#60 Minutes Of Powerful Prayer
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crinosmonsters · 6 months
Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
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The Original creator of the Thrulls, Endrek Sahr was a member of the Order of the Ebon Hand, a depraved cult which operated upon on the continent of Sarpadia on the plane of Dominaria thousands of years ago. Sahr created the Thrulls initially as slaves and sacrifice fodder, but felt like his creations could be more, pushing him to create larger and more powerful Thrulls. These Ambitions led him to create the Derelor which, while physically powerful, consumed too many resources to be viable. As a result, Sahr was sentenced to death. But while history considers Sahr dead, there was a period in Dominaria's history where time and space became mutable, and Sahr may yet have escaped his unfortunate fate and lives on.
Endrek Sahr's Enchiridion
Endrek Sahr has access to numerous unique magic spells, some he created himself (Breeding Pit and Thrull retainer) and others which were created by the Order of the Ebon Hand. These spells can be found in Sahr's spellbook on his person, or an ambitious and unscrupulous wizard can learn the spells themselves under the evil wizard.
Thrull Retainer
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1st level Necromancy
casting time: 1 action
range: An unoccupied space within 5 feet.
Components: V, S, M (at least half of a humanoid corpse or more)
duration: Concentration: up to an hour
This spell summons a single Servitor Thrull (descriped in Guildmaster's guide to Ravnica) Which loyally serves the caster to the best of its limited abilities. The Thrull will not move more than five feet away from its caster, and can be called upon to use its self sacrifice ability as a reaction.
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Hymn to Tourach
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2nd level Enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Named for the evil cleric which founded the order of the ebon hand, the Hymn of Tourach requires the caster to unleash a dark infernal prayer to torment their enemies. One target within 60 feet must make a wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. In addition, if the target was a spellcaster, they lose a spell slot of the highest level they are capable of casting.
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Breeding Pit
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Third Level Necromancy (Ritual)
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a large hole, approximately 1,000 pounds worth of corpses, and alchemic potions equaling about 500 GP)
Duration: See below
Endrek Sahr's masterpiece, this spell allows for the mass production of Thrulls on a massive scale. The Spell creates a breeding pit, a 10 foot wide, 80 foot deep pit filled with bubbling ichor comprised of numerous alchemic reagents and liquefied flesh.
Once per day, at sundown, a Servitor Thrull emerges from the Breeding pit, loyal to the caster who created the pit. So long as it is maintained, the Breeding pit will continue to produce new Thrulls in this manner indefinitely.
Maintenance of the Breeding Pit requires two things: First, the pit must be replenished with a periodic supply of new chemicals and corpses once a month, to the equivalent of one medium sized corpse and 50 gold pieces. More importantly, the Pit requires a constant source of magic to function. Each day, a spellcaster (not necessarily the one who created the pit) within 60 feet must sacrifice a level two or higher spell slot in order to keep the pit alive. Without this magic, the pit will dry up and die in a matter of hours.
There is no limit to the number of breeding pits that a single caster can create at one time, so long as the upkeep requiements are met.
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
masterpost on planetary hours: ⏰
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earlier today i made a tweet about ordering food under a mars hour, and how mars hours can be helpful for doing things quickly. here, i’ll define what a planetary hour is and how they can be used in our everyday lives !!
planetary hours are periods of ~60 minutes that occur on a repeated cycle throughout the day, with each hour ruled by one of the seven traditional planets. the hourly cycle is arranged by each planet’s orbital period, from longest to shortest:
saturn (29.5 years)
jupiter (12 years)
mars (687 days)
sun (365 days)
venus (225 days)
mercury (88 days)
moon (29 days)
saturn: taking care of responsibilities, getting rid of useless items, working with the elderly, meditating and enjoying stillness, any kind of selfless action or donation, reflecting on forgiveness
jupiter: traveling long distances, learning a new language, having discussions about commitment, starting new commitments in general, prayer or leaving offerings, political or academic work
mars: doing laborious work (like saturn hours), exercising, ordering food or cooking, getting things done quickly, participating in competitions (especially of an athletic nature)
sun: working with people in power or children, applying for jobs or other career opportunities, enjoying yourself recreationally, achieving success, humorous or comedic activities, selling things
venus: sending a romantic message, learning a form of dance or music, spending time in the natural world, expressing yourself artistically, having sex, giving yourself a new cosmetic change
mercury: getting groceries (like moon hours), business transactions and meetings, reading, making progress on literary projects, washing your car, taking your animal to the vet, teaching
moon: helping out pregnant people or new parents, taking care of infants, buying dairy products or other goods made of milk, redecorating or cleaning up your home, doing chores, gardening
it’s also important to note that the state of the planet you’re relying on will be important — be sure to check the dignity and motion of a planet before trying to use its energy for a specific task !!
venus, for example, is fallen in the sign of virgo. so it may not be the best time to cut your own hair under a venus hour while it’s in this sign (as virgo governs criticism and nitpicking). however, this is an amazing time to be generous and helpful to others (since virgo governs service and assistance)
personally, i like to use the cosmic insights app to track planetary hours because you can add the hourly calendar to your lock screen !! planetaryhours.net and astro-seek.com are resources i've used over the years that are also reliable — just keep in mind that some websites may show different times for the planetary hours because of the calculations they use to find them
do y'all have any questions about planetary hours ? feel free to leave them in my inbox or in the replies :)
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lianabrooks · 10 months
How To Keep Your (Found) Family Happy
A friend posted a cartoon about weaponized incompetence on another website and talked about how every family has this. In fact, most groups of humans have run into this at some point, it's pretty normal for humans to try to find a way to take the easiest route (even if it means more work for others).
Despite all that, I've been with the same person since 2001. We've been married most of that time, had four kids together, and moved countless times as we restarted jobs, hunted promotions, and switched career fields. And we've managed to avoid most of the pitfalls. Here's how my spouse and I have avoid fights, weaponized incompetence, bitter feelings, and feeling neglected in our relationship for over 20 years (Hint: there's a lot of communication going on)... P.S. These are all very family/relationship-centric but you can absolutely adapt them for the workplace, school, or anything else.
MAKING CHOICES AHEAD OF TIME ... the menu is made at the start of the month, money is allocated before major events, we plan trips sometimes years in advance. All of that reduces the choice making later and is one less stress to handle. This is purely a decision making fatigue thing, if you have to make a decision, it requires brain power, and after a long day you'll have none. So why not sit down on a quiet day and make all the decisions you need to make for the next week? Poof! Brain power is freed up and there is less stress!
MONTHLY & WEEKLY CALENDAR SCRUBS... we sit down and make the menu around the first of the month, and we fill in the calendar with schedules so we know which days someone will be too busy to do things like cook, wash up, or something else.
DAILY CHECK-INS... whoever is home together in the morning does a morning devotional (yoga, dance time, scriptures, motivational quote, prayers, whatever works for you) and review what's happening so everyone is tracking major tests, work meetings, stressors, ect. Then we try to have dinner together if possible (even if it means eating at 5) and then a bedtime check-in before light's out (usually scriptures, prayers, and chatting, then bedtime stories for the littles). If people are working from home, we might have lunch together too. That means we have 2-4 planned meetings a day so we can course correct. -> If you're not religious, don't stress it. Pull out some Terry Pratchett quotes, favorite poems, pick a theme song for the week and dance to it. Just give you and your people five minutes to do something happy together. -> If this is at work this might mean a team meeting at the start of the day or a 12 minute check-in at 1:30 when everyone is back from lunch. The goal is to make sure everyone is on schedule for what they need, haven't run into an emergencies, and no one has questions. A supported work team gets more done.
SPENDING LIMITS... we got married in college when we lived off college stipends of $400/m. And we had a kid. Our rule was never to spend $20 without consulting the other person. We never changed that. We discuss everything from birthday presents to grocery lists and when we're getting gas in the cars even though we're much more financially stable. It means everyone spending out of the main accounts is tracking where the money is going so we don't over-splurge.
CHORE SCHEDULES... when we were first married we'd set aside an hour or so to clean the house together. It worked. As the kids got older this got more complicated (they needed to learn how to clean). But now we're at a point where everyone has assigned chores and we put bounties on chores that need to get done and are unassigned. And then we have one cleaning day (usually Friday or Saturday) where we take an hour and all clean the shared spaces. It takes 30-60 minutes to clean the entire house if you have six people working together. Laundry has assigned days for every load. The dishwasher and cooking have assigned days. It works. Everyone helps to the best of their abilities. -> With this is a lot of Adjusted Expectations. My house is not color coordinated with everything in a bin. My family is all neurodivergent. Most our dishes live on the counters because putting them away makes them vanish. This works great for us but might be overwhelming for other people. Who cares? It's our house, we're doing what works for us and the person mad about messes on Instagram can suck a lemon. -> If you really cannot do chores, cosplay it. Roll the dice and make it a game. Set a timer. Bribe yourself. Make it work for you.
ONE-ON-ONE TIME... not just for me and hubby, but for parents and kids. We try to make sure everyone gets some alone time where they are the focus of attention and we can check-in and make sure their emotional needs are met. Kids need a space to vent. Adults to a space to not be parents. -> This is super important for friendships too. Make time for people in your life! -> At work, this means managers need to make time to talk with their employees, check-in, and assess who needs things (and consider the people's needs first, not the CEO's bonus)
SCHEDULED DOWNTIME... usually this is Sunday for us (the Sabbath day for our religion), but it can be whenever, and we might have more downtime scheduled on a stressful week than in an easy one. The goal here is to make sure everyone gets time to not work, not lead, not think, and just chill. They can play, listen to music, nap, whatever their brain needs, and they can do it without upsetting anyone or feeling guilty because it's part of the schedule. -> In an office this would mean not lean staffing, maybe having an early release day once a week (or a late start) or long lunches. Give your people space to zone out and chill so they can come back refreshed. -> Quiet Quitting only exists because management is trying to exploit their staff. Don't be that boss. (P.S. Join Your Union)
SOME THINGS DON'T HAPPEN... our kids are limited to one after-school activity a year and one AP class for high schoolers. We've tried other ways and found it generates too much stress. I limit projects I take on because I have a set quitting time, even though I work from home. My husband passes up on some away-from-home events with friends because we prioritize family time. Figuring out that balance is something you have to decide as a family. What works for one person won't work for all. -> In business this means doing sustainable, slow growth over rapid booms that overextend and hurt the system. Stop looking for the short term boost when long term is better.
ADAPT TO WHAT YOUR GROUP NEEDS!... this is the most important one, because what we've done over the years has changed in reaction to the needs of people around us. My kids in college need something different than the one starting middle school. My team at the lab needed something than my team at a newspaper. If you have a bunch of introverts, they probably don't want a dance party, they want a three minute meeting with a heads up about any major disturbances and then ten minutes of silence to prepare their souls for any human interaction. Do what works.
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dungeonmastertyrant · 5 months
Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance vary by paladin but all the tenets revolve around punishing wrongdoers by any means necessary. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.
Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil I choose the greater evil.
Ordinary foes might win my mercy but my sworn enemies do not.
My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes.
If my foes wreak ruin on the world it is because I failed to stop them I must help those harmed by their misdeeds
Paladin Level 3: Bane and Hunter's Mark
Paladin Level 5: Hold Person and Misty Step
Paladin Level 9: Haste and Protection From Energy
Paladin Level 13: Banishment and Dimension Door
Paladin Level 17: Hold Monster and Scrying
Channel Divinity: When you take this oath at 3rd level you gain the following 2 Channel Divinity options:
Abjure Enemy: As an action you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation using Channel Divinity. Choose 1 creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed save the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened the creature's speed is 0 and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.
Vow of Enmity: As a bonus action you can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10 feet of you using Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hp or falls unconscious.
Relentless Avenger: By 7th level your supernatural focus helps you close off a foe's retreat. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack you can move up to half your speed immediately after the attack and as part of the same reaction. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Soul of Vengeance: Starting at 15th level the authority with which you speak your Vow of Enmity gives you greater power over your foe. When a creature under the effect of your Vow of Enmity makes an attack you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack that creature if it is within range.
Avenging Angel: At 20th level you can assume the form of an angelic avenger. Using your action you undergo a transformation. For 1 hour you gain the following benefits:
Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet.
You emanate an aura of menace in a 30 foot radius. The first time any enemy creature enters the aura or starts its turn there during a battle the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. Attack rolls against the frightened creature have advantage.
Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Source: Players Handbook
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PLEASE UNDERSTAND: This is about the misinformation (or lies, depending on what you were led to believe) that women—especially younger women—are being told.
I am neither condemning (disagreeing with), nor condoning (agreeing with) abortion. This is only about arming women with the powerful tool of information!
In a recent podcast called Breakpoint¹ I was devastated to find that, according to John Stonestreet, a recent study of 114 women who'd had a chemically-induced abortion, about six out of every ten of these women admitted that the experience was quite traumatic and was emotionally distressing, causing lasting feelings of isolation for which they had desired help but did not know where to turn. And the physical pain that most would only associate with a surgical abortion is quite common according to the women who were in the 6-out-of-10 group. One woman said it was "a hundred times more painful than they said it would be, and that it took 12 hours to expel all of the tissue." She had also said that it was much more traumatic than a surgical abortion.
I could not, in good conscience, do anything less than yelling it from the rooftops. (I am not making any attempt at humor.)
If you, or someone you know has had a chemical abortion, I have listed a few links below that I have either checked and vetted with research (to the best of my ability, but I cannot give any kind of professional reference, or advice, and I should point out that I don't have any dealings with, nor do I receive any kind of compensation {of any kind} or commissions), or I have had experience with the company in the past, but for other reasons. While I am not liable for any problems that might arise from the use of any of the links, I am rather careful about possible marks against my reputation, such as it is.
My final few words are
that I pray that God would be as a bright light would shine as a
beacon of safety and that He would reveal Himself at a time or in a situation where He
is the perfect fit, and not necessarily the only possible sane choice, no! A thousand times no! But where it is either a real answer to a prayer and even better than
you would dare to hope, and the kind of thing that leaves no question that it is God, the kind that makes you laugh through your tears (happy tears) as you say, "Thank you, God! Oh, thank you!"
In Jesus's Name I pray this, Amen!
¹ - Breakpoint, a podcast that was originally created by the late Chuck Colson (who also founded The Colson Center and Breakpoint) is now headed by his protégé and friend, John Stonestreet. The podcast may be found below. The episode that was the basis of this Tumblr blog post is only 60 seconds (some are 5-6 minutes and there is, about weekly, another one that is 1hr in length) was broadcast on October 19th, 2022 and is entitled, "Chemical Abortion Regret". -mc
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impish-lion · 2 years
Stray thoughts on Dylan
Teenage me loved Bob Dylan because I thought the lyrics were fun. I only really listened to the 60s rock trilogy though. Who needed him after that? I wanted the amphetamine prophet railing against society, none of those weird off putting musical detours he seemingly dedicated his life to.
College brought an appreciation of things like Desire. The idea of Bob as a troubadour, an old school entertainer with a merry band by his side was so entertaining, a shot of energy. Someone to tell the tales of old with a sly twist.
Then I heard "Murder Most Foul." I thought it was a joke. It sounded like something Dewey Cox would record. Bob was so impressed at how well Lee Harvey Oswald blew JFK's brains out. He bragged about watching the Zapruder film countless times. He spouted inanities like "rub a dub dub, it was a murder most foul" and "it was a nightmare... On Elm Street." But I couldn't stop listening to this 20 minute behemoth of a song that ended with an extended tribute to Wolfman Jack. It was beguiling. Had he lost his mind? Was he in on the joke? Did it even matter when the result was this mesmerizing?
And now in what I guess qualifies as my adulthood, I find myself drawn to more of his detours. Though I find the "prayer warfare" stuff on Slow Train Coming pretty dreadful, you can't deny the power of a song like Gotta Serve Somebody, sleek, funky, and nasty. His return to secularism in the 80s came with moments that mean as much, if not more, to me than those 60s albums, with the near mythic reggae put on of Jokerman and the desperation and regret of Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight taking on a deep level of personal meaning.
However, I find myself most drawn to his domestic period now.
We all know the mythos of the motorcycle crash by now. Severe physical injury made ol’ Robert Zimmerman realize he didn’t want to be a prophet anymore. He wanted to just be himself. John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline are perhaps the best crystallization of this idea. The flash and anger is stripped away, leaving a man and his songs. The first is familiar territory but with a new poetic narrative style, but the second is entirely new. New voice, new genre, even a duet with Johnny Cash. New, but square. He’s no longer the cool detached enfant terrible of Highway 61, but a normal, down to earth, and almost goofily earnest guy.
(In the interest of time, I will not be discussing Self Portrait here.)
Then comes New Morning. A quick little LP that is announced as the return to old Dylan. He’s singing like the old days again! No more crooning! The country stuff isn’t as corny! But there’s the trick. Yes, his old delivery is back, but his concerns are entirely different. Now he’s singing about getting into antics with his friend Croz, having a weird time meeting Elvis, and most of all, he’s singing about simple uncomplicated love and a quiet domestic lifestyle. It’s strikingly similar to what McCartney was exploring in this period, with his blissed out debut and RAM. However, Dylan wears this life nowhere as well as McCartney. Cracks begin to emerge. The lyrics begin to sound more like him convincing himself that he’s happy than actual happiness. Time Passes Slowly...
Then comes Planet Waves. Perhaps the most unfairly treated of Bob’s records, lacking either the status of masterpiece of his unquestioned classics or the cult curio reputation of his misfires. The Band is here, guys! Oh, they just sound like his normal backing band with bit more power... Yes, it’s not the classic collaboration people expected, but it’s one of his finest records. It channels the ephemeral anxiety of New Morning and finally states it outright. Bob is reckoning not only with his domestic unease, but with his own status within culture.
Forever Young is, of course, the consensus pick off the record. Rightfully so, it’s a great song and even lets you pick if you wanna hear it fast or slow! However, I’d argue his real artistic triumphs on here are Dirge and Wedding Song. Dirge stands as perhaps the vitriolic recording of a career partially built on bile. Listening to it, it’s easy to understand why he’s never played it live. From the opening line (”I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed”), you know the version of Bob who (perhaps falsely) sang about the charms of country life is gone. He has nothing but hate in his voice as he pillories an ex-lover and paints a near apocalyptic portrait of the world at large, “an age of fiberglass” and “the doom machine.” He even clarifies that although he hates being alone, “he’s paid the price of solitude and at least [he’s] out of debt.” It’s mean as hell and with a nasty arrangement to boot. “I hate myself for loving you, but I should get over that.” A kiss off too rancid to revisit even for the man who made his legend on Like a Rolling Stone.
Then comes Wedding Song. Perhaps the former colors the latter, but this ostensible love song sounds more like a terrified vow of mutually assured doom. The recording is stripped down to just acoustic guitar, making it probably the most intimate sounding track on the album. Bob’s sandpaper voice is often the perfect avenue for sweet sentiment, but here there’s a certain timbre to it that suggests something is off. “Love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.” While it brings me no pleasure to quote one of the great monsters of music, it sounds more like a suicide note than a love song. At a point it becomes impossible to not see this in conversation with Blood on the Tracks, the inevitable followup. This is not a song to celebrate a wedding, but to say goodbye to a union that’s coming undone right at this moment. He sings her praises and tells about how she helped him at his lowest, then things start to take a turn:
“You gave me babies one, two, three, what's more, you saved my life
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, your love cuts like a knife
My thoughts of you don’t ever rest, they’d kill me if I lie
I’d sacrifice the world for you and watch my senses die.”
This love is painful. It saved him once, but now it’s killing him, yet he can imagine no alternative. His senses will die and the world will end before this does.
“The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth
We’ll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth
What’s lost is lost, we can’t regain what went down in the flood
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood.”
They must play this tune. There’s not really any choice in the matter, is there? It’s what they’re here to do and there’s no going back after all. The flood has wiped out everything. There’s obvious biblical parallels there, but I don’t think Bob is using it lightly. Loving someone more than blood is never light.
Then he does it. He acknowledges his shunning of his role as “the voice of a generation” directly and head on. “It’s never been my duty to remake the world at large / Nor is it my intention to sound a battle charge.” While triumphant in some ways, these lines take on a certain kind of bitterness here. He’s shaken off what people wanted from him, but now finds himself trapped in the life that was supposed to save him and set him right. Normality can be oh so crushing.
“And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on
‘Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.”
A new beginning or just another end? Is the past dying liberation or prison? Does he know the terror of what he’s written?
Is he in on it? Has he lost it? Does it even matter?
Dylan provides no easy answers. Hell, my analysis is probably wrong. It’s colored by my own life. I can mythologize about the man all I like, but I’ll never understand him in any way but my own. A rorschach test of an artist. But that’s poetry, baby.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
William Ruto was sworn in as Kenya's president Tuesday, more than a month after he narrowly won election in East Africa’s most stable democracy.
The nation's Supreme Court last week rejected a challenge to the Aug. 9 election's official results by the losing candidate, longtime opposition figure Raila Odinga.
Ruto, 55, had been the deputy to outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta but had a bitter split with Kenyatta that left the two not speaking for months at a time.
On Tuesday, the audience cheered as the two shook hands, and again as Kenyatta handed over the instruments of power inside a Nairobi stadium.
Ruto, who had dropped to his knees in tears and prayer when the court upheld his win, knelt on the stage minutes after his swearing-in during an extended sermon by a Christian pastor. “A chicken seller to a president,” the pastor said, highlighting Ruto's humble youth.
Ruto's first tweet quoted Psalms: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” In his speech, he praised both the church and Islamic leadership and vowed that “we will enhance our partnership, build on our collaboration and enhance our support to them.”
The inauguration event began in some chaos. Scores of people were crushed and injured as they forced their way into the packed stadium. A medic said a fence fell down after people pushed it and about 60 were injured, though the number may rise.
“We had to treat some with minor injuries. Most of them were rushed to the main hospital in Nairobi," medic Peter Muiruri said. There were no reports of deaths.
People tried to dodge baton-wielding security forces. Some failed.
“I was beaten by the police after trying to get inside,” said spectator Benson Kimutai.
Ruto is taking power in a country heavily burdened by debt that will challenge his efforts to fulfill sweeping campaign promises made to Kenya’s poor, whom he has described as getting by on “stubborn hope.” In his speech, he acknowledged that “clearly, we are living beyond our means.”
He promised cheaper fertilizer and more affordable credit as food prices rise. He also vowed more money for the judiciary, financial independence from the presidency for the national police and efforts to fight a drought in Kenya's north that brings the threat of famine.
Ruto also asked Kenyatta to continue “chairing discussions” on the regional crises in neighboring Ethiopia, where the government is fighting Tigray forces, and in eastern Congo, where tensions exist with Rwanda. Kenyatta has accepted, the new president said.
With the transition, Kenya’s presidency moves from one leader indicted by the International Criminal Court to another. Both Kenyatta and Ruto were indicted over their roles in deadly 2007 post-election violence, but the cases were later closed amid allegations of witness intimidation.
The August election was peaceful in a country with a history of political violence. Chaos erupted only in the final minutes when the electoral commission publicly split and prominent Odinga supporters tried to physically stop the declaration of Ruto as the winner.
Ruto’s campaign had portrayed him as a go-getter of humble background who used to go barefoot and sell chickens by the roadside — a counterpoint to the political dynasties represented by Kenyatta and Odinga. His presidential flag features a wheelbarrow, the symbol of his campaign.
“A village boy has become the president of Kenya,” he said Tuesday.
But Ruto received powerful political mentoring as a young man from former President Daniel arap Moi, who oversaw a one-party state for years before Kenyans successfully pushed for multiparty elections.
Ruto now speaks of democracy and has vowed that there will be no retaliation against dissenting voices.
But in a warning sign for the media, local broadcasters accused by Ruto of bias in the past were restricted in their coverage of the inauguration and forced to use a feed from a South African broadcaster in which Kenya's national broadcaster has a share.
Odinga, 77, is setting himself up to continue being a prominent figure. In a statement Monday, he said he would skip the inauguration and would later “announce next steps as we seek to deepen and strengthen our democracy.”
Though Odinga also asserted that “the outcome of the election remains indeterminate,” a spokesman told the Associated Press that it was “highly unlikely” he would seek to declare himself the “people’s president” as he did after losing the 2017 election.
This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.
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destinyimage · 1 month
4 Pitfalls of Charismatic Movement: A Prophetic Call to Reignite Your Spiritual Fire
They can kill ministry faster than the combined fury of a moral scandal, an IRS audit, and investigation by 60 Minutes.
Like massive blood loss, these people can inflict a drowsy death. Their effect is the same as the black holes of deep space that suck up everything around them. They will use up a ministry, a leader, and even a move of God.
I call them “high-maintenance/low-impact converts.” Because of them, pastors dare not preach past noon. They are the reason leaders burn out. These “preemies” demand constant care and yield nothing in the way of service. In many Charismatic churches, leaders are neglecting prayer, evangelism, and vision as they blindly try to counsel, entertain, and lend life support to this group that never seems to grow out of danger.
They are born arrogant and weak. Imagine the combination! This breed is the product of the 1980s theological genetic engineering. They have never felt the sting of repentance and, therefore, have never experienced true resurrection.
Since they are born with an inflated sense of self-importance, they interpret every Scripture and define every experience from a “What can it do for me” attitude.
They boast of great authority, but they crumble at the first wave of adversity. They know of all their biblical rights, but none of their responsibilities.
To tickle their ears, leaders have endowed them with disastrous misconceptions—victory is no longer a matter of contending but escaping and avoiding pain. They wage war in a “Sesame Street” fantasy world and dismiss any challenge of life with the collective cry of, “I don’t receive that!”
High-maintenance/low-impact types run the gamut. They range from the cold, nominal Charismatic whose murky concept of God’s love rationalizes drinking, occasional indiscretion, feeble worship, and sporadic church attendance—to the wild fire, commuter Charismatic who yells and froths at the mouth during “bless me, teach me” extravaganzas.
Their common bond is that they are users, not givers. Their fickleness has leaders in a panic and constantly running to keep them distracted. These brats call pastors at all hours for even trivial problems, until the leader finally collapses.
They have no thirst for depth, no long-term commitment, no faith beyond feeling, and no sense of mission to a hurting world. The thought of denying self to grow and be equipped to touch others is as beyond them as quantum physics.
Their unanimous condition is leanness of soul. This was the judgment of God on the Israelites in the wilderness. They soon forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tested God in the desert. And He gave them their request, and sent leanness into their soul (Psalm 106:13-15).
Modern Charisma stands guilty of those same four wilderness sins:
We forgot the miracles that birthed our movement.
We didn’t wait for His counsel.
We lusted in the wilderness.
We were finally given our request, but produced converts with leanness of soul.
The current crop of Christians, garbed in their high-sounding confessions of power, are critically lean of soul.
There is no foundation to build a soldier. The normal immune system that fends off disease is missing. For all their confident boasts, these “weakened warriors” dare not wander beyond the barracks. True combat would be their immediate undoing.
Worse yet, because they are the darlings of our movement, we don’t see their destructive impact.
We see ministries stagnating and leaders know they are exhausted. America is not listening to us anymore. Our sermons, which are largely harmless talks, are continually being crafted and tooled into even less threatening self-help talks that further foment egotistic Charisma.
To be sure, we pray! But at the same time, we blame the devil and accuse the secular humanists. The American church has come to believe that the lack of money is the root of all evil. We frantically search for the cause of our depletion, while right under our nose this “parasite” attitude consumes all that is precious.
The 1980s Message that Created High-Maintenance/Low-Impact Converts
Millions of people rushed into the Pentecostal/ Charismatic Movement from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s.
We were an innocent, compelling phenomenon. I was in Los Angeles during what must be remembered by many as a “golden age.” It was 1969, and in the Shrine Auditorium, Jesus wrought astounding miracles by the hand of Kathryn Kuhlman, evangelist and “faith healer.” Every month for a decade, it was standing room only! What a presence of God followed that woman! These were meetings with violent miracles in an atmosphere of dignity. Now we have violent meetings, but few miracles. All who believe today that they have inherited her mantle should be quiet! There are still many of us who remember her anointing.
David Wilkerson was preaching at the Melodyland Theatre every month at this same time. He spoke as a prophet to the lost youth of Los Angeles. There were nights when 1,000 souls were mightily converted. The conviction that accompanied his preaching was thick and wonderful. It seemed the whole of Southern California was swirling with outreach, power, and an infectious simplicity and joy.
But this charged atmosphere was by no means limited to Los Angeles. Similar reports of power covered America.
The preaching of that time was demanding. The sinner was accosted by love and fire and directed to change now and change totally.
Against the backdrop of power and glory, preachers could be demanding. Obeying God in this atmosphere seemed reasonable; radical change followed automatically.
As stated before, every revival movement reaches a point where original fire wanes to a flicker. What is done at this time is crucial to the future of this awakening.
What we should have done was to repent and to plead for the fire to be restored. My contention is that, like Samson, we “knew not that the Spirit of God” had left so many of our projects (see Judges 16:20).
Healthy awakenings change the secular culture around them. Weakened movements begin to absorb surrounding cultural trappings.
The message we began to preach in the 1980s was born of double panic—dwindling crowds and the need to compete with American greed.
Too many of our leaders were intimidated by the selfishness of the 1980s. They began preaching as revelation a message that was nothing more than “scripturized Wall Street.” Back then, the infection was believing that you can have it all and get it without effort. A nation gorged itself on pleasure without responsibility; excellence without exertion; and expression without restraint.
What this lie did to America is beyond calculation. The family is a war-ravaged refugee; the public school system is a nightmare; the USA is so violent that few nations on earth approach her potential for mayhem.
Many ‘80s preachers will answer to God, not only for not rebuking that insane decade, but also for perpetuating the madness.
Here is a distillation of the teaching that lured an entire generation into a synthetic faith:
God wants you to have it all now.
You are instant royalty and, therefore, immediately entitled to authority, power gifts, and profuse blessing.
Don’t let Satan rob you of your joy, finances, or anything.
Rebuke adversity; don’t receive it.
Now observe the basic tenets of early Charismatic/Pentecostals:
You have been snatched from eternal damnation to show forth the praises of Him who called you out of darkness.
Your body belongs to Jesus; be a living sacrifice. This is reasonable service because you were bought with a price. Crucify the works of the flesh daily.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit has been given to you to be a witness and to fulfill the great commission.
Live modestly, vigilantly, and in constant prayer and fellowship because of end-time darkness and because your true reward will be in Heaven.
When you contrast these two sets of values, it is easy to see what kind of person each produces.
One is selfish, turned inward, looking for more candy from God. The other is sober, gratefully serving Jesus as Lord, and strong in faith.
One is addicted to feelings and flattering leaders. The other is low maintenance, standing in God and reproducing other strong disciples who are ready to turn the world upside down.
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Every Bit Of Holy Love-Learning Counts
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godsnameisjoy · 5 months
Date: 8 January 2024
Duration: 60 minutes at 11:38 PM
Entering depths in this meditation was effortless. I have been using fatigue as a launching pad, to the depths, for many years. It began after I accepted that my meditations are not about the consciously analysing mind. When the dream imagery of the subconscious was accepted as an unavoidable level, I began preparing myself to use fatigue as a launch into the the subconscious. That’s more than a decade back.
It eventually lead to me to shifting the single daily meditation to bedtime. I have written a number of blog posts in the past where I have blamed myself for napping right before the bedtime meditation. How my attention would get hooked to the dreaming from the nap! It would be frustrating dealing with an attention that is stubbornly hooked to the powerful current of dream imagery.
It is a delicate balance of control and letting go that helps the attention carry on with a meditation practice. Since end of 2022, I have been perceiving the flow of life energy in my head as peace. With one’s attention trained to attach itself to meditative peace, it is possible to let go of one’s control almost completely. I still need the opening prayer, a straight spine and fatigue to launch to the farthest my attention is capable of reaching.
The farthest that my attention can reach is an interesting place to be. My sense of hearing turns inwards. I can hear the presence of life energy. I now know that life energy has risen up my spine right to the centre of my head. After last night’s meditation, I know that life energy has cut a short distance forward, from the centre of my head.
I may not be anywhere close to beholding my third eye. However, if my attention was to become more concentrated, I know that it will be life changing. To have a pointed, all piercing attention is invaluable. I’ll be grateful if I experienced even one meditation of such concentration. It’s best that I receive the blessing for the opening of my third eye when my blesser feels that I am ready for it.
I still haven’t met my spiritual benefactor.
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dungeonmastertyrant · 5 months
Cleric (Knowledge Domain
Knowledge Domain spells
1st: Command and Identify
3rd: Augury and Suggestion
5th: Nondetection and speak with dead
7th: Arcane Eye and Confusion
9th: Legend Lore and Scrying
Blessings of Knowledge: At 1st level you learn 2 languages of your choice. You also become proficient in your choice of 2 of the following skill: Arcana History Nature or Religion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those skills.
Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the ages: Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to tap into a divine well of knowledge. As an action you choose 1 skill or tool. For 10 minutes you have proficiency with the chosen skill or tool.
Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts: At 6th level you can use your Channel Divinity to read a creature's thoughts. You can then use your access to the creature's mind to command it. As an action choose one creature you can see within 60 of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw you can't use this feature on it again until you finish a long rest. If the creature fails its save you can read its surface thoughts (Those foremost in its mind reflecting its current emotions and what it is actively thinking about) when it is within 60 feet of you. This effect lasts for 1 minute. During that time you can use your action to this effect and cast the spell Suggestion on the creature without expending a spell slot. The target automatically fails its saving throw agains the Suggestion spell.
Potent Spellcasting: Starting at 8th level you can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any Cleric Cantrip.
Visions of the past: Starting at 17th level you can call up visions of the past that relate to an object you hold or your immediate surroundings. You spend at least 1 minute in meditation and prayer then receive dreamlike shadowy glimpses of recent events. You can meditate in this way for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom score and must maintain concentration during that time as if you were casting a spell. Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Object Reading: Holding an object as you meditate you can see visions of the object's previous owner. After meditating for 1 minute you learn how the owner acquired and lost the object as well as the most recent siginificant event involving the object and that owner. If the object was owned by another creature in the recent past (within a number of days equal to your wisdom score) you can spend 1 additional minute for each owner to learn the same information about that creature. Area Reading: As you meditate you see visions of recent events in your immediate vicinity ( A room street tunnel clearing or the like up to a 50 foot cube) going back a number of days equal to your wisdom score. For each minute you meditate you learn about one significant event beginning with the most recent. Significant events typically involve powerful emotions such as battles and betrayals marriages and murders, births and funerals. However they might also include more mundane events that are nevertheless important in your current situation.
Examples of Gods in this domain their alignment and Symbol:
Azuth LN left hand pointing upward outlined in fire, Deneir NG Lit candle above an open eye, Gond N Toothed cog with 4 spikes, Mystra NG Circle of 7 stars or 9 stars encircling a flowing red mist or a single star, Oghma (Dnd Oghma not celtic Oghma) N Blank Scroll, Savras LN Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes, Selune CG Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars, Waukeen N Upright coin with Waukeens profile facing left, Boccob N Eye within a pentagram, Celestian N Arc of 7 stars within a circle, Fharlaghn NG Circle crossed by a curved horizon line, Istus N Weaver's spindle with 3 strands, St. Cuthbert LN Circle at the center of a starburst of lines, Rao LG White Heart, Vecna NE Hand with an eye in the palm, Wee Jas LN Red skull in front of Fireball, Majere LG Copper Spider, Mishakal LG Blue infinity Sign, Gilean N Open Book, Reorx N Forging Hammer, Shinare N Griffon's wing, Zivilyn N Great green or gold tree, Aureon LN Open tome, Onatar NG Crossed hammer and tongs, The Shadow CE Obsidian tower,The Traveler CN Four crossed rune inscribed bones, The Undying Court NG Varies, Moradin LG Hammer and anvil, Sehanine Moonbow CG Crescent moon, Skoraeus Stonebones N Stalactite, Surtur (Dnd Surtur not viking Surtur) LE Flaming sword, Goibhniu NG Giant mallet over sword, Lugh CN Pair of long hands, Math Mathonwy NE Staff, Oghma NG Unfurled Scroll, Apollo CG Lyre, Athena LG Owl, Hecate CE Setting moon, Hephaestus NG Hammer and anvil, Imhotep NG step pyramid, Isis NG Ankh and star, Ptah LN Bull, Thoth N Ibis, Odin NG Watching Blue eye, and Tyr (Viking Tyr not Dnd Tyr) LN Sword.
Source: Player's handbook
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kingdomgracemedia · 8 months
Share4Christ - Arise, Shine!
"Arise, shine; for your light has come! and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you" Isaiah 60:1-2, ESV.
Of all the things you do in life, let the biggest be to arise and shine your light for the Lord. Every minute of every day. Shine and let His presence be welcome in all your dealings, in all that you do.
When you stand firm in faith and your identity in Christ, you will be a guiding light for others who may have lost their way. In your light, who is Jesus himself, people will find comfort, hope, security, and inspiration. Even when you walk into a room, people will notice your light and that God is with you.
Feed the burning of your light with the word of God and abide in the Good Shepherd. The glory of God, His goodness and greatness, is risen upon your life, and now is the time to arise. Now is the time to fully yield to being who God created you to be. Now is the time to shine.
Prayer: Father, I'm pressing into You. I'm basking in Your light until it becomes mine. Lord, make me stronger today. Direct my steps and give me the courage to speak of the good news to anyone who would listen because You are returning soon. Thank You for Your sacrifice that is still so powerful even to this day. I deny myself and take up my cross to follow You. Less of me, Father, as You are glorified more in me. In Jesus Christ most holy name, Amen!
Study: Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 5:16, Ephesians 2:10
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mstexalicious1961 · 8 months
devotion by Bernard Trippett, Jr
Arise, Shine!
"Arise, shine; for your light has come! and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you" Isaiah 60:1-2, ESV.
Of all the things you do in life, let the biggest be to arise and shine your light for the Lord. Every minute of every day. Shine and let His presence be welcome in all your dealings, in all that you do.
When you stand firm in faith and your identity in Christ as a beloved son, you will be a guiding light for others who may have lost their way. In your light, who is Jesus himself, people will find comfort, hope, security, and inspiration. Even when you walk into a room, people will notice your light and that God is with you.
Feed the burning of your light with the word of God and abide in the Good Shepherd. The glory of God, His goodness and greatness, is risen upon your life, and now is the time to arise. Now is the time to fully yield to being who God created you to be. Now is the time to shine.
Prayer: Father, I'm pressing into you. I'm basking in your light until it becomes mine. Lord, make me stronger today. Direct my steps and give me the courage to speak of the good news to anyone who would listen because you are returning soon. Thank you for your sacrifice that is still so powerful even to this day. I deny myself and take up my cross to follow you. Less of me, Father, as you are glorified more in me. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Study: Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 5:16, Ephesians 2:10
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seahgreenhorn · 11 months
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(via Are 'We' Running Out of Time?)
Are 'We' Running Out of Time?Sublime-- adjective: of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe. verb: (of a solid substance) change directly into vapor when heated, yet, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling. Or, elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.--Considered archaic. *** "Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God; but keep on encouraging one another each day, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you should become hardened by the deceptive power of sin." Heb. 3:12, 13. *** "What do you perceive?", the 'Ancient of Days' makes of 'we' this sublime inquiry as our "Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun, but once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to other distant stars." "Scientists reported that in 2020 Earth had started spinning faster, after consistently spinning slower than 86, 400 seconds per day in the decades before. On June 29, 2022, Earth's spin was completed in 1.59 milliseconds under 24 hours, setting a new record.3" Great minds active and keeping score. "Because of that trend, engineers worldwide are discussing a 'negative leap second' and other possible timekeeping measures.4 This increase in speed is thought to be due to various factors, including the complex motion of its molten core, oceans, and atmosphere, the effect of celestial bodies such as the Moon, and possibly climate change, which is causing the ice at Earth's poles to melt. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_rotation Instilling global fear, since not being considered Divine prophecy: “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”​ Ps. 37:29. God “has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever.”​ Ps. 104:5. “A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever.”​ Eccl. 1:4. Do not underestimate the Almighty's power: "The little one will become a thousand And the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.”" Isa. 60:22. So again: "What do you perceive?", the 'Ancient of Days' makes of 'we' this sublime inquiry. Are 'We' Running Out of Time? Let us not be deceived: "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap; because the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but the one sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due time we will reap if we do not tire out." Gal. 6:7-9. Yes, "the time left is reduced. "The end of all things has drawn close. Therefore, be sound in mind, and be vigilant with a view to prayers." "And do this because you know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers." 1 Cor. 7:29: 1 Pet. 4:7: Rom. 13:11.Photo credits:https://stock.adobe.com/images/time-travel-jump-into-the-time-portal-in-hours-high-quality-illustration/559570636 https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/023/632/340/large_2x/man-standing-in-front-of-the-clock-time-is-running-out-concept-ai-generative-image-free-photo.jpg © 2 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud   personal • teen • society • hope • love • death
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thedivinefish · 5 months
TGIWednesday: The eyes have it!
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TGIWednesday News
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I genuinely hope that your new year is off to a fresh start.  I know time is a construct, but we can use it constructively as a way to mark positive achievements.  Often clients want to tell me about parents, or a spouse passing 11 years ago on this date and can name the dates of all of their past MRI’s. All of the past was necessary, but the more you can erase that from your overthinking/all-consuming brain, the better off you’ll be.  It’s fine to note it on medical, legal forms or in a scrap book, but as much as you can stay clear yes, unclear no and running forward - I believe you’ll have a much more stable and forward thinking life!  "The eyes have it" is a simple play on words for the pictures below.  These pictures are before, during and after my dear friend Gosia (there are only a handful of healers in the world I would ask to work on me, and she's one of them!  www.gosialorenz.com) These results occured over 9 days of nightly prayers (your results may vary as I like to say) but we do our level best in prayer services in silence here nightly to co-create profound changes. Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours!  View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments.
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~  HEALING THE EYES ~ I believe, think, know and feel that my eyes are now free and clear of any and all obstructions and impurities. I know, when, where, how and why to limit screen time, get proper rest and take nutrients that are nourishing to my eyes as well as my 3rd eye. I am ready, willing and able to stay in tune with healthy eyes and a healthy outlook in life and I’ll see visions of what I know could be achieved. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  Know that by making a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!
Featured Audios 15% OFF in January
MyBeliefWorks™ for Being Your Ideal Weight & Healthy Diet, Digestion & Exercise MP3/PDFs  
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There are over 220 targeted statements in this combined Audio MP3/PDF package.  Purchased individually at regular price these audios would retail for $114.  Buy them together & you'll get an hour of transformational clearings and strengthening statements "fished" for you!
Buy the combo package for $82
or buy each individually for $48 and save 15%
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Upcoming Zoom Event
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  WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31ST 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/jan-zoom-ywr1
THEME: Focused on LONGEVITY & ANTI-AGING  All those who are registered will be asked to submit 3 short items to contribute to the theme of this live 30-minute group clearing event. During this powerful clearing call all participants are muted and Jimmy will go through a list of over 60 clearing items on that month's topic. Replays are included if you cannot attend live. **Please know that if you were a Darius YWR Season 26 Package B buyer, this call is INCLUDED in your special offer and you have the link on your download page.  Reminders will be sent out so check you email in the coming weeks so you can submit your Top 3.
Pre-Register Here - $22
Come see me in Tampa
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I will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions on the last Friday of each month.The next opportunity to book a session there is:
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
Swann Holistic Health Solutions 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box
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  Yes I have been thinking about you and the sublime and powerful energy you exude and conspire with.Indeed my energy has shifted and I feel much more expansive. A couple of things...although I seldom play the lottery I did purchase a ticket last Friday...and won $20. I received a $90 credit on my TV service and my heating bill was only $150 compared to $800 a year ago this time period. I can also feel that something really big is on the way. I will keep you posted and also look into your offerings. You Are The Best! Much Love and Light!"  Suzanne / Canada
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
JANUARY 10TH "Today, I will be without a void that needs to be filled by others. I will remain steadfast in my own personal growth moving steadily forward with positive actions. When the time is right I will recognize the mate for me. I am a child of the most high God. My faith has been activated." 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making 👉 15% off Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
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