#Upward Dog Pose
kiinokoo · 9 months
i have a monologue piece due on monday and i wrote the most earth-shaking mind-blowing molecule-dissolving and-a-bunch-of-other-really-extra-adjectives-that-i-can't-bother-naming-all-of-them-because-i-just-can't scene ever while procrastinating my schoolwork and finished the book i was basing it off of, and right now i'm just dilly-dallying like a grasshopper in a strawberry dress in front of my laptop for the past two hours, rendered physically unable to type anything of sane comprehension because all i can imagine is my two friends throwing molotov cocktails at each other in the hunger games
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monstermoviedean · 10 months
i love you clouds i missed you so bad
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what-a-life-studio · 1 year
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thecosmiccrow · 8 months
Disassembly Drone Body Langauge part 1
Mostly wings and some tail
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probably gonna add some more unique ones once i figure this out properly. hrmmm
my important ones are the upwards wing pose being territorial / courting, and the tail wag being happy or on edge.
Some extras that i might draw later if i figure out how idk:
They will naturally wrap their tails around people they like in a wide arc. It’s something that could go unnoticed, even by the DD, as they just do it subconsciously. You can figure out who a DD is protective over this way.
Pointing their wings outwards but flattening them (rotating them into a horizontal pose instead of a vertical one) and crouching down a little is seen as being submissive. Dominant ones will normally have their wings positioned wider and vertical.
Also some elaborations because i like talking about shit i make up:
Sometimes when courting they’ll shake their wings a little bit to make them appear glittery or more flashy, which makes some soft clinking noises.
Their tails abide by dog and cat-like mannerisms. They wag when happy, tuck them under their legs when scared or worried, will slowly wave them around when agitated.
N does this unique (and cute!) thing where he holds his tail in his hands when he’s worried like some stuffed animal. kind of
anyways i love non-verbal methods of communication and i will do this again
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fredwkong · 6 months
Djinni's Gym: Hot Yoga
With a new gym opening in town, you had finally decided to get off your ass and try working out again. You had always been kind of shrimpy, and a few months of nonstop office work had added a bit of unwanted mass to your belly. A generous free trial of the new gym’s facilities was just the kick you needed to get back in shape.
Of course, you hadn’t counted on what seemed to be half the men in town taking the free trial as well. You shouldered through the crowd in the reception area, at least a dozen men filling out release of liability forms. “Look,” you said to the receptionist, a huge Black man, “can I at least go stretch and then come fill out the form when it’s not so busy?”
The guy looked you over and shrugged. “Sure, lil bro,” he rumbled. “The yoga studio is over there.” He lifted a massive arm and pointed across the weight room. As you nodded, you caught a whiff of the humid stench rising from his pit. As your eyes watered, you found yourself rock hard in your sweats.
“Th-thanks,” you stammered, and hurried through the turnstile, your cheeks burning. You had never reacted like that to another man. You looked around the weight room, trying to distract yourself.
The whole place was full of big weightlifters with a whole range of skin tones, all of them dressed in gym gear that left nothing to the imagination. You swallowed, your throat suddenly gone dry as a huge Indian bro grunted through a squat, sweat soaking the back of his tank top.
In a daze, you drifted across the weight room, your eyes drawn to every bouncing pec, rounded ass, and thick bulge you passed. A medley of scents flooded your nostrils, and your own cock started to leak pre into your briefs.
Finally, the door of the yoga studio closed behind you. Your head spun as you leaned against it, idly trailing one hand over your belly to cup your groin.
The yoga studio was dim, wood-panelled and, you quickly realised, heated. The thermostat on the wall read 38 Celsius. There was a single yoga mat set up in the middle of the room. To your overheated, lust-addled mind, some yoga seemed like a great idea. It didn’t occur to you that you hadn’t done a flow in years.
As you stepped out of your shoes and onto the yoga mat and stood in mountain pose, your feet tingled and expanded, darkening from toes to soles to ankles. Your joints flexed, supple and agile, as your feet began to emit a masculine scent that tickled your nose. Your cock jerked again, but you attempted to ignore the heat coiling in your belly.
You raised your arms and slipped into a forward fold, a little surprised when your hands easily touched the mat. You breathed into the gentle stretch in your hamstrings, unaware of your fingers stretching wider across the mat, their grip soft yet strong. An olive tone spread across your formerly pale hands as a sheen of sweat stood out among the thickening hairs near your wrist.
Stepping back into plank, you lowered yourself halfway and slipped smoothly into upward dog. You were surprised at how well your body recalled the sun salutation. After a few minutes in downward facing dog, you lowered yourself to your hands and knees in tabletop.
Dark skin rushed up your arms and legs. They got no longer or shorter, but tightened with lean, hairy muscle. Sweat poured off your body as you went through cat and cow repetitions, adding to the heady, musky humidity of the studio that was keeping you boned up.
You slipped seamlessly into a side split, your newly flexible hips bringing your cock and balls right down to the mat. You gasped, unable to contain yourself as your cock shuddered and grew against the rubber, thickening and darkening as a foreskin grew to cover the head. You felt an even larger spurt of precum gush into your sweats, which seemed to shrink and tighten, until you realised you were wearing stretchy yoga tights that left nothing to imagination. As you lifted out of the stretch, you left a visible pearly stain of precum on the mat, which added its own earthy musk to the air.
Finally, you lowered yourself from a plank onto your belly, resting one cheek on the mat as you breathed. Your shirt vanished into thin air, revealing your newly tight pecs, flat belly, and rippling back muscles. An olive tone swept up your neck, dusting your cheeks with stubble as your eyes darkened, hooded and lusty. You sighed in a deeper voice than you were accustomed to, relaxing into the yoga mat as your transformation ended.
The door of the studio opened behind you. “Hello?” rumbled the big receptionist.
His name suddenly leapt into your mind. “Hey Shaun,” you purred, a Hispanic accent creeping into your voice. “Want to help me stretch out?”
Shaun chuckled. “I’m on the clock, Jorge. I’ll take you in the showers after close.” He sniffed the air appreciatively. “You ready for your first class?”
Your cock flexed, trapped between your hip and the mat, at the thought of a couple dozen sexy men getting sweaty at your command. Only long practice at containing your lust until the right moment kept you under control. You couldn’t wait to lead them through a flow, get them hot and excited, and then help them release all their tension along with their sweat and, possibly, their jizz. You had become Jorge the Mexican yoga instructor, and you couldn’t imagine a better job than teaching classes at Djinni’s Gym.
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unreliablesnake · 5 months
Play stupid games... (Simon Riley x reader)
Summary: Simon agrees to pose as your boyfriend for the holidays. Since he has been in love with you for years, it turns out to be quite a bad decision.
Note: It took me a long time. But it's here now. Happy new year!
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Simon had known you for almost three years now, spending most of this time thinking about asking you out. But he never did it. Why would you agree to be with him when he usually disappeared for months all of a sudden because of his job? Since he didn’t want to risk losing you for good, he decided to keep his feelings to himself, silently suffering every time you cried on his shoulder after a breakup, or when you couldn't shut up about your new boyfriend.
But then one day, maybe a week before Christmas, you stood there in front of his door with this big, Cheshire cat smile on your face, hands folded behind your back as you watched him. “Can I come in?” you chimed, and how could he say no to that?
Little did he know you would come up with a plan so risky he would for the very first time consider saying no to you. He didn't like the idea, not one bit, mostly because he didn't feel like lying to your family. A family that probably didn't even know he existed.
“Come on, Simon, I never ask for anything,” you tried with a sweet smile.
He knew you were right. You never even asked him to come and fix something around your place, or to give you a ride after a long night out with your friends. This was, after all, nothing more but a small favor, a little lie he would have to keep up until the holidays were over.
“If I agree to do this,” he began slowly, not missing the hopeful shine in your eyes, “you will have to lie to your parents and other relatives, telling them we've been together for months. Are you sure you're ready for it?”
You inched closer on the couch, a delicate hand resting on his knee as you looked him in the eye. “Look, they usually hate the guys I invite, but they keep asking why I'm single if I arrive alone. I just know they wouldn't dare to pick a fight with you. Scary dog privilege and all.”
With a sigh, Simon leaned his head on the back of the couch as he looked up at the ceiling. He always wanted to know what it would be like to be with you. What it would be like to hold your hand, to have you snuggled up to him on the couch, or to kiss you. This plan of yours gave him the perfect chance to experience all of these during the holidays.
And so a few days later the two of you were standing in front of the door of your parents' house, hand in hand, of course, because who would think he was a simple friend when your fingers were laced with his so tightly. He didn't mind; no, he actually liked it a lot. It was good for the both of you, making you calmer and more focused on this night ahead.
“Oh, look at that, you made it on time this year! I’m so happy to have you here. Come on in, you two,” an older woman said with a bright smile as she clapped her hands excitedly.
She was acting as if she was in her twenties, dressing in clothes which gave away that she wasn’t exactly in a good shape. But Simon bit his tongue before he could say anything offensive, staying silent even when you made a barely noticeable comment regarding her choice of clothing. Was she really that dumb? That woman kept talking as if you’d said nothing; she was either too stupid to pick up on your words, or decided to completely ignore them.
“Your parents are in the kitchen, helping David with the dinner. I wouldn’t advise you to go there, you know what David’s like when he cooks. But your cousin Allistair has been looking for you.”
And with that she turned around and walked away, not even bothering to excuse herself. Simon raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at you. “Am I invisible?” he asked half-jokingly, the corners of his lips turning upwards when you put your free hand on his chest. He wondered if you could feel how his heart was racing at that moment from your touch.
You let out a sigh as you looked around, searching the rooms you could see from the bottom of the stairs. “Don’t mind her, she thinks all of my relationships are doomed. You’re just a random guy I brought with myself in her eyes,” you explained once you turned back to him.
“At the end of the day that’s all I am,” he noted quietly. You asked him what he said, but Simon just shook his head without repeating the sentence.
Allistair turned out to be a pretty cool guy. He was Scottish, cocky, and funny, which reminded him of Johnny. Unlike your aunt, he actually greeted him, asking about him before starting a long speech full of embarrassing stories from your youth. Simon was grateful and he didn’t even feel like moving on and meeting other members of your family.
But when one particular story came up, you were quick to interrupt him and drag Simon away from your cousin. “I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t hear that one. Let me introduce you to my parents.”
The parents. Great. Apparently you had been planning this for months, telling your parents stories about your tough military boyfriend they couldn’t meet because he was often away. You knew perfectly well he would agree, and this made him wonder if he was too naive for his own good. You were playing him like a violin and he shouldn’t be like this, acting like some stupid, lovesick teenager.
All of his worry disappeared when you took his hand, though. “What are you doing to me?” he muttered quietly to himself.
You came to a halt and turned to him. “What?”
After a nod, you continued your journey to the kitchen, dragging him along through the empty hallway. When you reached your destination, you immediately flashed a wide smile at the people inside before going closer to greet them properly. Simon found it awkward to just stand there and wait. The last time he had been introduced to parents and relatives was in his teenage years a long time ago. He was out of practice.
You returned to him soon and put your hands on his upper arm. “Mom, Dad, David, he’s Simon, my boyfriend,” you said as you grinned up at him.
Simon’s heart melted at the sight. He wished he could kiss your pretty lips, but he didn’t want to push his luck. Your mother gave him a warm smile before quickly washing her hands and walking over to see him from up close. For a few seconds she was just silently studying his face, and then she put a hand on your shoulder as she gave you a serious look.
“He’s really handsome, honey, good choice. And a military man! I’m sure he can keep you safe.”
She then introduced herself and the others, the men even came over to shake his hand. Simon talked to all three, answering a series of questions about his relationship with you. He didn’t mind since the two of you had previously fabricated nice little stories to tell your family.
Once they returned their attention to the dinner they had left unattended for a short while, you took his hand again before pulling his head down with the other to kiss him. It was just for show, he knew it, but it still felt so real, so good, and he was on cloud nine. Maybe he was just imagining things, but he could have sworn you were smiling up at him like a satisfied cat once he pulled away.
The rest of the evening was a walk in the park after meeting your parents and convincing them you were dating for real. Simon often took your hand, drawing circles into your skin absentmindedly as he had a conversation with a relative of yours. They seemed to like him, although there was a little girl who always ran back to her parents when he came too close to her.
After the guests began to leave, you announced your departure as well, and Simon took you home like a good boyfriend. You gave him a kiss on the cheek next to the car when you got there, then said goodbye and headed to the building. But he couldn’t just let you go like that, he had made up his mind during the evening that he would finally tell you how he felt.
“Wait,” he said as he went after you. You stopped and turned around with a questioning hum, but instead of giving you a verbal answer, he started with a proper kiss. You seemed surprised at first, but then you returned it for his relief. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time, you know,” he said when he pulled back.
That was all you said. He didn’t expect you to say it back, but he still expected you to say something more than this. Yes, it was probably a lot to take in, but you could have said you needed time to think about it, that it took you by surprise and you weren’t sure you knew what you wanted. But no. That was all he got.
“I should go,” you said with a gulp before going inside, twisting the knife in his heart with this reaction.
Weeks passed without him hearing from you. During that time he had to go back to base, and becoming Ghost once again took his mind off you. There he was a soldier, not Simon. He couldn’t let his emotions make him unfocused. But despite his best efforts, Price noticed that something was different. That something was off about his lieutenant.
So one evening he summoned Simon, officially to talk about a situation on the other side of the planet, unofficially to find out what was wrong with him. “Can I offer you a drink?” Price asked him when he sat down. When the lieutenant shook his head, he let out a sigh and sat down behind the desk. “I consider you a friend, Simon. I hope you know you can always talk to me.”
A groan left his throat upon hearing this. Price knew Simon, but here he was Ghost. He had to be Ghost, otherwise he would go insane. Because every night when he was left alone with his thoughts, he found himself staring at the screen of his phone, thinking about you. Should he call you? Should he send you a message?
“You don't have to, but it might help,” Price pressed on, but he only raised a hand and shook his head. “Listen, I know your head is here with us. I appreciate that. But you need to talk to someone. Is this about your family? The anniversary of what happened to them?”
Shaking his head again, the lieutenant leaned back in the chair. “It's not about my family, I made peace with that. Sort of. As cliche as it sounds, it's about a woman. I don't know what to do.”
Price lit a cigar as he watched him. They weren't that far apart in age, and he had a feeling the captain considered him a friend at the end of the day. It wasn't unusual for the two of them to go out for a drink between missions, discussing quite a lot of things, including each other's private life. While he didn't have much to say, his superior talked a lot about his family and women he was chasing.
“Tell me. What happened?”
“I kissed her and she stopped talking to me,” he said, opting to give the short answer to the captain. He sent a disapproving look in his way, clearly expecting a little more than that. After a gulp, he went on. “All right. So she asked me to pose as her boyfriend for the holidays. I agreed because I’m a fucking idiot who had been in love with her ever since we met. After we spent the evening with her family, I took her home and kissed her. I tried to call her, but she ignored me. I think she's mad.”
“You shouldn't have done that,” Price told him calmly. Simon was a little confused, and no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't figure out what he meant. Probably seeing the look on his face, the captain let out a sigh, blowing out some smoke. “Playing her boyfriend. You shouldn't have done that if you love her. It just makes you more desperate.”
Simon nodded. “You're right.”
“Well… Maybe she just needs time. But I don't know her, so,” he said, finishing the sentence with a shrug. “Gaz tells me a lot about his issues with women, but I swear he handles it better than you do.”
“Thanks. That helps a lot,” the lieutenant said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Why don't I ever hear about your issues? It's always so easy for you based on your stories.”
“What can I say? I'm good at charming the ladies,” Price replied, a laugh filling the room as he got rid of the remains of the cigar.
Over a month later Simon finally went home, and a few days after his arrival he found himself lying on his bed in the middle of the day, staring at the ceiling as he thought about calling you. Would you finally pick up and talk to him? In the end he decided to send you a text instead.
Simon: Hey. Wanna meet me for a drink?
Two excruciatingly long hours later a notification showed up on his screen.
You: Sure. Where?
Simon: My place? I'll order dinner.
You: Not sure that's a good idea.
Simon: Come on.
You: All right, fine.
You arrived not long after the conversation, holding a bottle of wine you two often drank on nights like this. The situation was awkward as Simon didn't really know what to do or say. A part of him wanted to apologize for the kiss, hoping you could forgive him and continue your friendship as if nothing happened. But another part was ready to beg you to be open-minded now.
When the door closed behind you, he leaned against it and watched as you slipped out of your sneakers and walked into the kitchen as if you lived there. A smile crept on his lips at the thought of you living with him. That would be nice. He could get used to the idea.
The next time he laid his eyes on you, you already had two glasses of wine in your hands, getting closer to him with a small smile. “You surprised me with that kiss,” you finally spoke up.
Simon took the glass from you, suddenly feeling nervous. “You didn’t forget about it.” You shook your head before taking a sip of your drink. “I’m sorry, I just… I know that was a lot to dump on you that night.”
“No, it’s okay. I had some time to think. You’re a great guy, Simon, any girl would be lucky to have you by their side,” you began to explain, causing him to let out a long sigh of defeat. “I’m one of those girls.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” With a short laugh, you immediately nodded and stood on your toes in front of him. “Does this count as our first date?”
He leaned down a little to give you a quick kiss. “No, you have to take me somewhere nice,” you told him.
“I’ll think of something.”
“Think of the place where we went after that party all those years ago. You know, when we first met.”
This surprised Simon. He tilted his head to the side as he watched you with a confused look on his face. “That was a McDonald’s.” You shrugged with a smile. “God, I love you.”
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leporellian · 15 days
as a result of generations of selective breeding, stuffed animals cannot reliably engage in close combat. while this makes them safe companions for children, it also means they have no natural defenses against their natural predators (dogs, lawnmowers, monsters under the bed) and against one another. stuffed animal combat initially began as a method of self-defense against these foes, and has since evolved into an elaborate culture rooted in chivalric practice, as well as a certain sense of territorialism and prey-animal neurosis.
most stuffed animal disputes are solved simply by throwing the other party a good distance. this can especially be seen in areas stuffed animals get territorial about (the bed, shelves). since stuffed animals largely do not take fall damage, these are intended to serve as a show of strength and a warning rather than to cause harm (although some particularly pointed stuffed animals may throw opponents behind in places where they may be forgotten by their owner in order to communicate a clear warning).
the seam ripper is the most essential item in stuffed animal-to-animal combat. quick and deft, a simply upward thrust of the weapon in the right place will open a seam and possibly cause stuffing/beans/other organs to spill out. these wounds are easily healed with an emergency sewing kit, but they are just enough to temporarily disable the attacker.
the metal spoon, while not usually an offensive weapon, is a regular choice of stuffed animal defense. its relatively long range for a defensive item combined with steadiness makes it a useful tool, and it can be used for a myriad of purposes. as a last resort the metal spoon can be used to shatter a safety eye by being slammed down onto the opponent.
scissors are a tremendous weapon with great power, and they pose a greater threat because they can create new cuts in a stuffed animal's fabric rather than ripping open pre-existing ones, but they are also often highly impractical to use due to their awkward shape and minimal results. it can happen that a stuffed animal snaps another in two entirely with scissors, but it is a rare event. skilled scissor wielders usually prefer smaller sewing scissors because of their ability to puncture fabric as well as cut.
the thread clipper is sort of a best of both worlds version of the seam ripper and the scissors. easier to wield, it is able to provide the cutting damage of scissors and the relative ease of a seam ripper. it still requires some serious force to use, but it is generally seen as more elegant- if less impressive when used correctly- than the scissors, and more of a threat than the seam ripper.
the matchstick is the ultimate last resort. only few stuffed animals have ever lived to see its effects, but all of them regard it as a terrible, terrible thing to know, and something that will never leave the back of their mind.
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ladylooch · 11 months
Girl I need you to write me something about doing yoga with Nico. You can choose if it’s spicy or not. Personally I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him.
Absolutely anything for you, bby.
The way he would be so into it and focused and you’re goofing off….
“Baby.” Nico sighs when he looks over at you from his upward dog.
You’ve twisted yourself into an awkward position that has your arms and legs all sorts of ways. You’re laughing so hard at his disappointed face.
“I call this one ‘Nico tortures his girlfriend’.” 
He reaches over and slaps your perched ass with a swift spank. You roll out of your pose and into the fetal position, laughing harder. 
“We are on vacation, baby.” You remind him, gesturing to the gorgeous Mediterranean views from your hotel balcony.
“I’m almost done.” He insists, working himself back into a wide child’s pose. “My hips are killing me.”
“Mmm, sorry.” You murmur standing up and walking behind him. He's been working overtime on this vacation. You grab his ass, trying to lift him. Nico laughs, not moving from his pose. You huff, then sit down on your butt, legs spread out wide into a stretch around his body. You try to be patient as he works on opening up his hips more. It will benefit you after all. 
Your stomach growls, loudly, and Nico comes out of his pose. He looks back at you. 
“I’m gonna get hangry in about 30 seconds.” You warn him. A serious look crosses his face.
“Oh no.”
“Mhm.” You confirm, holding your hand over your stomach. “So hungry. Must get muffins immediately.” He spins around to face you, gathering you up so your straddle his lap. 
“Bummer. I was just thinking we could move this to the bed… try out some new positions.” 
“No you weren’t.” You snort, shoving his head. His long locks fall over his face as his dimples pierce his skin with his laugh.
“No, I’m hungry too.” He stands with you still in his arms, gripping your ass as he walks you back into the room and away from the salty, sea breeze. He drops you on the bed, earning a squeal from you. “But later, the real torture begins.” He slaps your ass again as he walks by to grab a drink of water.
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“…this time when you roll upwards, make sure to land in the malasana pose with your palms pressed together and centered over your heart.”
You obeyed the low, sultry tones of the yoga instructor coming from your phone, inhaling in and exhaling out deep breaths while mimicking their fluid movements to the best of your ability. You kept your eyes resolutely forward, both to ensure that you remained focused on the workout, but also to keep your attention off the demon seated behind you.
Z had been quiet for the past several minutes. Uncharacteristically so. A part of you wanted to turn around and check on them, but you were also wary of doing anything that might cause them to act up. Z was capricious at the best of times, and predicting the whims of a demon was an exercise in futility.
Still, you couldn’t quite tamp down the combination of nerves and curiosity bubbling in your chest. What was he doing?
Playing it as naturally as you could, you followed the workout video’s instructions to breathe in as you pushed your lower body up into a forward fold. Blood rushed to your head for a second as you let your head hang down, giving you a brief window of opportunity to peek through the gap between your spread legs.
The demon was just. Sitting there. Legs crossed on the floor, knees tucked under the coffee-table. Scarlet eyes fixed on you with unsettling intensity through the gaps in his hair. His chin was propped up on ash-black knuckles, the other hand splayed flat over the wood surface (Later on you would walk past and notice the four lines of grooves scratched deep into the tabletop). His tail swayed from side to side like a metronome, but it was the only part of him that moved.
In fact, now that you thought about it, Z was in the exact same position he’d been in when you’d started your workout 20 minutes ago.
A bit unnerved, you paused the video and stood up. “Are you bored or something?” You called out, swinging upright and sweeping the hair out of your face. Now it was your turn to stare as the demon seemed to return from wherever their mind had taken them. They cocked their head, and you folded your arms over your chest. “You haven’t moved in almost half an hour. Are you still mad that I didn’t want to go on a date with you today?”
“How petty do you think I am, Dove?” Z placed a hand on their chest, lips twisting into a melodramatic pout. “Do you honestly believe that I am the type of person who would hold onto such grudges? That I would despair over the fact that my darling little human doesn't want to spend a whole day with me, and would rather do…what did you call this activity?”
“Yoga. And I said I’m not committing arson with you, Z. At least not without a solid alibi in place,” you rolled your eyes at his antics. “And since you keep forgetting that human laws exist and that jail is a very real place, then yoga it is.”
“Awww, Dove. You're so cute. You really think I would let you spend a second out of my sight?” Z chuckled and sprang to his feet, slinking up to you with mischievous intent. Your eyes narrowed, half surprised and half suspicious when Z craned his neck over your shoulder to study the tanned blonde woman on screen. The subtitles below informed the viewer that she was rotating from a downward-facing dog into a flip. “Hmph. Looks weird.”
“Some moves can be. Difficult too,” you agreed, grimacing as you remembered how much your stomach had hurt after holding a boat pose for too long. “Sometimes I can’t hold the stances for long enough, and then I just get frustrated with myself.”
Z hummed in acknowledgement, and then a sharp grin crossed their face. “Why don’t I help out?”
“You what?” You blurted, unable to stifle your surprise. “You want to...help me with my work-out?”
“Well since someone doesn’t want to help me burn down a really ugly mega-mansion, I suppose this will suffice for a date activity,” Z sighed dejectedly. “Besides, how hard can it be? All I have to do is make sure your poses are correct and last for as long as you’re supposed to, right?”
“I mean. I suppose so…” You agreed slowly, searching his face - or what little of it you could see - for a sign that this was one of his jokes. “Are you sure?"
"You're gonna hurt my feelings, you know," Z pinched your chin between two fingers, the pad of his thumb pressing down on the plush swell of your upper lip. He shook your head gently, firmly, commandingly. "I said I'd help, and so I will. All you need to do is say 'thank you Z'."
"Thank you Z," you parroted obediently, unthinkingly. Despite your wariness, you couldn’t help the little thrum of excitement. "Okay, give me a second.” You quickly pulled up one of your usual routines and got into position.
As it turned out, your suspicion had been extremely warranted. Oh, the demon certainly pretended to play along at first; indulging your adorable determination to push from cow to cat to dolphin pose while his hands remained chastely on your waist or between your shoulder blades. However, it didn’t take long for the façade to fall away in exponentially quick increments.
Domineering fingers resting far too low on the small of your back while you were in downward-dog. A greedy hand cupping between your legs when you settled in a leg-lift. The bulge of his cock squeezing between your ass cheeks when you stretched into an extended puppy pose, the girthy weight of it obvious through both his jeans and your very thin yoga pants.
“Fuck, do you have any idea how much of a tease you’ve been, Dove?” Z groaned; one hand was shoved up your shirt to play with your nipples while the other sliced a convenient hole in your pants. Before you could complain, the flat end of his tail slid into your mouth, pressing your tongue down until all you could do was drool and whine while the demon admired the sopping wet mess between your thighs. “I’ve been holding back all day while you flaunted yourself in front me. How cruel, sweetheart.”
Hypocrite. You tried to shout his name, tell him to hurry up and do something, but the tail in your mouth gagged you effectively. Nevertheless, he must have picked up on what you wanted because it didn’t take long for two fingers to slide inside you, stretching you open with a ruthless and perverse desire to watch you cry.
“Ah-ah-ah,” Z clicked his tongue admonishingly when you tried to sit up. “You’re not done with your workout yet, Dove. Face down, hips up, now.”
“But–!” The threat of fangs against the nape of your neck froze your complaints, and the obscene stretch of his cock sliding into you halted them completely. Saliva poured from the corner of your mouth, eyes rolling up into your head as his hips slapped against your ass. Obscene squelches echoed throughout the room as every harsh thrust forced thick globs of cream to drip down your thighs, the noise mixing with your own loud whimpers and Z’s feral growls.
“How are you always so tight?” The demon hissed. His teeth drew rivulets of blood which he licked away, tongue raking over your throat to mark the spot for another bite. Your hips bucked unconsciously, the movement causing your body to squeeze around his cock. Z retaliated with a harsh thrust, one that nearly knocked you to the ground. The demon’s moan was interspersed with a low, rasping laugh. “So fucking needy, huh baby? Need me to fuck you over and over so this poor little hole never forgets what it feels like to have me inside you? Make you my pretty little mess, is that it? Yeah, that’s it, Dove. You can come if you want to. Doesn’t mean I’ll be done with you after though.”
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jackles010378 · 8 months
Jealous Dean 😏
(Just a quick one shot 😜)
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Sam had been bugging you into exercising with him for a while now, so you finally caved. You'd go on runs with him, work out in the gym at the bunker with him and now he was suggesting Yoga. You knew Dean wasn't one for running or yoga, so it was pointless asking him to join you guys.
You gave Sam a quizzical look, you'd never done yoga before but you thought you may as well give it a shot.
Rolling out the mats in the library after Sam had moved the tables over a bit. Sam had put some what he called relaxing music on (mainly whale and ocean sounds) you ran off to your room to put on some comfy clothes.
After throwing on your skin tight leggings and a crop top you rejoined Sam and followed the poses he was showing you.
You didn't think you'd be one for Yoga, but you found it quite relaxing. You had gone through quite a few poses starting with Bridge which was simple enough, he then guided you into the Warrior then the triangle pose. You didn't want to admit to Sam that you were enjoying yoga and that you'd definitely want to do it again.
The next pose had you lying on the floor on your back. You looked over at Sam and thought now this is a pose I can do and laughed to yourself. But then you saw him lift his hips off the floor. You followed and groaned a little at how long he held the pose which you believe was called Bridge Pose.
Sam laughed at your little moan and told you to roll onto your stomach. He explained the next pose and you glare at him, Upward-Facing Dog, he can't be serious you thought to yourself. But nope you were lifting yourself up on your arms with your head held back, you could feel the stretch all down your body. 'damn that feels good' you thought to yourself.
"how much more are we gonna do Sammy, my body is sore and I wanna take a bath" you asked the younger Winchester. "One last pose and we're done I promise" at that Sam stood up so you followed. You then watched as he bent over and stretched his arms forward, "I am not doing that" you said through a laugh. Sam just looked at you "alright fine, but then I'm getting my bath". You got into the position Downward-Facing Dog.
What you didn't know was all the time you had been doing yoga with Sam the eldest Winchester had been watching you. Watching every pose you had done, watching how your body moved into each pose, the way you delicately moved from one to another. The way that you looked calm and peaceful and happy. It was rare that Dean got to see you like this. You were always stressing over the brothers, worrying about them being on hunts. You and Dean had been together for just over 6 months after one night out made you both admit your feelings for each other.
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Seeing you do that last pose released a small groan from him, not realising how loud he was, you shot up and glared at Dean who was hiding behind one of the pillars. "Enjoying the view over there Dean" you said with a hint of sarcasm. Dean slowly came from behind the pillar and stalked over to you "oh sweetheart, you have no idea how much I enjoyed that view" he was now standing directly in front of you. Your eyes travelled down his body and landed on his obvious erection trying to find a way out. You leaned in close and whispered in his ear while lightly ghosting his firm cock "I think I have a good idea" he swallowed harshly as he felt you cup him.
You heard Sam in the background coughing "you two get a room, or actually I will go for a run, a really long run. I don't wanna see this" Dean smirked at his brother. He kissed you passionately "y/n there are few moves I can teach you that are a lot more fun that what you've just been doing" he said winking at you. "what are you waiting for" you replied pecking his lips teasingly. You started to walk off, Dean grabbed your wrist picking you up and threw you over his shoulder. You let out a little squeak as he slapped your ass "oh darling this will be a night you're never gonna forget!"
I don't know what made me think of this but I like how it turned out! Hope you guys like it too 🥰
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94
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Stuck in a Rut: Dante x G/N Reader
NSFW ahead Minors DNI
Seriously go away, children Summary:Dante is going through his first rut with you being his mate. Things have been going fine; he’s been doing what he needs and you have been enjoying it. However, it is the last week of his season and he is having issues relieving his ‘itch’ for you.
Beginning Notes: Since I keep writing long stories; I decided to take a break and write something smaller. This isn’t super descriptive or anything, but I like it idk lmao I know that this is “unrealistic” and that like over like 7 inches or some shit would hurt you (and can kill you) just roll with it. ✨🩸✨ Bottom G/N Reader x Top Dante--written with Male in mind, but no describing words or terms used that indicate such. Basically, just smut with very minor fluff Monsterfucking; Devil Trigger, Sin Devil Trigger Knotting Overstimulation; reader tells him to stop but it is disingenuous Minor Mating/Breeding Kink Biting Very Minor choking Small blood warning
     Over the past few weeks, Dante and you had been sharing your (or rather his) first rut together. Things were going fine, great actually. The devil had been able to satisfy himself within a few rounds every six or seven hours. When you had sex it was mindblowing and, afterwards, he would shower you with pure romantic affections that made your heart melt. Today, however, Dante was having a hard time fulfilling those inner unholy urges.
     “Fuck- Dante~!” you felt the red devil manhandle you into a downward dog pose. A roasting grey-scaled hand pushed roughly down onto the back of your neck; forcing your head down and your hips up, “Wait-- Please--”
     Without hesitation, Dante shoved himself back inside and let out a tumultuous growl. Loud squelching noises came from you with every thrust of his hips, courteous of the several previous rounds of lovemaking. The two of you had been slamming hips together for nearly an hour now and you were beyond sore. Your hands gripped violently at the disheveled bedding as you felt him pick up the pace once more. 
     Dante moved his hand from the back of your neck and the top of your head, yanking it backwards. Slowly, he kissed along your neckline and was doing his best not to bite down too hard into your soft flesh. 
     “Fuck,” you hissed at him, “bite me if that’s what-- Ah~!” 
     You didn’t have to tell him twice, he bit down harshly piercing your skin with his sharp teeth. The red devil’s thrusts had become short and rough as he set the side of his face against yours. Hot breath washed over your skin as you leaned back against him; hoping that meant he was finally reaching his final peak. 
     With a final hard slam, he came inside you once more; burying himself to the hilt. Because of how much Dante had been ramming your poor hole, it didn’t take much force to push his knot inside your body. Not only that but, you were full enough that his cum was already running out of your body. 
     The two of you sat breathing heavily as you mumbled to him, “Are you..?” you couldn’t even finish your sentence out of exhaustion. 
     Dante didn’t respond.
     You exasperatedly face-planted into the bed, muffling your words, “Oh my god…”
     The red devil’s voice was soft and ladened with a thick feeling of remorse as he whispered, “I’m sorry… We can stop if--”
      With a loud huff, you turned your head slightly to unmuffle your voice, “Why don’t you just use it?”
     “Wait--” Dante stiffened and sat upwards, pulling himself from your body--making you groan loudly, “You mean..?”
     “Y-yes,” your hips dropped to lay flat on the bed and you shivered at the feeling of his seed gushing out of your body, “At this point, I don’t care.”
     Dante stared down at you for a moment in thought, his cock still standing at full attention. Carefully, he flipped you over to face him and placed his hands flatly on the mattress beside your body, “You don’t know what you are asking me to do-- This will hurt,” admittedly, his cock was aching at you making such a naughty request.
     “Dante,” you tiredly set a hand on his cheek, slowly running your thumb over the ridges of his face, “Do it.”
     His brow furrowed as he frowned with worry, “But--”
     “I want you to fuck me in your Sin Trigger, Dante,” your fingers slid behind the plating on his jaw and pulled slightly, eliciting a groan from the devil, “I want you to break me.”
     A low growling came from deep within his chest as he looked down at you, “Last chance to back--”
     You roughly pulled him down to meet your lips and forced your tongue into the heat of his mouth. Dante groaned at the feeling of you instigating such a fervorous kiss. The two of you fought for dominance, which Dante won of course; allowing him to explore your cavern freely. Once the two of you broke apart, the devil leaned back and stood up from the mattress. 
     Before you were even able to lean upwards to see him, a large set of broiling hands yanked you by your ankles to the foot of the bed. You swallowed hard as you felt the same set of grey and red scaled hands pick you up by your middle. Quickly, you wrapped your legs around the un-armored parts of his abs. This caused you to nick the underside of your legs on the large sharp spikes that decorated his thighs--making you hiss in pain. 
     In all your time being with him--even before you started dating--you had only seen his Sin Trigger a handful of times and that was always at a distance. Now that you are seeing him up close and personal, you were semi-afraid of your larger-than-life lover. His stature was enormous and the snarling growls he made as he moved you around like a toothpick, made you fearfully aroused. 
     That’s when you felt it. 
     Although you know Dante warned you, you didn’t really consider exactly how he meant that this would hurt; you, of course, knew that his dick would grow with him, but this was much more than you expected. You gasped at the feeling of his overwhelmingly thick cock head that prodded at your hole, trying to enter your body. Thankfully, there was plenty of Dante’s cum to use as lubrication; otherwise, the devil would have torn through your insides. 
     You shouted in pain at him trying to shove himself inside, “Fuck!” desperately, you clawed and grabbed at his biceps, “Dante-! Slower, pl-please,” tears had already sprung to the corners of your eyes as you grimaced, trying to relax. 
     Admittedly, you were worried if he was going to be able to understand you; however, the red devil did slow down as you requested. Relieved at the small amount of control he displayed, you closed your eyes to focus on allowing him inside. He slowly inched his way into your hole, emitting a low rumbling growl the entire time.
     All the while, Dante licked at your neck and face in an attempt to apologize. The red devil had no lips to kiss you with, so this was the best that he could manage. His tongue was pleasantly hot and felt like a cat licking you; gently scraping your skin. Although you were overwhelmed by the insurmountable feeling of being stretched out by his cock, you couldn’t help but laugh at the strangly cute action. However, this died down as you suddenly felt a pain start in your lower abdomen. 
     “Wait--” Dante stopped both the movement of his hips and tongue at your words. Your breathing was heavy as you spoke between breaths, “I can’t take any more in, please…” the red devil had pushed nearly ten inches inside your hole and still had plenty to spare. 
     He seemed to understand and stood still, allowing you to try to adjust. Distantly, you found yourself worrying about him trying to push too far into you when he finishes but were quickly brought back to reality by the sudden shifting of the red devil. 
     A loud sharp mixture of a moan and shout left your lips from him sliding out a few inches and pushing back in; moving in slow restrained movements, “Fuck~! Dante, holy sh-shit,” your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he moved more. 
     It only took a few minutes for Dante to work up to a brutal pace. Loud and animalistic growls left his body as he fucked up into you, holding you like a living fleshlight--and treating you with the same respect. His fingers had tightened around your middle, bruising it almost instantly. A small amount of blood began to drip from your sides from the pin-prick tips of his claws slicing into your skin. Each one of Dante’s thrusts only made him hunger more for your body; hunger to make you his.
     All this in contrast to you; you who was scarcely able to hold on and just continued loudly moan miscellaneous gibberish at the devil. A small amount of drool began to dribble from your mouth as you did your best to stay awake and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. You felt Dante begin to heat up, a sign that he was getting close--which he was much hotter than his Regular Trigger, you noted. 
     Wanting to hold him, you use what little energy you had and leaned forwards. Carefully, you set your hands on his face doing your best to avoid the spikes along his jaw. Upon feeling your small gentle human hands, the devil leaned into you and placed his forehead against yours. Dante growled louder in pleasure at your touch and cocooned you with his wings; holding you even closer. Although it wasn’t clear because of the lack of pupils, you thought he was staring into your eyes--a rather romantic gesture during such a less-than-such fuck fest.
     It was swelteringly hot within the bundling grasp of the devil, to the point of you feeling lightheaded. You knew Dante would stop if you passed out so you did your best to push him over the edge by trying to tighten your body--not wanting to have to try again later.
     “Dante,” your voice was hoarse, “Please~” you felt him tighten his grip, “I’m all yours, Dante. Plea-ah~” his thrusts became short and ragged, “Just- Gah~ please…”
     At this point, Dante was doing everything in his power to not force himself all the way inside you--knowing that you would die. However, all he wanted to do to knot your tight hole--to breed you. Because of this intense focus, he hadn’t noticed that he had his claws sunk nearly an inch into your flesh and had begun to burn your delicate human skin with his scorching scaled palms. 
     You, admittedly, had noticed but were beyond overstimulated and exhausted; so you didn’t care as long as he hit his climax.
     It only took a few more stiff hard jabs before he spilled his hot load. Not really thinking, the red devil sunk his teeth deep into you as he normally would; not thinking of the consequences that this could and would have. Not only were his teeth razor sharp and quite large; the inside of his mouth was scaldingly hot and burnt your skin. The devil’s teeth sunk just shy of an inch deep into the side of your neck--making you suddenly aware of what he just did. 
     You shouted in both pain and pleasure, “Dante~! That--” you hissed as you sliced your palm on his shoulders, forgetting that he is covered in spikes, “That hurts-- Ah~!” you moaned loudly as you felt him shift his hips a bit.
     The red devil just stood there unloading himself into your trembling body. You were full enough that most of his seed ended up on the floor and both of you; however, despite this, the devil made sure to stay inside you. He thunderously purred through his bite, making you feel tingly at the strange sensation. Admittedly, you were on cloud nine and the rumbling sensation only added to the intense overstimulation caused by your lover. 
     The two of you stood for several minutes as Dante slowly ground himself against you, still fighting the urge to push further into your delightfully full hole; the hole that belonged to him. His wings slowly unfurled from around you and his grip slowly loosened; removing his claws from your skin. You were on the verge of unconsciousness as you felt him shift once more; this time, however, it was because he was slowly backing out of his Sin Trigger--moving to his Regular Trigger. 
     A low groan left your pursed lips as you felt him remove his cock with an audible pop. You shivered as you felt a sudden wetness drip down your legs; accompanied by the feeling of being both too full and uncomfortably empty. The next thing he did was release his vice grip of a bite.
     There were thick lines of his spit mixed with your blood that strung between your flesh and him as he slowly removed himself from you tender neck. Still coming down from his high, Dante had a wide smile as he gently set you down on a clean section of the bed. Looking down at your disheveled form, he wiped the blood from his mouth with a large proud smirk. You were relatively out of it at this point; wanting nothing more than to sleep--not caring about how messy everything was or how much loving pain you were in. The red devil placed a gentle kiss on your forehead due to a warm overly-sappy lovey feeling beginning to fill his chest.
     It wasn’t until he saw blood begin to quickly pool on the sheets below your neck that he began to realize the gravity of the situation. Although it wasn’t uncommon for you to end up with some bleeding marks during the last few weeks; the bite from this session was much deeper and had larger holes than normal. Without thinking, the fiery devil placed one of his palms on your neck to cauterize the wound shut. 
     Which pulled you right back to reality with a loud shout, “Fuck! Dante!” you tried to pull away from his palm. 
     With a small huff, Dante used his other hand to brace the opposing side of your neck and held you in place. After a few painfully long minutes, the devil removed his hand. A strained grunt left his lips as he returned to his human form, now just as exhausted as you.
     You were breathing heavily and had tear streaks running down your face, “Why..?”
     He sighed and gently placed his head against your chest as he mumbled, “You were bleeding too much…”
     A small agreeing, “Ah,” is all you could manage to say.
     Admittedly, it was a good thing you were semi-delirious; otherwise, you would have shared in Dante’s worry. If he had bit down just a little further through your soft neck, the red devil would have bitten through your jugular and killed you. The two of you would have to figure out a safer way for him to use that side of him; if you want him to use it at all. 
     Before the two of you could discuss it, a small gentle snore caught Dante’s attention. You were already fast asleep. The devil stood up with a small shake of his head and a large toothy smile as he made his way to get some cleaning and medical supplies.
     Surely you were going to be angry about how much your neck--and the rest of your body--hurt from today; however, that is for future Dante to worry about. All he wanted to do right now was clean you up and curl up close to you. You, his partner, lover,  mate; his everything. 
Ending Notes: Hope y'all enjoyed this even though it's kinda short. The next story will most likely be a fluffy (not angsty) Vergil fic; so stay tuned lmao
Want to see more like this? Want to read my work quicker and several stories that are not on Tumblr? Check this out on my AO3 (Linked here)
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cod-dump · 1 year
KorTac tried to do yoga together as a bonding activity but Hutch and Horangi were placed next to each other. Each pose Hutch made a weird noise and Horangi echoed them back. After four poses everyone was either laughing or uncomfortable. The only reason anyone outside of KorTac knew about this was because Roze posted a video of Hutch and Horangi just screaming like R2D2 while doing upward dog.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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HEY, IT'S A FREAKING ENORMOUS SMILE FOR ME FANCOMIC!! there is a very real chance that if you're new from twitter following me here, you followed me for this!! I don't blame you!! I'm real dang proud of this and it was a true labor of love!!! I have more like this I would like to draw soon, too...
(full transcript slash detailed image descriptions under the cut!)
PAGE 1 The comic title, COOKING, is written at the top of the page in big handwritten bubble-letters colored in pale peach.
Panel one shows Kamal, wearing a brown-and-red striped turtleneck sweater, standing next to Habit, wearing a fluffy teal-blue sweater over a pink button-up and blue jeans. Kamal is lightly grimacing, looking mildly embarrassed and rubbing his right arm with his left hand, while Habit stands with his hands on his hips and a big grin. Kamal: So, um, something that we only realized after we started living together... ...turns out neither of us can cook. Like. At all. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I can make "spaghetti" (smiley face) Kamal: Yeah that barely counts. (in smaller text) I guess I can't talk, though... I was living off Chinese takeout and hot dogs...
Panel two shows Habit on the left, smiling warmly and holding up Putunia with both hands, who is grinning and holding both fists in the air triumphantly. Kamal is on the bottom right of the panel, shrugging. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): But now we have "Putunia"!! Putunia (shouting): THAT'S ME!!! Kamal: So, uh, we had to figure out the whole "cooking" thing. 'Cause we're the adults here or whatever...?
The third panel is marked with a big handwritten caption of "SO THEY LEARNED TO COOK". Below that, Kamal, left, and Habit, right, are standing wearing frilly aprons - Kamal's yellow with pink-and-red trim and a heart on the chest; Habit's light green with dark green trim and flowers on the chest. Habit is also still holding Putunia in one arm, while the other hand gives a thumbs up. Putunia is smiling with her limbs dangling limply like a kitten. Kamal (in small font): How did you just... have these ready...?
PAGE 2 In the large top panel, Kamal, still wearing the apron, is smiling, wearing red oven mitts with yellow flowers, and holding a blue plate with freshly-cooked samosas that are emitting a cloud of steam. Kamal: I, um, actually ended up calling my mom for advice, and she's been teaching me all her old recipes? I didn't really appreciate her cooking growing up - you know, you're a dumb kid and you just want pizza 'cause all your friends are getting pizza... But now... I dunno, it makes me feel closer to her. Feels like I'm carryin' on something important. And there's something real nice about getting to share a family recipe with people I lo- CARE ABOUT.
The second panel shows Habit leaning in from the right, smiling slightly mischievously and clutching his hands near his face. Putunia is also bursting in from the bottom right, smiling and throwing her fists in the air. Kamal is visibly flustered, sweating and yelling, jostling the plate of samosas. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I still need to meet your mom!! Kamal (yelling): I- I told you, I'm not ready for that yet!! (in smaller text) Ugh, she keeps bugging me about coming over to meet you two... Putunia (yelling): I WANNA MEET KAMAL-MOM!! KA-MOM!!!!!
PAGE 3 The large top panel shows Habit in his apron, smiling, holding up a wooden spoon in his left hand and a wooden fork in his left. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I've been learning to do "new things" with my favorite foods!!! (smiley face) "Homemade sauce"!! "Black bean burger"!! "Crabo"- "Crabounara"- "Cbabao"- "Ca"- Fancy spaghetti.
The second panel shows him in the same pose and expression, but now pointing upwards with his left hand. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Also!!! I
The next panel abruptly cuts to a nervous-looking shadow-Habit, with an equally-nervous looking Kamal (no longer wearing the apron) peeking in from the right side of hte frame. Habit: um
PAGE 4 The large top panel shows Habit smiling nervously, looking more subdued than normal, lightly scratching his chin with his right pointer finger. Kamal, smiling proudly, is hugging onto his left arm. Habit (with a normal speech pattern): I... so, for a long time, I didn't even want to look at food from... where I grew up. Too many bad associations for me, yes? But, now that I'm in a better place, I'm trying to reconnect in ways that feel safe for me. Food has been a nice way to do that. Lets me build new memories to replace bad ones. Kamal: Proud of ya, big guy
The next panel shows Habit back to his usual bubbly self, smiling, wearing the flower-patterned oven-mitts and holding up a plate with a Medovik cake (a type of Russian honey cake) topped with berries. IN the background, Kamal and Putunia both stare at the cake, Kamal visibly drooling, Putunia with stars in her eyes. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): The baking is "ESPECIALLY GOOD"!!! Today I made "Медови́к" ("Medovik" in Russian script)!!! Kamal (in small text): it looks so good... Putunia (in small text): CAKE!!!!!!
The final panel cuts to Kamal drawn from the chest-up, looking slightly sheepish and scratching his chin. Kamal: Um, so that's the other thing we've discovered through all this. It turns out, uh...
PAGE 5 The top panel shows Kamal (left), Putunia (center), and Habit (right) all sitting at a table with a yellow-and-red checkered tablecloth, eating the Medovik cake. Kamal, with a sheepish expression, is leaning forward with his elbows on the table, right arm resting down and left raising a fork to his mouth, with a plate with a slice of cake to his right. Putunia is pumping her right fist and raising the left, holding a fork with some cake on it, into the air triumphantly, shouting with delight. Habit is resting his head in his hands with both elbows on the table, looking delighted, a slice of cake and a fork to his left. The cake itself, with a cake-serving knife to the left side, is in the center of the table. Kamal: ...we... all have a giant sweet tooth... (in smaller text) Oh my god I feel like such a hypocrite... Putunia (in small text): YUMMY!!!!!! Habit (in small text; misspelled Habitspeak): Isn't it?? Isn't it??
The next two panels cut in close on Kamal and Habit, from roughly the chest-up, as they both eat. Kamal is chewing with a guilty expression, holding his fork near his chest, while Kamal is smiling and lifting a bite of cake to his mouth with a fork held delicately in his right hand. Kamal: How did this happen?? We are literally both dentists?? Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): "You" are. "I" don't have to worry about that anymore
The next panel shows Kamal grimacing, gesturing with his fork, while Habit chews with a smug grin. Kamal: Yeah, not how that works. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Plus I brush my teeth 4 to 60 times per day so they are "perfect" Kamal: Also not how that works. (in smaller text) Please talk to your therapist about that I worry about you
The next panel cuts to Putunia, on the right, shoving her empty plate towards Kamal with a determined expression. Kamal stares back with one eyebrow raised. Putunia (shouting): I WANT MORE CAKE!!! Kamal: Uh huh. And what do we say about that? Putunia (shouting): MORE CAKE PLEASE??
The final panel shows Kamal, on the left, slicing into the cake, while Putunia to the right watches with a smile and her plate held up. Habit comes up behind her, also holding out his empty plate and watching with a smile. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Kamal me too Kamal (smiley face) Kamal: Well, if you're both having seconds...
PAGE 6 The final page has a full-page panel illustration. Kamal, grimacing with his hands on his hips, is looking down at a messy sink full of dirty cooking implements. Behind him, Habit, scratching his chin, looks away sheepishly while Putunia to his right cheers, hands in the air. Kamal: Okay, now which of us is gonna be the adult who does the dishes Habit: not it Putunia (shouting): NOT IT!!! Kamal: oh my god
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sarahcantread · 1 year
☆ my fav easy bedroom workouts: chill/simple cardio (big girl/beginner friendly) ☆
easy yoga:
boat pose 30 secs
bridge pose 30 secs
downward/upward dog 30 secs each
cat/cow 30 secs
chill cardio:
elbow plank 30 secs
standing plank 30 secs
10 slow leg raises
30 boat crunches
30 leg lifts
try to go on walks daily!
my fav workout vids: 10 min pilates / 3 week plan / yoga (i love this for the mornings)
my diet plan is pinned !!!
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ladyhallen · 3 months
A Lovely Morning
Harry had never given any thought to art.
She’d once or twice thought about the museum tours she’d had as a preschooler in the muggle world, and then the occasional painting she would pass with the thought of, “Wow, that’s really pretty.” She hadn’t thought about making art, with words or with images, until she saw Fon under the light of dawn.
Usually, she slept until Fon woke her with sweet kisses and coaxed her to sit down. He’d comb her hair and that, along with the gentle circles he’d press on her lower back, was enough to wake her up. It was more effective than coffee and a hell lot more effective than tea.
By some sorcery, she’d woken up a scant few minutes after Fon that day. He’d gone out to do his usual calisthenics, naked save for the pair of silk trousers and slipping on his cloth slippers. Harry had wanted to roll back to bed when she’d seen the absolute lack of sunlight, but something urged her to get up.
And by Merlin, was she glad she’d gotten up.
She hadn’t ever really thought of human bodies as beautiful. She could objectively say one person had nice arms or a pretty interesting eye color. But in a magical world where anything interesting was usually because they had an inhuman ancestor, she didn’t place much value in looks. She’d seen incredibly beautiful people and knew that the stories they had were more interesting than their faces.
While Fon’s face had drawn her in, she fell in love with his calm rationality and the way he could lay out an argument without shouting.
And while she and Fon had lain with each other for upwards to two months and she’d seen him naked in the hot springs more times than she can count, seeing him exercise was different.
There was an economy to his movements. It was clean and confident, nothing wasted as he moved his limbs and his body in twists and turns. Then he did a slow upward stroke that flexed his back muscles, making her tummy clench and Harry bit back a gasp. When he folded over, hugging his knees for five seconds, Harry clutched the doorway at the way it made his ass flex.
“Good morning, Harry,” he greeted her, flipping over on a handstand with his braided hair coiled around his neck. “This is a nice surprise.”
Morgana bless him and his intense focus. He didn’t notice that she was about to faint from her face going so red. Harry was so glad.
“Good morning,” she said, not at all strangled and sounding like a normal person. She checked for drool. “I have no idea what woke me.”
He then did a move that she knew, a downward dog that was just one hundred percent showing off right now. He wasn’t even sweating!
Harry wished, very fervently, that she knew how to write poetry. Or to draw. Poems should be written about the way the faintest light of dawn brushed across Fon’s muscles. Art should be drawn about that beautiful face closed in concentration, at the play of light and dark over his cheekbones. Instead, she was stuck admiring him with no way to immortalize the moment. Harry cursed her past self for thinking of art as boring.
Unwittingly, she whispered, “Full many a glorious morning have I seen,” A quiet whisper that should not be heard, except Fon had excellent hearing.
He fell out of his pose with a blush. “Harry!” he exclaimed, flustered.
This man. Harry had heard him say the dirtiest things. She’d shared a naked bath with him. She had done a lot of unspeakable things to him and with him. Fon was unfazed and coy, the teasing man.
But recite poetry and he blushed!
Harry had to laugh. “You should see dawn’s light touch you, Fon. It almost makes me jealous, the way it caresses you,” she mused, raking her eyes over his bare torso.
Fon rushed to kiss her, shutting her up.
But Harry realized, as she clutched at his shoulders when he carried her in his arms that yes, she can write poetry. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just heartfelt. Fon clearly appreciated it.
This was how sonnets were made, she mused, exchanging sweet kisses with him. Then he lay her down and Harry forgot to think of anything at all.
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angelic-loveerr · 11 days
My workout 🧘‍♀️🫶🏾
Meditate (5 mins)
Warm up
upward dog (30 secs)
camel pose (30 secs)
butterfly hold (30 secs)
supine twist (30 secs)
downward dog (30 secs)
plank(30 secs)
work out
fire hydrants ( 15 ×2)
sumo squats ( 5×5)
squats (5×3)
reverse lunges ( 5×5)
push ups (10)
heel touches (50)
bicycles (50)
bicycle twist (10×2))
chill out
butterfly hold (30 secs)
happy baby (30 secs)
child pose (30 secs)
warrior 2 (30 secs)
warrior 1 (30 secs)
bridge (30 secs)
camel (30 secs)
cow/cat (30 secs)
moutian pose (30 secs)
corpse (30 secs)
Meditate (5 mins)
(P.s second version will come out soon when I make it 😋)
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