saturdays--sun · 1 year
since we've been into durarara again lately, tell us more about your ship with kadota!! <3
there's, like, 10 years worth of stuff here, all of which accumulates into the actual slowest burn you've ever seen. guy who's had a thing for me basically since we met and girl who's too oblivious and maybe scared to realize that she likes him back. situation that has fully surpassed "will they, won't they?" territory and gone straight into "please just start dating for the love of god." it's painful for everyone involved. i love it.
because of circumstances that are an entirely separate can of worms, my insert switches to raira halfway through her first year of high school. that said, we don't actually talk right away — neither of us are really the type to strike up a conversation like that, plus i imagine that he's... kind of hesitant to at first. not because he's scared of me, but rather because he worries i'd be scared of him — even back then, he was way bigger than me; add in his whole Delinquent Vibe thing and the fact that my insert is super reclusive and, presumably, really timid and you've got a guy who can do little more than sneak glances at me for the better part of a week.
eventually he does, though (either because i never talk to anyone and always seem a little gloomy or just because he thinks i'm kinda cute; probably both), and, surprisingly, i'm... completely unfazed by him. actually laugh a little when he admits he thought i'd be scared of him. we start talking pretty frequently, but it's not until he helps get my insert out of a really bad situation she's stuck in (which is, again, an entirely separate can of worms), that we really become friends. we're just sort of always together after that — to the point that it becomes genuinely strange seeing one of us without the other. very much a "where you go, i'll follow" type of dynamic.
and that's how things stay no matter how much time passes. two, five, ten years — doesn't matter; we're still just as close, if not closer, than we were back then. anything else would feel weird and wrong — which might, in part, be why it takes so long for us to actually start dating despite acting like a borderline married couple for god knows how long; the chance, however small, of completely destroying what's become normal in both of our lives is... not appealing, to say the least.
my insert in particular has a really strong aversion to doing anything that might screw up or ruin their friendship — it's the most stable thing she has in her life; but beyond that, it's really the whole reason she's who she even is today. while kyouhei more or less domesticates everyone else he becomes friends with (here's looking at you, torture twins), with my insert it's... kind of the opposite lmao? before, she didn't really talk to anyone; didn't talk about things she liked; rarely smiled; barely even expressed herself at all — which is a complete 180 to how she is now. now, she's able to just be herself and all that entails — and even if that means he has to act as her impulse control half the time or listen to a thirty minute rant about some video game he's never heard of in his life, he doesn't really mind.
he always thought she looked better when she smiled, anyway.
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genericpuff · 11 months
Omg hiiii, I absolutely love Rekindled! You're so talented, and the story you're making for Persephone is so intriguing! A lot more than whatever trashfire Lore Olympus has become.
That being said, what was the moment you stopped liking LO Persephone? Have you always disliked her, or was it gradual? Or just a specific moment that made you go "yeaaaaah.. she's not it ;-;"
(And bonus question if I can ask, but how do you draw hands?? I hate them with a passion, but unfortunately hands are pretty necessary T^T)
aahhh thank you so much!!!
honestly, I was a pretty big fan of LO up until the trial arc. Like, you've all seen me hate this comic with a fiery passion, but the only reason I'm able to do that is because before I hated this comic, I loooved this comic. I'd literally be counting down the hours until new updates, I loved the art, and I was too smitten by the appeal of the series to notice its writing problems, I just loved the romantic drama and the H x P ship, and yes, I loved Persephone, I loved her design, her personality, and I felt so 'seen' by her struggles, both with her trying to pave a path for herself and the SA plotline. I was even (regrettably) one of those people who would lurk in the antiLO tags and think "wow, these people are dumb, can't they see how brilliantly written this is ?? they're nitpicking!"
But then the trial arc happened which involved writing a plot that didn't put the romance front and center anymore - now that Rachel had to actually write something complex and logic-driven, the blinders started to fall off and I went wait... maybe Rachel doesn't know what she's doing. Persephone choosing her own lawyer? And it's Hades, one of the judges? Why are they suddenly establishing Thanatos as Hades' adoptive son? I'm not a lawyer, but I know that's not how any of this works and it really tipped me off that something was amiss, that Persephone was having all of her solutions conveniently handed to her on a platter and all of the other characters were suddenly being made to look like assholes just to make Hades and Persephone the heroes.
And then... Eris happened.
See, one of the things I loved most in the story was Persephone's character arc concerning the Act of Wrath. I write stories about characters with dark "personas" all of the time. So it was something I had frame of reference for, I really loved the premise of Persephone earning her name through this act of violence and while it was dashed with the opening of S2 revealing it was "all an accident", I was excited to see how the trial arc would bring about new information and confirm who was telling the truth about what "really happened" with the Act of Wrath. If the courtroom drama wasn't gonna be realistic, I could at least hope for some good 'OBJECTION!' reveal that would finally put to rest once and for all what really happened, and maybe Kore would finally embrace this 'dark side' she had.
So for the actual twist to suddenly reveal itself as... 'actually, this one goddess we've never mentioned before blessed you with wrath. why? idk she just did. anyways she's the reason you have wrath and that's what made you commit the act of wrath. problem solved.'
And that was where the twisting of 'faith' happened. When I went through the subconscious realization of , "Oh no, Rachel doesn't know what she's doing and it took me this long to notice. Oh no, maybe those antiLO freaks had a point-"
That said, there was a glimmer of hope in the midseason finale. Persephone was sentenced to remain in the Mortal Realm to carry out her mother's duties and I thought, "great! This will be Persephone's Rocky moment! She'll have to prove herself without the help of Demeter or Hades! This is gonna be awesome!!" During the hiatus, I was VERY excited to see where the story was going, I still had so much hope and I figured the mishandling of the trial arc was just a bump in the road. The series was still good, it was just going through a rough patch, these things happen.
And then it came back and it all went downhill from there. There was a 10 year time skip with very little insight as to what happened. Minthe and Daphne were just suddenly back to normal. They were referencing some food shortage or terrible event that happened during Persephone's reign that they never explained in explicit detail. And now, all of a sudden, Persephone was just returning to the Underworld, where Kronos had suddenly taken over. I had cautious optimism but throughout it, I was really seeing the cracks that were already forming opening wide. A lot of what I had to say wasn't positive anymore, I literally couldn't understand what the reasoning was behind these writing decisions and I couldn't find myself rooting for Persephone anymore, everything just seemed to convenient and easy for her to make her seem like the "strong and confident" character the comic claimed her to be.
The S2 finale was my breaking point and I think it was for a lot of other people too. That was pretty much where my 'transformation' from passionate stan to passionate critic happened, and it happened alongside the creation of the UnpopularLoreOlympus subreddit which would become my new 'home' within the community. After seeing how much the story had gone downhill, it made me realize in hindsight just how awful and one-note Persephone is, how she really never cared about anyone but herself and Hades, how her mother did, actually, have a point about her being practically groomed into a relationship with a billionaire slave driver, how she was very intentionally drawn to look like a child in ways I couldn't believe I had never noticed before, the list of "awakenings" goes on. And it sucked! It sucked to have that realization that the thing I loved wasn't just imperfect, but incredibly problematic in its writing and art choices. And just like when I loved the comic, I couldn't just let go of it, I had to understand to some degree why this happened.
It happened because Persephone was always being written as a one-note, easy to project onto self-insert character. A Wattpad protagonist. Not an actual representation of the Goddess of Spring, but a blank slate for the creator and the fans to imagine themselves as purely for the power fantasy of hooking up with a rich and abusive guy.
That was when I made my first piece of LO art intended to be an 'edit' - a redraw of Persephone's rebirth as the Dread Queen from the S2 finale, an ode to the Persephone I was hoping to see but never got. The rest from there is history.
I know I'm being SUPER dramatic about it but this was literally how it felt to go through the realization that this comic - and its characters - wasn't as good as I thought it was, and I think that's a sentiment that's shared by a lot of the 'haters' in this community. LO was a big part of my life and even some of my friendships with people, so when it went downhill, it felt like such a hit to the gut. It's still a big part of my life, albeit in the opposite direction, but I still wonder sometimes over the "what ifs", what if the series hadn't turned out this way? What if I had never realized its flaws? Rekindled is basically a love letter to those what ifs, satisfying the feelings I never got to keep with LO, and giving me a reason to count down the hours on Saturday nights again. I'm glad it's made that same impact for others, too <3
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felmonth · 1 month
Hello neighbors!!!
Remember, the creator of "Collector soul" is: cutepotatook on Tumblr (I won't tag her because I'm shy 👉👈)
I didn't post this here, I leave you the drawings and the result in video, it's funny that I come up with random ideas with this collector Au (Forgive me for not following the canon of official story -cries-), I'm embarrassed to show them to the creator of the Au but well, on the one hand it makes me happy to draw these 3 and on the other hand I'm embarrassed because honestly I'm not used to make dynamic ships.
I'm also amused that this video coincides with Tom, he likes Helper in a platonic way, he likes his calm presence and the way they can exchange smiles.
Mini cómic(?: "He makes me laugh"
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A little story that occurred to me with these two, is that Tom likes Helper so much because maybe he reminds him of the Wally from his universe, he has no memories of his previous Wally but somehow feels he has been with someone with the same essence as Helper and so I think he is strongly attracted to him, however it is a little crush, it will pass, I may have shown Tom completely in love with Helper but in reality the canon I have so far, Helper and Tom have not even spoken to each other because Tom is shy xdxd.
Result in video!!
Audio: Roger Rabbit.
I hope you liked it and enjoyed it!
I changed the design to Helper Tom which I feel more comfortable with and Tom also feels comfortable that way, I am still in the process of improving my drawing of these guys, I am embarrassed to show the comics I have done with this Au but the ideas are so random that I panic to show them, AAHHH! give me time to get rid of my shyness!
Byeeeee uwu)/ have a nice day or night.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
heyyyy idk if you take requests but if you do, can i request something with Ghost and Soap and female reader? she’s never done anything with either of them and then one time they get shipped off all three of them over seas and something spicy happens?:::)))) rolling my chair into oblivion byeeeee
Simon Says
Simon “Ghost” Riley x John “Soap” McTavish x Female Reader
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of reader’s hair, dirty talk, praise kink, spanking, hair pulling, choking, spitting, slapping (just one tiny face tap), bisexuality, polyamory, threesome activities, sub/dom dynamics, brief male masturbation, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, anal sex, m|m and f|m sex
A/N: Omg, this is the first time I've EVER written m|m sex, and the first time I've EVER written a threesome. I can't handle it. Anon, thank you for this.
Alsssooooo, we have some Scottish Gaelic in here for Soap! AAHHH I’m loving it. The translations are in parenthesis after the words are used, of course &lt;3
Simon “Ghost” Riley Masterlist
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To say you’re out of your element here would be an understatement. Oftentimes, traveling out of the country was a breeze for you. Things weren’t all that different, give or take. But going overseas was an entirely different thing. Comparing Brazil to London? There wasn’t anything you could lean on for comfort here; nothing reminded you of home. Except for them.
After joining the force, you found yourself gravitating toward the two of them. After all, Simon grew up in the same area as you. It’s not like the two of you ever met before finding each other here, but knowing he’s tied to your home somehow ties him to you. And Johnny, his parents live just down the road from your grandparent’s home. How the two of you never met before this is beyond you. Regardless, you’re thankful to know them now. It’s like one way or another, you were meant to find each other. 
But for some reason, you can’t find them right now. Simon and Johnny were always close, so much so that you were shocked they welcomed you into their friendship so quickly. Usually though, the three of you convened after a mission. Whether it was in the barracks at the base or a break room in the safe house, you always relaxed afterward together. So, where are they now? 
“What do you think you’re doin’?”
“Oh, sorry Cap.” Immediately, you straighten a bit, addressing Price as he appears off to your right. “Just um, checking out the new base… I guess.”
“New,” He chuckles, reminding you, “Won’t be new for much longer. We’ve got a week.” 
All you do is smile, giving him a curt nod. “Sir.” 
Price has always been easy to avoid. Just straighten your back and say what he wants to hear, and he’ll be out of your hair. Which is just what happens. Right after your response, he’s nodding, turning to walk out of sight. 
Relaxing your posture, you trudge on, stepping quietly down the long and empty halls. The makeshift barracks are empty, most of the team taking a break in the kitchen. Which is what originally led your search. But now, a sound seems to direct your steps. 
“Quiet, now.”
“Simon?” Whispering, you furrow your brows, taking a step toward a side door. 
Bewildered, you press your hand to the knob, inching the door open to peer inside. It seems to be a storage room of sorts, a small warehouse, almost. The lights are off, but you can still see the shelves stacked high with boxes and files. You wonder what they’re for. But all too quickly, they become the last thing on your mind. 
In the dim light of the room, just barely, you can make out the figures of the men you’d been searching for. Both tall, much taller than you, and bulky, too. But it’s clear that one is much bigger than the other, and wearing a mask. Simon. 
“Simon?” Walking in, you push the door open further, calling out for him “Oh.”
Stopping in your tracks, your jaw drops, not meeting Simon’s eyes but Johnny’s. Deep blue with his irises blown wide, half of his face covered by Ghost’s skull. But then, they’re fluttering shut, a heated breath shoving its way out of his chest. A moan. 
“Yeah,” He groans, but he doesn’t let go. “I see her, Johnny.” 
He’s pushed Soap up against the wall, one hand on his throat to keep him steady. And you’ve never seen him handle Johnny like that but that’s not the shocking part. What’s shocking is the sight of Ghost’s free hand palming the captain’s crotch. And even though he’s acknowledged your appearance, he hasn’t stopped. 
Turning, Ghost glances over his shoulder at you, addressing you by name. “How’re you?” He asks, completely nonchalant. 
“I, um…” Releasing a flustered chuckle, you sigh, shoving your hands into your pockets. “Was… looking for you. Both of you.”
“Figured you would,” He returns in that gruff voice, unapologetically turning back to his companion. “Didn’t think you’d find us, though.” 
His mask is pulled up above his mouth, nothing you haven’t before seen. But now, his bare mouth is on Johnny’s, kissing him sloppily. Your face burns at the sight, a small gasp slipping from your lips. You expected him to stop, to move away and maybe say something. Not do… that. 
“Simon,” Soap moans again, shaky hand reaching for his hip. He’s overwhelmed, very clearly.
“You, you didn’t want me to? To find you?” The entire situation is making you feel antsy and embarrassed but above it all, you’re hurt by Simon’s words. You always find each other after a mission. 
By now, Soap’s hands are on Simon’s neck and waist, pulling him further in. They’re both in plain jeans, Soap in a short black sleeve and Ghost in that sexy ass light-gray fleece. And if you were being honest, you’ve always thought about them this way. Just because they were your friends didn’t mean they weren’t hot. But never in your wildest dreams would you have imagined them like this. 
Now, Ghost does stop, laughing at your words. “Sure we did.” Smacking his lips, he lowers his head, finding Johnny’s neck. “We love your company.” 
“Well, I don’t know if it’s much help right now…” Backing away, your body finally catches up with your brain. 
“You never know.” Comes his immediate response, rutting his hips into Johnny’s. Jesus, he’s so brazen. Every little movement is catching you offgaurd, making you stumble and stutter. “What d’you think, Johnny? Huh?”
“Oh,” And you’ve never seen Soap so submissive. 
“Think she’d wanna join in?” 
At that, your eyes widen. Everything in your body is on fire from seeing them like this. You never expected it, in general, and you definitely never expected to like it. Nibbling on your lower lip, you shift your stance, rubbing your thighs against each other a bit. 
“C-Close the door,” Soap suddenly begs, motioning towards it. “No one,” He gulps, feeling Ghost’s lips suction to his neck. “No one needs to see. Other than you.”
“Johnny?” You question, not understanding his wording. 
“He wants you here.” Ghost answers for him, squeezing his throat a little harder. And then, Simon’s eyes are flashing toward you. “And so do I.” 
“Would you?” Johnny then asks, whimpering helplessly when Ghost shifts his hips over his again. 
Glancing down, your eyes follow Soap’s gesture, his now outstretched arm. He’s reaching for you. It’s only then that the moment begins to feel… soft. Inviting, even. 
“Really?” You’re already stepping toward them, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his. He’s calling out to you, he wants you. 
Before you can even register what’s happening, the hand intertwined with yours leaves, lifting to cup your face and bring you in. 
“Johnny…” He brings you close to his face, so close that you can feel his breath on your skin. “I, I never knew…”
“That we did this?” Ghost finishes for you, huffing out a short laugh. “No one does.”
“No one should.” That Scottish accent adds, returning your eyes to him. “Kiss me.”
“What?” Even though you’re less than a hair’s breadth away from his lips, you’re surprised he asked. He’s never asked. Nothing sexual has ever happened between you and them.
“We’ve thought about this, love.” Simon chimes in, still marking Soap’s neck while he groans. “Thought about you.” 
You’re not sure what to do, not at all, but you know one thing for certain - you’re glad Simon is taking the lead. 
“You wanna be here with us, hm?” Now, he’s removed himself from Soap’s neck, addressing you directly. “You want us like I want him? Like he wants me?”
His words force your heart to lurch into your throat, the pound of your pulse deafening in your ears. Has he noticed? Have they both? Have they seen the way you stare? The way your irises widen, the way you swallow when you see them shirtless? The way your body eases into them when you’re given a hug, the way you react to their touch? 
“A simple yes or no.” Ghost reminds you, pulling you back to the present. “It won’t affect us, love, the three of us. We’ll always be mates, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Johnny nods, looking from Ghost and then to you. His hand is still on your face, thumb swiping gently over the apple of your cheek. He finds you so breathtakingly beautiful. They both do. 
The fact that they’re reassuring you of this shows you just how much they care, just how deeply they trust you. They’ve been your best friends for months now, you’ve been able to count on them for anything. Emotionally and physically, they’ve always been there, always had your back. And you’ve had theirs, but… not to this extent. Maybe now is the time to change that. 
“I, I do.” Nodding, you lick your lips nervously before swallowing. “I…” 
Gently, Johnny’s hand guides you back toward his face, angling himself downward slightly so he can connect with you. And Ghost stays perfectly still while he does it, wanting to watch your first embrace. 
Leaning into his hold, you meet him halfway, just barely lifting yourself onto your tippy toes. Your hands feel awkward at your sides, so you reach out toward your captain. Immediately, though, Simon is catching your right hand and holding it tightly as he watches your lips connect. 
As soon as your lips meet, Johnny’s moaning against you, hand curling around to hold the back of your head. And you all but melt into him, the hand not being held by Ghost securing to Johnny’s hip. 
“Oh…” Simon sighs, leaning back in to mouth at Soap’s neck. “That’s it, pet.” 
Just like that, the gradual roll of Ghost’s hips picks up again, each of your mouths paying attention to Johnny. With his hand on your neck, he guides the kiss, leaning in as he mouths at your lips. 
“S-Shit,” He’s stuttering, feeling Simon’s full erection weighing heavy against the fabric of his jeans. You take this opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth, grinning at the noise it drags out of him. 
“I need more, Johnny.” Simon begs, that gruff voice sending a shiver down your spine. 
A small, metallic noise draws your attention away from him, glancing down and witnessing the quick movements of Ghost’s hand. He’s undoing Soap’s belt, and in record time, might you add. Before you can even blink, he’s reaching in and freeing Johnny from the confines of his pants. 
“That’s better.” He sighs, fisting Soap’s length and giving long, slow pumps, all the way down to the base. 
“Fuck me.” Johnny’s head drops back, eyes shutting as he relishes in the feeling. 
At first, you don’t know what to say, what to even think. Thoughts jumble through your mind, feeling both shocked and flustered and excited. He’s so much bigger than you expected; he’s cut and slightly curved, and neatly trimmed, too. 
“Johnny…” It comes out as an airy breath, your own hand now reaching for him. 
Timidly, your fingertips dance along his scrotum, and Ghost smiles at this.  
“Why don’t you take over, love?” Glancing up, you lock eyes with him as he says, “Yeah?”
“That’s a good pet…” Simon responds, almost immediately. And it mesmerizes you. 
Releasing Soap of his hold, Ghost’s hand finds the back of your head, hurriedly bringing you into him. Smashing his lips to yours, you accept it wholeheartedly, your soft moan echoing in the back of Ghost’s throat. 
“Fuck,” Lifting his head, Soap stares at the sight in front of him. He chokes slightly when he feels your hand replace Simon’s, gripping him firmly while giving him the same languid strokes. 
“I am loving this,” He expresses, licking his lower lip. “Kiss him like you did me… that’s right…” 
While you’re shoving your tongue into Ghost’s mouth, feeling his thick fingers curl into your hair, Johnny leans in to kiss your face. It’s like he can’t help himself. It’s hurried and frenzied, his lips moving across your cheek and jaw. 
“Johnny,” He suddenly barks, ripping himself away from you. “Get on your knees for me.” 
Staring into Soap’s eyes, the captain does what he’s told, the two of you watching as Ghost leans back to undo his belt. 
Internally, you’re screaming. This is all moving so quickly, but you have absolutely no reservations when it comes to this. None, none at all. 
With Johnny’s movement, you’re forced to let go of him, watching as he shuffles back against the wall. Without either one of them saying another word, Ghost is guiding his cock into Soap’s waiting mouth. Instantly, his lips form a breathless smile, feeling the wetness of Johnny’s tongue slide over his tip. 
“Take it.” He mumbles, their eyes locked as Soap does just that. 
Shifting his hips forward, Simon releases a breathy chuckle, giving his companion’s mouth an array of shallow thrusts. And then he’s glancing over at you out of the corner of his eye, jerking his head to the side. 
“Get over here, princess.”
Jesus, you thought he’d never ask. 
It’s astonishing just how easy it is for this to happen, for you to follow his instructions. Because you do. Obeying his word, you kneel beside the captain, knees feeling like jelly as you move. Your entire body is nearly numb from excitement, and they’ve barely even touched you. 
Eyes widened, you stay on your knees beside your comrade, swallowing your nerves. “How… how many times have you…”
“More times than I can count.” Simon grunts, fingers curling into the stripe of hair at the top of Soap’s head. “You feel like givin’ it a go?” He then asks, smirking when your pretty eyes flicker up to his. 
“Yes.” It’s small and quiet, the word as it comes out. And Simon is happy with it. 
Pulling away from Soap’s mouth, they each release a harsh grunt. When Simon reaches for you, he’s much kinder. He doesn’t tangle his fingers into your hair just yet, he doesn’t know how much you can take.
“Come here, sweetheart.” Simon coos, his voice so soft and loving. Johnny remembers when he was first like that, before they got comfortable with each other. Comfortable enough to be rough. 
“That’s it…” That sweet voice is in your ear the entire time his attention is on you, his hand guiding you closer to him. 
With doe-like eyes, Soap watches you take in Simon’s cock just an inch away from his face. Your lips open just enough to envelope his uncut tip, tongue sliding beneath the girth of him. He’s bigger than Johnny, much bigger, and not so well-trimmed. In fact, he has a bush at his base. 
“Yeah, just like that.” Nodding slowly, both of Ghost’s hands find your face, pulling you gently onto him. 
Leaning with his movements, you soon find your mouth stuffed of him, his low moans echoing throughout the quiet space. Again, Johnny can’t help himself. Moving forward, he presses his cheek to yours, leaning down to run his tongue over Simon’s balls. And collectively, you moan, your sound vibrating through the lieutenant's cock.
“Fuckin’ hell Johnny,” Simon grunts, briefly baring his teeth at the feeling. “Oh, love…” Naturally, and without instruction, you move your mouth along the length of him, sucking slowly, tenderly. “That’s so good, princess…” 
He doesn’t even have to move his hips, not when both of your mouths are on him like this. Right now, all of his focus is going into keeping his legs sturdy, keeping himself standing. 
“And you know what you are, Johnny?” 
With his own mouth full, all he can mumble is, “Hm?” And you don’t know it yet, but he’s asking for Simon’s attention, begging for his praise. 
With those blue eyes lifting, searching for Simon’s dark gaze, he whines when his partner says, “You’re a good boy.” 
Even though the praise isn’t directed at you, you whine all the same. And Soap does, too, sucking more of Simon’s tender flesh between his lips while he sighs.
“I quite like the idea of this,” Simon chuckles breathily, unable to tear his gaze away from sight beneath him. “Havin’ myself two pets.”
And you have to admit, you like the sound of that, too.
Reaching up, your hands find the thick meat of Simon’s thighs, massaging and clawing them as you continue to take him. Willingly, you urge him down your throat, your quick and airy breaths making you feel all fuzzy. Limply, you lean on Johnny, his sturdy body offering you a hint of support. 
“Look at you, takin’ me all the way.” It actually impresses Simon. It took Soap a while to work up to that. “You’re just full of surprises.” 
With one hand, he strokes Johnny’s head, the fingers of his other combing through your hair. His pretty pets. 
Swiping his tongue hungrily across Simon’s scrotum, Soap’s tongue occasionally dances across your lips, and he savors it. He even dedicates a moment to running his tongue along the edges of your mouth while it’s still full of Simon’s dick. 
“Ugh,” Simon suddenly expresses, a thick groan escaping him. “Jesus, Johnny.” 
“Sir?” Johnny returns, his voice timid and light. And more than ever before, it sets your body alight. You’ve never heard him speak this way. 
“Up here,” Simon demands, chest rising and falling quickly. “On your feet with me.” 
Whimpering quietly, you watch him stand. You liked having his company. 
With firm movements, Simon spins his partner around. “Put your hands on the wall.” And even though he just gave him a command, he helps him do it. With his hands on Johnny’s wrists, he places them on the sturdy concrete in front of him, sighing happily once he’s done it. “Yeah… that’s right.”
And while he’s talking to Johnny, you’re still on your knees, mouth endlessly pleasuring him. Before either of you can even take a moment to think, Ghost’s hand is on Johnny’s jaw, forcing him to look down at you. 
“What d’you think about fuckin’ her mouth, Johnny?” Now, he starts to move his hips, thrusting himself down your throat at a much harsher pace. 
Unexpectedly, you whine, nodding beneath the two men. And Soap’s eyes go wide when he sees this. Removing yourself from Simon, you sigh, trying to regain some semblance of your composure. While watching you shuffle before him, placing yourself perfectly between his legs, Soap nods. It’s like he can’t bring himself to look away, like he can’t comprehend the acts you’re all performing. 
“Beautiful…” Soap murmurs, reaching down to cup your jaw gently. Sliding his thumb over your bottom lip, he watches them part so he can slide it in. “That’s beautiful, lass.” 
 Slowly, Simon retracts his hips, pulling himself out of your mouth. The sound produced from the act is wet, almost sticky. 
“She’s lubed it up quite nicely for you.” Ghost whispers into his ear, kissing the lobe. Shifting his feet, he positions himself behind Johnny, hands holding firm on his hips. 
Lowering one hand, he slides it down to Soap’s ass, fingers prying at the muscular flesh. With one finger, he teases Johnny’s hole, rubbing and just barely poking it. And the whimper that comes from Johnny is euphoric, feeling your mouth wrap around him while Simon plays with his ass. 
Leaning back, you ask, “Is this alright?”
Your question prompts his attention to return to you, all while feeling Simon slide a finger into him from behind. Nodding, Soap swallows thickly, entranced by the sight of his cock resting on your soft lips.
“That’s more than alright.” He answers, one hand falling to the back of your head. “That’s just… that’s so good.” And then he’s giving you one, firm nod. “Do it again.” 
While holding his gaze, you slide the length of him over your tongue until he’s entirely in your mouth. Sitting still for a moment, you hollow your cheeks, sucking on him. 
“You ready for me?” Ghost then asks, one hand coming up to hold his throat, just like before. 
Pumping his finger in a handful of times, Simon adds another, stretching the tight ring of muscles he’s become far too familiar with. The hand not on the back of your head lays palm-flat against the wall, Johnny leaning in to press his forehead to the cool concrete. 
He’s taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself. “Yeah.” 
Moving in sync with Simon, you slide Johnny into your throat in the same motion as the lieutenant slides between his partner’s cheeks. And it makes him fucking choke. Already, Soap’s legs are shaking, and the gentle scratch of your nails down his thighs isn’t helping.
“How’s she feel, Johnny?” Ghost is kissing Soap’s neck, his small whimpers and moans making Simon throb. 
Pulling himself back, Simon returns to the warm confines of his friend, building a gradual pace. And you do the same, attempting to match it. Only a few thrusts in, and Soap is an absolute mess, moaning freely with his lips parted, eyes furrowed shut as he takes it. From the sensation of it all, he’s barely even able to thrust into your mouth. But that’s alright, Simon’s thrusts are so heady that they do most of the work, repeatedly sliding Soap down your throat. 
Angrily, Simon snaps his hips against Johnny’s ass, grinding in deep. And it forces an almost painful cry from the captain. “I asked you a question, love.”
Simon was always a dominant man; with his size and demeanor, how could he not be? But seeing him in this situation has that notion growing tenfold. He’s clearly the one in charge, the one who calls the shots between the two of them. And you wish so badly to be beneath him. 
The grip Ghost has on Johnny’s throat tightens, his hips picking up their pace. His pelvis slaps against the meat of Soap’s backside, forcing him deeper into your mouth every time. Reaching out, your hands slide over Johnny’s thighs. Curling around, they find the flexing muscles of Simon’s backside, scratching into the surface before you squeeze. 
“S-So,” He’s trembling, stuttering, eyes opening to stare down at you. Your lips are gliding so smoothly along his shaft, your throat sucking him down with every thrust. “So good.”
“Yeah?” Ghost grins, hearing his lover’s shaky voice. “She felt pretty good around me, too.” 
Ghost’s indirect praise makes you moan, the vibrations shivering through Soap’s cock and hips. 
“F-Fuck me, I’m gonna - Simon.” Soap is whining and groaning, reaching around to hold the back of Ghost’s head while he sucks on the side of his neck. “I’m gonna cum.”
“No you’re not.” He replies nonchalantly, pulling out of his comrade with a groan. And it successfully cuts off Johnny’s high. 
He whimpers quietly, almost pathetically, from the loss, dropping his head down. But Ghost presses his back to Soap, leaning down to place his chin on Johnny’s shoulder. 
“Look at me,” But Soap almost can’t, because you’ve hollowed your cheeks and are drooling down his shaft. “I said look at me.” With the force of his hand, Simon makes Johnny turn to look him in the eyes. 
“You can cum after I fuck our new play thing.” Without looking down, Simon drops a hand, running his fingers through your hair as he says it. An affectionate, possessive, gesture. 
“Alright?” Reaching down, he uses his dominant hand to gently cup Soap’s balls. It makes his body jolt, a helpless mewl slipping from his mouth. 
And then Simon’s looking down at you, giving you a nod. “Hey, gorgeous.” He calls, the hand on Soap’s balls reaching out to give your cheek a soft little smack. “Your turn. Eyes up here.” 
Immediately, your eyes are on him, your mouth still stuffed full. 
“You want me to fuck you? Huh? Wanna know what it feels like?” 
“Mhm,” Nodding rapidly, you slide your tongue along the underside of Johnny’s cock, listening to his airy moan. 
“Then,” Ghost says, deep voice rumbling as his fingers tighten in your air. “Get off.”
Pulling your head in the opposite direction while pulling Johnny back forces you to let him go, both of them watching as you pant and gasp. 
“You liked that?” Tilting his head, Simon grins.
Huffing out an array of heavy breaths, you nod. “Yes.” 
“Ah,” Simon tuts happily, reaching down to your pretty face. “That’s a good girl.” 
“You like that too, huh?”
“Yes, Simon.” 
“Why don’t you lay down for me then? And show me how good you can be.” 
He’s never spoken to you like this before, and why would he? But after tonight, you’re hoping he does again. And again, and again.
Leaning back, you find yourself scrambling onto your backside and palms, shifting down to the ground. You don’t even care that it’s dusty and who knows what could have trudged through here. It’s worth it when Simon says, “I love how well you listen to me.” 
“Baby,” It comes out before you can stop it, before you can even realize it. And it’s said as Simon is crouching down, moving to cover your body with his own. 
You’re reaching for him, and it’s so easy to see just how captivated you are by him. “You’ve thought of me.” He states, grinning. 
Situating himself over your body, you can hear Johnny’s pants beside you. Out of the corner of your eye you see him bend down, but right now, all you’re focusing on is him. Ghost. 
“Yes.” Hands finding either side of his face, you bring him in, and he doesn’t reject it. 
Passionately, his mouth meets your own, lips just barely colliding before your tongues do. He licks into you, one hand wiggling beneath the back of your head so he can hold you. 
 “I want you.” Simon growls against your lips, both his breath and pulse quickening. “I want you, pet.”
“I want you.” Your body curls upwards toward him, feeling an undeniable pull. Diving in, you slide your tongue across his, listening to his harsh and heated moan. 
“Johnny,” Ghost mumbles against your lips. “Get over here.” And just like that, he’s at Simon’s side. 
“You always do what he says?” You tease, grinning. And Soap fucking blushes.
“Whatever Simon says.” He responds, looking deeply into his partner’s eyes. And that fills Ghost’s heart with pride. 
“Whatever Simon says…” You repeat, staring up at him, too.
Lifting your hands, your fingers find the edge of his fleece, pulling impatiently on him. Chuckling, he glances down at you, licking his lower lip before speaking to Johnny. 
“Want you on top of her.” He says, eyes now entirely on you. “Come fuck that pretty face.” 
“Oh, fuck yes.” 
Instantly, he’s climbing over you, positioning his pelvis directly above your face. Indirectly, he shoves his ass into Simon’s, but it’s not like he minds. Bending forward, he sinks his teeth into the thick muscle of Soap’s upper thigh, sucking a mark onto his skin. 
“There you go, Johnny.” Reaching forward, Ghost lays a hand over Soap’s back, guiding him further down. “Bend over… just like that.” 
Still hanging heavy between his legs, you take Soap back into your mouth, tongue reaching for his tip. Once it’s past your lips, you suck gently on it, prompting a flurry of small hip movements from the captain. His palms are flat on the ground on either side of your head, and while you’re entirely caught up in Johnny’s attention, Ghost is tearing it away all too soon. 
Broad hands find your calves, sliding up to find the waistband of your pants. He takes his time in undressing you, and finds himself wishing the three of you were elsewhere, somewhere you could be naked completely. Somewhere you could give all of yourself to him. 
“Fucking - ngh, you suck it so good.” Johnny’s sweating and babbling nonsense, thrusting into your mouth at a much different pace than before. It’s quicker, shallower, and you know he has to be close. “Keep doin’ that. Oh, Christ, keep sliding your tongue around.” 
You’re so distracted by Johnny that you barely even register when Ghost slides your pants off. In one swipe, your panties are gone, too, leaving you exposed to him. Instinctually, you spread your legs wider, welcoming him in.
Glancing up, Ghost finds himself throbbing at the sight of Soap’s flexing ass as he continually ruts into your mouth. With one hand, he’s pawing at his cheek, giving it a firm smack that makes Johnny’s hips stutter. 
“How about I fuck your ass, sweetheart?” Ghost asks, voice low and seductive. “I don’t have a condom with me right now…” Broad hands find your outer thighs, caressing you. “Maybe next time I can feel your sweet little pussy…” 
It comes as a shock, a jolt to your system, when he slides a finger down the seam of your sex. You want so desperately to moan, but with the way Johnny’s filling your throat right now, you can’t. But Johnny sees your reaction, he sees how your eyes roll back.
“Oh, she likes that, L’t.” 
“Does she?” Simon counters, giving your inner thigh a small smack. The motion sends a tingle through your body, your lungs attempting to fill with staggering gulps of air. 
Leaning back on his heels, Ghost’s hands spread your cheeks, eyes closely inspecting you. “Has anyone else ever been here, love? Anyone else ever fucked your ass?” 
When all he’s met with are sloppy gurgles, he gives Soap’s backside a light slap. “Back up, Johnny. Lemme hear her talk.”
“No,” It comes out as a gasped groan, the only word you can get out before Soap is diving back in. 
“Oh…” Simon sighs, eyes returning to your fluttering holes. “I like firsts.” 
Listening closely, you can just barely make out the sound of suction, the sound of Simon’s finger in his own mouth.   
“I’ll be gentle, pet.” He promises, damp finger now prodding at your tight ring. “I’ll make it good…” Releasing a low, muted sigh, he then promises in a whisper, “I’ll make it so good you can’t even breathe.”
You have no doubt that he’ll fulfill that promise, but if you’re being honest, you’re already feeling that way. Taking Soap down your throat is no easy task, and coupling that with Simon’s hands on your body is making you see fucking stars. 
Using his left hand, he makes sure to keep his dominant one clean. Once you’ve taken his entire pointer finger, his right hand finds its way to your sex, rubbing you tenderly. And the passionate moan you release gives him all the consent he needs.
Leaning in, he spits forcefully onto your fluttering lips, sliding his first two fingers through it. He uses the wetness of it to rub your clit, circling it slowly, gently, the stimulation allowing you to take in another one of his digits. 
“Look at that… opening up so nicely, aren’t we?”
Your hands have been sliding around Johnny’s thighs, fingers curling as you hold onto him. Nodding, you’re able to manage a moan before he’s plunging back in. 
“Think she can take three?”
“I know she can.” Johnny responds instantly.
Spitting again, Simon watches his saliva drip down your sex, sliding over the two fingers he’s stuffed into your ass. Retracting them halfway, he allows the wentess to coat his digits before returning them to your warmth, pumping them into you at a slightly quicker rate. 
“Simon,” Gasping, you push Johnny’s hips away from your face. “Please.”
“Please, what?” He’s furrowing his brows, but he doesn’t stop what he’s doing.
“I just, I want to feel you.” Swallowing heavily, you beg, “Please just fuck me. Please.”
While he’s out of your mouth, Johnny uses a spare hand to jerk himself off, keeping his eyes on you. “Fuck,” Lifting the other, he uses it to palm at your covered chest. “Wish we could see your tits right now, babe.”
“Maybe we’ll get to.” Simon suggests, removing his fingers from your ass. Leaning forward, he holds his palm out to Johnny, nonverbally asking for his spit. Which he gives. 
“Oh my god,” Groaning, you do your best to catch your breath while the boys interact. “I love this.”
“You and me both.” Johnny returns, moving a hand to your head to hold you steady. Slowly, he glides over your tongue, bottoming out in your mouth once again. “She takes it so well…”
“I know she does.” 
Situating himself between your legs, Simon holds the thickness of his shaft in one hand, rubbing the tip over your tightest entrance. His dominant hand hasn’t left your clit, his fingers rubbing sensual and sloppy circles over it.
“This might hurt a pinch, love.” 
All you do is lift your hips toward him, running your tongue along Soap’s tip. But he’s right, it does hurt. The slight sting of his bulbous tip entering you is… different, entirely new. The continuous stimulation on the peak of your sex helps, though. That along with Johnny as a distraction. 
When Ghost is halfway in, he prompts Johnny to take a break, allowing you a breath. Rubbing your thighs, that breathy voice asks you, “How’s that, princess?”
“A lot.”
Now, Soap is answering. “I know.” His hands find your face, cupping and stroking you softly. “It’s so much, isn’t it, lass?”
“Yes.” While he’s speaking to you, Simon continues sliding in. 
Sighing, Soap swipes his thumb gently over your cheek. “Sweet cailin…” (Girl)
“Mm,” You whine sharply at the feeling of Simon bottoming out inside you, his thighs resting flush against your cheeks. His free hand is on your hip, holding you steady with his thumbs swiping over your skin.
“There we go,” Shuffling closer, he grinds into you, holding you tightly against him. “Oh, Christ…”
Pulsing his fingers upward, he finds your g-spot, caressing it firmly. And the moan it tears from your chest sounds ungodly, Soap quick to cut it short with his cock. 
Steadily, they pump themselves into you, Simon’s fingers working just as hard, too. His thumb just barely flicks the nub of your clit while his hips shift right up against you. And even though he’s going relatively slow, the groans coming from him are guttural and deep, heavy grunts alongside every push and shove of his fingers and length. With every passing second, he’s growing more ravenous, more insatiable. The slick of your cunt drips down onto his length as it repeatedly dives into the space between your cheeks, aiding in his smooth slides. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight back here…” Already sweating, he feels his muscles shake, wanting to have more of you and Johnny but not knowing how to do it. “Would love to warm you up. Stretch you out. Oh…” Leaning forward, Ghost presses his forehead to his lover’s back, giving his skin a sweet kiss. “Would you let me do that, sweetheart? Would you let me do this again?”
Again, a muffled noise is all you can muster around Soap’s length. But he knows you want it, they both know you’ll want this again. 
Johnny’s motions directly contradict that of his bigger, stronger lover’s. He’s giving your mouth tender and sensual thrusts, sliding all the way in until the head is prodding at the back of your throat. He’s rolling his hips against your face, staring down at the striking image of you.
“Simon, please.” That thick, Scottish accent begs. He’s so close, he can feel himself throbbing. “Please…”
Leaning forward, Simon whispers into his ear, “Give her face a proper fuck, and I’ll let you cum.” 
Immediately, Soap’s fingers find your hair, using the strands as leverage to hold your head down. His hips slap down against your face, choking you with his cock. He’ll always do what Simon says. 
And that’s when Simon releases a breathy laugh, shaking his head with a mix of proud disbelief. “Cum in her mouth, Johnny.” He then says, “Go ahead.”
Simon watches and feels Soap’s body as it shakes, his cum and your spit pooling out of the corners of your mouth as you do your best to take it. It’s instantaneous, his high coming on as soon as Simon allowed it. And it makes you wonder once again how long they’ve been doing this. 
Soap’s body shivers above you, doing his best to hold himself up. His palms are pressing into the floor, the muscles in his stomach and chest tightening. Erratically, his hips jerk against your face, the melody of moans floating from his mouth absolute heaven to both yours and Simon’s ears. 
You’re gurgling on it, choking slightly from the amount. They’re both watching you, watching the white remnants slide down your cheeks. 
“Look at that…”
“Swallow it.” Soap’s first real demand of the night. 
There’s a strange order to this, to the interactions between the three of you. It’s unspoken, very clearly, but it’s there, hanging so heavily in the air you can practically feel it. Simon is above Johnny, and definitely above you. It’s in his nature to be like this, to be dominant. It’s obvious. And when Johnny’s with Ghost, he’s very clearly submissive. And now, with you in the mix, you find yourself falling into place quite nicely. Because what’s even more obvious than Simon’s dominance, is your submissiveness. 
You’re unable to gather the stickiness dripping down the corners of your mouth, but what you can swallow, you do. Your compliance earns you a proud grin from your captain, his hand returning to stroke your face lovingly. He’s so goddamn sweet. 
“Go rest, Johnny.” Kissing his shoulder, Simon speaks gently, urging him to relax. But before he does that, he’s letting his softening erection rest on your lips, watching you smile kindly as you stick your tongue out to lick him. 
“Caileag ghrinn…” (Lovely girl) 
Ghost had stopped his movements, wanting to witness his partner’s high. But as soon as Johnny’s gone, he’s focusing on you. The way he sees it, the way he hopes for it to be, is that you’re his new partner. You’re making their duo and trio. And he wants to welcome you fully, wants you to know how you’ll be treated when you’re with them. Simon could be rough but he could also be sweet. Above all, he just wants to take care of you, to make you happy. 
“C’mere, love.” Enthralled by you entirely, Simon moves over you. And he can’t get to you quick enough. 
In the blink of an eye, his mouth returns, one hand lifting to hold the hinge of your jaw. Now, he goes back to his previous movements, thrusting himself into your ass while his fingers continue to slide in and out of your sex. 
“Simon,” Your hands are holding his head, keeping him close to you. 
“I know,” He breathes, voice thick and gruff. “I’m here.” And his words do wonders to reassure you. 
Kissing him vigorously, you release a wanton moan at the sensation of his tongue dragging across your own. The force and pitch of Simon’s groan surprises you; he already loves the taste of Soap on your tongue. 
Watching from the side, Johnny catches his breath, witnessing the intimate act between you and Ghost. And the wonderful thing about it is he doesn’t feel jealousy; he’s happy, happy to see you collide and mesh with them. They’ve waited for this. 
“I’m, I…” You’re shaking, trembling in his hold. 
The thick bulge of Simon’s bicep curls beside your head as his hand lowers to hold the back of it. He knows you’re close, he knows that’s what you’re trying to tell him. 
“I’ve got you, love.” Leaning in, he kisses your cheek, his heated breaths washing over your skin. “Gorgeous thing…”
By now, you’re rocking your hips into him, into his hand and hips. “I, I need, mmh…” Fuck, you can’t get your words out. “I need you.”
“I know, and I’m here.” Simon grunts out in response, hips hammering into you. “I’ve got you. You’re mine, understand? You’re mine and Johnny’s now.” 
“Yes!” Your quiet wail makes him groan, shoving his face into the crook of your neck.
Unexpectedly, he bites down, feeling himself spill inside your tightest channel. And the foreign feeling urges you to crumble beneath him, to give in to the euphoria begging to burst from inside. 
Suddenly demanding your attention is the soft persistence of Johnny’s lips, his hand forcing your face to the side so you can kiss him. And Simon allows it, welcomes it, resting his forehead on the back of Soap’s head. You can barely kiss him back as your body convulses beneath the weight of them, your new partners. It shivers through your limbs, shooting into your nerves and washing waves of pleasure through your hips and sex. And Simon’s is just as powerful, the muscles he’s built over the course of years flexing to their limit. 
Staying inside for a beat, Ghost sighs, trying to gather himself. When Simon pulls out, he’s gentle and slow with it, mirroring the motions of his digits. He knew he’d lick them as soon as he could, and that’s exactly what he does. 
“Oh… I want a better taste.”
“Let her rest.” Soap coos, brushing hair away from your forehead. 
With kind efforts, Johnny pulls you into him, settling his back against the wall and urging you to straddle him. It’s easy, leaning on his body and accepting his soft kisses. He’s petting your hair, kissing you tenderly while Simon watches. 
“You know…” Ghost grumbles, shuffling to sit behind you. Pressing his chest to your back, he lowers his head with a contented sigh, lips trailing over the skin of your shoulder and neck. “I could get used to this.” 
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Teaser thoughts
I had to do adulting (leave for a suddenly rescheduled appt) 20 mins after the trailer dropped this morning, so I'm only now starting to get my thoughts settled but omg I have to write this stuff down or how will I know what I think
here we go
Rayllum flying together. Is it cute, romantic, or is it some twist where they're going somewhere for horrible reasons in a hurry and they can't even take the Shadowpaw. Where is the Shadowpaw why are they fl-
Does Ethari have his Shadowpaw back is that why they have to fly
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Love the bisexual vibes here ngl
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Starscraper is over land. It's not a deep thought shhh
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The search for Zubeia. I'm curious why Ezran has let two of his best Crownguard leave his side. Surely this will have no consequences!
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Janaya kiss with Amaya on her tippy toes. Janai has her crown on here. I feel that's relevant for uhh later. I hope this is real and not a dream Janai is having - those have not been going well for her.
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This one makes me sad. The picture is torn, but then mended, and I love that. But it's set up like you'd see at a funeral.
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Is this one super early on in episode 1 maybe? It could be the same night as the end of S5. That feels more likely than Terry catching up to Claudia later on... specifically in her allowing him close after what we got in the other trailer. Aahhh
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This one has so much in it, I can't! It's got star bug stuff which I'm extremely here for, let the gods be gooey. It's got the whole quasar diamond crown right there. It's got Rayllum having a close moment. and it's posed like they're at the altar in a chapel getting married. Also the star is upside down in the stained glass window, so whatever theme is going on it's being consistent there.
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This is one of my favorites: Ezran out on his own castle bridge defending it. Ye Olde Narrative of Strength got to him! Opeli looking worried has me worried - she's usually so certain and swift. This could be Viren trying to come home like a half drowned rat - will they let him in? Don't make me think of the men of Númenor right now, do not.
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Battle couple battle couple! Rayla and Callum teaming up again! (she's the dark blob kicking free in the upper left) I love when a couple fights together. gonna be super normal about that.
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This top down view of the Starscraper is a little dizzying, ngl. With Callum and Rayla tiny at the bottom, three floors down, these flying, circling elves give me shark vibes. What if they're not nice. like at all.
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Why was Stella falling!? what are the Celestials doing, are they helping or are they trying thievery? Is this just a big mob of seagulls here
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Janai is losing control of her emotions, she's furious and sad. She's setting fire to the Sun Seed tree. We know the Seed was stolen, but maybe this is her finding out, early on. It's less angsty if it's early, you know how things always get Worse during the course of a TDP season lmfao. If it's later on, maybe the fact that she isn't wearing her crown is... important.
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Rayla in the frozen ship. Why's it burning, what's she there for? why did she go alone? This gives me some Banther Lodge infiltration vibes ngl.
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Okay I am all about this altercation. Viren shoving Kpp'Ar to the floor in fury. are they arguing about Soren? dark magic? both? neither? What's the logo stand for, what's the I for in IK? Does he have a show called It's Kpp'Ar and they're just on set? lmfao the real reason there are gears everywhere is to change the rooms around isn't it. Kpp'Ar just got sick of those extra 29 steps to the kitchen.
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Few things are scarier than a True Believer getting everything he wants. this shot of Karim being so filled with elation cannot be saying good things for Janai's prospects. He's got all kinds of cool Sunfire stuff on, too, including a crown, and his old tin ring from his mother. Those things were confiscated when he was exiled, which means he must not be exiled anymore. He could be king, having displaced Janai somehow, and he's fulfilling his intentions to his people by bringing back the glory of the Sunfire elves by healing their injured archdragon. Or so he hopes, anyway! We'll see if it works.
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Sol Regem has come out of his cave and he's got that Power Dragon Wingspread going on. Looks like he's been convinced to take a swing for uhhh big dragon things! I wonder how far his power will reach... and his bitterness. We might get a new Dragon King that makes Avizandum look soft.
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It's so interesting to me what we did not get to see in the teaser, too. There's no Aaravos, no Aanya, no Runaan or Ethari, no Kim'dael. If we get another trailer before July 26, maybe they'll be in there! Or maybe we'll just have to white knuckle it until release day.
Hold on tight! S6 is coming!
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revserrayyu · 22 days
2.5 trailer thoughts
I usually keep all my thoughts together for the story events, but I'm far too excited thanks to a certain character to contain all my excitement, so.. allow me to fangirl about the new trailer from today's livestream a little bit.
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(there's really no spoilers but i'll kindly put everything below since it'll be a lot of chatter anyways)
Starting off with how bestest boy Luka is here! Not exactly sure how he hopped planets.. but I'll speculate about his arrival later. I do remember reading some people bring up a npc in the Shackling Prison who mentioned seeing a dude with a metal arm, but I never imagined it to be our boy and that he would actually physically be here!
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I'm still a tiny bit bitter he never showed up during any main story mission, though it makes sense since he was released after the events of Belobog happened, so any time he's mentioned or we catch a glimpse of him makes me happy. Letting him get his own side event during this 2.5 patch too will be nice for him too!
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I'm so fond of him and I'm always surprised how many people just don't care for the guy. I can understand how he could be a bit forgettable or not an impressive unit though, since I don't even have him built up either despite all the instances I told myself I would.
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I know some people aren't fans of his design either, but c'mon, he's cute! Look at this buff, cheerful man with those pretty blue eyes, piercings and little ponytail! Aahhh.. he's precious to me.
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Time to add Luka to the 'beat up Yanqing' squad alongside Blade, Jingliu, Dan Heng, Yunli and whomever else I'm forgetting. I hope our favorite boxer knocks his lights out.
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Now for the spectators! I didn't notice her while first watching the livesteam, but Topaz is here! With Numby on her lap too, of course. And I was gonna assume that perhaps that's how Luka managed to arrive on the Xianzhou, courtesy of the IPC and their many connections, but then I remembered Topaz was just in Penacony.. so unless she went back and forth between planets then who knows how our boy ended up here. We can always guess the Express picked him up too. I dunno.
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We even got Hook cheering on her fellow Moles member! Hard to miss Svarog there too though I wonder if Clara is with him and perhaps we just don't see her in this shot? I wanna say he trusts her enough to be on her own but then that brings up why would he even leave her side in the first place and not keep watch of the Underground, unless Svarog decided to join just to support Luka. That would be a nice little form of respect carried over from our boxer's mission. And Lynx which naturally leads me to question where Serval and Geppie could be right now. I can't imagine Gepard would be fine with having Lynx travel all the way to a new planet when the guy gets stressed out about her simply venturing into the snow plains during her job. Serval on the other hand.. yeah, she's totally let Lynx travel. But I'd still much rather see all the siblings around more! I miss them terribly! I'd love it if there were more Belobogians in the crowd that we just didn't get to see yet but I'm thankful we even get a few and learn that they're finally able to venture away from their cold, icy planet and experience new places like this.
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And lastly we have the most handsome man in all of space and Qingque who is undoubtedly avoiding work. The two of them did actually meet previously during that silly hotel checkout event in Penacony so it's fun to seem them be friendly still.
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Yeah, okay, so here's where I start to go crazy over our Lacking General more. What a surprise, right? I mean, how could I not after seeing her storm into battle whilst riding a ship like this??
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At first, I also didn't notice it was Yukong who said the "Feixiao, the ports of Starskiff Haven are crawling with wolf-like creatures. They're moving fast," lines. My excitement for Feixiao clearly took priority. (I am curious why she bothered to say wolf-like instead of Borisin though? If Yanqing knows about them then surely Yukong knows what they are, right?)
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Even if it's just a quick cutscene, I'm so thrilled for us to finally see Yukong fight! We've heard enough of her pilot days so something as simple as this is great, though I'd love to see her fly again too.
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Feixiao coming in hot to aide her war buddy, still looking badass as ever, let's gooo!
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Ma'am do you know how amazing you are??
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She told Yukong to "Hold them back, I will be there immediately" and she definitely kept her word! Even using her follow up attack, or something visually similar to it.
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That grin… oh god. I would willingly stand on the other end of her gunblade in order to see that prideful smirk of hers. (also never realized that pattern on the inside of her jacket before. that's pretty neat.)
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*Mandatory screenshot for me to giggle and kick my feet to while I obsess over how beautiful her design is* tee-hee~
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Okay so for this bow and arrow shot, there could always be the chance that this style of bow is standard and that all military personal use them, but since we don't see that many archers, I'm gonna blissfully assume she's borrowing Yukong's bow here. I was kinda amazed to see Feixiao capable of wielding a bow and arrow too, considering she's already mastered her gunblades and battleaxe, but hey, it just adds to her talent. It makes more sense after seeing that teaser of her upcoming myriad video though.
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Ohhh buddy.. I know our lady experiences Moon Rage but I wasn't expecting her to go off quite like this!
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Not only is she strong as fuck already but she's gonna end up as a boss fight too? Brooo.. that's insane. I love it. I pray she gets an awesome battle theme.
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Now while her condition is certainly a big problem, I don't think she just decided "hey let me go insane at this very moment" and gave into it willingly. I'm sure she's gained a certain amount of control over it throughout the years, so my assumption coupled with her statement of her "lacking in worries" leads me to believe that something or someone (aka Hoolay) forced her into this state..
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.. because hot damn, she looks positively possessed. It's such a simple detail but the red ring around her eyes is so effectively chilling, like you know you're in danger when you see her like this. I love this shot of her, honestly. I'm not gonna straight up say that Hoolay is controlling her somehow either, but more like Feixiao lost control of herself. What would get her to snap? I dunno, perhaps any bad news surrounding Jiaoqiu. You know, her right hand man who's supposed to keep her in good health. He wasn't spotted anywhere in the trailer, so who knows what happened to our master chef.
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Huaiyan can be heard saying "Merlin's Claw, you have betrayed the alliance," but with how deep Feixiao's hatred is for Hoolay and the Borisin, I have my doubts about that. Of course, we could've all been played for fools and the two could actually be acquaintances of some sort, but it still wouldn't make sense to me. The only similarity these two could possibly bond over is Hoolay's line of them both being "monsters that were born for war and die for war."
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I'm not saying I wouldn't love an evil Feixiao, since I do have my fair share of villains, but yeah. Anyways, obligatory screenshot to make me swoon even more.
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Also I haven't a clue about what this light is or who or what it's coming from either but I for sure thought it was gonna wipe out our General the first time I watched the trailer..
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only for her to just.. ignore it completely. Or re-direct it ever so slightly away from her. Either way, I'm impressed.
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Naturally the trailers go by real quickly and are never in story sequence order so I could be totally wrong about this, but I wanna assume Feixiao regains control over herself during the fight to take down Hoolay? If her normal eyes and confident grin are anything to go by anyways.
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After hearing bits and pieces about how Jingliu was the one who originally defeated Hoolay, the master of ice does indeed show up again for the upcoming patch! Oohhh I'm so excited. I wonder if Jing Yuan had anything to do with her sudden appearance considering she was locked up on another ship. Imagine if we get to see her and Feixiao team up in order to take down the beast? Oh my god, I think I'd pass out if we get such a scene!
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It may just be this one screenshot, but her expression doesn't really seem like she's accepting an alliance with Hoolay. Still feels like there's some anger there to me. Maybe distrust. But nothing close to joy or calm. Or this scene could just be an illusion. Who knows.
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Wouldn't it be grand though, if all of this was sorta planned? To get this close to Hoolay but instead of siding with him (because why on earth would Feixiao do such a thing) but to figure out if the war head is truly capable of providing a cure for her condition like Jiaoqiu hoped? Or perhaps she's just getting close to him to get her revenge in a sort of 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' sort of way, yeah?
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Many ideas and many days left until we get our answers. One thing is certain though: we need Jiaoqiu back at her side please, like now! Sir, please come back and calm down your General!
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been absolutely obsessed with 1dbandmate!yn and I was just curious as to what she would post on Instagram throughout the years of being in the band and outside the band?
Through The Years
A/N: my first instagram set up! whoop whoop (credit to owner for the 2011 pic) 💚
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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liked by ynfan1, prettypenny, and 7,879,203 others
yourinstagram life's a dream
View all 764 comments
prettypenny so proud of you!
↳yourinstagram ❤❤
ynfan3 oh my gosh they were so little
ynfan2 fetus era is my favorite era
harryfan1 her and harry standing next to each other i can't!
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liked by niallhoran, ynfan3, and 8,456,732 others
yourinstagram ✌
view all 865 comments
ynfan1 i love their friendship so much 🥺
ynfan2 they were so funny at the show last night!
niallhoran rematch at foosball babe?
↳yourinstagram you're on ni, meet me in the green room in 5
ynfan5 i love them so much!!!
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liked by ynfan2, matt_dances, 4,432,134 others
yourinstagram happy 6 months
view all 98,745 comments
ynfan1 she's been dating this whole time??
↳ynfan5 wait was this her dance partner from the Move music video?
↳ynfan2 it is!!!
harryfan5 i still ship ynrry
ynfan4 im so jealous of matt
matt_dances you mean so much to me, happy 6 months. I love you ❤
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liked by harrystyles, ynfan1, and 4,362,382 others
yourinstagram too busy mmm blocking out the haters
view 34,783 comments
ynfan2 they are so cute!
ynfan1 YNRRY i love them so much 😭
harryfan1 when are they gonna get together
↳ynfan6 she's dating someone else though
↳ynfan4 could it be a PR stunt??
↳ynfan8 i hope so i want them to be together sooo baaaad
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liked by harrystyles, ynfan1, 4,235,687 others
yourinstagram FINE LINE out now!! thanks for bringing me back for another album @harrystyles another one down in the books!
view all 89,876 comments
ynfan1 when are you guys getting together??
↳ynfan2 i have a theory that they starting dating in 2017
↳ynfan4 they've been spending so much time together its insane
ynfan3 you guys are my parents
harrystyles you were a pleasure to work with
↳yourinstagram its a sin to lie smh
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liked by harrystyles, lizzobeeating and 9,987,532 others
yourinstagram and producer of the year goes to...
📸 @harrystyles
view 98,937 comments
lizzobeeating THATS RIGHT!!!!
ynfan2 she's so hot
harryfan1 if harry doesn't put a ring on it i will
billieeilish you deserve it baby
harrystyles I love you so much. I'm so proud of you. Gorgeous x
↳yourinstagram i love you more
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liked by harrystyles, ynfan2, and 7,823,832 others
yourinstagram im baaaack
view 78,048 comments
ynfan1 HOTT
ynfan3 her show was absolutely AMAZING
harrystyles my gorgeous girl
↳ynfan7 STOOOPP
↳ynfan9 this is so precious
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @harringt8ns @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @teawithcyb0rgs @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead
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totaldrama-showdowns · 8 months
Invalid Submissions to the Gen 4 Ship Showdown!
Gwent! (priya x mk)
“I fucking love gwent”
chrarthur (mcarthur x chris)
“did you see the romantic tension in that episode?????”
B!! :)
“Fucking love that guy”
“Since you won't allow B”
hi shed
“hiiii hi shed . sheddar cheese hi ”
Ant (ant x ant)
“Ant l o .ve But CALEB d ea troyed, Their ant hill that they worked So hard to bbu ild .sooo Mean”
MK's Cool Caleb (MK's cool car x Caleb)
“I hope that girl runs him over”
“I hope mkulia run him over”
max jägerman x grace chastity
heathney!!!! courtney/heather
“They transcend gens”
gwent again
“they are having marital problems!”
“Tormenting teenagers together is the ultimate expression of love”
ezzy (ezekiel/izzy it is NOT eva and izzy that's izva or smth)
“whats propaganda... im sorry imstupix”
I want you
“the concept. It's so much more than rayne. Erego, it is separate. Erego, it should be a candidate. Let me ask you this, is the Mona Lisa worthless because it is a painting of a person? In fact, poor analogy. 'i want you' is not a portrait of Raj and Wayne, it a complex concept. It's art. It captured our hearts. It makes us laugh. It brings us joy. We create content for it. But when we do it, it's not for Rayne. It's for 'I want you'. If Mona Lisa can compete against the Scream, then Rayne can fight 'I want you'”
Julia X mk brain
caleb rock/raj bucket (rocklebrucket)
“im loco for noco”
caleb x lava
“Ooo aahhh burrnn sssssszzzzz”
“I need all my Calebheads to rise up right the fuck now.”
Caleb x Caleb
Me x Zee
Chase x Pizza
Mr Coconut/Scary Girls scull (not her actual scull, the one she dressed up)
“It would be so cute 😍 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍”
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mossyscavern · 1 month
I don’t wanna be buried.
“~In a pet semetary, I don’t want to live my life again~.”
Sam sang, listening to one of his favourite songs since… forever.
It’s a song his dad listens to religiously and Sam picked it up along the way. It helps with his anxiety, but even then he just hums the tune, not sing.
But for Sam singing helps so much more, he just... prefers to keep this himself. “~Follow victor to the sacred place. This ain’t a dream, I can’t escape~.”
Sam continues, getting more and more lost in the song, remembering the lyrics in his head like the lost soul he is… unaware of his surroundings.
“~Someone cries, something ain’t right. I don’t wanna be buried, in a pet sem- AAHHH!”
“AAAHH!” Tom screamed, not expecting that. “Jeez, you scared me.” Sam said, clutching his chest while breathing heavily. “Where did you come from?” Sam asked. “Lilian’s tea party.” Tom answered with a shrug.
“Ah, ok… did you hear-.”
“I did.” Tom asked, confirming his suspicions. “I-…” Sam stopped, going quiet. Tom looked away in guilt, not sure what to do… except one thing.
“… you do have a nice voice, the raspy part of it makes it better.” He says quietly, fiddling with his damaged tie in the process.
This surprised Sam, even though no one’s heard him sing… like ever, that’s the 1st compliment he got from Tom that wasn’t from his family, it made the redhead blush a bit. “T-thanks… I think I know a good song you might like.”
Sam voiced out, taking his phone and earphones out from his bag that sits by the well.
He placed one ear phone in his ear, helped Tom with his and selected a good song he knew he’d like. “… it’s a bit quiet.” Tom says staring in his direction. “It’s the build up.” Sam answers.
Before long the guitar hits along with the other instruments, it made Tom jump, then blink in wonder as he kept listening.
*I took a little journey to the unknown.
And I come back changed and I could feel it in my bones.*
“… I like it. Is it made back when you were younger?” Tom asked
“Nah, made in April 6th last year actually.” Sam answers staring back at the playlist he made for himself. “Way before my death.” He whispered, remembering how much he loved the song. “Story of my life.” Tom comments.
“Pfff- sorry whahat?” Sam asked, staring at Tom confusingly. “The I fucked with forces bit and after? It’s the story of my life and undead life.” He says with a straight face, making Sam laugh at the assumption, later making Tom laugh.
“Jeez, and I thought Duncan’s the edgy one.” Sam says, face falters as he looks down sadly at his feet, his mind wondering to everyone he cared about.
“~I have seen what the darkness does, say goodbye to who I was.~” Sam sang to the lyrics, deeply lost in thought while trying to calm down. He was so lost he didn’t notice Tom completely relax and lean his head on the boy’s shoulder.
“~Show me yours and I’ll show you mine, meet me in the woods tonight~.” Sam sings, that part of the lyrics made him snort.
‘A bit ironic since we’re in the woods.’ Tom thought, sighing as he stared out in the open trees, the wild vegetation swayed as the wind whistled.
The lyrics Sam sings reminds him of how he officially met the redhead. Sam followed his family legend through the endless night and they all brought his fears to life, the items they owned showed Sam their life.
Now it’s his turn to share his with them if he wants to, but Tom isn’t going to push him.
‘I guess it’s not just our story.’ Tom thought, closing his eyes. Feeling safe for the first time since 92 years.
He’ll wait when it times, no matter how many years it takes.
I hadn’t done anything candlebrace related for a long while now.
For those that don’t know, it’s a ship name between Sam and Tom, it contains mostly fluff and a bit of angst.. if I can actually do it-.
Also, wasn’t sure how to write a character singing, sorry if it wasn’t accurate…
Hope you guys enjoy
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sapphic-lottienat · 1 year
hiii so I saw this on someone else's acc and I rlly wanted to do this!! I am obsessed with Buffy so here we go~
The first character I first fell in love with: Willow Rosenberg!! I mean, is it really a surprise? I think I saw myself in her throughout the show; we're both awkward unconfident gingers who are desperate to feel needed. I had a huge crush on Willow at the start, and I loved seeing her character arc and all of her romantic partners!! She'll always have a special place in my heart <3
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Probably Giles, honestly. I was young-ish when I started watching Buffy, and I didn't really understand or like his character very much. In the first season, he's just so stuffy and librarian-y. But seeing his character develop and change into someone a lot cooler than his season one self was so amazing. Love Giles <3
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Please, does anyone even like Xander? Like I get that he can be funny sometimes but I just didn't see the point in a lot of decisions that the writers made for him. He was often misogynistic and inappropriate, and that behavior was almost rewarded by giving him love interests WAY out of his league. I never understood how Cordy, Willow, and Anya could have low enough standards to date that man.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Kennedy!!! She gets so much hate just for not being Tara, and I did love Tara so much, but I don't hate Kennedy because of that. Kennedy helped Willow mature into a self-assured adult. She was always respectful of Willow's past relationship with Tara, especially in 'The Killer In Me'. Aahhh I just love her so much, she deserves none of the hate she gets.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Not really anyone, I love them all!
The character I’d want to be like: Who in their right mind wouldn't want to be like Tara?? She's forever my favorite character, and in season 6, is the glue that holds the Scoobies together. She's so sweet and maternal and loving <3
The character I’d slap:Were he still alive (which I think he might possibly be in the comics??), Warren
A pairing that I love: Omg I love so many pairings in this show, but I think romantically it has to be Willow and Tara all the way <3 They're forever my otp in any show ever. Platonically, it's pretty much a tie between Spike/Dawn or Tara/Dawn. Dawn went through so much and is so overhated by the fandom. Even her own sister (although she was struggling with her mother's death too) didn't properly recognise her sister's pain the way that Tara and Spike did. They also both related heavily to Dawn; Spike had that whole conversation with Dawn about not being able to be good, and although it wasn't really shown on-screen, Tara related to discovering that things she had thought about herself were not true (Tara thinking she was a demon, Dawn discovering she was the key)
A pairing that I despise: Willow and Xander is eternally the worst romantic ship of all time. As I said earlier, Willow was WAY out of Xander's league. Also, with Oz, Tara, and Kennedy, Willow had the most impeccable taste. How in the world did she fall for Xander??
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
So, I'm here again. I hope I'm not pestering you or anything, but I'm really glad you didn't mind my rambling about Layla in my last message! I'll definitely be doing more of that, lol.
Anyway, I'm just super excited for the upcoming fanfiction you're working on, and I was wondering if you could share some general head-canons about the original character featured in the artwork you posted—Yulia. Unless, of course, you want to keep it mostly secret for now, at least until the fanfiction is released. Then that's fine too! You could also write about other original characters that you have plans for in future projects—I'd love to hear about them! Just share whatever you're comfortable with about your characters.
- 💌
aahhh 💌 anon, my beloved! i'm sorry i'm so late getting to this, but i've been thinking about it a ton. i can't tell you how happy it makes me when people are curious about my oc's!!!!
Yulia was the first oc i made for the boys! specifically for shipping with Homelander. she's changed a looooot since her initial conception in 2022. she started off as a supe, then i rewrote her to be a human working for Vought, and now i've swung back around to a revamped supe origin. i don't wanna spoil too much of the fic i have planned for her, but i do intend to do a full rewrite from the start of s2 forward. Yulia is going to be planted in the seven (instead of SF) as one step of a much larger scheme developed by the same russian team that took soldier boy (another plot i'm completely rewriting lol) where her job is to feed back information and ascertain Homelander's weaknesses, but in doing so she comes across his abusive origins and uh oh! things get complicated.
some facts about her are:
her powers are based on my own experience with phantom pain! she has the ability to manipulate the electrical signals that the brain uses to transmit information to the body. she can cause pain, pleasure, hallucinations, release hormones, all kinds of zany shit. she does run the risk of frying her own brain or causing it to send the same signals through her own body, though. manipulating someone else's nerve cells can confuse her own system into thinking there's a missing input somewhere, which can trigger debilitating migraines and other phantom pains.
her supe name, "Empress," is a play on the word Empathy, since her powers can be used to detect and influence someone's emotional state. it's also an inside joke about how desperate she is to impress her higher-ups and live up to expectation.
her upbringing has made a chronic people-pleaser out of her. she sincerely believes her powers are not her own, and that she owes it to the people who raised/made her to use them for others.
she has a big heart and is a bit of a crybaby. the character arc i have planned for her is overcoming that aspect of herself without losing the gentleness she's managed to hold onto.
she loves cheesecake so much. just so, so much.
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lavend-ler · 7 months
Skystar and StarOP ❤️💙🤍
What made you ship it?
I can'r remember exactly what made me ship it. I think I just saw mentions of that elusive Skyfire and was interested in who he is. I liked the idea of them together before. but then when I finally watched "Fire In The Sky" and I just.....completely understood
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
SkyStar is such a gorgeous wonderful ship that tugs on my heartstrings completely. there's just so much complete love and emotion for them. how they knew each other before the war and how they had to be away from each other for so many years later.....but then when they see each other again, they're not the same as they remembered
I just love the inherent tragedy of this, how Jetfire (I'll refer to him like this I'm just used to this name) wanted to return to his beloved's side but Starscream is not the same as he remembered. the worst of his personality came to the surface, instead of the curiosity, wonder and wisdom he had before. and the same with Starscream, I feel like he knows that Jetfire was right and yet couldn't say no to things he had believed in for so long. was he longer a Decepticon than he ever knew Jetfire? longer than he ever loved Jetfire? Starscream doesn't know either
and I feel like there's just this thing abt the tragedy between them. Jetfire tried but his kind heart couldn't become a Decepticon. Starscream didn't want to try, he didn't want to think of the Autobor ways. and I feel like Jetfire also wouldn't hold back, he has his own things. what I'm saying is that they both know how to hurt each other
their personalities work together so nicely too aahhh I love the kindhearted Jetfire and the hotheaded Starscream. both needing knowledge and curious in their nature. and that FABULOUS height difference aaaa
don't even get me started on Shattered Glass
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Jetfire deserves his own spotlight too! he's a wonderful character and as much as I love SkyStar, I need to see solo Jetfire stories too!
also it is not abusive I swear, I saw this take and I completely disagree. yes, they hurt each other. no, they don't abuse each other
What made you ship it?
I'm pretty sure u did make me ship them my man 😎 u brought this ship to my attention and I was joking while watching both TFP and G1, whenever they were on screen together like "omg starop" and one day I sat down and I was like damn...........StarOP REAL
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love their dynamic so so much. I love the brash and full of himself Starscream who gets humbled so hard by the Autobots. but rather than being mocked, he is actually helped by the kind Optimus. and since Optimus is also headstrong he wouldn't take any shit from Starscream as he tries to do better. it's just such a sweet clash and I see them both appreciating each other as time goes on. I mean Starscream is smart and cunning (in a good way too). Optimus is a leader and though often serious, he can joke around too. what I'm getting at is that they would both find each other sexy
TFA has to be my fave flavor for StarOP tho, I loved the banter and the personality clash of them, it's so fun. also with younger Optimus it also works wonders and that adamant Starscream I neeeddd to write a fic of them
TFP StarOP is so good too. the moment in Orion Pax part 2? Triangulation ep? DELICIOUS
also CBV StarOP with that amnesia trope of Starscream losing his memory and being taken care of by Optimus, while later on as Optimus steps down as a Prime, they can relax together.....showstopping
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
again, they're not toxic! if u write them right this is absolutely not a toxic ship. also I def can see Optimus giving a chance to Starscream but idk how unpopular that opinion is
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noxsoulmate · 11 months
Nice Ass(k) Week!
Noxy, I must know! What inspired the Titanic AU? Like, what sparked you to want to put Tarlos on a sinking boat in the middle of the Atlantic?
Aahhh thank you so much for including me in this 😍 thank you for this sweet ass(k)!
And I truly wish I had a better reply than: I don't remember anymore 😅🙈 but sadly, it's true. I've been thinking about it all day, ever since I saw your ask before work. I've even opened the original doc - which is from August 2021 - to see if I put down some notes, but nothing.
However, what I can tell you is why I came back to this idea after putting it aside for nearly a year:
So the original idea for this was a crossover with 911OG, with Buddie as the side-couple, not Judd and Grace as I have it now. I had TK and Buck as cousins (actually one of the earliest ideas I remember having), and Carlos and Eddie as best friends; I had a general plot, some ideas, and a few scenes written - before my muse ran out and I stopped the project about a year.
The thing was: two of those scenes that were already written are smut scenes between TK and Carlos, and I really, really love those. Aside from that there are some moments between Tarlos that I just couldn't get out of my head anymore - so I knew I had to come back and truly write this fic!
So that's how in January, I finally nixed the crossover idea, decided on Judd and Grace as the other ship, started a new doc, and got back to working on this project 🥰
I hope this answer is still acceptable, even though I don't remember the origin of my own idea anymore 🙈 still, thank you so much for this ask 🥰
For those of you who don't mind spoilers (or who live for them, just as I do), I'll list some of the Tarlos scenes that kept playing in my head and got me back to writing this fic below the cut 😘
Tarlos Titanic scenes that live in my head, rent-free:
their first night together (first scene I wrote for them)
the moment they first see each other on the Titanic (already written)
the moment when Carlos saves TK's life (similar to how it happens in the movie - also written by now)
the dinner scene (should get written this week)
them sneaking away together (multiple times, some of them already written)
the car sex (second scene I wrote for them)
TK saving Carlos after he gets arrested (also similar to the movie, also already written)
that damn fucking door that is definitely big enough to hold two people!!! 😂
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master-missysversion · 11 months
Ascension of the cybermen time!!
I'm dedicated to getting series 12 finished tonight, I want to start flux so bad
My liveblogs under the cut
The story of brendan is so much cuter than the actual timeless child story man. Maybe there's an alternate universe where the timeless child was found by someone as loving as that Irish couple
I looove scenes where companions find out the doctor knows about horrifying events in humanity's future. I wonder what the fam would think of the toclafane
Mmhm even though the doctor doesn't like weapons, she's still used to having plenty on hand when it comes to the cybermen. Even that abandoned theme park had a doomsday bomb on hand
I looove the cyberdrones, theyre so funky. Best thing since the cybermats 😄
Wooahh stunts.
God I love the doctor in this. I think she's so scarred from Bill, she desperately wants them to just leave and go far away from the cybermen. In that last mission with Bill, she thought everything would be fine, then she thought she could save Bill, then thought she could fix her. She knows better now. But I think she need to believe in herself more, because we all know what happens when the doctor assumes she'll lose...
Oohh it's Ashad
This is such a serious scene but the doctor runs so silly I love her
"I used to do this a lot and people got mad" story of your life i think 😆
Now what do you have ginger humbugs for girl 🤭
Sorry Ashad I can say with certainty that you will not be bringing about the end of humanity fhdjkddls
"Have to bill you for therapy at this rate" 😭😭
The brendan story as an allegory for the timeless child is so fascinating to me purely because there's parts of it that just....aren't quite right. Like the loving parents and the cliff fall being more malicious instead of accidental. Iirc the story was created by Tecteun so some of the changes make sense (the loving parents- tecteun sees herself as a saviour) but why the other changes? Just to make it make more sense? To seem more unremarkable?
A fully functional abandoned ship.....if its sounds too good to be true, it probably is
Graham is lowkey so doctory. "Are you gonna keep going on about that" "every hour, on the hour", "level 139, always been my favourite level." Over explaining his weird little phrases. And that reaction to being flirted with lol. It's all very doctor.
I feel bad that this Ko Sharmus guy ends up dying for nothing basically
Aw Yaz is very Doctory too. She has the doctors optimism.
I love that the brendan story is like. Everything is perfectly normal. Until you look a little too closely. Or watch a little too long. But even if someone had watched the whole thing, if theyre not familiar with earth customs, they might just assume everyone who retires from the garda gets their memory wiped. But even so, if they're paying attention then theyll probably find it a bit odd that brendan had aged but his loving father and supportive superior officer (who are now both torturing him and wiping his memory) haven't aged at all somehow. It's such a good allegory for the story of tecteun and the other higher ups exploiting the timeless child for endless life (thus lack of ageing) then betraying them after initially posing as someone to be trusted
Kicking my legs and clapping rn LOOK WHOS HERE
OH. I forgot it just ends right after he appears aahhh dbjsksmd what a cliffhanger
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voidzphere · 6 months
you asked for more rarepairs so you shall receive :3
tell me what u think of these ships
classicgenocross/purple melted icecream (i lov these stinkfarts sm!!! always think about them when i watch underverse ^_^)
ccinodream (they’re so freaking healthy :33 just sliding my opinion in here…. i think they’re way better than fluffymare…)
farmink/landscape (they’re such cuties!!! i see them farming together and ink just running after the chickens :3c ink would def name them silly little names)
classicdream/daydream (ough they’re so freaking cute…. the sillies would totes have hot chocolate at night and cuddle)
classicreaper/repeated death (such a good ship for angst…)
ciller/kross/killercross (my little stinkfarts)
classicouter/stargazing (these r my cuties ever. good god i love them so freaking much)
anti error x deranged!error (by mewo) (THIS WAS SUCH AN INTERESTING CRACKSHIP AND I WAS LIKE “they’re both a little crazy but what if they kiss….. holy fart…”) + more points because its classicerror but a little more sillier
anyway !!! pilez this all up in my armz
this soundz healthier than a strawberry salad bruh.. /pos
THATZ SO CUTE i feel like theyd zpeak different languagez to each other :3
rubz my handz together me and the bad bitch i pulled by being annoying ..
pointz. i love theze. love them. stuffz them into my clozet
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
I'm going to mix it up a bit and ask for Fingon for the character ask :)
(character ask game!)
one aspect about them I love:
oooh I love how morally grey he is actually. He's great as a heroic warrior prince who does dramatic rescues and fights dragons - but it's the fact that he's a Kinslayer that makes him SO fascinating to me. Love a sunshine boy with a dark streak.
one aspect I wish more people understood about them
hmm see above I guess. He's complicated!! Don't make him a cinnamon roll! He's not a cinnamon roll!!
one (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character
He was so angry with his father after his death actually. Fingon never wanted to be High King, and never really believed that Fingolfin - the wise, the patient, the steadfast! - would ever actually die. But more than that, I've talked before about how Fingon is the embodiment of hope in the Silmarillion (at least for the Exiles); and I think on a fundamental philosophical level he could not sympathise at all with Fingolfin's despair, did not understand how he could have given up when there was still hope - for Fingon there was always hope - and viewed pointless suicidal charges very unfavourably.
one character I love seeing them interact with
Hmm not to be basic but. Maedhros. I DO ship them very hard (sorry ik they're your notp!!) but even platonically I think their friendship is so excellent and touching. They care about each other so much!! The rescue!! Maedhros standing aside at Losgar!! The making of the Union!! I just love them.
one character I wish they would interact with/interact with more
getting VERY obsessed with the Fingon-Maglor relationship lately. There are so many different ways you can read it and it's fascinating. Did they hate each other? Were they grudgingly friends, or sincerely so? There's so many layers of complexity there.
one (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character
aahhh I think I kind of answered this above already with Fingolfin :( I do like picturing him as close to Aredhel. They're both impulsive and adventurous and maintain friendships with sons of Feanor even after the Helcaraxe!! I think Turgon tended to treat Aredhel as a Baby Sister a lot, but Fingon was rather more chill and fun with her (Fingon just has NO big brother vibes to me. Turgon got all the overprotectiveness in that family). I wonder if he ever found out (from Hurin maybe?) about her death :(
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