#86 TVs
no-tengo-ojos · 2 months
If I find out you like my favourite band we are immediately becoming best friends. I don’t care what you say gorgeous, get over here and make a spotify blend with me
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famousornotbuthot · 3 months
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yepthatsacowalright · 2 years
One of the things about Mike Flanagan’s series I both like and dislike the most is how often they say the same thing. Sometimes there is almost word-for-word the same line of dialogue (as many a beautiful tumblr gifset has highlighted over the years) and it feels repetitive and maddening if it’s not a subject that resonates with you, but when it is...it’s, in a weird way, healing. Sometimes a character says something in one series that sounds like they are voicing what a character was thinking but not saying in another. Sometimes two characters go through different kinds of pain and come to the same conclusion about it. Sometimes they go through the same pain and experience it differently. None of the series are directly connected, but it always feels like they are, intimately. Like every series is haunting each other.
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delawaredetroit · 5 months
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"The students have all received psychological evaluations, and none seem to have suffered emotional trauma." Doubt.
He says this while five of the students have gone AWOL on a vigilante mission to go after the missing student. Also, Izuku seems to have jumped straight from his coma into the rescue mission. It doesn't look like he sat down for a psych eval in the meanwhile. (And he would just lie and say he's fine even if they did try). About a dozen of the students just woke up from the poison within a day or so of this press conference. When did UA suddenly get all of these mental health staff.
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comic-covers · 1 year
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chewysgummies · 8 months
It's time.. The day my homeboy first appeared.
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the-sunshower-artist · 6 months
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champagnemoon · 16 days
I feel like at Jlos age and stage a divorce probably feels like a lightweight break up lmao I wouldnt be surprised if they spin the block again at 75 for something to do
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istherewifiinhell · 11 months
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[ID: Transformers Super-God Masterforce [88 anime] screenshot. Shot of Ginrai's vehicle transformer, a cab over/flat faced red semi. Subtitle text "And Ginrai was journeying across West Germany to find the rightful owner of the final remaining pair of MasterBraces." Fan subber note: Although set in the future, this show was made befre 1989, so there is still an East and West Germany. END ID]
Wait. HOLD. this show takes place in the future????
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youngster-monster · 10 months
Im in finals hell currently but stranger things and steddie have their claws in me once again so have this. fic idea thing for a role reversal au between steve and eddie
Season 1, Will Byers disappears and Eddie may be a freak, but shit, missing kid, so he goes on a few of the search parties with his uncle. And he keeps going, even when Wayne's hours mean he can't go anymore: just grabs the lamp torch and walks through the woods for a few hours when he can’t sleep, often on his own. It’s creepy as hell out there, he keeps feeling like something is watching him, but whenever he tries to sleep he ends up spending hours staring at his ceiling instead so whatever. It’s something to do. He keeps doing it even after they fish out Will’s body from the quarry: Hawkins’ nicer when it’s quiet.
He tried to like, talk to Jonathan a few times at school, freaks should stick together etc, but it didn’t exactly. Work. Still, he finds himself wandering past the Byers’ house and when he sees the lights blinking like crazy and hears the noises coming from inside he decides to investigate.
Steve, meanwhile, saw Nancy’s gun and decided shit was already weird enough, running out of the narrative none the wiser. For now. Eddie bursts into the house just in time to see the Demorgogon: his turn at being a protagonist!
The following seasons would go in the same vein. Eddie gets reverse adopted by Dustin on virtue of being a cool older male figure who’s into DnD and probably spends a lot of time grabbing the kids and running instead of getting his ass beat by the villain of the week: THIS protagonist is a runner, and he gets way fewer concussions about it
(Steve, meanwhile, gets dumped without even knowing what made Nancy change so much. No friends, because his previous ones were assholes, and no girlfriend, because he’s bullshit: he’s a pretty lonely guy.)
Nancy won’t let Eddie hang around the kids while dealing, so he picks up a job as Scoops Ahoy instead. Please picture this in your mind. It takes a minute for his, huh. Loud. personality to grow on Robin, but they have that kind of wlw/mlm acerbic friendship, you know the one. When there’s two gays on shift NOTHING gets done. 
Decoding russian cyphers is great fodder for future DnD puzzles and he has a grand ol’ time up until they get kidnapped; he gets a few traumas about it and also a mutual coming out, which is nice because he really thought he’d die the only gay person in Hawkins.
Steve gets a job at some sorts of sports goods store in Starcourt; his parents were NOT happy that he didn’t get into any college. That’s where he meets Chrissy: she needs new shoes for cheer practice, he flirts with her, they actually go on a date, and he’s done enough introspection to realize boy, she is NOT having fun here. He apologizes, SHE apologizes, they’re both cute about it, he drives her home, and somehow they become friends instead. He deserves that.
So in ‘86, when Chrissy needs something to silence the nightmares, she goes to her good pal Steve Harrington at Family Video instead: maybe a movie would help. They chat a bit, he proposes they watch “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” after his shift, and then she starts floating, which isn’t a great moment for anyone involved
In his scramble to climb over the counter to drag her down, Steve walks on the tv remote that controls the display TV, turning the volume up. He had put Grease on when Chrissy walked in: it’s one of her favorite. “Summer Nights” starts blaring, and it’s not her favorite but shit, i’m in charge of the plot here, it works enough that she collapses to the ground, in a bad, bad shape, but alive.
Lucas is pretty much the only one of the kids who’s close-ish to Steve; I figure he reached out to the last best ball boy of hawkins high for tips when he tried out for the basketball team. Don’t ask me how they became actual friends, just know that they are, so the next day he goes looking for Steve to talk about recent My Friends Don’t Like Me Balling teenage angst and finds a crime scene instead. Steve isn’t at the hospital either: he’s at the police station, being questioned because the cops think he’s the one who broke a few of Chrissy’s limbs and put her in a coma (the main theory is that he asked her out, she said no, and he, what, flew in a rage? It’s not like he can tell them the TRUTH. The cameras don’t even work inside the family video.)
Cue the rest of the season. With one long freakout on Steve’s part because his parents are rich enough for him to post bail but jesus christ there isn’t enough money in the world to forget the fact that magic is real and hates you specifically
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taxi-davis · 1 year
コンシャスTHOUGHTS - Summer of '86 (feat. Under Two Palms)
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famousornotbuthot · 3 months
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vxnomoxz · 2 years
"kolibri, immer das ziel schon vor augen behalten. wenn der westen uns angreift, sind wir bereit."
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Deutschland 83, 86, 89 (2015 - 2020)
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hamburgerbox · 1 year
Don Adams Get Smart
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
oh nature is soooo healing i've started drawing and reading fucktons of fanfics and commenting on them and gathering inspiration and listening to fantastic songs and I'M WRITING HOLY SHIT I'M FUCKING WRITING
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