#A Goosey Gander
My Imaginerie
By Ken Gosse A Goosey Gander a quip What’s good for the gander is often a good gander at a goose. Pig, Pig, Duck! a senryu Don’t raise either eye looking for pie in the sky once pigs learn to fly. Boo Who! a quatrain A hippo doesn’t need to hide. When watching them, you should decide that if one might peek back at you, don’t hang around—and don’t say “Boo!” A Royal Appetite a…
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chronivore · 7 months
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llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
You mentioned Farmtale Sans has a favorite goose, one he apparently talks to. Does it have a name? Why is it his favorite? Are there any other animals on his farm he’s especially fond of?
He's fond of all the animals, but it's just the general kind of love you would feel for creatures you care for so regularly. He likes the chickens and their silly antics, but he doesn't have a particular favourite out of the flock.
The goose in question is a big female called Truffle. She's the goose they've had in the flock the longest, and she's getting a bit 'long in the beak' so to say. Ganders (male geese) tend to be sillier and funnier, Papyrus' favourite is a gander who sometimes follows him on his morning runs. But sweet-natured Truffle has always been Sans' favourite and she might just be his number 1 favourite animal on the farm. Much like the chickens, if she's not busy doing goosey things, she'll come find him when he's napping and settle in next to him.
If you want to be with him, you have to learn to get along with Truffle.
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odbuoyjemmity · 17 days
Nevermoor Dashboard
Golder's Night is next week! Don't forget to take part with a chance of winning a favour from the Wundrous Society! A night of fun for everyone.
does anyone know if holliday wu is looking for a seventh girlfriend
its chanda kali with the six boyfriends. how do you know she's even gay?
barty, she has an undercut and like. six piercings. if she's not into women i will cry for a week
isn't that stereotyping?
wait unblock me. i have to tell you something
okay but why is lsj so obsessed with a thirteen year old. isnt that kinda sus
she is a wundersmith. it's a serious risk and we're all in danger
she literally has food on her face in that one photo. also dont you make edits of The Wundersmith with flower crowns
they're ironic
you called him daddy
guys they blocked me
i can't believe gigi is making another album and going on tour with st nicholas. so hyped
typical sellout. wonder how much she's getting off of underpaid elvish labour
actually! the elves have a union now source
they're going to go on strike. they're not in a union yet. don't you see how this is going to distract everyone from their strike anyway?
The Wundrous Society controls our governments and aren't accountable to anyone. Their cover-ups of hollowpox attacks only prevents the victims seeking justice from their assailants!
mahir. no
mahir keep going
it's actually really disheartening to see the rise in anti-wunimal sentiment since the beginning of the hollowpox. my aunt was spat on in the supermarket two days ago and no one said anything about it
actually i don't care if crow and squall take over nevermoor. steed is so bad at his job i kinda want to see him get deposed
squall killed a bunch of people just fyi. crow probably wouldn't. i think
thanks, thaddea
oh my god i hate the brolly rail so much
what happened
mmh. fuckin leg
in courage square doing 'it'. and by 'it' i mean. arson
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
my sister calls the baby "goose" sometimes and I like to say weird ancient nursery rhymes to him (because he loves them, like once when one of his shoes came off I said "diddle diddle dumpling my son john / went to bed with his trousers on / one shoe off and one shoe on" and now he will periodically kick off one shoe and yell "nigh nigh trousers")
so when his mom called him "goose" I said "goosey goosey gander, whither shall I wander? upstairs, downstairs, in my lady's chamber?"
and he thought about that really hard for a bit and then said "goosey gander went town. ride onna pony"
and I realized he was connecting "goosey goosey gander" to "yankee doodle dandy"
his MIND
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sewerfight · 3 months
Pisses me off how nobody even gives that much of a fuck about bugs. you ain't gonna stop and take a look if you see an interesting one? just a little goosey gander? "It's only a bug" kill yourself
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Goosey Goosey gander
whither shall I wander
upstairs and downstairs
and in my ladies chamber
there I met an old man
who wouldn’t say his prayers
so I took him by his left leg
and threw him down the stairs
i throw everyone down the stairs
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lostsometime · 2 years
ok so this might’ve already been noted, but I’m just now starting to watch Neverafter, and I noticed that, when the gander is taunting Timothy Goose, he says “you’ll get desperate enough to use your third wish, and then you and me will get to wander.”
and I just want to note, for the record, that I believe this is a reference to the nursery rhyme “goosey goosey gander,” which runs thus:
“Goosey goosey gander, Whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady’s chamber. There I met an old man Who wouldn’t say his prayers, So I took him by his left leg And threw him down the stairs!”
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katkafe · 2 years
ok i'm genuinely so sorry that i'm actually just understanding this now and everyone has probably already realized this but this whole time i thought the goose and the gander were just from "whats good for the goose is good for the gander" but i just remembered the "goosey goosey gander" nursery rhyme exists. in which the gander literally throws an old man down the stairs. please tell me i'm not alone i feel ridiculous rn oml😭
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krueger4eva · 2 years
Random Headcanon for Gladstone Gander
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Note: Gladstone’s family lineage varies between authors, so I am going to choose the Duck family tree by Don Rosa as a template for this headcanon.
According to Rosa’s Duck family tree, Gladstone Gander is the son of Daphne Duck, from which he inherited his supernatural good luck, and Goostave Gander, a firm but fair goose.
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Due to Gladstone’s mixed heritage, this has been another source of bullying towards him along with his good fortune.
While Gladstone maintained his cool and confident appearance most of the time, there were times when his goose genetics caused some embarrassment for him.
Having a case of the hiccups is very rare for Gladstone. But when he does, a goose-like honking noise emits from his mouth. Whenever he hiccups in crowded places, people think that there’s a semi-trailer truck passing by. He always manages to sneak out, undetected, before anyone can trace the sound to him.
Plus, his hybrid heritage is quite noticeable on the outside due to his goose genetics making him “rounder” in certain areas. While all ducks are naturally plump, Gladstone, while in healthy shape for any bird, has some… extra cargo in the rear.
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Ever since high school, poor Gladstone has had to deal with insults from peers and strangers like “Humpty Dumpty”, “Rump Roast”, or “Goosey Caboosey”. Usually, he would remain calm, yet visibly annoyed, when hearing these affronts. But there is one name that could set this bird off: “bubble butt”. On the day his parents died, some students in school called him that name which led to a violent fight that got him sent home for the day. Once he got home, thats when he received the tragic news. Now, every time someone calls him “bubble butt”, he’s reminded of that fateful day of his terrible loss.
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Anyone who has survived a goose attack in a park can vouch that these birds are not to be taken lightly. The people who have called Gladstone that dreaded nickname learned the hard way that it takes one push over the edge to cause this perpetually lazy to pull a Donald. He may not be a skilled fighter like Donald, Della, or Abner, but he knows how to deliver some nasty bites with his sharp teeth.
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Although, they’re not actual teeth, but rather jagged structures created from cartilage that line up the inside of the bill- referred to as “tomia”. Yet, Gladstone always refers to them as “fangs” just because it sounds cooler. Either way, these appendages can easily do some serious damage.
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And like all geese, he lets out a terrifying hissing noise. It sounds like a velociraptor hunting for fresh prey.
Imagine walking through the woods, alone, after dark and hearing that sound! 😰
Luckily, his family (EVEN Donald!) would never laugh at those jokes or tease him about his body. Gladstone and his cousins may trade jabs at each other on a daily basis, but they have an agreement on what lines should never be crossed. Also, he has become comfortable with joking about himself from time to time, but only around family.
For example, whenever the children were caught in a lie, Gladstone has permission from the other adults to threaten to sit on them if they don’t confess. It takes only a MILLISECOND for them to spill the beans. Plus, his tomia saves on fake teeth for Halloween costumes. He even jokes about being secretly a vampire to the kids and that his good fortune protects him from burning in the sunlight. Louie and Lena don’t believe it, but they always appreciated his theatrics.
Despite the grievances he experiences due to his unique anatomy, Gladstone remains proud to be the son of Goostave and Daphne. They were good people and even greater parents. All genetics have their drawbacks and advantages.
He’s a duck.
He’s a goose.
But he’s all Gladstone…for better or worse..🍀
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Please tip me at Ko-Fi 💜!!
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
jack x spoiled reader? liek the kind that almost requires constant attention and pampering and will make it EVERYONES problem if they dont get it
GAAAH literally perfect for him bro no idea.
~ 'Do it my way.' ~
When you first met Jack, it was by fate. More of, not by fate. But.. by inconvenient chance.
Your grandparents were rather rich people. Higher-ups, you could say.
How he met you, was by your grandparents asking him to marry you. Rich to rich, yknow? Oh, he thought it was easy.
Some kind of tax benefit or money from it. There was money alright.
But there was another thing at sake. His sanity.
Once you got married off, your grandparents practically hitched a ride and booked it. Almost like two new teens who just got married and are ready to get away from some terrible family.
Of course, he assumed it would be easy.
But there you stood. The bust of your dark lavender dress swooped over your breasts, having no sleeves whatsoever. You wore a white scarf, adorned by fluff and beauty all around, looked like some kind of.. White tiger print? Eh. Towards your neck area, you pulled off MULTIPLE pearl necklaces, that all were just.. Gorgeous. The dress swooped down your curves, ending in a train behind you. A slit formed in the dress, to allow your leg to stick through, my oh my. Your heels were one of many you owned, maybe about 6 inch pumps, meh, he didn't pay too much mind to care anyway. Your hands and forearm were hugged by a white, silk glove. Truly, divine. His eyes sized you up, before peering up to your face. You adorned red lipstick ( if you don't like lipstick skip it :D!! ). He didn't pay much mind, he didn't care. You were some disgusting--...
... No money haver!
Your looks weren't too shabby. Meh.
He expected more, honestly. Pssh. He could dress better.
But, you took notice to your new 'hUsBaNd.' UGH. Your parents married you off to him?... This disgusting--...
No money haver!
Of course, you kinda liked how he looked... You slid your way towards him, your hips swaying side to side, you knew how to always get your way.
You were spoiled.
You stopped infront of him, as you easily cocked a little grin at him, keeping it as private as you could. But, you dropped it, as you practically prepared for war on his mind.
You stuck your bottom lip out, in a pout. Oh, you always got your way with these moves. Your eyes widened, into a doe like shape, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
You asked him, pleaded with him if he would take you out to the fanciest diner in town, Goosey Ganders Geese and then take you shopping to the fanciest shop in all of the town, the Magic Wand Boutique.
But, somehow, your big, cute, pouty face and your sweet, yet so sultry, voice didn't work on him.
He looked at you, as he sized you up once more. What? What was this moron doing?
He placed a large hand upon your face, as he pushed you out of the way. He turned on his heel and began to walk, as you stumbled to the side.
"Get out of my way." He scoffed towards you, as his brows raised in joy. Heh. It was fun to be mean, he couldn't lie.
You stopped, standing there with your hands awkwardly by your side, and your jaw clenched tightly shut.
That worked on everyone, why not him?
Was he insane?
Delusional, maybe?
Was he beat in the head?
Of course, you needed the attention, you craved it, you went out of your way for what you wanted.
You pleaded, you stole, you cried, you did any acts you could to get what he wanted.
But, he never gave in. Never pampered you, nothing.
Of course, until he got with you.
You got everything you wanted.
Oh, that little lizard thing that one soldier had?
It was in a jar, waiting for you upon a shelf specially for you in his room.
You wanted that outfit that had diamonds melted and encrusted into anynpart of it they could have?
Done and there's 3 just incase.
You wanted a vacation?
How's Far, Far Away sound?
Some men messed with you and they didn't leave you be?
Don't worry, 'leave it to me'.
Of course, he practically treated you like a queen.
Such as at a dinner. You sat beside him, in a matching outfit like his.
Of course, in your own.. Special way. But you sat politely... You took notice to a girl's rings, oh you loved them. How the gems formed hearts, how some of the gems were a dusty pink and some were a bright blue, oh they were so pretty.
So, you grabbed onto Jack's coat sleeve, as you looked up at him, saying his name in a tone thay signaled immediate need.
He told you to wait.
Ha! Who does this fool think he is?
Oh, of course, you needed your act.
Tears slowly slipped into your eyes, feeling the pain well her eyes up. You crossed your arms, turning your torso away from him to look away from him. You let out a sniffle..
He had been talking, before his head turned to you, now worried as to why you were crying.
"Ohh, sweetie pie, why are you crying?" He cooed out, his sappy tone was typically only used for public situations. He did love you, but he needed to be better at dating than anybody else in the room.
"You don't love me anymore.." You whimpered out, as you pulled up your knee and hugged onto it, a sad little huff escaping your nose.
To much of..
Everybody's surprise.
He suddenly grabbed your free hand, bringing towards his plump lips. They cupped, as he planted a firm kiss upon the back of your hand. His other arm went and placed his hand upon the underside of your upper arm. He moved up, planting another firm kiss upon your wrist.
"Oh, Y/N," He cooed out, as he planted more kisses, moving up your forearm to your elbow. His one hand still holding yours, "Don't say that.. I love you so very much.." He hummed, as he went up your upper arm, before he reached your shoulder. Til he reached your cheek, planting a nice, firm, kiss upon it.
But, in your ear, you heard a familiar rumble.
"Don't say that shit again outloud. Only make a scene when it's good."
But, you only grinned, happy to now have his attention.
Of course,
People thought it was insane!
He spoiled you!
If you didn't get what you wanted, you'd raise hell and high water for whatever it is you pleaded for!
But if you wanted someone fired. Theybwere fired.
If you wanted someone killed. They were killed.
Any magic object, yours and done upon your personal shelf ( one you probably cried for ), any dress, suit, heels, shoes, flip flops, purse, wallet, bedsheets, jewelry, pillows, stickers, stockings, petticoats, sketchbooks, any and everything was gotten for you.
Oh you've ruined many. Many lives.
But actually falling in love with Jack?
You definitely give him a run for his money.
Surry me wrote this while eepy so it isn't too long
Please enjoy and I will try to add on more <333
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naradivision · 1 month
“Happy Birthday!
I don’t know if this present will get to you in time, but I think it’s only fair I return the favor after the presents I got from you for my birthday a while back! I was told you wanted to speak with me but I haven’t gotten to meet with you since then! Do stop by my office, we can meet up and have a talk if you’re still up for it! Hope you had a great birthday!
Anika Kiyozaki from Akihabara Division”
With a smile, Yuuya Kanata closed the letter that had been taped to the outside of the package that had just been delivered on his front doorstep.
Last he remembered, he had been curious about the uncanny similarity of his and Kiyozaki-san’s eyes. The package that was now sitting in his living room brought it back to his attention.
Shaking his head with a smile, he peered into the package that was delivered to him.
Inside was a—
What the heck?
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Inside were multiple goose statues, the beaks being magnetic and able to hold various items such as keys, knives for the kitchen, and several more.
Let it be known that if there was anything the hypnotherapist of Akihabara loved, it was gag or prank gifts.
“Woah, look at what got here human! Are you going to adopt these lovely goosey goosey ganders?!”
Exclaiming excitedly at Anika’s presents was ANGE the high-definition digital girl who was now floating on Yuuya’s television screen.
And as if the previous awkward moment between them had never happened, she let out an airy giggle, drawing a soft smile from the birthday boy who was now busy bringing stuffs he got from townspeople into his living room.
“Goosey, you say? At first I thought they were ducks. But welp, these two birdies are way too similar. I can’t really differentiate them from one another.”
Joking a bit about the goose vs duck paradox, Yuuya was just returning home from his personal errand to deliver presents to other divisions.
Because much to one’s surprise, there were few acquaintances who were coincidentally sharing the same birthday with him. However, he didn’t expect the townsfolk to give him this many gifts during his way back home. It was always very nice of them; his hometown’s people, their hospitality had never failed to make him feel touched ever since he was a lot younger. And that was one of the reasons why he had tried so hard to keep his hometown unscathed from whoever’s exploitation.
Hot and humid, the first summer draft was slipping through the balcony and bringing along the warm and woody scent from his father’s room to his senses.
And even if today was meant to be the longest day of the year, now looked like the sun had been shifting lower and lower toward the horizon.
Suddenly swarmed by emotions, the birthday boy gazed at the distant evening sky that bore the same shade as his eyes.
…That’s right, his birthday used to be so lonely since he usually spent it alone mourning. But somehow this year was shaping up to be a bit different.
His smile softened as he could hear his chatty companion explored each of his presents with sparkling enthusiasm.
“Tee-hee, couldn’t believe that the meme ANGE stumbled upon on the internet one day would be actually brought to life! This lady you called Kiyozaki-san has got a great taste! Humans sure are being creative~”
—And well, he was glad to see her being back to her energetic self again.
Earlier she seemed to be oddly quiet that he felt somewhat frustrated she might be mad at him. Together with Ojou-chan, she had always been the liveliest voice in his home.
“Oh. And to think about it, Kiyozaki-san did tell me to give her a visit sometimes too. Hmmm, perhaps I should drop by her clinic whenever I get a chance to go around Akihabara…”
From what extent he knew about this Kiyozaki-san beside her being the leader of Pixel Syndicate was that she had been once a high-rise racer but now turning over to become a specific type of professional therapist after suffering grave injuries from a certain accident in her past. What’s more? She was also the current guardian figure to Setsukura-san, one of his underclassmen at his old school! So, that was probably why he could feel the mature-ish comforting vibe to her despite her rather mischievous streak judging from her choice of gifts.
And while there might be some barrier of communication in between them according to her partial loss of hearing, this couldn’t make him less interested in learning more about sign language.
Still, Kiyozaki-san’s motive in joining the D.R.B. remained quite unclear to him.
Though her background sounded like she was a fame seeker in the past, some part of him believed she was also exhausted with all that stuff as she had changed into her new career to help people, hence she might as well have another reason to sign in this suspicious tournament aside from seeking either its prize or glory… Actually, it would be a blatant lie that the majority of participants did join it without some kind of hidden agenda —He himself even had one of his own.
But if you ask him what about her that caught on his curiosity the most, the answer was undoubtedly her eyes: the sunset color, the unique scheme he had never seen anyone with this same shade so far except…
His sister, his nice and kind nee-san whom he had never seen in years
And damn it, before he could grasp a hold of his emotions, his sickening nostalgia began to striked up. He was well aware that Kiyozaki-san was obviously different person from his sister, yet she strongly reminded him of her.
His nice and kind nee-san… Just where are you now?
There were too many things he was always yearning to hear from her but sadly never got a chance to.
…How has she been up to this present? Is her new family being nice to her? Is city life that great compared to here? Is there anything she wants to tell him, her only little brother? Any story she would love to tell like she always does when they were young? Or literally, any, anything. Or at very least, he wanted to ask her if she perhaps got bored of his calls… Also, what about mom? Has she… even smiled more than when she was still with him?
A stream of feelings stirring up inside his chest, the sunset gleam in his eyes wavered like a fickle light dancing on the ripples. But before he got more indulged into his own turmoil, Yuuya sharply inhaled.
…Nah, just kidding, there was no time for him to be sad.
Thinking as such, the boy who had now grown older as a young man wiped the evidence of his emotions off the corner of his eyes and stood up.
…His clubmates had just called him that they were gonna throw a karaoke party for him this dinner. Hi-chan was also attending. That old man was probably not coming, but he was already grateful for him to keep his promise on sponsoring his education up to this present. And on top of everything, he was finally graduated and now was one step closer to his dream. Therefore, he should be happy. He had got to be. There was no way he wasn’t… He wasn’t a lonely little brother who was in need of some pampering anymore.
Suppressing his pathetic self deep down the bottom of his heart, Yuuya let out a long sigh. He still had a project needed to be done anyway, and yeah —This must be the best way to keep himself distracted for a while.
However, unbeknownst to him,
A pair of bright red eyes were kept watching after his back with a bewildered look…
—Thanks for the gifts! And sorry for getting late lmao
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scriptospark · 2 months
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Firstly, thanks for taking a look at this! I like getting to know Muns better, so I thought this would be a nice link to include. So take a gander, this is in no way considered "law", merely things about myself personally + what I enjoy most / dislike in RP!
NAME: Delta PRONOUNS: Any, AFAB, but I'm genderfluid and comfortable with all pronouns! SEXUALITY: Pansexual, taken tho~ TRIGGERS: I don't have any really, if something bothers me though, I'll say something RP EXP: I started on myspace dot com so... 10+ years... I am a grandpa roleplayer :3 CAREER: Ehhh... I stream viddy games & it's keeping me afloat(ish) HOBBIES: Outside of writing, I'm a gaymer. I also am learning to do art, and play guitar when my arthritis isn't ruining me!
I've got that ADHD so I tend to prefer winging it and having multiple threads + sending & receiving inbox stuff frequently to keep things fresh! If I drop anything that's longer(multi para +), I will dm you! Please don't ever take offense to dropping things, like I said I do not control the ADHD. I'm happy to write new things, all the time.
OCS and Crossovers are very fun for me! I don't think I'll bother with a verses page though because I think it always depends on the character / mun I'm writing with. I prefer to keep the writing flexible, creativity > organization. I'm very loosey goosey with world building "rules", I like stretching the creative limits & sticking to a "pre-established" plot is difficult for me.
Shipping is so so so TASTY and I'm always down to discuss romantic and platonic ships. Kafka is being portrayed as a pansexual on this blog so she's open to shipping with pretty much anyone with chemistry! If you see a shippy askbox meme and are itching to send it? Do it. I'll let you know if I'm not feeling it!
Ship biases here are: Kafka + Himeko, Kafka + Blade, Kafka + Natasha, Kafka + Trailblazer, Kafka + Doctor Ratio (probably only with Eden tho~)
That being said, I am SO open to explore other romantic relationships and I absolutely adore close familial relationships & friendships. If you click like on my shipping call, I will 100% DM you (eventually, I'm slow with DMs) and ask what you're up for.
All-in-all I simply want to have fun writing with many partners & have a good time exploring our characters. I'm also happy to make friends along the way, you can always ask for my disc.ord! I'm slow there sometimes, but I love chit-chatting and rambling about plots and muses ♥
I think that about covers what anyone might be curious about me, but by all means feel free to reach out if there's anything else you wanna know or discuss!! Kiss on the forehead to anyone who took the time to peruse this btw~
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xluciifer · 3 months
        “ Damn boy are you the tower of babel because you are stacked in defiance of god and I cannot speak coherently when you go down. ” [ i warned you | from Vox I guess ??? | @perditicn ]
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⸺ ❝ Ha ha! So I leave ya incoherent and a babbling mess, huh? Is that the drift I'm catching because of how handsome I am? You wouldn't be the first or the last guy, pal. Though, again, it's not too surprising with my presence that a sinner such as yourself just takes a gander at me and gets loosey goosey in the knees. It's a curse, frankly. ❞
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lettherebemonsters · 3 months
A certain fallen Angel is now on Adam's head.
"Well hello, goosey-gander!" - @flawlessfallen
Oh no, he wasn't going to take this wap bap boom bullshit! Not today!
" You know, just because I'm fucking stuck down here doesn't mean I'm going to be your subject. What do you want, Lu? Can't you see I'm busy?"
Busy spending every day depressed and angry and wanting to punch an imp baby.
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primumincaelo · 5 months
@flawlessfallen ― Oooh he could feel the anger clear across the hotel. This wasn't good and Lucifer doesn't waste any real time moving to flutter his way up to Adam's level, hands coming up to cradle his face. "Hello there, my sweet goosey-gander~" Perhaps he needs a distraction.
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— ˖ ✦ * — How quickly he calms in the demon's hands, nuzzling into them like he's nuzzling into his pillow. “Hey, ducky.” Clawed hands make their way to the smaller's waist, grip juuuuust a little tighter than usual. “...Was I yellin' too loud?”
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