#9/11 fire fighter
girlactionfigure · 12 days
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Turn out gear representing every single firefighter lost on 9/11.
If that doesn’t hit the feels then idk what does.
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authorajalexander · 1 year
9/11 - Tribute - 2023
It has been 22 years since the horrible day, September 11, 2001. That day when the world crashed, when the U.S. was on fire, when people were killed, safety seemed to be an illusion, when cops, fire fighters, rescuers, medics and every first helper were working together to help, to search, to rescue! Do you remember what I remember from that day? I remember the words “UNITED WE STAND”. I…
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dyingporcupine42 · 12 days
Happy 9/11 guys
And you know what that calls for
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I've been reading and watching stuff about the Titanic today and I can't pinpoint why but I feel like crying.
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will-pilled · 1 year
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jayflrt · 1 year
a stoner’s guide to starbucks
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PAIRING ▸ lee heeseung x fem!reader (ft. enha, winter from aespa, beomgyu from txt, and dino from svt)
GENRES ▸ social media au (smau), crack, fluff, stoner au, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, sexual jokes, zero braincells, limited knowledge of the starbucks corporation, weed consumption, dumb shenanigans, ignore timestamps!
SUMMARY ▸ in which you work at the starbucks where heeseung is a regular at (and considered a public enemy). also he only goes when he’s stoned off his ass.
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! i am alive (real) also i was so committed to the bit that i got high to make this <3 shoutout @hoonbear for the Extensive Starbucks Knowledge 🫡 i would also like to note that i am NOT doing a tag list for this smau. also please note that this is a fictional setting and to boycott starbucks in real life for firing their workers over their pro palestine speech. remember to do your daily click!
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01. weed guy beomgyu
02. red bitch with the freckles rizz
03. starbucks public enemy #1
04. 50% cut ???
05. lee heeseung: upstanding citizen, NOT murderer
06. clearing up misunderstandings with an aqi under 50
07. chat is this real
08. daddy’s home 2
09. biodegrade ur chance at romance
10. triple filtered reverse osmosis water filtration system
11. losing the idgaf war
12. crazy gets u bitches
13. banned in the name of love
14. riki s worded irl??
15. 8ball brings nations together
16. killing myself postponed tonight repostponed
17. scheming sponsored by crazy bitch 62 and unimportant goon
18. the do-over date to end all first dates
19. seek BetterHelp.com
20. quarterly store meeting (remote)
22. heejake support group for heejake victims
23. bro fumbled the unfumbleable
24. sunghoon is the new Papa John
25. according to penal code 837 🤓☝️
26. jungwon pulls bitches (the duolingo owl) too
27. someone PLEASE take jungwon to see the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie
28. 14th date’s the charm
29. doc mcuggo
30. nothing to write home about
32. starbucks double chocolate brownies
33. having a kid together before dating is next level
34. tweaking out on 5 hour energy
35. 7.83 inches
36. The Milk Makes The Man, And The Man Makes The Milk
37. sunghoon from papa john's from starbucks
38. then who's flying the plane???
39. league of legends quarantine ex girlfriend
41. unknown evil forces (chaewon)
42. friends to rivaling coffee shop employees au
43. do NOT get the weed frap
44. now on channel 9 news
45. choose your fighter heeseung tit variation
46. kitten i'll be honest, daddy's about to kill himself
47. a fire can be put out but missing a bereal is forever
48. baby's first customer connection score
50. epilogue
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weekly weed check 🗣️
happy weedsgiving
minjake texts
the Sunghoon Special
goons vs baby shark movie
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villadiodatis · 7 months
The Bad Kids are level 11!
As of this episode, the Bad Kids have leveled up! I didn't note their level 10 updates, but here's a level 11 breakdown.
Adaine: Wizard 11. She gets a level 6 spell. She can also now prepare 15 spells per day.
Fabian: Fighter 6/Bard 5 (was Bard 4). His bardic inspiration goes from a d6 to a d8 and recharges on a short rest. He also gets a level 3 spell + 2 level 3 spell slots.
Fig: Bard 9/Warlock 2 (was Bard 8). Her Song of Rest (extra healing on a short rest) goes from a d6 to a d8. She also gets a level 5 spell + 1 level 5 spell slot + a second level 4 spell slot.
Gorgug: Barbarian 6/Artificer 5 (was Barb 7/Artificer 3). He loses Feral Instinct, which gave him advantage on initiative and protected him against being surprised. He took an ability score improvement, bringing his intelligence from 14 to 16 (+2 to +3), and now has a +3 bonus to a healing or damage roll (acid, fire, necrotic, or poison) of spells he casts. (EDIT: @paralulzy pointed out he also gets access to 2nd level spells and 2 2nd-level spell slots!) He can now prepare 5 spells total.
Kristen: Cleric 11. Her Destroy Undead can now take down creatures up to CR2, and she has level 6 spells. Some of the biggest ones here will be Heroes Feast and Sunbeam, but there are some other very cool spells. She can also now prepare 16 spells per day.
Riz: Rogue 11. This is a big one, and we've already seen a benefit of it--Riz is now Murph-proof, with Reliable Talent. He can treat a roll of 9 or below on the die as a 10 for any ability check he's proficient in. This covers (as far as I know) Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, and Stealth.
And of course everyone's HP went up. See you next level!
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rex101111 · 1 year
Things that happen within the first few hours of AC6:
1. You get shot with a huge-ass laser mid-atmosphere entry. You barely survive this, landing several miles away from your intended landing zone.  Welcome to Rubicon 3.
2. You have a mech built with bargain bin parts, barely held together with hope and spite. It has a energy sword though, so that’s nice.
3. Not even two seconds after your, very rough, landing, you get a call from your “Handler”. He is ostensibly in charge of your well-being. This begins and ends with him sending you off on missions he’s fairly certain you’ll survive and charges you for the damage you get to your mech, the bullets you use, and he’s also cut out a piece of your brain to put in augmentations that will make you a slightly better mech pilot. In the top Most Horrible People On This Planet contest, he wouldn’t make it to the top 10.
4. You make your way through a derelict hunk of junk that’s threatening to collapse on top of you. Not even two minutes into this journey, you’re getting shot at with missiles. 
5. You finally reach your intended destination, a burning husk of a city filled with scavengers and low lives who will shoot you on sight. You are here to grave rob.
6. The reason you are grave robbing is connected to the fact you got shot in orbit, you are here illegally, and you need to find a license from any fresh corpse so you can steal the identity on it and be able to do mercenary work.
7. You go through four corpses before you find one with a license that can pass muster.
8. Mid corpse robbing a gunship sent by The Space Police spots you and you have to shot it down so it can’t kill you or, even worse, stop you from stealing the identity you just found. 
9. As soon as you get registered in the Mercenary Rolodex, which takes less then a second of an A.I taking a look and saying “alright checks out”, you have two missions. One of them has you killing a bunch of resistance fighters from the planet’s native population on behalf of a weapons company that really wants to do business here. 10. The next mission has you going to a base owned by that very same company and blowing up everything you can find there. This does not anger that company one bit, if anything it just convinces them you are a very thorough worker. 11. Very shortly after that, you are tasked with destroying a prototype mech by another company before it can get into mass production. That mech is being piloted by what can only be described as an Anime Protag who is in the worst possible franchise for his type of character. You can murder him in less then two minutes if you know what you’re doing. You can hear him desperately fight for his life the entire time. 12. After that, before you even get to clean the blood and oil and broken dreams off your robot, you get a call from a merc group leader saying that he’s seen you murder that guy real good, a guy who was auditioning to join his group, and likes the cut of your jib. He gives you the callsign he was gonna give Anime Protag before you blew him the fuck up. He laughs and tells you to be careful since it’s an unlucky number. This is the least morally repugnant thing you’ll do all game.   
13. A while after that, you go into a power plant and destroy the generator, it promptly blasts you in the face with the red radioactive Super Fuel that toasted this planet a few years back.
14. You survive, somehow, and you get a disembodied voice of some girl in your ear. You tell your handler about this and he just shrugs it off with “oh yeah that’s probably a symptom of the lobotomy, don’t worry about it”. The voice is probably the most moral person on this fire blasted hell scape of a planet.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
statting out the rat grinders
this analysis is based on what we've seen of the rat grinders and their abilities in ragenarok. a few assumptions: if we follow my original xp analysis of the rat grinders that puts them at a comfortable level 19. however, we know that they've been doing far more than that, and that they may be unevenly leveled.
we know from the adventuring party that they have 20th level class/subclass features, without the benefits of leveling through it: no ASIs or feats, no additional hit dice, no hit points reflecting 20th level. the rat grinders are glass cannons to the extreme. i would guess that their stats and hit points are roughly equal to the bad kids at level 14, which leaves them vulnerable to being taken out within a round or two: if they fail a couple of saves they're stuck. what they do get is high level spell slots and the improved proficiency bonus for their best skills.
i'm presuming that the rage stars have this effect; granting access to power that your body can't support, using rage and deep emotion to sustain this state. they're functionally equivalent to the bad kids, given the bad kids' other resources and tactical cooperation. the bad kids do big damage every time because their resources are more measured--they don't have a 9th level spell to drop on the first turn.
kipperlilly copperkettle
class: mastermind rogue
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (21 damage taken)
abilities: 10d6 of sneak attack, expertise to stealth, bonus action help, insightful manipulator (read for abilities), misdirection (move attacks to others in your space), reliable talent, soul of deceit (mind can't be read), elusive (no advantage against you unless incapacitated), stroke of luck (turn a miss into a hit/check to a 20)
i can believe she's a level 20 rogue based on her damage output. i don't think her weapon is enhanced, so it's likely not adding much to her output. riz regularly does more damage because he has magical enhancement to his weapons.
she seems more like an assassin rogue than a mastermind--she does a lot of sneaking around the battlefield to get the drop on people. she could have thrown bonus action help but stayed out of range despite having ranged options. she also doesn't have magical means of her own to hide, presumably because she wasn't using it during this fight. not much on her hp at the moment, but i'd guess she's squishy based on her strategy.
buddy dawn
class: light cleric
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (75 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, warding flare (impose disadvantage on an attack roll), channel divinity, potent spellcasting (wisdom modifier added to cleric cantrip damage), divine intervention, corona of light (enemy disadvantage against fire/radiant damage)
buddy has spent two turns of this battle holding concentration on a banishment and trying to dispel a slow on ruben. not really doing too much to help his party. he could have healed oisín but didn't. it speaks to their priorities as a group that he wasn't healing. he was there to banish the poll box and participate in the ritual, not really as a functional combatant.
honestly he's the purest example of what the rage stars do; they can give you power, but that means nothing if you don't know how to effectively use it. buddy hasn't protected himself or his allies at all
ivy embra
class: gloomstalker ranger | arcane archer fighter
level: 11 | 9
estimated hp: ~78 (78 damage taken)
abilities: action surge, hunter's mark, dread ambusher (extra attack on first turn), extra attack (1), iron mind (wisdom save proficiency), 4 arcane shot options (2 uses), indomitable, land stride (no difficult terrain), indomitable, stalker's flurry (on a miss you can make another weapon attack)
i split her at 11 | 9 because we know she doesn't have 2 extra attacks, and she attempts stalker's flurry but fails. the arcane shot she used (halving an opponents speed with a con save) isn't technically a standard arcane shot option.
she really doesn't have the hit points to suggest she's 20th level. even assuming no bonus to con, average hp from from 20d10 (10 from ranger, 10 from fighter) would be 110. it's closest to 14d10 with no con modifier. also this would put her on even ground with the bad kids. this is what i used to estimate the rat grinders being similar to the bad kids.
oisín hakinvar
class: conjuration wizard
level: 20
estimated hp: ~90 (121 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, arcane recovery, minor conjuration (summon an object), benign transposition (30 feet teleport swapping with a small/medium creatures), focused conjuration (concentration can't break on conjurations), durable summons (all summons get 30 temp hp), spell mastery and signature spells
even though he died before his turn, i can believe oisín is a level 20 conjuration wizard, based on what we saw at the party. i'd guess what he did is some sort of ritual on top of a control weather.
hp-wise he falls in the range of for 14d6+40 assuming he has +2 to con. it works on the high end. i'd guess his actual total is lower than the damage he took, since brennan said he was on death's door after taking 86 damage, so i'd say no higher than 90, even though he took a total of 121.
ruben hopclap
class: whispers bard
level: 20
estimated hp: ~75 (75 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, bardic inspiration, psychic blades (psychic damage from weapon attacks), words of terror (1 minute to seed paranoia), mantle of whispers (steal shadows of the dead), magical secrets, shadow lore (charm a creature for 8 hours)
the only spellcaster of the rat grinders to actually use their high level spells in this fight, with the psychic scream that didn't stun the bad kids. he actually did get both spells off despite the slow, but couldn't counterspell or grant inspiration.
hp-wise he's in the normal range for a 14th level bard at 75. he did roll nat 1s on both the slow and the fireball saving throws, and failed synaptic static by 1. man is bad at saving throws.
mary ann skuttle
class: berserker barbarian
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (52 damage taken)
abilities: rage, frenzy, mindless rage, intimidating presence (action to frighten a creature), brutal critical, resistance to psychic damage, relentless rage (drop to 1 while raging instead of 0), persistent rage (rage only ends if unconscious), primal champion (STR & CON go up by 4, for a max of 24)
we haven't seen very much of mary ann--she got slowed and then couldn't effectively get anywhere for 2 rounds of combat. i'm excited to see what she has in store. i'm guessing she has more hp than the rest of the party by virtue of being the barbarian, but as a berserker she only halves bludgeoning/slashing/piercing, and the bad kids have a lot of other damage types that they work with.
i'll be back with more next week: covering the gaps in this analysis and maybe hitting jace and porter.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Turn out gear representing every single firefighter lost on 9/11. If that doesn’t hit the feels then idk what does.
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Darkness on Umbara Chp.10 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 9. Chapter 11.
Mayhem and Chaos
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, names of non-canon dead clones, Mentions of breakdowns, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DNI
As predicted, Fives and Hardcase were causing trouble. Were you going to stop it? No. Would you get involved? No. 
Would you standby and watch? Absolutely. 
At some point Kix had also joined in, aiding the troopers in their toying with the starships. 
You sat back, hoping you didn’t have to use life saving measures on any of these lovable idiots. 
“All right…” Fives typed away at a console next to the ship Hardcase had chosen. After some tinkering, the ARC trooper looked back up, “Okay, there. Should be a little easier.”
Hardcase rolled his wrists, adjusting to the controls. After a few moments to prepare, the Umbaran fighter lifted into the air, hovering unsteadily.  You weren’t entirely sure what they had changed from the first time, but you really really hoped nothing was going to explode.
After a couple of moments however, the ship jerked forward and the trooper inside overcorrected backward. One of the wings slammed into a stack of crates, sending them flying into the far side wall. Fives ducked, narrowly avoiding getting struck by the ship as well.
“Hardcase! What are you doing!?” He shouted up. 
“If I knew I wouldn’t be doing it!” Hardcase snapped back, clipping another umbaran fighter and dislodging from its holdings. 
You grabbed Kix and dove out of the way, barely dodging the thing as it hit the ground and knocked over shelves of metal boxes. The ship was out of control, spinning in the air and nearly hitting two other troopers. 
“Look out!”
Fives gripped the console and shook his head, “Great. This can't get much worse!”
As if on command, an intercom from a different dashboard buzzed before Krells voice boomed out, “Trooper, what's going on down there?”
The ARC trooper shoved the soldier out of the way, “Er... Yes, sir. Everything's fine in the hangar, sir.” He answered sounding as unconvincing as possible, 
Hardcase slammed into two other starships, sending them to the ground with loud clangs. You flinched, knowing this was going to be hard to explain.
“Then why have the alarms been triggered?!” The Jedi snapped over the console.
Fives stuttered before barely coming up with a response, “It's just a drill, a safety drill, sir!”
You and Kix managed to get behind a knocked down pile of crates. Both of you watched helplessly as Hardcase spun out of control, ramming into the wall and bouncing off of it. 
“Safety check occurs at 0600. Who authorized this drill?!”
The ARC trooper choked on his words before coming up with another excuse, “Uh...We are decrypting the alien hardware, sir. Standard operating procedure!” He finally found an answer to tell the General. 
Clones can not lie for shit! You threw a dumbfounded look at Kix before running to another spot for safety. 
Hardcase hit an already downed ship, sending it bouncing in one direction before screeching to a halt. Apparently things could get worse because the damn starship began to rapidly fire green bolts everywhere. 
“Shit!” You ducked down behind an open metal crate, next to Jesse “Hardcase, can you land the fucking thing!?”
“Let me try!” He called down to you. After a twist of his wrist, one of the large cannons attached jerked slightly and charged up a bright bolt, “No, no, no, no, no!” Hardcase desperately tried to undo…whatever he triggered, but was too late. 
The bolt launched, hitting directly into the hangar doors, causing a burst of light and the metal to melt into ash. 
“They’re dead. Krell is going to kill them.” Kix mumbled, sitting next to you, and Jesse, who was laughing too hard to speak. 
You had your face in your hands when Hardcase managed to land the Umbaran fighter, “Got it. I got it. It's easy. Just level your hands.” He had a proud smirk when the ship was fully on the ground and the cockpit opened. 
Five dashed forward, exasperated at what happened, “What, are you crazy? You could've gotten us killed! Not to mention ruining our hopes of flying this mission!” 
“It's a malfunction, no harm done.” The other trooper tried to calm his friend. Before he could say anything else, another voice cut through the air. 
“Explain this,” Krell demanded as he stomped towards the clones, “Now.” He was followed by captain Rex who looked more concerned and confused than mad.
Fuck! Clones really can’t lie for shit! You shot up, instantly speaking, “It was a trap, sir!” You could hear Jesse repress his snickering as you continued, turning the Jedi’s ire to you, “They were decrypting the enemy craft when what appears to be some sort of preventative failsafe went off.”
Rex’s eyes widened at you, but he remained silent, praying the Jedi wouldn’t see right through you.
“A trap!?” The General leaned forward at you, glaring. 
“Yes sir,” Hardcase spoke up, covering for your lie, “The fighter went haywire and had I not been able to get control of it, and aim the missile at the doors, something worse might've happened.” He was standing at attention as the besalisk stared him down. 
You kicked Jesse who hadn’t managed to stop his laughing. Rex, on the other hand, looked damn near stupefied. Kix had his face in his hands and you swear you could hear him praying.
Krell put his arms behind his back, a critical gaze on the troopers in front of him, “Is this true?” His question was directed at Fives who flinched at the sudden attention. 
After a second to stutter he nodded, “Yes, sir. That is what happened, no doubt.” 
The jedi General huffed, “Well, Captain Rex, looks like I was correct. The Umbaran fighters are dangerous and not fit for flight,” He turned and began to walk out of the half-destroyed hangar, “Lock down these fighters. I don’t want anything else exploding.” 
Rex shook his head and cast a look at Fives and Hardcase before turning to follow the general. 
You sank to the floor, putting your face in your hands. Jesse managed to calm down enough to get up and give a friendly clap to the two soldiers, “I thought the plan was to destroy the enemy ship with the fighters, not blow up our own hangar.” He had a grin as he put a hand on his hip. 
You were about to say something when your comm beeped, “Doctor, you're needed in the medical bay. A patrol’s been injured.” Without waiting another beat, you dashed out of the hangar, Kix close behind you.
The two of you had arrived to a broken patrol of 5 men. 
The most healthy was Cloud, holding a broken arm. But he was standing, and not your concern at the moment. 
Blue had a hand over his charred shoulder. His helmet was off and he was breathing, awake and aware of his surroundings, However, next to him was a trooper laying on the floor. You could see the blood seep from under the helmet and pool onto the sterile white tiles. 
Forty. His name is Forty. You remembered, spotting the ‘40’ he had written on his helmet. 
Bind was on the floor, normally white plastiod stained a deep red. His helmet was off, jaw barely hanging on to his skull by shredded muscle and ripped tendons. It looked like he took a blaster bolt directly through the mouth, melting his tanned skin. 
In his shaky arms was Thrall, heavy amounts of blood streaming from his stomach and chest. It looked like he had been ripped open by a beast and then thrown around. He was unmoving, and you weren’t even sure if he was even breathing.
“Kix, take Forty!” You commanded, immediately leaping into your training. Within minutes you had Thrall on one of the medical beds and hooked up to life support machinery.
Visually, you assessed the damage. To be safe, you used your new umbaran scanner to confirm. 
Broken ribs. Ruptured diaphragm. Collapsed right lung.
Your medical mind put the pieces together. You prioritized. 
Stabilize the lung, restore oxygen. Then, control the bleeding. Repair the diaphragm. Stabilize ribs. 
So you got to work. Your hands were fast and efficient, setting the chest tube correctly to inflate the lung. From there, you focused on the sources of bleeding. However, your repairs weren’t quick enough. 
Thrall’s heart rate took a nosedive. You fought against his death as long as you could, using a cardiac massage and other life restoring methods to keep him alive. As hard as you struggled and tried to save him, his body gave out. 
Thrall succumbed to his wounds, and the list of the dead forced its way into your head. 
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Dawn. Nim. Jamie. Hek. Recon. Mav. Zeo. Fisher. Hinge. Trident. Iron. Mesh. Steele. Bruno. Zeke. Jumper. Aura. Dia. Silk. Thrall.
“I’m sorry, He’s gone.” You informed the others before getting to Bind’s side. Kix was still working on Forty, and you couldn’t see exactly what the medic was dealing with.
Bind was breathing heavily, clearly in agony over the damage that was done to him. He was trembling, terrified and now grief stricken from losing Thrall.
“Bind, don’t worry, I got you.” Your voice took a soft tone as you injected him with the strongest painkiller available to you, “What happened to you five?” 
“Krell sent us to a backroad West of here,” Blue responded shakily, “Said it could be used as a supply route, but…”
“He didn’t tell us traps were set over there.” Cloud finished his comrades sentence, “When we commed him for a scanner to sweep the area he said there wasn’t time. We needed to secure the road.” 
“Krell…” You growled.
Bind flinched, jumping slightly when your finger brushed over an exposed nerve. 
Immediately you felt sympathy. As someone who, just a rotation ago, had your own nerves exposed to open air, you knew his pain, “I’m sorry Bind.” you murmured softly, “I know it hurts…”
He stared at you, brown eyes filled with unshed tears. 
Soldier bravado…of course…
“Blue,” you called to the trooper, “Come here, and let him squeeze your hand. He’s in a lot of pain.” You hid the true intentions of your request. 
Hold his hand so he doesn’t feel alone. 
Blue did as asked, clasping his trembling brother's hand. 
Kix slammed his hands down on the surgical table. He swore, sweeping the medical supplies onto the tile floor where they clattered, “He’s gone.” His voice was trembling from emotion. 
Cloud slid onto the floor and ripped off his helmet before throwing it. It bounced a couple of times on the ground, “I fucking hate Krell!” He snapped. You didn’t comment when you saw the tears on his cheeks, “He’s purposely trying to get all of us killed!” 
Kix sat down next to you, aiding in Bind’s jaw. This time, Blue spoke up, “How many men have we lost?”
“Too many.” Your answer didn’t seem to make him happy, so with a sigh you told the truth, “Assuming any MIA are casualties…almost a third.” You’ve seen the numbers. You’ve seen the names. The list you replayed in your head were only those who died under your hands that you blamed on Krell. There were many more. Those you couldn’t get to. Those who perished in the field that would remain as they decomposed. Those Kix lost. 
There were too many that have died on Umbaran soil.
With Anakin and Ahoska, these numbers would never get so high. When they would lead, Kix and you were enough to handle the 501st with the Venator on standby to take the more seriously injured off the field. 
But with Krell? It was clear that two medics wasn’t nearly enough. 
If you had known this was going to happen, you would have contacted those you knew in other legions for support. You were sure General Plo would have gladly given his medics in the 104th to support the 501st. 
Fuck, if General Plo was leading the 501st, you were sure Kix and you wouldn’t even have injured to help.
“One third.” Cloud whispered, “one third of our brothers…”
You stabilized Bind’s jaw and let Kix finish up. Wordlessly you went to the emotional trooper's side to begin to help his broken arm. Before you did so, you reached up and wiped his tears from his cheeks, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “When we get out of this, and we will get out of this, I’m going to reach out to some contacts to punish Krell for all of this.”
“Will that even work?” Blue asked from where he was, now being tended to by the clone medic. 
With a sigh you gave an honest answer, “I’m not sure,” you admitted, “But I know some senators. Even helped a few, so I’m sure they’d be willing to at least listen to me.”
“Just give up, Doc.” Cloud sniffled, looking away from you, “No one cares about us. We’re clones. We’re meant to be thrown onto the battlefield and then thrown away like trash.” 
“Not if I can help it.” You responded, “I’ll become a senator just to stop that from happening if I have to.”
Blue snorted, “I’m gonna tell you, Doc. it's talk like this that has Captain Rex in love with you.”
Oh, shit did they know? Play dumb. Kix glanced up at you before looking back down at Blue’s shoulder. 
Your words were steady and calm as you spoke, “He’s not in love with me, we’re just good friends.”
“You might see that,” Blue continued before wincing at something Kix had done, “But every time you turn your back, the Captain gets this lovestruck look in his eyes. He looks like a puppy, I swear to the Maker.”
Bind nodded in confirmation.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly. Oh if only they knew the truth.
Then an idea came into your head.
“What else does he do?” You asked playfully, taking full advantage of this. 
“Well, that last planet, on Sataran.” the trooper continued, “there were three women and two men that tried to get with him. And not only did he turn them all down, he was looking for you directly afterward.”
You remembered that. Poor Rex had been so flustered to have been flirted with so aggressively. 
“He’s in love with you, doctor.” Cloud chimed in quietly, “You make him happy.” 
These guys needed a distraction from their grief. That much was clear. It's why Blue was so quick to start gossiping about their captain. All you could do was smile softly.
“All set,” you stood once Cloud’s arm was stable, “Bind, I want you to stay here, take the bed on the far left. Blue, Cloud, you two can go to the barracks to rest.” They all gave you a salute before following your command. 
Once Bind was under the effects of painkillers and sedatives, you took a deep breath, “How long was that?”
“Couple hours at least,” Kix murmured, sitting down on a stool next to one of the medical consoles, after a few moments he sighed, “So one third of the 501st is dead?”
You confirmed with a nod.
“Maker, we suck at our jobs.” He mumbled, rubbing his face in his hands. 
With a bitter snort, you began to evaluate the other soldiers. You use the scanner you cracked earlier. Their wounds differed of course. Severe burns, broken bones, head injuries, but the anomaly in their brains was consistent. 
Perhaps it’s just a clone thing…
As you were working, the doors opened again. Dogma and Tup walked into the med bay. The longer haired trooper looked tired, as if he had been woken up against his will and dragged here by the former. 
“Are you two alright?” You spoke first, thinking perhaps they needed something for their sleep. It wasn't unheard of for troopers to need medicine in order to get a proper amount of rest. 
“Well, doctor,” Tup cleared his throat, “We-”
“Where did Hardcase, Jesse, and Fives go?” Dogma demanded. 
Oh boy…
“If you two are just here to waste our fucking time, you may as well leave.” Kix snapped, standing to face them. 
Dogma, however, didn't seem entirely phased by the medic, “If you know where they are, you need to tell the General. Otherwise it's insubordination.”
Poor Tup looked like he didn’t want to be here. You noticed the trooper looked extremely uncomfortable and unsure. 
Your anger spiked, “Fine,” You approached the demanding trooper and grabbed his wrist, “Let me show you what we’ve been doing.” Your steps lead you to the surgical table that Thrall was laying on under a sheet. Still holding his wrist, you threw back the white cover, revealing the dead trooper. 
“That!” You snapped, glaring at Dogma as he yanked his wrist back, eyes wide. “We don't know where those three are because we have been trying to fix that!”
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Dawn. Nim. Jamie. Hek. Recon. Mav. Zeo. Fisher. Hinge. Trident. Iron. Mesh. Steele. Bruno. Zeke. Jumper. Aura. Dia. Silk. Forty. Thrall.
Your emotions surged. Your vision blurred with tears. 
Fuck. Calm down. Keep yourself together!
“Your ass kissing of an incompetent General hasn’t done anything to help us.” you seethed, “So get the fuck out of my sight and don’t bother me unless your fucking dying!” 
He scrambled out of the medical bay, most likely to find Rex. Tup stopped in front of the door before looking back, “I think you're doing the best you guys can.” He sounded genuinely sorry for the situation, “Thank you for working so hard, and…I’m sorry.” He left quickly after Dogma, maybe hoping to talk him down. 
Kix sighed and shook his head, “You ok?” He asked quietly. 
No. I’m not. You thought before lying to your medic friend.
“Yea, just…yea. I’m fine.”
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey dude, I was looking at the costumes at your Halloween store and I can’t decide which one to get. I’m think of either the fire fighter, cowboy, superhero or werewolf. What do you think will look best in me? 😅
Dude, I think I have something very cool for you!
It's Friday morning. The package with the costume arrives. You look for the activation code and set in the app "Start immediately" "Transformation within 12 hours" and "Duration of the transformation until 01 November, 08:00 am". Bro, you will know what you are doing. This means that you will be in the costume from tonight until the end of the Halloween party….
The first thing you feel as you sit in the subway on your way to the office is that your English is getting worse and worse. You switch from the Washington Post app to El Nuevo Herald's. Your expensive suit begins to change into janitorial overalls. It still has your name on the nameplate. But the "M." no longer stands for Michael, but for Miguel. And you're no longer getting off the train downtown to go to work, you're driving on to the suburbs. You had an early shift. You're going home.
By the time you get to your little apartment, you're tired as hell. While brushing your teeth, you have the feeling that your blond hair is getting darker. And the shadow of your beard is also more pronounced than usual. You draw the curtains and fall into bed.
9:00 p.m. The alarm clock rings. Fuck, it's the weekend. You're not on weekend duty! Hermano, you need a few seconds to wake up. You're not on janitorial duty. You have to be on stage at 11:00. Miguel, the mariachi. Star of the strip show. You quickly put on some clothes, pack your stage outfit and run to the bus.
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¡Ay, caramba! Your costume fits like a glove. Your concrete ass looks great in your pants. And it will look even better when you rip them off right away. October is a good month. You are booked throughout. On Halloween one more time on a private party. After that it's off to Mazatlan for a few days to recover. But now give everything on stage, Miguel!
Found your costume @maxx-magnum
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Raphael Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Raphael enjoys coming-of-age sports dramas
2. Raphael wishes the war were forgiven rather than it never happening, as evidenced in his ideal hallucinations in season 4
3. Raphael was so close to Lucifer and his brothers that everyone assumed he would join Lucifer’s side in the celestial war
4. Raphael, when having to deal with Michael, sometimes wishes he’d just followed Lucifer
5. Raphael was the youngest angel ever to be promoted to Seraph
6. Simeon claims that Raphael is scarier than any demon when he has a spear in his hand
7. Out of all the brothers, Taphael seems to have a soft spot for Belphegor
8. Raphael chased Asmodeus with his spear after learning Asmo had snuck off to the human world to party
9. The brothers would often rip and tear their clothes while running from Raphael so Raphael learned to patch and repair clothes eventually making it a hobby
10. Not knowing that Luke was compared to a Chihuahua, Raphael sewed a Chihuahua patch onto one of Luke’s belonging
11. Raphael is unable to read the room and caused Satan to flip out after comparing him to Lucifer
12. Raphael never let Mammon in his room in the Celestial Realm as he was worried about germs and other things
13. Raphael has a very unrefined palette
14. Raphael loves Solomon’s cooking
15. Not knowing how others feel about Solomon’s cooking, Raphael made Luke eat Solomon’s food so he’d grow big and strong
16. Raphael did not notice when his hand caught fire during an obstacle course climb
17. Raphael is an amazing singer
18. Raphael was often asked by the brothers to sing to them as they enjoyed it so much
19. When Belphegor got lost in a tree in the Celestial Realm it was Raphael who found and rescued him
20. Luke claims Raphael scolds the brothers so much because he genuinely cares about them
21. As a prank the brothers once replaced the sugar with salt in a cookie recipe but Raphael enjoyed it so much he asked them to make more
22. Mammon once hid a frog in a book to prank Michael but it was Raphael who stumbled into the prank and he demands no one bring it up
23. When Simeon became human it was Raphael who continued to check on him in the human world to make sure he was okay
24. Raphael is described as being meticulous, methodical, and extremely strict
25. Raphael is the one stuck looking after Michael and his ridiculous demands
26. Raphael’s official birthday is September 29th, making him a Libra
27. Raphael is one of the strongest fighters in the Celestial Realm
28. Raphael’s official job is a Hit-Man for the Celestial Realm
29. Raphael does have wings in his angelic form, as Mammon once tried to sell bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were Raphael’s
30. Raphael is the angel that Michael trusts the most
31. Raphael is one of the most respected angels in the Celestial Realm
32. Raphael is worried that Michael may want to attend RAD
33. When Michale snuck off to the Devildom disguised as Raphael, Raphael took over all of his duties
34. Raphael knows Solomon as the man who fought the Devildom all on his own
35. Raphael was the first of the new characters to make a move on MC
36. Raphael starred in a short film Satan made
37. Raphael asked Solomon to create a camera that would always take pictures from the best angle
38. Raphael accidentally saved everyone from certain death when he ate all of the food Solomon had made as a surprise
39. Raphael believe everyone is very kind and generous when they offer him their portions of Solomon’s cooking
40. Raphael mastered Kung-fu just by watching movies
41. The only thing Raphael said in his introduction to RAD as a new exchange Student was “Hello.”
42. Raphael used to drink heavy with Lucifer and Michael
43. Raphael doesn’t care how food tastes as long as it looks appetizing
44. Raphael keeps all his important keys on a Zombie Iguana keychain Luke gave him
45. Raphael has the power to call forth a rain of spears from the heavens
46. Raphael would usually punish the brothers by calling down his spears upon them
47. Whenever Raphael would chase around one of the brothers with a spear, the other brothers would gang together to go fight him
48. Raphael nearly smited a demon with his spears when he thought he was being ignored
49. Raphael believes Luke is a shining example of what an angel ought to be
50. Raphael enjoys watching true-crime
51. Raphael worked with Satan and Barbatos to surround a sleeping Belphegor with spears and crime tape to recreate a scene from their favorite show
52. Raphael worked together with Mephistopheles to throw a Christmas party
53. Raphael believes a few spears is an acceptable replacement for a Christmas tree
54. Raphael dropped his Student handbook while chasing Mammon for pulling a ridiculous prank on him. When MC gave it back he was so grateful he offered to help them with anything they needed
55. When the laundry machine overflowed with suds, Raphael didn’t know what to do so he called down his spears upon it
56. Raphael believes Simeon is a handful
57. Raphael’s immediate answer to stopping a problem is to call down his spears
58. Raphael has to retold the laundry after Solomon does it so it will look better and seems distressed when he is called away and Solomon is left on his own.
59. Raphael praised Mephistopheles when he saved Luke, likely the first time he’d complimented a demon
60. Raphael’s excuse for always calling down spears on the brothers is they were “simply too unruly”
61. Raphael once went sightseeing in the Celestial Realm with Lucifer but they recall the most memorable part being Michael’s face when they forgot to buy souvenirs
62. Raphael believes most Devildom products look dodgy and is concerned by the amount of skulls
63. Raphael enjoys demonus
64. Raphael prefers quiet places and if you cannot find him he is somewhere quiet
65. When Belphegor was attempting to make Raphael smile he didn’t until Belphegor gave up and feel asleep as it reminded him of the old days
66. It’s hard to decipher what Raphael is thinking since he doesn’t talk much
67. Raphael often helps Luke study
68. Raphael is offended if MC accidentally mistakes him for Michael as he believes Michael is a socially inept weirdo
69. When a chimera attacked Simeon, Raphael was so enraged he immediately sought vengeance
70. It is said Raphael rarely smiles
71. Michael and Lucifer are the only people Raphael is said to respect
72. The room in Purgatory Hall Raphael stays in used to be used as a storage room by Leviathan
73. When Raphael is in a dream world where the brothers are back in the celestial realm he refused to wake up until Lucifer was summoned to bring him back
74. Whenever the brothers would ask Raphael to play with them he would deny them by telling them if they had time to play they had time to pray
75. Raphael is said to have a snarky attitude to the point Lucifer used to find him unpleasant to be around
76. No one is safe from Raphael’s harsh remarks as he even insults Michale who, he deeply respects
77. Raphael used to scold Beelzebub for his lack of control of his powers
78. When asked about his level of cooking, Simeon tells MC it’s better not to know
79. When Raphael attempts complicated recipes he causes chaos in the kitchen to the point Luke started screaming in fear
80. Raphael is a sleepy drunk and if he has too much he can fall asleep mid-sentence
81. Raphael has an eye for detail
82. Raphael sometimes does not notice anything in his surrounding, once not even realizing Belphegor was speaking with him
83. Raphael ignores non-verbal cues
84. Raphael believes Satan is so similar to Lucifer is uncanny
85. Raphael quickly noticed torn clothes or loose threads as he immediately noticed when MC’s shirt had frayed and fixed it with great skill
86. When they went to a concert together Raphael learned all the lines beforehand and everyone enjoyed hearing him sing while he enjoyed singing with MC
87. Raphael owns the Peeking-Out-From-Behind-a-Pole Diavolo Cup-cutie
88. When they swapped rooms Raphael seemed confused that Simeon spent the entire night trying to clean up his room
89. Raphael takes meticulous notes in his Student handbook, highlighting pages, leaving sticky notes and more to help him study
90. When solomon got an extremely comfortable sofa, Raphael warned against it as anyone without extreme self control may laze about in it the entire day, but it quickly called out by Simeon for having fallen victim to it
91. Raphael requests dishes from Solomon
92. Raphael enjoys Moe Moe Animal cake, Stewed Orthrus, Death’s Door hot sauce, and food with flavors too strong for most people to handle
93. Raphael made outfits for his cursed doll after seeing Leviathan do so. Everyone says the outfits he made were very cute.
94. Michael asked Raphael for so many souvenirs when he went on vacation that Simeon and MC had to help him get them all as he barely made a dent in the list even with his arms full
95. Raphael prefers getting souvenirs with Logos, that way everyone knows where you’ve been
96. When Solomon accidentally froze Raphael’s demonus, Raphael seemed so sad that Solomon immediately poured him another glass
97. When assigned to make thank you cards for his friends, Raphael made everyone the exact same card and was forced to redo them
98. When Raphael is really enjoying himself he will start humming
99. Raphael says he could spend days in the the most expensive Devildom boutique due to his enjoyment inspecting all the high quality material used
100. Raphael is not good at doing his own makeup, it was described as a mess on his face
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prettyboychainsaw · 1 year
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Gather up variants, cultists, software guys, business majors, and independent journalists alike for (the first?) Outlastober in the year of our lord, the Walrider, 2023.
I tried to get a good variety from all the currently out games. Feel free to write, draw, spatter, or whatever else you can think of for every day of October! Or every other day. Or not at all. I can't control your schedule.
Anywho, tag it with Outlastober2023 and @prettyboychainsaw so I can see it! Good luck! And remember, you're not a fighter.
Plain text under the cut.
1.) My friend, Billy.
2.) Wedding gift / something old, something new
3.) Broken lenses
4.) God?
5.) We want you!
6.) I Deserve to be punished
7.) Jane Doe
8.) St. Sybil
9.) Tongues and teeth
10.) Liver and tongues
11.) Silky
12.) Crown of thorns
13.) Trager Juice
14.) Life support
15.) Trinity
16.) Little pig!
17.) Committed
18.) Gluskin's Hell
19.) Elevator
20.) Beautiful
21.) Vulgar
22.) Frank's Kitchen
23.) Vents and grates
24.) Decontamination
25.) Nachtmahr
26.) Hope
27.) The morgue
28.) Fired
29.) Radio tower
30.) Numb
31.) Kill the snitch!
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winxanity-ii · 3 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 24 Chapter 24 | sweet sixteen⌟
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The stadium buzzed with energy as the afternoon sun cast long shadows over the arena. The echoes of laughter and cheers filled the air as the recreational activities drew to a close, leaving the audience in high spirits. The side games had been a whirlwind of fun and competition, with students from all courses showcasing their unique talents and quirks in a variety of mini-events.
Present Mic's voice crackled through the speakers, his enthusiasm infectious. "[Yo, yo, yo! Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for our incredible students who rocked the side games! We saw some wild moves, crazy quirks, and epic fun! But now, it's time to shift gears and turn up the heat! Are you ready for the main event?!]"
The crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement palpable as they eagerly awaited the next phase of the festival.
"[Alright, heroes and future pros, feast your eyes on the scoreboard! Here are the lucky contestants moving on to the One-on-One Fighting Tournament! Drum roll, please!]"
With a dramatic flourish, the large video screen above the stadium flickered to life, displaying the names and faces of the fourteen students who had qualified for the tournament. The names were listed in order of their team rankings from the Cavalry Battle.
1st Place ~ Team Todoroki: 1.Todoroki Shoto 2.Kaminari Denki 3.Yaoyorozu Momo 4.Iida Tenya
2nd Place ~ Team Bakugo: 5.Bakugo Katsuki 6.Ashido Mina 7.Sero Hanta 8.Kirishima Eijiro
3rd Place ~ Team Shinso: 9.Shinso Hitoshi 10.Akuma Y/N
4th Place ~ Team Midoriya: 11.Midoriya Izuku 12.Tokoyami Fumikage 13.Uraraka Ochaco 14.Hatsume Mei
Present Mic leaned forward, peering dramatically at the screen before spinning around to face the audience, slamming both hands down on the announcer's desk, causing a loud thud that echoed through the stadium. "[Wait a minute, folks! I'm counting fourteen contestants! That's...hold on...14!? That's not quite enough for a full bracket! Does this mean we'll have to pit the two strongest fighters against each other for double the action? Double the elimination?! What ever shall we do??]" The man gasped into the mic before turning his attention to his colleague. "[Hey Midnight! Is there any way we can we add more fire to this showdown?? Maybe get more contenders in here? I want this tournament to last longer, and I know you all do too!]"
The camera panned to Midnight, who stood near the center of the field. With a sly smile, she cracked her whip, the sharp crack reverberating through the arena. "I see no reason why we shouldn't spice things up a bit. Let's allow the next two highest-scoring students to join the fray and make this a sweet sixteen!"
The screen updated, adding two new names to the list of contestants:
15.Shiozaki Ibara 16.Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
You exhaled deeply as you left the restroom, relieved to finally be out of the cheerleading outfit and back into the Sports' Festival unfirm. As you walked back towards the stadium, the muffled cheers and Present Mic's amplified voice filtered through the walls, growing louder with each step.
"[And there you have it, folks! Welcome Ibara Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu to the tournament! Now that's what I call a proper lineup! Are you ready to see these heroes-in-training throw down? This is gonna be EPIC! Grab your popcorn, your soda, and get comfy, because we're about to witness some serious action!]"
You paused at the entrance to the seating area, glancing up at the large screen that displayed the newly updated tournament bracket. The addition of Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu brought the total number of contestants to sixteen, ensuring a full and balanced competition.
Just as you were about to head to your class's designated section, a familiar voice called out to you.
"Hey, Akuma-san!" You turned to see Kirishima jogging towards you, his face lighting up with excitement as he caught up. "Did you hear? Midoriya's up next!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with anticipation.
You forced a polite smile, concealing your growing annoyance.  Biting back the urge to snap. Instead, you nodded, your tone measured. "Oh? Well, can't miss that, can we? If you'll excuse—" Before you could finish excusing yourself to your class's section, Mina's high-pitched squeal reached your ears. "Akuma-san, over here!" She bounded over, her eyes sparkling with excitement, followed closely by Sero and Kaminari.
Mina, grabbing your hand, "C'mon, you can sit with us to watch! It'll be so much fun!" She began pulling you towards their section before you could utter a word of protest.
Sero chimed in, a playful grin on his face: "Yeah, Akuma-san, it'll be way more interesting with you there."
"Besides, who wouldn't want to watch a match with such a captivating view?" Kaminari adds with a wink, causing Mina to roll her eyes.
Despite your mild annoyance, you allowed yourself to be guided to the stands, settling into a seat between Mina and Ojiro. You glanced around, noting the large screen displayed the details of the upcoming fight.
Midoriya and Shinso stood at opposite ends of the arena, their expressions a mix of determination and focus. The crowd's murmurs hushed as the anticipation built, all eyes on the two contestants.
"[Welcome to the first match of the finals tournament! It's Midoriya Izuku from the hero course versus Shinso Hitoshi from general studies! The rules are simple: immobilize your opponent or force them outta the ring! You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle. Let's get ready to rumble!]"
The crowd erupted in cheers as Midnight raised her whip, signaling the start of the match.
"[Ready? Begin!]"
You watched intently as Midoriya and Shinso faced each other. Then, Midoriya's body suddenly went rigid, his eyes widening in shock as he froze in place.
Ojiro, beside you, leaned in, whispering urgently, "I warned him not to say anything!"
"[The fight has just begun and Midoriya Izuku is... completely frozen? He's not moving a muscle! What's with that look on his face? Could this be a Quirk at work? Shinso seems to have Midoriya completely stunned! He didn't stand out in the first rounds at all, but it's possible Hitoshi's crazy powerful! Who could've imagined this turn of events? That's the Festival for ya! Ha-ha!]"
You narrowed your eyes, focusing on Shinso's calm, almost smug expression as he began to circle the frozen Midoriya, a smirk playing on his lips, "You're lucky to have been so blessed, Midoriya Izuku. Now turn around and walk out of bounds like the good little hero you are."
Midoriya's body obeyed, his movements robotic as he began to walk towards the edge of the ring. The crowd gasped, and you could feel the tension in the air as everyone watched in disbelief.
"[Uh—What?! Ah! Midoriya's obeying him! And there you have it! Shinso Hitoshi! His Quirk: Brainwashing! When an opponent answers his question, it flips a switch in their minds, forcing them to do whatever he says. Not every question does it, though. He only brainwashes when he wants to. Not very flashy...]"
Aizawa's calm, analytical voice cut through Present Mic's excitement. "[This is a perfect example of why the entrance exam isn't rational.]"
"[Huh? Why's that, Eraser?]"
"[Since we're on to the individual matches, I had some information compiled about our final competitors. Shinso failed the practical exam to get into the hero course. Since he also applied for general studies, he probably figured that would happen. His Quirk is incredibly strong, but that entrance test consisted of fighting faux villains. Robots. It gave a huge advantage to those who had physical superpowers they could show off.]" Aizawa continued, his tone measured: "[Despite his abilities, Shinso never stood a chance at passing.]"
You watched as Midoriya's feet edged closer to the boundary, his eyes wide with panic. His internal struggle was evident, and you could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he tried to resist.
.☆.          .✩.                   .☆.
Midoriya's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and frustration as he struggled against the invisible chains binding his will.
What's happening? My body's moving on its own. I feel like my brain is full of fog. I can't concentrate. No! Not like this. Gotta stop! Dammit!
Desperation clawed at him, and he fought to recall Ojiro's warning about Shinsou's Quirk. The memory was hazy, slipping through his grasp like sand, but the urgency of the situation sharpened his focus.
I fell for it, even after Ojiro warned me about his power. I'm an idiot. This is all my fault!
In the bustling halls of the Sports Festival's recreational area, Ojiro leaned closer to Midoriya, his expression serious as he recounted his experience with Shinso. "His Quirk is that he can control other people. It's powerful, but he can't use it unless you answer his questions. He didn't get into my head until I responded to something he said."
Midoriya's eyes wide with concern. "So I have to be careful not to say anything, or I'll lose for sure."
Ojiro nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Well, not exactly. Even if he gets you, there's still a chance. At the beginning of the cavalry battle, after he approached me, I don't remember anything until I bumped into another person. It was like I woke up, and suddenly I could think clearly."
"So that bump broke his hold?"
"Maybe. It's only a guess, but it's something to keep in mind."
Midoriya's eyes darted around, searching for anything that could jolt his body back under his own control. His feet continued their march towards the edge, each step bringing him closer to disqualification.
Even in the faced of disqualification, Midoriya couldn't help but analyze his situation: Still... I don't know how much of a shock it would take to break his spell. And in a one-on-one match, I can't count on an outside force intervening to help me.
The only part of his body under his control were his eyes, and he scanned the crowd, his gaze lingering on familiar faces. Each person he saw, each pair of worried eyes, felt like a weight pressing down on him. He was letting them down. He was letting everyone down.
I can't stop it. I'm going to lose. It's all over. Even though... so many people are counting on me... Everyone is watching... Everyone!
As despair gripped his heart, his eyes finally landed on you. Your gaze met his, and for a brief, electric moment, everything else faded away. Your lips moved, forming a single, commanding word: "Move."
A jolt of clarity shot through him, igniting a spark of defiance in his chest. His heart pounded in his ears, and the fog clouding his mind seemed to lift, replaced by the fierce determination in your eyes.
What... is... that? Wait.
Shinso paced behind Midoriya, his voice dripping with mockery. He watched Midoriya's struggle with a cold satisfaction, convinced of his impending victory. "Even with a Quirk like this, I have my own dreams of becoming a great hero. So, lose for me."
The edge of the platform loomed closer, the boundary line a stark reminder of his precarious situation. Just as his foot hovered above the line, Midoriya's eyes widened in sudden clarity. In a desperate act of defiance, he summoned all his strength and snapped his own fingers, the sharp crack resonating through the arena.
Present Mic's voice rose in excitement at the spectacle. "[What's this? Midoriya stopped just in time!]"
The crowd erupted into cheers, their relief and exhilaration echoing through the stadium.
Aizawa, his eyes narrowing with interest, saying. "[His finger. He broke one in order to stop Shinso.]"
Pain seared through Midoriya's hand, but his mind was clear, his resolve unwavering. He flexed his finger, the agony grounding him in reality.
Shinso's smug expression dissolved into shock and disbelief. His eyes widened as he took a step back, the confidence in his stance faltering. "No. Impossible. You're not supposed to be able to fight back! What did you do?"
Midoriya's gaze locked onto Shinso, his eyes blazing with determination. Though instead of answering vocally, all he did was raise a brow.
Internally, Midoriya didn't have an answer for the purplenette—noy yet anyways. All he knows is that something extraordinary just happened. I'm certain I'm the one who used One For All. But I'm not the one who moved my fingers just now. It was like someone I didn't know came into my mind. And for a second, it was clear. Could it be—Later. I don't have time to figure things out right now. I have to focus.
Panic flickered in Shinso's eyes as he glanced towards the crowd. His gaze landed on you, and he saw the bored, almost dismissive expression on your face. A flicker of panic crossed his features, desperation clawing at him. He won't answer. Did he figure it out? No. He's known. That damn dog-monkey must have told him. I have to get him to talk again.
Desperation tinged his voice as he tried to provoke a response from Midoriya. "Come on, say something. I didn't know you had so much power in your fingers. I'm kind of jealous of you."
Midoriya's resolve hardened, his thoughts a whirlwind of determination and empathy. I know what that jealousy feels like. I've been there.
Shinso scoffs at the lack of an answer, his voice bitter. "Thanks to the way my Quirk works, I've always been at a big disadvantage. But someone as blessed as you wouldn't understand that."
I get it. Even though he's right. I have been blessed.
Shinso's frustration mounted, his voice laced with bitterness and desperation. "You're lucky enough to have a heroic Quirk! It'll be so easy for you to reach your goal!"
Midoriya's eyes softened momentarily, a flicker of understanding passing over his face. I've been blessed by others. That's why I'm here!
Shinso's voice rose to a shout, his desperation evident. "Say something, dammit!"
Midoriya's  resolve crystallized, eyes blazing with determination. Still...I can't lose this. I'll do it for her...for them!
Shinsou's frustration boiled over, his voice cracking with anger. "You've gotta be kidding me! Get out of this ring, you lucky brat!"
With a fierce cry, Midoriya surged forward, his fist connecting with Shinso's chest in a powerful punch. The impact sent Shinso sprawling out of bounds, his body hitting the ground with a thud.
Midnight's voice rings out over the cheers of the crowd. "Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to the next match!"
"[And with that expertly performed throw, we have our first victor of the finals! Class -A's Izuku Midoriya!]"
The stadium erupted in cheers, the roar of the crowd a thunderous wave of excitement. Midoriya stood at the center of the ring, his chest heaving with exertion, but his eyes were bright with triumph. He glanced around, taking in the overwhelming support from the audience, a mix of relief and exhilaration washing over him.
He looked up at the stands, his gaze meeting yours for a brief moment. You gave a small, approving nod, acknowledging his victory before quickly scurrying to sit with your classmates before Mina and the others noticed.
"[He focused his power like he did in the fitness test and used the throw from combat training. It's not just that he's learning from his experiences: he's using every trick he's picked up to improve his odds.]" Aizawa noted with a professional flare.
Present Mic nodded enthusiastically, his grin wide as he continued his commentary. "[Oh, yeah! That was actually kind of a boring first match, kids. But both of you fought bravely. Let's show them some love, everyone!]"
The applause swelled, a sea of clapping hands and cheering voices celebrating the efforts of both competitors. Midoriya's gaze flickered towards Shinso, who was still on the ground, a mix of defeat and frustration etched across his features. Shinso slowly got to his feet, his eyes downcast, but he squared his shoulders, accepting his defeat with a grim determination.
As Midoriya walked back towards the waiting area, the crowd's cheers continued to resonate, the excitement of the tournament reaching new heights. The first battle had set the tone for the intense and unpredictable matches to come, and you couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation for what lay ahead.
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Seated amongst your classmates—with you strategically seated between Kendo and Monoma—because, according to the blonde, it's to ensure safety from the "fake 1-A heroes from stealing you away," you watched as the seats around you buzzed with energy, your classmates' excitement palpable as they eagerly awaited the next match.
Suddenly, Present Mic's voice boomed across the stadium, drawing everyone's attention back to the arena. "[Enough standing around. Now welcome to the ring, our next players!]"
The spotlight swung to the center of the arena, illuminating Shoto Todoroki and Hanta Sero as they stepped onto the platform. The contrast between their expressions was stark—Sero's nervous determination clashed with Todoroki's cool, impassive demeanor.
"[He's got skills! But at the expense of some really creepy-looking elbows. From the Hero Course, it's Sero Hanta!]"
"That was uncalled for," Sero muttered under his breath, shaking his head with a wry grin.
"[Versus an early frontrunner in the competition who's way too strong for his own good! Someone who rightfully got into the Hero Course based on recommendations! It's Todoroki Shoto!]"
The crowd's cheers swelled as Todoroki's name was announced, a mixture of awe and anticipation rippling through the spectators. You leaned forward slightly, your eyes narrowing as you focused on the two competitors.
"[And now, for the second match of the finals. Ready?]"
Sero scratched the back of his neck, staring back at Todoroki's blank face. "Well, I don't really feel—"
Present Mic cut the teen off, shouting, "[Begin!]"
"—like I can win this fight. But, man—" Sero didn't waste a second, launching into his attack with a swift, decisive movement. His tape shot out, wrapping around Todoroki with a practiced precision, his face set in a determined grimace. "—I don't feel like losing, either!"
"[That attack could throw his opponent out of bounds! A brilliant, surprise opening from the underdog! Way to start off strong, Sero!]" Present Mic announces.
The tape wrapped tightly around Todoroki, and tried Sero pulling with all his might. For a moment, it seemed like his strategy might succeed, but with a sudden, precise movement, Todoroki used his feet to freeze the ground beneath him.
The ice spread rapidly, creating a shockwave that sent a burst of cold air rippling through the arena. Sero's eyes widened as he struggled to maintain his grip, the ice forming faster than he could react.
"Is that... an earthquake? What the heck is goin' on?" Monoma muttered beside you with wide eyes.
The ice attack created a massive wave, quickly encompassing Sero. The cold bit into his skin, freezing him in place as the ice continued to spread, leaving half the entire festival arena encased in a shimmering, frozen expanse.
"Holy crap." Sero's voice was muffled by the ice, a mixture of frustration and resignation evident as he managed a weak response. "Um... Don't you think you went overboard?"
Midnight, standing on the edge of the frozen section, raised her whip to get the crowd's attention. "Tell the truth, Sero. Can you move at all?"
"Are you kidding? Obviously not. My body is freezing!"
The crowd gasped, the magnitude of Todoroki's ice attack sinking in. The spectacle left the audience in awe, their cheers mingling with murmurs of astonishment.
Midnight swung her whip in the air with a resounding whack. "It's official. Sero has been immobilized! Todoroki advances to the second round!"
The announcement echoed through the stadium, the cheers intensifying as the reality of Todoroki's power set in. The audience erupted into applause, a chorus of "Nice try!" reverberating through the stands.
Todoroki turned to walk away, but not before throwing Sero a quick apology over his shoulder. "Sorry about that. It was a bit much. I was angry, is all."
You watched Todoroki as he left the arena, his expression unchanged despite the overwhelming display of power. The intensity of his attack and the ease with which he had executed it left a lasting impression, a clear testament to his capabilities.
Sometime after Todoroki's icy aftermath melted away, Present Mic's booming voice echoed across the stadium, rallying the crowd for the next battle. "[And now, let's welcome our next competitors! This match promises to be a real shocker!]"
The spotlight shifted, illuminating the next contenders as they stepped onto the stage. On one side was Kaminari Denki, a confident grin plastered across his face. Opposite him stood Shiozaki Ibara, her calm demeanor contrasting with the electricity crackling in the air around Kaminari.
"[Ready for a jolt? From the Hero Course, it's Kaminari Denki! And his opponent, bringing the power of nature itself, it's Shiozaki Ibara from Class 1-B!]"
Kaminari shot a cocky smile at Shiozaki, his confidence almost palpable. "Hey, Shiozaki! How about we grab a bite to eat after this match? You know, to comfort you after your inevitable loss." He chuckled, his eyes sparking with mischief. "This match is gonna be over in seconds."
Shiozaki's eyes narrowed slightly, her expression serene but resolute. She turned away from Kaminari, her hair coiling around her like a protective shield.
"[Oooh~, someone's got confidence! Let's see if Kaminari's got what it takes!]"
The starting signal blared, and Kaminari wasted no time, electricity surging through him as he prepared to unleash his attack. "Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 Million Volts!"
Electricity crackled and surged from Kaminari, the air around him shimmering with the raw power of his Quirk. The crowd gasped, the sheer magnitude of his attack electrifying the atmosphere. The bolts of lightning arced towards Ibara, threatening to engulf her.
However, Shiozaki remained unfazed. With a fluid, almost graceful movement, she commanded her vine-like hair to form a protective barrier around her. "Shield!" The vines wove together, creating a thick shield that absorbed the brunt of Kaminari's attack.
The electricity sizzled and sparked against the vines, but Shiozaki's shield held strong. Kaminari's confident grin faltered as he watched his attack dissipate harmlessly.
"[Whoa! Shiozaki's not going down without a fight! Look at that defense!]"
As the last of Kaminari's electricity fizzled out, he stumbled, his usual cocky expression replaced by a vacant, dopey grin. His attack had backfired, leaving him in his infamous 'dumb state.' "Heh, I think I overdid it..."
Shiozaki seized the opportunity, her vines snapping forward with swift precision. They coiled around Kaminari, lifting him off the ground and suspending him in mid-air. His arms and legs were bound, rendering him completely immobile.
Shiozakis voice was calm, almost gentle as she addressed her opponent. "May the Lord forgive your sins, Kaminari-san."
With a flick of her wrist, the vines tightened, securing Kaminari in place. He dangled helplessly, a bewildered smile plastered on his face as he struggled against the restraints.
"[And there you have it! Shiozaki's defense and counterattack have Kaminari wrapped up—literally!]"
Midnight, still chilled from the lingering effects of Todoroki's earlier attack, stepped forward, her whip cracking sharply in the air. "Kaminari Denki is immobilized! Shiozaki Ibara wins!"
The crowd erupted in applause, cheers mingling with laughter at the unexpected outcome. In the stands, Tetsutetsu leaped to his feet, pumping his fists in the air. "Yeah! That's how you do it, Shiozaki! Show them what Class 1-B is made of!"
Monoma, not missing a beat, leaned over the railing, his voice dripping with mockery as he taunted the Hero Course students. "See that, 1-A? That's how a real hero fights! Too bad your electric wonder boy couldn't keep up!"
You glanced at Kendo out of the corner of your eye. Seeing this, your Vice-President's hand shot out and delivered a swift chop to the back of his neck.
Monoma yelped, holding the sore spot. "Hey, what was—"
"Enough, Monoma. Let's show some class," Kendo hissed with narrowed eyes before falling silent.
Monoma grumbled, rubbing his neck, but reluctantly fell silent. You couldn't help but smirk at the exchange, finding it amusing no matter how often it occurs.
The excitement in the stadium didn't wane as the next match was announced. "[Alright, folks, let's keep this momentum going! Up next, we've got a match that's sure to be full of surprises!]"
The spotlight shifted once more, illuminating Iida Tenya and Hatsume Mei as they took their positions on the stage. Iida stood tall, his posture rigid with determination, while Hatsume's eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement.
"[From the Hero Course, it's the speedster himself, Iida Tenya! And his opponent, ready to dazzle us with her gadgets, from the Support Course, it's Hatsume Mei!]"
The signal to start blared, and Iida immediately launched into action, his engines roaring to life as he sprinted towards Hatsume with impressive speed. "Prepare yourself, Hatsume-san! I will not hold back!"
Hatsume, however, seemed completely unfazed by Iida's aggressive approach. She activated her microphone, her voice cheerful and informative as she addressed the crowd. "Hello, everyone! Check this out—these leg braces I designed for Iida-kun here improve his mobility by 25%! Watch how he moves!"
Iida, taken aback by her casual demeanor, stumbled slightly but quickly regained his composure. He pressed forward, determined to close the distance between them. "What are you—?"
Before he could finish, Hatsume's backpack whirred to life, hydraulic attachments propelling her out of his reach with a smooth, mechanical efficiency.
"[Whoa! Did you see that, Eraser!? Hatsume's got some tricks up her sleeves!]"
As Iida attempted to adapt, Hatsume's voice continued, her excitement infectious as she demonstrated her gadgets. "And that's not all! These hydraulic attachments allow me to maneuver with ease! Oh, and let's not forget the Auto Balancers—watch how they keep Iida-kun from falling!"
Iida tried to use her distraction to his advantage, but Hatsume's backpack sensors detected his approach, activating the hydraulic attachments once more to evade him. He stumbled over the devices, but the Auto Balancers kicked in, preventing him from falling and redirecting him back towards her.
"[Looks like Hatsume's turned this match into a full-on gadget showcase!]"
"[This isn't a commercial, Hatsume-san,]" Aizawa grumbled, a complete 180 from his co-host's attitude.
Frustration etched across Iida's face as he charged again, demanding a fair fight. "Hatsume-san! Stop using your gadgets as distractions and fight me properly!" 
Hatsume, her enthusiasm undeterred, evaded him once more, using her Electromagnetic Soles to glide smoothly across the stage. "But I am fighting! I'm showcasing my inventions! Look at these Electromagnetic Soles—they allow me to evade with precision!"
Iida's patience was wearing thin as he made another attempt to close the gap, but Hatsume was ready. She pulled out a Capture Gun, firing a net that ensnared Iida, immobilizing him.
"[Iida's caught in a net! What a turn of events!]"
Hatsume turned her attention to the support companies in the crowd, introducing herself with a confident smile. "I'm Hatsume Mei, and I hope you're impressed with my babies! There's more where these came from!"
For the next ten minutes, Hatsume continued to demonstrate her gadgets, much to the chagrin of Iida, who struggled futilely against the net. The crowd, initially baffled, soon found themselves entertained by her relentless enthusiasm.
Eventually, Hatsume walked out of the ring, her objective clearly met.
Midnight's whip cracked in the air, bringing the match to a close. "Hatsume Mei has stepped out of bounds! Iida Tenya is the winner!"
The audience's applause was a mix of confusion and amusement. Iida, despite his victory, looked thoroughly exasperated. "Hatsume-san! You used me as a prop!"
"I'm sorry, Iida-kun! But it worked, didn't it?" Hatsume giggled with a shrug of her shoulders.
Iida's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing in frustration. "I hate you."
Hatsume's apology, while technically present, lacked any real remorse, her attention already shifting to her next invention. "Oh~ I can totally create an 'I-hate-you-inator'! It'll track and detect levels of dislike/hatred surrounding the chosen subject..." As you watched Hatsume leave the ring, her nonchalant acceptance of her own defeat and eagerness to advertise her gadgets leaving the crowd in a mix of awe and confusion, you knew your turn was coming up.
You brushed off your uniform as you stood, smoothing out any wrinkles as you prepared yourself mentally.
Your classmates were abuzz with excitement, their voices blending into a harmonious cheer of encouragement.
"Akuma-san, knock 'em dead!"
"Yeah! You got this!"
"Show them 1-B's no second choice!"
Kendo's eyes sparkled with pride, and she gave you a thumbs-up. Tsuburaba and Shiozaki exchanged nods of support. Monoma, always the dramatic one, quickly grasped one of your hands just before you walked away.
"You got this, President!" he said, his voice filled with earnest admiration and a touch of nervous energy. His grip was firm but comforting, a tangible reminder of your classmates' support.
You hummed softly, your lips twitching in disgust at his bold actions. "Thank you, Monoma-kun," you replied, bowing your head in acknowledgment.
The walk to the arena felt like stepping into a different world. The stadium lights bore down on you, their brightness creating stark contrasts and sharp shadows on the ground. The camera flashes were relentless, capturing every moment, every expression, adding to the almost surreal atmosphere. The roar of the crowd was a constant backdrop, a symphony of cheers and excitement that filled the air with palpable energy.
Stepping into the battle ring, you felt the coolness of the arena floor beneath your feet. The space seemed to expand around you, the vastness of the stadium a stark reminder of the scale of the event.
You took a deep breath, grounding yourself amidst the sensory overload. The anticipation was electric, charging the air with a tangible tension as the crowd awaited the start of the match.
Across from you, Mina bounced on her feet, her eyes alight with excitement. Her pink skin glistened under the stadium lights, and her smile was infectious. She seemed more like a cheerleader than a combatant, her enthusiasm almost childlike in its intensity.
"I can't wait to see your fighting style, Akuma-san!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with eagerness. "Is it like hand-to-hand combat? Or do you have some cool surprise moves up your sleeve? I'm so excited! I trained with my classmates during the Battle Trial, so I know some of their weaknesses, but I have no idea what to expect from you!"
Her questions came in a rapid stream, each one layered with genuine curiosity and a dash of anticipation. You could see the light in her eyes, a sparkle that made her excitement almost contagious.
Present Mic's voice boomed overhead, adding a humorous commentary to the situation. "[Wow, she's not taking this seriously at all!]"
"[Ashido admittedly does have a major issue with her attention span,]" Aizawa sighed.
The contrast between her playful energy and the serious tone of the match was almost comical.
Without a word, you began to walk towards her, your steps measured and deliberate. Mina's eyes widened as she watched you approach, her questions spilling out even faster. "Oh my gods, what are you going to do? Is this some secret technique? Are you going to—"
You reached out, gently but firmly placing your hands on her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and a hint of surprise.
With a steady, unyielding push, you guided her backwards. Each step you took brought her closer to the edge of the ring, her surprise morphing into confusion and then realization.
Quickly, Mina managed to drop and roll away from your push, her reflexes sharp despite the playful demeanor she had displayed moments before. Springing to her feet, she grinned, her hands planted firmly on her hips. "Whoops! Almost let you get me!"
Her eyes gleamed with a newfound intensity, the playful spark replaced by a keen focus. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and Mina's entire demeanor shifted from bubbly excitement to concentrated determination.
With a swift, fluid motion, she squatted down and secreted acid from her feet. The corrosive substance sizzled as it hit the ground, and she used it to propel herself forward, sliding across the stage with surprising speed. Her movement was almost serpentine, a blend of agility and precision that cut through the air with grace.
For a moment, you considered dodging her attack, calculating the trajectory and speed at which she was approaching. But then, in a split-second decision, you chose not to evade. You let her come closer, her approach like a tidal wave of energy and intent.
As Mina reached you, you executed a half-hearted roundhouse kick, your movements precise yet deliberately leaving yourself open. To anyone else, it would have looked like a full attempt to strike, but you knew better. It was a calculated risk, a feint meant to draw her in.
Mina, her instincts sharp, ducked just in time, her eyes widening as she saw the opening. She lunged forward, aiming a strong uppercut at your side. Her fist brushed past your face, the force of the strike just grazing your skin.
You turned with the motion, making her miss entirely, and quickly grasped both of her arms in a firm hold. The action was fluid, almost too smooth, and before she could react, you had effectively locked her in place. Your grip was steady but not overly harsh, a testament to your control over the situation.
Mina blinked, her concentration breaking for a brief moment. Her eyes sparkled with genuine admiration as she squealed, "No way, that was so cool! How did you dodge that!? I spent weeks perfecting this move..." Her words tumbled out in a rapid stream, her excitement and curiosity spilling over. She seemed almost oblivious to her current predicament, more fascinated by the mechanics of the fight than by the fact that she was restrained.
You sighed inwardly, recognizing that this conversation would likely continue unless you intervened. You glanced over her shoulder, assessing your position in the ring. To your advantage, you noticed that you were right on the edge of the platform. The realization sparked a quick plan in your mind.
Taking advantage of her distraction, you pushed her gently but firmly over the edge. Mina, still caught up in her enthusiastic rambling, barely registered the movement until it was too late. She stumbled backward, her eyes widening in surprise as she tumbled off the platform.
Midnight's whip cracked through the air, the sound sharp and commanding. "Ashido Mina is out of bounds! Akuma Y/N is the winner!"
The crowd erupted in a mixture of laughter and applause, the unexpected simplicity of your victory catching them off guard once again. Present Mic's voice echoed overhead, his tone a blend of amusement and commentary. "[And with Ashido going down embarrassingly easy, that's one win for Akuma!]"
You stood at the edge of the ring, watching as Mina picked herself up, a sheepish grin spreading across her face. Her enthusiasm was undiminished, and she waved cheerfully at you. "Good job, Akuma-san! That was really clever!"
You nodded politely, acknowledging her words with a small smile. The lights of the arena glinted off the metal rails, and the cheers of the crowd formed a backdrop of noise and excitement. The thrill of the fight, coupled with the simplicity of your victory, left a sense of satisfaction bubbling within you.
As you walked back towards the waiting area, you could feel the energy of the stadium humming around you, a tangible reminder of the intensity and spectacle of the U.A. Sports Festival.
Instead of heading directly to the stands, you decided to make a detour. A thought had been simmering in the back of your mind, urging you to check in on someone else preparing for his battle. Turning down a quieter corridor, you made your way towards Bakugo's waiting room. The muffled sounds of the ongoing fight between Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu filtered through the walls, a reminder of the relentless pace of the tournament.
You reached the door, noticing a small TV mounted on the wall inside, showcasing the current fight. Without hesitation, you pushed it open slightly, causing the door to creak. Bakugo's head snapped up, a snarl already forming on his lips. "I said I didn't want anyone bothering me—" His sentence abruptly cut off as he saw it was you standing there.
A brow arched, you let a smile tug at your lips. "Oh? Should I return later?"
For a moment, Bakugo's expression softened, and he quickly stood, a mix of surprise and something else flickering across his features. "Y/N," he said softly, your name a contrast to his usual gruff tone.
You stepped inside, letting the door close behind you. "I was just stopping by to see how you were faring so far," you said, your gaze steady on his.
Bakugo's jaw tightened, and he was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing as if he were gathering his thoughts. "I'm gonna win," he finally said, his voice low but resolute. "But I want you to advance to the final round."
You blinked, tilting your head slightly. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I wanna fight you," he blurted out, the words hanging in the air between you. The proclamation seemed to take both of you by surprise, and your brows raised in unison.
"Who knew you had it out for me," you replied, your tone light but your eyes searching his face for deeper meaning.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, a grunt of frustration escaping him. "It's not that," he muttered, his gaze darting away. "It's just..."
You leaned forward slightly, prompting him. "Just what?"
For a moment, Bakugo's eyes met yours, a turbulent mix of emotions swirling within them. His mind raced, a thousand thoughts tumbling over each other. Internally, he struggled with the desire to prove his strength to you, to show that he could be someone you could rely on, someone strong enough to protect you. But the words tangled in his throat, refusing to form.
Instead, he scoffed, the sound more of a deflection than an answer. "Just wanna see how strong you really are," he grumbled, the excuse hanging weakly between you.
Before you could respond, the small TV in the upper corner caught your attention. Present Mic's voice boomed from the screen, announcing the end of the current match. "[Tokoyami Fumikage takes the win! Up next, it's the battle of steel vs. stone: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu versus Kirishima Eijiro! Stay tuned, folks!]"
The fight on the screen transitioned to show Tetsutetsu and Kirishima entering the arena, their faces set with determination.
Realizing the conversation had run its course, you turned towards the door. "Good luck with your match," you said over your shoulder.
Bakugo scoffed again, his bravado slipping back into place like a well-worn mask. "Not worried about Round-Face," he muttered, his tone dismissive.
You paused at the doorway, casting a glance back at him. "You should be," you said, your voice carrying a quiet warning. With that, you slipped out, the door clicking softly shut behind you.
As you left Bakugo's room, the air seemed to crackle with the anticipation of the upcoming battles. The faint sounds of the stadium crowd echoed through the hallways, a constant reminder of the spectacle unfolding just outside. Your steps were steady as you made your way back to your class section, a mixture of determination and contemplation playing across your mind.
You were only a few steps away from the arena entrance when a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks. "Akuma-san," Todoroki called out, his tone calm yet insistent. You turned to find him standing a short distance away, his expression serious.
"Yes?" you replied, arching an eyebrow. His demeanor was different, more introspective than usual.
"Could we speak for a moment?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for any sign of objection.
Intrigued, you nodded and followed him as he led you to a large glass window that overlooked a portion of the stadium-lobby. Below, hundreds of citizens milled about, buying merchandise and food, their faces lit up with excitement.
Yet you stared down at the crowd, a dark cloud of disdain crept into your thoughts. They looked like tiny, insignificant ants. 
The stark difference between these humans and those you encountered in your previous life struck you with a jarring clarity. In that world, power and control were everything. Manipulations, grandiose battles, and the constant struggle for dominance defined your existence. Every interaction held weight, every move was a calculated step in a larger game. Here, in contrast, the crowd's self-righteousness and superficial concerns disgusted you.
They believed in their own moral superiority, convinced that their small acts of kindness or their adherence to social norms made them good, just, worthy. They viewed themselves as heroes in their own right, clinging to a superficial sense of morality and justice. Yet, in their simplicity, they fail to see how their so-called righteousness are nothing more than a fragile façade, easily shattered by the cold, hard truths of power and influence.
Your musings were interrupted by Todoroki's voice, soft yet clear. "Akuma-san, I like to think of myself as an intelligent person," he began, his gaze fixed on the crowd below. "But it seems that everything becomes unintelligible when it comes to you."
You turned your head, curiosity piqued. "Pardon?" you asked, unsure of where he was leading.
Todoroki took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a turmoil of emotions. "I've been thinking about what I told Midoriya earlier," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of bitterness and resignation. "About my past, about my father... the hero... Endeavor. It's something I feel you should know too."
He paused, gathering his thoughts, before continuing. "My father... he's not just unpleasant. He's driven by a relentless obsession to surpass All Might and  views me as nothing but a tool to achieve that goal. My siblings—they're nothing but failures to him because they don't measure up to his standards. It's all been about grooming me to achieve what he couldn't."
Todoroki's eyes darkened as he continued, his hand unconsciously touching the scar on his left eye. "And my mother? She suffered greatly under his ambitions. The pressure, the constant demands and abuse—she couldn't handle it...and it broke her. I look like him, you see. Every time she saw the left side of my face—the fire I inherited from him—it reminded her of him...of everything she hated. One day, she snapped. She threw boiling water at me...said it was unsightly. That's how I got this scar."
He paused, the raw emotion in his voice a stark contrast to the stoic façade he usually maintained. "My father had her institutionalized. To him, she was just another obstacle. I grew up hating him, despising the fire side of my Quirk because it was his. I've spent my entire life trying to prove that I could be a hero without becoming him."
As Todoroki finished his story, you felt a hollow emptiness where empathy should have been. His words, dripping with a mix of self-pity and bitterness, left you cold. The tale of his troubled upbringing, designed perhaps to elicit sympathy, only reinforced your disdain for him. Todoroki, with his tragic backstory and internal turmoil, seemed to you one of the most pathetic individuals you had ever encountered.
A soft hum escaped your lips, and a sardonic smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. You turned to face him, your eyes gleaming with a harsh light. "For someone so intelligent," you began, your tone laced with mockery, "you have an awfully bad habit of oversharing personal and horrifyingly useful information one would think to keep private. It's a wonder you've managed to maintain such a mysterious persona." You could almost hear the echo of your peers' admiration for him, their awe and reverence for the troubled hero. If only they knew the full extent of his pitiful reality.
Todoroki's eyes widened slightly at your words, a flicker of confusion mingling with the anger already etched on his face. 
Your lips dropped from the semblance of a smile into a disgusted snarl. "Although you had such an unsavory upbringing, Midoriya was right about one thing," you continued, your voice sharp and unyielding. "It's an absolutely pitiful sight to see you allowing your father to win and have power over something that's yours. Your life, your choices—they belong to you. Yet here you are, shackled by his shadow, letting him dictate who you become."
Todoroki's gaze faltered, his expression a mix of shame and defensiveness, his hands curling into fists at his sides. His anger simmered just beneath the surface, his composure cracking under the weight of your unrelenting critique. His anger, however, was not just from the truth of your words but from the familiarity of their tone.
You, with your overbearing harshness and cutting remarks, reminded him too much of his father—Endeavor's relentless drive, his unyielding standards, and his crushing expectations. But you weren't done yet.
You took a step closer, your presence towering over him. "Of course," you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "you can always go on this woe-is-me journey of limiting yourself. Continue rejecting your fire, the very power that makes you whole, just to spite your father. It's quite amusing, really—watching you cripple yourself for the sake of some misguided vendetta."
Todoroki's anger flared, his eyes narrowing as he tried to hold back a retort. His frustration was palpable, mingling with the pain your words inflicted. Yet he remained silent, the truth of your accusations sinking in despite his instinctive resistance. He despised the harshness of your approach, the way you mirrored his father's brutal honesty, but he couldn't entirely dismiss the validity of your perspective.
You leaned in, your eyes locking onto his, forcing him to confront the harsh truth of your words. "Though, what's truly even more pathetic," you continued, your voice lowering to a dangerous whisper, "is how you wear this victimhood like a badge of honor. You've let him win every time you hold back, every time you refuse to use your full potential. And for what? Some semblance of moral high ground? You're a fool, Todoroki. A pitiful fool clinging to a righteous delusion."
Todoroki's face contorted further, his internal conflict evident in the tightening of his jaw and the hardening of his gaze. Before he could gather his thoughts or mount a defense, Present Mic's voice boomed through the stadium, breaking the tension. "[And we have a draw! The battle between Tetsutetsu and Kirishima ends in a tie! Up next, it's Bakugo Katsuki versus Uraraka Ochaco! Get ready for a showdown!]"
The announcement echoed around you, the festival's energy seeping back into the moment. You stepped back, a charming grin spreading across your face. "Well, that's my cue," you said, your tone suddenly light, "Must be off to support. Do try to think about what I said, Todoroki-kun. Good luck, next round." As you made your way back to your class's section, you felt a surge of anticipation for the upcoming fight between Bakugo and Uraraka.
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A/N: wheewww! 7.5k DONE! anyways, sorry for the little wait, these doubles at work been kicking my ass so i decided to update while i have time on my day off 😩. anywhooo, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, don't judge me too bad for the horrible action /fightring portion, i tired my best lolololo. the next three rounds will all be in 1 chappie, so it can be  long like this one. see you all next update. ❤️❤️
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godsavetheanimalz · 9 months
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my (personal) favorite albums of 2023!!! 1. Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE 2. Sufjan Stevens - Javelin 3. Liturgy - 93696 4. Anohni - My Back Was a Bridge For You To Cross 5. Geese - 3D Country 6. Snõõper - Super Snõõper 7. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Maps 8. Lonnie Holley - Oh Me Oh My 9. Sprain - The Lamb as Effigy 10. Sampha - Lahai 11. Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter - SAVED! 12. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - SCARING THE HOES 13. Squid - O Monolith 14. Wednesday - Rat Saw God 15. Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We 16. Kara Jackson - Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? 17. Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You 18. Genesis Owusu - STRUGGLER 19. Indigo De Souza - All of This Will End 20. Underscores - Wallsocket 21. 100 gecs - 10,000 gecs 22. Paramore - This Is Why 23. King Krule - sPacE hEavy 24. Joanna Sternberg - I've Got Me 25. grouptherapy. - i was mature for my age, but i was still a child 26. Parannoul - After the Magic 27. Spiritual Cramp - Spiritual Cramp 28. The Armed - Perfect Saviors 29. Screaming Females - Desire Pathway 30. Jeromes Dream - The Gray In Between 31. Alice Longyu Gao - Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn and Retire 32. Zach Bryan - Zach Bryan 33. amaarae - Fountain Baby 34. feeble little horse - Girl With Fish 35. Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS 36. Foo Fighters - But Here We Are 37. squirrel flower - Tomorrow's Fire 38. Frost Children - Hearth Room 39. Hotline TNT - Cartwheel 40. Snow Strippers - April Mixtape 3
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