#farewell svtfoe
whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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4 years ago, I heard about “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”. I didn’t think much of it, but I gave it a shot (it was like a childhood callback to my “Sailor Moon” phase when I was younger) to see how it was. I made a little review about it to let everyone know what I thought and after a couple of more episodes, I was drawn to it! A twist on the Magical Girl genre of the heroine open with her being magical and fighting villains while still going about an everyday life. Neat characters, funny dialogue, cool storylines, original music scores, plot twists and the shipping dramas! I was so obsessed I made fanart/animation, bought whatever merchandise there was of it! (Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension (original and Stump Day Edition) and The Magic Book of Spells) and been having dreams of the show as well! My reviews have changed since the first season. It started out as just words, but then came frames and then later pictures and now, finally gifs! Writing is my passion. I just love writing down how I feel about things and having others see it and what I have to say about it as if I’m a voice to the people. Speaking of which, I gotta get to this finale review before I’m over my writing limit is up. Lol!
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We open with what we saw in the promo for finale. Star transforms in her golden Mewberty form getting ready to enter the portal to The Realm of Magic, say The Whispering Spell there and destroy all the magic. Despite the major drawback to the aftermath (No Starco😢). She turns down Eclipsa and Moons advice on taking on Mina all together and is just single minded on her plan. Star, maybe that would’ve been a better idea. You know, like the whole Total Annihilation Spell thing that Eclipsa used! That could still work! Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? C’mon!!! (are we not gonna call her out for making a hasty decision based on her impulsive anger from her Moms betrayal!?) Before that however, she didn’t tell Marco the bad news of her plan to save him from heartbreak and Hekapoo was cool with Star going forward with her plan. Uh, seriously Hekapoo!? YOU’RE GONNA DIE! WHO’S THIS CHILL ABOUT DYING!? Guess after literally everything she thought, “Eh, I lived a long life. Besides, magic sucks a**”. Okay, I mean, if that’s how she feels then.
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Marco goes with her and after getting one last back handed burning slap on the head (“Running with Scissors”), takes the wand from Moon and gives it the old “Marcos wand” look! (“Deep Dive”) Unknownst to Moon that he’s used it before. (the drawn on mole would’ve been a nice touch. I’m just sayin’). This is it! Their one last adventure before the whole things over. With that, they hold hands (Marco choosing the top arm of Stars left) and walk into the portal to destroy the magic. Oh God!
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They arrive in The Realm of Magic and Star tries to do The Whispering Spell while Marco eats pudding that Glossaryck left behind for him and Star. Unfortunately, Star starts to lose her memories and Marco realizes he’s still fine. He finds out it’s the pudding! The Pudding!? OMG! You mean to tell me this is why Glossaryck kept eating pudding the whole time!? Not just because it was delicious! WOW! Marco shoves some pudding in Star which help keep her memories and then they see..............
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Thomas Draconius Lucitor! Riding on the corrupted dark unicorn from “Mama Star”! Hey Tom! How you been!? Haven’t seen you since well, that episode I just mentioned! Last we checked, you were stuck in your demon form on fire and with that seatbelt still on!..............which you’re now wearing as a sash for some reason. Guess you never were sent back to Mewni, or the Underworld, or wherever else cuz no one bothered to mention what became of you. Tom, we can explain! A lot of sh*t happened in Mewni and it was all Mina (and Moons) fault! Also Starco is for finally canon and Stars gonna destroy the magic! Btw, why do you have glowing blank eyes like Stars real/fake ancestry?....................Tom, you’re scaring us............Tom, why are you charging at Starco!? Are you pissed that they forgot you!? TOM! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
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Back on Mewni, River and Eddie finally make it to the sanctuary to save Globgor and just before they could open it, Mina catches them and the two biggest idiots of Mewni accidentally blurt out what they’re gonna do! (face palms). No thanks to that, Mina now tries to get into the sanctuary.
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Over to The Realm of Magic again, Marco fights off Tom using the wand by blasting every bit of whimsical spell Star does and some with his own while Star finally does The Whispering Spell and for the finale, we actually hear what all that whispering was! “Break the bond, tear the fabric, cleave the stone, stop the magic” again and again. And it works! HOLY SH*T IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I didn’t think her plan would work by doing that, but it’s true! It’s freakin’ true!
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However, it still doesn’t work. I knew it, I mean, saying the Whispering Spell in The Realm of Magic to destroy all magic! Puh-leeze! It’s only for the wand! :P. Just then, Moon and Eclipsa w/ Meteora show up and decide to help. That’s the quickest moment of forgiving I’ve ever seen, after all what Moon did, Star just accepted her again! Marco finally stops Tom from killing him w/ the corrupted dark unicorn by feeding him pudding, but in the process, getting stabbed! Don! Don! Don! After Tom is cured, he and Marco head back to Star. 
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Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora Dip Down in their Mewberty forms (the fandom gets their wish on seeing Eclipsa do that) and are joined by the Past Queens of Mewni (starting from Skywynne not the 26 before her cuz that’s all the queens the book mentioned cuz the staff didn’t have enough time to come up with designs, personalities, history, etc for them and also Skywynnes mother, Lyric, didn’t save the original Magic Book of Spells :P) in spiritual form assisting them with destroying magic. They still don’t talk as they didn’t have time to that and cuz it’s the last episode and we’re about wrapping up here, so :P to that.
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Mina finds The Realm of Magic and charges after Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora, but gets distracted when she sees her queen, Solaria, and gets attacked by the dark corrupted unicorn. Mina calls out to her for help, but Solaria, the queen that created Mina, transformed her and thought of her as her answer to finishing off monsters, did nothing! Nada, ZIP! Sure she hated monsters, but did she hate monsters more than she loves her daughter!? Some things are just more important. 
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After he was done with Mina, the dark unicorn goes after the queens, but Marco f**king flips the horse! DAMN! Well, he’s fought monsters, did a bunch of cool sh*t in the Neverzone, helped save Mewni twice and punched Toffee right through him! So yeah! He can flip a horse! 
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Suddenly, the magic starts getting destroyed, the baby unicorns melt, the wand is no more and the realm prepares its destruction.
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The Queens start disappearing with Moon seeing her mother, Comet, one last time, Solaria accepting of Eclipsas monster love and her hybrid granddaughter and most of all, Glossaryck goin’in bye bye. Farewell Glossaryck, you were pretty annoying, but kinda right. It was nice knowin’ ya. 
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Star then tells Marco he needs to go up the waterfall to Earth, but doesn’t answer him on the bad news that they’ll never see each other again :’(. However, I think he figured it out from their tearful good-bye.
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 Everyone comes out the well, but Star makes a big sacrifice and decides to go to Earth to be with Marco. Turns out, Marco stayed behind in the destruction of The Realm of Magic cuz he too thought, with or without magic, ღ they belong together! ღ STARCO FOREVER! 
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With that, they hug for the very last time with their last bit of magic giving them their glowing cheek marks, unknown what will become of them during the destruction (possibly death) and then 💥BOOM!💥
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The sanctuary is now gone along with the magic, well dimension traveling, (the narwhal blasting) and most of all, no more signature cheek marks on Star or anyone else who had ‘em on the show! And Star floats a drift on an alligator where Moon finds her riding on another alligator like a jet ski.
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The new Solarian army falls apart and all the Monsters, like Buff Frog and his kids, are now finally safe from harm all thanks to Star. Destroying the magic actually did turn out to be the solution to fix everything (I personally didn’t think so cuz I would’ve preferred Star go with Eclipsa’s Total Annihilation Spell from the beginning) and Stars tapestry did predict the outcome of it:Magic gone, no more Glossaryck, Mina defeated, Monsters safe, Reconciled with Moon, Eclipsa and her family alive and well and the Monster Temple still standing, but still, no Starco 😢. However, Star was still happy all the monsters were okay, her family safe and even Eclipsa and her family safe.
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With the magic gone, Mina Loveberry has been brought down to normal and unfortunately, still coo coo! Now, with the other villains in the show, most of ‘em got redeemed (Ludo, Tom and Meteora) and others died (Toffee), but our final “Forces of Evil”, Mina, who can no longer transform into her Hulk-like warrior self, still remains mentally ill (there’s no cure for that). Moon tries to talk some final sense into her and help her out with her diseased mind, but Mina refuses her help cuz despite the fact that she’s depowered, she runs off continuing her goal on eliminating monsters cuz it “lingers to her”. Well, she’s a lost cause and no one really gives a sh*t about her anymore (except maybe Manfred), so good-luck to ya ya psycho b*tch!
Moon apologizes to Star for working along side with Mina and making the biggest f*ck up in history, but Star easily forgives her since she (Star) always f*cks up too. I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree after all, huh!? Star says it’s cuz all families f*ck up (some more so than others), but that what they need to do is just live and learn from it all. So yeah, it’s true. Star heads back to the infirmary to check up on her friends and since the magics gone, those Solarian fatal wounds have already disappeared and everyones okay. Like Pony Head and Rich Pigeon! Star tells Pony Head that destroying the magic was the only solution there was to defeat Mina and save everyone, but despite the fact that she’s happy all is well and done, the tragedy of it is there’s no more Marco Ubaldo Diaz! NO MORE STARCO! IT DIDN’T LAST! 😭 He’s just back on Earth with Janna cuz that’s where they belong much like how Kelly went back to Woolandia and Talon at that Dragon Spit bar thing and that she can’t deal with Pony Heads sassy character trait stuff right now! 
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Pony Head sees how heartbroken Star is and cheers her up by saying that Kelly is crying tears...........of joy! And happily goin’ on adventures with her “Battle Buddy” Jorby and that Talon is making up cool stories about his adventure to the bar taverns and it does in fact cheer Star up.
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From the magic gone, we learn what became of the MHC and that they were reduced to just junk. Omnitraxus Prime is now a lifeless skull like the ones you see stereotypically in the desert, Rhombulus is now a lifeless crystal which was originally his head and his free will snake arms are now just regular old snakes and Idk what happened to Hekapoo, but I’m assuming since she was a demoness, she must’ve just turned to a poof of smoke or something. Omnitraxus was so close to be mature, but sadly he failed to realize what Hekapoo saw. Still disappointed in how Rhombulous turned out (sigh) oh so disappointed. Oh! And uh, Sean just overfilled himself on pizza. He was never important. Whatever. 
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Just then, Tom shows up and he’s okay too! Pony Head didn’t mention that he was looking for Star after she decided to supposedly leave Mewni to live on Earth and I think it’s cuz she ships Starco now cuz we all know Tomstar failed not once, but twice! Hey! It’s the finale, so I’m tellin’ it like it so :P (third times not always the charm). Any way, Tom shows Star a portal that”s floating around in the distance and that it leads to Earth! (gasp)
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Speaking of Earth, since the The Realm of Magic was located under Britta’s Tacos, and is now gone, the restaurant is too. Oh great! 😒 First we lose The Bounce Lounge, then Quest Buy and now the taco place! (as if it wasn’t bad enough we don’t have Starco!). The whole destruction to them was known as an “earthquake”. 
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Marco is on a gurney, but he’s safe and healed now that the magics gone with that unicorn wound no longer there and his parents and baby sister are relived he’s okay. Sadly, much like Star, he's miserable without her. 
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Janna rolls in on her gurney attached to a heart rate monitor and she cheers up Marco by saying even though he lost Star, they still have each other as friends. Despite the fact that she drove him nuts most of the time, he did in fact consider her a friend and vice versa. Janna then tells Marco about a portal from a distance that leads to Mewni! (gasp). Janna then tells Marco that he should run for it while she fakes her death in 60 seconds to distract everyone. DAMN! RUN! DIAZ! RUN!
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So I’m guessing their last bit of magic together while embracing one last time was the result of that portal (no it’s not a “gas leak” from the “earthquake”), but how long is it gonna remain open!? Both our heroes run like Hell to see each again with a build up theme tune playing with Star punching her way through the Forest of Certain Death and Marco violating traffic laws cuz one thing is set on their minds, make Starco canon! 
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Marco uses Jackies skateboard to head faster while Star turns down a friendly game of basketball with Ludo and Dennis. So nice that we saw more of the minor characters again. sk8er girl Jackie with her new French mate, Chloe, starter villain Ludo fully redeemed and happy, those two guys that Daron never wanted to exist, Alfonzo and Ferguson, fangirl Starfan13, mean girl Brittany (well finally! Where was she!? Still wish we saw Jeremy though even if he was a little sh*t, I’d still would've liked to have seen him) we even saw that creepy woman and her new dog, “Willoughby”! (”Fetch”). 
Okay enough about them, let’s get back to Starco! They’re getting closer!........
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Wait! Are those dragoncylces? Flying across the Earth sky!? Holy Sh*t! They are! 
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And are those, mermaids!? Swimming in the aqueduct!? (was that a giant spider?).  
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Is that Rich Pigeon getting chased up a tree by Earth dogs!? 
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Did a helicopter just fly by the Cloud Kingdom over the Pony Head family!? 
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Whoa! Whoa!.....WHOA! Are you telling me, that Earth and Mewni have merged into one whole dimension and that it’s now Earthni!? Was it that last bit of Starco magic from the embrace that caused that portal to open and explode to do this!? WOW! Now I get it! “Cleaved”! Good one there, good one! Okay, so it’s a little hectic what with the two worlds becoming one thing, but maybe with time, everyone will get used to it (shrugs).
So if the two worlds merged then that means.............................
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STARCO AT LAST! The final unification! Better than the one from “Battle for Mewni”, not awkward like in “Lint Catcher” just pure unadulterated Starco and with their beautiful theme music playing once again to emphasize it. They meet, they smile, they walk towards each other and...............they say Hi. No big kiss or hug or even a silent stare, just plain old “Hey how ya doin’?”. It’s a little tame, but considering this is a children's show, it’s still sweet and more importantly, it was endgame ;). 
🎶 I wanna be your endgame,
I wanna be your first string,
I wanna be your A-Team,
I wanna be your endgame, endgame 🎶
Since Star Butterfly wasn’t there to do her closing inner monologue like how she did with her opening one in the pilot of the show, I’ll be doing it here. So the show ended with Starco like we all hoped for except with the unexpected twist that both their worlds, Earth and Mewni, collided together. Never in a millions years would we have thought this would happen! I’ve seen fan works of Starco either living together on Earth or living as royals in Mewni with their “Starco child(ren)”, but the fact that we got a best of both worlds finale was a huge surprise! Now the happy couple can still be with their families and friends and even have Meteora and Mariposa grow up together like they promised they would. If you ask me, this sounds more like a new beginning, like how are the Humans and Mewmens gonna adapt to their new surroundings and interactions among each other like it’s the start of a whole new season! But I guess that was left to the fans to use their imagination on how that’ll go cuz so many people already had left the show to pursue other things and that they needed to wrap it up quickly. However, we’re still left with some unanswered questions such as why we didn’t see the Septarian, Seth, and how he was the head honcho of the Septarian army cuz he was a big deal in The Magic Book of Spells and since that book was foreshadowing everything in the final season, I assumed we might’ve gotten a look at him and maybe have him make an appearance since it was last said he disappeared, but I guess like in the book, he’s history. Second, there’s Toffee, from the very beginning he wanted the magic destroyed such as having Star use The Whispering Spell in the Season 1 finale and then corrupting it in the tv movie and it wasn’t until near the end where Star realized he was right to do so after all the chaos that’s been goin’ on. Granted it wasn’t for the same reasons she wanted, but overall just doing away with it to not give anyone an advantage to use against someone. I actually thought (like some fans) that he’d come back again, cuz he was mentioned a lot and it was hinted in the final seasons episode premiere about the use of magic and that he might’ve, but after two seasons and a movie, I suppose it was enough and at least he got a cameo in one. Still, his actions were a big concern for Star. Thirdly, the rebel princesses, last we saw, Meteora blew up the whole school after finding out about her true background and we never saw what became of ‘em. Hopefully, they’re fine like Pony Head is and that our minds shouldn’t go into a dark place thinking about that. Speaking of darkness, monster arm, he looked to be hinted at coming back after his defeat, but instead he was just left as a scare gag and irrelevance to the plot. Lastly, the same goes for that mysterious sun/moon/star room in St.Olga’s. It looked to be a big plot point to bring up in a later episode, but alas, we got nothing out of it! We suspected it had something to do with The Blood Moon, but even that was all for nothing! Never did we find out what that room was supposed to mean and I guess it was never meant to have been pointed out in-universe cuz that was for us fans to see it as an up and coming big Starco moment like how the Blood Moon was never magic and that it was just a gimmick with the whole “soul binding” thing to spice up it’s appeal. The finale was good. Could’ve done it as an hour long special or tv movie to close it off, but since Daron and the staff kept goin’ through so many changes in episode plots (and believe me, I’ve seen plenty of “what-could’ve-been” plots like the original idea for the show with Star younger and non-magical annoying everyone around her with her big imagination of her being a magical girl princess), I kinda think maybe they rushed into it, but even so, it was a nice finale and it left a good memory for me. I found some nice people through this fandom and just to name a few there was that ever popular head cannon blog, @svtfoeheadcanons which than went onto @seddm. Thank you for your words and blog and answering some of my questions (even though it was kinda anon, but I think you might’ve recognized me from my writings) you are brilliant, @moringmark, your comics of the Starco/Jarco child clashing story were fun as well as your Starco Child Headquarters comic and I am now enjoying your “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” parody of the Past Queens of Mewni and also the Meteora and Mariposa comic, thank you for your comics, I always check on and comment on ‘em and last, but certainly not least, my good svtfoe friend, @agentpfangirl1997. Hey girl! I love how I found her and we chatted about what we thought about the show and checking each others reviews and fan arts of it. Her drawings are awesome! Glad I got to know such a great person. Even with the show, we still keep it alive through our love for it and will treasure it for years to come. Thank you, Daron Nefcy! @daronnefcy 
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mindyvee · 5 years
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Farewell, ⭐🦋 
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getoffmybunny · 6 years
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Working on that TomStar ship before it sinks 😓
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Where SvtFoE is at after “Battle for Mewni”
So yeah, spoils and stuff
1. So Moon is going to have to hide this stuff on her arm now? And is Eclipsa going to be evil or good? WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO MOON?
2. Ludo is now good, I guess. Yay?
4. Toffee is gone. So where’s the main baddie now? Is it Eclipsa?
5. Yeah, the goat guy is dead, but the others are alive, so that’s good.
6. Star is now a god confirmed.
7. Magic’s back! Again, where be the conflict of the show now?
8. New wand, just as we got an update to the theme song. Hopefully they’ll update it again, but considering how it took an entire season to update it, it’s not happening.
And the only two things I care about:
Oh, and some of the theme song stuff, but everyone already talked about that and speculation, so I’m not gonna get into it now. Maybe later
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j4gm · 5 years
Adventure Time Distant Lands: Information on the Cast and Crew
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So you’ve all heard about Distant Lands by now.
I can confirm that Distant Lands and the secret project codenamed “Rumble Jaw” are the same thing. Some known members of the production have already updated their personal websites to reflect the announcement. Here’s a list of people thought to be working/have worked on the specials. I am probably missing a lot at this point. Returning crew members are in bold.
Therisse Amunatigui, post-production assistant
Ashlyn Anstee (Harvey Beaks, many other shows), storyboard artist
Christina Catucci (Harvey Girls Forever, Trolls World Tour), writer
Aria Clemens, production assistant
Iggy Craig (OK K.O.), storyboard artist
Becky Dreistadt (Steven Universe, SVTFOE, Bee & PuppyCat), lead character designer
Charley Feldman (The Owl House), writer
Ashley Fisher (Steven Universe, Powerpuff Girls), colour designer
Megan Fisher (Thundercats Roar), storyboard artist
Hannah Therese Garcia, production assistant
Sarah Gencarelli (many CN shows), animation director
Jennifer Goldberg (Enter the Florpus, many other shows), art director
Amber Blade Jones (Clarence), storyboard revisionist
Nick Lomauro (Craig of the Creek), animatic editor
Adam Muto, showrunner probably
Mary Nash (Steven Universe, Tuca & Bertie, BoJack Horseman), lead background designer
Hanna K. Nyström, storyboard artist and writer
Jack Pendarvis, writer
Maya Petersen (Steven Universe), storyboard artist
Theresa Potts, production coordinator
Cal Ramsey (Scholastic Media, MLP), storyboard revisionist
Allie Splain (OK K.O.), production coordinator
Kate Tsang (GO! Cartoons, Steven Universe Future), writer probably
Serena Wu (Enter the Florpus), storyboard artist
Robin Yao, background artist
Additionally, many members of the original cast will be returning. Jeremy Shada and Olivia Olson are confirmed to be returning. All of the rest of the main cast (John DiMaggio, Niki Yang, Hynden Walch, Tom Kenny) will presumably also be reprising their roles, but I can’t say that for certain.
Farewell for now!
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signor-signor · 4 years
Trending 27th (November 2020)
Could Netflix make a third season of Wander Over Yonder?
I’ve been contemplating this for about two years, right after I found that @crackmccraigen would be working on Kid Cosmic for Netflix.
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Considering I can think of a number of reasons Netflix could, nay, should buy the rights to the show, I say, “YES, PLEASE.”
Reason # 1
The popularity of Disney’s other animated shows just can’t be topped. Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, DuckTales (2017), Amphibia, The Owl House, and yes, Paul Rudish’s take on Mickey Mouse (plus The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse on Disney+, also under Paul’s supervision), to name a few. I always thought Wander Over Yonder would be treated the same way Fish Hooks was treated - given three seasons and moved into obscurity before becoming accessible on D+. Seeing as how Disney has been ignoring WOY for a long, long time, I could see that it wasn’t the case. They’ve also been consistently leaving out anything related to the show when promoting the aforementioned shows on certain occasions, like World Kindness Day. It’s obvious to me that they still have something against WOY and no interest whatsoever in bringing it back. In fact, they’re so focused on the shows they love best, including the ones that already legitimately ended (most especially GF), that they wouldn’t give a fig if WOY was taken away right under their noses, I think.
Reason # 2
The “higher-up bosses of bosses of bosses” aren’t particularly responsive and they don’t seem to care. Sending letters and emails is the best way to reason with the executives, but in the past 4+ years, our objections have been seemingly wasted on them, which might explain why the fandom has been dwindling. Just because the higher-ups aren’t answering your letters doesn’t mean you should stop writing them, though. Still, there’s simply no denying that they screwed up big time. Craig McCracken clearly stated he pitched S3 to the bosses of DTVA and DXD back in early 2015 (around February, if I’m not mistaken), at which point writing for S2 had already wrapped up. However, when late July came, one week before S2 premiered, the higher-ups decided to cancel the show after two seasons for no good reason, leaving the plans for S3 in limbo and the space pod cliffhanger unresolved. You can’t cancel a show loved by a decent number of people without a clear and concise reason. A good executive should know better than to deny an experienced cartoonist a chance to end a cartoon his way.
Reason # 3
Craig McCracken LOVES working at Netflix. It’s there where he’s finishing up his work on Kid Cosmic, which may come out sometime in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Supposedly, he has way more creative freedom there than he did while working at DTVA. Considering how he feels about working there, I suspect he doesn’t want to return to Disney, and given the circumstances, I don’t blame him for leaving. If I were a cartoonist who created a visually and audibly appealing cartoon that was prematurely cancelled and constantly one-upped by some other shows and I had doubts of it coming back, I’d have a good enough reason to give away all the information I had for one more season (the new main characters, the backstory, the subplots, the names of previously unnamed characters, the whole basket of fruit). Heck, I would share a PDF copy of the pitch bible for that season with those who are interested. In the case of Netflix doing better than Disney, however, I’d wait until Netflix obtains the rights to my show and gives it the final season I’ve been keeping under my proverbial hat for years.
If Netflix is going to buy the rights to WOY, they’ll have to leave out any bits of evidence of the show being Disney property. You know, omit the name from the upper left corner of the logo in the title sequence and the DTVA and DXD logos at the end. Of course, My Fair Hatey won’t be a problem, since the WOY logo on the curtains has no company name on it. Let’s not forget the cameo in Future-Worm that helpfully gave us an idea of what we’d see in S3 and the Wander plush in the claw machine in Big City Greens - if Disney doesn’t bring WOY back in the next few years, those cameos will probably have to go and so will the WOY-related images decorated on the walls of DTVA. They made their bed and they must sleep in it.
Disney may own the first two seasons right now, but I’m sure Netflix can afford to not only pick up where WOY left off, but take it all off their “stepbrother-and-platypus-spoiling, high school fish-favoring, Oregon town-obsessing, warrior princess-pampering, long-haired lady-loving, rich duck reboot-relishing, heroic sextet-savoring, country bumpkin-craving, anthropomorphic frog-adoring, witch-in-training-worshipping, Paul Rudish-praising” hands. It’s like I always used to say, “What’s the point of Disney owning the rights to the show if they won’t let Craig finish it his way?”
Imagine what would happen if Netflix does buy the rights to WOY from Disney. A massive semi truck with Netflix on either side, backs into the DTVA vault from the back breaking down the wall. The back of the truck opens up. Inside it stands Kid Cosmic himself. He steps to the edge, holds out a hand to Wander, Sylvia, and the other WOY characters, and says, “Come with me if you want to continue.” Everyone climbs aboard the truck, even that alien resembling the one from Mars and Beyond. Wander says to the characters from the other shows, “Farewell, my Mouse House friends! I’ll send each and every one of you a postcard from Netflix’s animation studio!” Lord Hater, of course, exclaims to the characters from overrated shows, “So long, you overachievers! If I never see your executive-proof faces again, it’ll be too soon! Woo! (blows raspberry)” The truck closes up and takes off. When it does, the DTVA vault promptly repairs itself. All evidence of Wander Over Yonder being Disney property vanishes.
If Disney does want to let Craig finish WOY his way but can’t afford to, Craig might have Netflix put the money made from Kid Cosmic’s performance towards that third and final season. Of course, we want to make sure he gets back to the company to oversee its production after KC is finished. We’re not asking Disney to revive GF, put SvtFoE on DVD, make a movie based on Paul Rudish’s take on Mickey Mouse, or re-release Song of the South, all we want is to see S3 become a reality, and we sure as heck don’t want Craig and the folks who worked with him to take it all to the grave.
The more we show our support for the show and its planned third season, the more likely either Disney, Netflix, or Hulu (yes, Hulu, the home of new episodes of Animaniacs) will give it to us.
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fujosh1dreamer · 5 years
Before the year is over and 2020 starts I'd like to talk about two shows I haven't even mentioned or posted about since they ended.
Two shows that were at one point very near and dear to my heart, but now I loath their very existence.
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Voltron and Svtfoe
Both of the endings to these shows left a bitter taste in the mouths of the fan base, each for different yet similar reasons.
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Star had lots of ship baiting and I mean lots.
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It was honestly annoying at times but in the beginning at least it was bearable. Then it continues and just becomes worse. Like there was no consistency and the characters became bland shells of their former selves.
They completely ruined Marco he was so selfless and cute in the beginning but then he because the type of person who cheats and lies. Also he's like really old which is really weird to think about.
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Not that it mattered in the end because the people behind the show were all about starco, so they rushed the end of the show and had Star do something rash and dangerous, without thinking of how it would effect other people just because her boyfriend of 2 days wasn't in a tapestry with her.
In conclusion Tom is best character!!!
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(There's a video on YouTube by blue order that's like 2hrs long that goes into details about svtfoe)
Next it's voltron.
There are too many things wrong with voltron for me to talk about in a single post but I'm not willing to do another so whateva.
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This post is mainly going to talk about ruined characters instead of ships, but I want to note that shipping is a big reason for voltron being bad in the end as well.
First up Shiro, like he was my favorite character at first then he gets ruined like the whole clone thing was almost good but nope ruined. Especially since Shiro comes out of the experience mean and angry. Which was ooc and really weird.
Like I won't go into full detail just yet but one of the things that ruined shiro's story arch was Keith. I'll get to it.
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Next is Pidge with a sprinkle of Matt which is more than what the final season of voltron gave us.
Pidge was never my favorite character but I could at least understand where she was coming from. We could sympathize with her. However her obsession with finding her brother and later her father really ruined her for me. Like the story with Matt was very well written and sweet, but the stuff with her dad really dragged on and made Pidge seem like an entitled brat.
Matt used to be an actual character. Any one remember that?
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Next up Keith, now Keith for me was always kinda in the middle not my favorite but still good. However by the end of the show he was my least favorite character. He was the only character in the show who got too much backstory, and too much screen time.
This show is meant to follow team voltron not just Keith. It felt like the story only progressed if Keith was there saving people.
Which is what ruined Shiros story arch. And tbh Hunks story as well. Shiro and Sendak was a rivalry built up since day one, and yet Keith is the one to kill him because why? Oh yeah he's the main character.
And it was like this for everyone else too like remember when Keith got that random weapon upgrade the plasma canon thing and he saves lance or whatever. Like it's always Keith.
He needed less development. Because all his development made everyone else look silly.
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Before lance I just want to say not gonna talk about Allura, Hunk, or Coran even through Coran was a fave of mine. I will however say Coran should've been there to say good bye to Allura. Also Allura had a really good story right up until she died. And hunks story shouldn't have been shoved into the end of season 7 but oh well.
Now onto lance my favorite and best boi of all time. Lance should've been a beautifully complex character but instead he was the butt of every joke.
He even got laughed at for crying about missing his family, talk about low even for voltron.
His final and only story arch was in season 8 the last season and it revolved around the fact that he was dating Allura. It felt forced and pathetic. I couldn't help but feel bad for Lance because every scene he was just sad and upset.
They clearly only had them get together to try and make Allura dying more impactful.
He didn't have any development in the end, and he deserved so much more.
So to top it off shipping isn't necessarily bad but how creator and show runners respond to shipping is bad. Also character development is the most important part of story telling how can we connect to this characters without that.
So this is a final farewell to Star and Voltron.
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legendarypotat · 5 years
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My farewell piece for Svtfoe. Gonna miss these pair of idiots.
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seddm · 5 years
When was the last time we hear anything from Eden Sher? The only social media she's been using that I know is Twitter and her last tweet was from 2 or 3 months ago. #hopesheisalright
In a SVTFOE context, during the Farewell to Mewni Blood Moon Ball event on April 6th
In a generic context, no idea since I don’t follow her!
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ruthlessrain · 5 years
An opinion
When people say that the butterflies committed mass genocide but nobody can list more than the MHC (including Glosseryck because he was a member), the spells, the unicorns, and, (unfortunately) the Lazer puppies. Like, you do know that the definition of a genocide is the killing of hundreds of thousands of people, right? Genocide is a lot bigger and more serious than murder. There wasn't even that many unicorns in the magic dimension. (Seriously, rewatch the show and count how many you see that aren't doubles.) To make it easier for you to understand the difference, look up the Jonestown massacre, THAT is what a genocide is, look up the number of death during the holocaust, that is a Genocide. While the butterflies killed many, they did not end the lives of millions, hundreds of thousands at the least. Most of the characters that we knew were not made of pure magic. In closing, the finale, cleaved, while it did feel slightly rushed, possibly Disney's fault due to time constraints, also told the story that needed to be told and gave us a bittersweet ending that tastily utilises our creativity to come up with what happens in their life. Personally, I give it an 8.5 out of ten. We will all miss you, SVTFOE. Farewell.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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Marcos Happy Dance as requested by @agentpfangirl1997
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blazekurumu · 5 years
My final thoughts on SVTFOE
Whelp...the show is over. It's almost surreal how many of my favorite shows and movie series have ended on some satisfying notes. I've been with Star, Marco, Janna, Tom, Ponyhead, etc. since I saw the first episode all those years ago. I remember watching each episode with a smile on my face and excitement in my eyes. My sister and I watched it together until she fell out the fandom. My dad would joke around about "Star Vs. The Forces of the Universe" when he mentioned my addiction to Steven Universe and Star Vs. at the time. And through all the craziness, all the tension, all the lore, and even the shipping, I would like to say a couple things.
1. That ending was needed for a show like this. A lot of people were dissatisfied about how it ended and wanted more. I think the way this show ended was meant to open up many possibilities for us as writers and artist to make up what happens next. Do Marco and Star have to be advocates for the new world? Sure why not! Want to make more lore stories on the past queens and kings? Go for it! Just because the show ended doesn't mean our creativity has to too! An ending as vague as this one is the best ending ever!
2. I'm going to miss Eclipsa the most out of all characters. She was the coolest looking queen with a heart of gold and a wild style. When I first saw her, I immediately changed my favorite character to her. She was the quirkiest, most beautiful, and kindhearted lady I had ever seen. Such a great wife and mother on that too. She sacrificed so much to get her happy ending and she did! Globgor and Meteora are so lucky to have this woman.
3. I was always team Starco since the show started. I am glad about how this show handled relationships. Sure you meet other people and things don't work out with them too. The best part about friendships that build into relationships is the journey you take to get there. So many people may judge me for not like TomStar or Marco and his many shippings, but I feel like Starco has been my favorite. Sometimes the person that you need has been beside you the whole time.
4. Let's be blessed to live in an age where female cartoons are so abundant nowadays! In a world where males dominate the airwaves, we got Kim Possible, Korra, Star Butterfly, Adora, Carmen Sandiego, and many other female role models to look up to. When I have kids, these are the shows I'm going to show them to inspire them to be the best secret agent, warrior, or princess they can be!
So yeah, get mad at how a show ended or be frustrated with the outcomes we got, but let me tell you this. If you enjoy something, ignore the haters that try to bring you down. A show like Star Vs. The Forces of Evil only comes around once in a lifetime. It's awesome to have a magical girl show here in the states that we can claim to be our answer to Sailor Moon.
So farewell Star Butterfly, you rebel princess with a magic touch. You will be missed.
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ackermanyuki · 5 years
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Farewell Star
this fanart is rushed but whateves
this might be the last svtfoe fanart i make
i'm not just gonna sit here and tell you that this show was a work of art cos tbh it wasn't,it sure had it's flaws but i suppose everything does.
The show wasn't bad it was actually good yk
it started great,yes it went downhill but it was still a good show
well this adventure was fun while it lasted and i sure am going to miss all the goofy episodes welp
Goodbye star
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sunilcpaul · 5 years
Cleaved review
The Svtfoe finally was great it was nice farewell to Star & Marco. Starco is officially canon it was to quick for the show to end but it was worth the wait to watch Star & Marco saying goodbye
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random-cattie · 5 years
Thank You SVTFOE:
I posted a review of the last episode a couple of days ago but I never made a farewell post for the show. I love this show and was there since the beginning. I remember seeing the preview for the series & couldn't wait for the show to start. Star & Marco's friendship means so much to me. I'm glad that they got their happy ending even though I don't ship them together (I like their best friend/family bond). When I was in middle school I had a best friend. We didn’t know each other before 6th grade. We talked one day and we clicked together like Star & Marco. She was like Star and I was like Marco. We were inseparable and always there for each other. Sadly though our friendship didn’t last as long as Star & Marco’s did. We only knew each other for half a year before she moved away. I remember crying my eyes out. Even as an adult I haven’t found a friendship like that again. ( We were like family ) Which is why I’m glad that Star & Marco didn’t have to say goodbye to each other 👋. This show reminded me of my great friendship from my childhood and thanks to that I’ll never forget it, so thanks to the SVTFOE team for this amazing show.
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dave-ofc · 6 years
This is as official as you can get without a direct statement from Daron or Disney... What can I say. This was more than obviously in the horizon since all those crew members began to migrate to other projects. And is good they en on a high note, because I'm sure season 4 will be great. But it's still sad to see it go. I didn't start watching until after the Battle for Mewni aired, and I wish I could've been in this journey since the beginning. There's something special about SVTFOE. It was the first time I was captivated enough by something to become a part of the fandom, and for the first time in some 20 years when I was a little kid watching DBZ, I began to draw fanart again, which was fundamental to keep my sanity in one of the roughest years of my life (scammed by employers 6 months and unemployed the other 6). It made me gain a renewed interest in drawing and animation, and rediscover my inner child. I'll forever be thankful to Daron and the crew because without exaggeration, I can say SVTFOE ha been a turning point in my life.
Edit: It seems Gallery Nucleus ha deleted the page. Well, too late guys, you know how stuff spreads on internet.
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