#A Farewell to Mewni
daronnefcy · 6 years
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New piece for the Gallery Nucleus event “Blood Moon Ball- A Farewell to Mewni”  
Tickets are available here:  https://www.gallerynucleus.com/gallery/727/exhibition
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mindyvee · 5 years
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Farewell, ⭐🦋 
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Where SvtFoE is at after “Battle for Mewni”
So yeah, spoils and stuff
1. So Moon is going to have to hide this stuff on her arm now? And is Eclipsa going to be evil or good? WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO MOON?
2. Ludo is now good, I guess. Yay?
4. Toffee is gone. So where’s the main baddie now? Is it Eclipsa?
5. Yeah, the goat guy is dead, but the others are alive, so that’s good.
6. Star is now a god confirmed.
7. Magic’s back! Again, where be the conflict of the show now?
8. New wand, just as we got an update to the theme song. Hopefully they’ll update it again, but considering how it took an entire season to update it, it’s not happening.
And the only two things I care about:
Oh, and some of the theme song stuff, but everyone already talked about that and speculation, so I’m not gonna get into it now. Maybe later
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therealamyahue · 5 years
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Colored pic from the Farewell to Mewni event I'm still crying
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pumml · 5 years
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Gallery Nucleus will host “Blood Moon Ball - A Farewell to Mewni” a signing and tribute show to the final season of Star Vs The Forces of Evil. This print, “Star’s Farewell” will be available at the event and afterward, I believe. Hope you like!
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Epilogue
—The Departure—
(Star and Marco slowly walk up to each other and stop once they are face to face)
Marco:(softy) “Hey”
Star:(softly) “Hi”
(they stare at each other fondly as the final music score plays and the camera pans up to the “Earthni” sky)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “And that’s a wrap!”
(the alarm rings)
(Star starts to cry. Marco looks concerned)
Marco:”Star? Star what’s wrong?”
Star:(wipes away her tears) “Oh, nothing” (sniffles) “I’m just so happy I went through all this. With my friends, family and even a bunch of celebrities I never thought I’d meet”
Marco:(confused) “But, you’re a celebrity yourself, don’t you already know everyone?”
Star:(laughs) “Marco, just cuz I’m a celebrity doesn’t mean I know everyone! I never thought I’d meet band members like the lead singers of “Fall Out Boy” and “98 Degrees” (turns to see Ruberiot (Patrick Stump) and Justin Towers (Nick Lachey) who are next to each other and smiling at her) “Or have insanely detailed cosplayers (shows Marco a cosplayer dressed up as Star on her iPhone) “Or even a big namer like Toffee!” (turns to look at Toffee)
Toffee:(about to sip his coffee, but stops when he hears his name and turns to Star) “What, what?”
Marco:(blushing) “Oh, right” (nervously laughs) “And here I thought I was the lucky one starring in a hit tv show with the actress from “The Middle” (Star smiles) “Or doing my karate on camera for everyone at home to see” (turns to look at Jeremy is shown next to Sensei)
Jeremy:(waves frantically smiling) “Hi Marco!”
Marco:(waves back at Jeremy smiling then turns back to Star) “And best of all, I got a TV Star girlfriend!”
(Jackie comes in putting her arm around Marco)
Jackie:(teasingly) “Whoa there! Don’t go putting me on a pedestal bringing me offerers now”
(Marco laughs)
Janna:(stepping into the scene with all her sass) “Quick the water works Star, we’re still gonna see each other again tonight for the big farewell party here”
Tom:(walks into the scene as well) “Yeah, there’s gonna be music, food, the cast of “The Owl House” gonna show up! I’ve seen sneak peaks of that, looks awesome!”
Pony Head:(flies in) “And champaign!”
Star:(her face lights up) “Really!”
Pony Head:(with a sour look) “Yeah, but only for the adults” (blows a raspberry)
(Moon walks in)
Moon:(playfully) “Oh hush Pony” (she puts a hand to Star) “Star, I know you can be sensitive to these things. Much like how you were when your show, “The Middle” ended. You saw the cast as your family and I understand. I may be your TV Mom, but I love you like a real mother does. I’ve seen you at your best and worst on set, but in the end, I still love you cuz that’s how family is. It’s like being on TV. You mold yourself into the character you want to be and take each step of your life as a scene. If the “scene” turns out bad, then you “review” it so as to not make the same mistakes for a better ending. To me, this ending turned out well cuz I did it with my family”
Eclipsa:(walks in on the scene) “It’s true. I felt like the cast of my show “Game of Thrones” were like my family and sadly” (sighs softly) “It’s ending too. I’m going to miss everyone there. It was so much fun, but I’ll be honest. I liked working here better. I loved my character and working with all these talented children, doing something cute and family friendly and being on Disney and of course, you Star”
Star:(looks around the people that she’s worked with for her show smiling and sniffles) “You guys are the best. I’m gonna miss you all” (her face lights up with an idea) “Wait! I wanna remember this moment!” (she pulls out her iPhone and starts waving her hand in the air) “Everyone! Gather around! I wanna get a picture!”
(Star holds her iPhone in the air with selfie mode on as she pushes in Marco, Tom, Jackie, Janna, Moon and Eclipsa together as Pony Head flies in closer and Star gestures for them to stick together as she walks off to grab more people)
Tom:”Ow” (turns to Janna) “You’re stepping on my boots!”
Janna:”Well scoot over!”
Pony Head:(pushes aside Marco) “Move over Karate Kid, I wanna be next to Star! This pic is gonna go viral!”
Marco:”I’m the star!”
Pony Head:”Yeah, co-star! There’s a difference!”
(Star comes in dragging Toffee who’s reluctant)
Toffee:(trying to pull off Stars hand from his arm) “Star! This is Armani!”
Star:”Oh Toffee, it’s a rental!” (she pushes Toffee in with the group and runs off to grab Starfan13 and Oskar who position themselves in the group photo with everyone ready and smiling. Stars about to take the picture when suddenly she stops) “WAIT! Wait! Wait! Wait! I’m missing some people!”
(the group groans as Star runs off to grab others. As they wait, Jack wraps her arms around Marco, Janna attempts to give the middle finger only for Tom to lower it down and glare at her shaking his head going “MmMmm” and Janna blaring back at him and Oskar giving the “Rock On!” sign. Star brings in River, Buff Frog, Alfonzo, Ferguson, Angie, Sensei, Rafael, Ludo, Brittany, Jeremy, Kelly, Mina, Hekapoo, Globgor and even Brian H. Kim and more importantly, Daron Nefcy herself who get into position next to their closest characters companions (ex.Alfonzo and Ferguson next to Marco) and Star gets in the center to finally take the picture)
Janna:”You know Star, there’s a poster of all of us in it, right!? I mean, it’s what’s saving the trouble for this”
Star:”Alright Everyone! Say, “Narwal Blast!”” (quickly takes the picture before they could say it) “Eat your heart out Ellen”
Marco:”Wait I think I blinked!”
Janna:”You suck”
Director Daron:(claps her hands to get everyone’s attention) “C’mon people! We need to clear out to prepare this place for party tonight!”
(the group breaks loose (except Daron) and walks away as the camera crew leave along with the make-up artists, special effects team and the script writers. Star stands in place watching everyone depart smiling and waving)
Moon:(waves at Star) “Bye dear! See you tonight”
River:(waves) ”Bye TV daughter!”
Eclipsa:”See you tonight sweetie!”
Janna:(holds up a peace sign) “I’ll see you tonight at 7!” (winks at Star for the reference)
(Star gives a thumbs up)
Daron:”Star!” (Star looks up to Daron) “I just wanna say thank you for being “Star Butterfly”. There was a reason I named the character “Star” and that’s cuz seeing your character, Sue Heck, an optimist and eccentric girl going through life no matter how God awful it got, made me wanna create a girl who was actually like that and making it better by giving her magical powers! So I saw your name in the credits, Star Sher, and I thought about my character and said, “I want her blossom and grow”. That’s when the word butterfly came to mind. Star Butterfly. I was like you once. Guess I just saw a bit of myself in you and wanted let that same little be do great things” (Star’s eyes light up) “I also wanna apologize for my outburst before our final shooting” (looks away embarrassed) “I was under a lot of pressure from making sure everything went perfectly and I guess I turned into a dragon lady or something. Heavy is the head that wears the crown” (makes a small laugh. Star’s face comes to a realization of that, but goes back to her smile for Daron) “I hope we’re okay so that we can have fun at the party tonight”
Star:”We’re great!”
(Daron was so touched, she hugs Star and Star quickly hugs her back. Daron gently breaks them apart and softly looks at Star)
Daron:”Thank you my rebel princess” (she lovingly puts her head on Stars head and then walks away. Star fondly watches her leave and heard Marcos voice)
Marco:”Star!” (Marco runs up to her followed by Pony Head, Jackie Tom, Shonda and Shinda) “Guess what!”
Star:(eagerly) “What!?”
Marco:”We get to choose the songs played at the party tonight! We can play whatever music we want!”
(they all cheer)
Shonda:(pulls out the records she and Shinda have been playing during the bloopers) “Which one should we play!”
Shinda:(enthusiastically) “OOh! OOh! OOh! I say-“
(Pony Head gasps and grabs the records with her teeth, slams them on the ground and smashes them with herself repeatedly with Star, Marco, Tom, Jackie, Shonda and Shinda staring at her as she does it)
Pony Head:(flies right in the twins faces) “NO MORE MUSIC FOR YOU TWO! I.have.HAD IT! You hear me!? Had it! I’m getting your parents!” (pushes the two ponies away away)
Marco:(points to the broken pieces of the record on the ground shocked) “Those were my records!”
(Toffee passes by to pick up his black jacket on a make-up chair)
Star:(runs up to Toffee whose texting on his iPhone (actually Toms iPhone since he confiscated it) to someone) “Hey Toffee! Toffee!”
Toffee:(looks up from Toms phone) “Hmm”
Star:(holds her hands behind her and looks down on the ground) “I just wanna say that I’m sorry I gave you a hard time during the show. Especially from “Battle for Mewni”. I just got so stressed with working on the show and all. Heavy is the crown and” (pauses) “And uh.......uhhhhhhh, whatever they call it. I mean, I was the star of the show, but you” (looks up and gestures to Toffee) “You were the real “Star”! For “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” How could I measure up to that!? Huh?” (laughs) “And I still do respect you! I just didn’t wanna us to part on bad terms. Sooooooooo, are we good?” (sheepishly grins)
Toffee:(stares at Star for a moment and then laughs) “Yeah, sure, we good”
(Stars face lights up)
Toffee:(chuckles) “I mean, I can’t tell you how stressed I was when I was on my show, “Dexter”. So yeah, I know the pressure of stardom and be toxic and you’re young, so it’s a lot harder on you I guess, but I still do respect you as well. From one “Star” to another”
(Star happily stares at Toffee then gives him a big hug that startles him. He’s bewildered by this sudden embrace, but then hugs her back)
Marco:(comes in with his arms wide open) “Hey, can I get some of that action over here!?”
Toffee:(looks sternly at Marco while hugging Star) “Back off Diaz, I’m still recovering from my shoulder injury”
(Marcos smiles disappears and he still keeps his arms wide open, but lowers them down. He hisses embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head remembering how he went too hard on him during his big punch on “Battle for Mewni”)
Toffee:(breaks free of Stars hug and goes into Marcos face with a creepy smile) “Surprise!”
(Marco screams and backs up)
(Toffee laughs and pulls Marco in under his arm giving him a nuggy)
Marco:(is scared at first, but eventually laughs) “Okay! Okay! Yes, we’re cool too!”
(Toffee lets go of Marco and Marco straightens out his hair)
Toffee:(turns to Star) “Oh and Star” (Star turns to Toffee) “Don’t think too “high and mighty” of me just cuz I’m a huge star. I’m not all that big. I don’t even have a Star on Hollywood! I’m still person like you and Marco and everyone else”
Star:(sing song voice) “Okay”
(Toms iPhone beeps and Toffee looks down at the screen. He puts the phone away and starts to walk out swinging his jacket on his shoulder)
Toffee:”Well, see you kids tonight, I gotta go”
Marco:”Where you going?”
Toffee:”Heading over to my agents place. He’s got my tickets for Ontario later”
Toffee:”Yeah, I’m flying over there to Canada to shot a new movie (“In the Shadow of the Moon”) where I play a detective” (in a stereotypical Canadian accent) “Eh” (he laughs to himself)
(Toffee walks away typing in Toms iPhone he and Tom runs after him)
Tom:”Hey, Toffee!” (we hear him from off-screen) “Can I have my phone back now”
Toffee:(heard off-screen) “No”
Jackie:(gasps in realization) “Marco!” (puts her hand in his shoulder) “We gotta go too!” (runs out to the studio door) “Bye Star!”
Marco:(his eyes widen in realization) “Oh yeah!” (runs after Jackie)
Star:(calling out) “Where you going!?”
Marco:(stops at the door where Jackie already ran out from to turn back to Star) “Oh” (laughs. Points behind him with his thumb) “I need to go help Jackie rehearse for her role on “She-Ra”
Star:”Oh! Right! I love that show!”
Marco:”Yeah, well, see you at the party tonight!” (runs out the door)
(Star smiles as she hears Marcos footsteps fading away. She was all alone now. Felt like only yesterday it was the premiere of her show with cast members off-screen watching, the special effects crew making all that glitters (literally) fill the air with magic and praise the show gained from the fans. It was all over now, but Star was happy that she got to try this new show and how it became a hit like her show, “The Middle”. She looked around and saw everything in the large studio quiet and colorful. The light up vanity mirrors, the camera stands and sound equipment and finally, the set of “Earthni” with the green screen in the back. Star found it hard to believe this place passed off as fantasy dimension full of eccentric make believe creatures with backstories. It would all be cleaned up soon. The custodians will be here to pick up everything and redecorate it for the shows farewell party tonight. Star saw a few things that needed to be cleaned up and walked over to do so)
Star:(singing softly to herself)🎶She's a princess winning battles, Through the break of dawn🎶(pushes a chair away from to form a passage. She walks over to the light up vanity mirrors)🎶Don't worry when it's night, 'Cause she will keep the lights on!🎶(turns off all the vanity mirrors. She walks towards the studio doors, but stops half way there to pick up a props box and move it to the other side)🎶Ohhhh, there goes a shining star!🎶(walks towards the studio doors again and stops a quarter of the way to turn off the set lights on “Earthni”) 🎶Evil won't deter her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers) 🎶(No, sir!)🎶🎶(gets to the studio doors, but stops in between it) 🎶’Cause magic flows through her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers again) 🎶(Star Butterfly!)🎶 (slowly looks back at the studio shedding a tear)🎶She is a shining staaaaaaar!🎶(she sighs wholeheartedly getting a good look at it and lastly, flicks off the ceiling lights with the room now dark. Star turns back and closes the door)
The End
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kururu418 · 5 years
Titanic Ten Quotes
“Spread out. Devour or kill off as many mewmans as you possibly can. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. We’ll meet back here in two days time.”
“I refuse to tolerate a world where my family has to live fearing mewman kind. No, mewman kind will fear me, or be wiped out like they should have centuries ago.”
“You failed brother. Not just us, but all of monster kind. If it hadn’t been for your foolishness and negligence, our people never would have fell from grace. The state of mewni, all this death and chaos. It’s all on you.”
“Mewmans are such fragile little creatures. Not just physically either. One little setback and you shatter like glass. It’s a wonder that even in our absence the weakest of all the races somehow managed to take control. But that will be corrected soon.”
“Remember something dear. Men in control, no matter how strong or great they may seem, will always fail you in some way or another. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If they can’t be manipulated, then they’re not worth the effort.”
“All those years he refused to start a family with me, and yet he spawned a child with a lowy little mewman woman. Just looking at you makes me sick...”
“Honestly, I’m far too old to care about how this all ends. I’m more keen to spend the rest of my days lounging about like any old man should...”
“Glossaryck must have created dozens upon dozens of little pets to carry out the jobs he was too lazy to do himself. And yet not a one turned out to be anything but an utter failure.”
“I couldn’t care one way or the other about mewman kind if I’m being honest. They’re existence is a short lived and fleeting one. I’m not sure why Glossryck favors them so.”
“A giants life begins and ends on the battlefield. If you aren’t fighting to uphold that standard, then why bother going on at all?”
“You should know more than anyone that strength is what matters in the end. And if you don’t have the strength to do what needs to be done, then why should we follow you any longer?”
“On your feet boy! I won’t have you sullying the giant name by falling so easily! You will stand, and you will fight! Just like I and all the others did before you!”
“I just can’t comprehend your constant lust for violence. It’s a vile and horrible thing...”
“I’d rather not have to kill you if I can at all help it. But if you really refuse to stand aside I won’t have much of a choice.”
“I don’t like resorting to bloodshed. It’s a sad and destestsble thing. But mewman kind has proven that they don’t know any other way.”
“Killing women, and mothers no less, would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Please leave before I’m forced to actually draw this blade and do it.”
“You fought bravely and honorably. Please know that despite your life ending here, that you will live on forever within my memory.”
“Listen closely girl, the world isn’t so kind that it will change simply because you say a few pretty words. You need to action to change things.”
“Do you hear that melody? It’s beautiful isn’t it? It’s your farewell song, so I do hope your enjoy it.”
“You’re all too young to know what true beauty is. True beauty lies in strength, and has nothing to do with outer appearance.”
“I will do any and everything to protect this family, and I won’t lose one bit of sleep over it either.”
“People all call me ‘mad’. Which is sort of unfair if you ask me. I’ve seen mewmans do ten times worst than I ever could, but somehow I’m the crazy one? Kind of screwed up when you think about it.”
“You’re supposed to be his son? What a joke. I’m more of his son than you ever were, or will be. I’m gonna make you wish your mom swallowed you like the rest of them.”
“We’re gonna play a little game! If you win, you get to go free and run back to your little friends. But if you lose... well we’ll keep that as a little surprise...”
“Listen up little fry, halfbreed or not you have monster blood flowing through your veins. You’re a queen amongst insects, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.”
“Your the Waterfolk’s strongest warrior? Wow, the standards have clearly dropped big time since we’ve been away huh?”
“I hate fusing my arms together. It makes me look way too manly. It’s not cute at all.”
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wildtige429 · 5 years
Taken after Star returns to Earth and meets the new Diaz, Mariposa and Star and Tom breaking up.
What you are about to read will make you laugh and squeal.
That was fun, Toshi thought.
Returning to Echo Creek, his second home that he grew up in for four years with his mom, was like a reunion of loved ones. 
His father is at the house trying to house train his raptors after he, his dad, Marco and Star rescued them from the auction in Crimetopia, a dimension where criminals ruled, at a moment before he joined them. He would probably wonder if any of the neighbors would report seeing a pack of living, breathing raptors in the backyard.
Dad can handle that, he reassured himself.
What surprises the trio was when Marco's parents introduced the new member of their family. Marco's baby sibling, which was revealed to be a girl instead of a boy, named Mariposa. 
He had to admit, it is a pretty name considering that it means 'butterfly' in Spanish, just like her sister figure, Star. Toshi and his mom has taken a liking to the little Diaz, making his mom tell embarassing stories of him when he was a little lizard to his friends and the family.
To make it worst, she brought the family photo album and showed them his childhood photos. Through the rest of the time, he had his face planted on the table and groaned like a zombie.
"Well, that's mothers, Shirogane," his father once told him, laughing. Then karma hit him when Mint began to show everyone HIS photos of the time he was a teenager. The moment she begins to tell his story, surprising everyone that Toffee was a rebellious kid when he was Toshi's age, he joined Toshi's zombie groaning.
"Like father, like son," Mint chuckled at their embarassment.
In the meantime, he recalled from Star that she and Tom have finally broke up and decided to stay friends. He felt awful for the both of them, reassuring both Tom and Star that it takes time to heal and his new friend thanked him for his advise. He even tells him that if he were to meet a girl who would catch his eye, he just have to wait and see if his heart would beat for her.
"Isn't that a lizard thing?" He once asked Toshi.
"Lizards will have the urge of mating if they see a girl they like," he answered, "But we have to keep ourselves together or we'll make big fools out of ourselves."
"Unlike your parents?"
"Mom and Dad never said they had the mating urge when they first met each other in their teens."
After bidding farewell to the demon, Toshi prayed that he will find someone special. As he lends a shoulder for Star to cry on.
It was night time and the teens were returning home after having tacos at the taco stand. Toshi suggested himself bringing them over to his favorite Japanese joint called Nippon Daisuki, wanting them to try real authentic Japanese food like how he introduced his father to the place right when he asked on going on a little father-son bonding adventure to Crimetopia.
"Guys, I have an announcement to make," he called out.
"Go on," they urged.
"Guess what date is today," he grinned, putting his hands behind the back of his head. 
"Its 14th of April so....," Marco answered before Star gasped in delight, "It's your birthday!!"
"Yep, I'm now 17 you guys," he grinned.
"But you look like you're 15," her comment made them laugh, remembering the first time they met and became the closest of friends that day.
"We need to celebrate, dude!" Marco suggested, "Well, we already had tacos so that's out of the celebration list."
"Maybe I can introduce you to my joint where I can clear my mind," Toshi suggested, putting a hand on the doorknob to his house, "I hope you don't mind wasabi."
"What's wasabi?" Star asked as they enter.
"A root of the gnarliest stuff in Japan," he explained, "So gnarly, it'll clear your nose of any boogers!"
This made the Mewman girl 'ooh' in awe. The living room is littered with The Seven Deadly Sins, the name the Mewman soldiers picked during the war for the raptors' names and personalities, roosting around and curious about some things. His dad didn't plan on turning them into house raptors, but he does know that he would let them out of the house for them to roam.
"Toshi?" Marco spoke out as they head upstairs to his room.
"How do you feel about being a big brother?"
He froze to a stop, mid-step, "Beg your pardon?"
"Toshi, I've always thought I'm going to be the only child in the family," his friend confessed, "But when I found out I'm going to be a brother, I was at first stumped. But when Mariposa came, I....decided that will be my responsibility as her brother."
The friends didn't know that the young lizard was pondering at that thought about having a sibling. Sure, he and Marco are the same on being the only children in the family. But when he heard the news of his mom being pregnant, he was stunned out of belief.
The very thought of becoming a big brother is....unexpectedly great if you're younger. Becoming a big brother at the age of 14 is unexpecteded and shocking at first..but exciting when he learns to love his younger sibling.
"If I ever become a big brother, I would jump out of the window," he answered.
They paused at his answer. And burst into laughter while they continue to climb up the staircase until they reached the top.
"Seriously guys, I will jump out of the window if that ever happens," he said in a deadpanned serious tone after they stop laughing.
"You're serious?" Star gaped, wide-eyed.
"I'm dead serious."
They perked out of their seriousness when they noticed Toshi's mom sitting on his bed, looking pretty nervous with a sheepish smile on her face. They thought she must have trouble with the raptors pooping in the backyard or eating the neighbors' pets when they approached her but she spoke out, "Hey kids, how is....everything?"
"Uh, Mom...?" Toshi spoke as he, Marco and Star got in front of her, "Is...everything okay? Did Dad's raptors cause trouble?"
She shook her head, much to his relief.
"Hey, Mint, guess what?" Star tried to sound cheery, "Toshi's turning 17 today."
"Even though he looks like he's 15," Marco added with a wary chuckle.
Mint nodded in gratefulness and rose up to her level, "Well...to make it easier for you three to hear, I have an annoucement to make."
They looked at each other. What kind of annoucement is she going to make that makes this moment suspenseful?
She cleared her throat, beginning to pace around the bedroom while twiddling her fingers, "I heard you three talking to each other about siblings. And did I hear it right that Toshi wants to jump out of the window?"
The trio blurted out, all them declining and laughing nervously that its just euphanism or just a figure of speech. She sighed in relief and halts her pacing,stopping before them, her sheepish smile widening into a joyful yet sheepish grin.
"Happy Birthday, Toshi," she congratulated, "You're going to be a big brother."
The news was something that caught them of guard. They were so quiet from the shock, you can hear a pin drop. 
And the moments of silence was broken when Marco crashed through the nearby window, shattering glass in the process. They heard him grunt in pain followed by another from the ground floor.
"I'm okay!" Marco called out, "Toffee broke my fall!!"
"Owwwwwwwwwwww!!" Was Toffee's moan of pain.
The blonde girl giggled hysterically for a short while from the news, "You're not pulling our legs right? You're not...! Right!?"
"You're PREGNANT!? How did this happen!? How long have you not told me this!? Were you pregnant the whole time after we came back from Mewni!? Does Dad know about this!?" Toshi babbled, the surprise to much for him.
She sheepishly nodded. Just as he and Star laughed heartily before they fell on their backs with loud thuds. They have fainted from the news.
"Huh? I was expecting something similar to Toffee's reaction," she hummed at their fainted bodies.
"You think!?" Toffee called out, his voice strained from the pain after Marco landed on him, "Now help me get this boy of me!"
She sighed, rubbing her belly that bears Toshi's new sibling. She shouts out that she's coming, still rubbing her belly, and headed downstairs.
Hey guys!! I always think about Toshi being a big brother just like Marco after I watched Gone Baby Gone. 
What gender shall his new sibling be? A boy or a girl? Who knows after it's born.
Right, @lynea-kureji and @julayla ?
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disneytva · 6 years
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Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Final Season To Debut On March 10 with two back to back episodes
A Disney Channel princess is preparing to vacate her throne. The animated series Star vs. the Forces of Evil will return for a fourth and final season next month, TVLine has learned exclusively. Star‘s farewell episodes begin with two back-to-back installments Sunday, March 10 at 8 am on Disney Channel and Disney XD. Subsequent new episodes will air Sundays on Disney Channel.
“We put our heart and soul into this final season, and can’t wait to celebrate the exciting conclusion of the series with our fans who have remained so loyal throughout this journey,” creator/executive producer Daron Nefcy says.
According to Disney Channel, Star’s final season will pit her and Marco against “unusual surprises brought about by Mewni’s new ruler Queen Eclipsa. Some of those surprises revolve around new characters voiced by Jaime Camil (Jane the Virgin), Tony Hale (Arrested Development), Gemma Whelan (Game of Thrones), Daniel ‘Desus Nice’ Baker and Joel ‘The Kid Mero’ Martinez (Desus & Mero), and Danielle Fishel (Girl Meets World).”
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trans-girl-sonic · 5 years
Farewell to Mewni/The Ballad of Margo Diaz
Star Vs the Forces of Evil, one of my favorite shows of all time, is coming to an end. It’s been a WILD ride these past four years; we’ve come a long way from the simple beginnings of two teens fighting some wacky monsters in a gas station parking lot. And how far we’ve come is exemplified no better than in the character of Marco Diaz; or, as a good portion of us have come to know her, Margo.  The idea that Margo is a trans girl has been around since near the very beginning of the show- @breastforce‘s theory post about it was created near the very beginning of season 2, and the idea had been tossed around from as early as episode 10 of the first season.  The theory went through plenty of ups and downs throughout the show, and while the representation was very lowkey and far from perfect (the episode Princess Turdina rightfully drawing criticism in particular), but in a world where trans representation, especially in cartoons, is all but nonexistent, what we got still made a lot of people, myself included, very happy. This theory is what helped me figure out that I, myself, am trans, and helped me feel a lot better about that fact. On top of what we had in the show, several members of the crew were also vocally supportive of this interpretation of the character-liking fanart, responding to fans’ messages about trans representation-and special mention has to be given to my very good friend @arythusa, who has been by far the most openly supportive, and who I’ve been extremely fortunate to be able to talk and form a connection with over these past few years. You’re doing amazing, Sabrina!! <3  Now, with the end of it all fast approaching, there are several questions to be answered in Cleaved-and one of them is, for quite a few people, “will there be any kind of resolution to the trans Marco theory?”  It breaks my heart a little to say that, in all likelihood, the answer is no.  We’ve come so far with this theory, and it would be incredible to see it come to some kind of conclusion, but the sad truth is, Disney just has too much censoring power over the show. From what we can tell they’ve forcibly removed quite a bit of LGBT content from the show, including at least one reference to our girl Margo, and depressing as it is, I just don’t think Disney is willing to let us be represented, even if the writers want us to. But there is a bright spot in all this: it once again comes back to @arythusa, who posted her storyboards for the season 4 episode Ransomgram-in which we see a Princess Turdina doll wearing what is unmistakably a trans pride dress and handbag. On top of that, she Liked another user’s response to it proclaiming that this made trans Marco canon.  This storyboard was removed from the full episode by the censors, and it’s not likely Sabrina will be able to show any more open support-but the message she sent was clear. The words of trans fans who saw ourselves in Margo had reached the crew, and Sabrina made an attempt at bringing all our theories to fruition. The attempt may have been blocked by the higher-ups, but the fact that Sabrina even TRIED, in a world where most cartoon crews don’t even care enough about us enough to make an effort, I have to thank her for that. It may not be the representation we want or deserve, but it’s an EFFORT, and hopefully it’s a step forward on the road to seeing cartoons where trans people can see themselves accepted and normalized.  Ultimately, we do deserve better than what Disney gave us, and I won’t ask anyone to be satisfied with what we got if they don’t feel it’s enough. But I, personally, am incredibly happy that there’s a character like Margo who trans people can see themselves in, one whose transness was so close to canon that it made it into the storyboarding phase before being shot down. If you are happy with what we got, then absolutely let yourself be happy! No matter what happens this Sunday, we know at least a few crew members are in our corner, and if you want to go ahead and treat it as canon anyways from all the evidence we’ve got, then hey, that’s what I’m doing too!  In the end, it may have been a bumpy ride in a lot of aspects, but I’m incredibly glad I could be a part of it. Thank you, @daronnefcy and all the crew members who made this journey possible, and thank you to all my friends who have watched and laughed and cried with me (special shoutout to @breastforce for creating the theory in the first place). I go into the end, maybe not as hopeful as I wish I could be, but happy that I got to see this all the way through. And I think, in the grand scheme of things, that’s enough.    Also what the FUCK was the Banagic Wand 
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seddm · 5 years
(1) Just like how it is to the majority of the fandom, the finale is a huge let down to me. For one it felt incredibly rushed, everything was happening very fast with many things occurring off-screen (such as Kelly's, Talon's, Globgor's and Pony's recovery). Kelly's and Talon's aftermath is especially really weird? The first second they were writhing in pain and the next they're fighting and bragging in some other dimensions as if the conflict never happened in the first place like what??
(2) and don’t even get me started on Hekapoo’s fate. The last thing she did is burn a bald spot on Marco’s head and that was it? I was expecting something more emotional like a teary goodbye (thought it’d clash with her chill personality) or something. Also her death wasn’t shown but Omni’s and Rhombulus’ are? Couldn’t they have spared a few seconds for this? Count Glossaryck in for this one too. And Marco’s stab wound. Whatever happened to it after he hid them under his hoodie? Never explained
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I’d lie if I didn’t say some things in this finale happen fast (I fully expected it) or where underwhelming (I expected a somewhat more “closed ending” for Mewni, not complete unity because that’d take generations obviously, but a more clear direction for the future), but at the same time I think they achieved what the show wanted to be the most: a coming of age story for Star and Marco, giving them all the tools to properly take on the future. You’re not wrong, some goodbyes have been better than others, Kelly and Hekapoo have been a bit arbitrary been the only “important characters” to get the short end of the stick, due to logistics, but they had also never been THAT important, not compared to a Pony Head or a Janna or a Tom. 
The details of Kelly and Jorby and Talon’s aftermath were most likely just Pony saying what is going to happen, rather than what was happening in that very instant and second. Or not, in Kelly’s dimension fighting like that is probably a relaxing afternoon, and they recovered from the wounds as soon as magic disappeared, since they were magic wounds. I think they didn’t show Hekapoo’s death out of respect, more than anything: she already said her farewell to the characters, we knew that she didn’t mind, and it might have been indelicate to frame it as a gag like they did with Rhombulus and Omnitraxius, and excessive to show it in great detail as if it was a tragedy. 
As for the stab wound, that was the weirdest thing. To be fair Marco didn’t seem to be in pain after the wound, and he was almost surprised by it, so it wasn’t characterized as “oh no he’s going to die and he’s hiding it”, but the zipping up was still weird. Best guess I can make, it infused him with just enough magic to dip down even without a wand during the hug, and merge dimensions with Star - the swirling portal is purple and golden after all.
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I get what you mean, it’s not a perfect series finale by far, but part of me expected it, and it did accomplish perfectly to conclude Star and Marco’s stories, leaving them on the door of a new chapter in their lives, which is a staple in coming of age stories.
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ngame989 · 6 years
Gallery Nucleus’s event page is back up (and is renamed from “Farewell to Mewni” to “Blood Moon Ball” instead), and...
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redvelvetcosplay · 5 years
🌙 NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO 🌙 This video is about my time at the Star vs the Forces of Evil “Blood Moon Ball: A Farewell to Mewni” event at Gallery Nucleus!
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dave-ofc · 6 years
This is as official as you can get without a direct statement from Daron or Disney... What can I say. This was more than obviously in the horizon since all those crew members began to migrate to other projects. And is good they en on a high note, because I'm sure season 4 will be great. But it's still sad to see it go. I didn't start watching until after the Battle for Mewni aired, and I wish I could've been in this journey since the beginning. There's something special about SVTFOE. It was the first time I was captivated enough by something to become a part of the fandom, and for the first time in some 20 years when I was a little kid watching DBZ, I began to draw fanart again, which was fundamental to keep my sanity in one of the roughest years of my life (scammed by employers 6 months and unemployed the other 6). It made me gain a renewed interest in drawing and animation, and rediscover my inner child. I'll forever be thankful to Daron and the crew because without exaggeration, I can say SVTFOE ha been a turning point in my life.
Edit: It seems Gallery Nucleus ha deleted the page. Well, too late guys, you know how stuff spreads on internet.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Star vs The Forces of Evil: Attack on Earth Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Ludo has won (Disclaimer! I own nothing of SVTFOE!) Star and Marco were travelling through another dimension. “Man that was intense!” said Star. “I know right,” said Marco, “Like how many dimensions are there anyway?” “Well there’s more than you can count,” said Star. Marco noticed some of Ludo’s minions attacking the city. “What the…” said Marco. Both of them rushed down. “Ludo?!” asked Star. “Did you miss me princess?” he asked. He had his own magic wand. “Pretty spiffy right?” asked Ludo, “I’ve spent the past few months practicing my own magic, and now I will finally have what is mine.” “Not while I’m here!” said Star. She started firing at them while Marco fought them off with his karate. Star then attacked Ludo with a wave attack, but he somehow countered it. He then shook the ground and it started to rumble. Star casted a black hole spell and Ludo did some strange magic to reverse it. “Looks like your magic isn’t a match for me,” he said, “It also looks like you let yourself get distracted!” He pointed up. His eagle grabbed the spell book. “And now I must bid thee farewell!” said Ludo. He kicked Star into the portal and she dropped her wand. “STAR!” said Marco. He jumped in to save her.
“Back to our base,” said Ludo, “The time has come for Toffee’s arrival.” Star opened her eyes. “What…. Is this?” she asked. She looked around her surroundings until she saw a floating hat like creature. “Hello?” it said. Star screamed and then the floating hat screamed. Marco pulled his head from the ground. “Star what is it?” he asked. “First are you ok?” asked Star. “Yes, thank you for asking,” said Marco, “Are you alright?” “Yeah I’m fine,” said Star, “Only I don’t have my wand with me.” “Looks like Ludo’s been busy planning something,” said Marco as he helped her up, “But we’ll stop him like we always do.” Star saw the hat creature and chased it. “Hey wait!” she said. She kept chasing it until it finally stopped. “What is that?” asked Marco. “It looks like a hat,” said Star. “My apologies for running like that,” said the floating hat, “But you did startle me quite a bit and I startle easily.” “Sorry about that,” said Star, “I’m Star by the way, and this is my Fiance, Marco Diaz.” “Hi,” said Marco. “My name is Cappy,” said Cappy, “I saw what you two have been through.” Star saw that his town was damaged. “What happened here?” asked Star. “Our kingdom was under attack by a group of lizard people,” said Cappy, “They’re after something called the Eternal Mist.” “What’s that?” asked Marco. “Whoever has the mist has control of reality and such,” said Cappy, “It’s a treasure we’ve been asked by Mewmans to have kept hidden away for centuries.” A cannonball was launched at a tall building. “Oh no,” said Cappy. A floating crown appeard before them. “Tiara what are you doing here?” asked Cappy. “I came looking for you,” said Tiara. “Those lizards wouldn’t happen to be working for Ludo would they?” asked Star. “It looks like we’re after the same guy,” said Cappy, “I know, we should team up!” “Sure why not,” said Star. She noticed her headband was missing too. “Aw man,” she said. “I think I can help with that,” said Cappy. He jumped on top of Star’s head. He then transformed himself into Star’s headband. “Try throwing me,” he said. “Ok,” said Star. She threw him at a pair of boxes and he destroyed them with ease. “Whoa!” said Marco, “A Trick-Hat!” “This will be quite useful,” said Star, “Now let’s go stop those lizard creatures.” “Wait,” said Marco, “Shouldn’t we tell your parents about….” “NO!” said Star, “We can’t tell them about that.” “Ok, ok,” said Marco. They started fighting off the lizard creatures that were terrorizing the cap dimension. “Wait I got an idea!” said Cappy, “Throw me at one of them.” “Ok,” said Star. She tossed Cappy at the lizard creature. Her body started to go inside of it and she was somehow controlling the lizard. “Marco, jump on,” said Star. They both climbed up to the top and finished off the rest of the lizard creatures. Star saw her wand and picked it up. “Any last words creeps?” asked Star. “Mewni’s days are numbered,” said one of them, “Toffee shall rise again.” “Then we gotta find Glossaryck and the book quickly,” said Star, “Luckily I have a spell just for the occasion.” She placed her feet firmly on the ground. “I summon the all seeing eye to tear a hole into the sky,” she said, “Reveal to me that which is hidden, unveil to me what is forbidden!” An eye was formed from thin air. Star could now see anything that she wanted. She then focused and soon saw Glossaryck. “Glossaryck!” said Star, “Wait… where are you?” “In pudding heaven,” said Glossaryck. “I mean in the universe,” said Star, “Where are you?” “On the floor,” said Glossaryck. “Ok I don’t have time for this,” said Star, “Come on.” She reached for him but she couldn’t touch him. “The spying spell does not work like that I’m afraid,” he said. She tried again and could almost reach him. Glossaryck was surprised as she was almost able to tear through the eye. “This is amazing,” said Glossaryck. “Ok, now just take my hand and we can get back home safely!” said Star. “Who said I wanted to come back with you?” asked Glossaryck. “Wait what?” asked Star. “I’m afraid that the book belongs to Ludo now,” said Glossaryck. “Don’t you understand?” asked Star, “Ludo stole you!” “That’s beyond my control,” said Glossaryck. “I almost got you, just take my hand,” said Star, “You’re my friend.” “Friend?” asked Glossaryck, “Such a simple concept.” The spell started to wear off. “If my parents find out you were taken they’ll kill me!” said Star. “You’ll be fine,” said Glossaryck. “Glossaryck please!” said Star, “I need you!” “No dear, this is what you need,” said Glossaryck. Some lizard creatures were about to attack Marco. “Star!” said Marco. She saw that he was in danger. Star grabbed her wand and blasted them away. “Leave him alone!” she said. “What do we do now?” asked Marco. “There’s only one thing we can do,” said Star. They went back to the house and called Star’s mom and dad. She explained everything to them. “That’s…. pretty much iiittttt….” Said Star. They were both surprised. “I know,” said Star with tears forming, “I screwed this up big time, I’m so sorry!” She started to cry. “Sweetie its…. Its ok,” said Moon. “But…. The book of spells and everything, our family history..” said Star. “Its just a book and a magic man,” said River. “What matters is that you and Marco are safe,” said Moon. “Isn’t there anything we can do?” Asked Marco. “Not at the moment,” said River, “Just make sure that Star is safe.” “Got it,” said Marco. “Please don’t tell Uncle Orion about this,” said Star, “He discovers this and he’ll kill me.” “Don’t worry, our lips are sealed,” said Moon, “Good night dear.” “Sooooo why don’t you want your uncle to find out?” asked Marco. “Because he’s on the high magic council,” said Star, “He takes the family book very seriously, and if he finds out that I lost it, it’ll be my head.” “Ok, ok calm down,” said Marco, “We’ll help you find it.” Someone climbed up. It was Banjo. “Banjo, what are you guys doing here?” asked Marco. “We couldn’t help but overhear that you guys are looking for something,” said Banjo, “And also….” He turned around and Kazooie was turned into some kind of bird. “Dark eco?” asked Star. “Yep,” said Banjo.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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4 years ago, I heard about “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”. I didn’t think much of it, but I gave it a shot (it was like a childhood callback to my “Sailor Moon” phase when I was younger) to see how it was. I made a little review about it to let everyone know what I thought and after a couple of more episodes, I was drawn to it! A twist on the Magical Girl genre of the heroine open with her being magical and fighting villains while still going about an everyday life. Neat characters, funny dialogue, cool storylines, original music scores, plot twists and the shipping dramas! I was so obsessed I made fanart/animation, bought whatever merchandise there was of it! (Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension (original and Stump Day Edition) and The Magic Book of Spells) and been having dreams of the show as well! My reviews have changed since the first season. It started out as just words, but then came frames and then later pictures and now, finally gifs! Writing is my passion. I just love writing down how I feel about things and having others see it and what I have to say about it as if I’m a voice to the people. Speaking of which, I gotta get to this finale review before I’m over my writing limit is up. Lol!
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We open with what we saw in the promo for finale. Star transforms in her golden Mewberty form getting ready to enter the portal to The Realm of Magic, say The Whispering Spell there and destroy all the magic. Despite the major drawback to the aftermath (No Starco😢). She turns down Eclipsa and Moons advice on taking on Mina all together and is just single minded on her plan. Star, maybe that would’ve been a better idea. You know, like the whole Total Annihilation Spell thing that Eclipsa used! That could still work! Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? C’mon!!! (are we not gonna call her out for making a hasty decision based on her impulsive anger from her Moms betrayal!?) Before that however, she didn’t tell Marco the bad news of her plan to save him from heartbreak and Hekapoo was cool with Star going forward with her plan. Uh, seriously Hekapoo!? YOU’RE GONNA DIE! WHO’S THIS CHILL ABOUT DYING!? Guess after literally everything she thought, “Eh, I lived a long life. Besides, magic sucks a**”. Okay, I mean, if that’s how she feels then.
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Marco goes with her and after getting one last back handed burning slap on the head (“Running with Scissors”), takes the wand from Moon and gives it the old “Marcos wand” look! (“Deep Dive”) Unknownst to Moon that he’s used it before. (the drawn on mole would’ve been a nice touch. I’m just sayin’). This is it! Their one last adventure before the whole things over. With that, they hold hands (Marco choosing the top arm of Stars left) and walk into the portal to destroy the magic. Oh God!
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They arrive in The Realm of Magic and Star tries to do The Whispering Spell while Marco eats pudding that Glossaryck left behind for him and Star. Unfortunately, Star starts to lose her memories and Marco realizes he’s still fine. He finds out it’s the pudding! The Pudding!? OMG! You mean to tell me this is why Glossaryck kept eating pudding the whole time!? Not just because it was delicious! WOW! Marco shoves some pudding in Star which help keep her memories and then they see..............
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Thomas Draconius Lucitor! Riding on the corrupted dark unicorn from “Mama Star”! Hey Tom! How you been!? Haven’t seen you since well, that episode I just mentioned! Last we checked, you were stuck in your demon form on fire and with that seatbelt still on!..............which you’re now wearing as a sash for some reason. Guess you never were sent back to Mewni, or the Underworld, or wherever else cuz no one bothered to mention what became of you. Tom, we can explain! A lot of sh*t happened in Mewni and it was all Mina (and Moons) fault! Also Starco is for finally canon and Stars gonna destroy the magic! Btw, why do you have glowing blank eyes like Stars real/fake ancestry?....................Tom, you’re scaring us............Tom, why are you charging at Starco!? Are you pissed that they forgot you!? TOM! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
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Back on Mewni, River and Eddie finally make it to the sanctuary to save Globgor and just before they could open it, Mina catches them and the two biggest idiots of Mewni accidentally blurt out what they’re gonna do! (face palms). No thanks to that, Mina now tries to get into the sanctuary.
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Over to The Realm of Magic again, Marco fights off Tom using the wand by blasting every bit of whimsical spell Star does and some with his own while Star finally does The Whispering Spell and for the finale, we actually hear what all that whispering was! “Break the bond, tear the fabric, cleave the stone, stop the magic” again and again. And it works! HOLY SH*T IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I didn’t think her plan would work by doing that, but it’s true! It’s freakin’ true!
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However, it still doesn’t work. I knew it, I mean, saying the Whispering Spell in The Realm of Magic to destroy all magic! Puh-leeze! It’s only for the wand! :P. Just then, Moon and Eclipsa w/ Meteora show up and decide to help. That’s the quickest moment of forgiving I’ve ever seen, after all what Moon did, Star just accepted her again! Marco finally stops Tom from killing him w/ the corrupted dark unicorn by feeding him pudding, but in the process, getting stabbed! Don! Don! Don! After Tom is cured, he and Marco head back to Star. 
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Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora Dip Down in their Mewberty forms (the fandom gets their wish on seeing Eclipsa do that) and are joined by the Past Queens of Mewni (starting from Skywynne not the 26 before her cuz that’s all the queens the book mentioned cuz the staff didn’t have enough time to come up with designs, personalities, history, etc for them and also Skywynnes mother, Lyric, didn’t save the original Magic Book of Spells :P) in spiritual form assisting them with destroying magic. They still don’t talk as they didn’t have time to that and cuz it’s the last episode and we’re about wrapping up here, so :P to that.
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Mina finds The Realm of Magic and charges after Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora, but gets distracted when she sees her queen, Solaria, and gets attacked by the dark corrupted unicorn. Mina calls out to her for help, but Solaria, the queen that created Mina, transformed her and thought of her as her answer to finishing off monsters, did nothing! Nada, ZIP! Sure she hated monsters, but did she hate monsters more than she loves her daughter!? Some things are just more important. 
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After he was done with Mina, the dark unicorn goes after the queens, but Marco f**king flips the horse! DAMN! Well, he’s fought monsters, did a bunch of cool sh*t in the Neverzone, helped save Mewni twice and punched Toffee right through him! So yeah! He can flip a horse! 
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Suddenly, the magic starts getting destroyed, the baby unicorns melt, the wand is no more and the realm prepares its destruction.
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The Queens start disappearing with Moon seeing her mother, Comet, one last time, Solaria accepting of Eclipsas monster love and her hybrid granddaughter and most of all, Glossaryck goin’in bye bye. Farewell Glossaryck, you were pretty annoying, but kinda right. It was nice knowin’ ya. 
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Star then tells Marco he needs to go up the waterfall to Earth, but doesn’t answer him on the bad news that they’ll never see each other again :’(. However, I think he figured it out from their tearful good-bye.
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 Everyone comes out the well, but Star makes a big sacrifice and decides to go to Earth to be with Marco. Turns out, Marco stayed behind in the destruction of The Realm of Magic cuz he too thought, with or without magic, ღ they belong together! ღ STARCO FOREVER! 
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With that, they hug for the very last time with their last bit of magic giving them their glowing cheek marks, unknown what will become of them during the destruction (possibly death) and then 💥BOOM!💥
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The sanctuary is now gone along with the magic, well dimension traveling, (the narwhal blasting) and most of all, no more signature cheek marks on Star or anyone else who had ‘em on the show! And Star floats a drift on an alligator where Moon finds her riding on another alligator like a jet ski.
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The new Solarian army falls apart and all the Monsters, like Buff Frog and his kids, are now finally safe from harm all thanks to Star. Destroying the magic actually did turn out to be the solution to fix everything (I personally didn’t think so cuz I would’ve preferred Star go with Eclipsa’s Total Annihilation Spell from the beginning) and Stars tapestry did predict the outcome of it:Magic gone, no more Glossaryck, Mina defeated, Monsters safe, Reconciled with Moon, Eclipsa and her family alive and well and the Monster Temple still standing, but still, no Starco 😢. However, Star was still happy all the monsters were okay, her family safe and even Eclipsa and her family safe.
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With the magic gone, Mina Loveberry has been brought down to normal and unfortunately, still coo coo! Now, with the other villains in the show, most of ‘em got redeemed (Ludo, Tom and Meteora) and others died (Toffee), but our final “Forces of Evil”, Mina, who can no longer transform into her Hulk-like warrior self, still remains mentally ill (there’s no cure for that). Moon tries to talk some final sense into her and help her out with her diseased mind, but Mina refuses her help cuz despite the fact that she’s depowered, she runs off continuing her goal on eliminating monsters cuz it “lingers to her”. Well, she’s a lost cause and no one really gives a sh*t about her anymore (except maybe Manfred), so good-luck to ya ya psycho b*tch!
Moon apologizes to Star for working along side with Mina and making the biggest f*ck up in history, but Star easily forgives her since she (Star) always f*cks up too. I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree after all, huh!? Star says it’s cuz all families f*ck up (some more so than others), but that what they need to do is just live and learn from it all. So yeah, it’s true. Star heads back to the infirmary to check up on her friends and since the magics gone, those Solarian fatal wounds have already disappeared and everyones okay. Like Pony Head and Rich Pigeon! Star tells Pony Head that destroying the magic was the only solution there was to defeat Mina and save everyone, but despite the fact that she’s happy all is well and done, the tragedy of it is there’s no more Marco Ubaldo Diaz! NO MORE STARCO! IT DIDN’T LAST! 😭 He’s just back on Earth with Janna cuz that’s where they belong much like how Kelly went back to Woolandia and Talon at that Dragon Spit bar thing and that she can’t deal with Pony Heads sassy character trait stuff right now! 
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Pony Head sees how heartbroken Star is and cheers her up by saying that Kelly is crying tears...........of joy! And happily goin’ on adventures with her “Battle Buddy” Jorby and that Talon is making up cool stories about his adventure to the bar taverns and it does in fact cheer Star up.
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From the magic gone, we learn what became of the MHC and that they were reduced to just junk. Omnitraxus Prime is now a lifeless skull like the ones you see stereotypically in the desert, Rhombulus is now a lifeless crystal which was originally his head and his free will snake arms are now just regular old snakes and Idk what happened to Hekapoo, but I’m assuming since she was a demoness, she must’ve just turned to a poof of smoke or something. Omnitraxus was so close to be mature, but sadly he failed to realize what Hekapoo saw. Still disappointed in how Rhombulous turned out (sigh) oh so disappointed. Oh! And uh, Sean just overfilled himself on pizza. He was never important. Whatever. 
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Just then, Tom shows up and he’s okay too! Pony Head didn’t mention that he was looking for Star after she decided to supposedly leave Mewni to live on Earth and I think it’s cuz she ships Starco now cuz we all know Tomstar failed not once, but twice! Hey! It’s the finale, so I’m tellin’ it like it so :P (third times not always the charm). Any way, Tom shows Star a portal that”s floating around in the distance and that it leads to Earth! (gasp)
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Speaking of Earth, since the The Realm of Magic was located under Britta’s Tacos, and is now gone, the restaurant is too. Oh great! 😒 First we lose The Bounce Lounge, then Quest Buy and now the taco place! (as if it wasn’t bad enough we don’t have Starco!). The whole destruction to them was known as an “earthquake”. 
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Marco is on a gurney, but he’s safe and healed now that the magics gone with that unicorn wound no longer there and his parents and baby sister are relived he’s okay. Sadly, much like Star, he's miserable without her. 
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Janna rolls in on her gurney attached to a heart rate monitor and she cheers up Marco by saying even though he lost Star, they still have each other as friends. Despite the fact that she drove him nuts most of the time, he did in fact consider her a friend and vice versa. Janna then tells Marco about a portal from a distance that leads to Mewni! (gasp). Janna then tells Marco that he should run for it while she fakes her death in 60 seconds to distract everyone. DAMN! RUN! DIAZ! RUN!
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So I’m guessing their last bit of magic together while embracing one last time was the result of that portal (no it’s not a “gas leak” from the “earthquake”), but how long is it gonna remain open!? Both our heroes run like Hell to see each again with a build up theme tune playing with Star punching her way through the Forest of Certain Death and Marco violating traffic laws cuz one thing is set on their minds, make Starco canon! 
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Marco uses Jackies skateboard to head faster while Star turns down a friendly game of basketball with Ludo and Dennis. So nice that we saw more of the minor characters again. sk8er girl Jackie with her new French mate, Chloe, starter villain Ludo fully redeemed and happy, those two guys that Daron never wanted to exist, Alfonzo and Ferguson, fangirl Starfan13, mean girl Brittany (well finally! Where was she!? Still wish we saw Jeremy though even if he was a little sh*t, I’d still would've liked to have seen him) we even saw that creepy woman and her new dog, “Willoughby”! (”Fetch”). 
Okay enough about them, let’s get back to Starco! They’re getting closer!........
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Wait! Are those dragoncylces? Flying across the Earth sky!? Holy Sh*t! They are! 
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And are those, mermaids!? Swimming in the aqueduct!? (was that a giant spider?).  
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Is that Rich Pigeon getting chased up a tree by Earth dogs!? 
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Did a helicopter just fly by the Cloud Kingdom over the Pony Head family!? 
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Whoa! Whoa!.....WHOA! Are you telling me, that Earth and Mewni have merged into one whole dimension and that it’s now Earthni!? Was it that last bit of Starco magic from the embrace that caused that portal to open and explode to do this!? WOW! Now I get it! “Cleaved”! Good one there, good one! Okay, so it’s a little hectic what with the two worlds becoming one thing, but maybe with time, everyone will get used to it (shrugs).
So if the two worlds merged then that means.............................
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STARCO AT LAST! The final unification! Better than the one from “Battle for Mewni”, not awkward like in “Lint Catcher” just pure unadulterated Starco and with their beautiful theme music playing once again to emphasize it. They meet, they smile, they walk towards each other and...............they say Hi. No big kiss or hug or even a silent stare, just plain old “Hey how ya doin’?”. It’s a little tame, but considering this is a children's show, it’s still sweet and more importantly, it was endgame ;). 
🎶 I wanna be your endgame,
I wanna be your first string,
I wanna be your A-Team,
I wanna be your endgame, endgame 🎶
Since Star Butterfly wasn’t there to do her closing inner monologue like how she did with her opening one in the pilot of the show, I’ll be doing it here. So the show ended with Starco like we all hoped for except with the unexpected twist that both their worlds, Earth and Mewni, collided together. Never in a millions years would we have thought this would happen! I’ve seen fan works of Starco either living together on Earth or living as royals in Mewni with their “Starco child(ren)”, but the fact that we got a best of both worlds finale was a huge surprise! Now the happy couple can still be with their families and friends and even have Meteora and Mariposa grow up together like they promised they would. If you ask me, this sounds more like a new beginning, like how are the Humans and Mewmens gonna adapt to their new surroundings and interactions among each other like it’s the start of a whole new season! But I guess that was left to the fans to use their imagination on how that’ll go cuz so many people already had left the show to pursue other things and that they needed to wrap it up quickly. However, we’re still left with some unanswered questions such as why we didn’t see the Septarian, Seth, and how he was the head honcho of the Septarian army cuz he was a big deal in The Magic Book of Spells and since that book was foreshadowing everything in the final season, I assumed we might’ve gotten a look at him and maybe have him make an appearance since it was last said he disappeared, but I guess like in the book, he’s history. Second, there’s Toffee, from the very beginning he wanted the magic destroyed such as having Star use The Whispering Spell in the Season 1 finale and then corrupting it in the tv movie and it wasn’t until near the end where Star realized he was right to do so after all the chaos that’s been goin’ on. Granted it wasn’t for the same reasons she wanted, but overall just doing away with it to not give anyone an advantage to use against someone. I actually thought (like some fans) that he’d come back again, cuz he was mentioned a lot and it was hinted in the final seasons episode premiere about the use of magic and that he might’ve, but after two seasons and a movie, I suppose it was enough and at least he got a cameo in one. Still, his actions were a big concern for Star. Thirdly, the rebel princesses, last we saw, Meteora blew up the whole school after finding out about her true background and we never saw what became of ‘em. Hopefully, they’re fine like Pony Head is and that our minds shouldn’t go into a dark place thinking about that. Speaking of darkness, monster arm, he looked to be hinted at coming back after his defeat, but instead he was just left as a scare gag and irrelevance to the plot. Lastly, the same goes for that mysterious sun/moon/star room in St.Olga’s. It looked to be a big plot point to bring up in a later episode, but alas, we got nothing out of it! We suspected it had something to do with The Blood Moon, but even that was all for nothing! Never did we find out what that room was supposed to mean and I guess it was never meant to have been pointed out in-universe cuz that was for us fans to see it as an up and coming big Starco moment like how the Blood Moon was never magic and that it was just a gimmick with the whole “soul binding” thing to spice up it’s appeal. The finale was good. Could’ve done it as an hour long special or tv movie to close it off, but since Daron and the staff kept goin’ through so many changes in episode plots (and believe me, I’ve seen plenty of “what-could’ve-been” plots like the original idea for the show with Star younger and non-magical annoying everyone around her with her big imagination of her being a magical girl princess), I kinda think maybe they rushed into it, but even so, it was a nice finale and it left a good memory for me. I found some nice people through this fandom and just to name a few there was that ever popular head cannon blog, @svtfoeheadcanons which than went onto @seddm. Thank you for your words and blog and answering some of my questions (even though it was kinda anon, but I think you might’ve recognized me from my writings) you are brilliant, @moringmark, your comics of the Starco/Jarco child clashing story were fun as well as your Starco Child Headquarters comic and I am now enjoying your “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” parody of the Past Queens of Mewni and also the Meteora and Mariposa comic, thank you for your comics, I always check on and comment on ‘em and last, but certainly not least, my good svtfoe friend, @agentpfangirl1997. Hey girl! I love how I found her and we chatted about what we thought about the show and checking each others reviews and fan arts of it. Her drawings are awesome! Glad I got to know such a great person. Even with the show, we still keep it alive through our love for it and will treasure it for years to come. Thank you, Daron Nefcy! @daronnefcy 
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