#A default Libra man
peraltuki · 1 year
I don't think Gansey has any rizz AT ALL that man can't flirt he can only explain things very politely and he's very attractive that's all
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cosmicconversations · 24 hours
Thoughts On Libra (Sun, Moon, Rising) 😍
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Those with the Sun in Libra are interesting people. They have complex personalities but tend to hide that behind some sort of veneer they think is acceptable. But, they are generally not phony people. In fact, they are the least likely to fit the stereotypical “fake nice” Libra mold. Many of them are quite assertive and have no issue fighting back or standing their ground. However, they will default to whatever they think is fair. But, fairness can mean convicting a criminal and sending them to prison. Libra Suns are like judges. They make objective and impartial assessments and they know how to get people to listen to them. If they are ever harsh, it is usually warranted. But, they can also become overly fixated on the idea of “justice”, which can make them a bitter enemy to have or bring out a vindictive streak. Relationships matter a lot to them but largely because they feel like others need them. Kind of like Cancer, they need to be needed; not so much emotionally but more so to give feedback, validation, and encouragement. When they are younger or not so self-aware, they may project this role on to others, feeling like they are the ones who need other people to thrive. But, no. They are the ones who keep their loved ones balanced. In a romantic context, they are the strong man/woman behind their partner. (But, they deserve the same support in return!) Their famous flaky or noncommittal streak can stem from insecurities regarding the pressure of being that support system. If they don’t see the value of their partnership or presence in others’ lives, they can become avoidant in response.
Libra Moons have a hard time telling the difference between their need to keep the peace and their insecurities. An essential insecurity of theirs is being disliked or having someone else reject them. At the same time, it is hard for them to be fully honest with themselves about their emotions or motives. So, they may convince themselves that they are being thoughtful or kind when they are really just avoiding conflict or suppressing their needs or ignoring deeper feelings. It might seem like it doesn’t take much to make them happy. But, sometimes, they don’t actually know what makes them happy. Moon in Libra people tend to kiss the ground their mom/mother figure walks on. They put this parent on a pedestal and can struggle to acknowledge their actual issues with her. Doing so can give them major inner child healing they didn’t know they needed. They have to realize their needs matter, too! Many people with this Moon sign are very, very sweet and thoughtful. They feel very fulfilled by acts of kindness toward others and will go out of their way to make their family or friends or significant other feel special and loved. They are sensitive but in a more intellectual way. As Air Moons, it can be harder for them to grasp the emotional nuances of situations. Yet, they will always be there with a comforting word or a listening ear. But, less evolved or mature people with this placement could expect others to always be there for them or see their point of view while failing to realize they don’t give them the same consideration or support. Avoiding accountability can be their way of avoiding possible rejection.
So, I agree. I think Libra Risings are really pretty. But, it is not just a physical thing, although it can be for many. With Venus influencing their Rising sign, a lot of them are blessed with a facial harmony and lovely features that go beyond genetics. Your energy and aura affect your appearance. So, since Libra Rising has such a lovely aura and energy, it is like they were just meant to be pleasing to look at. But, their overall vibe is highly attractive, as well. Without even trying, they charm and endear and win people over in any given situation. Most Libra Risings are never single, either always jumping from one relationship to the next or spending most of their life in a major connection, for better or worse. Select people with this placement may spend long periods single but still live their lives in ways that put others at the center, like being of service or always being there for the people they love. A fixation on fashion or passion for art can be other ways they strive to bring beauty or happiness to others. Let’s be honest, though. Some people with this placement can be horrifically fake. Not all of them, though. I feel like there are three types of Libra Risings. The first type has a “niceness” that is largely a facade, smiling in your face but then talking shit behind your back or being secretly manipulative. The second kind is genuinely super-sweet and caring, to the point where they either need to get better at asserting themselves or making sure others don’t take advantage of them. The first kind can often present themselves as the second but their true colors are eventually revealed. And the third type can be a little blunt and “tell it like it is” but only because they want others to do the same for them. So, they are treating them how they wanted to be treated. This is part of their charm and, in spite of their potential harshness, they are very likable and kindhearted.
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Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are all separating factors in a horoscope, but it is Rahu that makes it most difficult for a person to identify themselves with the traits of a given planet in their lives. The full awareness of it comes to them only around Rahu maturation (age 42). At the same time there is an overidentification with the Ketu planet.
So the person can easily admit to but be internally dissatisfied through their Ketu but be unaware how much they have already developed in their Rahu and be secretly more skilled there than they, or anyone else, can realize.
This can be easily summed up as many planets are ruled by 2 zodiac signs. Naturally, the state of the planet will depend on its condition in one’s chart. The condition will also become extra intense if a planet is in the same house as Rahu (even the loosest conjunction as it is the sign dispositor that matters). That can easily become contradictory, as I can prove to you with the example of my chart.
I have Rahu in Sagittarius, but I have Mercury conjunct my Rahu and Venus loosely too if you adapt the Bhava Chalita interpretation. That creates an interesting contradiction where I use my Ketu skills to channel Rahu. Since Jupiter is the Divine element in every one of us, I tend to always underestimate my gifts, spiritual, creative, intellectual. It takes other people praising me a lot to realize that I can actually handle more things in life than I think, and I have achieved and manifested so much versatility. But my default comfort zone is to just say “I study a lot”.
Below I will give you a brief list on how this will manifest for each Rahu in general.
Aries and Scorpio will make Rahu oblivious to one’s qualities of Mars and overly rely on qualities of Venus. The person will underestimate their own drive and courage and contribution and ability to set a life direction and give credit, attention or even command to others, before realizing their own leadership and active action abilities.
Taurus and Libra will make one’s Rahu unaware of their Venusian skills, thinking they achieved it all through grit of character as there is an over-reliance on Mars, but in reality they have developed more softness and wisdom of natural laws than they know. That connection to people and nature has transformed them as they learn unity instead of division.
Gemini and Virgo are said to be the best points of Rahu as influence of Jupiter on Ketu is so lucky. However, these people tend to take their skills for granted. They often receive so much they think they’re just lucky and they don’t notice till way later that they have actually practiced a lot of things and developed a lot of experience in what they have aptitude for, and thus they have reached a certain substantial worldly level of achievement purely by their own means.
Cancer and Leo Rahu share the trouble of developing their royal divine masculine or Feminine side, as their comfort zone is Saturn, the practical, neuter planet that judges everything by results only. What these natives don’t understand is that there is an inherent magic and kingly and queenly qualities inside every man and woman, that are inborn and deserve to be claimed without needing work or pain.
Sagittarius and Pisces Rahu overly rely on their intellect to problem solve life, as they were most probably praised for these abilities naturally and encouraged to develop it since childhood. What they don’t see is how much more courage it takes for them to develop faith, when no one ever told them that it’s a good idea to have it, and God and Destiny are very real forces operating within our lives. Sometimes you just have to leave something to fate and it doesn’t mean failure, and all of us are more lucky than we even know. Rahu there underestimates the luck factor in life. They also underestimate their divine creativity, that comes from the heart, not the mind.
Capricorn and Aquarius will make Rahu project a lot of their issues on parental figures, as the Sun and the Moon represent the Father and the Mother. Depending on other factors in chart, that can be blame for delay in progress or gratitude for their parents’ help, even a guilt or inferiority complex, that makes them erase their long patient hard work. What’s lacking is the acknowledgement and appreciation of one’s own skill in long term building and overcoming obstacles.
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mamasupreme · 15 days
Astrodating chronicles - after opening myself up to dating - I’ve decided to make note of the astrology of it all😂 even for humor bc why not. And I laid my cards out on the table with all of them. These two made the cut😂 I love a Leo but after dealing with two of them at the same time, lmao hell nah. And my homie a Leo. Hell nah😂
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Aries - he falls in my 4/5h but his sun rules my first house - I’m a Scorpio rising. Mars rules aries and Scorpio . Very intense - like in a spiritual undefined way- but also practical bc of the reason I liked him. Very lustful 😂 - he’s dating someone and we see each other from time to time. Still strong connection but we don’t kick it and vibe out . Very sweet - like sentimental and attentive. Communicates well, very much a man. Respected by everyone - bc he’s kind, genuine but still very much will handle his.
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The Virgo-😋 that’s my moon- his sun falls in my tenth house . He’s very much a Virgo- but he’s so open and honest 😂 even his flaws. He is single and not dating anyone but me, and I’m either around him by default bc he would have to come by me - or he’d try to find me if I ain’t there and he coming where I’m at or tryna get me to come to him 😂. Very consistent. Very busy, but also consistent. Very expressive of his emotions. But clingy lol. Maybe bc I’m clingy and I like him it’s smooth. Everybody fw him 😂😂 also respected . And his moon sign is either my sun or my rising 😂. We vibe out- he puts me on and softens me up. Just bc he gets I’m not tryna be aggressive w him- and he plays with me and then jokes off me. It makes me let my guard down. I really enjoy talking to him. Being around him. Etc. it’s INTENSE
Nvm all the men in my life are Virgos, Libra’s axis
I’m a sag sun. Virgo moon. Scorpio rising
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Not having sex with either of them. The last man I had sex with I was with for ten years and he was a Pisces .
I’m really excited bc reading when this is done will be fun.
I’m over here like - both are very smart, and handsome and look nothing alike😂😂
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yumeko2sevilla · 1 year
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"Okay, okay I'm up now.."
Character Inspiration | Playlist
Name: Yukiharu Shirokami
Alias: Yukiharu-san/ Shirokami-san, Monsieur Militaire (By Rook), Shiraharu (By Erin), Haruka (By the first years), Swordfish-chan (By Floyd), Child Of Man (By Malleus), Herbivore (By Leona), Haru (By Cater)
Twisted From: Cassandra Gothel (Tangled) + Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) + Kisaragi Shintarou ( Kagerou Project)
Voice Actors/ Seiyuus:
_Hirose Daisuke( Japanese)
_Khoi Dao (English + Vietnamese)
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Japanese: 白神 雪治
Birthday: October 11 (Libra)
Age: Around 19?
Height: 195 cm
Gender: Transgender FTM (He/They)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous but mostly Right
Kotoha Shirokami née Hakurei (Mother/Japanese)
Soraru Shirokami (Father/ Half Vietnamese)
Unnamed Younger Brother (Deceased?)
Grade: Freshman
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Class: A (No.16)
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subjects: Enigmics, Arts
Hobbies: Sleeping, Drawing, Playing Rhythm Games, Reading
Pet Peeves: Someone who can't be serious at times.
Favorite Foods: Caffeine Drinks, Vietnamese Foods
Least Favorite Food: None?
Talents: Dealing With Deadlines, Remember things, Graphic Designing
(P/S: "A secretive first year who is cold and distant. Born from a cursed clan, he's forced to wield the curse all by himself.")
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With a default expression is a blank frown on his face, Yukiharu may be an apethetic person from other views. And they aren’t wrong. The NRC students often see them as a cold and quiet person, who always appears with a tired appearance. Even if he answers you politely, it seems in his voice that they don't want to talk at all.
They have a habit to be rather blunt at times, even that isn't very nice for other people.
For a student from another world with magic, Yukiharu blends in pretty well among the students. He was quick to understand how the subjects works, and how they were different from his own world.
To strangers, Yukiharu is an expressionless person in a way. Of course they could still express emotions on their face, but people found it strained, forced. He isn't, really. They just can’t understand the concept of human emotions, including himself and that leads to him struggling to emphatise with others. Yet they will try to comfort the Overblot victims, with a crooked smile and a soft voice.
Yukiharu is actually pretty nice. He isn't afraid to help people, in their own ways. Although they couldn't emphatise with them, that doesn't mean he will leave them alone. So he will just keep quiet and help them, because that's the only way he could figure out.
WARNING: Yukiharu's origin will contain mentions of murder, power abuse, torture and sexual assult. Please click out if you're uncomfortable with this kind of topic!
Through 200 years, the Shirokami clan, represented all sorts of misfortune has committed countless sins for too long. Murder, arson, terrorism,... There was almost no crimes that they have done, excluding sexual assult or abuse, brought terror to the land of Akihabara. Althought most of the cases at that time had their influences, the villagers couldn't do anything as the Shirokamis were the most wealthy and powerful clan in Akihabara.
That was until the daughter of the Onizaburo clan, Mirai was tortured and died by the wife of the Shirokami clan representive. Before her death, Mirai put a curse on the Shirokami family which lasted for centuries.
Years later, in a hospital of Ho Chi Minh City, young Yukiharu Shirokami was born. Being the youngest member to endured the curse since his birth.
[The rest of this file is currently under maintenace.]
Unique Magic:
Yukiharu's Unique Magic, Clockworker Lullaby allows him to manipulate time of a specific target or even all of them in a wide range, expect those that they touch right before they use it. Even it can be very useful at times, but if he activates this ability too many in a short time, thee will have side effects such as severe headaches and cough out blood.
His surname "Shirokami" means "White God", a kind of reference to the two demonic god who guide the souls to the afterlife in China.
The name "Yukiharu" can be divive into two parts, "Yuki" means snow and "Haru" in here means "to manage" .
Yukiharu is mixed between Vietnamese and Japanese.
Yukiharu tends to speak Vietnamese when they get irritated, especially during the Overblot.
A small talent that the first years know, Yukiharu is actually an expert in rhythm games. One time, he tied with Idia, considered they both got All Prefect.
Although he hates deadlines, it's ironic that one of his talents is doing deadlines
He can get quite brutal when it comes to fighting.
Yukiharu is Demiromantic Pansexual.
They can use almost everything as a weapon, excluding humans.
Yukiharu is implied to have Alexithymia.
Yukiharu's origin was inspired by the Onibi series by MASA Works Design.
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
OC Interview: Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez
From Brother's Shadow
Was tagged by @katsigian to do this OC interview game. Thanks katsigian!
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Name: Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez
Nickname: Val
Gender: F (cis)
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 5'6" (167.64cm)
Orientation: Bi
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, with Filipino and Mexican ancestry. She takes a bit more after her father though.
Fave Fruit: Mangoes (if only she could afford real mangoes) - her father once bought a real mango from a Nomad merchant and the taste has stuck with her ever since.
Fave Season: Spring (not as hot as summer, not chilly like winter)
Fave Flower: Roses (the pink variety)
Fave Scent: Campfires (she acquired this when she joined the Aldecaldos and realised that she really liked the smell).
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee, but she doesn't mind Hot Chocolate in the early morning.
Average Hours of Sleep: Anywhere from 5-8 hours. Depended entirely on whether or not she had to work nights at Lizzie's when she used to be with the Mox, then when she left the Mox and went full Solo, it depended on whether or not she got a gig. Now she's a Nomad, she's guaranteed at least 5 hours a night because she often pulls early morning piquet (sentry duty).
Dog or Cat Person: Cat (she owns a ginger cat, who in turn owns one brain cell as all ginger cats do)
Dream Trip: She would like to go to Cebu at least once to meet her paternal lola (grandma). Orbital Air's fees are ridiculous though (flying United is torture that not even Rosalind Myers would subject someone to), and she's worried that if she jetted off to the Philippines to visit family, she would be abandoning the Aldecaldos (her other family, as Saul likes to remind her).
Favourite Fictional Character:
Favourite IRL fictional character? - Spider-Man (she always thought Night City could use their own Spider-Man)
Favourite in-universe fictional character? - Grace from Bushido X (10) because she had an absolutely DISGUSTING crush on her when she was a teenager (before she met Clara during high school)
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Between 1 and 3 (this drives Judy absolutely nuts) - Val doesn't feel the heat, but she really feels the cold, so the second it gets chilly, she's raiding the blanket box.
Random Fact: Val is a bit of a sneakerhead. She has a collection of various kinds of sneakers ranging from common (just about every colour of the default fem sneakers in game) to rare (early-21st century shoes like Jordans etc).
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apexulansis · 1 year
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FULL NAME. Ara'rva-Kar Yukariksias Vsentis azet Ardaka zu Kariio 15-R ra'Wuura Evez etit Yeskiv NICKNAME. White Wraith, Many Masked Man, Big Guy, Sawteeth, Snowman, Snowball, Ardie ALIASES. Heratrix of Clan Yukariksias, Vsentis, Talon PRONOUNS. Indifferent but is used to being assigned he/him or they/them pronouns interchangeably. SIZE. 8'8" or 269cm AGE. 5,500+ Earth years, maturity equivalent to early-mid adult; functionally immortal. ZODIAC. Libra. SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Zehen-Vossin (script-language; native), Zahhan-Kariian (native), Dominion-Official (fluent), Xae-Kariian (fluent), Sigmin-Common (fluent), Sigmin-Sign-Language (fluent), Sigmin-Midoan (fluent), Kzoxxan-Kariian (conversational), Federation-Common (conversational), Zeroxi (conversational), Ancient-Midoan (conversational), Sigmin-Niakanu (conversational), Common-Zoxician (conversational) High Taalirian (script only), Circle-Speak (script only), Ancient-Aiatmyaan (script only), Human-Japanese (verse specific; conversational, learning), Human-English (verse-specific; conversational, learning), Margaven-T'langlii (verse-specific; learning)
HAIR FUR. A stark white pelt with a faint rosy undertone. FACIAL HAIR MARKINGS. None save for a slightly darker mane. SKIN TONE. A muted pink; often appears closer to red but will glow a brighter, colder hue in the dark. BODY TYPE. Muscular from a lifetime of physical activity as opposed to daily consistent training; most of it gathers in his hips/legs/thighs. VOICE. Rasping and soft-spoken; has the deep growling tone of a Kariian, but sounds notably quieter and gentler than his kin. Speaks slow and measured. Haven't been able to find a good voice-claim but a friend sent me this and the vibe is similar enough. DOMINANT HAND. Ambidextrous; defaults to his left unless he's in his armor, then which he defers to the right, which is a prosthetic. POSTURE. Poor and with a slouch, making him appear shorter than he is. BIRTHMARKS. None. MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. Tattered right ears, scarred right eyes and their cybernetic replacements, prosthetic right arm, lip scar, lower metal jaws.
PLACE OF BIRTH. Born in the great mountain city of Zahhan-a'Zaar in the castle built into the peak of the mountain, the clan-home of Clan Yukariksias called simply Castle of the Maw, or the Maw's Keep. HOMETOWN. Zahhan'a-Zaar, the capital city of Zozava'Zahhania, the Fortress at the Center of the World. It is also the capital of Kariio 15-R as a whole due to Clan Yukariksias' ruling status. SIBLINGS. Twin to Zovariy azet Veris. Has several half-alien half-siblings. PARENTS. Evez etit Yeskiv (mother) and Varkaeyak rev Zarxa (father)
OCCUPATION. Vigilante / Bounty-Hunter CURRENT RESIDENCE. Verse-specific. On Sigma Rhada, he has a once-abandoned underground base in the wilderness that he took over. Otherwise, he's on his own ship, which he hasn't actually named. CLOSE FRIENDS. A few. Varies by verse but he almost never has more three at a time. FINANCIAL STATUS. Self-employed and more or less capable of making plenty of money in whatever currency if he needs it bad enough. Through contract kills. DRIVER'S LICENSE. Has plenty of licenses… But they're all Dominion licenses, and everything outside of the Dominion is entirely unregulated/undocumented on his part. CRIMINAL RECORD. Extensive. Dominion: Nothing documented beyond second degree murder. Neo Shousis: Disrupting the peace, breaking and entering, burglary, tax evasion, theft/robbery, identify theft, forgery, unauthorized entry of Upper Neo Shousis, unlawful murder, harassment, aggravated assault, meddling of the Circle's affairs, property damage, vandalism, arson, fraud, conspiracy.. List continues. VICES. Occasional alcohol/smoking/drug-use (but not commonly), creating traps for wherever he's currently camping out, overthinking things way too much, routinely getting into life-threatening danger.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pansexual, no preference, but Ardaka doesn't like giving himself any 'sexuality' at all; he prefers either yes or no. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. Switch, but can become very distant. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. Switch, preference usually depends on the partner. TURN OFFS. Having his personal space invaded, being put on the spot, being considered a model example of his species, anything that gets stuck in his fur, military themes. TURN ONS. Dominance, someone willing to chase after him, gunplay, having his mane/tail pulled, posessiveness, public sex, predator and prey. LOVE LANGUAGE. All of them but mostly quality time. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. Ardaka doesn't often have committed relationships, but has had plenty of casual ones. Getting close to him emotionally is a difficult endeavor, and he's more prone to running away sooner than being entirely honest with himself/his partner. He wants to be known, but is also very afraid of that.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE. Dark Prince by Atrey HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. Collecting antiques (mostly masks and swords), disassembling and reassembling weaponry, creating new weapons out of spare parts, documenting biological lifeforms, studying alien cultures. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Inherently right-brained but with a lot of left-brained conditioning. SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Very very low but good enough at faking it.
TAGGED BY: @ohshadow ♡ thank you channy! TAGGING: anyone can take this but @vin-robles @gnarledbite @afraidofchange @xaallo / @skxrbrand @precognitor @exiler @solesoldier @nxthero @hembralfa @dynamoprotocol
I'm gonna do this for Zovariy too so I am putting it under a cut here.
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FULL NAME. Ara'rva-Kar Yukariksias Zovariy azet Veris zu Kariio 15-R ra'Wuura Evez etit Yeskiv NICKNAME. The Superior Warrior, The Secondary, Champion-Gladiator, Mechforger ALIASES. Silent Sentinel, Heratrix of Clan Yukariksias, Commander of the Head-Hunter PRONOUNS. Doesn't care (usually assigned they/them) SIZE. 9'2 or 282cm, often appears larger due to their imposing armor. AGE. 5,500+ Earth years, maturity equivalent to early-mid adult; functionally immortal. ZODIAC. Capricorn. SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Zehen-Vossin (script-language; native), Zahhan-Kariian (native), Dominion-Official (fluent), Kzoxxan-Kariian (fluent), Xae-Kariian (fluent), Kvravadon-Speak (fluent)
HAIR FUR. Thick fur with base that skews more ivory than rosy like the rest of their family; darkens at the tips. Swoops to the right. FACIAL HAIR MARKINGS. Tear-line markings as a faded remnant from their kithood; can and has attacked others over poking fun at them before. SKIN TONE. A plum-like hue mottled with splotches of black across their flesh (nose, ears, hands, feet) inherited from their sire. BODY TYPE. Broad-shouldered and muscular all over from head to toe to tail, making no secret of their strict military regimen. Makes Ardaka seem small, comparatively. VOICE. Adam Smasher from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners; there is a perceptible artificial reverb to their voice with or without their mask, as if they've had their vocal chords modified with something. DOMINANT HAND. Kariians are ambidextrous; Zovariy usually defaults to using their left side, although doing so has lost them two fingers at some point. POSTURE. Formal and composed, drawn to full height, head tipped up; rigid but always ready to jump into action. Zovariy's general stance also makes their military origins obvious. BIRTHMARKS. Other than the natural mottling of their skin, none. MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. Their scarred visage and the mask that hides it, their odd tail, their blade-prosthetic right leg, their secondary ears, their ear piercing.
PLACE OF BIRTH. Born in the great mountain city of Zahhan-a'Zaar in the castle built into the peak of the mountain, the clan-home of Clan Yukariksias called simply Castle of the Maw, or the Maw's Keep. HOMETOWN. Zahhan'a-Zaar, the capital city of Zozava'Zahhania, the Fortress at the Center of the World. It is also the capital of Kariio 15-R as a whole due to Clan Yukariksias' ruling status. SIBLINGS. Twin to Vsentis azet Ardaka. Has several half-alien half-siblings. PARENTS. Evez etit Yeskiv (mother) and Varkaeyak rev Zarxa (father)
OCCUPATION. Sentinel; a military-adjacent status in the Dominion controlled personally by the Speaker. It lays outside the general hierarchy and allows for ease of operating without any red tape. CURRENT RESIDENCE. The Head-Hunter, their personal vessel. CLOSE FRIENDS. None, and they prefer it that way. At least, that's what they tell themselves. FINANCIAL STATUS. Being the child of the Speaker, Zovariy may as well be royalty. Finance is simply not a thing they have to think about. DRIVER'S LICENSE. They have a license for just about every type of vehicle one could think of. CRIMINAL RECORD. First and second degree murder, disorderly conduct, extortion, arson, definitely a lot more if we would be going by Human standards and not Kariian ones. VICES. Alcohol, very occasional drug use, getting into violent confrontations, seeking revenge for even only perceived reasons, prone to resentfulness and pettiness.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pansexual with no preference. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. None, they'd rather not be involved in any emotional role. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. Dominant / top. TURN OFFS. Comparison or expectations, others trying to get too close to them, cowardice, cuddling, bright/excessive colors. TURN ONS. Confident or forceful personalities, being beaten in a physical spar, sexual acts in uniform/armor, disrespect/degradation, breath control. LOVE LANGUAGE. Giving: acts of service. Receiving: words of affirmation, not that they'd be actually good at receiving them. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. Avoids relationships and attachments. Zovariy rarely has any consistent connection. At most they'll entertain a casual sexual relationship, but both parties are aware it may be dropped at any moment.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE. Ghosst by Lorn HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. Tinkering on machinery, fine-tuning their work, creating cyborg-beasts, gladiator combat. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Left. SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Varies wildly. Usually rather confident and self-assured and will not express themselves as anything but this to others, however Zovariy feels they frequently fall behind their own standards.
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threadsun · 1 year
\(//∇//)\Oh you little rascal you! Got me swinging my legs over here giggling and crap 😂 Dude, with me being a libra and all, I freaking LIVE for exchanges like that. I’ll gently push here and there (respectfully, of course) until BAM! I’M ON THE GROUND! I don’t do it in a mean way because it’s not in my blood, but it’s just so much fun to tease a bit! Shoot, am I brat? •.• But legit, I know the feeling, well, in a subby way at least. I’m just like, am I going too far? Was it too much? As you can clearly tell I’m a VERY descriptive writer so I’m just sweatin bullets over here being like, “Did I cross the line there?” Lol. But ahhh that makes sense with Joesph and Jack. Got that good old balancing act once they have healthier relationships with themselves. I can totally see them being service based! But UGH can you just imagine how amazing it’d be to finally have the conversation with them where they feel comfortable enough to share their sexual preferences because they feel safe and comfortable enough with you? Just all that healthy communication and then blowing their minds by just hitting all the right places, having them feel fulfilled and loved while they finally love themselves enough to enjoy it? That they think they’re WORTHY of receiving that love and attention and DESERVE IT? That they can be themselves and receive unconditional love? UGH, freaking love it man! Of course, I also love my Yandere spicy men, but like, healthy bonding and healing is so hot too! But that makes sense with Jack willingly pushes all of his precious desires down he had as Joesph. I know Jack is doing it personally to himself and is being shady af, but poor baby boi putting his life on difficult mode when he could just be loved as Joesph. I know the reasonings and that he’s a fully grown man completely aware of his actions, but my freaking heart man! I’m more emotionally driven than logic based so I keep those rose tinted super glued to my face 😂 Real people? Those bad boys be flying off from the moment they say hi. Fictional characters? What do you mean he’s not good for me? He’s only killed 4 guys and locked me in the house for 18 days so it’s not THAT bad!
Sounds like someone might be a little bit of a brat, yeah ;3c but hey, that's okay! Just keep pushing and being bratty until someone puts you in your place and reminds you why you love to submit~
lmao yeah my default mode is flirting. I flirt with all of my friends and for my job, so I struggle to turn it off sometimes. But I don't wanna make people uncomfortable either? Then again, if people are coming onto the Kinky Smut Blog, they're probably expecting at least a lil flirting if they talk to me, hopefully?
Yes, exactly!! They're both service oriented, they want to please their partner first and foremost!! But when they finally get comfortable and can embrace the idea of being served, and having their needs and wants prioritised... oh boy does it blow their minds! As soon as they can get comfortable enough to open up with their partners about what they want, rather than just constantly catering to their partner's desires, it opens up a whole world of possibilities! Especially if their partner happens to have the same wants, and just hasn't expressed them yet. Healthy and honest sexual communication is so good!!! I love seeing it so much.
Oh relatable, like yes Jack did it to himself, but also 🥺 he's like this for a reason!! He's like this because of all the trauma Joseph went through!! Sure, irl I'd be like "dude it's on you to fix this shit" but like in fiction... I just wanna wrap him up and tell him its okay and hold his hand while we work through his issues together. I wanna give broken characters who do bad things because of their experiences the same love and care and understanding that I want given to me when I do bad things because of my experiences (though, the bad things I do are like being a lil bitchy not kidnapping). If they're worthy of love and care and help, then I am too! It's character therapy!
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icemankazansky · 2 years
Hey Carly, hope your week’s been good. So, I have a quick question and this one might be a bit out of your usual stuff. I’ve been reading a lot about your zodiac Sun, Rising, and Moon headcanons (opinions? ideas? I’m not sure which you prefer calling them) about Iceman, which I absolutely love. First, I want to state that I am a HUGE Icemav fan (got into this fandom after seeing TGM for the first time). Second, I was wondering what Charlie’s zodiac sign was, since based on her personality and the decisions she makes throughout the movie. So I was wondering if you could possibly give your opinion on what Charlie’s Sun, Rising, and Moon would be? If you struggle with answering this question since it’s outside your mind palace on Top Gun, that’s totally okay. (I totally get it, since I truly think she’s a lesbian ;), Icemav fucking wins, and I truly love Ice as a character too) I just gotta know what her zodiac headcanons could be.
Hello! Oh, man, I cannot tell you how much I love when people ask me to indulge in my little zodiac headcanons. I'm so excited!
The second you asked me this question, I immediately thought AIR SIGN. Air signs are known first and foremost for their intellects and the way they think: They are very rational, logic-based, and objective thinkers. They are also socially intelligent, which sometimes shows itself as someone who can talk to anyone, a social butterfly, but I think across the board air signs' social intelligence really means that they know how to play the game. Air signs usually make good leaders and don't have a hard time getting people to follow them, because air signs know how to work people. (I realize how manipulative this sounds, and it can be, but think of it, overall, more like someone who is naturally musical. They just innately understand how rhythm works, they have an ear for key, etc.)
But there's a flip side to all of this. Air signs are rational thinkers, but this often means that they have low emotional intelligence. This presents not only as someone who can be cold and distant, but also someone who doesn't understand their own emotions. The downside to their social intelligence is that they often have difficulty forming deep interpersonal relationships. They know how to talk to people; they know how to work people socially. And they do it as default. Think of the most popular girl in school who doesn't have a single real friend because that takes a different kind of work, a different set of skills.
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Charlie Blackwood: Libra Sun
Libra is an air sign. It is represented by the scales, and Libras crave balance. This can often result in control issues and anxiety, because it's very difficult to balance everything, especially when you can't do it all yourself. (Libras will definitely try to do it all themselves, though. If you want something done right ...) Libras are also often serial monogamists. Your friend who is never single longer than a couple days? They likely have a prominent Libra placement. They always want a romantic partner, but they don't necessarily know exactly what it is they want from one, and since there's no right answer (and Libras always want a right answer) and forming deep interpersonal relationships is so difficult ...? They make some bad choices in that department. It's not disingenuous. Libra wants to be in love. They want romance. They just don't necessarily understand how to do that. So you get poor matches like Charlie and Maverick that are made quickly without really getting to know the other person first. Charlie likes the idea of being in love with Maverick, but even if they were well-matched—they are not—she doesn't know how to make that happen. She repeats Carole's words to Goose to Maverick: "Take me to bed or lose me forever." She wants what Carole and Goose have, and she's attracted to Maverick (air signs tend to be attracted to fire signs—I headcanon Mav as an Aries—probably because they're very much what air signs are not), but she's working this problem like an equation, and love doesn't work that way.
Libra Rising
Your sun sign is your core personality. Your rising sign, or ascendant, is how people first perceive you. A lot of people talk about it like a mask, and that metaphor does work because usually when you're consciously putting on a front when you're somewhere for the first time, or you're in a professional setting or somewhere you feel uncomfortable, etc., that front is your ascendant. (For this reason, many people think that your rising sign becomes less relevant as you age, because you run out of fucks, but there are physical characteristics and a general vibe that go with rising signs, so I'm not quite sold on that.)
This one was difficult for me to decide for Charlie, because I think she comes off warmer and more accessible than she actually is, but I am very sure that Charlie has a water and probably a fire deficit, and that's where I would normally go for those things. After some consideration, I'm going to go with Libra rising. When your sun and ascendant are in the same sign, it's basically what you see is what you get, but as I discussed above, Libra knows how to play the game, and they appear more sociable, even-tempered, and personable than they may actually be.
Virgo Moon
Your moon sign reflects your emotional world. As I mentioned way up there, your sun sign is going to determine a lot about how you process and understand emotions, but your moon sign gives you the flavor of that emotional world, whether you process or understand the emotions you're having or not.
Virgo is an earth sign. Earth signs are similar to air signs in that they are intellectual and tend to think logically rather than emotionally. They are grounded (yeah, I know, but that's part of the reason they're called that, okay?), feet planted on terra firma. They tend to be a bit rigid; they like order and tradition and they have certain ways they like things to be done, and god help you if you deviate from the "right" way. Virgo has a lot of similarities with Libra, in that they're both always trying to find balance, but Libra vacillates, always unsure, always anxious about the scales tipping. Virgo knows the scales will tip, and Virgo is keeping score. Also like Libra, Virgo thinks things will only be done properly if they do them themselves, and they will try. Virgo in this placement brings a sort of orderly detachment to emotion: Virgo will label the emotions and put them in little boxes, but shy away from the notion of actually feeling them. This results in someone who is composed and difficult to get a rise out of ... until they aren't, and then they're just going to let everything out at once. Because they don't really understand their emotions and, frankly, are kind of pissed off that they have to deal with them at all, most Virgo emotional outbursts are characterized by some anger or frustration, even if that isn't the nature of the emotion that's troubling them.
This was fun! Thanks for asking.
N.B. A few years ago, I did some graphics with the boys' big three on them, and I classified Ice as a Virgo Moon. I want to go on record that I have given it more consideration and my opinion is Ice is a Scorpio Moon. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
Astro notes again (I feel inspired)
Disclaimer: I am no professional, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, if you see one of your observations mentioned or reworded here, don't be afraid to tell me, I'm not doing it with intent. I'll immediately change the post's content.
Pisces sun + Leo moon: you're all a bit artsy aren't y'all? All Leo moons I've met have liked art more than science. Combined with a Pisces sun...very artistic people! They see the beauty in many things and have a good eye for aesthetics! More likely to dress well too.
Aquarius sun + Pisces moon: one of the best people to confide in. Aquarius is a pretty objective sign by default, and tbh not as cold as everyone makes them out to be. With a Pisces moon, sheesh the loving side of them comes out more easily!
Aquarius sun + Capricorn mars: I am scared of you.
Bonus points if you have an Aquarius/Capciorn mercury
Okay so ant other Libra placements absolutely loving candles?
"Behind every great girl-boss" a Virgo/Capricorn venus "There's a very supportive man-wife" a Cancer/Taurus venus. Smh if they love you, they're the most supportive people ever, not only physically, but emotionally as well :) Meanwhile Virgo and Capricorn, very supportive as well, don't get me wrong, but I feel like they're more the type to push you to become the best version of yourself. If I see a couple with either of these venus sign combos I immediately go "goals"
Maybe it's my Taurus IC, but I said it once (a couple of times-) and I'll say it again: Taurus placements (especially sun) have my heart.
Btw, mercury risings (virgo&gemini) and their beauty 😤. I have a gemini rising friend: best sense of style I'm out. Both of em have a very, how can I put this, a very intriguing, playful energy. Like their mind is always running.
Sagittarius moons have wavy hair I noticed? Capricorn moons too!
If you have Gemini saturn, your mind is probably quite unique! I haven't encountered much of this placement, but the few ones I talked to are so so smart for real-
Quick question for my moon in the 12th people: are you healed or are you just repressing your feelings subconsciously again? It's important to know the difference
If you have Jupiter in Aries, I feel like you'd benefit a whole lot from exercising, even a little. I noticed taking care of their body improves their mood SO MUCH
Taurus sun + Aries mercury: your way of talking is very grounded, but also stubborn. All is chill until you are asked to change your opinion lmao- but I love talking with y'all. So straight-forward, and usually very honest
I feel like Chiron-Jupiter aspects, Jupiter in the 1st and 12th house have the craziest stories about luck in their lives
Random thought that might not resonate with everyone: Sagittarius North node is meant to embody the energy of the "jack of all trades" I really associate Sagittarius with movement, travel and learning. They're a mutable sign, and most importantly, a fire sign. I'm feeling like Sagittarius north node people are also meant to expand multiple aspects of themselves, not let themselves get stuck on one point of their lives.
Do virgo/6th house placements love sudoku?
Juno-north node aspects probably feel a very powerful connection towards soulmates on this life time
Dear Aquarius risings: it's not lame or arrogant to embrace your weird side. I have an Aquarius rising myself, along with a good friend of mine, and sheesh don't we both shy away from showing our quirks. Of course, you don't have to force yourself, but don't ever feel ashamed for not going along with the crowd.
And done! This was kind of short, but I hope you enjoyed. Feedback is welcomed!
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chemicalpink · 3 years
If it’s alright with you could you do an astrology post about how bts would flirt with a person they were attracted to?
So.. god I really hate disclaimers because I like to believe that we are all reasoning people, plus there’s a general disclaimer on my page BUT I know for a fact that people don’t read that (those same people won’t read this one anyway).
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.
OKAY NOW THAT THAT’S OVER by default, Venus and Mars could give us an insight into their love styles, but I’ve already got reading about those here, here, and here 
We are going to use those BUT I’ll focus on their EROS (if you want me to do actual research and post a full love life analysis for each member, let me know in my ask)
Kim Seokjin ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ
I feel like a dad joke to tune into the other person’s humor is his way to go.
His Eros in Scorpio points to someone blunt in his approach, so something along the lines of overly flirting pick-up lines.
His Cancer Mars points to his overall romantic self so if Kim Seokjin is flirting with you prepare to live a drama scene where you feel like the only person in the world.
His Capricorn Venus reinforces the fact that this man is straightforward when flirting, and is very VERY selective as to who they approach.
So all in all, these three placements tell me that Kim Seokjin is a man that loves the fact that people are so multidimensional and he is here for it! he wants to know everything about the person he decided to approach because this man’s standards are over the top and he knows it. 
There's a lot of talking involved while getting to know each other, although he drops facts about himself here and there along with some funny storytimes, he will make it all about you.
A gentleman at his finest, drop you by your house, make sure you’re not cold, that you’re enjoying your food, that you’re comfortable.
This man’s way into your heart is ultimately his actions + his humor.
Min Yoongi  /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
He’s... silent. Kinda shy, okay very shy, unless you gave off a great vibe, you’re not getting past awkward introductions and anxious small talk.
If you make it past introductions(because let’s be real, this man’s standards? impossible to fulfill), you’re in for a ride.
His Eros in Capricorn makes him crave to connect in a physical sense, even if it’s just hand-holding during dates, funny enough, this placement is the hardest one to make him open up so.. he’s not talking much about himself.
EVEN FUNNIER his Aries Venus points to someone bold and confident, which I can totally see him doing, the first move if he sees someone that plays into his idea of perfection.
Idk why it just strikes me as he knows what he wants from people, he’s not afraid of a challenge and chase, and his boldness as well as need for physical touch, makes him a great candidate for a fun short term, especially since his Eros signals that he pretty much values work more than love life.
Yoongi is... very much handled by his ego self, so he might be aloof at times, it has to do with his terrible high standards, a somewhat fear of intimacy and love for his work that keeps him from any type of social life (because he values work too much), but this man is also very romantic, and a great listener, as it is told by his Cancer Mars.
It’s all a matter of getting through his hard skin to get to the mushy Yoongi he doesn’t let many people experience.
Jung Hoseok ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ
This man loves a challenge, the thrill of the chase, not very healthy if you ask me but hey, you do you.
Playing hard to get will most certainly interest him. As well as letting him help you so he can “save the day”. This is all according to his Aries Eros. 
True to his Eros, his Aquarius Mars makes him be the biggest fan of flirting, and he obviously succeeds, thanks to his huge charisma and wittiness. 
LISTEN- THIS MAN as oblivious to affection as he is, can flirt with a whole group of people at once.
Free-spirited and quick-witted people are his cup of tea since it makes it easier for him to keep the flirting flow going.
I know I’ve said it many times before in this post, ISN’T IT FUNNY his Pisces Venus points to him being shy and awkward but cute, which I think pretty much describes Hobi, minus the shy.
So all in all, Hoseok flirting magnet, he is all smiles and will fill your heart with cute stuff and funny things, also, KING of not giving off mixed signals, he doesn’t even have to say a word, he flirts with his whole body.
KIM NAMJOON “φʕ•ᴥ•oʔ
THIS MAN BEING AN EROS IN LIBRA MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. He has a more traditional sophisticated way of flirting, kinda like courting.
It also makes him very giving, up until the relationship is off-balanced, then things end, so yeah, he likes to give, but he also likes to receive just as much. 
Also, very much into intelligent refined people. 
Just like Yoongi and Jin, he has a Cancer Mars, which only heightens his leaning towards traditional love and courting.
He will be devoted even when flirting, wanting to know everything about the other person, even on the first date, just- very very soft Joonie.
Lowkey, as poised as he is, his Scorpio Venus will give everyone a run for their money on terms of flirting. This man knows whats he's doing and how much he affects the person he is flirting with.
He’s just- so used to flirting and connecting with people that he doesn’t have an outcome in mind, just finds flirting fun and exciting.
Basically, Namjoon is a man that knows what he wants and how to get it, but flirting stages are just so common to him, he does it out of boredness, not that he doesn’t want to connect with people, quite the contrary, he finds people so amazing, it’s just- flirting doesn’t have an endgame for him.
Might I dare to go as far as to say, Kim Namjoon might end up in a relationship by accident just because he didn’t know when to end his constant flirting. 
PARK JIMIN  •᷄ɞ•᷅ 
His Eros in Pisces makes him one of the more emotionally passionate of the bunch, to an unhealthy state, in which he may manipulate himself in order to satisfy the other person. 
There’s a lot of thought going into dates, small gifts “because they reminded me of you” and a lot of cute stuff. Very Very passionate.
He has a Scorpio Mars, so as much as he is passion-driven and very much into cute stuff, and believing that he should 100% merge with the other person, he knows what he’s doing when he flirts.
Different from Namjoon, Jimin doesn’t just flirt for funsies, he entertains the idea of love when flirting, future plans, meeting the parents, he can just see it all.
AND he also has a Scorpio Venus so he is definitely aware of all his flirting and how he affects the other person, especially since there’s a lot of sex appeal going into it.
Not so much a mystery himself, but he tries to be the perfect fit for all. Which might ultimately hide behind this perfect partner facade. 
This man doesn’t just end up in a relationship by accident, this man falls in love on accident.
We’ve got another one in love with the thrill of the chase.
Tae also has Eros in Aries, so there’s a lot of playfulness involved in flirting, from banter to playfully shoving the other person aside.
Might also be into dates where he can compete with you, like arcade, or something that he disguises as competition but he knows beforehand he’ll win.
Someone tell him it’s not healthy to crave impossible relationships, anyway, he’d love to be the shinning armor in his love story.
He has Capricorn Mars, which makes him have an honest, practical, and straightforward style of flirting.
The vibe check is real, so unless you pass it with flying colors, do not expect to be flirted with.
Although, his whole aura screams social and flirty due to his Aquarius Venus, which involves a lot of charisma and a great sense of humor. 
Just like Hobi, Tae can flirt with a bunch of people at once without even trying.
JEON JUNGKOOK  ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ♥
Flirting for Jungkook is more of a mental game than an emotional one, according to his Eros in Gemini. 
Now listen, the nerdier, the better. But you would have to approach him first, as much as he enjoys the idea of talking to people, he doesn’t really do it that well.
Just like Jimin, he has Scorpio Mars, so in line with flirting being a mental game, he knows his game plan, his moves, he knows how people will react to them, he knows what he wants, and more importantly, how to get it.
He very obviously knows about his sex appeal and uses it as an advantage, even though at first he’s kinda awkward about it.
Much like Namjoon, he enjoys flirting so much that he doesn’t even need to have an endgame in mind. He likes to hear people talking about their passions and loves it even more if he learns a thing or to about it in the way, but his awkwardness comes through when he doesn’t really measure that most of the time when you flirt its because you’re interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.
His Libra Venus also plays the part, since it signals him being flirty and witty without even trying, just a man, his beauty, his charm, and his charisma. 
He’ll do anything possible to make you feel like you matter, even going as far as daring to hold your hand just because (which is a great pointer t know if he is really interested or just flirting bc he can)
Ultimately, his flirtation serves as a means to cheer themselves and other people up.
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notweirdgoalie · 3 years
Bruins Players and the Zodiac Sign They Embody
Aquarius - I’m going to have to say Mike Reilly based on this weakness “Runs from emotional expression” and this strength “independent”.  Yes Mike basically has a default look of angry or uncaring but he really isn’t. He just wants to exert his independence while still having a good time
Pisces - As a compassionate and romantic sign, only Brandon Carlo can fit this. He is easily trusting and cares about everyone on the team. This man deserves to keep the A for his big heart
Aries - Immediately I think of our resident Rat King, Brad Marchand.  He is quick tempered and aggressive, but also has an easy time taking on a leadership role
Taurus - Charlie “Cheeks” McAvoy is such a Taurus.  He is the stability to our defensive core like no other but man can this kid be stubborn as all get out when needed
Gemini - Jack Studinka, oh my sweet summer child (despite being born in the winter), you are sweet and curious as well as indecisive.  You are also chatty and I would put money on you going on drives with your boys
Cancer - When I think of Cancer signs, I think of charismatic people that are loyal but sometimes suspicious of others.  David Pastrnak fits this to a T
Leo - “Self confident and attractive” if that isn’t Craig Smith then who else could it? Actually this fits Jeremy Swayman too...
Virgo - Patrice Bergeron hands down. Not only does this man need a themeTM for every event, he also has the innate ability to organize the rowdy children on his team and bring a semblance of order
Libra - Charlie Coyle, our resident himbo that needed his girlfriend to teach him how to cook. This man is such a Libra it hurts
Scorpio - Tuukka you were hard to place, but Scorpio fits you too well! You thrive in uncomfortable silence.  Are you joking? Are you serious? We do definitely know when you are mad though
Sagittarius - Okay so I was sent a list of Sagittarius traits and the first two are no indoor voice and forms opinion off of pure emotion.  If this isn’t Trent Fredric, who else could this be? (RIP Sean Kuraly) 
Capricorn - Taylor Hall and Erik Haula both come to mind with Capricorn.  They both are adultsTM that take a bit to get comfortable with others. Knowing the family is a big like for Capricorns also fits because both of these players have stated they wanted to be a Bruin because of the atmosphere (family dynamic)
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
I saw y'all discussing potential zodiac signs for Pascal's characters, what's your take on the major ones? I personally believe Marcus Pike is a cancer, Catfish's a pisces, Din's a virgo, Whiskey's an aries, Oberyn's either a leo or a libra, Ezra's a gemini or a sag, but I lean towards gemini. Javier's the poster child for Scorpio. Don't know about Maxwell Lord.
pedro character star signs
i’m so sorry it took so long, i was tweaking this so much bc i wanted to make sure i got it right! these are just what i think based on my astrology opinions, i hope you like it! 💕 i added their moon signs for flair bc i can. gonna tag a few friends i think may be interested, hope it’s not an inconvenience
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max phillips: aries sun & moon. his ambition and charisma paired with the carefree attitude and optimism are an optimum fire sign duality and despite the fact i shouldn't, i love it so much. he has an inner child that he spoils with the riches of his conquests (good and bad) & gets emotional contentment when he succeeds in achieving his goals. knows what he wants & is quick to make those wants known. you never have to worry about where you stand with him because he will not hesitate to tell you.
javier peña: taurus sun with scorpio moon (the real guy is a taurus & i can see it but w heavy scorpio influence). he has his own structure and routine and will fight to the death to maintain it. very work oriented & does his best to rationalize his emotion-driven scorpio moon with his taurean logic, it's a tossup as to whether it works half the time. has a lot of emotional needs that aren't always met day to day & thats why he smokes and drinks and fucks. but don’t let anything make you doubt his love for you because the only thing stronger than his stubborn streak is his heart and its capacity to love you so damn much.
maxwell lord: libra sun with a sagittarius moon. the charisma? attractive and engaging af. oddly adept at chameleoning himself into whatever social group he's trying to vibe with. will draw eyes no matter what because so many people know him & if they don't already, they sure as hell want to. it takes him a while to learn to balance healthy relationships and his work life but when he does, you can visibly see how much healthier he is because of it. normally tends to his emotions in private but with help, he can start sharing a bit more. more optimistic than he sometimes should be but it could be worse
frankie morales: pisces sun with a cancer moon. his caring and sometimes cautious nature (with a twinge of homicidal tendencies) make him one that you don't just casually fuck with sexually or otherwise. catches feelings very easy & makes a lot of emotionally-driven decisions. these two water signs have a propensity towards codependence & defensiveness when hurt. is at his best when he feels loved and is supported by those he loves. emotions are always fluctuating and there’s some trouble with self-discipline (which is not the same as self-deprecation). because of this, he needs someone who can ground him
jack "whiskey" daniels: his swagger!! his charm!! his generosity!! the protectiveness over people he cares about!! this has the makings of a leo sun. this charismatic sun sign paired with his capricorn moon create a living example of the most balanced "work hard, play hard" you've ever seen. has a tendency to set high standards for himself and others & is a smidge more accepting when people fuck up, wanting to help them be better in the future. his emotions are often repressed in the name of responsibility but when he feels safe, he isn’t shy about them in the slightest. very confident in his skills & one of those that he’s the proudest of is his ability to cheer you up when you’re sad
din djarin: he is the most virgo virgo to ever virgo, a double whammy of it in both his sun & moon placements. very logical, disciplined, and tradition-oriented. knows how to bargain and budget, approaches problems with as little emotional attachment as he can (doesn't always work though), and is selfless af. needs something to keep him from being a worry wart bc otherwise he will spend every waking moment fretting over anything he can find. remarkably well-rounded & somehow the most emotionally stable
ezra: everything about this man radiates aquarius sun + gemini moon and you will never convinve me otherwise. he's just enough of an intellectual elitist (the big words and flowy shakespearian vocabulary) for it to border on unique and fun & annoying as fuck. every aquarian i've met has a quirk that sets them apart from everyone else & ezra's quirk (besides murder) is his vocabulary. it takes him a long time to learn to not talk over people on accident (sometimes he does on purpose just to be a bastard), but you can tell when he’s really trying to be conscious of it.
marcus moreno: now this man is what you call a pisces. a softie with a heart of gold that is constantly being underestimated, he has more power than most think. his silly and carefree nature detracts from the badassery he's capable of so it sometimes catches you off guard when he goes into Badass In Charge™️ mode but it’s there. his moon is also in pisces, which adds to his gentility and desire to be understood by his partner. this man just needs some love dammit, give it to him already!! his empathy makes him the Cool Dad™️ bc missy and literally any other kid get the vibe of “yeah this adult will actually listen to me and value my opinions”
dave: capricorn sun, aries moon. he thrives with people who can handle their own shit competency kink anyone? and doesn’t have patience with those who should know better. his standards are higher than a stoned giraffe, and is at his best in controlled environments. has a strong sense of self & a short list of people he would risk it all for. not as outwardly expressive but he does have a couple cues that you learn over time. also knows what he wants and is very meticulous in how he goes about getting it; there are very few places where he takes no for an answer. is a very good provider but don’t expect him to be mushy when you thank him for things he does for you.
oberyn martell: gemini sun & leo moon. he’s got more charisma than can fit in the ocean and sometimes it gets him into trouble. this man thrives on validation from loved ones. there is never a worry about not knowing what he’s feeling because oh boy is this man expressive. he’s a protector and a provider (and a gossip but don’t let him hear you say that). can and will cause a scene if there’s ample opportunity, he enjoys watching shit go down. will only interfere if it directly impacts him or someone he really cares about but otherwise will just pop the popcorn and pull up a seat. somehow has all the details of everything that ever happens but you learn to not question it.
pero tovar: scorpio sun (but specifically october scorpio) & aquarius moon. he’s highly rational when it comes to emotions but does have a temper. he’s observant af of his environment & the emotions of everyone around him, and chooses his actions carefully based on those. doesn’t confront his deeper emotions as often as he should bc it’s easier to default to Angy™️ and let the rest of the world come to their own assumptions. has no tolerance for lies and other bs, wants the truth and though it makes him seem power-hungry and manipulative, that’s not his intention. it’s just his way of looking for someone he can trust with the most intimate parts of him
marcus pike: this man? taurus sun, cancer moon. has a fear of abandonment that takes a while to quell but once it’s gone, he’s all in. he’s very empathetic and observant af, will know exactly what you need before you voice said need. will feel guilty for his baggage sometimes and the guilt will make him recluse for a short period until he’s reminded just how appreciated he is. does not play around when it comes to affection & is very eager to give and receive it whenever possible
my friends that i think might be interested: @scribbledghost @autumnleaves1991-blog @dyke--grayson @max--phillips @dindjarindiaries @pikemoreno @ohnopoe @pedropasscals @forever-rogue @engineeredfiction @bitchin-beskar
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lowlights · 3 years
Congrats on the follower milestone - you deserve everyone of them and more.
Can I get a character pairing? I’m 5’ 8”, a ginger with brown eyes, and I’m a Libra (enneagram 2) who’s love language is acts of service. I work in education so my days are filled with dealing with kids and the things that go on in an elementary school setting, so I really appreciate my time with adults. I love traveling and going on adventures, and I never turn down the chance to ride a roller coaster. I’m not a skinny girl, and I do worry about my weight and how I am perceived by others because of it.
Can you please give me a loving Pedro boy to make it all better and tell me how he would do so?
Hi, darling!! Thanks for your patience waiting for this. I think you deserve someone who is going to light up every time he sees you.
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Sure, the movie isn't even out yet. But do we care? Not here, bby.
Javi would adore you. Obviously, this man loves with his entire being and would let you know every single moment how much he cares about you. I think he would really find the fact that you work with children incredibly endearing, and would probably do something really ostentatious like make a donation to the school and have them name the new wing after you - or try to at least, until you convince him that the naming is one step too far. But he just wants to show you how much he loves you, bless him.
But this is part of why you love him so- he tries so hard. He is so earnest in giving you the world. He wants to travel with you and go on any adventure you so much as mention, wanting to treat you with 5 stars all the way. Not that you don't deserve the best, but I feel like that's not entirely your style.
This gets me to why I think you would be good for him. I think his default love language is gift-giving. Not that that's bad, I'm a gift-giver myself. But you would be someone in his life who didn't care about the money he clearly has. Who cares if he has a driver, you're picking him up from the airport. Why wait for a member of his staff to do something if you can do it for him right now? You care about him, and it might take a minute for him to really get it, but when he does- his whole world opens up in a way he wasn't expecting.
I feel like Javi would enjoy how you find joy in the little things, like riding a roller coaster. It's so simple and cute, and maybe in his life is something he overlooked or never got the chance to do. Can you imagine his joy, sitting next to you and laughing together on a ride?
Finally, I totally understand how you feel when you talk about worrying how the world perceives you because of your body. Javi not only loves your body, he would fiercely protect you from anyone who so much as LOOKED at you the wrong way. He would wrap his strong arms around you and let everyone know that you're his. His strong, kind-hearted goddess.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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a young man who had fallen into the abyss as a child, he had eventually become a thief on the streets, forced into rehabilitation through training with the millileth, and then finding his place in the world as a bodyguard and bouncer in the yansheng teahouse. quickly giving his loyalty to yelan, those who have a problem with her have to go through him first.
PRIORITY: testing
"ri’ah, did you convert one of your batim muses to genshin?” it works out. it works out! anyway, uh, while his given name is “min”, the narration will actually default to “blight”.
anyway, blight here had also fallen into the abyss, spent several months there, and would eventually end up working for yelan.
profile information under the cut.
full name: zhao min aka: blight age: 28 gender & pronouns: male & he/him orientation: bisexual, preferring men species: human ethnicity: liyuen occupation: bodyguard and bouncer residence: liyue harbor
height: 6′8″ hair: black eyes: black scars: several across his body tattoos: what appears to be all sorts of eyes all in a bundle on his left shoulder; these appear to be staring at nothing when his vision isn’t in use, but will glow with electro when his vision is used. piercings: n/a notable traits: skinny, lithe, wears dark clothing constantly face claim(s): mard geer ( fairy tail )
birthdate: october 12th zodiac: libra positive traits: clever, loyal, helpful to those he trusts, resourceful negative traits: moody, violent, distrustful, vengeful, snide
physical: poor eye phobias: name eyesight: terrible eyesight, often having to rely on his vision for finer details drug use: n/a alcohol use: pretty often
parents: unknown; orphaned siblings: n/a pets: n/a
bartending proficiency. despite his poor eyesight, he knows how to tend a bar. in a teahouse, he does have this proficiency limited, but he’s been learning how to make teas with these techniques.
general “rogue” proficiencies. due to his childhood of being a juvenile delinquent, he has taught himself how to pick locks, pick pockets, and navigate various environments the quickest and quietest.
above-average strength. don’t be fooled by his light frame. he can and will take down men beefier than he is.
sword proficiency. elegant in some movements, brutal in others, he aims only to strike where his opponent is weakest.
electro vision. gained while he was in the abyss, fueled by his desire to escape, he was soon given a vision shortly before he was locked into a foul legacy. this vision helped him with the issues with his eyes, although he learned to work with the weakness his eyes held as well.
foul legacy. having fallen into the abyss at a young age, he had spent several months lost and trapped within the form of a foul legacy. it was during this time that he learned how to be proficient with it, and eventually figure out how to leave it. after he returned to the surface, he retained these abilities.
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astrology-india · 4 years
Venus In Leo Man - Tips To Discover Your Ideal Partner
New Post has been published on https://www.astrology-india.com/venus-in-leo-man/
Venus In Leo Man - Tips To Discover Your Ideal Partner
Leo the lion is usually warm and cheery, known for his dramatics. When Venus is in Leo this can show bold displays of affection towards his lover, often for the whole world to see.
The Venus in Leo man has the traits and characteristics to be proud and dignified and, leans towards lovers who are more powerful than himself.
For him, choosing the right romantic partner means either thriving or crashing. The man with this Venus placement is at his best when he chooses his mate wisely.
The Venus in Leo Man Key Features
Positive Points
The Venus In Leo man has inner confidence, which makes him energetic, passionate, driven, warm, and playful.
Negative Points
Negative aspects of Leo can appear as selfishness with a vain streak, and sometimes pushy, and immature.
As shown by a sextile in the Venus in Leo astrology chart, he can be a bit of a showman if he is trying to impress.
The Venus In Leo Man Ideal partner
The Venus in Leo man’s perfect match is someone who is confident and bold, a person with whom he can share the spotlight with.
It helps greatly if this person is friendly, open, warm, and generous- perhaps working for a greater good.
Things a Venus In Leo Man Needs To Work On
He can choose better people to fall in love with. This man is attracted to power, and power is not necessarily a bad thing, but it comes in many forms, and a lot of times it is corrupted.
The Venus In Leo man would find contentment if he would allow himself time to really find out about a prospective partner. Rather than being attracted to the sometimes false image portrayed by dominant women.
The Venus In Leo Man Personality
Leo has a tendency to want to be the life and soul of the party.
Wherever there is fun to be had is where you can find him or, rather, wherever he is at that is where the fun just happens to be.
This man is usually confident and dignified just like the lion that represents his zodiac sign.
The guy with his Venus placement in Leo does not analyze things deeply with thought or emotion, he acts strictly on instinct. This is due to Leo being a fire sign, which represents action.
If you want to get a good mental picture of him think movie star, only he is always the main character. Either that or he is the frontman for a band, a natural entertainer.
It is not highly unlikely that his need to be number one at all times does not get him into trouble. Depending on how explosive this man is it could be often.
Yet somehow, he possesses a remarkable ability to walk away from his explosions unharmed, saved only by following his powerful instincts.
Venus in Leo makes him an outgoing and energetic lover.
While negative aspects of Leo can show itself as selfishness, the competitive Leo Venusian man is determined to go the extra mile for his mate.
Leo is also known to show childlike qualities, with his Venus aspect here you can expect a playful lover.
He tends to be overly concerned with his appearance, checking out his lion’s mane in the mirror more so than others.
It is one thing to be proud of our appearance, but a negative aspect of Leo shows itself as all-out vanity and this could be a turnoff for those around him.
Positive Traits
Confident – Energetic – Entertaining – Passionate
Driven – Playful – Warm – Optimistic
Negative Traits
Vain – Selfish – Childish – Demanding – A Show-off
What Attracts a Venus in Leo Man?
If your default mode is to fly under the radar and not make any splashes, then the chances that a man with his Venus in Leo will notice you are slim.
This man prefers to see himself with a flashy mate: loud, bold, and proud of their personality right down to their clothing and accessories.
This is what the Venus in Leo man likes, but sadly, it can also be his downfall.
Men with their Venus placement here are famous for choosing partners who have huge egos.
They are often getting pushed around which leaves them feeling overshadowed by their seemingly larger than life other halves.
This is likely to be someone with their actual sun sign in Leo, or Aries (or just about any celebrity).
But to be fair, the man with his Venus in Leo also thinks the world of himself and needs to be cherished.
He is attracted by mates who are comfortable with affection and showing often over-the-top displays of adoration for him (even better when it is in public).
While warm and cheery himself, the Venus in Leo man is wildly attracted to the detached type. But not the cold and calculated person, rather the arrogant kind.
As you can imagine, this could either be good or bad for him; the man who is typically happy and over demonstrating himself.
This man is about generosity and having some fun with his romances, less about cruelty and conflicts with others. If he is ever any of these things, it is only for show.
The Leo man does love attention, but he vastly prefers the positive kind.
In fact, negative attention wears down on Leo and no other sign knows that their mate reflects them in the public eye more than he does. The Venus in Leo man is truly the refined fire sign.
Since a man with his Venus in Leo cannot help but be attracted to powerful and dynamic lovers, his best bet is to find someone who is those things.
However, she also needs to be charitable, warm, and personable, not one who wants to trample all over him.
A woman with a degree of maturity who has done some inner-work in understanding how to want to be truly happy together.
Most Compatible With Venus In Leo Man
The man with his Venus in Leo is built to be with a dignified queen since he believes himself to be the king- someone who is proud, confident, and demands being in the center of the spotlight.
The man is not a great fit for signs which deal with insecurities. The introversion of earth and water signs may not work well with the highly self-projecting Leo guy.
The Venus in Leo man is best paired with a partner who similarly has their Venus in Leo.
He is also an outstanding match for those with their Venus in Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra.
However, it is always important to consider one’s full natal chart to determine Venus in Leo’s computability. Other aspects of the chart will also play a crucial role in establishing a long-term romantic connection.
Final Thoughts
Leo is the king of the zodiac; the dashing lion man reflects an aura of confidence.
He is about the theatrics and appearances are everything to the Venus in Leo man because he always sees himself as the main character.
His ideal mate is someone as bold as he, who has no problem sharing the center stage of life with him, while the world plays the part of the audience.
If he chooses his lover with discernment, making sure they both share the leading part, he will undoubtedly be happy.
An Important Message From astrology-india.com
Are you dreaming of experiencing an emotional connection with your Venus in Leo man? Knowing without a doubt that you are the only woman in his life?
If this is you, and you want the reassurance of his love, then the next couple of paragraphs may well be the most important that you ever read.
Relationship expert and focused astrologer Anna Kovach has written a book entitled Leo Man Secrets in which she exposes his deepest desires and what he craves from a woman in a romantic situation.
Anna explains in her work the key to not only attracting a Venus in Leo man but also a subtle approach on how to win his undying love.
Decide for yourself by taking a private peek preview of this unique work that covers all aspects of a romantic relationship with a man born under the zodiac sign of Leo.
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