#AHS season 6
simder-talia-blog · 11 months
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(not so) SIMSTOBER Day 17 - Hallowed Grounds
Inspired by American Horror Story Season 6: Roanoke, Kathy Bates, playing Agnes Mary Winstead, playing The Butcher.
"I am the queen of every hive. I am the fire on every hill. I am the shield over every head. I am the spear of battle. Who but I am both the tree and the lightning that strikes it?"
@notsosimstober @simblreenofficial
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queerbiting9 · 1 year
the best fucking scene of the whole season
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thekimspoblog · 1 year
"Far From Civilized" (One of my crossover fanfics where Kim and Love are frenemies. Also this one is set in AHS Season 6)
The Toyota Camry pulled up the windy dusty road, and slowed to a stop. The volume on the radio dipped and then went completely silent.
“Oh wow!” Love Quinn peeled her sunglasses off of her face as she stepped out of the car. “When they said this place was special, they weren’t lying. Can’t you feel it? The energy is just different around here. The air is charged!” She held her hands out in a phony psychic gesture as she sashayed up the front steps and turned the key in the lock.
Once her ex-husband had joined her in the grand hall, she took him by the hand and beamed at him, “Welcome home!”. Joe craned his head backwards to take in the way the spiraling staircase climbed to the second story of the imposing old farm house, “Where did you say you found this place again?” he asked skeptically.
“My friend, Kim said she was planning to use it as a tax haven, but then the IRS got wise. She sold it to me for $20!”
“I do recall saying something about wanting to move to a cabin in the woods,” said Joe, “but this wasn’t quite what I had been picturing”
Love had left the front doors wide open, and now a second engine could be heard shutting off outside. Love bounded back down the stairs to meet a pick-up truck decorated with confederate flags. Two burly men climbed out of the flatbed, followed by an old woman with long gray hair and a dirty nightgown. For all three of them, dental hygiene seemed to be a foreign concept.
“That must be our neighbors stopping by to greet us”
“The Clampett Family?” Joe continued to carp.
“Don’t be rude!” Love elbowed him hard in the side, “At least I don’t have to worry about you sleeping with any of them”
“You must be Cain Polk,” she extended the first hillbilly a firm handshake, “And you’re Lot Polk, is that right?”
“You made a mistake buying this property” Lot began his grim spiel, “Should’a asked the last five city people who moved here whether it was a good idea first. Only you can’t… ‘cus they’re all dead”
“Ghosts, right?” Love dismissed them, “Don’t worry. I know we don’t look like it, but we can hold our own against butchers. Trust us… we didn’t do well in the suburbs either!”. She surprised the old woman by going in for a hug; “Mama Polk! I heard what the Millers did to your boys. It breaks my heart to hear that; the Millers had what was coming to them. My son was taken away by CPS too, you know. My only consolation is that he’s in a better place now”
“Did you do it in the lake, or did you use a pillow?” Mama Polk asked through a rigid jaw. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was prepared to lower her defenses, if only an inch.
It took Love a moment to realize what Mrs. Polk was asking, but then she laughed, “Oh no! No! He’s with a gay couple who’s raising him. Well anyway, as far as I’m concerned, this is your forest. My fiance and I promise to tread lightly, and I can only hope that with time, the respect will be mutual. We haven’t done any hunting yet, but once we do, I’ll bring you over some fresh bear. There are a few recipes I’ve been meaning to try”
Cain spat on the dirt in front of their house in response, and the Polks climbed back into their truck.
“Honestly, I expected that to go worse,” she sighed. As Love brought the suitcases into the house, she found herself still wondering if Mama Polk had really meant she had found the children which had been put in foster care, only to kill them herself.
The cupboard had been left stocked with the previous owner’s dishes. She retrieved the bottle of Merlot she had brought with her, filled two glasses, tore off the white sheet covering the sofa, and sat down. She watched Joe with intense interest for a few minutes.
“Whatcha thinking about?” she cocked her head playfully.
“Nothing at all?”
“Ever since Rita put that chip in my head, it’s like she hit the mute button on my internal monologue. And honestly? Ever since she did, I’m happier. It was a burden”
Love wiped away the drool that was pooling at the edge of his mouth with her thumb. “I guess as long as you’re happy. That’s all that matters. I wish we still had Henry, though. This is the kind of place we should have been trying to raise a family all along”
“I was a fool. I set impossible expectations for you, and then blamed you when you couldn’t meet them,” Joe’s apology was monotone and robotic, “I wasted both our times chasing some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, when I couldn’t see that I already had everything I wanted. Everything I deserved. But now I’ve come home, and I see it so clearly now; we’re soulmates”
“Is that really what you think?” Love pouted. Somehow, hearing him say it wasn’t as satisfying as she had hoped.
“Yes. We’ll do better this time”
His vacant stare still bothered her, but she decided not to dwell on it. She handed him the glass of wine and made a toast, “To… remarriage? Things are always better on the second try, when there are no more skeletons left in the closet. When we can’t say we ended up getting more than we bargained for. Marriages can come apart so easily, unless you’re prepared to work at it. Unless you can say you don’t just love someone in spite of their flaws, but because of them. Unless you decide that there’s still so much good left to have, that you can’t just sit by and not try to salvage it”
Her voice echoed through the caverns of the farmhouse. Joe simply smiled, nodded in agreement, and took a sip. Love threw her head back and defiantly swallowed half the glass in one gulp. Even though the sky was still blue, she could see the outline of the moon rising through the window overlooking the back porch. In autumn, the moon would turn blood red. She’d been warned about the hauntings, but she wasn’t afraid for that time of year. She looked forward to it! She and Joe would beat the ghosts back together, as a team. Fear was for the herbivores of society; bunnies and lambs and deer. For wild animals with sharp teeth like themselves, there was nothing scary about the nights getting longer. Autumn was a time for harvest.
“I mean if Kim Wexler can get a happy ending,” she bitterly asked her empty glass, “then why the hell shouldn’t I?”
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chupet · 14 days
"2019" "six years later" "august 8 2024" when the umbrella academy writers destroyed their own show they also forgot how to count ???
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the-crooked-library · 9 months
upon my rewatch of season 6 of BTVS I gotta be real here. say what you will abt Mayor Wilkins but he would NEVER have left his murder daughter to struggle alone with debts and a sister. he’d be like “sweetie you own real estate that people live in, why are you working a minimum wage job?.. come now I am going to teach you the most useful evil skill you’ll ever learn, it’s called Being a Landlord” and then pay all her bills and make her drink her milk bc calcium is important
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doodlesfromthenorth · 1 month
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Goated candy tho
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ahsmyroanoke · 1 year
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“American Horror Story: Roanoke” premiered seven years ago today!
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belligerentbagel · 2 months
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Final two ArtFights!
Red (otherfireangel)
Suzuni Yukai (pikapillow)
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baede-6 · 4 months
I need a t-shirt that says "My Warlock survived The Coil."
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simder-talia-blog · 1 year
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AHS Roanoke has an ass window
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columboscreens · 1 year
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The angst?? The drama???? Oh, it's messy. I'd hate it and love it.
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abbyholmes · 6 months
ABC just has way better PR people than Fox.
Just saying.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Might+U playing when Izuku thinks about Tomura needing to be saved paralleling with the moment Eri jumps to land in Izuku’s arms in the Overhaul arc, the first time that song was ever used in the soundtrack, is actually really perfect
Coupled with the fact that Eri fell into Izuku’s arms and was saved, contrasting S6 where Tomura is being taken away while Izuku is falling away from him, thus the two being separated, is just 👌👌👌
Not even to MENTION that Chisaki is Eri’s abuser, the one who manipulated her, saying that she is the one hurting everyone and it’s all her fault and grooming her, paralleled with AFO, Tomura’s abuser, doing the same thing with Tomura
The fact that it is now shown that, yes, AFO is Tomura’s abuser just like how Chisaki was Eri’s abuser, yes, Tomura is just like Eri in the sense that he is a victim, that he needs help too, yes, Izuku can and will save anyone, ANYONE, who needs to be saved. Even those that blame themselves, hate themselves, even try to push HIM away (hint hint: Tomura giving up crying for help and so giving up trying to get through to the Heroes - “You can’t understand, that’s our dichotomy” “And I won’t forgive anyone”) (hint hint: Eri walking towards Chisaki even when the Heroes were trying to help her)
And that is shown simply through the music choice. That connection alone, is just really great
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