alienbycomics · 2 months
A comic explaining the internet phenomenon… why are so many Bionicle fans trans? 🏳️‍⚧️ Happy Bionicle Day!
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bioniclechicken · 2 months
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Happy Hero Factory Day
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nickpeppermint · 2 months
We were separate and without purpose, so the Great Spirit blessed us with the three virtues...
United in Duty, bound by Destiny, this is the way of 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄 🌌
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kumatajdg · 2 months
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It's #810NICLEDay! Here's my second of two artworks centred around the 2004 BIONICLE storyline, made for the #DisksZine art collab.
At the climax, Makuta confronts the Toa Metru after they escape the city. He has absorbed his former minions and taken on a monstrous new form...
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ariartaccount · 2 months
Happy BIONICLE day!
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Here is my tribute to the Toa Metru and forces of shadow they face, in a Time Before Time
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outofgloom · 2 months
As a follow-up to my previous post (a Matoric translation of the Legend of Mata Nui), I wanted to share that Markle has now posted the choral arrangement of the Matoric lyrics (entitled "Ro'o Kai"), to his YouTube channel, so check it out and show your appreciation! It's a really moving composition, and the vocalists nailed it.
[Note that the lyrics in the video don't quite match up with the gloss. For example, ro'o means roughly "(my) friends" and kai translates to "gathered, together".]
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quohotos · 2 months
I think we as a Fandom are so in love with Mata nui that we forget just how cool the other locations in this universe are
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rahisaurus · 2 months
Happy #810NICLEday !! As a gift to the community, I'm releasing all my 3D-printable mask files for free, including all the project materials. Find them here in my linktree: https://linktr.ee/rahisaurus
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toabastignika · 1 year
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"I think he likes you!"
Happy (late 😅) 810NICLE Day!!! 20 years ago they started a journey...
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azazelleviathan · 1 year
Rahkshi Kaita Za and Vo for the maskzine
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crosswiredcrafts · 2 months
Doing a 20% off sale for 810nicle day!
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brought to you by the jangbricks Mata-head-to-CCBS-torso connection but executed in reverse
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glacialblogs · 2 months
810nicle 2024
so I just remembered its bionicle day. So here is a teaser for the next story I have in mind. Think of it as like Digimon meets Bionicle.
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I didn't plan anything for 810NICLE day because I just haven't been able to get at into Bionicle as I want to for some reason. But I started writing a screenplay for a story about Lesovikk a couple years ago, and I put a lot of worldbuilding into it but I only actually wrote the first episode/chapter.
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kumatajdg · 1 month
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A late #810NICLEDay piece, to fill space in the physical #DiskZine print!
Whilst exploring the Maze of Shadows, the Toa Metru encounter a mysterious entity inhabiting a pool of Energized Protodermis...
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scraftcat · 2 months
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Happy #810nicleday ! Here's some work I did for this year's Mask Zine. The theme was based on the 2004 wave of Bionicle, which focused on MetruNui, how the Turaga became the Toa Metru, and conflicts with dark hunters, vahki, and Makuta Teridax.
These Zines are created by morganryanart. I really enjoy working on these and seeing all the other amazing work that goes into the Zines. Wether you are a Bionicle fan or not, go check out the amazing artists who worked on this! Get the Zine here.
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(Text says - Surrender or run.) I hope you enjoy :)
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