#911 season 5 wishlist
Manifesting the return of workouts in Season 5.
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Soooo my season 5 wishlist kind of goes something like this:
Buck cooking for Christopher and Eddie (bonus points if both Buck and Christopher are teasing Eddie about his inability to cook)
Athena kicking the shit out of the serial rapist (I really, really, really hope that whole sequence in the promo is a dream she's having)
More Karen Wilson
Buck and the 118 being there for Maddie
Uncle Buck moments with Jee-Yun
Protective!Eddie making a reappearance alternating with a sudden appearance of Protective!Buck
Taylor's story evolving into her own (and preferably separate from Buck's) and further away from just being a love interest for Buck - I love her character and would love to see more of her (as Buck's BFF, I said what I said)
Jealous!Eddie and all of the gold that will bring with it
Albert, Ravi, and May being the ultimate trio of the "new" generation
More Bobby and Athena sweetness (I'm currently rewatching season 2 and I am just even more in love with them)
Hen or Josh cutting through Buck and Eddie's bullshit while Christopher aka the universe comes at them from the side, with Carla coming at them from the other side
Carla being told she's part of the family by Eddie, Christopher, and Buck (which would also mirror the scene she had with Abby in 1x10)
Buck and Eddie getting together (obviously) as one of the big payoffs of this season
Eddie throwing the Hildy coffeemaker out in the trash after the hacking emergency
More Buck and Maddie moments (I know they were working up to the PPD reveal for her in 4x14 but it felt odd that she didn't speak to Buck once after Eddie had been shot and while the 118 was in danger)
Eddie and Maddie friendship (lowkey manifesting this 🕯️🕯️🕯️) - I keep thinking back to Eddie being the one to ask back in 4x10 how Maddie was doing & you cannot deny the epicness of these two joining forces, you just can't
Eddie and Ana ending up where they're obviously going to end up - I'm not picky, it can happen any way they choose, but as long as it happens
Pining!Eddie and all that it entails
more Josh and Maddie friendship - does he keep in touch with her even though she quit? Especially after he did all he could to keep her from leaving that first time?
either Eddie with Jee-Yun or him seeing Buck with Jee-Yun
more Hen and Athena moments - YES PLEASE
more Michael, David, and Bobby hijinks
more David (along with Michael)
more Denny, Harry, and Christopher solidarity (bonus points for any parent trapping schemes they come up with for Buck and Eddie)
Evangeline and Nia coming around to Hen and Karen's to visit
the 118 finding out about the legal guardian reveal and Hen giving Buck a look, saying "Really?", Buck giving her that confused expression "What?", and Hen going "I feel so sorry for Eddie, who knew that boy would be into one-brain-cell idiots?", Buck going "Huh? What does that even mean? What idiot? Omg Hen, are you calling Ana an idiot? Don't say that, it will get Eds upset", Hen going "Thank you for continuing to prove my point" with Eddie muttering "Seriously" and drinking his coffee, embarrassed to meet the eye of any of the 118 because he really is in love with an idiot
Concerned!Buck making sure Eddie is doing okay, that he's not straining himself too much, that he's taking care of himself
a moment where Bobby instructs Buck to do something on a call that might be dangerous and Buck smiling wide and going "You know I would, Cap, but I can't. I'm not expendable" and Eddie muttering next to him "Oh my God" Bobby and the 118 looking baffled, Bobby going "Of course you're not expendable, Buck, but we need you to rappell down there to make sure there's no one in the car" Buck still smiling "And normally, I would, because I always thought I was expendable but I was wrong. I'm no longer Expendable Evan. That's what Eddie told me so, I'm sorry, Cap, I can't." Eddie turns his face away from Hen's wide eyes and Chim's dropped jaw, muttering to himself "You chose this. Remember that. You. Chose. This."
& then lots of moments where Buck just casually drops in any conversation that he's not expendable and Eddie's perfect eyeroll reappears & mutters of "oh my God" are heard - "Hey Buck, can you grab me a cup of coffee?" "I would, Chim, but I'm no longer expendable." "You're right there in the kitchen!" "Just because I'm in the kitchen doesn't mean I have to sacrifice myself. I mean more than that. You can get up and grab it yourself, buddy." -> "Buck, can you grab the Jaws and bring it here?" "Cap, Chim is right next to the truck, ask him." "Buck, I--" "I told you. I'm no longer expendable, Cap." -> "Buck, I know you and Taylor broke it off not that long ago but I have the perfect friend in mind for you." "Mads, thanks for the attempted setup but I'm no longer expendable" (with Eddie piping up "That's right, Evan is no longer expendable, so no more blind date setups" with a pointed glare in Maddie's direction) "Oh-kay..." -> "Buck, bring me that kit." "Hen, I would, but I'm no longer expe--" "If you even think about saying that word to me, I will grab the nearest dictionary I can find and hit you with it. Learn what the damn word means. Expendable doesn't mean free from assisting where you're needed. Now grab that damn kit and bring it to me before this man bleeds out." "Uh, you got it, Hen." "That's more like it." -> "Buck, would you mind picking up the pizza on the way back to the house?" "No problem at all, Eds. Will do." Chim: "Hey, why doesn't he get the expendable excuse?" Buck: "Because he's Eddie" and he gives Chim the look that very clearly says "Duh" and from behind him, Eddie smirks and winks at Chim before they both turn to walk away
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hmslusitania · 3 years
Okay so she’s just like Buck. They bring out the competitive daredevil worst in each other. But there’s some kind a spark (narrator voice: the spark was self-recognition through the other [friendship] but neither had ever experienced this this way before).
Buck and taylor break up. He has learned he wants something different from a relationship than whateverthefuck toxic mess that is.
He thinks perhaps, just perhaps, I should test the waters with Lucy because this is television and that’s how that goes even though it feels like the wrong call for some reason
When he has this thought, he’s out for drinks at their usual badge and ladder with Lucy and her best friend. Who reminds him eerily of Eddie. Except, of course, she’s not Lucy’s best friend is she? I mean she was, but she’s sure as shit not now. No, no, she’s Lucy’s fiancée.
And that knowledge feels just oh so right as soon as he has it. And Buck tells them how happy he is for them and that he wants an invitation to the wedding okay goodnight ladies Eddie’s giving me a lift home.
We’re sure he is, they reply.
And Buck gets to the parking lot where Eddie’s waiting with a fondly exasperated look in his eyes.
And the penny drops
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outofoz · 3 years
I can't believe that we are heading into season 5 of 9-1-1 and we haven't had a celebrity cameo as themselves yet. Like this show is set in L.A., so surely the 118 has responded to calls involving celebrities before.
I would just love for them to pull up to like a car accident one day and the person they are rescuing is [insert celebrity of your choosing here] and they're playing a fictitious version of themselves.
Bonus points if it is someone Chimney geeks out over, since he's a movie buff:
"Hen, that's Sandra Bullock!"
"Chim, play it cool. Don't weird her out."
"Do you think it would be okay if I made a joke about how at least this one didn't explode like the city bus she drove in Speed?"
"Okay that's it, you're driving, and I'm riding in the back of the ambulance."
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 3 years
Dude, how cool would it be if in a the firefam end up having a Christmas Party in season 5, and Eddie and Taylor end up under the mistletoe. Buck feels hella off and he’s moody all night (especially with Eddie) but he’s like, “Why am so I moody? Taylor’s my girlfriend so I shouldn’t be worried that she’ll go after him or something.” But then Taylor ends up under the mistletoe with Albert and Buck does not care at all. The realization smacks him on the head. He wasn’t jealous of Eddie, he was jealous of Taylor. He likes Eddie.
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Not me thinking about an episode next season where we have the classic, baby gets left at the doorstep of the firehouse, type situation. For one, you know Buck would be all over taking care of the baby, just immediately, and Chim is spouting advice he’s learned from taking care of Jee-Yun, and since Hen and Karen are already foster parents the baby could easily be handed over to them until properly he/she is placed in the system. There’s so much potential for both cute and angsty scenes! I just- I want a 118 firehouse baby is that too much to ask? (Also I feel like this would get Buck talking about how much he wants kids and… Taylor letting it slip that she does not, under any circumstances want them… seems like an important relationship altering conversation for them to have👀)
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Wish list for season 5: Buck seeing Eddie sexy dance and losing his goddamn mind
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
nobody asked for it but here is my not-yet-definitive season 5 wishlist (if you notice a lack of buddie in this is because i have ANOTHER wishlist just for their relationship called 'let's go clowns let's go', so in here i added only a couple of points)
i need someone – ANYONE – to learn about eddie putting buck in his will as christopher’s legal guardian and SAY SOMETHING ABOUT IT (bonus points if eddie’s parents find out too)
IM ALSO BEGGING THE WRITERS TO LET EDDIE HAVE FRIENDS (like don’t get me wrong, i love his relationship with buck and bobby, but i really need him to have someone else he can hang out with and confide in. i know he has carla too, but she isn’t around nearly enough, sadly. i just want him to have lots of meaningful relationships like everyone else)
would actually love to know more about eddie’s childhood growing up and his relationship with his sisters (i think it’s funny that in eddie begins chris tells him that he never heard his grandparents scream before and eddie is like ‘it’s like we’re talking about completely different people’)
actually i would love a scene with eddie, karen, and maddie talking about parenthood. of course maddie needs another kind of help for what she is going through, but also i think that karen and eddie are the two people who could understand her more about this
let!!! buck!!! hold!!! his!!! baby!!! niece!!!
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fangirlforlife97 · 3 years
Things I would like or love to see in season 5 of 9-1-1/:
Jealous Eddie
Pining Eddie
Jealous Buck
Pining Buck
More Buckley - Diaz family dynamics
MORE KAREN MOTHERFUCKING WILSON!!!! She's the wife of one of the main characters and yet it seems like she hardly gets any screen time and it sucks. She's a great character!! IF ANA AND TAYLOR GET MORE SCREEN TIME THEN KAREN WILSON . . . . . . . . . IM GONNA BE PISSED!!!!
Uncle Buck bonding with baby Jee-yun
Eddie seeing Buck bond with Jee-yun and staring/smiling fondly.
I want to see more of Christopher, Harry, and Denny hanging out.
Christopher bonding with Buck and Jee-yun and Eddie staring/smiling fondly.
A happy, and mentally healthy Maddie!!
Maddie Bonding with Jee-Yun
Maddie and Chimney and Jee-Yun bonding
More Josh!!
More Carla
More Michael and David, Karen and Hen, Maddie and Chimney, Bobby and Athena.
Girl night out and bonding between Athena, Maddie, Karen, Hen, May, and Sue.
Guys night out and bonding between Michael, David, Bobby, Albert, Chimney, Buck and Eddie, Josh, and probie (Ravi is his name I think?!)
Another episode where the firefam is given a hallucinogen from baked goods or something. "Dosed" was a hilarious episode and I want more of it.
Bobby and Athena being able to take a vacation.
I want a scene where Ana thinks she knows what's best for Christopher or limits him to something she think he cant do, but Buck has a confrontation with her and is upset with how she thinks Christopher should be limited to things and shows he knows what's best for him, etc. All the while Eddie witnesses or overhears. I kind of did a bad job explaining that but Im sure people will get what I was trying to say.
I want a Double date between Buck and Taylor and Eddie and Ana but Eddie and Buck seem more invested in talking to each other then their dates and their dates notice. Also for us to get Jealous Eddie and Buck whenever their date becomes affectionate with them.
I want Eddie to seem off to people especially to Christopher and its made known that Eddie is forcing himself to be with Ana (a woman) because he thinks its what christopher needs, a mother figure. He's playing at being happy when he's not and is pining for Buck all the while.
I want Eddie being a jealous bitch when Taylor comes around.
I want Eddie and Ana and Buck and Taylor to go out with Christopher and see how well Buck gets along with him and Ana and Taylor seeing how Eddie looks at them together. Looks at them how he never looked at Ana and Chris.
In a crossover episode I want both firefam's bonding. I want Tk to bring up that moment with Buck in s4 in front of everyone and Eddie has a certain look on his face. I want Hen and Chimney looking at each other and then to Eddie and then Buck cause they know!!
I want more Bobby knows looks
I want Buck saying something adorably stupid and get that amused but maybe almost like wtf look from everyone.
Protective! Eddie/Protective! Buck
I want Ana and Eddie to break up
I want Buck and Taylor to break up
Just because I want more Buddie centric stuff doesn't mean that's all I want!! A majority of it yes but Im looking forward to the show in general and what's in store for the rest of the characters. Im invested and love the rest of them as much as I love Buddie. I loved the characters and show way before I even met Eddie and was Introduced to Buddie. I just felt like clarifying that even though Buddie is a huge part of why I love the show, its not the only reason. And my love for Buddie doesn't overshadow my love for everyone else!! I'm looking forward to and am invested in their characters and their stories and plots too.
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elise-nic · 3 years
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#although i think it also might have happened with the queen's thief series but it's harder to tell if volume 3 is just sold out everywhere
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I'm throwing my hat into the ring of whose in the cloak with a suggestion of Quinlan Vos. My reasons are:
1. Why not?
2. I am a simple person with simple wants
3. I don't think he's canonically dead but after the Hobbie thing I'm a bit scared to check.
4. Fine I'll go check before posting this.
5. Are you fucking kidding me, apparently the Darth Vader comics confirmed his death, ffs.
6. He could still be in the cloak because fuck these random character deaths, I'm sick of them.
26 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 16:36:26 GMT
Okay like I know that Mr. Bobbsey is a career criminal but why exactly is everyone acting like Ace joined a gang when all he did was drive his girlfriend's dad a couple of drives after he got out of prison, only to stop doing so when he saw definitive proof that Mr. Bobbsey was using him for criminal reasons.
Like I feel like I missed something with the most recent episode because all the adults were being super harsh on him.
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 23:40:16 GMT
Max’s in-laws can fuck right the hell off, why support someone (who is clearly making an effort) when instead you can announce you’re taking their kid and immediately hang up the phone.
Seriously, every single time that they’re on screen they treat him like dirt. They clearly don’t even consider him a person worth taking to, just an obstacle between them and their granddaughter.
30 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 15:57:00 GMT
The Equalizer gives me Person of Interest meets Leverage vibes and I'm here for it.
38 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 23:59:33 GMT
My wishlist for Leverage Redemption 1b includes:
•Quinn comes back as a member of another Leverage team, or Eliot mentions that they're still in contact.
•McSweeton comes back either as a senior member of an FBI team with a younger partner, or because he's pulled a Nate and changed sides over to Leverage.
•Tara makes an appearance, hard core judges Harry the entire time.
•Glimpse at the other teams and what they're up to, possibly a team up with at least one of them as the season finale.
•one or more of the kids that they helped comes up as a person who can help out with a con.
•John Harlan Kim guest stars as a thief (highly unlikely given his 911 role)
67 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 02:13:50 GMT
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Definitely on my season 5 wishlist:
More Sunglasses!Eddie
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Bring it on.
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For the record, Eddie asked Buck out twice:
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Both times were in the context of other canon romantic couples of the show with romantic events.
1st: Maddie and Chimney -> Chimney asking Maddie out on a dinner date so he can tell her he loves her
2nd: Hen and Karen, Bobby and Athena, Maddie and Chimney -> Henren and Bathena have official date nights & Chim is hoping to spend his night with Maddie (unofficial date night)
3rd time's the charm, just sayin'
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