#thank you daron
naturistgirl · 2 months
Daron, Celtic Oak Goddess - Reprise
I would like to revisit this theme and anyway, it is a good excuse to post more naked woodland pictures. Here goes :-)
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Here I stand in the lower Oak Grove of our 'Wild Wood'. It is one of the nearest pieces of local countryside to my house; only a few minutes walk away. I am a naturist and I wear almost nothing wherever I go, yet I love most of all, to walk completely naked here. Somehow it energises me, heals stress and promotes calm.
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I love to touch, feel and listen to these trees. The sounds are subtle; a creak of wood bending; the rustle of leaves; the warm rough skin of the tree; in Autumn, the soft fall of an acorn and the flutter of falling leaves.
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We are currently in the latter part of the 7th, complete lunar month of the year. Traditionally, this is the Oak Moon. The Ancient Britons worshipped an 'Oak Goddess', Daron whom I have mentioned in an earlier blog. The long lived Oak itself was held to be a symbol of wisdom and also fertility. It was one of the Celtic sacred trees.
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Like my husband I speak Welsh. In our language, 'Oak' is 'Derwen'. Our word for Druid comes from the same root. References to the Oak exist in place names across the Celtic World, for example Cill Dara (Kildare) in Eire. Across our various nations the word for this magnificent tree is almost the same: Irish, Dair; Scots Gaelic, Darach; Manx, Daragh; Cornish Derowen; Breton, Dervenn.
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The ancient Celts had a respect for their environment. They also believed that they were custodians of the nature; not her master. We hold our lovely woodlands in Trust; not only for my two lovely daughters but for the whole world. I am not ashamed to be a naked tree hugger, no matter how quirky others might think I am. We have one world and one life. I live mine naked and respect the world I'm in.
Call me ridiculously romantic but as I walk naked, hand in hand, with my husband here, I feel a special honour and blessing beneath these trees. This is our sacred place and I am so pleased to share it here with you in writing.
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Thank you to my Welsh Prince of a husband for the images. He loves this place as much as I do. If you are a nemophilist and naturist like myself, or just naturally inclined; please like, share and re-blog with our blessing. Positive comments and questions are always welcome.
If you just prefer to enjoy the naked outdoor pics and ignore the story; no worries; that's okay too (if a little sad). Please like and appreciate. I don't judge, even if you have a completely empty blog with a strangely sexual name to it :-)
Jane xx
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cielie-voss · 8 months
Hey there!
Stumbled across your blog and fell in love with your Eddie Fics! 😍
If you're still taking request, I'd like to request something Rockstar!Eddie x Reader, where Reader works at a bar or cafe and Eddie is on tour with Corroded coffin and meets her at work. She doesn't believe that he's a rockstar and thinks he just wants to impress her until one day, she accepts his silly pickup lines and goes on a date with him.
If you don't like this, it's totally fine. Hope you have some peaceful holidays (and a very unmerry Christmas, absolutely loved this!)
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Rockstar!Eddie x fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I'm so sorry it took me so long, I hope you like it! I just wanted to write something short and simple (ha, jokes on me, short and simple seems to be something not possible for me). I had so much fun writing this!
Warnings: Rockstar AU, Fluff, bad pickup lines, idiots in love, mutual pining, Reader is a writer, some petnames, takes place in the 90's. Wordcount: ~8k ("something short and simple") Summary: After some crazy years of university stress, heartbreaks, family problems and the wrong kind of friends, Y/N decided to take a year to discover herself, figure out her dreams and wishes. With her newfound freedom she just wanted to do some Minijobs and travel the world. No university stressing her with exams, no annoying family who's trying to tell her what to do, no backstabbing friends, and most importantly: no dating and no more heartaches. But boy oh boy, she could've never been more wrong. Taglist: @violetmiroh If you want to be tagged in coming fanfics or if you want to request something, feel free to send me a dm or an ask. 🥰 Likes, comments and especially reblogs are always welcome. 🤗 Masterlist
After years of stress and torture you finally found some freedom. You successfully graduated college with your major in literature, ready to enter the real world. And that’s not the only thing you had to master throughout the past years.
“Why don’t you study something useful? Maybe business administration? Or marketing?” Your parents had perfected the game of making your life a living hell. Literature was something useless for them. Something where you would never get a real job. But you wanted nothing less than to write. Write about everything. Poems. Dramas. Novels. You wanted to tell the world about the little stories in your mind. But writing wasn’t a job. At least in your parents opinion.
“Did you meet a nice guy? At least some guy that likes girls who can’t get their noses out of these damn books? Any friends other than Tolkien or Poe?” God, these people are so ignorant. Everytime you visited your family or called them, your mother had another blind date arranged for you.
“You remember Daron? Yeah, the Daron you went to elementary school with. His fiancée cheated on him, you know? He’s such a nice and handsome guy. Why don’t you call him? Wouldn’t it be sweet if you guys meet again after years?” No, mom, that wouldn’t be sweet. 
“Oh, honey! I’m so sorry. I totally forgot I asked Fred and his mother to come over for lunch. You remember Fred, right? He used to tease you back in middle school. You know what they say: lovers like to tease each other!” You were glad your mother turned away from you as you were rolling your eyes dramatically. Laughing at her own ridiculous joke, she turned to Fred and his mother. 
To be honest, your dating life was just as miserable as it could be. Even without your mothers help. And not because of what you were studying or your interests, like your mother said. Or because of your casual and comfy style or mostly reserved and introverted personality. Your heartaches and frustration with the male gender was mostly due to their immature behavior. 
Over the years you experienced nearly all sorts of failed romances. Caught them cheating, being ghosted, unknowingly ended up as a one night stand, being the affair, constant fighting, being rejected and creepy mothers who tried to arrange a wedding after two weeks of going out or guys with a special relationship to their mothers. Some weird Norman Bates kind of relationship. There was even one guy, whom you really liked, that sadly turned out to be gay.
“Why did you have to move so far away?” Well, this one is self-explanatory. 
“At least you could call us every second day.” Thanks, but no thank you. You didn’t want to give them another way of terrorizing you with their unrealistic ideas and expectations.
All you wanted was to live your life the way you wanted to, and not how they wanted your life to be. No parents, no stress, and most important: no dating. Just you.
So after you graduated and broke up with the seemingly most perfect guy, who turned out to be a rotten liar and the most unfaithful piece of shit, who didn’t just cheated on you multiple times, but also stole your hard earned money, you decided to take a year off to travel around the world, to find yourself. You sold your car and the stuff you wouldn’t need anymore and with that money, you started your journey. 
On your trip you’ve seen the probably most beautiful cities and met even more wonderful people. To afford your stay you worked from time to time in little cafés and lovely bars. In exchange for room and board you worked as a temporary worker on farms. In your free time you sat down and wrote. The people and landscapes were so inspiring, you filled one notebook after another with short stories, poems and even started to work on something that might be your first novel. Every now and then you sent your works to different agencies and participated in writing competitions, improved your writing and earned some reputation for your works. 
London was the city you stayed the longest. You stayed with a lovely family, the Bakers, who owned a little pub in the outskirts of London. They treated you like family, like a family you never had but always wished for. You helped them with their household, tutored the kids after school and worked downstairs at the pub in the evening. 
When you had a day off, you’d usually sit down at the bar, a pint of ale in front of you, pen in hand. The words seemed to flow right out of your pen, as natural as breathing. 
You could’ve never wished for a better time. The Bakers treated you like a daughter they never had, and even the regulars at the pub treated you like one of the Bakers. Between lovely drunken blue-collar workers, who loved to tell their stories and sing their work songs, you felt somehow at home, you felt safe and came out of your shell. With each day you became more extroverted, literally flourishing and bristling with self-confidence. 
And it was in that pub where you met the guy in Jean's vest who stood out like a sore thumb in this scenery. From behind the bar you couldn't help but notice how his leg bounced up and down like a nervous child. After some minutes you decided to help him calm down a bit.
“Are you waiting for your date?” With a warm smile you looked down on him.
“Huh?” As if you pulled him out of a trance, he winced and looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. You huffed at his reaction and sat down the pint in front of him.
“I asked, if you’re waiting for your date to show up.” The smile remained on your lips as you looked into his big brown puppy eyes. His eyes darted to the pint you just gently shoved towards him.
“Don’t worry, that’s on the house.” You assured him.
“Thanks, uh … “ Again, like he was in a trance-like state, he shakes his head and looks back at you. “My name’s Eddie.” He reached his hand out to you and you shook it. You noticed the unusual rings that adorned his fingers and the little bats that were tattooed on his forearm. He obviously didn’t belong here. 
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. I’m Y/N.” 
There was something in the way he looked at you that you couldn't identify. So after a short moment of awkward silence you took a sharp breath in, pulled your lips into a thin smile and said “Anyway, let me know if I could do anything for you. And good luck with that date.” You gave him a wink and turned back to your bar to serve the regulars who are now, bit by bit, rolling along.
As the hours ticked by and the bar settled into its usual hustle and bustle, you found yourself repeatedly returning your gaze to Eddie. Something about his appearance had a mesmerizing effect on you. And there was no way you could say what it was that captivated you. 
Slowly he began to warm up a bit, engaged in conversations with some other guests, but without further notice, he also caught himself repeatedly trying to catch a glimpse of you. 
“Make sure he gets home safe!”, you called out to the cabbie, a lovely man named Barnaby, after you accompanied a slightly drunk Tommy outside to the cab.
“Y/N, my dearest!” Tommy slurred after you handed him over into Barnaby’s hands. “One day, I promise, I will introduce you to my son! I’ll gladly take you as my daughter-in-law!” 
“Go home and sober up, then we’ll see!”, you laughed and waved the drunk redhead, with a face glowing as red as his hair, goodbye.
“Isn’t she just the most loveliest person on earth?” Tommy asked, now turned to Barnaby, who was just smiling and nodding in approval.
Quietly grinning to yourself you closed the door and headed back to the bar. It was already past midnight, the pub slowly became quieter until Eddie was the only one sitting there, his ringed fingers wrapped around his emptied glass. 
“I guess it’s time to kindly tell me to fuck off, isn’t it?” You had to admit that Eddie’s puppy eyes made you soft.
You cocked your head and with an apologetical expression you nodded. “I’m sorry, Eddie.”
Eddie just shrugged, a sheepish smile playing around his lips as he carefully slid the glass towards you. 
“It’s okay. I’m glad I had the chance to be stood up and get you as my substitute-date.” He got up from the old, shrieking bench, winked at you and left the bar.
“Keep the change, Y/N my dearest!”, he chanted. 
Only now did you look down at the glass and saw the bills peeking out from underneath. You wanted to shout out to him “Eddie, I think you made a mistake!”, but he was gone and left you with this lavish tip. 
For a moment you stood there, stunned by this man, before Mr. Baker could pull you back to reality. “C’mon Y/N, it’s late, go to bed and get some sleep.” You turned around to face him, the human version of a teddybear, looking down at you with a knowing smile. You quickly took care of closing out the register before stuffing Eddie's tip into the big tip jar.
“No, no, no. You keep that.” Mr. Baker pulled out the bills and handed them over to you. “It’s yours.” And before you had the chance to protest, he patted your shoulder and gently pushed you towards the door that leads to the family’s private apartment.
You tried to find some sleep, but everytime you closed your eyes, you saw this lovely smile and these big round puppy eyes. God damnit! Why did he have to be so cute?
The next morning you pulled out your notebook, after multiple failed attempts to fall back asleep again. Maybe some writing would banish this handsome face out of your mind that kept you awake. But jokes on you! 
Your mind always wandered back to this guy, his messy hair, the sloppy smile, the tattoos on his arm, his big, brown eyes … It was enough to drive you up the wall. So instead of accidentally turning the love interest in your little fantasy romance into a copy of Eddie, you put down your writing stuff, took a deep breath and left your room.
When you entered the small kitchen, Penelope Baker, who everyone called Poppy, already waited for you with a knowing smirk dancing around her thin lips.
“Good morning, lovely.”, she chirped, her words underlined with a cheeky undertone that made you stop mid motion. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion and cocked your head before you let yourself down on your chair.
“Good morning.”, you answered with a skeptical frown.
“Coffee?” As if nothing had happened, Poppy offered you the coffee pot. With a nod you cued her to pour the steaming hot liquid in your cup. You thanked her and wrapped your hands around the cup to warm yourself a bit. The smell of this freshly grounded coffee filled your nose and was already enough to wake up your still sleepy mind.
Just as you thought Poppys previous smirk was just another one of her quirky habits and meant nothing, her voice turned into that typical ‘I’m your mother and know exactly what’s going on’-tone as she said “So Theodore told me about that guy last night.”
For a split second you froze, then let out a sighed “Oh my god.” 
“What? Teddy said he seemed to like you. Oh lord, isn’t that adorable? A young, handsome, mysterious guy showing up, unexpectedly sweeping this young lady off her feet.” In a dramatic motion she clutched her hands to her chest and jumped out of her chair.
“Oh, young love! I would give anything to feel like this again in my old days.” As if she was dancing with the ghost of a long lost lover, she seemingly floated through the small kitchen.
With a frustrated sigh you buried your face in your hands. Your grumbled “Oh my god” was more embarrassed this time.
“But you do know I’m right here, my love?”, Theodore coaxed, as he leaned back in his chair and watched his wife with a raised eyebrow.
“Tz, I’m not talking about you, Teddy.”, she waved him off.
Sensing the upcoming argument, even if it’s not meant seriously, you grabbed your cup of coffee and sneaked out of the kitchen. “Okay. I guess that’s my cue to leave you two alone.”
The rest of the day you spent with Nathan and Ethan, helping them with their homework. You haven’t met a lot of twins in your life so far, but you never met twins that were so different from each other than Nathan and Ethan, which made tutoring them a real challenge. But sitting between these bickering boys was still a better alternative than being ribbed about Eddie by Teddy and Poppy.
Since it was your day off and you couldn’t focus on your writing upstairs in your little room, you went down into the pub earlier than usual. Your hopes were high that the hustle and bustle around you would distract your mind a bit so you could focus on your writing. 
The first few sentences had a hard time coming out. But after you got back into your flow the words came out on their own. That was until you noticed a brown haired figure approaching you out of the corner of your eye. 
“Aw, did you miss me?”, you leered and leaned back to face Eddie with a smug grin. “Or do you wanna give your date a second chance?”
“Well, actually,” Eddie declared, nonchalantly dropping into the seat opposite you, “I was just trying to get away from some of these pushy fangirls, you know?”
As if he was discussing the weather, he leaned back, fingers tapping a casual rhythm on the table. “Yeah, sure. Clingy fans,” you joked, closing your notebook and using the pen as a bookmark.
“Listen, being a rockstar isn’t easy when you’re smoking hot like me,” he explained, a self-assured chuckle escaping him as he tilted his chair back, the legs scraping against the floor.
You disappeared behind the bar and met a very amused looking Mister Baker.
With furrowed brows, you leaned to your side in an attempt to peer through one of the beautiful stained glass windows. Eddie followed your gaze, then turned back to you with a puzzled expression after trying in vain to discern what had caught your attention.
"What?" he inquired, reverting to the shy and nervous behavior from yesterday.
You couldn't contain the giggles bubbling out of your chest as you leaned back and faced Eddie again. "Nothing. I was just trying to get a glimpse of all those fangirls you escaped from."
"Oh, great, you're making fun of me," Eddie stated, rolling his eyes.
"C'mon, Eddie. You're trying to convince me you're a rockstar." You waited for a response, anticipating another remark about his alleged status as a musician, but were met with a sulky Eddie instead.
"Okay, I'm sorry, Mister Rockstar," you apologized playfully. "How about a drink? My treat."
"Yeah, whatever," he muttered in an exaggerated pouty manner.
 “Don’t you dare say a single word!”, you hissed to the man and to emphasize your statement, you raised a warning finger. Still grinning, he playfully raised his hand, mimicking the action of locking up his lips with an imaginary key.
You poured beer into two pints and placed one of them in front of Eddie.
“Cheers.” With your glass raised for a toast, you added “Let’s start over again. Hi, I’m Y/N.”
His eyes darted between you and his beer until he eventually gave in. “Hi Y/N, I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you.” As you clinked glasses you locked eyes, which unexpectedly sparked something inside of you. Something you couldn’t quite explain, but it felt unexpectedly good. 
For the rest of the evening, your intention to continue with your manuscript was completely forgotten and replaced by the desire to talk to Eddie for hours. He asked about your notebook and after you told him that you were about to write a novel, you found yourself in a lively conversation about your favorite authors with him. 
You talked about Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, George Orwell, Virginia Woolf for hours without noticing how late it was getting. There was this spark between you and him that ignited a fire within your soul, a fire that became bigger and bigger the more you talked about your interests. And when you spoke, his eyes were literally glued to your lips. You’ve never felt more comfortable in your life than in this exact moment, talking to a stranger about your biggest passion and your dreams to publish your first fantasy novel. 
A few more beers followed, Teddy even brought you some snacks. Then Eddie told you about the DnD campaigns he planned and plotted years ago with his friends, his love for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and assured you that he’ll be the first one to buy your book. When you told him, you never had the chance to play DnD, because you never really had that kind of friends, something flashed in his eyes.
“You never played DnD?" Eddie's jaw dropped, his eyes widening as if your statement had personally offended his very existence. "Oh, what a shame! Okay, you know what?” His elbows crashed onto the table, and he leaned in so close that you could practically feel the intensity of his gaze. His soft eyes locked onto yours, filled with determination. “I, Eddie Munson, promise you, Y/N Y/L/N, that I’ll introduce you to the world of DnD one day.” With a mischievous smile playing on his lips, he dramatically raised his pinkie for a solemn pinkie promise, an act you sealed with your own pinkie.
“Alright, deal.”, you whispered, absolutely mesmerized by the guy you just met yesterday.
“Deal.” He repeated solemnly.
“Okay, you lovebirds.” Mister Baker's voice interrupted your promise, pulling your attention back to reality. The pub around you was empty and the chairs were already put back on the tables. “I’m really sorry, but my wife will kill me if I don’t close the pub soon.”
With your face blushing with shame you quickly leaned back into your seat and looked away. How embarrassing that must have been to watch. Like you were teenagers again.
Eddie cleared his throat and took a look at the clock. “Oh, shit, yeah. I should go now, my friends are surely wondering where I am. Goodnight, Y/N.” He paused for a moment to look at you one last time before he left the pub in a hurry.
The looks both Mr Baker and Mrs Baker gave you were unequivocally. But in your opinion, they were reading something into your casual conversation with Eddie. Something you didn’t seem to perceive. 
The next few days, Eddie found himself inexplicably pulled to that charming little pub, his heart fluttering with excitement every time he spotted your Y/H/C hair behind the bar through the stained glass windows. Without fail, he made his way there each evening, armed with a new and absurd excuse. Sneaking up behind you, he would unleash the most cringe-worthy pickup lines, each one more outrageous than the last. You'd heard your fair share of cheesy pickup lines over the years, but none had ever elicited the same blend of blushes and giggles that Eddie's managed to. It was as if you both had regressed to the age of twelve, sharing a playful banter that was both bad and yet undeniably funny.
As you brought his first pint of beer for the evening, you found him crouched forward in his seat, his face twisted in an exaggerated expression of pain. Concern etched on your face, and with furrowed brows you asked, “Everything's okay, Eddie?” To which he replied with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you." This unexpectedly caught you off guard, and despite your efforts to suppress them, snickers escaped you, filling the air with shared laughter.
Another very stressful evening, when you passed him with a full tray of empty glasses, he said “Hey, Y/N, you dropped something!” 
“Huh?” You promptly came to standstill, the glasses clinking at the abrupt stop, and tried to figure out what you had dropped. But after you couldn’t find a damn thing and slowly became somewhat desperate, you noticed Eddie's lopsided smile. He seemed to be biting back his laughter as he quipped, “My jaw”, and brought that lovely smile of yours back to your lips with this poor attempt at flirting with you.
One evening, you were seated at the bar, leisurely sipping your coke, when Eddie stealthily approached from behind. Gently placing his hands around your waist, he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “You know, with all these secret rendezvous with you, I feel like I’m a spy or something. Hidden identities, clandestine meetings, just you and me, and no one knows about this, far away from the public.”
Playfully, you rolled your eyes and retorted, "Oh, please. You're not James Bond, Eddie."
He chuckled, "I may not be James Bond, but I am a famed rockstar by night.” To make sure no one heard him, he looked left and right, then turned back to you. “Shh, it's a secret!", he whispered and winked at you.
After releasing you, his warm hands leaving a lingering sensation, you sighed and turned your barstool to face him. For a fleeting moment, your gaze flickered to his slightly parted lips, now curled into a smug grin. Looking back into his eyes, you cocked your head and, absolutely unimpressed, countered, "Yeah. Nice try, buddy. You're not fooling anyone with that."
By now, your jokes about him allegedly being a rockstar didn’t seem bother him anymore. No. Instead he chimed in on your jokes, complained about clingy fangirls, unreliable sound engineers, the bad food during their tour. And you laughed at his jokes, thinking he was trying to impress you.
You could’ve sworn he must have heard your heart beating heavily in your chest when, with his hand resting on the counter behind you for support, Eddie leaned forward, nearly brushing your cheek. Just inches away from your face, the sensation of his breath on your skin caused a shudder to run through your body. If you would have tried to stand up, you suspected your legs would give way, as your body inexplicably turned to jelly in the mere proximity of him.
Eddie flashed a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, can't blame a guy for trying, can you? But it seems like it doesn’t necessarily need a secret agent or rockstar to sweep you off your feet, right?" His coarse voice, barely above a whisper, was vibrating in his chest. Chuckling, he leaned back, feigning nonchalance, though a subtle twinkle in his eye hinted at the amusement behind his teasing attempt. As his face, and lips, were outside the danger zone, you noticed that you were straining holding your breath for what felt like an eternity. 
“How was your date?” Poppy asked teasingly as you came upstairs one evening. Eddie brought you his copy of The Hobbit and some flowers he picked from some front yard that reminded him of you. The pub was very crowded that evening, so you two decided to just chill in the backyard, counting stars and eating the cookies he brought.
“That was not a date.”, you declared and rolled your eyes.
“Oh. Of course. No date. I understand. Like the other not-a-dates you two had the last couple nights, right?” Poppy winked at you knowingly. Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment, so you turned away and took care of the dirty dishes.
One day Eddie came to the pub earlier than usual. The pub wasn’t even open yet. Shaking from the nervousness that filled his body, he paced up and down the sidewalk in front of the pub. He couldn’t even remember the last time he was all nervous and excited like this. A thousand thoughts rushed through his mind, as he waited for you to come down after he rang the doorbell.
“Okay Eddie. Breath in-” He took a deep breath in, “- breath out.” His breath was shaking. And since his attempt at calming himself down didn’t quite have the effect he wished for, he took a long drag from his cigarette, inhaling the smoke that had at least a little soothing effect on his nerves.
“Eddie?” The sudden sound of your voice made him jump, causing you to smile. You stuck your head out of a window and looked down on him.
“Hey, Y/N!”, he greeted you. All of a sudden the words he already laid out in his head vanished into thin air. 
“I … Y/N would you … I mean …” Eddie closed his eyes, took another deep breath and gathered his courage. “Would you like to go out with me? Tonight?” With furrowed brows he looked up to you. His heart nearly jumped out his chest as the words left his lips.
“You mean like a date?” The smile on your face grew wider than ever before. “A rockstar is asking someone like me out for a date? Is this some cinderella kind of story?” Your nervous laughter made him hold his breath, expectantly waiting for your final answer. His body tensed up as you finally nodded, accepting his invitation.
“Sure. When and where?”
He smiled from ear to ear as he told you the time and place. 
“Alright. See you tonight!” You waved him goodbye and disappeared back into your room.
“Yeah, see you tonight.”, he whispered dreamy with his eyes fixed on your window for a little longer before he turned around and went back to his friends.
“So how’s the no-date-policy going?” Teddy leaned against your doorframe as you turned around, grinning like a highschooler that’s been asked out to prom.
“Oh shut up.”, you laughed in an attempt to hide the blush on your cheeks. 
“Hey! Poppy! Guess who has a date tonight!”, Teddy’s voice echoed through the apartment. His words had only just left his lips when Poppy was already standing in your room, seemingly faster than light and with a grin that almost looked scary.
“He asked you out?” But before you could answer, she grabbed you by your hands, pulled you into a tight embrace and swirled you around. “I never thought I could be any prouder as a mother than this.”
“Poppy, she’s not -” Teddy tried to intervene to remind her that you were not their actual daughter. But Poppy, filled with pride, interrupted him.
“Oh shut up, Teddy.”
Still giggling she released you to look you up and down. You were still in your baggy shorts and a faded shirt, that once used to be a blue and violet tie dye. The longer she looked at you, the more you got anxious. 
“So … “ she started after a moment. “And what are you going to wear?”
“What?” Her question caught you off guard. You were still busy to not freak out with joy.
“What are you going to wear tonight? Sure you can’t go on a date looking like this, sweetie.” Well, she was pretty damn right with that. In your mind you went through your little options. Because you were often switching between hostels and other places to stay the night, you chose not to carry that much clothing around with you. So most of your outfits consist of simple shirts, most of them already pretty baggy and faded, and some simple jeans. Nothing that you could wear on a date to make a good impression. Well, you honestly didn’t intend to go on dates anyway.
“Oh my god.”, now you have started to freak out. “What the hell am I going to wear?!” With furrowed brows and slightly panicking you looked at Poppy.
“Don’t worry, darling. I got you.” She gently squeezed your hand, then left your room, skipping like an excited child. 
“I guess I should leave you two girls alone.”, Teddy whispered to you, somehow happy to leave this intimate mother-daughter moment.
As long as Poppy combed through her wardrobe, you faced the mirror, trying to tame your hair to look nice and girly and not like a crazy witch. Just as you were trying to braid your hair, Poppy came back with a pile of clothes. This might be a more complicated and complex quest than you thought. 
You tried on outfit after outfit. Dresses. Skirts with lovely ruffle blouses. Your favorite so far was a dark brown culottes with a fluffy beige blouse. That was until Poppy pulled out a dress, short puffed sleeves, flowy skirt and a lovely floral pattern. You instantly put it on. The fabric was soft and light, the layered dip hem skirt flowed down from your waist like a waterfall of flowers. You never were a fan of these oldschool puffed sleeves, but you had to admit, that these were pretty flattering. Around your waist, the fabric was a bit ruffled up and tightened in your back like a corset. And the neckline was low-cut, but not too revealing.
As you eyed your reflection, admiring how the dress accentuates your favorite features and yet managed to conceal your insecurities, Poppy carefully completed the dress with a cute little necklace. 
“You look absolutely stunning!” She stood right behind you with her hands on your shoulders and examined your reflection too, looking like the proud and loving mother you never had. 
“Thanks Poppy.” was all you managed to get out at the moment. You never considered yourself good looking, not even close. Instead you always tried to hide your body and your low self esteem. But your new found family taught you in so many different ways how beautiful and stunning you actually were, on the inside as well as on the outside.
It felt like an eternity until it became evening and your long-awaited date with Eddie came closer. Watching the clock hands seemingly move in slow motion, your impatience grew with every second to infinity. Poppy helped you to braid your hair and embellished your french braids with colorful flowers from their balcony. 
Every fiber of your body was tense and it was a miracle you managed to walk to your destination. Nervously fidgeting with your ring, you found the place Eddie told you. But to your surprise, it wasn’t a restaurant or bar. It was a nightclub. Every time the door opened, rock music blared outside, then fell silent again when the door closed. 
Did he mess up the address? Or did you mess up? Anxious, you verified the address of this place over and over again, finding no mistake, until the ticket taker spoke to you, thinking you were the next in line. “What’s your name?”
Pulled out of your thoughts you looked at him. “What?”
“What is your name, so I can let you in.”, he repeated.
“Oh, Y/N Y/L/N, but I think I got the wrong address, sorry.”
Just as you were about to leave, embarrassed and downhearted, he opened the door for you and the music carried you inside.
As you hesitantly entered the club you simultaneously entered a whole different galaxy. The heavy guitar sounds and fast drums adapted to the fast and nervous beating of your heart. With a loud thud the door slammed shut behind you. 
People mostly dressed in black leather jackets or jeans vests covered in patches, pins and studs ushered you further into the club. You let yourself get carried by the wave of metalheads, standing out like a sore thumb with your cute little dress and the flowers in your hair. The masses around you came to a stop and you found yourself in front of a big stage that was covered in red light, a flag hanging on the wall behind the setup that announced a band named ‘Corroded Coffin’. 
Squinting your eyes, you tried to find the guy with the wild, brown hair, but to your disappointment you couldn’t find him. After some minutes of desperately searching for that lovely smile, the few lights that tried in vain to lighten up the whole place dimmed and everything fell silent for a moment before some slow and hauntingly beautiful guitar riffs filled the air. Your eyes needed some time to adapt to the darkness around you. The crowd started to cheer frenziedly, jumping up and down uncontrollably as the heavy beats of a drum joined the guitar. Caged in that impetuous jostling, you had to stand on your tiptoes to catch a glimpse of the now partially lit up stage.
And when you caught sight of that wild, dark brown mane, you froze for a second, eyes wide open in shock. “No fucking way”, you mouthed in disbelieve.
The world around you seemed to fall into slow motion as the realization hit you hard. That guy in front of you, believe it or not, was Eddie. Eddie Munson, the guy you randomly met at a pub and made fun of because he claimed to be a rockstar. He was shredding his guitar like a maniac, a burst of energy radiating from him. And just as the crowd was about to freak out with excitement, he grabbed the microphone and, with a contagious enthusiasm, hollered to the crowd, "Alright, folks! Let's make some noise that'll shake these walls! We're here for a hell of a good time, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!" The crowd erupted into even louder cheers as the concert kicked off with a surge of electrifying energy. 
His eyes were scanning the crowd, desperately looking for your unmistakingly beautiful face. Fortunately his eyes found you, his look a mix of triumph and satisfaction. A silent declaration that spoke volumes, as if to say ‘See, I wasn’t pulling your leg.’ Still in disbelief, you shook your head as you watched him perform with his band.
“In the shadows of the night, where the demons come alive,
Echoes of thunder, a twisted ride, where the fearless dare to strive.
As the spirits intertwine, prancing to a symphony of the dark,
In the heart of rebellion, we leave our lasting mark.” 
Even though this wasn't your type of music, the sight of your type of guy performing like he's possessed by the devil himself made the whole show surprisingly enjoyable.
“Rising from the ashes, we're forged in the fire,
restless souls and a rebel's desire,
Riding the storm, breaking the chains.
Legends are born in the heat of the fight,
In the roar of the crowd, where freedom reigns.”
For the rest of the concert, Eddie couldn't take his eyes off you. The sea of ​​leather and denim jeans around you blurred into a viscous, gray mass, completely insignificant to him. All that mattered to him at that moment was you – your smile, outshining any star in the night sky, and your eyes, radiating a warmth that could envelop him even in the darkest of clouds overshadowing his mind.
The thundering beat of your heart, on the verge of explosion with excitement, merged seamlessly with the unexpectedly peppy song. At first, it was just the drums, synced with the slow strumming of the bass, gradually increasing its pace until it abruptly fell silent, giving way to Eddie's voice as he chimed in.
You couldn't have possibly missed the smug grin on Eddie's face, the grin you began to love throughout the past days, as he let his piercing guitar riffs slice through the dense air. The drums and bass seamlessly joined in, weaving together to unveil Eddie's latest song, evidently penned about a certain girl he had met just days ago.
“In a haze of neon lights, the city's heartbeat loud,
A crowded room, lost faces in the crowd.
Then there she stood, a vision rare,
Sweet innocence like the flowers in her hair.”
After they played their last song and the stage was once again covered in darkness, the masses around you, still hyped, rushed outside. Countless thoughts mixed with a wave of overwhelming emotions washed over you, leaving you riveted to the spot, unable to move. But as soon as you caught a glimpse of Eddie's wild mane while he climbed down from the stage, there was nothing that could’ve held you back. With a flock of muttered and incomprehensible excuses gushing out of your mouth, you pushed yourself through the remaining crowd towards Eddie. 
“Her laughter echoes, a sweet serenade.
Lost in the moment, nothing else compares.
Her eyes sparkle like stars in the night,
A sweet surrender, everything felt right.
Her words like poetry, a gentle breeze,
In the storm of life, she puts my mind at ease.
In the chaos of life, she's my symphony.”
“Eddie!” A security guard blocked your path, but you exerted all your strength to reach Eddie. “Please, let me through. I know Eddie; we’re friends. Please,” you pleaded, standing on your tiptoes and waving desperately for Eddie to notice you.
“Okay, you lovebirds. Don’t you think we should go somewhere more … quieter? At least with less prying spectators.”, the bassist, a tall guy with a smile sweet as honey which he desperately tried to hide, suggested.
“Nice try. I can’t let you through; the backstage area is just for the band.” The guard attempted to shoo you away, gently restraining you.
“No, you don’t understand. I…” Eddie, prompted by his drummer who pointed at you and the guard, rushed towards you, wearing the broadest smile on his lips.
“Y/N!” The sound of your name startled the guard, who turned his head, sensing trouble he needed to address. Taking advantage of the distraction, without a second thought, you leaped over the barrier.
There was no way anyone could have held you back at that moment.
Everything unfolded rapidly, yet it felt like slow motion as you enveloped him in your arms. His warm hands cupped your face, fingers entangled in your hair. His lips met yours, moving in sync to a silent rhythm set by your connected heartbeats.
“Okay, nothing to see here, guys!” His bandmates pivoted to shield the curious looks of the crowd, slightly bewildered by the unexpected sight of their lead singer's romantic interlude.
“I never thought you would actually come,” he whispered against your lips, breaking the kiss but still cradling your face with his calloused hands. His voice trembled, and you could feel his heart pounding violently against your chest.
“And I never thought you were telling the truth, but here we are,” you retorted, still breathless, earning a laugh from him—a laughter you never wanted to miss in your life again.
“Is this Eddie’s secret girlfriend?” someone screamed excitedly, pointing at you and Eddie.
“Well, does this look like a secret to you?” the drummer huffed, attempting to disperse the onlookers.
With the help of the security, his bandmates managed to give you and Eddie some private space, away from their curious fans. They already suspected something was going on since they couldn’t figure out the reason behind his late night trips or the silly smiles dancing around his lips when he returned to their tour bus. He seemed to be a completely different person after he went out one night after a little argument with their manager. And now they finally had an answer, the answer was right in front of them. 
“Yeah, I think Jeff is right,” the drummer agreed. “And don’t you think you should introduce your secret girlfriend to us?” He playfully mimicked quotation marks with his fingers, emphasizing the words with a teasing tone, the rest of the band loudly agreeing. With his arms crossed above his chest and a raised eyebrow, the curly haired drummer, who was wearing a Corroded Coffin shirt underneath a red plaid flannel, nearly squeezed himself between you and Eddie. 
Eddie took a deep breath and let go of you, silently cursing his nosy friends for interrupting this intimate moment with you. He grabbed you by your hand, squeezing it gently to, on one hand, assure you that everything is okay since he sensed your unease, but on the other hand to make sure you wouldn’t leave his side. 
“Okay, okay.” He rolled his eyes in a playful manner and added "When you finally stop pestering me" like an annoyed parent would to silence their nosy child. 
"Okay, let’s go, move, move!" the bassist, Jeff, demanded excitedly, ushering them into the backstage area with animated enthusiasm. You clung onto Eddie as the rest of the band, with combined forces, led you two further into the backstage area. 
You spent the rest of the evening with Eddie and his Band, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, you snuggled against his chest. His friends welcomed you with open arms and treated you as one of them, as if you knew each other for years. 
As they settled in, the atmosphere turned light-hearted, and this group of grown up adults, famous rockstars, who had momentarily reverted to their teenage selves, cracked one bad joke after another. Eddie's friends wasted no time in sharing embarrassing stories from their shared past, tales that had long been hidden in the recesses of their memories.
Amidst the banter, they found joy in recounting youthful escapades, revealing anecdotes about Eddie that made him both blush and join in the laughter. The tour bus became a time machine, transporting them back to the days of awkward adolescence, with the added delight of sharing these moments with someone who had now become a part of their close-knit circle.
As hours slipped away, the scent of beer and cigarettes lingered in the air, and your adoration for the dorky, brown-haired guitarist only deepened with each anecdote shared by his bandmates.This became one of those core memories that etch themselves into your soul—a source of perpetual joy, belonging, and safety whenever you reflect upon it.
Even though you enjoyed the time you spent with the band, you longed for some time alone with Eddie. The earlier kiss lingered, leaving a sweet longing in its wake, the taste of him remaining on your lips. Each and every time you caught a glimpse of his lips, your heart seemed to skip a beat and a cozy warmth spread within you as the memory of his lips moving against yours flashed through your mind. And it was no different for Eddie. 
Gareth noticed the looks you shared, your nonverbal conversations, not knowing how to get away from the boys for some alone time. So he did what every best friend would do.
“Alright guys.” He clapped his hands, gaining everyone's attention. “I think we should give our lovebirds some time for themselves.” As he stood up, he winked at Eddie, who, in return, mouthed a relieved ‘Thank you’. Before you and Eddie left them, everyone hugged you goodbye, like you’ve always been friends. 
You stumbled out of the bus, still laughing and grinning like a teenager. The cool air of the night let shivers wash over your body, which Eddie noticed instantly. Like the gentleman he was, he put his jacket around your shoulders and placed a kiss on the crown of your head, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. You pulled him into a tight embrace, never wanting to let him go, your fingers buried in his still sweaty shirt. But you didn’t mind. He was yours and you were his. That was all that mattered in that moment. His hands slowly wandered up and down your back, his fingers gently painting little circles on your skin. 
“I’d love to take you out on a date sometime. A real date.” With his hands cupping your face, he looked down into your eyes. His expression was soft, almost sad at the thought of leaving you soon.
You melted under his touch, a sensation you'd never experienced before. No one had ever made you feel this way, and dreaming of such a connection was something you'd never dared. Surprisingly, Eddie managed to make you forget about your self-imposed "holy oath" against dating again—a so-called no-date policy that now seemed nothing more than a ridiculous joke.
“Come on, sweetness. Let’s get you home,” he whispered after what felt like an eternity. Reluctantly, you agreed and sighed as he broke the embrace. Slowly, you walked back home, taking some detours to prolong the precious moments with him.
Beneath the cloudless night sky, with the moon casting its enchanting glow on the Thames, turning its surface into an ocean of little, shiny diamonds, you felt like you were living in a dream. The most beautiful dream you never wanted to wake up from. All the way back to the pub you talked about home, his tour, your plans for the future, and your plans for whatever that was you two had going on.
With a heavy heart, you sauntered through the small alleys, cast in the dim light of old lanterns, drawing closer to the pub where your little story began. Soon, you recognized the green and brown stained glass windows of the pub, illuminated by the fairy lights Poppy insisted on decorating them with. You knew that Poppy and Teddy would probably be worried about you since it was getting pretty late, but you still didn’t want to leave Eddie's side.
“Whenever and wherever you want,” you promised, giving him a reassuring smile. “I can’t wait to spend more time with you.” You reached up to him, your fingers combing through his soft hair, and gently kissed him again. Eddie's tensed body relaxed under your touch, and you thought you heard a soft moan leaving his chest as he pulled you closer to deepen the kiss.
Suddenly, a shrill screeching cut through the silence, abruptly interrupting your kiss. “Teddy! Teddy, they’re kissing! Oh my god!” Poppy’s excited voice echoed from the small balcony, where she must have been watching the two of you, causing you both to break out in laughter.
“I bet she won't give up until I tell her every single detail about tonight,” you whispered, placing another kiss on Eddie's rough lips.
“Please don’t give this old lady a heart attack with your lewd disclosure of our little romance,” he admonished in a playful way between kisses.
“Teddy! Hurry up! They’re kissing again! Oh, sweet, sweet young love!” her voice filled the air again.
“Jesus Christ, she’s worse than all of those pushy fangirls,” he joked, earning a laugh from you.
“Yeah, sure, Mister Rockstar.”
“What? Don’t believe me?” He looked down at you, something provocative flashing through his eyes.
“Well, maybe I would believe you if you take me to one of your shows, Mister Rockstar,” you winked back at him, a smug grin dancing on your lips before he could kiss it away.
If you want to be tagged in coming fanfics or if you want to request something, feel free to send me a dm or an ask. 🥰 Likes, comments and especially reblogs are always welcome. 🤗
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nobeerreviews · 2 months
5 songs
I was tagged by @crossdresserica to name 5 songs that I’m recently in love with. Thank you! And here's the list:
(funny this desktop Spotify embed thing but kinda big, I won't use it again I promise)
I'll tag in turn @ronald45inchina @rilke @lesbianvampirebatwillowrosenberg @crissom67 @jennhoney and everybody else! And now, party 🥳🎸
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bellascool · 1 year
beach episode
posted : 12/04/2023 (European date)
request open !
english is not my first language, I apologize for the mistakes.
"The beach!!" you yelled while running to the water, dropping all your stuff in the process
"Y/n calm down!" Robert said behind you while putting his beach towel and stuff next to his wife Anna who just watched you with an amused face
"Last one to get in the water has to get us all ice cream!" Pablo yelled at Pedri, Ousmane and Frenkie who started running, being way too lazy to go get ice cream for the team and their wags
"Fuck!" Frenkie exclamed when he saw that he was the last
"Vanilla for me and Y/n" thank you" the youngest one said mocking his friend
"How cute, loverboy wants to make sure su novia gets her ice cream!" Raphinha laughed at him while the they all awwed (I have speaking U.K/U.S very good) causing him to blush when you didn't hear anything, too busy enjoying the water
"Y/n hop on my shoulders we need to make them fall!" Jules patted his shoulders while bending over so you can get there
"We will destroy you" you said to Ferran and Pedri who were patiently waiting for you to get ready
"Go Y/n ! Revenge!" Sira, Ferran's girlfriend encouraged next to you, splashing some salty water to her boyfriend
"Traitor!" he said dramatically shocked
"Shut up drama queen" Jules laughed before approaching the two boys
The fight started, Pedri tried to sink you but it didn't happen and you tried to sink him but it didn't happen either
"Go Y/n we believe in you!" Pablo clapped his hands making you smile
"Who's we? Pedri sink that girl faster!" Ousmane said while splashing us with water
"Ousmane ta gueule arrête de tricher!" you yelled while holding Pedri to prevent you from falling
"De fou concentre toi sur le daron qui va te fracasser le crâne avec un ballon" Jules said making the other french boy turn around only to be met by Robert who threw a beach ball at him
After a while, you finally managed to give Pedri the push that made him fall
"YES!" you lifted your arms up, celebrating your victory with your teammate
"Y/n come here you need to put on sunscreen!" Mikky, Frenkie's girlfriend, shouted from the sand
You went to Mikky's towel and didn't expect all the girls staring at you with smirks on their face
"What?" you asked confused
"Y/n have you considered dating a spanish boy?" Taia, Raphinha's girlfriend, asked you from her seat
"Not particularly why?" they all chuckled at your dumbness
"Well what if a handsome spanish guy who plays with barca as number 6 and 30 asked you out, would you accept?" Mikky asked without stuttering once while she applied sunscreen on your back
"Oh don't even start, we're just best friends" you explained, your face becoming more and more red
"Yeah sure and I'm a Madrid fan" Anna said
"Come on Y/n we all know you like him and he probably likes you too"
"I don't know, I don't want to ruin our friendship" you looked at the boys who were playing volleyball in the water and slightly smiled when your eyes found the middlefielder who, as always, was raging over random things
"Yeah but if you don't try to make a move, you'll have to watch him go with other girls" Mikky said softly while tying your hair in a pretty bun
"Okay I'll see" you got up and went back to your friends
"I give them 2 days" Anna said
"I give them one" Taia said back
"I give them tonight" Mikky finally exclaimed, watching the two friends tease each other
"What a nice day" Robert said next to his wife who was still eating her food
"These vacations are all I ever wanted" Raphinha had his arm around Taia's shoulders since they finished eating
"Yeah I'm glad we still have 2 weeks there" you finally spoke next to Pablo who was surprisingly all smiley
"Anna and I thought it would be a great idea to go to the beach club tonight, apparently they sell the best cocktails ever" Mikky asked as they all agreed to relax a bit
"Well, we'll go, see you later amigos" Raphinha and Taia were the first ones to leave quickly followed by the three other couples
"Well, here comes the single club" Jules joked
"Actually I gotta call my mom, see you later" Ousmane left, leaving Pedri, Jules, Pablo and you alone
"Amigo remember I had to show you something you know?" Jules looked at Pedri with a strong gaze while the spanish was still confused
"What do you mean you never-" he was cut off by the defender who grabbed his arm and dragged him away
"Well it's only me and you now" Pablo said next to you
"Yeah sooo" you didn't really know what to say and it was kinda embarrassing
"Let's go, the air is suffocating in there" he said while getting up and leaving with you following him on the beach
"Oh I forgot I got you something" he took a small box out from his pocket
"What no you didn't have to" you tried to refuse it but he insisted and you finally gave up and opened the small box that revealed a silver bracelet with PG hanging
"Oh my God I absolutely love it thank you" you hugged him tightly, your smile growing even more when he returned the embrace, he quickly detached from you and helped you putting the chain that was perfect on your wrist
"Look" he showed you his forearm where the same bracelet was hanging but with your initials instead
"Awww I love it you're so sweet" you smiled at each other for a little and when your face started getting closer and closer, you heard someone sneeze behind the rocks and it quickly followed by a sound as if someone slapped the person to shut them down
"oh my God Mikky we got caught" you could hear the whispers and you clearly recognized Anna's voice
You looked at Pablo who was giving you a confused stare and finally sighed
"Come on guys we know you're there" you said annoyed that they ruined your moment
When you thought there would only be Anna and Mikky, you were actually really surprised to see not only their boyfriends coming out but also the whole friendgroup and a special guest
"Ronald? What are you doing here?" you asked confused by his presence
"Hola" was all he managed to say, still deceived that they all missed the moment
"Seriously? Why can't I have some privacy for once?" you turned around and left the beach, sad that you missed the opportunity because your friends couldn't stop themselves
You knew they just tried to help you but you still didn't like it.
After posting a story on Instagram, you finally left your room to get to the famous club that Mikky talked about
You weren't angry anymore, you understood why they did that.
You quickly arrived at the stand that was in the middle of the beach, not far away from the water which was good.
You spotted your friends and went to their table where you sat between Pedri and Taia
"Hola Y/n" the spanish greeted you followed by the others who were staring at you in silence which was making you feel uncomfortable
"I'm not angry at you guys you can breathe" they sighed in relief before going back to the joyful mood
You talked with Pedri about random stuff while sipping your mojito who had way too much alcohol for a 18 year old.
You could feel a stare burning your side profile but ignored it, knowing damn well who it was.
Time passed and it was night, you didn't really know how many drinks you had, all you knew was that you were drunk as fuck.
"Pablitooo" you said before collapsing into his warm body
"You're drunk as fuck" he grabbed you by your shoulders to prevent you from falling before taking you away in a calm place near the water where you sat down
After some minutes of staring at the calm sea, you slowly sobered, getting back the control of yourself.
"Lo siento" you said not detaching your eyes from the sea
"Porque?" he was staring at you and you could feel it
"I left without explanation, leaving you alone with them and now I come back and act like nothing happened"
"Está bien, I understand" you moved closer to him and your head fell on his shoulder as he put his arm around your waist, stroking it gently
"You know I don't regret anything at all but.." he started, you lifted your head to look at him while he kept staring at the sea
"The only thing I regret is not being able to finish what we started earlier" he finally turned his head to look deep into your eyes
You didn't hesitate and closed your eyes before pressing your lips against his
He immediately kissed you back, putting his hand on your cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb
And when you were about to pull out, you heard a sound, as if someone took a picture and the white light confirmed that indeed, it was a picture taken
You both immediately separated and turned to be met by the big smile of a certain spanish player who has the number 8 on his back
"Delete this" Pablo started but his friend didn't listen and ran back to where our friends were
As he was about to chase him, you grabbed his arm and shook your head no with a smile
"Let it be, it's fine" he sat back down you decided to ignore the shoutings behind you as you went back to the old position
After 10 minutes, you decided that it was time to go back
Hand in hand, you sat on the empty sits as the group started whistling and making kissing sounds
"Pedri you bitch" you hit your friend's shoulder who was dying of laughter
"I couldn't hide it from them!"
"Yeah sure, I guess it's fine since it's only you amigos" you started but a gasp from the dutch interrupted the moment as you all turned to look at him
"Y/n, Pablo, you should check your insta" he said with an apologetic smile
You quickly went to insta along with the others and gasped when you saw Pedri's story, showing you clearly kissing in 4k
"Pedri I'm going to kill you este noche hijo de puta!" you yelled before getting up and chasing him around the beach
"Good luck amigo" Ronald said, patting the youngest's shoulder while he watched his, now girlfriend running after his bestfriend
He wasn't mad at all, he was more like amused by the show
"Damn she fast as hell, Ousmane tu devrais avoir peur pour ta carrière" Jules said while watching you finally get to Pedri
"Gros plus jamais je me moque d'elle c'est fini" the second french exclaimed, shocked by the girl's strength
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mundanemoongirl · 1 month
Favorite Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @inseasofgreen! This conversation is everything to me. I’m excited to share it!
So many words swarmed inside me. So many apologies, admissions, feelings. More than I ever felt before, all fighting their way to be the first to escape. As I stared at the unsightly blue streaks permanently marring my hand, somehow the words that pushed their way out were, “I am not perfect.”
Catalina tilted her head up, meeting my eyes with her soft ones. “No one is. That’s why we’re witches, not goddesses.”
She stayed silent for a second, thinking. “I actually think they were not perfect either. If they were, they would have kept their power instead of giving it to us.”
“I need to be perfect. When I am not, things like this…”
“It’s not your fault.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat. “She was my attendant. She took care of me, but I was still responsible for her. I am responsible for my whole clan.”
“You are not responsible for the decisions other people make. You didn’t even know about Maya’s decisions, so how could you be? We cannot be perfect, Daron. We can only be better.”
Gently tagging @the-golden-comet @alinacapellabooks
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disneytva · 1 year
"And that as they say is JUST the beggining, the people at the Disney Channel STILL want to let you know that is a promise"
And you're watching...... Disney Channel as they say Thanks for 40 years of The Best Of Both Worlds
In the months and years ahead you will see more great movies for the whole family like "The Sleepover","From the Desk of Zoe Washington","Big City Greens: The Movie" and "The Naughty Nine"
New shows for the whole family easy on the eye impact on the things you want to know like "Primos", "StuGo", "Zombies: The Re-Animated Series" and "Cookies & Milk" and new shows on development from the wonderful minds at Disney Television Animation who are “Cheyenne Curtis", "C.H Greenblatt", "Thurop Van Orman", "Nic Smal", "Lucy Heavens", "Amy Hudkins", "Monica Ray", "Latoya Raveneau", "Daron Nefcy", "Noah Z Jones", "Ryan W Quincy", "Raj Brueggemann", "Dave Cooper", "Pedro Eboli" and "Mark Satterthwaite"
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certifiedwomenkisser · 4 months
one bed - 1997 daron malakian
OK SO. this is possibly the cringiest thing i will ever write BUT PLEASE MY GUILTY PLEASURE IS THE ONE BED TROPE I LOVE IT SM 🙏
one-shot, reader is gn!! :D
(it got rlly sloppy towards the end but i was so tired when writing this so please forgive me 😭)
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daron held open the door to you and his shared hotel room, you thanked him and walked through the doorway before stopping when you got into the room, daron, who was still behind you closing the door, noticed you stop
"hey, what's wrong? is the room ant infested or someth-"
you both stared at the room in front of you, the room itself was fine, the view from the window was actually quite remarkable, the only glaring issue, was the bed, or perhaps lack thereof.
there was only one bed.
how exactly did you end up in this situation? well, you had met daron by chance at your job in the coffee shop in your town, one day he came in to order a coffee and just kept coming back, a simple relationship between a barista and a regular at a coffee shop quickly bloomed into a friendship, which led to you meeting the members of the band he was in (system of a down), you went down a treat and you quickly became friends with all of them, which led to you tagging along with them to their latest concert.
thinking serj was the most trust worthy member, you all decided to put him in charge of setting up accommodation. he booked up a quaint little hotel in the town where they were preforming, everything was well and good, of course until now.
you should've known better than to trust serj, the asshole probably did it on purpose. you were hoping that this was a harmless prank and that he wasn't aware of your crush on daron. you thought you had been slick, maybe slipping up here and there, but surely not enough to be noticable? you looked to daron to see what he thought of the situation
"serj definitely did this on purpose, right?"
he turned to look at you
"oh, 100%."
he sighed before putting his bag on the floor
"well, i suppose i'll sleep on the floor"
"no, no, you don't have to do that!"
"yes, i do."
"no you definitely do not!"
you squinted your eyes at him, determined to win this debate
he sighed once again
"you know what? we can finish this discussion later, i can't win when you're like this"
he chuckled, you giggled back
"haha, i win!"
"for now."
"yeah, yeah. sure."
you both left your room before meeting up with serj, shavo and john in their room, in which they indeed had three seperate single beds each
"so, how do you like your room?"
serj asked teasingly, oh, he knew what he did alright.
"i think we're missing a bed serj, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"
you punched his arm lightly, he shrugged innocently with a devilish look in his eyes
"not a clue."
serj, shavo and john started laughing while you and daron just looked at each other, embarrassed.
once it was getting late, you and daron went to your room.
he turned to you to attempt to win the debate from earlier
" i am sleeping on the floor"
"are we really still on this? daron, i genuinely do not mind, i'll sleep on the floor"
"i don't want you waking up with aches though!"
the argument went on for another 5 minutes before, somehow, daron finally won, but not without you insisting that he took your pillows to use as a sort of makeshift mattress.
you got yourself comfortable in your bed, you looked at the pillows on the floor beside you, this was ridiculous. you wouldn't mind sharing with daron, in fact you wouldn't mind in the slightest, but you weren't sure where his boundries laid, perhaps he didnt want to share with you because he preferred sleeping on his own? maybe he had a partner that he hadn't told you about, and he would feel bad about sharing a bed with someone else.
before you could get any deeper in your thoughts, the bathroom door opened and daron walked out. he was wearing a tight wife beater shirt with some loose shorts, you couldn't help but stare, the shirt he was wearing showed off his lean build perfectly, and of course, his face was looking pretty as always, you felt your face heat up slightly, you cleared your throat and awkwardly tried to hide your face.
daron, who seemed oblivious, just smiled at you and walked over to the window to close the curtains.
"are you really sure you'll be fine on the floor?"
as daron sat down on the pillows he looked up at you and smiled
"we've been over this, i'll be fine, i promise"
you couldnt help but fold at that smile
you turned over to turn off the lamp on the bedside table before turning back over to face daron, who you could now barely see in the dark.
"goodnight daron."
you werent sure how much time had passed, but you knew that it had to have been a while since u originally said goodnight, since there was no light behind the curtains anymore, daron had been tossing and turning the whole time. you leaned over the bed slightly and whispered
"daron.. daron!"
he turned over to face you
you could hear the grogginess in his voice
"please get into bed, ive heard you tossing and turning, you are gonna get no sleep at this rate"
you heard him grumble some excuse in his tired voice
"no, daron, i dont want to hear it! you're preforming a concert tomorrow, we can't have you falling asleep on stage."
he sat up, face inches apart from yours, just staring at you. you couldn't tell if this was supposed to somehow convince you to let him sleep on the floor, or if he was just that tired.
"come on, daron"
you sat up on the edge of your bed and held his face in your hands
he was very clearly avoiding eye contact with you for a couple seconds, then he finally looked at you and sighed in defeat, too tired to argue now
"ok, ok."
you smiled at him and helped him pick up the pillows from the floor before setting them up on your now shared bed. daron climbed in beside you and sighed contently as he fell back into the mattress
"now you'll hopefully be able to catch some sleep"
awkward silence.
"thanks for letting me share the bed"
"no problem dude.."
more silence.
"well, goodnight!"
"yeah, goodnight."
a couple minutes of silence pass, now that you finally had daron in a bed with you, you didn't want to let this chance go. you turned so that you were now facing him
now that you had his attention, you weren't sure how to ask for what you wanted
"uh... this is probably a stupid question and you can say no if you want and i dont be offended.."
daron looked slightly concerned
"what's up?"
"do you... wanna cuddle?"
you said that so quietly that daron barely heard you, you were so embarrassed that you even dared to ask the question, your face began to really heat up now
daron said back, almost as quietly as you. he had also wanted to cuddle but didn't know how to ask. he awkwardly held open his arms for you. you quickly crawled over to him, laying your head on his chest and laying your arm across his abdomen, while he draped his arm over your body and left his hand at your waist
"are you comfortable?"
you asked, nervous about daron's sleep being more interuppted by you.
"yeah, im good, you?"
you smiled and rubbed your head lightly against his chest
you both smiled, content laying with each other
"well, i suppose this is the final goodnight" daron chuckled
"goodnight then."
you paused for a couple seconds
"i love you."
you thought you said it quiet enough that daron couldn't hear you, but he heard alright.
that singular phrase kept him up all night.
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juanchoslugar · 4 months
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Un vistazo de lo que podriahaber sido la serie de seguir con la idea original, esta vez de la mano de @moringmark
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cage-cat-yt · 4 months
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Rust being Daron Malakian-core is never leaving 😭 he's Armenian cause uh trust me bro
Anyway thanks for reading! Remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :3
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Aegon x princess!reader
Part 4
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TW: smut, fluff, and idk,bad language
The whole bed was shaking you though that even the people on the other side could hear you and Aegon having some time.
"Fu-ck mhmm" you and Aegon were already on third round and you thought being mother was hard.
You gripping whit one hand on the bed sheets and one on the wooden bed frame.
Aegon was pounding into you like he will never get the chance to do it again.He already cummed like six times into you.
He was a fast cummer when he is on fire.
"Fuck I'm going to cum" you said trying to breath normally "I allow you to" he becamed to act a bit spoiled since he was the king it hurted you that your grandfather died he was so good to you.
You wanted your family to come but Alicent wouldn't allow it you missed Lucerys and Joffrey and Jacaerys and every other sibling you had.
You two finished fast and Aegon laid down closing his eyes.You laid by him.
"I miss my mother" you said and Aegon just sight "Why now after we fucked" he looked at you "I'm not trying to disrespect you but you shouldn't be the king"
Everything went silent "I know i never wanted to be the king but my mother wants me to" you looked at him and hug him.
He wanted to stop the time so he could have you for himself. Until there was a knock at the door thank god you two were covered up already.
It was one of the servants "It is me my lady" you knowed who she was so you told her to come in. Aegon wanted to protest but you wouldn't listen.
She comes in whit your son crying and screaming "I couldn't keep him quiet I'm really sorry" Aegon buried his head to the pillow not wanting to hear any of the screaming at night.
You told her to give him to you. You started to rock him and told the servant to wait outside.
Aegon looked at his son "Why couldn't one of the older ones take care of the kid" you looked at him "Because he is our son he just wanted mommy's love" but after five minutes he started to pull on Aegon's hair.
"Ouch stop it you little moron" you looked at him "Why would you call him that he is just a baby" he chuckled"And what about it"
After 20 minutes he falled asleep in your arms and you gave him a kiss on the forehead and you told the servant to take him.
You feelt like you would die your every part of your body felt heavy you didn't sleep well last night.
You were walking through the hallway whit Helaena talking about few things "You know what i think about every day?" Helaena asks you looked at her to continue "How could Aegon get you he looks really wired" she looked around and you just laughed.
"I really don't know" you said whit smile. You two continue to walk "I really miss my family" you told Helaena she just nodded.
"I believe you getting taken from your family is sad but you got to stay strong you should sand letters how you feel" you looked at her "I wished Aegon was not the king" you murmured under your nose.
Helaena looked around "I wished too i think my mother heard my father bad" you looked at her and smiled.
You two walked to the garden and saw Aegon and Aemond screaming at each other.
You and Helaena looked at each other and went forward "What is wrong?!" you asked and kinda screamed.
Aemond looked at you "Look what your son did to my" you looked down and saw that Arron had muddy arms,legs and even hair while Daron had mud all over him self.
Helaena looked at you and took Aemond hand "You should not worry about that he can take a bath and everything will be alright"
Aemond disagreed "No you should teach him manners" you looked at Arron standing behind his father 'He was scared' you though and kneeled down and took him into your arms.
He stared to cry into your shoulder "If you two would talk to each other like this ofc they will act like you two" you said and Helaena took Daron to take a nice warm bath and Arron to.
You were in Aegon's chamber talking to him he was a bit drunk but still his mind was working "Why would you two start to argue?" you asked "Cuz why not he called my son a stupid kid" you looked at him and take the cup from him "They are kids and you two shouldn't argue that which of the kid did it" you placed the cup down.
Feeling your eyes heavy Aegon noticed and stand up and went to your side "What's wrong" he asked whit worried face.
"Just felling sick lately" you looked at Aegon he was trying to process what could you caught.
You were caught between three things throwing up , fever, and who knows what else. First it started whit nouses then whit little morning sickens and now you are laying down trying to relax.
Aegon talked to the masters what is wrong but they can't find out "We need the lady to reset and feel better to exam her" your eye lids felling heavy you took Aegon's hand into yours.
He looked at you and gestured to sent the servants and the masters out of the room. You looked at him "I want to sand a letter to my family" you told Aegon he was silent "We will see"
You felt better after 3 weeks which was hell. Aegon brings one of the masters after you felt better and they said you are whit child. Which you were surprised but you felt happy.
Aegon told his family right away being happy father he hoped for another son but he wouldn't mind having a girl.
You were talking to Helaena about how is it having three kids. "It is kinda hard but they are sweet as Alyssa is only girl she does not have a sister" you chuckled "I want girl too because having three boys would kill me" Helaena looked at you and smiled.
"We will see"
I hope guys you like this sorry i was not active this whole time but yeah this is kinda short.
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justiceformeplease · 1 year
iiif youre not too busy could u do some daron malakian x male reader hcs :? I don't really have anything specific in mind, I'm just so content starved of this man 🙏🙏🙏 tysm and have fun writinggg
Im so sorry if this is a bit late like 2-3 days bc i ended up forgetting about it I'm so sorry 😭😭 and I'm sorry if this is shit and not up to your standards but I'm trying my best 🩵🩵ALSO ALSO I'm sorry if this isn't much but i tried as best as i could and if you don't like it or maybe even would like something else don't be afraid to ask i am open to like ideas??thoughts but ye
Ok first i feel like Daron would defo try teaching you guitar if you can't play. AND IT MAKES ME THINK OF THAT ONE VIDEO ON TIKTOK, where there is this couple and the guy is wearing the guitar while the other dude is behind him and playing (if that even makes sense 💀💀
If you can play guitar you two would probably play together and stuff or if you play another instrument you would teach him how to play it
Before you guys started dating (or just super good friends or even when dating hahshshs) he would cancel any plans just so he can see you even if it's just for a few hours
You guys would be at a cafe and you would be talking while he just looks at you with the look of pure love and just HDJYBAIAXHSKNYK
The moment he sees or notices you're upset he drops whatever the hell he is doing to come and comfort you and give you words of affirmation
I feel like he would hug you alot (if you like physical touch) and he'd give you kisses on the cheek as well if he were to leave to go somewhere
Ok another thing about physical touch, if he were to leave for a long time to go perform at a concert and you can't tag along well the night before he leaves you guys would cuddle so much and just never leave each others side the whole day
But if you can tag along he almost never leaves your side and drags you along to wherever he is going when he is backstage but when on stage you watch at the side supporting him and during the concert he would look at the side of the stage to try and find you AND WITH HIS PUPPY DOG EYES LIKE AHHH (I'm dearly sorry I'm just trying to feed into your and my delusions 😔)
He would 100% write a song specially made just for you
Probably would go on like alot of adventures with you maybe like going to visit cool places, taking walks along beautiful hills
This take me to another point i feel like on dates he would go like to the arcade, coffee shop or even like perhaps on a field, but obviously maybe once in a while would take you to a nice restaurant
Would love learning about your culture and teaching you his (bc who wouldn't love that 🤷🏻‍♂️)
Did I mention words of affirmation ? .ok ye i did but like still
Loves you so much and he says it any chance he gets to
Also here is a pic of bbg Daron
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mundanemoongirl · 21 days
Character Profile Tag
Thanks for the tag @alinacapellabooks. I already love Ariel <3
I was really tempted to do Daron but I'm going to shake things up and do Naomi. Staying on the topic of moon girls
Full Name: Naomi Lunaire
Age: 16
Sex: female
Species: witch
She reminded me of a glass doll with her wispy blonde hair and pale green eyes. Her face was heart-shaped, not a single harsh angle to be found.
Occupation: student
Family: haven't thought that far
Pets: none
Best friend: Cassidy Tempress
Describe her room:
Naomi’s room was remarkably similar to Catalina’s. She had a round coffee table in the middle of the room and shelves along the wall. However, Naomi’s shelves contained books, not poisons. Pastel pillows were laid out around the table as if Naomi expected company.
Physical Characteristics: timid, shy
Items in her bag/purse: spellbooks?
Hobbies: reading, baking, making tea
Favorite sports: not a sporty person
Abilities/Talents/Powers: she can create levitate herself, create light, and cast illusions
Relationships: she can be shy at first but when she gets used to you she gets physically affectionate and makes jokes about you
Fears: spirits, large animals, social interaction, and the list goes on
Faults: she's not very strong with her powers and gets scared easily
Good points: she's very sweet and school-smart
What she wants more than anything else: to be better at magic
Tagging: @sarandipitywrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @yourpenpaldee
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cyanide-rifle · 2 months
Someone do a compilation of every instance live or studio recorded where daron growls thank you
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cervidame · 3 months
how much of Genesis have you planned ahead? it feels like it’s going to be a story with a lot of plot/mystery and entanglement i cant waitttttttt and your writing makes the story even more addicting!
Oooh good question! So in terms of planning ahead I have the major themes, plus with the style & references (British Romanticism & Neoclassicism). Then I planned the personalities and roles in the story. Like when I first started planning I began with the Baron and Theo. The Baron silently watching Theo walk in his gardens was one of the first bits I did. From there I've got the general plot outline! This basically exits as a bullet point list in my google docs lol. So Theo gets to Stafford Hall, goes to London, and the events that go from there, etc, etc. After that is the sense of place. So Stafford Hall and the surrounding area versus London society will look and feel different, especially in the way Theo perceives them. But there's plenty I don't have planned! Because room for creativity and flexibility is good!! Like I didn't expect Daron and Theo to be so fucking funny to write together but it's been some of my favourite bits to do. I actually genuinely can't wait for him to come back to London, see the mess the boys have made, and scream into the void. Thanks for your question and I'm glad you like reading it as much as I like writing it lmao
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@malakianblog - Daron from System of a Down
@fvneral-fog - Euronymous from Mayhem
Thank you
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cage-cat-yt · 4 months
Gonna complain here a lil 🤭
Soooo I have an insta, semi active on it, not too much tho? But it's a good spot for like a System of a down fandom area cause it's dead here on Tumblr and sometimes I feel bad for rambling about it to people who aren't as into SOAD lol
But there's like one major problem that genuinely makes me question if I should delete the app 😭
And that's the fact some people ship the members together
And they're real people. Not fictional.
Like I do try my best to make it clear that I am pretty lax and flexible with ships, even if I don't like them? (Unless it's like p3dophilic, inc3st, z00philic etc) Cause I'd rather just let people live their life even if I don't like the ship 😭 (it's obvious with Jelix, I used to hate it a lot more but at this point I'm not gonna complain cause it can be done cool, unless someone's f3tishizing them in any way, but that's a VERY SMALL amount, most of them are chill so I've calmed down. Also one sided pining Jelix where Jack isn't homophobic my beloved)
But with like irl people, I'm sorryyyy they're real people. Serj, Shavo, and John all have wives. Daron has a girlfriend. All the SOAD members have platonic relationships, and that is ok because friendships are literally so awesome! Not everything has to be shipping, and it just icks me cause like, imagine if you were getting shipped with your friends. It's uncomfortable and icky, I say from experience (lol small ramble when I was in 8th grade there was a group of bullies trying to ship me and one of my irl besties together, until I completely blew up on them mid class and they got into trouble. It's fine now cause one of them lost a lotta their friends after she cheated on 4 of her boyfriends, which like, just saying, you have it coming if ya do that)
And like, there's some people who draw ship art of them and like, it looks good and they don't seem like mean people, so I feel like an asshole when I block them, and then bits of the SOAD fandom side I'm in act like it's fine and normal, and I feel like I'm going crazy 😭 like, am I doing something wrong?? Is it cause they're celebrities? Like not to be dumb but they're still people, so it still feels wrong.
Anyway yeah that's my complaining session, it's not that serious, I just needed to get it out of my system (of a down).
Also if you do come across that stuff DO NOT HARASS THE ARTIST OR ANYONE JUST BLOCK THEM, cause harassment is never the answer 💥💥
Ok thanks for reading! Remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :3
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