cannafitshop · 1 year
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Science has established the advantages of deep breathing and yoga. Yoga is a fantastic physical activity that is available to everyone. It offers benefits such as stress relief, balance development, increased flexibility, and an easy-on-the-joints workout. Did you know, however, that even a brief series of yoga poses combined with mindful breathing can enhance the quality of your sleep? The need for techniques to enhance sleep quality is greater than ever in this era of widespread sleep deprivation. boosts blood flow and releases stress from the day's job to relax the muscles. De-stresses you by removing the body from the "fight-or-flight" stress response. We can exercise mindfulness instead of bad late-night habits by doing yoga positions with deep breathing and meditation. . . . . . . #corpsepose #savasana #yoga #yogapractice #yogateacher #shavasana #meditation #namaste #asana #relax #yogapose #yogalife #relaxation #mindfulness #yogaeveryday #yogachallenge #yogainspiration #yogi #hathayoga #yogalove #restorativeyoga #yogaeverydamnday #selfcare #yoganidra #yogatherapy #savasanasquad #fitness #yogisofinstagram #yogaposes #yogacommunity (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHli8FO0Yp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fairly, Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time! Like, Shares and Follow Please don’t forget to comment
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jeevanjali · 1 month
Yoga for Digestion: पाचन तंत्र को करना चाहते हैं मजबूत, तो रोज करें ये 4 योगासनYoga for Digestion: योग करने के कई फायदे हैं. जहां सिर्फ जिम करने से हमारा शरीर स्वस्थ रहता है, वहीं योग हमारे शरीर के साथ-साथ दिमाग को भी स्वस्थ बनाता है। एरोबिक्स या योग के कुछ फायदे योग को अलग-अलग नामों से पुकारा जाता है।
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nulemon · 6 months
Corpse the Shavasana
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Corpse the Shavasana can boost confidence and self-awareness while reducing stress and promoting an overall sense of wellbeing. This posture is an ideal addition to any yoga practice, providing an effective way to unwind and replenish energy. Read the full article
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idigitizellp21 · 8 months
5 beyond belief benefits of Shavasana in Yoga & Meditation
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In the fast-paced world we live in, finding moments of calmness and inner peace can feel like an elusive dream. However, the practice of yoga and meditation offers us a path to achieve just that. Among the various yoga postures and meditation techniques, there exists one pose that stands out for its remarkable benefits — Shavasana, also known as the Corpse Pose.
Shavasana is often considered the ultimate relaxation pose in yoga and meditation sessions. Despite its seemingly simple nature, it holds immense power to transform your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We will explore five beyond-belief benefits of Shavasana that will leave you in awe of its potential.
Deep Physical Relaxation: Shavasana, as the name suggests, invites you to mimic the stillness of a corpse. In this pose, you lie flat on your back with your arms and legs slightly spread, palms facing upward, and eyes closed. By consciously relaxing each part of your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head, you release tension and stress accumulated throughout the day. This deep physical relaxation not only refreshes your body but also helps to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness. Over time, regular practice of Shavasana can lead to improved sleep patterns, making it an essential tool for those who are struggling with insomnia or restless nights.
Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity: Shavasana acts as a mental sanctuary in the midst of chaos. As you lie still, focusing on your breath and allowing thoughts to come and go without attachment, you enter a state of mindfulness. This mindfulness practice enhances your ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. The Corpse Pose creates a pause in the constant stream of thoughts, providing mental clarity and increased self-awareness. This newfound clarity can aid in decision-making, problem-solving, and achieving a sense of emotional equilibrium in your daily life.
Enhanced Concentration and Focus: Have you ever felt your mind wandering during a meeting or while studying? Shavasana can be your secret weapon to sharpen your concentration and focus. By engaging in this practice, you train your mind to become more attentive and present. Through the cultivation of mindfulness during Shavasana, you learn to redirect your thoughts, improve your attention span, and become better equipped to tackle tasks that require sustained focus. This becomes something great mental acuity can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in both your personal and professional life.
Improved Respiratory Function: The conscious focus on breathing during Shavasana offers incredible benefits to your respiratory system. As you lie still and pay attention to your inhalations and exhalations, you develop a deeper understanding of your breath patterns. Over time, this awareness can help you develop healthier breathing habits, which can significantly improve lung capacity and oxygen intake. This is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis, as well as those seeking to enhance their athletic performance through better breath control.
Emotional Balance and Inner Peace: Perhaps one of the most profound benefits of Shavasana is its impact on emotional well-being. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by emotions. Shavasana acts as a sanctuary where you can process your feelings and find inner peace. By practising emotional acceptance and letting go during this pose, you develop a healthier relationship with your emotions. You become less reactive and more in control of your responses to life’s challenges. As a result, Shavasana empowers you to approach life with a greater sense of equanimity and inner harmony.
Shavasana, the Corpse Pose, goes beyond being a mere yoga posture or meditation technique. It is a gateway to profound physical relaxation, stress reduction, improved concentration, enhanced respiratory function, and emotional balance. These beyond-belief benefits make Shavasana an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to improve their overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life. Incorporating Shavasana into your daily routine, even for just a few minutes, can yield transformative results. So, the next time you roll out your yoga mat or sit down for a meditation session, remember the incredible potential of the Corpse Pose and allow Shifakhana, a prominent wellness centre in Pune, to guide you towards a state of blissful serenity.
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nativeyoga · 9 months
Lotta Sebzda - Demonstrating Age is Just a Number in Yoga
Lotta Sebzda, a 57 year old Swedish Ashtanga yoga practitioner and hairdresser, shares her love for Ashtanga yoga and her journey with the practice. She discusses the benefits of a consistent practice, the importance of listening to your body, and the joy of teaching workshops. Lota also talks about the evolution of social media and its impact on the yoga community.Follow Lotta on Instagram at…
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buindia · 11 months
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notesfromastranger · 1 year
A Step Forward or a Jump Back?
I’m always telling myself that I need to do more. That little voice inside my head never seems to be satisfied. At work I need to be making more calls and scheduling more meetings, I need to be writing more.. what I’m doing doesn’t seem to be enough and recently I’ve even been catching myself at yoga. Yoga used to be my escape. A place I came in order to just be but now I was on my mat judging my practice. So as I laid there in shavasana I had to remind myself to just be. I needed to let go of anything that may or may not have happened and just appreciate the fact that I was laying on this mat, dripping in sweat. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting more for myself but I cannot be in this state all the time. It is absolutely exhausting not to be content and in the moment with things. Here I am, living and breathing and taking steps forward. This must be enough sometimes. I need to show myself kindness. Afterall, isn’t that what yoga is all about?  
Ever since I decided that I wanted to sign up for yoga teacher training, I feel as though the peace and the simple pleasure of it had faded. I fell in love with yoga because it connected me to myself and allowed me to be content with just showing up, doing my best and then feeling accomplished at the end. The reason why I decided to do teacher training in the first place was for a personal challenge and a learning experience. Teaching yoga was never my dream and at first I had inquired about only doing a certain amount of hours so that I could simply learn without the pressure. When I brought this idea to my therapist, she got excited and said “ why not just do the full course!”. She herself had gone through it and highly recommended it as something to just have in my back pocket. I got excited with her but somehow this altered the way I now approached my yoga experience. It was no longer a place of non judgment to myself but instead a place where I was now critiquing every little thing and never satisfied at the end of class. The wonderment and the magic seems to have blurred. My freedom seemed to be taken with confining bars in its place. 
Today I learned that teacher training is a whopping 3k for a 200 hour course. I am definitely not in a position to afford this right now and so the decision was made for me. Although a little disappointed at first, my perspective quickly changed during yoga class tonight. It didn’t feel as confining and I was quieting that voice of judgment. I think I may be on my way to rediscovering why I connected with this art form in the first place.
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knowingovert · 1 year
Shava is a Sanskrit word that means dead body. This asana has got its name because it takes the shape of a dead body. Shavasana is intended for relaxation and is mainly done after the entire yoga asana sequence. A complete yoga sequence begins with an activity and ends in relaxation. This is the condition when your body gets complete rest. It is a relaxing asana and rejuvenates the body, mind, and soul. It is not recommended for meditation as it can cause sleepiness.
For the complete article, Please Visit :-
Shavasana is a great pose to do at the end of your yoga practice, as it allows you to take a break and relax after all of the hard work you've done. It's also a great pose to do if you're feeling stressed or anxious, as it can help to calm and ease your mind. If you have trouble sleeping, doing Shavasana for a few minutes before bed can also be helpful.
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runtocalmthenoise · 2 years
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Post Run Flow at @blackswanyogasanantonio with @gwengarr runtocalmthenoise.com @johncanales_satx @ibundyg @goldenboyjohn @vnessa_14 #runtocalmthenoise #runningcommunity #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #vinyasa #shavasana #flow #hotyoga @blackswanyoga @blackswanyogaaustin @wolfpackrunningtx @fleetfeetsa @tworiversrunningnb @irun_texas @downtownrungroup @intheloopruncrew (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsH_YTOV_6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaivalyam · 2 years
Shavasana or the Corpse Pose is the classic relaxation pose. It requires you to sleep flat on your back and stay immobile like a dead body. Shavasana is a beginner level Ashtanga yoga asana. You can practice this asana anytime of the day. Be in it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Pose Benefits: Shavasana soothes all your muscles. It stimulates blood circulation and is beneficial for those having neurological problems. The asana gives you a deep and meditative rest.
We also put together some cautions to keep in mind during the practice of these poses. Check them out below.
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mthupp · 2 years
Mindfulness: Did I Know It When I Felt It?
Mindfulness: Did I Know It When I Felt It?
Earlier this week, I went to a yoga class for the first time in a couple of months. Life has been getting in the way, but I have missed the class, so I made it a priority this past Monday. It felt good to stretch and to hold the strengthening and balance poses as long as I could. It felt good to let the instructor tell me what to do without my having to make any decisions. It felt good to let all…
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afterdarkprincess · 24 days
The council is pleased. The council demands more.
(Best fic I’ve ever read)
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So happy I’ve pleased the council- I don’t have anything else Punkintyre on the dock, but I’m open for requests/inspo
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nulemon · 9 months
Corpse the Shavasana
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Corpse the Shavasana is a yoga posture that offers a range of benefits, from enhanced physical strength to improved mental focus. Featuring a reclining pose with the body and legs resting flat against the ground, the Corpse the Shavasana enables increased blood flow throughout the body for improved healing and relaxation. #Breathing #Corpse #Meditation #Relaxation #Shavasana #Yoga Read the full article
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nativeyoga · 2 years
This is Why Yoga Makes me Happy
This is Why Yoga Makes me Happy
Yoga makes me happy because every time I practice, I feel lighter and more calm. Watch this video so I can share with you reasons why I think yoga can make you happy too. Before I started to practice yoga, I was very unhappy. I went through a very difficult time in my life. And when I started practicing yoga a little over 30 years ago, I noticed that I began to be able to change my negative…
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motorcyclingyogig · 5 months
Shavasana (death) as a spiritual entry to yoga. 
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