#AFO would be way more interesting if he were Izuku’s dad but I think canon recently disproved that
shima-draws · 5 months
thoughts on All for one for BNHA? :3
He sure does exist!
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no-face-no-shame · 1 year
A quick vent but this really bothered me
Why do people like All Might bashing so much? Like, what's the point? Especially since most of it is so out of character that it's just painful to read. Like, he's not flawless (that's kinda the point of his character - breaking the illusion of perfection.) But writing him as abusive/mean is just ridiculous, taking into consideration that his big *thing* is wanting good for others.
Today I saw a fic where the whole plot was basically "Aizawa is a good dad to Izuku who's diagnosed with autism, while All Might is horrible and ableist." Excuse me, but WHAT?? Ah yes, that man who's famously DISABLED, would totally be ableist and think that accommodation for a disabled student is "too much" and "unnecessary." That man who needs constant medical assist, who had to change his whole life to accommodate to his disability. Yeaaaaah, right.
Also, why are so many of AM bashing fics at the same time putting other teachers on pedestal. Aizawa was pretty awful to Izuku at the beginning, because he's a very judgemental person who needed to learn that he's sometimes wrong about others and that Izuku had a lot to offer. He certainly wasn't a perfect teacher, none of the UA teachers were. Aizawa got a great character development and later on was a good, dedicated teacher who sacrificed a lot for his kids. But treating him like he's a total angel who would never do anything wrong is just incorrect, especially considering that he's rough on students that are different from the rest in the way he considers "bad".
It really rubs me the wrong way when people literally ignore canon personalities of characters, break and reshape them into something those characters never were. You want a bad mentor for Izuku? Write an AU where his mentor is AFO. Write a villain AU where All Might is the bad guy and he's using Izuku as a tool. Or literally make an OC at this point. Just work with a different character that actually matches what you want to portray. Make Endeavour Izuku's mentor. Literally anything works better than trying to make All Might into a bad, cruel and abusive person. That's exactly the thing he'd never do.
I'm all for interpretations that focus more on the negative side of various characters - it can be very interesting. But some of y'all really just decided that you don't like AM for some reason and decided to rewrite the whole character, turning him inside out, to fit your personal issues with him. Issues that simply aren't there
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fruitgumy · 10 days
i think where a lot of dad for one fics/hc's fall flat for me is that they try to put izuku in the narrative role that yoichi already fills. afo is obsessed with yoichi and not much else. if dfo were canon it'd be more likely that izuku would be completely ignored in favor of afo obsessively pursuing yoichi which is imo a more interesting dynamic. izuku is angry at his dad for ignoring him his whole life, then he inherits ofa and finds out why afo has no interest in him. now afo makes a complete 180 and starts chasing izuku but not for the fact that he's his son, but because he has yoichi's vestige inside him. idk i feel like it's an underrated way to approach dfo
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20001541 · 1 year
so I'm going to answer this with the long answer I had typed for this since some wanted to hear it, putting it under read more
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oh haha um well it's complicated to say the least
there was a point in time (2021-early 2023) where I was a super hardcore believer, I wrote and read tons of fanfic about it, bought a zine about it, made meta about it, argued with anti dfo who got angry at me in the replies and even joined discord servers about dfo because I was really in love with this theory
but as of late I find myself just not want wanting it at all and actually dislike the thought of it being canon. for numerous reasons I'll get into
first off I feel at this point it'll just be super rushed. maybe if it was done earlier I would've been more warmer towards it as there would actually be time to digest this info. it would be a huge deal with a hero being the son of the number one villain, if it were to be canon I would want a full self reflection from Izuku, more about his mom and her thoughts and feelings about this, flashbacks to inko and afo's first encounter and marriage in its early days, maybe afo trying to isolate Izuku further by releasing this information publicly and turning civilians and some heroes against him. having him and his mom shunned by a lot of people (people calling izuku devils spawn), getting to see his classmates reactions, all mights reaction (!!!). maybe a talk with the vestiges about it and just stuff like that.
but there's no hope of ever getting any of that if it's revealed now. it's the middle of battle and at most I could see Izuku probably being shocked, afo taking advantage of his shock for a brief moment then we move on. which is very :/, feels like it would just be cheap shock value at that point so why even include it when it feels more detrimental than something interesting. maybe he could make it canon and have it not be rushed, but considering how he's treated the other plot points like the ua traitor plot and machia's kind of out of nowhere betrayal in this arc, I'm inclined to believe it would be rushed and messy as well.
I think I'm far more interested in seeing how afo and tomura's struggle plays out and afo's final encounter with yoichi and an exploration of his past and the person that afo is, rather than some last minute revelation that ends up not adding much to the story.
also the fact that izuku never thinks about hisashi once also plays into me being very "what's the point of having this" here. I know him having his memories tampered with is a popular theory but to me sounds like an awkward way to bypass the fact your main character didn't reflect once on something that ended up being extremely important later. I don't see any evidence of that either, at least with tomura he had some hazy recall about his past before everything came back to him with izuku we get nothing at all about hisashi. at least do where he vaguely remembers a tall man with an eerie presence and gentle smile that didn't reach his eyes whose face is obscured in shadow saying he's going on a short business trip and then he never came back after.
the next reason is I don't really like the more popular fanon characterizations of afo in dfo's settings (and the way people try integrating it with canon) not getting into this as I don't want to step on any toes, but this thing particularly has really turned me off from the theory as a whole.
also I hate the way some dfo fans treat afo, I remember it being common at one point for people to be like "lol afo is only interesting if dfo is true without it he's just some dumb one dimensional villain". when that's not the case, he has a lot of interesting things going on for him. I just hate how some only see his worth in whether he is izuku's dad or not. not all dfo fans think like this though, I'm not generalizing all of them it's just some do this and it irks me so bad. (and to be honest I used to be like this too, but I've changed)
and I also feel like a lot get too caught up in dfo stuff that they end up neglecting afo's character as a whole and it leads to some poor interpretations of his character and certain scenes because I feel some are trying too hard to find evidence/justification that they miss out on some of the more interesting dimensions of his character. not saying all of them do this, but I've seen enough of this along with other stuff I've said that's made me more :/ towards the theory as of late
another thing is that I guess I've also just grew tired of waiting? some people can only wait for so long before they change their minds on things they've used to love. and as I've said before in my first point too I just don't see the point anymore. I don't think even if it does happen we'll get some super in depth look at it and how it affects izuku and other characters. I was more passionate about it during the time where it seemed like we could get a good look into it, but not I'm more meh as it seems like we won't.
that said I do not have anything against dfo theorists. some of my favorite writers are big dfo proponents, one of my favorite fanfics of all time happens to be a dfo fanfic. I have some au's of my own about it and I enjoy reading others au's and I do enjoy the occasional dfo art piece. a lot of dfo theorists in my experience are really nice too.
I think it's so stupid how angry people get at dfo theorists, how you can't mention it outside your circle without risk of being insulted or jumped on. which I have experienced before in my dfo days (not on here though). at the end of the day it's just a little theory people have come up with, if it comes true then whatever if it doesn't then whatever right? just leave people alone and even if you disagree with them at least be respectful. it would be neat if fans with differing opinions on stuff in the story could come together and have an actual conversation once in a while so both sides could better understand each other, but sadly this is the Internet and disagreements like that usually result in a angry back and forth exchanges filled with insults.
as a whole I'm not interested in the dfo theory anymore to me it's something I would prefer to just remain a fanon thing rather than something that becomes canon. but yeah these days it's just very rare for me to read it, it's not something I seek out and I usually only read it from authors I already trust. but if someone wanted me to read their dfo fic and they were nice about it well I wouldn't be opposed to reading it. I don't mind if someone wants to talk about it with me either. I like talking about afo as a whole even if it's in the realms of a theory I'm not crazy about.
I guess I am grateful to dfo in a way as its what made me really take notice of afo in the first place. It made me look more into scenes that he was in and over time I ended up liking him more than the theory itself and ended up just abandoning the theory as a whole. I don't think I would be as in love with him as I am now if it weren't for dfo making me a take closer look at him. also believe it when they say the dfo theorist to afo simping pipeline is real because it happened to me. if you're keeping this man constantly in your thoughts theres a chance it could happen to you.
overall I don't feel like it's going to be canon anymore? I don't really care for it being canon either. there's too much stuff going on that still needs to be wrapped up and I think dfo wouldn't be able to fit in all of it. the only things I would say make me hesitate about it being true is the fact he said hisashi will be revealed back in 2018 and some of the meanings behind hisashi's name. but generally feeling like there's a 20% chance of it happening seeing where we are as of now. I think past me would've been horrified to hear me say this now because I used to be extremely confident it would happen but things change
anyways you wanted my opinion and there it is, this is just how I feel and you're free to disagree with me as long as you're not rude about it.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Dad for One and the Ship thesis
Sample Size of true believers: 40
Unsure DFO: 4
Ship Categories:
TDDK: 25 (DFO believers) Plus 2 (Unsure DFO believers)
IzuOcha: 14 (DFO Believers) Plus 1 (Unsure)
BakuDeku: 6 (DFO believers) Plus 1 (Unsure)
ShinDeku:15 (DFO Believers)
AoDeku/Dekuyama: 10 (DFO Believers)
I wish there had been more samples but honestly this is what I suspected. While you all were probably thinking this is to find the most popular ship-  Note some do over lap because I made the TERRIBLE mistake of not clarifying only two ships. So if they don’t add up- That’s why oppsie.
I narrowed it down to five popular ships. As honestly I was trying to find out the least popular ship that usually very popular. It was to find out which ship happens to have the weakest in this and actually there were some very interesting comments.
A lot of BKDK ships mentioned not keeping up or just being tired of TDDK but the thing is Bakudeku is the most popular ship on tumblr. Which seems to imply if they kept up with the series it possibly it might change IF kept to the DFO theory. So I have some thoughts of how most DFO seem to perceive this specific ship.
I only counted those that were 100% believers since that is what is relevent to the topic. So those that don’t want it canon nor believe in it aren’t counted but those unsure were semi-counted.
Note I am not a professional I am someone who took AP Psychology and got a scholarship for it but that’s it. I’m no actual psychologist or scientist. This is also just my thoughts and should not be the end all be all. All ships are valid.
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Now how can ships be related to Izuku’s dad being All for One you ask? Especially if kept with the chapters?
Lack of BakuDeku in DFO:
Actually a lot, because the implications of AFO being Izuku’s dad also means was in close proximity to Bakugo. That he watched and probably grew a special hatred to him. I mean this man got one of the childhood ‘friends’ and turned into a Nomu. Rest in Peace Tsubasa you were literally a child.
It only because of Izuku’s constant proximity that Bakugo wasn’t taken out. Now you think, wouldn’t that mean people ship it more since Izuku’s protecting him?
Actually, it’s the opposite! Because of Bakugou’s bullying constantly along with Izuku trying so hard to fit in to be friends it actually be terrible if suddenly disappeared. He wasn’t purposely protecting him it was literally the circumstances that protected him. Think of it from the point of view of a parent watching someone bully your kid and unable to do anything.
Everyone follows to Bakugou’s beat, he’s the leader, the cool kid, the prodigy. Do you think they would just ‘stop’ bullying Izuku when he’s gone? Hell no, now there is no ‘leader’ to construct how to bully and it could get worst. While Izuku might have become traumatized because the one he admires is gone.
Izuku is a quirkless kid and Bakugou may be a little monster but he is likely what keeps others from doing worst. Despite being the little bastard that started it.
But also, Izuku DOES admire him. He wants to surpass him and taking him out would do nothing but hurt him.
Most DFO Believers that don’t like Bakugou are begrudgingly dealing with the ‘perfect’ boy Bakugo like All for One is. Izuku admiration isn’t something that is ignored we all are aware and see that but we also can’t ignore the ten years of verbal abuse and bullying either. So in a weird way All for One is also a good way to channel that disgust without hating on him.
As how it seems Bakugo can never do anything wrong. Everyone loves him, in the manga, outside the manga, the damn classmates! He’s ridiculously talented while Izuku has to work super hard for everything he does. Bakugou never deals with consequences for his action and all we ever got was a Sorry when IZUKU is already feeling like crap as a vigilante.
Honestly I love Bakugou as a character but I can’t ship him with Izuku because of these specific issues. The only problem he had was with All Might having to save him, but that isn’t even his fault. Believing in DFO is also having to deal with the idea that the man would probably be trying to murder Katsuki out of a ‘fatherly’ desire to protect his kid.
However, for some maybe they enjoy that dramatic. The Dad unable to forgive the bully even if just reforms can be a interesting shipping dynamic. But it definitely not a popular one if you see if from a parents perspective. But for those younger or more wild in their shipping that sounds like a good time and why people could ship it even in a DFO setting!
But believing in DFO is also acknowledging there a eldritch like villain that would very much kill Bakugou Katsuki in a more personal horrific sense. Which might not be someone cup of tea.
The most popular ships are Tododeku. With ShinDeku and IzuOcha behind but what do they have in common?
They all have GOOD relations with Izuku. There is no animosity between them, history or anything and they get along genuinely. There is no bad blood and Izuku has actively shown to enjoy being around them.
This shows that they want Izuku to be happy, they want him to be with someone without that history. The reason Todoroki is most popular is BECAUSE of his own family issues. Shoto Todoroki had a very abusive father in Endeavor who pushed him harder then most when was so small till he puked.
What cemented his popularity is during the fight, Izuku could have won. No seriously if he went all out could have punched Shoto RIGHT out of the field before could have realized it. But instead he dragged it out trying to get him to turn on his fire and he SUCCEEDED.
He made him lose his fire and Shoto smiled because in that moment he forgot his father. This is similar to ShinDeku but Deku didn’t break his bones for him like did with Shoto and did beat his ass.
Many can see the charm of Shoto ride or die personality coming through when his dad is revealed. That he could looks at Izuku and say he is nothing like his dad and mean it. Because Izuku is the one that TAUGHT him that.
Actually it also why Shinsou popular because Izuku did help him to become a hero in that fight. Can see why todoshindeku is popular.
The other Popular ships is IzuOcha is also built on the idea of they just want Izuku to be happy. To be with someone soft who can take care of him and while many likes TDDK they are ok if he ends up with Ochaco. Because she is a really sweet person who would treat him right.
If I had a bigger sample I suspected there be a lot more people with this ship but as it stands my sample is small. Tho can see many who aren’t big shippers do seem to like it too. Since they are very ‘canonly’ even if they have different ships preferred.
These are the ships that a All for One would approve of if wasn’t being evil and all. Haha!
Some Honorable mentions, Shigaraki & Deku. There aren’t many but some like the hero/villain dynamic and drama that entails. 
Tho I can only imagine how awkward AFO would be having to pretend he totally doesn’t know Deku. He has no idea what you’re talking about-
Now AoDeku:
While it definitely jumped up in popularity it not as popular as I suspected. Note I couldn’t include every ships so tried to pick ones that people called special attention toward and this is one.
Now this is interesting because if you believe in Dad for One oh boy! That is a fun ride because this big scary supervillain forced this kid to watch Izuku. 
This kid likely has no idea WHY or for what purpose he is to be sent to this school. Also if Izuku looks like AFO is likely stressed wondering if is his kid but no way is he going to ask. While Izuku just happily thinking they are friends.
That is a GREAT dynamic. It like having a boyfriend/friend that your dad paid to hang out with you and the drama.
It can also be quite cute because Aoyama isn’t really a bad person he was just forced to do bad things. While not as popular as the TDDK I can say the potential it has is likely why it’s quite popular in the DFO fandom.
This experiment was mostly to see if the most popular ship on tumblr BakuDeku was also in the DFO community. The fact it isn’t and most people that ship that seem either iffy or just not believers seems to show either they don’t want to think too hard about the DFO connection. Or because looking into DFO also dissects the traits of Izuku, it shows that a lot of insecurities is from the bullying it might discourage people.
It’s hard to tell and likely because I should have also asked why they like a ship how it would fit with a DFO belief.
While the most popular ships ironically don’t have as much drama or bad blood so can focus more on dealing with evil as heck father. Rather then any baggage between them along with over protective dad.
Also, everyone just REALLY likes the solidarity of our Dad sucks! That would occur between Shoto and Izuku.
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swiftwidget · 4 years
MHA: Fling Theory
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While writing a much, much longer analysis and prediction post (which we will finish and post hopefully by Wednesday - fingers crossed, it’s already been delayed over a week because of work schedules and additions) and a portion discussing what @aoimikans​ and I know of the wider-known Dad for One Theory, I had to pause while discussing the topic of Nana Shimura’s husband.  
At the time, I had been writing about the alternative ways All for One found Nana Shimura and her husband (whether he was a hero, a civilian, or perhaps the 6th User of OfA) and killed her husband. I mentioned there is an alternative theory floating around that All for One was actually her husband, but it is generally easy to debunk based on canon information, including recent information given to use via Gran Torino’s flashback: 
In a recent chapter, when we see Gran Torino watch Nana as she gives up Kotaro, Nana says later in the flashback “if he learns of Kotaro” as if All for One was not aware of the boy, to begin with. That may imply that her husband was killed while she was pregnant and she escaped AfO’s attention long enough to raise Kotaro for a few years. 
One would think that if AfO was her husband, he’d know about Kotaro early on, or at the very least know of the attempts to have a child. And if AfO already knew of their connection, he would try to use it against her and put both her and her child in danger. Not only that but when All for One finds Shimura’s family later on - and he would have to have found them to show interest in Tenko - he simply allows Kotaro and Hana to die. Kotaro, Nana’s son, and Hana, Kotaro’s daughter who resembles Nana in both name and appearance. If he had been her husband and found she’d managed to hide away a child, I can’t imagine he wouldn’t move to possess that entire family somehow. 
Then… It occurred to me that there is another alternative option which I’m calling the Fling Theory. 
All for One approached Nana Shimura under a different name and quirk (much like the theorized Dad for One = Hisashi Midoriya situation) and attempted to get close enough to her to create a relationship, trick her into giving him One for All (and maybe even a child at that point). All for One was unsuccessful stealing the quirk by force up until then. Perhaps he thought a different approach would work, and being a charismatic person and egotistical it sounds like something he’d do. 
Maybe it got as far as a night of passion before Nana realized who All for One was and fled. That would certainly give one plausible explanation for why everything seems so personal when All for One discusses Nana Shimura. Moreover, if she discovered she was pregnant after? A marriage to a hero or civilian husband to cover for the existence of a child would be necessary to hide him. Again, in Gran Torino’s recent flashback, there is that focus on what Nana says: “if he learns of Kotaro...” 
If Nana fled this false relationship, found out she was pregnant but decided to keep the child, and got married to another man in a very short amount of time, wouldn’t that give the prideful All for One reason to kill the otherwise unnamed, unidentified husband first? Revenge against the woman who did what his brother never could except through death, escape him and build another life. When Nana makes the heartbreaking decision to alter her family registry and send Kotaro into foster care, she is not just protecting herself and Kotaro at that moment, but she is ensuring she takes the secret of Kotaro’s father to the grave.
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Which makes it all the more terribly ironic given what we believe All for One did upon discovering Kotaro and the life he’d built for himself. 
We believe All for One discovered Kotaro and his family and watched them for some time. Enough time to know their names, their home life, the kind of life Kotaro’s children were living - specifically Tenko Shimura. In 2016, aoimikans wrote a fanfic called “What Lies Have You Told?” based on her theory that All for One gave Tenko the Quirk: Decay. Then in chapter 235, we see a man dropping Tenko off wearing AfO’s signature suit with no tie (just before Decay manifests). This seemed like pretty strong evidence for that to be the case. A while back during our MHA discussions, we also added to that theory that in exchange, All for One took Tenko’s (“Ten” 天 = sky, “ko” 子 = child) unmanifested Quirk: Air Walk which we saw him use at Kamino and was the only Quirk written specifically in katakana. (Sky child, Air Walk → Sky Walk → Skywalker because Horikoshi loves his Star Wars references.) 
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All for One never learned of Kotaro’s true origin. In giving Tenko Decay, he put into motion the events that led not only to Kotaro’s death but also the death of Tenko’s sister, Hana.
Each time All for One tries to own/possess family, he ends up destroying it. 
And again, every time All for One speaks to and of Nana, it’s terribly personal. 
In the All Might Rising OVA, AfO thanks Nana for the “amusing comedy.” Is that a bitter reminder that what they had was an act? That it was all a game to him? (At least, it was meant to be a game until she escaped him for a time.) Either way, his monologuing at Nana, the personal focus on her, may have cost him the chance to capture All Might while he was young and unprepared to fight him. 
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During their first fight and at Kamino, each time All for One talks about Nana to All Might, he mocks her to anger him. All Might is Nana’s successor but more than that he is like her son. He is representative of everything All for One could not get from Nana, both One for All the quirk and the love and loyalty of family (be it a child or his brother’s remnant in OfA). Of course, he takes every opportunity to rub Nana’s death and what he views as her shortcomings in All Might’s face. 
And how would All for One know of Nana’s ideals in order to mock them? How would he know of her signature push-up smile that he parrots at Kamino? The way he talks about her even as he mocks her seems to imply that he knows these ideals of hers, how she might talk about them, her vision of the future… Sure, she might have said things during their fight, but honestly, that sounds more like something you’d tell someone as you were getting closer to them.  
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This theory naturally pairs well with the Dad for One Theory for a few reasons:
The resemblance pointed out between Nana Shimura and Inko Midoriya. (All for One has a type.) 
The resemblance and similarities between young Tenko and young Izuku. (A family resemblance?) 
The continued themes of family, lineage, and legacy that is shown throughout MHA but works specifically well when we think about how Shigaraki and Deku relate to either side of the All for One / One for All coin. 
The continued use of name puns and Star Wars references that hint and foreshadow. 
Side note: How does the 6th User of One for All fit in this theory? 
We assume based on what canon tells us that All for One has been trying to take back his brother’s quirk, the last remnant of his brother and only family. 
(All for One claimed to love his brother - though his view of love is clearly skewed toward simply possessing his brother - and he tried endlessly to manipulate his brother into showing his “love” in return with loyalty to him and his view of the world. In death and through the passing down of One for All, his brother had escaped him.)
Based on flashbacks, All for One’s attempts up until the 6th User seemed to include killing them off while they were relatively young. Maybe he was attempting to hunt them down, weaken them, and then torture them until they willingly gave him the quirk; however, he was never successful because each User of One for All was successful in passing it down to the next, playing a dangerous game of keep-away.
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From the 4th (top right, long hair) to the 5th (see his jacket shoulder), from the 5th (center, bald) to the 6th (far right hand?), from the 6th (bottom center, black hair) to the 7th (Nana’s gloved hand at the very bottom of the frame?). 
Aoimikans and I were trying to figure out: Who was the 6th to Nana? 
He looks younger than most of the other users we can see (not counting the younger, blurry version of Toshinori), too young to have been teaching or training Nana. And in the frame discussing how the quirk was passed down, we see that his right arm is missing, he is offering his hair to pass on One for All, and also… 
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… he’s smiling. 
There is something else Nana said that makes us wonder if maybe the 6th User was Nana’s first love:  
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To be able to meet again at the end within One for All, she thinks it’s romantic. It may just be her personality, but the idea of reuniting with specifically the previous users is romantic to her. 
Could it be then that the 6th was her first, young love? Could it be that they were both heroes and when he was hunted down by All for One, the 6th hastily gave her the quirk with a smile on his face - a smile she pressed onto her face, and a smile she passed down to Toshinori?
Could All for One have found out that she had that kind of relationship with the 6th and attempted to replicate the feelings that led the 6th to pass OfA to Nana? 
Not only that, but there is that focus on the romantic with regards to specifically previous Users of One for All. Why don’t we see that kind of desire to reunite with the husband that was killed? 
Well, if she were trying to find a husband quickly (not necessarily for love), one who wouldn’t mind that she was already pregnant or who would want to just as quickly have a child with her under the belief she wasn’t pregnant - how best would she go about finding such a man? Quirk marriage. It was likely more common in her time. She’s a hero, young, and with a flying-type quirk. She’d be a catch for any man wanting a marriage focused on mixing quirks. And wouldn’t that be just the kicker for All for One? In his view, she fled him only to run into the arms of a man who wanted her for her quirk? His ego can only take so much of a beating. 
Possible timeline: 
The 6th and Nana have a romantic connection
AfO hunts down and fatally injures the 6th
The 6th gives One for All to Nana with a smile 
Nana escapes for a time
AfO discovers Nana and knows of her previous connection to the 6th
AfO uses his knowledge of their connection to try and manipulate her into a relationship based on falsehoods to trick her into giving him One for All 
Nana discovers AfO’s identity and flees
Nana discovers she is pregnant with Kotaro
Nana quickly marries a man, possibly through Quirk Marriage, to explain away the pregnancy
AfO finds Nana again after years and rashly kills her husband before finding out more about her life
Nana is forced to quickly give up Kotaro to foster care and alter her family records to hide him from All for One, keeping All for One from using the knowledge of their connection against her (again) 
Nana goes into hiding again, eventually finds and trains Toshinori and passes down One for All 
All for One finds Nana again but she doesn’t run away. All for One mocks her (allowing her successor and friend to escape) and kills her in the fight but keeps her hand. 
AfO later finds Kotaro and his family, gives Tenko Decay, unwittingly allows Tenko to destroy what family he had made, AfO takes in Tenko and gives him the name Tomura Shigaraki claiming that Shigaraki is his own surname - ironic to be giving his own grandson his surname thinking he’s simply taking from Nana Shimura the last remnant of her own family. Revenge for her giving away the last remnant of his brother to All Might.  
Meantime, AfO took on the name Hisashi, met Inko (who looks like Nana but would be in his view meeker), and had Izuku. 
Fun fact: Shigaraki is 20 in canon. Izuku is around 15. AfO would’ve likely taken in Tenko Shimura around the time Izuku was born. So, at that point in time, he thinks he’s won that battle. Started a family of his own with a Nana look-a-like, and stolen away Nana’s family. All he needs to do now is take back OfA and kill All Might. Then he’ll have everything he’s wanted.
Then, All Might smashes All for One’s Empire and head in, and he takes away All for One’s ability to be a part of the family he’d tried to create. Adding insult to injury, All Might takes Izuku under his wing 5 years later and gives him One for All. Stealing everything from All for One. (All but Shigaraki - the child pawn All for One raised to hurt All Might, not knowing his own grandson.)
And there you have it: Fling Theory!  
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sanchoyo · 4 years
Looks like you’re gonna have to gush some more cuz I meant in general uwu🌸
🌺😌🤟 Always happy to! Okay here’s just some General bnha Thoughts ™ Mostly Lov centric. You asked for them, and you said GUSH about them, so here’s. A Lot! :)
This isn’t a lov one but it’s really funny so I thought I’d put it out there:
-when bnha was first gaining traction on tumblr, it was all art of Tsuyu. I have no idea why. People were talking about the funky frog lesbian superhero anime. Maybe it was just the people I was following, maybe it was a general trend, but I LOVED her design!!! my fav color and frogs r super cute!!! And I already loved superhero media, so I was like. I’ll watch it. For Her. SO. FROPPY IS THE REASON I WATCHED/READ BNHA. I went in thinking she was the protag and I was sooo confused when Izuku was... tbh I still think it’d be more interesting if she was lmaooo aus where? ...seriously if anyone has good aus where this is the case send them LOL
-I don’t actually feel that bad abt what Shigaraki’s doing. I still feel bad for him. I’m this post. yes im an apologist. its not my fault hes sexy and has been running around shirtless. hes a lesbian icon like thor is. I want to touch his hair. hes never done anything wrong in his life. he could kill all might, deku, bakugo, whatever, I’d still be sayin this. I don’t feel bad for gt. like. was anyone genuinely attached to him? lmao
-well u know how spinner’s quirk is just sticking to things? We haven’t seen him use it in canon except like, (1) time iirc?? I think this is probably bc he’s embarrassed about it even in front of the league... I loooove the idea that he gets more comfortable with it around them :”) and also how shigaraki. um. does that falling asleep thing while standing up with his eyes open, canonly? (which I still love lmfao) Imagine someone in the league walking in a dark room, turning on the light n just seeing. Spinner upside down, stuck to the ceiling asleep bc heat rises and its Warmer Up There. (cold blooded thing like tsuyu?? come ON give him a big fuzzy coat and scarf...) and Shigaraki in the center of the room, slouched but still standing, eyes open and motionless. Theyre both sleeping. Whomever sees it just...slowly walks out. LMAO
-Toga roller derby au. No deep thoughts I just think she’d be good at it. 
-Toga 100% is a social butterfly and could befriend anyone if they didn’t just judge the fact she was trying to stab them smh :/ (ok but seriously anytime I see cute friendships with her n the other kids im like :) aw. I feel like her and Camie...would be good friends. Camie feels chill enough to be like ‘ok whatever thats totally fine I forgive you!!’ LMAO we love airheads here)
-HOW DID TOGA GET SO GOOD AT FIGHTING? We know she’s been on the run since middle school or so, but good enough to pin Deku down after he’s been formally trained at a ~hero school~ for a while? (she pinned him TWICE I think, once when his arms were messed up, but, the other time as Camie, so? AND THEN WAS ONE OF THE 100 PEOPLE TO GO THRU TO THE 2ND ROUND OF THAT? even tho she didn’t bc she had to leave) good enough to beat Aizawa in a fight and stab him? A professional hero and teacher for YEARS? Is that seriously just street training??? Can people acknowledge how amazing her combat skills and reflexes are??? More Toga appreciation when?? Also her backstory??? SO subversive and incredible, hate when people reduce her to just a ~typical anime yandere~ :/
-Tomura doing stuff with his hands/fingers to train his quirk!!! And to learn to be careful with it!! obv I’m a Big Fan of him playing piano to do this and video games are prob the canon answer, but like, guitar or any stringed instrument that requires Hands would work too. Or knitting/sewing? EMBROIDERING? ??? Please, let me give you the mental image of him knitting aggressively while mentally scheming, watching a twitch streamer or smth too while doing it. (Doing stuff with your hands is a great way to let your mind come up with creative stuff, that’s how I come up with writing/drawing ideas 70% of the time)
-Tomura actually PREFERS cutesty, relaxing games. I mean, he does fighting and bloody stuff irl, games are a way to relax...he’ll play shooters and gta type games with The Lads, but. on his own?? animal crossing. pokemon. kirby games. mario. zelda. BIG ZELDA FAN (not saying this bc I, personally, am biased, but,) slime rancher, stardew valley, funny simulator games... he really enjoys those :”) God forbid he has a kid bc they’re 100% getting named after a viddy game character unless someone can talk him out of it LOL. Toga and Tomura are that animal crossing /doom meme where she’d be asking for doom and him asking for animal crossing :”)
-Bits and pieces of Before are kinda stuck in Kurogiri’s brain, but like. mostly useless stuff the doctor didn’t care about removing. Like, types of clouds. So Tomura kinda picks up on stuff like that. He can just look at clouds and tell you what type they are because Kurogiri used to take him up to high places in the city and point them out to calm Tomura down from a panic attack when he was younger. He can tell you if the sky looks like it’ll rain with a 80% accuracy rate too. 
-Kurogiri left food out for kitties in the alley beside the bar. They weren’t allowed in for Health Reasons (it IS a bar with sanitation standards!!) And Tomura really wouldn’t stop it or encourage it either way so long as Kurogiri did his job, but occasionally would stand outside with Kurogiri and just watch the kitties from a distance. If any approached he’d go back in (lowkey afraid he’d hurt them by touching them :( ) They kinda kept that between them tho, bc they both Know AFO is a big bag of dicks and no fun
-people have pointed out how similar aizawa and tomura look. this was 100% the intention. tomura has a hatecrush on him. THIS IS SO FUNNY AND HORRIBLY AWKWARD FOR KUROGIRI LMAO
-Sako??? Mr. Dramatic?? Opera fan. Drama kid. Like, obviously, but. Really. He is. I feel like he can speak a dozen languages. I also feel like he used to be an overachiever but got too ambitious. He was def some kind of leader at one point of a diff Group or something that fell apart. I LOVE how creative he is with his quirk and the magician theme??? incredible. I don’t show him enough love but I Love Clowns :o)
-I don’t care what their canon heights are. Spinner and Dabi? short kings. My height hcs are (tallest to shortest) Kurogiri, Twice, Sako (who also has heels on his boots and a tall hat, keep in mind), Tomura, Magne (Tomura and Magne are about the same height imo) Toga, Spinner, Dabi. LISTEN. Dabi has short energy. Sorry. it’s true tho
-This is a semi-popular hc I think bc I KNOW I’ve seen it before, but Dabi having Terrible Vision and needing glasses is so so good. (seriously, with burns THAT close to his eyeballs, how could he not?) 
-he tries to be a tough loner coolguy. you’d think he’d smoke, but I hc his ‘weak constitution’ comes with weak lungs (esp from years of a flame quirk?? inhaling smoke over so much time is SO bad for you, most people who die in fires actually die of smoke inhalation...) so he’s got like, an inhaler, can’t smoke, actually gets carsick, needs glasses, overuses quirk to save friends constantly, likes napping, a little awkward and rude. Tomura put him in charge of the vanguard so he’s smart, and good with strategies too, like a nerd. this is the Dabi I wanna see, not the popular fandom version of him tbh also step on hawks one more time sir :”)
-I wish all the lov fics weren’t?? villain!deku like I said earlier, but also, chatfics? I have nothing against them but most of them are just a bombardment of Memes with NO PLOT!!! Listen. text/chatfics CAN have plot and be an interesting way to tell a story. I almost want to write one just to show what I mean...
I know I’ve said I like spinaraki and blackmagic, but I am a multishipper, so a few ships I don’t talk about that I like that involve the lov in some way:
-toga/any of the 1A girls??? or Camie??? super interesting. ALSO in the radio drama, bakugo’s voice actor said Toga was his favorite girl??? so?? bakugo/toga ?? I WANT TO SEE IT. but specifically my fav dynamic with her is when someone ELSE is the one to like her first, it’s what she deserves.
-Kurogiri/aizawa/mic?? any variety of that is also 👌🏻 I also kinda wanna see kurogiri/all might bc. Dads. COME ON. they bond over ‘well, I raised him, and you want to have a part in his life now?? ok. earn it. prove it. I’ll screen you first’ or something LMAO they’re both genuinely concerned for the boy, and SOOO biased. let them bond.
-giran/twice is cute. like he was hyping him up so much and so ready to go save him...
-dabi/magne where is the content. when. why not everywhere??? I’ve also seen magne/compress which was cute!! or twice/magne? they’re the big sibs of the lov...
-dabi/spinner?? come ON dabi could get over his learned biases and spend time with him and they could hold hands. I want them to.
-dabihawks. Obviously bc the Drama. yes even still, don’t @ me. (also, shigahawks, seen some REAL interesting fics with it tbh) or spinahawks?? adding hawks to a ship is like adding extra chili powder. makes it SPICY dramatic)
-nine/tomura don’t @ me once again. both kinda afo’s playthings, nine obviously was the test for tomura’s new upgrades...they both love their friends...That Scene in the Flower field </3 hmmm tragicships are fun.
-tomura/mirko. more enemies to lovers. big fan of her and bunnies. remember when he wore bunny ears in bnha smash. (ok its crack but. CUTE.) 
-I’ve also seen shiganatsu and shigafuyu and I’m like. these are cute, but also Dabi’s reaction always makes me cry laugh. so good.
-MOST EVERYONE IN THE LOV IS LGBTQA+!!! heres my personal headcanons:
Toga: pan or bi (CANON BASICALLY)
Magne: transwoman (CANON BABEY) bi, leans towards men. (her crush on dabi in bnha smash... uwu content where)
Shuichi: gets sooooo flustered canonly, I think he’d go for the first person Who Hit On Him (I can see him being the target of those mean pranks where someone says ‘my friend likes you!!’ and the friend is like ‘eww!!’ :(((( ) he’s super hesitant for romance, lots of repressed stuff. gay but takes sooo long to realize it bc he thinks most women are conventionally pretty Aesthethically, feels obligated to Like Them, but has bad self esteem so never goes after them, then only likes (1) guy so hes like?? is this allowed?? is this allowed???? (HES LIKE. IN LOVE WITH SHIGARAKI)
Dabi: bi but rly hasn’t ever gotten to date anyone, so he’s actually more reserved about it and while he’ll tease, he absolutely is absent and kinda oblivious (again, I KNOWWWW bnha smash isnt canon, but. my god. when magne is hitting on him and he Just Doesnt Understand.) also hes ace
Tomura: doesn’t care. (just prob says ‘its whatever’) trans/nonbinary (i’M NOT PROJECTING, BUT. :’/) probably goes with like, the label queer if any but doesn’t care much for labels
Kurogiri: bi??? kind of??? I say kind of bc well, I hc U Know Whom as bi, I feel like thatd carry over but he’d be really avoidant to date anyone bc hes gotta Watch His Kid u know? this is gonna sound surprising but I think he’d be the type to be like ‘ok we can have a one night stand/fling BUT it cant get personal bc I have a Job to Do for my Son so don’t get up in your feelings’ and act a little coldly at first or very ..not personable... depending on who it was he’d prob turn around eventually, esp if that person valued his feelings/job :”)
Sako: that mans Not Straight. I hc him as gay and also trans :3c
Twice: Bi and HAS dated prob more than anyone else in the league imo, super comfortable with his sexuality and supportive of everyone else’s :)
ok that’s about all I can think of atm, come back in 5 minutes and my brain will refill with lov headcanons :3 thank you for asking!!
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blukwolf · 5 years
Alright so I was watching a... comic? (Yes, watching, as in watching it in yt) idk about Izuku having AFO and accidentally stealing Bakugou's quirk which led to the Midoriya's leaving Japan and going overseas with Hisashi, who happened to be All For One, so this idea came to me as a different take on Vigilante borderline Villain Deku.
(sorry for every mistake you may see here, english is not my native language)
AU in which AFO is Izuku's dad and Izuku inherited AFO, thus leading to him taking quirks from his peers when he was a child because he didn't know how to 'turn it off', which then led to him not having a lot of friends because the rest of the kids were afraid he might try to steal their quirks indefinitely. He went overseas with his family to try and 'forget' about what happened and maybe get a better hand at controlling Liability, his quirk.
Once he's back in Japan, after AFO v AM fight (the first one) news broke out about The Greatest Villain™ having a heir somewhere around the world (which the people would be confused about, but not the villains, THEY KNOW about the Lord of the Underground, they've heard the rumours, so) so word spreads about Izuku without no one knowing is about him exactly, but Bakugou Remembers, he never forgot about 'the Deku who steals quirks' which would be really difficult to evade, given the fact that Katsuki is the powerhouse he is in canon and pretty much everyone hates him, fears him or fawns over.
With this in mind, Izuku knows there's no way for him to become a Hero, not if he wants to be recognized as All For One's son, so his best route to achieve his dream is by doing it out of the law, being a Vigilante.
By this point either way his view of the Hero Society is more wide open, HE KNOWS the difficults of having a quirk that doesn't fit society's standards, HE KNOWS how hard it is to be viewed as the "bad one" for something you didn't have control over, HE KNOWS people would judge you based on literal bullshit if they can, so he doesn't risk it, he can't risk it for his mom, for the safety and the love Inko needs after "losing" his husband.
(they both are very aware of who Hisashi was and Inko is heartbroken, so Izuku doesn't want to make it harder for her by going out on full display on UA by wanting something that doesn't belongs to him)
This leads to him wanting desperately a change, to go out an Do Something for those like him, for those who are ignored by the ones who only wish more recognition, for those who, like him, were casted aside as "liabilities" for the Society.
He wants to be an All Might of sorts, but a little more... Discreet. Without the big announcement, the smile, the 'bunny ears'. He takes more after Eraserhead.
So, he becomes 'Reprise', a vigilante (criminal for those Good Ones™) who goes 'berserk' at night, beating up all types of Real Criminals, going from drug dealers to genuine Villains, freeing neighborhood after neighborhood and doing what some pros are supposed to do.
He takes the quirks of those who he despises, those who he thinks are the worst of the worst. With them, he doesn't hold back, he ambushes them, takes them off guard and takes their quirks as soon as he can.
It's a little bit like Stain, without the murder and the intensity, but he does share a bit of his ideals, mostly when it cames down to the 'True Heroes' and all that jazz.
News start to spread about the new 'villain' going around beating others just for fun, which leads to other villains wanting to prove themselves by conquering the 'Mad V', thus leading to those same villains ending up without a quirk and a wake up call.
(He's not directly involved with UA and the stuff happening to Class 1A, just briefly jumping in to stop Stain and saving Iida's life (IIDA'S LIFE, unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that Iida's entire life/career changed after that, the Hero Killer achieving his goal of damaging him forever))
With word on the street about a new vigilante doing 'God's Work' and defeating Villain after villain, the rumours make their way into UA halls and the police force, alerting Tsukauchi and Nedzu, which eventually leads to Bakugou knowing about it and having his suspicions.
(Neither Bakugou nor Izuku have encountered each other since the day Izuku left for America, so that)
Now about his appearance, he doesn't have the typical Gucci Eyebags for having insomnia, no. He does have the Gucci Eyebags for going around beating villains so late at night.
He IS a bit different regarding his looks, he DOES has his messy hair, but with an undercut (bc only God knows how much I love Undercut!Izuku), and tends to wear normal clothes. In short, he's not far from Canon Izuku but he's definitely different.
He's not the sad depressed snarky Izuku we love to see in fanfics, no. He's more compossed, polite, kind, but he is a loner, tends to stay in the corner of the room to try and get a hang of his surroundings. He's that kind of anime guy who is serious, has a few friends/classmates that he's friendly with, and mostly evades spotlight. He's not depressed, he's angry at the world for being unfair and angry at himself for allowing the world to hurt him.
That changes when he is Reprise. He becomes this violent vigilante who wants to make a change, who goes out at night to pick fights and steal quirks and do what the Pros don't. He's snarky, sarcastic, rude, he talks back and throws insults around the street as if nothing. He's not afraid of getting injured, he welcomes the pain as a reminder, a reminder that he's doing something and that Something is making other people feel safe and protected.
The Night is Still Young tends to be his catchphrase.
He actually goes with a therapist.
He continues writing his notebooks about quirks and pros, and even villains. He has a whole pack of them with all the quirks he has taken, how they function and how to improve them.
He goes to a well-known high school for Geniuses and Prodigies with interests in sports, maths, sciencies and the like, even those who want to make a living in the support drpartment goes there.
He thinks his fort is his Mind.
((I don't think I have to point it out, but his meeting with All Might & the Sludge Villain doesn't happen in this au.))
(Shigaraki is well aware of his existence, he doesn't know it's Izuku until Reprise tries to ambush him. Shigaraki's thrilled with the rumours about a heir of AFO running around ruining business, so he would obviously want to meet him at some point and maybe try and recruit him, convince him to join his Father's side.)
His first real, face-to-face encounter with Katsuki and the rest of Class 1A (some of them at least) happens during Kamino.
Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu are the ones who rescue him SOMEHOW, i'm not going into details because I can't think of them right now, but THEY saved Bakugou.
It's when the news about a creature created by the LOV broke out that he found out about his dad's survival. So he tries to gain information by breaking in the police's archives (thanks to a friend of his who happened to be a hacker) which led to him finding out about the upcoming raid at the LOV base, but he's Izuku, he KNOWS his dad, he KNOWS the type of man Hisashi is.
So, while the League of Villains location is there, he doesn't goes there. He makes an investigation of his own, finding clues, proof, following people. Using common sense, he finds the Warehouse where his dad is supposed to be.
Only, he doesn't makes it that far. He's scouting the area of Kamino, walking around aimlessly, praying that the raid goes well so the Pros can leave it there and continue pursuing fame so he can go to that same Warehouse and confront his dad and maybe throw a few punches and cry a few tears when all Hell breaks loose.
There's a thunderous tremor around him and the screens lights up and there's All Might, in all his glory (he's not a hardcore fan anymore btw) standing in front of a terrifying villain, and suddenly Izuku is very, very scared.
And so, he watches. His heart is in his throat, ready to be thrown up as his Dad fights against the man he used to look up to. He watches as All Might buries All For One into the ground like an unused toy, and he's a mess, he's crying alongside the other people, but he cries for his dad, for the man that he loved so much, and there's this feeling of bitterness in the pit of his stomach that he wants to ignore so desperately.
So he turns around and starts walking again. He remembers his dad, working with him and helping him to control his quirk, giving him the best hugs of the world, cheering him up when he was feeling like a waste of space. He remembers the loving husband and father that Hisashi used to be and he's feeling really miserable when he stops abruptly and looks up to find Bakugou just a couple of meters ahead of him.
The rest of the rescue squad is there, too. They're looking from Bakugou to Izuku really puzzled because the firecracker they know is eerily silent and this boy is just there, face blank with just a little bit of puffiness in his eyes.
So Bakugou, a witness to all the madness from that night in Kamino, with pent up frustration and anger, goes completely blank with emotions and calls him Deku, demands for answers to questions such as 'the hell are u doin here?' 'are you with them?' 'are you playing hero again, uh, fucking Deku?'
And Deku's just there, overwhelmed by grief, because he lost his dad in what he suspects is national television, and he knows his mom is probably at home, probably saw everything. He knows Inko is just as heartbroken as he is, and that hurts like hell because it's his Mom, his everything, the one person that holds importance in his heart that he has left.
And seeing Bakugou at that exact moment, it's too much, he's emotionally incapable to deal with him of all people at that very moment. So he just. Can't.
He looks at Bakugou, he looks at him, and says "you haven't changed anything, Kacchan" and Izuku completely ignores him, keeps walking as if nothing happened, as if it isn't a blonde pomeranian screaming after him to 'stop looking down at him, you fucking freak'.
(when he makes it home he tells his mom he was in Kamino when everything happened, and Inko starts crying real hard, and Izuku too, and everything is a mess)
After his Dad's defeat, he starts attacking Pros, mercilessly and ruthlessly, but only those who deserves it, those who he thinks have failed at doing their jobs of protecting people.
Tsukauchi is desperate to capture him, wanting to bring an end to the 'Heir of the Underground' as people, mainly villains, are calling him after AFO is brought down and the similarities between AFO and Reprise are pointed out. He knows that if he leaves him on the loose for too long, there's no turning back, Tsukauchi knows what's on the line for him and is afraid FOR Izuku, knows he can become a target later on, or he can take over his Dad's Empire and be worst.
He doesn't know is Izuku, and even if Bakugou is having a crisis over Reprise and everything going on around him (because of course is Deku, it's always been Deku) he can't go and tell them, he doesn't has proof, only memories from when he was a kid and a very obvious dislike of Midoriya Izuku.
So Bakugou buries Izuku and Reprise to the back of his mind and concentrates in his own shit, the internships and the provisional license and that jazz.
(I always saw a lot of hc about how everything changed for class 1A without Deku there. So I'm taking this too and a few others things. Can't remember where I saw them tbh but all credits to their rightful owners)
Not all of them, Class 1A that is, got their license, just a few lucky ones, but a great deal of them failed. They aren't that motivated nor are That strong. USJ changed them, showed them a truth they weren't expecting this early, and losing Iida just reminded them that.
Overhaul Arc it's the same, except that, in the middle of the battle against him, when Mirio was fighting Chisaki and protecting Eri, Reprise showed up and took Overhaul's quirk right after he shoot Mirio.
(Mirio, who had Permeability. Mirio, who had One For All. He loses both of his quirks.)
At this point, and with overhaul newly added to his collection with a few others, Izuku is mostly invincible. The chaotic vigilante he used to be becomes fierce, a force to be reckoned with, so when Tsukauchi hears about Reprise getting overhaul, he warns ALL of the Pros to be careful at encountering him.
The Hero Comission WARNS EVERY AGENCY that, in case of coming face to face with Reprise, they have to flee inmediately or suffer the consequences, which are losing their quirks and having to step down from being pros.
It becomes a really bad situation, with fear striking every Pro present, much more so after losing the Symbol of Peace, which leads to a vulnerability in those afraid of losing everything and leaving unprotected a few places, or outright giving up the title of Pro.
Everything comes down to the fateful meeting of Shigaraki and Izuku.
Shigaraki knows there's malice in Reprise, he knows he felt that pain too when All For One was captured, that's why he's going against Pros now, and he plans to use every ounce of that pain to bring him by his side.
Liability (Reprise) of Lorde was a huge inspiration tbh
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soren-bleu-kun · 4 years
BnHA Fics I’ve Read This Week 2
Here are my notable stories that I found and read this week. Some of these contain manga spoilers. 
Confined By My Own Mind (I’m Not Fine) - This is a Dadzawa fic that, despite the title saying that it must be, takes place from Aizawa’s perspective and not Midoriya’s. During this fic, the homeroom teacher of 1A realizes that something is wrong with one of his students and pulls him aside during class. 
Aches and Pains - Another Dadzawa fic, this time from Midoriya’s side of things. Unable to sleep because of the old pains in his bones caused by misusing his Quirk, Midoriya heads out of his room and runs into his teacher in the dorm kitchen. 
Disowned - This is not the most realistic Shouto Todoroki fic that I’ve ever read, but I like the idea of him losing control of his power and himself after being kicked out of the Todoroki family. I wish this fic went a little more into the “why” of things, and the aftermath, but still a good little story. 
Angel’s Egg - THIS IS NOT COMPLETED YET! Usually I don’t read, much less review, incomplete stories, but this one - only at three chapters so far - is a great story so far. Basically, what if Izuku was left on All Might’s doorstep, but instead of a baby, he’s an egg that has to be incubated? It sounds weird but it’s actually really cute - and baby Izuku has little wings. Honestly, give this a read and encourage the author, it is so good. 
Day 10 - Wait No, Aww Crap, Here We Go Again - This long titled fic is the first Kaminari Centric fic that I have read, but it will not be the last. In this story, Kaminari gets upset about something that Monoma said to him, and his friends make sure that some adults takes care of it - like they should in canon but don’t. 
Pretty - This is a fic where Monoma and Shinsou are an established couple, and Monoma goes off to visit his boyfriend in the middle of the night. No smut, I don’t review any of that. Honestly, this was cute, even if I don’t really ship it. 
Spare Scares? - This is clearly going for ShinDoriya, and they really make this a cute story, but this is more or less before any relationship that they could/will have. Basically, Shinsou only came to this UA Halloween party to find Hatsume and pick up something he needs for training, and runs into Midoriya, who is here dressed as a ghost. 
The Road That Went Forever - Would you like to utter despise Hisashi Midoriya? I know that I wasn’t planning on it when I read this fic, but that is what happened. Basically, after he finds out that Izuku is Quirkless, he starts trying to find a way to get rid of him and he does. 
A Routine Affair - This is the second Huyumi fic that I’ve ever read, and I still see it as a bit of a crack ship more than anything else, but this story is cute. Basically, Hawks brings Fuyumi coffee before work every day and it takes her a very long time to realize that he likes her. 
Float - Now this is an interesting one. Basically, Midoriya is trying to unlock Float, which is Nana Shimura’s power. It turns out the only way that he can do that is to let go of the things he’s been feeling that are weighing him down and talk about them. This is very much a “fuck Bakugou” fic, which is my favorite. I love that Midoriya finally gets to feel and talk about all of the things that were done to him in this one. 
Savior - Basically, what if everyone told Bakugou to stop being an asshole to Midoriya on the first day of school instead of condoning his behavior? 
Uraraka’s Guide to Crushes - This is a TsuChako fic, which I think is a cute ship but don’t read about often. In this one, Uraraka is so sure that this will be a quick crush and then it’ll be over. The thing is, it doesn’t go away, which means she might actually have to confront her emotions... terrifying. 
The Sparkling Hero : Aoyama Yuuga - I have never seen a fic entirely dedicated to Aoyama, which made this an interesting read. Though not canon to the few things we do know about his background, it is still an interesting take on one of UA’s most sparkling future heroes. 
The Second Prince - This is a “what is AFO were Midoriya’s dad” fics, in a royal fantasy AU. Although some of the characters are OOC, this is a look at what Midoriya’s life would be like if he lived in a little castle where he can’t get hurt and still tried to help people anyways. I was surprised by how much I liked this fic. 
First Try (Not the Last) - In this fic, Midoriya has a Quirk, something that he only discovers when he tries to launch himself off of a building like Bakugou told him to. This is the first fic in the series, and I haven’t read it all the way through yet. Pretty good though. 
Like Light Through a Window - In this Aizawa and Hagakure Centric fic, the teacher finds the young hero in training after she’s been almost crushed under a building. He’s able to see her face for the first time, but only because it’s covered in blood. 
The Deaf Hero: Deku -  Basically, what if everything were the same but Midoriya was losing his hearing during it? Forty chapters, worth the read. 
I See You - In another fic where Midoriya is missing one of his senses, this blind successor of All Might wants to be able to see his mentor. The only embarrassing part is asking him if he wouldn’t mind Midoriya touching all over his face. 
Remember From Here on In - This is a fic where the author comes up with the six Quirks that Midoriya is going to get because of OFA. Although not canon, it was very good and fun. 
Remembrance - Throughout the course of these three chapters, Midoriya gets blasted back through time and lands in a world pre-All Might. Or at least, not the All Might that he knows, since he’s still at UA. 
Shout & Mute - In this EraserMic fic, the two of them are stuck in each other’s bodies throughout the course of the fic because of a villain. While staying at Hizashi’s apartment in his body, Shouta realizes just how much he loves him and knows that he’s going to end up confessing even if the feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
How Not to Enjoy the Weather, an Article by Kaminari Denki - The story toys around with the idea of this electric boy getting overpowered during thunder storms and him isolating himself so that he doesn’t end up hurting anyone that he cares about. 
A Deadman’s Gun - Throughout ten chapters, we get to see what would happen if Midoriya never got a Quirk and instead fell in league with Stain. 
See No Evil, Hear No Evil - A Bakugou and Kaminari friendship fic. Turns out that on the day that Kaminari forgot his contacts that he hasn’t told anyone about, and Bakugou forgot his hearing aids that he needs because of his Quirk. They decide to depend on each other throughout the day. 
Pictures, Posters, and Tender Beauty - During this fic, we get to see exactly what Midoriya thinks about his mentors weakened state. Dad Might fluff ahead. 
Electric Connection - This is a story where Kaminari can’t sleep - thanks ADHD - and so the entire BakuSquad comes into help. Shinsou is his boyfriend in this one, but it isn’t the focal point of the story. 
Caught Up - This is a Shinsou Centric fic where he fights through all of the not-quite-comments about his Quirk, and is thankful for having Aizawa in his corner. The last scene is Shinsou and Aizawa working together with the capture weapon. 
How To Ask Out a Guy in 2000 Words or Less - This is a ShinDoriya fic, and it features exactly what you think it does based off of the title. A very cute little story. 
Ghost - This is a story that actually features Shinsou and Shigaraki, the two of them having met at a toy store when Shinsou was just a little kid. Honestly, I wish there were multiple chapters of this because the idea is really interesting. 
Eyes On Me - Throughout three chapters, we see how Aizawa deals with his own panic attacks and the reasons why he feels the need to help his students through theirs. 
For Blood and Wine are Red (and Blood and Wine Were on His Hands) - Despite having a very long and Oscar Wilde inspired name, this is a short one-shot about Vigilante!Midoriya breaking into Aizawa’s apartment, looking for a first aid kit. 
Schrödinger’s Cat - This is a an extremely beautiful and painful story where Midoriya is found, months after going missing with a new powerful Quirk, white hair, and no memory of how he got there. This story was translated by the author from it’s native German, where is got less than five hundred hits. I think that everyone should read this fic and give the author a lot of love. 
Around and Around We Go - One of those “Five Things + One” things, this time with EraserMight and hair ties. A very cute story. I don’t get the chance to read a lot of EraserMight but I’m glad that I took the time to read this one. 
Playlists - Useless lesbians Momo and Jirou pine over each other and don’t realize that their love is requited until Jirou makes her crush known via a playlist. 
Nothing Cuts Like a Mother - In this Inko Midoriya Centric fic, we have the mother going to UA to tell Aizawa about the troubles that he has, with his Quirk. She also tells him about the bullying that Izuku Midoriya went through, and tells his teacher that these mistakes cannot be repeated. 
Team Player - This is a fic about Dabi not wanting to be redeemed from his sins. That was for Touya, an old him. He isn’t that guy anymore. 
Helping Hands - Primarily from the perspective of Kirishima, this is a fic that deals with an AU where Midoriya never got into the Hero Course, and is instead a Gen Ed course student at UA. Cue Bakugou attacking him on the second day, telling him that he doesn’t even belong at the same school as someone like himself - and then see all of Class 1A get angry for Midoriya because “Dude did you just fucking attack a dude because he’s Quirkless?” 
It’s Hurt Denki Hours - Now, I don’t really like the way that this one ends, but in this story the BakuSquad is convinced that Kaminari is the traitor and refuses to talk to him. This really hurts Kami, because he was actually really, really worried about his friends and this hurts him deeply. There is also a bit of a misunderstanding about how Shinsou’s Quirk works, but I will overlook it for the angst. 
Optimistic Friendship Association - This fic features Midoriya accidentally texting Shinsou instead of Yagi, asking how to get OFA to stop breaking his bones. When he’s asked what that is, he panics and says it’s a school group. Now he just has to find a way to explain why a group around optimism is breaking bones... 
Lichtenberg Figures - Another Kaminari Centric fic. In this one, Kaminari accidentally hurts a civilian after panicking during a villain attack. Not wanting to hurt anyone else, he starts refusing to use his Quirk, which does nothing but hurt him in the end. 
Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll - This is a fic that has nothing to do with intercourse, drugs, or music. No, this is an ADHD Kaminari fic, where his RSD makes him not want to fill out a test that he doesn’t remember any of the answers to and he draws all over it. As someone with ADHD, this hit close to home but was really good. 
Kiss Away All These Thrills - A short ShinKami fic about the two of them playing the Pocky Game. Spoilers: it ends with a kiss and a confession. 
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kannra21 · 4 years
Izuku for the character ask.
Tnx for the ask ^^
1) How I feel about this character:
Personally, when Midoriya was first introduced, I felt kinda bad for him that he needed to undergo all that bullying from his classmates, especially from Bakugou, but then he met All Might and that's where everything started to change.
He was so determined to follow his dreams despite everyone holding him back and now he went through the great lengths to achieve incredible things. Tbh, I'd never be this passionate ab something if me and everyone around me thought it didn't make that much sense. So this quality of his is v admirable.
His stubbornness is amazing but also masochistic, he's broken so many bones to the point where it was too painful to watch, but nonetheless, he never gave up. He started as a Quirkless person but he always bore a heroic heart since a young age, when he tried to defend that kid from Bakugou in the past. He's a v nice person and he cares for his friends a big deal. The only thing that I don't quite understand is his friendship with Bakugou, I'd never be friends with him.
Moreover, Bakugou and Midoriya became equals somewhere in the middle of the manga where they fought and Bakugou reconciled w the fact that Midoriya isn't a small weak boy that he used to be, but despite all that he still hates him. If I were Midoriya, I'd bully Bakugou the same way he did in middle school but Midoriya is too kind and he doesn't know how to fight back.
I also don't like Midoriya being portrayed as a Mary Sue character. I know that he's a protagonist of the show and that he needs to represent someone people would look up to, but he still needs to have some flaws and it's too sad that he doesn't have any. It's unrealistic and people can't relate.
I'm also disappointed that Uraraka's and Iida's sole purpose was serving as a friendship spring-board for Midoriya to develop another friendship squad w Todoroki and Bakugou. Uraraka and Iida are now out of his league and Midoriya busted his ego a little by getting more than one Quirk. I liked the previous Midoriya better.
And since Midoriya is overrated in the fandom I'm not rly hyped ab his character. I like him, but I wouldn't die for him as I would for some other characters.
2) All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uraraka and maybe Melissa
3) My non-romantic OTP for this character: Todoroki, Iida, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Kaminari
4) My unpopular opinion about this character: I think the story would be more meaningful if Midoriya somehow managed to achieve his dream by staying Quirkless. Even so, the story would be far more interesting if he became a villain instead.
5) One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Theory of afo dad being true? That would be a great plot twist. I have a theory that the reason why Horikoshi didn't make Midoriya a villain is bc he'd meet his dad a lot earlier in the story.
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mgvaart · 6 years
Manga spoilers ahead...
Throughout the series, we always saw OFA as the antithesis of AFO. Both are contrasting quirks: AFO’s power is a stockpiling quirk used for the benefit of only one person while One for All is a quirk which is used for the benefit of everyone. But to what extent is “everyone”? In the recent chapters we get to see the true origin of both powers.
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One of the past wielders (most likely AFO’s brother) stated that Deku needs to “be careful”.. Why? Because OFA has passed the point of quirk singularity... According to the lore and recent theories I read, quirk singularity is defined as “the point wherein the user can no longer control their quirks.” These Quirks will continue to mix together and deepen, growing in strength and complexity with every new generation.
Take note how Hori used the words “...passed the point of singularity”. This hints that OFA couldn’t not only be controlled by the user but also it may be more than we expected.This opens up a door towards several possibilities and questions. More so, I choose to believe that this chapter is giving us a clue that OFA is not the power it seems to be throughout BNHA. It is not only a quirk that could be used for the better but also for the worse. One strong possibility is that the quirk may act on its own as it maintains a link with AFO. How you may ask? In the vision chapter, we first see AFO’s brother struggling to lose grip from him as AFO places his right hand on his head as he says these words...
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Whats more interesting is that among the two unknown past wielders that Deku saw..
One of them has a resemblance with AFO’s previous form during the dream with the vestiges.
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Although AFO has a much broader structure than the unknown wielder presented, the resemblance between the mysterious figure and AFO’s previous form is still uncanny. Im thinking that the unknown wielder is AFO but during his younger days. As what best jeanist would say, “heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth.” He may have had the OFA quirk even before he became hellbent on being evil. If this becomes canon, this would leave us with only one unknown person whom AFO “managed to obtain the quirk from. “(possibly the original user of the quirk)
So basing from the info given, I think it’s safe to assume that AFO is also a previous holder of OFA. Like All might to Midoriya, AFO wielded it for the time being until he passed it on to his younger brother for whatever reason.
Through this, it is certain that AFO may still have a connection with OFA or the quirk may have developed corrupted powers similar with AFO and this could have serious ramifications to Midoriya as seen in the recent chapters.
Remember during the battle in Kamino Ward? AFO even mentions his knowledge about Midoriya having OFA as he says to All might...
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How come he knows? The manga doesn’t really deeply discuss how he knew that Midoriya was the OFA wielder. Heck Shigaraki doesn’t even know such things even if he has personally battled and conversed with Mirdoriya upfront. Unless... AFO does have some sort of link with OFA.
Now, you might be wondering.. if AFO knew that Izuku was the 9th wielder...then why did he left him alone behind a wall in Kamino Ward? I mean he sensed All might 5 km away... there was no way he could’ve not sensed Midoriya and his friends were there as well. So would that mean...
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(I’m into Dad For One theories so feel free to Dm me if you have any XD)
OkAy I’m getting out of track here. So is there even more evidence that Deku’s power has a link with AFO? YES. Back to Deku’s vision, Midoriya even mentions something interesting...
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He stated that he could move his right hand freely.
I know. It’s really anti-climatic to think about it but knowing Hori’s writing, he usually bases his stories from his love for Marvel comics and superhero tropes in general.
Often times, the author/artist’s use of “hands” could have a symbolic meaning towards the story. Horikoshi even admits to this fact as he stated that the hands are also an important body part as they are capable of expression and character. One example is Tony Stark’s deliberate emphasis on his left hand in the MCU. Stark keeps on mentioning it everytime before a catastrophic event occurs. Also, he always injures it throughout the movies as well.
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Sounds familiar?
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~More explanation and lore in PART 2~
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blacknovelist · 7 years
To get your mind working through the haze of woozyness from the anesthesia, A more specific ask for the AU+AU of the Canon!1-A and Ageswap!1-A in Role Reversal world: Both classes meeting Number 1 Hero All for One, Principal Stein, and both Deku's and Toshinori having an encounter with their villainous counterpart. And being aided by Hero!AFO and Shigaraki, who both Canon and Ageswap pupil's had discovered was a bit of a shy dork beneath his detached demeanor. At least in school.
Hoh, the effects were mostly gone, I think, but thank you for the thought! Mostly, the anaesthetic just made it so I couldn't much stop talking, but that's not too different from me on the regular anyway, haha. :PBut nonetheless, to go into greater depths concerning each class's reactions to specific characters in the Role Reversal verse... Not much changes from the previous answer, admittedly, apart from some more specific little bits.Ageswap 1-A would have the easiest time of adjusting, so to speak, though encountering Principal Stain would still be Weird as Hell bc Stain more or less stays the same between universes tbh (him being cast as principal is a surprising choice, but I can't say I don't think it's interesting! :0). I imagine their reaction to seeing Canon 1-A's villains as heroes and that would be, just, off in general. You know something isn't quite right, but, you can't exactly say anything about it either. Encountering All for One as the top hero, for Ageswap Deku especially, is damn surreal. They only know AfO as the calm, cool, collected student of a fully grown Shigaraki, but seeing him as this larger than life figure, only comparable to Ageswap Izuku's status?? They know they can trust this alternate, logically, but instinct is a bitch - only the fact that they're used to, again, young AfO, really helps however little. The same goes for Role Reverse Shigaraki, too.Poor canon 1-A has no such fallback. Most of the kids have difficulty accepting and getting used to Shigaraki and AfO as "good guys", especially Shigaraki. Though, Role Reversal Shigaraki would be a bit younger than canon Shigaraki, I guess? Which isn't much, but it'd help, a bit. I envision their reactions to Role Reversal AfO, Shigaraki and Stain to be a lot like their reaction to Ageswap Enji before they really got used to him, except about ten times worse and lasting three times as long. Toshinori is the worst off when AfO is around, though at least RR AfO wears a different outfit from canon, I imagine.A lot of characters who were more directly affected by the villain counterparts (canon Toshinori, all the kids who went to Kamino Ward to find Bakugou, canon Bakugou, etc) find themselves unable to keep their eyes off the Role Reversal guys, though not for lack of trying. They sleep in shifts for the first few months, for their own peace of mind most of all. Mostly it's all very disorienting. I mean, imagine someone you hate at work or at school is suddenly a good person trying to help you even though you know they hate you back in reality - you want to be able to like them back, but memories and life experience are a bitch. Slotting in timeline-wise, chances are, when canon and Ageswap 1-A encounter the Role Reversal villains, it's mostly RR!Izuku and a handful of other RR villains like RR!Tenya, RR!Tsuyu, and RR!Ashido. Mostly because in my head, they (and a few others he took with him there's no way he'd go with like three ppl) would be best at getting in and out of places and chances are, RR!Izuku didn't attack the 1-A's to prove a point or cripple anytime, he did it to suss out his hero counterparts. Still, even outnumbered, RR Izuku is not a force to be messed with, and he makes it known. For canon Izuku, and canon 1-A, it's all just shock. What comes to mind are a bunch of initial plans I had for A Place to Be, where Hisashi was originally a criminal/villain and made that fact known to Izuku and the others, tho the way I wrote Izuku's reaction in the final drafts didn't change much even tho he's not technically outright anything bad in APTB now. But the tldr of it is, a lot of heavy shock, and also the entirety of canon 1-A aggressively converging around canon Izuku and hammering into everyone's head that their izuku is not the man in front of them wrecking shitWhile canon Izuku reboots and the rest of canon 1-A split between holding off the Role Reversal villains and looking after their Izuku, Ageswap are moving in to also stop the villains. This villain Izuku, while it's strange to be fighting someone who shares faces with their teacher/dad and a dear friend, is still different enough that tbh it isn't.........a huge challenge to fight him and the other RR villains. That's probably the only real good thing about all this multiverse jumping - even if their faces are the same, their ages and experiences and outfits change too.When canon Izuku is ready to get in on this, no one holds back against the villains, regardless of faces. It would be a disservice to everyone, if they didn't treat this fight like a real possible life or death one, because you just really never know if something is gonna go wrong, ever. What ends up most jarring, though, is definitely the sight of RR!Shigaraki leaping into the fray with RR 1-A and the teachers, and with all the ferocity of a very angry cat. Before this, Shigaraki probably kept distance - he, too, has his fair share of weariness, but also in general he's not a huge people person. But here, in a fight, keeping people safe? That's his scene, man.Ageswap Deku has a minor heart attack (or five) watching little Shigaraki leap into the fight, at first because he can't get the image of his students disintegrating out of his mind, then because it turns out that sometimes Shigaraki of the RR universe can get a wee bit reckless out there and Jesus Christ boy watch your sides please be careful holy shit please don't die(Canon Toshinori is watching with him and thinking about how this could have been his Shigaraki, his Tomura, once upon a time. It hurts, thinking about it, because it reminds him again of every single way he's managed to fail his Nana and her family.)RR Izuku and them back off quickly and get away scot-free, though not for lack of trying. They just know what they're doing. The juxtaposition of RR Shigaraki in a fight and RR Shigaraki in any other situation on planet Earth is massive, reminds everyone of Ageswap Enji, and does well to diffuse a few of the lingering tensions after that brawl. Some of canon and Ageswap will never really be able to be casual or normal around the Role Reversal guys (Canon Tenya and Ageswap Enji to Stain, canon Toshinori to AfO, both Deku's to Shigaraki), but, there's less reason to sleep with an eye open once you understand a little bit more about the other side.
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blacknovelist · 7 years
How do you think ageswapAU!Class 1-A would react to meeting canon!Toshinori in all his painfully emancipated glory? I'm just imagining them all staring at him in horror for a second before the questions start flooding in 'How did this happen? When did it happen? Can we prevent it happening again? Do you need anything? Are you eating? CAN you eat??' And Toshinori is just kinda overwhelmed by their concern while Dad-Deku internally screams in the background while canon!Class 1-A nods in sympathy.
fIR ST OF ALL I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK MY DUDE, Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO TALK ABOUT WITH ME (which is a trick question bc the answer is probably everything)But anyway, yes!!! Hooo boy, is it something when Ageswap 1-A meet Canon Toshinori (and Canon 1-A in general). I mean, the first canon characters that Ageswap meet (in a context of Ageswap goes to canon rather than vice versa, as well as if they arrive after the final AM/AfO fight) are Aizawa followed by the canon 1-A gang, which would be straight up surreal, but seeing Toshinori (and they know it's him, it's hard to not know) hammers the nail and puts them into shock. It's not just the fact that they really are all heroes here, but also this stark reminder (other than ageswap Deku) that there are risks and consequences to their choice of career. It doesn't push them away, but it's something.Once that passes, proper reactions vary. Some of them want to know who's ass they're kicking for injuring this alternate Toshinori so badly, because even if this isn't their Toshinori it's still Toshinori. They'd definitely spend a lot of time just, generally asking if he's okay too though, because coughing up blood and eating poorly is not good for you, please sIT DOWN BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF They'd definitely ask him a lot about his career too!! So much curiosity about his time as a hero, though Canon Toshinori tries to keep a few details on the down low just in case since, yknow, that is an alternate young him sitting right over there. They likely act rather comfortable with him, too, since they all know their own Ageswap Toshi as a classmate. It's kind of nice, that they treat him so casually, esp since a number of Ageswap 1-A are either faculty or may have worked with him as a hero, so he's a bit familiar with them too.Canon 1-A it's laughing at how interested in their teacher Ageswap 1-A is, though they're pretty interested by Ageswap Deku too (though not everyone looks it). Since, yknow, he's Izuku. Ageswap Inko (who probably ends up with them on the basis that she was with her dad/hanging out with Toshi and 1-A, and idk if they were on campus when they got transported or not) is also very shocked, and immediately goes into Nurse Inko Mode. Like, she heads straight for canon Toshi, asking if he's okay or if he needs painkillers, should she run out to the corner store if it's in the same place as back in their universe (it is), all that kind of stuff. She's the most outwardly worried about Canon Toshi, and definitely the one to mother hen the most. But, it's very clear that this alternate Toshinori is at the least happy and not without family, which makes her happy. She knows he deserves it. Ageswap Dad Deku takes seeing Canon Toshi pretty hard. He's horrified that this happened to him (even if, again, he isn't their Toshinori), though he's also really, really proud when he learns about Canon All Might. Thats his boy, of course he's a spectacular hero!! He, too, asks tons of questions about what All Might's career was like (and gets more answers if the kids aren't there, since they are both Pros and he's Ageswap Deku anyway), and about how he takes care of himself and if he actually is taking care of himself or not, lmao. They share lots of stories, and eventually also exchange advice for teaching and taking care of their kids.Ageswap Todoroki is also very concerned, because this alternate of his student is a pro, severely injured, and retired. How is he supposed to react to this info?? For the most part he follows Deku's lead, minus the asking questions - mostly he listens. However, as the official Second Dad of Class 1-A in Ageswap, he takes it upon himself to also check to make sure Canon Toshinori is okay. Ageswap Toshinori himself? He's also pretty horrified with what happened to older him. It must've been some fight, after all. Though, seeing how canon Toshinori and canon Izuku still met, ageswap Toshi figures there are worse fates for an alternate him to meet. He can't really believe that this is him, this wildly successful hero ("oh my god you're your world's sYM BOL OF PEACE??") who teaches at UA and was the previous bearer of OfA. It's incredible to Toshinori, knowing that somewhere out there, he can succeed and become a hero just like ageswap Deku and this canon All Might. He tries to grill his canon self on the details once he's calmed down from the whole emancipated skeleton and alternate version of himself thing, tho Canon Toshi is hesitant to tell him everything, even if their lives are obviously already drastically different.
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