#just my onion!
knife-em0ji · 7 months
I truly have no hate in my heart for people who ship obikin but I will go on record to say that I think people who insist they want to fuck each other are not only probably wrong, but even worse, boring. Romantic obikin is probably the most pedestrian and obvious read of their relationship, whereas imo the fact that they’re so obsessed with each other and love and hate each other so deeply in equal measure but very much DO NOT want to fuck adds so much more insanity-inducing juice to it. It’s like. You’re my dad but you cringe from the title. I don’t feel like your son. Are you my best friend? We don’t trust each other enough for that. Did I have a weird psychosexual fixation on you as a kid? Maybe, but that’s over now, I’ve always been in love with somebody else. Are we brothers? No, not really, but that might be the closest word to we have. Are you my enemy? More often than not. Are we soulmates? Yes, absolutely.
Like, you can do whatever you want forever, I’m not going to stop you. I’m a diehard proponent of letting your favorite fictional guys fuck nasty. But the sheer ambiguity of their relationship despite how all-consuming it is, is what makes obikin compelling to ME !!!
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solisaureus · 1 year
I didn't think about the fact that Sally could have given Will a change of clothes, and now I'm mourning the comedy potential of Nico seeing his boyfriend wearing his old crush's clothes. You know Will would have been insufferable about it too, there's no way he doesn't tease Nico about Percy already (I guess Sally could have given him Paul's clothes, but it's funnier to me if it's Percy's :P)
im curious about how will feels about percy generally! i dont think hed be jealous of him from a "target of nico's affections" perspective, i think will is pretty secure on that front, but between his interactions with percy in the last olympian and what he might know about percy's tense past with nico one does wonder. Ive read fics where will hates percy, is jealous of percy, is friends with percy, barely thinks about percy. I have my own ideas and headcanons written in my fic Solace. will wearing percy's clothes in tsats wouldve been an opportunity to get that perspective in canon 🤔
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purplespacecats · 1 year
fandom is big on ot3s and closing the hypotenuse and all but like, oluwande and archie as metamours could be so cute!!
i won't be mad if they end up together too but i just think it would be nice if they both date jim and become bros
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mizufae · 2 years
Wendell & Wild has a trans character who is instrumental to the plot and pretty endearing whose transness is entirely unnecessary to the plot (they could have just made him a misfit who is cis). The only person who deadnames him is his ex-friend who turns out to be not so bad in the end, but there’s never a moment of magical understanding or whatever. Even the supposedly religious Christian characters appear to gender him correctly and he has a supportive mom who doesn’t put any conditions on her support. There isn’t ever a moment of like, oooh mean people misgender him or make him wear girl clothes or anything. He is just there, a guy who is openly transgender, like how a character might be black or catholic or British or whatever, just a character trait that is relevant to him as a person but not to the plot in particular. Fascinating.
That said despite the all star cast, stellar animation, unique style, great soundtrack and fairly original plot, the movie kind of fell a little flat? It’s certainly not bad, definitely watchable and I could easily see it being somebody’s favorite. But the direction and timing felt off. Some of it felt slow, some of it seemed off base in terms of scale or atmosphere. Sometimes it felt like they were giving room to Key and Peele to riff when they shouldn’t have, and sometimes it felt like dialogue was missing or transitional scenes were left out. There was a big obvious moral and although most characters had complexity and reasonable motivations, the bad guys felt especially cartoonish and the level of simplification needed to make the very thorny issues easy enough to convey in high contrast visual montages felt iffy. Like, it’s mostly about the school to prison pipeline with shades of colonialism and capitalist assholes vs local activism, right? And though these are very deep veins to mine in for stories about good vs evil, this felt… trite, in the end. It could have been far more ambiguous or the good guys could have had more trouble in the end, but it wasn’t and that felt out of synch with the rest of the movie.
Anyway. If you have some time to spend, you should watch it for the animation, because it really was super creative and a treat to look at. I would say it’s probably good for 13 and up?
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greenlikethesea · 2 years
having thoughts about detail oriented fic and how anachronisms are fine with things like ofmd where time is very loosely regarded vs with stranger things where things are so meticulously researched that it is NOTICEABLE when there’s a gaffe
now i know i’m very nitpicky when it comes to getting period details right, but someone being like “i didn’t research this and i don’t care!” bugs me because like. why would you not want to know? aren’t you curious? this is not a super hard and fast rule, but knowing grocery chains, knowing population demographics, how video and cassette tapes work -- all that stuff makes a world feel lived in. yes, fic is for fun and it’s not necessary to do these things, but that’s the difference between a pretty good fic and a great fic -- doing the work that shows how invested you are in the world of the originating work.
that’s my story and i’m sticking to it!
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krasnyel · 2 years
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regular ascot-loving-mystery-solving family
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marisatomay · 2 years
there should be an oscar category called “movie my dad completed without falling asleep on the couch” and it’s more prestigious and contentious than best picture
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vonlipvig · 2 years
glass onion had lgbt rep in the way that i prefer: a character is shown to be gay in a subtle yet unmistakeably domestic way, and then nothing romantic happens and we go solve a murder with the power of friendship and violence
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hexhomos · 17 days
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whim-prone-pirate · 2 years
rian johnson has managed to evade all common ethical problems in his screenwriting and i want everyone to know that the knives out mysteries are a perfect representation of how to write about a certain community respectfully AND simultaneously not make a big deal of how good you are at being a diverse writer.
in knives out and glass onion, both main characters are women who have been wronged by the other main character(s)—in marta's case, she experiences xenophobia from the thrombey's constantly; in andi's, she came up with a billion dollar idea which was stolen by a white man. when she took him to court for it, her entire friend group sided with this man; this directly affects helen after andi's death.
andi and marta's stories specifically represent real experiences for women who are minorities in america, but the stories are told without being too ham-fisted or obvious about it. these aren't stories about racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, they're stories involving racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, which i feel is something you don't often see. they're not triyng to prove a point by telling these stories, they're just stories being told—it's a difference that's hard to describe, but you know it when you see it. it's got less of a looking-into-the-camera-for-emphasis vibe.
alongside this, benoit was never a white/male savior to neither helen nor marta (respectively). he helped helen when she came to him about andi and he stood behind marta when he saw the tox report, but he never took over the case and they were never treated like damsels in distress. in the end, helen and marta took control of their own revenge and benoit nudged everyone else to the side while they did it. benoit is not the hero of these stories, helen and marta are.
this is good fucking writing!!!! i need film bros to be positively insufferable about rian johnson NEOW
edit 12/26/22: i've been told that ana de armas is a white latina. genuinely i did not know, she always looked brown to me and i haven't seen her in anything other than knives out, that's truly my bad. i've updated the post now to change the language about marta, other than that everything remains!
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banjo-bugs · 2 years
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I truly genuinely believe they would get along so well
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fritzllang · 2 years
honestly I think hugh grant lucked out with his glass onion role. a couple hours of shooting at most, no press work, no interviews, and he gets to be remembered by everyone as famous detective benoit blanc's live in sexy malewife
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hyunjining · 29 days
lee know is so fascinating to me because he’s one of the most handsome men alive and an incredibly talented dancer and singer but also just a strange little guy who likes to touch butts and has a dark, unfiltered sense of humor and seems kind of outwardly aloof but really he’s an animal lover and he enjoys taking care of the people he loves without wanting anything in return and he just marches to the beat of his own drum and i just. i love him so much and think he’s so layered and incredible
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ashwhothat · 6 days
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Gravity falls as onion headlines part I part II
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coldbycrossfade · 11 months
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whaliiwatching · 7 months
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list of adults who are great with kids
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unfortunately i cant actually make a meme better than the movie
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