#A Wild Moral Complexity has appeared
i hate elves.
i say this, having played an elf before so i know why powergamers like them. there is nothing wrong with enjoying the aesthetic of 'twink with a sword' or 'elven accuracy go brrrr'.
but having read the 'elf book' (i think it was the same book as them releasing all the new variants of tieflings? i cant remember now) i was underwhelmed.
Elf lore is that they are basically No Name brand Tolkien elves with none of the interesting, ethereal bits and all of the xenophobia. Which - wanna preface this - there is nothing bad about exploring themes of discrimination in ttrpgs. It just. has to be handled with something other than misinterpreting or straight up copying Lord of the Rings?
I cannot for the life of me find the book it was in, but i remember reading that elves want to travel back to their homeland or feel a call to the beyond or something like that. Which is just. LotR elves but less interesting.
My main issue is that elves in WotC worlds offer nothing new to the genre. They are generic, easily digestible, bland ass creatures. I'm not as familiar with Pf2e lore but at least they actually bring up the problem of different lifespans in their description. Also! Elves change in appearance in pf depending on where they live. so we don't NEED 700 different kinds of elves.
Doing a cursory glance at a wiki (which is sad that only Fandom has info on WotC. one would think they would care more about their lore.) I get this.
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This is everything they have on the general culture for elves. If i click into the lore sections for Sun Elves, it provides me with a little bit more - which is nice.
only issue is that Sun Elves aren't a thing anymore.
The most expansive lore for elves is. Drow. Eughhhhhh spider sex cult.
anyone who knows me irl has gotten the Drow Rant before; but recently I changed my mind. I don't hate Drow for what they do - but rather how it is presented.
Drow are an 'Evil Race' - although not Naturally Evil like Orcs (which was wild to read and i have a bone to pick abt that)
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Yet their lore emphasizes that 'all' drow have a massive superiority complex, a lack of conventional morality, are vengeful, taught to be power hungry, and mistrust everyone around them - even the ones that don't want to be 'evil'. And you know what?
Thats rad! I like that!
There is a non-perfect society that doesn't always get along with itself. Granted the reason they provide as to why Drow haven't just killed each other is kindof a cop-out but with very minimal tweaking you might actually have something. The only thing i don't really like abt drow is that there is no 'good' or redeeming traits about them. Culture is 2 sides of the same coin; for every horrible policy, there was something relatively good. Maybe their judicial system is tight. Maybe they have great infrastructure. Idk but I want to know more.
i should make a post abt them.
Anyways TLDR: Elves deserve better. I find them bland because they are just empty husks stolen from Lord of the Rings, and half their lore no longer applies to modern dnd. Drow are the only semi-fleshed out elves and that scares me bc they are a spider sex cult. ;/
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cry-ptidd · 8 months
Laura’s overall design is very well done. I enjoy the fact that she is on the wider set side because it relates back to her being a werewolf. The Hellsing estate is very reminiscent of the Victorian era so her dress seems like it would be something you’d see in the show. One thing I do wonder is since she is a werewolf, does she get bothered by tight clothing?
I do see the bonuses of the sleeves she has. It hides excess body hair which could be expensive to others and doesn’t look as awkward with her gloves.
Clothing that maids wore were also dependent on their status: what they did around the house, who they reported to, whether or not they appeared in front of guests.
Maid dresses don’t have any exact look for them. A lot of servants didn’t wear the exact black and white apron look unless they were facing guests. Which I doubt Laura would be doing because of her colourful personality. If she is, maybe lean more into decorating her apron with lace. Hellsing is a little more modern. In-home or maids in the city in the Victorian era had their own dresses with patterns. Darker or muted colours. Like any other woman in their class It might be nice to see Laura have some rotating outfits that show various aspects of her personality. Part of her character seems like it is learning to be gentle with others and herself. Another thing is vulnerability? It would be interesting for her to start to explore expressing herself through new ribbons in her hair, new hairstyles (maybe done by Walter like the cute father figure he is). She has had some run ins with being some ladies mysterious wolf mistresses. It might be funny and a little interesting if she wore any gifts she got from her girlfriends or even items she stole from the guys. Like how serial killers take trophies
Biggest thing I would want to see more if is her personality showing more through her design, unless you are more telling of a story of a werewolf that has a similar loyalty to the Hellsing family as Alucard does.
I like the idea of Integra complimenting Laura wearing her hair or having a certain colours on and so she continues to wear items of the same variety.
It depends on how modern or traditional you want to go. How you see your version of the Hellsing organization. My opinion on a design change isn’t towards the dress as much as it is to accessories.
I love Laura as she is tho so feel free to shoo this away.
By the gods are you aware how fucking helpful this ask is?? Not only the maid facts, but also all the things that could add onto and show her personality? Thank you so much. (Ranting below 👇)
I adore the idea of her keeping accessories from her previous mistresses and kills, that’s genius. Little hoarder goblin has a stash in her quarters full of random shit and trinkets she stole. Maybe wearing the suit of an unfaithful groom she ate (big talk coming from her after she fucked the bride) to wear on nice occasions.
Lace is a very interesting aspect! Especially since she is french, perhaps some traditional patterns from the 18th century. Lace is also delicate and ladylike, which adds onto her being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And more english maid than french i’d suppose, since Integra is quite patriotic.
I also really like the detail of the loose clothing you pointed out! Laura is also claustrophobic, so that is definitely a plus on her design, as well as that reflecting her personality not being strict about rules or morality. Maybe some more rips and tears here and there to reflect her more wild nature. Colors might not be her thing… but a darker palette would be interesting.
And indeed, Laura isn’t allowed near the guests lest it’s for serving things if the staff is low. She’s already all glares and no smile, no need to spook the invitees any more than they already are by this strange grumbly woman pouring them tea.
As for her loyalty to Hellsing… it is at the same time complex and simple: dogs are loyal, and Laura likes Integra as a person and sees her as a prime example of the virtues of humanity, contributed also by the fact she’s fed and clothed while not having to hide her lycanthropy (to Hellsing at least). Normally she would despise someone like Integra, as she would see her as someone who’s as all bark and no bite; but seeing Integra be not only unafraid of her and Alucard but be commanding? That’s new.
Also, part of her character is absolutely learning to handle gentler things. She is muzzled, she can’t kill just anyone, she must stay docile, she can’t hurt herself or others. Integra has a tight eye on her, and Laura definitely isn’t used to actually being cared for, or having fellow monsters that actually understand her. That’s also why she’s loyal to Integra.
I also need to post about her backstory, it’s been months since i’ve been talking about it. But i tried to fit SO much psychology explaining in there, it’s difficult to make it compact (and i don’t want to make you guys read a whole novel).
Again, i will absolutely keep this ask in mind as i redesign her. Thank you so much for it.
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bugsbenefit · 7 months
also people who say they “always knew there was something off about him”or “never liked him”…. first of all stop lying and second… what made you think that 😐 😐 what about noah schnapps vibes made you think he was a zionist. answer fast
also ive seen people calling him ugly and hideous which is just. blatant antisemitism
yeah absolutely true. the whole shift to not just dropping celebrities but having to kind of retroactively disown them and pretend you could somehow tell they 'were always evil' is so freaky
obviously with Noah specifically you can talk about how some people were wary months ago when he went to israel on birthright and posted about it. but then pretending they knew he would publicly go off the zionist deep end to this extreme and post things like "zionism is sexy" stickers and anyone who thought no one would be that crazy is stupid is wild
especially the appearance thing is so gross to me. just because some public figure has a heinous moral complex doesn't give you the right to suddenly call them and their very much jewish features ugly. same with calling him slurs, there were So many slurs yesterday. seeing how easily people are willing to switch up from liking someone to insulting basic human features and saying "maybe we do need some dead f words", is so disgusting (<- direct quote btw. wanted to be homophobic and couldn't even bring themselves to actually say the slur -.-)
the whole idea that anyone that's a bad person has to have Always been evil. and that they're ugly and stupid etc. is just so so counterproductive. skilled people can suck, average/good looking people can suck. Everyone can be a bad person. pretending like he was somehow always ugly or unlikable to you when that clearly wasn't the case just opens to door for actual homophobes or antisemites to come in and say there was always something off about him (while meaning the gayness or jewishness)
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fitzrove · 1 year
"They have feelings, just like us"
or: what I'd make of That Line
or: what happens when I'm let loose with tdv vienna original too long past midnight
So, after Die Unstillbare Gier, there's a line from Alfred (who's been watching throughout) - "Sie haben gefühlen!! Wie wir!". This doesn't appear in modern productions - Alfred and the prof just leave for DUG - but it did happen in the original. I've occasionally talked with friends about what it means for Alfred to say this, what it means for his character arc (and what the place and meaning of Die Unstillbare Gier, generally a fan favourite, really is in the story) and we never arrived at a proper conclusion :D But I think I've got it now (or at least an opinion - it's definitely not the objective truth and it's maybe a bit convoluted.)
So. Considering the lyrics, Die Unstillbare Gier definitely doesn't paint a very appealing picture of vampirism - it's about Krolock killing and destroying everyone he's ever loved - so it might be hard to wrap your head around why that would be a turning point/final point of corruption in Alfred's character arc... after all, everything else leading up to it has been about him being tempted to embrace emotion over logic, so wouldn't it make more sense for there to be another "vampirism is awesome" song in the vein of (the first half of) Carpe Noctem?
But there isn't. And I think that makes it more interesting, actually 👀👀 Die Unstillbare Gier, in my opinion, reassures Alfred that vampires can still regret, that they can hesitate and question the morality of their actions. After all, that's what Alfred does constantly - he doubts himself! And Alfred, because he's generally a good person, must value that doubt and that moral consideration quite a bit. In Carpe Noctem, the nightmare!Alfred is completely shameless and remorseless, led by wild urges and emotion alone, to the point that he willingly puts Sarah in harm's way. Alfred would never want that, which must be one of his biggest subconscious worries when it comes to vampirism.
But Die Unstillbare Gier soothes those worries and proves to Alfred that vampires do doubt and feel in complex ways. (It's another thing whether Krolock was lying throughout the song to manipulate him and is in fact a thoroughly dishonest and "immoral" figure - Michael Kunze says yes.) Alfred's "they have feelings" marks the moment when he begins to think that vampires aren't that different from humans after all (lol this is probably quite obvious given that he literally says so) and completes his subconscious shift towards accepting vampirism.
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I’m sorry but this fandom has the most piss-poor reading comprehension I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure if “reading” comprehension can still be applied to a visual medium, but whatever - regardless, the fact that fans can’t even read the fucking narrative and instead deconstruct or misconstrue characters and then rebuild them completely different then how they’re actually suppose to be in the story, is wild.
henry creel is meant to be a fucking villain. like. I need you all to understand this. there was no mistaking this when he was introduced to the show. yes, his background and reasonings for turning murderous and then fully becoming vecna are complex and interesting within the story and how they relate to the lab and whatnot, but we’re suppose to grasp from the beginning that henry always had it in him to turn into a villain. it didn’t simply start with the abuse under brenner (abuse, btw, as we’ve learned from the billy fiasco, is not a get-out-of-jail-free-card when it comes to his actions) - it starts when he’s a fucking 10yr old kid and he tied up a bunny rabbit and started torturing it. no, I’m not saying a lonely and disturbed child was straight up evil, but purely from who he was, he found his own purpose and enjoyment in harmful things.
he always had that. and we’re suppose to grasp that from the narrative.
ppl out here saying he was actually trying to help el???? that he, quote, did nothing wrong????? this isn’t interpreting the text how you see it. this is fucking taking the whole text and tossing it out the window.
the duffers were clear the second henry was introduced. we can read this not just from his actions, but by the setup too - the soundtrack, the way el is nervous and unsure of him, the way jamie plays him with that continuous haunting air; we’re told, from the start, to be cautious and unsure of him. this slowly changes we he starts interacting with el; encouraging her to utilize her emotions for her powers, whispering ‘good luck’ to her during the lesson, and then finally when we see him try to help her escape, we’re thinking maybe he’s a helpful good guy after all! the tone of the episode is leading us towards that, it’s set-up to have us believe that - so, we can have that show-stopping moment of a rug being pulled out under us when el walks out, seeing the dead bodies of her ‘siblings’ and henry covered in blood. that scene change is a massive fucking curve - it’s suppose to flip you over on your back, harshly tugging away the previous thought that maybe henry would be a good guy. we can see clearly now, he is not a good guy.
this alone, should be enough context. but his actions are more proof. him trying to get close to el wasn’t to ‘help’ her or protect her from brenner - it was a manipulation tactic, bc he saw her as a prime tool of use either for her strong psychic powers or bc he saw that same lonely/’feeling different/’ factor he felt in her too making her an easy target, and planted the seed by appearing to ‘help’ her so she’d accompany him in his take-over. killing the other children was not an act of mercy - it was bc he saw them as ‘weak’ and wanted to be rid of them before moving up with el, he didn’t gave any damn about them clearly by the way he either ignored them or encouraged el to fight back against them. this isn’t empathy - it’s manipulation. like..you all know there’s a reason why there are so many similarities between henry and el/will right? it’s to show us, in almost a black-n-white way, a good guy and a bad guy. they have similarities, but it’s their inner core, who they truly are, that gives way to them making the right or wrong choices. their morals - like the way henry, again, ties up a rabbit and tortures it, and then the way el cries at harming the cat and refuses. how will is both sensitive and haunted like henry, but instead, also kind and warm - giving his dumptruck to the little girl in the sandbox, ‘all friends welcome’ written on castle byers, whereas henry went into isolation as a youth bc he was both angry and afraid of the world. henry himself maybe didn’t start out evil, but what we’re suppose to understand is that he always had it in him to become so and did.
this! is! not! a! complex! subject! it is, in fact, NOT THAT DEEP.
frankly, I am so fucking tired of seeing this - this repeated wobbifycation of the fandom’s favourite White Boys(tm) where instead of understanding them for who the creators show us they are, completely blindside that to turn them into whatever fandom wants. we saw the same fucking thing happen earlier with billy. billy was written and always meant to be a one-off antagonist. he was suppose to show up in s2 to be a foil to max and the others and literally that was it - even the duffers said so, saying they had no plan to otherwise do anything with billy. but fangirls jumped onto him and built up fever for him so hard, completely deconstructing how the duffers planned him as just a two-dimensional racist asshole and instead saying he was some justified victim who was actually a good brother to max - and boom, now the fandom is filled with this shit, of ppl openly loving a character who tried to openly harm (or possibly kill) a child of colour, and he gets a full storyline in s3. while henry has more depth then billy, overall, this is the same pattern. the show gives us a cruel figure in the form of some young white guy, meant to be seen exactly for what he is, and fandom refuses to see it, tossing away any cruel actions by saying they weren’t meant to be bad in the first place, going so far as to completely rewrite the text of the storyline. 
you know who was suppose to be read as complex? kali.
no, I will not shut up about this - bc it is both so humours and totally disappointing in the way fandom gives free licences to white villains, but completely refuses to give that to actual complex characters and instead read them as one thing only. through the entirety of kali’s episode, we get the overall picture of her as someone both caring and cruel. kali clearly loves el, the way she treats her and smiles at her and opens herself to her showcases this - though kali will never fault el from making her own choices, it’s clear she wants her in her life. she also, cares for her friends; she’s able to relate her story of abuse to their own disenfranchisement, and then taking that, seeks out those who’ve hurt her and others so they’re repercussions, and so they can’t hurt again. there’s empathy and nobility in there - but, kali is also cruel. she’s unable to see how killing ray would affect his children, and how forcing el to confront brenner hurts her. she makes wrong choices, but we’re suppose to see, that kali isn’t trying to be inherently, 100% malicious in them. she’s got a higher purpose, a more complex meaning, behind it all. when you look at her and line it all up with how she acts, treats others, and generally just goes about her business, we come to understand that she’s neither good nor bad, but, somewhere in the middle.
and what happened? she was introduced and quite literally thrown to the mob who beat her to a pulp. fandom outright refused to look at the nuances - to them, kali did one(1) bad action, and so therefore was tossed aside, no longer to be looked at. the same fucking fandom that will bend over backwards for the villains of this story, when given an actual morally grey character shaped by hardship and abuse, wouldn’t even give her the time of the day.
honestly, if it weren’t so disheartening I would find it funny. instead, it’s just sad. it’s deeply frustrating and upsetting how fandom will find every excuse in the book to validate and understand villainous characters of a certain type (aka Attractive White Boy), but won’t give the time of day to actual interesting characters who’re much more deserving of this deep analysis I’ve seen for both henry and billy.
tl;dr: henry is a fucking villain. billy is a fucking villain. they were never meant to be anything more, and if you want a complex character, you can find that in kali or frankly, a handful of other characters in this show. and once more, this fandom has a racism & misogyny problem that aids in the complete inability to properly comprehend a storyline, and it’s no fucking wonder I really hate it around here sometimes.
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sunlessea · 5 months
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just winter ramblings BUT LIKE..........
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winter's morality and character is so all over the place bc he's actively so sympathetic while also being a complete bastard cuz it's like... he is extremely ruthless [being the ca.marilla / ven.true prince for his territory & having to deal with both the surface AND neath politics, he rly HAS to be] but also like thinking about who he was vs who he is now is so... sad
his character is so complex and i haven't rambled about it a lot but like ... he was murdered for his homosexuality considering the time period he was kine in and the only reason he survived is through being embraced by a sire who was disgusted by the crime / witnessed it and took pity on him [ * that sire being justine, one of the original v.entrue. ] and it's such a stark turning point for his character bc prior to that he was a very sweet, hopeless romantic individual who saw the best in everything and was wholeheartedly an optimist despite the cruelty of his circumstances with parents who didn't understand him and a childhood boyfriend who wouldn't stand up for him when he got outed [ * adrien, though through no fault of his own : they're both victims of a cruel time period and share the same trauma's ]
he didn't even leave his family initially despite being turned, until he had no choice when they started threatening to lock his sibling up in an asylum [ * that being summer, who was embraced after him by a m.alkavian, and that bloodline on top of him trying to fight coming to terms with being a ftm transman ofc made people of the time assume he was mentally unwell ]
winter's story is so wild because it's STEEPED in kindness + the necessity of freedom and acceptance, he literally uproots his already fragile life and runs away from america to chase the RUMOR of the neath's existence ultimately to save summer / find somewhere in which his brother could be himself and not even for the sake himself, considering he ultimately decides to stay on the surface because he wants to both change it and see the surface progress past kine's close-minded prejudices.
but he's also just like. undeniably an evil person once you reach present day london. he had to climb the ve.ntrue political ladder to claim the position he's in, he has to constantly deal with and threaten the masters, he has to hunt down and kill / make an example of people who break the masquerade, he has all these political dealings he has to go thru, etc and i'm just :')
a lot of winter's character gets lost on people who meet him because he's so ... different from who he used to be. the world hurt and then hardened him, he LOST the kindness / optimism he once had but NOT his open-mindedness, he hurts people for the sake of his practicality and position but never for the case of it being who they are, he's a progressive force in the surface's world but an overbearing dictator to the neath's kindred, he sacrificed himself to save his brother but sacrifices those around him to uplift his position, he continuously tries to push both the surface and the w.orld of darkness forward to accept and care for people regardless of their cultures or appearances or identities but refuses to progress as a person himself after settling into a role of v.entrue dictator because he can't heal his own trauma
etc etc etc
anw winter makes me have feelings bc he grew into such a morally awful person but he's also such a huge reason that london and his territories are so openly available to and welcoming to all kinds of people regardless of who or what they are, and there are so many kindred and kine both who fled to london specifically because they knew they'd be safe just existing there from a standpoint of societal acceptance regardless of race / gender / sexuality / culture / etc, even though dealing with the masters and the neath and the ca.marilla and etc all together is a pain
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mizufae · 1 year
Wendell & Wild has a trans character who is instrumental to the plot and pretty endearing whose transness is entirely unnecessary to the plot (they could have just made him a misfit who is cis). The only person who deadnames him is his ex-friend who turns out to be not so bad in the end, but there’s never a moment of magical understanding or whatever. Even the supposedly religious Christian characters appear to gender him correctly and he has a supportive mom who doesn’t put any conditions on her support. There isn’t ever a moment of like, oooh mean people misgender him or make him wear girl clothes or anything. He is just there, a guy who is openly transgender, like how a character might be black or catholic or British or whatever, just a character trait that is relevant to him as a person but not to the plot in particular. Fascinating.
That said despite the all star cast, stellar animation, unique style, great soundtrack and fairly original plot, the movie kind of fell a little flat? It’s certainly not bad, definitely watchable and I could easily see it being somebody’s favorite. But the direction and timing felt off. Some of it felt slow, some of it seemed off base in terms of scale or atmosphere. Sometimes it felt like they were giving room to Key and Peele to riff when they shouldn’t have, and sometimes it felt like dialogue was missing or transitional scenes were left out. There was a big obvious moral and although most characters had complexity and reasonable motivations, the bad guys felt especially cartoonish and the level of simplification needed to make the very thorny issues easy enough to convey in high contrast visual montages felt iffy. Like, it’s mostly about the school to prison pipeline with shades of colonialism and capitalist assholes vs local activism, right? And though these are very deep veins to mine in for stories about good vs evil, this felt… trite, in the end. It could have been far more ambiguous or the good guys could have had more trouble in the end, but it wasn’t and that felt out of synch with the rest of the movie.
Anyway. If you have some time to spend, you should watch it for the animation, because it really was super creative and a treat to look at. I would say it’s probably good for 13 and up?
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
Who's your favorite Tokyo Revengers character? Mines is Baji, Hanma and Kazutora!
I’m happy to finally gush about my favorite Tokyo Revengers character! I actually already made an updated top 10 favorite characters list so this would be a piece of cake!
Also I see that based on your favorites, you’re into the seemingly wild characters who actually have a lot of baggage and layers to them! Fantastic taste! ;)
My top 10 favorites are:
Takemichi: Imma go off on this boi because he is one of my favorite shounen protagonists! Okay, I feel like I said this for a lot of shounen protagonists, but I feel like Takemichi hits a bit different. He’s like a combination of, coincidentally, my favorite shounen protagonists, Deku and Asta. He’s emotional like Deku, but also determined like Asta. But I think what makes him stand out more is how flawed and human he appears. Like he doesn’t initially have nerves of steel. There were many moments where he wanted to give up and run away, moments where he felt fear, and even moments where he felt like he had to do things alone. Thankfully, he was always reminded of what he was fighting for and that he was never alone. Takemichi just seems more like a dynamic in comparison to other protagonists. I think having him mess up and struggle repeatedly throughout the story is more interesting compared to a character who always refuses to back down and give up, no shade towards those types of characters. Takemichi is just so relatable and sympathetic. Home boi went through so much trauma for so many people. A true king.
Draken: Best side character. He has a good head over his shoulder and just seems so much cooler in comparison to other characters. What I like most about Draken is how he is the conscience of the gang. I have such a soft spot for this boi. He seems tough, but is actually very caring! Truly top tier!
Mikey: I’m a huge fan of how complex Mikey’s character became. He has so much baggage and layers that I’m honestly impressed with how the mangaka is handling him with so much care! An absolute rollercoaster ride and I’m loving it!
Chifuyu: THE OG. THE DUDE. BEST BOY. Chifuyu went through a lot and yet he remained strong and loyal. His mental and emotional strength should not go unnoticed! His will and dedication is amazing.
Mitsuya: We stan a gemini king. Mistuya was a pleasant surprise! At first I thought he was just a chill dude until we get to know his backstory and relationship with Hakkai and Draken! The more he appears in the manga, the cooler he gets! Love how he acts like an older brother figure for others! Also a fashion designer and artist?! He’s so perfect! 
Kakucho: OH MAN. Kakucho is so loveable and showcases probably the most morals among the gang of antagonists. He really stands out imo!
Hakkai: I love this big baby. He’s so dorky and cute not gonna lie. A very shy boy, but he’ll FIGHT! Love his development in the manga! I just wanna pinch his cheeks!
Inui: A VERY GOOD BOY. I love how he was initially an enemy, but became a loyal supporter of Takemichi! His relationship with Koko was very spicy and I overall think he’s very charming!
Koko: He’s such a complicated boi, but he’s also so interesting! I find his relationship with Inui to be a highlight and I just love how self aware but also self-destructive this guy is. 
Kisaki: He is such an engaging antagonist! He’s so calculating and manipulative! He really said “work smarter, not harder”! He’s so unpredictable which is why he’s so fun to watch! I think his motivation is both spicy and ridiculous (in a good way)-! If you know, you know! 
Honorable mentions: Hina, Naoto, Angry, Baji
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
'“Be yourself," goes Oscar Wilde's famous quip*, "everybody else is already taken."
Yes, yes... it’s funny because it’s true. Except, strictly speaking, it's not true. It discounts the quite practical possibility of murdering someone you idolise in cold blood, destroying the body and assuming their identity to enjoy their life for the rest of yours. The rest is mere details: forge some utility bills, change your appearance and mannerisms, decipher their social media passwords and convince the people who love them that they’ve done a runner.
Yes, you’d have to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. And yes, you'd probably have to murder anyone who gets too close to the truth. But what price is that to pay for the life you’ve always wanted?
That’s the trick according to Tom Ripley, the eponymous psychopath at the centre of Netflix’s new series Ripley, based on the bestselling set of novels by Patricia Highsmith.
The limited series, starring one-time ‘hot priest’ Andrew Scott as our life-shifting antihero, is a moody, noirish, slow-burn of a TV show, shot entirely in black and white with a score that oozes over the action like Marmite.
Scott's portrayal of Tom Ripley is as haunting as it is enthralling, capturing the character's complex layers of manipulation and inner turmoil. And unlike Anthony Minghella’s sun-drenched 1999 adaptation, starring Matt Damon and Jude Law, it’s much closer to the book’s dark and morally ambiguous tone, delving deep into the psyche of literature’s most loveable psychopath.
First published in 1955, The Talented Mr Ripley was a massive hit, immersing readers in her murky world of deception and consequence, where the line between right and wrong swirls into a murky grey. And, as decades passed, more books followed, deepening Highsmith's exploration into the lengths one man will go to escape his own identity and fulfil his desires.
So what are the books, and how should they be read? The short answer is that, while each novel can be read as a standalone story, they are interconnected and depict the evolution of Ripley's character over time. So it's best to read them chronologically.
Read on for more (WARNING: this article may include spoilers).
*There is no substantive evidence that Wilde ever said this, but it sounds like a witticism he could have said, so the attribution has stuck.
1. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955)
In the first novel of the series, we meet Tom Ripley, a down-on-his-luck con artist living off his wits in Italy. But, in a chance encounter with the rich and classy Mr Greenleaf, he finds himself on a mission to coastal Italy to persuade Greenleaf’s loafer son to return to the U.S. and get serious.
Does he fall in love with Greenleaf Jr himself, or just with his lifestyle? It’s hard to tell. But gradually he inveigles himself into the doomed playboy’s world and, in doing so, into our sympathies.
But here's the thing: Tom is so damn likeable. He’s self-effacing, shy and charmingly naïve about the ways of the wealthy – an orphan with a hard past who, through graft, charm, and sheer force of personality, beats the odds to make a success of his life.
It's just that... the thing he's really successful at is getting away with murder.
2. Ripley Under Ground (1970)
Years have passed, and Ripley – despite Highsmith’s multiple hints that he is gay – has settled down with a wealthy French heiress and is moonlighting as a counterfeit art dealer.
But paranoia over his past is setting in. A loose thread from a past art forgery threatens to unravel the life he’s forged for himself. To silence a hungry collector, Ripley improvises a deadly gamble. The move backfires, pulling him towards a closing net.
A relentless detective digs into a missing person's case, and a ghost from Ripley's bloody past emerges. Can he silence them before his house of cards collapses, revealing the killer beneath the gentleman's facade?
3. Ripley's Game (1974)
Living the wealthy life in France, Tom Ripley craves excitement. When a shady associate asks him to arrange a murder, Ripley hatches a twisted plan. He convinces a sickly neighbour, Jonathan Trevanny, that the Mafia wants him dead.
Ripley orchestrates a chilling game, manipulating Trevanny and relishing the chaos. But the thrill turns deadly when the real Mob, suspicious of Ripley's involvement, sends hitmen. Now Ripley, forced to confront his past sins, must fight for his own survival in a deadly game of his own making.
4. The Boy Who Followed Ripley (1980)
Living the quiet life in France, Ripley's world is shaken by a teenage runaway named Frank. The boy harbours a dark secret: he killed his wealthy father. As Ripley recognises a kindred spirit in Frank, they form a twisted bond.
But that bond unravels when Frank inadvertently learns of Ripley's criminal past. So, in a bid to control the situation, Ripley kidnaps Frank to stop him from talking. Suddenly, Ripley finds himself drawn into Berlin's criminal underworld as he is forced not only to confront dangerous men, but also the lengths he is prepared to go to save his own skin.
5. Ripley Under Water (1991)
In his French chateau, Ripley cultivates a garden as scrupulously as his stolen life. Yet, a weed of suspicion sprouts. A new neighbour, the obnoxious Pritchard, seems fixated on Ripley's past.
As Pritchard probes further, the ground under Ripley's feet begins to give way. A tenacious detective from Ripley's past stirs, and a witness emerges from the shadows. Can Ripley silence the hum before it becomes an alarm, exposing the blood on his manicured hands and the chilling truth beneath his masquerade?'
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trusswork · 3 months
Nussbaum on species, sentience
Martha Nussbaum's NYRB 2022 book excerpt on preserving or not preserving species "in the wild” ("A Peopled Wilderness") is, like much of her writing, strangely arbitrary and full of gaps, a sort of parody of analytic philosophy in its high-intuitionist style. Most of what she writes is either inarguable, already much said on one side or another, or a else a reframed sort of "test" assertion which a seminar could easily debate, but not more than this -- and these assertions rarely fit together into an applicable philosophical position. Endless elaboration is more the strategy.
There is a particular problem with her “threshold of sentience,” which Nussbaum announces, unexplained, near the end of the excerpt, and which appears to permit, as an example, the predatory killing of insects, whereas more neurologically complex species should be allowed to flourish in their particular species-lives. Where the line of sentience is drawn is a mystery, as is why that line, set at any level, should be used. (Fair to say that these issues may be addressed in Nussbaum's book, but the excerpt seems indefensible without that discussion.)
These issues aside, though, it might be useful -- in addition to trying to peer into the subjective flourishing of other species -- to consider our own flourishing, were humans to find themselves in most other animals' position, i.e., what if humans were slated to be wiped out by an approaching hostile alien species (or perhaps a virus or natural disaster), and another benevolent alien species had power to rescue us? Would we necessarily want them to do so, and at what price. At any price? (Science fiction has long addressed these scenarios, adn "assisted evolution" is now making them real, though with humans in the superior position.) Would we form our preferences based on anything other than survival motives? Surely there would be some doomsaying futility, and even coherent moral positions for rejecting aid.
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izartn · 9 months
I'm craving good het romance, as one does from time to time. Where do I find good fantasy not only romance het pairings. Where is my queer het plot!!!
Has anyone some book or manga recs? Preferably something finished please, I don't want to suffer waiting to the author to complete or abandon the story or of they're gonna be canon XD
EDIT after list is written: Okay. This post has officially become my list of what kind and why of het pairings I like. You've been officially warned. (Also a rec list of what to read/watch?) Trying to avoid spoilers.
Also more than half of this list is about teen me readings, I really need to seek out books and Manga bc wow. Very teen me, and I think that I've outgrown their canons even if the ship dynamic is also that still compels me.
I like:
El/Orion from the Scholomance. Whenever Orion gets a bit of focus I'm just. Oh wow (if you read between the lines he's so simple and so fucking unhinged at the same time). El extremely denying any vibes until last moment, but also falling extremely hard. Them both being such a battle couple/pair in general.
Whatever you can call what Agatha has going on with her two beaus in Girl Genius. They're all three of them so crazy competent and gone for each other too.
Yona/Hak and her vibes with Soo-won too (that foils thing she has with him is perfect and usually handled to male charas only, I'm biting my arm) (the loyalty thing with Hak and the way he pulls her higher too) (just the frustrated ot3 vibes of it all).
Jang Uk and Naksu|Cho Yeong in season 1. Their devoted and unhinged vibes destroyed me, I loved them. They were perfect, they only needed a bit more physicality. Season 2 defanged Yeong way way too much (in favor of uwu and blegh, let the woman cut off heads) and I didn't like the postponed angst and romance without knowing her identity.
Iron Widow OT3, which look. Wu Zetian rules even when she misses and nukes a city and everything is fantastically creepy and the guys lovely developed charas too with very different personalities and backstories
Tana and Gavriel from the Coldest Girl in Coldtown. (and this one also has threesome vibes with Aiden, uh) I like it when she is driven to do whatever it needs doing be it save her ex or her sister, or killing an ancient vampire in the company of another midly crazed vamp who is also very devoted to her and rediscovering life. Also the whole aesthetic and vibes of this one fucks.
Kate and August in Monsters of Verity duology. Dark dystopic urban fantasy and monster/human plus tragedy plus narrativelt active morally complex fem protags? I was obssesed with it when it came out.
Kaguya and Shirogane, but specifically if they weren't so innocent. Their chemistry is super fun, but I want something a bit more grown up and less teen panic. See also, me at 11 being obssesed with Blair/Chuck vibes in season 1 and 2 of Gossip Girl.
I'm on a roll. I loved Gilbert/Anne both in the 80's series and in Anne with an e. Obvious rivals to lovers where the guy respects her intelligence and she also has to have a whole arc about herself before realising she likes him.
I remember being bewitched by Lyra and Will once upon a time when I read the Golden Compass trilogy. Same re:Nathaniel and Kitty from Bartimaeus despite these two never having comfirmed anything just tragic unfulfilled potential.
Bipa and Aer from La Emperatriz de los Etéreos de Laura Gallego; theyre my fave pairing of hers and one of the only ones I didn't grew distant from as I grew out of her books. She's so practical and also kind and warm hearted, and he has the head on the clouds and is also completely out of this world in a familiar way. (this is me identitying with the guy who only appears like. A quarter of the whole novel bc he has been trying to give himself over to a lovecraftian alien soul-eater blue star while Bipa has to do all the journey to bring him back and destroy said blue star). Laura Gallego is wild.
Younger me also enjoyed Artemis/Holly, not sorry at all for that one. He's so gone for her as a person and she's so out of his league (bc of their ages, bc of their species, their incompatible moralities up to the last books, etc, etc). Unfulfilled longing that makes you want to be a better person, the ship.
Soul/Maka on the other hand have super married vibes despite nothing ever being official and I love them and want to set on fire all the fic there's is about them bc it's general romcom / modern setting without that battle partnership and soul trust + domesticity I love. Also extremely teen but alas.
Yatori from Noragami bc I love tragedy specifically and human/gods relationships are fascinating. Even if it's unfinished. Even if it's out of focus somewhat.
Bellamy/Clarke from the 100 for all of the three seasons I saw before abandoning the series. The plot was unsmokeable but their relationship perfectly done. I was resigned to a boring romance with Finn and bam. Complex relationships, Clarke being bi with Lexa, parallel leaderships arcs, etc. Oh wow.
When someone bothers to write Aredhel/Celegorm on her PoV and it hits incredibly HARD. Damn. Whether aroallo or full-romo. Let post rebirth Aredhel be wild and Celegorm reckon with the knowledge of what wrong he almost brought to Luthien given Aredhel. Aredhel loving Lomion despite everything and loving disaster Celegorm, but not forgetting what they did, the awkward bonding between Maeglin and Celegorm as two former bad guys. Or them avoiding a bad ending and dying together fighting on the First Age before the Second Kinslaying. Playful times in Valinor pre-darkening.
I loved Laini Taylor characters and worldbuilding but her love at first sight kind of romances left me cool which is sad given I liked like everything else about her stories. Including the two characters involved on the romances, but not the romances per se. I guess I'm too aroace to believe first sight as anything reasonable in a serious plot even with the fairy tale vibes her stories have lol.
I also love Reylo vibes and symbolism but hated what they did on the last movie with them and I'm weirdly unable to read much fic of them. So...
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anangelforsure · 11 months
Good Omens 2 thoughts (long, spoilers)
First of all just generic thoughts (so tumblr hopefully doesn’t put any blatant spoilers on display.)
Oh my god. Incredible. It’s amazing just to see Crowley and aziraphale again. Their dynamic is wonderful, as an ace person they really resonate with me in the way they express affection. Gabriel without his memory is so cute it’s wild to compare that to his awfulness in season one. The three major new characters are delightful, Muriel is so sweet, Maggie and nina obviously mirror a and c which makes for some amusing moments. The mystery is intriguing, the flashbacks add a lot of depth to everything, i feel like we get to know aziraphale a lot better in this season. Obviously they more or less go together, as always, but my first impression is that I learned a lot about him.
*spoilers start here*
More specifically, we get a lot of insight into the way heaven keeps their grip on our angel. We see Crowley deciding to ‘ask some questions’ before he falls, and aziraphale clearly already knows it’s trouble. Through the flashbacks to the time of Job, we see how brutal heaven is, playing with human lives for a bet. Az hates it but is too afraid to say anything out of line. To be totally honest he struck me as kind of annoying my first time seeing season one due to his undying loyalty to heaven, but over time rewatching that and seeing season two I realize that it’s not entirely his fault, he’s indoctrinated, heaven is like a cult, threatening terrible punishment for those who dare question authority. It’s awfully awkward since he’s paired with Crowley who has been through it with both heaven and hell and rejected taking either side because he knows how they are. The continuing theme through the flashbacks of az insisting that heaven is “the good guys” despite seeing the complexity of human morality many times makes the ending all the more painful. As soon as the metatron appears and the music changes in episode six, im filled with a sense of dread. Aziraphale never fully acknowledged that heaven is wrong with their actions or stated that he isn’t on their side. Crowley has been on his own side (“our side”) for a very long time, but he ‘goes too fast’ for aziraphale. I’ve seen a lot of people shitting on az for this, but come on we’ve spent two whole seasons watching him wrestle with inner conflict as he knows heaven isn’t what they claim to be, but he truly believes things can get better because he is purely good in a tragically naive way. Good people do bad things and hurt people they love sometimes, and both of them are horrible at communicating. Az is afraid to commit to something new, falling back into familiar ways when posed with a decision, Crowley rarely shares how he feels instead opting to be mean and make jokes (up until the end of course) anyways. You know it’s going nowhere good when there’s only ten minutes left and the music isn’t happy… I was absolutely shocked at the way it went down though. I feel sick to my stomach with the music and aziraphales interrupting Crowley trying to confess.. every word from az’s mouth makes it worse as we know there’s no hope for him to see sense at this point. My heart STOPS and I can barely register what’s happening at the moment of crowley’s “we could’ve been US” I almost question if I’m dreaming, if this is somehow a joke or fanfiction. I’m simultaneously elated and horrified at what I’m watching it’s beautiful. The entire credits rolling as a and c silently hold back tears on either side of my screen.. delightful,,heartbreaking,, unexpected. Such a bold move, A terrible terrible way to end a season but also the best thing I’ve ever seen. 10/10
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mangamushi · 11 months
The World is Mine / first chapter
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The world is mine, Hideki Arai, 1997, pre-published in Young Sunday, Seinen, 14 volumes
TWIM follows a pair of criminals, Toshi and Mon, as they travel through Japan setting bombs to explode on their path. At the same time, a third force of destruction also wreaks havoc through Japan : a mysterious bear-like beast, dubbed Higumadon. 
Having read TWIM twice now, I found it interesting to revisit the initially confusing first chapters after knowing the rest of the story. Here is an attempt at reviewing the manga through an analysis of the very first chapter. Spoiler free,  except for said first chapter obviously.
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Before digging in the chapter itself, let’s take a look at the first page greeting the reader when opening the book. The title, written in a brush calligraphy style, dynamic and angry, fits perfectly with the following content of the book. This type of calligraphy is recurring in Arai’s work, often used in the manga to depict screams and other noises, almost more part of the artwork than textual. This title page already sets the tone and style of the story. The words themselves, an  assertion of power by an individual over the world itself, highlight the main themes of the manga perfectly.
The title of first chapter, Bomb, is equally fitting, foreshadowing the explosive nature of the manga.
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It can  refers to literal bombs :  the bombs made by Toshi in fire extinguishers, shown in the very first panel of the very first page, before anything else.
It is also a fitting title because the whole manga is like a bomb, explosive and  violent, it is sure to shake the reader. Arai is known for his hot-blooded, frenetic, furious style. TWIM is polemical and powerful work, that I’m convinced only Arai could have made. To me no other manga come close to the experience of reading TWIM. 
TWIM depicts the clashing of different destructive forces. The manga is  characterized by build-up of power. If the first chapter is titled “Bomb”, the second chapter already escalates it to  “Power Bomb”. Throughout the story, there is rising tension, eventually leading to annihilation.  But after the spark, something can rebirth from the remains. This cycle of destruction leading to a blank state and finally the birth of something new, is central to the work.
Toshiya and Mon, a complex and compelling duo
The Toshi-Mon duo is introduced as soon as the very first pages. 
Toshi is testing his self-made bombs on a beach, a camera in hand, perhaps to keep a trace of the power he feels he acquires through bombs.
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He appears timid, hesitant, holding the camera with shaking hands and rambling about his weak spirit.
 Toshi is a self admitted ordinary and weak person, yet, he is enthralled by the powerful Mon, whose irruption in Toshi’s life totally derailed it from its unremarkable path. Toshi has the skills to build bombs, but Mon is the detonator that allows him to actually put them to use. The two of them are opposite but fuel each other.
Toshi, as the technical brain of the duo, stands within a distance, whereas Mon’s very first appearance is within the explosion itself, highlighting his own explosive nature.
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Next to the talkative Toshi, Mon hardly speaks, and often rather grunts and screams like an animal. The name “Mon”, immediately reminds of “Monkey” or “Monster”, though it gets another explanation later in the story. 
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Mon is like a wild beast, unpredictable, dirty and violent. Other scenes from the first chapter shows him having rough sex with a girl in a car Toshi drives, and violently beating a man in a high-class restaurant : Mon follows his urges, with no concerns about social conventions or morality. 
He is primitive, unaffected by human rules, and does what he desires, takes what he wants, without remorse. 
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(gobbling up the crayfish whole, shell included.)
Right from the first chapter, the characters leave a strong impression, Arai is not afraid of exaggerating his character’s quirks, to depict the ugliness in people  -both psychological and physical. He carefully draws his characters with different attitudes, gestures.  Arai shows their personality and feelings  through body language, the characters are rarely static but have tics, little movements in most panels. 
Mon only utters one proper sentence in the chapter : "I will acknowledge myself": a recurring sentence, becoming increasingly important as the story progresses. It gives a hint on Mon’s psychology and motivations, yet those (and Toshi’s) are still mysterious at this point. Why are they setting bombs un the first place? How did Toshi and Mon meet and associate? What are they even trying to achieve ? The setting raises many questions that don’t get answered straight away. Their extremely violent behavior seems senseless, it feels even more cruel and hard to stomach without a reason behind it.  
Toshi and Mon form an interesting and contrasting  pair; the dynamic between them is complex.
Higumadon - nature vs human society
A third main character is introduced right from the first chapter : Higumadon.
The bear-like creature appears in front of fishermen by the sea, attacking their boat. 
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His apparitions are fragmented and mysterious : we either get an indistinct overall shape of the beast, or only isolated parts of him clearly depicted (just a paw, some fur..). He is compared to a bear, but his true nature is unknown. 
His appearance is more suggested than shown clearly, his presence is shown through little pieces of his body, and by the marks and damage he leaves behind. 
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Abnormally huge, he too is powerful and destructive. He is seen again during a storm, part of a raging and violent nature. 
There is already a parallel established between Higumadon and Mon. Both of them are associated with bears : Mon carries a plush bear with him everywhere, and that plush is used by Arai to transition from a scene focusing on Higumadon to a scene focusing on Toshi-Mon.
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This comparison between Mon and Higumadon, both of them wild beasts,  is further reinforced every time we switch scenes. When Higumadon leaves behind giant paw prints,  Mon leaves footprints as well (with red wine, reminiscent of blood).  When a cow is torn apart by higumadon’s paw, it is followed by a panel of a bomb in Mon’s hands.
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These three could be placed on a spectrum from “civilized” to “wild animal”: Toshi who is into technology and had an ordinary human upbringing. Though he makes bombs to kill, he is reluctant to dirty his hands in more direct ways, without the distance created by long-distance weapons. He has the most awareness of doing something bad. 
Mon, who seems halfway between a human and an animal. He has no problem killing and hurting others, just because he has the power to do so, the same way wild animals may kill and hunt. This makes him paradoxically both worse in his action and less morally reprehensible than Toshi.
Higumadon, who seems almost like he was sent against humans by a rebelling nature. He kills, but it’s nature as a beast/animal makes it so that you can’t resent him like a human criminal with actual bad intentions. He is just like a natural disaster that can’t be judged as morally bad.
Frenetic and dense in information
In TWIM, the mob characters are drawn with as much details as the main cast, they are often given little dialogues that don’t add to the story, but give a glimpse of who they might be, showing that even the background characters have their own  lives, personnalities, for example the fishermen who first witness Higumadon in the first chapter. 
This sometimes has the downside of making an already dense manga even more  information and text heavy than it needs to be.
There are a lot of different characters, from all sort of backgrounds and ages. From the first chapter alone, we get children, fishermen, delinquents, a high school girl, rich customer of a fine dining restaurant... But all of them are shown as vulgar and crude.
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Arai’s art might to not be to everyone’s taste, but it is good. His characters have realistic though often exaggerated features, his art is easily recognizable. The pages are dynamic, and he can create really powerful scenes and pages, some that stayed in my mind even long after I closed the book. 
The art is detailed, sometimes it requires some attention to parse everything that is going on in some panels.
TWIM oscilliate between big action scenes, and scenes that are very wordy. Both are dense in information to take in.
Even starting from the first chapter, there is constant movement: Toshi and Mon are on some sort of road trip, moving from one place to another. Moreover, the narration jumps quickly  from one scene to another, in this chapter alone we have change scene eight times.
Everytime, there are very precise indications on the place and date, sometimes down to the exact time.  The places depicted are real, so it is possible to precisely trace the path of the protagonists. 
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The manga can be hard to follow at first, it is confusing, with a choppy narration, no clear direction... It seems like many people drop the manga in the beginning, which is a shame as they miss the best parts of TWIM.
The manga starts as incomprehensible, and then progressively pieces come together to form a meaningful story. 
TWIM is a polarizing work, often hated or loved. Its violence can be off-putting to some readers, but those who go past the messy first few volumes are rewarded with a powerful manga like no other, and a lot to think about even after closing the book. 
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seikyoko · 2 years
Hi....How are you? After reading your post, can I ask the rest of your top 20 of top 30 fav characters?... Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not why you like them.....(sorry for asking almost the same ask like someone before this)....Thanks a lot for your blog...love reading them.....🥰🤩
I know this isn't much of an excuse but I straight up forgot I had this ask. I'm really, really sorry
NOW ONTO THE CONTINUATION OF MY TOP 30 CHARAS (this is my top 10 ) I'm dividing this into two posts
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3
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11) The whole damn cast of Beelzebub
There are "two/three chara's braincells are allergic to the other's " and there is the utter dumbassery energy field that is this mess. The reason I spent so much time answering this was initially bec I tried really hard to pick a fave among them, yet even picking my top 5 Beelzebub charas among the rest was like asking a mother which child to kill off. The entire manga was so wild I couldn't believe what I was reading with my own two eyes and I wish I could say that iwas because of an epic mastermind or some complex conflict but it was because each chara was so off their rocker it degenerated into something insane. Even if no demon chara whatsoever appeared the human high-school charas would have done Something (TM) or several Somethings that would leave me on the floor laughing increduously.
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12) Lloyd Forger (Spy x Family)
He's cool, hot, he drink his respect women juice, he's a kind and moral and caring person, I love the moments he get unlucky. he's an amazing father and has been doing amazing at it despite it having happened because he scrambled to adopt a kid after a mission requested it out of the blue and not having much of an idea on how to go about it. He did fuck up with Anya several times (like how he was too harsh on her about her education in order to complete his mission) but he learn from it, apologize, and do better by her and prioritize her well-being and happiness despite that being in the way of his mission, his interactions with Yor are very cute, and his spy feats being cool af are a nice bonus
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13) Leorio Paladknight (Hunter X Hunter)
I love him, he's so kind, ressourceful, and utterly shameless about what he seeks. He states "I want money" without any kind of pretentiousness or fancy-talk, because even if it was all there was to it, seeking a more comfortable living for yourself isn't anything to be ashamed by, and he doesn't owe them the information of his tragic backstory. But also because the whole yapping about honor and "not being swayed or greedy for money" is hella annoying for someone all too aware of how even the most basic of necessities like food, shelter, clothes or a child receiving cure for a mortal disease depends on money. I really like that about his character
He's an incredibly compassionate human being, he said in live TV he spent the summer "jerking off" then got self-conscious about what he said immediately and said"forget about it".
He's a beyond amazing friend and that sometimes lead to stuff like being involved in a revenge quest against the Phantom, flipping off Chrollo while knowing what he is and what he's capable of and yelling at him "you want a piece of me ?", punching Ging on live TV and running for president and telling his audience he'd basically just mobilize the Hunter Association to heal his friend. And they voted for him anyways, because they had taste (and also because of the Ging-punching euphoria, but once again, it was because they had taste).
He didn't know jack shit about nen in York New then re-appeared in Election arc with a teleporting punch of all thing which sparked all kind of hilarous headcanon of what Leorio's teacher must have thought about the whole thing/having a good laugh about what he'd teach Leorio
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14)Fujishiro Nageki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
No words are needed.
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15) Light Yagami (Death Note)
Don't have much to say other than "Utter buffoon", the whole Death Note anime was a ride, even simple potato-chips eating moments, and he spent every single second of it clowning on himself. He should have been number one of this goddamn fave list.
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16) Rina Song (Surviving Romance)
My beloved, My sweetie. Overpowered high-school girl who just want to pursue romance, except stuck on a zombie apocalypse with a mostly female cast. Extremely good and supportive friend when you happen to win her over, keep her goddamn promises, called Min-woo "my little pop rock" with a straight face. Her friendship with Chaerin is something I'd obsess over until the end of the universe, no, probably even after that.
I loved the whole damn chapter 47 where the one thing that contrast the creepiness of the whole thing is Rina Song getting moved and being happy because Chaerin's "crush" is confessing to her. Like, she's a little confused but she sure know how to be a supportive friend.
And even more, because of her scary appearance and how vocal she is about her crush, and how the people wary of her/terrified of her find that off-putting, maybe make the author and the narrative itself make fun of the scary muscly girl for having a crush or frame it as creepy, yet it doesn't go that path. The way she talks about and reminisce about her feelings in the latest chapters are some of the most moving stuff I'd seen. I'm not even into romance or the like but the earnestness and selflessness of her feelings left me contemplative, they'd leave me contemplative even if it wasn't all that self-less, because it's how strongly her love came across.
I got misogyny-caricature-trope baited, and I'm glad how the whole thing turned out.
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17) Shiba Ganju (Bleach)
You'd think that I've chosen him because he's an underrated chara or something and that there are Bleach charas or even other mangas charas that I like more, and you would be wrong. This is his genuine place on the list.
Certified dumbass, made a "map" of Soul Society though he doesn't know any locations so he basically just drew a big circle and kept mentionning his "Soul Society map" to the high-strung Ichigo, the Hanatarou-Ganjuu-Ichigo trio was very charming, love his dumbass-resonance with Ichigo, love how he objectively state his titles being preceded by "self-proclaimed".
And, though he has all the reasons in the world to hate Shinigami (Rukia), who just showed one day dropping his brother's corpse that she skewered and said herself that she'd killed him with, like, zero explanations. He's not fully satisfied with dropping it at that, because he can't help but wonder why Kaien didn't hate the Shinigami (Rukia), and why he thanked her, and it just haunt him for years, despite everything else pointing out that he should objectively loathe the Shinigami (Rukia) and find them detestable, and the fact that he suffered a very big and hurtful loss, he's not fine with dismissing Kaien's reaction/input or leaving it at that, not even because of what Ichigo told him about the Shinigami (Rukia) who saved him, but because he pondered on that for longer than that. So he head out and get involved in that big mess because he wants to forge his own answers and opinion on the matter. This fucker is incredible.
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18) Mayuzumi Chihiro (Kuroko no Basket)
He is so full of salt, poor fucker was minding his own damn business in the rooftop reading and probably getting ready to study for his entrance exams or something and got involved in the Miragen mess and the Akakuro Divorce, participating in some bball tournament should never have landed him in such telenovela, yet he might as well have expected it because from what we see, that dude's luck is cursed. He does stuff like get on random trains and wander around, he has a very entertaining and salty monologue and snarky thoughts, go king. I'm sad we didn't have more of his screen-time but he was probably internally like "ugh finally" so I'm gonna cheer for his off-screen peace
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19) Azudora (Helck)
It's one of the rare serious-complex-like to put on a comical front -prankster but done right unlike all the other obnoxious representations of that trope. I find his backstory with Uria and how he deals about the whole human-demon thing very compelling, I like his level-headedness and maturity and kindness and wisdom and strength of heart and the fact that he's a dork. I very much love that instead of saying an actually serious argument/his actual feelings on the matter he was like "wait we shouldn't annihilate humans, guys imagine the effect of wiping out an entire species would have on our eco-system"
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20) Chaerin Eun (Surviving Romance)
I love her growth, her chara development, the whole expanding on her actual feelings of being unable to see anyone other than Jeha and how scared and isolating the experience was for her. In another universe she would have been the bitch protagonist a beloved isekaied into a villainess protag would have fought and won against. This time around our protag is the self-absorbed superficial obsessed by her crush shallow girl, without even the cop-out of another mature/modest person taking her place or her travelling back in time or her "going to her senses" too rapidly. I am utterly in love with her journey and story And I'm not the only one
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smuartcatalog · 2 years
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36”X 27” K3 Pigment Print on Hahnemuhle Museum Etching Archival Paper
Limited Edition Exclusive Digital Artworks - 1/10 + 2 artist prints
Both suddenly and eternally she appears, as Adya  - The Primal One A tornado made of all the elements at once, the angry goddess with unbound hair, from the oldest of forests - arrives with her wild justice. A justice beyond right or wrong, she is both the darkness and the light. Quenching her blood thirst through sacrifices, and entertaining her with glorious and wild dances around colossal fires, her worshipers generate an immense energy – that reaches the heaves in all its turbulence. Kali has no interest in a dull and devoted believer. Her true worshipers are in nature themselves, and strong enough to understand what the authority of the wild means.  A cosmic force that has little to do with our selfish morality, badly disguising benefit and greed. A goddess who can’t be bought or flattered, looks to be appeased and celebrated by the brave and the aware. The ones who know that her justice is not built for them, and understand the complex meandering river that moves away from us back into the forest. Towards a breathing and alive darkness that one is never lost in. For the trees and animals there are not lost, and we can ask them assent to know and be known. For she is Yoga – Nidra, unwitnessed nature and unperceived reality and here we come upon a part of creation, not destined for us.  And in that stillness, a raging goddess, never consumed by herself, runs past us, naked as she hunts.
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Download Red Dead Redemption 2 crack (keygen) latest version I8J0-
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Game size: However, the real fame of the series came only six years later, after the release of Red Dead Redemption, an open-world action game, which by many has been christened as one of the best productions released on seventh-generation platforms. The sequel to this title was released by Rockstar Games known primarily through the Grand Theft Auto series, but also responsible for the Midnight Club and Manhunt brands, the controversial Bully and Max Payne 3. The action of Red Dead Redemption II was set in , in the times preceding the events of the previous part of the series. Dutch van der Linde's gang, familiar from Red Dead Redemption, is doing well until they run into trouble. When a robbery in Blackwater goes wrong, the criminals are forced to flee from law enforcement and bounty hunters and fight for survival. The protagonist, Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde's right-hand man, must choose between loyalty to his friends and his own ideals. In addition, the decisions we make and Morgan's reputation in the region have an impact on the story. Relationships with other gang members, with whom we share the camp, are also important - choices we make determine their attitude towards the hero. Production puts at our disposal vast, open world: it consists of rocky mountain terrains, valleys covered with a network of rivers, picturesque prairies, densely wooded areas and also cities, whose inhabitants lead their own lives, subordinated to individual schedules. Our base is the aforementioned camp - during the game we have to take care of supplies, while taking care of the team's morale. It's worth noting that it's not only Morgan's duty - his friends also go on a quest, if something depending on their role, it can be for example wood, food or money starts to be missing. The developers did their best to make the world seem alive, so the neutral characters dynamically react to our actions depending on our reputation, appearance and previous achievements. On the wilderness you can meet wild animals. The vast map can be explored on foot or on the back of one of the mounts representing different species, which are differentiated in terms of behavior and ability to cope with the difficult terrain. What's important, Morgan can establish a bond with his horse - if he manages to gain its trust, the animal can, for example, not panic during shootings or encounters with predators. Arthur has his hands full during his travels - in addition to the story and side quests there are random events waiting for him. It's worth noting that access to many of them depends on various factors, including the protagonist's reputation and time of day. Bank robberies play an important role, before which we have to work out a precise strategy. Besides, nothing stands in the way to go hunting in your free time and sell the game. However, it's worth to hurry up, because the carcasses after some time begin to rot, making them useless. Morgan has at his disposal mainly revolvers and shotguns, which can be personalized in detail. The hero also uses a bow, which is useful for hunting, among other things - arrows damage prey much less than bullets. Dead Eye mode returns in the game, after which time slows down and we can mark several targets for instant elimination. There are also duels at high noon, during which we have to prove our reflexes and accuracy. In addition to the extensive single player mode, Red Dead Redemption II also has an equally complex multiplayer variant, Red Dead Online, made available by the developers after the release of the main story. For the purposes of the described production, which is the first project of Rockstar Games created exclusively for the eighth generation consoles, the authors have significantly improved their engine, thanks to which the graphics presents a very high quality. The slow-motion effect is implemented in the game and is automatically activated during particularly impressive kills. Besides, the developers allow us to customize the interface to individual preferences - nothing stands in the way, for example, to give up the minimap or the viewfinder. Download Game! Updated to version Extract files. Burn or mount the image. Install the game. ElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation. Play the game. You are not allowed to view. If you do not have an account - Sign up! Password: elamigosedition.
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