spaghettiposts · 28 days
These new Elizabeth Olsen pictures have got me going FERAL
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bloodoathclan · 8 months
send help i need cpr
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celestialrocks · 8 months
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fortheb0ys · 6 months
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Sorry for the screenshots, I posted it without finishing what I was saying :)
I think older men with braces is so underrated. I think people tend to think braces is something we get when we're young but people don't realize how often older people get them. Hell, I've seen a burly mid 40 construction guy have them. AHHH HE LOOKED SO PRETTY😢
I have such a huge oral fixation that I just love love love them I can't even explain :3
Tiny lil drabble below :3
I'm just I'm imaging dog sitting for Shauna while she's at "book club".
Jeff's a but weary of you at first cause he's a loyal doggie to Shauna.
Of course, you'd be friendly and tried to win him over. You'd bring treats, toys, and take him for walks down trails Shauna said he liked. He'd just take the treat to his puppy crate and munch on it quietly or play with his new toy alone in the backyard as you sat on his porch, watching hoping he'd want to play fetch. You'd always treat him kindly, calling him a 'good boy' whenever he'd do the smallest things.
But nothing worked. Most days he'd sit and whine at the door, waiting for Shauna to return home. You'd never try to push him, knowing he was only really ever comfortable around her.
You'd push you luck and try to give him pats but he'd shy away from you touch and give you warning nips at your hand. Jeff had a biting problem that Shauna was training him on and knew it would get him in trouble if he bit you hard.
Unfortunately was going to be a situation that he'd find himself in.
Jeff had a plush bunny named Bunbun that Shauna had gifted him for one of his birthdays. It had became his most precious item. He'd never leave it out of his sight, taking it everywhere he went.
It'd seen better days and was a bit raggedy. Though in Jeff's eyes that what made it special. All his happy memories told their story in each hole and stain.
One day while Jeff laid down for a nap, you thought it a kind gesture to surprise him with his Bunbun all fresh and fixed up. You sneakily take his plush without waking him to patch and wash it up.
You woke him up for dinner and show his plush all fixed up. To your surprise, Jeff does not take it well. You ruined him. All those special memories washed away. It wasn't what Jeff knew nor liked.
Jeff was seeing red. With teeth beared and a growl sounding deep from his chest, he lunged at his biting deep into your hand. You quickly throw him off, now just as angry as him. Blood oozes from your hand as you cradle it to your chest, dirtying your shirt.
You yelled at him calling him a 'bad dog', taking him by the collar to drag him to his crate and locking him inside till Shauna came home.
Now alone to reflect on his actions, Jeff felt the guilt weight on him. You were just trying to be kind. Tears welled in his eyes as he whined out.
It felt like an eternity before Shauna had come home.
Jeff could hear you explain what happened and her apologizing profusely than the door closing as you leave. When she comes in the room, a look of disappointment paints her face.
"Jeff, what the fuck? Why would you do that? He's just trying to be fucking nice and you bite him! You're such a bad dog."
Before Jeff could argue his case, Shauna stormed out turning off the lights leaving Jeff locked in his crate alone in the dark.
All night Jeff cries. Why was it just earlier he was a good boy but now he's just a bad dog? He just was upset about his bunny and he's working on his biting problem.
He fails into a restless sleep, only to be awaken by the front door slamming shut. The early morning sun is telling him that Shauna has left without giving him a goodbye kiss. She must still be mad at him.
Before he could sulk farther, Jeff hears footsteps. He perks up thinking Shauna hadn't left but he sees you walk into the living room. Jeff grins, happy to you back. You must have forgiven him but the empty look behind your eyes tells Jeff something different.
You walk over to his crate, unlocking it. Without saying a word you sit on the couch, turning on the television to fill the silent room.
Jeff shyly walks over to sit next to you. He takes his place, a gap taking up the space in between you.
"H-hello." Jeff nervously tries to apologize but he's not sure how.
"Jeff, I'm only here cause Shauna paid me in advance. I'll be gone at the end of the week." You said coldly before Jeff could even apologize.
Jeff's countenance falls. You used no nicknames. No sweet tones. You hate him. Shauna hates him. He really was a bad boy. Tears once again fill his eyes and this time he couldn't quietly cry. He sobbed out apologize, pleading that he was a good boy.
His begging broke you. It was clear Jeff was genuinely remorseful.
"Jeff? Puppy? It's okay. I forgive you." You comfort him while pulling him in, holding him close to your chest.
Once he calmed down, Jeff apologized properly, explaining his motives and with his explanation you agree to start over again.
Jeff was still a bit weary mostly but soon you found yourself caring for him most of the week. Shauna spent more and more time at her book club.
Of course Jeff didn't take it well. Spent his time whining for her return. You kept him preoccupied with toys, walks and playtime. His separate anxiety was a bitch but you seemed to fill her place just a bit.
Unlike the first, your kindness didn't go unappreciated. Jeff and you grew closer. He was much more hyper, was attached at your hip and wanted psychical and emotional affect. Even when Shauna came home, Jeff was upset to see you leave.
Shortly after you found things had became more sexual. You were bathing Jeff after he gotten himself dirty while playing in the mud.
Jeff was enjoying his bubble bath, you both giggling and splashing each other one minute than the next Jeff finds himself pulling you into a bruising kiss.
You pushed him off, asking what Shauna would think. Jeff admits to you that there's no book club, that Shauna's cheating, that's he's just a mutt to her.
God, you knew you shouldn't have went farther but everything felt so right with him. If he wasn't Shauna's puppy than he'd be yours.
From that moment on, you and him began your relationship.
He'd greet you at the door, completely naked with only his ears on and a tail plug snug in his asshole.
His tail plug wagging as he bounces up and down excited to see you. You'd be fucking him on the couch within a minute. His begging pants filled the room.
You'd have sex so often that Jeff rarely ever wore clothes while around you. The moment Shauna left so did his clothes. He'd dress when you left but the fabric on his skin felt so foreign.
His energy sure came in handy as well. Different positions, different places in the house, he could fuck for hours. His sexual urges were unsatisfied. At times you'd arrive to watch him and he'd be in his puppy crate masturbating. The mess in his crate signaling he'd had already came a few times already.
He'd look at you with big puppy eyes, begging to have your cock in his mouth while he pushes his plug in and out of his hole.
By the time you put your cock in him, he's cum more times than he could count. The blonde fur on his tail now a darkened, completely soaking wet. His cock's so sensitive that he whimpers as you stroke him.
He loves belly rubs especially after sex. His tummy slightly bulging from how times you've cummed in him. His belly looked like it was a full litter of your pups.
He was always a loud pup. From barking at anything and everything or crying for attention. During sex he was no different. He'd whine and whimper. You bought him a bone gag to keep the noise down.
Remember his biting problem he'd be working on?
At times you'd leave the house covered in bite marks. When Jeff was completely lost in the pleasure, he'd bite unknowingly. When he'd realized what he had done, he'd lick your wounds clean.
Jeff would wear a plug constantly. He loved the feeling of being full. Whether it was the plump head of your cock, plug or toy, he craved the feeling.
Praise was always a big thing to Jeff. He needed to be reassured that he was a good boy due to the rocky start of your relationship. Whenever he felt like he had be bad, he'd cry and beg for you not to throw him away. You'd pull him into a tight hug and cradle him till he calmed down. Once he did, he was back to his hyper and horny self.
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alice-after-dark · 4 months
One Day I'll Do a Proper Ship Meme But for Now Here Have My Vox Agenda
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Thoughts/headcanons/rambles under cut
TW for abusive StaticMoth and Vox having been a bitch to Sir Pentious.
Alastor/Vox - Do I really need to explain this one? Are you new here? I'll just direct you to search "radiostatic" on my blog. I̸͎̝͛́ ̷͙̲̊̄͐l̴̮̲̭̍͌͆ȏ̶̜v̵̞́̑͒̆e̷̡̡͉̰̍̽́ ̷̇͝ͅt̶̡̛̬̖͓̆h̴̠͎̞͕̑e̵͕̼̜̘͆̈́̃̔m̷̤̜̒
Valentino/Vox - Again, unless you're new here, you'll pretty much know my thoughts on them. Check out my "staticmoth" tag and you'll understand.
Charlie - I see so many parallels between these two and I desperately want them to officially interact in season 2. They're on completely opposite ends of the spectrum and aaaahhhhh I just want to see Vox's cynicism clashing with Charlie's idealism and it could be so good you guys. So good. I do also really like the idea of Charlie being the catalyst to Vox realizing just how much he's changed since arriving in Hell (like he used to enjoy the TV scene for the pure creativity of it and now that's all been replaced by the cold corporate greed).
Vaggie - Honestly, I just think it would be interesting. Also I really hope Vaggie doesn't have a carbon-copy reaction to him like she did Alastor. As I mentioned in a previous post, while yes, she might be cautious, she has less of a reason to be so hostile towards him. Plus their mutual dislike of Alastor would be a bonding moment, but also presents an opportunity for Vaggie to find out more about Alastor (albeit from a biased party).
Angel - I've brought up inklings of these two before, but I think them having a very complicated relationship due to their mutual connection and experiences with Valentino would be interesting, especially in regards to how they both handle it in similar yet different ways. They both bury their pain, Angel by leaning into the sexuality, drugs, and alcohol to forget how much he hates it and Vox by refusing to even acknowledge that he's in pain at all. And Vox's refusal to acknowledge it also makes him complicit in Angel's pain as well. He could do something, could try to stop it, but he doesn't to protect himself. I think seeing the two of them try to heal side by side, both from their issues with Valentino and the issues between each other, would be fascinating.
Husk - Knew each other from back when Vox and Alastor were still friends. Husk calls him "kid" (Vox was in his 30s when he died in the 1950s while Husk was in his 60s when he died in the 1970s) which annoys Vox as he doesn't think he's that much younger than Husk to warrant being called a kid. Vox knew him as an Overlord and was very shocked and kind of sad when he found out about Husk losing his soul to Alastor some time after their falling out (just one more thing to embitter him towards the Radio Demon).
Niffty - Anyone who has been on my blog when I started posting about Hazbin Hotel knows it started with these two. I think a dynamic between them would be fun and interesting to explore. Like Husk, she knew him from back when he was friends with Alastor. I like to think that Vox was literally there when Alastor brought her home with him ("What is that?" / "I'm calling her Niffty! Isn't she precious?" / "She is actively biting your arm." / "What a darling little thing!"). He was a little weirded out by her at first, but has since grown to care for her as much as Alastor does. Despite her size and lack of power, Vox fully trusts in her ability to take care of herself...he's seen things that can't be unseen.
Rosie - Vox definitely respects her for her ability to keep such tight control of a horde of bloodthirsty cannibals and actually turn them into a polite society. Despite not being very physically strong, her charisma and drive keep her on top and well respected. I like the idea that he met her through Alastor when they were still friends and though he hasn't really engaged with her too much since the fallout, he does still hold respect for her and frankly won't tolerate anyone disrespecting her. She is the only one outside of the Vees who knows about Vox practicing using his electrokinesis to heal.
Mimzy - They're not exactly friends, but she will not hesitate to approach him if she sees him. It's Mimzy so she absolutely expects special treatment. She's way more up front with him about wanting something than she is with Alastor simply because she knows Vox operates differently than the deer demon. If she wants something, she's gotta be prepared to pay up in some capacity, but Vox is usually willing to be flexible in terms of payment because she has her uses.
Sir Pentious - Okay, so I know this one is a bit awkward cause it would involve Vox actually apologizing to Sir Pentious for the cruel things he said and telling him to unalive himself, but I really think they'd be interesting. They're both innovators and creators and the two of them combining their skills would be both awesome and terrifying. I do think that Sir Pentious, while he does think all the Vees are incredible, idolizes Vox specifically for these exact reasons.
Velvette - They're both bitches, but they love the other for it. Can snark at each other for hours. They're the two who get shit done, even if Velvette can sometimes take her bitchsona a bit too far and Vox has to reign her in. Politics aren't her strong suit, but he can always count on her to take care of the business side of things.
Zestial - Based on my recent post about them, I like the idea that Vox has a respect for Zestial that he doesn't give to most other Overlords (Rosie being the other exception). Sure, he'll play nice and professional with them, but he doesn't truly respect them like he does Zestial and Rosie. I honestly see them having a mutual respect for each other (though Zestial wouldn't say he approves of Vox's choice in colleagues) and we do see in that Zestial can be a little sassy so I 100% believe if Vox had been present during the Overlord meeting in episode 3, Zestial literally would have ignored Velvette entirely to speak to Vox about the angel's death instead (and we all know how much Velvette would have just loved that).
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babyjakes · 1 year
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sweet surprise. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | august '23 general requests blurb night
summary | ransom has a surprise encounter with your little niece.
pairing | soft!ransom drysdale x auntie!reader (+ reader's baby!niece)
warnings | SOFT RANSOM IS BACK. just soooo fluffy, like unbearable amounts of fluff hehe. written from reader's pov, but most of it is just ran & da baby <3
word count | 689
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requested by @brandycranby | hiiiiii eun ✨💕 for blurb night, maybe we could see a fluff or hurt/comfort + unexpectedly soft!ransom + baby? like a teeny tiny chubby wubby baby 🥺
an | aaaahhhhh i'm so glad you sent in this request brandy bby, i've been DYING to write soft!ran lately and this is just the sweetest idea ever ever, hope you enjoy sweet friend and thank you for the amazing idea!!
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You don't hear Ransom as he returns home from work, tossing his bag beside the door with a quiet grumble. As always, he's not in the best mood after spending nearly six hours at his grandfather's, helping the old writer with the logistics of his business. He can't wait to spend time with you, the sunshine that always brightens his day and erases any worries that might be floating around in his mind. He doesn't see you as he looks around the living room, but what he does see catches him off guard. On the floor, across the room, sits a strange-looking contraption— some sort of swing. He lets out a gasp as he sees what's sitting inside: a tiny baby whose big, bright eyes are looking over at him with a darling sense of curiosity.
"Oh my," Ransom hums to himself. He stands frozen for a few moments, looking around the room again. You're nowhere to be found. "Now what are you doing here all alone?" he hums softly, finally building up the courage to start making his way over to the swing.
He stops several feet away, just observing the tiny being. Judging by the sweet pink lettering on her jumper that spells out Mama's Girl, he's able to easily guess the infant's gender. "My goodness," the large man whispers, his face softening as the sweet little girl smiles at the sound of his voice, "you're so tiny. What're you doing here, hmm? Was y/n looking after you this afternoon?"
He sits down cross-legged on the floor, scooting himself up a bit more as the baby sways gently in the swing, clapping her tiny hands together clumsily to show the stranger that she's happy to see him. Ransom bites back a smile, reaching out a hand to brush back the little one's thin tufts of hair. "Hi there, pretty girl," he murmurs, "Are you clappin' for me? That's so nice of you, sweetheart. What a smart girl you are."
The infant claps a few more times, giggling softly as a defeated smile finally crosses the brown-haired man's face. "You're too sweet," he admits, stroking the baby's chubby little cheek. "I wonder where y/n is, hmm? Have you seen her?" he asks comically, his grin widening as the baby just continues to wiggle and smile in the swing. "You wanna come out, sweetheart? C'mere, let me hold you."
His hands are steady and careful as he gently unbuckles her from the swing, being sure to support her neck and head as he lifts her up and brings her to his chest. "Oh my," his voice flutters as she tucks her tiny head against his shoulder, snuggling right up to him. "There you go, angel. I got you," he whispers, stroking her hair as he bounces her gently in his arms.
"Welcome home," you giggle as you enter the doorway to the kitchen, your heart swelling at the sight of the giant man holding the tiny baby so carefully, as if she's the most precious thing in the world.
"Look, there's y/n!" Ransom coos excitedly to the little one, causing her to look over at you and offer you a huge, toothless smile. "I bet she missed you!"
"Looks like you're Uncle Ran, huh?" you joke as you join the two on the floor, rubbing the tiny girl's back as Ransom sways and cradles her. "Never knew you liked babies."
"Me neither," the man chuckles, looking down at your niece with the gentlest smile. "But I think this little one might've changed my mind. Look at how tiny she is. So tiny and precious, aren't you?" he fusses her again, earning a chorus of giggles from the baby as he messes her hair carefully. "How long is she staying?" Ransom asks, looking back up at you. "Can we see her again soon? I'll take off work, Harlen won't mind— we should bring her over to see him! He loves kids."
"Hey, hey, slow down," you laugh, leaning over to kiss the sweet man's forehead as you remind him, "I haven't even told you her name yet."
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highlifeboat · 8 months
Hey, Dad, since we on topic of Mascot Horror media, what's your opinions on some of those?
In general? I think mascot horror is great, and as much as I think people are kinda getting over it, I still find it enjoyable. In terms of specific ones... (I'm gonna list a lot so be ready to read a ramble.
Shipwrecked 64 is amazing from what I've seen. It's pretty... dark a gruesome, but the story is very compelling and I've been watching GTLive play through it and it's been really fun. First mascot horror to scare me in a hot minute.
Güby is a more recent one. Not a game, but like one of those mock-kids shows that features a cartoony/puppet protagonist. Gets to the spooks pretty quick but I love Güby's design and I'd say it's pretty unique. It's on YouTube if you wanna check it out.
BeeVeeKee's "Not Your Normal Kids Show" is also a good non-game mascot horror. They're mainly on TikTok but the series is on YouTube in a playlist and I recommend it.
Poppy Playtime is getting more interesting as time goes. The Cat Nap short was really cool and I'm still excited for the new chapter.
Garten of Banban is... something. I'll be real I have no clue what's happening in these games, I mainly use gameplay of them for background noise, but apparently they have been getting better so cudos to the developers of that game.
Hello Neighbour fucking sucks. It started out good and then it was like watching a train crash.
Speaking of trains, Choo Choo Charles is hilarious and amazing and I love him and I love Pickles. Like. SO much. She's best girl.
Amanda the Adventurer is amazing and I need to consume so much more content of that game. Also Wooly might be evil, but he's just a Little Guy so its okay. Him and Amanda are great I love them.
Slender is a classic Mascot Horror before FNAF. Maybe not scary by today's standards, but goddamn that scared the shit out of me at 7 years old.
Mr. TomatoS and Mrs. LemonS are interesting ones, weirdly full of lore complete with extra files and talking to each other and such.
DUCK SEAONS! Duck Season was a FANTASTIC game! A games based of Duck Hunt where the Dog tries to kill you and also might be your dad? FUCKING. BEAUTIFUL!
Anyway that's my opinions on some mascot horror games.
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
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Welcome To The Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #4
Dorian: so, just to recap: a nearby settlement hired a PI to investigate whether a neighbouring faction of theirs were actually cannibals -- turns out they are, and now that PI is running for her life and needs our help? Rin: That's pretty much what I picked up over the comms, yeah Marianna: Seven pirate raiders from the Venom Chokers Daenarya: Oh, hey I know those guys! Yeeeeah, yeah they'll eat you. Brienne: Some of them also spit fire. Luca: Sorry-- they spit what, now? Anitha: We're helping her, right? Dorian: …Us versus seven angry, fire-spitting, cannibal raiders? Oliver: Yes, we are helping. Dorian: Yeah, totally! Nothing about that sentence is terrifying! Luca: snorts Rin: …chicken. Dorian: I'm not scared. Marianna: Yes, you are. Dorian: Shush.
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Aaaahhhhh oh god everything is fine aaahhh
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Good news! Carina is safe and (mostly) well! And since we did such an excellent job on the rescue mission (and were sooooo brave and not at all terrified) she's decided to join us for good.
Welcome to the Jungle, @stars-are-within-me's Carina 💖👋 Lovely to have you aboard
[LINK] - Episode 3.5 (ask) - a little overview of the base so far!
Okay, welcome to Episode #4, folks. Its been an exciting few weeks of raids, illnesses, and wild animal attacks, so I think our MCs are due a nice period of calm to relax, take stock, build up our base, and enjoy the bonds of friendship.
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ok so we took stock, the stocks aren't great.
Turns out doubling your colony size overnight really hits you in the food department! Who knew. Fortunately, we do have some folks who know a thing or two about crops and gardening, so we've now got two thriving farms, as well as some chickens (Wilbur and Clementine) and our new cow (Tallulah) who we traded some nomads for.
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omg the baby chicks are sleeping in the hay that's so cute 😭
(also, something weird happened and all of our crops were turned into strawberries for like a week before I noticed? We had to replant everything lmao. Idk who was behind that one)
Its been nice to just see folks bonding and chatting about stuff while they work too 😊 At the moment, Evie and Luca are the OG colony besties - Evie helps Luca with their building projects quite a bit, so they have lots of time for Top Notch banter. Clearly.
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Luca: *ADHD-fuelled rambling* Evie: yeah, i like this one he's weird
Some of the other colonists are finding comfort in each other in this harsh and unforgiving jungle too 👀 A few situationships have started to crop up here and there?? (and I find it utterly hilarious that once again, its mostly the Blades MCs who are Blades MC-ing)
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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to change/update any of these settings (bc I'm limiting things like lovers and marriage, etc at the moment), just let me know! [Here is a link] to current sprite stats!
Luca and Oliver have both been flirting a lot lately, so I feel like they might the next two to become a thing lol.
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Luca: Great party, Oliver! Just what we needed after getting attacked by cannibals. That was crazy, right? Oliver: Yeah, that raid was a nail-biter. Ha, good thing no one else got bitten though. Luca: …You could bite me. Oliver: … Luca: If you want. You seem broad-minded. Oliver: ...what? Luca: what?
Speaking of biting people (apt segue is apt); a group of vampires have asked if they could host a coven meeting at Cedar Station! (They'll pay us with books!! Fuck yeahhhh books!)
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Ricky, stop interrupting the coven meeting. Read the room. It's full of purple smoke and spooky spectral demon eyes.
One of them liked Cedar Station so much, she decided to stay! Cameron? Sergio? No, we used aliases. It's Jiahao. Yes, my cape is amazing.
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Welcome to the Jungle, @choicesmc's Jia!! ✨ (I've never had a vampire colonist before, I'm hyped)
Ooh, and right on the heels of this! A roaming caravan of hunters and traders passed by the colony (and enjoyed the seaside for a little bit lol) -- and one of the guards who had been helping herd and protect their animals decided to stick around too!
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Welcome to the Jungle, @dutifullynuttywitch's Autumn!! *wipes tear* our lil family keeps growing 🥹
I'm so glad this has just been a period of relaxing and making new friends. I'm really enjoying this calm. Surely nothing bad will happen, right?
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Surely nothing bad will--
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Surely nothing--
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*grits teeth* Surely nothing bad will--
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Guys please not now, do you not see us hiding from the swarm of angry monkeys??? 😭😭😭
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ok no, we can always make time for humanitarian aid. We were sooo brave and fought off enough monkeys so Marianna and Oliver could sneak away and donate money to *checks notes*: Norma Rubivine the child brawler who is very good at mining despite being only 7 years old because she is a Dirtmole.
(me, crying: Norma come back and hhelp me w the monkeys. Please. Norma.)
Surely nothing bad will hap--
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Surely nothing-- AGAIN with the insects???
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(*through tears*) Surely nothing bad will--
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Aaahhhh ow ow ow almost everyone is downed we have run out of hospital beds aahhhh
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So uhhh. Let me end this episode by saying: Dorians arm got cut off by raiders and he almost bled to death and I felt really bad so I made him mayor.
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Thank you once again for letting me borrow your darlings @dr-colossal-pita @choicesmc @rosesnink @stars-are-within-me @lover-also-fighter-also @cadybear420 @storyofmychoices @dutifullynuttywitch ✨✨✨
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loosesodamarble · 7 months
Hello! Tis me again with another Nacht brain rot. Okay.. I got you, fam! This may have been used before I ain't sure but anyways-
Nacht is getting jealous of his little demon. His baby is just the sweetest thing, but in his mind, sweet to the wrong types of people or.. creature (*cough* his demons *cough*)
He's just glaring at one of his demons, the same one that he ordered to stay by his lover's side to protect her, because he came back to her feeding the little demons sweets from her hands. Oh, he's smiling when she's looking... he's silently plotting the little demon's death. Or he finds that certain demon, being cuddled by his lover, instead of "protecting" her. Yes, he ordered the demon to be close to her. But. HOW DARE IT TAKE HIS SPOT?!
After noticing his mood, how does his lover react? Easy. You don't get to leave his arms for a full week. He doesn't care if he has to go inside your shadow for when you need "privacy" he's coming with you everywhere. Cuddles? Yes. Kisses? Yes. Hugs? Yes. Training? Oh, he's making help him. How? You're standing there looking pretty. Leading the black bulls? They can wait. HE CAN'T.
Note: His baby doesn't mind being affectionate, so.. his baby just gives him the affection and doesn't mind at all when he's clingy. Of course, he does this out of sight. God forbid that he does this in public where the rest of the squad could see him.
I will be someone who always wants to see Nacht's significant other also be affectionate with the Bremen devils. Gimodelo, Plumede, Slotos, and Walgner are just little guys who deserve love too. They are Nacht's... Friends? Pets? They're special to Nacht, and that's what matters. So I honestly can't imagine Nacht viewing his devils in a negative light. Sure, Nacht might've said to Asta that devils have no principles or are evil, but he has a special little exception for his special little guys~!
But still... That doesn't stop Nacht from being a selfish person and wanting his lover's affection to focus mostly on him. There'd be more than a twinge of jealousy from Nacht if he were to see his lover feeding Gimodelo by hand.
"Gimodelo can feed himself, dear," Nacht would comment and his s/o would reply that they're having fun feeding the devils. And if the devils are napping while cuddled up with Nacht's lover, he gives them a rude awakening (literally and figuratively) to say that they can't protect anyone if they're napping on the job. Nacht does care for Gimo and the others but it'd be a lie to say that he didn't care for his lover more.
Sorry devils. Nacht's a fool in love.
And when the jealousy gets the better of Nacht... AAAAHHHHH! He wants to just stay by his sweetie's side and soak in all the love and affection from them. He wants to dote on and smother them with his own love. But also Nacht doesn't want to come off as clingy! He's trapped between his jealousy and pride!
And funnily enough I wrote an incorrect quote about the idea of Nacht having to share his significant other (in this case my oc Josele) with the Bremen devils.
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catknifetime · 1 year
The Wheel of Time Ajahs ranking + reasoning. From best to worst. Inspired by a late night conversation I had with my sibling. (Full series spoilers)
1: Brown. They are the best Ajah for 2 reasons, one: they actually do what their Ajah is supposed to do and don’t just fuck around doing politics like roughly 80% of the other Aes Sedai. And two: they are, on average, some of the least insufferable Aes Sedai to talk to. + Verin bias.
2: Blue. They, like the Browns, do also actually do what their Ajah is supposed to do. The unfortunate thing is that what the Blue are supposed to do is basically whatever they want. But they seem generally the most likely to actually help normal people and be invested in making the world better. + Moiraine bias.
3: Grey. They also do their stated job pretty well and consistently. They are the last Ajah until the Red (arguably the white) to do so. tbh the Grey is mostly here because we get so little information on what they’re actually like. But they seem to be doing a pretty good job and not fucking up in any significant way, so they get 3rd.
4: Green. I like the green Ajah. They just don’t really do what they say they do. “The Battle Ajah”? Really? So why aren’t you in the borderlands helping with fighting shadowspawn? Or doing anything actually? Because I thought about it for a while, and I genuinely can’t remember a major thing that the Greens were doing, as a group, before the last battle. But they’re generally pretty cool and when the last battle did actually happen they showed up.
5: White. They’re fine, just the ones we’ve seen seem pretty annoying to talk to. They also are actually philosophers and mathematicians, but from what I can tell they don’t have a ton of contact with philosophers and mathematicians from outside of The Tower. Which is not really good practice if you want to advance those fields. So they fail at their stated job by not actually sharing their work enough. Basically they’re the much less cool and more annoying browns.
6: Yellow. AAAAHHHHH!!!!! The way the Yellows act makes me unspeakably mad. First, they completely disregard traditional medicine, because they can do stuff with the power better. HEY WHAT THE FUCK? The power has limits, especially with healing. Aes Sedai say that constantly throughout the series. But NO. No studying how traditional medicine could teach you more about the body. No seeing if some herbs could help with the recovery from healing. No interest in learning anything new! The most understandable kinda stupid thing they do is that they don’t research new healing weaves out of fear. But the second and worst thing is that they call themselves the healing Ajah, but from what I can tell don’t heal ANYONE who doesn’t come to The Tower or they just happen to heal out in the world. Again, HEY WHAT THE FUCK? There should be HOSPITALS!! At least one small one in every major city. Or at least in a few? I know there’s a problem of them not being able to heal everything, but they could still save a lot of people! Especially if they recruited people who could use normal medicine! But no. They seem to be the worst offenders of sitting on their asses in The Tower just doing politics.
7: Red. Do I really need to explain why Red is the worst? If you’ve read the series you know why I’m doing this. They are literally such a fuck-up of an Ajah that at the time of the series the there hasn’t been an Amyrlin raised from the Red for OVER 1,000 YEARS because the last one was such a disaster. And then when there is a Red raised to Amyrlin during the series she literally causes The Tower to completely fracture and have a little civil war when THE END OF THE WORLD is about to happen. And even though they technically do their job of dealing with men who can channel, they do a really bad job at it (specifically in how they treat the men after gentling, I go into it here). As well as the fact that most red sisters aren’t actually hunting men who can channel. Like 50 of them are at most. That’s 1/4 of the Ajah that’s doing it’s job. Also The Box was the Red Ajah’s idea.
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allyendergirl · 3 months
Ok so I’ve never truly been like, attracted to any character in a piece of media that I’ve been obsessed with mainly bc the media my brain obsess over is always male centric and I am lesbian, but I just watched season 5 of the Dragon Prince and I think I’ve finally felt it. Real attraction to a fictional character. That Blood Moon assassin lady was SO FUCKING HOT, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK LIKE OMG SHE KISSED JANAI AND IT WAS SO CUNT SONSO SO HOT SO WOMAN FUCK SHE WAS SO HOT AND SHE TALKS SO PRETTY ANS SHE WAS SO PRETTY AND SO BAD BITCH AND SO FUCKING HOT SHE KISSED THE QUEEN SHE WAS HOLDING HOSTAGE AND IT WAS SO HOT GUYS LIKE BRO I GOT FLUSTERED, I LIKE GASPED I GIGGLED IM OBSESSED
Also fucking slay for Elmer he’s a real one and such good blorbo material.
And Claudia doesn’t deserve Terry, I just KNOW she’s gonna try and kill him or something bc he’s gonna be all like “I won’t let you keep hurting yourself like this” and later in the series Big Purple Star Bitch will probably make her do it or something. Claudia is also killing herself for her dad and his mission and I’m soooooo UGH about it. Not bc it’s bad writing or I don’t like it, but bc it’s all Veirens fault and he’s selfishly taking his daughter down with him. “I’d do anything to save my family no matter what” THEN GET THAT GIRL AWAY FROM THAT STARY BITCH. GIRL YOUR DAD DIDNT DESERVE TO BE SAVED AND YOURE KILLING YOURSELF TO SAVE HIM BLEGH ICKY BAD THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY NARRATIVELY SATISFYING. IM SO SAD THAT SHES GONNA BE THE NEW PAWN FOR THAT STAR SPANGLED PURPLE BITCH.
All the couples including Terry and Claudia, ARE SO FUCKING CUUUUUTE BRO. The way Terry is so accepting and adaptive to Claudia is sssooooooo heartwarming, the way he helped her manage her anxiety and all her other baggage is so precious, HE JUST SUCH A GOOD FUCKING MAN.
And of course Rayla and Callum are the sweetest beans🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Callum really had a glow up and he’s so pretty now.
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iguessitsjustme · 28 days
I Saw You In My Dream Ep 1 Thoughts
I want to liveblog a show again and since a few shows ended and I have the bandwidth to add a couple more shows so I’m back with another liveblog. This time it’s I Saw You In My Dream. I promise I will try to be better about tagging my liveblogs but I am…well I’m me. But I’ll try my best. I’ll be using the tags #rae liveblogs and #rae liveblogs i saw you in my dream for anyone who wants to filter. Anyways, as always, liveblog under the cut:
I honestly have no idea what this show is about. I’m going in blind. Is this a good idea? Who knows. But we’ll find out!
The opening is cute.
Okay. This is subject to change but right off the bat, not a fan of Yu. Just very…boys I went to high school with. I don’t see what’s so funny. But I do like the little drawings. I love when shows do the little drawings like this.
NOT JOY TO THE WORLD NO. I hate this Christmas carol so much. I have for my whole life. It is a known thing to my family. I have to suffer it every year at the one and only church service I go to. And it is. The worst. Yes, I am aware that it’s basically just the G scale. Well fuck the G scale all the to hell. I was put on this earth to suffer.
I rarely mute shows but I had to mute this. Joy to the World? More like Misery to the Rae.
My attention span is shit today so I took a break and just watched a tiktok that literally threw me into such a hardcore laughing fit. I could not breathe. I was crying. I was dry heaving. It took me a full 10 minutes to calm myself down. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen in such a long time. I love people so much. Humanity is great actually.
Now I need to make dinner (yay leftovers) and then I can proceed on my watch.
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I’m pretty sure my mom has this sweatshirt not gonna lie.
The world is noisy and I am neurodivergent. Someone. Someone take me away. I need. Peace.
Prophetic dream time? Methinks?
Well actually *looks up at the title of this show* that would actually explain some things.
Lullaby soundtrack? But hummed lullaby? English speaking lullaby? Weird arrangement but I’ll move past that. Mostly because that is very much just a personal opinion there.
How many slices of bread are on that sandwich?
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Oh four. Okay. Where is the inside of that sandwich? Where’s the meat? The veggies? The anything? That’s just a bread sandwich at this point. Bread sandwich.
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Oooo the hand hold. Cuties. Alright. I’m on board. Also hopefully Ai scolding Yu to watch both ways before crossing will prevent the accident that’s about to occur.
The inherent homoeroticism of cacti (@heretherebedork honestly every cactus I see makes me think of you lol)
An…apology? With an explanation but not an excuse? An APOLOGY? I’m losing it. Okay. Officially sold on this show and this couple. Where are my donuts I must celebrate.
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Man I wish I could read Thai
My show watching got interrupted by my brother telling me a story about his date tonight with his girlfriend. Well also she told me the story. Very funny. Very strange. Both of them are great storytellers but back to BL.
Aaaahhhhh with the pictures as the birthday present that is sooo cute I am squealing I need to go take a nap I think because hoo boy too cute. Too too cute.
Now boys.
Oh dick so good it got you floatin
Oh end of episode? Well it’s not late at all so I can definitely do one more episode tonight. Praise bless.
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just-cutie-avocado · 14 days
Completely random but have a genderbend I made of Engel <33
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I LOVE ITTT🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💗💗💗💗💗
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moonspirit · 10 months
To tell the truth, it surprises me how the Aruanis had also been Touken shippers, it's like, our tastes lie in a guy who seems to be soft with his wife, but also a little shit and who seeks to do everything alone and a girl who has a difficult past, who just wants to have a peaceful life, protect those she loves and deep down she is sweet.
In the end we all love the same trope, I love the fandom so much
I still haven't gotten around to making that comparison meta (one of these days...) BUT YES TOUKEN AND ARUANI ARE SUCH PARALLELS!!! It's no wonder Toukens are Aruanis and vice versa.
It's the dynamic and chemistry between them! Annie's entire personality & outlook on life + her issues stem from the way she's lived her life so far = Orphaned, selfish abusive foster dad, and used as a weapon to do things she never wanted to. Touka too, orphaned when young, has a nihilistic, cruel outlook on life because as ghouls its survival or immediate death. Both of them have a purpose they try desperately to achieve at any cost. Survival, for different reasons, but survival nonetheless. Yet both of them are kind and caring deep inside, and become very attached to the only people in their lives (Armin and Kaneki) who show terrific compassion, understanding and kindness toward them, despite their cold exteriors (that they see through pretty easily).
Meanwhile Armin's self-hatred, survivor's guilt, and the terror of turning into something he never wanted to be, among others, are excellent mirrors to Kaneki's own issues. They both struggle to stay upright while facing insecurities, weaknesses, shame, and shouldering massive burdens. Both of them embody understanding and are extremely kind, while also being able to turn into the monsters they hold within to do what has to be done. As such they are both drawn immediately to these two girls, who save them, who spare their lives, who show them care in their silent ways - but they understand, even without words.
Moving on to the fun stuff : look at how they both effortlessly make their girls fall in love with them!
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Both Armin and Kaneki are soft, shy, blushing baby boys, stuttering and stammering left and right - but do not hesitate to take charge when things get serious! Both Touka and Annie are dangerous, lethally strong, with "do not fuck with me" BAMF energies, but secretly just sad wet kittens dying for affection and love and other things from their boys. It is just so, so sweet, and that's why they work together SO WELL; there is just SO MUCH to unpack between them, so it goes without saying that the chemistry is just *chef's kiss*.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
omg Mira I am losing my mind...
I found a potential panel that Marisa has tuned in and watched Blue Lock TV and found Karasu. 😭😭
I want to cryyyy. I don't know what to genuinely feel, like I'm happy, sad-- sad for the most part aaaahhhhh so.. IDKKKKK
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awww if that is her she’s so pretty!! but being 100% fr kaneshiro is like allergic to female characters especially giving them names or plot relevance so even if it is her i do not think anything will be done about it 😭 maybe she’ll show up randomly in a time skip epilogue married to karasu but that’s all i can envision it being LMAOOOO
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rachiecrown · 6 months
OOOOHHH MY GOD LMAO I JUST SAW THE ETHO BDUBS MAGICAL GIRL AU AND IM OBSESSEDDDDD AAAAHHHHH do u have any ideas for potential other magical girls??? or who bdubs was aiming for???????? what are the rules in this universe for being a magical girl?? what exactly do they fight??? PLSPLS AAAAAAAAAAA
^ My first reaction to your ask btw
This is gonna be a long-ish post!!
Okay okay okay so,, as I said before, metropolitan setting, big city, yada yada,
Here's what they fight first!!
In the Etho drawing, in the bottom right corner, BDubs is yelling about fighting monsters... The monsters are kinda like, big, almost shadowy kinda blobby things. Idk how to describe it so I did a really lazy drawing
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(ik it's bad don't come at me ty)
So like these things are called Grief Monsters, they're formed from large concentrations of negative emotion in one area. They can range anywhere from the size of a large person to a small building. Bigger ones are super rare tho.
In order to defeat one, a Magical will have to use an attack which usually draws from positive energy. Depending on how determined they are, they can usually beat the monster in one blow, but it will probably take a little bit of time to charge up after transforming.
Most people can't usually see the monster. It will continue to feast on negativity and grow, then eventually bring the energy back to some sort of realm of darkness. Either Familiars, Magicals or people with potential to become Magicals can see them.
In order to become a magical girl, or just Magical, in this AU, (idk I was saying magical girl just to be silly lol but officially in the AU they're called Magicals), something called a Familiar will have to form a bond with them.
Familiars have a special magic that allows both them and their Magical to gain a second form, being a human form for the Familiar and a magical girl(?) form for the Magical.
Usually the magic potential is stronger if the Familiar and Magical's energies align, which I based off of Double Life soul bonds!
This leads up to Etho and BDubs creating their bond! Etho really just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time during a Grief Monster's harvest, (which I need to mention, Grief Monsters will try to eat unbound Familiars) and ended up having to protect a very loud and stressed strange little moss creature.. being BDubs.
BDubs kinda pushed the bond onto Etho, since Etho had Magical potential and the two of them were in a stressful situation, but turns out, whoopsie! Their energies didn't really align correctly! Turns out BDubs got the wrong guy!
Regardless, BDubs gets his human form and protection from the monster while Etho gets his Magical form, some powers, and a pretty dress.
Because of how the energies pair based on Double Life, BDubs should've aimed for Impulse.. Etho would've eventually gotten Joel as a Familiar if things happened differently. (BDubs and Joel will argue about this later with a very confused Etho in the background... Cut to Impulse out and about living his best life)
Here's some other duos I've made in the AU!
Jimmy and Tango - These two have been around for a little while! Tango's the Magical while Jimmy's the familiar, and they're kinda the laughing stocks of the magical community due to how bad they actually are at fighting monsters.
Martyn and Ren - Martyn's the Magical and Ren's the Familiar. These two have been around a little longer than Timmy and Tango. Martyn was once paired with another Familiar, but she left after their bond failed.
Scott and Cleo - Scott's been around a little longer than Cleo, but they created a magic bond a few days after meeting. Scott's the Magical while Cleo's the Familiar.
Joel and Lizzie - Magical Lizzie and Familiar Joel! These two came after Etho and BDubs, since Joel was pushed away by BDubs being territorial, so he kinda just ended up sticking with the pink haired girl who seems to be perpetually confused
Scar and Grian - Magical Grian and Familiar Scar didn't make a bond until really really late. Grian was on the scene for a long time before meeting Scar, and their bond formed maybe a day or two before BDubs and Etho meet. These two are the main villains of the AU. Teehee
Again if anyone has more questions my inbox is wide open! I'm working on some designs right now so those should be posted soon enough :D
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