wouldn’t let you. For someone who doesn't like physical touch, he was oddly clingy. Especially today. 
“Seungmin, I gotta get up and get the baskets, breakfast and the egg hunt ready,, I only have like an hour.. And on top of all that, I have to get myself ready..” “Why do you only have an hour..? Aren’t they coming over around 10..?”
You sigh and roll your eyes.
“Yeah but it’s 8:52, almost 9..”
‘Yeah. Really.”
Seungmin sighs and rolls over, still as tired as ever. He gets up, nonetheless. 
You both get out of bed after 8 or 9 minutes of stretching, almost falling asleep, and cuddling.
“Do you want my sweatshirt?”
You hear Seungmin ask. He was still sitting on your shared bed while you were in the bathroom, trying to fix your hair.
“The 1987 one?” “Yeah, what else?” “I’d say yes if you hadn’t slept in it.” “You sleep in the same clothes and wear them all the time! What’s wrong with wearing clothes I’ve slept in?” “It’s sweaty.” “You wear this sweatshirt even if I’m sweating after practice. What’s the difference between sweating during practice and sweating while unconscious?”
You sigh and roll your eyes once more. You didn’t really understand the difference yourself. You could’ve just said you didn’t want to wear it but he would’ve asked why because that sweatshirt of his was your favorite on him and to “borrow”.
You don’t end up wearing the gray 1987 sweatshirt. You end up wearing your own clothes. A Harley Quinn shirt with some distressed jeans/shorts/skirt. You didn’t bother putting socks on. 1, you were in your own house and weren’t going anywhere and 2, you didn’t paint your toenails just to hide them. Not that anyone would look at your feet anyway. If they did, I suggest being slightly concerned unless you like it. No judgment :)
Once you and Seungmin are both done getting ready, you make your way to the kitchen.
“Hey, Seung? Can you help me set up?”
“I was planning to anyway. We only have about an hour, right?” You nod and kiss Seungmin on the cheek before walking to the kitchen and gathering the bags of the eggs, candy, stuffies, baskets and other easter things.
“What can I do to help?”
Seungmin asks, standing patiently (somehow) in the doorway of the living room. “Can you put the eggs around? They should be all filled already.. If not,” You place a green-basket looking bowl on the table. It has candy of all kinds. Chocolate eggs, Reese's eggs, Marshmallow bunnies, Peeps, and much more.
Seungmin nods as a grin spreads across his plush lips. He was hoping you’d ask him to do that. He just wished you wouldn’t know what he was planning.
“No putting them in unreachable places, Kim Seungmin.” “Yeah, yeah. No promises.” Seungmin takes the box of eggs and starts placing them around the house. Most of them are in reachable places. Most of them. 
While Seungmin is placing the eggs for your little cousins, you set up their baskets. Each one with similar items. A blue basket with a blue bunny plush. This was for your youngest cousin, Myla. Even though she was barely 3, you knew she still loved bunnies. The next basket was themed yellow. It had extra peeps in it because you knew your second youngest cousin, Cosmo. Cosmo was 5, almost 6 and loved peeps with his whole little heart. He was always so happy when he found them in the store. And for your last, oldest cousin. (Oldest but still years younger than you). Constance. Her basket was purple themed. When she told you she wanted a purple themed basket from the Easter Bunny, you immediately noted that. Constance was 11. Her favorite color was purple and she liked playing Animal Crossing. Also noting that she loves Animal Crossing, you got her a plush of her favorite character, Blaire.
After you finished setting up the baskets and Seungmin was (almost) done with setting the eggs up, you called your mom to see if they were on their way.
You hear through the speaker of your phone.
“Hey, mama, are you about to leave?”
“Yes, why?”
“Just wondering, do you want me to make some food? Besides lunch, of course. Snacks or drinks?”
Your mom thinks for a moment with a “hmm” sound coming from the other side of the line. You hear her ask your dad, aunt, and cousins if they wanted anything. You almost immediately hear a scream for Shirley Temples and Lay’s Salt and Vinegar chips. You laugh and make note of those 2 things.
“Anything else?” You ask. You felt like you were asking if someone at Subway wanted anything else with their order. 
You hear your mom chuckle before responding.
“Fruits, preferably Mangos, Peaches and Strawberries. You can add other things to your liking, I just know everyone here will love those 3 things.”
“Alright. Thanks mama. I’mma go now, bye.” “Bye kiddo, we’ll see you in about 30, 40 minutes.”
You hum and hang up.
“What do they want?”
Seungmin asks from behind you. It scared you but you turn around, nonetheless.
“Fruits, Lay’s and Shirly Temples.”
“Oh, okay. We do have Sprites, Ginger Ales and that Grenadine stuff. I don’t know about fruits though. Do they want specific fruits or?”
“They want Mangos, Peaches and Strawberries. I know we have mangos and strawberries but I don’t think we have peaches. I’d also like some Watermelon and Pineapple..”
Seungmin nods and walks to the door.
“Where are you going?”
You ask, slightly surprised.
“Going to get fruits. Do we need anything else? Anything for lunch? Any drink preferences?”
“Uhm.. We could use some more coffee powder. Some milk too. I think that’s it.”
You get up and check the fridge along with your pantry to confirm your request.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
Seungmin nods and kisses you goodbye before heading out to the grocery store.
While Seungmin is shopping for your list of groceries, you make some coffee with the last of the espresso mix you have. Luckily, it was just barely enough to make 1 last serving. 
You enjoy your coffee while leaning against the counter. 
After about 20 minutes, Seungmin comes back along with your family arriving. 
When you see them enter the door, you’re quick to grab the groceries from Seungmin and place them on the kitchen island, peck Seungmin on the lips, and then hug all three of your cousins at once.
Once you get your cousins occupied with their baskets, you chat with your mom, dad and aunt, Seungmin prepping 4 Shirley Temples (3 for each of your cousins, 1 for you) and the snacks.
After chatting for almost an hour and your cousins complaining they’re bored and hungry, you prepare lunch while Seungmin entertains your cousins with whatever he finds funny. 
Once everyone is full with food, drinks and candy, you ask your cousins if they want to start the egg hunt. They all exclaim a loud yes and run over to Seungmin who was holding color-coded baskets for each of them. Purple, Blue and Yellow, just like the ones their things came in.
You, Seungmin, your mom, dad, and aunt all enjoy watching your 3 little cousins run around to gather as many eggs as they can. Some, Seungmin or your dad had to get for them because someone decided to put them in unreachable areas even though you specifically remember telling that someone not to.
You all share laughs and make new memories with each other. As much as they wish they could stay, your cousins hug you and Seungmin goodbye before you hug your parents and your aunt.
You make sure your cousins have everything and finally wave to them as they all walk out of the front door to go back home.
Once everyone leaves, you and Seungmin (half-ass) clean the house and end up cuddling each other on the couch, enjoying the silence after hours of 3 little kids running around and screaming.
“You’re cousins are little shits, you know that right?”
Seungmin teases.
You nod your head and laugh. You knew that. They were annoying to deal with but you love them anyway. You know Seungmin does too. He just refuses to show it.
“Happy Easter, Seung..”
You say quietly. Almost falling asleep even though it was around 5pm (17:00).
“Happy Easter, Y/N..”
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viciousewe · 1 year
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Can’t believe I let randos on the internet scare me off of cuff down socks for so long that Kitchener stitch is easy. (I say while casting on another pair of toe up socks)
(Turning Point by Zayaparova Masha from 52 Weeks of Socks)
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andesmints94 · 2 months
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I realized I said "self protecting Charlie" in the picture but I meant to say "self-projecting Charlie" which means that I'm putting pieces of me into him. But the original thing it says just sounds hilarious to me and idk why. Just about all these things are true of me. Well lately I've had to use a brace for my arm because of forearm and wrist tendon pain, probably from overuse. I am really upset with how tall he is... Of course I was gonna put hair on him but I just didn't feel like it... And his neck and chin almost make up half of his body. Maybe I'll submit a pic of him for reference and I think about this yellow man all the time lmao. I've gotten stretch marks from weight gain, not pregnancy, I've never been. I'm not diabetic as far as I know, but I have needed compression socks to reduce foot swelling but it's only my left foot. I have gotten more confident with my body, although I've had a hard issue with pinpointing my dysphoria. I want to wear a bikini of some sort, but except board shorts, and they usually don't have a bra size big enough. I have binded before but I'm wondering about looking into trans tape. I don't like under boob sweat and bras act as a buffer zone for that but I've gotten big. As far as packing goes, I used to try that but it just was too uncomfortable for me sensory wise. I do have STP devices but I hardly need to use them, I don't mind using the women's bathroom without one as long as nobody talks to me. Too nerve wracking to use the men's. I've been pretty sure I've had specific dysphoria for many years maybe a couple decades or half my life. I've thought about top surgery for the longest time, but I wonder how T would help me redistribute the fat. Don't even know if T is an option for me since I know my Dad passed from a sudden aortic rupture at 52. So that's something to keep in mind but I have some great news! My sister talked about it to me, it was just a very nice open conversation about T, she was just concerned about me testing my hormones first, which I will definitely do so. She has low estrogen and might need to take estrogen. And I think I might too, or maybe it's the beginning of pre menopause at 30? I'm still getting periods but my last two were about a week late or a week earlier. I'm not so uncomfortable with periods but it does make things harder for if I go on T (yeah I know that periods usually stop while on T but... Idk sometimes I spot after activities 🥴)... Don't really know if I'll be able to take gel either?? I mean I use lotion for my skin too, but usually at night. So maybe it's possible to do?? 🤔 Well options... I'm terrible at trying to figure out an actual name if "Andie" is good enough for me or if I need to find something else. Anyways yeah... Nose sniffles every day and I'm not sick I swear lol
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katsigian · 1 year
📷 for the doodle ask i hope youre gonna make him wear sandals and socks
I certainly fuckin' did make him wear socks and sandals. Thank you for the ask <3 even though my brain rewired
𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝓭 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓯𝓲𝓽 𝓞𝓷𝓮
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Apologies, these will just be rough, 2-3 hour sketches and so they will look like rough sketches 😔 it's still my boy, buff and grumpy as ever, but now he's role-playing a 52 yr old man who lives in the Hamptons and works a 9-5
It's the tiniest bit hot 😳 in a dilf-y, we're going to Yellowstone and getting Dunkin' on the road, way. I just know he could plan a one week vacation like nobody's business
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
Presenting the premier Addy Brock collection from Strands of Webbing!
Starting out with diversion of a canon event because, honestly, [bleep] that noise:
52. React
"DON’T!" she screams. But Ven#m is already halfway towards the M.O.R.B.I.U.S. device, a look of determination on its electronic inFace—
Until, with a grunt, all three point one five tons of SP//dr shoves the other mech out of the way of the beam of light just in time. A nearby building fuses into a twisted mess of metal and glass, like a Vonnegut crystogram.
"What the hell was that for?" comes the angry voice of Addy Brock from Ven#m's modulator.
"Rule number one on this team: you don't get yourself killed to prove a point!" snaps Peni.
Ven#m's inFace expresses strong shock.
"…we're a team?"
"I didn't say that."
That chirpy expression looks really weird in black and neon white. It probably doesn't help that the teenager inside has a much more…smug face, and that Peni can see both of them quite clearly.
"You implied it."
"Shut up. Now help me figure out this thing's weak spot. And don’t you dare die."
(Addy survives. But Peni's not sure, after the loud squeal at the end of the fight, whether her eardrums are going to last the week.)
60. Introductions
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” she tells Gray with a little hesitation, as they sit atop the New Chrysler eating putty-cakes from a street vendor below. “You could actually come over.”
His eyes shine, but his brow wrinkles—for once he’s got the mask off. He looks like Peter Parker. He looks nineteen. (Thirty. Eighty.)
“I don’t know if your folks would be okay with that.”
“You already met Addy.”
“Well, yeah.” Admittedly, she did threaten Gray with a fate worse than death and a mech. Neither of which seemed very effective to the other Spider, who had just laughed. One Saturday she’d be very happy to forget, honestly. (But he laughed, so there was some success that day.)
“I’ve been trying to explain this to them, the whole multiverse thing,” she says, and huffs. “They still think I’m crazy. Or that I’m lying and that I’ve actually just gotten myself some shady lowlife koibito to spite them.”
Gray’s face hardens. “If that word means what I think it means, then they should know way better.”
But it softens again when he looks at her. “But a six-foot-three-inch-tall nineteen-year-old with a face like a darned sock isn’t going to be much help to you, kiddo.”
“You’re literally from another dimension—”
“And I look scary. I won’t be making it easier for you on my own, not with how you say your aunt and uncle are. Maybe you can get Miles and Gwen in on this?”
She wants to protest, but then he says: “Maybe Ham and Peter too, Make an outing of it for the whole cluster. That way the others can distract them a little.”
“...I guess that makes sense.” He’s her best human friend, and she wanted to recognize that. But even so...maybe that would be better. She was able to pass off Miguel as a Mercurial pen-pal with a cosplay addiction (most Earthers will believe anything about the decadent and obscenely wealthy and more-than-slightly inhuman Spacers), but the rest are going to be harder—her black-and-white and cartoon counterparts especially. Telling the whole story, with proof, becomes easier if there are kids her age to help soften the blow. (Plus, Peter B couldn’t look threatening if he tried.)
“You’re not scary, though,” Peni insists. “Not to me.” She grins. “You’re too much of a dork for that.”
He squeezes her shoulder, and gives her a smile no less warm for being in monochrome. “Whereas you frighten the life out of me, doll.”
She hugs him. This time around, he doesn’t resist.
“...seriously, though, what’s in that crispy paste stuff?”
“Sun-fried seaweed, Mercury-style.”
“...it’s not too bad. Tastes kinda like latkes. Like a latke dough, but you can eat it.”
“It’s pretty good. My favourite’s yungay potato.”
“Ah, a lady of quality.”
She laughs at that.
80. Comrade
Adelaide Brock is fourteen when she makes her first two real friends. People who actually get it. Who understand the thrill of the ride, and the joy of the psychic link.
They have their differences, of course. Peni’s more of a drill sergeant in the field, always efficient, applying incredible precision. Addy’s always been more of a performer at heart, and her spider (her spider), Weying, seems to sympathize. Ven#m likes the spotlight, isn’t really up to just fighting and heading home, prefers to mug for the crowds and crow over a few muggers. (And occasionally fantasizes about trapping and eating the monsters they defeat like the oversized prey they are, but that’s spiders for you.) Maybe it’s showboating a little, but hey, if you have a ship, why not display it?
But at the end of the day...Peni saved her life. Soon after, she saved Peni’s. They’re a team. They’re actually talking. And she and Weying have been working together for ages now, and New York loves them. Life is good.
Now, if only Peni would actually let her know who she keeps talking to on that weird 2D group chat of hers...
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
183. Talk
The first time Addy stops by the workshop when Other Peni is there, Other Peni is furious at Peni for suggesting she come and say hi. Genuinely furious.
The second time—after some prompting and a long discussion where Other Peni Parker cries for the first time Peni remembers—Other Peni is there to greet her.
“Uhhhh...Peni? Is that you? You look tired. And...older.”
“...hey, Addy. It’s me. This is gonna sound weird, but...I’m from another dimension and I just...kind of wanted to see you again.”
She sounds so tender.
Addy blinks.
“It’s okay,” says Peni, coming around to the front of the space. “She’s...a friend. Sort of. But you have to keep this a secret. This is beyond mech stuff, it’s insanely important. Swear?”
Addy nods, wide-eyed.
“Good! You two have fun!”
“Peni, you weren’t supposed to—” Other Peni growls, but Peni’s already wheeling herself out.
It should help. She knows it would help her. And she’s about 90% certain Addy will forgive her, and has fifteen different prospective options to hasten that process.
...figures that when she steps back in, Addy and Other Peni give her rather evil grins.
“You know,” says Other Peni casually, “the nice thing about being the same person? It means you’re already well aware of a fair few...embarrassing incidents.”
“...you didn’t.”
“Me? No, no. We just traded life stories. If they match up, it’s just a coincidence, right?”
Addy cackles.
“I’ve created a monster.”
“Aw, lighten up, Choking Hazard.”
“Adelaide Brock, you swore not to tell a living soul—”
“Actually I just said I’d only talk about it with you. And, well...”
Other Peni laughs.
(The sacrifices one makes for the good of one’s fellow Spiders...)
238. Rudolph
“If you think I’m missing this, Peni Parker, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Addy...I don’t know. I mean, yes, you got bitten, but...I’ve never met another Addy Brock out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Addy tosses her head back and offers her friend an easy grin. “Then I won’t get hurt. Simple as that. Trust me, Peni. I know when to pull back now.”
Peni sighs. “Fine. But be careful, right? Follow my lead.”
The red SP//dr enters the hole in space just before the black Ven#m does, and leads the way.
And on the other side—
“Hey!” calls Miles happily, coming over to meet them. “Glad you could make it!”
“...hi,” says Addy, blushing quite pinkly all of a sudden.
Peni rolls her eyes. “Excuse my friend. Addy, this is Miles Morales, Spider-Man. Miles, my best friend and coworker Addy Brock and her Spider Weying, alias Ven#m.”
“...how are you pronouncing that?” asks Ham. “Hey, I thought me and Mister Egg Cream over there were your best friends.”
Gray looks like he’s trying not to grin. Peni can feel a blush coming on herself. “I’ve got four best friends. Addy’s the only one you guys haven’t met yet.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” says Miles easily. “And Happy Hanukkah!”
(“Should I tell him you’re a Zuhariyya Muslim?”
“Nah, it’s okay.”)
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
322. Mitosis
“Don’t count on it working,” says Other Peni. “And be careful.”
Peter cracks his knuckles.
“Just gotta give it the ol’ college try.”
And he walks up to the bulky form of Ven#m. Not as nice-looking as Addy’s, honestly. And a cannibal at that. Joke about it though he may, he doesn’t much like cannibalism.
Peter doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but there’s always such a thing as giving it the ol’ college try.
(Granted, he never went to college.)
—what are you?—
“Me? I’m just a good buddy here to annoy you into spitting out my friend’s loved ones.”
The capsule opens, revealing a tangled mess of cable-like tentacles that snake towards him.
—is Peni so desperate that she’s sending in cartoons to aid in her futile endeavours?—
—don’t make me laugh, little piggy—
—we are Ven#m—
—what are you going to do?—
—“huff and puff and blow my house down”?—
Peter pulls out the giant horn his niece Dahlia sent back from a trip to Switzerland.
“Something like that, yeah.”
362. Celebrity
Do I get one? I get one! Wheeee! ...um. Sorry. Anyway.
My name is Addy Brock. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for five years I’ve been one third of the one and only Ven#m. I’m from New York in the year 3150, I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside the robot I tried to take for a joyride when I was fourteen, and my best friends in the world are Peni Parker and Weying, the aforementioned radioactive spider.
Pretty sure you know the rest. Saved the city, mugged for the camera, saved the city again and again, had a hundredth-of-life crisis during which I, uh...we don’t really talk about that. (I’m banned from Greater Peru until I’m eighty-five, on a completely unrelated note.) But I got back up. Also, I met an alternate version of my best friend who lost her me and really needed someone to keep her laughing. And that’s me. Addy Brock, clown superhero extraordinaire. (Peter Parker? Never heard of him.) Peni may be the OG, but I’m the sequel that nobody knew they wanted but now can’t get enough of. I’ve even been to Mars on business—you know how difficult it is for an Earther to get direct to Mars, let alone for a job? Usually they hire local, or take on seasonal workers from the ecoships. This is big stuff.
...but at the end of the day, I love being Ven#m. And...I like having friends who get it. I got randomly assigned a last name matching my closest genetic relatives, but Peni and her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are the first real family I’ve ever actually had. So guess what? Ven#m is here to stay, with the Parkers, in the Republic of New York, on Earth.
As long as they’ll have me.
(“Well, then, looks like even reincarnation won’t be enough to let you get away, Addy.”
"And when they get sick of you, me and my aunt and uncle and Other Addy will take over."
“Aw, you guys. Peni Parkers? Ultimate upgrade in superhero mettle. Besides yours truly, of course.”
”How modest.”)
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icterid-rubus · 2 years
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I cast off the intersections socks a while ago, but couldn’t photograph them because the house fell down around my ears. But with a fresh blanket of snow, I could finally do the ravelry thing and photograph my knits outdoors haha.
At first, I really disliked these socks. The pattern as it is in the book only offers two sizes, and the smallest was too large for my toes. So I modded them by not fully increasing the toe, and instead sprinkling the rest of the increases along the sole. At the heel turn, I followed the advice of other knitters and upped my needle size—but only for the cable section—then downsized for the leg. This pattern is not ideal for a tight sock, which is my preference, but I think I made it work.
The only change I’d make is shortening the foot by maybe 1/4”-1/2”. Others noted the heel turn started too early, and as this is a new heel construction for me, I couldn’t tell if the heel was situated properly on my foot while knitting. I believe now it’s a little high, but it’s just a little nitpick.
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hibernation-fibres · 1 year
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Joey and Andrew Socks! Made with lovely yarn from my wonderful friends (tysm @vitariesocks and @squidaresquishy) which they sent all the way from Philly as a Christmas gift. I love working with locally dyed yarn, so getting to use some that’s local to someone else was really cool! I really like the way these colours look together - I’ll probably make another stripey set with them both.
Yarn: Loop Sprig - the labels say ‘OOAK’ but neither of them seem to 100% match any of the colourways on the website, so perhaps discontinued or just a unique colourway!
Edit: I've been informed that OOAK stands for one of a kind so yes! Oops 😂
Pattern: ‘Oona’ by Karen Borrel (in 52 Weeks of Socks)
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crafi · 2 years
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[ID: A photo of KnitKnight’s feet, wearing a pair of blue socks in fingering weight yarn with a diamond pattern created by slipped stitches. End ID.]
First time wearing these out! The fit turned out great, despite the slipped stitches reducing elasticity.
Pattern: Stone by Tatiana Kulikova (small alterations made)
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safyresky · 3 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 26/52: "I got up, standing tall and proud in my fluffy socks."
—Jacqueline in Year Five of The Twelve Years of Frostmas
I went OFF on those fuzzy socks, they look SO GOOD!
And I GOOFED her face, hence the thick sharpie attack eyebrows. I had a lot of forehead space and went "lemme add eyebrows!" After colouring her in. My inking pens did not like this. It smudged. EVERYWHERE. I tried my best to gently dab it off (which only made it worse), grabbed the THIN TIP SHARPIE and tried that (which had the same effect), rinse and repeat (more smudges) and grabbed the BIG SHARPIE and the results: voila! Bon appetit 😭😭😭
This scrimble was from last week. I may scan it later today and see if the photo quality is better. I LOVE traditional art but DAMN if phone cameras aren't the WORST way to share the lil doodles 😭😭😭
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1. What is you middle name? It's either bait ali or ali bait [roughly translates to house of Ali] [[not many people know about my middle name lol] 2. How old are you? 14 3. When is your birthday? 27/11/2009 4. What is your zodiac sign? Saggitarius 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 5. What is your favorite color? Red/orange/purple/black 6. What’s your lucky number? 6 7. Do you have any pets? Used to 8. Where are you from? Technically i'm from iran but i don't look it, i was born in kuwait and my mum just tells me to say 'iraqi' 9. How tall are you? 166cm 10. What shoe size are you? idfk 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 2 of the same pair 12. What was your last dream about? Reliving a bad memory, then finding the person everywhere and trying to hide while my mum drags me closer [we had to go run errands, but i'd always find him there and i couldn't leave] 13. What talents do you have? I can turn off my emotions :3 14. Are you psychic in any way? Answered this 15. Favorite song? Right now it's honeypie [for the beat, it makes me happi] 16. Favorite movie? idk 17. Who would be your ideal partner? I'm aroace so idfk 18. Do you want children? One day i might wanna adopt a kid, but i aint sure 19. Do you want a church wedding? I don't want any wedding lol 20. Are you religious? Spiritual not religious 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? who hasn't??? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Never been caught doing illegal shit but the worst thing i've done was like, steal a fucking math book 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Nat Amoore [author, but i dont think she's a celeb lol] 24. Baths or showers? showers 25. What color socks are you wearing? None, i'm on my bed lol but i wear black socks 26. Have you ever been famous? nuh-uh, thank god 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Would rather die /gen 28. What type of music do you like? Vocaloid, breakcore, indie/alt rock 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nuh-uh 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two, one to hug and one to hide my books/laptop [i don't sleep on it though 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Fetal but hugging a pillow 32. How big is your house? Not ours, but it's medium 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I don't eat breakfast lol 34. Have you ever fired a gun? If only 35. Have you ever tried archery? If only times two 36. Favorite clean word? supercalifragilisticexpialadocious 37. Favorite swear word? fuck 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? idfk a week? 39. Do you have any scars? yea 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Complicated but yeah, twice/thrice [?!?!?] 41. Are you a good liar? Yeah, when i want to be 42. Are you a good judge of character? I don't think so 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I change accents depending on who i'm talking to so 44. Do you have a strong accent? Nope 45. What is your favorite accent? I think irish cus it sounds cool 46. What is your personality type? Entp! [i was esfp then enfp then intp then entp] 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I'm not sure 48. Can you curl your tongue? ye 49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie 50. Left or right handed? Left 51. Are you scared of spiders? only super big ones, but i usually just freeze when one is on me 52. Favorite food? Rice and yoghurt w lentils [imjadarah] 53. Favorite foreign food? Warag anab [vine leaves i think it's called] 54. Are you a clean or messy person? messy asf 55. Most used phrased? "[accidentally dirty thing] you say?" "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" [irl] 56. Most used word? "FUCK-" "WOOHOO!!!" "REALLY???" [irl]
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Not too long but i procrastinate it a lot so a while lol 58. Do you have much of an ego? The lowest fucking ego but i'll gaslight myself into thinking yes anyway 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck 60. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly, usually internally though 61. Do you sing to yourself? If i'm comfortable with the people i'm around, i will just randomly break into song 62. Are you a good singer? Not good, not horrible 63. Biggest Fear? Things never getting better 64. Are you a gossip? No, but if someone starts it i'll go along with it 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? I don't watch dramas lol 66. Do you like long or short hair? All hair is cool, but i would love to have shorter hair 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? the only states i know are 1-north carolina 2-idaho 3-Texas 4-florida 5-ohio 6-Washington 7-Wyoming 8-South carolina 9-Arizona [on the spot at least] 68. Favorite school subject? sport/gym 69. Extrovert or Introvert? I love people but i get overwhelmed easily so i need to recharge, i've been called an extroverted introvert so idk 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope, seems scary 71. What makes you nervous? being alone with one person 72. Are you scared of the dark? Not really, if i feel something in there i flip off the darkness and say "Fuck you" and it makes me feel better 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Rarely 74. Are you ticklish? Kinda 75. Have you ever started a rumor? Accidentally in like 3rd grade about a killer being in the window of the unit outside our school [i was misunderstood] 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Sometimes i have to parent my siblings when my mums gone but not really 77. Have you ever drank underage? No 78. Have you ever done drugs? nope 79. Who was your first real crush? it's complicated lol 80. How many piercings do you have? two, but they're closing off 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Answered this 82. How fast can you type? retook it 79WPM 83. How fast can you run? I'm really fast, it's very rare that someone can run faster than me 84. What color is your hair? Black 85. What color is your eyes? Very dark brown, i can't see my pupils if i look in the mirror 86. What are you allergic to? Bug bites, dust [well my sis is and i get the same reactions] 87. Do you keep a journal? Not anymore 88. What do your parents do? Not eachother that's for sure /silly My dad is a security guard and i'm not 100% sure what my mum does89. Do you like your age? No i want to be 18 asap 90. What makes you angry? Injustice 91. Do you like your own name? Robert? yes. Given name? fuck no. 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Nope 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? None lol 94. What are you strengths? Competitiveness, open-mindedness, self control when it comes to hurting others 95. What are your weaknesses? People pleasing, i dislike myself greatly which is probably a weakness, self control when it comes to doing something bad 96. How did you get your name? It came to my mum in a dream 97. Were your ancestors royalty? no but there was a knight who was also a poet, hatim al ta'i 98. Do you have any scars? y e 99. Color of your bedspread? I don't use any 100. Color of your room?
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Finished some socks for my partner! This was my first time doing toe-up socks and German short row heels, and I'm really pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
Pattern is Gerste in the book 52 Weeks of Socks, yarn is Fresh From the Cauldron Silk Sock in the colorway Renesmee (thrifted). I used size 1.5 dpns instead of size 1 to make the sizing work, which probably helped w the speed.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 53. brb x oc
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i love this man
a/n: I'm just creating a buildup cause it's possible that the chapter where Bea surprises him will be quite l o ng ....WE'LL SEE! anyway, feedback is welcome and encouraged!!
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, Rooster is good with kids more news at 11
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac
When the 23rd finally rolled around, Beatrice had already separated and fixed everything for the surprise. It was very well hidden, in places Bibi would never wonder about. She did that on Monday, right after helping Penny and Shells at the bar and during the time Rooster called.
For a second she wondered if he knew something was up and wanted to know if she would share something about it, but it was just to let her know that Bibi could come with them.
She had to admit her worry diminished but it was still present, now it was because of Bibi joining a Navy ball more than her finding out what her aunt was planning. She knew her niece would be curious and maybe ask people things once they get there, so she had to have a conversation with her before they left.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to go to work that night nor during the weekend since it was Christmas and she’d only be needed at the bar a few days before the New Years.
Penny wouldn’t be able to join Beatrice’s NYE party since she,Pete and Amelia would go on a trip together and celebrate the New Year out of the country. Which it was fine, it was completely understandable to her, they deserved to have some family time together.
Beatrice took one last look around her house, making sure nothing was out of place before Bianca arrived, which according to her brother it wouldn’t be too long, they just left their house after all. She sighs, looking down at Jolene who’s lying on the couch with her sock monkey under her chin, “Well, I think now it’s just wait until they get here.” she says, sitting down next to her dog to scratch her ears, the pittie makes a happy noise while fluttering her eyes closed.
With her eyes going between her phone and the front door, Beatrice tried to calm her anxious heart down. So much was going to happen in a matter of hours: the ball, then Bianca sleeping over, then the Christmas Celebration and then…the surprise, which she was the most nervous about. The original plan was doing this in his place, but now that Jolene was going to spend some time out of her house she had all of this space to use.
That was a lot of space.
She’d have to move the coffee table out of the way and maybe push her couch a bit…but she could do it, she hoped. She was trying to not chicken out already, not only because this was something she’s been planning for weeks but also because she wanted to surprise him! But what if he gets weirded out by it? What if what Shells suggested wasn’t even something he thought about? What if he got horrified by her doing that? 
She sunk deeper into the couch, rubbing her face with both hands. She’ll be completely fine, she’ll be okay, she doesn’t have to worry about that right now. Luckily her line of thought was completely broken by the sound of a car parking and a high pitched voice saying ‘auntie!!’
Beatrice couldn’t help the smile, especially after Jolene perked up when she heard it too, leaping out of the couch to check who it was by the window. The brunette opened her front door as her older brother did the same, her little overexcited niece bouncing on the toddler seat begging to be released from her childish prison.
“Auntiee!!!” comes Bianca’s voice from inside the car, Leo trying to unbuckle her safely but his daughter was just too happy to keep still. Bianca slid from the toddler seat once her father unbuckled her, crawling between his parted legs to the floor before Leonardo could stop her. “Auntiee!!” she says again, this time louder and clearer, her little legs running in Beatrice’s direction.
Her aunt crouches to engulf the little girl in a hug, her niece latching around her neck like a little spider monkey and there she stayed even after Beatrice turned to Leonardo, “Hey.” she laughs at his tired expression, holding up a backpack that was filled with Bianca’s clothes “Thank you.”
“Yeah,you are welcome.” Leonardo sighs, placing his hands on his hips when his daughter looks up at him, “Alright, kiddo, listen up. You are going out with auntie Bea and Bradley–”
“Prince Rooster!”
“...prince Rooster, so you behave, okay? Don’t wander away from auntie and if you don’t know where things are you need to ask her of Br-Prince Rooster.” he was grimacing so hard when he said it,that Beatrice laughs, “Then you go home tomorrow, after we stay at nonna and nonno.”
Bianca looked over her aunt’s shoulder where Jolene was, wagging her long tail happily upon seeing the little girl, “With Jojo!”
“Yes, with Jojo.”
“Yaaay!!” Bianca throws her arms up, thankfully Beatrice was holding her because the little girl’s spine bent backward in a way it’d definitely make her fall, “Thank you daddy!” Leonardo just chuckles softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to the top of her blonde head then another one on his sister’s forehead.
“If you need any help give us a call, okay?” he says quietly, “We can come and pick her up.”
Beatrice smiles, “I know, enjoy the night off though.” she says as she slides the smaller backpack strap on her shoulder, laughing when her brother just rolled his eyes with an exhausted expression but he waved until he got back inside the truck. The two watched him reverse then leave her driveway, disappearing from their view.
Beatrice carries Bianca inside, lowering her to the floor so she could greet Jolene by hugging the dog’s neck. Her aunt just smiles, removing the child backpack from her shoulder so she could unzip it and see what was inside. She could see Bianca’s blue dinosaur onesie that she liked to wear to bed, a baby pink colored dress with her tiny shoes on top and a Tigger travel case with her toothbrush and toiletries. 
After placing the backpack on top of her desk, Beatrice returned to see Bianca sitting cutely on the couch with her red sneakers hitting each other as she smiles towards her aunt, “Alright,Bibi,” she begins, sitting down next to her and combing some wild strands of blonde that escaped her hair band, “Do you know where we are going tonight?”
“I’m going out with you and Prince Rooster!” she announces happily, tapping her shoes vigorously with her hands on the couch.
“Well, yes, but do you know where we are going?” Bianca pauses, then shakes her head with the smile still present. Beatrice turns her body so she’s facing the little girl completely now, “We are going to a gala, do you know what a gala is?” again she shakes her head, “It’s a big party with a lot of fancy people, most of them are Rooster’s friends. It’s like Cinderella’s ball, remember?”
Honestly it was the only way she could explain to a five years old in simple terms. And it was enough for Bianca’s eyes to double in size and a soft gasp make it’s way out of her mouth, “...Cinderella’s ball?” she repeats, looking at her aunt with pure wonder, “...you are a princess…” she whispers with complete resolution, something in a child’s mind to only grasp parts of what you told them was still amusing to Beatrice.
She laughs softly, shaking her head, “No, no, I’m not a princess honey. We are going to a ball like we see in the movies.” but her niece just kept staring at her, already made up her mind that one of her deepest wishes just came true and her aunt was indeed a princess. Beatrice decides then to just leave it like that, because now the damage was done and there was no way Bianca would understand what she was talking about.
Clearly the little girl was over the moon, she was bouncing on her seat and squealing with pura delight at the information her aunt was now part of royalty…like Cinderella was. Beatrice lets out a soft laugh, reaching for her phone so she could message Rooster 
Bea (13:32)
Hey Roos, Bibi is here already. I just told her about where we are going and she’s very excited.
Roos (13:33)
Hey gorgeous, that’s good :) I’m going to pick you both up around seven okay?”
Bea (13:34)
Yeah, of course Roos! :3 We’ll be waiting for you. Then you are going to spend the night too right?
Roos (13:36)
Of course ;) I promise I’ll behave but that depends on how good you’ll look.
Bea (13:37)
Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw, do not start.
Roos (13:38)
Because you know I always finish it, don’t you?;) But I promise, I will behave. Bibi will have a good time too, you’ll see.
Her smile and gaze softened at his reply and she thanked him, telling him she couldn’t wait to see him later. He said he couldn’t wait either and that he ‘was annoyed the time wasn’t going by any faster.’  much for her amusement. After she set the phone away she turned to her niece who was still grinning now that her aunt was a princess and decided that she could get some of her old drawing supplies for Bianca to pass the time.
Once she grabs them, she sees the canvas hidden behind her armoire. She finished it a few days ago but she was still nervous about it, much like the surprise on the 24th this was also…something she planned. Well, not planned, it happened before she could stop herself and she feared that Rooster would be a bit…weirded out by it? Well, she had the time to think about it, especially how she wanted to show it to him after the main event tomorrow night.
Rooster parks the Bronco in front of Beatrice’s house at seven sharp, he steps out of the truck running his hands down the suit to prevent any crinkles when he stands up. He gives himself another look by checking his reflection on the window and then turns on his heel to reach the door.
He’s already smiling even before arriving, seeing four pairs of eyes - one green and human and the other brown and very canine - looking at him out of the window. Bradley is still looking at the two as he knocks on the door, hearing Beatrice say she’s coming but he’s surprised when Bianca is the one who opens it instead.
Her aunt’s shocked voice comes from the loft, where he could hear her rushing inside the bathroom to finish touching up as Bianca looks up at him. She gasps softly, her blonde hair combed back with a light pink headband keeping it back. The baby pink poofy dress she wore once again made her look like a little pixie, “Woaahh…” she whispered, “...just like Cinderella…”
Bradley chuckles confusedly but holds his hands by the wrist in front of him,  “Hi,Bibi, did your auntie tell you to open the door?” she steps back so he can come in, closing the door behind himself and petting Jolene behind the ears.
“I did not!” comes Beatrice’s voice from the bathroom, “I told her to wait for me but she didn’t! She knows not to do that!”
Rooster turns to face Bianca, who is still looking at him with wide amazed eyes, “Well, your auntie is right, you can’t open the door for a stranger.” the little girl’s eyes turn guilty and she scuffs her shoe against the floor.
“But you aren’t a stranger,” she says, “You are prince Rooster.”
“I know but even then, you should wait for your aunt, okay?” the little girl nods, and Rooster holds up his pinky “Pinky promise?” Bianca’s eyes lit up and she giggled, holding up her much smaller finger to hook around his the best she could. Once they did that, Rooster looked back up to the loft area where he could see the bathroom light was on. He didn’t go up the stairs, he chose to keep Bianca company instead.
Which was fine to him, the little girl was always very talkative and asked him a lot of things. She asked him about his medals, told him he looked just like a prince and that she couldn’t wait to go to Cinderella’s ball. Bea must’ve explained to her that way so she’d understand it better.
He hears the bathroom light click and he turns his head, his eyes widening and mouth parting when Beatrice comes into view. The dress looked amazing on her, hugged her in the right places and gave her such a sexy silhouette he was having a hard time keeping his eyes still. Beatrice smiles shyly, the light red lipstick she wore only made her mouth appear even fuller than it was, as she makes her way down by holding the ends of her dress, “So? What do you think?”
Bradley drops his eyes over her figure for a few more seconds, “I think I need to pay Evelyn a drink.” he says breathily, making his girlfriend laugh sweetly. He grabs her hand to bring her closer, eyes still looking all over her body “God damn.” he whispers so Bianca wouldn’t hear, “God damn you look amazing.”
Beatrice laughs again, leaning up to peck his lips before she touches his clothed chest “You look quite handsome Lieutenant Bradshaw.” and she sees in his eyes how those exact words affected him, the way his pupils enlarged and his breath hitched. Well, that is one theory proven right already, that’s a great  start, “So, shall we go?”
He hesitated, dropping his brown irises down her body then meeting her eyes again, the way his chest heaved subtly meant he was trying to figure out what to do next. He knew there was nothing he could actually do because of Bibi, who was now bouncing by his side chanting the words ‘Cinderella’s Ball!’ over and over, “...yeah, let’s.” he says then, giving her one last once over as she walks past him to grab her clutch, the toddler seat and Bianca’s cow printed jacket.
Bradley licks his lips, trying to regain his composure as he follows Beatrice out of the house, the brunette telling Bianca that she should never open the door for anyone unless an adult is close by and just because it was Bradley it didn’t mean she could do it. Bianca nodded, holding her aunt’s hand and then turning to Bradley who was still looking at Beatrice, her green eyes blinking at the two adults. 
“Okay, now, let’s put the seat on.” Beatrice smiles as she turns to Bradley, waiting for him to open the Bronco but he remained immobile and his eyes were so dark she felt she’d be sucked into them “Brad? The car?” he snaps out of it, shaking his head and muttering ‘right, the car,’ while making his way over to the Bronco to open the door for her. He stood to the side, trying so hard to not stare at how her ass looked in that dress and trying to focus on Bianca who now held his hand.
He looked down at her, watching the little girl bounce on the spot still holding his hand. He chuckles, letting her hold her weight on his arm as she leans back, stopping when her aunt turns around to pick her up and place her onto the seat. He watches Beatrice say something to her niece, then peck her forehead while placing her cow print jacket and a toy on her lap to play with. 
When she leans back, she’s not surprised to see his eyes still on her and she hid nothing from roving her own eyes on him. God he looked really good in uniform. He steps closer, giving one quick look to where Bianca was playing with her giraffe toy, too busy to pay attention to the adults outside.
 His hands are on the flare of her hips, feeling the fabric touch his fingers as he tugs her closer, chest touching and his head dropping on the side of her neck that wasn’t covered by hair, “Fuck you look so good.” he mutters against her ear, kissing below the earlobe and avoiding her earring.
Beatrice smiles hugging his neck, humming happily when he presses a series of kisses on her skin, “You said you’d behave.” she whispers, pushing against his chest after he makes an annoyed noise, “Remember?”
“I do,” he replies once he’s facing her once again, “I know nothing can happen tonight…but there’s always tomorrow,right?”
Beatrice inhaled sharply, fearing that he somehow knew of her plans but…no, no he was just saying it. There was no way he’d know, she was being very careful about everything, but still she had to keep her focus on getting everything done right. “Yes.” she says finally, easing out a breath, “Of course.” he leans down to kiss her again and she couldn’t help the deep sigh that leaves through her nose. That kiss was full of promises she knew he wouldn’t achieve tonight but it was still wonderful.
He waits until she sits down, smirking down at her before he shuts the door. “Okay,Bradley,” he whispers to himself, closing his eyes as he inhales and exhales courage, “Focus, she looks beautiful but you have to focus.” he repeats, flitting his gaze to her smiling form and feeling his own words disappear from his mind, “Fuck.”
Beatrice waits until Bradley is inside giving him a grin before she turns to Bianca who’s still playing with her giraffe toy, “We’re ready.” she says and her boyfriend just inhales one more time, nodding firmly and turning the car on to drive them away. It didn't take too long to arrive at their destination, it looked like it was a social club of some sort, it was huge and had giant palm trees adorning the outside.
She saw other officers making their way up the steps, some of them accompanied and others alone. She felt a pang of insecurity when she saw how the ladies accompanying them were thinner and looked like supermodels, even if they were clearly much older than she was. Bradley noticed her hesitance but didn’t say anything until he parked the car, waiting for her to get out and grab Bianca.
The little girl just gasped in awe, holding onto her aunt’s hand as Bradley locked the Bronco. Beatrice was still chewing her lower lip nervously, her posture changed too, she was trying to hide herself, “Hey,” he says softly, snapping her attention to him, “You look beautiful.”
Her smile spread immediately, cheeks reddening to its usual tomato red color, “Yeah, auntie!” Bianca agrees, bouncing next to Beatrice, “You look beautiful! Like a princess!” the brunette laughs, thanking her niece then turning to Bradley with the same smile.
“Thank you.” she whispers, but her eyes turn back to where the other officers were, “I’m just nervous.” he knows, he can see it. He places one of his hands on her lower back after she leans down to pick Bianca who immediately hugged her neck.
“I know, babe.” he says as he guides the two up the stairs, nodding to a couple officers that were outside chatting, “But you’ll do fine, you are with me.” She still looked worried, chewing the inside of her lower lip as her niece looked around the area with wide eyes, incredibly amazed by her surroundings. It takes him a few minutes to figure out where exactly they would sit, until his eyes stopped on Mav who had just stood up from the table and was waving them over, “Come on.”
Beatrice speeds up her step to keep up with Bradley’s long strides, all the while preventing from hitting any other officer along the way. They stop at the table where Mav, much like Bradley was wearing his uniform, smiles sweetly at the three of them, “Hey you two.” he says, wrapping his arm around Rooster in a hug before he turns to Beatrice, “And who is this one?”
Bianca blinks when the question is directed towards her, looking at her aunt for permission which was granted, “I’m Bianca Marie!” she says, “I’m five!” just by those few words she already snagged Pete by the heart. Beatrice turns to where Penny and Amelia were seated, giving them a little wave before she sits down herself, thanking Rooster when he pulls the chair for her.
“You look gorgeous.” Amelia says, “I don’t think I’ve seen you this pretty before.”
The brunette just laughs softly, setting Bianca down next to her and next to the empty seats that she had a feeling would be occupied by Shells and Bob real soon, “Thank you, you two look great as well.” she smiles, placing both of her hands on her lap as she finally takes in her surroundings.
 Everything is beautifully decorated with flowers and dark blue drapery, there's an area that she was sure it’d be used as a dance floor later and a large white screen stood behind the stage. From a distance she could see Evelyn following her parents to their own table, the woman lifted her head and met the brunette’s eyes, who smiled and waved. Evelyn did the same, but held up her phone and pointed to it, questioning without words if they could text via there later.
Bea nods, holding out her own phone before Evelyn sits down herself. Beatrice chews her lower lip, still overwhelmed by the amount of Navy personnel surrounding them, she had never seen so many uniforms in her life before, even in the Hard Deck. She notices a few of them, the wives mainly, looking her way and she immediately feels like she’s being judged, dropping her gaze away to play with her thumb ring.
Bianca was in a deep conversation, well as deep as a five years old would be, with Amelia and Penny, telling them about the several stories she had from her preschool. Especially the time she saved a squirrel from drowning in a pond not too far from the playground. Bradley and Pete were busy chatting quietly, her boyfriend asking him something about the Admiral who passed…she unfortunately couldn’t hear the name correctly, but she noticed how Pete pointed to the stage then back at a table behind them. 
She saw a family, well, mainly a woman who she could only assume was the Admiral’s widow and their family. For a second she wondered if– no, no no thinking about that, not now. Not now. What happened to him wasn’t even aviation related from what Bradley told her, but still…she tried to change her focus, running tapping her hands together nervously as she kept looking around.
She jumped when a hand touched the exposed upper back, a thumb gently touching the line of her spine, “How are you feeling?” Bradley asks once Pete turns his attention to Penny, Amelia and Bianca who was still talking. 
“I…” she laughs softly, “Still overwhelmed I guess…” but the warmth of his hand on her back was helping her calm down a bit. Beatrice tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, muttering a curse when some tresses get stuck on her earring and she has to tug them off, “But I’ll be fine.”
Rooster smiles, “I know you will,” he leans closer to kiss her cheek, loving how it was already warm “Just talk to me during the night, okay? If you need anything I’m here.” she knew, and she appreciated it. Her gaze softened, one of her hands coming up to touch his cheek and thank him with a peck to the lips.
Mav watched the whole thing from his seat, smiling proudly at the interaction and then leaning closer to Penny, “Remember when I said seven months?” She makes a confused noise, but her eyes turn to the young couple,”Might be sooner than that.”
“Mark my words, it might be much sooner.” he chuckles, “Much much sooner.”
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