#5ds episode 6
tapwater118 · 13 days
Tap Water Productions Presents:
What’s the Deal With Evil Leafy?
Seriously, what’s her deal? What’s with all the chasing and the people-eating and the potentially-possessions? Where’d she even come from? Am I actually gonna answer any of these questions? Well, keep on reading, dear readers!
Hello, internet! Welcome to BFDI Theory!
A Crash Course in Evil Leafy
Before we can find out what Evil Leafy is, it would help to know where and when Evil Leafy is. Here’s a tabulation of all of Evil Leafy’s canonical appearances:
Evil Leafy’s first appearance is in BFDI 17, where she is one of the 30 recommended characters that could potentially join the show (recommended by MrOrange890). She fails to get enough votes to join, and is summarily sent to the LOL.
Her next “appearance” is in BFDI 25, where Leafy can be seen “turning into” Evil Leafy after Golf Ball accuses her of stealing Dream Island. Strange, but Bubble did briefly turn into Evil Bubble in BFDI 20, so maybe it’s just a visual flair?
Evil Leafy does not receive enough votes to join season two, so in BFDIA 1 she is sent to the LOL with the rest of the rejects. Evidently she escapes at some point, as she appears in BFDIA 2 to chase Book, Ice Cube, and Spongy through the Evil Forest. Book and Icy escape, but Spongy trips, allowing Evil Leafy to “sink into” him.
In BFDIA 3, Spongy is shown no worse for wear as he spits out Evil Leafy. She is quickly frozen by Gelatin, who takes the time to write on her back. She unthaws later as she is seen “sinking into” a frozen Flower in BFDIA 4. Notably, strange dark vines seem to grow out of Flower when this occurs.
Like Spongy, in BFDIA 5a Flower spits out Evil Leafy, again none the worse for wear. Evil Leafy then spends some time chasing Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Rocky through the Evil Forest, before consuming them as well as the entirety of FreeSmart.
Evil Leafy serves as the setting for BFDIA 5b, as it is revealed she contains an entire world within her being. Also notable is that the BFDI crew are not her first victims: various other objects can be seen living in this world, all of whom met the same fate as FreeSmart. Lego Brick confirms that there are in fact thousands of recommended characters trapped within Evil Leafy; she’s been quite busy off-screen.
(Most of) FreeSmart escape Evil Leafy in BFDIA 5c, who proceeds to give chase once more. Book and Ruby successfully kill Evil Leafy with a large weight, alongside Puffball and Fries. As TB, GB, and Rocky (as well as Firey and Gelatin) need to be recovered in BFDIA 5d, it can be assumed that they either died within Evil Leafy during 5b, or died when Evil Leafy was crushed. If the latter, it can be assumed that all of the other objects in Evil Leafy die as well.
Evil Leafy takes a leave of absence until BFDIA 6, where Team No-Name accidentally revive her by looking into a leaf-shaped mirror in the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel. She gives chase to them, during which she phases through a window, causing Tennis Ball to remark that “she’s growing stronger.” Interesting.
As she’s about to catch Team No-Name, she hears Coiny repeatedly saying her name elsewhere in Yoyle City. This gets her to prioritize WOAH Bunch and FreeSmart over the helpless Team-No-Name. As she apparently cannot go underwater, she ends up causing the two teams to see-saw on the dehumidifier for some time.
After fruitlessly chasing WOAH Bunch across the dehumidifier, in BFDIA 7 Firey Speaker Box evidently has enough of her shenanigans and freezes her, causing her to fall into the flooded building. For one reason or another, she is absent when WOAH Bunch drain the building, and she is not seen again for an even longer period of time.
After a four episode absence, she returns in BFDIA 12, and after killing Bomby (note that her sinking into him actually does kill him, unlike the other times she has done this) and being harassed by a bunch of concert-goers, she becomes all buddy-buddy(?) with Pan Flute, and ends up doing her strange vine thing without even sinking into him like with Flower.
In BFDIA 13, Pan Flute decides he is done with Evil Leafy’s shenanigans and duct tapes her to the wall, which apparently is enough to contain her. That is, at least, until Leafy utters the word “Who?” in context of wondering who recovered her. This sound somehow burns away the tape, allowing Evil Leafy to go free.
Throughout BFDIA 14 Evil Leafy chases the contestants across the islands, notably causing her strange vines to grow through the islands. This comes to a head when she chases FreeSmart through the pirate ship, and after Book narrowly escapes being captured, she confronts them one last time while standing on the surface of the water, and Needle crushes her with the ship.
As the rest of BFDIA hasn’t released yet, we don’t know what happens to Evil Leafy during that time. She evidently sticks around, as she can be seen stalking TB and GB in the Science Museum in IDFB 1, though oddly does not give chase unlike her previous appearances.
After IDFB, Evil Leafy is seemingly gone. She never shows up, and none of the characters even mention her. In BFB 6, Diamondcup67 submits her as a recommended character, but even then she doesn’t actually appear; she’s been replaced by a cardboard cutout of herself.
Her sudden disappearance thus begs the question:
What Happened to Evil Leafy?
Unfortunately, it’s all but impossible to tell. Whatever happened happened during IDFB, which is a huge knowledge gap in terms of the timeline. However, I have ideas of things that could be related :
The Desertion of Yoyle City
Strangely, despite calling Yoyle City their new home during BFDIA, the contestants seem to have long abandoned it by BFB 1. Seeing how closely Evil Leafy is tied to BFDIA and Yoyle City (through the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel), there’s reason to believe she might have something to do with this.
Something to note is that the BFB grasslands are not the same as the BFDI ones, as evidenced by Golf Ball’s Underground Factory; it still has the old grass around the entrance, as she had to move it to this new location. The new grasslands are also seemingly closer to Yoyleland than the old ones, as Yoyle Mountain can pretty much always be seen in the distance, whereas it is never visible in the old grasslands. This could imply that the desertion was hasty, or that there was no way to easily cross the Goiky Canal (or even the Evil Forest).
(Some confusion may arise about these actually being two separate locations, seeing as they’re both referred as Goiky several times, but Goiky could just be the name of the greater location that encompasses both grasslands, and potentially Yoyleland too.)
Also interesting is that Barf Bag is seemingly unfamiliar with Yoyleland; when she is teleported there in TPOT 4, she expresses how Yoyleland is her “lifelong travel destination,” as well as getting excited over getting to see a yoyleberry for the first time. This is very odd, seeing as if IDFB were to continue as purported, Barf Bag would be freed from the LOL at some point and would have had at least some time to explore Yoyleland. Did Yoyle City get abandoned in the middle of IDFB, such that Barf Bag was released from the LOL in the new grasslands?
Everyone’s Okay With Leafy Now
In IDFB 1, Leafy is still an outcast from the rest of the group, still being metal, hiding in the bushes, and throwing knives at people. When we next see her in BFB 1, she’s been accepted back into the fold of the cast, conversing with both newbies and veterans in her usual Leafy way with no objections from anyone (except Firey, but everyone already knows what his issue is). Why the sudden(?) change in group opinion?
Maybe this could be written off as the newbies both outnumbering the veterans and not knowing about the theft of Dream Island (seeing as how Eggy and Lollipop were seemingly completely unaware of the incident, and even Gelatin, a BFDIA veteran, only had cursory knowledge of it). But she still interacts in a cordial manner with a decent amount of season 1 veterans, and any that still have a problem with her have their issue unrelated to Dream Island (again, except for Firey).
Maybe Leafy does something to gain back the group favor? Maybe something related to Evil Leafy? There is an obvious connection between the two, as suggested by BFDIA 13. Is there some encounter between the two that causes Evil Leafy to stop showing up? Is this the reason they move out of Yoyleland? I have an idea that I’ll get to soon, but it’s mostly speculation right now. There are many questions that unfortunately do not have answers right now.
So, that begs the question:
What even is an Evil Leafy?
There are two main aspects of Evil Leafy I want to bring up.
The first is her strange aversion to water. In BFDIA 6, she refuses to chase her prey into the water, even though they are sitting ducks at that point and she clearly prioritizes WOAH Bunch over the much drier Team No-Name. Additionally, in BFDIA 14 we see Evil Leafy standing on top of the water on Teardrop’s island. She absolutely does not want to go into that water.
And honestly, it makes sense why; after she falls into the water in the beginning of BFDIA 7, she isn’t seen until BFDIA 12. A four episode gap! That’s even longer than when she got crushed in BFDIA 5c! For some reason, water is especially dangerous to her, and while she isn’t afraid to go near it, she absolutely will not go in it of her own accord.
(Also worth noting that, as Needle likely submerged Evil Leafy when crushing her with the ship, we might not actually see her for a few episodes. If my theory holds water (heh), she most likely will not be in BFDIA 15. Ah, bugger. I forgot about the stinger where we see her safe and dry inside the ship. My bad. Ignore this paragraph.)
Secondly is how Evil Leafy gains her power. Tennis Ball remarks that Evil Leafy is “getting stronger,” and we don’t just have to take his word for it. Her “sinking into” move goes from being nearly harmless in BFDIA 2 and 4 to directly killing Bomby in BFDIA 12. Also, her strange vines go from needing to sink into someone to grow (BFDIA 4), to just needing to be near someone (BFDIA 12), to being able to grow anywhere regardless of if anyone is present (BFDIA 14).
I think they made it fairly clear where this power is coming from: in BFDIA 13, Leafy is the one who indirectly gives Evil Leafy the strength to burn away the tape and free herself via her confusion at being recovered. This goes back even further; despite likely being free from the LOL for some time during BFDI season 1, Evil Leafy is nowhere to be seen. You know when she does start showing up? When Leafy is exiled to Yoyleland.
Evil Leafy is an Anti-Leafy, the polar opposite of Leafy. Leafy is green, Evil Leafy is red. Leafy has been shown to love water, while Evil Leafy hates it despite (presumably) also being a plant. Leafy loves being nice to people, while Evil Leafy is seemingly built on detest for all she encounters.
Well, you say, Leafy is prone to lashing out at others. Does this mean Evil Leafy can remain docile around others? Yes! In BFDIA 12, Pan Flute treats her with kindness (at least initially), and in turn Evil Leafy does not harm him despite having every faculty to do so. Leafy and Evil Leafy are polar opposites. Two halves of the same coiny.
So, back to my idea I mentioned earlier; we can see that Leafy’s negative feelings apparently give power to Evil Leafy. Heck, even that moment I called strange in BFDI 25 could play into this: the negative emotions Leafy feels in that moment transmitting power to Evil Leafy. So what ultimately causes Evil Leafy to vanish?
If Leafy’s negative emotions give her power, it would only make sense that Leafy’s positive emotions drain that power. When Leafy got accepted back into the cast, I can only imagine she felt elated at that. She’s back with her friends! She can laugh and play and be nice to them just as she could before. Sure, some might still not like her, and she may still get sad and angry at times, but if you ask me I don’t think it can get much worse than “exiled to a distant land for years.”
Maybe she even precipitates the move out from Yoyle City. Yoyleland is a haven of bad memories for her, it would make sense she wouldn’t want to live there. And seeing as she makes some friends with some newbies (or at least gets on their good sides), they may want to follow her, eventually leading to everyone leaving on a “when in Rome” principle.
When Leafy is happy, what does that mean for Evil Leafy? Literally it means that her power is drained and that she cannot continue her reign of terror, but metaphorically it means that Evil Leafy is not necessary anymore. Evil Leafy showed up when Leafy was at her lowest (barring BFDI 16/17, but I’m willing to write that off as a form of Early Installment Weirdness), and she leaves as soon as that low point is over.
So that’s what Evil Leafy is. Even if not physically, at least she represents Leafy’s broken psyche. Leafy is unavailable, Leafy cannot handle the current situation, she remains exiled in Yoyleland. So Evil Leafy, the Anti-Leafy, the antithesis to all things Leafy, steps into the picture. And when Leafy becomes available again, Evil Leafy is gone. Leafy’s sorrow literally imprints itself onto the world, as if reality is saying “Oh, you don’t want Leafy? Then you can have Anti-Leafy instead. See how much better that fares for you.”
and that’s all I really have to say. sorry if this is a bit all over the place, i wrote it over the course of a week and had several new ideas in the meantime, so some rewriting had to be done. And with my luck bfdia 15 is going to instantly disprove all of this, so yeah for that
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oneatlatime · 8 months
A Precariously Stacked Pile of Random Season 2 Thoughts
These are notes I took as I watched the season. Usually after I’d already posted about the episode in question, and I thought of something I would have added to the post. Rather than edit them into my posts, I’m rounding them up and posting them all at once. As such, they are vaguely chronological. Unfortunately, because I made the notes legible to me and me only, I didn't bother to write down what episode I was referring to. I've also added some notes in as I was editing these notes. So this is also a bit of a scavenger hunt. Enjoy!
Iroh poisoning himself: dumbass moment or 5D chess?
My autocorrect corrects “Sokka” to Sock, and “Sokka’s” to socks. This causes double takes when editing.
Badgermoles have excellent eyeliner. Is that where the Kyoshi Warriors get their jaw dropping cat eye?
Why is Ty Lee spelled Ty Lee and not Tai Li? Why is Dai Li spelled Dai Li and not Dy Lee?
Sometimes Sokka makes me think of Mulan. Am I crazy?
Are the swampbenders’ moves based on a real martial art style too?
Why didn’t Aang use his swamp sense to locate Appa post-appanapping?
Where did Toph, who spent her whole life as a prisoner of her parents’ house and a moonlighting WWE wrestler until Team Avatar busted her out, get such emotional intelligence?
Why did Zuko’s dad put forward the plan to disinherit Iron in favour of him less than 24 hours after Lu Ten’s death? Why did he think that moving quickly was the right approach? Does the Fire Nation not do grieving periods? In what world was 'strike while the iron is hot' the correct course of action here?
Looking back, I’m amazed that season 2 didn’t end in Zuko’s redemption. I didn’t much like Zuko Alone, but I was sure that a season that included that much set up for a Zuko redemption arc would prioritise finishing that arc.
I haven’t even met this Firelord guy yet, but I am peeved that that twerp has a name as cool as Ozai.
Why haven't I met that Firelord guy yet?
I really thought that the older brother character in Zuko Alone would make an appearance later on in the season, giving Zuko a chance to flex some newly acquired morals. But the parallel to Lu Ten and the general message about the evils of war lands better if we never hear of him again.
Zuko in the first half of season 2 had me so annoyed that I was incredibly uncharitable to him in my write ups. Reading through some of the stuff I wrote while watching episodes, I kind of wince now. Zuko in the second half of the season was much less annoying. Which I feel bad for saying, because he’s clearly not in a good place in the second half of the season.
I would love to know why the writers decided to have Toph and Iroh meet in the wilderness. I think it’s a good choice, but I want to know how they came up with it, and why those characters? Is there anything about Toph (especially at that point, when we’ve known her for 1 episode) that suggests that she and Iroh should meet? Or would get along if they did?
Zuko has so many rock bottom fake outs this season: Zuko Alone? Nope, he gets worse in The Chase. The Chase? Nope, he gets worse in Bitter Work. Bitter Work? Nope, he gets worse in the finale.
I’m still peeved that Azula won a 6 on 1 showdown. Sorry, but that breaks immersion.
I bet the Blue Spirit could make lightning.
If water is the element of change, why does the Northern Water Tribe have such strictly defined traditions? I get that it's literally the element of change, in that water can exist in different physical states, but shouldn't the metaphorical interpretation also be true?
I like that Toph can think like an Airbender sooner than Aang can think like an earthbender.
What is Sokka’s boomerang made of? Is it metal? Because if it’s metal, does that mean that there’s a blacksmith somewhere in the South Pole? With a forge?
I still can’t get over how dumb the whole eclipse plot was.
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Suki is TINY!!!
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I mocked this guy’s 80s aerobics video leotard aesthetic, and I stand by that mockery, because this guy is ugly. Those colours are awful. But do you know who else has those colours?
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Jet this season fascinates me. He’s positioned as genuinely repentant and legitimately seeking a second chance and I don’t believe him for one minute. Why don’t I believe him? This show has a theme of learning from mistakes and doing better, so shouldn’t Jet be a perfect fit for this show’s themes? I should be primed to believe him. And yet I don’t.
I have to applaud Iron’s enthusiasm for their new life in Ba Sing Se. A lot of that cheer (at least before the tea shop) is put on for Zuko’s sake. I don’t know where Iroh gets the energy to keep trying with Zuko after years of minimal results, but I’m glad he does.
I think Aang and Ty Lee should hang out. They have similar circus energy. Or maybe it’s that they’re the only two characters in the show so far who are remotely playful.
Aang = surface silliness, core of calm. Not that the silliness doesn't run deep, but he seems to have an untouchable anchor of calm deep within that rarely gets disturbed. Gyatso raised him well.
~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Poetry bouncer ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
I need next season to have more Appa & Mono subplots à la their escapades in The Swamp. Not à la Momo’s Tale.
Tales of Ba Sing Se definitive ranking: Momo Aang Sokka Zuko Iroh Katara & Toph
I love that Momo still sleeps in the Momo bag from The Blind Bandit
Are Suki and her warriors sitting in the middle of some Earth Kingdom forest in their underwear?
So are Smellerbee and Longshot just done? Will they be back in season 3? What happens to their life now? They are known associates of an enemy of the state who was just executed. It doesn't look good.
Everyone on this show has big ears. Zuko has the smallest ears simply because he has the least amount of ears remaining. But everyone else? Big ears.
Can I have more Gyatso? I forgot how cool he was. More Guru too please.
Everyone in the SWT has such wonderfully fluffy hair.
I like Sokka’s boots. Southern Water Tribe boots in general.
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If this is the grand total of the SWT, I have some bad news about population dynamics.
Is there a proper naval term for what the SWT are doing? They’re a stealth strike force that seems to be going after individual enemy ships, using both direct and indirect tactics. Not pirates, because as far as we know they aren't going for FN supplies. They're doing what submarines do, but above water. There’s got to be a proper name for that.
Is there a raft of FN corpses chilling in the waters in front of the NWT's big wall?
I saw ATLA described as a show where all the characters are Asian-inspired people of colour, but isn’t Suki a blue-eyed redhead?
I had no idea that you could decline an Agni Kai. Zuko should have done that.
Why are the Dai Li so in love with Azula? I get that they're pissed with Long Feng for getting arrested, but wouldn't the logical choice be to direct their loyalties to the Earth King rather than a wildcard princess? I'm not going to pretend for a minute that the Dai Li are loyal to the Earth Kingdom or to Ba Sing Se, but the Earth King is a known quantity. Seems to me that it would be easier for them to re-puppetify him, rather than a FN princess.
Katara & Zuko bonding over their missing mothers is the same “makes sense until you think about it for five seconds” as Song & Zuko bonding over losing their fathers to war. Technically the same, sort of, on paper, but actually kind of rude to equate them once you know the full story. Same with the parallel between Lu Ten and the older brother in Zuko Alone. The proper dead mom parallel is Katara and Jet. Although Katara doesn’t object to the Zuko comparison, so I have no grounds to do so.
I’m really glad that Katara didn’t remove Zuko’s scar with her spirit oasis water. Both because she kind of really needed that water, but also because one thing this show has always done right is permanence. No quick fixes, no fake outs, no take backs. Lu Ten is dead, and he stays that way. Princess Yue is the moon, and she stays that way. Half a dozen people’s moms are dead, and they stay that way. Aang is the last Airbender, and he stays that way. Zuko is scarred, and he stays that way. There are no hand waves, no easy fixes. All the characters can do is learn to live with it, and go forward. And I’m grateful the show is like that, because that permanence, as well as being a good lesson to learn, functions as a reward for audience investment.
Aang did come to a crossroads of destiny in the finale, chose his duties to the world over his friends, and got aggressively slapped down for it. I have a feeling that he’ll take the wrong lesson from that, since he was already inclined to shun that path.
Overall Season 1 was prettier.
Ty Lee was the cause of more than one Beat Up Sokka Quota fulfillment this season. Make of that what you will.
Will Zuko & Azula spend season 3 bouncing between the FN and Ba Sing Se? They could be heavily involved with establishing the FN governance over Ba Sing Se, since the city is already inclined towards royalty.
Favourite episode this season? The Guru. The Blind Bandit and The Swamp are tied for second place.
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Does the Yugiohs goes to space?
DM: No space content. Lame 0/10
GX: Judai spends one episode on an alien planet and comes back with a deck full of aliens. They also fight a satellite in space at the end of season 2 and best boy Judai once sent his enby dragon partner to space once. Slightly scarce but decent space content. 6/10
5Ds: City falls from the sky and a motorcycle flies but neither to or from space :( 1/10
Zexal: Alien from space is always at the protag's side from episode 1! And the second season is all about even more aliens, complete with an epic journey through space to fight some aliens on another planet. Very good space content 8/10
Arc V: Exactly one scene where a monster attacks from space like a satellite. 2/10
VRAINS: Still no space. I'm getting bluespaced. 0/10
Sevens: The program for rush duels is a robot on the moon that's very plot relevant in the season 1 finale and throughout season 2. The Goha 6 also come down from space at the beginning of season 2 after attending school in space for a while. The final duel also takes place entirely in space after the main gang built a rocket to space and powered it with explosive curry. Awesome space content. 8/10
Go Rush: Entire show takes place in space and includes so many aliens! 10/10 Best space show.
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fern717 · 6 months
adv dub of evangelion and eoe (with director's cut versions of episodes 21-24)
episode 1: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+01+Angel+Attack+%5B5F116C28%5D.mkv
episode 2: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+02+The+Beast+%5BFD427E2C%5D.mkv
episode 3: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+03+A+Transfer+%5BE366EC47%5D.mkv
episode 4: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+04+Hedgehog's+Dilemma+%5B1AFDD1E0%5D.mkv
episode 5: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+05+Rei+I+%5BFED16EB1%5D.mkv
episode 6: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+06+Rei+II+%5B6F5224E2%5D.mkv
episode 7: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+07+A+Human+Work+%5BB3BDF1B3%5D.mkv
episode 8: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+08+Asuka+Strikes!+%5BC6590C43%5D.mkv
episode 9: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+09+Both+Of+You%2C+Dance+Like+You+Want+To+Win!+%5B5EC86167%5D.mkv
episode 10: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+10+Magma+Diver+%5BC62F4024%5D.mkv
episode 11: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+11+The+Day+Tokyo-3+Stood+Still+%5B6085B906%5D.mkv
episode 12: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+12+She+Said%2C+Don't+Make+Others+Suffer+%5BB3FCC3BE%5D.mkv
episode 13: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+13+Lilliputian+Hitcher+%5BD03BFE1F%5D.mkv
episode 14: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+14+Weaving+A+Story+%5B85813A52%5D.mkv
episode 15: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+15+Those+Women+Longed+For+The+Touch+Of+Others'+Lips+%5B0BEC8641%5D.mkv
episode 16: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+16+Splitting+Of+The+Breast+%5B5DF5D1E9%5D.mkv
episode 17: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+17+Fourth+Children+%5B6FA67B10%5D.mkv
episode 18: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+18+Ambivalence+%5B3D766D19%5D.mkv
episode 19: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+19+Introjection+%5B58641163%5D.mkv
episode 20: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+20+Weaving+A+Story+2+Oral+Stage+%5BE0565D10%5D.mkv
episode 21: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-1x-21-dc-he-was-aware-that-he-still-was-a-child-1080px-265bk
episode 22: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+22+Don't+Be+(DC)+%5BEDDB0AED%5D.mkv
episode 23: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+23+Rei+III+(DC)+%5B89C739C2%5D.mkv
episode 24: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+24+The+Beginning+And+The+End+(DC)+%5B3955D6CE%5D.mkv
episode 25: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+25+Do+You+Love+Me+%5BC84CEBA1%5D.mkv
episode 26: https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+26+Take+Care+Of+Yourself+%5BF092E047%5D.mkv
the end of evangelion: https://archive.org/details/0131_20240201/EoE+Video+ADV+Dub.mp4
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
Do you have some favourite analyses about Lalo ? (From you or others)
Do I ever!
Lalo is Gay
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And I don't mean "can be interrupted as gay" or "the straights wrote a gay character without realizing it", both of which are fine reasons to say a character is gay.
But I mean actually written on purpose gay. Lalo and Gus are written as foils who are superficially different - calculating/spontaneous, orderly/chaotic, serious/playful.
But if you look a little closer, they have a lot in common. Both have no personal life outside the game. Both are playing 5D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Both are loners who trust almost no one. Both don't flaunt their wealth. Both are motivated by devotion to a loved one.
They're so alike, in fact, that they can almost read each other's minds - Lalo immediately knows who got him sent to jail and who sent the assassins after him, even though he didn't have proof. Gus never believed for a second Lalo was dead, even though every scrap of evidence pointed to it being the case, including a corpse matching Lalo's dental records. Lalo knows Gus tapped the phone. Gus knew Lalo was headed for the lab.
So - although different at first glance, their essential natures are the same. Gus is gay, ergo...
And there are context clues pointing to his sexuality. He's a confirmed bachelor despite the fact that he should be having kids to carry on the family dynasty. He declines the opportunity to have sex with a woman, even though there were very practical reasons for him to have sex with her. Being invited into her home and poking around once she was asleep would have been easier than breaking in, but he chose to hide in the bushes. Plus, he forces Nacho to elope with him.
Will we ever get confirmation? Probably not. But I'm a legit truther on this
Lalo is Satan
Mira -
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It's the same picture.
Lalo tempts Jimmy into selling his soul to him, which he later comes to collect. And as I've talked about probably too much, Nacho is very explicitly a Christ figure. Lalo tries to tempt Nacho with power and wealth, but Nacho is never tempted. They really are Cartel Satan and Cartel Jesus, and I love that that ties them together
Lalo is an anti-protagonist
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Which is a term I just made up. He's not an antihero - that would be Jimmy. It's just that he hijacks the narrative whenever he shows up. He has a very protagonist-like story - Gus and Nacho are the ones who are sabotaging him, when all he wants to do is protect his family. Assassins are sent to his home, and he defeats them single-handedly. He is betrayed by someone he trusted - someone who he has always treated well and genuinely liked.
But he's not a protagonist! He's a villain, who does very villainous things! On the Insider Podcast for the Black and Blue episode (I think), one of the writers mentions how much she roots for Lalo when he's away from the lead characters. He's written for you to root for, and then feel weird about rooting for.
He's the embodiment of Chuck's final, terrible advice to Jimmy - if you're going to do bad things, don't bother feeling guilty about it. And he only shows up once Chuck is gone. Does Chuck really want Jimmy to be like Lalo? Is Kim's "ends justify the means" attitude in season 6 warranted? How much does motive matter?
@lalo-tellmeagain - we were talking about his blue shoes - I don't have any production notes on this or anything, so this is just my personal interpretation. But blue is the color of the good guys in BCS. Lalo's blue shoes are ironic.
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hedgiwithapen · 6 months
This is an odd one but Cisco as The Flash for AU headcanons?👀
I think I've read a fic with that premise (I know I have, I just. cannot recall Details like. title or writer.) So if I Plagiarize that fic by mistake please no one yell at me ok? ok. 1. now this IS partially from the fic I think, i'm already being a criminal, but like. it was still Nora Allen who died, not Ms Ramon (who I have named Pilar and no comics contradict me so!) and Eobard is very like. well shit, gotta adjust the Plans. on the one hand, can kill barry whenever, don't need him, but on the other hand what if I do? what if he also becomes the flash at the correct time for him, and this thing with Cisco doesn't work out and then I am stuck? bro's playing 5d chess against himself and it's not helping. so barry lives, for now, and Dante sits in an ugly plastic chair waiting for cisco to wake up. 2 I think for Cisco to get struck by the lightning it goes like this. Ronnie and Cisco both go into the accelerator. Two of us can get the vents (or whatever Ronnie was doing faster than one.) and the thing is it almost works. it almost works. almost is never enough. someone-- maybe hartley, in this au, maybe a distraught caitlin, closes the door at the 2 minute mark. all that energy goes up and out-- and the lightning bolt strikes into the heart of star labs along that same path. when the fema crews etc go shifting through, they find no sign of Ronnie--firestorm-- and Cisco, lightning scars branching down his body, comatose. 3. Cisco picks his name right off the bat. Barry starts writing about him-- and not very positively (barry had the blog in e1 and the writers forgot but I did not) because he what if that's the guy who killed my mom?? Joe, Joe /look/. And Cisco is a little offended! goes to confront Barry (who tries and fails to hit him with the CCPD's second shittiest microscope) and goes hey, could you not?? first " the man in the lightning " is a damn mouthful, I'd rather something like, i dunno, Sonic Boom, or The Flash, and furthermore I was all of 8 years old when your mom died so uh stop it??? there is a very tense moment and then they're Friends Now. Cisco doesn't understand why Wells is so deeply against having a CCPD liason??? we need one? this guy already believes in the impossible and also someone killed his mom and we can help! what do you mean no ??? ok fiiiiine. 4. Eddie, not Joe, is the one who sees Cisco fight Mardon. Eddie is more than happy to be the new liason to star labs, this is Great!!! he can use this to win over Iris and Barry! (he has big crushes on them both. potentially he gets over these crushes and he dates Cisco, I think that'd be fun.) 5. Cisco obviously does not build the cold gun, so Snart never actually manages to steal anything in central city, but he sure does try! it really does not work out for him. kidnapping an engineer to build you a weapon would be one thing if you could. you know. hold on to said engineer. Cisco Simply Dips. 5, right? fuck it one more for funsies 6. while cisco's in the coma Caitlin keeps a tv going with every episode of Star Trek queued up. constant background noise. Dr. Wells can't decide if he's learned his lesson about fucking with time or if he's so sick of the music he's going to go back even further the second he gets a chance and make them compose something else.
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hellohimawarihana · 5 months
Yu-Gi-Oh Transformations, ranked by me
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I did say in this post that Yu-Gi-Oh is no stranger to transformation sequence, but the more you look at it, it's like that all series had this in some degree, so I decided to rank them from least appealing to the most mind-blowing. It was inspired to this post, by the way. Unlike the protagonists ending post before, I'll include Go Rush!! as well, but I'll only include those from the protagonists and their main anime, so no Capsule Monsters or special episodes like Bonds Beyond Time, or supporting characters in that matter.
We'll start with the series that stood out the least, which is...
8. ARC-V
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Yes, it’s pretty unappealing even for me. The Awakened version (left) are just him surrounded with aura and his mutated Z-ARC (right) is… not on my book.
7. Original / Duel Monsters
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I ranked DM version a bit higher than ARC-V for this list. Yes, it’s the first and longest Yu-Gi-Oh series and therefore it’s iconic but Yami Yugi a.k.a. Atem didn’t really change clothes outside of making a cape jacket from his host. It’s still good that he manages to split into two selves for his partner later in the story.
6. Duel Monsters GX
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It’s like Yami Yugi and Awakened Yuya because he spent some time being possessed by Haou / Supreme King (right), but Judai does had a control of his powers after gaining that and Yubel’s (left) powers and abilities, after that he doesn’t actually transforms outside the eye changes so I can’t rank him higher.
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From demonic look to Sentai hero... Though unlike other series (except number 4 that will be explained later) these came off as one-off forms as he only wears the costumes in one duel with the process akin to early Metal Heroes series. But his roll call of The Yugaman (right) is cool, by the way.
4. 5DS
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While the usual preparation before Riding Duel is pretty cool, this part stands out among my brother's favorite Yu-Gi-Oh series. Yusei just turns gold for his ultimate Synchro Summon technique, but it’s still cool. There’s even non-Riding Duel version on his Duel Links portrait too.
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3. Go Rush!!
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This recently airing series has the protagonist surrounded by blue (sometimes green) aura to turn back into his real, alien form. But it’s just “casual *flash* battle form” so I can’t rank him too high. But I like how he keeps doing this before his own duel, even when he doesn’t use this stock footage anymore starting in Season 2. And he’s unique among the protagonists as he’s one of the two capable of transforming on his own without outside source.
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The concept is similar to DM and GX, only this time Yuma merges with Astral and can de-fuse anytime unlike the latter series. Dark ZEXAL (top right) isn’t in my book and just a palette swap between the first ZEXAL form (top left), which is my favorite. But the other ZEXAL forms (bottom) are awesome too, evolving through Yuma and Astral’s bond. I just wish that the other forms appeared in Duel Links as a skill and not just his first form. Normally, this will be all-time favorite for transformation fans for Yu-Gi-Oh, but he’s ranked here because...
Well, you know who will be my top pick:
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While I grew up with DM series, my interest took at peak after seeing Yusaku’s transformation sequence when he logs into LINK VRAINS or any cyberworld. It’s cool and flashy, and I like the blue background, even though his Playmaker form has barely any blue on it. The pocket dimension where Yusaku transforms fits its technology theme too. I especially like the hair part, just look of his cool face! And he can transform by himself, just like Go Rush!! series!
The only downside is like Go Rush!!, he doesn’t do this stock footage anymore after Season 1 Episode 30, any login after that is just offscreen or the intro survives but he’s just do the login in blue flash of light, which is disappointing, he even lack the double henshin with Takeru! (his adventuring partner who has the same animation when he individually transforms) But I do like the fact that the world unlock scene in Duel Links has this transformation sequence, which is a nice callback for the first episode where Playmaker’s transformation was shown for the first time, especially for the players who had finished the anime since spoiler alert: Duel Links’s VRAINS World takes place after the end of the series.
See more of VRAINS' henshin here.
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buddicat · 1 year
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bfdi 1: take the plunge bfdi 2: barriers and pitfalls bfdi 3: are you smarter than a snowball? bfdi 4: sweet tooth bfdi 5: bridge crossing bfdi 6: power of three bfdi 7: bfdi 8: cycle of life bfdi 9: bfdi 10: crybaby! bfdi 11: lofty bfdi 12: bfdi 13: don't lose your marbles bfdi 14: half a loaf is better than none bfdi 15: vomitaco bfdi 16: the reveal bfdi 17: reveal novum bfdi 18: recission bfdi 19: bowling, now with explosions! (?) bfdi 20: gardening hero bfdi 21: bfdi 22: bfdi 23: hurtful! bfdi 24: insectophobe's nightmare 2 bfdi 25: return of the hang glider bfdia 1: yeah, who? i wanna know bfdia 2: get digging bfdia 3: zeeky boogy doog bfdia 4: insectophobe's nightmare 3 bfdia 5a: get in the van bfdia 5b (the game) bfdia 5c: no more snow! bfdia 5d: bfdia 5e: the long lost yoyle city idfb 1: welcome back bfb 1: getting teardrop to talk bfb 2: lick your way to freedom bfb 3: don't do this on a swingset bfb 4: today's very special episode bfb 5: fortunate ben bfb 6: four goes too far bfb 7: the liar ball you don't want bfb 8: questions answered bfb 9: this episode is about basketball bfb 10: enter the exit bfb 11: get to the top in 500 steps bfb 12: what do you think of roleplay? bfb 13: return of the rocket ship (the hype surrounding this was real) bfb 14: don't dig straight down (this one too!!!!) bfb 15: the four is lava bfb 16: the escape from four bfb 17: x marks the spot bfb 18: take the tower bfb 19: how loe can you grow? bfb 20: a taste of space bfb 21: bfb 22: who stole donut's diary? bfb 23: fashion for your face! bfb 24: the game has changed bfb 25: bfb 26: bfb 27: uprooting everything bfb 28: bfb = back from beginning bfb 29: sos (save our show) bfb 30: chapter complete tpot 1: you know those buttons don't do anything, right? tpot 2: the worst day of black hole's life tpot 3: getting puffball to think about rollercoasters tpot 4: gardening zero
contestants, i'll do this per team because it's easier for me tor emember LMAOO
8-ball basketball golf ball tennis ball blocky grassy robot flower tv
donut barf bag gelatin naily spongy bomby firey jr bracelety
the losers (i forget abt them alot honestly):
leafy (after bfb 11) firey needle coiny pin loser cake clock eggy
teardrop ice cube book gaty saw lollipop dora taco
pencil match bubble ruby flower snowball fanny lightning
death pact:
black hole liy tree pie bottle pen pillow remote
free food:
eraser bell fries yellow face puffball marker foldy stapy
roboty david leafy (originally) balloony cloudy rocky nickel woody
tpot newbies: winner + price tag
alr hosts.
announcer flower speaker box firey speaker box puffball speaker box four x purple face (i think that's it...)
seasons. quite easy if i say so myself
bfdi bfdia idfb bfb tpot
thank u for reading through this long ass thing! some eps might be there but in different placements (especially with insectophobe's nightmare 3 hfbjhjfg)
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kcuf-ad · 2 years
Ranking the female leads on how good of a duelist they are. I Might do this for the Rivals, Best Friends and the Protags.
6. Tori Meadows/Kotori Mizuki (Do I even NEED to explain this one? She didn't win a single duel and was there to look at the duels)
5. Tea Gardner/ Anzu Mazaki (One of the only characters with a 100% win rate, hilarious. She does have pretty decent monsters for her time and a combination of DM and DMG is pretty deadly, however her deck is pretty inconstent.)
4. Zuzu Boyle/Yuzu Hiragi (A character that hadn't dueled for like the last 80 episodes of Arc V and is the Princess Peach of Yugioh. Has a decent deck with an okay ace, but to my knowledge, doesn't have a searcher.)
3. Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin (An honestly the hardest Pick to make of this list since her and Akiza could be changed. She has a pretty decent win rate ratio, her combination of her Fusion monsters and Cyber Angela Works so much, not to mention her New support in Arc V makes even Number 1 and 2 give a run for their money with Vrash, and stops any Fusion attempt.)
2. Akiza Izinski/Aki Izayoi (Ahh yes, the benchwarmer of Team 5ds. Has an actual amazing deck for her time, has probably the most experience as a duelist and even has one of the most used Tuners in the game. Has the most splashable Signer Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, and even had Stardust Dragon for a short period of time so beating her would be extremely hard to do.)
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Skye Zaizen/ Aoi Zaizen. (The biggest disappointment in Vrains honestly. She has 2 decks, and both of them style on them, dominate them, destroys them. Hell, I don't think a 5 v 1 would be fair against her. She has pretty much the only deck that can OTK her opponents on her opponent's own turn with Reincarnation and probably FTK them. All she has to do is activate Dark Room and pop off. That Is only talking about Trickstars, Marincess shits on all of them combined as her deck that could be even considered Meta by these days and her monsters can get to massive heights in one turn and has so many card advantages in one turn. It is hard for me to think otherwise.)
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wisyhana · 1 year
I was thinking on a way to share my thoughts on 5ds without ranting too much about it, but also thinking on a way to use the prompts for other yugioh shows, so here's my attempt number 1:
1. Favorite character over all.
Carly Nagisa. Want me a girlfriend like her.
2. Favorite male character.
Jack Atlas and Bruno. I really wanted to see them interacting more, they're pretty funny.
3. Favorite female character.
4. The character you dislike the most.
Crow, but his deck is pretty I guess.
5. A character that looked annoying at first but turned out to be likeable.
Jaeger lol! I like the monkey sounds he makes.
6. Which character looked promising but didn't make it through?
Izayoi Aki 😢 she was the shit and they should have appreciated her more.
7. In your opinion, does the protagonist hold the show?
Objectively he does, Yusei is decent as character himself but it's a little too much on how he has to handle EVERYTHING. But that's the curse of the shonen protagonist I guess.
8. Favorite ship.
Scoopshipping, Omenshipping and Toolshipping.
9. Duelist/deck you felt more interesting.
Aki's and Carly's. Aki's strategy were so fun and interesting to watch.
10. The duel you had more fun watching.
Jack vs Carly for sure, the Fortune Ladies ready to kick Jack's ass and Jack confession were brilliant.
11. Favorite monster card.
Silly boi Dark Resonator.
12. Favorite dragon card.
My ass to Red Nova Dragon.
13. 5ds only. Favorite D-Wheel design.
Wheel of Fortune baby.
14. Favorite arc.
Dark Signer FOR SURE.
15. Least favorite arc.
Grand Prix can kiss my ass.
16. Favorite scene.
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sobs profusely
17. Favorite character arc.
I'll say Jack but only to the Dark Signer arc.
18. A character that definitely needed their own arc.
Despite being the protagonist you don't see a lot of development on Yusei. He has a deep burden and there is absolute zero work on that.
19. A character that didn't need an episode about themselves.
Did we really need to see the backstory of Jaeger, the team Taiyou and Ragnarok?
20. From 1 to 10, what score do you give to the show over all?
siiiighh a 6.
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saint-bestial · 11 months
@ygoc-week - Day 6
(sooo i know free day is tomorrow's prompt but i didn't really have anything for today's. so i'm gonna do free day today and AU tomorrow if that's ok ;-;)
doing a general lore dump today!! i love rambling about Sylvester, so i thought it'd be fun to talk about a bunch of stuff i couldn't fit elsewhere. i need a bit of a break since i've been drawing nonstop all week. this isn't exhaustive by any means but i know for a fact it'll get long. Sylvester has been in development for like 2 years now and it shows.
i tried to organize everything in rough categories under the cut:
As a Signer Dragon:
like the rest of the Signer Dragons, Sylvester was created by the Crimson Dragon to serve it and the Signers. he participated in the Signer Wars of the past, fighting Earthbound Immortals by air and sea.
his main ability was producing electricity. the orange markings that ran down the sides of his body and tail gave off devastating electric shocks. additionally, he could fire great bolts of lightning from his mouth. he had a high degree of control over the strength of his electricity, but he could overwhelm his natural resistance and injure himself if not careful.
at first, Sylvester served faithfully like the other dragons. but he soon grew resentful of the cycle of war. his only purpose was to serve the Signers, fight, and then lie in wait until the next Signers were born thousands of years later. he desired more out of his life than simply being used as a weapon.
the Earthbound Immortals, feeding off his negative emotions, approached him with a deal. if he agreed to turn on the Crimson Dragon and help them defeat it, its death would break the cycle of war, thus freeing him from servitude. of course, this would mean sacrificing humanity's existence, but he valued humans very little. he was apathetic at best toward them. so he agreed.
when the Signer War 5,000 years prior to 5Ds began, Sylvester turned on his fellow dragons as planned. he received additional power from the Earthbound Immortals, making him even harder to stop. he mortally wounded Life Stream Dragon and facilitated Ancient Fairy Dragon's capture by Uru. it took both Stardust and Black Rose Dragon to finally subdue him, but a final burst of energy allowed him to break free.
actively dying, Sylvester soared toward the Crimson Dragon to engage with it directly. discharging at full power, he flew into its body as a last ditch effort. he was incinerated instantly by the sacred flames. ultimately, the plan failed and the Signers won the war once again.
Relationship to the other Signer Dragons:
Sylvester's mind may have long forgotten his feud with his brethren, but his soul has not. he feels an ancient anger rising in him if they're summoned in a duel against him. in turn, they become similarly aggressive.
he is capable of understanding Signer Dragon speech during duels, and can respond in dragon tongue. this is done unconsciously, the language is embedded so deeply in him that he can't speak in it at will.
Identity and Body:
Sylvester identifies as nonhuman. he comes to strongly believe he deserves dignity regardless of his species, and that he shouldn't need to act human to be respected.
he has a complicated relationship with the body he inhabits. he frequently suffers from phantom limbs and the sensation of being suffocated, crushed, or otherwise attacked by his own skin. most of the scars on his forearms come from him gouging/biting at his skin during episodes where he can't recognize his own body.
despite all the grief his human body gives him, Sylvester refuses to give it up. it's what allowed him to meet Kiryu and experience a taste of a real life. he wouldn't change anything even though he's been through so much pain.
his attachment to his Signer Dragon self is really weird. he doesn't directly remember anything he did, he only knows what others have told him about himself. and while he wishes he could remember, at the same time he's glad he can't. because if he remembered it would change him. he would become someone else. and deep down he doesn't want that, he wants to be who he is now and free himself from all the expectations and preconceptions heaped onto him. and that's the real reason the Dark Signers can't bring him back to his full dragon form.
he can and does talk when he has to, but it's not his preferred method of communicating. his voice is low and rough sounding.
due to being a duel spirit, the process of becoming a Dark Signer produced strange effects on his body. he gained longer, sharper teeth, which he kept even after proper resurrection. notably, he would temporarily grow scales, fins, or even small extra limbs for brief periods of time. they would simply disintegrate, though. despite not needing to eat, he became constantly hungry for raw meat and fish.
after being revived after the Dark Signer arc, he would sometimes experience digestive issues after eating non-meat foods. the issue comes and goes, tending to occur more often in periods of high stress.
if Sylvester's soul were to be removed or partly removed from his body, his eyes would change from orange with a soft glow to blue. the host body has blue eyes, which are overwritten when Sylvester is inside.
On Death:
Sylvester has died three times. Once as a dragon, again as a human, and lastly as a Dark Signer. he's terrified of dying again because he's afraid of being brought back. there's always some god deciding he isn't done.
mostly, though, he fears being separated from Kiryu. he even briefly researches complete fusion at some point, an act that would ensure they can never be apart from each other even in death. ultimately, he decides against this. (this process would combine them into a single consciousness to create an entirely new self, it wouldn't be like a judai and yubel thing)
he prefers to shower or bathe at least once a day. being dirty just makes the body more unbearable to be in than it already is. he's pretty good about his personal hygiene.
prone to getting depressed if he hasn't been near the ocean in a while. becomes a big problem when he lives permanently in Satisfaction Town. when Sylvester starts getting apathetic and laying around the house, Kiryu knows he should schedule a beach trip soon.
he enjoys physical activity like climbing, running on all fours, etc. he needs enrichment or else he'll get bored.
likes to have small, dark, enclosed spaces to hide. closets are typically best for this.
needs things to chew on
Affection and Intimacy:
after Sylvester and Kiryu become a thing, Sylvester is very physically affectionate toward him at least in private. he's like a cat, rubbing his face on him and laying all over him. a really big cat.
he nibbles too, but he's careful with his fangs.
he reeeally likes to lay on top of Kiryu while Kiryu talks to him and pets him. one of the most effective ways to get him to relax.
Sylvester also likes to show his affection in more practical ways like doing favors and such. care is kind of a big thing for him. he'll brush out Kiryu's hair and help him wash it once it starts getting long. bc good god Kiryu doesn't take care of it and it gets so bad.
doesn't really care for PDA. he's too anxious in public settings to focus on it.
Stuff he likes:
cats!!! he loves cats!!! he likes to collect cat-related objects!!! he's been carrying around an old cat plush he found since he was a kid!!!
speaking of which. he loves plushies. so much. there are so many on the bed.
anything to do with the ocean. fish, birds, water, beaches, anything. he also really loves to eat fish.
there is a part of him that will crave violence always. hey man you can't shove a giant predatory creature into a human body and expect him to not want to do predatory creature things. if someone is an ass to Kiryu he will look at him with sad puppy eyes like Can I Maul Them.
his animals :) besides all the stray cats that hang out he ends up getting some chickens and even a horse. the horse's name is Tempest and he's a black and white paint horse. eventually he gets himself a fish tank too.
to Sylvester dueling is more like a mechanism for survival than a fun hobby. he learned how to do it in Satellite because it was a way to avoid a physical altercation in some situations. he prefers to win as quickly as possible.
his first deck before he got his current one was composed of dragon cards.
in terms of skill, he's about equal to Kiryu. they've both won and lost duels against each other.
Sylvester's salvaged dragon card slowly heals post Crash Town arc. it appears less decayed visually until fully recovering and gaining a new effect. it is distinctly different from how he looked as a Signer Dragon, combining its design with new elements. it represents Sylvester making peace with himself and his place in the world.
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Maybe Aporia and/or Primo for the ask meme if you’re still doing them!
Did Primo over here but of course I will never turn down a chance to hoot and holler about Aporia....my BABYGIRLLLLL
First impression:
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Impression now: well. WELL. let me tell you i did not think i was going to be the bitch who becomes obsessed with a niche anime character maybe 10 people care about but HERE I AM. IM A DIFFERENT PERSON NOW. I'VE MEGA EVOLVED. god like. what can i even fucking say. I love Aporia so goddamn much. They were really hiding one of the coolest and best yugioh villains and ygo guys in general way in the back of the half of 5ds nobody liked. and nobody told me!!!!!! had to get my brain blasted open all by myself!!! ough. OUGHH. MY FUCKIGN BABYGIRL!! MY MONSTER TRUCK!!!! MY WERELION.EXE!!!!!!!! LOVE OF MY LIFE
Favorite moment: it's gotta be the Afterglow Gambit. it just rules hard. and also that fucking scene of this gigantic sparking falling apart monster robot slowly sending all of his tiny tiny cards to the graveyard had me in stitches the first time, and at that moment i was like "oh this guy is definitely in my brain now. uh oh." we're coming up on the one year anniversary in a couple weeks. of the Aporiaing. god bless. also shoutout to his entire Tag Force 6 storyline which just makes me insane from start to finish. he fixes your fridge.
Unpopular opinion: *grinding my teeth* HE'S A GOOD CHARACTER!!!!!! HE'S COOL AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! 80% OF YGO FANS EVEN 5DS PEOPLE DONT CARE BUT I CARE!!!!!!!! I CARE SO MUCH!!!! hes so compelling and has so much there despite only being in like 8 episodes on my hands and knees begging people to give the Way Back Chunk of 5Ds a chance....wahh
Favorite relationship: <:,) you know im on that DIVORCE SHIT!!! ZONEPORIA LIFE!!!!! my beautiful zoneporia hopelessshipping micronation. he was god's most loyal angel and then god just shot him in the head in front of everyone and im expected to be normal about it. well. (I also adore the potential of his relationship with the twins, especially Leo...Leo is my actual favorite 5ds character so his dynamic with Aporia definitely was like. the Aporia Brainworms Gateway. if Apo got to live they would be friends i know this for certain.)
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haven-of-dusk · 6 months
Tagged by @wolfboy88
Last song you listened to: No One is Alone by Stephen Sondheim
Last book I read: The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Last film: If it counts, Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai otherwise, Cruella
Last TV show: 9-1-1 (still in progress obviously as new episodes come out)
Last video game: Played: Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising Finished: Fire Emblem Engage (Playthrough #8-ish)
Last thing I Googled: christian borle willy wonka bald
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Sweet...probably
Last thing I ate: Mac and Cheese
Currently Watching: Chicago Med, MacGyver (2016), Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, X-Men, Once Upon a Time
Currently Reading: Various journal articles for class and not much else at the moment
Amount of Sleep: Heavy variation between 0-10. Currently running on the latter, but average is closer to 6 or less.
Tagging @orbitalpirate, @careless-whispers, @rosesradio, @instantcaramel, @litrallytyrus (if any of you all are feeling it)
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My current all series ranking (Before Go Rush Season 3 drops later today)
1 GX 9/10 (Do I really need to explain this one? It's the Judai Yuki show. Judai Yuki is my all time favourite Yugioh character. Enough said.)
2 VRAINS 8/10 (Exciting and interesting with great lore and the duels have grown on me but its theming issues hold it back for me.)
3 Zexal 8/10 (Interchangeable with VRAINS. The central dynamic carries this one. It's entertaining and endearing and makes even the non epic plotlines fun to watch.)
4 Sevens 8/10 (Doesn't quite hit the highs of other series but is overall consistent as what it lacks in overarching plot it makes up for in charm, wit, and character.)
5 Go Rush (Currently ongoing so this could change. At the moment though, the highs are peak Yugioh and the lows are better than the lows of the series I put below it.)
6 5Ds 7/10 (The ultimate peaks and valleys show. The highs are peak Yugioh amazing and the lows are "forcing an abuse victim to forgive her abuser" bad.)
7 DM 7/10 (Mostly dry cast and overly long duels make me not as interested in this one but the general fun silliness, great final arcs and characters I do like still make it good overall.)
8 Arc V 6/10 (Went to shit in Synchro and never fully recovered for me, though there was still the occasional great episode/character.)
9 Season 0 (I haven't finished this one but while there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's at the bottom by default because it's just not the kind of show I generally like and really hasn't hooked me.)
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knightbugs · 7 months
-- DISCLAIMER: this liveblog fucking sucks and to understand my thought process you need to either read it while watching the bad batch or you need to have every episodes events completely memorised --
--DISCLAIMER 2: this liveblog along with episode 9 are from the same time as the others from 2023, i just forgot to post them--
oh shit politics
i like the droid her voice is nice
echo sniffs the snacks suspiciously
hi cid :-)
cid babysitting
omega don't be a whiny little shit this is for your own good and the good of the bad batch everyone ever is out to get you
is she gonna say life isn't fair YEP that's what every adult ever says when a child says something isn't fair
echo is so suspicious about all this
i love how the more human proportioned drones walk like they've just shat their pants it's really funny
ielove techs little antennas on his helmet
oh my god he forgror omegas not there :-(
do NOT damage the vase
they're playing 5d chess with multiverse time travel
ohoho omega gambling
oh no not the orb don't get him with the orb oh ok the bad batch is here
the vase of course the most important part
get forced to go on the zipwire old man
the bad batch have snatched one of the bug tanks (6 limbs on that thing)
woo yay explosion
ohoho a Peaceful Lush Area. with trees even. how serene :-)
omega has Attracted a Crowd
omega is twitch streaming
omega vs hunter epic gaming
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dancingkirby · 1 year
Unpopular 5D’s opinion: In dub episode 6 where Yusei gets his marker and is like “Haha that tickles,” I think that it actually DID hurt and he was just pulling a Giles Corey and trolling everyone. There’s still a shot right after that line where he’s clearly in significant pain.
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