do-kontsa · 9 months
I absolutely adore your art, it's inspiring!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youu ;д; Im glad to know people like it :D
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jbweld · 11 months
it honestly sucks not passing but even if i cut my hair and contoured my face or whatever i still wouldn't pass and just taking the hit getting she/her'd is way easier than correcting every single person i've ever talked to and thus inviting myself to the most uncomfortable and hostile conversation ever. god
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menelaus-blue · 1 year
love it when two guys are having sex and making it about a third guy. that's so amazing. the best trope of all time.
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slitherbydjo · 2 years
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
One, Leo your thoughts are very valid surrounding college and applying its a stressful time and I truly wish you the best
and know it's okay to not have it all figured out going in, you can always change your major<-changed mine twice
I'm rooting for you and believe in you <3
yeah... i kind of think i'm stressing a little more than i should be, but. i am unfortunately prone to catastrophizing... i am the real life version of that "this is fine" dog i am so stressed 24/7 you would not believe it <3
but yeah, i guess i can always change my mind, can't i? unfortunately my mindset tends to be "i have to have it figured out and if i don't i'm a failure" so sdkgjhsd
i do appreciate the kind words though <3 i'll continue doing my best and trying to figure it all out!
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mochlus · 8 months
The way I learn best is by being allowed a lot of time alone to try things myself, with a strong backing in the theoretical how's and why's of what's going on, with explicit written or visual (ideally both) instructions in every step of what's happening, and, again a lot of time alone to try things slowly on my own over and over again with nobody else around so that I can become accustomed to doing the thing without feeling judged.
Unfortunately learning to drive that way is considered "illegal"
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starmacnc · 1 year
Trocen technology starma CCD camera co2 laser cutting machine 6090 100w
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Enigma 600x
The Enigma 600x is a great-sounding home theater speaker that has been praised for its high quality and attributes. A number of the capabilities that were highly rated contain its stereo audio, selection, and clarity. Also, many people have found the Enigma 600x to become simple to setup and use. Immerse your self in your favorite films like hardly ever in advance of: you will not only see and listen to, but Stay Every instant as your chair vibrates to each automobile chase or explosion. A whole new dimension in cinema thrills awaits. This light-weight is produced from adaptable gooseneck tubing materials that enables the light to get contorted in a number of other ways. It is a really long lasting stainless-steel product. The large chrome steel base retains this light-weight upright. You'll be able to depend on this light Long lasting For some time with the quality design. Introducing the Soundshaker, a brand new revolution in home theater amusement. This exciting piece of Hello-tech wizardry will allow you to sense the screen action, devoid of leaving the ease and comfort of your respective seat!
Enigma 600x
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cosmicdream222 · 7 months
I’m living my dream life aff tape & subliminal
This is an affirmation tape meant for robotic affirming or saturating your mind.
✩ Live your dream life, wake up in your desired reality, manifest everything you want overnight
Download ⬇️
Audible affirmations:
✩ I am living my dream life. I am in my desired reality right now.
Audibly repeated 100x
Quieter/subliminally repeated an additional 600x
Echo is applied to each voice track so each layer is repeated at least 2x more
Quieter affs & Subliminal:
You woke up with all your desires! Everything you wanted manifested overnight! Your dream life manifested while you slept! Your desires manifested overnight! It was so easy for you to manifest your dream life! You woke up in your desired reality! Everything you desired appeared overnight! You woke up with everything you wanted! You manifested your dream life overnight! Your dream life manifested overnight! You woke up with everything you wanted!
I woke up with all my desires! Everything I wanted manifested overnight! My dream life manifested while I slept! My desires manifested overnight! It was so easy for me to manifest my dream life! I woke up in my desired reality! Everything I desired appeared overnight! I woke up with everything I wanted! I manifested my dream life overnight! My dream life manifested overnight! I woke up with everything I wanted!
➕Layered with Kottie’s subliminal booster
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animentality · 1 year
Listen I know that the yaoi fandom was super cringe back in the day, but when they said: "I wish I was a man so I could have gay sex with men," I mean.
Does that sound like a straight cis girl to you?
Everyone's cringe as a teenager, because teenagers are figuring something out.
I object to people who insist all yaoi and slash fan girls are all cishets who are the root cause of all homophobia.
I'd bet you that most of them are queer themselves, and those who are not, are still far less harmful than the homophobes of the world.
Like you think teen girls writing narusasu porn are worse than evangelicals who bomb abortion clinics?
Fuck you.
Also the people who say straight women fetishize our existence, well, sometimes they do, but straight people fetishize their own existence too.
And there are people who act as though straight women are hounding gay and bisexual men on the regular and trying to get them to kiss- what world are you living in?
There's no way that's happening in significant numbers for it to be some kind of huge problem. You're 600x more likely to get your ass beat for holding hands with a man in public than having a yaoi fangirl come up to you and say omg can you kiss your bf while I watch?
Women and AFAB people are just not raised that way, but that's a whole different issue that we won't get into.
Leave yaoi girls alone. They're not really hurting anyone, and if they do, well, if it's an irl situation, it's probably just an embarrassing thing they'll look back on in their thirties.
Call me when a yaoi fangirl puts a gun to a gay man's head and tells him to make out with a guy.
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lavendergalactic · 26 days
Haii how do I resize images on bundlrs..? U seem very good at that site so I was hoping you'd know..
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you do:
can replace "600" with anything, i think that's just for width though but it also resizes the height, i don't really know what else could work but that's what i've seen!
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foundationsofdecay · 11 months
Oh huh. Well, what's interesting is looking at the depth chart in merch and promo material, the entire second half of tpwbyt is labelled with depths that are squarely in the Hadopelagic/Hadal zone, which is for depths found I believe exclusively in oceanic trenches (>6000m), and even then less than 50 locations worldwide have been officially noted to go that deep. The final song is at depths only recorded in Challenger Deep, part of the Mariana Trench, which is actually in the Pacific Ocean and not the Atlantic but w/e, we'll ignore that for the sake of artistic liberty.
Anyways, a fun fact that's kind of interesting to mull over and I think actually meaningful, even if on an easter egg level, is that Missing Limbs, at 10924m, is simultaneously believed to be the deepest point reached by any manned deep sea vessel (The Limiting Factor, crewed by Victor Vescovo in 2019) as well as what several studies had concluded (at the point during which the album was likely written) to be the deepest observable point of Challenger Deep in its entirety. Depth accuracy is so hard to determine because of the conditions and topography of the location that the estimated numbers you find in different articles on the same subject will fluctuate by a few meters in either direction, but that number is what comes up the most frequently in the summaries and conclusions. Technically that also makes it a song at the Benthic level, which is cool and gives me song crossover ideas but that's a different post.
A large percentage of sediment's composition at that depth is the skeletal remains of plankton and similar organisms. The atmospheric pressure at that depth is roughly 600x the standard atmospheric pressure. The water constantly hovers at just above freezing temperatures. Taking Missing Limbs and putting that song in the context of the absolutely brutal conditions of that environment, the picture of Vessel having sunk all the way down to the absolute lowest point on the planet's surface in general, is really evocative and also, ow my heart! Equally brutal and heartbreaking imagery.
That zone's associated songs beginning with Alkaline is also interesting but I'm not going to look too heavily into that. I'm actually really curious about the other depth measurements now, though. I'd imagine this particular song is the one most likely to have an actual meaning compared to the others, but it's a fun exercise and a good excuse to read more about the deep sea. The choice to begin with Atlantic already near the bottom of the Mesopelagic zone especially is ??? but I haven't given that a look yet.
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whatyadrawin · 7 months
No one else I know has the same issue as me.
Over the years, my unmedicated mentally ill adhd ass has been raw dogging every awful traumatic event, and it's taken its toll.
School as an adult is difficult, a lot of courses are "condensed" these days because of the need for the students to join the workforce due to lack of employees(medical).
I have this worsening issue where I need to read sentences a few times because they come into my mind wrong.
For example, the way someone writes a sentence could make or break my understanding of it.
Ex: 'The effect of a parasitic infection in a minute portion of the population causes the digestive process to decline by an average of 10%'
How I read it the first time:
'The effect of of infection parasite population causes digestion decline 10%'
It gets even worse when I read sentences from ESL folks(it's not their fault, I don't blame them) because the arrangement of words and missing verbs makes it like a puzzle for me when for normal people its a quick easy read, and I have to read it at least twice to ensure I understand correctly.
Don't even get me started on tests, I need to go over each question 3 times and then come back to it to make sure my fucking brain didn't misinterpret the question. This is hell when the instructors don't give a shit about plain language or proper communication so they make these vague fucking questions that have so many possible answers but yet they expect you to know the specific type of answer they want. School is hell for me, and I fucking love the sciences! But learning things and RETAINING THE INFO is an impossible challenge, my memory is fucking garbage so studying is like a game of memorizing important bits of info. It's bullshit when the instructor decides not to be specific about what the test is on because then I have to memorize entire chapters of data just to ensure I don't miss anything just in case.
I just wish my brain functioned like everyone else's! It's so fucking hard to focus on tasks at hand, reading is something I love doing but oh boy is it a massive struggle for me. It's the same thing for listening to people talk, if it isn't about something I'm super passionate about, I miss like 50% of what they say and then they get mad when I ask them to repeat certain parts.
I live in neurodivergent hell, and as much as the people in my life sympathize and support me, they do not understand what my brain is doing... ITS FUCKING FIRING NEURONS IN THE WRONG ORDER AND AT 600x THE NORMAL SPEED.
Anyway, I just wanted to rant about this because it's just been a sore spot for me for my whole life and I feel alone and people who don't experience this shit tend to make it out like I'm incompetent.
Ok, im done now. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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eliasbouchardslut · 4 months
i mean idk why i'm so upset it was 600x worse when i was a child like at least im not getting choked out or beaten or starved on the regular
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yearningaxe · 9 months
I just saw a post about "all lesbians know is be ginger," & honestly, little lore nuggets aside, that solidifies Meg being a lesbian 600x more for me 🥰🥰🥰
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m0thbrat · 1 year
im about to be 600x more annoying and mentally ill IM SO EXCITED I COULD EXPLODE
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