#9-15 July Horoscope
elminx · 3 months
Energy Update: July 2024
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July is a “6” Universal Month [7 (July) + 8 (2024) = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6] in an “8” Universal Year. Six months are connective and somewhat comforting; we tend to reconnect with our Others after the rough conflicts of the “5” month that came before. This is somewhat at odds with the month’s transits, which are pushing us forward and outward. We are in the liminal phase where something has ended, but the new beginning hasn’t happened yet; not really.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer, Mars and Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. When you include our North Node and Chiron sitting in Aries, we still have a long line of planetary activation stretching from the last signs of the horoscope (Aquarius and Pisces) through the first signs of the horoscope (Aries through Cancer). After this month, the cluster will break, but for now, we are still stuck in this in-between energy.
By the end of July, the Sun and Venus will have moved on into Leo, Mercury will have moved all the way through Leo and onto Virgo (starting the pre-shadow phase of its next retrograde cycle), and Mars will enter Gemini. Additionally, Neptune will retrograde at 29° Pisces.
The Nitty Gritty
There is a notable lack of major planetary aspecting during July because all of our personal planets are still so closely stacked together. Instead, we see repeat activation between these planets and the lunar nodes in Aries. Cancer is the midway point between our North Node in Aries and our South Node in Libra, and we are at a turning point late in this lunar cycle. We have one last set of eclipse to get through before our nodes switch to Pisces-Virgo with the new year, and it’s starting to show. This is crunch time – whatever has been coming up in our lives around the themes of independence (Aries) versus codependence (Libra) is coming to a head.
We are experiencing these nodal hits thrice over: the first time through a sextile while the planets are in Gemini, a second time in square while they are in Cancer, and a third time in trine while they transit Leo. Things will be easier and then more difficult and easier again. But easy, when it comes to the lunar nodes, is really just a matter of perspective. The lunar nodes can be read as a compass pointing in the sky, away from the South Node’s current position and towards the North Node’s current position. Where the North Node is needs work – it is where we are heading.
Whether that’s a good or bad thing is up for debate. The lunar nodes happen to us—they create the eclipse cycles that enact the greatest moments of change in our lives. Like the influence of the outer planets, eclipse cycles are beyond our comprehension; at best, we can control how we react to them.
In essence, the days of nodal activation throughout the month (of which there are many) are days to watch out for. Let’s take a neutral stance here—eclipses help when we need doors opened but can also slam doors shut that we shouldn’t walk through. If you are on top of things and paying attention, you can use days like this to determine where your life is headed. Eyes wide open is the name of the game all month long.
Lunar Nodal Activation Dates:
7/2 – Sun in Cancer square the lunar nodes, 7/9 – Mercury in Leo trine the North Node in Aries/sextile the South Node in Libra, 7/12 – Jupiter in Gemini sextile the North Node in Aries/trine the South Node in Libra, 7/19 – Venus in Leo trine the North Node in Aries/sextile the South Node in Libra
Each of these dates will be highly liminal (7/2, especially as it is also the date that Neptune stations retrograde) and can be used for divination, pathworking, dreaming, and other magics with which this type of energy is naturally augmented. Stare aware of what happens to you during this time and believe it. Sometimes, difficult truths are revealed through lunar node activation; looking them straight in the eye is better than burying your head in the sand.
Likewise, Chiron – our Wounded Healer – is also in Aries and will be our other major player of the month. To gain a better perspective, we should take a wider step away and discuss how these move around the horoscope wheel. Chiron, like our planetary bodies, moves forward through the horoscope wheel while our North Node, as a mathematical point in the sky, moves backward through the signs. These two have already met and passed each other – Chiron is nearing the end of the Aries, and The North Node is nearing the beginning. This has made Aries (and, by default, the other cardinal signs) the seat of change in the world right now. And since it’s Aries, it is quite the hot seat.
I’ve written a lot about how this whole era we’re in has a major theme of “change before you have to,” which is running afoul of our very human urge to do the exact opposite of our best interests.
There’s a line between standing up for ourselves, allowing each other to BE ourselves, and being a collective that sees each other and cares for the whole that we’re just not getting right. This long-term opposition between the North Node and Chiron in Aries and the South Node in Libra fully represents this in the skies. Whatever this story means to you – whether you’ve been seeing it in the news, experiencing it personally in your life, or ignoring it all together; this chapter of it is ending.
And it fucking hurts. Let’s take a minute to stop and acknowledge the very real pain that most of us (I suspect it’s all of us) are feeling. The aloneness of the quarantine – that was Chiron in Aries. The way that it’s been triggering you every time you realize that your parents don’t actually see you as a separate human being – that’s this whole opposition coming into play. Has your friend group completely fallen apart? South Node in Libra. Has your relationship? Same. We can infer that, in general, what the South Node removes is for the greater good, but with Chiron so involved, it does not feel this way.
If every fiber of your being hurts, you are right on time. And I’m sorry. As somebody who has Chiron on my Ascendant, I can attest to how much it sucks to have to feel all of the pain that Chiron brings to the party.
We’ve got about six more months of this intense Chiron action interconnected with the lunar nodes, and then the nodes will move on. Sure, we all need to sit with this Chiron in Aries energy for another couple of years, but it won’t be involved in our eclipse cycles any longer. That will be a huge relief.
I can also say that, like eclipse/Node energy, Chiron is best faced with your eyes wide open. Chiron is the cosmic reminder that shit is compost and all decaying matter feeds life once more. Fields need to lie fallow. Pain is a signal that can be followed to a source. Sometimes, it’s faulty wiring. Sometimes, you can even replace that wiring. This tends to take a lot of self-compassion, and there doesn’t seem to be much going around – do what you can. Treat yourself like your favorite pet or houseplant.
Chiron days to stay aware of:
7/6 – Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries, 7/15 – Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries, 7/18 Mercury in Leo trine Chiron, 7/30 – Venus in Leo trine Chiron
All of these dates could be used for healing magic of all kinds.
This month, our big day to look out for is 7/15, when Mars conjuncts Uranus at 26° Taurus. This is an accident waiting to happen, so don’t do anything stupid. Avoid unnecessary travel, don’t play with fireworks, etc. The Sun is square to Chiron all day, too, so it has the potential to really hurt. This isn’t a reason to panic – this is an astrological weather report; whereas some days you might need to bring an umbrella, this is the kind of day where you might want to stay inside. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Our day to look forward to for the month is our full moon on 7/21, which is a true astrological blue moon – meaning it’s the second moon in a row in the sign of Capricorn. This is highly auspicious and doubly so because we also have two new moons in Capricorn this year (one in January and another in December!). Sitting at 29° Capricorn, it will call in a lot of the energy of Pluto, who is sitting at 00° Aquarius, inching its way back toward Capricorn one last time.
Again, note the intense cardinal sign activation that is happening all month. This full moon will also tie in Chiron in Aries through a wider square. Heads up to anybody with their lights or personal planets in late Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn – now can be your time if you can get through the pain enough to see the change. Y’all are stubborn folks, so I have faith in your capabilities.
This moon, along with the full moon on 6/21 at 01° Capricorn, are great days to do any long-form intentional work towards money, finances, career, or any task that involves structure. Work with the moon’s cycles here: where do you want to be in six months when the moon is new in Capricorn once more? But stay aware that Saturn will crash your party whether you invite them or not, so you might as well extend an official invitation.
The numerology of this full moon is 5/2. [0 (Capricorn Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 14 = 1+4 = 5. 5 (Capricorn full moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 11 = 1+1 =2.] There’s a chance to break a cycle (5) that can become the start of something new (2).
Our new moon on 7/5 is at 14° Cancer and should be more low-key. The moon is in its home in the sign of the crab, making this day especially lunar and watery. If ever there was a day to wash wash wash it all away – either with a mop or the ocean waves, it is a Cancer Moon. The numerology of the day is 8/5 [4 (Cancer Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 8. 8 (Cancer New moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 14 = 1+4 = 5.] The innate 8 energy echoes that of the moving tides; it ebbs and flows. We see the echo of the 5 energy of change and movement throughout this month.
Otherwise, the seasons shift as we move deeper into summer energy all month. There’s an echo of egoic Leo energy in the air all month long as all three of our more moveable personal planets move through the sign of the lion. It’s summer when, most of all, we really start to feel ourselves. Remember, this isn’t a bad thing. Do a bit of magic to remind yourself how much of a badass you are. As a little treat.
Neptune will retrograde, but we won’t really notice as it’s so slow-moving anyway. We need to keep an eye on Mercury, though, as it is whipping through the summer signs before its mid-summer retrograde. The crossover from Fixed to Mutable signs is highlighted here as Mercury will retrograde from 04° Virgo to 21° Leo starting in early August. Be aware. I will be writing more about this soon.
Months that begin with the sign of the crab on the horizon are usually emotional and moody, and this is no exception. Remember that it’s okay to tread water when things get too deep, and you can let the rip current take you – eventually, it will let you go, and you can swim to shore. It’s when you fight it that things can go really wrong, really quickly.
Practice your very best self-care. Treat yourself with the same kindness that you would your most loved Other. If you’ve got anything left after that, extend it to as many of your Others as you can.
The Details
7/2 – Sun in Cancer square the lunar nodes in Aries/Libra, Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Mercury enters Leo, Venus in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Neptune retrogrades 29° Pisces 7/3 – Mercury in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 7/5 – New moon 14° Cancer, Mars in Taurus sextile retrograde Saturn in Pisces 7/6 – Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/8 – Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/9 – Mercury in Leo trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 7/10 – Sun in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces 7/11 – Venus in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Venus enters Leo 7/12 – Venus in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Aquarius 7/15 – Mars conjunct Uranus 26° Taurus, Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/16 – Mercury enters their pre-retrograde shadow 21° Leo 7/18 – Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries, Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/19 – Venus in Leo trine North Node in Aries, sextile South Node in Libra 7/20 – Mars in Taurus sextile retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Mars enters Gemini 7/21 – Full moon 29° Capricorn, Sun in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini, Mars in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 7/22 – Sun enters Leo 7/25 – Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini, Mercury enters Virgo 7/30 – Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
YOUR Mars in Taurus Horoscope
What: Mars in Taurus
When: June 9 - July 20, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but especially earth and fixed signs.
Takeaway: An energetic shift that helps you slow your roll and build on ONE thing.
     Tired of zooming through your goals and chasing down everything? Well, on June 8/9, Mars leaves its fiery home sign of Aries and enters steady and placid earth sign Taurus, stabilizing and slowing down your energy levels, assertion, and determination. 
     If you’re unfamiliar, Mars is the planet of action and energy, as well as heat, self-assertion, goal-getting, conflict, and courage. Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by Mars’ “opposing” planet, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. Thanks to Venus’ influence, earthy Taurus prefers the finer, beautiful, and feel-good things of life and has a particular penchant for what is pleasing to the senses—and the bank account. Which is why low-risk, high-yield pursuits are often what fuel our fire with Mars in Taurus. So too are goals related to pleasure, art, creature comforts, money, and material assets. During this transit you’re more concerned with building your bank and achieving long-term success, than you are racing ahead towards an exciting unknown (at least until July 20). 
     During Mars in Aries, it was natural to want to pursue a bunch of different goals, take on more projects (than you can handle) at work, fight, race to the finish line, and try to conquer…well, anything. But Mars in Taurus is cautious, methodical. This transit doesn’t encourage action without plans. It urges you to measure the risks and ensure the ROI is hefty enough to justify your efforts. Then, Mars in Taurus wants you to take your time and do things right. 
     So, you want to try and be really choosy about what you pursue, who you butt heads with, and limit the scope of your goals (esp. on June 11 & July 15). Delegate. Build. Simplify your projects. Focus on ONE thing at a time, and don’t pressure yourself to conquer it all. Concentrate on efforts, goals, and pursuits that are of value to you. This could translate into literal fiscal pursuits, or into more creative, artistically-and-sensory satisfying pursuits like patiently baking your first batch of bon-bons like a contestant on the The Great British Bake-Off. Your choice!
Get YOUR Full 2024 Mars in Taurus Horoscope on The Cosmic Almanac, here:
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alchemyastrology · 1 year
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AlchemyAstrology For the week of July 9 - 16
----- July 9, 2023 Sunday Active over all - lab function is Projection
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - those with the best network are able to help more people gain the upper hand. B - art, viewing or creating. C - those who have the power to make changes, but instead just sit and watch.
Emotionally - instinctive -----
July 10, 2023 Monday Active over all - lab function is Projection
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - opportunity for people to have their say in regard to how the government is used to reform a situation. B - a hero wins the day. C - emotion-charged announcement and the painful truth it exposes.
Emotionally - instinctive
July 11, 2023 Tuesday Active over all - lab function is Calcination
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - emotional speeches and announcements, especially about alternative ideas, hold sway. B - helping each other, volunteering. C - a simple thing brings tragic consequences.
Emotionally - aggressive
July 12, 2023 Wednesday Active over all - lab function is Calcination
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - a focus on making education a fulfilled priorty to all communities. B - concern for the wellbeing of families. C - long running news stories with many spin-offs.
Emotionally - aggressive
July 13, 2023 Thursday Active over all - lab function is Congelation
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - a good plan for child welfare is likely highlighted in the news. B - feel that a little collective action can help make everything better. C - people trying to bring power to their own group at the expense of other groups.
Emotionally - stable
July 14, 2023 Friday Active over all - lab function is Congelation
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - to seek the truth in fine detail. B - naturally look for the simple truth. C - people who are always fighting the system, even when it's personally detrimental.
Emotionally - stable
July 15, 2023 Saturday Active over all - lab function is Fixation
What's in the air for everyone: Advantage - Balance - Challenge
A - to catalyze, or symbolize, idealistic or romantic feelings in others. B - break down emotional social issues. C - difficulty with details.
Emotionally - versatile
The memes I include don't always relate to the horoscope, but I hope they add humor, or something else helpful, to your day.
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rjdavies · 2 years
Chinese New Year Animal - The Rooster
Year of the Rooster … is this your animal? The Rooster is a Metal branch, and is yin.
Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041
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Chinese: 鸡年 (Jī nián ‘Rooster year’)
2041 - Feb. 1, 2041 - Jan. 21, 2042 - Metal (Gold) Rooster
2029 - Feb. 13, 2029 - Feb. 2, 2030 - Earth Rooster
2017 - Jan. 28, 2017 - Feb. 15, 2018 - Fire Rooster
2005 - Feb. 5, 2005 - Jan. 28, 2006 - Wood Rooster
1993 - Jan. 23, 1993 - Feb. 9, 1994 - Water Rooster
1981 - Feb. 5, 1981 - Jan. 24, 1982 - Metal (Gold) Rooster
1969 - Feb. 17, 1969 - Feb. 5, 1970 - Earth Rooster
1957 - Jan. 31, 1957 - Feb. 17, 1958 - Fire Rooster
1945 - Feb. 13, 1945 - Feb. 1, 1946 - Wood Rooster
1933 - Jan. 26, 1933 - Feb. 13, 1934 - Water Rooster
Personality: Rooster are very observant. Hardworking, resourceful, courageous, and talented, Roosters are very confident in themselves.
Personality in relation to their element:
Wood Rooster: Energetic, overconfident, tender, unstable
Fire Rooster: Trustworthy, strong sense of timekeeping, responsible
Earth Rooster: Lovely, generous, trustworthy, popular with friends
Metal (Gold) Rooster: Determined, brave, perseverant, hardworking
Water Rooster: Smart, quick-witted, tenderhearted, compassionate
Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rooster:
Ox, Dragon or Snake
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rooster:
Rat or Rabbit
Lucky things for Roosters:
Lucky numbers: 5, 7, and 8
Lucky colors: red, pink    
Lucky flowers: gladiola, cockscomb    
Lucky direction: south, southeast  
Unlucky things for Roosters:
Unlucky color: red  
Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, and 9  
Unlucky direction: east  
Unlucky months: the 3rd, 9th, and 12th Chinese lunar months
Best Careers for Roosters:
News broadcaster, salesperson, restaurant owner, hairdresser, public relations officer, farmer, athlete, teacher, waiter, journalist, travel writer, dentist, surgeon, soldier, fireman, security guard, and police officer
Health for Roosters:
Rooster people, you should pay attention to adequate rest. Do not stay up late too much, otherwise, your body will easily become ill. You should also pay attention to regular mealtimes, so as not to overeat
Famous Rooster People:
Bob Marley: born on February 6, 1945, Wood Rooster
Jennifer Lopez: born on July 24, 1969, Earth Rooster
Britney Spears: born on December 2, 1981, Gold Rooster
Hans Zimmer: born on September 12,  1957, Fire Rooster
Found all this info on  Chinese Zodiac: 12 Animal Signs, Compatibility, Horoscopes (chinesenewyear.net)
Xīn nián kuài lè
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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belladonna-miranda · 8 months
Jackass Weekly Horoscopes (January 15-21, 2024)
Since last week was just a test astrology post for Jackass, I decided to include not only the main cast, but also associated crew members.
Aries (March 21-April 19) ♈🔥
April Margera: 3/28/1956
By the time Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Friday the 19th, April will have realized that what she wants isn't always what she gets in real life. Therefore, this week will predict an improvement in socialization as Pluto enters her social zone over the weekend.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) ♉🌿
Wee Man: 5/16/1973
Mercury in Capricorn will trine Jupiter in Wee Man's sign, Taurus on Friday, leading to a gain in knowledge three weeks into 2024, whereas the sun enters Aquarius and his professional life on Saturday. Consequently, this pint-sized troublemaker will be ready to conquer his lifelong endeavors throughout the rest of the month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) ♊🍃
Raab Himself: 5/21/1980; Rick Kosick: 5/25/1967; Ryan Dunn: 6/11/1977-6/20/2011; Steve-O: 6/13/1974
Geminis are known for their curiosity and socialization, but taking time to communicate with loved ones during the week will strengthen their connection with them. Furthermore, their naturally adventurous demeanor will peak on Saturday with the sun in Aquarius and new beginnings arising.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) ♋🌊
Phil Margera: 7/13/1957; Chris Pontius: 7/16/1974
Both Phil's and Party Boy's love lives will receive a boost from the sextile of Neptune in Pisces and sun in Capricorn, and the sun in Aquarius will further change them, physically and mentally. Pluto's entrance into their transformation zones on Saturday the 20th gives them an opportunity to balance both light and dark.
Leo (July 23-August 22) ♌🔥
Preston Lacy: 8/14/1969
Preston will kick off the week with a few life changes with the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces (e.g., walking once a day) for an eventual mental transformation. Likewise, the sun's entry in Aquarius and Pluto in his partnership zone will both bring Preston new enemies, allies, and possible love interests.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) ♍🌿
Jeff Tremaine: 9/4/1966; Lance Bangs: 9/4/1972; Zach Holmes: 9/11/1991
Mercury in Capricorn trinesJupiter in Taurus on Friday, making for a perfect time to begin new projects, focus on hobbies, and/or visit a movie theater for inspiration. After all, these risk-taking Virgos should begin some healthy habits like cooking or baking now that 2024 is almost three weeks in.
Libra (September 23-October 22)♎🍃
Bam Margera: 9/28/1979; Jasper Dolphin: 9/28/1990; Poopies: 10/21/1986
A possibility of deception befalls these Libras when Venus in Sagittarius trines Neptune in Pisces on Friday, though the sun in Aquarius compensates for paranoia by means of creativity. Therefore, a balance of passion, intellect, and romantic abilities make for one reinvented definition of needs.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) ♏🌊
Brandon DiCamillo: 11/15/1976
DiCo's creative projects will tide him over for the week because Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Thursday, giving him endless ideas to plot out. The heart of winter is also a good time for focusing on personal life as well with the sun entering Aquarius and his home zone on Saturday along with Pluto in Aquarius aiding in family conflict.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) ♐🔥
Danger Ehren: 11/29/1976; Eric Manaka: 12/9/1999; Brandon Novak: 12/10/1978
Venus in these three people's sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Friday, so a slew of long-buried secrets resurfaces for them to attempt to solve their own problems along with those of some other people. When the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius enter their communication zones over the weekend, Ehren will be the most affected by this alignment due to his recent real estate ventures.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) ♑🌿
Dave England: 12/30/1969
On Thursday the 18th, Mercury in Dave's sign sextiles Saturn in Pisces, resulting in an ideal day for a chat due to his ease in conversation. Capricorn season concludes with the sun in Aquarius and his value zone and Pluto leaving his sign for Aquarius, giving him plenty of time to focus on wealth.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) ♒🍃
Rake Yohn: 1/20/1975; Rachel Wolfson: 1/23/1987
Potential growth is in both Rake's and Rachel's favors as Saturday begins their season with the sun moving into their sign, meaning that self-acceptance is the goal for the week and, by extension, their season. As Pluto moves into their sign the same day, this trying period will result from shedding their negative and traditional mindsets.
Pisces: (February 19-March 20) ♓🌊
Dimitry Elyashkevich: 2/25/1975; Johnny Knoxville: 3/11/1971
The third week of 2024 begins on a dreamy note for Dimitry and Knoxville with the sextile of the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in their sign, leading to visions of how the rest of the year will go for them. As the sun in Aquarius and Pluto enter their subconscious zones on Saturday, meditation can alleviate any mental stress, especially Knoxville due in no small part to his countless injuries over the years.
What does your outlook look like this week? Link
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Dive deep into the celestial strength of Scutum, the Shield. Today's horoscope unravels the protective wisdom of this mighty constellation, guiding each zodiac sign towards unwavering courage and resilience.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Daily Horoscope: July 30, 2023
The moon is in grounded earth sign Capricorn and harmonizes with Mercury at 2:55 AM, helping conversations flow. Understandings are reached. Favorable agreements are made as the moon connects with serious, responsible Saturn at 8:15 AM. Efforts run smoothly as the moon harmonizes with Mars at 8:18 PM. Peace and contentment come as the moon harmonizes with hopeful Jupiter at 9:51 PM. All times…
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तुला राशि| Tula Rashi 9 se 15 July 2023 Saptahik Rashifal |Libra Horosco...
#palmistry #sunsign #bhavishyavaniAstrologer Sachin Sikka ji से ज्योतिष समाधान के लिए संपर्क करें Call or WhatsApp: 9315926721 / 9971230555 Call Time: 9.30 am to 7.30 pm कन्या राशि| Kanya Rashi 9 se 15 July 2023 Saptahik Rashifal |Virgo Horoscope Sachin Sikka #saptahikrashifal2023  #KanyaRashifal #kanyarashi2023 #Virgoweeklyhoroscope  #Astrologersachinsikka #Numerology #palmistry #palmstudy #howtostudyhand #vastustudy #Rashifal #astrologer #relationship #partnership #partners #sunsign #moonsign #bestastrologer #bestnumerologist #bestpalmist #vastu #numerology #astroinvite #astroinviteinstagram #aajkarashifal #bhavishyavani #dailyastrology #dailyhoroscope
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sharonannriley · 1 year
MARS IN VIRGO MERCURY IN LEO BIG PROFOUND SHIFT OF ENERGIES! Jul9-15 2023 Astrology Horoscope, Nadiya Shah, 9 July 2023
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storizenmagazine · 1 year
This week, Cancer, you are passionate and determined to fulfill your goals. If you are searching for a job, you are building your network to get a suitable job.
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tezlivenews · 3 years
साप्ताहिक राशिफल (9-15 अगस्त): तुला, कन्या और मकर समेत इन राशि वालों के बन रहे नौकरी में परिवर्तन के योग, जानें कैसा रहेगा आपका सप्ताह
साप्ताहिक राशिफल (9-15 अगस्त): तुला, कन्या और मकर समेत इन राशि वालों के बन रहे नौकरी में परिवर्तन के योग, जानें कैसा रहेगा आपका सप्ताह
08 अगस्त को सावन मास की अमावस्या है। इसे हरियाली अमावस्या भी कहा जाता है। 09 अगस्त से सावन मास का शुक्ल पक्ष आरंभ हो जाएगा। सावन के शुक्ल पक्ष की तिथि भगवान शंकर को समर्पित सोमवार से शुरू हो रही है।… Source link
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
The Week Ahead: July 12-18, 2021
Void of Course Moon
Monday, July 12, 12:29 UT (Leo) - Tuesday, July 13, 08:30 UT (Virgo)
Thursday, July 15, 06:48 UT (Virgo) - 14:32 UT (Libra)
Saturday, July 17, 11:03 UT (Libra) - 18:38 UT (Scorpio)
That first one is twenty hours long! Plan ahead!
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, July 13, 20:40 UT - Crescent Moon, 6:39 Virgo
The message of the Crescent lunar phase is to "gather and mobilize resources" - which is right up Virgo's alley, isn't it? We should be able to find plenty of tools, weapons, and fortifications. And we should be able to discern between what's really going to be useful, and what we can discard. There may be some interference from partners, and that's going to be tricky - we really do have to go with what's within us.
Saturday, July 17, 10:11 UT - First Quarter Moon, 25:04 Libra
The message of the First Quarter phase is to "take action" and "build new structures." Libra usually prefers to re-act, but that may not be possible. There may be a lot of "circumstances beyond our control," and of course we all have to react to those - but there could also be some cases from being pushed to the breaking point. It's important to keep our partners in consideration, but we need to balance their needs, our needs, and the relationship's needs - three entities.
Retrograde / Direct / Etc.
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Pisces (until Wednesday)
Retrograde: Pallas Athene/Pisces (starting Wednesday), Juno/Sagittarius, Jupiter/Pisces, Saturn/Aquarius, Chiron/Aries (starting Thursday), Neptune/Pisces, Pluto/Capricorn
Post-retrograde shadow: nothing right now
Pallas Athene stations retrograde at 27:43 Pisces, on Wednesday, July 14, at 07:40 UT. Creative projects may need to be re-thought through; we could experience head-heart conflicts; we may feel like we "don't belong" in whatever slice of the horoscope holds 9:03 - 27:43 Pisces. (Ms M's home and family, just wonderful.) Pallas Athene stations direct on November 8, 2021.
Chiron stations retrograde at 12:55 Aries, on Thursday, July 15, at 16:41 UT. The focus is on healing old wounds, letting grudges go, and stop playing the victim. In Aries, this is going to give it a "survival" tint - we do have the right to be alive, but we also have to accept that we sometimes have to fight for that. Look for the slice of horoscope between 8:26 - 12:55 Aries. Chiron will station direct on Sunday, December 19, 2021.
Et Cetera
There is a brief Opportunity Period: from 02:17 UT until 06:48 UT on Thursday, July 15. "A window of opportunity."
We'll start the week in a fairly intense mood, with a playful Leo Moon conjunct steamy Venus and Mars in Leo. (Eastern hemisphere people especially!) Then there's that long void of course Leo Moon; by the time she makes it to Virgo, we're ready to go to work, and for the most part we're productive and happy. But things get complicated starting Thursday, and by the weekend everything is irritating, frustrating, and challenging. There are some solid aspects underneath the chaos, and we'll need all the stability and patience they give us.
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carpediem-celebrpg · 4 years
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This meme will remain active (able to reblog) from July 28th - 31st.
65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? 2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 3. The person you would never want to meet? 4. What is your favorite word? 5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? 6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? 7. What shirt are you wearing? 8. What do you label yourself as? 9. Bright room or dark room? 10. What were you doing at midnight last night? 11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 12. Who told you they loved you last? 13. Your worst enemy? 14. What is your current desktop picture? 15. Do you like someone? 16. The last song you listened to? 17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? 18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? 19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? 20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) 21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? 22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? 23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? 24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. 25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? 26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? 27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? 28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 29. What is your favorite expletive? 30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? 31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? 32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! 33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? 34. What was your last dream about? 35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? 36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? 37. Have you ever built a snowman? 38. What is the color of your socks? 39. What type of music do you like? 40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? 41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? 42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) 43. Do you have any scars? 44. What do you want to be when you graduate? 45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 46. Are you reliable? 47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? 48. Do you hold grudges? 49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? 50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? 51. Are you a good liar? 52. How long could you go without talking? 53. What has been you worst haircut/style? 54. Have you ever baked your own cake? 55. Can you do any accents other than your own? 56. What do you like on your toast? 57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? 58. What would be you dream car? 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. 60. Do you believe in aliens? 61. Do you often read your horoscope? 62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? 64. What do you think about babies? 65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Questions must be sent out to every character who reblogs this.
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rjdavies · 2 years
Chinese New Year Animal - The Monkey
Year of the Monkey … is this your animal? The Monkey is a Metal branch, and is yang.
Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040
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Chinese: 猴年 (Hóu nián ‘Monkey year’)
2040 - Feb. 12, 2040 - Jan. 31, 2041 - Metal (Gold) Monkey
2028 - Jan. 26, 2028 - Feb. 12, 2029 - Earth Monkey
2016 - Feb. 8, 2016 - Jan. 27, 2017 - Fire Monkey
2004 - Jan. 22, 2004 - Feb. 8, 2005 - Wood Monkey
1992 - Feb. 4, 1992 - Jan. 22, 1993 - Water Monkey
1980 - Feb. 16, 1980 - Feb. 4, 1981 - Metal (Gold) Monkey
1968 - Jan. 30, 1968 - Feb. 16, 1969 - Earth Monkey
1956 - Feb. 12, 1956 - Jan. 30, 1957 - Fire Monkey
1944 - Jan. 24, 1944 - Feb. 12, 1945 - Wood Monkey
1932 - Feb. 6, 1932 - Jan. 25, 1933 - Water Monkey
Personality: Monkey have magnetic personalities and are witty and intelligent. Personality traits like mischievousness, curiosity, and cleverness make them very naughty. Monkeys are masters of practical jokes, because they like playing most of the time. Although they don't have bad intentions, their pranks sometimes hurt other people's feelings.
Personality in relation to their element:
Wood Monkey: Always ready to help others, compassionate, strong self-esteem, stubborn
Fire Monkey: Ambitious, adventurous, irritable
Earth Monkey: Frank, quick-witted, confident, irritable, stubborn
Metal (Gold) Monkey: Smart, quick-witted, confident, irritable, stubborn
Water Monkey: Smart, quick-witted, fond of being in the limelight, haughty
Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Monkey:
Rat, Dragon, or Dog
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Monkey:
Ox or Tiger
Lucky things for Monkeys:
Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
Lucky colors: white, blue, gold  
Lucky flowers: chrysanthemum, crape myrtle  
Lucky direction: north, northwest, west
Unlucky things for Monkeys:
Unlucky color: red, pink  
Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
Unlucky direction: south, southeast
Unlucky months: the 7th and 11th Chinese lunar months
Best Careers for Monkeys:
Accounting and banking, science, engineering, stock market trading, air traffic control, film directing, jewelry, and sales.
Health for Monkeys:
Monkeys are very healthy, partly due to their active lifestyles, and their drive to experience different flavors of life. If they do experience illness, it is usually of the nervous or circulatory system..
Famous Monkey People:
Leonardo da Vinci: born on 15 April 1452, Water Monkey
Tom Hanks: born on July 9, 1956, Fire Monkey
Kylie Minogue: born on May 28, 1968, Earth Monkey
Will Smith: born on September 15, 1968, Earth Monkey
Justin Timberlake: born on January 31, 1981, Gold Monkey
Found all this info on  Chinese Zodiac: 12 Animal Signs, Compatibility, Horoscopes (chinesenewyear.net)
Xīn nián kuài lè
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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ilumanate · 4 years
1. The way you love
2. The 'right' feeling you give me
3. You are virtuous, which really reflects your name
4. The support you show me even in my craziest endeavoura
5. The adventures we take together
6. You're childish yet mature
7. You're kind and considerate, and understanding
8. You have a good family, and you love your family
9 You think about things deeply. You are wise
10. You care for people and community.
11. The way you doubt yourself and not see how perfect you are
12. How you are willing to try new things
13. How you dare to dream outside of your lived experience
14. Your silly antics (also 6)
15. Tarian
16. We think the same way and agree on the same things 90% of the time
17. Our horoscopes match
18. Your willingness to learn and take on a different perspective
19. Your forgiveness
20. The way you behave both like a mother and a chils
21. The way your fat thighs heat up
22. The way you listen to people wholeheartedly even when you are not interested or disagree
23. Your independence and reliability
24 The way you see the good in others, and give people a chance to prove themselves before you place your judgement
25. The way you put others before yourself
26. Courage (in addition to 23)
27.. The way you try to look pretty sometimes even though I say I don't care
28. The way you look beautiful even in casual clothing
29. That you know your limits and 'no means no' and 'enough means enough'
30. That you know your dreams and priorites
31. That you are dedicated and faithful
32. The way you feel uncomfortable and ask "what" when looked at for too long
33. The way you say "fuck", because you know its a bad word but some occassions makes it appropriate.
34. You have a good heart and good intentions
35. The way you lecture me and there are different levels to it: the "concerned talk lecture (should not drive in Thailand)", "The serious talk with the annoyed eyebrow lecture", "the buay tahan going to cry lecture (don't shower, and not understanding the severity of our relationship situation)"
36. The way you were so sure we were going to be married
37. The way you planned for our future
38. How you thought what we were doing did not matter as much as our enjoyment of purely being together (bucket lists, cheap thrills)
39. How we were perfectly comfortable with each other - pooping, peeing, and farting.
40. How you refuse to cry in front of me
41. How you hair always smell like your shampoo, and your clothes smell like your detergent
42. How you bought yourself a Starbucks card for Valentine's on my behalf
43. How you taught me to be a good person and a good boyfriend/husband/lover
44. How we were already behaving like we were married
45. How you always say thank you and praise me even though we were just doing the same small things for each other that we might otherwise take for granted
46. How you see love and kinship in a way that I did not see, and practiced it in a way that I did not enjoy growing up
47. How you understood that there are many things that are more important than money. (I do too. I do.)
48. How you convinced yourself not to buy little souvenirs from trips even though you really wanted them
49. How you were always smiling and cheerful and talkative, and something was wrong when you were not
50. How proud you are to be a Singaporean
51. How bad you are in the kitchen, and scared of fire but still cooked and baked for me
52. How we were able to talk about everything under the sun (and moon and stars - mbs)
53 How you physically challenge yourself even though you don't think you were capable (MAD and OE)
54. How nerdy you look in specs and how blind you were without it
55. How you didn't give up hope on me even when I gave up on myself in JC. How you believed in me.
56. How you were a source of hope for me in all my difficult times
57. How you were more than just a partner, but a family, a friend, a best friend, a playmate, a lover, companion, travel partner, soulmate, everything
58. How you thought that having a practical opinion on a water bottle was a trait of a perfect husband
59. How you looked up to me and saw potential even when you were a med student and I was a nothing - it was something I was uncomfortable with
60. How you tolerated my stupidity and did not expect me to be any different than who I was, myself
61. How you were more daring than me - booked staycay even when I hesitated
62. How you are able to make me smile just by being present, even on the phone
63. How you are grateful for the little things
64. How you are wise and smart in the ways that I could not
65. Your family (obviously). and extended family
66. Your child-like handwriting
67. The sheepish look you give when I scold you for wasting your food
68. The way I feel like I know you. Your likes and dislikes, what you don't eat, etc
69. Wow, we got to 69
70. The way we seem to understand each other verbally and non-verbally. Sometimes creepy telepathy
71. I swear there were times when I felt we were born for each other
72. How I know that I would be happy if I had nothing in the world but you. Something that hit me very hard and very clearly July last year
73. The sound effects that you sometimes make
74. Your dimples
75. How I forget that you are a girl sometimes. This is more significant than jt may seem. That's why I feel like you were a soulmate, cos I would probably love a guy like you. With you, it's like there were no gender roles, no boundaries?
76. The way you giggle until your head rolled over to one side
77. The way we were deeply connected but also had personal space
78. The way you got pissed at me because you cared (also 20)
79. That we got favorable answers when we asked about each other in the temple
80. The way you bun up your hair with a towel after you shower
81. How you eat Mcspicy even though it gives you diarrhea
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. Get something off your chest. I hate how I can’t even cough once and not think that it’s maybe corona. Sometimes ya just gotta cough, you get that tickle in your throat or your mouth is dry or whatever and you have to cough, it doesn’t mean you’re coming down something. Other illnesses besides corona exist as well (though it doesn’t seem like it anymore). Ugh, but it’s always my first thought now whenever I have to cough, sneeze, or just feel sicky (which isn’t unusual for me).  2. The last dream you remember having. I rarely remember my dreams for some reason. I quickly forget them after waking up.  3. Current relationship in details. Single. 4. A photo of your best friend. 5. You have a sleepover with 5 people from Tumblr, who do you pick and why? Okay, c’mon Lane, Elisabeth, Robyn, Lina, and Laura we’re gonna have a getaway to somewhere fun. haha.
6. Your last sexual experience – when/where/how/who. 7. Tell us about someone you hate/strongly dislike. Just myself. 8. List everything you eaten today. So far just ramen, which was at 1AM. It’s 7AM now. I am kinda hungry, but I’m not gonna eat again until later on after I get up and stuff. 9. Post an unflattering photo of yourself. Uh, that’s a hell no.  10. Post lyrics that are relevant to how you feel right now. “And we’ll sleep all, sleep all day...” 11. If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? Thankfully, that would never happen, but if it did I guess I’d stay with my aunt. 12. The last time you were angry and why. Blah. 13. The last time you cried and why. A couple days ago. 14. How your life was different this time last year? Well, at least last July In was able to go somewhere for my birthday. The world hadn’t yet been hit by corona. It’s crazy, we had no idea what was to come. 15. Go to your photo folder, go to the first letter of your name and post the first photo. I’m using my phone to watch a YouTube video and I don’t feel like clicking off it to do that. I don’t have any photos saved on my laptop, so. 16. Would you rather run through town naked at midday or sleep with the most disgusting person you know? Well, I’m not running naked out in public especially, nor am I going to sleep with anyone. 17. Google your horoscope for today – how accurate is it? Nah. 18. You have to spend a day with number 23 on your IM contact list. How lucky are you? I don’t have any instant messengers. Well, except for Facebook Messenger and the chat thingy on here, but there isn’t a contact list. 19. Refresh your dashboard, whose blog do you prefer, the first or fifth person to appear. The 5th, @just-shower-thoughts 20. Tell us about someone you miss or the time you miss. I miss my childhood. And despite the fact I’ve been going through a rough and low time these past few years, at least there wasn’t a global pandemic going on. I miss not having that.  21. List things you spend money on in an average week. I don’t spend much money, honestly. I do some online shopping sometimes, but I’ve been pretty good about not spending a lot this year. There are still those pesky bills, though. 22. Your plans for summer. Couldn’t do anything this year. I’m so glad summer is almost over, though. 23. Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. 24. Post the last FB group/page that you joined. It was for this YouTube channel I follow, Defuntland, that makes videos about stuff like past amusement park rides, amusement park history, and old TV shows. I’ve been obsessed with channels like this lately, I’ve been watching a ton of videos from a few different channels. 25. Your best friend starts dating your ex. How do you feel about it? My mom would never do that. 26. Address a few words to 3 people. Nah. 27. Refresh your dashboard. Who would you rather sleep with, the second person or the sixth that appears? No one. 28. Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? I’m 31 years old. They’d be happy for me and be like, finally! ha. Cause they don’t know about my boyfriend I had in high school (it was very brief anyway) or the whole Joseph situation. Well, my mom kinda did. I know my parents definitely thought something was or would happen with me and Ty, though. They were all for that. But anyway, so yeah they haven’t seen me in a relationship. 29. Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they've slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? Virgin here. 29. What was the last sport you watched on TV? I don’t watch sports. 30. How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? I give out a lot of chances. 31. Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you? A lot of things, but not everything. 32. Ever had a crush on a teacher/someone at least 10 years older/member of the same sex? Alexander Skarsgard is 13 years older than me. 33. Do you like being alone? I like having my alone time, I need that, but I don’t want to be alone all the time. 34. Describe what you are wearing. Leggings and an oversized graphic tee. 35. Name one thing you love about winter. Christmastime! 36. What’s your phone wallpaper right now? The lock screen is a Bible verse written over a beachy photo and my home screen is rose gold. 37. Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? Yeah, my loved ones. 38. How did you get one of your scars? Surgery. 39. What board games are you good at? I don’t if I’m necessarily good, but I love board games.  40. When you like someone do you tell them? Depends.
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