#600 is a lot of pokemon lol
The two halves of my updated ceiling display, currently at 600/1010 Pokemon
The first half goes from #001 Bulbasaur to #505 Watchog
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The second half goes from #506 Lillipup to #1010 Iron Leaves
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Currently I have crocheted way more Pokemon in the first half, so that side looks much fuller. I'm not sure when I'll be up to crocheting anything more, probably not anytime soon, I'm still considering this on hiatus, but I thought it would be nice to share the updated display.
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slicksquid · 1 year
I rly forgot how many hours I used to put into Pokémon games
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thornpuck · 1 year
A few questions from a budding merch seller?
I'm trying to work out the viability of selling my art as stickers/tshirts/keychains(?)(other??) at the local markets/smaller artists markets.
(Sigh, minor tangent: I'll be real - doing a kids book was too much for me. Like I don't think making merch is going to be easy, but I do think it plays to my strenthgs more, plus, it seems scaleable. I can start small and experiment.)
So I have a few questions that I'm hoping any experienced merch sellers out there would have time to answer.
Anyone know the legality of selling pokemon/other fan merch? I see it done but I'm like, I don't want to be sued? Not that I think I would sell enough to be on their radar, but still, I'll probably just stick to trying to sell original stuff? But people do be liking their fandoms, so.
Is there a high-quality print-on-demand service around anymore? My medium term plan is to take stickers to the markets. I'm really enjoying being inspired by my local scenery and culture, so people from my hometown are more the target audience. But I mean, people in my hometown still like "cool stuff" so I want to design "cool stuff" to sell online first, and see what does well before committing to getting inventory for markets.
If there's no print on demand and you make your own stickers, how do you know how much inventory to order? Like I don't wanna order 600 of a sticker that won't sell. But I also want to have a market stall that has range.
Lastly, I'm aware my work is not exactly out-of-the-box apparel and merch friendly. I'm experimenting with some things. I think my lines are a bit thin? Need things to read better? IDK how much of that is up to style and how much is just git gud lol. But yeah, any suggestions experienced sticker makers can recommend to make my art more sticker/shirt friendly I'd be all ears.
So yeah, that's a lot. If you pass by and have the time to comment, I'd appreciate any tidbit of info you might want to pass on.
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girlzkiss · 2 years
long post about how i'm enjoying pokemon scarlet :D
warning for some spoilers for the game. not story spoilers. just spoilers on some mechanics and moments that could be enjoyable as a surprise!
so a little of my background with the franchise before i go into my thoughts (so you can see how closely my own opinions align with your own, and therefore know how much my opinion on the game does or does not mirror yours).
I grew up with the spinoff games, Stadium & Snap for the N64 were some of the first video games I ever played (and played constantly all the time growing up). And when I was around 7/8/9 I got really into the Pokemon Ranger series (my favorite of the time being Shadows of Almia) and I played Battle Revolution a lot as well (I used to rent it all the time from the library). This is of course, in addition to watching the anime.
I tried other pokemon games, including the main series, but they didn't resonate with me at that phase in my life.
so anyways, when Pokemon Black & White came out, I was suddenly interested in the main series. if i had to guess -- i think it was because people i knew on deviantart at the time were into it lol.
so that came out, i played through it. enjoyed it enough! black & white 2 came out, i played through it and enjoyed it enough.
then X&Y were announced, and it was the first era i was actively watching nintendo directs all the time, and just keeping up w gaming news. so i was stoked! i got it on release day, and played through it very quickly, and tried matsuda method shiny hunting when i was done lol (i never got the shiny tho. i quit after like 600 eggs)
meanwhile in contrast, when sun and moon came out. i was keeping up with things, but idk? i have to assume it was the stage in my life i was in (i was 17 and it was my era of dropping out of every extracurricular activity i was in because i couldn't be fucked to do or care about anything that wasn't drawing). i bought the game, but legit only played the first few hours and stopped playing. it's always been funny to me, because i really loved the way the 3DS era style had been plused up. i liked the new pokemon, i was interested in the story... but it just didn't keep me engaged at that time.
so when sword and shield came out and it was soooo blasted. i didn't know how i'd feel about the game, but still bought it release day. and uh. i loved it? i loved it so much. its the most fun i've ever had with a mainline game.
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so now going into scarlet & violet, there's a lot of options on the table for how i'd feel about it lol. i wanna add: i'm not done yet. i've beaten 4 gym leaders, gotten one titan, and my pokemon are level 35-40.
I didn't like the start of the game very much. There was no easy answer for how to handle it, like they needed to give a lot of info out the gate, and it's hard to do that in a way that isn't overwhelming. I like Nemona a lot though, and I like how the legendaries of these games are just with you the whole time (the way legendaries are handled typically is not for me) also i LOVE the customization out the gate (hair & face & stuff) i love how my character looks.
so anyways, felt negative for the opening. and then when i started with my adventure, i was soooo bugged by the camera angle you have in most battles. like i'm a slut for a fixed camera angle. the way the camera moves in past pokemon games did not need to be changed lol. the new free camera just has no optimal view. i feel so far removed from the action, like im watching ants.
when i complained abt this to a friend, he brought up it might have to do with the way terrain works in this game. and like... that could be true? but also i don't think the terrain being the way it is is a good enough mechanic to warrant removing the fixed camera. i wish they figured something out.
so the thing that made me start feeling positive was sort of a funny thing lol. i was feeling bummed abt the things all above, and i was also feeling weird abt the nonlinearity. like it means there cant be as many unique interactions since they dont know where in the game u are. and in sword & shield, i really got attached to the gym leaders (for the first time) and i wasn't feeling that same spark here.
i sorta felt like, lol. well. the nonlinearity is here, i might as well take advantage of it and just go across the whole map to get a pokemon i like early (in this case my goals were to get: zorua & gothita).
so i started on my way, and i was passing through one of the dessert/mountainous terrains and i bumped into that giant klawf (the stony cliff titan). and was trying to avoid him bc i didn't know what was going on and didn't want him to wreck my pokemon. but i accidentally got in a battle with him. and panicked a bit because i thought i sequence broke and wasn't supposed to be there yet or something, only to get him in one hit because i was actually over leveled LMFAO.
stumbling on major events randomly like that are my favorite part of nonlinear sandbox games. and it just gave me this perspective change of like, okay. this isn't sword and shield. it's not meant to be sword and shield! this is it's own game, and i should enjoy it for what it is and not dwell on what it isn't... and i'm having so much fun now lol.
i got an outfit i like, my team is bringing me a lot of joy, i'm gonna ask if my bestie (who happened to get violet) could send me a misdreavus because thats my only fav [who's in the game] that i don't have yet... and its because they're not in my version of the game lol.
here's my party right now :D
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other good experiences i've had: u can see my beloved babygirl Gus in both of these. azumarill and the line has never been a fav of mine, but i was charmed by a wild azurill near the start of the game, and decided to catch it. i was talking w my mom while i was playing, and asked if she wanted to name her, and she said "Gus" SOO fast. like even before i finished asking her. thank u mom, i love gus so much.
i ADORE how when tandemaus evolves into maushold, the game doesn't tell u. like, i thought i'd encountered my first glitch (that people love to talk abt so much).. but no its just the cutest mechanic.
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noelledeltarune · 15 days
personally i was thinking 15 depending on stats/nature but i think 5-10 sounds way more fair. your idea of saving them for major battles sounds really fun!
i was just thinking of like the gyms and they're all encountered at level 45 so. 15 levels means i can't use them until the e4.... idk if i'll catch all 3 either depending on encounter tables like if there's something else i really want... it all depends LOL. this section of the game is kind of open in that you have access to like undella bay and routes 13-14 and 11 and that cave for tynamo before the gym so i have a lot to consider before i have to go that way. i don't think that catching them will be a huge problem (at least not coballion, it can only hit jellicent with iron head LOL so).
i also just feel like while they are legendary pokemon idk if they're necessarily 15 levels better yknow? like lucario has way better attacking stats than coballion does.. it's still a strong pokemon for sure but i feel like a 580 BST isn't THAT insane. like just thinking of drayden haxorus has a BST of 600 and like a base attack stat 50 points higher than coballion's. etc. but they are still legendary pokemon so i don't wanna throw em out willy-nilly in a run that's meant to be very challenging
but yeah i have time to decide before tomorrow LOL. i feel like i have to resist the urge to stream later and later because it's soooo light and nice outside here.... honestly i might do a super dumb late stream in like 45 minutes just to get the TM for protect from the battle subway
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For the writer ask game..do all the ones you haven’t answered in previous ask games? :3
ashfsahiuf doin it
I have written for MHA and Pokemon primarily, buuuut more recently I've decided to dip my toes into writing some Saiyuki stuff >..>;;
I am always writing oc x canon but I LOVE reading reader x canon <3
I'm hella kinky but like I never talk about the depths of my depravity kjsfs
I love both skuhfsdf - But I have a special place in my heart for fluff <3
My absolute fave stuff I've written (non fanfic) is actually about an oc of mine who travels through dimensions and interviews people from other series (like anime / video game characters).. Def my absolute fave due to how silly / fun it is to write <3 - For fanfic stuff I'd honestly have to say what I remember having the most fun with would either have to be the Naruto / Pokemon fic I wrote when I was like 12 or the Pokemon Legends: Arceus fic I wrote a year or two ago? Both are my longest works and were a blast to work on (since I included friends when making them <3)
AAaa okay so F=Koumyou, M=Toshinori Yagi, K=Brook (I'm sorry, my beloved skeleton man ;-; )
Thats a tie between the PL:A and Naruto/Pokemon fic - They're both hella long and I still have yet to finish either of them kdsuhfdsf
Shortest was a oneshot Pokemon one that was just smut... do not ask, I will never release it despite actually finishing it skdjfh
Because I'm insane and like to cocktease myself with the notion that love exists.
Because I wanted to write myself into stories with my fave characters and thats when the oc madness kicked in
Blue / black <3
Stegosaurus, my beloved
Not getting into a car accident because the driver picked the wrong lane (you can ask, but thats basically the jist of it lmao)
Killing off or really hurting the love interest in stories skdjuhsf
Probably either Pokemon or MHA - They've both got a lot of neato characters and have a lot of options
Look I get bored at work and get new ideas / itches to make something new - It takes so little to inspire me sometimes skdufhsdf
I haven't posted any of mine anywhere but like I don't have links on hand to any fics I really love... just gonna say I have a lot of faves sdkhufsdkfu
I never post because I want it to be finished so people aren't left waiting.. but I always double check everything after I write it
Prob like 600+.. I get ideas and sometimes I only write the general outline before I let it collect dust lmaoo
I don't post my shit... but if you know me you can ask and I miiiiight link you it lol
@toujouhidetora - They're cool beans, go give them love <3
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mac-lilly · 2 years
Ain't that the truth! I almost became a teacher only to switch majors in college because my aunt (who was a kindergarden teacher until she retired) told me that all of the stuff you learn in the classes to become a teacher never gets used afterwards.
Lol oh very true! Though I gotta give Zac props on building his singing voice to go from having to be dubbed by Drew Seeley to being considered good enough to duet with Hugh Freaking Jackman!
Well Zac and Charlie are the same height (5'8") so the table would be needed! 🤣 And yeah, Julie is the sole exception to Luke's love of music because as he said, no music's worth playing if it's not with her.
Ah yeah I saw that on Twitter. Don't know how I feel with them not requiring testing or masks since cases are on the rise in Europe but hopefully people will use good judgement.
So the queue is like the seating arrangements when they said you could email to sit by friends (higher passes could sit in the lower zones but the lower passes couldn't sit in the higher zones).
Why...why wouldn't you want the poster signed?
Good to know about the public transport but I'll likely be taking a cab anyway (I got a hotel about 30 mins away from the convention center because I got a good deal on it through my job).
Fingers crossed we'll get something about discounts though my wallet is definitely happy for the break lol.
Oh did you see the tweet from the person raising money for the Cameron Boyce foundation? I hope they make their goal (they said it was $800 this year because they raised $600 last year) but they're closing it soon and they were at $500 last I checked. Though they've got 5 days to go so hopefully they can get that extra $300 to make their goal :D
Oh wow! You're going to be doing a lot of travel!
I have a cousin who is about to become a teacher (for high school, I think), and yeah, I don't envy her. Although, she'll make more money than Mr. Bolton. The minimum wage for newbies (who have passed the exam) on the job is 50,000€. (Still not enough money cause some schools are warzones.)
Yeah, sure, it's an achievement for him. On the other hand, the problem with Zac in the first movie was that his singing voice didn't work with the songs. (The songs were probably already written when the casting happened, so they couldn't make any adjustments.) With the later movies, they could write songs that suited his voice.
(Oh gosh, they are so tiny. And Madi and Vanessa are even smaller. I'm still very concerned about the photos with them.😅)
Yeah, I'm also not sure. On the one hand, it's nice that you don't have to worry about what happens if you are positive. On the other hand, it's risky. But their hands are probably tied since there are no Covid regulations in France anymore. 🫤
Yeah, exactly like the seating. Well, enhances your chances of getting everything done. 🤞
Because I have to do a lot of traveling after the con and a poster is so unhandy and easy to damage. Also, I already have a few autographs, and they are photo-sized, so the poster wouldn't fit in. But I'll decide later.
Ok, when your hotel is that far away. Mine's within walking distance. However, because of this, I just checked the way from the airport to the city, and there's a disruption too. 😑 So either bus or taxi. (I hate buses, I hate taxis.😅)
Yeah, I did. And I already donated. I hope they can raise the money. But with inflation going on … it won't be easy. Would be nice if they got $600 at least. 🤞 Kenny looked so happy when he was informed about it.
Yup. Lot of travel. However, once I'm home, I have an entire weekend to recharge (with the new Pokemon game🤩).
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narwhalsarefalling · 5 years
okay, just updated my theme!
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atsuwiee · 3 years
Hoi! Congratulations on 600 followers! May you receive many more in the future!
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I'm also here for the matchups if you don't mind!
Female - she/her
Age - 18
Fandoms - Twisted Wonderland
Looks - I'm a short girl of 5'2" with a pear-shaped body type. I have shoulder-length, dark brown, curly hair with dark brown eyes and honey brown skin. I also have to wear thick, square-shaped, hot pink glasses since I'm extremely near-sighted.
Personality - I'm a very shy and quiet girl who prefers to stay out of trouble instead of cause it. But with given time, I can come out of my shell and become more bubbly and try to be funny (but would most likely just end up being awkward). However, that all changes the moment I see someone being mean and unreasonable to someone else who doesn't deserve it. As soon as I come across a bully, I summon up every scrap of savage-āśš energy that I have hidden within me, and just let the beast out and have it tear them to pieces. I'm only like 5'2", but when I see a walking piece of trash I might as well be the 9' tall vampire lady from Resident Evil 8! But at the end of the day, I'm still the same shy and quiet girl who prefers to stay home, play games, and cuddle with her stuffed animals.
Likes - stuffed animals, sleeping, anime, video games, cats (big and small), animals, onesies, pokemon, skirts and dresses, traveling to far away places, reading, leather jackets, winter, candy and sweets
Dislikes - the dark- or at least being or sleeping alone in the dark, spiders, going to a party or event alone, very tight clothing, crying in front of people, being lazy
Hobbies - singing, acting, and playing video games
Habits - I have a bad habit of biting my nail 24/7. I also sometimes stick my tongue out whenever I'm concentrating or deep in thought
i match you with... leona kingscholar!
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i just feel like you're ready to throw hands at people who try to bully leona
anyways, leona can be your personal stuffed animal, great for cuddling while you try to sleep- he liked sleeping a lot so both of you would just probably lounge all day if ever you both aren't busy.
probably teases you for a bit for not being able to sleep in the dark but he'll actually stay beside you and cuddle up to you lol.
i hope you liked this!
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kyoupiruchi · 5 years
I need help D:
So... the past few months had been rough on me in financial terms. Let me first lay out some basic info. I... only make about $600 per month on average. X'D;; Although yes, living expenses in Malaysia are cheaper, the medical here is also cheaper, I'm living with my parents so I don't need to pay rental. (some would say that I HAVE TO live with my parents because I can't afford to get my own place lmao. Although, I do give my parents money every month because Asian kids have to, whether you live at home or not) But at the end of the day, I only make $600 per month. I've always been doing okay, living at the edge of poverty all this time. I am a freelance painter. Half of my income comes from miniature painting. The other half from Etsy sales and other sales. (sometimes guest arting for adopts help) But I've really been struggling the past few months. In May I brought my car into the workshop for a small electrical problem, they subsequently found a lot more problems and the bill ended up costing like $200+. In June, I finally went in to check a dental problem I have. I've been delaying it ever since January because I don't have extra money to see a dentist!! Good news, my wisdom tooth came out straight, bad news, my root canal's filling was botched at the free clinic. I got a new filling, but I would need crowning. That bill ended up costing about $80 and the crowning will cost me an additional $250 in the future. Which... I will probably only do when this filling falls apart lol orz. Then earlier this month, my hind-paralyzed kitty got a nasty UTI and had to go on a special diet. The vet bill and the special diet costed me $100. Even if these numbers doesn't look like a lot compared to bills in the US, it is a lot considering how much I make per month! 
And now, I might need to change my phone battery soon. I found out last year that the battery is bloated, and the screen might needed changing too? But I just didn’t have the free funds to get a new one, or a quote for that matter. XD In March it started dying more rapidly. And now it’s picking up pace orz. Idk how much that would be yet but I’m scared lmao. But I suppose getting it fixed is cheaper than getting a new phone... I'm usually kind of prepared for sudden expenses/bills, but not at a monthly basis!! So I'm really desperate, as I'm already scraping the bottom of my bank account. And I really need your help! Here are ways to help...
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https://www.etsy.com/shop/skyejuice?section_id=26695527 I've dug out all my craft supplies, gemstones, and whatnot. And are destashing/letting them go for cheap on my Etsy shop. Please feel free to look through!! And please buy some!!
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https://www.etsy.com/shop/CommanderMittensCo I have really cute pokemon stickers here that you can buy!
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https://ko-fi.com/kyoupi You can donate on my Ko-fi? TuT
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https://www.paypal.me/SkyejuiceStudio Or you can donate directly to me on my Paypal. That is fine as well. Every little bit helps!! I'm looking to get at least around $400 to feel more comfortable about the months to come. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! TuT 160/400
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dailypokemoncrochet · 3 months
I am so impressed by your work and cannot believe you have made over 600 pokemon!! I'll definitely be digging through your blog for inspiration.
I have a question though: what do you do with them all? Do you just have boxes full of little crochet pokemon? More than 600 must take up a lot of space
Thank you!! They are on the ceiling (No, really lol) (They did used to be in boxes but you're right that it took up a lot of space)
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krisgoatpher · 3 years
so so sosososo
and i really want to talk about the deity system i have created because uh. idk. im kinda proud of it?? ok anyways
below the cut :)
SO. There's three types of gods:
--Old Gods: Giant, usually between 25-30 ft. in height. Extremely powerful. Have been around since the dawn of time. Cannot feel/express emotions. Hair only grows on their head, nowhere else. Eyes are purely white
--New Gods: Human-sized. Still very powerful. Have only been around for about half the time as old gods. Feel emotions/can express emotions. Look like humans. Can shapeshift
--New Generation Gods: Pretty much same as new gods lol
The reason these three are separated is because it's kinda like a pokemon evolution, except backwards kinda. Old gods transform into new gods when they've become tired of being gods. New gods are supposed to just have kids (which old gods cannot do) and then when they feel like they have a suitable heir they pass their powers onto them, creating a new generation god (who can turn back into an old god to complete the process!)
All three can go into "divine forms," which is basically just a huge animal w/ either a ton of eyes, ton of wings, or something like that
New gods cannot turn back into old gods. Only new gen gods can.
Usually new gods lose all of their memories once they turn into a new god, so they typically forget their name, purpose, everything. But since they still look like the old god they used to be (same hair color, same face shape, etc) others will recognize them or they'll recognize drawings of themselves. Typically will not go by old god name but some will.
New gen gods are the same way. Once a new god passes on their powers to one of their heirs, said heir will lose all of their memories. Some go into trances and will lose about a year or two of their lives to it. None of them will ever meet/interact w/ their family again. If their family tries to rekindle/talk to them, they will typically react poorly.
OH AND I FORGOT! new gods have two things that they hold deityship(?) over. One is what they were literally created to be the god of, the other is based on their personality.
Vidal: New god. God of sleep and revenge. He's been around for about 600-700 years. Vidal is not his deity name; his wife, Lita, picked it out for him because his old name was associated w/ the bad stuff he did back when he first became a new god (which is something i want to discuss very badly but will hold back on. for now) He doesn't plan on passing off his power anytime soon.
Vigil: 2nd gen god. Doesn't know this. God of war and tragedy.
Brutus: new god. He's only been around for about 50-60 years tho. he doesn't want to pass on his power at all. god of death and lust
Elias: New god. Been around for about 30 years. Very much wants to pass on their power. Actually retained a lot of their memories from when they were an old god (i said it was rare, not impossible) and acts very stuck up about it. Thinks they're better than the other new gods because of it. God of life and manipulation
Adete: 2nd gen god. She very much knows that she's a 2nd gen god. Lives w/ two old gods who used to be friends w/ her mom. Uncomfy w/ discussing that's she's 2nd gen tho. Not planning on becoming old god anytime soon. God of fertility and acceptance
Mother + Father: both old gods. Mother is god of mercy, Father is god of justice. Neither plan on becoming new gods ever. They take care of Adete and consider themselves to be the rulers of the land. They punish new gods that they feel are abusing their power. Since they're old gods they have no secondary thing
OKAY so that's it that's all i wanted to talk about. rant over thank you for coming to my tedtalk goodbye
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wonderweird · 6 years
Lickitung and a swirpluff
Oh I wasn’t expecting those >:0 !! I do love Swirlix and Slurpuff a whole lot, I actually hatched about 600 eggs trying to get a shiny one (never got one ;o; )
I actually really love Lickilicky, love me some big round tank boys in pokemon. Lickitung tho I’m kinda meh, I’d just evolve it as soon as I could. Good choices though! I’m wondering why you picked those choices though or are my favorite aesthetic choices in pokemon that easy to see lol.
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hyyunjinn · 7 years
tAGGED BY @hanjisungie???!?! thank you?????? this is gonna be fun heheh
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. nickname: Cici!!!! hi!!!
2. gender: female
3. star sign: libra
4. height: 5’2’’ lmao why
5. time: 10:52 AM
6. birthday: oct 11 (OCTOBER BABIESSS)
7. favorite bands: Day6, BTS, Seventeen, Oh My Girl, ASTRO, Golden Child, The CAB, Mariana’s Trench, R5, Before You Exit, Hollywood Ending (those are the ones i can think of haha)
8. favorite solo artists: Sam Tsui, Tori Kelly, SURAN, Will Jay, Dalton Rapattoni, Dana Vaughns, Celeste Buckingham
9. song stuck in my head: DamDaDi - Golden Child (dude i really wanna stan tem but like ahhHhHhhHhH)
10. last movie I watched: I haven’t watched movies in a while unless u counts clips in school then uh Frankenstein
11. last show I watched: LOL PROBABLY STRAY KIDS or Run BTS
12. when did I create my blog: whenever Hellevator came out hahahah
13. what do I post/reblog: STRAY KIDSSSSSSSSS
14. last thing I googled: i think ASTRO? my sister and i was wondering if anyone was from Busan
15. other blogs: @xcicichi @xbxngtxnsboys @starsforastro @ssvtss lmaoOOoooo imm running 5 different blogs haha
17. why I choose my URL: bc hyunjin and i think he’s cute but i like minho more:)))
18. following: 600+ lmao
20. average hours of sleep: 6-8 sigh i wake up at 6 most mornings to do hw bc the rest of the day im giffing stray kids <3
21: lucky number: 10!!!!
22. instruments: i know like a little bit of piano but my mom canceled my lessons when she thought i wasnt practicing >:||
23. what I’m wearing: gray sweater and jeans ITS SO COLD AND IT WAS SUPER HOT LAST WEEK
24. dream job: to become a film director :( but it’s so……. unpredictable
25. dream trip: honestly, to explore those cramped alleyways of packed cities ahdhakaka fOR THE AESTHETIC PICS
27. nationality: that means what citizenship you have, right? American i’m pretty sure. I’m Vietnamese tho~
29. last book I read: Frankenstein because I have to ew
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: POKEMON POKEMON POKEMONNNN (well i guess Miraculous Ladybug if i get to be a hero and San Fransokyo so i can meet my bf Hiro ;)
aghakd i taaaaag @manny27lei @fehlix @seungminies @strayskid @strykids @bangchan97 @aussieline i know i’m missing a lot but i cant really think of anyone else right now :(
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Omg. Thanks you evil anon. 😂😂
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
I always add more milk than cereal, and it makes me so sad.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I actually freaking love it. ngl.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I sometimes just random strings/ribbons I find, or like a hair tie. But this one time I used bobby pins.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
Coffee: I love diabetes with my coffee. (I love a lot of sugar tbh) which is like so bad for me, but whatevs. Tea: uhh I just drink it???
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Very self conscious, I hate it. But I show it because I’m generally pretty happy.
6: do you keep plants?
No, but I would love to have plants! It would be fun to own a garden.
7: do you name your plants?
I would name them if I had them!
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I write poems honestly.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
All the freaking time. I love singing tbh.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
I switch between my stomach and my side. But mostly my stomach tbh.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
1-800-DrugFlab. It’s a looooong story. 😂😂😂😂
12: what’s your favorite planet?
Oooo, that has to be Saturn. I just love how it’s a gaseous planet and that gravitational pull of debris that creates it’s rings is pretty freaking tiiiight. In my opinion.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
Recieving a phone call from a said awesome person. 💕
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
It would look amazing. Tapestrys, christmas lights, and nature paintings everywhere! And soft couches and chairs. With pretty rugs. 😍
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
The largest asteroid ever recorded is a mammoth piece of space rock named Ceres.
The asteroid is almost 600 miles in diameter. It’s by far the largest in the asteroid belt and accounts for a whole third of the belt’s mass. The surface area is approximately equal to the land area of India or Argentina. It’s so big, there’s actually some debate over whether to refer to it as a dwarf planet instead of an asteroid, even if it has mostly asteroid-like qualities.
(Ayyy we all learned something new today.)
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
That’s so hard, because I love all pasta. But I guess my favorite has to be chicken Alfredo.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
I REALLY want to do a black to greyish/white ombre. Because I think I would look so cute with it.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
It was my first year of high school/secondary school. And I was rocking in one of the chairs, I fell back and as I fell, I turned off the front classroom lights which in a way created a spotlight for me when I landed on the ground with a big bang. I was so freaking embarrassed, but my friends found it hilarious.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I don’t necessarily keep a journal or anything. But on my phone I like to go into my notes and write poems and stuff. Nothing too fancy or post worthy though.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
I love light coloured eyes tbh. Seeing as mine are brown. I adore blue and green. But blue is my 100% favorite.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
My red backpack I got like almost five years ago. It’s my favorite and I had it through high school and I still use it now when I go sleep at a friend’s house. lol
22: are you a morning person?
Not really. I prefer the night time more.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
I personally just love to listen to music, play video games, or just talk on the phone with people that mean something to me.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Of course. And he knows who he is. (:
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
Uhhhh, my friend’s interested house to plant a vaccuum cleaner in his closet. For his birthday. Annnnnd like I never went there before that day annnnnnd he’s also my general manager at work. Sooo. Lol.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
That has to be my black vans. I wear them to work every day too.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
I really don’t chew gum tbh.
28: sunrise or sunset?
I personally love the sunset.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
Sing to me and play guitar. (:
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Oh hell yeah, more times that I can count tbh.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I wear mismatch socks. With either Disney villians, Harry Potter, or Pokemon on them. I hate sleeping with socks on ngl.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Uhhh, I remember one time we got super drunk at a friends house. We were playing fuck the dealer. Where like you had to guess the card on hand. You had to tries and if you didn’t get it, you had to take the number of that card, in shots. We were so gone, and then after that we just played music, ate taco bell and chilled. (My 3 A.M. stories are usually just drinking or drug related so. Lol)
33: what’s your fave pastry?
Danishes. Cheese or cherry or even blueberry. Mmmmm.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
I had a plush dog that I named Clark and I gave him away to my friend recently because he was moving away from me.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
Uhhhh noooo. I do not. Lol
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
Honestly, EDM artist fit my mood more than bands tbh. 😂😂
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?My room is mostly clean besides like clothes on my bed sometimes. But that’s the worst of it.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
Dishes in the sink, interruption during my favorite part of a song, video game, book, ect. And over neediness.
39: what color do you wear the most?
That’s so hard, cause I wear a lot of colour. I used to wear a lot of black, but I kind of grew out of that. The only time I wear like a lot of black is for work. Hahah. I guess I wear blue a lot though??
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
My gold rose ring that I always wear on my right ring finger. My dad got it for my birthday last year. And it just means a lot to me.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
The Fallen by Thomas E. Sniegoski
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
There’s this freaking coffee shop downtown of where I am! And I can’t remember for the life of me what it was called. But they have the best chai tea lattes and scones. Like omg. 😍
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My friend Cydnie like two months ago. We traveled to this quiet spot near the water where we could see the big bridge of the city and see all the lights of the bridge reflecting on the water, and the stars were so bright, even with the light pollution.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Right now tbh. I honestly love my life and everything/everyone that is in it. (:
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
Oh god, yes. My gut never steers me wrong.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I’m a situational pun person, so you only get one. From the last post. (;
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Brussle sprouts. They smell horrible and should fuck off. (Sorrynotsorry) lol
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
Fucking Spiders, I still can’t handle them. It’s such an irrational fear that causes me to hyperventilate. 😅
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
Records. The last record bought was a Mastodon album. Once More ‘Round the Sun, to be exact.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
Not odd but plush animals.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
Doses & Mimosas. ✌
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
I looooooooove them. Bettlejuice is bae though.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
One of my friends at work, I was very concerned. ):
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
Put myself in awkward situations which calls a lot of attention to myself. (That’s also funny because I comically prove points)
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
Geniune emotions, intelligence, good humour. I find people that just embrace their weirdness and what makes them so very endearing.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
Honestly? It made me extremely happy. And I definitely reenact the lyrics, Every. Damn. Time.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
I’m the wine mom. Because I love wine firstly and because I’m all loopy and come up with stupid but silly ideas for fun. Plus, I’m like super over caring and giggly intoxicated.
Vodka aunt? Oh man, that has to be Matt. He gets so fucking queenie while drunk. And he even goes overboard and gets to the point where he can barely walk. I love him though, he’s hilarious.
59: what’s your favorite myth?
Vampires. Because low key, I would love to be one if that was even a possibility.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
I love poetry. I have too many favorites tbh.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
Oh god, I can’t really think of one. On both ends.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
Uh not really but if I did, I would drink Orange or Apple juice.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Ehhh I just leave them be tbh. I’m really not fussy about it unless there’s a chance of them getting damaged. Then I freak out.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
Blue and the sun is out very brightly.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
There are many friends that I miss dearly, and I would love to see them all again.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
Multicolored, vibrant and just free.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
At peace honestly. I love when it rains and I love gloomy weather a lot.
68: what’s winter like where you live?
Not as cool as I wish it was. It snowed here once, and it was just an inch of freaking snow. Which is lameee. But like it’s humid here so it’s weird when the temperature drops and rises. Along with it being so bipolar here.
69: what are your favorite board games?
I always loved Candy Land for whatever reason. It’s the simplest game and a fast playing game. But I guess that’s why I love it. The simplest things make me happy.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Naaaaaah. And I really don’t plan on it. Call me what you may, but I don’t want to attract any negative energy in my life.
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
I love green tea.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Depends on what the information is, but for the most part I have a decent memory.
73: what are some of your worst habits?
I have a bad habit of not brushing my hair every day. My hair is freaking curly and when I brush it, it gets all frizzy. It just doesn’t work. But I regret it when I brush it after a shower the next day.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Short, coloured hair, absolutely hilarious, EDM lover, chill af, loved by most, knows how to have a good time, and a really kind heart.
75: tell us about your pets!
I have a German Shepard, name Attila and he is fucking adorable. And huge.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
I should probably do some laundry, but I really can’t be bothered to do so.
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
Omg pink all the way! I’ll settle for yellow if that’s all you have though.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
Is there an indifferent club? Because that would be where I stand. lol
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
I really think of the cutest. I have had a lot of cute things done for me. Plantonically and romantically.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
There are white, I did not choose this colour. And I would paint it if I could, but alas, I’m in an apartment.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
The eyes that I’m imagining are the deepest blue I have seen. It’s like staring into the ocean and seeing the waves rushing around. There’s a storm in those eyes. And just seeing the waters calm, is like the sun comes out and the blue becomes bright and looks like the sun glistening on the waters of Bora Bora.
82: are/were you good in school?
I was pretty chill at school. I didn’t really do homework though and I skipped class a lot. Which I really regret now, but when I go back I’m planning on being completely focused and working towards my goal.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
Mastodon’s album covers are nice tbh. Plus some of the EDM artist artwork are beautiful ngl.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
I have so many tattoo plans, if I even started to explain all that I wanted there would be a novel here to read. Haha.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
Nah I don’t. It never called my attention, but I never even tried so. Hmm.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Lord of The Rings Phantom of the Opera&&&Moulin Rouge.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Not that I know of really. But I’m open to explore them!
89: are you close to your parents?
I’m really close to my dad. I have no relationship with my mother and that’s whatever tbh.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Tumblr post: “I’m in love with cities and countries I never been to.” I can’t even pick a favorite yet because I haven’t gone to them yet.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
If I had the money, there are many places I would be travelling this year.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Droooooowns my pasta in cheese. I fucking love cheese, man.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
I wear my hair down the most, I really don’t do much with my hair. Other than wash it and go.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
My queenie boo Matt. We went out to dinner and then went to a gay bar for karaoke, it was so lit.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
I really don’t think that far ahead?? All my plans are very spontaneous. The way I like it tbh.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
I have no computer and it fucking sucks.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
ESFP! Sun Taurus! And Ravenclaw!
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
I went hiking like three or four months ago? With Cydnie and Matt. It was really fun. Even though we couldn’t find the waterfall.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Pretty Girl - Cheat Codes X Cade remixStay Free - Proto ft. DjodieFriends - Chase Atlantic Drowning - Eden ProjectMad Hatter - Melanie Martinez(There’s so many more)
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
Five years into the future, because I would like to know if I’m on the right path to a good future or if I have changes to make. The future scares me the most.Plus, I wouldn’t change my past because that’s what made me who I am today. And I like to think I’m a pretty great person. (:
That took fucking forever, I had to really think about this. It was fun though. So thanks. Haha.✌
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movedtofragoia · 7 years
Tagged by: @blacklionblackpaladin​
Nickname: Keith, Gerome, Jero, Gerold, Leonard, like. 500 variants and extrapolations of Gerome and Lee Zodiac sign: Aries Height: 5'2″ Last thing you googled: red galaxy background (for my about page lol) Favorite music artist: AJJ Song stuck in my head: n…none Last movie you watched: Deathly Hollows pt 1 What are you wearing right now: Ayanami Rei tank and comfy ass shorts Why did you choose your URL: its short and sounds pretty
Do you have any other blogs: Uh yeah a lot @aplewhite @hinaperi @mwile @unclebrony @neebeeru in order: pastel/cartoons, fire emblem, pokemon, shitposting, aliens/cryptids/supernatural catch-all blog what did your last relationship teach you: A lot of things I don’t want to put here! (Not because they are bad, I just feel weird about doing that.) religious or spiritual: I don’t know! Depends. Not– not really, I guess. Favorite color: basic red, royal blue, gold Average hours of sleep: 6…maybe lucky number: 6 Favorite characters: A host of Old Kingdom characters(Belatiel, Clariel, Sabriel, Lirael, The Dog), Sun Wukong, N Harmonia, Nick Valentine, Gaara… Shade from Silverwing. Probably like 600 more. God– Rachnera Arachne. Varric tethras and Fenris. Taako tacco. A N G U S MCDONALD All of my ocs Dream job: I don’t know honestly…
heres where I exercise if I know 20 tumblr users or not
Tag 20 people: @mythogray @oh-by-golly-gee @mcleanbeef @howlpndrgn @aratona @ghostiecutie @hard–femme @hpd @pastel-ponies @elinciariddellcrimea @bizmyth @crystalbepis @bisexualromeo @mchree god thats 14 I give up you don’t have to do it if I tagged you (and if I didn’t tag you then you can pretend I did)
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