ikarakie · 5 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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unhingemyheart · 2 months
Prime Video: So, Good Omens Season 2 
Neil Gaiman: Yes
Prime Video: What‘s the Story? 
Neil Gaiman: No story, just vibes.
Prime Video: Neil, we need a little more to work with. 
Neil Gaiman: Okay, do you remember Sister Theresa Garrulous and Sister Loquacious from Season 1?
Prime Video: Yes?
Neil Gaiman: They‘re in a coffee shop AU.
Prime Video: Aaaand?
Neil Gaiman: And they need to fall in love. 
Prime Video: But Neil what about Crowley and Aziraphale?
Neil Gaiman: Oh, don‘t worry. They‘re already in love. 
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cherriielle · 10 months
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just to hide outside your door 🐍🍎
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starlight-bread-blog · 3 months
Me: I shouldn't disturb Neil Gaiman. I shouldn't send an ask unless I really have no way of getting the information otherwise. I'll check old interviews and all the articles that vaguely mention the subject. Of course it goes without saying that I'll read though the FAQ in its entirety. Only then, will I send an ask. However, I'd be very polite and praise his work, as anyone would. I'd also keep it short, because I don't want to waste his time. But I'd keep it very very respectful. I'd be sending a message to a very talented, amazing author that deals with god knows how many like me. Or I'd just stay in the dark and not send him an ask. Yeah, I'll do that.
My Dash:
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sabellart · 10 months
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“I think I understand a whole lot better than you do”
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ambientwitch · 7 months
I must not kill myself killing myself is the myself killer . Dune
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dracoj · 9 months
what they dont tell you about adulthood is that it’s startlingly easy to go long periods of time without having any fun at all not even a little bit. btw this makes ur brain try to kill you with knives and hammers.
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useless-englandfacts · 2 months
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obvs acab but the scottish police force have the chance to do the funniest thing right now
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ozziyo · 10 months
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Tis but thy name that is my enemy.
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hindahoney · 10 months
Because I'm only seeing other Jews posting about this, non-Jews I need you to be aware that for the past month or two there has been a wave of bomb threats and swattings at synagogues all across the US. They usually do it when services are being livestreamed. I haven't seen a single non-Jew talking about this. High holidays are coming up in a few weeks, which is when most attacks happen against our communities. We're worried, and we need people to know what's happening to us.
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vitwixt · 5 days
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the original meme had the cadence of a futurama joke that's my only defense for this
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My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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fumifooms · 2 months
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The fabled, infamous buckled collar shirt… Opens. He’s usually always wearing his cowl and vest so you can’t usually tell. He does love wearing shirts with open/low collars, which you can esp tell by the Daydream Hour outfits Kui designed for him, so makes sense. And yet… The buckle collar…
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If u don’t think this is the same shirt btw he actually does up his collar when meeting the canaries. Just 1 scene difference before after, below. He likes to open up his collars when the setting is more casual but business or action happens and it’s back to being all proper and laced up
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Btw idk if it’s a mistake but that screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the second picture of the post… Is Kui telling us he has body hair. Idk is he dirty does he need a shower?? Kui doesn’t draw Senshi with much body hair in the manga for practicality reasons but she did draw in a Daydream Hour once how much she actually thinks he has, so it wouldn’t be crazy if this was the case for Chil too, and then in a final chapter in a close shot panel where she even details the seams of the shirt she can go all out more. Kui talks about peach fuzz and whatnot for elves so maybe they’re just finer or paler in his case. Please please please— Sigh ok it’s a screentone mistake
Anyways while I’m here, low collar comp. Third one is that shirt he wears sometimes where you have to tie up the strings like in bottom row middle outfit of the first one…
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cemeterything · 1 year
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some observations on color coding eyewear in ficton and their meanings
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lenzio · 6 months
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