#600 pages a month
dead-by-tbr · 9 months
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January 1st, 2024
Reading Goals - JOMPbpc
Instead of getting caught up in book amount, I'm focusing on page amount per month. My goal is 600 pages a month. It was actually my boyfriend's idea, since he has seen me get buried in my tbr-goals. And so far, it feels doable :)
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mossflower · 4 months
finished a feast for crows. jesus fucking christ that was a slog
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mychlapci · 5 months
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moth--knight · 5 months
posted both a LOTR m/f rarepair fic AND a portal toxic robot yuri fic tonight. no one else has this range. i am a god
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Me on December 31st: "I'm not making any real resolutions this New Year's."
Me by January 31st: "This year, I will go to the gym at least three times a week, try at least four new recipes a month (and move the whole family towards eating less meat), spend fifteen minutes a day learning Arabic, write a minimum of a page a day in my novel, and read 100 books I've never read before."
(Apparently this year is the year I make up for the past three years when my old job was gobbling up every last ounce of my energy.)
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themyscirah · 11 months
I apologize sincerely for the person I am about to become here
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darflores · 9 months
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Btw. If you even care.
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lemonhemlock · 11 months
i promise i'm not dead i've just been reading the dark academia bible the secret history!!!!!!
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captainkingsley · 1 year
I'm about to go pass out again because of this stupid cold but I realized my bill in collections has a due date for tomorrow and it's not getting paid so uh! Well! I've never had anything like this happen before so idk the processes or whatever.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
finished reading into the wild
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venterry · 1 year
there may be something wrong with me but no promises
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mistninja · 1 year
I keep saying "next month i will reread the fitz books"and it just hit me that next month is in 2 days
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caffeiiine · 5 months
still thinking about crime and punishment
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sofarsofastmp3 · 1 year
it’s that time of the year where i’m really ahead on my reading goal but i become functionally illiterate so i go from “11 books ahead of schedule” to “8 books ahead of schedule” and i start to feel like goodreads is hiding in corners waiting to pop out at me and inform me i am only “3 books ahead of schedule”
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Y’know about notorious housing costs and homelessness situation in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the Pacific coast of the US? In 2023, Portland and San Francisco are both moving forward with major multi-million-dollar projects to outlaw “street camping” while opening “city-run mass encampments.”
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The mayor, 14 April 2023:
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San Francisco is site of arguably one of worst situations in the US, where thousands units are completely inaccessible, and people pay over $2000 a month to live in closets or dorm-style high-density shared rooms, and upscale coffee shops and restaurants require phone apps or payment receipts for people to access restrooms. The W!!pedia page “Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area” is over 120,000 bytes in size and 12,000 words in length.
In April 2023, the city announces its grand plan: A “five-year plan” costing $600 million to “cut the number of unsheltered homeless in halve” in five years. So not a plan to put people in homes, but just to get them off the street, qualifying them as part of the strange designation of “the sheltered homeless” (they will still be homeless, but they won’t be “on the streets,” and will be “sheltered” by a city shelter or camp).
Get them out of sight, put them out of the way on an island or something:
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In 2022, the city estimated that over 20,000 people are homeless in a calendar year.
And that’s only within the formal city limits of San Francisco and doesn’t include the rest of the Bay Area (which contains millions more people in Oakland, San Jose, Richmond, etc.) 
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The rest of the Pacific coast?
In late 2022, Portland, its mayor, and its city council announced a major initiative to ban and outlaw “street camping”. Portland will simultaneously by opening “city-run encampments” or  “sanctioned mass homeless camps.” In early 2023, Portland begins this project:
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March 2023:
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One of the most popular homeless related questions on Q/uora, as if were a “valid question” about how “you must earn your existence through work”, and not a sickening disregard for life:
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oliviawebsite · 8 months
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disabled, unemployed, and in need of help
i know ive been asking for a lot of help but when you get left out in the cold by your employer after a bad relapse of a chronic illness, it's not so easy to get back on your feet in a swift manner. this is me simply asking for help maintaining a general fund to survive until i either find new employment or start to make some headway on applying for ssdi.
i am physically and mentally incapable of working a normal full time job but continue the endless process of appealing and getting rejected for disability because my condition spends "significant amounts of time in remission" which is all fine and good until it comes back to bite me even harder and i end up dropping the ball on responsibilities bc i can barely walk or get out of bed.
i know many of us are struggling in similar ways, i don't expect a lot but just enough to keep me floating until i can find secure income once again. im sorry that my many failures and shortcomings have led to me being an e-beggar likes this. i know you'd rather not see me doing this. i don't want to be doing it either. but i also don't want to starve or end up homeless because of a bad couple of months. no one should have to go through that. and i especially am keen to not repeat that experience ever again.
if there is anything you can do to help a seriously chronically ill trans woman with a scrambled and broken brain i would greatly appreciate it. i will return the favor whenever i have the means. we are in this together and all that. i love you, please help or share if you can. I am setting a short-term target of $600 since this seems like a reasonable nest to safely carry me to my next paycheck.
paypal link
venmo link
$claireol on the cash app
bandcamp page to buy my music (material exchange of goods and services)
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