undercoverdrxco · 2 years
The first time Harry Potter had realized that his innocent, bookish ally, Hermione, had been sneaking around with their supposed enemy, Malfoy, it was by complete accident.
He had only been checking the marauders map to see if he could spot if Cho was wandering about with Cedric - they’d been a little too close and flirty lately and he was getting a little suspicious. But what he had found was even more suspicious. Suspicious enough that he left his worries of the whereabouts of his crush in the dust when finding that Hermione Granger’s name was severely close to Draco Malfoy’s as they occupied Snape’s potion closet.
Sure, Harry was aware that Hermione and Malfoy had been inconveniently paired up in their potions project, but Merlin, it was one a.m.
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E lo list.
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
favorite extracurricular activity?
can i tag you in random stuff? (The answer is yes but let's get the consent.)
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
about how many hours of sleep did you get?(derogatory)
1.) 2 water bottles
2.) Sleeping
3.) YESSSSS!!!!!!!
4.) YouTube and Marrow for lectures
5.) Nobody
6.) 5and1/5
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
Five Times Tonks almost meets Remus, and the Time she finally does
I've never been a big Remadora fan, but I don't hate them either and writing out a couple of almost- and then the meet cute did amuse me. Hope you enjoy.
"Mommy?" The little girl's hair was its natural mousy brown color and tousled with sleep, but her eyes were bright blue and alert as she held something behind her back and watched the door where the man had left, he hadn't even looked at her. His eyes hadn't looked at much of anything as he spoke quietly before leaving hastily. "Who was that?"
"Oh Nymphadora, I didn't realize you'd gotten up." Andromeda smiled at the sight of her daughter, moving on instinct to pick her up, shield her from the world and holding tight. "What have you got there sweetie?" She asked quietly, trying to tug the bit of paper away.
"I made a picture," she proclaimed happily, she was still so easily distractible at this age. She showed it off with a flourish and beamed as her mothers watery eyes found the sloppy image, a black dog like shape chasing the toddler in her new dress that was bright yellow. Andromeda snatched it away and folded it hastily, while her daughter pouted. "You don't like it? Uncle Siri-"
"I love it honey, of course," she pressed her only child right to her heart as she carried her back to bed. Her daughter need never know she would burn it along with any other evidence of their past connection to the Black family after the latest's deeds had been blasted across the paper. "Uncle Siri went on a trip though, and he won't be back for a while," her voice broke, the news Remus had delivered of the fast sentencing still didn't feel real.
It was what he deserved she kept telling herself, pushing away that toast he'd made at their wedding, the way he'd held Nymphadora! Even Bellatrix could never be so cold hearted as to manage such a split personality.
"Can't I owl him the picture?" She pouted as she accepted the covers around her once more.
"I'll do it for you," she lied at once. "You just give all that to me honey, I'll make sure he gets them." Ted would have to be warned as soon as possible. She looked one more time at the silly image and tried to keep her voice from shaking too bad, "like the dog star. That's really clever sweetie." Her cousin had always said he hated his name and then made jokes about it for years, how had she not seen this coming?
"So he's not coming over to play again?" Nymphadora’s eyes flashed a darker shade of blue as she pouted. "Last time he played with me all night, and he promised he'd bring his own friends over. One of them has a baby, and one of them turns all furry sometimes so he's sick and doesn't like to come, and one-"
"Dora," her mother stroked the side of her face, pushing lightly to get her to lay down. "Come now love, it's bed time. Enough sweetie." Her daughter was complacent at once of course, still squirming in the sheets but appeased for now. She would stop asking about him, she assured herself, this would all just fade away like a bad dream.
"To Romanian internships!" Charlie managed to howl louder than the thumping base.
"To seven NEWTs each!" She declared back as they clacked their drinks together and downed the lot. Her hair was neon yellow for the occasion in one last fit of Hufflepuff pride, her eyes changed colors to every pulsing light around them.
They sang the next dozen songs to come on at the top of their lungs and hung on each other in goodbye as they exalted in their future. It was her turn to get the drinks next, and she did so with pride as she forced her way to the bar and hung practically over the filthy, cup lined wood to get his attention, half tempted to take the dregs of the left behinds and put them all in one cup rather than pay these prices.
She finally got her order in and backed away from the smelly bloke that was going to drown her faster than any alcohol with that much aftershave on and backed straight into someone else. "Sorry," she said at once.
"S’alright," his voice slurred terribly. She had to look up a bit to catch sight of his face and couldn't quite make it out, their surroundings kept flashing stark relief and darkness back and forth so fast it was starting to give her a headache and making odd flashes cross his face anyways. She'd swear he streaked his hair some strange color other than the brown it was though.
It was in the air for one small moment as the two tried to get a better look. He smiled, she could tell that much, but it was such a sad thing only half visible, like a chipped mirror. She made to put her hand on his on pure instinct, maybe steer him outside and bum a fag in the fresh air while they got out of this noise for just a moment.
A woman burst onto the pair and grabbed the mans arm, pulling him to the dance floor and slurring her own gibberish as she slopped half their drinks over the pair. He drunkenly went with her, and she started after in concern. What kind of Auror would she be if she just let some stranger get taken advantage of like that, he didn't even seem coherent enough to walk home, let alone keep up with that. Then he grabbed her ass and leaned in to kiss her before accepting his drink and she turned back away.
Still fresh from her multiple detentions in school she'd never have to deal with again, half of which had been for nosing into others business, she firmly reminded herself now what Moody had already tried drilling into her head from his mismatched eyes. You couldn't save everyone.
"And you're sure it's a werewolf attack this time?" she asked in exasperation as she scribbled down the notes. "Because the last three times you lot have said that, it's been everything but! I swear, a jarvy bite would set your office off—"
"I swear it, miss," the harassed man from The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures dropped his briefcase full of notes, scattering them across the floor as he barely looked at her. "Orders came straight down from Diggory; we've got a live one! We'll need all bodies on hand."
"Okay, okay," she promised as she gave the message to a waiting owl. It took off and proceeded to leave a white mark on a rather important looking-document as the man stuffed it away, not even seeming to notice.
It was the seventh dead body she'd ever seen, but the youngest by far. The boy was barely thirteen, and ravaged so severely even that would have been impossible to define without the sobbing aunt having to explain. The parents were at St. Mungo's with his little sister; they weren't sure if she'd survive the night; if one could call it that with what her future would hold.
People were bustling in and out of the house like it was aflame; the moon was still waning on the horizon. They hadn't been this close to catching a possible Greyback sighting in years and all the big wigs were in attendance as they pored over every detail of the place.
One man stuck out more than he should. She'd only just passed her final training course by the skin of her ankle, literally. She'd nearly failed her stealth training, but had O'd her observational tasks. The man was tall with light brown hair adorned by odd gray streaks. He stood in the back of the crowd and watched the body, somehow detached from the others. Fudge was talking animatedly to some reporter with elaborate blonde curls sucking on a quill, Scrimgeour was delegating and double-tapping his wand on all spells performed to keep the activity moving, but the man seemed apart from it all and hovered close to Dumbledore of all people. Just quietly standing there as if waiting for someone to turn and blame him any second for these deeds.
The moon's shadows seemed to keep his features sunken and unhealthy as he passed a crumpled bit of paper into her old headmaster's hand and then slipped back out of the room before she could get a close look and make out any features properly. Dumbledore slipped the note into his pocket without looking, and she followed the man impulsively.
He stopped just short of the apparition point and hunched over, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. She stepped even closer in concern and offered a pitiful, "I puked, the first time I saw a dead body. Quite glad I missed lunch, or I might have again." She sounded hoarse enough to her own ears. He wouldn't mistake her for lying.
Turning just enough to see him in profile, she could see him slowly lowering his hands to his side but then backed away even farther from her. She caught the scratchy disuse of his own voice, meaning he may have spilled his guts earlier instead. "It doesn't get easier, but we've got to keep trying." He hunched his shoulders again. She stepped cautiously forward, but he took another step back.
She imagined for a moment what Greyback would have done in this instance when confronted with her offer for help. Tried to eat her, despite the height of his power vanishing for another month. Taken her away to feast on for the whole of his stay as human, as rumored he consumed humans even while not in the wolf body? Here, Dumbledore's friend just looked, sad. She nodded and stayed in place as she understood. "All it can take is someone who is prepared to fight what seems a losing battle next time and if he is delayed again, and again, why, he may never return."
Even the man's laugh sounded exhausted, but she could have sworn she caught a smile in the thicket of darkness. "Wise words from a wise man. You have a good night."
"You as well," she whispered as she turned back to the house.
She was sure he'd been listening in since the argument had started, the page of his newspaper had not been flipped while their voices escalated. It was very noisy in the Three Broomsticks, so it's not as if that was the distraction. What really caught her attention though was the small laugh from his corner when she'd called this ponce her mothers particularly favorite swear in Latin.
This idiot was too dense to even seem to recognize he'd been insulted. The chuckle had been soft and unnoticed to the pompous jerk who wouldn't take a hint for the past five minutes and was still trying to coax her into having a drink with him. She liked it, she instantly decided, and wanted to hear it again rather than another second of this grating voice.
One conspicuous glance over only showed his profile, his face was still hidden behind the Prophet with only the hint of his oddly light brown hair, but his head was definitely inclined in their direction, she'd swear it. A man after her own heart really, not trying to swoop in and rescue her, but clearly unwilling to look the other way.
A quick trip to the bathroom should solve both of her problems, she instantly decided, flat ignoring the next words out of this arseholes mouth and just waltzing in. She was very glad she’d done it, she’d been unconsciously blunting her features in frustration. Staring in the mirror with concentration, she smoothed out her square chin to a more heart shape she liked and shortened the nose. Madam Rosmerta came in only moments later and promised she'd kicked the tosser out while she was debating between black curly hair or her favorite bright yellow for this first meeting and she thanked the bartender heartily as she eagerly went back out.
The paper was folded neatly in place on an empty table, a single coin in place as his departure. She pouted she didn't even know what he would have been drinking.
"I have a list of people and places we need to be keeping an eye on incase Black makes contact," Scrimgeour stated. "Dawlish, take Godric's Hollow, just in case he wants to go gloating over the dead Potter's, Proudfoot, the street from his original crime, I wouldn't put it past that twisted soul to try laying low there either. Tonks, go find Lupin, an old acquaintance of his-"
"Sir, Dumbledore's just sent owl back," Kingsley weaved his way easily through the different desks. "He's approved of the dementors."
"Good, good, better safe than sorry," their grizzled lead nodded and went back to hashing out assignments while she hastily collected whatever she needed, like the address and whatever information they had on this guy, before apparating.
His home was in Wales, left to him by will of his parents. It was not some long ago, probably useless passing dorm mate to their escaped prisoner who opened the door though, but Albus Dumbledore.
"Hello sir," she smiled brightly in confusion. "Pleasure running into you on such a day."
"Miss Tonks, always a delight," he smiled at her as he closed the door behind him. She frowned and looked anxiously through a window that had the shutters closed.
"Sorry to cut short," she said earnestly, "but I-"
"Yes, I suppose Rufus would have you come interrogate the poor man," Dumbledore agreed sadly. "May I kindly request you go back to him with my confidence he has cut ties with Black long ago. I vouch for him Miss Tonks, he will be employed at my school this year, and he needs his peace as he collects himself for the journey."
"Oh," she rocked on her heels in surprise and immediately regretted this as he had to steady her gently. "Erm, I suppose," she agreed hesitantly. Scrimgeour was big on his paperwork, getting all his I's dotted and T's crossed, but then Dumbledore was in and out of the Ministry so much and had personally had lunch with the man last week she knew. Surely this would be allowed. "Yes sir, if you insist," she nodded.
He beamed at her and gave a sweeping look with those bright blue eyes she smiled back just to see him chuckle again, he looked like he needed it.
"I'm not surprised you don't remember me," Sirius promised as she again tried to apologize while Kingsley turned away to be introduced to someone named Elphias Doge. "Merlin, I don't even remember how old you were last time I saw you. I'm not sure I want to know what Andromeda's said back then," he finished with a scowl that was probably more pronounced than usual because of the grim lighting in this house. "Is she coming along?"
"Not officially," Tonks shrugged as she still watched him eagerly for any hint of familiarity. Azkaban had stripped away so much though, she might as well have never met him before, he looked nothing like her mother at all. "She's in the loop but on the outs, if you catch my meaning."
Sirius tutted disapprovingly and shifted impatiently in his seat. He barely looked up at the man coming in and taking a seat next to him, but her attention was instantly diverted from some old second cousin to this stranger.
He had light brown hair with liberal gray streaks in them and weathered skin as lined as Sirius', with the same kind of shadow in his eyes as the escaped prisoner. Older than his years somehow, and he was already at least ten years older than her anyways. There was something there though she instantly found herself leaning into, wondering for the first time in this room if the purple in her hair was a childish color, or maybe not bright enough in fact. He had a light in him, a curiosity as he took her in and offered his hand. Nobody else but Moody and Sirius Black had taken a second look at her because of her youth.
"Tonks," she said at once before he could even ask as she shook his hand firmly.
"Nymphadora Tonks," Sirius added for emphasis even as he kept scowling at the ceiling.
"Not Andromeda's daughter," the man smiled from her to him. "Merlin you've grown up."
"Just Tonks," she corrected with a haughty look for Sirius alone before trying to keep smiling at him, but they were interrupted by Molly Weasley's shouts echoing from up the stairs, "-Extendable Ears? How dare you two, this is the limit I swear-"
"Dinner might be delayed tonight," the gentleman mock whispered to her. "Are you staying though? It'll be worth it, Molly's a great cook."
"I'm sure I can be tempted," she smiled eagerly back, "only of course if I'm not intruding. We haven't even been properly introduced."
"You could never," he laughed, and she instantly grinned along. "Sirius is an awful host, don't mind him. I'm Remus Lupin."
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ckfightlife · 3 years
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In for the kill. 📸: @gorillajjitsu 📍: @peerlessjiujitsu 🥋: @ckfightlife #Cub #5and1 #WomensMMA #WMMA #GirlsWhoFight #MMA #MixedMartialArts #BJJ #Grappling #BrazilianJiuJitsu Prepare for war. Who’s winning??? SPRING CLEARANCE SALE HAPPENING NOW. Applied Sciences www.CKFightlife.com • Like / Share / Follow / Tag #Ckfamily #ckfightlife #livethefightlife #bjj #jiujitsu #paintball #nogi #contractkiller #onthemat #ibjjf #train #compete #triangle #competitor #ufc #nabjjf #sjjif #crossfit #train #fitness #grappling (at CK FightLife Clothing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPPdufmH-Ed/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sylvan-phaedra · 5 years
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Healthy burger tonight! Forgot to buy the stuff for the aioli sauce though :/ Live and learn! . . . #kauffmanhealthcoaching #lifelongtransformation #5and1plan #5and1 #leanandgreen #leanandgreenmeal #burgerinatomato #burger #healthyburger (at Kingston, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3yHz8HOHR/?igshid=dtnh38n55iwc
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geraskierarchive · 4 years
I wear your shirt like it’s your arms around me by hendollana
rating Mature / wc 4,974 / notes 5+1, established relationship, fluff
"You're not expecting me to fuck you whilst we travel on Roach, are you?"
Jaskier splutters, furrowing his brow in a glare directed towards Geralt. "No, you barbarian, I am not."
"Then why are you wearing my shirt?"
Five times Jaskier wore an item of Geralt's clothing and one time Geralt wore an item of Jaskier's.
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denbeyondthewall · 8 years
Is it possible for you to put some content in the 5 + 1 trope tag? It's one of my favorites and I need some in my life. I'm new to the Gendrya ship, only recently having read the ASOIAF series. Your blog is already one of my favorites on tumblr because a library of all Gendrya fan fiction is an amazing idea! Keep up the great work!
We would love to add content to the 5 + 1 Trope tag! I was just thinking about putting something in there today anyway. Thank you for the wonderful compliments and welcome to the ship! The ASOIAF series is captivating! George R.R. Martin is an evil genius! :)
Creation of the 5 + 1 Trope tag. Created March 11, 2017. Number of Recs: 4.Update of the 1k+ Tag. Updated March 11, 2017. Number of Recs: 4.
A Name Is A Dangerous Thing by Lady_illiya | R: M | W: 1k+ | 1/1
Five times Arya is tempted to tell Gendry her name and the one time she does.
So You Brought The Shovel by AlleyaUnknown | R: G | W: 1k+ | 1/1
Five times when Arya talked to Jon’s partners, and that one time Jon returned the favor.
Sorry, I Didn’t See You by Lady_illiya | R: T | W: 1k+ | 1/1
Five times Gendry bumped into Arya, and one time she bumped into him. For Arya x Gendry Week 2015, ‘Open Your Eyes" prompt.
You Say It First by Lady_illiya | R: T | W: 1k+ | 1/1
Five times Arya and Gendry followed through with dares and the one time they didn’t.
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ezlebe · 2 years
If you’re still taking Tomgreg prompts— Greg taking care of Tom on anesthesia (I loved that bit from the 5and1 ficlet so I’m shamelessly asking for more lol <3)
“Oh, aren’t you a tall drink of water.”
Greg pauses halfway into the room, hearing an odd note in the taunt. It’s sort of… It’s somehow defensive, in a way, like he hasn’t heard in a real long time.
“Do you work for the hospital?” Tom says, overdramatic with a slight slur to his voice, while gesturing with his largely uninjured arm to the one trussed up in a tight package against his side. He fixes another hard stare at Greg, half-lidded and unfocused as it is, then tilts his head to the side. “Could you tell me why I’m here?”
“No, I –” Greg swallows hard, remembering what the surgeon told him and trying not to be so disappointed. “I’m just Greg. And uh, you – we were in a-a car wreck.”
“Just Greg,” Tom repeats, breezily, in a thoughtful voice like it explains everything. “You look like a Greg. A Gregory.”
Greg ignores the sting at the corner of his lips, as a smile stretches weakly across his face. “Yeah?”
“It means watchful,” Tom says, casually and absolutely random; a fun fact that Greg didn’t even know that he knew before today. “And you’ve got big eyes.”
Greg laughs in a huff, ducking his head a little while moving further into the room. “Thanks?”
“Oh no. You’re all cut up there, are you alright?” Tom says, trying to sit up, then wincing with a glare at his strapped-in arm. “Come here, watchful thing.”
“I – I am okay,” Greg says, fumbling down into the chair and scooting it closer, wincing at the scrape on the ground, but Tom doesn’t seem to notice it. “Better than you.”
Tom seems to realize his arm all over again, looking at it with a bewildered blink and another look up at Greg with a pressed frown. “What happened, again?”
“Car wreck.” Greg looks down at his hands with a twist at the corner of his mouth, flicking at a small scratch against his thumb. He cut his hands up a lot all on his own just after it happened, while trying to get to Tom on the other side of the car. “A bi-big truck smashed into the car.”
“A big truck,” Tom repeats, seeming largely unconcerned at the news, but that is probably to do with his whole… current situation. It’s probably keeping him relaxed in a lot of ways.
“Your sh-shoulder and – “ Greg wets his lips, trying to keep his voice from breaking, as it shakes worse with every next word. “Uh, like arm is… broken in l-like three places,”
“But you’re okay?” Tom says, solemn, his eyes darting around Greg with concern. “Look at that face. You’ve got cuts all over.”
“Just glass,” Greg croaks, swallowing hard, shaking his head slightly and turning his hand to gesture at Tom. “You got hurt the worst. Even Mauricio was – he’s only got a dislocated elbow.”
“Oh, good,” Tom says, frustratingly, as if being stuck in surgery for an hour was okay, but he – he doesn’t even know that part, yet. “I can take it. A guy like you breaks a limb, and we risk having to donate you to the glue factory.”
“I wish it didn’t happen, at all,” Greg says, forcefully, and mostly for himself.
Tom offers a crooked smile. “That’s cute.”
Greg blinks rapidly up at Tom, then down to his knees, as he feels heat flood up his neck and into his cheeks. He has to remember that Tom is so drugged right now that he doesn’t even know him, and nervously taps his fingers down against his knees. “It’s just true.”
“Am I married?” Tom asks, his gaze suddenly directed over Greg’s shoulder toward the window. “Are we married?”
Greg looks over with a start, staring at the window sill and the small plastic box of effects, the shiny ring glinting at the top, and swallows hard. He should deny it; he can’t bring himself to. “Uh.”
“Uh?” Tom echoes, then his eyes noticeably drop to follow Greg’s hands, as they scramble for his phone. “Yes or no?”
“I’m um, just looking something up,” Greg says, hastily trying to find out from millions of armchair doctors if Tom will remember any of this – seems like a maybe leaning into a no? “No, yeah –” he swipes the tab away, then stands and hastens backward toward the window with a jump at the back of his throat. It’s easier than telling Tom that his actual spouse preferred to go fight with her dad, right? And it’s only, like, a few minutes of pretend. “Ye-yes. Do you want it?”
Tom offers a slow smile while holds out his hand, then blinks down at it when Greg clumsily slides the ring onto his finger. He is silent for a few long, tense beats, then looks up at Greg with a puff of weak laughter. “This is – it’s the wrong hand, right?” He asks, then tries to move his hurt arm, only to again look at it in evident shock. “Oh, hell, what happened there?”
“Fuck,” Greg says, swallowing hard, and slides his fingers through Tom’s while something catches hard at the back of his throat. He tips downward, dragging Tom into an awkward, ungainly sort of hug, rather than trying to explain the wreck a third time. “I’m s-so sorry.”
“Oh,” Tom says, taking a shallow breath, but he doesn’t cringe away, just tilts his head into Greg’s temple with a low tut. “Hey… It’s alright. I think.”
Greg curls his fingers tight to Tom’s hand, burying his face in his neck. He shouldn’t be doing this in particular, for sure, but he – He can’t even get himself to let go. “I-I was – it was bad, Tom,” he says, squeezing tight around Tom’s uninjured side with a choked breath. “Your bones – th-they were sticking out.”
“All inside now,” Tom hums, pulling out of Greg’s grip, then setting his palm heavily on the back of Greg’s head. He strokes downward, then again, and Greg knows he should feel worse about lying, about taking this from Tom without asking or even deserving it.
“This is probably weird,” Greg mumbles, as mortified heat thrums under his skin, from his heart down to his fingertips, now clutching at Tom’s gown.
“No,” Tom says, stern, if a bit wheezy across the syllable. “It feels just right… I don’t need to remember to know.” He pats another time down Greg’s head, humming low, “What’s your name, again?
Greg swallows hard and forces himself to pull away, then rubs the heels of his hands into his burning eyes. “Greg. The uh, the doctor and Google said this is just a – a thing from the surgery,” he says, turning his hands and digging them up into his hair with a shaky exhale. “It’ll wear off. Be like this – um, the forgetting never happened.”
“Good,” Tom says, reaching out and squeezing Greg’s bent elbow with an absent smile. “Greg. That means watchful, did you know?”
“Uh…” Greg looks over with a start when the door opens, watching a nurse hurry in with a couple bags of something in their hands. He glances to Tom, who seems just as startled. “Is something wrong – he’s acting kind of wrong?”
“We’re giving Mr Wambsgans here something a little different to help that,” the nurse says, tapping at the pump and starting to hang, then rearrange, the bags with a peer at the labels. They press a few buttons on the pump, then look directly down at Tom, “It’ll help you sleep and collect those marbles back up, too. Physician said you reacted with a bit of global amnesia.”
“Just my whole life,” Tom says, lips flattening while staring up at the new bag dripping who knows what into his bloodstream. “No big deal. I think I’m married to the Alton Giant, here.”
The nurse nods patiently, glancing over at Greg with a consoling smile. “He should try to nap, too.”
“Hah,” Greg says, tightly, seeking back into the chair with a tight crook of his back.
Greg wakes to an ache in his shoulder where he’s wedged it into the chair, a general discomfort of stinging in his face and hands, a soreness in his ribs, and a pair of icy eyes staring hard into his face. He blinks back, wary that the amnesia is still ongoing. “…Tom?”
Tom worryingly doesn’t respond for a few seconds, until he exhales an explosive sigh. “Oh, buddy,” he mutters, still a little mush-mouthed, but he seems to recognize Greg this time, reaching out and gesturing in a circle around his face. “Why… why didn’t they clean you up?”
“They did, uh –” Greg says, blinks hard, rubbing at his eyes and trying to rub the burn of bad sleep out of them. “It stung for like a long time, actually.”
“You look just… so terrible,” Tom says, slurring the last word into something mushy and pitying and taunting all at once. “And why haven’t they gotten you a bed?”
“‘s okay,” Greg says, stretching his back in the chair with a groan and a popping wrench of his spine. He should’ve slept in the couch, stretched in front of the window, but it’s… so much further away.
“Fuck, I –” Tom exhales a harsh, angry breath, somewhat startling after the last conversation where his emotional range seemed reduced to curiosity. “I’m going to have start driving, again. I can’t believe you got hurt.”
“I didn’t, really,” Greg says, swallowing hard, as emotion pools heavily at the back of his throat. He can’t believe Tom is really just upset about him, again, hasn’t he looked down? “They like checked out my… everything, Tom. Like, even X-rayed, too. You – you’re way worse.”
“Who cares – it’s a broken arm,” Tom sneers, eyes skating again across Greg and color determinedly rising in his pallid face. He swings out to gesture with his uninjured hand, a bit clumsy from the painkillers and thwacking it ungently into his alert when he raises it to sweep back and forth in exasperation. “You’ve got a big black eye and your neck is a – a fucking mess. Jesus. There’s the thousand cuts of – ”
“Hey, Tom, don’t –” Greg reaches out and catches Tom’s hand, checking the monitor thing to make sure it’s still clipped on good before letting it back go. “You’re going to like set off the machine.”
Tom sets his jaw for a few beats, then exhales hard through his nose. “Shiv?” He asks, tightly, glaring down at his uninjured hand with a twice over stretch of his fingers.
“She, uh – she was here a few minutes after we came in, but sa-saidshe had to go back to work.” Greg bites against his lower lip, swallowing hard and feeling tiredly upset by it all over again; he doesn’t want her here, really, but she should be for Tom. “Sorry.”
“Of course,” Tom mumbles, exhaling a sigh and stretching his hand a third time. He taps at the ring on his finger with his thumbnail, then starts to work it off. “You should know, Greg… I’ve been embroiled in a surprisingly unnasty divorce, considering, as of two months ago. You can stop making that face.”
Greg stares for a few beats and feels his eyes gradually go wide.
“It was a secret, Greg,” Tom says, his voice turning pitchy, guilty but not that guilty. “And you’re sort of terrible at keeping those, buddy.”
Greg reaches up and scratches and the bridge of his nose, catching on a butterfly bandage and wincing at the pull. He drops his hand to wrap tight around his elbow, shrugging with a hard swallow. “The only person I like really tell many secrets to is – uh, is you. So.”
Tom is quiet for a pair of beats. “Ah,” he intones, “Except that time it was Gerri, Greg?”
Greg looks up under his brows with a start.
Tom waves in another jerky gesture, hand hitting the rail on his bed, again, and looking down promptly to glare at it. “I got revenge, anyhow.”
“Revenge?” Greg raises his brows. “Y-You did – when?”
“You ended up shredding them yourself, didn’t you?” Tom says, then slowly drops his head a bit heavily to the side with a foggy blink. “It… counts.”
“…I guess,” Greg says, blinking rapidly while furrowing his brow, only to look over at a small pair of clinks and find the ring dropped onto the side of the bed – a glint wedged into the wide plastic rail. He stares at it, then looks back to Tom between blinks, consequently startling slightly when he sees him staring straight back. “Tom?”
“The next one’s going to be lapis,” Tom announces, dropping his chin in a decisive, heavy nod.
Greg slowly raises his brows. He reaches out and hooks the discarded ring onto his own finger, thinking about, if nothing else, how much it must be worth. “Next what?”
“Ring,” Tom says, then he reaches out and taps inexplicably against Greg’s cheek, a bit clumsy, with a tip of his finger. “Lapis, Greg, just… just like that.”
“Uh-um… Oh,” Greg stutters, heat pooling in the space where Tom’s fingers draw away from his cheek. “Why?”
“I had a dream about – a second marriage, or something,” Tom says, closing his eyes and leaning back into his stack of pillows with a low, meandering hum. “Drugs, probably, but… It was a good one.”
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teaboot · 2 years
Gotta be the weirdest way I’ve ever seen someone do addition lol. On that 48+27 post
Why thank u ❤
Yeah IDK why but my brain won't recognize any number that isn't 5.
Like... 8 isn't 8, it's 5and3. 16 is just 15and1.
If you ask me to think of 7 plus 6 LITERALLY, I'm useless. 5and2 plus 5and1? Duh, 13. It's wild. Who else doin this
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theoptaviacorner · 4 years
OPTAVIA UNBOXING!! Come see what I got!!
OPTAVIA UNBOXING!! Come see what I got!!
Hey guys!! My first Optavia shipment has arrived! I waited for YOU, to open it! Let’s take a gander, shall we?! #optavia #habitsofhealth #medifast #takeshapeforlife #lowcarb #weight #weightloss #loseweight #weightlossjourney #5and1 #leanandgreen #dealingwithdepression #myjourney #doingthisforme #fueling #unboxing source
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ckfightlife · 4 years
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HAPPY SUNDAY! Posted @ckfightlife • @cub_mma Happy Sunday 🌞🌴 • • 🥋: @ckfightlife 📸: @cam.alexiis @createwhatstrue 🥊: @fightsyndicate_mma @fightbreed @regainu #Cub #5and1 #WomensMMA #WMMA #GirlsWhoFight #FightSyndicate #FightBreed #ReGainU #MMA #MixedMartialArts #BJJ #BrazilianJiuJitsu #Boxing #Kickboxing #MuayThai #Grapple #CageFighter #Wrestling #MartialArtsSchool #CkFightLife #ContractKiller #Model #Modeling #Photography #BeachPhotoshoot #jiujitsutimes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrOTGDn_C2/?igshid=n8w817mdyzek
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sylvan-phaedra · 5 years
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2 sweet potato waffles! I had made it regularly, then realized it was probably too watery, so I added a second packet. So this is 2 servings. . . . #kauffmanhealthcoaching #lifelongtransformation #5and1plan #5and1 #fueling #fuelings #fuelingshack #fuelinghack #honeysweetpotatos #sweetpotatos #sweetpotato #honeysweetpotatofueling (at Kingston, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfKaQjHHv4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pvfq7w6f6ehv
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geraskierarchive · 4 years
i’m a slave 4 u by pasdecoeur
rating Teen / wc 2113 / notes fluff, fake/pretend relationship, 5+1
“Calling me a bloody eunuch the last time wasn’t enough?!” Jaskier rants, trailing after Geralt into the cold night. “You had to— You had to—”
“I’m sorry,” Geralt sneers. “The next time you sleep with some idiot lord’s wife, I’ll just let him run you through with his sword, shall I?”
“You could have said anything!” Jaskier shrills at him. “Did you have to tell him that— That I was—”
“My Nilfgaardian love slave?” Geralt prompts helpfully.
And Jaskier watches, transfixed, as a slow dirty smile curls up the side of Geralt’s mouth. “What? You don’t think you’d like it?”
(or, five times geralt and jaskier had to pretend to be in, like, a violently sexual relationship, and one time... well.)
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agent1320 · 7 years
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My new side exit headers I had built 2and3/8 to 2and1/2 to 5and1/2 inch collectors.
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basementghostli · 6 years
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Sifu Brittany (@thebxb)’s Mom @dmg55 is absolutely killing it with her #weightlossjourney !! 30 lbs down and counting!! Come in to #TheHitPit and find out how to start your #transformation today!! • • • • • #thebxb #bxb #teambrutality #bodybybrutality #thehitpit #hitpit #hitpitgym #optavia #optaviacoach #optavia5and1 #5and1 #thisiswhatdedicationlookslike #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandafters (at The Hit Pit Fitness and MMA)
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theoptaviacorner · 4 years
Hey guys come along on day 3 to see what I eat to release weight using Optavia – and yes, I said RELEASE WEIGHT! It’s not lost…I’m not looking to get it back! #Optavia #habitsofhealth #doingthisforme #weightloss #loseweight #releaseweight #medifast #takeshapeforlife #5and1 #weightlossjourney #healthy #fulldayofeating #optaviadaythree #fulldayoffood #findingmyself source
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